Information Technology 402 Class X Sample Paper Test 01 For Board Exam 2023 Answers

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General Instruction:
1. Please read the instructions carefully.
2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B.
3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the
allotted (maximum) time of 2 hours.
5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
i. This section has 05 questions.
ii. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
iii. There is no negative marking.
iv. Do as per the instructions given.
i. This section has 16 questions.
ii. A candidate has to do 10 questions.
iii. Do as per the instructions given.
iv. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.

1. Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 4 = 4 marks)

(i) Which of the following is not a disadvantage of entrepreneurship?

(a) Risks involved with success of new venture ‘
(b) Working for long hours
(c) No regular income initially
(d) No higher authority
Ans: (d) No higher authority

(ii) Self-awareness refers to awareness about one’s own

(a) Strengths or weaknesses
(b) Interests or capabilities
(c) Values
(d) All of the above
Ans: (d) All of the above

(iii) Distress is the term given to

(a) Good stress
(b) Bad stress
(c) Eustress
(d) None of these
Ans: (b) Bad Stress

(iv) Susheela owns a manufacturing and packaging unit of Indian food items which she decides
to sell in Dubai, Mexico and Russia. Due to some reasons the products did not sell and she had a
loss. She apologises to the people who work for her and promised to plan better for next time.
She is :

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(a) taking responsibility for her mistakes.
(b) thinking before making a decision
(c) not giving up
(d) being creative
Ans: (a) taking responsibility for her mistakes

(iv) ……………………… is the dashboard of your computer.

(a) Taskbar
(b) Start menu
(c) Recycle bin
(d) File explorer
Ans: (b) Start menu

(v) Which of the following practices should be avoided for cleaning a computer?
(a) Use lint free swabs to clean parts of computer
(b) Spray a liquid before wiping the parts with cloth
(c) Turn off computer before cleaning
(d) Use natural bristle brush to clean internal parts
Ans: (b) Spray a liquid before wiping the parts with cloth

2. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

(i) A stand-alone computer is a computer that is:

(a) Connected to the network.
(b) Connected to the office network.
(c) Not connected to a network.
(d) Another name for a desktop PC.
Ans: (c) Not connected to a network

(ii) WordPress is an example of ……………………… .

(a) Blogging site
(b) Instant messenger
(c) E-shopping site
(d) None of these
Ans: (a) Blogging site

(iii) ……………………… adds data arranged in an array that is a group of cells with labels for
columns or rows.
(a) Consolidate
(b) Group data
(c) Subtotal
(d) Query
Ans:(c) Subtotal

(iv) You can a ……………………… text selection into the Styles and Formatting window to
create a new style.
(a) Drag and drop
(b) Cut and paste
(c) Copy and paste
(d) Update
Ans: (a) Drag and drop

(v) Raghavendra is sending an invite to all his friends and colleagues for the celebration of 25
years of his anniversary. He is using mail merge to generate the invitation letters. Due to some
reason he wants to change the venue given in the mail. Which of the following documents he
has to change for the same?
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(a) Data Source.
(b) Main text document.
(c) Both given in (a) and (b).
(d) None of these
Ans: (b) Main text document.

(vi) A relational database is defined as:

(a) Relation between numbers in two tables
(b) Relation between fields of tables
(c) Consisting of separate tables of related data
(d) Consisting of separate fields with common data
Ans: (c) Consisting separate tables of related data

3. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

(i) Which of the following is not an option for Internet connectivity?

(a) Dial-up
(b) Broadband
(c) WiMax
Ans: (d) USENET

(ii) Which of the following is not an antivirus software?

(a) McAfee
(b) Norton
(c) MSOffice
(d) Kaspersky
Ans: (c) MS Office

(iii) Which of the following is not an advantage of a database?

(a) It supports data redundancy
(b) Allows sharing of data
(c) Ensures data security
(d) None of these
Ans: (a) It supports data redundancy

(iv) Kritika is creating an annual sales report for her company. She uses the articles and charts
of all the branch offices to create the final report. Now she wants all the reports to be identical
Which of the following word processor features would help her to create such identical
(a) Mail merge
(b) Graphics
(c) Template
(d) None of these
Ans: (c) Template

(v) When all data is stored in one file, it is called ……………………… .

