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Notice Inviting Tender

Request for Proposal for Empanelment of Agency/Agencies for Implementation

of Plastic Waste Management Unit/project in Uttar Pradesh.
Request for Proposal for Empanelment of Agency/Agencies for
Implementation of Plastic Waste Management Unit/project in Uttar Pradesh.

Tender Ref No.: 5/768/2022-5/30/2022 Date: 22.07.2022




1. Invitation for Tender .......................................................................................... 1

2. Tender Calendar................................................................................................. 2
3. Instructions to the Bidder................................................................................ 2-4

4. Scope of Work .............................................................................................. 5-12

5. Eligibility Criteria ............................................................................................ 13
6. Technical Bid Evaluation Criteria ................................................................... 14
7. Financial Bid Evaluation Criteria .................................................................... 15
8. Signing of Contract .......................................................................................... 15

9. Contract Amendments ..................................................................................... 15

10. Termination...................................................................................................... 15
11. Non-Disclosure of Agreement ......................................................................... 16
12. Force Majeure .................................................................................................. 16

13. Termination for Insolvency ............................................................................. 16

14. Resolution of Disputes and Arbitration ...................................................... 16-17
17. Annexure(A) ............................................................................................... 18-19
18. Annexure(B) ............................................................................................... 20-23

19. Annexure(C) .................................................................................................... 24

20. Annexure(D) ............................................................................................... 25-26
21. Annexure(E)..................................................................................................... 27
1. Invitation for Tender

On behalf of the Government of Uttar Pradesh, the State Sanitation Mission, Panchayati Raj
Department invites sealed tender offers (Eligibility and Price) for “Hiring of Agency/Agencies
for Implementation of Plastic Waste Management Unit/project in Uttar Pradesh”.

The summary of tender details is as below:

Item Details Particulars
1 Tender Ref No.
5/768/2022-5/30/2022 Dt: 22.07.2022
2 BID Security (EMD) Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only)
E-6, Lohiya Bhawan, Aliganj, Lucknow-226024
Pre-Bid Conference (Address)

Nodal Officer SBM(G) UP, E-6 Lohiya Bhwan,

4 Address of Communication Aliganj, Lucknow-226024

5 Telephone Number 0522-2322926

6 Contact Person Nodal Officer SBM (G) UP
7 Email Contact [email protected] and
[email protected]

Note: -Eligible bids will be opened in the presence of bidders on the specified date if they choose
to attend the same. Notice of any changes will be notified on the official website of Panchayat
Raj department UP and etender.up.nic.in. Further, the Price bid/Financial bid Opening Date,
Time &Venue will be intimated to the qualified Bidders on a later date.

The Mission Director, Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen reserves the right to accept, any tender
offer or cancel the entire process without assigning any reason thereof.

Mission Director
Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen)
Uttar Pradesh

Page 1
2. Tender Calendar:

Item Details Target Date/Time

Date of commencement of availability of the tender 31.072022
Date of receiving pre-bid quarries 04.08.2022
Pre-bid Meeting 08.08.2022 at 03:00 PM
Last date and time for submission of bids. 16.08.2022 at 03:00 PM
Opening of Technical Bids. 16.08.2022 at 03:30 PM
Financial Bid Will be Communicated separately.

3. Instructions to the Bidders

a. Bid submission
Bidder will submit eligibility + technical and financial proposal duly subscribed as eligibility +
technical proposal and financial proposal. – “Eligibility, Technical & Financial Bid for the
hiring of Agency/Agencies for Implementation of Plastic Waste Management Unit
(PWMU) in Uttar Pradesh“.

b. Submission of Tender Offers

The Bidder has to follow the etender.up.nic.in norms and bid to be submitted on the same in
two envelopes i.e technical and financial.

Mission Director may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of offers by issuing
a corrigendum and uploading the same on the Departmental website.

c. Method of Submission of Tender Form

The Bidder has to follow the etender.up.nic.in norms.

