Varizes Pulsáteis

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Pulsatile varicose veins: an uncommon presentation of a

common condition
Varizes pulsáteis: uma apresentação incomum de uma condição comum
Thilina Gunawardena1,2 , Manujaya Godakandage2, Balasubramaniyam Saseekaran1,3, Rezni Cassim2,
Mandika Wijeyaratne2

Varicose veins of the lower limbs are common. However, pulsatile varicose veins are unusual. They could be an indicator
of a sinister underlying pathology, such as severe cardiac dysfunction. It is easy to miss these rare cases during clinical
workup, which can result in futile treatment with potentially dangerous consequences. In this report, we describe
2 cases of pulsatile varicose veins that highlight different etiologies and management strategies for this condition.
Keywords: pulsatile varicose veins; Parkes Weber syndrome; tri-cuspid regurgitation; secondary varicose veins.

Varizes dos membros inferiores são comuns. Entretanto, varizes pulsáteis são raras, podendo ser indicadoras de uma
patologia subjacente sombria como disfunção cardíaca grave. É fácil deixar passar esses casos raros durante exames
clínicos, o que pode resultar em tratamento fútil com consequências potencialmente perigosas. Neste relato, descrevemos
dois casos de varizes pulsáteis que evidenciam as diferentes etiologias e estratégias de manejo para essa condição.
Palavras-chave: varizes pulsáteis; síndrome de Parkes Weber; regurgitação tricúspide; varizes secundárias.

How to cite: Gunawardena T, Godakandage M, Saseekaran B, Cassim R, Wijeyaratne M. Pulsatile varicose veins: an
uncommon presentation of a common condition. J Vasc Bras. 2021;20: e20210075.

The Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Royal Free Hospital, London, United Kingdom.
Financial support: None.
Conflicts of interest: No conflicts of interest declared concerning the publication of this article.
Submitted: April 28, 2021. Accepted: May 24, 2021.
The study was carried out at the National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Copyright© 2021 The authors. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Two cases of pulsatile varicose veins

INTRODUCTION was audible over the saphenofemoral junction (SFJ).

When the limb was elevated the veins failed to empty
Dilated, tortuous, superficial veins of the lower completely. Pedal pulses were present and there
limbs are extremely common. The majority of was pitting ankle edema. On the contralateral lower
these varicose veins (VV) are classified as primary limb, a few varicosities were noted and there was no
VV. They are a result of junctional incompetence, associated edema. Auscultation of the precordium
structural defects in superficial vein trunks, or reflux
revealed a pansystolic murmur best heard at the
in the perforator veins. In contrast, secondary VV
left lower sternal edge. The neck veins were dilated
are relatively uncommon. They can be caused by
(Figure 1C). The abdomen was mildly distended.
pathologies such as deep vein obstruction or reflux
We could not demonstrate a pulsatile, enlarged liver.
due to previous deep vein thrombosis, compression
A venous duplex scan of her right lower limb
from pelvic tumors, and abnormal arteriovenous
revealed arterial type pulsatile flow in the proximal
communications.1 Rarely, secondary VV can be
GSV (Figure 1D) and the common femoral vein
pulsatile. It is important not to miss these infrequent
(Figure 1E). The abnormal VV also had a pulsatile flow
cases of pulsatile VV, because the approach to their
pattern. There was saphenofemoral incompetency with
diagnosis and treatment is markedly different. Here
reflux in the GSV and the abnormal superficial veins.
we describe 2 patients who presented with unilateral
Given the clinical features and the history of
lower limb VV, which were found to be pulsatile on
rheumatic fever, we suspected she may have tricuspid
close examination. We believe that these 2 cases
regurgitation (TR). The 2D echocardiogram confirmed
highlight the spectrum of underlying etiologies for
severe TR with moderate pulmonary hypertension. The
this peculiar presentation of a common condition.
pressure gradient across the tricuspid valve (TV) was
The study was conducted in accordance to the relevant
40mmHg. Considering the age of the patient and the
standards of the institutional ethics committee and the
prior history of open heart surgery, a joint decision was
Helsinki declaration. Informed, written consent was
obtained from both patients prior to data collection taken by the cardiologists and the vascular surgeons
and publication of the case reports. to manage the tricuspid incompetence and the VV
conservatively. Presently she is doing well, with the
use of Class II below-knee compression stockings.
Case 1 Case 2
A 77 year old female patient was referred to the A 47-year-old male patient presented to the vascular
vascular surgery clinic for further evaluation of a surgery clinic with recurrent bleeding from large
possible vascular malformation at the right lower thigh varicose veins over the right thigh. He had a history
region. She was a diabetic patient and had a history of of sclerotherapy for VV of the same limb and had
rheumatic mitral valve stenosis. She had undergone undergone ipsilateral saphenofemoral ligation (SFL)
mitral valve replacement in 2005 and since then was and stripping at a very young age. On examination,
on warfarin. In 2010 she noted abnormal, dilated there were large varicosities over the right thigh and
veins over the right lower thigh region, but as they leg with an abnormal distribution pattern (Figure 2A).
were asymptomatic, she chose not to seek medical The circumference of the right thigh was significantly
attention. When the right leg developed progressive larger compared to the contralateral limb. However,
swelling with some discomfort she brought the matter there was no limb length discrepancy. Ulceration was
to the attention of doctors in 2019. At the first contact noted on the right thigh, corresponding to a recent
surgical clinic, a duplex scan was done to exclude deep bleeding point. There were no VV over the opposite
vein thrombosis. Suspecting a vascular anomaly they limb. On palpation, the dilated, massive veins were
next arranged a contrast CT of the lower limb, which pulsatile. They failed to empty with limb elevation.
failed to demonstrate an arteriovenous malformation Pulse examination detected no abnormalities. Pre-cordial
(AVM) or a vascular tumor. examination for murmurs was negative. A duplex scan
When we saw her at our clinic, the first striking of the right lower limb showed an arterial type of
feature we noted was the abnormal distribution pattern flow pattern in the superficial varices (Figure 2B, C)
of VV (Figures 1A, B). There was a bunch of dilated and the femoral vein. A CT angiogram of the lower
tortuous veins at the medial aspect of the mid-thigh limbs demonstrated a large AVM involving the right
as well as the posterior aspect of the lower thigh of thigh and the leg. (Figure 2D) The main feeding
the right lower limb. The veins over the medial thigh vessels were from the superficial femoral artery and
communicated with the dilated proximal greater the popliteal artery. A clinical picture was suggestive
saphenous vein (GSV), which was pulsatile. A bruit of Parkes-Weber syndrome (PWS). Considering

