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Furuno Finland Oy
Page 1
1. SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 3
2. CABLING AND CONNECTORS .............................................................................................. 5
2.1 Connectors on EC-3000 processor ................................................................................. 5
2.2 Serial Data Input ................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Connectors on ScanStreamer .......................................................................................... 7
2.4 Connector on RPU-013 of FAR-2xx7 .............................................................................. 9
2.5 Connectors on up-mast unit of FAR-3000 .................................................................... 10
3. CONFIGURATION OF DISPLAY RESOLUTION................................................................. 11
4. CONFIGURATION OF PARAMETERS ................................................................................. 13
5 ADJUSTMENT OF VIDEO LEVEL ......................................................................................... 14
Video level and ADC Gain ........................................................................................................ 14
How to activate radar video adjustment mode ........................................................................... 15
How to adjust video level offset ................................................................................................ 16
How to adjust ADC gain ............................................................................................................ 17
How to quit radar video adjustment mode ................................................................................. 18
6. PERFORMANCE TEST FOR NAVIGATION RADAR ......................................................... 19
6.1 FAR-2xx7 ........................................................................................................................... 19
6.2 FAR-3000........................................................................................................................... 19
7. TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................................. 20
7.1. No data from serial data sensors .................................................................................. 20

Version C, 09 MAR 2016

Page 2
Interconnection diagram:

List of Equipment (Standard):

Name Type Qty
Oil Radar processor unit EC-3000 1
Power cable 2m
Control Panel RCU-030 1
USB cable 2m
Radar video digitizer ScanStreamer DNP2012001 1
Power cable 2.5 m
Signal cable (for FAR-2xx7) FICE-110 5m

List of Equipment (Optional):

Name Type Qty
Signal cable (for FAR-2xx7) FICE-110 10 m
Signal cable (for FAR-3000) FICE-110 15/30/40/50 m

Input signals Radar signals

FAR-2xx7/3000 X-band *)
- radar video and trigger
- azimuth and heading line signals
- standard cable length is 5 meters. Note, in FAR-3000 standard delivery
cable not included (it must order separately)
Heading, position and speed (HDT, THS, GLL, GGA, VTG, VBW, VHW)
*) Minimum requirements for radar signals: Transceiver 12 kW, Antenna radiator 4 ft, Gear box 24 rpm

Page 3
Typical Ice/Oil Radar system configuration:

Note: Use the same heading reference for both FICE-100/FOIL-200 and FAR navigation radar.

Page 4

2.1 Connectors on EC-3000 processor

Below you can find connectors on EC-3000 processor back panel.

Power input LAN2 connection RCU-030 Control Video adapter for VDU
to ScanStreamer Unit

Page 5
2.2 Serial Data Input

Following sentences can be received by FICE-100/FOIL-200:


Below you can find connectors for serial line sensor data inside EC-3000 processor. Connectors
J3 and J4 can be used for Gyro signal input (38400 bps). Connectors J5-J10 can be used for
Gyro, EPFS and log signals (4800 bps). System automatically detects input signals, i.e. there is
no need to configure these ports.

Gyro 4800 bps

Log 4800 bps

Gyro 38400 bps

EPFS 4800 bps

Connectors J3 and J4 are for IEC61162-2

Pin No Signal In/Out Description

1 TDx-A out No connection
2 TDx-B out No connection
3 RDx-A in IEC61162-2
4 RDx-B in IEC61162-2
5 ISOGND Isolation ground
6 RDx-H in No connection
7 RDx-C in No connection
x= 1, 2

Connectors J5-J10 are for IEC61162-1

Pin No Signal In/Out Description

1 TDx-A out No connection
2 TDx-B out No connection
3 RDx-H in IEC61162-2
4 RDx-C in IEC61162-2
5 GND ground
x= 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Page 6
2.3 Connectors on ScanStreamer

A ScanStreamer receives radar video from Furuno navigation radar, either FAR-2xx7 or FAR-
3000. Following information is received from Furuno navigation radar:

 Raw radar video

 Trigger
 Bearing pulse
 Head line

Below is shown connectors on ScanStreamer:

Trigger Video Bearing pulse LAN connection Power input

Head line to EC-3000

Oil radar/Ice radar (EC-3000) processor receives digitized radar video through LAN connection.

Page 7
Connector J4
Bearing pulse
Head line

Connector J4

Pin No Signal Description

1 ARP IN Head line
2 GND ground
3 Sync in No connection
4 GND No connection
5 ACP IN Bearing pulse
6 GND Ground
7 SYNC OUT No connection
8 GND No connection
9 GND No connection

Page 8
2.4 Connector on RPU-013 of FAR-2xx7

Connect cable to SLAVE 1 connector (J617)

Connect FICE-110 cable

to SLAVE 1 connector

Cable between FAR-2xx7 and DSPNor Scanstreamer

Page 9
2.5 Connectors on up-mast unit of FAR-3000

Connect FICE-110 cable to TB 803 (trigger, bearing pulse and head line) and to TB804 (radar
video) as shown below.

