Multi-Family: Urban Housing

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B. S., Kansas State College

of Agriculture and Applied Science, 1947


submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree


Department of Architecture












I Evolution of New York Tenement Plans 10

II The Typical Spread of Modern American Cities l&

III Proper Orientation 35

IV Row House by George Herbert Gray 39

V New York City Housing Authority Unit Plan 42

VI Row-Type Apartment by Joseph Amisano 44

VII Two-Family House by Rudolf Mock 47

VIII First Floor Plan of Row House by Neil Smull 51

IX Second Floor Plan of Row House 54

X Basement Plan of Row House 57

XI Section Study of Row House 61

XII Preliminary Study-Front Elevation of Row House . 63

XIII Preliminary Study-Front Elevation of Row House . 65

XIV Preliminary Study-Rear Elevation of Row House 67

XV Proposed Front Elevation for Row House 69

XVI Proposed Rear Elevation for Row House 72

XVII Perspective View of Row House 74


America today is in the midst of a national housing move-

ment. The urban housing problem is no longer a purely academic

subject, but has taken its place among the foremost issues of the

day. It cannot be put aside. Housing is a very broad subject

and no single article can hope to cover its many aspects. With-

out question, however, it may be assumed that our nation has

finally accepted the belief, which certain groups of individuals

have held, that the United States should take steps to improve

its housing conditions.

The American public, or at least a part of it, has for some

time been aware of the housing situation which makes it neces-

sary for numbers of families to live in unsanitary and unwhole-

some houses--a situation which exists in rural areas, in villages,

small cities and great metropolitan areas; it has become aware of

the manner in which unsanitary and inadequate housing bears upon

the entire social and economic structure. It is also becoming

conscious of the fact that to improve housing in any adequate and

permanent manner means consideration of problems which are funda-

mental both to the local government and to the federal govern-


The house, the home, is the immediate environment into which

citizens are born, in which their early life is molded, in which

they spend the mature years of their responsible citizenship, in

which they should find happiness, rest and inspiration. The

proportion of the people which rises above its environment is


The home environment, however, neither begins nor ends at

the doorstep. It extends into the neighborhood. The goal of

good housing means a wholesome way of living, and that involves

the whole neighborhood.

Where this building should take place and what type the new

dwellings should be, are difficult and important matters which

are bound up with many other considerations. The success and

value of any housing scheme must be looked upon with respect to

what should be done about many other aspects of the improvement

of our cities; such as the forms and location of future indus-

trial activity, the spread of employment, and suitable disposi-

tion of increased leisure time. Whether or not the latter is to

take the form of shorter working days, or shorter working weeks,

or finally a shorter working period in the life of each worker,

will affect the kinds of cities and communities of the future and

will determine not only their relationship, but also the kinds of

dwellings which will most properly serve the new needs.

The desirability of home ownership, either by the individual

or through co-operative groups, and the effect of such ownership

on responsible citizenship are generally recognized. The purpose

of this thesis is to offer the reader a study of the urban hous-

ing problem and to present a solution which most nearly satisfies

the problems of various types of urban housing which, at the same

time, gives to the occupants of the dwelling, as nearly as pos-

sible, an individual home unit. This purpose has been attempted

while trying to keep the cost of the construction low enough to

permit the structures to be classified with low-cost urban hous-

ing. This thesis is not intended to solve the low-rent housing

problem. Rather it consists of a study to be used as a yardstick

with which to measure that which has been done in relation to the

activity lying ahead.

The first material comes from George H. Gray's book (2)

"Housing and Citizenship" which has been used extensively in re-

search of the historical background for the field of urban hous-

ing. It, too, is one of the most recently published authorita-

tive manuscripts on the subject aside from the material appearing

in recent architectural publications.

Illustrative plates with descriptive text have been used in

presenting the material for this thesis.

In every case care has been taken to credit architects and

authors for plans and statements used.


Before 1933 the word "housing" meant little to the people of

the United States. The term "housing" in its accepted connota-

tion contains the qualification of "low-cost" housing. A few

sincere philanthropists, builders, social workers, and technicians

had worked for years to improve housing conditions in this coun-

try, but outside of a few urban centers, their work was either

unknown or dismissed as visionary and socialistic. They can

point to regulatory ordinances and to a handful of pioneering

housing projects as evidence of accomplishment in the face of

public opposition (1).

In the first years the colonists of necessity lived for the

most part in the simplest of make-shift shelters and paid a heavy

toll to rigorous winters in the north and to malaria in the south.

When their permanent homes were built, they generally had an

abundance of open space and abundance of material to build the

kind of houses best suited to their ways of living. When the

older New England coastal towns became too congested, the pi-

oneers started new towns in the inland areas, thus preserving the

open outdoor way of living centering around the green of these

older colonies. In these northern colonies, until the early de-

cades of the eighteen hundreds, the unlimited land lasted and

with it new opportunities for the rising generation. During this

same period, at the falls of streams in hill country, water power

was harnessed to turn machines in small mills and factories.

It was nearly a century and a half ago in the northern

colonies that these small factories began to give way to the

steam-powered factories along the larger and navigable streams.

Weaving, furniture making and other indoor Occupations were trans-

ferred from farm to factory, from hilltop to valley. The farm

ceased to be a self-supporting unit. The rural life centering

around the village was thrown off its balance. Many of the young
folks on these farms were attracted to the cities by the higher

factory wages. The prosperity of the rural areas diminished for

lack of hands to work them and sooner or later many farms were

impoverished--the first seeds of rural slum conditions. These

two factors, industrialization and the first railroads, started

the first urban slum areas in most of our cities of those times


Next came the extension of the railroads to the west and the

opening of the great new agricultural regions, and with it a fur-

ther depletion of the population of the less productive rural

areas of the northern states--for them more impoverishment and

run-down rural housing. Another effect of the western roads was

to further stimulate the commerce of the cities and so to fur-

ther congest their population.

Before the Civil War, the slaves on the southern plantations

were the planters' most valuable asset and were supplied with

cabins, with a low score for room overcrowding and a high score

for spacious site planning. But the war left the majority of

planters with overgrown fields, their depleted equipment rusty,

and with no financial resources to buy new equipment or to hire

labor to reclaim the fields. The best the planter could do was

to let the former slaves continue to live with their families on

the plantations, to allow each a plot of land for his own sub-

sistence crops, to supply equipment and fertilizer as far as he

could, and in return for the negro's labor on the plantation, to

share with him the crops--share and share alike. There was no

capital and no time to build new shelter and little of either

with which to repair the old. So over a vast and fertile area of

the country the old slave quarters went from bad to worse and

spread the let down ways of living that always attend bad hous-


The Civil War stimulated the expansion of northern indus-

tries so that they were well equipped to take advantage of the

trade arising from the rapidly developing territory of the great

West, even to the Pacific coast. The new territory supplied more

raw materials.

With the native labor all employed and no new supply avail-

able at home, it was toward Europe that the industrialists began

to look for workers. Living was cheap in Europe, wages were low;

and American industry sought to import its labor from those coun-

tries where wages were lowest and incidentally living conditions

most meagre--first, after the Revolution, from Ireland and vari-

ous other parts of Great Britain; later, particularly after the

Civil War, from various parts of continental Europe. If America

was to compete with Europe for world markets, she would have to

keep her labor costs down, in line with European costs, otherwise

they might offset the advantage of abundant raw materials. It was

in 1840 that regular steamship service began, cutting the time

from England from several weeks to 10 days. In the following de-

cade immigration jumped from 68,000 to 228,000.