(a) Flat database
(b) Relational database
(c) Table
(d) Report
Ans: (a) Flat database

(vi) In word processors the drag and drop method will ……………………… the image into a
(a) Save
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(b) Embed
(c) Delete
(d) Cut
Ans: (b) Embed

4. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

(i) Which of the following is not an advantage of networking?

(a) Resource sharing
(b) Cost effective
(c) Communication between computers
(d) Control over computers
Ans: (d) Control over computers

(ii) Which of the following fields in the table “Book” can act as a primary key?
(a) Book_number
(b) Subject
(c) Price
(d) Author_name
Ans: (a) Book_number

(iii) Which of the following formula refers to cell B1 in sheet Sales?

(a) =Sales.Bl
(b) =Sales.”Bl”
(c) $Sales$Bl
(d) None of the above
Ans: (a) =Sales B1

(iv) A company has its offices in four major cities in India. The data of all regional offices is
stored on separate worksheets. The company wants to consolidate this data. To use data from
another worksheet, which of the following is most appropriate?
(a) Copying data from all the sheets into a new one
(b) Creating Links to the data from another sheet
(c) Copy data into same sheet and then create link
(d) All of these
Ans: (c) Creating Links to the data from another sheet

(v) You can add an image into a document from

(a) Scanner
(b) Gallery
(c) Clipboard
(d) All of these
Ans: (d) All of these

(vi) Primary key and alternate key together are called keys.
(a) Foreign
(b) Candidate
(c) Non-primary
(d) Composite
Ans: (b) Candidate

5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

(i) A cell reference outside the worksheet is written as ………………………

(a) <col> <rbw>
(b) <row> <col>
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(c) <sheetname> <row> <col>
(d) <sheetname> <col> <row>
Ans: (d) <sheetname> <col> <row>

(ii) Which of the following is not a use of Firewall?

(a) Monitors all communications
(b) Traps the unauthorized access
(c) Prevents passage of unwanted contents
(d) Prevents viruses and malicious software
Ans: (d) Prevents viruses and malicious software

(iii) ……………………… is not a DML command.

Ans: (c) CREATE

(iv) Which of the following defines a primary key?

(a) The first field in the database
(b) The date field in the database
(c) The field which consists of numeric values
(d) The field which stores unique value for each record
Ans: (d) The field which stores unique value for each record

(v) A query can be defined as a tool to ………………………

(a) Enable users to enter and view data.
(b) Filter data from the database based on some criteria.
(c) Summarize and print data.
(d) None of these
Ans: (b) Filter data from database based on some criteria

(vi) An absolute hyperlink contains the ……………………… of the linked sheet.

(a) Full address
(b) Address from the current location
(c) Web address
(d) None of these
Ans: (a) Full address


Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2 x 3 = 6 marks)
Answer each question in 20 – 30 words.

6. What is the significance of self-awareness in achieving our goals?

Ans: Self-awareness refers to knowing about one’s self in terms of strengths, weaknesses,
abilities, likes, dislikes, attitude etc. knowing about one’s self is essential to understand one’s
own goals and areas of improvements regarding their weaknesses in achieving them. It helps in
managing the challenges and opportunities and strengthening their attitude and abilities which
increases confidence and finally helps you in making right decision.

7. What does ‘R’ mean in SMART goals?

Ans: SMART is an acronym in which ‘R’ stands for Realistic. It means that your goal should be
something that you want to achieve and can work towards it. The goal should be appropriate for
what you are trying to accomplish. An unrealistic goal is hard to achieve. Example of an

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unrealistic goal would be building a muscular body in just 15 days. Example of realistic goal
would be – work out regularly and eat healthy to build a muscular body in next 4 to 6 months.

8. “Stress is like a gateway that provides a heap of diseases.” Explain.

Ans: Stress is a part of everyday life. It can be helpful in some situations e.g., it motivates you
to finish the assignment on time. But when experienced in excess or for a long period of time,
stress has the opposite effect. It can harm our emotional and physical health, and limit our
ability to function well. The stress may cause diseases like heart problems, depression,
sleeplessness, hypertension, ulcer, etc.

9. What is the use of File Explorer in windows?

Ans: The files that you create using different types of applications are stored at default or
specified locations of your storage unit. Similarly, you can create folders to store your files in
them. To perform various operations on these files and folders you require a File Explorer. So, a
File Explorer is an application which is used to browse folders and files stored in the computer.
It allows the user to perform operations like copying, moving, deleting and renaming these files
and folders.

