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In writing letters, or in preparing anything for the press, care
should be taken to write a plain, readable hand. Many a valuable
position has been lost because of poor penmanship, and many
worthy productions have been thrown into the waste-basket,
because they have been poorly written. Men of distinction can afford
to write a poor hand, to the inconvenience of friends, and the trouble
of printers, but, as a general rule, a poor writer labors under a great
The following facts should be remembered in writing letters:—
1. A letter should not be written on half a sheet of paper, unless it
is a business letter.
2. Business letters should be as brief as clearness will permit.
3. It is never allowable to write across a written page.
4. All unnecessary flourishes should be avoided.
5. Black ink is preferable, and it is more durable than any other.


The most important part of letter-writing is to properly direct a

letter. During the past year, nearly 4,000,000 letters found their way
to the Dead Letter Office, 67,000 of which were misdirected. When
we consider the loss to business firms in not promptly receiving
important letters, the anxiety to friends and relatives in the delay of
expected letters, the expense to the government in sending them to
the Dead Letter Office, and in handling and returning them to the
writers, the proper direction of a letter becomes a matter of very
serious importance.

Definition.—The address consists of the title and name of the

person to whom the letter is written, the city and the state in which
he lives; as,—
Mr. William K. Bixby,

1. Care should be taken to write the address in a clear, bold hand.
2. The usual titles are Mr., Mrs., Miss, and Master. The last title is used in
addressing a boy.
3. Esq. is sometimes placed after the name, instead of placing Mr. before. It is
used more especially with the names of lawyers, artists, and men of social
position. When Esq. is used, never use Mr.
Position.—The title and name should be written about the middle
of the envelope, beginning on the left. Below the title and name, and
farther to the right, should be written the city; below the city, the

1. It is customary to abbreviate the name of the state. Great care, however,
should be taken to properly abbreviate the word. Some abbreviations are so
similar to each other that mistakes frequently arise:
2. The address should never be written diagonally.

Punctuation.—A comma should be placed after the name of the

person, and after the name of the city. A period should be placed at
the end.

1. Mr., Mrs., Esq., Rev., Dr., Prof., Pres., Capt., &c., are all abbreviations, and
consequently the abbreviations should be indicated by a period. Miss is not an
abbreviation, and thus requires no mark after it. Messrs. is also an abbreviation. It
is used in addressing a firm, but it is frequently omitted.
2. If any part of a person’s name is abbreviated, a period should always be used
to indicate the abbreviation; as, John S. C. Abbott. The S. and C. without a period
really mean nothing.
3. Some place a comma between the parts of a person’s name. This, of course,
is incorrect. See p. 16 d.
4. All the words in the address should be capitalized, except prepositions and

Honorary Titles.—It is customary to give the professional title or

titles of the person to whom a letter is directed, and if he occupies
some responsible position, this also should be indicated in the
address; as,—
Rev. E. O. Haven, D.D., LL.D.,
Chancellor of Syracuse University,
N. Y.

1. Honorary titles should be given for two reasons:—
(a) As a mark of respect.
(b) The address will be more readily recognized by postmasters, and the
letter will be more likely to reach its destination without delay.
2. When titles are written after a person’s name, a comma should be placed
after each title, for the reason that a comma would be necessary, if the title was
written out in full; as, A. M., D.D., LL.D.
3. Some writers make the mistake of placing a period after the first L in LL.D.
This title stands for Doctor of Laws, the LL. indicating the plural of Law. As the two
letters stand for one word, the period must necessarily be placed after the second
4. Hon. applies to judges, senators, representatives, heads of government
departments, mayors, and others of similar rank; as, Hon. Thomas M. Cooley.
5. His Excellency applies to the President of the United States, an Ambassador
of the United States, or the Governor of a State. This title should be written on a
line by itself; as,—
His Excellency,
Gov. C. M. Croswell,
6. In addressing a married lady, the professional title of her husband is
sometimes used; as, Mrs. Dr. Haven.
7. Two professional titles meaning the same thing should never be used; as, Dr.
A. D. Smith, M. D.

