Abu Dhabi Investor Guide 2021a

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1 Investor Guide


Abu Dhabi
2 Investor Guide

Introduction 03

About the Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO) 04

Setting up a business in Abu Dhabi 06

Choose a place of incorporation 07

Choose a type of economic activity 12

Choose a type of legal form 13

Register a trade name 18

Obtain an economic licence 19

Register with the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry 22

Operating a business in Abu Dhabi 23

Real estate 23

Banking and finance 27

Talent acquisition 29

Economic data 31

Investor ecosystem 32

Get in touch 34

Legal Disclaimer 35
3 Investor Guide

Welcome to Abu Dhabi
Capital of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi is a business in Abu Dhabi, including recruiting the best talent,
global business hub and one of the Arab world’s largest engaging a financial partner and tapping into the emirate’s
and wealthiest economies. More than 1.48 million people rich innovation ecosystem.
across 200 nationalities call Abu Dhabi home and we
welcome over 11 million tourists into the emirate each The Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO) team are here to
year, making Abu Dhabi a thriving and exciting destination support your journey, providing you with a comprehensive
for your business and your family. range of services to accelerate your establishment and
long-term success.
Abu Dhabi’s vibrant economy, stable political system,
world-class infrastructure, strategic location and business- In Abu Dhabi, we consider ourselves one big family - a
friendly regulatory environment make it one of the world’s family built on support and optimism. We look forward
top destinations for investment. The emirate’s increasingly to helping you start your journey in the emirate and
diverse economy offers a proven expansion ground and a welcoming you to our family.
gateway that nurtures innovation and long-term success.
In this guide, we will walk you through the steps you need Get ready to start your future in Abu Dhabi. Today.
to take to launch and grow your business in the emirate,
starting from choosing a place of incorporation through
to becoming a member of the Abu Dhabi Chamber of
Commerce and Industry.

The second part of the guide will help you operate your
4 Investor Guide

About the Abu Dhabi

Investment Office (ADIO)
We are a central government entity in Abu Dhabi, Contact
established to support investors and help them realise their
Phone: +971 2 403 1003
ambitions on the world stage. Affiliated with the Abu Dhabi
Department of Economic Development (ADDED), we offer Business hours
support to investors and businesses of all sizes to help
Sunday - Thursday
ensure long-term, sustainable success in the market and
(9 am to 5 pm) GMT +4
across the region.

We are committed to offering comprehensive support
to your business through our Investor Care services and 9th Floor, Al Khatem Tower,
programmes. We will assist your business at every stage Al Maryah island,
of its setup and growth to help you make the most of the Abu Dhabi, UAE
opportunities here in Abu Dhabi and realise your local,
regional and international business ambitions. For more information:
5 Investor Guide

We offer the following tailored services to meet your needs:

Providing information on all aspects of
doing business in Abu Dhabi, including
data on the economy and focus sectors

Connecting innovation-focused
companies to the Abu Dhabi ecosystem
and investment opportunities

Licensing and permits


Providing insight into applicable laws

and regulations, as well as assistance
obtaining economic licenses and
operating permits

Real estate
Identifying cost-effective solutions for
office space, industrial activities and
connection to brokers for employee

Talent and visas

Helping investors tap into sources of
local talent, as well as obtain residency
visas for their international workforce

Banking and finance

Introduction to local banking partners to
expedite setting up bank accounts and
financing options

ADIO is your partner throughout your Abu Dhabi

investment journey.
6 Investor Guide

Setting up a business
in Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi is ranked 1st in the Middle East for “Ease of Doing Business”
and 12th internationally1. The journey to opening your business in
Abu Dhabi is simple:

01 02 03
Choosing a place Choosing a type Choose a type
of incorporation of economic activity of legal form

04 05 06
Registering a Obtaining an Registering with
trade name economic licence Abu Dhabi Chamber of
Commerce and Industry

1- World Bank Doing Business Subnational Report

7 Investor Guide

Choosing a place of
Choosing a place
The first step to starting your journey is selecting one of two available options
of incorporation
to the location for the incorporation of your company. This can be onshore
(UAE mainland) or offshore (one of five free zones).

02 Whether you choose to setup in the UAE Mainland or Free Zone, your company
will enjoy 0% corporate income tax.
Choosing a type
of economic activity Selecting a place of incorporation will define your setup and operational process
in the future.

Choosing a type
of legal form

Registering a
trade name

Obtaining an
economic licence

Registering with
Abu Dhabi Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
8 Investor Guide

UAE mainland

The UAE mainland is any place in the territory of the emirate, except for the five
recognised free zones.