10. How do entrepreneurs help in creating more entrepreneurs?

Ans: Entrepreneurs come up with new ideas, concepts, and innovations and work on them for
the benefit of themselves and society. A successful entrepreneur becomes a role model for the
society and youngsters. Inspite of experiencing ups and downs, he develops his own solutions to
overcome his company’s flaws. This guides his employees and followers towards the
development of their start-ups under his supervision. As a result of their experiences and
guidance, youth are coming up with fresh ideas and solutions. Thus, successful entrepreneur
mentors and produces new entrepreneurs.

Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20 – 30 words each (2 x 4 = 8 marks)

11. What is referential integrity? Explain with an example.

Ans: Referential integrity refers to the relationship between two tables in a database. It means
that there must be a valid reference from a row in one table to another table. It ensures that all
data in a database remains consistent and up to date. It helps to prevent incorrect records from
being added, deleted, or modified. Lets us consider an example of database with two tables,
Customer and Orders. The Customer table consists of fields CustID and CustName. Another
table Order consists of fields OrderID, CustID and OrderDate. The referential integrity states
that the Customer ID (CustID) in the Order table must match a valid CustID in the Customer

12. In a finance company five users are working on the same shared document. Three of them are
working on common overlapping data. What happens when they try to save the document?
Ans: The overlapping documents means that there are changes in common cells done by
multiple users. This gives rise to conflicts. If you try to save a document with conflicting
changes, the spreadsheet will show you a Resolve Conflicts dialog box. It allows you to resolve
the conflict by deciding which version of changes you want to keep. After resolving all the
conflicts you can save your document with decided changes.

13. You want to add a link to a table in HTML namely sales.html How would you do it in Calc?
Ans: To add a link to an HTML table perform the following steps:
 Open the sheet where you want to add a link.
 Click the command Insert → Link to External Data.
 Browse and select the file to be linked i.e. sales.html.

14. Discuss any four advantages of networking.

Ans: Advantages of networking are as follows:

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 Data Sharing: Networking allows sharing of same data among multiple users connected to a
common network.
 Files Transfer: Users can send text files, spread sheets, documents, presentations, audio
files, video files, etc. to other users over the network.
 Hardware Sharing: Network also allows its users to share hardware components such as
printers, scanners, hard disk etc. This helps in saving cost of resources.
 Internet Access Sharing: A network is capable of sharing the internet connection among
other computers in a network. So instead of purchasing multiple Internet connection for each
computer only one connection is required.

15. Define the following terms:

(a) Toggle keys 15.
(b) Sticky keys
Ans: (a) Toggle Keys: Toggle key are the keys on the keyboard that is operated in the same way
but with opposite effect on successive occasions. E.g. Caps Lock is a toggle key, pressed to
switch between upper case and lower case alphabets.
(b) Sticky Keys: Sticky keys is an accessibility feature of Windows that assists users having
physical disabilities to reduce repetitive strain injury. It enables user to enter key combinations
by pressing keys is sequence rather than simultaneously. It helps users who find difficulty in
pressing shortcut key combinations.

16. What is the wrap setting? Mention the types of wrap settings available in Word processors.
Ans: A wrap setting is a feature of word processor that determines the relation between the text
and the graphic in a document. It is also known as text wrapping. A word processor offers
different types of text wrapping options. You can place the text around the graphic or an image
in a way you want, using any one out of the given options.

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50– 80 words each (4 x 3 = 12 marks)

17. In a school the records of students are stored in a database that consists of two tables. The first
table stores personal details of students which are recognized by roll number. Every student has
a unique roll number. This roll number field is linked with another table which stores marks of
students. Answer the following with explanation in support of your answer.
(a) What type of field is the rolL number in the first table?
Ans: The roll umber field holds a unique roll number for every student so it is a primary key
field of the table. A primary key is a unique value that identifies a row in a table.
(b) What is the term used to describe it in the second table?
Ans: It is called a foreign key. When two tables are related by a common field and it is declared
as primary in one table then in another table it is known as foreign key. It identifies a column or
set of columns in one (referencing) table that refers to a column or set of columns in another
(referenced) table.
(c) What is composite primary key?
Ans: The primary key that consists of a combination of two or more fields or attributes is known
as composite key.
(d) Define alternate key.
Ans: The field or a group of fields that have unique value for each record but is not selected as a
primary key is called alternate key. There can be only one primary key in a table.

