A Sociological View of Society

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Sociologists View of Society

There are two ways sociologists define a society: (i) as abstract entity, and (ii) in
concrete term or physical reality.

(i) Defining Society as Abstract Entity

An earlier social scientist, L.T. Hobhouse (1908) defined society as “tissues of

relationships”. R.M. Maclver (1937) also defined it in more or less the same terms as
“web of social relations which is always changing”. Refining this definition, MacIver,
along with his co-writer Charles Page, later in their book Society: An Introductory
Analysis (1949) defined “society is a system of usages and procedures, of
authority and mutual aid, of many groupings and divisions, of controls of human
behaviour and of liberties. This ever changing, complex system we call society”
Thus, for Maclver and Page, society is an abstract entity as they write, “We may see
the people but cannot see society or social structure but only its external aspects …
society is distinct from physical reality”.

Talcott Parsons (Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 1934) wrote: “Society—may

be regarded as the most general term referring to the whole complex of relations of
man to his fellows.”

Characteristics of a Society as Abstract Entity

1) Society is abstract:
If society is viewed as web of social relationships, it is distinct from physical
entity which we can see and perceive through senses. As written earlier,
Maclver argued, “we may see the people but cannot see society or social
structure, but only its only external aspects”. Social relationships are invisible
and abstract. We can just realize them but cannot see or touch them.
Therefore, society is abstract.

2) Likeness and difference in society:

Society involves both likeness and difference. If people are all exactly alike,
merely alike, their relationships would be limited. There would be little give-
and- take and little reciprocity. If all men thought alike, felt alike, and acted
alike, if they had the same standards and same interests, if they all accepted
the same customs and echoed the same opinions without questioning and
without variation, civilisation could never have advanced and culture would
have remained rudimentary. Thus, society needs difference also for its
existence and continuance.

Likeness and difference are logical opposites but for understanding likeness,
comprehension of its relation to the other is necessary. Society exists among
those who have some degree of likeness in mind and in body. F.H. Giddings
called this quality of society as “consciousness of kind” (a sense of likeness).
Though likeness and difference both are necessary for the society to exist, but
difference is always subordinated to likeness in society. Likeness has a
predominant share in the constitution of society.

3) Cooperation and conflict in society:

Cooperation and conflict are universal elements in human life. Society is
based on cooperation but because of internal differences, there is conflict also
among its members. This is why, Maclver and Page observed that “society is
cooperation crossed by conflict”.
According to Gisbert, (1957), “Cooperation is most elementary process of
social life without which society is impossible”. Though cooperation is
essential for the constitution of society but modem conflict theorists (such as
Marx) have highlighted the role of conflict in society. If there is no conflict,
even in small measure, society may become stagnant and people may
become inert and inactive. However, the expression of disagreement in the
form of conflict must always be held within tolerable bounds.

4) Society is a process and not a product:

According to Maclver and Page (1956), “Society exists only as a time
sequence. It is becoming, not a being; a process and not a product”. In other
words, as soon as the process ceases, the product disappears. The product
of a machine endures after the machine has been scrapped. To some extent
the same is true not only of material relics of man’s past culture but even of
his immaterial cultural achievements.

5) Society as a system of stratification:

Society provides a system of stratification of statuses and classes that each
individual has a relatively stable and recognisable position in the social

(ii) Society in concrete terms: “a society”

A society is the largest number of human beings who interact to satisfy their social
needs and who share a common culture.

J.H. Ficther, Sociology, (1957) define “… a society as a network of interconnected

major groups viewed as a unit and sharing a common culture”
Ian Robertson (Sociology, 1977) offered a definition of society as “ … a group of
interacting individuals sharing the same territory and participating in a culture.” Thus,
a society is any organisation that enables people to carry on a common life.

Mike O’Donnell (1997) writes on defining society as consists of individuals belonging

to groups which may vary in size.

Anthony Giddens (2000) states; “A society is a group of people who live in a

particular territory, are subject to a common system of political authority, and are
aware of having a distinct identity from other groups around them.”

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