Sacrificied To Sudeofin Story

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Cave Entry:

Before you stands a rugged 6ft by 6ft hole, carved into the mountainside, surrounded by dirt,
snow, and moss-covered rock. A small wooden sign, weathered by the elements, boasts a
clear message of danger in large letters, warning all who approach. The very entrance exudes
an air of mystery and trepidation, inviting you to embark on a journey into the unknown
depths concealed within the mountain.

Cave Navigation:
Each player receives their copy of the map, attempting to navigate the caverns. Successful
interpretation of the map relies on a DC 10 Navigation check. Failure may lead to confusion
or accidental detours, potentially encountering wandering creatures or activating traps.
Difficult Terrain:
1. Rope Descent: To descend using ropes, a DC 13-16 Athletics/Strength check is required,
depending on rope stability. Failure (by 5 or more) may result in a sudden fall, causing 1d6
bludgeoning damage, attracting attention from nearby creatures.

2. Jumps: Negotiating jumps demands a DC 8-15 Acrobatics/Dexterity check. Failure (by 5

or more) could lead to stumbling, causing 1d4 bludgeoning damage, generating noise, and
potentially alerting creatures in the vicinity.

3. Squeezing Through Gaps: Squeezing through tight gaps necessitates a DC 11-15 Dexterity
check. Failure (by 5 or more) may result in getting stuck momentarily, causing 1d6 piercing
damage, making the group vulnerable to unseen threats or triggering traps.

Mid Game:
Once players are familiar with the splunking mechanics and have experienced one of each
hazard there guide will bring them down to a entrance to the underground sea (move to next

Dungeon Beginning:
You continue through narrow tunnels and passages eventually finding yourself at the top of a
large chiselled staircase. At the bottom you come to a large opening in the winding caverns
and you see a vast, dark expanse seemingly stretching kilometres both across and into the
sky, a completely uncharted section of the caves. Mysterious and still at the bottom you see a
large dark sea, its waters occasionally reflect dim phosphorescent fungi, and bioluminescent
creatures add an eerie glow to its depths. But now you all see Sniverfliben, breaks down upon
reaching the underground sea. His usual calm and collected visage crumbles into one of sheer
disgust and embarrassment. With unrelenting sorrow, he finally speaks up through a voice
that crackles with emotion.

"I... I can't do this. I know it's what they wanted, but I can't. I am so sorry. I owe you all a
grand apology. My brother never would have wanted this."
Sniverfliben continues, "When my brother and I first ventured into these caverns, we had no
idea what lay within. We were unprepared, and those foul beings swept us off our feet. They
let me go, swearing that my brother would endure great suffering until the day I brought them
an offering. I didn't want to, but he is my brother. Can you blame me?"

"I did not mean to cause you harm, only to retrieve my brother from those horrible creatures.
But please, now I beg of you." Sniverfliben drops to his hands and knees, desperation etched
across his face. "Please, won't you rescue him?"

He will them lead the players to a large collapsed wall and will offer them mining tools to
help him get rid of the rock. Once they do start the dungeon.


Part 1: The Cobblestone Conundrum

As the adventurers venture through the collapsed wall they find themselves in a long hallway
in the dungeon. At the end of this hallway they come across a solid stone door. Upon opening
it or dealing any damage to it, a massive smooth rock wall erects behind them, trapping them
in a dimly lit hallway. The pathway begins to fill with muddy water, creating a sense of

Drowning Rules for "The Cobblestone Conundrum":

1. Initiating Drowning:
- When the massive smooth rock wall erects behind the adventurers, the pathway begins to
fill with muddy water. And players roll initiative
- Players have a limited number of rounds (e.g., 3 rounds) before the water level becomes

2. Drowning Mechanics:
- At the end of each round, characters who have not found a solution must make a
Constitution saving throw (DC 13).
- Failure results in the character inhaling water, taking 1d6 waterdamage, and gaining one
level of exhaustion due to fatigue and oxygen deprivation.

