Analysis On Web Frameworks

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International Conference on Physics and Photonics Processes in Nano Sciences IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1362 (2019) 012114 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1362/1/012114

Analysis on Web Frameworks

Dasari Hermitha Curie1, Joyce Jaison2, Jyoti Yadav3, J Rex Fiona4

dept. of Computer sciences
Karunya Institute of Technology & sciences
Coimbatore, India.
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract— while creating a website choosing the best framework for the required application is the most
important step. Since there are different types of frameworks it is not an easy task. Besides, if the wrong
framework is chosen it could negatively impact the website. With the evolution of the web many
frameworks like PHP, Java servlets, struts, Stencil, Rebel, Ruby on rails, Flask and Falcon have been
developed. Large amounts of personal information and data are being sent and recovered on a daily basis
from web applications. Every application contains confidential information and therefore has its own
integrity policies. There can be a huge negative impact on the financial status of the company involved, if
these policies are violated. Although, implementing them is very difficult even for the programmer’s with
good security framework. The environment of the web consists of a huge number of different
technologies and components; therefore, web applications have an extraordinary surface of attack.
Security defects stored in web browser may expose authentication details and sensitive information stored
in the website. This may breach the integrity and confidentiality of the session and errors in the code may
lead to the addition of destructive contents in the web pages. Complex elements such as databases,
operating systems, firewalls, servers and other software’s functioning of a web application. But for it to
run properly, persistent maintenance and configuration is required. Injection attacks normally takes
control over the websites database by data injection into the application. In this paper we discuss about
different Frameworks, its types, benefits, the security provided and its challenges. We have also
compared five of the leading frameworks in aspects of complexity and security.
Keywords—Framework, web design, cakePhp, struts, Ruby on rails, lift, django, security.

In the early stages of web development era all applications were coded manually which produces a
lot of errors and human work. To overcome these advances web frameworks were introduced in the
early 2000’s. Web framework is basically a tool that helps build a website thus avoiding the bugs
and conserving time. Both static and dynamic web pages can use frameworks. We can choose a
framework depending on the task. Frameworks can be classified in two categories namely client side
and server side. Client-side frameworks are responsible for implementing and improving user
interfaces which come in the form of animated features, fancy layouts, vue.JS, angular.JS and
ember.JS are some of the examples of client-side frameworks. Server-side frameworks however have
rules and architecture and allows you to create many different kinds of pages. These frameworks can
provide safety factors to the web pages. The examples of server side include Django, Zend, Ruby on
rails, etc. The common features of framework cover security, URL mapping, web templates system,
web caching, etc. Some of the major challenges in frameworks is scalability and performance. The
behaviour of the core cannot be modified or changed.Some frameworks lack to provide sufficient
support. Some may even cause difficulties for the developers to make any changes to the core
behaviour of the framework. Some features of the frameworks may also affect the performance and
speed of the websites. When a user chooses a framework, he/she is supposed to be cautious of the
limitations.Some frameworks allow the web server to identify the users who are using the application
and also restrict access to some functions based on some specific criteria. One example of
framework that provides an interface for creating users and assigning them roles is Drupal.

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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
International Conference on Physics and Photonics Processes in Nano Sciences IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1362 (2019) 012114 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1362/1/012114


Fig.1:Architecture of a Framework
Basic structure of a web framework consists of model, view and the controller. The Model basically
supports the backend and contains all the data logic layers. The View takes care of how the page
visually looks like (front end). The Controller converts the input to commands.
Another kind of architecture is the three-tier organisation. It has three physical layers i.e client,
application and database. The database is usually RDBMS. The application communicates with the
client using HTTP and also consists of the business logic running on a server. The HTML generated
by the application layer is run by a web browser on which the client is working.

Fig. 2: Tiers in a Framework

Hightower discussed some guidelines for struts and some related technologies like validator
framework, java Server faces (JSF), etc. This research provided guidelines for using these
technologies to develop web applications based on struts. The guidelines comprised of background
information step by step instructions in best practices.
Golding discussed about the benefits of using frameworks as well as the main features of cakePHP
framework. The author discussed topics like how to efficiently build and organize cake-based

International Conference on Physics and Photonics Processes in Nano Sciences IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1362 (2019) 012114 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1362/1/012114

applications to build more substantial web applications. The paper also talks about cakes built in
helper’s which includes asynchronous JavaScript and XML.
Hazrati showed that the lift-based source code which was running inside Tomcat ran four times
faster than the Rails based source code running inside Nmongrel. However, in the lift- based version
the central processing unit (CPU) utilisation was less than 5% while it was 100% for the rails- based
version on a dual core machine.
Chen et al. Discussed that lift solved problems more efficiently than other frameworks. The work
presented the following lifts; strengths templating system, separation of presentation boot and
schemifier, content and logic and snippets.
Maria Del and Giner analysed the best practices on web development frameworks. They also
compared the various frameworks and identified issues in different contexts.
Mathias Schwarz gave descriptions about how to create, maintain and secure the frameworks.

To design a framework, we must start by setting up solid framework hierarchy. Components like
colour and typography must be designed first followed by smaller components like grid, buttons and
icons. And we have to constantly test the design framework.

A. Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the delivery of services such as storage, servers, analytics, etc. over the internet
which provides benefits such as security, performance, productivity, flexibility and cost. There are
different types of cloud deployments such as public, private and hybrid clouds which allows the user
to opt for the better option that covers their necessity. Examples include cloud tweets, Gmail drop

It defines the properties and behaviours of web page. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup
Language. It is developed by W3C. It is possible to embed images, animation, audio, etc without
using any third-party programmes.

C. Template Framework
Templates can be used to improve the uniformity, layout and the navigation of any website.
Templates are basically pre-designed web pages that is set of pieces of HTML code which cuts down
the process of the developing the web application. Website templates can be fast and easy way to
shorten the workload.

International Conference on Physics and Photonics Processes in Nano Sciences IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1362 (2019) 012114 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1362/1/012114

Fig.3: Types of Frameworks

D. Object Related Mapping
ORM is a kind of virtual database for objects which can be used from the program itself. The prime
function of ORM is to reduce the complexity of the code.

Fig. 4: Flow of Data

E. Security
Open web application security project helps industries, groups, companies, institutions, etc to
develop, maintain, and secure applications. OWASP can be used to restrain different kinds of attacks
such as XSS and SQL injections which change to obtain data.

F. Platform Support
One of the major challenges could be picking a suitable platform for the frameworks. Usually
frameworks are designed to function on most of the existing platforms such as Linux, Windows, etc.

G. Debugging
Debugging can be defined as the process of pinpointing and eliminating errors or mistakes from
code. And this particular action could be troublesome for the developers. Debugging can help or
switch the false alarm of the developer. It uses the debugger to locate bugs in the code.
Other notable frameworks are Meteor, Flask, Laravel, Phoenix, Spring, Express, etc.

International Conference on Physics and Photonics Processes in Nano Sciences IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1362 (2019) 012114 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1362/1/012114

Fig. 5: Platforms


Platform Window Window Window Window Window
Support s, s, s, s, s,
Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux,

Different websites have different characteristics, which reflects on the website design. These
characteristics are determined as challenges which need to be considered and analysed at the design
stages. The websites require to fulfil user satisfaction which can be measured by testing. This paper
proposes to consider using particular Django and Lift which will act as a framework for designing
these websites with high usability rate. The proposed frameworks can be used for building or
designing websites for different governmental, non-governmental or private institutions.

International Conference on Physics and Photonics Processes in Nano Sciences IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1362 (2019) 012114 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1362/1/012114

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