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World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34


Guidelines for Perioperative Care for Liver Surgery: Enhanced

Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society Recommendations 2022
Gaëtan-Romain Joliat1 • Kosuke Kobayashi2 • Kiyoshi Hasegawa2 • John-Edwin Thomson3 •
Robert Padbury3 • Michael Scott4,5 • Raffaele Brustia6 • Olivier Scatton7 • Hop S. Tran Cao8 •
Jean-Nicolas Vauthey8 • Selim Dincler9 • Pierre-Alain Clavien9 • Stephen J. Wigmore10 •
Nicolas Demartines1 • Emmanuel Melloul1

Accepted: 29 August 2022 / Published online: 30 October 2022

Ó The Author(s) 2022

Background Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) has been widely applied in liver surgery since the publi-
cation of the first ERAS guidelines in 2016. The aim of the present article was to update the ERAS guidelines in liver
surgery using a modified Delphi method based on a systematic review of the literature.
Methods A systematic literature review was performed using MEDLINE/PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane
Library. A modified Delphi method including 15 international experts was used. Consensus was judged to be reached
when [80% of the experts agreed on the recommended items. Recommendations were based on the Grading of
Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations system.
Results A total of 7541 manuscripts were screened, and 240 articles were finally included. Twenty-five recom-
mendation items were elaborated. All of them obtained consensus ([80% agreement) after 3 Delphi rounds. Nine
items (36%) had a high level of evidence and 16 (64%) a strong recommendation grade. Compared to the first ERAS
guidelines published, 3 novel items were introduced: prehabilitation in high-risk patients, preoperative biliary
drainage in cholestatic liver, and preoperative smoking and alcohol cessation at least 4 weeks before hepatectomy.
Conclusions These guidelines based on the best available evidence allow standardization of the perioperative
management of patients undergoing liver surgery. Specific studies on hepatectomy in cirrhotic patients following an
ERAS program are still needed.

& Nicolas Demartines 6

Department of Digestive and Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary
[email protected] Surgery, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP),
Hôpitaux Universitaires Henri Mondor, Créteil, France
Department of Visceral Surgery, Lausanne University 7
Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery and Liver
Hospital CHUV, University of Lausanne (UNIL), Rue du
Transplantation, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-
Bugnon 46, 1011 Lausanne, Switzerland
HP), Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France
Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery Division, Department of 8
Department of Surgical Oncology, The University of Texas
Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA
Tokyo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
3 Department of Surgery, Swiss HPB Center, University of
Department of Surgery, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide,
Zurich Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
4 Department of Surgery, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

12 World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34

Introduction inconsistency, indirectness of evidence (different popula-

tions of interest or different outcomes), imprecision, and
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) is a multimodal publication bias were then assessed, and, if present, level of
and perioperative management pathway. ERAS offers to evidence was downgraded by one or two steps. Observa-
reduce the response to surgical stress and has been shown tional studies were primarily defined as low level of evi-
to decrease postoperative complications and length of stay dence. The level of evidence was potentially upgraded by
(LoS) after several types of surgery [1, 2]. one or two levels based on the large magnitude of effect,
The first ERAS guidelines for liver surgery were published the dose–response gradient, and the effect of residual
in 2016 [3]. Since then, several publications have shown that confounding. The grades of recommendation, also based on
implementation of ERAS in liver surgery improves postop- the GRADE system, were defined as weak or strong [10].
erative outcomes [4, 5]. Three recent meta-analyses showed Definition of the grade of recommendation considered the
that ERAS in liver surgery decreased postoperative compli- quality of evidence, the uncertainty of values and prefer-
cations, LoS, and costs [6–8]. In the first ERAS guidelines for ences, the balance between desirable and undesirable effect
liver surgery, 7 out of 23 recommendation items were based of alternative strategy of management, and the costs of
on non-liver surgery studies. The selected items described in intervention [10].
the current updated recommendations are all issued from
studies specifically on liver surgery. Analyzed items
The aim of the present systematic review was to update
the guidelines for ERAS in liver surgery by reviewing the The items were chosen at the beginning of the study by the
current literature and using a modified Delphi method to experts and were based on the previous guidelines and on
obtain an expert consensus. the current available literature. Twenty-five recommenda-
tion items were elaborated.

Material and methods Modified Delphi method

Creation of these guidelines followed the recommendations An expert committee was chosen by the group responsible
of the ERAS Society [9]. for the guidelines (Lausanne University Hospital group).
The experts represent an international panel from Asia,
Literature search and data selection America, and Europe. Twelve experts were asked by email
whether they wanted to take part in the elaboration of these
A systematic review was performed by searching MED- guidelines. All of them agreed. Each expert was then
LINE/PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library. For assigned 2–3 recommendation items to elaborate. After
each specific ERAS item, a search query was created by each expert wrote their individual parts, all items were put
two professional librarians. The specific queries for each together by the editorial team. The Delphi rounds then
item can be found in Supplementary files. started. For each round, the manuscript was sent individ-
ually to each expert to avoid influence of the results by
Inclusion and exclusion criteria reading other expert comments. Each expert was asked to
comment and edit the manuscript using the Word Track
Studies included in the previous guidelines and new studies Changes system. The editorial team edited the manuscript
published between January 1, 2010, and May 31, 2020, were before every new round. Levels of evidence and grades of
considered. Eligible articles were meta-analyses, systematic recommendation were modified for the next round only if
reviews, reviews, expert consensus, randomized controlled the majority of experts agreed. A total of 3 web-based
trials (RCT), or prospective studies. Retrospective studies rounds was performed to reach the highest level of con-
were considered only if better data were not available. sensus. Consensus was determined to be reached if [80%
agreement (i.e., 12/15 experts) was obtained for an item.
Quality assessment and grade of recommendation

Levels of evidence of the recommendations were based on Results

the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Develop-
ment and Evaluations (GRADE) system, where levels were The PRISMA flowchart of the study is summarized in
graded as low, moderate, or high [10]. The GRADE system Fig. 1, and the process of the modified Delphi method is
includes RCT and observational studies. RCT were pri- depicted in Fig. 2. Table 1 shows the percentage of
marily defined as high level of evidence. Risk of bias, agreement for each round for items that did not reach

World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34 13

Evidence level: Low.

Grade of recommendation: Weak.


Two recent systematic reviews (including 419 and 1377

patients) focusing on prehabilitation for liver surgery have
been published [14, 15]. Both found no difference in terms
of postoperative complications and LoS. Only a trend
toward less postoperative complications and shorter LoS
was found in the pooled analysis of the systematic review
by Dewulf et al. [15]. Both reviews underlined that several
included studies were underpowered and that standardized
outcome measures should be defined in future analyses. A
narrative review on prehabilitation for patients with
steatosis suggested that the 4–6-week period before the
operation could be used for prehabilitation including diet-
ary intervention to decrease intrahepatic fat and improve
postoperative outcomes [16]. Another further narrative
review on older patients recommended a focus on high-risk
patients who could benefit from prehabilitation [17]. Aging
Fig. 1 PRISMA flowchart of the systematic review of the literature is often associated with sarcopenia and malnutrition, ren-
dering these patients more at risk of a complication [17].
Frail patients might therefore benefit the most from pre-
habilitation [17]. In their review, Walcott-Sapp and
consensus after round 1, and Table 2 summarizes the Billingsley [18] recommended that candidates for major
recommendations. liver resection should have their nutritional and functional
status evaluated preoperatively and improved if necessary.
Preoperative counseling Two RCT on prehabilitation in liver surgery have been
performed [19, 20]. One study, including a total of 51
No RCT assessing preoperative counseling specifically in patients, found that postoperative complications were
liver surgery exist. A recent RCT (PEDUCAT trial) com- similar but that serum insulin levels were decreased and
pared a 1-h preoperative counseling and information sem- anaerobic threshold increased in the prehabilitation group
inar associated with brochure to brochure only with [19]. The other RCT of 35 patients found an improvement
standard management (control group) in major abdominal in cardiopulmonary testing and quality of life in patients
surgery, including 25 liver resections [11]. No difference in who had prehabilitation [20]. Two other studies specific to
complications or mortality was observed between both liver surgery (one prospective study and one propensity
groups except for hospital falls, which were more frequent score matching study) found improved outcomes in the
in the control group. Moreover, no difference in patient prehabilitation group (decreased complications and LoS)
satisfaction was found. The preoperative information [21, 22]. Nine systematic reviews and meta-analyses on
seminar was nevertheless beneficial for the training of major abdominal surgery found globally that postoperative
patients and nursing staff. In one study, a mobile applica- complications were reduced in patients having prehabili-
tion for hepatopancreatobiliary (HPB) surgery within an tation but heterogeneity of the included studies was high
ERAS pathway containing preoperative information was and quality of the evidence low [23–31].
developed and was found to be feasible [12]. A systematic Summary and recommendation: Prehabilitation
review on preoperative information before elective surgery should be performed in high-risk patients (elderly, mal-
did not show any differences in terms of perioperative nourished or overweight patients, smokers, or patients with
anxiety and postoperative outcomes between specific for- psychological disorder) prior to liver surgery. Prehabilita-
mats and timings [13]. tion should be commenced 4–6 weeks before the operation
Summary and recommendation: Patients should depending upon the urgency of surgery. The content
receive preoperative information and counseling regarding (physical exercises, dietary interventions, or anxiety
the upcoming liver surgery. Brochures and multimedia reduction exercises) and duration of the prehabilitation
supports might help to improve the verbal counseling. program for liver surgery are not clearly established.