When the immigrants got to our shores they were commonly

expected to be content with housing which was doubtless assumed to

be no worse than that to which they were accustomed in the old

countries. The greatest volume of immigrants were landed in New

York, where comparative figures prepared in 1894 showed that the

congestion was greater than in any large European city.

Other cities along the Atlantic seaboard bred their slums,

not so large now and so densely populated as in New York, but

equally run-down and unsanitary. Even the small cities had their
shack slums in the outskirts--on the dumps and about the railroad

yards. The new cities of the middle west were growing fast. New

houses were built for those who could afford them, and those they

abandoned were remodelled with more and smaller rooms for those

who could afford nothing better.

Cities vied with one another for big populations, but the

housing was left to take care of itself. The accepted theory was

that the supply would meet the demand, and after a fashion it

did--but in a manner reflecting no credit on the run of the slum

dwellers' employers, no credit on the municipalities, or on a

great and prosperous democracy (2). This condition existed not

only in America but in Europe as well (1).

Such was the general picture up to 1900. After 1900 cities

generally began to be conscious of their slums, as a movement for

better housing spread from New York over the nation. For the

close-ups of the general picture, New York City shall be taken as

an example, starting as a trading post of the Hudson's Bay Company

and becoming the great trading center of the nation, from the

start fast growing and congested.

Bad housing appeared early in the life of New York, developed

in its worse forms and early became the most extensive in this

country. In most essential respects, despite the disparity in

size, its history is typical of other cities and for that reason

it may profitably be reviewed. But also it may be reviewed for

the reason that, since slums there became acute earlier than in

other cities, it was there that remedial legislation was first

sought, and from there that such legislation spread throughout

the states. New York City and State are still well in the lead

in research, in legislation and in achievement.

As was stated before, the establishment of regular trans-

atlantic steamboat service from England to New York in 1840, cut

the time of transit to 10 days; it boosted Immigration from

68,000 to 228,000 between 1839 and 1848. Tenement houses were

still being converted from old private houses, occupying the en-

tire width of the lot so that the only windows were in the front

and rear walls--converted into tenement houses with two to four

apartments to the floor. To accomplish this, the extra bedrooms

were located back in the interior and had their only light and

ventilation through the front and rear rooms. From the original

houses two rooms deep they were sub-divided or extended first to

four, then to 6 and 8 rooms deep--respectively 8, 12, and 16

rooms on each floor, only 4 of which had any outside light or

ventilation. These became known as the "railroad tenements" (2),

Plate I.

That is shown the visitor in our cities is the tall apart-

ment hotel mirrored in the lake in the park; what the social

worker struggles with is the dark, foul hallway in the slums; but

the main problem of those who are interested in the nation's hous-

ing lies in neither of these. Slum clearance is most urgently

needed. Our slums are among the world's worst, and the indict-

ment against them cannot be softened by mere familiarity or by

the passing of time. Cool observation, coming to the aid of

sentiment, discovers the hub of the problem elsewhere.

Our present efforts at slum clearance resemble the attempt


Evolution of New York Tenement Plans (2)

Fig. 1. Before 1850, a common way of transforming an old resi:-

dence, leaving 4 of 8 rooms dark.

Fig. 2. After 1850, the "Railroad" tenement, 8 of 12 rooms


Fig. 3. After 1879, the "Dumbbell" tenement, 4 of 14 rooms


Fig. 4. After 1887, all rooms with nominal outside light, but
6 with windows only 4 -8" from windows across the

Fig. 5. One of better type built under the "New Law" of 1901,
which encouraged wider lots.
/850 1850
2 3 4
to bail out a river that is constantly swelling through neglect

and erosion along a hundred tributaries. It is the whole network

of our housing product which must be examined. It shall be found

that large quantities--almost the largest--of our regular

"middle-class" output are flowing inevitably toward the muddy

marshes. Our undertaking must be to survey them and try to re-

direct certain major streams in the flow of real estate and

building enterprises. Otherwise the social agencies dealing with

the ultimate slum will continue to find themselves swamped.

In the terms more usually employed, the slum represents an

advanced case of "blight". The committee which dealt with the

related subjects for President Hoover's Conference on Home Build-

ing and Home Ownership made the distinction that the slum is

mainly a social problem, while blight is still mainly a problem

in economics. In the field of public health the idea of pre-

ventive medicine has been developed, which is not content to deal

with a disease in its early stages but is concerned that not even

these first stages shall arise. A science is now required, the

slum is recognized as a derelict. Its incipient stage is blight,

and blight may on occasion be detected by the keen eye of the

housing doctor in those very regions where, to the average citi-

zen and even to the incautious real estate operator or investment

company, everything still looks prosperous and rosy. The future

slum may on occasion be located on the precise spot where today

visitors are being shown tall apartment houses mirrored in lakes

in the park. Any book which takes up the question of "how hous-
ing shall be done" must find out the reason why. Not even the
wealthiest of our people are absolutely protected against dis-

covering themselves in a blighted neighborhood. It must be dis-

covered how the blight, already here, can be cured before it goes

into the slum stage; it must also be discovered how blight may be

prevented at the outset.

The first cause of blight lies in population shifts and the

changing needs of industry. Considering the unplanned manner in

which American cities have grown, the greatest cause for surprise
is that any district in them can manage to retain its identity

for any length of time. The most chronic forms of blight, how-

ever, are the result of misconceptions, all the deeper in that

they are unconscious. The most prevalent of these is concerned

with the inherent deficiencies of residential areas in the in-

teriors of our cities which have been "left behind" as these

cities have expanded at the periphery and developed new suburbs.

It has heretofore been argued that such interior areas, although

temporarily sick, would soon be rescued by the expansion of in-

dustry, which would absorb them into a new industrial or com-

mercial use. But of late industry has expanded vertically in-

stead of horizontally; it has been sucked up from its many lofts

into few skyscrapers, so that instead of covering more ground

it has come actually to cover less; meanwhile it has been pro-

ducing more goods, faster, with better and fewer machines, occupy-

ing less space per unit produced, even within the taller, narrow-

er building. So it must be spoken today of "technological un-

employment" not only of workers but of the land; more and more

land has been "thrown out of work". Hence those large ailing
residential areas surrounding the central core, which have been

"waiting for the city to catch up to them", not only have been

left to their stagnancy but have commenced to expand inwards

towards the center, like mud flats surrounding a receding lake.

Temporary zoning cannot solve the problem, any more than a doctor

could be content to zone his patients into especially segregated

groups so they might be a little less conspicuous while their

condition steadily grows worse.

The second prolific cause of blight lies in the wholesale

erection of buildings of a grossly inefficient type.

Blighted areas have continued to spread in our cities be-

cause many of these districts were built in a wholesale and slip-

shod fashion that made them blighted from the beginning. The

blighted areas have also spread because no new public interest,

leading to new building investment, has been recently devoted to

these older districts. They represent fully exploited opportuni-

ties; they have been milked dry and abandoned by the real estate

procession. In addition to this, no one has been concerned with

the idea of evolving new methods for completing or rebuilding

these districts in terms of a more modern technology.

