Week No 1 Quarter 3 - SCIENCE

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Week No.


Content Standard Organisms as having feedback mechanisms, which are coordinated by the nervous and endocrine systems.
Learning Competency Describe the parts of the nervous system and their functions. S10LT-IIIa-33
Pre-Assessment Identify the major division Describe the nerve cell and the Explain how the body processes Summative
and parts of the nervous nerve impulse are controlled through the nervous Test
system and their functions. 1.a. describe how nerve impulse system
travel from one nerve cells to next
nerve cells. 2. Measure the length of
time of response to catch a dropped
Teacher’s Guide p.166 pp. pp. 166-169 p. 172 pp. 173-174
Learner’s Materials pp. 226-228 pp. 229-231 pp. 232-236 pp. 237-239
ELICIT What are the different How could these senses help the How does your nervous system
organ systems comprising nervous system carry out its work?
the human body? function?
ENGAGE Let the students play the Getting a quick reaction from the In each group, assign students who
message relay. (teacher class: Throw a small object such as will represent the following: *1
will provide a candy or a ball into a group of Brain, *3 Sensory neurons *1 organ
sentence/sayings Process students. Ask the following which will receive the stimulus( will
the result of the game. questions: 1. What is your reaction get the stimulus from the teacher)
after knowing that a certain object is *1 organ which will respond to the
thrown towards you? 2. How fast did stimulus (will write the response
you react? on the board) *3 motor neurons
EXPLORE Essential Questions: 1. Essential Questions: 1. What is a Essential Question: How does the
What are two major nerve cell and a nerve impulse? 2. nervous system control the body
divisions of the nervous What are the parts of a nerve cell processes?
system? 2. What are the and their functions? 3. Why a
major parts of the nervous message is moving along nerve
system and pathways takes time?
Activity 1. Break it Down Activity 2. How fast is your reaction? Activity 3 A Nervous Trip (Refer to
(Refer to pp.230-231 of (Refer to LM pp. 233-235 for the pp.237-239 of LM) *modify the
LM) activity.) activity by assigning 2 organs
instead of only 1.
EXPLAIN Answer the guide Answer the guide questions in the Answer the guide questions in the
questions in the activity activity activity
ELABORATE In terms of function, Why do drivers under the influence Why does damaged nervous
compare the Central of alcohol are prone to accidents? system cause paralysis?
Nervous System to the How can we prevent these
Nucleus of a Cell. accidents?
EVALUATE Multiple Choice: 1. The 1. Identify the parts of the nerve cell. Informal Formative Assessment
central nervous system (the teacher will provide a picture or Base your instructional decision on
consists of the: a. Sense drawing of a nerve cell) 2. What will the responses of the students to
organs b. Reflexes c. Brain be your reaction when you touch a your questions.
and spinal cord d. Sensory hot object? Explain your answer
and motor neurons 2. through your knowledge about
Voluntary or conscious nerve impulse.
activities of the body are
controlled by the: a.
Medulla oblongata b.
Cerebrum c. Cerebellum d.
Brain stem 3. An organ that
distributes information in
the body. a. Spinal Cord b.
Brain c. Brain Stem d.
Cerebellum 4-5 Identify
two major divisions of the
nervous system.
EXTEND Create a flyer that What is a nerve cell? What public health care programs
will disseminate in your locality are geared towards
information about dealing with health issues
the different concerning the nervous system?
diseases affecting
the human nervous

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