Call Letters Innovsource

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Dear Ms RITIKA Date: 26 Dec 2023

Ref: SBI Cards & Payment Services Limited

Employee ID: 302308857 Offer ID: CHA26122023457785

We are pleased to appoint you as Executive with our Client SBI Cards & Payment Services Limited located at our client
project site at Shimla, on a fixed Term Basis. You have to complete Joining Formalities within 10 days from your joining
and report at your work location at 9.30 am on your Date of Joining.
In addition to this:
1. As the Project work awarded to us by our Clients is only for a certain period, your assignment with us initially will
be from 28 Dec 2023 to 27 Nov 2024 as per terms mentioned in the Letter of Engagement dated 28 Dec
2023. If however, the Project work is extended, your association with us may be extended for such further period
as may be decided by us. Hence, this contract of employment by no means be treated or construed to be of
permanent in nature granting thereby to you a status of permanent employee of the Company. Your employment
is governed by the contractual agreement between Innovsource Services Private Limited and SBI Cards &
Payment Services Limited for which your services have been engaged.

2. If however the project work awarded to us is completed before time or if is terminated for any reasons
whatsoever earlier, then your services shall be terminated on such earlier date as the situation demands as per
terms mentioned in your Letter of Engagement.

3. Your CTC details would be:


Basic + DA Rs. 11891/- PF Employer Rs. 1427/-
HRA Rs. 2655/- PF Admin Rs. 59/-
Other Allowances Rs. 0/- ESIC Employer Rs. 473/-
EDLI Employer Rs. 59/-
Bonus Rs. 991/-
FixedGroupAccidentInsurance Rs. 50/-
Employee Rs. 1427/-
ESIC Employee Rs. 110/-
Professional Tax Rs. 0/-
Net Salary Rs. 14000/- COST TO COMPANY Rs. 17605/-
(Incl.Statutory Bonus) (Gross + Statutory Benefits)

Bonus, if applicable, will be paid on monthly basis.

The net salary is subject to Income Tax

Your salary is payable only through electronic payment mode such as EFT/NEFT/RTGS/ECS or account payable
cheque for which you have to provide relevant information at the time of joining. One month grace period shall be
provided to you on reasonable ground.

4. In addition to the Monthly Salary, you will not be entitled to any other perquisites/ allowances unless given to you
in writing. Your coverage under ESIC scheme, Provident Fund scheme, and Bonus Act where applicable will be as
per the government regulations. Salary would be receivable on or before 10th of the subsequent month, subject to
receipt of corresponding payments from our Client where you will be deployed. Any discrepancy in the salary

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received needs to be reported to our nearest branch within 7 days of receipt of salary after which, it will be
considered as correct and further claims will not be entertained. Gratuity will be payable as per Payment of
Gratuity Act, 1972. TDS will be deducted at Higher rate as per Income Tax Act, in case PAN number along with
proof is not provided to nearest Innov Branch within 7 days of joining. Any unclaimed salary within 3 years from
when it is due, will be paid to Labour Welfare Fund as per Labour Welfare Fund Act. You will be entitled to leave as
per the practice followed by the client.

5. Your coverage under ESIC scheme is subject to adherence of rules & regulation of it. It is mandatory for you to
submit Aadhar Card (UID) including your family within one month from the date of issuance of ESIC number, if you
fail to submit the Aadhar Card (UID) within stipulated period in that case you will not be eligible to take benefits of
ESIC coverage and in that Circumstances Company shall not be held responsible.

6. You are eligible under Provident Fund scheme subject to adherence of rules & regulation of it. It is also mandatory
for you to submit Aadhar Card (UID), PAN Card & Bank A/c. No. with IFSC Code (collectively referred as ‘KYC’)
within one month from your date of joining, if you fail to submit the KYC within stipulated period in that case as
per PF norms you will not able to withdraw or transfer or to take any benefits of PF and in that circumstances
company shall not be held responsible or liable.

7. Since our Client undertakes contract projects, you may be required to work at different project sites and are likely
to be deputed in any establishment within the city or outside the city including outside the State for the purpose of
discharging your duties as and when the situation demands, at the said working hours.