Choosing a place A company registered on the mainland can perform activities across the
of incorporation entirety of the UAE. This includes conducting business with federal and local
governmental bodies without the involvement of a local commercial agent or

national agent.

Companies setting up on the mainland can choose between two options:

Choosing a type
of economic activity An ‘Onshore’ Limited Liability Company (LLC) established pursuant to the new
UAE Companies Law, which during 2021 will start to permit foreign investors to
hold up to 100% of the legal interest in such LLCs incorporated ‘onshore’.

03 Please note:

• The new UAE Companies Law (comprising amendments to the UAE

Choosing a type
Commercial Companies Law No. 2 of 2015) removes the specific
of legal form
requirement that a minimum of 51% of the shareholding in onshore entities
be held by UAE nationals (cancelling the old FDI positive list in place since

2018). New thresholds for UAE ownership (if any) will be determined
by the UAE Federal Cabinet, following recommendations from an inter-
emirate committee (comprising members of a number of governmental
Registering a departments from each emirate). The committee was established to
trade name propose which economic activities/sectors shall permit 100% foreign
investor ownership and which economic activities/sectors are of a
‘strategic impact’ such that 100% foreign ownership will not be permitted.

05 • Market participants in the UAE expect that in the first half of 2021, the
relevant authorities will circulate further details about the activities deemed
Obtaining an to have a ‘strategic impact’; and other emirate-by-emirate implementation
economic licence measures, so that all stakeholders (and foreign investors) will have further
clarity on how this major change in UAE corporate governance will be
implemented going forward.

Registering with
Abu Dhabi Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
9 Investor Guide

A joint-venture partnership with local investors

Amendments to UAE Federal Law No 2 on 23rd November 2020, annuls the

requirement for commercial companies to have a major Emirati shareholder of

agent, providing full foreign ownership of onshore companies2 .

Under the new amendments, businesses can now be established by non

Choosing a place Emiratis of all nationalities from 2nd January 20213 , with the following
of incorporation exceptions:

• Certain specified sectors, including oil and gas exploration, utilities and
• Companies that are precluded from direct foreign ownership by virtue of
Choosing a type UAE Cabinet decision
of economic activity • Companies that are wholly owned by federal or local government or their

03 These changes are proposed to extend to branches of foreign companies

which will no longer require a local registered agent4.

Choosing a type
of legal form

Registering a
trade name

Obtaining an
economic licence

Registering with
Abu Dhabi Chamber of
Commerce and Industry

2-UAE allows full foreign ownership

3-UAE Liberalizes Foreign Investment Laws
4-Amendments of UAE Onshore Commercial Companies
10 Investor Guide

Free zones

01 Companies registered in one of Abu Dhabi’s five free zones receive a number of
economic benefits, guaranteed by the government:
Choosing a place
of incorporation • Full foreign ownership, as well as full repatriation of profits and capital
• Zero taxes are guaranteed for a period of at least 15 years
• Dual licensing, enabling companies based in a free zone to do business

02 •
with UAE mainland entities
The import and export of goods in free zones is exempt from
customs duties
Choosing a type
of economic activity

Choosing a type
of legal form

Registering a
trade name
Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

An award-winning financial free zone located on Al Maryah Island, it plays a
pivotal role in positioning Abu Dhabi as a global centre for business and finance.

Obtaining an Main sectors:

economic licence • Financial: Banking, Wealth & Asset Management, Capital Markets, FinTech
• Non-Financial: Professional Services, Corporates, Family Business and

06 • Retail

For more information, visit:

Registering with
Abu Dhabi Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
11 Investor Guide

Masdar City Free Zone

Masdar City operates as a special economic zone with a focus on clean

technology and renewable energy and is one of the world’s most sustainable

urban communities.

Main sectors: Clean Energy, Sustainable Energy

Choosing a place
of incorporation For more information, visit:

02 Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi (KIZAD)

Choosing a type Located in the Al Taweela area between Abu Dhabi and Dubai, KIZAD offers
of economic activity a world-class transportation infrastructure including sea, air, road and
rail networks.

03 Main sectors: Industrial, Trading Logistics, Food & Beverage, Transportation,

Choosing a type
of legal form For more information, visit:

04 twofour54

Registering a Set up in 2008, this dynamic media free zone provides the infrastructure and
trade name 360 support services for international, regional and local media businesses.
twofour54 is a destination for creative companies in Media, Broadcast, Gaming
and Communication and offers everything from customisable office space,

world-class production facilities to business support services.

