Electronics 12 02598
Electronics 12 02598
Electronics 12 02598
Spatial-Temporal Self-Attention Transformer Networks for
Battery State of Charge Estimation
Dapai Shi 1,2,† , Jingyuan Zhao 3, *,† , Zhenghong Wang 2 , Heng Zhao 4 , Junbin Wang 5 , Yubo Lian 5
and Andrew F. Burke 3, *
1 Hubei Longzhong Laboratory, Hubei University of Arts and Science, Xiangyang 441000, China
2 Hubei Key Laboratory of Power System Design and Test for Electrical Vehicle,
Hubei University of Arts and Science, Xiangyang 441053, China
3 Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
4 College of Big Data and Internet, Shenzhen Technology University, Shenzhen 518118, China
5 BYD Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Shenzhen 518118, China
* Correspondence: [email protected] (J.Z.); [email protected] (A.F.B.)
† These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: Over the past ten years, breakthroughs in battery technology have dramatically propelled
the evolution of electric vehicle (EV) technologies. For EV applications, accurately estimating the
state-of-charge (SOC) is critical for ensuring safe operation and prolonging the lifespan of batteries,
particularly under complex loading scenarios. Despite progress in this area, modeling and forecasting
the evaluation of multiphysics and multiscale electrochemical systems under realistic conditions
using first-principles and atomistic calculations remains challenging. This study proposes a solution
by designing a specialized Transformer-based network architecture, called Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers for Batteries (BERTtery), which only uses time-resolved battery
data (i.e., current, voltage, and temperature) as an input to estimate SOC. To enhance the Transformer
model’s generalization, it was trained and tested under a wide range of working conditions, including
diverse aging conditions (ranging from 100% to 80% of the nominal capacity) and varying temperature
windows (from 35 ◦ C to −5 ◦ C). To ensure the model’s effectiveness, a rigorous test of its performance
was conducted at the pack level, which allows for the translation of cell-level predictions into real-life
Citation: Shi, D.; Zhao, J.; Wang, Z.;
problems with hundreds of cells in-series conditions possible. The best models achieve a root mean
Zhao, H.; Wang, J.; Lian, Y.; Burke,
square error (RMSE) of less than 0.5 test error and approximately 0.1% average percentage error
A.F. Spatial-Temporal Self-Attention
(APE), with maximum absolute errors (MAE) of 2% on the test dataset, accurately estimating SOC
Transformer Networks for Battery
State of Charge Estimation.
under dynamic operating and aging conditions with widely varying operational profiles. These
Electronics 2023, 12, 2598. https:// results demonstrate the power of the self-attention Transformer-based model to predict the behavior
doi.org/10.3390/electronics12122598 of complex multiphysics and multiscale battery systems.
must still retain sufficient physical information to accurately predict battery behavior. A
Electronics 2023, 12, 2598 widely studied model that adopts this simplified approach is the single-particle model 3 of 23
(SPM). This model operates under the key assumptions that each electrode is represented
by a spherical particle and that the potential and concentration effects in the solution
phase are disregarded. These approximations contribute to a significant reduction in com-
particle and that the potential and concentration effects in the solution phase are disre-
putational time. Nonetheless, the SPM model falls short in accuracy when applied to high-
garded. These approximations contribute to a significant reduction in computational time.
rate simulations.
Due to the theavailability
SPM modeloffalls short in accuracy
high-throughput when applied
computing to high-ratesoftware,
and open-source simulations.
data-driven and machine learning-based approaches have been successful in helping sci-data-
Due to the availability of high-throughput computing and open-source software,
entists and
and machine
in the energy storageapproaches
realmhave beenMachine
[25–30]. successful in helping
learning scientists
play crucial roles in modeling and forecasting the dynamics of multiphysics and mul-play
engineers in the energy storage realm [25–30]. Machine learning techniques
crucial roles in
tiscale battery modeling
systems and
within theforecasting
framework the dynamics
of Industry 4.0 of multiphysics
[31]. Particularly, and
battery systems
ing enables withinof
the creation the framework of
computational Industry
models 4.0 [31].
that consist of Particularly, deep learning
multiple processing lay-
ers, whichthecancreation of computational
learn data representationsmodels that consist
with various levels of of abstraction.
multiple processing
Through the layers,
which can learn algorithm,
backpropagation data representations
deep learning with various
uncovers levels structures
complex of abstraction.
