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Ancient Egyptian Writing

1. According to paragraph 1, how was the Rosetta Paragraph 1

Stone discovered?
A. French scholars traveled to Rosetta to study the The ancient Egyptians’ hieroglyphs (writing) could
hieroglyphs there. not be deciphered until the discovery of the Rosetta
B. Napoleon Bonaparte ordered his soldiers to Stone, a meter-high fragment of dark grey stone, in
search for artifacts containing hieroglyphs. a place known as Rosetta (today’s el-Rashid). The
C. Several hieroglyphic scripts indicated the Rosetta Stone has since become one of the most
location of the Rosetta Stone. famous pieces of rock in the world. It was dug up
D. A French officer recognized the value of an by chance in 1799 by Napoleon Bonaparte’s
ancient artifact. soldiers, during the French occupation of Egypt.
Fortunately the officer who found it realized it was
2. Which of the following can be inferred from a significant artifact and immediately ensured its
paragraph 1 about the function of the Rosetta Stone safe-keeping. What made it special was that it had
in ancient times? the same bit of text inscribed in three different
A. It included information about an Egyptian scripts. The top section was written in formal
temple. hieroglyphs, which at the time they were carved,
B. It included messages sent to Egypt by the around 196 BCE, had been the traditional script for
Greeks. stone inscriptions. The middle section was written
C. It was a translation tool used by literate in the everyday script of literate Egyptians, the
Egyptians. informal demotic hieroglyphs, and at the bottom
D. It was a commemorative stone on a building was Egypt’s then language of officialdom, Greek.
wall. When the initial shoulder-high slab of stone, or
stela (a decorated commemorative stone), had fallen
3. According to paragraph 1, why was the work of from the wall of a temple, it broke in such a way
Jean-François Champollion important? that its bottom half included enough of the known
A. He realized that the Egyptian and Greek scripts Greek and the unknown Egyptian scripts for the
on the Rosetta Stone correspond to each other. correspondence between the scripts to be
B. He contributed to the study of ancient Egypt by discovered. While parts of the surface were
deciphering Egypt's writing system. damaged, the bottom Greek script was able to
C. He was the first scholar to study the Egyptian provide some of the clues that eventually led the
script on the Rosetta Stone. French scholar Jean-François Champollion to
D. He realized that the Rosetta Stone contains complete the hieroglyphs’ decipherment in 1822.
descriptions of important elements of Egyptian With the ancient language unlocked, a more
culture. informed study of Egyptian culture could begin.
4. The word "intricacy" in the passage is closest in Paragraph 2
meaning to
A. accuracy The Rosetta Stone’s two hieroglyphic scripts
B. beauty provide a vivid example of the tendency for all
C. variation scripts to develop in two main directions, a formal
D. complexity script for ceremony or public display, and an
informal one for everyday use. Writing is never
5. Which of the sentences below best expresses the solely utilitarian and commonplace, nor is it always
essential information in the highlighted sentence in beautiful and exclusive. Both sets of needs have to
the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning be served. The first informal or cursive
in important ways or leave out essential hieroglyphic to be developed is called hieratic
information. (meaning priestly). Its form was a response to the
A. In the Book of the Dead, many hieroglyphs form implements used and the surface it was written on.
abbreviations or stark contractions of several The fluid, linear, and overtly handwritten shapes of
symbols into smaller single shapes. hieratic were a natural consequence of ink flowing
B. In the Book of the Dead, many hieroglyphs do off the tip of the Egyptian scribes' pen or brush and
not stand out in isolation as they did previously, but onto the smooth sheets of papyrus (a thick paper
instead appear in abbreviations. like material made from the papyrus plant). An
C. Previously, such as in the Book of the Dead, example of a classic poem that was made in around
each hieroglyph stands out in isolation, but here, 1200 B. CE by a junior scribe called Inena shows
many hieroglyphs are run together. some of the vigor and intricacy of this cursive form.
D. Previously, hieroglyphs are run together, but Where previously each hieroglyph would have
here, like in the Book of the Dead, many stood out in splendid isolation, as in the Book of the
hieroglyphs form abbreviations. Dead (a text aimed at assisting a dead person's
journey to the afterlife), here many of the pictures
6. According to paragraph 2, all of the following are run together, sometimes forming abbreviations
statements about the hieratic script are true or stark contractions of several symbols into smaller