Therefore it is found that our blighted areas are now spread-

ing not so much because new competing communities are really bet-

ter or more attractive, as because the older areas are completely


The diagrams of Plate II show the process by which slum

areas have become fixed by the outward spread of cities, finally

augmented by the inward shrinkage of commercial districts. It


The Typical Spread of Modern American Cities (3)

a. Commerce and light industry.

b. Active residential area.

c. Extension of commerce and light industry.

d. Inactive residential area and blight.

e. Actual slum areas.

f. Inactive commerce and light industry.

g. Vertical expansion in high buildings.

Fig. 1. The primitive city.

Fig. 2. Concentric expansion.

Fig. 3. Arrested growth at the center because of

vertical expansion.

Fig. 4. Shrinkage of central areas, augmented the

lessened space needs of machinery.
or to be
seems to follow that these slums are either to remain
If they are to be replaced, their land
replaced only by housing.
at which housing
values must eventually be deflated to a figure

on a large scale can be built to take

their place; and housing on

a large scale can be successfully built only for rents that a

large number of families can pay (3).

While these diagrams cannot convey the whole situation, they

are indicative of the broad factors involved in city rehabili-


So far in this study the two main aspects of the housing

problem have been briefly covered. On the one hand are inferior

dwellings which should be replaced by new ones. On the other

hand are the blighted areas which could be used for housing, if

the property values were within reason for housing projects on a

large scale.

The field of action in urban development (4) is broader now

than it has ever been before, for the number and size of urban

concentrations has greatly increased. Villages have become

towns; towns have become large cities; and in countless cases

neighboring townships have been swallowed by the expanding force

of the nucleus city, in which process these expanded areas have

become a solidly packed heterogeneous mass.

Indeed, it is most important to understand more than has

been so far understood, that past methods of town-building are

not valid any more, and that present and future methods must be

based entirely on new premises. And these new premises can and
must be found only in and through the existing difficulties.
Since the destruction (5) or rehabilitation of properties

is so essential to any increase in the standards of urban hous-

ing, it is important that some method be devised to overcome the

obstacles presented. Three possibilities present themselves. It

may be well possible to sponsor cooperative movements to change

whole neighborhoods so that blighted areas might be converted in-

to modern residential areas at a profit to their owners. This

suggestion is full of practical difficulties and involves compli-

cations equal to that of a complex corporate reorganization. It

is worth trying, however, for what it is worth. A second possi-

bility lies in changing laws to bring about the eventual abandon-

ment of substandard dwellings in blighted areas thus forcing

their demolition. Such a procedure appeals from the standpoint

of practical convenience but any extensive destruction of prop-

erty value by such a method would meet with political as well as

legal difficulties. About all that can be said is that every

city should endeavor to raise its housing standards as far as

possible by this method. The third possibility lies in the con-

trol of mortgage funds. Without mortgage financing, slum areas

could no longer continue.

If the situation were reviewed with respect to house or

dwelling types available for large areas in our cities, it would

be found that these areas are already occupied mainly by the

family of structures known as "flats " --small or medium size

multi-family dwellings providing for households ranging in number

from two to six. Bad as they have been in plan, they have sur-
vived in competition with their popular rivals, the single-family
house and the apartment.
There must be something to account for the survival. It

housing projects lies in

might be that the success of future

something on the order of the

humble flat, or at least equal to

under city conditions. This work is

it in meeting average needs

devoted to the finding of a solution for such a form, through the

application of modernized technique in planning. The result is

the evolution of a type of dwelling, which is in close relation

to the flat and has the qualities of the row house and the du-

plex apartment.


Before consideration is given to any specific type of hous-

ing unit, certain standards must be reviewed regardless of the

type of structure.

Andrews (6), the specialist in household economics, describes

four levels of standards, including the minimum standard, the com-

fort standard, the moderate standard, the liberal or well-to-do


According to Davies (7), the minimum standard, which would

apply to a type of house usually occupied by a laborer's family

with an income of $1,200 to $1,500, would require the following:

five rooms, including three bedrooms if there were both boys and

girls in the family; a living room; a bathroom and toilet; a kit-

chen equipped with stove and water heater, sink, two laundry

tubs, and storage closets. The kitchen, living room, and large

bedroom should be at least 10 feet by 12 feet, and small bedrooms

at least 9 feet by 10 feet; adequate stoves or other means to
at least as many rooms as persons in
heat the entire house; and

the family, annual rent not to exceed one-sixth of family income,

or value of the house not to exceed two and one-half times family

income (1938); structure and equipment not to create safety haz-

ards; adequate sunlight and ventilation; a wholesome environment,

physically and socially; adequate space and facilities for rec-

reation for children and adults.

These appear to be the minimum specifications for a house

which will promote the realization of life values for any family.
The plan and arrangement of a house and its equipment should

be based upon the fundamental biological and social needs of the

family. The chief consideration should be the physical and mental

health of the family. The plan and arrangement should exemplify

beauty, convenience, simplicity, honesty, fitness, harmony, and

restfulness; should harmonize with, and use, the advances in arts

and sciences which make for the enrichment of life and for ef-

ficiency and economy in construction; should allow flexibility in

use when alteration or extension is necessary to meet changes in

family needs (particularly in small, one-family houses); and

preferably should harmonize with the neighborhood plan and de-


Materials and structure of a house should be of such a

nature, and assembled in such a way that they resist wear and de-

preciation, and provide sanitary, healthful, and safe conditions.

This requires a simple rather than a complex type of structure,

with no ugliness, excessive ornamentation, or unpleasant color


combinations; foundations
which will not allow unequal settlement

of walls; strong, smooth, tight, level and durable floors, and

in color, design, and finish;
harmony with the rest of the room
and with
relatively sound-proof walls, with plastering well done,
paint and wall coverings of good quality, as well as cheerful,

restful, attractive, and not overstimulating color and texture;

weather-tight roof, gutters, and wall openings; screened windows

and doors, and vermin-proof doors, windows, drawers, closets,

cupboards, and storage places; properly installed electric wiring,

plumbing, lighting and heating fixtures; easy access from room to

room, particularly from kitchen to dining room; rooms on the same

story located on an even floor level to avoid stairways. Accord-

ing to Vieller (8), stairs should have a rise of not more than 8

inches, and a tread of not less than 10 inches; PWA (9) standards

are seven and three-quarters inches and nine and one-half inches,


A house (7) should be large enough, and have a sufficient

number of rooms to provide at least three rooms and a bath for

each family, with a ratio of persons to rooms of not more than

one and one-half to one; at least one room, not used for sleep-

ing, for the common life of the family; adequate, convenient, and

well-equipped closet space for each member of the family, and

special closet space for general household goods, such as linens

and utensils; and adequate and suitable space for principal

pieces of furniture so that these will not be in the way of doors,

windows, fireplaces, radiators, or other furnishings or equip-

Living and sleeping rooms should have a minimum floor area
no width less than 7 feet, according to
of 90 square feet, with

Vieller (8); Andrews (6) gives 10 feet by 12 feet for living

rooms and 9 feet by 10 feet as the minimum for bedrooms; PWA (9)

planning standards for low-cost housing specify 100 square feet

and a minimum width of 9 feet 3 inches for bedrooms, and 150

square feet with a minimum width of 10 feet 6 inches for living


No ceiling should be lower than 8 feet, according to Andrews

(6) and Vieller (8). Vieller states that an attic room may be 8

feet high in only half its area, but may not be less than 6 feet

at any point. To qualify for an insured mortgage loan under the

Federal Housing Administration, rooms must be at least 7 feet in

height over their full required areas (10).