Large Cities.—When the person to whom the letter is addressed,

lives in a large city where letters are delivered at places of business
or private residences, the title and name, number of house and
street, the city, and state should be given; as,—
A. S. Barnes & Co.,
34 and 36 Madison St.,

1. The title and name should be written first, the number and street to the right
and a little below, the city below the name of the street, and the state under the
2. The name of the state might be omitted in the address above given. It is not
really necessary to give the state, when the city is so widely known that no mistake
can arise, if the name of the state is omitted; as, New York, Philadelphia, Boston.

Small Towns and Villages.—The name of the county in which a

small town or village is located, should always be given in the
address. If the person to whom the letter is written, lives in the
country, the nearest post-office must be given, together with the
county and state. The name of the place in which a person lives, and
his post-office address, may be two very different things.
Mr. George Harvey,
Lenawee Co.,

1. The title and name should be written first; the town, village, or post-office,
second; the county, third; the state last.
2. Sometimes letters are detained at post-offices, by reason of the directions not
being sufficiently complete.

Addressed Envelopes.—It is the custom with business firms, when

an answer to a letter is asked as a favor, to send, within the letter, a
stamped envelope properly addressed. The address is usually
printed, so that no mistake can be made. In all cases, even when an
addressed envelope is not required, when a favor is asked from an
acquaintance or a friend, and an answer is desired, a postage stamp
should always be inclosed. It is certainly an unpardonable
presumption to ask even a friend to write a letter for a particular
purpose, and expect him to pay for its proper delivery.

Letters with Special Request.—Sometimes directions are written

or printed on envelopes as to the disposal of letters, if not called for
within a certain time. This should always be done when addressing
business letters. These directions are written or printed on the left of
the envelope, near the top. See form on p. 81.

The Stamp.—The stamp should be placed in the right-hand corner

of the envelope, near the top. It seems hardly necessary to say that
every letter should be properly stamped, and yet between three and
four hundred thousand letters are annually sent to the Dead Letter
Office, because the writers had forgotten to properly stamp them.

A letter of Introduction should be left unsealed.
When a letter is intrusted to an acquaintance or to a friend for
delivery, it should not be sealed.

I. Adrian, Mich., Nov. 6, 1877.
II. Mr. William K. Bixby,
Houston, Texas.
III. Dear Sir,—
IV. Your favor * * * * * *
* * * *
V. Very truly,
Joseph M. Blain.
In the letter-form above given, there are five parts to be

I. The Heading.
II. The Address.
III. Introductory Words.
IV. The Body of the Letter.
V. The Conclusion.


Definition.—The heading consists of the name of the city in which

the writer lives, the state, the month, the day of the month, and the
year; as,—
Adrian, Mich., Nov. 6, 1877.

1. Great care should always be taken to give in the heading, not only the city,
but also the state. If the letter should be sent to the Dead Letter Office, the heading
will properly indicate the place to which the letter is to be returned.
2. The heading indicates to the person who receives the letter where an answer
is to be sent.
3. Sometimes the day of the week is given; as, Adrian, Monday, Nov. 5, 1877.

Punctuation.—A comma should be placed after the city, state, and

date. A period should be placed at the end. If a word is abbreviated,
a period should be used to indicate the abbreviation, and a comma
should also be used, if the word written out in full would require a
comma; as,—

Adrian, Michigan, November 6, 1877.

Adrian, Mich., Nov. 6, 1877.

1. Some writers thoughtlessly place a comma between the name of the month
and the day of the month; as, November, 6, or Nov., 6. The 6 forms an essential
part of the month, and should not be separated from it by a punctuation mark.
2. It is better to omit st, th, or d after the number indicating the day of the month.
It certainly looks neater to write the date without the marks and dots that
sometimes disfigure the heading of letters.
3. Some prefer to place the number before the name of the month; as, Adrian,
Mich., 6 Nov., 1877. This, however, is not the usual practice.
Large Cities.—In large cities where letters are delivered by letter-
carriers, it is necessary to give, in the heading of a letter, the number
of the house and the name of the street. The order should be
number, street, city, state, month, day of the month, year; as,—
215 Prospect St., Cleveland, Ohio,
March 5, 1877.