EXCEPT: single shapes. The way the ink has been pushed and
A. It was intended for ceremony and public display. stroked across the papyrus suggests that Inena
B. It was written with ink on sheets of papyrus. wrote quickly, though with enough control to set
C. Its hieroglyphs had smooth, linear shapes. the series of complex word shapes and their
D. It was sometimes used to record poetry. dynamic movements along a more or less even
baseline (the imaginary line on which the writing
appears to sit).
7. Why does the author provide the information that Paragraph 3
"On tombs and in illustrated papyri, hieroglyphs
often appeared from left to right, or sometimes even By using a red ink for headings and emphasis, or
in long vertical columns"? for the dots marking the ends of the lines of verse,
A. To support the claim that the right-to-left Inena was following the conventions of the time; as
preference was not strong he was by writing from right to left. The
B. To show that Egyptians often ignored the overall foundational form of writing, the inscribed
design needs of tombs and illustrated papyri hieroglyph, would have been easier to carve from
C. To provide evidence that Egyptian writing the right when hammering into stone with the right
differed from most writing in North Africa and the hand, and though this directional preference was
Middle East less favorable for writing with ink on
D. To provide additional examples of how Inena papyrus---smudging (smearing the ink) was likely
followed the conventions of his time when writing from the right with the right hand---it
became the default direction for all kinds of
8. According to paragraph 3, which of the following Egyptian writing. Most writing in North Africa and
is one difference between carving inscriptions on the Middle East continues to follow this right-to-left
stone and writing in ink on papyrus? convention. However, this directional preference
A. Ink on papyrus was the conventional form of was never a strong one. It could be ignored if doing
writing, while carved inscriptions were reserved for so better served the needs of the overall design. On
tombs and poetry. tombs and in illustrated papyri, hieroglyphs often
B. Inscriptions on stone were carved from right to appeared from left to right, or sometimes even in
left, while hieroglyphs on papyrus were usually long vertical columns.
written in the opposite direction.
C. Using ink to write on papyrus was considered
less favorable than carving inscriptions on stone.
D. For right-handed people, carving is easier to do
from right to left, but writing in ink works better
from left to right.
9. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where Paragraph 1
the following sentence could be added to the
passage. The ancient Egyptians' hieroglyphs (writing) could
not be deciphered until the discovery of the Rosetta
There was writing on it describing the Stone, a meter-high fragment of dark grey stone, in
achievements of an Egyptian king, but it was not a place known as Rosetta (today's el-Rashid). ■ The
this historical information that made the stone so Rosetta Stone has since become one of the most
important for scholars. famous pieces of rock in the world. ■ It was dug up
by chance in 1799 by Napoleon Bonaparte's
Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a soldiers, during the French occupation of Egypt. ■
square [■] to add the sentence to the passage. Fortunately the officer who found it realized it was
a significant artifact and immediately ensured its
safe-keeping. ■ What made it special was that it
had the same bit of text inscribed in three different
scripts. The top section was written in formal
hieroglyphs, which at the time they were carved,
around 196 BCE, had been the traditional script for
stone inscriptions. The middle section was written
in the everyday script of literate Egyptians, the
informal demotic hieroglyphs, and at the bottom
was Egypt's then language of officialdom, Greek.
When the initial shoulder-high slab of stone, or
stela (a decorated commemorative stone), had fallen
from the wall of a temple, it broke in such a way
that its bottom half included enough of the known
Greek and the unknown Egyptian scripts for the
correspondence between the scripts to be
discovered. While parts of the surface were
damaged, the bottom Greek script was able to
provide some of the clues that eventually led the
French scholar Jean-François Champollion to
complete the hieroglyphs' decipherment in 1822.
With the ancient language unlocked, a more
informed study of Egyptian culture could begin.
10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete
the summary by selecting the 3 answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some
sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or
are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. Drag your choices to the spaces where they
belong. To review the passage, click on View Text.

