153 - Ch07 - MATHS - Set Theory and Relation

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SHAH CLASSES Set Theory and Relation

Set Theory and Relation

Standard Notations 1) Under Roster or Enumeration method
1) V/U Ÿ OR the set is defined by listing all the
2) ^ Ÿ and elements.
3) Ÿ Ÿ Implies e.g A = {a, e, i, o, u}
4)  Ÿ belongs to 2) Under Property Method the sets are
indicated by their common
5)  Ÿ does not belong to
characteristics which an object must
6)  x Ÿ for all x
possess in order to its elements.
7) : Ÿ such that e.g. A = { x : x is a vowel}
8) / Ÿ such that
9) Ž Ÿ (subset) TYPES OF SETS
11) Π٠(not a proper subset) 1) A set is said to be finite when the elements
12) Š Ÿ (Superset) can be exhausted by counting.
13) ~ Ÿ (Difference) A = {4}
14) ‡ Ÿ (nullset) 2) A set is said to be infinite when its
15) U or S Ÿ (Universal set) elements can not be exhausted by
2. SET THEORY (Concepts) Eg. A = {1, 2, 3……}
3) SINGLETON SET : A set which has only
1. A set is a collection of well-defined and
1 element is called Singleton set
distinct object. The objects are called the
e.g A = {2}
elements of the set.
2. Sets are denoted by A, B, C, D etc and 3. A FEW STANDARD INFINITE SETS
the elements are kept within brackets. i. R = Set of real nos
e.g A = (a, b, c, d) ii. I = Set of Integers
A = (1, 2, 3, 4) = {0, ±1, ±2, ±3…..}
3. Method of designating a set iii. W = Set of whole nos.
i. ROSTER METHOD / TABULAR = {0, 1, 2……}
METHOD / ENUMERATION METH- iv. Q = Sets of Rational nos.
OD v. I+ = Sets of Positive integers
ii. PROPERTY METHOD / SELECTOR = { 1, 2, 3……}
METHOD / RULE METHOD/SET vi. I- = Sets of Negative integers
BUILDER NOTATION. = { -1, -2, -3……}

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It is a set having no element in it. It is Note 2. : i. Every set is a subset of itself
denoted by i or { } ii. ) is a subset of every set
A = {x : x is a real no. whose square is – iii. In subset element may be equal
ve} iv. If A Ž B and B Ž A Ÿ A = B


Two sets are said to be equal if and all the If each element of set A is an element of set B
elements of A belong to B but there is atleast 1 element in B which is not
A = { S, T, R, A, N, D}
in A, in such a case A is said to be proper subset
B = { S, T, A, N, D, A, R, D}
of B and is symbolically denoted by:
Note : Order of arrangement or repetition of
elements does not affect the property A B
of equality. To the above e. g. the proper subsets of A are
{1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3} ‡
5. EQUIVALENT SETS {1,2,3} is the improper subset because all the
If the total no. of elements of one set is equal element are equal.
to the total no. of elements of another set, then
the two sets are said to be equivalent. The 8. UNIVERSAL SET (U \ S)
elements may or may not be same always. Universal set or the universe is the set which
A = {1, 2, 3, 4} contains all the elements of all subsets under
B = {b, l, u, e} investigation in a particular content.
A{B Eg. U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
A = {2, 3}
6. SUB SET B = {1, 3, 5}
If each element of set A is an element of set B, C = {4, 5}, etc
then A is said to be a subset of B or A is Here A, B, C are all subsets of U.
contained in B.
Symbolically, A Ž B 9. POWER SET
If a set has n elements than the number It is defined as the set of all possible subsets
of subset are 2n . in a particular investigations. If a set contains
e.g. If A = {1, 2, 3} n elements, its power set will contain 2 n
then the subsets of A are {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, elements.
{1,3}, {2,3}, {1,2,3} ‡ A = {2, 3, 4} Total elements in the Power
Therefore the total number of subsets are set will be 23 = 8
23 = 8
[ there are 3 elements in set A]
Note 1. : If a set has n elements then
P(A) = (i, {2}, {3}, {4}, {2,3}, {2, 4}, {3, 4},
= 2n
e.g The power set of A contains 128 elements.
TY SUBSETS = 2n – 1 Find the no. of elements in set A Let there be n
iii. TOTAL NUMBER OF PROPER elements in Set A
SUBSETS = 2n – 1 ? 2n = 128
iv. TOTAL NUMBER OF NON- EMP- Or 2n = 27
TY PROPER SUBSETS = 2n – 2 Or n = 7 ? Set A has 7 elements
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10. CARDINAL NO. IN A SET: n(A) Symbolically,
If a set A contains “X” no. of elements, then A ˆ B = { x : x  A and x  B}
the cardinal no. in set A will be given by : A = { 1, 2, 3, 4} B = (3, 4, 5}
n(A) = x. A ˆ B = { 3, 4}
e.g. A {2, 3, 4, 5}
n(A) = 4
SET OPERATIONS 2 Sets are said to be disjoint when they have
no elements in common i.e. their intersection
1. UNION OR JOIN OF 2 SETS is a Null Set.
If A & B are 2 sets then the Union or Join of 2
sets is defined as the set of all elements which
belong either to A or to B or to both A & B.
Symbolically A ‰B
‰ = { x : x A or x B }
NOTE : Here ‘or’ Ÿ and/or