8. You will act within the framework of organizational structure and policies and directions as may be laid down by
the management from time to time. During the tenure of your employment with us, you will not undertake any
other employment or business activities, work or public office of payment or otherwise except with the written
permission of the Management. If you are found involved in any act which in the opinion of the Company is
detrimental to the interest of their business interest, Management shall be at liberty to dispense with your services
immediately and without any notice or compensation. Your Verification will be done by an external agency and you
need to provide us all details and documents as required for the same. In case of negative verification status, we
shall be at liberty to dispense with your services immediately and without any notice or compensation. At all time
during the tenure of this Contract of employment you will be bound by any Rules & Regulations enforced by the
management from time to time in relation to the conduct, discipline, leave, holidays or any other matters relating
to service conditions. Identity Card issued to you is to be returned back to us on termination of contract, without
which your amount against Full & Final Settlement will not be released.

9. Either Party can terminate this contract anytime during the existence of a work assignment by providing a notice of
(7) seven days to the other party. This is as per the terms laid out in the letter of Engagement. In case you fail to
give the above notice, the salary in lieu of notice will be recovered from you. You shall at no point of time stake
any claim or right to claim employment, damage, loss or compensation of any sort whatsoever against our
company or our clients.

10. This letter is being sent to you in duplicate, Please return two copies of the same, duly signed as the token of
acceptance this Contract of employment with the above terms and conditions.

Yours faithfully, Acceptance

For Innovsource Services Private
Limited I have received the Work Assignment Letter and
agree to the terms and conditions contained thereto


Authorised Signatory Authorised Signatory (Signature & Date)

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Letter of Engagement with our Clients/Business Partners

Dear Ms RITIKA Date 26 Dec 2023

Offer ID: CHA26122023457785

1. Innovsource Services Private Limited (also known as “Innov”) is involved in the business of providing services to
manage key business processes of our Clients/ Business Partner s. Based on your interaction with us, we wish to
confirm your registration with us for the purpose of selection to perform any service ("Work Assignment":) that may
be required by our Clients/ Business Partners ("Customer").

2. It is understood that mere registration with Innov does not guarantee you any Work Assignment and is subject to
selection by Innov and/or its Customers. Innov may offer to engage you to perform specific Work Assignments from
time to time for any of its Customers at a specified location and you may choose to accept such offer at your

3 The terms of this letter ("Engagement Letter") shall govern your relationship with Innov now and in the future. Each
Work Assignment will be governed by the terms of this letter and the specific Work Assignment Letter. In the event
of any inconsistency, the terms of the relevant Work Assignment Letter shall govern.

4. Execution of any Work Assignment Letter by you shall be a full and complete acceptance by you to perform the
services. Upon acceptance, you shall;

I. fully perform the services, in a professional manner, at the Customer's location till the
completion of the term of the Work Assignment;

II. during the term of the Work Assignment, render services exclusively to the Customer and
such performance shall not be inconsistent with any obligation you may have

III. not engage in any conduct detrimental to the interests of the Customer or Innov;

IV. not receive any payments of any nature directly from the Customer unless agreed to by

V. not, either directly or indirectly, offer yourself for employment with the Customer, its
agencies or its affiliates during the period of the Work Assignment without the prior
permission of Innov;

VI. comply with the safety, health, environment and other rules and regulations of the
Customer provided that you have been made aware of the same;

VII. report and be present at the Customer's designated location during the working hours
mentioned in the applicable Work Assignment Letter;

VIII. extend all co-operation to the Customer's employees, consultants, representatives, etc.,
and do all such things as may be necessary and comply with all terms of the applicable
Work Assignment Letter so as to effectively undertake the Work Assignment.

5. At the end of each Record Period, as mentioned in the Work Assignment Letter, or at the completion of the Work
Assignment, whichever is applicable, you will deliver to the Customer, a Time Sheet (or any other format/ register
as required by the Customer) containing the number of hours worked in any given day at the Customer's location
and such other details as may be prescribed by Innov and produce the same to Innov upon request.

6. As consideration for the services performed during any Work Assignment, Innov will pay you remuneration, as per
the Work Assignment Letter. Innov will be entitled to make deductions as per applicable law or in respect of any
amounts due to Innov or the Customer from you. You will be reimbursed any approved expenses subject to your
submitting original bills/ declarations as required by Innov and/or the Customer.

7. Any intellectual property that results from work performed by the Individual under any Work Assignment Letter

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shall be the property of the Customer and the Individual agrees to assign/ transfer to the Customer, the worldwide,
perpetual and entire right, title, and interest in all intellectual properties including all rights to obtain, register,
perfect, and enforce patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property protection under any laws and

8. All proprietary information/ material of the Customer that is made known to you during the term of the Work
Assignment shall be received in confidence and you shall not disclose or, except in performing the services, use
any such proprietary information/ material. You agree that all information, correspondence, documents, materials
or items provided to you by the Customer or Innov are provided to you in trust and on lapse/ termination of the
Work Assignment, you shall promptly return all such material to the Customer or Innov, as the case may be.