14 World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34

Fig. 2 Process of the modified Delphi method for the development of the present consensus ERAS guidelines for perioperative care for liver

Table 1 Percentage of agreement (regarding summary, level of evidence, and grade of recommendation) after the different Delphi rounds for
items that did not reach consensus (\ 80% agreement) after the first round
Round 1 (%) Round 2 (%) Round 3 (%)

Preoperative biliary drainage 67 86 93

Anti-thrombotic prophylaxis 73 93 100
Preoperative steroids administration 60 73 93
Prophylactic abdominal drainage 60 73 100
Delayed gastric emptying 73 100 100
Early and scheduled mobilization 73 75 100
Fluid management 73 75 100

World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34 15

Table 2 Summary of ERAS recommendations for liver surgery for each item, including the levels of evidence and the grades of
ERAS item Summary Evidence Grade of
level recommendation

1. Preoperative counseling Patients should receive preoperative information and counseling Low Weak
regarding the upcoming liver surgery. Brochures and multimedia
supports might help to improve the verbal counseling.
2. Prehabilitation Prehabilitation should be performed in high-risk patients (elderly, Moderate Weak
malnourished or overweight patients, smokers, or patients with
psychological disorder) prior to liver surgery. Prehabilitation should
be commenced 4–6 weeks before the operation depending upon the
urgency of surgery. The content (physical exercises, dietary
interventions, or anxiety reduction exercises) and duration of the
prehabilitation program for liver surgery are not clearly established.
3. Preoperative biliary drainage Biliary drainage in cholestatic liver ([50 mmol/l) is recommended. For Moderate Strong
perihilar cholangiocarcinoma, percutaneous biliary drainage should
be preferred to endoscopic biliary drainage. Surgery should ideally
not be performed until bilirubin level drops below 50 mmol/l.
4. Preoperative smoking and alcohol Preoperative smoking cessation should be counseled at least 4 weeks High Strong
cessation prior to hepatectomy. Alcohol cessation is recommended for heavy
drinkers ([ 24 g/day for women and [36 g/day for men) 4–8 weeks
before surgery.
5. Preoperative nutrition A nutritional assessment is necessary prior to all hepatic surgery. High Strong
Malnourished patients (i.e., weight loss[10% or[5% over 3 months
and reduced body mass index or a low fat-free mass index) should be
optimized with enteral supplementation at least 7–14 days prior to
6. Perioperative oral immunonutrition Due to the lack of evidence, the use of immunonutrition in hepatic Low Weak
surgery is not recommended yet.
7. Preoperative fasting and Preoperative fasting of 2 h for liquids and 6 h for solids before Moderate Strong
preoperative carbohydrate load anesthesia is safe and can be recommended.
Carbohydrate loading is recommended the evening before liver surgery Low Weak
and 2–4 h before induction of anesthesia. Preoperative carbohydrate
loading is safe and improves perioperative insulin resistance, but it is
not clear if it is associated with a reduction of length of stay in liver
8. Pre-anesthetic medication Long-acting anxiolytic drugs should be avoided, particularly in the Moderate Strong
elderly. Preoperative gabapentinoids and nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs are not recommended. Preoperative
acetaminophen should be dose-adjusted according to extent of
resection. Preoperative hyoscine patches can be used in patients with
high risk for postoperative nausea and vomiting but should be
avoided in the elderly.
9. Anti-thrombotic prophylaxis Low molecular weight heparin or unfragmented heparin reduces the Moderate Strong
risk of thromboembolic events and should be routinely started
postoperatively unless exceptional circumstances make this unsafe.
Intermittent pneumatic compression devices should be used to further
reduce this risk.
10. Preoperative steroids Steroid administration (methylprednisolone at a dose of 500 mg) is Moderate Weak
administration recommended. No recommendation can be formulated on diabetic
patients undergoing liver surgery.
11. Antimicrobial prophylaxis and Antibiotic prophylaxis (such as cefazolin) within 60 min before Moderate Weak
skin preparation surgical incision is recommended, with no benefit extending it into
the postoperative period. In case of complex liver surgery with
biliary reconstruction, a targeted antibiotic pre-emptive regimen
based on preoperative bile culture may be recommended but its
duration is unknown.
Skin preparation with chlorhexidine-alcoholic solution is associated Moderate Strong
with a lower rate of surgical site infections, compared to povidone-
iodine solution.

16 World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34

Table 2 continued
ERAS item Summary Evidence Grade of
level recommendation

12. Minimally invasive surgery In trained teams and when clinically appropriate, laparoscopic liver Moderate Strong
resection is recommended since it reduces postoperative length of
stay and complication rates.
13. Epidural, postoperative For open liver surgery, thoracic epidural analgesia can provide High Strong
intravenous, and postoperative per excellent analgesia but has significant disadvantages. In fact, optimal
oral analgesia postoperative management is key to avoid hypotension and mobility
issues which can be detrimental to rapid recovery. Multimodal
analgesia (including potential use of intrathecal opiates) is
Regarding laparoscopic surgery, there is no need for regional anesthesia Low Weak
techniques, as multimodal analgesia combined with judicious
intravenous opiates provides functional analgesia.
14. Wound catheter and transversus Continuous local anesthetic wound infiltration provides lower High Strong
abdominis plane (TAP) block complication rates and overall equivalent analgesia to thoracic
epidural analgesia. Local anesthetic transversus abdominis plane
blockade as a supplement to standard analgesia improves pain control
and reduces opiate usage.
15. Prophylactic nasogastric Prophylactic nasogastric intubation does not offer postoperative High Strong
intubation benefits and may in fact increase hospital length of stay. Routine use
of prophylactic nasogastric intubation is not recommended.
16. Prophylactic abdominal drainage The routine use of abdominal drain placement is not indicated for High Strong
hepatectomy without biliary reconstruction. No recommendation can
be made for hepatectomy with biliary reconstruction.
17. Preventing intraoperative Perioperative normothermia using multimodal temperature Moderate Strong
hypothermia management (including circulating water garments or forced warm
air) should be maintained during open and minimally invasive liver
18. Postoperative artificial nutrition Early oral intake with normal diet should be implemented after High Strong
and early oral intake hepatectomy. Individualized need for artificial nutrition should be
assessed for malnourished patients, patients with complications
causing several days of fasting, and patients with liver cirrhosis. If
artificial nutrition is considered, enteral administration should be
19. Postoperative glycemic control Insulin therapy for maintenance of normoglycemia (\8.3 mmol/l) is High Strong
20. Prevention of delayed gastric Use of an omental flap to cover the cut surface of the liver might reduce Low Weak
emptying (DGE) the risk of delayed gastric emptying after left-sided liver resection.
21. Stimulation of bowel movement Postoperative laxatives, gum chewing, herbal medicine, or decoction Moderate Weak
after hepatectomy might reduce the time to first flatus or stool but do
not impact the morbidity rate. Current data do not permit the
recommendation of the routine use of postoperative laxatives, gum
chewing, herbal medicine, or decoction to stimulate bowel movement
after liver surgery.
22. Early and scheduled mobilization Early mobilization (out of bed) after liver surgery should be established Moderate Strong
from the operative day until hospital discharge. No recommendation
can be made regarding the optimal duration of mobilization.
23. Postoperative nausea and vomiting A multimodal approach to postoperative nausea and vomiting should be High Strong
(PONV) prophylaxis used. Patients should receive postoperative nausea and vomiting
prophylaxis with at least 2 antiemetic drugs such as dexamethasone
and ondansetron.

