Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics

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Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics

Article · June 2019

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Cristian Abad Coronel

University of Cuenca


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Volume 3 Issue 7 July 2019
Review Article

Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics

Cristian Abad-Coronel1*, Od Pamela Valdiviezo Z2 and Od Belén Naranjo Y2

Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador
Post-Graduate Student, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca Ecuador
*Corresponding Author: Cristian Abad-Coronel, Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador.
Received: May 10, 2019; Published: June 19, 2019

Workflow in fixed prosthesis requires a strict compliance of the exploration, diagnosis and treatment plan processes. Execution
of this plan begins with the dental preparations and the impressions to obtain the working models. New technologies to design and
machine fixed prosthesis are giving way to a higher frequency of digital impressions through intraoral scanners (IOS). It is expected
that the use of these scanners generates an absolute digitalization in the fixed prosthodontics protocol. This review of the literature
aims to provide knowledge by collecting the findings of several studies on dental prostheses manufactured from intraoral digital
impressions. Likewise, it aims to describe the different IOS systems used; in addition to its advantages and disadvantages over con-
ventional impressions for the manufacture of prosthetic restorations. The results of this review provide data on each of the systems
currently available. The possibilities of use in the realization of partial restorations, crowns and bridges are viable using impressions
by intraoral scanners.

Keywords: Intraoral Scanners; Fixed Prosthodontics; Clinical Procedures; Clinical Efficiency; Digital Impressions; CAD/CAM

Introduction appropriate colors, and that are achieved in a comfortable

Interest in CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer working time for the patient and the operator. Francois Duret, in

Aided Machine) systems continues to grow and new devices are France, pioneered optical impressions in 1971. In the early 1980s,

continuously introduced in the clinic and the dental laboratory. Professor Werner H. Mormann, together with italian engineer

IOS, performs the first phase of the digital workflow acquiring Marco Brandestini, were the first to patent and design an intraoral

the images. These devices are reaching popularity by replacing scanner, giving rise to the first generation of Chairside (CEREC)

conventional impressions, made with trays and elastomeric [1,2], marketed by Siemens and tested this technology directly

materials. Scanners can be extraoral and intraoral devices. The in the dental office. They used an intraoral camera to digitize the

optical impressions seem to reduce the patient's discomfort, are teeth and oral tissues, to then perform the design and subsequent

efficient over time and simplify clinical procedures, in addition machining using a milling machine [3]. This system was very

to allowing better communication with the dental technician innovative at that time, making restorations in a single visit. [4-6].

and with patients. However, some factors must be observed for Nowadays, CAD/CAM technology is widely spread among dentists

mastering this protocol such as: the learning curve, a high initial and laboratory technicians and even in patients. However, there

inversion and the difficulty of accessing more complex anatomical are still large gaps of knowledge about it. Both CAD and CAM are

structures such as the subgingival margin or access to the distal included in what is known as CAE (Computer Aided Engineering),

areas in prepared teeth. which means computer-aided engineering [7]. CAD / CAM systems
consist of three components [8,9]:
Therefore, it is appropriate to analyze the most used IOS • A digitizing tool or scanner that transforms the geometry
systems based on the available scientific literature. In the last into digital data that can be processed in a computer.
decade there has been the greatest development of dental scanners
• A software that processes the information and according
for the realization of the digital workflow, presently on the market
to the application, produces a set of data for the product
several brands and models of these systems, with increasingly
that will be manufactured
better features to obtain digital prints, accurate, accurate, with

Citation: Cristian Abad-Coronel., et al. “Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 3.7 (2019): 44-51.
Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics


