Vassallo 1992
Vassallo 1992
Vassallo 1992
Ultrasonography has proved a valu- T HE diagnosis of superficial lymph- ferentiation from reactive nodal dis-
able tool for the detection of enlarged adenopathy (in cervical, axiltary, ease in patients with head and neck
lymph nodes; however, differentia- and inguinal regions) is crucial for malignancies (2,8-iO). It has been sug-
tion between benign and malignant therapeutic planning in patients with gested that depiction of lymph node
nodal disease remains a problem. suspected malignancy. Several studies shape altered from flat oval to broad
High-frequency probes with im- have shown that sonography has a oval or round (longitudinat-trans-
proved spatial and contrast resolu- markedly higher sensitivity than pal- verse diameter ratio [LIT] < 2) and
tion display superficial nodes to ad- pation for the detection of enlarged loss of the central echogenic hilus in-
vantage and also show the internal lymph nodes in patients with sus- dicate the presence of metastasis. In
structure of the nodes. Ninety-four pected regional lymph node metasta- contrast, a wide hyperechoic central
superficial nodes in patients with ses, particularly in the presence of hilus and a narrow cortex were seen
suspected nodal disease were exam- severe postoperative scarring (1-6). mostly in reactive nodes. Nodal size
med by using 7.5-MHz probes to Use of sonography also allows assess- atone has been shown to be an unreli-
evaluate longitudinal-transverse di- ment of infiltration of blood vessels able criterion for differentiation of
ameter ratio (LIT), the central hilus, and organs, such as the thyroid gland, reactive from malignant disease (2,8).
cortical widening, and size. Histo- by adjacent nodal metastases (6) and The purpose of our study was to
logic diagnosis was obtained after an accurate follow-up of patients re- assess these US findings in a series of
sonographic examination in 73 nodes ceiving chemotherapy or radiation patients with lymphadenopathy prior
(five reactive nodes, 35 primary nodal therapy. to biopsy and retrospectively to catcu-
malignancies, and 33 nodal metasta- The use of higher frequency sonic late the frequency with which each
ses). The remaining 21 nodes re- waves (7.5 MHz and above) in ultra- finding was depicted in the benign
gressed after either antibiotic or no sonography (US) results in an im- and malignant lymph node groups.
therapy. Marked differences were provement in spatial resolution. With
observed among the proportions of higher frequency, however, a sharp
benign and malignant nodes in terms reduction in the depth of view occurs
of L/T, hilus, and cortex; the latter as a result of absorption, which limits Patient Population
two structures, however, must be in- the use of such probes to only very
Over a period of 18 months, a total of
terpreted together. Eccentric cortical superficial structures. US probes with
204 consecutive patients with clinically
widening was seen in only malignant very high frequencies ( > 10 MHz) are suspected lymphadenopathy in the cervi-
nodes. The distribution of nodal size essentially of value only for visualiza- cal, axillary, or inguinal regions were re-
was not significantly (P > .1) differ- tion of cutaneous and other very su- ferred for US scanning. In 85 cases, no
ent for benign and malignant nodes. perficial lesions. nodes were detected on initial and fol-
No differences were observed be- High-resolution US probes enable low-up US scans. Forty-one patients were
tween primary and secondary nodal differentiation between the central lost to further follow-up. The remaining
malignancies. The sonographic crite- echogenic oval hilus and the penph- 78 patients (mean age, 35 years), in whom
superficial lymph nodes were detected at
na evaluated in this study assist in erat concentric hypoechoic cortex of
US, were included in the study.
the differentiation of benign from the lymph node. Changes in shape of
Seventeen patients showed clinical evi-
malignant superficial lymph nodes. both components may suggest the
dence of inflammatory disease (sialoadeni-
presence of disease (benign or matig- tis [n = 7] and acute and chronic dermato-
Index terms: Lymphatic system, diseases,
nant), even in the absence of minimal logic disease, including paronychia
99.24 #{149}
Lymphatic system, neoplasms, 99.33, nodal enlargement. Even normal [n = 4], periodontitis [n = 4], and chronic
99.34 a Lymphatic system, US, 99.12981 lymph nodes may occasionally be de- sinusitis [n = 1]). In 30 patients, a primary
Lymphoma, 99.34 #{149}Melanoma, 99.33 tected with high-resolution US (7). tumor (malignant melanoma [n = 22] or
Other authors have evaluated high- carcinoma of the oral or pharyngeal re-
Radiology 1992; 183:215-220 gions [n = 8]) had been resected previ-
resolution US for the detection of
ously. Of the remaining 31 patients, 19
lymph node metastases and their dif-
had suspected recurrence of primary lym-
phatic disease (Hodgkin [n = 6] or non-
Hodgkin [n = 10] lymphoma) or hemato- NORMAL
logic disease (chronic lymphatic leukemia
[n = 3]), and 12 who were referred for US (L/T>2) I (L/T <2)
prior to open biopsy had lymph node en-
nodal groups
of unknown
cause in several
axillary, and/or
216 Radiology
#{149} April 1992
one-half the cases (35%) and coex-
isted with a wide hilus in the remain-
ing 30% of nodes. None of the benign
: nodes showed an eccentric cortical
widening. Of the primary nodal ma-
lignancies, 6% showed a narrow cor-
tex, 23% a concentrically wide cortex,
and 31% an eccentrically wide cortex.
