Development and Human Right

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Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur

Faculty of Law

I Semester L.L.M. (CBCS)


(LL.M 103)

Research Paper Submission


Role Of Education In Promoting Developmental Goals



Firstly, I would like to thank respected Professor for giving me such a golden

opportunity to show my skills and capability through this project. This project is the

result of the extensive ultrapure study, hard work and labour, put into to make it

worth reading. It is my pleasure to be debted to various people, who directly or

indirectly contributed in the development of this work and who influenced my

thinking, behaviour, and acts during the course of study. Lastly, I would like to

thank the almighty and my parents for their moral support and my friends with

whom I shared my day-to-day experience and received lots of suggestions

that improved my quality of work.

Thanking You…


I hereby declare that this Project report titled “Role Of Education In Promoting
Developmental Goals” has been prepared by me as a part of project work of
Semester 1 L.L.M. under the guidance of Professor Dr. Dalpat Singh. The text
reported in the project is the outcome of my own efforts and no part in it has
been incorporated without due acknowledgement.


If we talk about Role of Education-Primary, Secondary & Higher

Education in promoting developmental goals then the wider prospective is
that it is not shrinked to a particular bowl but an ocean to be deep down
and the goals it fulfills is of mankind it gifts the people the much needed
thought process and let them explore themselves as well as society and
how it works for the ultimate benefits of the living beings from million
years of evolution.
Kinds Of Education:

1. Formal Education

This is also known as formal learning which usually takes place within the
premises of the school. It refers to the basic academic knowledge that a
child learns in a formal manner.
This continues from an elementary school to secondary school and further
on to colleges. Such an education is provided by specially qualified
teachers who are efficient enough with the art of instruction.
The student and the teacher are both aware of the facts and engage
themselves through a process of education. Some of the examples of
formal education are classroom learning, Institute
grading/certification, or planned education of different subjects with a
proper syllabus acquired by attending an institution.

2. Informal Education

This is the type of education wherein a parent is teaching a child things

that are beyond academics like preparing a meal or riding a bicycle.
People can also get informal education through books or educational
websites. This is an education that is not derived in schools through a
proper learning method. It is not pre-planned nor deliberate.
It is an experience that an individual garners by undergoing regular practice
and observing others. Some of the examples may be teaching a child with
some basic personality traits, learning a mother tongue, performing certain
extracurricular activities, etc.

3. Non-formal Education

It refers to adult basic education, adult literacy education, or skill

development. It can take different forms of learning, which is consistently
and systematically provided in order to develop a particular skill or ability
in an individual.
This type of education is highly flexible and includes a wide range of
activities. Some of the examples may be fitness programs, community-
based adult education courses, and free courses on different platforms, etc.
The Fundamental Approach

The modern era has been possible due to education and learning, and is the
basis for rational and logical thinking. It has brought in huge benefits for
the people across every nook and cranny of the globe. Some of them are
visible and some of them are not but overall they have contributed
immensely to the development of society.

For the souls taking refuge in education, the desire for growth has no
boundaries. Education is not a destination, but a journey to be cherished. It
is an enriching path, not only in the lives of individuals, but is also
chartering histories of nations and building strong foundations of

Education has provided light of survival to several nations. Europe could

march to development only after Renaissance. Indians could question the
evils of sati and caste system only when reformers were exposed to ideas
from Western world. Even our freedom movement received impetus when
we awoke to ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity from American and
French Revolutions. Though we could successfully overthrow the
Britishers, their education system was adopted without questioning. Every
society needs to reform the systems to meet some specific needs.

Education is an overall process of not only personal growth but also an

enriching growth of society and nation. It is the foundation of development
of any nation. Educated youth have the ability to think beyond their
stagnating lives and contribute to the development of their societies.
Education arms individuals with the knowledge of their rights and duties.
It is informed citizenry which forms the base for the development of any
society. If the people are educated, they can easily contribute to the
national economy because they can better know the economic principles
and rules.

India still lives in its villages. The seeds of education must find their way
to villages. The ‘Adult Education Programme’ and ‘National Rural
Education Programme’ still have a long distance to cover. By opening
more primary schools in villages, we can not only curb the problem of
migration by creating novel opportunities in village, but also educate
farmers on knowledge of right seeds and fertilisers. This may lead to better
yield and could end our reliance on the import of wheat, rice and other
essential commodities.