A production technology that transforms the data set into the system, the machine that handles the movement of the probe and the
desired product by addition or subtraction. Depending on the measurement software [22]. The introduction of the IOS as devices
location of the components of CAD/CAM systems, in dentistry within the dental practice allow to obtain a digital impression of
there are three different production concepts available [8]: the dentition of the patient and are an alternative to the use of
conventional impression materials. The intraoral optical scanner
• Impressions, Digitalization and Production in the dental
eliminates the selection of trays, dispensing and polymerization of
clinic (Chairside).
impression materials, disinfection and shipping to the laboratory,
• Digitalization and Production in the laboratory based on a
as well as an additional advantage that is the comfort of the patient
conventional work model (Labside).
[14,23-25]. In addition, digital dental models allow the creation of
• Manufacture of centralized restorations in a production
virtual configurations for an improved treatment planning and the
center based on digital impressions and designs made in
manufacture of removable and fixed devices made to measure [26].
other sites.
These scanners can be separated into two types; a) Photographic
technology scanners: record individual images of the denture.
CAD/CAM systems can be classified into open and closed
These systems have a field of view in the form of a cone, so they
systems according to the data exchange. In closed systems
cannot collect information from those hidden surfaces, being
all the steps are integrated in a single system and there is no
necessary to make several shots of the same area to collect all the
interchangeability between different systems of other companies.
information. b) Video technology scanners: Those that record the
Open systems allow the adoption of the original digital data by CAD
scanned areas working in a similar way as a video camera through
software and CAM devices of different companies [10], in addition
sequential shots at high speed [10,27,28]. In this type of systems,
they handle three-dimensional data in stereolithographic format
the most used digital format is the open STL (standard tessellation
(STL), the most commonly used format in dental CAD/CAM systems
language). This format is already used in many industrial fields and
[11]. The acquisition of digital data improves treatment planning,
describes a succession of triangulated surfaces where each triangle
provides greater efficiency, facilitates data storage, reproducibility,
is defined by three points and a normal surface. However, other file
documentation of treatment and effectiveness in terms of costs
formats have been developed to record the color, transparency
and time and also improves communication between the dental
or texture of dental tissues [29]. Main intraoral scanning systems
office and the laboratory [12-14]. A scanner is a technological
currently available are differentiated by characteristics such as the
device that, through the use of light, is responsible for obtaining
operating principle, the light source, the need to eliminate the shiny
and digitizing images of any type of objects [15].
surfaces, the operating system and the export file format among
A device for digitizing dental surfaces can be based on contact or others [9,28,30]. The main IOS systems are mentioned in table 1.
non-contact methods where three-dimensional images are captured
[4,16]. The three-dimensional contact scanners scan the surface of
Scanner Image
the object by means of a probe with a hard steel tip or sapphire. The Manufacturer Powder use
Name Caption
non-contact or three-dimensional laser scanners emit a laser beam CEREC Sirona Foto Cerec
or, failing that, another type of light source and detect its return, Bluecam Optispray
capturing the geometry of the object by triangulation [17,18]. CEREC Dentsply-Sirona Video No
The optical scanner uses the collection of three-dimensional Omnicam
structures, in this system the light source and the receiving unit PrimeScan Dentsply-Sirona Video No
are at a defined angle in a reciprocal relationship. Through this Trios 3 Shape Video No
angle, the computer can calculate a set of 3D data from the image Sistema Lava 3M ESPE Video No
on the receiving unit. Projections of white light or a laser beam can C.O.S.
serve as a source of illumination [19]. It is important to calibrate Sistema iTero Cadent/Straumann Video No
the scanner on a surface with properties similar to the object to Sistema E4D Tecnologías D4D Video No
be scanned [20]. Most of these systems use active triangulation, Zfx Intrascan MHT technologies ®
Photo No
which means that the optical axes of the projector and the camera Zimmer
form a triangle with the line connecting the projection centers of CondorScan Biotech dental Video No
both units [21]. The mechanical scanner for this type of systems PIC dental PIC DENTAL Photogram- No
uses a gypsum model previously obtained from a conventional
printing. The master model is read mechanically line by line using Dental Wings Straumann Video

a ruby ball and the 3D structure is measured. This type of scanner Wow Biotech Dental Video No
is distinguished by a high scanning accuracy, the drawbacks of this Medit 500 Dent Core Videopho- No
technique of data measurement are highly complicated mechanics, metry
which makes the device expensive with long processing times
compared to optical systems [19]. The scanners have four main Table 1: Main scanners and characteristics.
components: the measurement probe, the control or computing