in largeThrough
datasets the
and guides a machine algorithm,
to adjustdeepits learning uncovers complex
internal parameters that computestructures in large datasets
representations in
eachguides a machine
layer from to adjust
the previous its internal
layer’s parameters
representations. In that compute
prediction representations
tasks, the top layersin ofeach
layer from themodels
deep learning previous layer’scritical
heighten representations.
features whileIn prediction
filtering outtasks, the top variations.
unnecessary layers of deep
learning models
This layered heighten
approach critical features
of enhancing while filtering
and reducing data helpsouttounnecessary variations.
extract vital patterns, re-This
sulting in
layered accurateofprediction.
approach enhancing This techniquedata
and reducing hashelps
emerged as a promising
to extract alternative,
vital patterns, resulting in
with particular
accurate advantages
prediction. in determining
This technique cell states
has emerged as a[32,33].
promising Figure 1 illustrates
alternative, withthe bal-
ance betweeninprediction
advantages determining accuracy and anticipated
cell states computational
[32,33]. Figure cost the
1 illustrates for the aforemen-
balance between
tioned methods.
prediction accuracy and anticipated computational cost for the aforementioned methods.
Figure 1. Trade-off between
1. Trade-off betweenprediction
accuracy and
and expected
expected computational
computational costcost (Every
(Every model
presents aa unique
unique blend
blend of strengths
strengths and obstacles. Machine
Machine Learning
Learning Models:
ness computational
computational power
power andand large
large datasetsto
datasets tocapture
capture complex,
offer an
offer an effective
effective balance
prediction accuracy and
accuracy computational
and computationalcost,cost,
which is especially
which is especially
beneficial for determining cell states. PBM: These models, such as the P2D model, provide deeper
beneficial for determining cell states. PBM: These models, such as the P2D model, provide deeper
insights into the internal dynamics of batteries. ECMs: Widely used with filter-based algorithms,
ECMs offerintoathe internal
more dynamics approach
straightforward of batteries. ECMs:
to SOC Widely used
estimation. with filter-based
High-order algorithms,
ECMs can achieve
higher offer
voltagea more straightforward
accuracy, but at the costapproach to computational
of increased SOC estimation. High-order
complexity. ECMs Physical
Simplified can achieve
higher voltage accuracy, but at the cost of increased computational complexity. Simplified Physical
Models: Models such as the SPM reduce computational demand by simplifying the physics. However,
they may compromise accuracy, particularly in high-rate simulations).
burgeoning field of electric vehicles. One such example is the use of convolutional neural
network (CNN). Innovative research has centered on crafting a universal SOC estimator
capable of addressing variations in battery type and sensor noise [34]. A unique closed-loop
paradigm, employing a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN), was put forward in
this study, employing transfer learning and pruning techniques for swift adaptability in
distinct scenarios. The proposed model showcased its effectiveness across diverse battery
types and stages of aging, achieving root mean square errors (RMSE) below 2.47% by adjust-
ing the final layers. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) offer significant benefits for tasks
that demand sequential inputs and time-series data over convolutional neural networks
(CNNs). Processing each data sequence element individually, RNNs preserve a state vector
with crucial historical sequence data in their hidden units. The concept becomes apparent
when the outputs of hidden units across discrete time steps are viewed as outputs of neu-
rons in a deep, multilayered network, illuminating how backpropagation can train RNNs.