Cortical widening, which occurred in
54% of these nodes, was a conse-
:: quence
all cases
of hilar
Of the nodal
in almost
ses, 6% displayed a narrow cortex,
nodal cortex in benign and malignant dis- Figure 5. Histogram depicts distribution of
ing of the hilus results in an apparent ease. Black columns indicate benign nodes; nodal size in benign and malignant disease.
widening of the cortex and vice versa, dark gray columns indicate primary malig- Black columns indicate benign nodes; dark
with use of our criteria. Thus, changes nancy; gray columns indicate metastases. gray columns indicate primary malignancy;
in one structure must be interpreted Conc. concentrically, Ecc. = eccentrically. gray columns indicate metastases.
with consideration of changes in the
The assessment of nodes with a
narrow hilus showed concomitant
cortical widening in only 54% of be-
nign nodes but in 90% of malignant
nodes. Thus, the presence of hitar
narrowing accompanied by cortical
widening should be regarded with
suspicion for malignancy. In our se-
ries, an elliptical (wide) hilus (Fig 7a)
was seen more frequently in benign
nodes (15 of 26, 58%) than in malig-
nant nodes (5 of 68, 8%). Other stud-
ies have shown a hyperechoic hilus in
a. b.
48% of benign nodes but in only 4%
Figure 6. (a) Large reactive node (arrows) with an L/T > 2 was seen in a patient with fungal
of malignant nodes (8). In contrast, a
paronychia. (b) Nodal metastasis (arrows) from a malignant melanoma had an L/T < 2.
slittike narrow hilus (Fig 7b) was seen
more frequently in malignant nodes
(33 of 68, 49%) than in benign nodes
(9 of 26, 35%) in our study. The echogenic texture of the hilus has with the development of collateral
In the absence of a hilus (Fig 7c) (32 been attributed to an abundance of lymphatic drainage pathways, lym-
of 94, 33% of all nodes), we were un- lipocytes (13,i4). In our study, those phatic-venous shunts, and reversal of
able to classify the cortex, which fur- nodes with a hilus did not show any the direction of lymphatic flow (16).
ther reflects the reciprocity of these particular abundance of central fatty In reactive nodal disease, the
two structures. Absence of the hilus, tissue. We believe that the echogenic- pathogen (microorganism or cellular
however, was seen more frequently ity of the hilus is mainly the result of debris) initially reaches the nodal cor-
in malignant (36 of 68, 44%) than in an abundance of fluid-filled sinuses, tex and induces lymphocyte protifera-
benign (2 of 26, 8%) nodes, making it each of which acts as an acoustic in- tion within the lymphoid follicles and
a strong criterion for malignancy. terface, partially reflecting incident sinusoidal enlargement and margin-
In our series, focal doubling in cor- sound waves and imparting its ation with macrophages, which lead
tical thickness was observed in only echogenic texture. Sonographic-histo- to widening of the cortex (Fig 8b).
malignant nodes: We therefore sug- logic correlation by Rubattelli et at This feature was observed in 65% of
gest that its presence be regarded (i5) support this view. The focal benign nodes in our study. If the in-
with a high degree of suspicion for punctate areas described by Gorman flammatory stimulus persists, the cen-
malignancy. In contrast, no significant et at (4) represented amytoid or cal- tral hilus, which normally consists
difference was observed between cium deposition and should not be mainly of draining sinusoids and lym-
nodes involved with primary malig- confused with the nodal hilus. phatic vessels supported by a frame-
nant and metastatic disease with re- Both inflammatory and malignant work of loose connective tissue, de-
spect to focal doubling in cortical diseases reach the lymph node via velops new germinal centers, forming
thickness. afferent lymphatic vessels that drain new lymphoid follicles. These factors
The histologic basis of nodal texture into the peripheral sinuses located in may account for the change in
at US has not been fully evaluated. the subcapsutar regions of the node. echogenicity of the hitus at US. Thus,
The nodal cortex consists predomi- Thus, early malignant and benign le- in inflammatory conditions, changes
nantly of solid tissue with few lymph sions primarily involve the cortex; in the hitus may suggest a later stage
sinuses, and this homogeneity may they may spread into the hilus in later of disease. The diffuse nature of the
account for its low echogenicity (pau- stages (12). Occasionally, obstruction processes occurring within the reac-
city of internal reflective surfaces). of draining lymphatic vessels occurs tive node is also more likely to pre-
218 Radiology
#{149} April 1992
Figure 7. (a) Reactive node (solid arrows) with a wide hilus (open arrow) was seen in a patient with noncalculous parotitis, which disap-
peared 8 weeks after treatment with antibiotics. (b) Hilar narrowing (open arrows) in a malignant node (solid arrows) indicates recurrence of
non-Hodgkin lymphoma. (c) Multiple nodes (arrows) with no central hilus were involved with Hodgkin disease.