For more information, visit:

Obtaining an twofour54.com
economic licence

Abu Dhabi Airport Free Zone (ADAFZ)

06 ADAFZ is a comprehensive business park in the vicinity of Abu Dhabi

International Airport, offering commercial offices and business services, plots
Registering with of land for development, warehousing units and logistics services.
Abu Dhabi Chamber of
Commerce and Industry ADAFZ is home to world-class warehousing units and aircraft hangers and
operates free zones in three main airports: Abu Dhabi International Airport,
Al Ain International Airport and Al Bateen Executive Airport.

For more information, visit:


2 - 100% foreign ownership in 122 UAE economic activities

12 Investor Guide

Choosing a type of
economic activity
Choosing a place
Your company will need to obtain an economic licence for each specific
of incorporation
economic activity. Abu Dhabi uses isicV4 definitions and categories, allowing
you to choose from more than 4,700 activities across 21 sectors .

02 You can select one or multiple economic activities during your application
process for the licence. Your application process will vary depending on the
Choosing a type activities you choose. The document requirements are set by the
of economic activity approving authorities.

For more information, visit:
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities

Choosing a type
of legal form

Registering a
trade name

Obtaining an
economic licence

Registering with
Abu Dhabi Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
13 Investor Guide

Choosing a type of
legal form
Choosing a place
Business entities in Abu Dhabi are regulated by the Abu Dhabi Department of
of incorporation
Economic Development (ADDED). To register your business entity, you will need
to choose a business structure from the following options:

02 •

Sole Proprietorship
Choosing a type • Limited Liability Company
of economic activity • Private Joint Stock Company
• Public Joint Stock Company
• Branch of Foreign Company

Choosing a type
of legal form

Registering a
trade name

Obtaining an
economic licence

Registering with
Abu Dhabi Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
14 Investor Guide

Establishment is an entity owned by one individual to undertake
a business activity that includes commercial, professional,

industrial, agricultural or craft.

The owner of the establishment assumes all its financial

Choosing a place responsibilities including its financial liabilities.
of incorporation

Sole proprietorship
Sole Proprietorship allows a single member to own 100% of the
Choosing a type business and is registered as a separate entity from its owner.
of economic activity
It is no longer attached to and identified with the owner for tax
and liability purposes and the owner is liable only to the extent of

their shares.

As of 2nd January 2021, the requirement for Emirati ownership

Choosing a type has been annulled allowing 100% ownership of Sole
of legal form Proprietorship by foreign nationals and legal entries.

04 Private joint stock company

Registering a A Private Joint Stock Company is a company where the number
of the shareholders is at least two, but no more than 200.
trade name

The capital of a Private Joint Stock Company is divided into

shares of the same nominal value, to be paid in full, without
offering any shares to the public. A shareholder can only be
liable to the extent of their share in the capital.
Obtaining an
economic licence
Limited liability company

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a company where the
number of partners is at least two but no more than 50. As an
exception to the minimum two shareholder rule for LLCs.
Registering with
Abu Dhabi Chamber of In an LLC, a partner can only be liable to the extent of their
Commerce and Industry share in the capital.
15 Investor Guide

Public joint stock company

A Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC) is a company where the
number of the shareholders is at least five. The capital of the

company is divided into equal and negotiable shares.

The founders will receive part of the shares while the other
Choosing a place shares are offered to the public for purchase.
of incorporation
A shareholder can only be liable to the extent of their share in
the capital of the company.

02 Significant amendments came into effect 2nd January 20215:

Choosing a type • Abolishing requirements of Chairperson and majority of
of economic activity board to be Emiratis
• Public subscription threshold has been increased from
30% to 70%

• Allowing appointment of specialist non-stakeholders as
board members

Choosing a type Only PJSCs can conduct banking, insurance and investment
of legal form activities in Abu Dhabi.

04 Branch of a foreign company

A branch or a representative office of a foreign company may
Registering a
be wholly owned by foreigners and is only permitted to carry
trade name
out marketing and promotional activities on behalf of its
parent company.

05 A branch of a non-Abu Dhabi company may only be registered

in Abu Dhabi with the sponsorship of a local service agent who
Obtaining an must be a UAE national or a company wholly owned by
economic licence UAE nationals.