Specialized RNNs, known as long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, bring a novel
structure called a memory cell into play, which includes three gate types (input, forget, and
output) that control the memory cell’s information flow. A recent study introduced a fusion
network marrying a multi-dimensional residual shrinkage network (MRSN) with an LSTM,
enhancing SOC estimation in lithium-ion batteries [35]. The combined network efficiently
manages multi-dimensional interaction, noise interference, and precludes data leakage
using a sequence-to-point processing strategy. Further advancements in SOC estimation
techniques for lithium-ion batteries involve a LSTM-RNN augmented with extended input
and constrained output (EI-LSTM-CO) [36]. This model includes an additional input, the
sliding window average voltage, and an Ampere-hour integration-based state flow ap-
proach for output constraint. These enhancements significantly improved SOC estimation
performance by curbing output volatility. The encouraging results underscore the potential
of the EI-LSTM-CO for real-world SOC estimation. In addition, a multi-forward-step SOC
prediction method based on LSTM demonstrates its effectiveness for battery systems in real-
world EV applications. The developed Weather-Vehicle-Driver analysis method considers
how drivers’ actions and the weather affect a battery system’s performance in real-world
operating circumstances. In addition to preventing LSTM from overfitting, the proposed
dropout technology and correlation analysis efficiently choose the best parameters prior
to training. Additionally, by using LSTM and multiple linear regression algorithms, a
joint-prediction strategy was applied to achieve dual control of prediction accuracy and
prediction horizon. It offers an opportunity to control the prediction steps of LSTM while
ensuring acceptable prediction accuracy by using the one-forward-step prediction accuracy
of linear regression as the accuracy benchmark [37]. To capture temporal dependencies
in both forward and backward directions, a bidirectional LSTM neural network was used
for the SOC estimation [38]. Moreover, the bidirectional LSTM layers are stacked to im-
prove the predictive ability of the non-linear and dynamic relationship between the input
parameters and cell SOC on a layer-by-layer basis. Compared to LSTM, the gated recurrent
unit (GRU) employs a simpler structure with low-dimensional non-linear manifold and
was given a great deal of attention in relation to the prediction of battery conditions. For
example, a RNN with GRU was applied to estimate the cell SOC from measured time-
series signals, including current, voltage, and temperature [39]. The proposed method
improves estimation accuracy over traditional feed-forward neural networks by making
use of data from previous SOCs and measurements. To determine the SOC of lithium
batteries, a single hidden layer GRU-RNN-based momentum-optimized algorithm was
investigated [40]. To prevent oscillation of the weight change and to increase the training
speed of the estimation, the current weight change direction compromises the gradient
direction at the current instant and historical time. The GRU-RNN-based momentum
algorithm offers tools to obtain the battery SOC estimates and the related estimation errors
by tweaking noise variances, epochs, and hidden layer neuron counts. In a recent study,
the GRU-RNN was applied to pre-estimate battery SOC, and the adaptive Kalman filter
(AKF) was used to smooth the output of the GRU model to obtain the final results [41].
Electronics 2023, 12, 2598 5 of 23
In the proposed framework, it is not necessary to construct the intricate battery model
because GRU-RNN model is well-suited to establish the non-linear mapping between the
measured battery variables (voltage, current, and temperature) and SOC over the entire
temperature range. Moreover, since the AKF process the outputs of the GRU-RNN, there
would be more flexible to design the network’s hyperparameters, which introduces savings
in computational cost. The enhanced noise adaptive algorithm not only makes it easier to
choose the initial noise covariance but also makes the proposed GRU-AKF more adaptable
to the more complex loading scenarios. In line with recent advancements, a unique SOC
estimation approach for lithium-ion batteries was introduced that utilizes a deep feed-
forward neural network (DFFNN), optimized through an attention mechanism relevant to
stochastic weight algorithms (RAS) [42]. This strategy efficiently extracts pertinent features
from input data and updates the weights and biases, addressing gradient issues and aug-
menting the DFFNN’s applicability across a range of operational conditions. Additionally,
it implements a shifting-step unscented Kalman filter (SUKF) for the adaptive adjustment of
error covariance, thus providing robustness against spontaneous error noise. This strategy
has been verified to deliver precise SOC estimates, showcasing impressive error metrics in
trials, indicating its potential applicability in managing batteries for electric vehicles.
Collectively, these research findings demonstrate that RNNs are effective in modelling
sequential and time-series data. However, training them has proven difficult. The back-
propagated gradients either increase or decrease at each time step, so they usually explode
or vanish for the prediction tasks which require learning of the sequences with the limited
use of parallelization across multiple timescales.
The attention-based Transformer model [43], which is primarily employed in natural
language processing, recently made ground-breaking advancements in time-series pre-
diction. Over the past few years, some researchers estimated SOC with good potential
using the encoder-decoder structure, self-attention mechanism, and sequence-to-sequence
method. The Transformer model can be calculated in parallel, which permits faster training
and better use of GPU resources, unlike conventional RNNs. For example, the encoder-
based Transformer neural networks have been demonstrated to be a powerful tool to
estimate battery SOC in a self-supervised data-driven manner without considerable do-
main expertise to design features or adaptive filtering [44]. To explore the current and
voltage data separately, a two-encoder architecture was developed, which is composed
of one linear layer and two identical encoder layers for each encoder [45]. The outputs
of the encoders were then concatenated into a single sequence and used as the inputs for
the decoder. Moreover, an immersion and invariance adaptive observer was proposed to
reduce the oscillations of the Transformer prediction. Moreover, self-attention Transformer
model has demonstrated remarkable power in achieving accurate co-estimation of battery
states [46]. Self-supervised Transformer neural networks unveil new avenues for assimi-
lating representations derived from observational data. These intricate networks offer a
gradation of abstractions, thereby simplifying the incorporation of attention mechanisms,
an essential feature in the data processing pipeline. Their integration with a synergistic
cloud-edge computing framework, when combined with the versatility of deep learning,
substantially augments the predictive prowess of these networks. Such an approach ulti-
mately aids in effectively capturing and decoding long-range spatio-temporal dependencies
that span across diverse scales, thus enhancing the accuracy of analyses and predictions.