Citation: Cristian Abad-Coronel., et al. “Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 3.7 (2019): 44-51.
Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics


Cerec bluecam sensor coupled with a fast scan time [29,33,35]. The most recent
version of this device, 3Shape Trios 4 Wireless, was presented at
The CEREC system (Sirona - Germany) was introduced to the
the IDS (International Dental Show) in Cologne in March 2019 [36].
market in 1985 and was the first to use the CAD / CAM concept.
Bluecam was the first Sirona system based on photography for
intraoral protocol after the ideally originated and CEREC 2. The Lava COS

CEREC Bluecam intraoral camera allows the acquisition of high- The Lava Chairside oral scanner (Lava COS; 3M ESPE, Seefeld,
resolution images through a powerful light-emitting diode (LED). Germany) was introduced in 2009 and operates according to the
This system requires a thin layer of titanium dioxide powder as a principle of active wave front sampling [37]. It is a system that
contrast medium (CEREC Optispray) on the surface or tissue to be consists only of one scanner (it does not contain a portable milling
scanned [2,9]. Bluecam can be applied to a single quadrant [31] machine) and captures continuous 3D video images for digital
and is obtaining a series of photographs that are incorporated into prints. The scanner/software combination is capable of capturing
digital processing. Nowadays this scanner is disappearing from the approximately 20 sets of 3D data per second [38].
market due to the introduction of more modern, precise, accurate
iTero system
and comfortable systems for the patient.
The iTero System optical system (Cadent, Carlstadt, NJ-USA)
Cerec omnicam was introduced in 2007. This system uses parallel confocal images
to capture the image. The parallel confocal imaging uses laser and
This scanner (Dentsply-Sirona-Germany) is an evolution of
optical scanning to achieve the impression of the surface and the
CEREC Bluecam, already incorporating the videophotometry
contours of the structure of the tooth and the gum. The system uses
technology. It presents a video camera that generates a three-
a touch screen monitor to view 3D images. This touchless screen
dimensional model with real color and in real time without the
scanner allows the dentist to virtually rotate the digital impression
need to apply dust before scanning. The scanning process with
without touching the screen [38]. Currently, the iTero Element Flex
Omnicam should be performed in dry conditions and the camera
scanner has been developed, a system that presents probes with a
should be kept as close as possible to the tooth to acquire an
personalized portable case that allows precise intraoral captures
accurate digital intraoral scan. Software updates for the system
even when the patient moves and presents an improved color
have minimized scanning errors [32]. This system focuses mainly
for extraordinary images of great precision. In addition, it makes
on the production of inlays, partial and total crowns as a chairside
clear 3D scans in high definition and full color in just 60 seconds
system [33]. Variations may occur in the designs but with results
according to its manufacturer (Brochure iTero 2018).
not scientifically supported in treatments such as long-span fixed
bridges. Omnicam can be used for a single tooth, implant, quadrant
Sistema E4D
or complete arch [31]. In addition, through a specific license you can
The E4D system was developed by D4D Technologies, LLC
export the STL files to external systems open to the manufacturer.
(Richardson, TX-USA). It works under the principle of optical
coherence tomography and confocal microscopy [29]. The system
Cerec primescan
bar contains a digital micromirror device and uses a red diode
It is the latest evolution of the IOS of this manufacturer laser to acquire a 3D image in grayscale. The E4D system contains
(Dentsply-Sirona - Germany). It has a screen and touch panel, a portable milling machine in the dental chair [9,39]. The E4D
together with the new CEREC 5 software. It allows to perform full- has a high-speed laser that formulates a digital impression of the
arc and individual zone scans with great efficiency and precision proximal and prepared teeth, as to create an interactive 3D image.
[34]. It is within the scanners with greater advances, using video, The images are obtained in all angles with laser technology. The
artificial intelligence, eliminating unnecessary artifacts, with a software will compile all the images. The image library can obtain
depth of scanning according to its manufacturer of up to 20 mm, an accurate virtual model in seconds [5].
so that the impressions of the sulcus in subgingival preparations
or postextraction sockets could be feasible. This scanner has a ZFX intrascan (MHT technologies® zimmer)
processor that allows processing up to 1000000 of 3D points per It is based on a system that presents a light scanner and
second, with a higher scanning speed. a hardware that can be adapted to any computer (Zimmer-
Indiana-USA), the concept is to be as portable as possible. It is an
Shape trios optical scanner of confocal parallelism laser technology in three
In December 2010, the TRIOS™ Intraoral Scanner was introduced dimensions, with a working distance of 18mm. It is capable of
to the market (3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark). It is an intraoral taking 18 images per second, using photogrammetry, without
scanner, without the use of powder, based on permanent confocal using any auxiliary powder. Its main advantages are portability
images. This system uses a structured light that is projected onto and simplicity when managing software. In addition, the digital
the tooth through interference fringes. The mechanical oscillation files obtained are free, that is, they do not require specific systems
of light is combined with the variation of the confocal plan. The of restricted use to decode them [28].
signal is recorded by video-photometry with a charge device

