Sustainable Development Goals 1 9 by Group 6

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What are Sustainable Development Goals?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted
by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet,
and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The 17 SDGs are integrated—
they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development
must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Countries have committed to prioritize progress for those who're furthest behind. The SDGs
are designed to end poverty, hunger, AIDS, and discrimination against women and girls.

Every four years, the High-Level Political Forum meets under the auspices of the UN General
Assembly, known as the SDG Summit. In 2023, the second SDG Summit took place on
September 18-19, bringing together Heads of State and Government to catalyze renewed
efforts towards accelerating progress on the SDGs. The Summit culminated in the adoption
of a political declaration to accelerate action to achieve the 17 goals.

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Sustainable Development Goals


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Eradicating extreme poverty for all
people everywhere by 2030 is a pivotal
goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. Eradicating poverty is not
a task of charity, it’s an act of justice and
the key to unlocking an enormous human
potential. Still, nearly half of the world’s
population lives in poverty, and lack of
food and clean water is killing thousands
every single day of the year.

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Why is there so much poverty?
Poverty has many dimensions, but its causes include unemployment, social exclusion, and
high vulnerability of certain populations to disasters, diseases and other phenomena which
prevent them from being productive.

Why should I care about other people’s economic situation?

There are many reasons, but in short, because as human beings, our well-being is linked to
each other. Growing inequality is detrimental to economic growth and undermines social
cohesion, increasing political and social tensions and, in some circumstances, driving
instability and conflicts.

Why is social protection so important?

Strong social protection systems are essential for mitigating the effects and preventing
many people from falling into poverty. The COVID-19 pandemic had both immediate and
long-term economic consequences for people across the globe – and despite the expansion
of social protection during the COVID-19 crisis, 55 per cent of the world’s population – about
4 billion people – are entirely unprotected.

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Goal 2 is about creating a world free of hunger by
2030. The global issue of hunger and food
insecurity has shown an alarming increase since
2015, a trend exacerbated by a combination of
factors including the pandemic, conflict, climate
change, and deepening inequalities. Hunger is the
leading cause of death in the world. Our planet
has provided us with tremendous resources, but
unequal access and inefficient handling leaves
millions of people malnourished.

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How many people are hungry?
It is projected that more than 600 million people worldwide will be facing hunger in 2030,
highlighting the immense challenge of achieving the zero hunger target.

Why are there so many hungry people?

Shockingly, the world is back at hunger levels not seen since 2005, and food prices remain
higher in more countries than in the period 2015–2019. Along with conflict, climate
shocks, and rising cost of living, civil insecurity and declining food production have all
contributed to food scarcity and high food prices. Investment in the agriculture sector is
critical for reducing hunger and poverty, improving food security, creating employment
and building resilience to disasters and shocks.

How can we achieve Zero Hunger?

Food security requires a multi-dimensional approach – from social protection to
safeguard safe and nutritious food especially for children to transforming food systems to
achieve a more inclusive and sustainable world. There will need to be investments in rural
and urban areas and in social protection so poor people have access to food and can
improve their livelihoods.

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The Sustainable Development Goals make a
bold commitment to end the epidemics of
AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other
communicable diseases by 2030. The aim is
to achieve universal health coverage, and
provide access to safe and affordable
medicines and vaccines for all. To overcome
these setbacks and address long-standing
health care shortcomings, increased
investment in health systems is needed to
support countries in their recovery and build
resilience against future health threats.

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How can we achieve these targets?
Ensuring healthy lives for all requires a strong commitment, but the benefits outweigh the
cost. Healthy people are the foundation for healthy economies. Countries worldwide are
urged to take immediate and decisive actions to predict and counteract health challenges.
This becomes especially critical in safeguarding vulnerable population groups and
individuals residing in regions burdened by high disease prevalence. By doing so, we can
strengthen health systems and foster resilience in the face of health adversities.

Does everyone have access to healthcare?

