Liver Function Tests

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Liver Function tests (LFT) :

The tests which are performed in a laboratory to analyze the functional status of liver is known as liver
function test. Liver function tests are useful for the diagnosis, assessment of prognosis and monitoring
of liver diseases.

Following parameters are performed in Liver function tests:

1. Serum Bilirubin:
It is a bile pigment and is excretory end product of heme degradation.
Total Bilirubin: 0.2-1.2 mg/dL
Conjugated bilirubin: 0.0-0.4 mg/dl
Unconjugated bilirubin: 0.1-0.6 mg/dl
They are estimated by
a. DMSO( di-methyl Sulphoxide ) method.
Bilirubin reacts with diazotized sulphanilic acid to give purple colour complex.
Free bilirubin requires solubilization with DMSO.
b. Malloy and Evelyn method: 50% methanol is used as an accelerator.
c. Jendrasik and Grof’s method: caffeine benzoate acetate is used as accelerator.

2. Urine bilirubin: Bilirubin in urine can be detected by Fouchet test.

3. Serum Enzymes Derived from Liver: There are several enzymes which may be released in
circulation in liver damage. Measurement of selected enzymes in serum is often used to assess
liver function.

a. SGPT ( Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminases) : Also called ALT( Alanine Amino
Transaminase) .
Normal range: 5-40 IU/L
It is cytoplasmic enzyme which is more reliable and sensitive for the assessment of liver

b. SGOT ( Serum Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase) : Normal range: 5-45 IU/L

It is found in both cytoplasm and mitochondria. Also known as AST ( Aspartate
Transaminase ) .
These enzymes are elevated in viral hepatitis, Chronic liver disease, cholestasis, cirrhosis,
Jaundice, etc.

c. Alkaline phosphatase: Normal range: 44-147 IU/L.

It is mainly derived from bone and liver cells. A rise in serum alkaline phosphatase is found
in obstructive jaundice, liver cirrhosis and hepatic tumor.

d. GGT (Gamma Glut amyl Trans peptidase ) : Normal range: 5-40 IU/L . It is a microsomal
enzyme widely distributed in body tissues. Sensitive index of liver abnormality. It is highly
elevated in biliary obstruction and alcoholism.
4. Plasma Proteins:

a. Total Protein: Normal Range: 6-8 gm/dL

It reflects the total amount of protein in your blood. Your body needs proteins to fight
infections and to perform other functions. Lower amount of protein may indicate liver
damage or disease.

b. Albumin: Normal Range: 3-5 gm/dL. It is produced in the liver and forms a large proportion
of plasma proteins. It is a good marker to assess chronic liver damage. In all chronic disease
of liver, serum albumin is decreased.

c. Globulins: Normal Range: 2-3.5 gm/dL. They are immunoglobulins produced by B-

lymphocytes and also alpha and beta globulins produced by hepatocytes. Functional
impairment in liver is associated with increased synthesis of globulins.

d. AG ratio: Normal A: G ratio is 2:1. Cirrhosis of liver causes reversal of AG ratio.

5. Prothrombin Time: Since prothrombin is synthesized by the liver, it is a useful indicator of liver
function. Vitamin K deficiency is also a cause for prolonged prothrombin time. In case of liver
disease, the PT remains prolonged even after parenteral administration of vitamin K.

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