Citation: Cristian Abad-Coronel., et al. “Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 3.7 (2019): 44-51.
Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics


PiC dental question (Population, Intervention, Comparation, Outcomes) was

The PiC camera is not a scanner, and neither is intraoral. The PiC also used as an eligibility criterion in the selection of the articles
camera is a high precision optical measurement device based on [54,55].
photogrammetry. Photogrammetry is the technology used to obtain
Population: Scientific articles In vitro, In vivo, Literature reviews
reliable measurements of physical objects and their surroundings,
that investigate on image acquisition systems (intraoral scanners)
through recording, measuring and interpreting images [40]. The
in fixed prostheses.
PiC camera is the complement of an intraoral scanner, to complete
a workflow digital of multiple implant restorations. Intervention: Scanning of partial dental arches, complete, unitary
pillars and prefabricated models.
Dental wings
Comparison: Conventional impressions or between the same IOS.
Its acronym is DWIO (Dental Wings Intraoral) Straumann-
Canada. It is a system with open architecture (STL files) to capture Outcome or Results: Clinical Applications, Comfort, Time, Clinical
digital impressions. The small tip that the scanner has helps make Conditions.
3D capture easier, using a technology called "Multiscan Imaging
Inclusion Criteria
Technology". The system incorporates 5 3D scanners that work
For the inclusion of the articles in this systematic review they
simultaneously to capture all the anatomical details from multiple
had to meet eligibility criteria such as: Experimental studies in
orientations, helping to capture areas of difficult access. The hand
vitro or in vivo. Reviews of literature. The studies should include
piece is made of metal and is very light (105gr.). This camera has its
the IOS and its clinical applications, patient comfort, scan time
own DWOS CAD software for the design of the restoration (Dental
and/or clinical conditions. Finally, articles in English published
Wings Brochure 2019).
between the period January 2010 to March 2019 were included.

Exclusion criteria
The WOW intraoral scanner marketed by the house Biotech Items that are not within the established period. Scientific
Dental (France), according to its manufacturer allows to develop articles that are not related to the fixed prosthesis area. Articles
a complete digital workflow, because it is an open system that whose objectives are not according to the search characteristics.
supports data exchange, it is also used in different specialties of
dentistry, such as orthodontics, dental prosthesis and implantology, Search terms
allows to capture images with hyper realistic texture and color, for The search terms were derived from the previous reading of
its video photo grametry technology, the scanning process does scientific articles used as a guide for the writing of this systematic
not require the use of powder on surfaces and intraoral tissues review. Intraoral scanners, fixed prosthesis, clinical procedures,
(Brochure Biotech Dental 2019). Clinical efficiency, Clinical Conditions, CAD / CAM.

