How Friendships Affect You - Teacher's

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How friendships affect you.


Look at the word cloud and say what you think this lesson is about.


The theme of the lesson is FRIENDSHIP

Discussion questions about friendship.

Think about your best friend. Take a moment to reminisce about your friendship journey. Reflect on the
of your friendship and the moments that have shaped your bond.

● Do you have a best friend?

● When did you meet?
● How long have you known them?
● What are their best qualities?
● What makes this friend so special?

● Are you similar to or different from your friend?
● Share a memorable moment you've experienced with your best friend. What made that
moment special?
Was it a trip, an inside joke, or a shared experience?
● Talk about an interest or hobby that your best friend has introduced you to.
● Describe an adventure or spontaneous activity you and your best friend embarked on.
● Discuss a shared goal or dream you and your best friend have.
● Reflect on how both you and your best friend have grown and changed over the course of your

Watch the video.

How friendship affects your brain - Shannon Odell
Source: TED-ed: How friendship affects your brain - Shannon Odell

Which of these is the most accurate summary of the video? The key

How much do you remember from the video? The key


You’re going to read a diary entry by a 15-year-old girl called Emma.

Dear Diary,
OMG, today was such an amazing day, and I just have to spill my thoughts out to you! So, you know my BFF,
Lily? Yeah, well, she's seriously the coolest human ever. Like, I can't even put into words how awesome she is.
Lily and I have this uncanny connection that just clicks. We're like two peas in a pod, totally vibing on the
same wavelength. It's like she can read my mind and knows exactly what I'm thinking. Whenever I'm around
her, I feel like I can truly be myself. No pretenses, no judgments – just pure me.
Family dinners? Ugh, don't even get me started. It's like I'm living in a different universe when I'm at home.
My parents and I just don't seem to get each other. They're all about rules, curfews, and lectures. But Lily?
She gets me. We share the same interests, the same crazy dreams, and even the same love for those cheesy
'80s movies.
I swear, spending time with Lily is like an instant mood-lifter. We've had our fair share of adventures, like
that time we sneaked into that abandoned building downtown. And remember the impromptu road trip last
summer? Yeah, my family would never go for something like that. They're all about planning and structure.
With Lily, every day is an adventure waiting to happen. Lily doesn't judge me for my quirks or my weird fashion
choices. She's always there to support me, no matter what crazy idea I come up with. And when things get
tough, she's the one who cheers me up and makes me laugh until my stomach hurts.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that Lily is more than a friend – she's family to me. In fact, sometimes I
feel like she understands me better than my own family does. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, but
there's just something magical about the bond Lily and I share. It's like we were destined to be besties.
Alright, I better sign off for now. Can't wait to spill all the details of today's escapade to Lily tomorrow.
Thanks for being my secret keeper, Diary!


How does Emma say… The key

Now read Lily’s diary entry where she describes her friendship with Emma. Read carefully, there will be
a quiz after!

Hey there, Diary,

Oh my gosh, today was seriously the bomb, and I need to dish about it! So, you know my partner-in-crime,
Emma? Yeah, well, she's basically my ride-or-die, and I can't even explain how lucky I am to have her in my
First things first, Em and I? We're like two peas in the same crazy pod. Seriously, from the moment we met, it
was like an instant BFF connection. We can practically read each other's minds – it's freaky but totally
awesome. When we're together, it's like this unstoppable energy that's off the charts.
You know how some people just get each other? That's us. We can talk about anything and everything, from
the most random conspiracy theories to our dreams of changing the world someday. She's like my ultimate
support system, and I hope she knows I've got her back just as much.
Family weekends at my place? Ugh, they're a total snooze-fest. It's like they're speaking an entirely different
language. But when I'm hanging out with Emma, it's like we've got our own secret language that only we
understand. No judgments, no raised eyebrows, just pure unfiltered laughter and conversations that go on for

We've had some wild adventures, haven't we? That time we got lost in the woods, or the spontaneous karaoke
night that we still laugh about – those memories are the ones that make life truly unforgettable. And you
know what? I wouldn't trade those moments for anything.
Em is legit my partner in all things daring and fun. She's the one who pushes me to step outside my comfort
zone and experience life to the fullest. She doesn't care about appearances or fitting in; she's all about being
authentic and genuine. And honestly, that's what I love most about her.

