Timer Pro Presentation

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A Full-Featured Continuous Improvement and

Automation Modeling Software Tool

Table of Contents

Overview and Latest Enhancements 3

Timer Pro Application Flowchart 7
Timer Pro Benefits 8
Client Application and Testimonials 10
Deployment and Pricing 12
Version 20 Enhancement Details 15
Timer Pro Major Modules 21
Excel-based Reporting & Analysis 30
Supporting Modules and Optional Add-ons 37
Timer Pro Professional

The Ultimate Continuous Improvement Toolset

Timer Pro is the complete video-based measurement solution for those involved in Continuous
Improvement, Automation Modeling, Lean Manufacturing, Industrial, Manufacturing and Process
Engineering, Ergonomics, Operator Training, Six Sigma, Kaizen, SMED and 5S initiatives.

Timer Pro offers a single integrated solution to measure, balance, identify and eliminate process
waste to improve operation efficiency, reduce costs, document processes and support
automation and robotic expenditures.

Applied Computer Services

▪ We are the provider of the best-in-class video-based continuous improvement 1600+

software which measures processes to identify and eliminate waste improving
operation efficiency Clients
▪ Major manufacturing companies worldwide trust ACS – see our client list at

▪ 15% of clients have used Timer Pro for more than10 years; 43% more than 5 years 4000+
▪ Complimentary weekly online live training classes ensures users get quick startup Seats
▪ Major markets served are automotive, medical devices, engineered products,
electrical and electronics, distribution and consumer products.

▪ 76% of clients are US-based / 24% are International 500+

▪ Clients regularly report outstanding customer support Training
Our Mission

Offer the Provide superior Listen to customer Deliver quantifiable

highest quality customer service feedback for value at a
product possible and support future development competitive price
in our market and enhancements point

We Seek to Continuously Improve in All Areas

Version 20 Major Enhancements

Automation Analysis and Support Digitized Standard Work

Unique Man-Machine, Machine Cluster and Robotic Creates digitized standard work automatically from work
process modeling and analysis. Modify the time of any instructions. The content is ready for immediate deployment
activity and instantly see the effects on production and to end users for presentation on any device. No content is
OEE for the entire process. Optimize existing processes stored on any public cloud and no end user effort is required.
and support cost justification for new automation
Add audio, hyperlinks, images, documents, and Timer Pro
initiatives and investments. Payback is often achieved
Storyboards as needed.
with the first application.

Data Bridges to Existing Applications Video Compression

Share Timer Pro’s digital content from behind your Reduces video file size by 80-90% with no noticeable loss
company firewall with your existing AI Time Study, ERP, of quality. Less storage space is required to hold video
MES, EWI, AR and LMS applications to further enhance content, and improves playback efficiency.
value to your organization.

Timer Pro Application Flowchart

No other
product offers
such a complete
set of features

at any price.

Timer Pro Benefits

▪ 20% faster time studies for short cycle work – up to 70% faster for long cycle work
▪ 40%+ faster balancing and standard work development versus manual processes

▪ 95%+ faster yamazumi charts, value added analysis, PFMEA, VSM etc.
▪ Video automatically integrated into all time studies, line and cell balances and standard work
▪ Digitized standard work automatically generated – no user effort at all

▪ Complete revision history of all process changes automatically maintained

▪ Rapid automation modeling supports expenditures, ROI tracking, instant what-if’s and optimizations

Timer Pro Grows With You

Video Time
Expand your use as you Realize the Lean
Opportunities Timer Pro Provides Kaizen

▪ Everything is included in Timer Pro and available to

all users for one price
▪ Comprehensive set of tools to streamline Value
production processes and support automation Stream
initiatives Mapping

▪ Used across all industries and organization sizes

See client list at: https://www.acsco.com/clients Ergonomics

Cell and Line

Worldwide Client Applications

Use Timer Pro licenses for work cell Installed floating licenses for kaizen,
balancing, process documentation, process analysis, line balancing, work
kaizen and storyboard-based training. instructions, work combination sheets,
Complete revision histories critical to and value stream mapping significantly
the highly regulated healthcare industry improving monthly valued-added
are automatically maintained. MEDICAL DEVICES AUTOMOTIVE corporate reporting.