The quality of education needs better monitoring in both rural and urban
India. Awareness programmes for education must be carried out with
more zeal and vigour. The Central Government’s scheme ‘Beti Bachao,
Beti Padhao’ needs a massive boost. Education for all should be the
primary focus. Our government expenditure on education is mere 2.8% of
Gross Domestic Product, as against the generally-accepted norm of 6% or
even above in the developed world. More innovative and scientific
development programmes should be launched, like Skill Acquisition and
Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion programme
(SANKALP), Skill Strengthening for Industrial Value Enhancement
(STRIVE), etc.

Along with driving self-sufficiency, education provides awareness. This

awareness about the rights creates responsible citizens and responsible
citizens can demand responsible and accountable governance. Education in
the field of IT has opened a galaxy of opportunities in urban India with
jobs in software, call centres and BPO’s ushering in a revolution of sorts.
The services sector, in this backdrop, is proving a significant contributor to
the growth of economy. This knowledge hub has attracted large
investments from several countries. The emphasis of government on
technical education also highlights the commitment to drive excellence in
areas of research and manufacturing.

Education plays a critical role in the democratic setup where an educated

voter can make an informed choice. The voice of ballots gets translated
into the fate of the voters through the levels of governance delivered. The
policies charting the course of development of society get their nod from
the representatives of people. Roads, ports, telecom, irrigation, industries,
agriculture all demand simultaneous attention for a wholesome and
inclusive development. Targeted policies in all these sectors must perform
in unison for a balanced development to occur.

More number of higher education institutions and universities will create a

breed of individuals who are capable to chart their future in a growing
economy. Education gives a level of confidence which capacitates
individuals to compete globally and assert themselves. Such individuals
become national asset with their contribution to the growth story of the
nation. Through the entrepreneurial spirit they are able to create jobs and
set up corporate empires to employ people. This employment generation
goes a long way in raising the quality of life of several families. It is, thus,
a positive spread effect which becomes possible from the seeds of

Swami Vivekananda said, “The education which does not help the
common mass of people to equip themselves for the struggle of life,
which does not bring out strength of character, a spirit of philanthropy,
and the courage of a lion—is it worth its name? Real education is that
which enables one to stand on ones’ legs”. Education plays a significant
role in the life of a nation and importance in a country like India cannot
be underestimated. The character and quality of the people greatly depend
on the education imparted to them at different levels. Rich empires may
rise and fall in a stroke but those with firm rooted educational groundings
have an element of sustainability. This ensures their survival for ages.

One of the most important benefits of education is that it helps to meet the
objectives of life. Right education with dedication can help to accomplish
the same. Getting a professional degree is the only way to excel in
different business domains such as Engineering, Medicine and
Accounting. By enrolling in the course of your choice, it is not only
possible to enhance the skill level but also the professional expertise.
People who are educated can access a lot of opportunities. People with
high intellectual wealth also enjoy good social status in society. Therefore,
we can say that education is probably the most valuable aspect of life. It
brings about evolution in the way we think and conduct ourselves, which
improves life and living. Education gives people the skills they need to
help themselves out of poverty or, in other words, into prosperity. There is
huge difference between educated and uneducated persons. An
uneducated person cannot show his ideas and skills better than an
educated person.

A holistic development of society is only said to occur when the material

wealth is complemented by cultural, social and educational achievements.
These are reflected in art, architecture, music, writings and the heritage of
that society. All great civilisations of the world, which are remembered as
developed, had attained that zenith on the basis of importance accorded to
education in those societies. The Romans, the Egyptians or closer home,
Magadha or any empire for that matter boasted of rich lineage of scholars
and universities which built a solid intellectual foundation and a progressive
outlook for the society.

Education not only provides an opportunity for development in numerous

spheres but also contributes to the standard of living. Education of our
culture and values should not take a back seat in this era of modernisation.
We must encourage at all levels an understanding of our tradition as part
of our education, for a holistic development. The effectiveness of this can
be seen in people to people contacts with our neighbouring country, which
help us to enhance our international relations.

Education has been part and parcel of human life ever since antiquity
because it implies cultivation of the mind to make life tolerable and the
acquisition of skills for making it possible. Today, education has become
the basic necessity of human beings, as education equips them with the
knowledge necessary to face the challenges of life.
Nelson Mandela aptly said that “Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world”. Education, today, is the
foundation on which the pillars of modern society rest. There is no
denying the fact that in today’s competitive era education has become a
major part not only for human kind but also for a country’s development
because it plays an important role in social and economic progress. If a
person wants to get success and progress in his life, he should be educated.
In the same way, if a nation wants development, the country must have
more developed education and educated people. Education should remain
the focus of governments, ahead of their political agendas. Not only more
policies but their effective implementation are also essential to the latter.
Some modifications in our educational system are required to encourage
talent-based and growth-oriented teachings. This would be a welcome
The Sum Up

