Training and Development Department - Sanjana - Kumari

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1. What has been your contribution to your current department?

- My contributions to my current department are as follows:

a. I have attended all the meetings which have been held by this date (both formal
and informal) and have always prioritized them all.
b. I always have tried to cooperate and coordinate with the other members of the
department and made sure that the task gets done, no matter what.
c. All the sessions which have been held by my current department was attended by
me without fail, online and offline. I have always tried to take up the duties which
is in accordance to my availability, interest of the other members of the department
and the department itself, so that there is no hindrance in the sessions held.
d. I have made sure that the quality of the work submitted by me is up to the mark
and does not include any deadline lapses. Although, I am fully aware that there is
always a room for improvement.
e. I have always tried to make myself available for the department as and when
f. I, along with the other team members, have played an important role in ideating
for the Entrepreneurship Club, including the drafting of the mail & creating the

2. What has been your overall contribution to the Cell?

- My overall contributions to the Cell are as follows:

a. I have always tried to volunteered according to my availability and post that have
always tried to work once getting the opportunity very diligently.
b. I have always prioritized the Cell over every other society I ever had during my
tenure to this date and have always tried to make myself available for Cell as and
when required.
c. Even on the day when I was not on the volunteer’s list, I made myself available
for the Cell as and when I was approached by a JC to get the momentos for a
company process.
d. I have always tried to cooperate with other JCs informally regarding the
volunteering part, so that everyone in the Cell gets fair opportunity.
e. I was always available to fill in (if required) for the Cell for any PPT held for any
company process.
f. I have tried my best to maintain the professionalism and the inclusivity, both them
being the core values of the Cell.
3. Describe your experience at The Placement Cell.

- My experience at The Placement Cell can be described as insightful. I have learnt

a lot since the day I was recruited and understand the hard-work and experience
that it takes to coordinate the overall process. I have also understood that nothing
which happens either outside or inside the Cell goes un-noticed.
Coming on to the minute details, I have understood its importance and why is it
required. While being a part of the Cell I have realised the importance of time and
deadlines and why should it be prioritized. I appreciate the functioning of the Cell
and how it operates to work for the batch. Overall, the experience has been

4. What is your vision for your current department?

- My vision(s) for my current department, i.e., Training and Development

Department are as follows:
a. To organise sessions which are actually beneficial for the batch and caters to the
interest of the students.
b. To collate the resources for the next batch in such a manner that they get the
best insights for the placement/internship opportunities. These resources should
also be published at the right time so that the batch can analyse the documents and
prepare accordingly.
c. I wish to have the pass-outs of SRCC coming to the campus and sharing their
knowledge and learnings to the current batch, so that the students can relate to
them and have a better understanding of the corporate life.
f. If possible, the Cell can also reach out to the placed candidates to have a feedback
from them to have their views on how the shift from campus to corporate looks like.
For each company we can have as many feedbacks as possible, just like the PD/CTs.
So, for one company we can have one document having very basic yet insightful
questions & have the opinion of the ones working/have worked in that company with
different set of questions for working and worked. And then, we can send those
documents to the ones getting the internships/placements in the same company.
This can be beneficial for the students to have a better insight on what they should
expect from the corporate life in general and that particular company in particular.
This document will not include any intricate mechanism of the particular company,
rather, just the shift from campus to corporate life and how to go about it.

5. Mention three alternative departments in the order of your preference.

- Alternative departments in the order of my preference are:

b. SEC
c. CCC

6. Provide your vision for all the departments mentioned in point no. 5.

- My vision for all the departments mentioned in point no. 5 are as follows:

a. PRBM:
- PRBM can reach out to the professors of the IIMs or the alums of SRCC working as
corporate executives and invite them as the guest lecturers for a taking a leadership
development programme and provide them with the certificate of the same once
rolling out an interest form and analysing the interests of the batch. This can be
taught in multiple modules over a period of 1-2 months. Multiple interventions such
as development-cum-assessment centres, 360-degree appraisal, case writing and
project work on live organisational problems can be conducted as a part of the
leadership development programmes. This can also help the students grow their
network and enhance their CVs.

b. SEC:
- SEC can utilise its platform and maintain a database of the alums of SRCC who are
now having their own startups and reach out to them and approach for live project
opportunities for the students of SRCC for the batch of 2026/27 and 2025/26. This
can increase the learning opportunities for the batch. Additionally, the alumni can
contribute to their alma mater, identify & nurture potential talent, and gain access
to a motivated and skilled workforce.

c. CCC:
- CCC can roll out an interest form and accordingly can tap the companies which are
in the interest of the batch for both internships and placements. They can also see
if the batch is interested in opportunities located abroad and accordingly tap the
companies whose job location is outside of India. Matching students with appropriate
opportunities fosters not only individual growth but also enhances the overall profile
of the batch and making the batch profile stronger.

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