A ˆ B = I

e.g. If A = {1, 3, 5,} B = {2, 4} then A ˆ B = I

therefore A & B are disjoints sets.


A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} B = {2, 3, 5, 6, 7}’
A ‰ B = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}


If U be the universal set and A be its subset,

then the complement of set A in relation to U is
the set whose element belong to U and not to
A. This is denoted by :
 or A’ or Ac = (U – A)
therefore Ac = {x : x  U and x  A}
U = { 1, 2, 3, 4, ……10}
A = {2, 3, 5, 7}
If A & B are 2 sets, then the intersection of the B = {1, 2, 9, 10}
sets A & B is the set of those elements which Ac = { 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10}
belong to both A & B and is denoted by A ˆ B. Bc = (4, 3, 5, 7, 6, 8}
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1. I c = U
2. Uc = I
AˆB 3. (Ac)c = A
4. A ‰ Ac = U
5. A ˆ Acthen = I
6. A  B then Bc  Ac = I
7. A ‰ I = A
8. A ˆ I = I
9. A ‰ U = U
10. A ˆ U = A

Case 1

(a) A – B = { x : x  A and x õ B}
B – A = { x : x  B and x  A}
B ~A
A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
B = {3, 5, 6, 7}
A - B = { 1, 2, 4} and B – A = { 6, 7}
1. )
If A and B are 2 sets, then the set of all ordered 3.
pairs {x, y} such that x  A and y B  is called 4. ‰
Cartesian Product of A & B and it is denoted ‰
5. ‰
by A x B ( read an A “cross” B)
Symbolically, A x B = {( x, y) : x  A and y  B} Case 2
A = {1,2} B = ( 3, 4, 7}
A x B = {(1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 7), (2,3), ( 2, 4), (2, 7)}
B x A = {(3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 1), (4,2), ( 7, 1), (7, 2)}
A x B z B x A but A X B { B x A since n (A x B)
= n (B x A)
Note :1. If n(A) = m and n(B) = n then the
total number of elements in A x B =
2. The total number of subsets of A x
B = 2mn
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2. n(A ˆ B ˆ Cc ) = n(A ˆ B) – n(A ˆ B ˆ C) (a) A x (B ‰ C) = (A x B) ‰ (A x C)
3. n(A ˆ Bc ˆ C) = n(A ˆ C) – n (A ˆ B ˆ C) (b) A x (B – C) = (A x B) – (A x C)
4. n(Ac ˆ B ˆ C) = n(B ˆ C) – n(A ˆ B ˆ C)
5. n(A ˆ Bc ˆ Cc ) = n(A) – n(A ˆ B) – RELATIONS
n(A ˆ C) + n(A ˆ B ˆ C)
6. n(Ac ˆ B ˆ Cc ) = n(B) – n(A ˆ B) – 1. If A and B are two non empty sets, then
n(B ˆ C) + n(A ˆ B ˆ C) any sub-set of A x B is called a relation
7. n (Ac ˆ Bc ˆ Cc) = n(C) – n(A ˆ C) – from A to B. if R is a relation, then,
n(B ˆ C) + n(A ˆ B ˆ C) R  A x B.
8. n (Ac ˆ Bc ˆ Cc) = n(A ‰ B ‰ C)c = n(U) 2. A = {1, 2, 3, 5} B = { 2, 4}
– n(A ‰ B ‰ C) Then, A x B = {(1, 2), (1, 4), (2, 2), (2, 4),
9. n(A ‰ B ‰ C) = n(A) + n(B) + n(C) – n(A ˆ (3, 4), (3, 2), (5, 2), (5, 4)}
B) - n(B ˆ C) - n(A ˆ C) + n(A ˆ B ˆ C) 3. If we consider the relation ‘is less than’
then the set of all ordered pairs R in A x B,
Notes : where
(i) R = {(1,2), (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 4)}
