It Notes

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Subject: English Topic: Class Test 7

Grade: IX Div.:__________ Roll no: _________ Date:___________

Section A: Reading
Q1 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that
1 Getting a good night's sleep can help you cope with stress
more effectively. But not getting enough sleep can cause
more stress. Insomniacs have higher concentrations of stress
hormones than others.
2 Women are prone to sleep disturbances. Their sleep
problems frequently interfere with their daily activities.
3 Experts believe that sleep, especially deep sleep, enables our
nervous system to function well, Without it, we lose our
ability to concentrate, remember or analyse. Some experts
speculate that during deep sleep, cells manufacture more
proteins, which are essential for cell growth and repair of
damage from things like stress and ultraviolet rays.
4 Scientists believe that activity in the area of the brain that
controls emotions and social interactions lessens during
sleep and deep sleep may help people be emotionally and
socially adept when awake.
5 Sleep may also help our brain to store a newly learned
activity in its memory bank. In a study in Canada, students
deprived of sleep after learning a complex logic game
showed a 30 percent learning deficit when tested a week
later compared with students not deprived of sleep.
6 The effects of sleep deprivation on other bodily functions
are just as alarming. In studies from five medical centres
across the country, researches established that individuals
with insomnia were also more likely to have poor health,
including chest pain, arthritis and depression, and to have
difficulty accomplishing daily tasks.
7 Another breakthrough study revealed that even temporary

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loss of sleep can affect the body's ability to breakdown

carbohydrates, interfere with the function of various
hormones and worsen the severity of ailments such as
diabetes and high blood pressure.
8 So whatever works to help you sleep well, whether its
regular exercise earlier in the day, weekly massages, yoga,
meditation or a lavender scented bath, make time for it

1.1 Answer the following questions. 2×4=8

a) Who are insomniacs?
People who have sleep problems are called insomniacs.
b) How can deep sleep help people be emotionally and socially
adept when awake?
Scientists believe that activity in the area of the brain that
controls emotions and social interactions lessens during
sleep and deep sleep may help people be emotionally and
socially adept when awake.
c) What has study from medical centres across Canada established
about individuals with insomnia?
In studies from five medical centres across the country,
researches have established that individuals with insomnia
were also more likely to have poor health, including chest
pain, arthritis and depression, and to have difficulty
accomplishing daily tasks.
d) What are some of the things that can help people to sleep well?
Regular exercise earlier in the day, weekly massages, yoga,
meditation or a lavender scented bath are some of the
things that enable people to sleep well.

1.2 Find meanings of the words given below with the help of the 1x4=4
options that follow:
a) prone to (Paragraph 2)
(i) unlikely to (ii) likely to
(iii) lying face down (iv) lying face up

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b) speculate (Paragraph 3)
(i) take a risk (ii) invest
(iii) form a theory (iv) identify

c) adept (Paragraph 4)
(i) fond of something (ii) gain something
(iii) dislike something (iv) skilled at something

d) severity (Paragraph 7)
(i) seriousness (ii) quality
(iii) mildness (iv) unkindness

Section B: Writing and Grammar

1. Accidents often happen when people violate traffic rules. Careless 1×8= 8
drivers cause suffering to themselves and others. Write an article in
100-150 words on ‘Safe Driving’.

2. Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with 1×4=4

the help of the given options.
The crystal clear, blue water and the magnificent sun (a)
________________ the Caribbean island of Saint Marteen a favourite
vacation spot. The French and the Dutch (b) ________________ on the
island in the 1600’s (c) ________________ to this day the island is
divided between them. The French capital is Marigot (d)
________________ the Dutch capital is Philipsburg. St. Marteen has an
intriguing history.
(a) (i) makes (ii) make (iii) making (iv) has made
(b) (i) settled (ii) settle (iii) settling (iv) will settle
(c) (i) yet (ii) but (iii) or (iv) and
(d) (i) where (ii) when (iii) whereas (iv) while

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3. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one 1×4=4
error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in
the example.
Error Correction
In recent years, public awareness if fitness has grown to the e.g. if of
point where most people know that being physically fit don’t (a) don’t doesn’t
just mean having an strong body. While strength is important, (b) an a
physical fitness also mean increased flexibility, faster recovery (c) mean means
from illness nor injury improved endurance and much more. (d) nor or

4. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form 1×4=4
meaningful sentences. Write the correct sentences in your
answer sheet.
(a) their skills / are ready / challenges / confident people / to face /
groom / and
Confident people groom their skills and are ready to face
(b) of / and weaknesses / this / they / is / their / because / are aware /
This is because they are aware of their strengths and
This is because they are aware of their weaknesses and
(c) ourselves / helps / knowing / to improve / our limitations / us
Knowing our limitations helps us to improve ourselves.
(d) to accept /and / our deficits / must be willing / we / help /
We must be willing to accept help and overcome our deficits.

Section C: Literature
5. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that
(a) It weaves its own associations. Yet hear any flute is, it seems to me, 1×4=4
to be drawn into the commonality of all mankind, to be moved by
music closest in its phrases and sentences to the human voice.