The Rosetta Stone provided important clues about ancient Egyptian writing.

Answer Choices

A. French scholar Jean-François Champollion was the first person to realize the importance of the Rosetta
Stone in studying ancient Egyptian culture and ensured its safety during a time of war.

B. Egyptian scripts developed in two main directions, one formal and one informal, and the hieratic is an
example of a script that mainly served informal purposes.

C. Conventions for creating headings and emphasis as well as conventions for adding dots at the ends of
verse lines in Egyptian scripts originate from a form of writing used for inscriptions on stone.

D. The Rosetta Stone played a key role in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs because it was carved with the
same text in both Egyptian hieroglyphs and Greek.

E. A classic poem authored by the poet Inena around 1200 B.C.E. shows how the beauty of the Egyptian
language was enhanced by the formal Egyptian script.

F. Writing in ancient Egyptian usually went from right to left, like most writing in North Africa and the
Middle East still does, although other directions were also used when needed.
Building Mater ials in the Nineteenth Centur y

1. According to paragraph 1, some Paragrpah 1

nineteenth-century architects used iron and steel for
construction because the architects For most of the nineteenth century, European
○created buildings in historical revival styles for architects built in historical revival styles (styles
which iron and steel were useful that imitate styles of the past). However, some
○believed that iron and steel were necessary for reacted against such imitation of the past and
growing cities sought to create an architecture that was true to the
○needed stronger materials to achieve their artistic character of their own time by exploring the artistic
goals potential of iron and steel construction. The use of
○rejected the practice of creating buildings that iron and steel in construction has been as significant
resembled historical styles for modern cities as the development of the steam
engine, which is more commonly associated with
the Industrial Revolution.
2. According to paragraph 2, all of the following Paragraph 2
properties of cast iron and steel made them
desirable to architects EXCEPT Cast iron and later steel was first used on utilitarian
○their effectiveness in supporting weight structures such as bridges, factories, and
○their relative lightness warehouses. Because of these associations,
○their ability to extend over wide areas architects were reluctant to apply their potential for
○their ability to be easily hidden from view ceremonial public buildings, unless they could hide
these inelegant materials from view. However, their
great strength and capacity to span large open
spaces and to replace heavy stone or brick masonry
load-bearing walls in building construction offered
advantages both practical and aesthetic, so that cast
iron and steel eventually became the materials of