The kitchen should be large enough to work in comfortably,

and roomy enough that children will not be bumped, burned or

trampled. There should be sufficient room for girls to be taught

to do housework (7). PWA standard is 65 square feet (9). This

small area is adequate because of the fact that modern kitchen

equipment provides a good work center in a much smaller space

than formerly; present-day housewives prize the step-saving val-

ues of a small kitchen.

A house (7) should provide privacy for the family as a

group, and for individual members of the family. This requires

isolation from other dwelling units with no windows directly fac-

ing windows of other dwellings; privacy from the standpoint of

quietness as well as of space; separate places for children's

play, study, and rest; pleasant quarters for old people in the

family; sleeping quarters separated from living quarters and ar-

ranged so that any bedroom can be reached without passing through

another bedroom; an adequate number of sleeping rooms with sep-

arate beds for each child, and separate rooms for adolescent

children of different sexes; a place for private possessions of

each member of the family; separate room and toilet accommodation

for lodgers are preferable; and easy access from room to room, but

a possibility of closing each room off from the others when de-


In multi-family houses, there should be a separate housing

unit for each natural family, with its own toilet accommodations,

and a separate entrance to each apartment without passing through

quarters of other families.

A house should have adequate natural ventilation and cross

ventilation in each room, hall, and stairway, with free movement

of air throughout the house, and abundant natural light through

windows and doors with window glass of a kind that will transmit

not less than an average of 25 per cent of the ultra-violet rays

of sunlight.

Vieller (8) specifies a minimum ratio of glass area to floor

area of 1 to 7. Other requirements (7) for room window space are
a minimum window space of 15 square feet for each room, and more
in smoky regions or where walls are unusually thick; at least one

window in each room opening directly on a permanent open space,

preferably a street or yard or garden, and large enough to admit

adequate light and direct sunshine at some time of day throughout
the year; not less than six square feet of window space for each

bathroom or toilet; and windows arranged so that light penetrates

at least half the depth of the room. At least 45 per cent of the

glass area of a room should be capable of being opened for venti-

lation, according to the Federal Housing Administration standards


Other requirements (7) related to natural lighting include:

no living or sleeping rooms in cellar or basement; covered porches

placed so as not to reduce natural lighting of rooms, and no room

receiving its sole natural light from windows opening upon cover-

ed or glassed-in porches; and walls of courts painted a light

color, and not closer together than a distance equal to the

height of the higher wall.

Each house should possess good artificial lighting to pro-

vide adequate light for all parts of the house; well shaded read-

ing lights to prevent eyestrain, located to permit all members of

the family to read in a quiet place and to permit any kind of

household activity to be carried on in comfort and with conven-

ience; and adequate light in stairways and halls.

A house should have sufficient and sanitary plumbing which

is noiseless, easily flushed and cleaned, properly vented, ade-

quately protected, and connected with a sewer or drainage system.

Each family should have a separate bathroom, toilet, and sink.

Bathroom and toilet facilities should be located indoors in

well-lighted compartments, ventilated to the outer air, and never

in a cellar unless facilities are also provided on other floors.

These should be easily accessible from the nursery, and from each
through other bedrooms, and should have
bedroom without passing
direct communication with
kitchen or dining room. It is de-
of a two-story house have a lavatory and
sirable that each floor

A house should have heating appliances of such types and

sizes that will heat all parts of the house adequately and keep

it at an even temperature between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit;

proper insulation against heat, cold, and moisture; and provision

for humidification.
In cold climates there should be no direct entrance to the

living room or kitchen from the outside.

Safety provisions should include a second stairway or fire

escape accessible to the living quarters of each family in a two-

story dwelling; periodical check-ups on structural defects and

delapidation; fire-resistant or fireproof building materials,

particularly for dwellings of more than one story, and for ele-

vator and dumbwaiter doors and shafts; approval of gas appliances

by standard accrediting agencies, and installation only by ex-

perts; use of stoves, including oil and gas stoves, only with

flues or chimneys with continuous outlets to the outside air;

garage, when built-in, adequately separated and ventilated and

sealed so that injurious gases may not enter other parts of the

house; protection against all fire hazards; no open-flame gas

jets near inflammable materials; no defective chimneys, stove

pipes, or gas fixtures or pipes; no unprotected walls or ceil-

ings near stove pipes; no inflammable litter; radiators screened

to protect children; protection provided against electric shock;


all moving
mechanical devices shielded; and knobs on inside of
so that they can be opened by children.
all closet doors
Each house should have an adequate running water supply
piped into the house, with adequate volume and pressure,

and free from pollution; there should be adequate provision


hot water with convenient and adequate water

outlets for kitchen,

cellar, bathroom, and for watering garden and lawn.

A house should have adequate provision for temporary dis-

posal of household wastes to insure cleanliness, sanitation,

safety, and avoidance of attracting animals, insects, and vermin.

A house should not exceed in annual cost of maintenance 20

per cent of the family income; the purchase price, including the

land, should not exceed two and one-half times the assured annual


From the Architectural Forum survey (11) of 1946, it was

found that most new houses being built during that year would

sell for below $7,500. The average under-$10,000 house will con-

tain five and two-tenths rooms and bath, provide 930 square feet

of floor area. Houses produced today will sell for 43 per cent

more than comparable 1941 houses. No one anticipates that build-

ing costs will ever return to prewar levels. Averaging the

opinions of all the builders participating in the survey, today's

house costs 43 per cent more than a 1941 house of comparable size

and construction. If the house building industry can be taken at

its word, the survey indicates that the veteran will not have to

wait long for his house once the cork is pulled from the material

bottleneck. Builders are ready to produce houses at top speed

never before attempted. They have the land,
and in quantities
the know-how; they are gradually corralling the
the financing and
They lack only materials. When and however the materials

are made available--a

decision which rests mostly with government

and the producers--private

enterprise will put them to good use.

Although it is not nearly enough to go around (12), the

nation's supply of housing is in better shape than had ben gen-

erally supposed. More houses in the United States now have bath-

tubs, electric lights, and radios than ever before. As compared

with 18 per cent considered in need of major repairs in 1940,

only 11 per cent of all housing units are now classed as needing

major repairs.
Recommended standards for the surroundings of a house are:
Distance from adjacent building at least as great as the

height of the highest wall of either building (13). Vieller (8)

specifies a lower standard: space between adjacent buildings of

one story, 6 feet; two stories, 8 feet; three stories, 10 feet;

four stories, 12 feet; or 2 feet additional for each additional


Least dimension of a court no less than the height of high-

est wall (13). Vieller's standard specifies a court width of at

least one-third the height of the highest wall, with a length of

at least twice its width (8). These dimensions are of great im-

portance when dealing with population density.

Population density (14) is a social problem; housing, a

building problem. Yet the two problems are closely related, for

population density determines the kind of housing which may ad-

vsntageously be constructed. The higher the density, the smaller

the freedom a
builder enjoys; and conversely, the lower the den-

sity, the greater the scope of the construction possibilities he

may consider.
The main consideration in building, up to our time, has been

the exploitation of the land, with little regard for the social

and hygienic needs of the people who must live in the buildings

constructed. Consequently, the one-family house, generally

recognized as the ideal form of dwelling for families, has been

rejected in favor of constructions which seem to promise greater

return on land investment. Feeble attempts to cope with the

evils of too great population density have been made through

zoning laws, but these laws have been altogether insufficient.