Pushed Timer Pro out to entire supply Deployed floating licenses in 20+ plants
chain for video analysis of their manu- for process documentation, kaizen,
facturing processes for remote review, man-machine charts, and storyboards
kaizen and approval resulting in multi- for operator training to support their
million-dollar savings. profit improvement program.

Use floating licenses for process Moved from device-based direct

documentation, line balancing, PFMEA, observation time study to video-based
storyboards, ergonomics and kaizen to time study and work instructions to meet
facilitate transfer of products between new social distancing requirements and
locations. CONSTRUCTION AND WAREHOUSING AND reducing departmental training costs.
Client Testimonials

Director of Manufacturing | Automotive Plant Manager | Electronics

“The Timer Pro standard work video gives you an exact step-by-step “I am very impressed with the software’s breadth and detail. It’s the
demonstration of how to carry out the work. This detail is exactly what most comprehensive time study application I have ever seen.”
we need to improve our production process.”

Regional Engineering Manager | Distribution Engineering Supervisor | Engineered Products

“We just purchased some licenses, and this was my team’s first live “The ability for us to separate NVA, RNVA, and VA is significantly
training session. Great job! The video library on your website is also enhanced by your software. We use around 19 cameras in our
very helpful for quick reference.” plant….I love this product.”

Industrial Engineer | Medical Devices Quality Manager | Consumer Products

“WOW!! I was really impressed when I watched the videos for “Thanks for the quick response. That’s why I have always liked your
Storyboard. It’s exactly what I was looking for.” company’s great product. Your customer service support should be
a benchmark for all software companies. I was able to resolve my
issue in just a few minutes.”

Deployment Options

Subscription Licenses Floating Licenses

▪ Each subscription includes 2 Timer Pro licenses ▪ Install on any number of PCs anywhere - worldwide
▪ Register licenses on individual PCs ▪ Volume discount offered for 3+ licenses
▪ Move licenses between PCs up to 6 times per year ▪ Number purchased determines concurrent access
▪ Annual renewal fee required after the first year

Delivery - Installation - Training - Renewal

▪ Average time from order to electronic delivery is less ▪ Free live weekly online training classes with unlimited
than 2 hours attendance
▪ Installation and registration takes less than 10 minutes ▪ Online video library with over 500 training videos
▪ All upgrades, support and online training are included ▪ Add licenses to your account at any time
with purchase ▪ Annual renewal required to continue with full functionality

Floating License Solution

Timer Pro Floating Licenses Supports any

▪ Number of purchased floating licenses Number of Concurrent Users
determines number of concurrent users
▪ Provide Timer Pro access to unlimited PCs PLANT N

within your organization worldwide USERS

▪ A License Manager is deployed by your IT

group behind your corporate firewall on a
central server which all sites access License Manager
Check Out / Check In
▪ Optional usage rules and timeouts can be PLANT 2
applied to control license distribution USERS

▪ All user access data is logged by the

License Manager to facilitate usage
monitoring, analysis and reporting

2024 Pricing: Timer Pro Is Cost Effective

Seated Subscription Floating Licenses

Subscriptions Licenses Period Price Licenses Purchase Annual Renewal
1 2 1 Year $6,000 2 $14,995 $4,800
3 $20,995 $6,700
4 $26,995 $8,600
5 $32,495 $10,400
Floating licenses can be installed on unlimited PCs anywhere 6 $37,995 $12,100
within your company. Purchase includes all updates to the 7 $42,995 $13,700
purchased software, unlimited support, and multiple online
8 $47,995 $15,300
weekly live training sessions. After the first year, renewed
subscriptions and floating licenses maintain full functionality 9 $52,495 $16,800
and benefits. All prices are subject to change. 10 $56,995 $18,200
Each Add’l $5,000 $1,600

Automation and Man-Machine Modeling
Version 20 Enhancement

Automation models are used to improve existing

processes and cost justify expensive investments in
automation and robotics equipment. Payback for Timer
Pro is now being reported with first use of this feature.

By mapping the flow of product through the model, a

change to the time of any activity is instantly reflected
on production and OEE for the entire process.