Paragraph 3

3. The word invariably in the passage is closest in From the 1830s on, cast iron was a vital ingredient
meaning to in the integration of new railroads into old cities. It
○ carefully was especially visible in the train sheds and the iron
○ always bridges needed to support or span the railroad
○ primarily tracks. Monet’s Saint-Lazare Train Station, the
○ on the contrary Normandy Train, painted in 1877, gives a vivid
impression of the vast open spaces that could be
4. According to paragraph 3, Monet's Saint-Lazare spanned by a cast iron structure and roof, easily
Train Station, the Normandy Train, illustrates accommodating several tracks with platforms
which of the following advantages of using cast between, while providing sufficient height to allow
iron in train stations? the smoke from the trains to dissipate. Monet’s
○It could be combined with glass to allow light painting also shows the utility of setting glass panes
through the roof in iron roofing frames to admit light. Cast iron was,
○It could be easily repaired when damaged by however, typically reserved for the train sheds that
smoke from trains Monet depicts; the street entry of such railway
○It could be adapted for building street entrances in stations was invariably built of stone in a grand,
historicist style historicist style resembling anything from a stately
○It could be used to raise train tracks and platforms city hall to an opera house.
to the needed
5. Paragraph 4 suggests that Labrouste's Paragraph 4
architecture received a negative reaction for which
of the following reasons? In the Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve, a Parisian
○Both the interior and exterior of the library library built between 1843 and 1850,
showed off the use of cast iron Pierre-Francois-Henri Labrouste (1801-1875)
○The architect's previous work on train stations had attempted to integrate these two different systems.
too great an influence on the library's design and He used stone treated in a historicist style for the
construction. exterior and spanned the interior Reading Room
○The use of older styles and materials was with exposed cast iron. It is still a compromise
considered the only appropriate way to build between old and new----an Italian
structures such as libraries Renaissance-style stone shell with modern cast-iron
○The library's columns and arches were too thin columns and arches on the interior. But whereas in
and delicate to support the weight of its walls and train stations cast iron was reserved for the smoky
ceiling train shed, here it openly adorns the heart of a
repository of learning. Labrouste attempted to
6. In paragraph 4, why does the author mention the integrate the two systems of construction by
use of cast iron for the smoky shed of train stations repeating the arch of the stone window openings in
in discussing the Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve? the cast-iron arches of the twin barrel-vaulted roof,
○To argue that cast iron was especially well suited while contrasting the massiveness of the masonry
for creating vaulted roofs with the delicacy of the cast iron. Its lightness is
○To explain why the earlier historicist style was not accentuated by the thinness of the columns and the
appropriate for the interior of sainte Genevieve perforated scroll pattern of the ceiling arches.
○To explain why it was necessary to repeat the arch Despite the harmony and contrasts achieved at the
of Sainte Genevieve's window openings in the Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve, Labrouste was
cast-iron arches of the twin barrel-vaulted roof. exposed to ridicule because of his break with
○To emphasize how unusual it was at the time for convention in openly displaying an industrial
an architect to use cast iron for the interior of a material in a house of learning
7. Which of the sentences below best expresses the Paragraph 5
essential information in the highlighted sentence in
the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning Architects and their public were more willing to
in important ways or leave out essential information tolerate an open embrace of new materials in
○New materials were more acceptable to architects utilitarian buildings, such as greenhouses, train
and their public when used for building practical or sheds, public markets, and the temporary exhibition
temporary structures halls erected to show off the wealth and industry of
○New materials were used to construct temporary modern nations. as well as the exotica of their
structures at home and overseas to show off modern overseas colonies. London' s Crystal Palace was the
wealth and industry earliest and most famous of all such
○The use of new building materials allowed nineteenth-century exhibition halls. It covered
architects to show off the wealth and industry of eighteen acres, making it, at the time, the largest
modern nations, as well as the exotica of colonies enclosed space in the world. Designed in 1850 by
○New materials were needed for architects to build Sir Joseph Paxton (1801-1865), a noted
greenhouses train sheds, public markets, and horticulturalist and innovator in greenhouse
temporary exhibition halls construction, the Crystal Palace was erected in less
than nine months to the astonishment of the world.
8. According to paragraph 5, why was the Crystal Its standardized iron and glass components made
Palace taken down after 1851? possible this speedy construction: these components
○It was no longer felt to be an adequate celebration were mass produced in factories, delivered by rail,
of the Industrial Age and assembled on site. This also made it the first,
○It was too unstable to remain standing as a masterly example of coordinated industrialized
permanent structure building construction. Nevertheless, the Crystal
○It was thought to be useful only for a short-term Palace was considered an object of utility rather
purpose than beauty and was taken down after the 1851
○Its land was needed as a site for new factories Universal Exhibition (series of World's Fair
exhibitions of culture and industry). Like the goods
it temporarily displayed, it had served to celebrate
the progress and prosperity of the Industrial Age.
9. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where Paragrpah 1
the following sentence could be added to the
passage For most of the nineteenth century, European
architects built in historical revival styles (styles
The impact on society was far -r eaching that imitate styles of the past). ■However, some
reacted against such imitation of the past and
Where would the sentence best fit? sought to create an architecture that was true to the
character of their own time by exploring the artistic
potential of iron and steel construction. ■ The use of
iron and steel in construction has been as significant
for modern cities as the development of the steam
engine, which is more commonly associated with
the Industrial Revolution.

Paragrpah 2

■ Cast iron and later steel. was first used on

utilitarian structures such as bridges, factories, and
warehouses. ■ Because of these associations,
architects were reluctant to apply their potential for
ceremonial public buildings, unless they could hide
these inelegant materials from view. However, their
great strength and capacity to span large open
spaces and to replace heavy stone or brick masonry
load-bearing walls in building construction offered
advantages both practical and aesthetic, so that cast
iron and steel eventually became the materials of
10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete
the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage.
Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the
passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is wor th 2 points
Drag your choices to the spaces where they belong To review the passage, click on View Text.

Cast ir on and steel wer e two of the most impor tant building mater ials to emer ge dur ing the Industr ial

Answer Choices

A. Cast iron and steel were often reserved for utilitarian structures such as the train sheds in Monet's
painting, while historicist styles were preferred for ceremonial buildings

B. By the second half of the nineteenth century, even the street entries of railway stations, opera houses, and
city halls prominently featured the new building materials

C. Labrouste artfully used both stone and cast iron in constructing his library, but the public reacted against
this blending of old and new.