They have not prevented, and could not prevent, the increase of

population densities in all our large cities to such an extent

that social and hygienic requirements are completely forgotten.

All cities have wide variations in population densities. In

their overpopulated sections, the density is often so high that it

causes social, moral, and physical diseases. The alleviation of

such conditions is one of the greatest problems of our time. In

the sparsely settled sections of these same cities, population

density decreases sharply. Houses are built much farther apart

in such areas. The city loses its urban character and gradually

assumes the aspect of the open country.

Population density may be defined as the number of inhabi-

tants per acre of land. Since it is reckoned on the number of

people living in a given area which includes open land as well as

that land, it is obvious that the length and
the buildings on
built, the distances between houses, will de-
depth of the house
of the lot. If buildings are to be arranged ac-
termine the size
principles, the distance between the
cording to good insulation
by the shadows cast by these houses.
houses must be determined

The length of such shadows will be governed not only by the

but also by the latitude
height of the shadow-casting structure,
day, and
in which building is done, the time of the year and the

the altitude and azimuth angles of the sun.

Latitude cannot be changed; the natural contours of the ter-

rain cannot be changed; but buildings can be faced south or east

or some other direction. Decision at this point will help de-

termine the population density allowable in the settlements

planned. Consideration must also be given to the insulation per-

iod attainable, remembering that the increase of density can be

achieved only by decreasing the insulation period or increasing

the number of stories in the structures. Obviously the number of

stories which may be added is limited by construction considera-


A front yard may be of any depth (7); while a rear yard

should be across the entire width of the lot, at every point un-

obstructed from ground to sky, to increase proportionately in

depth with increased height of dwelling as follows: for three-

story dwellings, rear yard 20 per cent or more of the total lot

depth; four stories, 25 per cent; five stories, 30 per cent; five

per cent increase for each additional story; if less than three

stories, depth may be decreased five per cent for each story.
The height of a dwelling must be no greater than the width
upon which it abuts, as measured from front
of the widest street
lot line. Vieller (8) states that a dwelling
lot line to front

should never be more than 80 feet high.

Not more than 90 per cent coverage on corner lots with

streets on three sides, nor 85 per cent on other corner lots; 65

per cent on interior lots from 60 to 105 feet deep; 55 per cent

on interior lots 105 to 155 feet deep; 50 per cent on interior

lots 105 to 205 feet deep; 40 per cent on interior lots longer

than 205 feet (8). Andrews (6) describes the optimum dwelling as

a detached house with sufficient open space for a lawn and garden,

surrounded by a lot of at least 5,000 square feet.

A house and its surroundings (7) should be located on high,

dry land, well drained, well adapted to sewage disposal, and iso-

lated from unpleasant or unhealthful conditions.

A house and lot should have; a landscape arranged according

to plan, regardless of size of lot; land graded and drained away

from the house to carry off surface water; such trees and shrubs

as are necessary to provide shade, privacy, beauty, and freedom

from dust; retaining walls around the lawn where needed; and

preferably a plan which harmonizes with the character of the


A residence lot should be free from uncovered wells, cis-

terns, cesspools, privy vaults, manure piles, garbage, rubbish,

or other unsanitary conditions; have a service area of minimum

size necessary to provide for service of supplies; have outdoor

recreational space provide for beauty and for the social and
needs of the family, a yard slope not great enough
games; and preferably have no immediately
to prevent children's
traffic streets.
adjacent heavy


As has been said before, some type of housing unit, must be

found which resembles the flat. This type has been developed to

a certain extent with the recognition of certain well-defined

types of houses; row houses, attached houses, detached houses,

and apartment houses. Any one of these (14) can be satisfactory

if it is built with regard for its purpose. Any of them can be

unsatisfactory if purpose is neglected.

The one-family house is generally regarded as the type which

best fulfills the social, psychological, and hygienic require-

ments of life. It will always be the ideal type of dwelling for

families because it connects the house with a garden, a play-

ground for children, and provides the privacy necessary for re-

laxation and recreation. The row-house may achieve a consider-

able amount of privacy also if it is planned carefully and ade-

quately. However, it can never be quite as satisfactory as the

free standing house.

The apartment house is in disfavor today and the opposition

to it is not unjustified. Most such houses today represent only

the negative aspects of this type of dwelling. The apartment

house could, however, offer many advantages. It could be the

ideal home for single persons and childless couples because it

offers certain communal facilities impossible in other kinds of

The apartment house can be built with proper regard
It can be free-standing so that those who live
to its purpose.
the benefits of sunlight and fresh air. Though
in it may enjoy

the apartment dweller has no garden, he can have a view over

gardens. In a mixed type of settlement, where one-family houses

are placed in the vicinity of

apartment buildings, leaving open

spaces between, such garden outlooks are easy to arrange.

For a family of six the house should contain at least three

bedrooms, one master bedroom and two others for the children so

that there are separate sleeping quarters for boys and girls. It

should have a living room with a dining recess, a kitchen, and a

bathroom. Each room should have a separate entrance from a hall,

so that it will not be necessary to walk through one room to get

to another. A definite place must be provided for the activities

which go on within the house, and the size of the rooms must be

governed by the purpose they are intended to serve. Even if the

house is rather snail, the living room should be larger than

actual necessity dictates. A feeling of spaciousness is impor-

tant. Size, fortunately, does not wholly depend upon area; it is

also a matter of proportion. If spaciousness is desired in a

comparatively small room, thought must be given to size, shape,

and arrangement of the windows; of the size and particularly the

height of the furniture, and its arrangement. Light colors make

small rooms seem larger; dark colors make them look smaller. A
competent architect can make relatively small rooms look large.

Design of the housing unit is a very important considera-

tion in the planning of public housing. Concerning this design,
that design is the art of adjusting various related
Gray (2) says
whole. It is an art rather than a science
parts into a harmonious
adjustment calls for judgment as to the relative
because such an
importance of the several elements or parts which make up the de-

sign and judgment as to the factors which may limit or determine

the character of the design. These judgments call for creative

imagination rather than inevitable scientific conclusions. It is

true that science plays an important part in establishing the

facts or factors to be weighed. It also plays a part in the

process of weighing these factors, and in finding the technical

means for attaining the design. In the art of medicine, science

aids the physician in his judgments and the surgeon in his tech-

nique; but individual judgment and individual skill determine the


Every design has some specific objective. If the objective

of publicly aided housing is the creation of a wholesome family

environment, such as may be expected to contribute in a large way

to good citizenship, then to accomplish that expectation fully,

housing must be something more than the minimum required for

sanitation; it must be such as makes possible efficient house-

keeping, wholesome family life, and wholesome neighborhood life.

The design of housing projects has been commonly considered

under two headings, the site, and the buildings. But neither can

be considered independently of the characteristics of the popu-

lation to be housed, the climate and the cost. The type of

buildings, their height, spacing and orientation, the arrangement

of each unit and of combinations of units, all are influenced by

the proper use of the site is influenced by the
the site, and

factors inherent in the buildings. While all factors must be

each factor must be analyzed and weighed

woven into one pattern,
its requirements and limitations and the extent
to determine both

of its flexibility.