Timer Pro Balance features have been extensively enhanced to

support the rapid creation of unique visual process models for Man-
Machine Charts, Machine Clusters and Robotic deployments.

The rules governing these models are built into the new Automation
section in the Timer Pro Balance module to insure the development
of accurate, one-of-a-kind models.

Automatic Digitized Standard Work – Grouped Videos
Version 20 Enhancement

Digitized Standard Work is created automatically from your work

instructions in Timer Pro. Absolutely no end user effort is required
at all. The content is ready for immediate deployment to end
users for presentation on any device. Most importantly, none of
your company content is stored on any public cloud.

For longer cycle work activities can be grouped

into blocks and a new video will be automatically
created from the selected content. The pointers to
individual activities are preserved for review.

The digitized standard work can be view in the

Web Emulation module on your PCs. This is ideal
for presentation to management and IT groups to
let them see the quality of the content that you
can easily create in Timer Pro.
Timer Pro Web Services included with Floating Licenses
Version 20 Enhancement **

▪ Video content is organized by your

engineers into folder structures on your
Internal web server, OneDrive or
SharePoint. The structures represent how
end users would navigate the content.
▪ Your content resides behind your corporate
firewall eliminating all concerns about any
company information being exposed on
public clouds.
▪ URL links are shared with TPWS. Only
authorized users under your control will get
a valid response to your URL links.
▪ TPWS links can be used in your existing
ERP, MES, EWI, AR, LMS packages etc.
** Timer Pro Professional with integrated Timer Pro
Web Services is sold as Timer Pro Plus.
Data Bridges to AI Time Study Vendors
Version 20 Enhancement

Timer Pro’s AI Data Bridge allows you to easily import time

study observations from any AI-based time study application
or service. This gives you access to use your AI Time Study
data and video content directly in Timer Pro.

The Share button provides instant access to all of Timer Pro’s

features, capabilities, and productivity tools not available in any of the
AI time study packages. The benefit – Timer Pro multiplies the return
on your AI investment.

Timer Pro also supports the use of your AI time study application itself.
Timer Pro’s proven, highly efficient, video time study module provides
accurate annotation data for use in training your AI Time Study

Data Bridges to ERP MES EWI AR LMS
Version 20 Enhancement

As a result of Timer Pro’s standard work automatic digitization, we can

now integrate this digital content into our clients’ existing ERP, MES,
EWI, AR and LMS applications.

The ability to “Share” digital content via a URL link is a standard

feature in Timer Pro Web Services. If your in-house application has a
field for a hyperlink to external content, simply paste the Timer Pro
Web Services provided link into the application and you will be able to
view Timer Pro content from within that application.

Timer Pro’s Data Bridge capabilities also allows your other vendors to
access the digital content from behind your company firewall (with
appropriate credentials of course). Alternatively, you may choose to
place, copy or move your content directly onto the vendor’s platform if
it is secure.

The Data Bridge links Timer Pro Web Services navigation and
ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning EWI – Electronic Work Instructions presentation layers to the vendors platform to enhance the value of
MES – Manufacturing Execution Systems
LMS- Learning Management Systems
AR- Augmented Reality
their product and services to your organization.
Integrated Video Compression
Version 20 Enhancement

You can select only one or many videos to

compress. The time to encode your videos to a
smaller size will depend upon many factors, e.g.
the PC processor, available memory etc.

New options in Timer Pro allow you to reduce video

file size by 80-90% with no noticeable loss of
quality and improved playback efficiency. For
optimum results, it is recommended you compress
your videos before analyzing them in Timer Pro.
Options are also available to compress the videos
used in your existing video time studies.
Timer Pro Major Modules

Engineered Savings from Video Analysis 22

Video Time Study & Lean, Kaizen, SMED, 5S 23
Automation, Robotics & Man-Machine Modeling 24
Operator Training - Knowledge Transfer 25
Work Cell and Assembly Line Balancing 26
Integrated Ergonomic Body Map Analysis 27
Standard Work Instructions 28
Storyboards - Create Video Content from Excel 29

Engineered Savings from Video Analysis

New options in the Video Timer Pro and Balance

modules, plus redesigned screens and summary
reports, drive process improvement.