9. You agree that this Letter of Engagement creates no obligation on the part of either party unless you are selected
for a particular Work Assignment and you execute the relevant Work Assignment. By executing this Letter of
Engagement, neither do we offer you employment with Innov nor do you become an employee of Innov. The
terms of this Letter of Engagement shall however govern any Work Assignments that you undertake to perform.

10. Should you be selected to perform the Work Assignment, the nature of your relationship with Innov will be that of
Employment/ Contract of Service for a period mentioned in the Work Assignment Letter. Upon lapse or termination
of the Work Assignment, your employment with Innov shall stand terminated forthwith.

11. Either Party can terminate this contract anytime during the existence of a work assignment by providing a notice of
(7) seven days to the other party. This is as per the terms laid out in the letter of Engagement. In case you fail to
give the above notice, the salary in lieu of notice will be recovered from you. You shall at no point of time stake
any claim or right to claim employment, damage, loss or compensation of any sort whatsoever against our
company or our clients.

12. It is mandatory to you to submit Aadhar Card (UID), PAN Card, Bank Account Details and IFSC code (collectively
referred to as ‘KYC documents’) within 7 days of joining or till first pay month for the purposes of statutory &
compliance. If you fail to submit the same within the stipulated period, the amount of Rs.500/- per month will be
deducted from your salary for non – compliance of KYC for first 3 months, thereafter Rs.750/- per month will be
deducted from your salary. On the receipt of KYC documents, the company shall refund you the amount deducted
in your subsequent salary. Please note that, as per PF norms you shall not be able to transfer or withdraw
Provident Fund (PF) contribution, till the updating of KYC documents.

13. Your continuance in employment is subject to your remaining physically and mentally fit. Further, as and when
required, the Management may require you to submit yourself to medical examination by a physician of the choice
of the management.

14. In case there is no Work Assignment subsisting, either party may terminate this Letter of Engagement forthwith by
sending notice in writing. If a Work Assignment is subsisting, this Letter of Engagement can be terminated only
co-terminus with the relevant Work Assignment as per the notice period required for termination of the Work
Assignment as above.

15. Termination of this Letter of Engagement shall not affect the obligations of the parties that have been incurred
prior to termination and Innov will promptly settle all your dues after making applicable deductions. Further,
obligations relating to confidentiality and intellectual property shall continue after termination/ expiry of this Letter
of Engagement or the Work Assignment.

16. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold Innov or the Customer harmless from any and all claims, damages,
liability, attorneys' fees and expenses on account of your failure to satisfy any of your obligations under this Letter
of Engagement or under the Work Assignment Letter or for misconduct, violation of any law or creation of any
legal liability by you.

17. To create and maintain safe work environment, free form sexual harassment & discrimination for all employees the
company has policy for prevention of sexual harassment (posh), you can reach us through email: [email protected]
for necessary assistance.

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18. In addition to the terms contained herein, you will be provided a personal computer/laptop /tablet/ operating
system, software application, other software tool & data at client site by no means you will install any other
software tool etc. by own or through someone or insist any of the service engineer to do so for personal or any
other usage. That you will not use your personal computer assets in any of the office premises. Internet is paid
resource and therefore shall be provided only for business work. You will not use your own modem/wireless
data/any other media to access internet in the office, Data on your computer is entirely your responsibility, you will
not share your login or any other password with anyone and if you fails to act upon the same you will be liable for
any losses/penalty/action if proven.

19. Any dispute between the Individual and Innov shall be referred to a sole arbitrator to be selected from a list of
arbitrators nominated by Innov. The arbitration shall be conducted in English language, in accordance with the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, at Mumbai, India. This engagement letter shall be governed in all respects
by the laws of India.

20. In addition to the terms contained herein, your relationship with Innov may be subject to such other additional
terms and conditions as may be communicated to you from time to time in writing by Innov.

21. You can reach us through (1) Call on Toll Free No.1800-22-4456 (2) email to [email protected] or (3) WhatsApp on

We request you to please sign a duplicate copy of this letter and return the same to us, indicating your acceptance of
the terms mentioned herein. By signing this letter you confirm that you have read, fully understood and accepted the
terms of this letter.