Table 1 presents a comprehensive comparison of the merits and demerits associated with
these aforementioned techniques, particularly in the context of battery SOC estimation.
This balanced evaluation provides a clear understanding of the applicability and potential
challenges of each method in real-world settings.
Electronics 2023, 12, 2598 6 of 23
Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of the common methods used for battery SOC estimation.
Datasets Entity Cell Specification SOH
Temperature Window
Group A
5 large-scale NMC cells 105 Ah, 115 Ah and 135 Ah 100%, 90% and 80%. −5 ◦ C to 40 ◦ C
(Cell level)
Group B 8 consecutive months
1 battery pack 92 NMC cells in-series 10 ◦ C to 35 ◦ C
(Pack level) of service time in an EV
Figure 2. The framework of the BERTtery (Two encoding techniques are devised to capture the po-
Figure 2. The framework of the BERTtery (Two encoding techniques are devised to capture the
sition of the battery operational profiles within the sequence. To optimally leverage the time-series
position of the battery operational profiles within the sequence. To optimally leverage the time-series
data of the cell, a two-tower structure was employed, incorporating both a channel encoder and a
time-step encoder. A gating mechanism serves as a robust and straightforward means to amalgamate
the outputs of the two encoder towers. In our self-attention multi-head Transformer model, query,
key, and value matrices play a crucial role in determining the level of attention each part of the
input sequence should receive. These matrices serve to identify and weigh the importance of specific
patterns within the sequence, enabling the model to focus on critical details during prediction).
Electronics 2023, 12, 2598 9 of 23
2.2.1. Normalization
The self-attention mechanism can be conceptualized as a procedure consisting of two
stages. Initially, a normalized dot product is computed among all pairs of input vectors
present in a specific input sequence. This normalization is accomplished through the
application of the softmax operator, which can be expressed as:
e xi j
ωij = softmax(xi T x j ) = xi T x k
∑ ke
2.2.2. Embedding
To encode the position of the battery operational profiles in the sequence, we used
both positional and operational (charging and discharging) embedding to encoder the
position of the time-series data in the sequence. The operational embedding is designed to
produce a sequence-level representation for battery data under different energy storage
mechanisms. A sine-cosine encoding method was used in this study for both absolute and
relative positional embeddings.
qi = Wq xi , k i = Wk xi , and vi = Wv xi (5)
zi = ∑ softmax(qi T k j )v j (6)
It is important to highlight that the weighting attributed to the value vector vi is reliant
on the evaluated correlation between the query vector qi at the i-th position and the key
vector kj at the j-th position. The dot product’s magnitude tends to augment with the
growth in the size of query and key vectors. Due to the softmax function’s susceptibility to
large magnitudes, the attention weights undergo scaling proportional to the square-root of
the size of the query and key vectors, denoted by dq, as follows:
qi T k j
zi = ∑ softmax ( p )v j
In the matrix form, the self-attention mechanism can be succinctly expressed as:
Attention( Q, K, V ) = softmax( √ )V (8)
where Q, K, and V represent query, key, and value matrix, respectively, and dk is the
dimension of the key matrix.
Multi-head attention empowers the model to concurrently focus on data from varied
representational spaces at diverse positions. This capacity is stifled by averaging in a model
utilizing a singular attention head.
3. Hyperparameters
3. Hyperparametersofofself-attention Transformer
self-attention Transformer model.
3. Results
3. Results
3.1. Model Performance
3.1. ModelWe
leveraged battery time-series charging–discharging data by pre-training a two-
We transformer
leveraged encoder
battery to extract dense
time-series vector representationsdata
charging–discharging of multivariate time- a tw
by pre-training
series. In this study, we initially pre-trained the Transformer model using
tower transformer encoder to extract dense vector representations of multivariate tim observational
data from tens of cells that were randomly collected throughout their operational lifetime.
