MyQ Desktop Client For Windows 8.2 LTS Rev.4
MyQ Desktop Client For Windows 8.2 LTS Rev.4
MyQ Desktop Client For Windows 8.2 LTS Rev.4
Revision 4
Table of Contents
1 Basic Information ............................................................................................... 4
1.1 Requirements on the client's workstation......................................................................... 4
2 Installation........................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Installation via the setup wizard .......................................................................................... 6
2.2 Silent Installation .................................................................................................................. 12
2.2.1 Deprecated Parameters ................................................................................................................... 15
3 Modify Settings ................................................................................................16
3.1 Via the Setup Wizard ............................................................................................................ 16
3.2 Via the Silent Setup .............................................................................................................. 16
4 MyQ Desktop Client features ........................................................................17
4.1 User Identification ................................................................................................................ 17
4.1.1 List of Users......................................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.2 Login ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.3 Windows single sign-on .................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 User Account Information ................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Job Management .................................................................................................................. 20
4.3.1 Interactive Job Processing ............................................................................................................... 22
4.3.2 Project Management......................................................................................................................... 23
4.4 Client Printing Options ........................................................................................................ 24
4.4.1 Client Spooling ................................................................................................................................... 25
4.4.2 Local Print Monitoring ...................................................................................................................... 25
4.4.3 Secure Printing (LPR over TLS)........................................................................................................ 26
4.4.4 Offline Operation (LPM and Fallback Printing) ........................................................................... 26
4.4.5 Fallback Printing................................................................................................................................. 26
5 Uninstallation....................................................................................................31
5.1 Uninstallation via the Setup Wizard .................................................................................. 31
5.2 Silent uninstallation.............................................................................................................. 31
5.3 Uninstallation via the Uninstall MyQ Desktop Client 8.2.exe ...................................... 31
6 Release notes for version 8.2 ........................................................................32
7 Business Contacts ............................................................................................33
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows 8.2
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows is a software client of the MyQ server.
It is the result of merging the MyQ Smart Job Manager 8.2 for Windows and MyQ
Smart Print Services 8.2 software clients.
Once installed on the MyQ users Windows workstations, it provides additional MyQ
features to the users, such as user identification, communication between the users
and the server, accounting, secure printing, alternative printing methods, and
monitoring of local printing devices.
All changes compared to the previous version are listed in the change log.
Basic Information
1 Basic Information
MyQ Desktop Client for Windows is a software client of the MyQ server. Once
installed on the MyQ users Windows workstations, it provides additional MyQ
features to the users, such as user identification, communication between the users
and the server, accounting, secure printing, alternative printing methods, and
monitoring of local printing devices.
It is the result of merging the MyQ Smart Job Manager 8.2 for Windows and MyQ
Smart Print Services 8.2 software clients.
Upgrading from MyQ SJM for Windows/MyQ SPS versions 7.5+ is possible (if the .msi
installers were used during their installation), and all their features are still
The maximum recommended number of concurrent MyQ Desktop Clients connected
to one MyQ server is 1000.
MyQ Print Server 8.2 Patch 24+, 10.0 patch 8, or 10.1 Beta 2+ is required.
MyQ Central Server 8.2 Patch 19+, 10.0 Patch 4+, or 10.1 Beta 3+ is required.
Certificate requirements
A trusted SSL certificate can be optionally installed on the client PC, and on the MyQ
Print Server.
To create a certificate on the MyQ web administrator interface:
1. Go to MyQ, Settings, Network.
Basic Information
2 Installation
You can install the application either via the setup wizard or silently via a command
line with parameters.
Once the installation is finished, MyQ Desktop Client starts running in the
background. The application can be found in the Windows Apps menu.
The MyQ Desktop Client Windows service also starts running in the background, and
can be found in Windows Services.
a. Windows single sign-on: With this option selected, the job sender is
identified as the OS user account, where the jobs are sent from.
b. Login: With this option selected, the job sender has to log in under their
MyQ credentials. The job sender is then identified as the logged in MyQ
user. You can select up to three login options: PIN, Username and password,
and ID Card, as well as the Enable the “Remember Me” feature, which is
used to display/hide the option to remember the logging user.
c. List of users: With this option selected, the job sender has to select one of
the MyQ user accounts from the list of all MyQ users. The job sender is then
identified as the selected MyQ user.