Universal health coverage (UHC) aims to ensure that everyone can access quality health
services without facing financial hardship. While efforts to combat infectious diseases like
HIV, TB and malaria led to significant expansions in service coverage between 2000 and
2015, progress has since slowed. Inequalities continue to be a fundamental challenge for
UHC. Coverage of reproductive, maternal, child and adolescent health services tends to be
higher among those who are richer, more educated, and living in urban areas, especially in
low-income countries.

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Education is the key that will allow many other
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be
achieved. When people are able to get quality
education they can break from the cycle of
poverty. Education helps to reduce inequalities
and to reach gender equality. It also empowers
people everywhere to live more healthy and
sustainable lives. Education is also crucial to
fostering tolerance between people and
contributes to more peaceful societies.

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What progress have we made so far?
Between 2015 and 2021, there was an increase in worldwide primary school completion,
lower secondary completion, and upper secondary completion. Nevertheless, the progress
made during this period was notably slower compared to the 15 years prior.

What challenges remain?

Economic constraints, coupled with issues of learning outcomes and dropout rates, persist
in marginalized areas, underscoring the need for continued global commitment to ensuring
inclusive and equitable education for all. Low levels of information and communications
technology (ICT) skills are also a major barrier to achieving universal and meaningful

Are there groups that have more difficult access to education?

Yes, women and girls are one of these groups. About 40 per cent of countries have not
achieved gender parity in primary education. These disadvantages in education also
translate into lack of access to skills and limited opportunities in the labor market for young

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Gender equality is not only a fundamental
human right, but a necessary foundation for a
peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
On average, women in the labor market still
earn 23% less than men globally and women
spend about three times as many hours in
unpaid domestic and care work as men.
Sexual violence and exploitation, the unequal
division of unpaid care and domestic work,
and discrimination in public office, all remain
huge barriers.

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How much progress have we made?
International commitments to advance gender equality have brought about improvements
in some areas: child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM) have declined in recent
years, and women’s representation in the political arena is higher than ever before. But the
promise of a world in which every woman and girl enjoys full gender equality, and where all
legal, social and economic barriers to their empowerment have been removed, remains

Are they any other gender-related challenges?

Yes. Worldwide, nearly half of married women lack decision-making power over their sexual
and reproductive health and rights. 35% of women between 15-49 years of age have
experienced physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual
violence. 1 in 3 girls aged 15-19 have experienced some form of female genital
mutilation/cutting in the 30 countries in Africa and the Middle East, where the harmful
practice is most common with a high risk of prolonged bleeding, infection (including HIV),
childbirth complications, infertility and death.

Why should gender equality matter to me?

Regardless of where you live in, gender equality is a fundamental human right. Advancing
gender equality is critical to all areas of a healthy society, from reducing poverty to
promoting the health, education, protection and the well-being of girls and boys.

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Access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene is
the most basic human need for health and
well-being. Investments in infrastructure and
sanitation facilities; protection and restoration
of water-related ecosystems; and hygiene
education are among the steps necessary to
ensure universal access to safe and affordable
drinking water for all by 2030, and improving
water-use efficiency is one key to reducing
water stress.

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Access to water, sanitation and hygiene is a human right. To get back on track, key strategies
include increasing sector-wide investment and capacity-building, promoting innovation and
evidence-based action, enhancing cross-sectoral coordination and cooperation among all
stakeholders, and adopting a more integrated and holistic approach to water management.
Water is essential not only to health, but also to poverty reduction, food security, peace and
human rights, ecosystems and education. Nevertheless, countries face growing challenges
linked to water scarcity, water pollution, degraded water-related ecosystems and
cooperation over transboundary water basins.

Are water and climate change linked?

Water availability is becoming less predictable in many places. In some regions, droughts
are exacerbating water scarcity and thereby negatively impacting people’s health and
productivity and threatening sustainable development and biodiversity worldwide.
Ensuring that everyone has access to sustainable water and sanitation services is a critical
climate change mitigation strategy for the years ahead.