Concerning orientation, it is said (15) that proper orienta-

tion will improve any house without adding to its cost. Plate III

shows schematically the traditional plan for the minimum house

and eight variations obtained by elongating the house and flip -.

ping it over to reverse the plan. Variations designated A have

been elongated across the kitchen-living room axis; those letter-

ed B have been elongated along this axis. These eight plan vari-

ations have been placed around the compass on a hypothetical

street represented by the circumference of the circle. Each is

in its best possible location with respect to winter sun and sum-

mer breeze. Arrows indicate the range of compass directions each

plan may face without violating any primary orientation principle.

Note that the best possible orientation is south-southwest and

that plan A3 falls on this point. Worst possible orientation is

west-northwest. The chart is applicable to most parts of the
United States but should be adjusted for local wind conditions

and, in the extreme south, for sun conditions.

According to Hilbersheimer (14), planners of dwellings

should never forget the importance of sunlight. In the past the

importance of the proper orientation of a house was recognized.

It is only in our own times that builders have flagrantly disre-

garded it in their construction for human dwelling, though, oddly

Proper Orientation (15)

Schematic diagram of eight variations

of the minimum house and their location
with respect to winter sun and summer breeze
showing best possible orientation and worst
possible orientation.

enough, they
seem to remember well the value of insulation when

for domestic animals.

they build shelter
In practically all designs (2), among the factors which must

be weighed and adjusted there is the factor of cost. First comes

the selection of the site, last comes the equipment of buildings

and grounds, with an almost endless list of items between. The

importance of being thrifty is well illustrated in the small

rental unit. Anderson and Simonds (16) have listed four money

saving simplifications which are introduced into the construction

of the small rental unit project which are: 1. Experience has

proven the thermal comfort and practicality, the economy and

structural stability of concrete floors on grade; 2. A dead level

roof realizes a substantial saving over a roof which is sloping.

Material wise, built-up roofing is more plentiful than shingles;

3. A saving can be had by the elimination of conventional exterior

sheathing in places where it is permitted by ordinance. The sub-

stitution of stucco over paper is economical and in climates

where insulation is required, the saving on sheathing will offset

its cost; 4. Costs can be cut by the elimination of eaves except

over doors facing the direction of prevailing storms.

It is the architect to whom is finally assigned the task of

assembling, analyzing, weighing and reconciling all the aims, re-

quirements, and limitations (2). The more the limitation that

binds him, the less chance there will be for a free play of in-

genuity and invention, of creative imagination in the solution

of the problem. It is of the utmost importance that the higher
authorities, as far as possible, state only
the positive ob-
jectivoa, the broad essential requirements and limitations, and

avoid prescribing the methods which are to be pursued. Too often

the programmers have their own preconceived solution for the

problem and so present a program that has but one solution.

An interesting solution of the row-house problem is given

by Gray (2). Plate IV shows the plan arrangement. This plan

is based on lowering ceiling heights to 7 feet 6 inches, and ex-

panding the floor area without increasing the cubic contents. Of

interest is the fact that the bathroom has been planned large

enough to accommodate a washing machine and an ironing board.

The plan is for a two story unit with four families using the

common entrance. Gray also states that additional space can be

gained by the use of double-deck beds in the bedrooms. The dining

area is within the kitchen. Although a small economical unit has
been developed in this plan, it is felt that a number of impor-

tant housing standards have been sacrificed in order that the

cost be kept low. For instance, no dining area has been planned

other than that provided for in the kitchen; and this, it is be-

lieved, would hinder the smooth working of the relatively small


In a plan for unit housing set up by the New York City Hous-

ing Authority, a plan is found which measures 27 feet 6 inches

deep and 60 feet long. In a system of unit plans, the advantage

of adopting a uniform width of cross section is obvious (17).

It simplifies the joining of units in structures, standardization
of structural forms and items of equipment, simplification of all

procedures involved, etc. Therefore consideration must now be


Row House By George Herbert Gray (2)

Plan based on lowering ceiling heights to seven

feet six inches, and expanding floor area without
'increasing the cubic contents.
given to the width.
The solution, however, does not depend altogether upon em-

pirical judgment. When low gross area per room is required, a

cross section results in room shapes which fails to serve the

functions which the rooms were meant to serve. With this es-

tablished, it follows that the width of cross section is a func-

tion of the established gross area per room. Plate V shows a

typical unit plan by the New York City Housing Authority.

An unusual and quite compact plan for a row house is planned

by Joseph Amisano (18). Plate VI shows the plan arrangement of

the two floors. Construction of the party walls are of reinforced

concrete, supporting the flat-slab construction of the balcony

and the roof. The concrete stair is cantilevered from the party

wall. Concerning the furnishings, Amisano says that all interior

walls, mechanical and operating equipment, furniture, etc., are

to be prefabricated. Kitchen waste is to be dispensed through a

decomposition chamber located under the sink. Heating, venti-

lating and air conditioning are from an electrical unit located

in a closet beside the kitchen. Air conditioning is primarily

for extreme or discomforting temperatures. Ventilation in the

rear of the house is through perforations above and below fixed

glass areas. The front of the house has outswinging, top-hinged

windows. The interior and exterior are to be painted with casein

paint applied directly to the concrete walls and the underside of.

the structural slabs.

An interesting design of a duplex-type dwelling is shown in

the one developed by Rudolf Mock (19). The design of this


New York City Housing Authority

Unit Plan (17)

Typical unit plan based on a depth of twenty-

seven feet six inches and a length of sixty feet.
3,4 TH.
SC 4 1
o y

Row-Type Apartment by Joseph Amisano (18)

Construction of row house based on reinforced

concrete and flat slab. Stairs are to be of con-
crete cantilevered from the party wall.
problem, shown in Plate VII, was to provide a suitable home en-

vironment for a widow who wished to live by herself, but not in

isolation. The solution was a dwelling in which she should have

her own home and a rental unit combined. As it happened, her

needs were for a two-bedroom apartment of a size that is readily

rented; so, the two units are essentially identical. In each

unit, the generous living-dining room is equipped with built-in

bookshelves, a fireplace, and a bank of windows looking out on

the lawn and garden. On the second floor, where the owner lives,

these windows are contrived as a projecting bay, which, in com-

bination with the high, asymmetrically sloping ceiling of the

room, appreciably increases the apparent spaciousness of the

room. Outdoor living space is provided for each apartment--a

flagstone terrace for the ground floor and an open deck for the

owner's home. A notable provision for the latter is a storage

closet for outdoor furniture that occurs in the upper portion of

the garage structure and is accessible from the deck. The house

has no basement, but is built on concrete-block foundations and

piers with appropriate venting to the outside between the floor

joists. Ground excavation extends to two feet six inches below

the joists. Between the joists, batt-type insulation is in-

stalled. Heating units occur in fireproofed closets in each

apartment. Structurally, the house is of frame construction,

with bevel siding applied over board-type insulation-sheathing.

The sash are of steel and of both fixed and casement type. The

roofing is tin, painted red. It is instructive to view a few of

the smaller details which provide considerably greater living


Two-Family House by Rudolf Mock (19)

Plan of unit designed for widow who wished

to live by herself but not in complete iso-
lation. Plan could be well adapted for use as
a public duplex type of structure.
amenity at very little added cost. Beside the entrance door,

for instance, is a pair of built-in package receivers, one for

each home, where things can be left when families are not at

home. Then there is a neat closet conveniently located under

the canted garage roof, which contains rubbish boxes and garbage

cans and keeps them out of sight. In each of the bathrooms there

is a large linen closet with seven shelves; each apartment has a

broom closet with a shelf overhead, and in each of the kitchens

a built-in drop-leaf table is provided.