World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34 17

Table 2 continued
ERAS item Summary Evidence Grade of
level recommendation

24. Fluid management Low central venous pressure (below 5 cm H2O) with close monitoring High Strong
is recommended during hepatic transection. As maintenance fluid
balanced crystalloid should be preferred over 0.9% saline or colloids.
Goal-directed fluid therapy optimizes cardiac output and end-organ
perfusion. This may be particularly beneficial after the intraoperative
liver resection during a low central venous pressure state to restore
tissue perfusion. Patients who have comorbidities and reduced
cardiac function may benefit most.
25. Monitoring/Audit Substantial literature exists supporting that audit and feedback improve Moderate Strong
outcomes in health care and surgery. Regular audit and feedback
should be implemented and performed in liver surgery to monitor and
improve postoperative outcomes and compliance to the ERAS

Evidence level: Moderate. Conversely, a meta-analysis by Wang et al. [41] showed

Grade of recommendation: Weak. that the incidence of seeding metastasis was significantly
higher in the PTBD than EBD group, and EBD was
Preoperative biliary drainage (PBD) superior to PTBD in terms of overall survival in patients
with resectable perihilar cholangiocarcinoma.
The results of 2 meta-analyses showed that the mortality Neither the timing of surgery nor the duration of PBD
rate was similar between patients with or without PBD for has been defined. Most institutions define these parameters
perihilar cholangiocarcinoma, but that PBD increased the based on the serum bilirubin concentration, which also
incidence of complications such as pancreatitis, cholangi- shows variance. Some centers recommended PBD duration
tis, and surgical site infection (SSI) [32, 33]. In the meta- until the bilirubin level is \2 to 3 mg/dl (about
analysis by Moole et al. [34], PBD was associated with 30–50 mmol/l) [37]. Only one study has assessed the
fewer overall major adverse events than surgery itself, optimal interval between PBD and liver resection [42]. Son
especially in patients undergoing endoscopic PBD. More- et al. [42] classified patients into either a long-term
over, PBD has been proven beneficial in the presence of (C2 weeks) or a short-term (\2 weeks) group. They
cholangitis, severe malnutrition, and coagulation abnor- showed that PBD \2 weeks before surgery was associated
malities [35]. Most reports have described PBD on the with significantly fewer PBD-related complications after
future liver remnant side. Prolonged preoperative jaundice resection.
was associated with increased postoperative morbidity and Summary and recommendation: Biliary drainage in
mortality after hepatic resection because of severe chole- cholestatic liver ([50 mmol/l) is recommended. For peri-
static liver dysfunction [36]. Regarding hilar cholangio- hilar cholangiocarcinoma, percutaneous biliary drainage
carcinoma, an expert consensus statement (American should be preferred to endoscopic biliary drainage. Surgery
Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association-sponsored consen- should ideally not be performed until bilirubin level drops
sus meeting) recommended PBD in patients with cholan- below 50 mmol/l.
gitis, hyperbilirubinemia-induced malnutrition, hepatic Evidence level: Moderate.
insufficiency, or renal insufficiency and in patients under- Grade of recommendation: Strong.
going preoperative chemotherapy or portal vein
embolization [37]. Preoperative smoking and alcohol cessation
Endoscopic biliary drainage (EBD) and percutaneous
biliary drainage (PTBD) for hilar tumors are the 2 main Smoking is a risk factor for overall complications, SSI,
strategies of PBD. According to different meta-analyses, pulmonary complications, neurological complications, and
PTBD is associated with a lower rate of complications such admission to the intensive care unit after surgery [43]. Lv
as pancreatitis and cholangitis than EBD, and PTBD has a et al. [44] showed in a retrospective study of 425 patients
higher therapeutic success rate than EBD [38–40]. that smoking was an independent risk factor for liver-

18 World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34

related and infectious complications after hepatectomy in poor perioperative nutrition, including septic complications
patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). No [58, 59]. Perioperative enteral nutritional therapy should be
prospective study specific to smoking cessation and liver utilized for a period of 7–14 days in such patients, preferably
surgery has been published yet. Two older RCT found a in an outpatient setting [57]. Parenteral nutrition should only
benefit of preoperative smoking cessation in terms of be considered in patients where requirements cannot be met
complications before various types of operations [45, 46]. by enteral nutrition alone [57]. A single RCT has demon-
A systematic review of 25 articles published in 2012 strated that intraoperative blood loss can be minimized in
confirmed that smoking cessation at least 4 weeks before obese patients undergoing hepatectomy by introducing a
surgery reduced the risk of respiratory and wound-associ- low-fat, low-calorie diet one week prior to surgery [60].
ated complications [47]. Conversely, smoking cessation Summary and recommendation: A nutritional assess-
less than 4 weeks prior surgery did not improve postop- ment is necessary prior to all hepatic surgery. Malnour-
erative outcomes. A Cochrane systematic review published ished patients (i.e., weight loss [10% or [5% over
in 2014 including 13 RCT found that an intensive inter- 3 months and reduced body mass index or a low fat-free
vention for smoking cessation prior to surgery reduced mass index) should be optimized with enteral supplemen-
postoperative complications compared to no intervention tation at least 7–14 days prior to surgery.
(risk ratio 0.42) [48]. Two retrospective studies also sug- Evidence level: High.
gested that smoking was a risk factor for higher recurrence Grade of recommendation: Strong.
and liver-specific mortality after hepatectomy for HCC
[49, 50]. Perioperative oral immunonutrition
In a systematic review with meta-analysis including 55
studies, alcohol was found to be an independent risk factor Immunomodulation through the use of branched-chain
for overall, infectious, and respiratory complications after amino acids (BCAA), L-arginine, omega-3 fatty acids, and
surgery [51]. Nevertheless, low-to-moderate alcohol con- nucleotides has been reported to control inflammation,
sumption was not associated with postoperative morbidity prevent immunosuppression, and thus reduce postoperative
but data remained scarce [51]. In liver surgery, alcoholic sepsis [59, 61].
hepatitis is a risk factor for postoperative complications The reduction of inflammation and improvement in
[52]. Alcohol consumption should therefore be reduced and hepatic function as a result of immunonutrition may
ideally stopped in the perioperative period. improve outcomes. Omega-3 fatty acid administration has
Summary and recommendation: Preoperative smok- been associated with a reduction in infections and
ing cessation should be counseled at least 4 weeks prior to improved liver functions in patients undergoing hepatic
hepatectomy. Alcohol cessation is recommended for heavy resection [62]. Yang et al. [63] suggested that omega-3
drinkers ([24 g/day for women or [36 g/day for men) fatty acid administration in rats undergoing large hepatic
4–8 weeks before surgery. resection reduced hepatic fibrosis and improved hepatic
Evidence level: Smoking: high, alcohol: high. regeneration. Akbari et al. [64] failed to demonstrate this
Grade of recommendation: Smoking: strong, alcohol: benefit in rats, although the hepatic resections were sig-
strong. nificantly smaller. Beppu et al. [65] concluded that BCAA
supplementation in humans was beneficial in hepatic
Preoperative nutrition regeneration after portal vein embolization.
A few systematic reviews suggested promising results.
Prior to hepatic surgery, a nutritional risk screening is Decreased postoperative complications, improved nutri-
required to determine patients at higher risk of postopera- tional state, and shortened hospitalization have all been
tive complications. Numerous nutritional screening tools demonstrated [59, 66]. Numerous biochemical parameters
have been validated [53]. Multiple meta-analyses have (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase,
prognosticated nutritional scoring systems utilizing a white cell count and pre-albumin) have been used and have
combination of serum albumin and lymphocyte count demonstrated a benefit of omega-3 fatty acids in hepatic
(prognostic nutritional index) [54, 55] and, in addition, surgery [67]. None of these beneficial aspects have shown
serum cholesterol (controlling nutritional status score) [56] any improvement in postoperative mortality [59, 66–68].
in patients undergoing hepatectomy for HCC. McKay et al. [59] noted that the majority of RCT in their
Delaying surgery to optimize preoperative malnutrition systematic review were of poor quality. More recent RCT
(body mass index, BMI \18.5 kg/m2) and disease-related failed to demonstrate a benefit for immunonutrition in
malnutrition (weight loss[10% or[5% over 3 months and elective hepatic surgery [69, 70].
reduced BMI or a low fat-free mass index) is necessary [57]. Ichikawa et al. [71] demonstrated an oncological benefit
A number of adverse outcomes have been associated with for the use of BCAA. Tumor recurrence (at 30 months) as