She's got this incredible spirit that can light up even the gloomiest days. When things get tough, Emma is the
one who keeps me grounded and helps me see the silver lining. I can't imagine a world without her crazy
stories and contagious laughter.
So, Diary, what I'm trying to say is that Emma is more than a friend – she's family. She's the sister I never
had and the confidante who knows all my secrets. We might be different in a million ways, but that's what
makes our friendship so special. It's like we're the missing pieces in each other's lives.
Alright, I should probably catch some Zs before Emma texts me tomorrow with the latest scoop. Thanks for
listening, Diary – you're the real MVP!


Match the phrases to the meanings. The key


Choose the correct preposition from the list to complete these phrasal verbs. The key

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrases to complete the sentences. The key


Discuss the following questions with phrasal verbs.

1. Have you ever had to patch things up with a friend after a disagreement? What was the
disagreement about,
and how did you resolve it?
2. Do you tend to reach out to old friends from your school days? Why or why not?
3. Have you ever had a falling-out with a close friend? What caused the disagreement, and did you
eventually reconcile?
4. How would you typically make up with a friend after a misunderstanding or argument?
5. Do you find it easy to open up to your friends about your personal feelings and thoughts? Why or
why not?
6. What qualities do you look up to in your closest friends? Can you think of a specific friend you
admire for these qualities?
7. Have you ever leaned on a friend for support during a challenging period in your life? How did they
help you, and what impact did it have on your friendship?
8. Do you think it's common for people to drift apart from childhood friends as they get older? Why
or why not?
9. Have you ever had to break away from a toxic friendship or relationship? What led to your

10. How often do you hang out with your friends compared to when you were younger? Have your
social habits changed, and if so, why?
11. Can you recall a time when you had to stick up for a friend in a difficult situation? What did you do
to support them?
12. Do you believe in the importance of hanging in there for your friends during tough times?
How do you provide support to friends who are facing challenges?

Discuss the topic of changing friendships.

1. Have you experienced significant changes in your closest friendships over the years? How have
these changes affected your life and personal growth?
2. People evolve and develop new interests and passions as they grow. How can changes in hobbies
or life goals lead to friends drifting apart? Have you ever had a friend whose interests diverged
from your own?
3. Major life events like marriage, parenthood, or career changes can alter the dynamics of a
How have significant life changes impacted your friendships or those you know?
4. Sometimes, friends may drift apart due to a lack of communication or effort in maintaining the
Have you ever experienced a friendship fading away because of poor communication?
5. Have you ever reconnected with a friend you drifted apart from after a long time? What was that
experience like,
and did the friendship rekindle?
6. How do cultural norms and expectations influence the way friendships are formed and
maintained? Are there universal aspects of friendship that transcend cultural boundaries?
7. In today's digital age, many friendships are formed and maintained online. How do these virtual
friendships compare to in-person ones? Can they be as deep and meaningful?
8. Do you believe that time and distance can weaken or strengthen friendships? Do you have any
experience of this?
9. In any friendship, conflicts and disagreements are inevitable. How do you approach conflict
in your friendships, and how do you believe it impacts the relationship?

Discuss with your teacher the following friendship dilemmas.

The Double-Booked Weekend:

You've been invited to two separate events on the same weekend, one hosted by
your childhood friend and the other by a close college friend. Both events are
important to you, but you can't attend both. How do you choose, and how do you
explain your decision to your friends?
The Unwanted Guest:
You've planned a quiet weekend getaway with your best friend, but they invite
someone else without asking for your opinion. You're uncomfortable with the idea
of this additional person joining your trip. How do you handle the situation without
damaging your friendship?
The Avoidant Friend:
Your friend borrowed money from you but hasn't paid it back, and they're avoiding
the topic. You wanted to help your friend when they needed it, but you also have
bills to pay and need the money back. How do you talk to your friend without
making things awkward?
The Uneasy Secret:
Your friend confided in you about something personal, but you're not sure if you
should keep it a secret or share it with someone else for their well-being, as it
involves another friend of yours. How do you handle the situation?


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