There are no minimum capitalisation requirements for a branch

although the foreign company is required to provide a standard
form bank guarantee from a local bank (which includes an
international bank with a branch in Abu Dhabi) in the amount
Registering with of AED 50,000 and to show details of its own capitalisation and
Abu Dhabi Chamber of good standing, together with its two most recent sets of annual
Commerce and Industry audited accounts.

5-Amendments of UAE Onshore Commercial Companies

16 Investor Guide

Comparison of legal forms:

Min. UAE
national Management
ownership Number of or director Timeline for
Legal Form Liability capital
(outside free partners restrictions incorporation
zone) (by nationality)

Establishment No limit No requirement One No restrictions 3 days

Proprietorship Nil Limited No requirement One No restrictions 5 days

Limited Liability
New Legal Identity

Nil Limited No requirement Two to fifty No restrictions 5 days

Company LCC

Private Joint
Nil Limited AED 5 min At least two Open 3 - 6 months
Stock Company

51% of shares
Public Joint (pre and post Limited AED 30 min At least two Open 3 - 9 months
Stock Company public issuance)

- Must have at
least 1 general
partner who is a -Joint for UAE
UAE national Must be
Limited nationals Timeline to
Partnerships (LP) No requirement At least two be added in
- Limited solely by UAE
-Limited for due course
partners can be nationals
foreign nationals
both UAE and
foreign nationals

Must be
Timeline to
General managed solely
100% No limit No requirement At least two be added in
Partnerships (GP) by UAE
due course

As per parent Timeline to

Branch of UAE No requirement
company No limit N/A No restrictions be added in
Company (bank guarantee)
existing legal

structure due course

Branch of


Nil, but UAE

Timeline to
Branch of foreign national service No requirement
TBC N/A No restrictions be added in
company agent to be (bank guarantee)
due course
17 Investor Guide

Legal firms and advisors contact details:

Company Name Website

Choosing a place Clyde & Co clydeco.com

of incorporation


King & Spalding LLP kslaw.com

Choosing a type Allen & Overy allenovery.com

of economic activity

Obaid Hamoud Bin

Jedayem law Firm

Choosing a type Local Al Tamimi & Co tamimi.com

of legal form

Manaar Legal


Registering a Many companies employ Public Relations Officers (‘PROs’), business setup
trade name companies or legal firms to assist in the launch of their ventures in UAE.

PROs are local specialists who have extensive experience and knowledge of

05 the UAE’s laws and regulations in the areas of investor, employment and
family visas; application and renewal of trade licence; Emirates ID application
and others.
Obtaining an
economic licence
For more information, contact:

Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Corniche Street. Abu Dhabi
P.O.Box: 662
Registering with
Abu Dhabi Chamber of +971 2 621 4000
Commerce and Industry [email protected]
18 Investor Guide

Registering a trade name

01 Your company name is often the first thing a customer will see when they
Choosing a place engage with your business, therefore, it’s important to choose wisely. You
can reserve a name for up to 12 months while your economic licence is being
of incorporation

Your trade name needs to be registered at the Abu Dhabi Department of
Economic Development (ADDED) through the Abu Dhabi Business Center.

Choosing a type The standard reservation cost of a trade name is AED 200. However, some
of economic activity names are considered exceptional and incur higher reservation fees
(up to AED 1,200), while others are prohibited.

Choosing a type
of legal form

Registering a
trade name

05 Exceptional names
Obtaining an Report list of names
economic licence

Prohibited names

06 Report list of names

Registering with
Abu Dhabi Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
19 Investor Guide

Obtaining an
economic licence
Choosing a place
of incorporation In order to perform any sort of economic activity
in Abu Dhabi, your company will have to obtain an

02 economic licence.

Choosing a type Based on the place of incorporation and the types of economic activities you
select, you may need to obtain one of the following licenses:
of economic activity

03 Standard economic licence

Choosing a type
of legal form This licence is required for any entity willing to start any type of economic
activity on the mainland or within a free zone.

If your company is incorporated on the mainland (including one of 20 industrial
zones), the issuing body for the licence will be the Abu Dhabi Department of
Economic Development (ADDED).
Registering a
trade name In addition to the standard application submitted to ADDED, certain types of
economic activities may require additional approvals or no objection certificates
from other governmental agencies.

05 You can submit your application through Abu Dhabi Business Centre.

Obtaining an
The portal is user-friendly and will provide you with a four-step
economic licence
application process.

The forms can be submitted by yourself or by your legal representative in
Abu Dhabi. If you are already in the UAE, you can apply at one of 14 ADDED
and TAMM branches across the emirate.
Registering with
Abu Dhabi Chamber of For TAMM branches and service centre visit addata.gov.ae
Commerce and Industry
If you are incorporating your business in one of the five free zones, your
economic licence will be issued by the selected free zone on behalf of ADDED.