In this study, we initially pre-trained the Transformer model using observation
data, with a sampling frequency of 10 s using onboard sensor measurements, were
data from tensthe
input into of Transformer
cells that were
The model’scollected throughout
output, in their operational
turn, is the corresponding SOC lifetim
data, with foraeach
of thesefrequency of 10The
sampling points. s using onboard
proposed method sensor
can bemeasurements,
immediately we
applied to transient data while preserving prediction accuracy, obviating
input into the Transformer model. The model’s output, in turn, is the corresponding SO the necessity
for a steady-state detector and allowing for very large time-steps with high accuracy.
estimations for each of these sampling points. The proposed method can be immediate
The Transformer architecture is characterized by large data volumes, dynamic loading
applied to transient
operations, data
and high while preserving
correlations between theprediction accuracy,
dots for each obviating
sliding window whenthe necessity f
into account the high-dimensional stochastic dynamics and probability distributions for
a steady-state detector and allowing for very large time-steps with high accuracy. The
Transformer architecture is characterized by large data volumes, dynamic loading opera-
tions, and high correlations between the dots for each sliding window when taking
Electronics 2023, 12, 2598
13 of 23
account the high-dimensional stochastic dynamics and probability distributions for in-
dustry-scale time-series data in physical problems. It was discovered that the Transformer
model provides efficient, time-series data in physical
easy-to-implement, problems.
meshless It was discovered that
implementations thethe
for Transformer
kind of
model provides efficient, easy-to-implement, meshless implementations for the kind of
pattern identification associated with persistently positive connectivity between these re-
pattern identification associated with persistently positive connectivity between these
gions across the sliding
regionswindow (Figure
across the sliding 4). (Figure 4).
Figure SOC estimation
estimation at operating
at operating temperature
temperature windowswindows
of −4 toof4 −4
◦ C to
for the(a)
Cell_1. (a) Voltag
profile. (b) Current profile. (c) Temperature profile. (d) SOC estimation. (e) Estimation
profile. (b) Current profile. (c) Temperature profile. (d) SOC estimation. (e) Estimation error. error.
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 23
Electronics 2023,12,
15 of 23
Figure 6. SOC estimation at operating temperature windows of 0 to 35 °C for the Cell_2. (a) Voltage
Figure 6.(b)
profile.6. SOC estimation
Current at (c)
profile. operating
operating temperature
Temperature windows
profile.windows of 00 to
(d) SOC estimation.35 ◦°C
to 35 C(e)
forEstimation Voltage
the Cell_2.error.
(a) Voltage
profile. (b)
profile. (b) Current
Current profile.
profile. (c)
(c) Temperature
profile. (d)
(d) SOC
SOC estimation.
estimation. (e) (e) Estimation
Estimation error.
3.1.2. Cell Level SOC Estimation at Different Aging Conditions
3.1.2. Cell
Cell Level
Level SOC SOC Estimation
Estimation at at Different
Different Aging
Aging Conditions
Aging is an intrinsic property of lithium-ion batteries that significantly influences
Aging is an intrinsic property of lithium-ion
Aging is an intrinsic property of lithium-ion batteries batteries that that
significantly influences
significantly their
their performance and lifespan. Degradation phenomena, such as the loss of lithium in-
performance and lifespan. Degradation phenomena, such as
their performance and lifespan. Degradation phenomena, such as the loss of lithium in-the loss of lithium inventory
and(LLI) and of
the loss theactive
loss of active material (LAM), pose considerable challenges to assess
ventory and the loss ofmaterial (LAM),(LAM),
active material pose considerable challenges
pose considerable to assess
challenges SOC
to assess
SOC estimation
estimation for for
under under
varying varying
aging aging conditions.
SOC estimation for batteries under varying aging conditions.
The Transformermodel
The model leverages additional information gleaned from the relation-
Transformer modelleverages leverages additional
additional information
information gleaned
gleanedfrom fromthe the
betweenbetweenSOC SOC SOC
and andand
input input data
across across different
different aging
aging conditions.