Medit 500 Results

This intraoral scanner developed by the commercial company 6 search strategies were made using the following equations
Dent Core (Spain), is a system that bases its operation on costs, with keywords and Boolean operators: {(“intraoral scanners”
efficiency and productivity. According to its manufacturer, it [MeSH]) AND (fixed prosthesis)}, {(“intraoral scanners” [MeSH])}
presents two high-speed cameras, which allow the scanning AND ((clinical procedures)}, {(intraoral scanners [MeSH]) AND
to resume from the pause site. It does not use dust during the (Clinical efficiency)}, {(intraoral scanners [MeSH]) AND (Clinical
acquisition of the image facilitating the process, providing the Conditions)}, {(intraoral scanners [MeSH]) AND (CAD/CAM)}.
user with high resolution images to help determine the accuracy
of the scan. His technology is based on video photo grammetry. After the search, 234 articles were obtained in total, of which
The image quality facilitates the differentiation between the dental 168 studies were eliminated because they did not meet eligibility
structure and the soft tissue, easily locating the termination of the criteria and 5 of them were duplicate citations. The remaining
dental preparations and the undercuts (Brochure Dent Core 2019). articles were analyzed according to title, year of publication and
design and 66 were chosen. If during the reading of the summary it
Methodology was verified that the article did not have relation with the selection
To carry out this review of the literature, the MEDLINE digital criteria it was discarded, for which 22 studies were excluded, being
databases (PubMed) and the Cochrane Library were analyzed a total of 44 articles of which 14 were selected for fulfilling the
with a search strategy based on the combination of MeSH (Medical inclusion criteria for this review.
Subject Headings) keywords controlled by the National Library of
Medicine. The search was conducted from July 2018 to March 2019.
Through this literature review it can be evidenced that the IOS
This systematic review used the PRISMA guide (Preferred are a valid alternative to conventional techniques of impressions
Reporting Items of Systematic reviews and Meta-analysis) to with elastomeric materials for obtaining accurate models of the
ensure the quality of the information included [53]. The PICO preparations in fixed prosthodontics. The modernization of intraoral

Citation: Cristian Abad-Coronel., et al. “Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 3.7 (2019): 44-51.
Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics


equipment allows obtaining digital impressions that have a wide The authors also mentioned that, the number of prepared teeth
range of applications, ranging from providing models for treatment that must be scanned with a digital impression seems to increase
planning or communication with the patient to providing final the impression time (an average increase of 62.8 seconds for each
models for the production of definitive or provisional restorations, additional tooth), which should be considered [45].
with metallic, polymeric, ceramic and hybrid materials. Patzelt., et
al. observed that digital impressions are efficient over time since Comfort of the patient during the taking of impressions is an

they allow the reduction of work times, when compared with a important factor to consider. Emir Yuzbasioglu., et al. determined

conventional impression. In addition, the implementation of IOS that the use of IOS decreased discomfort at the temporomandibular

within the dental practice improves the workflow of impression joint and did not cause difficulty in breathing or dizziness.

making, leads to greater patient satisfaction and provides better Therefore, patients preferred the use of these digital systems to

restorations compared to the conventional approach [41]. Revilla obtain impressions [46,47]. Digital scanners that require dust are

in coincidence with Patzel concluded that digital impression was technically more difficult for clinicians and less comfortable for

more efficient in time and comfortable for the patient. The use of participants than other types of digital scanners and conventional