3. Discovering the Solution:

- The DC 15 Wisdom check is required to notice an out-of-place brick in the wall.
- If successful, the players can push the brick, causing the water to drain.
- Once the brick is pushed, the small door opens up, providing an escape route.

4. Interaction with the Brick:

- To push the brick, characters can use an Action on their turn.
- Characters proficient in Investigation can make an Intelligence (Investigation) check (DC
15) to gain advantage on the Wisdom check to notice the brick.

5. Teamwork:
- Characters can assist each other in pushing the brick by using the Help action, granting
advantage on the Wisdom check.

6. Consequences of Failure:
- If characters fail to push the brick and drain the water within the specified rounds, the
water level rises, and drowning consequences escalate.
- After the third failed saving throw, a character loses consciousness and is considered
drowned. Resuscitation magic or a successful Medicine check (DC 15) is required to revive
the character.

7. Success and Progression:

- Successfully pushing the brick drains the water, preventing further drowning.
- The small door opens up, allowing the party to proceed to the next segment of the

Part 2: The Phoenix's Lair

As you step beyond the secret passage, the room reveals itself—an eerie expanse filled with a
daunting pile of burnt bones and ash. Oddly, there's no visible exit, and the air carries a subtle
heat, hinting at the magical essence within.

Room Defense Mechanism:

Should you attempt to backtrack and reopen the door, it responds with a swift and magical
retaliation—a crystal stalactite hurtles toward the intruders, dealing 1d6 damage on a
successful hit. The message is clear: retreat is not an option.

The Mysterious Riddle:

A riddle, etched in the charred remains on the ground, captures your attention:

*"For those who have entered the phoenix's lair,

Thou shall burn like auburn hair.
To rise from the ashes, a heart must ignite;
If you stay too long, you will put up a fight."*

The Enchanted Challenge:

This room is imbued with enchantments, rendering any living creature within it immune to
fire damage. It becomes evident that the trial requires a different approach. A successful DC
15 Arcana check unveils the magical nature of the challenge—using fire spells on yourselves
is the key to progression.
Part 3: Svirfneblin's Memories:
Room Description:
The chamber is dimly lit by flickering torches, casting long shadows on the stone walls
adorned with faded sketches and carvings. In the centre, a spectral image materialises—an
ethereal replay of Svirfneblin's experiences. You all watch as this phantasmal image stretches
and warps to depict the exact moment Svirfneblin's brother was abducted. But in a instant
The image fades leaving only a reflection of Svirfneblin's brother.

Combat Dynamics:
1. Spectral Attacks: The shadow echoes can manipulate the memories around them,
launching attacks that draw from the emotional pain of Svirfneblin's brother. These attacks
deal psychic damage.

2. Emotional Drain: As the party fights, the shadow echoes attempt to drain the emotions of
the adventurers, sapping their willpower. At the beginning of combat Characters must make a
Wisdom saving throw (DC 14) to resist being emotionally drained on a failed save they take
1d6 physic damage.

Success and Progression:

Defeating the shadow echoes not only releases the chamber from their spectral grip but also
offers Svirfneblin a moment of catharsis. The room responds to the emotional resolution,
revealing hidden passages and additional insights into the demons' lair. The journey deeper
into the dungeon continues, now with the weight of Svirfneblin's past beginning to lift.

Part 4 “The childhood”