Warm regards,

Yours faithfully, Acceptance

For Innovsource Services Private Limited I have received the Work Assignment Letter and
agree to the terms and conditions contained thereto


Authorised Signatory Authorised Signatory (Signature & Date)

1693102-27122023-733066 5

The Innovsource Services Private Limited

501, Jolly Board Tower 1,​​

I - Think Techno Campus,
Kanjurmarg​ - East,​ Mumbai – 400042.

Re: Code of Conduct

Dear Sir

I am working in your company as a Executive since 28 Dec 2023. My job profile, inter-alia, includes offering, explaining,
sourcing, and assisting documentation of products and linked services to prospects of SBICPSL.

In the discharge of my duties, I am obligated to follow the Code of Conduct attached to this document.

I confirm that I have read and understood and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct. I further confirm that the HR
Person of your company mentioned below has explained the contents in full to me.

In case of any violation, non-adherence to the said Code, you shall be entitled to take such action against me, as you
may deem appropriate.

Signed on this _______________day of ___________________20 _______

Name:________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________

Agency Name: Innovsource Services Private Limited


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THIS SCHEDULE IV is made part of the Agreement dated 28 Dec 2023 between SBI CARDS AND PAYMENT
SERVICES LIMITED. (SBICPSL) and Innovsource Services Private Limited

I…………………………………………resident of…………………… …………………….........….............................. , am aware that my

employer, Innovsource Services Private Limited has entered into an Agreement with SBI CARDS AND PAYMENT
SERVICES LIMITED. (SBICPSL) on 28 Dec 2023. I fully understand that this arrangement imposes certain obligations
on its personnel. I hereby confirm that I have reviewed, read and understood the terms and conditions laid down in the
code of conduct and I agree to strictly adhere to the same. I agree voluntarily to provide this undertaking to ensure my
understanding and compliance with these obligations.

1. I understand that I may have access to certain data and documents that may contain confidential information
(“Confidential Information”) of SBICPSL, Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to any information
relating to organizational structure, customer information / data, personnel data, marketing philosophy and
objectives, project plans, business initiatives, systems, designs , processes, product features, financial results, and
materials related to same, technology, customer lists, product development, advertising or sales programs of
SBICPSL and any other information which would give SBICPSL an opportunity to obtain an advantage over their
competitors or which SBICPSL is ethically obliged to protect from unauthorized sources. None of such
Confidential Information shall be deemed to be in the public domain.

To enable SBICPSL to protect its confidential information, I agree to safeguard all confidential
Information and not to reveal, transfer or otherwise disclose Confidential Information to any third
party. I will not discuss the confidential information at any public place.

Upon termination of my employment with the employer or otherwise upon my disengagement from
the performance of services for SBICPSL, I agree to destroy or return promptly all Confidential
Information to SBICPSL including all copies thereof in whatever form, including electronic form.

2. I shall perform my services to the best of my abilities in a bona fide manner and shall exercise due diligence and
utmost care, in respect thereof. I will be bound by all the rules, regulations, policies of SBICPSL as promulgated
from time in relation to my conduct of the services.

3. I Shall strictly adhere to the term and condition of the code of conduct.

4. I understand, acknowledge and agree that if I threaten to or breach or fail to observe any of the obligations set
forth in this Undertaking then:

a. SBICPSL will be subject to irreparable harm and I therefore agree that SBICPSL
shall be entitled to injunctive relief, damages and/or any other remedies
permitted under law, to ensure and enforce my compliance with these obligations
provided, however, that no specification herein of any particular legal or equitable
remedy shall be constructed as a waiver, prohibition or limitation of any other
legal or equitable remedies.

b. My services can be terminated and/or such disciplinary action and/or such legal
action taken against me as they may deem fit.