World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34 19

well as alpha-fetoprotein (at 36 months) was significantly diabetes or active gastroesophageal reflux is relative con-
reduced as a result of BCAA use; however, overall mor- traindication to carbohydrate loading in the 2–4 h period
tality was unaffected. before surgery although type 2 diabetes can receive it [84].
The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Meta- Summary and recommendation: Preoperative fasting
bolism (ESPEN) guidelines currently do not support the of 2 h for liquids and 6 h for solids before anesthesia is
use of glutamine, arginine, and omega-3 fatty acids in well- safe and can be recommended. Carbohydrate loading is
nourished patients; however, supplementation may be recommended the evening before liver surgery and 2–4 h
indicated in malnourished patients or patients that are before induction of anesthesia. Preoperative carbohydrate
unable to be fed enterally [57]. loading is safe and improves perioperative insulin resis-
Summary and recommendation: Due to the lack of tance, but it is not clear if it is associated with a reduction
evidence, the use of immunonutrition in hepatic surgery is of length of stay in liver surgery.
not recommended yet. Evidence level: Preoperative fasting: moderate, carbo-
Evidence level: Low. hydrate loading: low.
Grade of recommendation: Weak. Grade of recommendation: Preoperative fasting:
strong, carbohydrate loading: weak.
Preoperative fasting and preoperative carbohydrate
load Pre-anesthetic medication

The ESPEN and the American Society of Anesthesiologists Pre-anesthetic medication has traditionally been given to
guidelines currently recommend fasting for solids for 6 h allay anxiety, but long-acting agents impair psychomotor
before anesthesia and for liquids no more than 2 h before recovery after general anesthesia. A Cochrane review on
anesthesia [57, 72]. anxiolytic premedication for outpatient surgery showed
The purpose of giving carbohydrate drinks the evening that patients who received oral anxiolytics had psy-
before and 2–4 h before surgery is to ensure hydration and chomotor function impairment 4 h after surgery, reducing
to reduce insulin resistance [73, 74]. Preoperative carbo- their ability to ambulate, eat, and drink [85]. In selected
hydrate drinks have been associated with reduced anxiety, cases, short-acting anxiolytics (such as 1–2 mg midazo-
postoperative nausea and vomiting, postoperative insulin lam) can be given to ease regional anesthesia before gen-
resistance, and length of hospitalization [57]. Preoperative eral anesthesia induction. The American Geriatrics Society
carbohydrate loading reduces the resistance to insulin after Beers Criteria for potentially inappropriate medication use
liver surgery [75–77]. Moreover, Kobayashi et al. [78] in older patient populations (aged 65 years and older)
found that giving late-evening carbohydrate load and an strongly advise against using benzodiazepines as they may
amino acid snack preoperatively improved the nutritional cause cognitive impairment and increase the risk of delir-
status of patients with perturbation of liver function. ium and falls in the elderly [86].
A Cochrane meta-analysis found that carbohydrate loading More recently, preoperative medication was more
before elective surgery (18 studies for abdominal surgery) commonly used as perioperative multimodal analgesic
allowed a small reduction of LoS [79]. No difference in adjuncts. In liver surgery, the use of nonsteroidal anti-in-
terms of complications was found. In a network meta- flammatory drugs (NSAIDS) preoperatively is not recom-
analysis published in 2017, carbohydrate loading before mended because of the risk of acute kidney injury. A meta-
surgery was associated with a reduction of LoS in patients analysis of 281 trials (n = 24,682 participants) examining
who were fasting, but did not show any benefit compared to the use of gabapentinoids in major surgery showed that
water or placebo [80]. A 2010 RCT on major abdominal although there was a mild analgesic effect, there were
surgery (including liver surgery) found that preoperative significant problems with blurred vision and dizziness [87].
carbohydrate loading did not improve postoperative out- These appeared to be dose-related but could occur with
comes [81]. However, patients with carbohydrate loading normal dosing in the elderly, so their use in liver surgery
who underwent open surgery without epidural analgesia was not recommended. Acetaminophen has to be dose-
had a trend toward a shorter median LoS (7 vs. 9 days, adjusted if significant liver parenchyma is removed.
p = 0.054) [81]. A recent systematic review of RCT in Scopolamine patches are effective in patients with high risk
general surgery concluded that carbohydrate loading up to of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) but should
2 h prior to surgery was safe and could decrease insulin be avoided in the elderly due to central effects [88].
resistance [82]. Some data support the deleterious effect of Summary and recommendation: Long-acting anxi-
insulin resistance on liver regeneration [83]. Type 1 olytic drugs should be avoided, particularly in the elderly.

20 World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34

Preoperative gabapentinoids and nonsteroidal anti-inflam- combining intermittent pneumatic compression and
matory drugs are not recommended. Preoperative acet- chemical thromboprophylaxis compared to intermittent
aminophen should be dose-adjusted according to extent of pneumatic compression alone (RR 0.54, 95% CI 0.32–0.91,
resection. Preoperative hyoscine patches can be used in p = 0.02) [93].
patients with high risk for postoperative nausea and vom- Summary and recommendation: Low molecular
iting but should be avoided in the elderly. weight heparin or unfragmented heparin reduces the risk of
Evidence level: Moderate. thromboembolic events and should be routinely started
Grade of recommendation: Strong. postoperatively unless exceptional circumstances make this
unsafe. Intermittent pneumatic compression devices should
Anti-thrombotic prophylaxis be used to further reduce this risk.
Evidence level: Use of low molecular weight heparin or
Liver surgery is an independent risk factor for postopera- unfragmented heparin: moderate, use of intermittent
tive thromboembolic events, and this risk is directly pro- pneumatic compression devices: moderate.
portional to the magnitude of hepatectomy [89]. In Grade of recommendation: Use of low molecular
addition, this risk extends beyond hospital discharge. Since weight heparin or unfragmented heparin: strong, use of
the last published ERAS liver guidelines, one prospective intermittent pneumatic compression devices: strong.
study on the use of enoxaparin treatment in patients after
curative HPB surgery for malignancies was published [90]. Preoperative steroids administration
In this prospective multicenter study including 74 hepate-
ctomies and 35 pancreaticoduodenectomies, subcutaneous According to a recently published meta-analysis including 6
injection of enoxaparin was initiated 48–72 h after surgery RCT (n = 411 patients) focusing on liver surgery, the pre-
and repeated for 8 days. Neither major bleeding (primary operative administration of steroids compared to placebo
endpoint) nor symptomatic venous thromboembolism was not associated with a significant difference in the inci-
(VTE) was observed. In a recent meta-analysis of 5 retro- dence of postoperative complications or LoS [96]. Of note,
spective studies including 2256 patients who received most of the studies included in the previous meta-analysis
chemical thromboprophylaxis, 1412 with mechanical pro- had relatively small sample sizes (n = 20–200, range of
phylaxis only, the use of chemical thromboprophylaxis patients included) and lacked long-term follow-up data [96].
reduced the VTE incidence (2.6% vs. 4.6%) following liver A supplementary double-blind RCT on 124 patients with
surgery without any apparent risk of bleeding [91]. How- laparoscopic liver surgery, which was not included in the
ever, chemical thromboprophylaxis dosing was varied and previous meta-analysis, found similar results [97]. The doses
was initiated at different times of the perioperative path- used ranged from 500 to 30 mg/kg [97]. Both the above-cited
way. The results of the updated Cochrane review (7 RCT, studies reported that short-term administration of steroids
1,728 participants) on the use of prolonged thrombopro- before the operation was associated with reduction of sur-
phylaxis with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) in gical stress following liver resection, measured by IL-6 and
abdominal and pelvic surgery favor the use of prolonged C-reactive protein (both significantly reduced on postoper-
LMWH C14 days after surgery [92]. The overall incidence ative day 1 in the steroids group compared to control)
of VTE was reduced from 13.2% in the control group (i.e., [96, 97]. Moreover, a recent RCT (n = 151 patients) com-
only hospital thromboprophylaxis) to 5.3% in the study paring the preoperative use of 500 mg of methylpred-
group. This reduction was also observed when analyzing nisolone versus placebo showed that the methylprednisolone
the rate of deep venous thrombosis and symptomatic VTE. group had fewer postoperative complications (31% vs. 47%,
There is no clear evidence to start chemical thrombopro- p = 0.042), and in particular a lower rate of organ space SSI
phylaxis the day before liver surgery, although this issue (7% vs. 18%, p = 0.036) [98].
has never been addressed in liver surgery studies. There are Although preoperative administration of steroids in liver
no reports suggesting that omission of the preoperative resection may promote the recovery of liver function, its
dose places patients at higher risk for VTE after hepatec- systematic use in diabetic patients remains unresolved.
tomy. Although no specific studies for liver surgery were Summary and recommendation: Steroid administra-
found, the use of intermittent pneumatic compression tion (methylprednisolone at a dose of 500 mg) is recom-
devices applied prior to induction of anesthesia combined mended. No recommendation can be formulated on
with chemical thromboprophylaxis is supported in the lit- diabetic patients undergoing liver surgery.
erature [93–95]. A meta-analysis of 16,164 patients from Evidence level: Moderate.
70 studies found almost a 50% risk reduction of VTE when Grade of recommendation: Weak.

