IBM Cloud Pak For Business Automation V1.0

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IBM Cloud PAK for Business Automation

Shiju Vijayakumaran
Bahrain Business Machines
19- January - 2022

Core Business Automation Capabilities

Content Services Data Capture (Automated Business Process Decision Robotic Process Automation
(Document Management) Data Capture) Management (BPM) management (RPA) & digital labor

Share, manage and Capture, classify, and Design and manage Automate decisions Use bots to automate routine
collaborate on content extract data from content start-to-finish workflows with business rules human tasks

– Instant access to – Speed extraction – Choreograph human – Rapidly adapt to – Automate repetitive
content of data and automated business change activities
activities – Increase – Eliminate copy-and-
– Connect content – Reduce data
to digital entry errors – Improve consistency consistency and paste and data-
business across business auditability of entry errors
– Gain insights from operations decisions
applications – Free employees for
– Assure documents – Increase straight- – Integrate with higher-value work
governance through processing predictive analytics
and compliance
IBM Cloud Pak for Business
Automation: Automation accelerators

Process mining Operational

and modeling intelligence
Understand and Gain insights with
analyze your processes built-in AI

– Understand existing – Capture data generated

process and task flows by operational systems
– Analyze impact on key – Apply AI and machine
performance indicators learning to provide
(KPIs) insights
– Simulate future processes – Make adjustments
using “what-if” analysis to improve business

Automation is everywhere
▪ Payment Process, Invoice Processing Banking
▪ Procurement Process ▪ Reduced loan processing times
▪ Retail orders ▪ Customer onboarding
▪ Customer service & loyalty programs ▪ Financial risk and regulatory investigations

▪ Improved patient care processes Government
▪ Donor matching processes ▪ Customs and border control
▪ Acute medical investigations ▪ Benefit claims and investigations
▪ Improved public safety

Energy and utilities Travel and transportation

▪ Power grid management ▪ Online ticketing and reservations
▪ Bill processing ▪ Compensation management
▪ Energy consumption management ▪ Customer service support

Insurance Manufacturing
▪ Automated claims processing ▪ Manufacturing production quality and control
▪ Underwriting ▪ Defect Investigations
▪ Fraud investigations
IBM Business Automation Use Cases

online ordering
Benefits Administration

Orders Reservations

Customer Payments
Customer Onboarding Business
Context Incident
Loan Origination
Disputes Acute
Fraud & healthcare
Customer Engagement Compliance Compliants

Customer Support Regulatory queries Quality

Customer Service Investigation

Audit requests
IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation
Client and partner solutions

Low-code Automation
applications accelerators

Process mining RPA and

and modeling digital labor


Document Workflow Decision Content services

processing management

AI and machine learning

Automation foundation

⎻ Robotic Process ⎻ Natural language ⎻ Process and task ⎻ Event detection ⎻ Machine learning ⎻ 3rd Party ⎻ Operational models
Automation interactions mining integrations

IBM Cloud AWS Microsoft Google VMware Private IBM Z End

Azure Cloud IBM LinuxOne points
IBM Power

IBM Automation offers
proven solutions
Market Segment Analyst Rankings
“The results that we've seen have been pretty positive.
We're aiming, by the end of the year, to record about
Workflow (BPM/Case) Leader
USD 10 million in savings just by automating the
processes that we've identified so far.”
- VP, Digital Workplace Strategy, Large Financial Services firm
Content Services Leader

“It's very business friendly and rock solid. We manage

business rules within this product, and the benefit is that Data Capture Leader
businesses can manage these rules themselves.”
- Architect, Energy/Utilities company
Decisions Strong Performer
“Turnaround time: It’s easy to take a requirement, put it in
the code, and deploy it …”
RPA Leader
- Tech Lead, Financial Services firm
(Automation Anywhere)

“Helped us take a 45-Day application process and

Services Leader
reduce it to two days.”
- Supervisor, Information Security Risk, Energy/Utilities company

Sample Use Case: Invoice Processing
Traditional Invoice Processing

Invoices Mail Room(s) Scanning Data Entry

Fix Exceptions Exceptions 3 Way Match in ERP

Create/Pay Invoices

Strictly Confidential
Pain Points

Human Driven Lost Invoices No Automation

Delay due to paper movement Poor Audit Skilled Resources

All these pain points increase your Cost !!