Radar video cable

connected to TB
804 connector (TO

WAGO connector
connected to TB
803 connector

Cable between FAR-3000 and DSPNor Scanstreamer.

Page 10
When booting up the system it is automatically detecting display connected to system. For some
cases system fails to detect correctly connected display and you need to manually enter display
resolution and dimensions of monitor.

To configure manually display resolution, precede as follows:

1. During boot up the system you following display will be shown.

Select Display configuration.

2. Select correct resolution for display

Page 11
3. Enter width in millimeters

4. Enter height in millimeters

5. Check that you have correct values and confirm by selecting Yes.

Page 12
Sensor and conning positions on ship are in “vessel.config” file, which must be edited at
installation time.

No. Description Function

1. Power up Ice/Oil radar Startup Ice/Oil radar
2. Open login screen Press Ctrl-Alt F1 to open a login screen
3. Authenticate Login: ffoy [enter]
Password: ffoy [enter]
4. Edit vessel.config file type: cd .furunofinland [enter]
type: nano vessel.config [enter]
5. Set length and width Enter ship measurements (in meters)
6. Set offsets to CCRP, gps ; Offsets are measured in meters from ship center point
antenna and radar
antenna ; Longitudinal: positive (bow), negative (stern) or zero (center)
; Transverse: positive (starboard), negative (port) or zero

[ccrp offset]



; Offset of radar antenna position from ship's center point



; Offset of gps antenna position from ship's center point


7. Save your edits Ctrl-X and Y

8. Restart ice/oil radar type: sudo reboot

Page 13
Video level and ADC Gain

When installation of FICE-100/FOIL-200 is done, you have to check that video level is correctly
set. FICE-100/FOIL-200 radar uses raw radar video from navigation radar to make ICE/Oil radar
image on FICE-100/FOIL-200 screen. Each navigation radar has a bit different video level in
output for FICE-100/FOIL-200. To adopt for different video level you can adjust video level offset
and ADC gain (signal amplifier).

Below is typical video signal received from FAR-2xx7 or FAR-3000.

Sweep 0-1100 m:
This graph is to indicate how video is
shown up to 1100 meters.
Blue line: median
Dashed line: 25 % and 75 % fractals
Solid lines: all signals

Sweep 0-11 000 m:

This graph is to indicate how video is
shown up to 11 000 meters.

Below is example of incorrect video level offset:

Photos above: Video level is much too high. Near area is not readable at all. You can see it also
in scope display.

Page 14
Photos above: Video level offset is adjusted. You can see in scope display that video is readable
during antenna sweep in whole range.

How to activate radar video adjustment mode

You can activate FICE-100/FOIL-

200 video adjustment mode:
1. Click Alt+F1 keys together
to get console on screen.
2. type “Radartest on” and
click <enter>
3. Radar test button appears
on screen left hand side.

Page 15
How to adjust video level offset

Before video level adjustment: To adjust video level offset:

1. Click Radar test button,
then click Show/Hide.
2. Video signal adjustment
window appears, click
Radar test button to open
3. Move cursor in Video
Offset button and adjust
video level by scrolling
thumb wheel.
4. Wait a moment to see
what effects it caused to
video level offset (in sweep

After adjustment:

Page 16
How to adjust ADC gain

Before gain adjustment: To adjust video level:

1. Click Radar test button to
open menu.
2. Move cursor in ADC Gain
button and adjust ADC
Gain by scrolling thumb
3. Wait a moment to see what
effects it caused to video
(in sweep graphs)

After adjustment:

Page 17
How to quit radar video adjustment mode

To quit radar video adjustment mode:

1. Open Console, type radartest
off and press <enter>
2. Radar test button disappears.
3. Close Console.

Page 18

6.1 FAR-2xx7

FAR-2xx7 is used as normal navigation radar. To verify performance of radar, see installation
manual of FAR-2xx7. Following should be proceeded:
• “Tune initialize”
• Check TX time of magnetron
• Use “Performance monitor” to check gain. Performance monitor is an option. If not available,
check TX time of magnetron. Replace magnetron if TX time is more than 5000 hours.

6.2 FAR-3000

Automatic tuning is initialized during the installation. However, if you feel that automatic tuning is
not working properly try re-initializing the tuning. Right-click the [TUNE] button then select [Tune
Initialize] to start the initialization. The indication [Tune INI] appears during initialization.

Page 19

7.1. No data from serial data sensors

If heading or position is missing, you can do following things:

1. Check that data is sent by the sensor(s).
2. Check that cabling is correctly done and connectors properly fixed.

To check configuration of COM –ports:

A) Sensor traffic

- place the cursor somewhere in the screen but not over any “box”, push the ALT key to
the bottom and move the FICE radar picture to the side with your mouse by pushing the
left button (like in Windows). You can now drag the background to reveal the workbench.
- Place the cursor on the workbench and press right button.
- Choose Applications->Terminal Emulators->Gnome terminal

- Type: cat /dev/ttyXR2 (ttyXR2 = J3, ttyXR3 = J4, ttyXR4 = J5, …, ttyXR9 = J10)

You should now see sensor traffic on screen. Press Ctrl-C to stop it.

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