a) (2), (3), (4) are cases where only 2 items
= {(x, y) : x  A, Y  B, X R Y}
of the 3 are taken at a time.
(ii) Let A = ( 1, 2, 3, 4…………… 32) R
b) (5), (6), (7) are cases where only 1 item
be the relation “one fourth of A”
of the 3 is taken at a time
R = { (1, 4), (2,8), (3, 12), (4, 16),
c) (8) is the case where no item of the 3 are
(5, 20), (6, 24), (7, 28), (8, 32)}
d) (1) is the case where all the items are
4. Number of Relation
taken i.e. the common part to all the 3.
If A and B are 2 sets containing m and n
items respectively, then A x B will have
mn ordered pairs, Total number of
ASSOCIATIVE LAW subsets of mn ordered pairs = 2mn
(a) A ‰ (B ‰ C) =( A ‰ B) ‰ C
(b) A ˆ (B ˆ C) =( A ˆ B) ˆ C Since each relation is subset of A x B.
?Total Relation = 2mn
DISTRIBUTIVE LAW e.g. if n(A) = 4, n(B) = 2
(a) A ˆ (B È C) = (A ˆ B) ‰ (A ˆ C) Total relations = 28 = 256.
(b) A ‰ (B ˆ C) = (A ‰ B) ˆ (A ‰ C)
5. Domain and Range of Relation
DEMORGAN’S LAW If A and B are 2 non-empty sets and R be
(a) (A ‰ B)c = Ac ˆ Bc the relation, then the set of first element
(b) (A ˆ B)c = Ac ‰ Bc in the ordered pair (x, y) is called the
Domain of the relation and the set of
DEMORGAN’S LAW ON DIFFERENCE OF second component in the ordered pair is
SETS called the Range of the relation.
(a) A – (B ‰ C) = (A-B) ˆ (A-C) e.g. : A = { 1, 3, 4, 5, 7}
(b) A – (B ˆ C) = (A-B) ‰ (A-C) B = (2, 4, 6, 8)
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And R is the relation ‘is one less than’ from A = (2, 3, 5, 7), B = (4, 6, 7, 10, 11) and R be
A to B, then the relation “is a divisior of” from A to B then,
R = {(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8)} R = {(2, 4), (2, 6), (2, 10), (3, 6), (3, 9), (5, 10)}
Domain of R = { 1, 3, 5, 7} ? R-1 is a relation from B to A will be given by;
Range of R = (2, 4, 6, 8}
Co-domain of R = (2, 4, 6, 8} ? R-1 in this relation “is divisible by”
Range Ž Co-domain Domain of R-1 = {4, 6, 10, 9} = Range of R
Range of R-1 ={2, 3, 5) = Domain of R
1. Note : A relation R in set A is a subset of Note : D(R-1 ) = R (R)
R(R-1 ) = D(R)
2. A relation R in set A is said to be
“Reflexive”, if (a, a)  R for all a  A
where ‘a’ is the element of set A
e.g. : A = {(2, 4, 7)} then the relation R =
{(2, 2), (4, 4), (7, 7)} is reflexive.
3. A relation R in set A is called “Symmetric”
if (a, b)  R, then (b, a)  R.
A = [2, 4, 7]
R = {(2,4), (4, 2), (2, 7), (7, 2)} is a
symmetric relation.
4. A relative R in Set A is called “Transitive”
relation if (a, b), (b, c)  R, then (a, c)  R
e.g. : R = {(2, 4), (4, 7), (2, 7)} is transitive
5. A relation which is reflexive, symmetric
and transitive is called an “Equivalence”
Note :
1. Inverse of Equivalence relation is also an
Equivalence relation.
2. Intersection of two Equivalence relation
is also Equivalence relation.