Strictly Confidential
Typical As IS PO processing without automation
• Physical copies manually scanned to get soft copy or manually extract invoice from email.
• The soft copies of invoices are maintained in the shared folder
• Non processed Invoices are tracked manually using Excel or some other manual way.
• The invoice data is verified manually for any exceptions with ERP by manually logging and checking the ERP
• Material
• Price mismatch, Item Description mismatch, short GRN/Invoice

• Service
• Value mismatch, approvals

• In case of any exception, the e-mail is sent to the Buyer/Vendor and the same is marked in the Excel Sheet for
• The invoice data is extracted manually and accounted in the Oracle ERP
• The Staff members are trained to perform the above operations
• In case of staff member is unavailable, the invoices are processed in the next working day.
• Manually process the invoice and do relevant approvals for payment process.

Strictly Confidential
To Be – PO invoices
As Is Process Steps To be Process – Solution capabilities

Manually extract softcopy by email. An email crawler will be available to read the emails. A Case is created in the
repository for each of the invoice and all the supporting documents can be
The soft copies of invoices are maintained in the shared folder uploaded to the case – with customization ( Auto Renaming of Invoices with
internal sequence number). Invoices can be automatically picked up from a
shared folder.

All the invoices are stored in the centralized FileNet Repository. The invoices
can be accessed anytime using the browser based FileNet Content Navigator
An Excel file is being maintained to track the invoices The FileNet Product Database is created with the required metadata and the
invoice can be searched and tracked with the metadata
The invoice data is verified manually for any exceptions Auto validation of the invoice data with ERP.

Mails are sent manually to the vendors An integrated solution will be built to trigger e-mails to the vendors for any
exceptions and emails can be saved in the repository itself as an .eml file –
with customization
The invoice data is extracted manually and accounted in the Oracle ERP The invoice data such as Invoice No, Date, Amount, PO No etc are extracted
using IBM DataCap solution using OCR capabilities.
The workflow can be triggered to verify the data before accounting into
Oracle ERP system. In case of any deviation, the invoice can be routed in the
workflow for necessary action
Manually process the invoice for payment Initiate workflow for payment processing, which will take through multi-level
of approvals required for payment processing.

Strictly Confidential
Automation Benefits

• Faster Turn Around

• Better Tracking/Reporting/Insights

• Exception Handling

• Reduce Paper Dependence

• Reduced Manual Effort

• Integrated

• Automatic Validations

Strictly Confidential
Bahrain Customer References

Steel Batelco EWA
Scan, Capture, Migration from Integration of
Repository, old DMS - Customer Service
Automation Documentum Centers

Business Process Scan, Capture,

for Company – eBilling Repository and
Roughly 18 Integration automation
Departments process.

Integrate with Integration with

SAP to automate Branch Office all modules for
the process Automation SAP document

Integration with
Archive Emails

Strictly Confidential
Regional References


EMAAR Batelco
End to End ECM End to end ECM End to End ECM End to End ECM End to End ECM

Document Scanning Case Oracle ERP

SAP Integration
Repository Solution Management Integration

JD Edwards Oracle ERP E-Billing

EPIC Integration Backlog Services
Integration Integration Solution

Case Correspondence
Management Management

Strictly Confidential
IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation
Client and partner solutions

Low-code Automation
applications accelerators

Process mining RPA and Operational

and modeling digital labor intelligence


Document Workflow Decision Content services

processing management

AI and machine learning

Automation foundation

⎻ Robotic Process ⎻ Natural language ⎻ Process and task ⎻ Event detection ⎻ Machine learning ⎻ 3rd Party ⎻ Operational models
Automation interactions mining integrations

IBM Cloud AWS Microsoft Google VMware Private IBM Z End

Azure Cloud IBM LinuxOne points
IBM Power

IBM Automation / © 2021 IBM Corporation 15

Content management
– Store and manage business content
– Powerful search capabilities
– Federation across repositories
Content services
Security and privacy
– Rich granular security controls
– Role-based redaction
Content is unstructured or Why IBM?
semi-structured information Collaboration
including documents, text, – Flexible, reliable and – Collaboration, content
images, audio and video. secure content services synchronization and sharing,
and mobile support
delivered in modern
– Securely share documents and
Content services enable lightweight architecture folders with external users
users to securely manage
the full lifecycle of content. – Delivers a rich set
Governance and lifecycle management
of capabilities while
– Information governance for cross-
optimizing for simplicity
organizational data retention
and speed – Lifecycle and records management

Content services

Easily customize a content solution for any team

– Search for documents across

– View, annotate, edit and share
– Teamspaces provide a focused
view of the relevant
documents, folders, and
searches a team needs to
complete their tasks

Content Navigator enables users to search for and work with documents stored in multiple content
servers from a web browser.

