Napoleon Bonaparte Domestic Policies-1

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Napoleon Bonaparte’s

Domestic policies.
Theresa Shamiso sibanda
Mount pleasant high school


Napoleon Bonaparte believed that he was neither of the French revolution nor of the
ancient regime.
He believed that what works is what is right.
He took some of the policies from the French revolution and others from the ancient
In actual fact he compromised the two periods.
Napoleon realized that the French no longer need the revolution but peace and order.
So Napoleon devoted himself in crafting policies that created peace and order in
Peace and order was going to make it possible for him to build a strong economy and
enable business to thrive.
Napoleon’s aims in his Domestic policies

Napoleon Bonaparte’s aim in his domestic policy was :

To consolidate his power in France.
To gain Roman Catholic support.
To restore peace and order in France (soldier hatred of disorder.)
To revive French economy.
To maintain three ideals of the French revolution liberty equality and fraternity.
To consolidate the gains of the French revolution.
To gain personal glory.
Social policies

Career open
to Talent
Legion of
Social Policies Honour

Concordat Education
Political policies



Code Napoleon

Constitution of
Economic policies

Public works
Bank of
Industry and

Napoleon divided the state into three:

Departments under prefects.
Arrondisements under sub prefects.
Communes under mayors.
Napoleon Bonaparte appointed and dismissed prefects at will.
Prefects then appointed sub prefects and mayors.
Napoleon Bonaparte appointed people who imbued with same spirit and devotion with
The prefects carried out instructions from Napoleon Bonaparte
The structures of government were created during the revolution.
communes (Paris commune)department(83departments )created.
Career open to talent

Career open to talent is a concept which was borrowed from the French revolution.
It emphasized that there should be equal promotion in military and civil promotion(A
ugust 4 decrees.)
Napoleon Bonaparte promoted all men of talent regardless of their class.
Talented men were promoted to top posts in government and in the army.
These talented people became his personal advisors.
Murat is one example of people promoted because of his talent.
Murat was son of a inn keeper (from low class) and he was promoted to become an
army commander later king of Naples.(when joseph was sent to Spain.)
In this case then Napoleon Bonaparte qualifies to called a child of the revolution or heir
as he consolidated the gains of the French revolution.(concept of equality stated in
august 4 decrees)
Legion of Honour

Legion(group) of honored men. Napoleon created a special class of honored men.

Napoleon honored talented men.
He recognized men of talent and rewarded them with merits and awards(medals)this
group of special talented people acted as his personal advisors.
They became some kind of nobility.
They were awarded with pieces of land .(acquired after conquering Grand Dutchy of
Warsaw and Westphalia.
This recreation of special class is not a concept of the French revolution but of the
ancient regime.
He was departing from revolution or August 4decrees that removed the class system.
In this scenario Napoleon does not qualify to be called an heir of the French revolution.
Instead he is departing from the French revolution.
Constitution of 1799

Napoleon realized that the French people at that time did not want a revolution but
peace and order.
He decided to gave people of France a constitution of 1799.
The constitution of 1799 was drafted by Napoleon with the assistance coming from
Abbe sieyees.
He appointed Abbe sieyees the great constitutionalist assisted him to come up
with a perfect constitution.
The constitution embodied three ideals of the French revolution, liberty equality and

Concordat was an agreement between the pope and Catholic church and the
Napoleon wanted to mend the relationship that was jeopardized by the French
Napoleon realized the majority of the French were Catholics and needed catholic
The terms of the concordat were dictated to the pope by Napoleon Bonaparte.
The concordat was just a replica of the civil constitution of the clergy.(ccc)
Napoleon then qualifies to be called a child or heir of the French revolution.
Napoleon consolidated what the revolutionary government suggested when thy
drafted the civil constitution of the clergy.
Terms of the Concordat:

Bishops and priests were now civil servants.

Bishops were appointed by people who appointed civil servants.
Elementary education was placed under the church.
Secondary schools were controlled by the state.
There was religious freedom and toleration.
Roman Catholic became the church of majority
Upholders of church lands were allowed to keep church lands they acquired during
the course of the revolution.
The bishops and priests were to swear an oath of aliegence.
Code Napoleon

Napoleon Bonaparte brought order in the judiciary.

He completed the work of codification of laws which was started during the French
In France the law were confusing and chaotic.
He consolidated the August 4 decrees.
Laws were codified to make them organized and uniform throughout France.
Napoleon appointed judges and lawyers to work on these laws and his duty was to
approve those laws.
There was now religious toleration ,equality of all before the law, trial was now by jury
Most o he civil laws favoured men than women.
Codified laws

Civil code- dealt with issues of inheritance, authority of father strengthened

bringing order in France.
Child could not marry without father concert
Criminal code-had to do with crime
Commercial- these are laws which affected trade, taxes and tariffs
Penal code

Education system was divide into:

Elementary education or primary education was placed under the church.
Secondary education was controlled by state.
Lycees-semi military schools which emphasized on discipline and loyalty to
Polytechnic prioritized on invention that would assist industrial sector.
University of France which had 17 branches throughout France.
He emphasized on boy education and disadvantaged girl child.
(Girl position in the kitchen. Needlework is what she should look up to ).

Education was strictly controlled.

Dangerous subjects that creates disorder were removed from the curriculum eg
The study of Philosophy and History was banned.
Lecturers who criticized Napoleon were dismissed from the university.
Students who were dismissed from one branch for criticizing Napoleon could not
be admitted to another branch

Napoleon Bonaparte established the first bank of France.

He introduced the new currency known as francs.
Francs were backed by gold.
French currency regained its value.
The bank gave loans to people who wanted to establish industries.
This bank also sponsored inventions
Industry and Commerce

Napoleon developed industry and commerce.

Textile, wine and heavy industries were opened.
Scientists who invented machinery for these industries were financed by the
Trade unions and strikes were banned to promote production and reduce chaos
and disorder.
Transport and communication system was well developed ensure smooth trade.
He imposed high tariffs on imports to promote local manufacturers.
Tobacco salt tax was reintroduced in France
Public works

Napoleon Bonaparte introduced public works.

Napoleon embarked on road, rail, development.
He widened roads, introduced street lighting and built parks and beautified parks.
He created employment for the unemployed.
During Napoleon time unemployment rate was almost zero.
He improved infrastructure for the French.

Napoleon was devoted to order and hated chaos and disorder.

He felt it was necessary to create order in France through dictatorship.
Two attempts were made in is life by former royalists supporters and it was
necessary for him to introduce some kind of dictatorship in France.
He censored newspapers and suppressed some .
only 4 newspapers remained that carried the state propaganda.
Imprisonment, torture detention and exile was adopted to silence opposition.
Secret police under Fouche was introduced.
Informers and spies were also planted in public places.
Dictatorship helped to establish order in France eliminate disorder.

Napoleon domestic policies were mostly a consolidation of the French revolution.

He built on what the French revolution begun.
Some of the policies were his own innovation.
Other policies were departure of the French revolution and a return of the ancient
In actual fact he compromised both periods.
But his domestic policies ensured the gains of the revolution were maintained.
Practice questions

1.Examine Napoleon Bonaparte’s domestic policies.(25 marks)

2.To what extent did Napoleon Bonaparte consolidate the gains of the French
revolution. (25)
3.To what extent did the French benefit from Napoleon Bonaparte’s domestic
4. To what extent did Napoleon Bonaparte fulfil his aims in his domestic policies.?
5.To what extent were Napoleon domestic policies a replica of the French
The end

Theresa Shamiso Sibanda

Cell: 0774658065

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