Classical Realism & Neo-Realism Notes
Classical Realism & Neo-Realism Notes
Classical Realism & Neo-Realism Notes
What is Realism ?
Realism, also known as "Political Realism" or "Realpolitik", continues to remain one of the dominant
schools of thought within the domain of international relations.
Realism emerged as the dominant international perspective only during the 20th Century. More
specifically, it emerged in its modern form largely in reaction to idealism.
Realists maintained that a science of international politics must study the world, as it was an
insistence that resulted in the Realists' self-acclaimed appellation.Realists appears as a natural
phenomenon given the inherent craving -for power in human nature.Realism is grounded in an
emphasis on power politics and the pursuit of national interest.
Realism maintains that universal moral principles cannot be applied to the actions of states.
According to Ainsley, “the name of theory can also be reason for its popularity.
Realism (or political realism) is a school of thought that explains international relations in terms of
power. Power is often define as the ability to get another actors to do what it would not otherwise
have done (or not to do what it would have done).
Advocators of Realism - Thucydides (c. 430-406), Machiavelli (1532), Morgenthau (1948) – classical
realism; Rousseau (c. 1750), Kenneth Waltz (1979), Mearsheimer (2001) – Structural realism; Zakaria
Realism is based on some of the assumptions:-
1. Human nature is selfish.
2. Most important actors are States
3. Causes of state behavior is Rational pursuit of self interest
4. Nature of international system is anarchy.
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1. STATISM: It is the term given to the idea of the state as the legitimate representative of the collective will of
the people. The legitimacy of the State enables the States to exercise authority within its domestic borders.
Yet outside the boundaries of the state, realists argue that a condition of anarchy exists. Here, the concept of
anarchy emphasize the point that the international realm is distinguished by the lack of a central authority
rather than denoting complete chaos and lawlessness.
Realists argue that the basic structure of international politics is one of anarchy in
Each of the independent sovereign states considers itself to be its own highest authority and does
not recognize a higher power.
First priority of leaders of each of the independent sovereign States is to ensure the survival of their
All States wishes to maintain their existence. For example, Poland has loosen its existence four times
in the past three centuries. 3/12
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2. SURVIVAL: In International Politics, the most important goal for each state is survival. States struggle for
power as to have security that is to survive. So, survival is held to be a precondition for attaining all other
goals either to have war or alliance or treaty.
Waltz argues that states have security as their principal interest and therefore seek only the requisite
amount of power to ensure their own survival.
Mearsheimer argues that the ultimate goal of all states is to achieve a hegemonic position in the
International system.
3. SELF-HELP: According to realism, Self-Help refers to lack of global government. It means, each state actor
is responsible for ensuring its own well-being and survival. In other words, States should not depend on other
states or international institution, such as the United Nations, to ensure their own security.
To conclude we can say, realism views a State to strengthen its power capabilities by engaging in a
military arms build up, etc, if the state feels threatened. But, this strategy may prove to be insufficient
for a number of smaller States who feel threatened by a much larger state.
Therefore, Realists considered ‘the balance of power’ in order to the liberty of states. The most
common definition of ‘the balance of power’ holds that – if the survival of a state or a number of
weaker States is threatened by a hegemonic state or a coalition of stronger states, they should join
forces, establish a formal alliance.
Cold War is the best example of the balance of power mechanism. 4/12
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There is a debate about the types of realism however, Realism can be classified into a variety of distinct
categories. The simplest distinction is a form of periodization that differentiates realism into following
historical periods:
1. Classical Realism
2. Modern Realism
3. Structural Realism (Neo-realism
4. Neoclassical Realism
Classical Realism
Realists, although recognizing that human desires range widely and are remarkably variable,
emphasize ‘the limitations which the sordid and selfish aspects of human nature place on the
conduct of diplomacy.
Classical Realism represents a whole worldview of international politics encompassing several
generations of theorists ranging from Thucydides, Machiavelli, and E.H. Carr to Hbs J. Morgenthau,
the most famous high priest of post-war Realism.
The central argument of classical Realism rests on the assumption that international politics is driven
by an endless struggle for power,' which has its root in human nature.
In this framework,justice, law, and society have either no place or are circumscribed.
They argue that to survive, states must increase their power by internal development such as in the
economic system, technological, diplomatic and military means
Classical Realism recognises that principles are subordinated to policies and that the ultimate test of
the state leader lies in accepting and adapting to the changing power political configurations in world
Classical realist argue that- it is from the nature of man that the essential features of international
politics, such as competition, fear, and war, can be explained.
Later classical realists were notably Machiavelli and Morgenthau. Morgenthau’s era witnessed many
drives for more power and territory, such as, Nazi Germany and Czechoslovakia in 1939, and The
Soviet Union and Hungary in 1956, many more. These drives confirmed that role of human nature as
defined by classical realism. 5/12
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In 1948 wrote a book, “Politics among Nations”. He gave his theory of International Relations. His six
principles of IR can be enumerated as follows:-
There is no fixed or constant national interest. Every states keeps on redefining its national
1. Private morality is different from public morality. State cannot be put into pressure on ground of
morality and immorality. Every states work on their views and interest.
2. There is no place for morality and immorality in International Relations.
3. Politics is autonomous. It is not connected with social culture, caste, religion etc.
4. IR is based on objective laws in human nature.
5. Human are selfish and therefore, state is also selfish.
6. Power means control on other States. 6/12
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Neo-realism is not an entirely different approach of realism but it shares some core assumption with
classical realism.
Gilpin identified three assumptions which are common to all strands of realism:
1. The nature of international affairs is essentially conflictual.
2. The essence of social reality is the group rather than the individual, and particularly the conflict group,
whether tribe, city-State, kingdom, empire, or nation-State.
3. The prime human motivation in all political life is power and security.
The main assumptions of neo-realism are as following:
1. Instead of unit level analysis the neo-realism focus on the System level analysis
2. Anarchy as a central theme of the international system
3. International order as mechanistic rather than organic
Criticism of Neo-Realism
Difficulty in ranking states: Structural realist views to rank all the states on the basis of strength in the
following areas: ‘size of population and territory, resource endowment, economic capability, military
strength, political stability and competence’. Here, the difficulty is that resource strength does not
always lead to military victory.
Example:- in the 1967 Six Day War between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, the distribution of
resources clearly favored the Arab coalition and yet the supposedly weaker side annihilated its
enemies’ forces and seized their territory.
Improper definition of 'Power as Capabilities': The definition of power as capabilities failed at
explaining the relative economic success of Japan over China.
Exclusively Focuses upon state Power: For realists, states are the only actors that really ‘count’.
MNCs, TNCs, International Organizations, and ideologically driven terrorist networks, such as Al
Qaeda, ISIS etc. are ignored. 9/12
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The evolution of international relations is a subject that cannot be clearly understood without examining how
different sovereign states have been struggling for power and supremacy. The struggle matches the
description and meaning of neorealism. It is agreeable that the theory seeks to explain how power is the
leading factor in international relations (Waltz 1979). The nature of realism existing today explains how
different nations continue to pursue power. 10/12