**The Suedofin Caverns - Deep Gnome's Memories**
**Room Description:**
The players stand in a cavern adorned with vibrant, colored flames that depict the image of
Svirfneblin's brother. As these flames evaporate, paintings and torches at the rear wall shift
and warp. Artefacts slide, and cobblestones scrape, reforming the center into a gaping arch. A
large smooth stone staircase emerges within, surrounded by the magical essence of illusion
and enchantment.
**Stair Transition:**
The players ascend the magical staircase, and the once solid stone steps transform into a soft,
squishy wood beneath their feet. The ascent is accompanied by the surreal sensation of
transitioning between realms. Reaching the top, they find themselves in a dimly lit attic, the
floor littered with garbage and scattered children's toys. In the center, a young deep gnome,
draped in ragged clothes, weeps over a broken twig and twine adventurer statue.
**The Twig and Twine Adventurer Statue Encounter**
**Room Description:**
The attic is dimly lit by lanterns adorned with childhood drawings. The air is thick with
illusion and enchantment. Discarded garbage and scattered toys cover the floor. In the center,
a young deep gnome weeps over a broken twig and twine adventurer statue. On the walls,
drawings depict scenes from the deep gnome's childhood.
**Player Actions:**
1. **Interaction with Wall Drawings:**
- **Check:** Intelligence (Investigation)
- **Details:** Successful checks reveal scenes from the deep gnome's past linked to the
broken statue.
- *Success:* Provides clues about the significance of the adventurer statue.
- *Failure:* Limited insight into the deep gnome's past.
2. **Interacting with Garbage:**
- **Check:** Wisdom (Perception)
- **Details:** Successful checks uncover a diary detailing the deep gnome's emotions and
- *Success:* Adds context to the emotional state of the deep gnome.
- *Failure:* Players find common discarded items with no significant information.
3. **Approaching the Deep Gnome:**
- **Check:** Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Intimidation)
- **Details:** Success allows players to approach the deep gnome without alarming him.
- *Success:* Gains trust and potential for a deeper emotional connection.
- *Failure:* Deep gnome becomes more fearful and withdrawn.
4. **Interacting with Broken Toy:**
- **Check:** Intelligence (Arcana)
- **Details:** Successful checks reveal the broken toy is enchanted, requiring magical
- *Success:* Unlocks the first step in the puzzle to repair the twig and twine adventurer
- *Failure:* Players struggle to understand the enchantments.
**Puzzle Mechanic: Restoring the Twig and Twine Adventurer Statue**
1. **Twig Arrangement Puzzle:**
- **Check:** Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
- **Details:** Successful checks allow players to arrange the twigs correctly.
- *Success:* Unveils the original form of the adventurer statue.
- *Failure:* Players struggle to arrange the twigs.
2. **Twine Braiding Puzzle:**
- **Check:** Intelligence (Crafting)
- **Details:** Successful checks determine the correct braiding pattern for the magical
- *Success:* Progresses the puzzle, reinforcing the statue.
- *Failure:* Players struggle to determine the correct braiding pattern.
As the players successfully reconstruct and imbue the twig and twine adventurer statue, the
deep gnome's tearful demeanor transforms into a radiant smile. Memories of his childhood
dreams and aspirations flood back, providing both emotional closure and valuable insights for
the players. The restored statue becomes a magical token, enhancing the party's abilities or
serving as a key to unlock the next phase of their journey in the Suedofin Caverns.
Certainly! Here's a description of the time transition and stat blocks for the deep gnome


### **The Suedofin Caverns - Deep Gnome Bullies Ambush**

**Time Transition:**
As the players navigate the twisting caverns, the air becomes charged with an eerie energy.
Suddenly, a pulsating wave of magical distortion washes over them. The vibrant flames
flicker erratically, casting brief glimpses of the past and future. The characters feel a
disorienting pull, and in an instant, they find themselves in a familiar yet altered space - the
caverns, but at a point in time when deep gnome bullies, now their current adversaries, once
tormented the young deep gnome they sought to rescue.


**Deep Gnome Bully Stat Block:**

**Hit Points:** 20 (4d8 + 2)

**Armor Class:** 12 (Leather Armor)
**Speed:** 25 ft.

- **Multiattack:** The deep gnome bully makes two melee attacks with its makeshift
- **Makeshift Weapon:** Melee Weapon Attack, +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6
+ 2) bludgeoning or piercing damage (depending on the weapon).
- **Ganging Up:** The deep gnome bully gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls for each ally
within 5 feet of the target.