Inverse Relation
Let, R be the relation from set A to B, then the
inverse relation of R is denoted by R-1 is a
relation from B to A.
? If R is a subset of A x B.
R-1 is a subset of B x A which consists of all
the ordered pairs which when reversed belongs
to R.
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1. If A and B are 2 non-empty sets then, Onto Function Into Function
function is a rule or correspondence which (Surjective Function) Range Ž co-domain
associates every element ‘X’ of A to a Range = co-domain
unique element of ‘Y’ in B.
2. Symbolically we express it as f : A o B
Note :
1. Set from which it is defined is called domain
i.e. Set A
2. Set to which it is defined is called
There should be
at least one
3. The set of images are the ranges of the
element in Set B
which has no pre-
Range Ž Co-domain
image in A
Types of Functions One – one Many
Types of Function Into one-onto
One – One Many – One One – Many
(Injective) (does not exist)

Each Element in A At least two elements in A

has only one image has the same image in B
in B and each and at least one element in Domain : {-1, 1, -2, 2}
element in B has B, has more than one pre- Co-Domain : {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
one pre-image in A image in A
Range : {1, 4)

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Set Theory and Relation

(For Q. No. 1 to 6)
If A = { a, b, c, d, e}; B = { a, e, i, o, u} and C = {m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u}
1. A ∪ B has how many elements?
a) 8
b) 7
c) 9
d) 11

2. B ∪ C is equal to:
a) {a, e, i, o, u, m, n, p, q, r, s, t}
b) {a, e, i, r, s, t}
c) {o, u, p, q, r, s}
d) None of the above

3. A ∪ C is equal to:
a) {d, e, f, p, q, r}
b) {(a, b, c, d, e, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u}
c) (a, b, c, s, t, u}
d) None of the above

4. B ∩ C is equal to:
a) {a, e}
b) {o, u}
c) {o, p}
d) None of the above

5. A ∩ B is equal to:
a) {a, e}
b) {o, u}
c) {o, p}
d) None of the above

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6. A - B is equal to:
a) {a, e, o}
b) {m, n, p, q}
c) {b, c, d}
d) None of the above

7. The set of cubes of the natural numbers is:

a) A finite set
b) An infinite set
c) A null set
d) None of the above

8. If A and B are two sets containing 4 and 7 distinct elements respectively, find the mini-
mum possible number and maximum possible number of elements A∪
a) 5, 10
b) 4, 12
c) 7, 11
d) 8, 13

9. Set X and Y had 6 and 12 elements respectively, what can be the minimum number of
elements in X ∪ Y?
a) 14
b) 16
c) 12
d) 18

10. If A, B, C are three sets in which n(A ∩ B ∩ C) = 8, n(A ∩ B) = 15, n(A) = 22, n(B ∩ C)
= 11, n(B) = 19 = n(C), n(A ∩ C) = 10, then what is n(A ∪ B ∪ C)?
a) 31
b) 33
c) 35
d) 32
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11. K1 & K2 are two sets such that n(K1) = 17, n(K2) = 23, n(K1 ∪ K2) = 38, then (K1 ∩ K2) = ?

a) 12
b) 2
c) 7
d) 9

12. If A = { 1, 2, 3}, B = {3, 4}, and C = {4, 5, 6} then (A x B) ∩ ( B x C) is equal to :

a) { }
b) {(3, 4)}
c) {(2, 3), (3, 2), (3, 4)}
d) None of the above

13. Let A : {O, R, A, N, G, E} and B = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. The above two sets are:
a) Equal
b) Equivalent
c) Disjoint
d) Both b) and c) above

14. The number of elements in the power of set of a set containing ‘p‘ elements is:
a) 2p-1
b) 2p
c) 2p+1
d) 2p + 1

15. The number of non - empty subsets of the set {8, 9, 10, 11, 15} is :
a) 32
b) 31
c) 30
d) 33

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16. If the set A has M elements and set B has N elements then the number of elements in A
x B is:
a) m+n
b) mn
c) m–n
d) mn

17. Set A and B has 3 and 6 elements respectively, what is the minimum number of
elements in A ∪ B?
a) 18
b) 9
c) 6
d) 3

18. Two finite sets have p and q number of elements. The total number of subsets of the first
set is eight times the total number of subsets of the second set. Find the value of p – q.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) None of the above

19. For A and B two given non-empty sets consisting of m and n elements respectively, the
total number of subsets of A X B are:
a) 2m
b) 2mn
c) 2m + 2n
d) None of the above

20. If A = { 1, 2,}, B = {3, 4}, and C = {4, 5} then (A x B) ∩ ( B x C) is equal to :

a) { }
b) {(3, 4)}
c) {(2, 3), (3, 2), (3, 4)}
d) None of the above

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21. In a class of 65 students, 35 students have taken Mathematics, 40 have taken Statis-
tics. Find the no. of students who have taken both. Find the no. of students who have
taken Mathematics but not Statistics. (Assume that every student has to take atleast
one of the two subjects.)