Throughout, the house is a highly practical example of fore-

thought in contemporary residential architecture. Its easy

adaptation for a public housing type of duplex or row house is

quite noticeable.

Row houses, because of their traditional alignment and mon-

otonous facades, are generally thought of as identical in appear-

ance and rigid in plan. In this project it has been attempted to

reverse this conception. As was stated before, no attempt has

been made to solve the housing problem; but a study and solution

are being presented which may be used as an aid in better planning

of the units which are to be built in the future. The design

presented, under present financing conditions, is probably most

suitable to individual ownership; whereas the greater part of the

current demand is for rental housing. However, the solution is

completely adaptable for rental housing.

The vast majority of houses are originally built for owner

occupancy. They are either erected by the individual who intends

to occupy them or they are erected by operative builders who in-
tend to dispose of them by sale to their first occupant. Only
an insignificant portion of new houses are built for immediate

rental either by individual landlords or by corporate landlords

making a business of such a process. The rental group is taken

care of in "second hand" houses (5).

Plate VIII shows the first floor plan of the row house which

has been developed. Designed for a shallow block arrangement, all

units have been tentatively orientated to the south. Other ori-
entation is possible and perhaps desirable where the case might

permit, after further study. The living portion of the first

floor plan, measuring 30 feet by 22 feet, has been studied to

give maximum comfort and efficiency to the occupants without

sacrificing too much homelikeness for economy.

On the first floor each unit has been given a private en-

trance, kitchen, living and dining area, utility room, garage,

and closet space. The kitchen, which measures 7 feet by 16 feet,

is separated from the living room by storage cabinets and is over

the minimum standard area of 65 square feet (9). It has been

planned with an idea of economizing space and of step-saving

value. A kitchen of this size could, if need be, include the

functions of the utility room. By doing this, costs could be cut
by dispensing with the utility room which has been planned at the

rear of the garage near the drying yard. If the utility functions

were taken care of within the kitchen, provision must be made for

access to the drying yard from the kitchen. As the plan is pre-

sented, access to the utility room from the kitchen is through

the garage. In inclement weather, the garage could be used for


First Floor Plan of Row House

by Neil Smull

Row house planned for maximum comfort and

efficiency with a study of the needs of the
contemporary family.
.;;PYIN Y.4,47**N
drying purposes. Kitchen waste is to be dispensed through a

decomposition chamber under the sink.

Living and dining areas have been planned together to give

a spaciousness which could not have been achieved with individual

rooms. The entire area measures 122 feet by 29 feet. The dining

area is located in one end of the area with access to the kit-

chen. Living has been planned for the opposite end of the room.

Even more living space can be acquired by placing the dining

table against the wall. Large rear windows opening upon the

recreation area and the terrace give not only the advantage of
an excellent view of the garden but also give the housewife work-

ing in the kitchen, a means of supervision of the children at,


Ample closet space has been provided in the living room for

storage of children's playthings, wraps of visitors, etc., while

another closet in the hall could be used for housecleaning equip-

ment. The clothes chute, as shown in the first floor plan, is

continuous from the second floor hall to the basement.

The plot plan provides generous, secluded rear yards, each

with a small paved terrace.

Stairways to both the second floor and the basement are with-

in easy access of the front entrance.

Plate IX shows the second floor plan of the row house which

includes two bedrooms of equal size, bathroom, closet space for

bedrooms, and storage.

The bathroom, while quite small, is ample for the purposes

for which it is intended. Lighted with two exterior windows, it


Second Floor Plan of Row House

Plan provides for two bedrooms, balcony,

bathroom, closets, and storage space.
is located off the main hall and is accessible from both bed-
rooms. A linen closet for the storage of bath linens has been

provided near the bathroom.

The bedrooms are of equal size and measure 12 feet by 14

feet which is above the minimum as given by Andrews (6) which is

9 feet by 10 feet. The bedrooms are lighted and ventilated from

the large glass areas to the rear. Doors from the bedrooms to
the balcony are through one of the glass areas in each room.

Generous closet space is located in each of the rooms.

Additional storage space has been planned above the entrance

on the second floor and the clothes chute is available from the

central hall.

The basement plan is shown on Plate X. The basement in-

cludes provision for the heating unit, extra storage space, and,

if desired, laundry facilities. With certain types of heating,

and in order to cut costs to a minimum, the basement could be

left out of the building plan and heating could be taken care of

on the first floor in a fire-proofed closet provided for that


In reference to heating the home, the Architectural Forum

(20) says that any heating system which uses a minimum of iron

and steel is the system for today's house. Pressed sheet steel

is less critical than cast iron, and steel convectors should

therefore be more plentiful than cast iron radiators. The rela-

tively low cost of warm air heating systems is refledted in the

tremendous demand for their components.

One-pipe hot water heating is made possible by the use of


Basement Plan of Row House

Plan provides for the heating unit of

the house and additional storage space.
a Venturi fitting at each radiator. It operates on the injector

principle; flow water entering the fitting is speeded up by a

tapered nozzle creating a suction pull on water returning from

the radiator. A single circuit of pipe is sufficient for a one-

story house. Reduced pipe length and absence of valves out labor

and materials costs.

The fan floor furnace located beneath a central closet has

a small plenum chamber above the floor level which distributes

warm air directly to surrounding rooms. Eight inch diameter

sheet metal ducts collect cold air from grills located near out-

side walls of each room.

Gravity floor furnaces provide warm air heating in its

simplest, most economical form and require no extra space. The

heater is usually located in the living room floor where it heats

other rooms by natural circulation of the air.

The attic furnace suspended between rafters and the ceiling

joists of an unfinished attic saves valuable first floor space in

a basementless one-story house. Very little duct work is re-

quired to deliver the forced warm air to registers which are near

the ceiling of each room. Cold air is picked up by two living

room floor grills and one in the bedroom hall.

The heat director distributes warm air from the utility

room furnace to adjacent areas--preferably living room, bedroom,

hall and bath. A furnace fan draws air from the living room

through the kitchen and utility room whose doors are equipped

with full length louvers. The bedroom doors are solid and serve

as valves in the heating system.

Plate XI shows the section study of the row house. This

section shows how the ceiling height has been planned at seven

feet six inches so that the generous rooms may be had without in-

creasing the cost. The section is cut through the kitchen and

dining area of the first floor and is cut through the bathroom,

closet, and bedroom of the second floor. The basement is not

shown in section. This low ceiling height is in accordance with

the Federal Housing Administration (10).

Plates XII and XIII show studies of possible facades for the

row house. One elevation shows the possibility of using a pitch-

ed roof while the other study shows the possibility of using the

flat roof. Plate XII is a study of the elevation with ceiling

heights of eight feet, while Plate XIII is a study of the ele-

vation with ceiling heights of 7 feet 6 inches.

Plate XIV is a study of the rear elevation of the row house

using the flat roof construction which shows the large areas of

glass used on both floors.

The proposed facade for the row house is shown on Plate XV.

As shown, the elevation represents a home as the majority of

people would think of a home. The effect obtained is a result

of psychology in the presentation of the elevation, by the use

of the pitched roof and the combination of two materials for the

siding of the house. In this case, the structure would be of

frame construction. However, the party wall between the two

units should be of fire-proof construction. The siding is of the

vertical type in combination with a stucco or stone. Part of the

resulting effect is because of the lowered ceiling heights within,


Section Study of Row House

Section shows use of lowered ceil-

ing heights to keep the cubage down and
still maintain generous room areas.