Free zones have streamlined processes and dedicated investor support teams
that will help you to navigate through all the necessary procedures.
20 Investor Guide

Instant economic licence

Instant licence is a fast-tracked economic licence issued by ADDED for certain

economic activities not requiring other governmental approvals. The instant

licence is currently available only to three types of legal forms:

• Establishment
Choosing a place • Sole Proprietorship
of incorporation • Limited Liability Company

In addition to the Abu Dhabi Business Centre portal and ADDED branch, you
can also apply for an instant licence through TAMM (tamm.abudhabi), which
will guide you through each step of the process and provide you with additional
Choosing a type information on the licensing process.
of economic activity

Choosing a type
of legal form

Registering a
trade name

Obtaining an
economic licence

Registering with
Abu Dhabi Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
21 Investor Guide

Choosing a place
of incorporation

Choosing a type
of economic activity

03 Dual licence
Choosing a type
of legal form The dual licence initiative from ADDED allows free zone companies to have
access to onshore project tenders without an onshore office or premise. An

extended dual licence is also available and allows companies to engage with
both local Abu Dhabi and federal UAE government entities.

Registering a While the exact document requirements will vary depending on application
trade name channel, below is a list of typical document requirements:

• Trade name certificate

• Copy of valid passport of any owner(s)
• Copy of valid Emirates ID of any owner(s)
• Power of Attorney – if applying as a representative
Obtaining an • Copy of valid tenancy contract attested by a local municipality (applicable
economic licence to certain activities)
• Copy of the memorandum of association attested by the notary public
• Copy of the Directorate of Naturalisation and Residence’s approval if the

06 investor is a foreigner

It is important to note that all the required documents must be in Arabic.

Registering with
Documents can be translated into Arabic and attested by legal translators.
Abu Dhabi Chamber of
The licence application may only be submitted by you personally or your
Commerce and Industry lawful attorney.
22 Investor Guide

Registering with the

Abu Dhabi Chamber of
Choosing a place
of incorporation
Commerce and Industry

02 All nationals and foreigners, engaged in any

commercial, industrial, professional or vocational
Choosing a type
of economic activity activity within Abu Dhabi must join the Abu Dhabi
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ADCCI)

03 (abudhabichamber.ae) in order to acquire a

business licence.
Choosing a type
of legal form
The list of documents depend on the type of the legal form but usually includes:

• Copy of the trading licence issued by the relevant authority
• Copies of regulatory approvals where applicable
(e.g. by the General Police Command, Food Control Authority, Health
Registering a Authority and Waste Disposal Authority)
trade name • Copy of leasing agreement (land plan, investment contract and building
owner contact)
• Copy of the passport and registration summary for UAE nationals -

if applicable
• Signature by the authorised signatory

Obtaining an
economic licence

Registering with
Abu Dhabi Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
23 Investor Guide

Operating a Business
in Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi is ranked number one for ease of doing
business in the Middle East and 12th internationally6
thanks to a range of smart services, transparent regulation
and established, world-class infrastructure available to
companies coming into or expanding across the emirate.

Real estate
Abu Dhabi is the largest emirate in the United Arab Emirates, accounting for 84% of the national territory. It has 200
islands and a long coastline stretching 700km. It is a land of serenity and iconic beauty that offers a number of ideal and
strategic locations to consider when looking at finding the right commercial property.

6 - Doing Business 2020 - World Bank Group.

24 Investor Guide

For companies that are planning to establish a presence in

the emirate, Abu Dhabi provides four real estate investment
contract options to choose from:

Ownership: Since April 2019, foreigners are now allowed to

own real estate properties in Abu Dhabi investment areas
on a freehold basis7.

Musataha: Expatriates can own and build on commercial

land for a period of 50 years which can be renewed.

Usufruct: Expatriates can own residential units for 99

years. The usufruct contract entitles the owner to enjoy the
use of the property and its facilities without being able to
change it

Long-term lease: Long-term leases are given for a

minimum of 25 years

Office space
When leasing office space, you must decide on the location
as well as how you will fit it out:

• Prime stock offices (e.g. Al Maryah Island, Nation

Towers, Etihad Towers) are rented out fully fitted,
meaning that the space that has been setup and
typically includes some furniture.

• Quality Stock (e.g. Reem Island), can be leased fully

fitted as well as a shell space, meaning with no
furniture, partitions or other office setup.