(a) 10, 25 (b) 10, 10 (c) 10, 20 (d) 10, 30

22. In a class of 50 students, 20 students play football and 16 students play hockey. It is
found that 10 students play both the games. Use algebra of sets to find out the number
of students who play neither.

(a) 26 (b) 25 (c) 24 (d) 20

23. In a class test of 45 students, 23 students passed in paper first, 15 passed in paper first
but did not pass in paper second. Using set theory, find the no. of students who passed
in both the papers and who passed in paper second but did not pass in paper first. (As-
sume that each student passed at least one of the two paper.

(a) 8, 22 (b) 8, 20 (c) 10, 8 (d) None

24. In a statistical investigation of 1003 of Calcutta it was found that 63 families had neither
a radio nor a T.V. 794 families had a radio and 187 a television. How many families in
that group had both a radio and a T.V.

(a) 41 (b) 42 (c) 40 (d) None

25. In a town 60% read magazines A, 25% do not read magazine A but read magazine B.
Calculate the percentage of those who do not read any magazine. Also find the highest
and lowest possible figure of those who read magazine B.

(a) 15, 85, 25 (b) 15, 75, 25 (c) 25, 75, 20 (d) None

26. In a City there are three daily newspaper published X, Y, Z. 65% of the people of the
city read X, 54% read Y, 45% read Z, 38% read X and Y, 32% read Y and Z, 28% read
X and Z. 12% do not read any of the three papers. If 10,00,000 person live in the city.
Find the number of persons who read all the three newspaper.

(a) 220000 (b) 230000 (c) 120000 (d) 200000

(For Q No.27-Q30)

Out of 1600 students in a college, 390 played Kho-Kho, 450 played Kabaddi, and 500
played cricket; 90 played both Kho-Kho and Kabaddi; 125 played Kabaddi and Cricket,
and 155 played Kho-Kho and Cricket; 50 played all the three games.

27. How many students did not play any game?

a) 400

b) 500

c) 450
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d) None of the above

28. How many played only Kho-Kho?

a) 295
b) 195
c) 95
d) 1000

29. How many played only one game?

a) 1030
b) 930
c) 750
d) 730

30. How many played only two games?

a) 220
b) 320
c) 120
d) None of the above

Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.
Kimaya colony has a population of 2800 members.
Number of member listening only English music = 650
Number of member listening only Hindi music = 550
Number of member listening only Bengali music = 450
Number of member listening all three types of music = 100
Number of member listening Hindi as well as English music = 200
Number of member listening Hindi as well as Bengali music = 400
Number of member listening Bengali as well as English music = 300

31. Find the number of members listening Bengali music?

a) 950
b) 1050
c) 650

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d) 550
32. Find number of members listening none of the music?
a) 450
b) 2650
c) 2550
d) 550

33. Find the number of members listening only one type of music
a) 450
b) 1100
c) 1600
d) 1650

34. Find number of members listening to at least two types of music

a) 600
b) 400
c) 700
d) 500

35. The ratio of members listening Hindi to that of Bengali music is :

a) 2:1
b) 1:1
c) 1:2
d) 3:2

36. A shop has only red, green and blue carpets. 60% of the carpets have red colour, 30%
have green colour and 50% have blue colour. If no carpet has all the three colours, what
percentage of the carpets have only one colour?
a) 40%
b) 60%
c) 70%

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d) None of the above

37. A company studied the product preferences of 300 consumers it is found that 226 like
product A, 51 like product B, 54 it is found C, 21 like product A and B, 54 like product A
and C, 39 like product B and C and 9 like all three product. Prove that the study results
are not correct. (Assume that each consumer like at least one of the three product.