**Special Actions:**
- **Coordination:** As a bonus action, the deep gnome bully can shout commands, granting
advantage on the next attack roll to one ally within 30 feet.

The deep gnome bullies are rough-looking, with tattered clothing and makeshift weapons
crafted from scavenged materials. Their eyes gleam with mischief, and malicious grins
stretch across their faces as they spot the intruders.


**Room Description:**
The cavern narrows, and the air grows tense. Vibrant flames cast ominous shadows as a gang
of deep gnome bullies, wielding crude weapons, emerges from the shadows. The cavern walls
echo with mocking laughter. The bullies charge toward the players, ready to confront and
overpower the intruders.


**Initiation of Combat:**
The deep gnome bullies charge toward the players, brandishing their makeshift weapons. The
cavern's magical essence pulses with hostility as the battle ensues.


**Player Actions:**

1. **Assessing the Enemy:**

- **Check:** Wisdom (Perception)
- **Details:** Successful checks reveal information about the bullies' strengths,
weaknesses, and potential tactics.

2. **Defensive Maneuvers:**
- **Check:** Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics)
- **Details:** Successful checks help players evade or absorb the initial onslaught from the

3. **Initiating Communication:**
- **Check:** Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Intimidation)
- **Details:** Success might allow players to negotiate, delay the encounter, or sway a few
bullies to their side.

4. **Preemptive Strike:**
- **Check:** Dexterity (Stealth) or Intelligence (Arcana)
- **Details:** Successful checks allow players to strike first or cast a surprise spell, gaining
an advantage.


**Combat Mechanics:**
The deep gnome bullies fight aggressively, attempting to overwhelm the players with
numbers and makeshift weapons. The cavern's magical essence occasionally distorts the
battlefield, creating zones of dim light or illusions that could affect visibility and tactics.

1. **Ganging Up:**
- *Details:* Bullies coordinate their attacks, attempting to surround and outnumber
individual players.

2. **Makeshift Weapons:**
- *Details:* The bullies use improvised weapons, such as clubs and slingshots.

3. **Magical Distortions:**
- *Details:* The cavern's magical essence occasionally distorts the battlefield.


As the players successfully fend off the deep gnome bullies, the caverns fall silent once
again. The defeated bullies retreat into the shadows, nursing their wounds. The victory may
provide the players with new information about the cavern's dynamics or hints about potential
allies and adversaries within the Suedofin Caverns.


**Stalactite and Stalagmite Forest:**

As your party ventures deeper into the subterranean realm, they find themselves in a
breathtaking stalactite and stalagmite forest—a labyrinth of towering stone formations that
create a mesmerizing, otherworldly landscape. The air is filled with a faint, ethereal glow
from bioluminescent fungi and moss clinging to the rocks. Each step echoes through the
cavern, revealing the vastness of this natural marvel.

**Key Features:**

1. **Stalactite Canopies:**
- Giant stalactites hang from the cavern ceiling, forming a complex network of canopies
that partially obscure the view above. The party can climb these formations or use them for
cover, but they must also navigate carefully to avoid dislodging smaller stalactites or
triggering cave-dwelling creatures.

2. **Bioluminescent Fungi:**
- Various species of bioluminescent fungi and moss adorn the stalactites, casting a gentle
glow across the forest floor. The fungi react to sound and movement, creating a shifting
pattern of illumination. Stealth and careful movement are crucial to avoid attracting the
attention of cave-dwelling creatures.

3. **Hanging Vines:**
- Tough vines dangle from some stalactites, forming natural swings or precarious bridges
between formations. Players can use these vines for traversal, but they need to be mindful of
their weight and the stability of the stalactites.

4. **Stalagmite Pillars:**
- Rising from the cave floor are stalagmite pillars, reaching toward the stalactite canopies
above. The pillars create natural pathways, but some may be unstable or conceal hidden
chambers. Climbing the stalagmites provides vantage points and opportunities to survey the

5. **Cave-Dwelling Creatures:**
- The forest is home to a variety of creatures adapted to the unique ecosystem. Giant
spiders, bats, and phosphorescent insects navigate the stalactites and stalagmites, creating
potential challenges for the party. The environment also attracts larger predators that use the
rock formations for ambush tactics.