If your company is incorporated in one of the five free

zones, you will be required to rent a desk or an external
office there.

Co-working spaces are becoming increasingly popular

in the city. Companies like GlassQube and WeWork offer
flexible plans and spaces and are easy to set up.

7 - Abu Dhabi Real Estate Law

25 Investor Guide

Residential properties
Abu Dhabi has seen extensive investment in quality housing developments that appeal to every taste and need, from
fareej-style houses typically inhabited by Emirati families to residences with expatriates from many different nations.

These developments usually offer clubhouse facilities, pools, shops, gyms and more, to create a comfortable lifestyle for
individuals and families moving to the city.

Here are some of the popular housing developments and apartment blocks in Abu Dhabi:

Area Description Location

Al Maryah 5 star living with apartments housed

in premium hotels such as the Four
At the heart of Abu Dhabi’s new central
Island Seasons and Rosewood.
business district (CBD).

One of the most sought-after

Al Raha neighbourhoods in Abu Dhabi
Approximately 25-20 minutes
from Abu Dhabi and 10 minutes
Beach offering premium residential and
commercial properties.
from Yas Island.

Al Reef Villas offers spectacular Near the pristine Al Raha

Al Reef natural beauty with a good location Beach and Abu Dhabi International
and value-for-money. Airport. Just 30 minutes from the city.

Khaladiya / Mid to high rise apartment buildings

with very few villas, close to the
Home to the city’s fishing ports
in the South-West of the city.
Al Bateen iconic corniche.

Designed specifically as a sustainable

Located next to the airport
community. Masdar City uses renewable
Masdar City energy for community operations for a
and about 30 minutes from
central Abu Dhabi.
clean, healthy environment.
26 Investor Guide

Area Description Location

Renowned for its sleek residential

A number of bridges connect Reem
Reem Island apartments with spectacular waterfront
views - Reem Island is one the fast-growing
Island to the main island. It is 10
minutes away from central Abu Dhabi.
neighbourhoods in Abu Dhabi.

Approximately 20 minutes
Offers premium living, scenic from Abu Dhabi island and 40 minutes
Saadiyat waterfront views and one of the nicest from the airport.
Island beaches in Abu Dhabi.
Close to the Louvre Abu Dhabi
and NYU Abu Dhabi.

The recreational capital of Abu Dhabi, Approximately 30 minutes

Yas Island home to Ferrari World, Yas Marina from Abu Dhabi island and only
Circuit and Yas Waterworld. 45 minutes from Dubai.

Recently, Abu Dhabi has updated its property laws making it easier and more accessible for expats to purchase and own
property in the emirate. There are a few considerations that you should take into account when renting or purchasing a
residential property in Abu Dhabi:

Topic Rent Purchase

For a mortgage on the property,

the person purchasing will need to be
living in the UAE with a current valid
Rent is usually paid in a series of visa with a minimum of six months.
upfront cheques; some landlords ask
for the full amount upfront. Typically, a 25% down payment is
Going through a real estate agent to
find a property usually requires a 5% If working with an agency, typically a
Cost fee payable 2% fee on the property price is charged
by the tenant. to transfer the property to the owner’s
There may be fees associated
with processing the contract as well Abu Dhabi Municipality charges a 2%
as the deposit. levy on the purchase price. Depending
on the development, the buyer may be
charged for a no-objection certificate
(NOC) to make sure the property is free
of any problems.

Passport, UAE residency visa

Documents Passport, UAE residency visa and Emirates ID.
required and Emirates ID.
Additional documents may be
required for a mortgage.
27 Investor Guide

Banking & finance SME Credit Guarantee Scheme

As part of the Abu Dhabi Government’s Ghadan 21

accelerator programme, the Abu Dhabi Department of
The UAE has a well-developed and robust banking system. Finance has signed agreements with three Abu Dhabi
Two of the region’s largest banks, First Abu Dhabi Bank banks: FAB, ADCD and ADIB to offer a financing scheme
(FAB) and Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) are for SMEs that provides guarantees to the banks in case
headquartered in Abu Dhabi, while 24 foreign banks have of default.
branches in the emirate, including HSBC, BNP Paribas,
Credit Agricole, Standard Chartered and CitiBank8 . You can contact the banks directly for more details on
how to apply.
The banking system is large, with total assets amounting
to AED 3.0 trillion9 or almost two times the country’s GDP10
at end-August 2019. It plays a key role in funding the
growth of the economy, offering multiple sources of debt
and equity financing to companies in the UAE.