38. It is known that in a group of people, each of whom speaks at least one of the lan-
guages English, Hindi and Bengali, 31 speaks English, 36 speaks Hindi and 27 speaks
Bengali. 10 speaks both English and Hindi, 9 both English and Bengali, 11 both Hindi
and Bengali, prove that the group contains at least 64 people and not more than 73

39. For two non-empty sets A and B containing m and n elements respectively, the total
number of relations from A to B will be :
a) 2m + n
b) 2m
c) 2mn
d) 2m + 2n

40. If A = {a, b, c, d} and B= {p, q, r, s} then which of the following are relations from A to B?
a) R1 = {(a, p), (b, r),(c, s)}
b) R2 = {(q, b), (c, s),(d, r)}
c) R3 = {( a, p), (b, r),(c, r)(s, q),(d)}
d) R3 = {( a, p), (b, s),(s, b)(q, a)}

41. If A = {1, 3, 5, 7} and B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} and R = {(1, 8), (3, 6), (5, 2), (1, 4)} be a rela-
tion from A to B, then Dom(R) = ?
a) {1, 5}
b) { 1, 3, 5}
c) (3, 5}

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d) None of the above

42. In the above question, what is the Range (R)?

a) {1, 3, 5}

b) { 8, 6, 2, 4}

c) (2, 4, 6}

d) None of the above

43. If A = {1, 2, 3} and B= {4, 5, 6} then which of the following are relations from A to B?

a) R1 = {(1, 4), (1, 5),(1, 6)}

b) R2 = {(1, 5), (2, 4),(3, 6)}

c) R3 = {(1, 4), (1, 5),(3, 6), (2, 6), (3, 4)}

d) All of the above

44. Let A = {1, 2} and B = {3, 4}. The total number of relations from A into B is:

a) 8

b) 16

c) 32

d) 4

45. Let A = {x, y}. The number of all relations on A are:

a) 4

b) 8

c) 16

d) 32

46. Let A = {c, d, e} and B = {a, b}. The total number of relations from A into B is:

a) 64

b) 8

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c) 16

d) 32
47. What can be said about the relation R ={(a, b),(b, c), (c, a)} defined on set A = {a, b, c}?
a) Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive
b) Non Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive
c) Non-Reflexive, Non-Symmetric, Non Transitive
d) None of the above

48. What can be said about the relation R = {(a, a), (a, b), (a, c),(b, b), (b, c), (c, a), (c, b),
(c, c)} defined on Set A = {a, b, c}?
a) Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive
b) Non Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive
c) Reflexive, Symmetric, Non Transitive
d) Reflexive, Non-Symmetric, Non Transitive

49. What can be said about the relation R = {(a, b), (b, a),(a, c), (c, a),} defined on Set A =
{a, b, c}?
a) Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive
b) Non Reflexive, Symmetric, Non-Transitive
c) Reflexive, Symmetric, Non Transitive
d) Reflexive, Non-Symmetric, Non Transitive

50. Let A = {1, 2, 3} and R = {(1, 2), (1, 1,), (2, 3)} be a relation on A. What minimum num-
ber of ordered pairs may be added to R so that it may become a transitive relation on A.
a) {3, 1}
b) {1, 3}
c) {2, 2}
d) None of the above

51. The domain of the relation R where R = {(-3, 1),(-1, 1),(1, 0), (3, 0)} is:
a) {1, 0}
b) {1, 3, 2, -1, -2, -3}
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c) (1, 3, -1, -3}

d) None of the above
52. The Range of the relation R where R = {(x, x + 5) : x {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is:
a) {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
b) {1, 5, 6, 7, 8}
c) {5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
d) {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
53. A = { 1, 2, 3) R = {(1, 2), (2, 2,), (3, 1), (3, 4)} Find
a) D(R)
b) R(R)

c) R-1

d) D(R-1)

e) R(R-1)

54. Find in each case the type of relation:

A = (1, 2, 3)
R1 = {(1,1), (2,2), (3,3,), (1, 2)}
R2 = {(1,1), (2,2), (1,2,), (2, 1)}
R3 = {(1,1), (2,2), (3,3,), (1, 2), (2,1), (2, 3)(3,2)}
R4 = {(1,1), (2,3), (3,2,)}
55 Find in each case the Type of Relation.
i. “Is smaller than” over the set of eggs in a box is
(a) T (b) S (c) R (d) E
ii. “Is equal to “ over the set of all rational numbers is
(a) T (b) S (c) R (d) E
iii. “Is perpendicular to” over the set of straight lines in a given plane is
(a) R (b) S (c) T (d) E
iv. “Is the reciprocal of” … over the set of non-zero real numbers is
(a) S (b) R (c) T (d) none of these
v. “is the square of “ over a set of real numbers is
(a) R (b) S (c) T (d) none of these

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