(a) The Price bid/Financial bid shall be prepared as per the Price bid/Financial bid format
at Annexure- B
(b) The Price bid/Financial bid shall be submitted exactly as per the format given. Any
deviation will lead to the rejection of the proposal.

(c) State Swachh Bharat Mission (SSBMG) will first open the Eligibility + Technical Bids.
The bids meeting the eligibility criteria shall be further considered for Technical
Evaluation. The technical evaluation of the bids will be carried out by the Bid
Evaluation committee appointed by Mission Director, to assess and finalize the
acceptability of the bids. The Price bids/Financial bids of all technically qualified
Bidders will be opened for further processing.

Clarification of Bids
A prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding documents may notify the SSBM-
Gin writing or through e-mail given in the information sheet before specified date. Any such
clarification should reach SSBMG before the bid opening .Requests for clarification on the
telephone will not be entertained. Reply to clarifications/amendments/addendum, if any, will be
published on the website/e-tender site of the tendering Agency/Agencies as a corrigendum to RFP.

Page 2
d. Late Tender Offers/ Late bid
Receiving/Reaching of bid/bids after due date and time will not be entertained under any
circumstances and will be treated as a late bid. Bid received late after the deadline will
be summarily rejected.

e. Cost of Bidding
The Bidder shall be at all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its
tender, and the Purchaser will, in no case be responsible or liable for these costs,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process.

f. Tender Document:
The tender document is available at the departmental website and downloadable from
(http://panchayatiraj.up.nic.in) and (https://etender.up.nic.in)

g. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/ Bid Security Deposit

EMD of Rs. 50,000 (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) shall be paid as B G (Bank Guarantee).
The scan copy of EMD will be uploaded on portal and the same will be sent to Mission
Director SBM (G) UP within 3 working days as original copy.

Note: - No interest shall be payable by SSBMG to the Bidder(s) on Earnest Money/Bid

Security Deposit for the Period of its currency.

h. Offer Validity period

The tender offer must be valid for a minimum of 180 days from the date of opening of
the tender. However, the SSBMG may extend this period at its sole discretion,
information of which will be communicated to the participating bidder.

i. Erasure, Alternation & Signing of Tender

Tender documents should contain no interlineations, erasures or overwriting. The only
authorized person shall sign on all pages of tender documents.

j. Costs &Currency
The Price offer must be given in Indian Rupees (INR) only. The price will remain fixed
for the period of the contract and no changes for any reason what so ever will be allowed.
The bidder shall bear all the costs associated with the preparation and submission of its
bid, and the SSBMG will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of
conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

k. Offer Price
The Price bid/Financial bid will be inclusive of GST, Income taxes and other taxes.
The price variation shall only be allowed in case of an increase/decrease in any taxes,
cess, levy or duty.

l. Right to Alter Items

The SSBMG reserves the right to include or exclude any tender item(s) and also
reserves the right to make changes in specifications in the pre-bid meeting.

m. Modification and Withdrawal of Offers

Page 3
The bidders will not be allowed to modify their bids after final submission.
Withdrawal of the original offer will not be allowed after the opening of the bid. No
offer can be modified by the Bidder, once bid/bids are finally submitted. However, a
bidder can withdraw from the bid process before the opening of bids.

n. Preliminary Scrutiny
Prior to the detailed evaluation, the SSBMG will determine the substantial
responsiveness of each offer to the tender documents. For purpose of this clause, a
substantially responsive bid is one, which is in conformity with all the terms and
conditions of the Tender Documents without any material deviations as per Annexure-
A. The determination of an offer’s responsiveness will be based on the contents of the
tender offer itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence.

o. Tender Evaluation
Prior to the detailed evaluation, the SSBMG will determine the substantial
responsiveness of the bid. The selection process will be as under:
1) Screening based upon qualification criteria
2) Technical evaluation
3) Financial evaluation

The bidder should have PAN and GST registration on their name or on the name of
the company, firm, Agency/Agencies participating in the bid process.