SMEs are an integral part of the government’s drive to

empower the private sector as it diversifies its economy.
To support the growth of SMEs, the government, in
partnership with local banks, has introduced several
initiatives to attract investors.

8 - Foreign banks and distribution list

9 - UAE Central Bank - Statistical Bulletin - August 2019
10 - 2018 AD Statistical Yearbook
28 Investor Guide

Khalifa Fund

As part of the UAE’s efforts to grow the sector, the Ministry

of Economy has collaborated with the Securities and
Commodities Authority and the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development to create a platform for
funding SMEs.

Khalifa Fund is a small-medium enterprise development

organisation of the Government of Abu Dhabi. Khalifa
Fund seeks to build a prosperous and innovative
entrepreneurial ecosystem, encourage innovation and aid
the establishment of SMEs in the UAE. The organisation
aims to raise entrepreneurs and SMEs’ efficiency through
building capacity, unlocking finance and integrating them
with prominent stakeholders.

Established in 2007, Khalifa Fund is headquartered in Abu

Dhabi and is active throughout the UAE. Khalifa Fund also
has an international presence through its International
Outreach Programme, to help support economic growth in
underprivileged communities through entrepreneurship.

For more information, visit:


Emirates Development Bank

SME Credit Guarantee:

Emirates Development Bank (EDB) announced the launch

of an AED 100 million Credit Guarantee Scheme in
support of SMEs. Under this scheme, EDB provides credit
guarantees to partner banks to offer up to AED 2 million
financing to startups where EDB guarantees their loan
up to 85% and up to AED 5 million financing to existing
SMEs where EDB also guarantees up to 70% of their loan11

11 - Emirates Development Bank launches credit guarantee programme

29 Investor Guide

Talent acquisition If you are planning to employ foreigner nationals, you will
need to make sure they hold a valid work visa. Standard
employment visas are provided to employees joining a
company on a full-time basis, through either an indefinite
Abu Dhabi has a rich and diverse talent pool. Education or a fixed-term contract.
is one of the government’s most important tenets and
that’s reflected in the world-class schooling system found The validity of visas ranges from two to three years,
in the emirate. Several local universities are listed in the depending on the location of your company. The cost
global university rankings including United Arab Emirates might vary depending on the classification of companies,
University, Khalifa University, Zayed University and Higher areas of company registration, position the visa is being
Colleges of Technology. The emirate is also home to the considered for, etc. However, a common range for fees
Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, the is between AED 3,500 and 6,000, which is inclusive of
world’s first AI university. processing fees.

Abu Dhabi invests heavily in education and has provided Documents required for a standard working visa
a number of incentives to encourage foreign operators to normally include:
establish schools and universities in Abu Dhabi. Foreign • Original passport
higher education institutions with branch campuses in • Offer letter with company seal/sign and employee’s
Abu Dhabi include Sorbonne University, University of signature
Strathclyde and New York University. • Employment contract detailing the employee’s
profession and agreed compensation
For senior executives, INSEAD’s Abu Dhabi campus • Attested education certificates (applicable to
offers several education programmes, including a certain professions)
Global Executive MBA. • Immigration Establishment Card copy
• Trade Licence copy
• Passport photos of the employee
Your Visa process and entry to Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi is a global hub for attracting and retaining the

world’s best talent, both locally and internationally.
30 Investor Guide

Emiratisation Golden Visa - Thrive in Abu Dhabi

The UAE Government launched the ‘Emiratisation’ initiative In 2021, Abu Dhabi launched its “Thrive in Abu Dhabi”
to promote the inclusion of Emiratis in the job sector, programme to promote long-term Golden Visas and a
particularly in the private sector. The aim of the programme pathway to citizenship for international talent working,
is to increase the number of young Emiratis in employment creating, studying, excelling and investing in key sectors
and entrepreneurship programmes. and specialties in Abu Dhabi.
A quota system on private sector employers was
introduced whereby companies in certain sectors are The UAE’s Golden Visa is available in Abu Dhabi for
encouraged to engage local talent to ensure a strong international investors and top talent from around the
representation of Emiratis within their workforce. world, providing them with visas for up to 10 years. This
This includes: includes people and researchers in the fields of science
and knowledge such as doctors, specialists, scientists and
• 2% of the workforce of entities operating in trading inventors. It is also open to talented creative and sporting
activities if the total workforce exceeds 50 employees individuals and business, startup and real estate investors
• 4% of the workforce of banks in the emirate.
• 5% of the workforce of insurance companies if the
total workforce exceeds 50 employees For more information, visit:
• 1 Public Relations Officer if the total workforce tamm.abudhabi
exceeds 100 employees
• 1 Emirati H&S officer is required for establishments
operating in the construction and industrial sector
with 500+ employees
• 2 Emirati data entry clerks for establishments with
1000+ employees (in order to operate the
MHRE online system)