Name Of the associate: _______________________

Date: ___________

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1. This code will apply to all agents and their representatives involved in sales, marketing and distribution of any
financial / payment product of SBI Card.
2. The Agents, Sales Executives/Business Relationship Executive and Tele Marketing Executive working for the
Agencies must agree, in writing, to abide by this code prior to undertaking any direct sale or marketing operation on
behalf of SBICPSL.
3. All agents and their representatives involved in sales, marketing, and distribution of any financial / payment product
of SBI Card must mark their attendance in Force24 platform for all days which they have attended/come to
4. All agents and their representatives should always carry a valid ID Card issued by their respective Agencies. Such
Employees should always be dressed in appropriate formal attire. Jeans / T-shirt and open sandals are not allowed.
5. All agents and their representatives should refrain from using inappropriate and abusive language. Intimidation or
harassment of any kind, either verbal or physical is strictly prohibited.
6. All agents shall submit only valid & genuine bills / vouchers (in original, where required) for any claim for
7. Unless specifically permitted, mobile phones are not allowed inside the office premises. The mobile phones should
be on silent mode & locked in duly assigned drawers/inside the bag during working hours (except-breaks).
8. No agent should use mobile phones for making any sales related calls unless specifically authorized.
9. 100% National Do Not Call Registry check must be done on all data called upon by agents.
10. The lead generation sales call should be made from +140 numbers only.
11. The calling data sheets must be given back to authorized persons every day, post completion of the Tele-calling
process on those sheets.
12. Back Check/Common Call must be done for all applications processed as per approved script.
13. No Agent or Data Operator or sales team member to hold any application or customer documents post collection of
the same. No applications should be withheld during month end and all the applications should be submitted for
onwards processing within designated time.
14. No documents from the customers are to be taken by any agent without customer consent and duly signed and
verified. Agents must keep all the customer and company related information strictly confidential. No agent or Data
Operator or sales team member record, store document or any customer or company data with him and shall not
make copies of or otherwise transfer / email such information to any third party or his / her own personal ID. Any
breach of confidentially of the Customer or company information, may lead to strict action against the concerned
agent and the Agency.
15. No agent shall hold or maintain applications of other banks, unauthorized data, bank stamps, letterheads etc.
16. No Agent or Data Operator or sales team member should fudge or tamper any application form, documents,
photographs etc. provided by the customers.
17. No Agent or Data Operator or sales team should fudge or tamper any bill.
18. There should be no mismatch in the information in the application form as compared with documents provided by
the customer.
19. All Agent or Data Operator or sales team member should provide information and documents submitted by
customer only.
20. No Agent or Data Operator or sales team member to misuse/unauthorized use of partner's data, infrastructure or
system at any time.
21. There should be No misreporting of numbers/dispatch figures/incentive or any other relevant information.
22. There should be no condoning of deliberate acts of mis-selling or mis-communication by any Agent or Data
Operator or sales team member during any month. Any such act should be immediately reported to the concerned
23. Only those prospects should be contacted who have has expressed their desire to acquire a SBICPSL product
through different modes like website, reference, call center, branch etc.
24. Agents must help prospect understand SBICPCL products, services, documents requirements and terms and
conditions in a simple manner.
25. Customer must normally be contacted between 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. Avoid calls at a time or at a particular place if
requested by the customer.
26. During the call to the Customer agents to identify themselves as only agents of SBICPSL while interacting with the
customers and state reason of their call.

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27. Do not discuss the product and offer other than the prospective customer or person authorized by the customer on
his behalf.
28. Do not mislead the prospective customer on any service /product offered, business or organization’s name, or
falsely represent yourself. Don’t make any false /unauthorized commitment of behalf of SBICPSL for any
29. No Agent or Data Operator or sales team member should accept or offer any gift(s)/ bribe in cash or kind or any
other means to or from prospect to gain favor.
30. Always respect Customer privacy.
31. Do not enter the prospect's residence/office against his/her wishes.
32. Provide your telephone number, supervisor's name or the concerned SBICPSL officer's contact details, if asked for
by the customer.
33. Any communication sent to the prospect shall be only in the mode and format approved by SBI Card.
34. OTP or mobile App code must be taken only from customers while application sourcing.
35. Under no circumstance’s agent can use his own phone number or that of a family member/colleague for completing
the QDE process. Any such issue if reported shall be treated as a serious breach and necessary consequence
management shall be invoked.
36. Agents will never use the name of SBI Card or SBI (May be used the name / brand of PSA vendor / partner’s client)
in any capacity on any media or platform and for addressing grievances will write only to respective employer HR or
grievance redressal authorities not to the SBI Card or SBI (PSA vendor / partner’s client) officials at any level.
37. It is mandatory to handover any device / assets or company belongings back to the local authorities available at
Centre or Locations.
38. In case of rehire, agent must use newly issued ID card not the previously given and not surrendered at the time of
39. “All employees of the Agency shall at all times must abide by highest standards of integrity and ethics while
applying for, using and closure of any Client’s payment/financial product (including Credit Cards) irrespective of the
capacity in which they hold such product. All information and documents etc. submitted or shared for availing such
products shall be accurate and devoid of any errors, inaccuracy, fabrication or misrepresentation. In the event any
such misconduct is detected, then necessary action as per applicable law, code of conduct shall be undertaken.
Such action may extend to recovery of amount due to Client from the Salary of the employee or even termination of

Signature of Sales Executive: ________________________

Name of the Sales Executive: _______________________

Date: _____________

1693102-27122023-733066 9
Action against misconduct

Fraud Severity Misbehaviour Severity

Fabricated documents (pertaining to any High Any instance of misbehavior (with

Creating non conductive work environment. High
Signature Forgery. High
Misrepresentation of Facts. High

Taking Cash/ Cheque from Customer. High

Termination and blacklist in employee
Multiple Employment. High database. FIR with local Police authorities
(Depending on Fraud type).
Application Fraud. High

Unauthorized Access and use of banking High

infrastructure and system.