conditions. This ability to adapt
ship between input across different aging conditions.This Thisability
abilityto to adapt
to changes brought on by aging increases the model’s accuracy and its effectiveness in
to changes
changes brought
brought on on byby aging
aging increases
increases the the model’s
model’s accuracy
accuracy and and itsits effectiveness
effectiveness in in
real-world scenarios. A
battery is typically
is typically considered
consideredto have reached
to have its
reached end-of-life when
its end-of-life
real-world scenarios. is typically considered to have reached its end-of-life when
its fullits
when charge
full capacity
charge diminishes
capacity to 80%toof80%
diminishes the nominal
of the value—a
nominal key threshold
value—a key in battery
threshold in
its full charge capacity diminishes to 80% of the nominal value—a key threshold in battery
battery Our training
manufacturing. Our and testing
training and cover
testingthis entire
cover spectrum,
this entire allowing allowing
spectrum, us to under- us
manufacturing. Our training and testing cover this entire spectrum, allowing us to under-
to the performance
understand of the BERTtery
the performance model in a rangein
of the BERTtery of scenarios reflecting the service
stand the performance of the BERTtery model in amodel
range of ascenarios
range ofreflecting
scenariosthe reflecting
life of batteries. This process is divided into three groups, each
the service life of batteries. This process is divided into three groups, each representing representing different
life of batteries. This process is divided into three groups, each representing different
stages instages
different the battery
in thelife, as illustrated
battery in Figures
life, as illustrated in 7–9. In essence,
Figures by evaluating
7–9. In essence, the model’s
by evaluating the
stages in the battery life, as illustrated in Figures 7–9. In essence, by evaluating the model’s
performance under dynamic aging conditions, we delve into
model’s performance under dynamic aging conditions, we delve into an often overlooked an often overlooked but cru-
performance under dynamic aging conditions, we delve into an often overlooked but cru-
but aspect aspect
of battery SOC estimation.
of battery SOC estimation. This helps
Thisensure that ourthat
helps ensure model remainsremains
our model robust,
cial aspect of battery SOC estimation. This helps ensure that our model remains robust,
robust, and accurate
adaptable, across the
and accurate full lifespan
across of a battery,
the full lifespan of a thereby
battery, enhancing its practical
thereby enhancing its
adaptable, and accurate across the full lifespan of a battery, thereby enhancing its practical
practical and usability
applicability in real-world
and usability applications.
in real-world applications.
applicability and usability in real-world applications.
Figure 7. SOC estimation at the aging conditions of 100% SOH for the Cell_3. (a) Voltage profile.
(b) Current profile. (c) Temperature profile. (d) SOC estimation. (e) Estimation error.
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 23
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 23
Figure 8.
8. SOC
SOC estimation
estimationat atthe
conditionsof 90% SOH forfor
the Cell_4. (a) Voltage profile. (b)
Figure 8. SOC estimation at the aging conditions ofof90%
90% SOH
SOH for thethe Cell_4.
Cell_4. (a) (a) Voltage
Voltage profile.
profile. (b)
(b) profile.
Current (c)
profile. Temperature profile. (d) SOC estimation. (e) Estimation error.
Current profile. (c) (c) Temperature
Temperature profile.
profile. (d)(d)
SOCSOC estimation.
estimation. (e)(e) Estimation
Estimation error.
Figure 9. SOC estimation at the aging conditions of 80% SOH for the Cell_5. (a) Voltage profile. (b)
Figure 9. SOC
SOC estimation
estimation at
SOH forfor
Cell_5. (a) Voltage profile. (b)
Current9.profile. (c) Temperature profile. (d) SOC estimation. (e) Estimation error.(a) Voltage profile.
Current profile. (c) Temperature profile. (d) SOC estimation. (e) Estimation error.
(b) Current profile. (c) Temperature profile. (d) SOC estimation. (e) Estimation error.
3.1.3. SOC
3.1.3. SOC Estimation at at Pack Level
3.1.3. SOC Estimation
Estimation atPackPack Level
The intricate operationofofaalithium-ion
battery rests upon a multitude of of factors such
The intricateoperation
operation of a lithium-ion battery rests
upona multitude
a multitude factors such
of factors as
as diffusion
diffusion pathways,
pathways, electron/ion
electron/ion transport,
transport, various various phase transformations,
phase transformations, electro-
as diffusion pathways, electron/ion transport, various phase transformations, electro-
redox redox reactions,
reactions, both both reversible
reversible and and irreversible,
irreversible, charge–transfer
charge–transfer reactions, reactions,
and and
chemical redox reactions, both reversible and irreversible, charge–transfer reactions, and
several material-dependent
material-dependent elements.