Education is a human right, a powerful driver of development, and one of

the strongest instruments for reducing poverty and improving health,
gender equality, peace, and stability. It delivers large, consistent returns
in terms of income, and is the most important factor to ensure equity and
For individuals, education promotes employment, earnings, health, and
poverty reduction. Globally, there is a 9% increase in hourly earnings
for every extra year of schooling. For societies, it drives long-term
economic growth, spurs innovation, strengthens institutions, and
fosters social cohesion.
Developing countries have made tremendous progress in getting children
into the classroom and more children worldwide are now in school. But
learning is not guaranteed, as the 2018 World Development Report (WDR)
Making smart and effective investments in people’s education is critical
for developing the human capital that will end extreme poverty. At the
core of this strategy is the need to tackle the learning crisis, put an end to
Learning Poverty, and help youth acquire the advanced cognitive,
socioemotional, technical and digital skills they need to succeed in today’s
However, COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the lives of young children,
students, and youth. The disruption of societies and economies caused by
the pandemic has aggravated the already existing global education crisis
and impacting education in unprecedented ways.
Among its many dramatic disruptions, the pandemic has led to the worst
crisis in education of the last century. Globally, between February 2020 and
February 2022, education systems were fully closed for in-person learning
for 141 days on average. In
South Asia and Latin America & the Caribbean, closures lasted 273 and 225
days, respectively.
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, this global learning crisis was stark.
The learning poverty indicator, created by the World Bank and UNESCO
Institute of Statistics and launched in 2019, gives a simple but sobering
measure of the magnitude of this learning crisis: the proportion of 10-year-
old children that are unable to read and understand a short age-appropriate
In low- and middle-income countries, the share of children living in
Learning Poverty – already 57% before the pandemic – could potentially
reach 70% given the long school closures and the wide digital divide that
hindered the effectiveness of remote learning during school closures,
putting the SDG 4 targets in jeopardy. School children have lost an
estimated 2 trillion hours – and counting – of in-person instruction since the
onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns.
Children and youth in most countries have suffered major learning losses
during the pandemic. Rigorous empirical evidence from various
countries, including low-, middle-, and high-income contexts across
regions, reveals very steep losses. Each month of school closures led to a
full month of lost learning, reflecting the limited effectiveness (on
average) of remote learning.
The staggering effects of school closures reach beyond learning. This
generation of children could lose a combined total of US$21 trillion in
lifetime earnings in present value or the equivalent of 17% of today’s
global GDP – a sharp rise from the 2021 estimate of a US$17 trillion loss.
COVID-19 created an inequality catastrophe. Almost all countries
provided some form of remote education during school closures, but there
was high inequality in access and uptake between and within countries.
Children from disadvantaged households were less likely to benefit from
remote learning than their peers, often due to a lack of electricity,
connectivity, devices, and caregiver support. Girls, students with
disabilities, and the youngest children also faced significant barriers to
engaging in remote learning. Overall, at least a third of the world’s
schoolchildren – 463 million globally – were unable to access remote
learning during school closures.
Additionally, children’s mental health has been negatively affected, while
risks of violence, child marriage and child labor are also increasing. The
situation is more dire for girls, who are more vulnerable to violence, child
marriage, and becoming pregnant. Vulnerable groups such as children with
disabilities, ethnic minorities, refugees, and displaced populations are also
less likely to return to school post-crisis.
School disruptions particularly affected the youngest children. Early
childhood education was closed the longest in many countries, with limited
or no support for remote
In addition to learning losses, schooling disruptions have also exacerbated
disparities in nutrition, health and stimulation, and access to essential social
protection and psychosocial services. Millions more children have been put
at risk of being pushed into child labor, early marriage, and of leaving school
Adding to these challenges is the negative impact of the unprecedented
global economic contraction on family incomes, which increases the risk
of school dropouts, and results in the contraction of government budgets
and strains on public education spending.
Youth have also suffered a loss in human capital in terms of both skills
and jobs. In many countries, these declines in youth employment were
more than twice as large as the declines in adult employment. As a result,
this generation of students, and especially the more disadvantaged, may
never achieve their full education and earnings potential.
Action is urgently needed now – business as usual will not suffice to heal
the scars of the pandemic and will not accelerate progress enough to meet
the ambitions of SDG 4. We are urging governments to implement
ambitious and aggressive Learning RecoveryPrograms to get children back
to school, recover lost learning, and accelerate progress by building better,
more equitable and resilient education systems.

1. Self Analysis through secondory and seniorschool books

3. 9/15/role-of-education-
in-development- 2/#:~:text=Education%20arms%20individuals%2

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