Quickly engineer savings from videos of the actual

operations being performed in your facilities to:

▪ Highlight existing waste in your process

▪ Quantify potential savings
▪ Document and act on opportunities

Additionally, you can create change-specific video

clips with a single click to complement and support
your initiatives.

Video Time Study & Lean – Kaizen – SMED - 5S
▪ Rapid video-based Time Study, Lean, Kaizen,
SMED and 5S Analysis
▪ Fine video adjustment – never miss another

▪ Slide and time feature records 2 minutes or 20

minutes of activity in 15-20 seconds
▪ Integrated Ergonomic Analysis with real time video
playback with body maps

▪ Multi-subject analysis of individual activities and

man-machine operations

▪ Side-by-side comparisons and multi-angle views

▪ Flag process improvement opportunities while

reducing analysis time
Automation, Robotics & Man-Machine Modeling

Immediate Payback with Your First Model Ideal for equipment vendors and integrators
Aging workforces and tight labor markets have
Use automation models to support your proposed
manufacturers looking to automation, robotics and
solutions to potential clients.
man-machine opportunities to meet demand.
Timer Pro includes a free web service that allows you to
Capital investments in these solutions are significant
securely share automation report packages and your
while data to justify the expenditures is often subjective
actual models for review online with potential customers.
and difficult to model.
Absolutely no company or user identifiable data is
Create automation models in less than an hour to: required, collected or stored.
• explore what if scenarios
• support capital expenditures
• track ROI on your investments
• optimize existing processes
New clients report this feature alone can justify their
Timer Pro investment with their first model.

Operator Training - Knowledge Transfer

▪ Bring together videos of multiple operators

▪ Compare operator performance
▪ Transfer knowledge from experienced to new
▪ Standardize work methods to improve quality
▪ Supports multiple camera angles of the same job
▪ Output to Excel for easy distribution to floor staff
and management

Work Cell and Assembly Line Balancing

▪ Visually presents all process tasks to scale

▪ Tasks broken into series of activity “chips”
▪ Color-coded VA, NVA and RNVA
▪ Optionally include takt time, task totals and
activity times
▪ Video segments automatically attached to activity
for instant replay
▪ Drag and drop activities to balance workload
▪ Balance work by number of operators, production
per hour or takt time
▪ Element Groupings and Options supported
▪ Easily load your existing data via Excel in minutes

Integrated Ergonomic Body Map Analysis

▪ Identify safety concerns by activity

▪ Includes section for social distancing and PPE
▪ Customize ergonomic and safety factors to your
specific need via Excel template
▪ Isolate stresses by body member
▪ Real time video playback and body stress maps
as motions change

Inset shows an Excel Ergonomic Summary

Report with separate worksheets for every
motion including linked video for easy
distribution to all interested parties.

Standard Work Instructions

▪ Use your own customized company-specific

standard work layouts
▪ Integrated video playback – completely independent
of Timer Pro
▪ Insert additional notes, part numbers, safety items,
pictures and icons as required
▪ As a process is updated by dragging and dropping
in Timer Pro, new revisions of the work instructions
are automatically generated.
▪ Save hundreds of hours of manual effort keeping
your standard work current
▪ Supports up to 999 revisions

Storyboards – Create Video Content from Excel

▪ Use Storyboards for operator training, video work

instructions, field staff and customer support
▪ Include audio, standard work images and links to
other source documents such as web pages,
technical drawings, PDFs etc. via Excel hyperlinks.
▪ Quickly create rich video-based training material
using only your own Excel skills
▪ Absolutely no video creation and editing skills
▪ Timer Pro Web Services* securely distributes your
content via the web from behind your corporate
firewall to any device - anywhere, anytime

* Timer Pro Web Services is an optional add-on with

subscriptions and included with floating licenses.
Excel-based Reporting & Analysis

All Timer Pro Output Goes To Excel 31

Yamazumi Charts Created to Scale 32
Value Added Analysis 33
Work Combination Sheets 35
Value Stream Mapping 36