World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34 21

Antimicrobial prophylaxis and skin preparation large (n = 897), multicenter, international, and high-quality
trial [113] reported a decrease in the rates of SSI infection
SSI and wound complications after liver surgery are in the CHG–alcohol solution group.
associated with increased mortality, morbidity, hospital Summary and recommendation: Antibiotic prophy-
stay, and costs [99–102]. Despite recommendations to laxis (such as cefazolin) within 60 min before surgical
administer antibiotics in liver surgery before skin incision, incision is recommended, with no benefit extending it into
hard data are lacking [103]. The highest level of evidence the postoperative period. In case of complex liver surgery
is offered by a recent network meta-analysis on 5 RCT with biliary reconstruction, a targeted antibiotic pre-emp-
accumulating 701 patients, from 1998 to 2016, comparing tive regimen based on preoperative bile culture may be
4 antibiotic prophylaxis strategies (preoperative or post- recommended, but its duration is unknown. Skin prepara-
operative short-duration, postoperative long-duration or no tion with chlorhexidine-alcoholic solution is associated
antibiotic prophylaxis) and their combination [104]. Sur- with a lower rate of surgical site infections, compared to
prisingly, the lowest rate of SSI was demonstrated for povidone-iodine solution.
patients who received no antibiotic prophylaxis. However, Evidence level: Antibiotics: moderate, skin preparation:
this observation should be mitigated by the fact that the moderate.
‘‘no antibiotic prophylaxis’’ strategy was reported in only Grade of recommendation: Antibiotics: weak, skin
one of the RCT, a single-center study with moderate risk of preparation: strong.
bias, enrolling 120 patients for open hepatectomy without
bile duct resection [105]. Minimally invasive approach
If a prophylactic antibiotic regimen is delivered, its
duration should not exceed 24 h: This statement is based Two international consensus conferences (Louisville and
on the results of 2 Japanese trials with 670 patients Morioka) [114, 115] followed by one European consensus
undergoing open liver surgery without biliary reconstruc- guideline (Southampton) [116] emphasized the benefits of
tion [106, 107]. The authors observed no difference in the laparoscopic liver resection for both benign and malignant
incidence of SSI with a 1-day versus 3-day antibiotic tumors, including primary and metastatic diseases.
regimen. Regarding minor liver resections, 2 RCT focusing on
In case of complex surgery requiring biliary recon- colorectal liver metastases have demonstrated the short-
struction, the frequency of SSI seems to be decreased with term benefits of laparoscopy compared to open surgery,
a targeted regimen (based on preoperative bile culture) especially leading to a lower rate of morbidity, shorter
compared to standard antibiotic treatment [108]. In this hospital stay, lower postoperative morphine consumption,
particular case, and based on the findings from an open- and better quality of life [117, 118].
label single-center RCT of 86 patients, 2-day administra- Major hepatectomies performed by laparoscopy have
tion of antimicrobial prophylaxis offers similar results to a not been assessed by RCT. However, several meta-analyses
4-day regimen, with respect to the absence of infectious and propensity score studies showed potential short-term
complications or sepsis [109]. In this context, it has not advantages in trained teams [119–122]. Even complex
been evaluated if preoperative or 1-day antibioprophylaxis procedures such as staged hepatectomies for liver metas-
is equivalent to 2-day antimicrobial prophylaxis. More- tases have been reported and showed not only short-term
over, preoperative biliary stenting might also be associated advantage but also shorter delay between the postoperative
with SSI occurrence, but no robust data exist on the role of course and chemotherapy restart [123]. Recently, a Euro-
antibiotic prophylaxis in these patients [110, 111]. pean experience from 9 tertiary referral centers reported
Regarding skin preparation, 2 robust trials comparing 2 lower bleeding, shorter hospital stay, and lower postoper-
different strategies were published during the last decade ative morbidity for both left and right hemihepatectomies
[112, 113]. A double-blind, single-center RCT including [124]. These results need to be confirmed in future RCT.
100 patients undergoing liver surgery assessed the efficacy Finally, in the setting of a living donor, the laparoscopic
of a pre-disinfection process with chlorhexidine gluconate approach has not been evaluated in a controlled trial given
(CHG) vs. saline, before the application of povidone–al- the small number of performed procedures that would lead
cohol solution (in both groups) [112]. No differences were to insufficient patient recruitment. However, international
observed in terms of postoperative SSI. One supplementary registries and propensity score studies demonstrated post-
double-blind trial compared the efficacy of CHG–alcohol operative advantages of laparoscopy, especially for left
solution versus povidone-iodine for the prevention of SSI, sectionectomy. For this indication, the risk of laparoscopic
on a heterogeneous target population (upper and lower approach has been shown to be lower than donor
gastrointestinal, biliary, thoracic and urogynecology or nephrectomy. In expert centers, consensus conferences
hepatobiliary and gastroesophageal surgeries) [113]. This have claimed the benefit of laparoscopy for pediatric living