9. Click Next once done. The Job Processing window opens.
a. Secure print job forwarding: If enabled, all print jobs received by MDC are
automatically forwarded to MyQ Server over a secure LPR protocol.
i. LPR port for job forwarding: Enter the LPR port of the MyQ server.
This is the port that the MyQ Desktop Client listens to and receives print
jobs via the LPR protocol. The default port is 515.
b. Client spooling: Check the box to enable it. This option sets the local
storage for the jobs spooled on the user's computer. Add the desired values
to the fields below:
i. Max size of all stored jobs: This is the limit of the local storage (in MB).
After the maximum size of the job folder is reached, jobs will be deleted
starting from the oldest one, until the size of all stored jobs is below the
ii. Delete jobs after: The spooled job is stored only for the duration of this
period (in days).
c. Append domain name to username: Check the box if you want the jobs to
be sent to the MyQ server, spooled as follows:
username@computerdomain ([email protected] instead of
eliot.kate). This is an advanced option of the MyQ system. Use it only if you
need the information about the computer's domain included in the job
sender's name.
10. Click Next once done. The Print Monitoring window opens.
b. What to do when MyQ server is offline: Select one of the available options
- Always release the job, Release job only if it complies with cached user
restrictions, Discard job.
11. Click Next. The Fallback Printing window opens. Configure your fallback
printing settings (make sure to select Windows single sign-on as the user
authentication method if you want to enable fallback printing):
10010: Client spooling port for direct print. The job is automatically
printed after it is received by the printing device.
10011: Client spooling port for secured hold print. The job is spooled by
the printing device and waits there until the user logs in and releases it.
It is not possible to release this job on any other printing device.
10012: Client spooling port for pull-print. The job is spooled by the
printing device. Once the user logs on any of the devices connected to
the same subnet, information about this job is provided, the job is
displayed in the list of the available jobs and can be released there.
10013: Client spooling port for delegated print. It works the same as
Client spooling pull-print, except that the job can be released by
delegates of the sending user.
ii. Device printer port - Select the printer protocol for sending the job to
the backup printing device. The job will be reported to the server by the
client once the connection to the server is back. After you change the
protocol, the Port number automatically changes according to it. The
following protocols can be used:
RAW (default port: 9100): Basic printing protocol, set by default.
IPP (default port: 631): Internet printing protocol, no port is used (or
needed); all the information is inside the printer address.
IPPS (default port: 443): Secure version of IPP.
LPR: (default port: 515): Line Printer Remote protocol. In the Queue
field, enter the name of the queue where the jobs will be sent.
d. Release options: Choose to Always release the job or Release job only if it
complies with cached user restrictions.
12. Click Next. The Options windows opens.
a. Enable job parser: Check the box to enable the job parser for client
spooling, local print monitoring, and fallback printing. Server spooled jobs
are always parsed on the server. Job properties that are parsed and
reported: job name, user, computer, job size, BW pages, color pages, copies,
paper format, duplex, toner saving, staple, punch, printer language. If the job
parser is disabled, only the job name, user, computer, and job size are
reported to the server.
b. Delete pending jobs when the client is idle: Enable this option to delete
any pending jobs when the client is idle. Set the duration of the Timeout in
minutes. The default is 5 minutes.
c. Caching of user information used when app is offline: This is used only
when MDC cannot connect to MyQ server. Select if you want to cache user
information Only when user interacts with the app or With every logon to the
operating system (this option may create a higher load on the server).
13. Click Next. The Ready to Install window opens. Click Install to begin the
14. Once the installation is done, click Finish to exit the setup wizard.
• OFFLINEMODE: Define MDC’s behavior for LPM when the server is offline. 0 =
Always print the job (default). 1 = Do not print the job if the user has restricted
policies, quota or credit. 2 = Do not print the job in offline mode.
• FBOFFLINEMODE (NEW): Define MDC’s behavior for releasing jobs to a
fallback printer while the server is offline. 0 = Always print the job (default). 1 =
Do not print the job if the user has restricted policies, quota or credit.
• JOBEXPIRATION: The spooled job is stored only for the duration of this
period. The period is set in days (the default value is 7).
