SE Assignment

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(Affiliated to BPUT Odisha)

Date: 16/02/2024
Last Date of Submission: On or before 26/02/2024
Subject Name : Software Engineering Dept. CSE
Branch : CSE-2,CSE-3 Semester : 6th Semester

Part – I Module BL CO
Q1 Short Answer Type Questions
Which are the major phases in the waterfall model of software 2 1
development? Which phase consumes the maximum effort for
a) developing a typical software product?
Which life cycle model would you follow for developing software 1 3 1
for each of the following applications?
 A well-understood data processing application
 The graphical user interface part of a large software product.
 An extremely large software that would provide, monitor,
and control cellular communication among its subscribers
b) using a set of revolving satellites.
What is a prototype? Under what circumstances is it beneficial to 1 2 1
c) construct a prototype?

Part – II 1
Q2 Focussed – Short answer type Questions (Answer any three out of five) 1
Why the spiral life cycle model is considered to be a meta 1 2 1
Model? Explain
Part – III 1
Q3 Long Answer type Questions (Answer any two out of three) 1
a). Briefly Discuss about SCRUM agile model 1 2 1
b) Compare Iterative waterfall model with V model. 1 2 2
(Affiliated to BPUT Odisha)
Date: 04/03/2024
Last Date of Submission: On or before 11/03/2024

Subject Name : Software Engineering Dept. CSE

Branch : CSE-2,CSE-3 Semester : 6th Semester

Part – I Module BL CO
Q1 Short Answer Type Questions
What do you understand by requirement analysis? What are the 2 2 2
a) activities carried out in requirement analysis.
b) What is SRS? Write any three characteristics of a good SRS. 2 2 2
What do you understand by functional and non function 2 2 2
c) requirement?

Part – II Module BL CO
Q2 Focussed – Short answer type Questions (Answer any three out of five)
Taking your own experience in account specify the functional 3 2
a) 2
requirement for “Withdraw money from ATM”
Part – III Module BL CO
Q3 Long Answer type Questions (Answer any two out of three) 2
a). 2 2 2 1
Represent the following using decision table. 3 2
A Library Membership Automation System needs to support three
functions: add new-member, renew-membership, cancel-
membership. If the user requests for any function other than these
three, then an error message is flashed. When an add new-member
b) request is made, a new member record is created and a bill for the
annual membership fee for the new member is generated. If a
membership renewal request is made, then the expiry date of the
concerned membership record is updated and a bill towards the
annual membership fee is generated. If a membership cancellation
request is made, then the concerned membership record is deleted and
a cheque for the balance amount due to the member is printed
(Affiliated to BPUT Odisha)
Date: 13/03/2024
Last Date of Submission : On or before 01/04/2024

Subject Name : Software Engineering Dept. CSE

Branch : CSE-2,CSE-3 Semester : 6th Semester

Part – I Module BL CO
Q1 Short Answer Type Questions
What is context diagram? Draw a context diagram for a tic-tac-toe 3 2 3
a) game that can be played between a computer and a human being.
Briefly discuss about the items that are designed and documented 3 2 3
b) during the design phase?
What do you understand by coupling? Name different types of 3 2 3
c) coupling. Which is the most desirable coupling?
Part – II Module BL CO
Q2 Focussed – Short answer type Questions (Answer any three out of five)
What is DFD? Discuss different types of symbols used in DFD with 3 3
a) 3
their purpose.
Part – III Module BL CO
Q3 Long Answer type Questions (Answer any two out of three)
What is structured analysis and design? What major activities are 3 2 3
carried out in it?.
b) Taking into your own experience into account draw a DFD (upto two 3 3 3
level) for library management system.
(Affiliated to BPUT Odisha)
Date: 05/04/2024
Last Date of Submission: on or before 09/04/2024

Subject Name : Software Engineering Dept. CSE

Branch : CSE-2,CSE-3 Semester : 6th Semester

Part – I Module BL CO
Q1 Short Answer Type Questions
Consider a program unit that takes an input integer that can assume 2
values in the range of 0 and 5000 and computes the square root . 4 4
Determine the equivalence classes and the black box test suite for this
a) program unit.
b) What is mutation testing? What is its purpose? 4 2 4
c) What is regression testing? What is its purpose 4 2 4
Part – II Module BL CO
Q2 Focussed – Short answer type Questions (Answer any three out of five)
What is the purpose of integration testing? Discuss the approaches 2
a) 4 4
of integration of modules.
Part – III Module BL CO
Q3 Long Answer type Questions (Answer any two out of three) 4
a). Briefly discuss about mutation testing. 4 2 4
b) Briefly discuss about code review process. 4 3 4
(Affiliated to BPUT Odisha)
Date: 15/04/2024
Last Date of Submission: on or before 20/04/2024

Subject Name : Software Engineering Dept. CSE

Branch : CSE-1,CSE-3 Semester : 6th Semester

Part – I Module BL CO
Q1 Short Answer Type Questions
What do you understand by software maintenance? Briefly discuss 5 2
a) different types of s/w maintenance
b) What is cyclomatic complexity? 5 2 5
c) Discuss about SEIs CMM 5 2 5
Part – II
Q2 Focussed – Short answer type Questions (Answer any three out of five) Module BL CO
Define three metrics to measure software reliability ? Explain using 2
one simple sentence each what you understand by the following
a) 5 5
reliability measures: A POFOD of 0.001, A ROC OF of 0.002, MTBF
of 200 units
Part – III Module BL CO
Q3 Long Answer type Questions (Answer any two out of three)
a). Explain the concepts of s/w reengineering and its purpose 5 2 4
b) Discuss about salient features of ISO 9001 5 3 4

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