Content services

Scale content services across the enterprise

– Secure and scalable foundation Scalable from thousands

addresses full set of content
management requirements to billions of documents
across the enterprise while maintaining
– Full spectrum of governance robustness and reliability
capabilities from acquisition
to disposition, with event-
driven retention policies
– Enterprise-class reporting
and auditing

Easily customize document entry templates to facilitate

storing and searching for documents across the enterprise

Content services

Enterprise-class content security

– Individual, group and role-

based security settings
– Object/folder level and
attribute-based controls
– Relationship-based
– Role-based redaction

Use access management to grant access permissions to users across environments

IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation
Client and partner solutions

Low-code Automation
applications accelerators

Process mining RPA and Operational

and modeling digital labor intelligence


Document Workflow Decision Content services

processing management

AI and machine learning

Automation foundation

⎻ Robotic Process ⎻ Natural language ⎻ Process and task ⎻ Event detection ⎻ Machine learning ⎻ 3rd Party ⎻ Operational models
Automation interactions mining integrations

IBM Cloud AWS Microsoft Google VMware Private IBM Z End

Azure Cloud IBM LinuxOne points
IBM Power

IBM Automation / © 2021 IBM Corporation 20

– Multi-channel document acquisition
– Sources include scanner, fax,
email, mobile, file system,
Document processing content repository

– Classify and extract data from
documents and images
Document processing is the Why IBM? – Machine learning and AI tools
ability to import unstructured – Sophisticated rules to validate data
paper or electronic – Enterprise-grade
documents and extract offering that meets the End-to-end solution
data through recognition, requirements of an end- – Build flexible and customizable
classification and artificial to-end capture solution capture applications
intelligence. – Manage capture workflow
– Uses a combination of – High availability and enterprise-
Watson analytics, advanced grade reliability, security, and
imaging and machine disaster recovery
learning to understand

Document processing

Get started easily with mobile capture

Simple mobile Easy to get started

capture setup with machine learning
– Set up in minutes to – Low code configuration
create a simple guided performed by
user experience business analysts
– Improve straight-through – On-device AI models for
processing with on-device extracting key data types
data checking and correction
– Real-time image processing to
– Out-of-the-box mobile ensure high quality
iOS and Android apps and
mobile SDK to augment
client applications

Capture, validate and submit data from documents and images

from an easy-to-use mobile app
Document processing

End-to-end enterprise capture solution

– Multi-channel content Enterprise capabilities

acquisition from fax, email,
scanners, mobile, file upload, that can capture
folder scanning and API hundreds of thousands
– Broad support for extraction of documents per day
from key-value pairs, tables,
checkboxes, ID-cards, and
signature validation
– Efficient high-volume batch
processing with automated
document identification
and separation
– Comprehensive human in the
loop validation process to
efficiently address errors and
– Publish digitized documents
and data with support for Recognize, classify and extract business data from highly unstructured inputs
multiple file formats

Document processing

Intelligent classification and extraction

– Intelligent classification to
automatically understand
document categorization
– Deep learning to understand
relationships between
document labels and values
(replaces traditional zone-
based extraction methods)
– Extract meaning from text
(e.g., emails, contracts) with
Watson Knowledge Studio
– Intelligent mobile document
capture in real-time using
on-device AI to extract
important information

No-code design tool for training the system to classify documents and identify data fields

IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation
Client and partner solutions

Low-code Automation
applications accelerators

Process mining RPA and Operational

and modeling digital labor intelligence


Document Workflow Decision Content services

processing management

AI and machine learning

Automation foundation

⎻ Robotic Process ⎻ Natural language ⎻ Process and task ⎻ Event detection ⎻ Machine learning ⎻ 3rd Party ⎻ Operational models
Automation interactions mining integrations

IBM Cloud AWS Microsoft Google VMware Private IBM Z End

Azure Cloud IBM LinuxOne points
IBM Power

IBM Automation / © 2021 IBM Corporation 25

– Graphical workflow designer
– Low-code design environment
– UI builder with rich palette of controls
Workflow – Reuse common components