• MAXJOBFOLDERSIZE: This is the limit (in MB) of the local storage for the
Client Spooling feature. After the maximum size of job folder is reached, jobs
will be deleted starting from the oldest one, until the size of all stored jobs is
below the limit (the default value is 1000).
• HEARTBEAT: Sets how many seconds MyQ Desktop Client will wait until it
informs MyQ that the job has been printed. This only affects the Client
Spooling configuration. The default value is 60 seconds.
• FBJOBACCOUNTING: Enable accounting of print jobs sent to the fallback
printer. When FBJOBACCOUNTING=0 (default), the job will be accounted and
reported to the server by the printer (EMB Terminal required). When
FBJOBACCOUNTING=1, the job will be accounted and reported to the server
by the client.
• FALLBACKPRINTING: Fallback printing; 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled (the default
value is 0).
• FALLBACKPRINTERADDRESS: Enter the IP address of the backup printing
device that you want to use for the fallback printing (the default value is an
empty string).
• LASTNPRINTERUSED: Number of printers listed in the fallback printer
selection list; the recommended number to set is 5, the maximum
recommended number is 20.
• ALTERFALLBACKPRINT: Enables pop-up windows for alternative printers. 1 =
• FALLBACKPRINTERPORT: Set the port number according to the selected
printing protocol (the default value is 9100).
If you want to use the Client Spooling feature on the printing devices, select
one of the following options:
10010: Client spooling port for direct print. The job is automatically printed
after it is received by the printing device.
10011: Client spooling port for secured hold print. The job is spooled by the
printing device and waits there until the user logs in and releases it. It is not
possible to release this job on any other printing device.
10012: Client spooling port for pull-print. The job is spooled by the printing
device. Once the user logs on any of the devices connected to the same
subnet, information about this job is provided and the job is displayed in the
list of the available jobs and can be released there.
10013: Client spooling port for delegated print. It works the same as Client
spooling pull-print, except that the job can be released by delegates of the
sending user.
• FALLBACKPRINTERPROTOCOL: Select one of the following printer protocols
(the default value is “RAW”).
Modify Settings
3 Modify Settings
The settings can be changed either via the application's setup wizard, or via the silent
update command on the Windows command line.
MyQ Desktop Client features
Once a user logs in, the job's status changes to Ready, the user changes to the now
authenticated job owner and the jobs can be released. If the authentication in MyQ
Desktop Client fails or if the user is not present in the MyQ server, the user is no
longer created (needs to be created in MyQ) and the job is rejected.
Depending on how MyQ Desktop Client was set up, the user is either identified as the
currently opened OS account or they can identify themselves.
If the Append domain name option was enabled, MyQ Desktop Client automatically
adds the host computer’s domain name to the username. This is a must in
environments with multiple domains, where users with the same log in may exist. The
username’s format is login@domainname. For example, john.doe@MyQUS and
For each of the user authentication options, you need to set up a queue on the MyQ
server, with the user detection method set to MyQ Client. If projects or credit or
quota is enabled, the queue will be automatically set to MyQ Client.
For information on how to set up the queues, see User detection methods in the
MyQ Print Server Guide.
MyQ Desktop Client features
Each time a job is sent to the queue with the Prompt to select a user from a list
detection method, the user is automatically prompted to select one of the MyQ user
accounts from the list.
4.1.2 Login
With the Login authentication method selected, the user can open the sign in
options by clicking Login in the application's window (to open the application's
window, click the MyQ icon on the Windows system tray). Each time a job is sent to
the queue with the respective user detection method (either Prompt for a PIN/Card,
or Prompt for a user and password), the user is automatically prompted to log in.
Remember me:
MyQ Desktop Client features
The logging users can select how long they are going to stay signed in for. At the end
of the selected time period, the users are signed out and the login credentials are
forgotten. Select Always to stay logged in even when the OS session is terminated.
If the Remember me feature was not enabled during the installation and therefore is
not available, the user will remain logged in until logged out manually or the machine
is restarted.
MyQ Desktop Client features
If quota is enabled on the MyQ server and applied to the user, they can also see the
current state of their quota.
MyQ Desktop Client features
• The queue where the job is sent has the user detection method set to MyQ
Client. User detection methods are described in User Identification.