22 World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34

liver donor transplantation, and a recent international reg- parenchyma is resected. Postoperatively, NSAIDS should
istry showed the benefit of laparoscopy in major hepatec- be used only if renal function is normal.
tomies [115, 125–127]. The analgesic requirements after laparoscopic surgery
Currently, data on robotic minimally invasive liver combined with earlier gut function enable analgesia to be
resection from RCT are lacking. achieved by oral route soon after surgery. This and the
Summary and recommendation: In trained teams and smaller incisions (the main one being to deliver the spec-
when clinically appropriate, laparoscopic liver resection is imen) reduced the need for regional analgesic techniques.
recommended since it reduces postoperative length of stay In laparoscopic liver surgery, a RCT of 124 patients
and complication rates. showed that an intravenous infusion pump of parecoxib
Evidence level: Moderate. provided superior analgesia and fewer adverse outcomes
Grade of recommendation: Strong. compared to an intravenous infusion pump of fentanyl
Epidural, postoperative intravenous, Summary and recommendation: For open liver sur-
and postoperative per oral analgesia gery, thoracic epidural analgesia can provide excellent
analgesia but has significant disadvantages. In fact, optimal
The advantage of thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA) is that postoperative management is key to avoid hypotension and
it can modify the stress response as measured by mobility issues which can be detrimental to rapid recovery.
biomarkers, which may have the potential to improve Multimodal analgesia (including potential use of intrathe-
downstream oncological outcomes as shown in a RCT of cal opiates) is recommended. Regarding laparoscopic sur-
62 patients [128]. The sympathectomy from TEA can gery, there is no need for regional anesthesia techniques, as
induce hypotension due to vasodilation, which can com- multimodal analgesia combined with judicious intravenous
plicate fluid therapy, necessitate the need for low-dose opiates provide functional analgesia.
vasopressors, and compound the risk of acute kidney injury Evidence level: Open (multimodal analgesia): high,
[129]. In liver surgery, the postoperative prolongation of laparoscopy (multimodal analgesia): low.
prothrombin time can make timing of removal of the Grade of recommendation: Open (multimodal anal-
epidural catheter problematic [130]. A RCT of 140 patients gesia): strong, laparoscopy (multimodal analgesia): weak.
comparing TEA to intravenous patient-controlled analgesia
(PCA) in hepatopancreatobiliary surgery found that TEA Wound catheter and transversus abdominis plane
had better pain control and less use of opioids with similar (TAP) block
LoS and complications in both groups [131]. A Cochrane
analysis of 32 studies (1716 patients) of TEA vs. PCA Continuous wound infiltration (CWI) of local anesthetic
opiate in open surgery showed a slightly better pain using wound catheters has been compared with TEA in a
reduction with TEA but increased risk of technical failure, number of RCT in patients undergoing liver surgery. The
more frequent episodes of hypotension, and more pruritus Liver 1 trial (RCT, n = 65) compared CWI to TEA and
[132]. Evidence level was graded as moderate. showed similar static pain scores, better dynamic and early
Intrathecal opiates have been used to reduce opiate pain scores with TEA and shorter LoS with CWI [139]. No
requirement postoperatively when combined with a multi- difference was found in terms of mobilization and overall
modal analgesic regimen and avoid the need for continuous complication rate. A similar RCT of 83 patients showed
infusions [133, 134]. A recent review of 11 studies con- equivalent pain scores and reduced treatment failure for
firmed this technique to have similar results to TEA but CWI but did not show reduced LoS [140]. The Liver 2 trial
with a lower likelihood of postoperative hypotension and a (RCT, n = 93) combined CWI with TAP blocks and
reduced LoS [134]. In a 2017 RCT (56 patients), addition compared it with TEA [141]. This trial showed equivalent
of a selective COX-2 inhibitor (parecoxib, unauthorized in static and dynamic pain scores in both arms both early and
certain countries) to PCA for patients undergoing open later after surgery and earlier discharge from hospital in the
liver resection was found to decrease postoperative pain CWI and TAP block group. A further multicentric RCT of
compared to PCA alone [135]. For open living donor 105 patients containing patients undergoing liver resection
hepatectomy, the use of ketorolac infusion in addition to and other HPB procedures showed non-inferiority in
intravenous fentanyl PCA improved postoperative analge- analgesia between CWI and TEA [142]. Other RCT
sia and decreased the dose of used fentanyl as shown in a (sample size range: 40–153) using ropivacaine as a con-
RCT of 60 patients [136]. Therapeutic acetaminophen has tinuous infusion in CWI showed reduction in opiate
been shown to be safe after major hepatectomy if liver requirements and/or reduced LoS in patients receiving
function was preserved [137]. However, it is prudent to CWI [143–149]. One RCT of 99 patients allocated patients
reduce the dose to 2 g per day if significant liver after liver resection who received patient-controlled opiate

World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34 23

analgesia to either ropivacaine CWI infusion or placebo demonstrated no benefits to NGT with regard to return of
and showed no difference in pain scores or LoS between bowel function [163]. In fact, NGT was associated with
the groups [150]. Two RCT have compared TAP blocks to greater LoS and delay to starting diet. Taken together in the
TEA in abdominal surgery; the first (n = 62) showed context of the existing literature, these studies suggest that
equivalent pain scores but higher opiate requirements in the routine prophylactic NGT should be discouraged.
TAP group [151]. The second RCT (n = 65) in major Summary and recommendation: Prophylactic naso-
general cancer resections showed lower opiate require- gastric intubation does not offer postoperative benefits and
ments in the TAP group and less frequent postoperative may in fact increase hospital length of stay. Routine use of
hypotension [152]. A further 3 RCT of TAP blocks showed prophylactic nasogastric intubation is not recommended.
reduced opiate requirements in patients undergoing liver Evidence level: High.
surgery in different contexts [153–155]. Two RCT in Grade of recommendation: Strong.
patients with cirrhosis undergoing liver surgery also
showed benefit of TAP blocks in reducing opiate require- Prophylactic abdominal drainage
ments of patients [156, 157]. A recent RCT of 63 patients
showed benefit from regional blockade using quadratus The existing literature on the topic of prophylactic
lumborum blocks in patients undergoing liver resection abdominal drainage after liver surgery has been inconclu-
[158]. There is one RCT reported which looked at the use sive at best to this point, with contradictory results. More
of sponges placed over port sites from minimally invasive recently, several studies have emerged that speak against
liver surgery soaked with ropivacaine vs. placebo which this practice [164–168]. A RCT found no improvement in
showed benefit in pain scores from the ropivacaine group postoperative morbidity with abdominal drainage after
[159]. hepatectomy; instead, the drain was associated with some
Pooled data in 2 meta-analyses of patients undergoing inherent complications such as bleeding and infection,
major abdominal open surgery (inclusion of 16 RCT) [160] especially among patients with chronic liver diseases [164].
and specifically liver resections (inclusion of 3 RCT) [161] Likewise, an analysis of 199 patients undergoing liver
compared outcomes of patients receiving CWI vs. TEA, surgery found that intraoperative placement of perihepatic
and both showed lower complication rates and faster drainage failed to decrease rates of perioperative compli-
recovery after surgery with CWI but slightly better pain cations [165]. In addition, it should be noted that selection
control with TEA at certain time points following surgery. bias likely tainted the outcomes of this study, as drains
Summary and recommendation: Continuous local were more likely to be placed for more complex tumors
anesthetic wound infiltration provides lower complication and resections. More recently, a review by Messager et al.
rates and overall equivalent analgesia to thoracic epidural [166] on the topic of prophylactic intra-abdominal drainage
analgesia. Local anesthetic transversus abdominis plane in elective major gastrointestinal surgery concluded that,
blockade as a supplement to standard analgesia improves based on high-quality evidence, no argument could be
pain control and reduces opiate usage. made for routine abdominal drainage following hepatic
Evidence level: High. resection without biliary anastomosis. Finally, a systematic
Grade of recommendation: Strong. review and meta-analysis reviewed results from 6 RCT
including 665 patients; its main finding was that routine use
Prophylactic nasogastric intubation of abdominal drains after elective uncomplicated liver
surgery was not associated with a reduction in postopera-
Historically, nasogastric tubes (NGTs) were routinely tive complications [167]. Rather than routine abdominal
placed after major abdominal surgery due to concerns for drainage, clinicians may wish to consider other maneuvers
postoperative abdominal distention, nausea, and vomiting. to reduce the rate of post-hepatectomy complications such
The benefits of this approach, however, were questionable. as bile leaks and organ space infections. One such practice
Two recent studies focusing on hepatectomy patients have is the systematic use of an intraoperative air leak test after
added to the body of literature that speaks against routine major hepatectomy [169, 170].
prophylactic nasogastric intubation [162, 163]. The first is Summary and recommendation: The routine use of
a RCT that showed no difference in the rates of overall abdominal drain placement is not indicated for hepatec-
morbidity, pulmonary complications, postoperative vomit- tomy without biliary reconstruction. No recommendation
ing, time to oral intake, and hospital LoS between patients can be made for hepatectomy with biliary reconstruction.
randomized to a NGT group vs. a no-NGT group [162]. Evidence level: High.
The second is a systematic review and meta-analysis with Grade of recommendation: Strong.
over 1300 hepatectomy patients from 7 RCT and likewise

24 World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34

Preventing intraoperative hypothermia nutrition. If artificial nutrition support is considered, Gao