Execution and monitoring

– Consolidated task management
Workflow defines how Why IBM? – Flexible search and filtering
work gets done through – Responsive, mobile ready UI
a sequence of steps – Designed for process – Real time process metrics

performed by humans owners and business

and systems. users to engage directly Governance and lifecycle management
in the implementation – Centrally managed development
Workflow management – Built-in versioning and “one-click
is the design, execution – Broad support for the deployment”
and monitoring of workflows. smallest initial projects – Manage hundreds of process
to enterprise-wide applications across the enterprise

IBM Automation / © 2021 IBM Corporation 26


Intuitive tools for workflow definition

Intuitive case designer Graphical process layout Drag-and-drop user interface builder
– Easily define the business – “The picture is the process” – Over 70 out-of-box user
level tasks needed interface components
– Allows non-technical business
– Group tasks by required users to configure their processes – Ability to create additional
and optional steps for execution reusable components


Scale from initial projects to an enterprise-wide program

– Toolkits provide reusable Enterprise capabilities

functionality across workflows
to execute millions
– Graphical interface
provides visibility into of real-time process
workflow deployment instances
– Enterprise versioning
capabilities manage updates
while process instances are

One-click deployment across dev, test and production environments


Apply AI to improve workflow productivity

Intelligent task prioritization

– Every task in a worker’s
task list is scored using
predictive analysis:
• Skill score
• Performance score
– Each worker’s task list
is sorted with the high-
valued, high-skill, and
high-performance tasks
at the top of the list
– Workers are enabled to
prioritize their time on
the highest value tasks

Prioritized task list uses predictive analysis to score each worker’s tasks by expected skill and performance

IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation
Client and partner solutions

Low-code Automation
applications accelerators

Process mining RPA and Operational

and modeling digital labor intelligence


Document Workflow Decision Content services

processing management

AI and machine learning

Automation foundation

⎻ Robotic Process ⎻ Natural language ⎻ Process and task ⎻ Event detection ⎻ Machine learning ⎻ 3rd Party ⎻ Operational models
Automation interactions mining integrations

IBM Cloud AWS Microsoft Google VMware Private IBM Z End

Azure Cloud IBM LinuxOne points
IBM Power

Bot creation
– Simple screen recorder
– Easy-to-configure commands
accessible to business users
Robotic Process Automation – Integrated chatbot commands

Centralized management
– Cloud native software as a service
– Workload management with concurrent
Robotic Process Automation Why IBM? bot execution on a single host
(RPA) refers to the use of – Enterprise-grade security for
“bots” to automate repetitive – IBM RPA is part of a managing bot credentials
activities. RPA bots mimic the complete platform that
actions of humans interacting enables organizations Governance and lifecycle management
with software applications. to automate the most – Role-based user access control
type of work – Development lifecycle management

– Reduce cost of ownership by

running multiple bots on a
single virtual host

– Create intelligent virtual agent

chatbots using built-in RPA

Robotic Process Automation
Easily build bots with low-code editors

– Record user interactions

to automatically generate
bot scripts
– Assemble bot scripts
from hundreds of
prebuilt commands
– Test automations directly
from the bot studio

Graphical bot development capabilities include drag-and-drop of pre-built commands and ability to instantly step
through and test bots

Robotic Process Automation
Comprehensive features for managing bots

Repository Unique multi-threaded

– Bots managed from architecture enables
secure central repository
multiple bots to run
– Credentials for unattended
bots are stored in an simultaneously on
encrypted repository the same computer
Workload management
– Intelligently distribute
work across multiple bots
to optimize throughput
– Reduce cost of ownership
by running multiple bots
on the same virtual host

– Gain business insights
into business operations Browser-based interface to schedule bot, manage bot repository and access dashboards

Robotic Process Automation

Support for chatbots and interactive voice response

Chatbots for intelligent virtual

agent (IVA) and interactive
voice response (IVR)
– Built-in RPA chatbot
– IVR for voice synthesis
and recognition
– Combine chatbot and other
RPA commands to provide
engaging client interactions

Intelligent virtual agent (IVA) chatbots used to interact with

customers and pass inputs directly to bots in order to
perform automated interactions
IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation
Client and partner solutions