All Timer Pro Output goes to Excel

▪ Ideal solution to share all Timer Pro reports with

management and your shop floor staff
▪ No need for additional Timer Pro licenses
▪ Playback all Timer Pro video content directly
from Excel
▪ Support paperless factory initiatives
▪ Use, share and edit as required to your needs
▪ Works with Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019,
2021 and Office 365

Yamazumi Charts Instantly Created to Scale

▪ Developed to Toyota specifications

▪ Generate for entire process or individual stations
▪ Video linked to each activity with playback directly
in Excel
▪ Print in any size
▪ Shows value-added, non-value-added breakdown
of process
▪ Ergonomic, Lean, Kaizen, SMED, 5S, Work
Breakout, Internal/External Yamazumi charts
instantly available

Value-added Analysis

▪ Shows value-added, non-value-added and

required non-value-added for an entire process –
and each station or step
▪ Includes a training template that documents
every step in the process with linked video
▪ Play video content directly from report
▪ Many clients add costing parameters to this
▪ Easily share data with ERP and planning


▪ Completely user-definable severity, occurrence

and detection parameters for RPN calculations
▪ Define your own severity ranges, color coding and
actions for Baseline, Control Measures and
Current States
▪ Create any number of PFMEA and/or DFMEA
▪ Ideal for all manufacturers and suppliers
▪ PFMEA worksheets can be used independently of
Timer Pro

Work Combination Sheets

▪ One sheet automatically created for each task in

a process
▪ Customize to your needs
▪ Contains the classic lean breakout categories –
Wait, Manual, Auto and Walk
▪ Video linked to each activity for instant playback
as shown here

Value Stream Mapping

▪ Master template in Excel can be customized with

your own calculations to match the needs of your
▪ Individual task activities automatically placed on
the Value Stream Map with associated video links
for immediate playback
▪ Task activities color-coded to show value-added,
non-value added and required non-value added
▪ Icon Library provided – easily add your own icons

Supporting Modules and Add-ons

Element Groupings and Options 38

Standard Data Libraries 39
Time Study on Multiple Devices 40
Integrated Bill of Materials (BOM) 41
True Point of View Video Content 42

Element Groupings and Options

▪ Ideal for longer takt time operations, complex

processes, and low volume custom builds
▪ Group related elements into blocks of transferable
work content
▪ Single click between detail and grouped process
▪ Identify options by task and option percentages
▪ Easily load your multi-model data with groupings
and options via Excel

Standard Data Libraries

▪ Quickly and easily create your own company

specific-data libraries using your existing data
▪ Define in Excel the best structure for your data and
drag and drop your data into your libraries
▪ Greatly speeds user application while dramatically
increasing consistency
▪ Timer Pro is delivered with over 17,000 standard
times ready for immediate use

Data libraries include: Aircraft Maintenance, Electrical and

Electronics, General Purpose, Machining, Maintenance, Material
Handling, Mechanical Assembly, Office Clerical, Packaging and
Shipping, PC Work and Sheet Metal Assembly.

Electrical and Electronics example shown opposite.

Time Study on Multiple Devices

▪ Perform detailed time studies on the latest

iPad inexpensive Windows 10 tablets, iPads, iPhone and
Android Smartphones and tablets
Android ▪ Add study header data, additional data and notes
Phone by observation
▪ Easily handles performance rating, interruptions
and fumbles
▪ Instantly access summary statistics, required
observations and the final standard in seconds in
▪ Seamlessly pass results to Timer Pro’s Time Study
Summary Template and Balance Module

Windows Surface
Integrated Bill of Materials (BOM)

▪ Import BOM information from ERP applications

▪ Simple point and click to associate BOM usage
with specific process activities
▪ Generate process BOM’s by station
▪ Instant usage and exception reports
▪ Where used for all parts and user selected parts
▪ BOM integration with standard work

True Point of View Video Content
Direct Purchase from Glasses Vendors

The Past The Present

Traditional Side Camera View True Operator Point of View

Use Smart Glasses to record the true operator point of view of any job. Timer Pro isolates the work content and
creates rich digital content. Google “Industrial Smart Glasses” for vendors. Here is a link to an overview detailing
options and considerations: https://bitnamic.net/en/smart-glasses-for-industry/
Dedicated to
being your

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