et al. [187] in a meta-analysis (9 studies) showed that
Maintaining body temperature [36 °C has been recom- enteral nutrition (EN) induced better outcomes than TPN.
mended to reduce both cardiac and non-cardiac compli- In a systematic review and meta-analysis including 18 RCT
cations [171–176]. One meta-analysis [172] of 67 trials has with 2540 patients, Zhao et al. [188] assessed TPN vs. EN
shown that mild hypothermia was associated with in major abdominal surgery for cancer. The authors found
increased SSI and blood loss. There is a lack of studies better outcomes with EN (decreased LoS and first flatus
relating specifically to liver surgery. One meta-analysis of time, increased serum albumin level).
23 trials comparing warming systems suggested that cir- A more general review on patients with liver disease by
culating water-based systems offer better warming than Sun et al. [189] recommended that if a patient has a need
forced air systems [177] although a recent retrospective for nutritional support, EN should first be considered. EN
study (n = 50) has used a multimodal approach to tem- can then be complemented with parenteral nutrition when
perature management during surgery with good tempera- EN cannot bring all energy needs (60%). Nutritional sup-
ture control [178]. A systematic review of 22 studies has port should be individualized based on patient need, dis-
suggested heating insufflated gases in laparoscopic ease characteristics, liver tolerance, and integrity of the
abdominal surgery to maintain body temperature but gastrointestinal tract.
patient outcomes were not improved [179]. Liver cooling Summary and recommendation: Early oral intake
techniques have been used to minimize ischemia reperfu- with normal diet should be implemented after hepatec-
sion injury to the liver, but temperature changes in the tomy. Individualized need for artificial nutrition should be
whole body in such procedures have not been reported assessed for malnourished patients, patients with compli-
[180]. cations causing several days of fasting, and patients with
Summary and recommendation: Perioperative nor- liver cirrhosis. If artificial nutrition is considered, enteral
mothermia using multimodal temperature management administration should be preferred.
(including circulating water garments or forced warm air) Evidence level: High.
should be maintained during open and minimally invasive Grade of recommendation: Strong.
liver surgery.
Evidence level: Moderate. Postoperative glycemic control
Grade of recommendation: Strong.
Perioperative hyperglycemia is frequently observed after
Postoperative artificial nutrition and early oral major surgery [190, 191]. The cause of perioperative
intake hyperglycemia is a transitory resistance to insulin leading
to a decreased peripheral uptake of glucose [192]. Surgical
Early oral diet has been shown to be safe and to decrease stress produces a raise in blood sugar, which modifies
the time to first bowel movement in abdominal and liver hepatic metabolism regulation and immune function,
surgery [181]. The ESPEN guidelines on clinical nutrition impacting the recovery after surgery. In patients undergo-
in surgery published in 2017 recommend oral nutrition ing colorectal and pancreatic surgery, hyperglycemia
postoperatively [57]. Moreover, full nutritional assessment occurring in the initial postoperative days is related to
preoperatively is required before liver surgery to identify postoperative complications [193, 194]. Sensitivity to
malnutrition and to better tailor the nutritional management insulin after surgery is significantly decreased when insulin
[182, 183]. Nutrient deficiency should be corrected before, is not used intraoperatively to treat hyperglycemia [195].
during, and after liver surgery according to identified Moreover, the glucose concentration rapidly changes dur-
deficits. ing liver resection using the Pringle maneuver, because
Oral nutrition was found to be better than total par- hypoxia induces glycogen breakdown within hepatocytes
enteral nutrition (TPN) after hepatectomy in a study of 32 [196]. One RCT including 88 patients undergoing hepate-
patients [184]. Ishikawa et al. [185] randomly assigned 24 ctomy compared the use of an artificial pancreas (closed-
patients to usual oral diet vs. oral and parenteral diet loop glycemic control system) to the usual sliding-scale
(preoperatively and during 7 postoperative days). No dif- method for insulin therapy and showed that SSI and total
ference in terms of complications was found. hospital costs were decreased in patients who were treated
A review based on 6 articles recently showed that arti- with closed-loop glycemic control system [197]. It has also
ficial (i.e., enteral and parenteral) nutrition in liver surgery been shown that supplementation with carbohydrates and
is poorly defined and that it should not be routinely given branched-chain amino acid-enriched nutrients before liver
[186]. Patients with malnutrition or complications inducing surgery lowers the resistance to insulin [77]. Additionally,
fasting or appetite loss might benefit from artificial elevated serum lactate after hepatectomy that has been

World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34 25

shown to be associated with postoperative complications is by 5 h in 231 patients who underwent hepatectomy for
linked to insulin resistance and/or ischemia–reperfusion cancer. Although significant, this 5-h difference is probably
injury [198]. In some RCT, high-dose insulin therapy or not clinically relevant as complication rates were similar in
intensive insulin therapy reduced postoperative liver dys- both groups. Another RCT assessing the effect of dai-
function, infections, and complications and improved the kenchuto after hepatectomy found that the daikenchuto
liver glycogen content in patients undergoing HPB surgery group had shorter time to bowel movement and oral intake,
[199–201]. One RCT showed that perioperative glucose but complications were similar [209]. You et al. [210]
and insulin administration more effectively resulted in performed a 3-arm RCT to assess ileus rates in patients
normoglycemia than did the standard insulin therapy for with HCC undergoing liver resection. Simo decoction
patients undergoing liver resection [202]. A systematic (traditional Chinese herbal medicine) with acupuncture
review of intensive insulin therapy showed that high blood was compared to gum chewing and no specific postoper-
sugar was not predictive of SSI among diabetic patients ative intervention (control group). Both interventions were
and recommended a target blood glucose level of found to diminish the time to first stool compared to the
\150 mg/dl (\8.3 mmol/l) in patients without diabetes control group, whereas only the group with simo decoction
undergoing gastroenterological surgery [203]. A conven- and acupuncture had a shorter length of hospital stay. In a
tional protocol is indicated for patients admitted to the RCT of 68 patients undergoing liver surgery, the group
general ward (not the intensive care unit) to avoid the risk with laxatives had reduced time to passage of stool but
of hypoglycemia [203]. According to one recent RCT, similar secondary outcomes, such as DGE, LoS, or time to
preoperative administration of liraglutide stabilized the functional recovery [211]. Jang et al. [212] showed in a
perioperative plasma glucose level and reduced the peri- prospective case–control study including 42 patients that
operative insulin requirement without increasing the risk of gum chewing permitted to decrease the time to first flatus
hypoglycemia [204]. and the xerostomia rate, but did not have an effect on LoS
Summary and recommendation: Insulin therapy for or analgesic use.
maintenance of normoglycemia (\8.3 mmol/l) is Summary and recommendation: Postoperative laxa-
recommended. tives, gum chewing, herbal medicine, or decoction after
Evidence level: High. hepatectomy might reduce the time to first flatus or stool
Grade of recommendation: Strong. but do not impact the morbidity rate. Current data do not
permit the recommendation of the routine use of postop-
Prevention of delayed gastric emptying (DGE) erative laxatives, gum chewing, herbal medicine, or
decoction to stimulate bowel movement after liver surgery.
Left hepatic resection might induce a higher DGE risk Evidence level: Moderate.
(15–20%) because of disturbance of regular gastrointestinal Grade of recommendation: Weak.
motion at the contact plane between the stomach and the
surface of the cut liver [205, 206]. One RCT (n = 40) Early and scheduled mobilization
found no difference of DGE incidence if an omental flap to
cover the liver cut surface after left-sided liver resection Bed rest is associated with multiple established deleterious
was used [205], whereas another RCT (n = 49) found a effects including muscle atrophy, thromboembolic disease,
reduced incidence of DGE when using an omental flap and insulin resistance [213–215]. A RCT involving 120
[206]. In addition, one cross-sectional study (n = 42, 15 patients undergoing liver resection showed a significantly
patients in the fixation group) showed that fixation of the faster postoperative gastrointestinal function and shorter
round ligament reduced the incidence of DGE [207]. length of hospital stay after performing early activity (from
Summary and recommendation: Use of an omental postoperative day 1) [216]. An early postoperative mobi-
flap to cover the cut surface of the liver might reduce the lization program based on supervised exercises improved
risk of delayed gastric emptying after left-sided liver functional capacity in patients undergoing major elective
resection. abdominal oncologic surgery [217].
Evidence level: Low. So far, however, no consensus has been defined
Grade of recommendation: Weak. regarding the type, frequency, and intensity of physical
therapy in liver surgery [218].
Stimulation of bowel movement Summary and recommendation: Early mobilization
(out of bed) after liver surgery should be established from
Shimada et al. [208] found in a multicenter RCT that the operative day until hospital discharge. No recommen-
daikenchuto (TU-100, traditional herbal medicine) signifi- dation can be made regarding the optimal duration of
cantly decreased the median time to first bowel movement mobilization.