elements.elements. However,
However,However, these
these operations operations become
become exponentially exponentially
several material-dependent these operations become exponentially
in practicalin applications,
practical applications,
where where hundreds
hundreds or even or even thousands
thousands of of lithium-ion
lithium-ion batteries bat-
complex in practical applications, where hundreds or even thousands of lithium-ion bat-
teries are interconnected
interconnected in a in a series-parallel
series-parallel architecturearchitecture
to provide to sufficient
provide sufficient
power power
and and
teries are interconnected in a series-parallel architecture to provide sufficient power and
Pack Pack modifications,
design design modifications, environmental
environmental conditions,conditions, and loading
and loading scenarios
scenarios are aarefewaa
energy. Pack design modifications, environmental conditions, and loading scenarios are
few among
among many many factors
factors that that
can can significantly
significantly impact impact
the the overall
overall performance
performance of of the
the bat-
few among many factors that can significantly impact the overall performance of the bat-
system.system. Ambient
Ambient temperature
temperature variations,
variations, cell
cell packaging packaging alterations,
alterations, batch-to-batch
batch-to-batch and cell-
tery system. Ambient temperature variations, cell packaging alterations, batch-to-batch
and cell-to-cell
to-cell inconsistencies
inconsistencies originatingoriginating from differing
from differing synthesissynthesis
conditions, conditions,
electrolyte electrolyte
and cell-to-cell inconsistencies originating from differing synthesis conditions, electrolyte
wetting procedures,
procedures, and mechanical
and mechanical propertiesproperties
can lead to can lead to substantial
substantial deviationsdeviations in the
in the predicted
wetting procedures, and mechanical properties can lead to substantial deviations in the
predicted outcomes.
outcomes. These complexities
These complexities emphasize emphasize the importance
the importance of the of the practical
practical appli-
predicted outcomes. These complexities emphasize the importance of the practical appli-
cation performance
performance of predictive
of predictive models.models. After
After all, it is all,
the itreal-world
is the real-world
efficacy efficacy
of these of these
cation performance of predictive models. After all, it is the real-world efficacy of these
modelsdetermines their value.
that determines theirAccordingly, we further
value. Accordingly, wescrutinize the Transformer
further scrutinize model’s
the Transformer
models that determines their value. Accordingly, we further scrutinize the Transformer
performance by employing it on one large-scale battery pack operating under dynamic
conditions. Figure 10 represents these tests. To concisely present the estimation, only the
cells with the maximum and minimum voltage are depicted in the plots.
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 2
only the cells with the maximum and minimum voltage are depicted in the plots.
Figure 10.SOC
estimation at the
at the pack
pack level.
level. (a) Voltage
(a) Voltage profile.
profile. (b) Current
(b) Current profile.
profile. (c) (c) Temperatur
profile. (d)SOC
SOC estimation.
estimation. (e) (e) Estimation
Estimation error.error.
In this respect, the validation process transcends beyond a mere algorithmic scrutiny
In this respect, the validation process transcends beyond a mere algorithmic scrutiny
and extends into a comprehensive examination of the model’s adaptability to intricate,
and extends into a comprehensive examination of the model’s adaptability to intricate
multifactorial, and dynamic conditions. As the reliance on lithium-ion batteries in practical
applications and dynamic
continues conditions.
to increase, As the
the necessity forreliance on lithium-ion
sophisticated, batteries
robust, and reliablein practi
cal applications continues to increase, the necessity for sophisticated, robust,
predictive models escalates correspondingly. It is this critical juncture of theoretical models and reliable
and models
practical escalates
applications correspondingly.
in which the true valueItof
is athis critical model
predictive juncture of theoretical mod
is ascertained,
els and practical
ultimately applications
contributing in which
to the continuous the trueand
evolution value of a predictive
optimization model
of battery is ascertained
ultimately contributing to the continuous evolution and optimization of battery technol
3.2. Model Training and Evaluation
Numerous stochastic processes are involved in the instantiation of deep learning
models. All experiments were run with a predetermined seed value to guarantee the
3.2. Model Training and Evaluation
uniformity and repeatability of the results. Unlabeled vectors of input sequence were
utilized stochastic
in the pre-training processes
stage aremodel.
to train the involved
The in the instantiation
metrics ofthe
that are used in deep
loss learning
function All model
experiments were
evaluation arerun with aas
described predetermined
follows. seed value to guarantee the uni
formity and repeatability of the results. Unlabeled vectors of input sequence were utilized
3.2.1. Loss Function
in the pre-training stage to train the model. The metrics that are used in the loss function
and The Transformer
model model
evaluation was trained
are described asusing an end-to-end approach, and the choice
of loss function is crucial in guiding this process. The loss function quantifies how far
the model’s predictions deviate from the actual values and serves as the criteria that
3.2.1. Loss Function
the learning algorithm seeks to minimize. The mean squared error (MSE) in regression
problems Transformer
be expressedmodel
as: was trained using an end-to-end approach, and the choice o
loss function is crucial in guiding this process. The loss function quantifies how far the
model’s predictions deviateLMSE
the 1 N 2
= ∑values
(yi − ŷand
i ) serves as the criteria that the learn
ing algorithm seeks to minimize. The mean N i=1squared error (MSE) in regression problem
can be expressed as:
where yi and ŷi are the observed and estimated value, respectively, of the i-th samples, and
n is the total number of samples in the dataset.