• User interaction script is set on the queue where the job is sent to; described in
Interactive job processing.
• Projects are enabled and the sending user has access to more than one project;
described in Project management.
If the user has credit, quota, and projects disabled, the job management window is
not displayed and the print job is directly sent to the server.
Depending on the Accounting settings (accounting group or cost center) on the
server, the user may be prompted to select an account where the job will be charged
• In the Accounting Group mode:
Internal credit, external credit, and combined quotas (personal, shared,
both) are the possible account options.
In case of combined quotas, only the lowest quota value is displayed.
If credit is used, no quota is spent (even when the quota is later edited and
In case the user has personal quota "pages" and shared quota "cost" or vice
versa, both pages and cost are displayed. For example: Quota (10 total/9
color/8 mono/7 scan /3 USD)
• In the Cost Center mode:
Internal credit, external credit, personal quota, and multiple shared quotas
are the possible accounts options.
Only one (selected) quota is spent, so all quotas should be displayed as
separate accounts.
MyQ Desktop Client features
Cost Center selection in MyQ Desktop Client should appear only for Direct
Print queues.
If there is only one account available for the user, it is selected and charged
automatically, and there is no Select Account prompt.
MyQ Desktop Client features
For example, if a user sends a job with more than 10 pages and submits the job in the
job management window, they are informed that the job is large and asked if they
want to print it in duplex.
MyQ Desktop Client features
On the job management window, the user needs to select a project (or the No Project
option), and then click the printer icon. After this, the project is assigned, and the job
can be printed. The maximum number of items displayed at once is 15. Refreshing
the list will deselect a selected item.
If only one project is available to the user, it is automatically assigned to the print job,
and the job is sent to the server. The job management window is not displayed.
MyQ Desktop Client features
• The protocol used for Client Spooling is decided by the Protocol setting
in the corresponding MyQ Queue. Supported protocols are RAW, LPR,
IPP, and IPPS.
• Client Spooling is not available on Kyocera Embedded Lite devices.
MyQ Desktop Client features
• LPM does not work properly with a printer that has the Keep printed
document option enabled in the Advanced printer properties.
• LPM does not work properly with a printer that has the "Enable advanced
printing features" option enabled in the Advanced printer properties. This
option is automatically switched off (if possible) for all monitored printers
when LPM starts.
For further information, see Monitoring local printers in the MyQ Print Server guide.
Fallback Printing only works with the Windows single sign-on authentication
method in MyQ Desktop Client.
MyQ Desktop Client features
MyQ Desktop Client features
Select a printer from the list, and click Print. The job is printed and the following
message is displayed, after which the job is deleted.
In case the job cannot be printed at the selected fallback printer, the following
message is displayed:
• Click Try again to return to the fallback printers list, to try another printer.
• Click Cancel to delete the job, and click Yes to confirm the job deletion.
MyQ Desktop Client features
The displayed printers can be found in the printers.csv file, stored in the C:
\ProgramData\SPS\Users\ [username] folder on the user's computer. The printers in
this file are updated when the MyQ Desktop Client starts, the user logs in to their
computer, the PC changes IP address, and once per day when the user is logged in.
IP address/hostname as fallback
If you want to print and the server is offline, and you have selected the Show pop-up
to type fallback printer IP address as the Fallback Printing option, a pop-up with
job specifications and a field for entering an IP address/hostname is displayed:
Enter the printer’s IP address or hostname, and click Print. The job is printed and the
following message is displayed, after which the job is deleted.
In case the job cannot be printed at the selected fallback printer, the following
message is displayed:
• Click Try again to return to the fallback printers list, to try another printer.
• Click Cancel to delete the job, and click Yes to confirm the job deletion.
MyQ Desktop Client features
5 Uninstallation
The application can be uninstalled via the setup wizard, via silent uninstallation on
the Windows command line or via the Uninstall MyQ Desktop Client 8.2.exe.
Release notes for version 8.2
Business Contacts
7 Business Contacts
MyQ® MyQ® spol. s r.o.
Manufacturer Harfa Office Park, Ceskomoravska 2420/15, 190 93 Prague 9,
Czech Republic
MyQ® Company is registered in the Companies register at the
Municipal Court in Prague, division C, no. 29842
information [email protected]
Technical [email protected]