1. Sometimes the size of the paper necessitates the use of three lines for the
heading. If this should be necessary, the number of the house and the name of the
street should be on the first line; the city and state, on the second; the month, the
day of the month, and year, on the third. Each line should commence farther to the
right than the preceding; as,—
215 Prospect St.,
Cleveland, Ohio,
March 5, 1877.
2. As few lines as possible should be used in the heading. In sending letters
from well known cities like New York, Philadelphia, &c., it is not necessary to give
the state. When the name of the state is omitted, the heading can usually be
written on two lines.
3. A period should be placed after St., because it is an abbreviation. A comma
should also follow the period, because the word written in full would require a
comma. 215 Prospect St., is one item; Cleveland, a second; Ohio, a third; March
5, a fourth; 1877, a fifth.

A Small Town or Village.—If the place in which the writer lives, is a

small town or village, the name of the place, county, and state should
be given; as,—
Palmyra, Lenawee Co., Mich.,
Sept. 13, 1877.

1. The county should be given so that an answer to the letter may be properly
2. If the writer lives in the country, the post-office where his letters are received,
should be given, and not the place where he lives.
Hotels.—When a letter is written at some prominent hotel, it is
customary to give the name of the hotel in the heading; as,—
Grand Central Hotel, New York,
Jan. 10, 1877.

Seminaries and Colleges.—In writing from a seminary, college, or

university, the name of the institution is sometimes given; as,—
Female Seminary, Cleveland, Ohio,
April 11, 1877.

Position.—The heading should be written on the first line, on the

right hand, commencing about the middle of the line. If more than
one line is required, the second line should commence farther to the
right than the first, and the third than the second.

1. When a letter does not fill a full page, the heading should not be written on the
first line. The space at the head of the letter should be about the same as at the
bottom. In business letters, this is not necessary.
2. Some write the city, state, month, &c., at the close of a letter. This is not
however, the usual form.


Definition.—The address in the inside of a letter should be the

same as the address on the envelope. It consists of the title and
name of the person to whom the letter is written, and the place of his
residence; as,—
Mr. William K. Bixby,
Houston, Texas.

There are several reasons why the address should be written within the letter:—
1. Business men usually take an impression or make a copy of all letters written
by themselves or their agents. It is a great convenience to have the address within
the letter, so that it can be referred to, if necessary, at any time.
2. If the envelope is accidentally torn off, or is lost by not being properly sealed,
the letter can still be forwarded to its destination, if the address is written within.
3. It is frequently the habit, on receiving a letter, to destroy the envelope.
Sometimes, after the envelope is destroyed, the letter is lost. If there is an inside
address, the letter, if found, can be returned.

Punctuation.—A comma should be placed after the name of the

person and of the city. A period should be placed at the end.

1. By placing to before the address, it will be seen that a period is required at its
close, just as a period is required at the end of the address on the envelope; as, To
William K. Bixby, Houston, Texas.
2. Some writers place a colon after the name of the state, but the practice is not
a correct one. A semicolon should never be used.

Large Cities. When the person to whom the letter is written, lives
in a large city, the number and name of the street should be given,
as on the outside address; as,—
A. S. Barnes & Co.,
34 and 36 Madison St., Chicago.

If three lines are necessary, the title and name should be on the first line, the
number and street on the second, the city and state on the third.

Small Towns and Villages.—When the letter is addressed to a

small town or village, the county in which the town or village is
situated, should be given; as,—
Mr. George Harvey,
Palmyra, Lenawee Co., Mich.
The title and name should be on one line; the town or village, county, and state
should be on the second.