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i. What does ‘it’ stand for? How does ‘it’ weave its own associations?
‘It’ stands for a flute. Each kind of flute produces a different
and a unique type of music associated with some particular
ii. Why does it draw the author in the ‘commonality of all mankind’?
The flute draws the author in the ‘commonality of all mankind’
because this instrument is found in all cultures and is played in
a similar manner. Hence, it seems to connect the whole
iii. Why is its music closest to the human voice?
The music of the flute is closest to the human voice because
pauses and breaths are needed to produce musical notes of the
flute in the same manner in which phrases and sentences are
uttered in human voice.
iv. Give the synonym of the word-‘associations’

(b) Not a simple jab of the knife 1×4=4

Will do it. It has grown
Slowly consuming the earth
i. What will simple jab of the knife not do?
A simple jab of the knife will not kill a tree.
ii. What are the things that the tree has consumed to grow?
The tree has consumed years of sunlight, air and water to
iii. What will be the result of hacking and chopping the tree?
Hacking and chopping will cause the bleeding bark to heal and
sprout new boughs that will slowly grow to their former size.
iv. Give the meaning of the term-‘consuming’
Feeding upon the earth

(c) There was a big table set up with all kinds of stuff on it, just for me. 1×4=4
They had taken up a collection and bought me school supplies…
i. Where was the big table set up, by whom and for whom?
The big table was set up in the school gym by Zan’s new school
mates for Zan.

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ii. Why had the collection been taken up?

The collection had been taken up to help Zan after he had lost
all his belongings in the fire that had burnt his house.
iii. What was the speaker’s response to this gesture?
The speaker, Zan was overwhelmed by this gesture and felt as
if the school supplies, notebooks, and different clothes kept on
the table for him, were like Christmas gifts.
iv. Give the meaning of ‘set up’.

6. Answer the following in 30-40 words. 2×5=10

(a) What difference does the author note between the flute seller and
the other hawkers?
The author points out that while other hawkers shout loudly to
attract the customers to buy their wares, the flute seller plays
upon his flute slowly and meditatively. He does not indulge in
excessive display nor does he show any desperation to sell his
flutes. The sound of the flute is distinctly heard above the
noise of the traffic and of the hawkers.
(b) Describing the streets around the Baudhnath stupa, why does the
narrator say this is a haven of quietness in the busy streets around?
The narrator observes a sense of stillness at the Buddhist
shrine, the Baudhnath stupa. Its immense white dome is ringed
by a road with small shops selling items like felt bags, Tibetan
prints and silver jewellery. The quietness of the stupa stands
out amidst the busy business activities that go around it.
(c) How is the exposed root of the tree affected by the sun and air?
Sun and air start drawing life out of the exposed root. It
becomes discoloured, dry and hard. It starts withering and
becomes gnarled and twisted. Devoid of all its moisture, it
gradually becomes lifeless and the process of killing the tree is
(d) How and why were people acting stranger than usual at Zan’s
school after the fire incident?
When Zan was getting ready for gym class at his locker, people
were gathering around him asking him to hurry up. This was
stranger than usual as they almost seemed to shove him into

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the gym. They behaved so because they had put up a surprise

collection of school supplies and clothes etc. for Zan on a table
in the gym.
(e) Why was it different for Zan to see his house getting rebuilt?
It was different to see his house getting rebuilt because Zan
wasn’t alone this time. Two of his new friends from school
were with him. The fire had helped him by diverting his mind
away from his feelings of insecurity and open up to the
wonderful people around.

7. Answer the following questions in 100-150 words. 8×2=16

(a) How does the author describe Kathmandu’s busiest streets?
The author presents the busiest streets of Kathmandu as
‘vivid, mercenary and religious’. It is a place with beautiful,
vivid, landscape, and a lot of religious activity goes on all the
time. Besides the famous places like the Pashupatinath
temple and the, Baudhnath stupa, Kathmandu also has small
shrines and deities - It is ‘mercenary’ as it is a tourist place
and a lot of business - flourishes in the narrow streets. One
can find fruit sellers, flute sellers, and hawkers selling
postcard photographs. As in any other tourist place, there are
shops selling various things like cosmetics from western
countries, rolls of film, chocolates, antique things of Nepal,
and copper pots and pans. There is a bedlam of noises
created by radios playing film songs, sounds of car-horns,
bells of bicycles and vendors shouting to invite the
customers. There are also the cows bellowing as they hear the
sounds of motorcycles. Thus, the streets of Kathmandu are
full of noise.
(b) “The bleeding bark will heal” How will the bleeding bark heal?
In the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’, the poet says that a
woodcutter may cut a tree with his repeated blows. But this
alone will not be able to kill a tree. The affected tree does not
seem to express its pain because its bleeding bark will heal
itself in time. ‘Curled green twigs’ of the tree closely attached
to earth will grow from the miniature boughs. These will
expand if they are not cut again and grow to their former size.

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The strength of the tree lies in the roots. If the tree is not
completely uprooted, the roots will draw nourishment from
the earth and will become a full grown tree again.

8. Answer the following questions in 100-150 words. 8×2=16

(a) Describe the fire tragedy that struck Zan’s house?
One Sunday afternoon, on a cold windy fall day, Zan was doing
his homework, his cat was sitting on his papers and his mother
was stoking the fire. At first Zan only smelled something
strange but soon noticed smoke pouring in through the seams
of the ceiling. The smoke filled the room quickly. Somehow,
they groped their way to the front door and ran out into the
front yard. Zan ran to his neighbours to call the fire
department and his mother ran back into the house to get a
small metal box full of important documents. She rushed back
into the house to retrieve his husband’s pictures and letters -
the only things she had to remember him by. Zan tried to run
after her but was stopped by a fireman. Some fire firefighters
ran into the house and safely brought out Zan’s mother and
gave her an oxygen mask because she had inhaled smoke. It
took five hours to finally put out the fire but the house was
almost completely burnt and there was sign of Zan’s pet cat.
(b) Why did the author visit his old teachers? How did they encourage
The author felt isolated in high school without his closest
friends. He missed his old teachers so much that he visited
them often. They would encourage him to get involved in
school activities so that he could meet new people. They also
assured him that he would soon adjust to his new school and
probably end up loving the new school more than the old one.
They made him promise that he would still come to visit them
from time to time when that happened. The author understood
the psychology in what they were saying but took some
comfort in their words, nonetheless.


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