D. Many architects did not become aware of the practical benefits of using cast iron and steel until some
ceremonial buildings made from these materials were erected

E. Paintings that depicted the use of industrial materials helped architects to realize the beauty of cast iron
and steel

F. The construction of London' s Crystal Palace showed off not only the use of modern construction
materials but also the efficiency afforded by mass production
Ear ly Chinese Silk Pr oduction

1. The word "justly" in the passage is closest in Paragraph 1

meaning to
A. rightfully China is justly famous for its silk production, which
B. relatively probably began more than 6,000 years ago.
C. obviously Excavations of Neolithic sites have revealed clay
D. traditionally artifacts with impressions made apparently by silk
cloth as well as stone ornaments carved in the shape
2. According to paragraph 1, archaeological of silkworms. The earliest find of silk itself, dated
evidence indicates which of the following about silk to around 2800 B.C., is from Zhejiang province,
production in ancient China? where a fragment of cloth was preserved in damp
A. Silk was produced as early as the Neolithic conditions inside a bamboo box. Zhejiang province,
period. in southeast China, has always been an important
B. Although silkworms were raised during the silk-producing area and was probably also the
Neolithic period, silk cloth was first produced center of one of the major prehistoric cultures.
around 2800 B.C.
C. During the Neolithic period, silk cloth replaced
stone and clay ornaments as the most valued item of
D. Silk production disappeared from Zhejiang
province after the Neolithic period.
Paragraph 2

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Later writers attributed a well-organized system of
paragraph 2 as characteristic of silk production in production to the Western Zhou dynasty (1050-771
China? B.C.). A text compiled or revised in the Han period
A. Many people were involved in the production of (206 B.C.-A.D. 220) describes a silk supervisor, a
each piece of cloth. hemp supervisor, dyers, and weavers working in the
B. It was a process that interested Westerners. women's section of the palace. Although one
C. Each worker was trained to perform many silkworm, making its cocoon, spins a pair of
different tasks. filaments that may be up to one kilometer in length,
D. It was generally done by women. because of the fineness of these filaments,
thousands of silkworms are required to produce
enough silk to weave a length of cloth. From an
early date in China, it was found best to carry out
the manufacture of silk cloth on a large scale, with
division of labor according to the various tasks:
picking the mulberry leaves to feed the silkworms,
reeling the filaments from the cocoons, weaving,
etc. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this
highly organized and subdivided industry fascinated
Westerners, who collected sets of illustrations of
the different stages. Silk production has
traditionally been associated with women in China,
and in imperial days the empress would perform an
annual mulberry-leaf-picking ceremony outside the
Hall of Sericulture in Beijing.
4. What can be inferred from paragraph 3 about the Paragraph 3
Han dynasty tombs of Hubei and Hunan?
A. They have fewer preserved organic materials By the Han dynasty, the silk industry was already
than other tombs of the period. highly specialized, producing, in addition to plain
B. They are the only tombs from the Han dynasty cloth, self-patterned monochrome cloth, figured
that contain embroidered silk. gauzes, and thicker, multicolored cloth. The last
C. They are less impressive in size and content than was highly valued, costing up to fifteen times as
are tombs in other provinces. much as plain silk. Chain stitch embroidery also
D. They have maintained a high moisture content. became widespread at this time and was used to
decorate clothes, wall hangings, pillows, and horse
trappings. Elaborate examples have been found in
Han dynasty tombs in Hubei and Hunan provinces,
where waterlogged land has preserved much
organic material.