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Two cases of pulsatile varicose veins

Figure 1. (A), (B) Right lower limb VV; (C) engorged neck veins; (D) pulsatile flow in the GSV at the SFJ; (E) pulsatile flow in the
femoral vein.

Figure 2. (A) Abnormal right lower limb VV; (B) arterial type flow at the SFJ; and (C) superficial veins; (D) CT angiogram depicting
the AVM.

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Two cases of pulsatile varicose veins

recurrent bleeds from the VV, the patient was referred circumference as a result of soft tissue hypertrophy.7
for angioembolization of the AVM. This second phenomenon was seen in our patient.
VV in PWS is a consequence of hyperdynamic
DISCUSSION flow caused by the AVMs.8 Failure to identify the
correct etiology in our patient who presented with
Pulsatile varicose veins are extremely rare.
VV at a very young age led to futile therapy with
Severe TR and AVMs are the predisposing causes
sclerotherapy and SFL and stripping of the GSV. As
described in the literature.2,3 Unless extreme care is
a result, for several years he suffered recurrent bleeds
taken, it is easy to miss a case of pulsatile varicose
from engorged superficial veins.
veins and a treatment approach similar to a case of
Treatment for PWS is indicated when there are
uncomplicated, primary varicose veins can result in
symptoms, functional impairment or cosmetic concerns.
disastrous consequences.1 A case has been reported in
At present, transarterial embolization of AVMs is an
which SFL was attempted in a patient with varicose
increasingly used treatment option. Sometimes more
veins caused by severe TR and the surgeon had to
than one treatment session may be required to achieve
abandon it because of the friable nature of the veins
desired outcomes.9 Surgery also has a secondary role
and the resultant haemorrhage.4 Another interesting
and excision of AVMs, corrective surgery for limb
vignette by Klein et al. reports a patient with pulsatile
VV due to undiagnosed TR, who was subjected to hypertrophy, and amputation for intractable symptoms
unnecessary aortic exploration looking for an arterio- have been used as options.8
venous communication.5
In severe TR, the regurgitating blood through the CONCLUSIONS
incompetent TV sets up a venous pressure wave which Pulsatile VV are rare and it is easy to miss the
is transmitted along the inferior vena cava and down diagnosis. An abnormal distribution pattern in the
the lower limb deep and superficial veins.2,3 Although VV should alert the physician to the possibility of
transmission of venous pressure occurs bilaterally, secondary causes. The etiology of the pulsatility of the
some patients can have the VV confined to a single veins should be confirmed by clinical and radiological
limb.6 The venous valve dysfunction in these patients methods before embarking on treatment, which should
may be secondary to the severe TR, or VV caused by be individualized for each case.
primary valve dysfunction can progress due to the
high venous pressures. Some of these patients may REFERENCES
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Two cases of pulsatile varicose veins

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TG and MG - Hold MBBS, MD in Surgery, University of Colombo;
MRCS, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow.
BS - Holds MBBS, University of Jaffna; MD in Surgery, University of
Colombo; MRCS, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow.
RC - Holds MBBS; MS in Surgery, University of Colombo; MRCS,
United Kingdom.
MW - Holds MBBS; MS in Surgery, University of Colombo; MD in
Surgery, Leeds; FRCS, England.

Author contributions
Conception and design: TG
Analysis and interpretation: N/A
Data collection: TG, MG, BS
Writing the article: TG, MG, BS
Critical revision of the article: RC, MW
Final approval of the article*: TG, MG, BS, RC, MW
Statistical analysis: N/A
Overall responsibility: TG

*All authors have read and approved of the final version of the article
submitted to J Vasc Bras.

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