For more information, visit:

Vision 2021 and Emiratisation
31 Investor Guide

Economic data For more information, visit:

Statistics Centre of Abu Dhabi (SCAD):

Abu Dhabi is one of the most attractive investment
destinations in the world, offering a vibrant economy, Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce:
stable political system and business-friendly regulatory abudhabichamber.ae
environment. It has a GDP of $200 billion and GDP per
capita of $70k, the third highest in the world. Standard Ministry of Economy:
and Poor’s, the world’s leading rating agency, has rated economy.gov.ae
Abu Dhabi AA indicating its economy is very strong for the
long-term. In addition, the International Monetary Fund Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development:
forecasts that gross official reserves will exceed $100 added.gov.ae
billion in 2020 making Abu Dhabi very safe for investment.
Central Bank of the UAE:
Abu Dhabi is located at the heart of the Middle East and centralbank.ae
the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa. The emirate
offers unique trade and tourism opportunities to local, Abu Dhabi Business Centre:
regional and international players. adbc.gov.ae

ADIO works closely with the Statistics Centre of International Monetary Fund (IMF):
Abu Dhabi (SCAD), the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce, imf.org
the Ministry of Economy, the Abu Dhabi Department of
Economic Development (ADDED), Central Bank of the ICA Smart service:
UAE and other entities to provide our investors with the beta.smartservices.ica.gov.ae
most relevant information.
World Bank:
In addition, the entities below publish data and papers on worldbank.org
a monthly, quarterly and annual basis covering several
macro-economic and micro-economic indicators related to
Abu Dhabi and the UAE as a whole.
32 Investor Guide

Investor ecosystem

The UAE is considered the entrepreneurial and innovation capital

of the MENA region and serves as a base for many entrepreneurs
from across the world. The Global Entrepreneurship Index
2019/2020 ranks the UAE as the second in the world in the ratio
of entrepreneurs to the total population of the country14.
Meanwhile, the 2019 Global Innovation Index – which is The most notable of these is perhaps Hub71, a flagship
co-published by Cornell University, INSEAD and the World initiative of Abu Dhabi’s AED 50 billion Ghadan 21
Intellectual Property Organisation – ranked the UAE higher accelerator programme.
than any other Arab country.

Abu Dhabi is also home to a growing number of startup

communities that provide entrepreneurs with office space,
business advice and funding for innovators.
33 Investor Guide


Hub71 is a global tech ecosystem located at ADGM

that offers subsidised housing, health insurance and
WeWork x Hub71 office space for global startups
looking to scale to the MENA region and use Abu Dhabi
as a springboard to grow their businesses.

The capital also boasts numerous startup accelerators

that help new companies jumpstart their businesses by
offering co-working space, funding, training, mentorship
and networking opportunities.

Abu Dhabi has a wide range of institutions devoted to

fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. Some of these
institutions are affiliated with prominent universities.
For example, NYU Idea Lab and the UAEU Science and
Innovation Park. Other institutes are subsidiaries of public
agencies, such as The Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce’s
UAE Academy Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre.

In addition, the UAE has numerous programmes that

provide entrepreneurs with the skills they need to succeed.
Arabian Business, for instance, has a startup academy.
Both Shell and Boeing also provide training programmes
for entrepreneurs.

For more information, visit:


UAEU Science and Innovation Park:


Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce:

34 Investor Guide

We hope that you have

found this guide useful.

ADIO’s Investor Care team is available for any

further questions or queries.

We wish you all the best for your Abu Dhabi InvestAbuDhabi
investment journey.

For more information visit: Abu Dhabi Investment Office



35 Investor Guide

Abu Dhabi
Investor Guide

The contents of this document are intended for general information purposes
only. Any person considering establishing a business in Abu Dhabi is strongly
advised to seek appropriate professional advice from Abu Dhabi Investment
Office (ADIO) directly. ADIO accepts no liability for any loss or damage caused
by a person’s reliance on any information, comment or statement provided
in this document. ADIO does not give any warranty, either express or implied,
as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for a particular purpose of any
information, comment or statement provided in this document.


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