Low-code Automation
applications accelerators

Process mining RPA and Operational

and modeling digital labor intelligence


Document Workflow Decision Content services

processing management

AI and machine learning

Automation foundation

⎻ Robotic Process ⎻ Natural language ⎻ Process and task ⎻ Event detection ⎻ Machine learning ⎻ 3rd Party ⎻ Operational models
Automation interactions mining integrations

IBM Cloud AWS Microsoft Google VMware Private IBM Z End

Azure Cloud IBM LinuxOne points
IBM Power

IBM Automation / © 2021 IBM Corporation 35

– Use event logs to automatically
discover process flows
– Use tasking mining to identify
Process mining desktop activity steps
– Discover rules from business data

– Use intuitive flow diagrams and
Process mining refers to the Why IBM? interactive dashboards for analysis
analysis and optimization of – Review frequency, duration, cost
business processes based on – Through partnership with conformance, costs, rework and
event log data. Data mining myInvenio, IBM offers automation levels

algorithms are applied to best-in-class process and

identify trends, patterns and task mining Simulation
– Use derived process model to
– IBM process mining is configure target process simulations
part of a complete – Simulate new automations using
historical data
platform that enables
– Analyze behavior of future process
organizations to
understand and automate
the most type of work

Process mining

Easily discover processes through data extraction

– Import event logs from

transactional systems
– Apply data mining algorithms
to event logs
– Automatically generate process

Generate the process model by uploading event data and mapping data fields

Process mining

Analyze and simulate processes

Analyze current processes

– Apply drill-down, slice-and-
dice and aggregation data
analysis patterns to discovered
– Use expression editors to
define and evaluate
company-specific metrics
and KPIs
– Compare two or more process
variants to obtain actionable

Simulate future processes

– Monitor performance and key
performance indicators (KPIs)
– Visually compare as-is and to- Process mining provides highly detailed, in-depth process analysis and suggestions
be scenarios for areas of improvement

– All users see changes in real time
– Users can follow and comment
on any specific process detail
Modeling – Versioning is done automatically
– Previous versions saved for easy
review or retrieval

Modeling is a way to Why IBM? – Easily add details and metadata
graphically represent to any step of a process
a company’s business – Cloud-based modeling – Link back to applicable corporate
automation. enables business people policies and regulations
across departments – Up-to-date repository stores all
It is used to document, to collaborate through models and metadata in one place
analyze and improve how an intuitive web interface
a company operates. Analyze and improve
– Single repository for – Heat maps show problem areas
all process models and outliers
– Risks, costs, cycle times and other
areas of focus are tracked for analysis
– Process playbacks step through and
analyze multiple process paths

Process modeling

Intuitive process modeling

– Work collaboratively across

teams and departments to
model business processes
– Process and decision
diagrams are generated
– See all changes in real time
– Central, shared repository
is always up to date
– Runs in the cloud and
accessed through a web
browser—just log in and go

Document and analyze an extensive set of process details with out-of-the-box and customizable properties

IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation
Client and partner solutions

Low-code Automation
applications accelerators

Process mining RPA and Operational

and modeling digital labor intelligence


Document Workflow Decision Content services

processing management

AI and machine learning

Automation foundation

⎻ Robotic Process ⎻ Natural language ⎻ Process and task ⎻ Event detection ⎻ Machine learning ⎻ 3rd Party ⎻ Operational models
Automation interactions mining integrations

IBM Cloud AWS Microsoft Google VMware Private IBM Z End

Azure Cloud IBM LinuxOne points
IBM Power

Collect and prepare
– Capture data from multiple
business and operational sources
into a data lake
Operational intelligence – Transform operational data
for dashboards and AI
– Correlate events across multiple
automation capabilities

Business automation insights Why IBM? Visualize

provides deep understanding – Real-time visibility
of business operations by – Gain actionable insights – Pre-defined dashboards
capturing and analyzing data from business operations – User configurable dashboards
generated by operational running across the
systems automation platform Enable AI and machine learning
– Enables AI/ML projects by
The data is presented in – Supports data scientists pre-curating operational data
dashboards and made for AI/ML projects by – Use insights to make adjustments
available to data scientists infusing pre-curated to improve business operations

for analysis using AI and operational data into

machine learning a data lake

Operational intelligence

Dashboards and analytics for business owners

Automatically collects and

curates operational data
– Easy configuration
of event emitters
– Automatically aggregates
and correlates events
– Enable data privacy
and protection through
anonymization and event
data removal