18. Gayatri’s parents are old and cannot manage their day-to-day routine on their own. Earlier
Gayitri was staying with them and taking care of their needs. But now she has got transferred to
another city so she hired Sunanda for their help. But some of the tasks like paying electricity
and phone bills etc. are still on Gayitri’s part.
(a) How can she manage to pay the bills from another city?
Ans: Bills can be paid using online transaction or e-transaction facility. For availing this facility,
one would only need an internet connection and net banking facility which can be availed by
credit/ debit card or UPI ID.
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(b) Is it possible to purchase medicines for her parents from another city? How?
Ans: Yes, she can also purchase medicines from another city by using online shopping facility.
There are many applications available that offers online purchase of medicines on prescription
(c) Name some of the applications that provide the facilities mentioned in (A) and (B)?
Ans: Applications that provide facility of e-payment to pay your bills are: Paytm, Google Pay,
PhonePe etc.
Applications used of e-shopping are Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, eBay etc. The applications used
specially for online purchasing of medicines are: PharmEasy, Netmeds, Truemeds etc.
(d) Define online shopping.
Ans: Online shopping means the process of selling and buying goods and services on Internet
platform. It is also known as e-shopping.

19. Suhana is creating a brochure for a school fair. She added picture in the brochure which
contains some unwanted part.
(a) What can be done to remove that part from the picture?
Ans: She can use Crop feature of word processor to remove that unwanted part from the image.
(b) There are few drawing objects on that brochure on which she wants to perform some
common actions. How can she do it easily and quickly?
Ans: The drawing objects can be combined together by grouping. This feature will treat all the
separate objects as one and whatever functions are performed will be applied on all of them.
(c) How can she keep the image between the text?
Ans: Text Wrap feature can be used to keep the image between the text. The text is placed
around the image.
(d) Is it possible to keep the image in the background of the text? How?
Ans: Yes the image can be placed in the background of the text by applying the Color Mode as
Watermark on it. The other way to make the image appear as watermark is by giving the image
transparent effect by changing the Transparency value.

20. Consider the following table named ‘House’ with details about houses allotted to the students in
a school.

StuID StuName Close HName

11001 Saurabh 9 Red
11002 Vijay 10 Blue
11003 Riya 7 Yellow
11004 Ankita 8 Blue
11005 Sagar 9 Red
11006 Shubh 8 Yellow

(a) Which column can be set as a primary key in the given table?
Ans: The StuID column can be declared as a primary key because it has unique values for each
(b) Write SQL queries to:
(i) Display the name, house, class in ascending order of the name of the house.
(ii) Change the house name of Student with ID 11004 to Yellow.
(iii) Delete the record of the student whose ID is 11006.
Ans: (i) SELECT Name, HName, Class FROM House ORDER BY HName ASC
(ii) UPDATE House SET HName = “Yellow” WHERE StuID = 11004
(iii) DELETE FROM House WHERE StuID= 11006

21. Shweta is working in a renowned company that provides Network Solutions. The company has
a worksheet that contains data of its valuable customers. This worksheet is available to all the
employees that works for customer support.
(a) Why the sharing of worksheet is required?

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Ans: The Sharing of worksheet is required when multiple users wants to work on same set of
data. The users can view, edit or review the changes made in the shared worksheet.
(b) Shweta has changed a value in the worksheet. Who else can see the changes?
Ans: All the users who are authorised to work on shared worksheet can see the changes made in
worksheet. They can also review and make comments on the changes done by any user.
(c) List the features that are disabled in sharing mode.
Ans: Following features are not available in sharing mode:
(i) Edit > Compare Document
(ii) Edit > Sheet > Move/Copy & Delete
(iii) Insert > Cells Shift Cells Down & Shift Cells Right Tools > Protect Document
(iv) Data > Define Range
(v) Data > Sort
(vi) Data > Subtotals
(d) How is document opened in sharing mode?
Ans: The document in shared mode is opened in the same way as any other document. To open
a shared document click on File → Open.

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