1 for 2 tasks, mainly due to
Mean Squared Error (MSE) is frequently
ℒ MSE(y, y)ˆchosen
= regression
(y -yˆ i ) (11
its simplicity, computational efficiency, and focus onNamplifying
i=1 larger discrepancies. It is
differentiable, which is advantageous for optimization methods such as gradient descent,
and is a ycommon
i and y
i are theforobserved
gauging and estimated value,
the performance respectively,
of regression MSEi-th sam
of the
ples, and then isdeviation
the total between
number the predictedinSOC
of samples the and the actual values. To minimize
this loss, the Adam optimizer [50] was deployed with a user-defined learning rate, which
Mean Squared Error (MSE) is frequently chosen for regression tasks, mainly due to
its simplicity, computational efficiency, and focus on amplifying larger discrepancies. It i
differentiable, which is advantageous for optimization methods such as gradient descent
Electronics 2023, 12, 2598 18 of 23
dynamically adjusts the model parameters during the training process, thereby ensuring a
smoother and more efficient convergence.
1 n ŷi∗ − yi∗
n i∑
ErrorAPE = × 100 (14)
=1 yi∗
Figure 11. Over the11.
airOver the airfor
technology technology
the remote for the remote
software update.software update.
5. Conclusions
Deep learning has revolutionized the field of machine learning by allowing computa-
tional models composed of multiple processing layers to learn data representations with
multiple levels of abstraction. By leveraging the backpropagation algorithm, deep learning
uncovers intricate structures in large datasets, indicating how a machine should adjust its
internal parameters to compute the representation in each layer from the representation in
the previous layer. Transformer models employ a multi-headed attention system, making
them proficient in handling time series data. They concurrently seize the context—both
prior and succeeding—of each sequence element. The use of multiple attention heads
facilitates the analysis of different representational subspaces, enhancing the probing of
diverse relevance aspects among input elements within time series data. This capability
allows machines to be fed with raw time-series data and to automatically discover the
representations and extract temporal features required for classification or regression. In
this study, we showcase a bespoke two-tower Transformer neural network technique for
predicting the SOC of lithium-ion batteries, using field data from practical electric vehicle
(EV) applications. This model leverages the multi-head self-attention mechanism, which is
instrumental in achieving precise predictions. This mechanism excels at discerning and em-
phasizing critical data points while simultaneously mitigating the influence of less relevant
information. This model’s unique advantage is its ability to be trained solely on battery
time-series data, effectively eliminating the need for laborious feature engineering. The
strength of this approach lies in its adaptability to the dynamic nature of battery data, aided
by a 10 s sampling frequency, enabling the capture of battery states amidst fluctuating
operating conditions. The self-attention mechanism also allows the model to focus on
varying sequence lengths and dependencies, making it particularly effective in dealing
with the temporal nature of battery data. Furthermore, the two-tower architecture ensures
that the model can learn intricate correlations, maximizing the extraction of relevant infor-
mation. This study underscores the potential of integrating machine learning tools with
sparse sensor measurements, pushing the frontiers of battery state estimation in complex,
real-world scenarios.
Author Contributions: Methodology, formal analysis, investigation, J.Z.; software, validation, J.Z.
and J.W.; writing—original draft, D.S. and J.Z.; writing—review and editing, J.Z., A.F.B. and H.Z.;
visualization, J.Z. and Z.W.; supervision, resources, project administration, A.F.B. and Y.L.; funding
acquisition, D.S. and Y.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by [Independent Innovation Projects of the Hubei Longzhong
Laboratory] grant number [2022ZZ-24], [Central Government to Guide Local Science and Technology
Development fund Projects of Hubei Province] grant number [2022BGE267], [Basic Research Type of
Science and Technology Planning Projects of Xiangyang City] grant number [2022ABH006759] and
[Hubei Superior and Distinctive Discipline Group of “New Energy Vehicle and Smart Transportation”]
grant number [XKTD072023].
Data Availability Statement: The data could not be shared due to confidentiality.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no competing interests.
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