Provides out-of-the box and

customizable dashboards
– Out-of-the box dashboards Business Performance Center is used to build dashboards
– No code creation of custom with no code and to monitor performance
dashboard with charts,
KPI’s and metrics

IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation
Client and partner solutions

Low-code Automation
applications accelerators

Process mining RPA and Operational

and modeling digital labor intelligence


Document Workflow Decision Content services

processing management

AI and machine learning

Automation foundation

⎻ Robotic Process ⎻ Natural language ⎻ Process and task ⎻ Event detection ⎻ Machine learning ⎻ 3rd Party ⎻ Operational models
Automation interactions mining integrations

IBM Cloud AWS Microsoft Google VMware Private IBM Z End

Azure Cloud IBM LinuxOne points
IBM Power

– No-code decision modeling
– Graphical guided tools to model
and validate decisions
Decision management – Integrates business rules with
machine learning

Execution and testing

– Test and simulate decisions
Decisions are the repeatable Why IBM? – Execute decisions with speed
rules and policies made as and consistency
part of day-to-day business – Comprehensive – Highly scalable micro services
operations. business rules lifecycle architecture
management – Execution tracing for auditability
Decision management
is the software used to gather, – Business-friendly Governance and lifecycle management
manage, execute and monitor capabilities for – Release management and versioning
decisions. development, testing – Role-based permission management
and governance

Decision management

Business-friendly tooling for decision management

– Intuitive business-
friendly tooling to model
repeatable decisions
– Business experts create
and edit rules using
natural language
– Test and govern decisions
within a business environment
– Integrated capability for
decision automation

Low-code editors provide easy-to-use tools to graphically model business decisions

Decision management

Scalable and secure decision automation

Testing and simulation Enterprise decision

– Step-by-step debugging capabilities with
with value inspectors
scalability to
– Test suite definition,
simulation and rule analysis execute over
1 billion decisions
Centralize decisions
per day
– Centralize and externalize
business knowledge
– Simple effective
governance and security

Execution at scale
– High performance and
scalability for the most
demanding enterprise
deployments Highly scalable environment to manage millions of business rules
– Supports transactional
and batch rule execution

IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation
Client and partner solutions

Low-code Automation
applications accelerators

Process mining RPA and Operational

and modeling digital labor intelligence


Document Workflow Decision Content services

processing management

AI and machine learning

Automation foundation

⎻ Robotic Process ⎻ Natural language ⎻ Process and task ⎻ Event detection ⎻ Machine learning ⎻ 3rd Party ⎻ Operational models
Automation interactions mining integrations

IBM Cloud AWS Microsoft Google VMware Private IBM Z End

Azure Cloud IBM LinuxOne points
IBM Power

IBM Automation / © 2021 IBM Corporation 48

Deploy on Cloud Pak for Automation
any cloud or – Single license for all automation capabilities provides entitlement
to container-based and traditional on-premises install
– Fully supported on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (included)

– Move to containers at your own pace

Any cloud Hybrid On-premises

Red Hat OpenShift is trusted
enterprise Kubernetes
Install Deploy Harden Operate

– Templating – Identity and – Platform monitoring – OS upgrade and patch

security access and alerts
– Validation – Platform upgrade
– App monitoring and alerts – Metering and chargeback and patch
– OS setup
– Storage and persistence – Platform security – Image upgrade and patch
– Egress, ingress, – App upgrade and patch
and integration – Image hardening
– Security patches
– Host container images – Security certifications
– Continuous
– Build/deploy – Network policy security scanning
– Disaster recovery – Multi-environment rollout
– Resource segmentation – Enterprise
container registry
– Cluster and app elasticity
– Monitor, alert, remediate
– Log aggregation

Red Hat OpenShift simplifies
container management

Container challenges: Red Hat OpenShift:

Container security Trusted enterprise Kubernetes
Image scanning, patching, Continuous security, world-class support and services,
and compliance and deep expertise to confidently run any application

Day 2 management A cloud-like experience, everywhere

Installations, upgrades, and maintenance Full-stack automated operations on a consistent foundation
Integration of existing enterprise technology across on-premises or hybrid cloud infrastructure

Application delivery Empowerment to innovate

Monitoring, metering, and management Ability to get applications to production sooner with
a wide range of technologies and streamlined workflows

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