Without better infrastructure and management, millions of people will continue to die every
year from water-related diseases such as malaria and diarrhea, and there will be further
losses in biodiversity and ecosystem resilience, undermining prosperity and efforts towards
a more sustainable

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Our everyday life depends on reliable and
affordable energy. Ensuring universal access
to affordable electricity by 2030 means
investing in clean energy sources such as
solar, wind and thermal. Expanding
infrastructure and upgrading technology to
provide clean energy in all developing
countries is a crucial goal that can both
encourage growth and help the environment.

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Why should I care about this goal?
A well-established energy system supports all sectors: from businesses, medicine and
education to agriculture, infrastructure, communications and high technology. For many
decades, fossil fuels such as coal, oil or gas have been major sources of electricity
production, but burning carbon fuels produces large amounts of greenhouse gases which
cause climate change and have harmful impacts on people’s well-being and the
environment. This affects everyone, not just a few. Moreover, global electricity use is rising
rapidly. In a nutshell, without a stable electricity supply, countries will not be able to power
their economies.

What are the consequences to lack of access to energy?

Energy services are key to preventing disease and fighting pandemics – from powering
healthcare facilities and supplying clean water for essential hygiene, to enabling water for
essential hygiene, to enabling communications and IT services that connect people while
maintaining social distancing.

What can we do to fix these issues?

Countries can accelerate the transition to an affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy
system by investing in renewable energy resources, prioritizing energy efficient practices,
and adopting clean energy technologies and infrastructure.

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Globally, labor productivity has increased and
the unemployment rate has decreased.
However, more progress is needed to increase
employment opportunities, especially for
young people, reduce informal employment
and labor market inequality (particularly in
terms of the gender pay gap), promote safe
and secure working environments, and
improve access to financial services to ensure
sustained and inclusive economic growth.

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What does “decent work” mean?
Decent work means opportunities for everyone to get work that is productive and delivers a
fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects
for personal development and social integration. A continued lack of decent work
opportunities, insufficient investments and under-consumption lead to an erosion of the
basic social contract underlying democratic societies: that all must share in progress.

What are the challenges?

A persistent lack of decent work opportunities, insufficient investments and under-
consumption contribute to the erosion of the basic social contract: that all must share in
progress. The creation of quality jobs remain a major challenge for almost all economies.

How many people are unemployed?

The estimated total global unemployment in 2022 was 192 million. Projections indicate that
global unemployment is expected to decrease further to 5.3% in 2023, equivalent to 191
million people. The pandemic disproportionately affected women and youth in labor
markets. Women experienced a stronger recovery in employment and labor force
participation than men.

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Economic growth, social development and
climate action are heavily dependent on
investments in infrastructure, sustainable
industrial development and technological
progress. In the face of a rapidly changing
global economic landscape and increasing
inequalities, sustained growth must include
industrialization that first of all, makes
opportunities accessible to all people, and
second, is supported by innovation and
resilient infrastructure.

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What needs to be done?
Investments in infrastructure – transport, irrigation, energy and information and
communication technology – are crucial to achieving sustainable development and
empowering communities in many countries. To achieve Goal 9 by 2030, it is also essential
to support LDCs, invest in advanced technologies, lower carbon emissions and increase
mobile broadband access.

Why should I care?

Inclusive and sustainable industrialization, together with innovation and infrastructure, can
unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces that generate employment and income.
They play a key role in introducing and promoting new technologies, facilitating
international trade and enabling the efficient use of resources.
The growth of new industries means improvement in the standard of living for many of us. If
industries pursue sustainability, this approach will have a positive effect on the

What is the price of inaction?

The price is steep. Ending poverty would be more difficult, given the industry’s role as a
core driver of the global development agenda to eradicate poverty and advance sustainable
development. Additionally, failing to improve infrastructure and promote technological
innovation could translate into poor health care, inadequate sanitation and limited access
to education.

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