6. **Echoing Acoustics:**
- The natural acoustics of the cave amplify sounds, making communication challenging.
Players may need to develop non-verbal signals or employ creative strategies to coordinate
within the echoing labyrinth. Certain areas may have specific resonance points that trigger
environmental effects.

7. **Hidden Chambers:**
- Some stalactites and stalagmites conceal hidden chambers or tunnels within their
structures. These passages could lead to treasure troves, ancient ruins, or the lairs of
subterranean creatures. Detecting these hidden spaces requires keen perception and

8. **Navigational Challenges:**
- The uneven terrain and intricate stalactite and stalagmite formations create navigational
challenges. Players may need to make Dexterity checks to balance on narrow ledges,
Athletics checks to climb certain structures, and Intelligence checks to decipher the most
efficient paths through the forest.

Exploring the stalactite and stalagmite forest can yield rare minerals, unique flora, and hidden
treasures. The party's ability to navigate this stunning yet perilous environment may unveil
secrets buried within the heart of the subterranean world.
**Encounter: Cave Dweller Ambush**

TILED GRID!(lolololololololololololol)
As your party traverses the enchanting stalactite and stalagmite forest, the echoes of your
footsteps are suddenly drowned out by the guttural growls and skittering sounds of unseen
creatures. Without warning, a group of cave dwellers emerges from the shadows, ready to
defend their territory.

**Cave Dweller Ambush:**

- **Creatures:** A pack of Skittering Shadows (adapted creatures with an affinity for
subterranean environments).
- **Ambush Location:** A narrow passage between two towering stalactites, creating a
natural bottleneck.
- **Tactics:** The Skittering Shadows use hit-and-run tactics, utilizing the stalactites and
stalagmites for cover and climbing to gain advantageous positions. They aim to disorient the
party with their quick movements and erratic attacks.
- **Terrain Advantage:** Bioluminescent fungi react to sudden movements, briefly
illuminating the area and revealing the creatures. However, this also attracts the attention of
additional Skittering Shadows from nearby stalactites and stalagmites.
- **Combat Objectives:** Defend against the ambush, defeat the Skittering Shadows, and
navigate the environment strategically to avoid falling victim to surprise attacks.

**Skittering Shadows:**
*Medium-sized aberrations, neutral*

**Armor Class:** 13
**Hit Points:** 24 (4d8 + 6)
**Speed:** 40 ft., climb 30 ft.

**STR** 12 (+1)
**DEX** 16 (+3)
**CON** 14 (+2)
**INT** 8 (-1)
**WIS** 12 (+1)
**CHA** 6 (-2)

**Skills:** Stealth +5, Perception +3

**Senses:** Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 10 ft.
**Languages:** None
**Challenge:** 1/2 (100 XP)

1. **Shadow Blend:** In dim light or darkness, the Skittering Shadows gain advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
2. **Climbing Prowess:** The Skittering Shadows can climb on vertical surfaces without
making an ability check.

1. **Multiattack:** The Skittering Shadows make two attacks—either with their biting
mandibles or by launching a sticky web to restrain their target.
2. **Bite:** Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
*Hit:* 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
3. **Web Shot:** Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one target.
*Hit:* The target is restrained until the end of the Skittering Shadow's next turn. The target
can use its action to make a DC 12 Strength check, freeing itself on a success.

**Combat Notes:**
The uneven terrain and verticality of the stalactite and stalagmite forest provide the Skittering
Shadows with ample opportunities to strike from unexpected angles. The party must use the
environment to their advantage, employ ranged attacks, and be vigilant for signs of ambush.
Victory in this encounter will require a combination of strategic thinking, adaptability, and
precise combat maneuvers.

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