26 World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34

Evidence level: Moderate. Table 3 Antiemetic drugs for postoperative nausea and vomiting
Grade of recommendation: Strong. (PONV) prophylaxis with doses and timing of use
Medication Doses Timing of use
Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV)
Ondansetron 4 mg IV End of surgery
Dexamethasone 4–8 mg IV At induction
PONV occurs frequently after major surgery (25–30%). Droperidol 0.625 mg IV End of surgery
The multimodal approach and opioid reduction provided Metoclopramide 10 mg IV/PO Postoperatively
by ERAS enable the majority of patients to eat early after Scopolamine 1 mg transdermal patch Before surgery
hepatectomy [219]. Known risk factors, such as previous This table is based on the recommendations from the international
PONV, female gender, younger age, non-smoker, and use consensus group on PONV
of volatile anesthetic agents and opioids, should be eval- IV: intravenous, PO: per os
uated before the operation [220]. The 5-HT3 antagonists
are the primary treatment because of their safe side effect
profile. Low-dose dexamethasone is a good additive pre-
i.e., not only liver surgery, demonstrated significant bene-
ventative agent and facilitates hepatic regeneration [221].
fits in reducing morbidity and mortality [228]. A RCT
Of note, there is no supplementary advantage of using
published in 2015 found that stroke volume variation
higher doses [221]. However, dexamethasone should be
(SVV)-guided GDFT compared to standard fluid resusci-
used with caution in diabetics as it can transiently worsen
tation decreased the intraoperative infused fluid volume
glycemic control [222]. Antihistamines, butyrophenones,
without decreasing postoperative complications [229]. On
and phenothiazines can also be used as second-line therapy
multivariable analysis, higher intraoperative fluid volume
[88]. The international consensus group on PONV recom-
was an independent risk factor for 30-day morbidity.
mends using 2 antiemetic drugs to decrease PONV and to
Recently, Weinberg et al. [230] showed in an RCT that a
improve efficacy [88]. Table 3 summarizes potential
restrictive GDFT did not decrease LoS and fluid-related
antiemetic drugs with doses and timing of use.
complications compared to conventional care within an
Summary and recommendation: A multimodal
ERAS pathway for major liver resection. Of note, only 24
approach to postoperative nausea and vomiting should be
patients were included in each arm.
used. Patients should receive postoperative nausea and
Excessive administration of crystalloids should be
vomiting prophylaxis with at least 2 antiemetic drugs such
avoided as much as blood loss during liver surgery. To
as dexamethasone and ondansetron.
guide fluid management during surgery, the measurement
Evidence level: High.
of SVV has been proposed to replace CVP monitoring
Grade of recommendation: Strong.
[231]. A randomized prospective trial comparing SVV
monitoring versus CVP recording in 90 patients undergo-
Fluid management
ing laparoscopic liver surgery showed a reduced conver-
sion rate as well as reduced blood loss in favor of the SVV
Blood loss and transfusion rates remain central risk factors
approach [232]. The choice for intravenous fluid therapy in
leading to higher morbidity and mortality after liver
liver surgery is still under debate. A systematic review
resections [223–225]. A Cochrane review showed that a
covering 43 RCT compared 18 fluid types (9 crystalloids
lower central venous pressure (CVP) decreased blood loss,
and 9 colloids) in major abdominal surgery concluded that
but without significant difference in red blood cell trans-
the best approach was balanced crystalloids (e.g., Ringer’s
fusion requirements, intraoperative morbidity, or long-term
lactate) as maintenance fluid and colloids as volume
survival benefits [226]. Another systematic review and
expander (e.g., human albumin) [233]. Concerning the
meta-analysis also confirmed that low CVP was associated
postoperative period, a recent retrospective study showed
with less blood loss [227].
that a weight gain C3.5 kg on postoperative day 2 was an
Regarding fluid management for major hepatic surgery,
independent risk factor for major complication after liver
there is currently no protocol available providing the
surgery [234]. This suggests that postoperative weight
optimum amount of fluid to be given to patients. The
fluctuation should be carefully monitored and potentially
current concept must focus on the maintenance of central
euvolemia, thereby preventing any excess of salt or water.
Summary and recommendation: Low central venous
Goal-directed fluid therapy (GDFT), targeting adequate
pressure (below 5 cm H2O) with close monitoring is rec-
cardiac output and end-organ perfusion, has attracted much
ommended during hepatic transection. As maintenance
attention. A meta-analysis of 32 RCT including about 3000
fluid balanced crystalloid should be preferred over 0.9%
patients testing the impact of GDFT during major surgery,

World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34 27

saline or colloids. Goal-directed fluid therapy optimizes Discussion

cardiac output and end-organ perfusion. This may be par-
ticularly beneficial after the intraoperative liver resection This systematic review and modified Delphi consensus
during a low central venous pressure state to restore tissue elaborated 25 recommendations based on the best available
perfusion. Patients who have comorbidities and reduced evidence published until mid-2020. Nine items had a high
cardiac function may benefit most. level of evidence: preoperative smoking and alcohol ces-
Evidence level: High. sation, preoperative nutrition, wound catheter and TAP
Grade of recommendation: Strong. block, prophylactic nasogastric intubation, prophylactic
abdominal drainage, postoperative artificial nutrition and
Monitoring/audit early oral intake, postoperative glycemic control, PONV
prophylaxis, and fluid management.
Monitoring the outcomes after implementation of ERAS Regarding differences with 2016 recommendations, more
allows performing a precise audit. Outcome monitoring evidence regarding use of steroids before hepatectomy has
therefore represents the first step to establish an audit of been published since. It is now routinely recommended in
quality. A recent study reported the successful implemen- non-diabetic patients. Routine drainage after hepatectomy
tation of a nationwide audit for liver surgery in the Nether- without biliary reconstruction is not recommended in the
lands [235]. This audit on postoperative outcomes after liver present guidelines, whereas in 2016 no conclusive evidence
surgery was intended to evaluate the quality of centers per- and no recommendation for or against the use of drain were
forming these operations and to reach or maintain the best given. In addition, 3 novel items were introduced: preha-
surgical quality. Otherwise, no study specifically designed bilitation, preoperative biliary drainage, and preoperative
for liver surgery has been published yet. A Cochrane sys- smoking and alcohol cessation. The novelties of these
tematic review on the effects of audit and feedback analyzed guidelines are the addition of the 3 novel items mentioned
140 studies [236]. It was found that audit and feedback hereabove and the reassessment of the previously published
generally induce improvements. The audit was more effi- items based on the most recent literature data.
cient when the baseline performance was low. The structure It is not clear if patients with cirrhosis undergoing liver
of the audit or feedback played a role. It was, for example, of surgery should be managed differently within an ERAS
interest to identify specific targets and put in place a plan of program. Preliminary data showed that ERAS was safe in
action. Another review by Ivers et al. [237] revealed that the these patients [242, 243]. Further robust data are needed,
body of evidence showing that audit improves outcomes was and it remains unclear if ERAS pathways should be
substantial, but that progress and evolution in this field were adapted in cirrhotic patients undergoing liver surgery.
not present in recent literature. To a larger scale such as It is important to mention that the compliance (adher-
healthcare system, Grimshaw et al. [238] recommended the ence) to all ERAS items is paramount. It has been clearly
implementation of laboratories to better understand the sci- shown that higher compliance to the ERAS pathway allows
ence behind audit and feedback and to improve audit and to have better postoperative outcomes compared to lower
feedback and their impact. One article highlighted the compliance [244, 245].
importance of undertaking actions over just measurement In conclusion, these guidelines for perioperative care
[239]. Recently, the Clinical Performance Feedback Inter- after liver surgery were developed based on the best
vention Theory issued from a systematic review and meta- available evidence and recommend management for 25
synthesis postulated that an effective feedback was a cyclical perioperative items.
process and that every missing links stopping the ‘‘cycle’’
Supplementary InformationThe online version contains
cause effect loss of the feedback [240]. This theory includes
supplementary material available at
recommendations for optimally designing or implementing 022-06732-5.
an audit intervention. Practical suggestions on how to
effectively display or deliver feedback have also been pub- Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Cécile Jaques and
Alexia Trombert, Biomedical Information Specialists (Medical Library,
lished [241].
Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne,
Summary and recommendation: Substantial literature Switzerland), for support with the systematic literature search.
exists supporting that audit and feedback improve out-
comes in health care and surgery. Regular audit and Funding Open access funding provided by University of Lausanne.
feedback should be implemented and performed in liver
surgery to monitor and improve postoperative outcomes
and compliance to the ERAS program. Conflict of interest Prof. Nicolas Demartines is implementation
Evidence level: Moderate. chair of the ERAS Society. The other authors declare that they have
Grade of recommendation: Strong. no conflict of interest.

28 World J Surg (2023) 47:11–34

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source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate tation in hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery: a systematic review
if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this and meta-analysis. A necessary step forward evidence-based
article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless sample size calculation for future trials. J Visc Surg
indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not S1878–7886(21)00111–9
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended 15. Dewulf M, Verrips M, Coolsen MME et al (2021) The effect of
use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted prehabilitation on postoperative complications and postoperative
use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright hospital stay in hepatopancreatobiliary surgery a systematic
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