Document/information collection without customer High


Identity theft and misuse of customer information. High

Mis selling and Miscommunication Severity

Free Miscommunication. High

Misrepresentation of Features/Benefits. High

Promise a Credit limit/Definitive Application approval. High Incident Investigation by ASM. If
proven, penalty as follows:
Withholding and will fully delaying application High
processing. 1st Instance - Feedback to Trainer and
Training Intervention

2nd Instance - Warning Letter by MSP and

One to One with MSP Supervisor

3rd Instance - Incentive Annulment

4th Instance - Termination of services


Incident Investigation by ASM. If

proven, penalty as follows:

Termination of services

Signature of associate: ________________________

Name Of the associate: _______________________

Date: ___________

1693102-27122023-733066 10


Performance Appraisal is designed to ensure

Career Planning

Compensation & Reward

Review of Role & Responsibility

Parameters to Evaluate:

1) Target vs Achievement

2) Product Knowledge

3) Monthly Attendance

4) Integrity & Discipline

5) Complaints

Eligibility: All associates who successfully complete 3 months will be eligible for the Appraisal.

(Name of employee)

(Emp ID)

Innovsource Services Private Limited will issue the letter accordingly and hand over to the associates.

I have read the Policy mentioned above and same accepted and acknowledge by me.

1693102-27122023-733066 11
26 Dec 2023



D/o Onkar Chand, Village – Dhar Brahampuri,

P.O Alampur, Tehsil Jaisinghpur, Dhar Brahpuri,

Kangra, HP – 176082, NA, NA, JAISINGHPUR 176082

Sub: Offer for Training and Certification


Thank you for meeting us to pursue an employment opportunity with us.

Basis the review of your resume and the interview, we are pleased to arrange for training for a period of three days at
our office at Shimla. You may note that successful completion of the training is a mandatory step before offering any
position to you on any of our projects / assignments. Payment is not payable for the period of training if not
completed successfully and certified. On successful completion of training and certification, the management shall
utilize your services on fixed term contract.

This offer is valid for a period of 7 days

Further, please note that this offer is based on the representations made by you in the interviews and on your
resume. The Company shall be conducting background check verification and in the event any of the information
provided by you is found to be incorrect, false, the Company shall have the right to terminate your employment
with immediate effect without any notice or compensation. In case all the required documents are not provided
within 3 days from the receipts of the said letter then this offer will stand withdraw.

The formal appointment letter will be issued at the time of joining upon successful completion of the training,
subject to receipt of the background check report. Your Verification will be done by an external
agency and you need to provide us all details and documents as required for the same including
the following. (Mandatory documents are Proof of Identity, date of birth and proof of address.)

(a) Aadhaar & PAN Card.

(b) Relieving letter from your past employer.

(c) Proof of your last drawn salary.

(d) Original and photocopies of your educational certificates and experience certificates.

(e) Passport size photographs.

At all time during the training and subsequently during your employment, if confirmed, you will be bound by any Rules
& Regulations enforced by the management from time to time in relation to the conduct, discipline, leave, holidays or
any other matters relating to service conditions.

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Other Terms & Conditions:

The Company can revoke this offer in the event you are found to be in violation of the company polices and are found
to be indulging in unlawful conduct or abusive behavior.

Confidential Information:

You understand that during the training, you may have access to certain data and documents that may contain
confidential information (“Confidential Information”) of our company or its clients, Confidential Information includes,
but is not limited to any information relating to organizational structure, customer information / data, personnel data
of the company or its clients. You undertake to ensure the confidentiality of such information at all times during the
term with Innovsource Services Private Limited . Any unauthorized disclosure of such information shall be strictly
dealt with as per the company policy.

Yours faithfully, Acceptance

For Innovsource Services Private Limited I have received the Work Assignment Letter and
agree to the terms and conditions contained thereto


Authorised Signatory Authorised Signatory (Signature & Date)

1693102-27122023-733066 13

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