Preliminary Study
Front Elevation
(Ki. - .:.
.. -Y1d

Preliminary Study
Front Elevation

Preliminary Study
Rear Elevation
,--72EL /MINA R Y - REAR g.L.E VAT I
3c4LE - 79"- .1"0"

Proposed Front Elevation of Row House

which in turn lower the exterior roof level.

Plate XVI shows the proposed rear elevation for the row

house. In this elevation, the great expanse of glass is retained

because of its desirability for lighting the interior as well as

the excellent view which it affords from within. The pitched

roof with its overhanging eaves serves as a sun shade for part

of the glass of the second floor. The balcony of the second

floor serves the same purpose for the first floor.

An aerial perspective view of the row house as proposed is

shown in Plate XVII.

Variations of this plan are too numerous to mention within

this thesis. However, an indication of some of the possibilities

has been given before. Most of the changes would result from the

attempt to cut the cost of construction. One variation which has

not been mentioned and which has merit, is the small apartment

using a fold-away bed in the living room and thereby necessitat-

ing the use of only one floor. If this were done, the space

originally used for stairs could be converted to storage and

closet space.

Proposed Rear Elevation of Row House

2, ma a a

Perspective View of Row House



Urban living is a way of life, not a way of being governed

or the measure of the proximity of our neighbor. There are

cities in the United States which, when considered in the light

of the way in which people live, belong in the primitive category

of poor rural communities and backwoods areas, which have none of

the advantages of living together, except in the fact that they

share the same disadvantages. "Urbanism", in the true sense of

the word, characterizes a cooperative aggregate of the people,

regardless of the distance between their homes, which enjoy as

much as possible the many amenities which modern technique and

modern civilized ways of living demand.

Le Corbusier, in one of his outbursts, says: "The modern

home is nothing but walls with storage space on the one hand,

chairs and table on the other. The rest is encumbrance." Thus

have many of the modern architects tried to reduce the home to

its simplest terms. The European countries have traveled a long

way from this oversimplification of the task of designing and

building homes. Indeed the walls and chairs and tables are the

last and the least important aspect of architecture. It is their

relation to the whole complex process of living that determines

whether they are architecture or merely building.

What is expected of the architect, therefore, is a new out-

look, a new realism, a new form of creative design which would

become the syntax of home building. When the architect has

reached the point where he can use the elements of people, space,

time, and economic reality as the material out of which to de-

velop housing design, he will have interpreted life, and, by in-

terpreting, will have served it. There is no greater art than

this (21).

Whether or not there is going to be an adequate civic legis-

lation, depends on the attitude of mind of the legislative

authorities. So it has just been learned. This attitude of mind,

however, is likely to be, to a great extent at least, a reflect-

ion of a corresponding attitude of mind of the urban population.

To consider the attitude of the urban population in con-

nection with town-building problems, is just as natural a thing

as to consider the characteristics of a family when designing a

home for that family. For, after all, the characteristics of

the family must be reflected in the design of the home, if the

design pretends to be honest and expressive (4).

Each city, physically, is expressive of its people and of

the activities in which they engage. Its beauty and order will

depend upon the level of the local and national culture and the

orderly process by which all the separate efforts of its con-

tinual building are integrated into a common ideal. No planner

will ever re-design an existing city and see it built from his


City building is continuous, each generation adding accord-

ing to its needs, its values and its ability. In this long

chain, the planning process is one of adaptation and integration,

of continuous accommodation of new to old, and among the contri-

butions of many builders. Planning is leadership with under-

standing and consent, not decree.

The planning process should be woven into the habits and

consciousness of the community; and if it has been, it plays a

large role in building democratic citizenship, where it most

counts, in the home town (22).

In spite of the fact that many important advances have been

made in methods of construction and operation, it has been fre-

quently necessary to admit that these have not as yet led to a

real solution of the important problem of low-cost housing. That

progress has been made is encouraging in view of the fact that

such progress has been continually impeded by the habits of mind

and method formed by experience in other types of building, which

even when related to housing have been confined to housing of a

very different kind for very different purposes. If progress has

been made under these conditions, even more far-reaching progress

is possible in the future (3).

However, unless the architect who is present in the planning

stage of housing, has the interest and takes the initial steps

to correct housing faults of the past and plans homes for the

families of the future with a thought for their individual com-

fort, the housing situation cannot hope to be improved.



The writer wishes to express his appreciation

to Prof. Paul Weigel, head of the Department of

Architecture, for his encouragement of the initial

idea of this thesis; for his assistance in collect-

ing the material; and for his time in checking and

correcting the illustrations and written matter of

the thesis.


(1) Urban housing. The story of the P.W.A. housing division.

Bulletin No. 2. 105 p. August, 1936.

(2) Gray, George H.

Housing and citizenship . a study of low-cost
. .

housing. New York. Reinhold. 254 p. 1946.

(3) Wright, Henry.

Rehousing urban America. New York. Columbia University
Press. 168 p. 1935.

(4) Saarinen, Eliel.

The city . . its growth-its decay-its future. New York.
Reinhold. 380 p. 1943.

(5) Watson, Frank.

Housing problems and possibilities in the United States.
New York and London. Harper Brothers. 100 p. 1935.

(6) Andrews, Benjamin R.

Economics of the household--its administration and
finance. Revised Edition. New York. Macmillan. 626 p.

(7) Davies, Joseph Earl.

Fundamentals of housing study . . . a determination of
factors basic to an understanding of American housing
problems. New York. Teachers College, Columbia Uni-
versity. 355 p. 1938.

(8) Vieller, Lawrence.

A model housing law. New York. Russell Sage Foundation.
Revised edition. 430 p. 1920. (Original not seen).

(9) Planning standards for low-rent housing. Architectural

Record. p. 148-189. March, 1935.

(10) U.S. Federal dousing Administration.

Property standards. Minimum requirements for Albany
insurance office. Circular No. 2. Part VI. Revised.
8 p. February, 1941.

(11) A nationwide look at the under- $10,000 house and the mood
of those who build it. The Architectural Forum.
84: 103-109.
(12) Housing is getting better. The Architectural Forum.
84: 16. June, 1946.

(13) President's Research Committee on Social Trends.

Recent trends in the United States. New York.
McGraw-Hill. 1568 p. 1933.

(14) Hilbersheimer, Ludwig.

The new city. Chicago. Paul Theobald. 192 p. 1944.

(15) Today's house. The Architectural Forum. 85: 100. July,


(16) Anderson and Simonds.

Low cost apartments. The Architectural Forum. 85: 124.
July, 1946.

(17) Ackerman, Frederick L. and Wm. F. R. Ballard.

A note on site and unit planning. U. S. Works Progress
Administration. 69 p. 1937.

(18) Amisano, Joseph.

Row-type apartments. The Architectural Forum. 77: 76.
September, 1942.

(19) Mock, Rudolf.

Two-family house. Pencil Points. 25: 52-57.
May, 1944.

(20) Heating equipment. The Architectural Forum. 85: 130.

July, 1946.

(21) Aronovici, Carol.

Housing the masses. New York. John Wiley. 291 p.

(22) Mitchell, Robert B.

Regional and local planning--analysis and approach.
General lecture. Convention seminar. The American In-
stitute of Architects. Salt Lake City. 8 p.
June, 1948.

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