IOS to obtain digital models clinically serves for diagnosis, planning, impressions [48]. The time with which the patient remains open-

provisionalization and treatments with definitive restorations [42]. mouthed is important. With a refined technique, the development
of impressions through an intraoral scanner is much less than the
Mangano in his study, also agreed that the IOS are effective use in an impression with elastomeric materials [11].
over time, in terms of the scanning of short arcades. However,
One of the most common problems encountered with IOS and
despite the recent technological advances in IOS, in terms of
with optical impressions is the difficulty in detecting deep finishing
the scanning of complete dental arches there is no significant
lines in prepared teeth or in the case of gingival bleeding. All
difference compared to conventional impressions since a scan can
scanners are optical systems that can only record visible areas. In
take 3 to 5 minutes, a time similar to that required for conventional
some cases, especially in aesthetic areas where the cervical finishing
impressions [43]. Atieh., et al. in their study, also established that
lines are usually paragingival or subgingival it may be more difficult
the IOS for full-arch impressions still have no decrease in work
for the light of the scanner to correctly detect the entire finishing
times and improvements in accuracy for complete arches [14].
line, as evidenced by several studies discussed below. A general
The new scanners present guided scanning protocols that allow
drawback of digital impressions is that there is no device on the
greater trueness in the sensitive areas of the arch as the angles
market, capable of capturing subgingival areas of a tooth abutment
between the canines and premolars. It is necessary to carry out
with adequate precision. Therefore, the use of retraction cords
further studies to obtain better data in this regard.
is still indispensable in order to achieve an adequate scanning of
When carrying out a scanning protocol it is necessary to the preparations and their finishing lines [41]. The introduction
take into account the modifying factors. In this regard, Ryan Jin- of a new intraoral scanning system (PrimeScan Dentsply-Sirona)
Young., et al. in 2018, concluded that within a clinical setting, with a greater depth of capture, (up to 20 mm according to its
the performance of the IOS would be affected by the presence of manufacturer) could open the doors for this possibility but full
saliva, crevicular fluid, blood and moisture characteristic of the and well-designed studies are required to prove it. Keeling., et al.
intraoral environment. The examination procedure would be identified as factors that affect the marginal quality of an intraoral
further complicated by the movement of the patient, as well as exploration, the size of the oral cavity, presence of adjacent teeth,
by contiguous anatomical structures such as the tongue, lips and proximity to the gingiva and positioning of the scanner inside
cheeks. In the case of complete arches, more time was used [44]. the cavity [5,49,50]. Studies have compared the marginal gaps of
The positioning of the camera for the acquisition of images and dental restorations made after intraoral scanning. Keul and Ueda
its proximity to the area to be scanned is also an important factor. in previous studies reported that, for fixed dental prostheses, the
Some scanners need some distance from the surface without marginal adjustment with direct digital impressions obtained
touching it. New scanners encourage the possibility of obtaining through the use of intraoral scanners was equal to or better than
easy acquisition without too much proximity and without so many that obtained with indirect digital systems [54,55]. Seelbach., et
angles. Using artificial intelligence technology, certain areas that al. reported a good marginal adjustment in the dental restorations
are artifacts for digitization can be eliminated and accurate models produced with the CEREC Bluecam, Lava Chairside oral scanner,
could be obtained [53]. the iTero system and the 3Shape TRIOS intraoral scanners. [32].

Regarding the comparison of conventional impression materials According to Malaguti., et al. Marginal and internal adjustments
with new technologies and scanning times, Bjorn Gjelvold., et are key factors for the clinical success of oral rehabilitations. The
al. conducted a randomized clinical trial in 2015 in which they internal gap was evaluated using the silicone replica technique
specifically investigated scan times, with results focused on the validated by Laurent in 2008. All the values obtained in this study
patient. In this study it was concluded that conventional impression were much lower than 70 μm described in the literature, which
materials such as polyether are well developed and presented a suggests that both the digital workflow and the traditional ones are
high precision, however the use of IOS in the digital impression accurate enough. The authors finally concluded that the marginal
technique had superiority in work efficiency and material savings. adjustment was greater than the ideal values for all the techniques

Citation: Cristian Abad-Coronel., et al. “Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 3.7 (2019): 44-51.
Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics


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Citation: Cristian Abad-Coronel., et al. “Intraoral Scanning Devices Applied in Fixed Prosthodontics”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 3.7 (2019): 44-51.

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