New Course Description
New Course Description
New Course Description
The educational program is a well-planned set of courses that
include procedures and experiences arranged in the form of an academic
syllabus. Its main goal is to improve and build graduates' skills so they
are ready for the job market. The program is reviewed and evaluated
every year through internal or external audit procedures and programs
like the External Examiner Program.
Concepts and terminology:
description of the targeted learning outcomes according to specific learning
Course Description: Provides a brief summary of the most important
characteristics of the course and the learning outcomes expected of the students
to achieve, proving whether they have made the most of the available learning
opportunities. It is derived from the program description.
Program Vision: An ambitious picture for the future of the academic program to
be sophisticated, inspiring, stimulating, realistic and applicable.
Program Mission: Briefly outlines the objectives and activities necessary to
achieve them and defines the program's development paths and directions.
Program Objectives: They are statements that describe what the academic
program intends to achieve within a specific period of time and are measurable
and observable.
Curriculum Structure: All courses / subjects included in the academic program
according to the approved learning system (quarterly, annual, Bologna Process)
whether it is a requirement (ministry, university, college and scientific department)
with the number of credit hours.
Learning Outcomes: A compatible set of knowledge, skills and values acquired
by students after the successful completion of the academic program and must
determine the learning outcomes of each course in a way that achieves the
objectives of the program.
Teaching and learning strategies: They are the strategies used by the faculty
members to develop students’ teaching and learning, and they are plans that are
followed to reach the learning goals. They describe all classroom and extra-
curricular activities to achieve the learning outcomes of the program.
Academic Program Description Form
Scientific Department: ...............
Academic or Professional Program Name: ............
Final Certificate Name: ..............
Academic System: …………
Description Preparation Date:
File Completion Date:
Signature: Signature:
Head of Department Name: Scientific Associate Name:
Date: Date:
1. Program Vision
Program vision is written here as stated in the university's catalogue and
2. Program Mission
Program mission is written here as stated in the university's catalogue and
3. Program Objectives
General statements describing what the program or institution intends to
4. Program Accreditation
Does the program have program accreditation? And from which agency?
6. Program Structure
Program Structure Number of Credit hours Percentage Reviews*
Summer Training
7. Program Description
Year/Level Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
theoretical practical
11. Faculty
Faculty Members
Academic Rank Specialization Special Number of the teaching staff
(if applicable)
Professional Development
Mentoring new faculty members
Briefly describes the process used to mentor new, visiting, full-time, and part-time faculty at
the institution and department level.
Professional development of faculty members
Briefly describe the academic and professional development plan and arrangements for faculty
such as teaching and learning strategies, assessment of learning outcomes, professional
development, etc.
Program Skills Outline
Required program Learning outcomes
Please tick the boxes corresponding to the individual program learning outcomes under evaluation.
Course Description Form
1. Course Name:
2. Course Code:
3. Semester / Year:
8. Course Objectives
..... Course Objectives
11. Course Evaluation
Distributing the score out of 100 according to the tasks assigned to the student such as
daily preparation, daily oral, monthly, or written exams, reports .... etc
12. Learning and Teaching Resources
Required textbooks (curricular books, if any)
Main references (sources)
Recommended books and references
(scientific journals, reports...)
Electronic References, Websites