Letters to Intimate Friends or Relatives.—In writing letters to

intimate friends or relatives, the address should be written at the
close of the letter, at the left, commencing on the line immediately
following the signature. It would be too formal to write the address at
the head of the letter, and it would not be in keeping with the
introductory words which immediately follow; as,—
Milburn Wagon Works, Toledo, Ohio,
Nov. 2, 1877.
Dear Mother,—
Your letter * * * * * *
* * * * * *
Very affectionately,
Edgar W. Curtis.
Mrs. James E. Curtis,
Adrian, Mich.

When the heading occupies only one line, it is better to leave a blank line
between the heading and the address.

Position.—The address should commence on the left, and should

be written on, at least, two lines. The title and name should be on
one line; the city and state, on the second, and farther to the right.
The address, if possible, should be written on two lines. If the
heading consists of two or three lines, the address should
commence on the line immediately following the heading. If the
heading consists of one line only, a blank line should be left between
the heading and the address.

Definition.—The introductory words consist of the greeting or

salutation; as,—
Dear Sir,—

1. Sometimes only one word is used in the greeting; as, Sir, Gentlemen.
2. When Sir, Gentlemen, Friend, Father, &c., are used as introductory words,
they should always commence with a capital, as a mark of respect. In greeting
friends or relatives, do not belittle them with small letters.
3. When dear, respected, honored, and words of a like character, are not the first
words of the salutation, they should commence with a small letter; as, My dear Sir,
My respected Friend. If they commence the salutation, capitals should be used;
as, Dear Father, Respected Friend.

Punctuation.—A comma should be placed after the salutation, and

a dash may also be used. The use of the dash, however, is simply a
matter of taste.

1. A colon should not be placed after the greeting, except in official or very
formal salutations. See p. 100.
2. A semicolon should never be used.

Position.—The introductory words may be written in three different

1. When the address occupies two lines, the salutation should be
written on the line immediately following, commencing a little to the
right of the second line of the address; as,
Mr. Harry B. Hutchins,
Mt. Clemens, Mich.
Dear Sir,—
2. If the address consists of three lines, the first word of the
salutation commences on a line with the number of the street; as,—
A. S. Barnes & Co.,
34 and 36 Madison St.,
3. If the address is written at the close of the letter, the introductory
words should commence on a line with the body of the letter, that is,
with the marginal line; as,—
Dear Manning,—
Rest you merry in your own opinion. Opinion is a
species of property; and though I am always desirous to share with
my friend to a certain extent, I shall ever like to keep some tenets,
and some property, properly my own. * * * * *
Your well-wisher and friend,
C. Lamb.

Forms of Salutation.—Custom authorizes the use of several forms

of salutation. These may be arranged under four heads:—
1. To Strangers.
Sir, Madame, Miss ⸺.
2. To Acquaintances.
Dear Sir, Dear Madame, Dear Miss ⸺.
My dear Sir, My dear Madame, My dear Miss ⸺, imply a
better acquaintance than Dear Sir, &c.
3. To Friends or Relatives.
Dear Friend, My dear Father, Dear Henry, &c.
4. To Business Firms or Corporate Bodies.
Sirs, Gentlemen, Ladies.
Salutations to Young Ladies.—Owing to the fact that we have no
word corresponding to Sir that can be used in addressing young
ladies, there is sometimes an uncertainty as to the proper salutation
to be used. Although Madame may refer to a married or an
unmarried lady, it is not an appropriate word with which to address a
young lady. There are three forms that may be used:—

1. To a Stranger.
Decatur, Ill., May 6, 1877.
Miss Delia L. Corbus,—
* * * * *
William C. Johns.
Miss Delia L. Corbus,
Adrian, Mich.
The name is given as the salutation, and the full address is given
at the close of the letter.

2. To an Acquaintance.
Adrian, Mich., Sept. 3, 1877.
Dear Miss Dewey,—
* * * * * *
Very truly,
Thomas M. Hunter.
Miss Ella Dewey,
Hotel Madison, Toledo, Ohio.

3. To an Intimate Friend.—In writing to intimate friends, the

character of the letter, and the intimacy of the writers, will suggest
the proper forms.

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