Paragraph 4

5. In paragraph 4, the author mentions the emperor Although produced in large quantities, silk
in order to remained an expensive luxury. Both woven silk and
A. describe the emperor's relations with foreign raw silk were used as tributes to the emperor and as
tribes offerings to foreign tribes, such as the Xiongnu on
B. provide evidence that silk was highly valued the northwestern borders of China. From here,
C. establish who was responsible for sending silk to Chinese silk must have been traded along the Silk
Europe Route through Central Asia and the Middle East as
D. provide a reason for the shortage of silk in China far as Europe. Most early examples of silk cloth in
the West appear to have been woven locally, but
6. According to paragraph 4, which of the following from cultivated silk fiber of the Bombyx mori
was true of European silk production after the Han worm. The fact that China was the origin of this
period? fiber was acknowledged by the ancient Greeks and
A. It was dominated by the Greeks and Romans, Romans, who referred to silk as serica, literally,
who were reluctant to share their techniques. "Chinese." By the end of the Han period, silk
B. Only regions that did not trade with China for cultivation and knowledge of silk processing must
silk developed the means to produce their own silk. have begun to spread westward, and by the fifth or
C. The amount of silk that was produced in Europe sixth century had reached the Mediterranean area.
was never as much as people wanted to buy. But Western silk production throughout the Middle
D. Although centered in northern Europe during the Ages (fifth to fourteenth centuries A.D.) was never
Middle Ages, silk production steadily moved to sufficient to satisfy demand from Europe and
Mediterranean areas. Mediterranean areas, and imported Chinese silk
remained very important.
7. The word "Simultaneously" in the passage is Paragraph 5
closest in meaning to
A. In contrast Trade along the Silk Route was at its most vigorous
B. At the same time during China's Tang dynasty (A.D. 618-906). and
C. In addition travelers record the bazaars of the Middle East as
D. Likewise being full of Chinese patterned cloth and
embroideries. Simultaneously, we are told that the
8. All of the following are mentioned in the passage Tang capital of Chang'an was populated by large
to describe "weft-faced compound twill" EXCEPT: numbers of Iranian craftsmen. A silk weave now
A. It emerged during the Tang dynasty. known as "weft-faced compound twill" appears
B. It had complicated, repeating designs. among Chinese textiles for a few centuries from
C. It was more popular in the West than in China. about A.D. 700. This may well have been a
D. Chinese weavers probably learned the technique technique introduced by foreign weavers, as it
from Iranian weavers. seems to have developed originally in Iran. In the
West, it was particularly associated with repeating
designs of roundels (circles) enclosing paired or
single animals, with flower heads or rosettes
between the roundels. The paired animals, rosettes,
and the ring of pearl-like dots that often made up
the roundel frame all passed into Chinese design.
Indeed, trade in textiles or other items may have
carried the motif of the pearl roundel to China
before any transfer of technology, since it first
appears in China as early as the fifth century A.D.
on stone carvings at Buddhist cave temples.
9. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where Paragraph 5
the following sentence could be added to the
passage. Trade along the Silk Route was at its most vigorous
during China's Tang dynasty (A.D. 618-906). and
But China was not exclusively an expor ter of silk travelers record the bazaars of the Middle East as
pr oducts and techniques; sometimes the being full of Chinese patterned cloth and
exchange went the other way. embroideries. ■ Simultaneously, we are told that
the Tang capital of Chang'an was populated by
Where would the sentence best fit? large numbers of Iranian craftsmen. ■ A silk weave
now known as "weft-faced compound twill"
appears among Chinese textiles for a few centuries
from about A.D. 700. ■ This may well have been a
technique introduced by foreign weavers, as it
seems to have developed originally in Iran. ■ In the
West, it was particularly associated with repeating
designs of roundels (circles) enclosing paired or
single animals, with flower heads or rosettes
between the roundels. The paired animals, rosettes,
and the ring of pearl-like dots that often made up
the roundel frame all passed into Chinese design.
Indeed, trade in textiles or other items may have
carried the motif of the pearl roundel to China
before any transfer of technology, since it first
appears in China as early as the fifth century A.D.
on stone carvings at Buddhist cave temples.
10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the
summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some
sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are
minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

The pr oduction of silk in China has had a long histor y that dates back to ancient times.

Answer Choices

A. Monetary systems of prehistoric cultures were based on the exchange of silk cloth.

B. Both men and women have traditionally been employed in the various stages of silk production.

C. Chinese silk was traded along routes through Central Asia into Europe, where it was highly valued.

D. Silk production emerged as a large-scale, specialized process with clear divisions of labor.

E. Embroidered silk cloth has traditionally contained colors and patterns of religious significance and been used
to decorate cave temples.

F. Foreign influence on silk cloth designs and other textiles is demonstrated in specific, clearly identifiable
patterns and techniques.

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