SSBMG will determine whether the Financial Proposals are complete and
unconditional. The cost indicated in the Financial Proposal shall be deemed as final
and reflect the total cost of works/services.

p. Performance Security

The selected bidder has to submit 3% of project cost as performance security in form
of BG (Bank Guarantee) favoring to District Panchayat Raj Officer of concerned

q. Amendment of biding Document

a. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the SSBMG may, for any
reason, whether on its own initiative or in response to the request for clarification by
a prospective bidder, modify the bidding documents.

b. In order to allow prospective bidders reasonable time to take into consideration the
amendments while preparing their bids, the SSBMG at its discretion may extend the
dead line for the submission of bids.

r. Language of Bid
The bid and all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the
bidder and the SSBMG shall be in English language only. Supporting documents and
printed literature furnished by the bidder may be in another language provided they
are accompanied by an appropriate translation in English language and in such a case,
for purpose of interpretation of the bid, the translation shall govern.

Page 4
4. SCOPE OF WORK (Terms of Reference)

4.1. The details of Plastic Waste Management Unit (PWMU) to be set up at block
level will be as under:

(i) An agency having adequate qualification and experience (as mentioned in the bid
document) will set up a Plastic Waste Management Unit (PWMU) at identified block/s of the
(ii) The agency will be responsible for collecting plastic wastes from different segregation
centers established at GP level in that block.
(iii) The PWM unit must have a shed, adequate storage space to keep the plastic wastes
received from the GPs and a boundary for safety of the unit.
(iv) Machineries such as- Shredding machine, bailing machine and a Dust remover are
the 3 basic requirements along with other necessary items.
(v) The PWM Unit has to receive, segregate and recycle the waste materials and sell to
end-user manufacturers.
(vi) Collection and transportation of Plastic waste from GP level Segregation Centre will be the
responsibility of the agency.
(vii) The agency can install moulding machine out of his own fund.
(viii) The Unit must have facility for uninterrupted electricity supply and it should be as per
the requirement/prescribed norm. The DPRO of the concerned district may support the agency for
extending electric connection.
(x) Forward & Backward linkages to establish for further processing of different types of
plastic wastes.
(xi) Prior to starting of the project, a feasibility study to be conducted by the agency about
effectiveness of the project
(xii) Local entrepreneurs engaged in this business like waste collectors/Kawadiwalas may
be given preference for setting up of PWMU.
(xiii) The specifications of the machines should be as per the quantity of plastic waste to be
processed and quality of processing required by the recovery units.
(xiv) The machines in the unit will be setup only as per requirement
(xv) The selected agency has to take charge of Operation and Maintenance of the PWM centre at
least for 2 years to make it sustainable. After 2nd year, DWSC is empowered to take decision for
further O&M.
(xvi) If the performance of the agency founds to be unsatisfactory, the District Magistrate can
inform to MD, SBM(G) for taking further necessary action.

Funding Source: An amount of Rs. 16.00 lakh to be utilized from SBM (G)

(i)Support the villages to safely manage their plastic waste and make the villages clean.
(ii) Fulfilling the criteria of making the villages free from Single Use plastics.
(iii) To promote environmental sanitation and help the villages for safe disposal of plastic waste.
(iv) Enable to reuse and recycle the plastic waste and generate some income from it.
(v) Create an environment of learning for other blocks/districts

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4.2. Duration of Engagement of Agency/Agencies

(i) The Agency/Agencies will be selected for a period of a minimum of 36 months or till
the project end from the date of signing of the contract, Commencement period will be within
15 days from the date of the Contract. However, this empanelment is not a legal commitment
by the SSBM-G Mission assuring engagements. SSBM-G is only facilitating the
implementing agencies (District Swachh Bharat Mission-G) with a list of organizations
empanelled after scrutinizing the organizational, technical & financial capability.

(ii) The selected agencies would contact by the District to process engagement with the
Implementing bodies i.e. District SBM-G. After negotiations, a contract would be signed
between the Agency/Agencies and entity specifying the actual scope of work and terms and
conditions. The contract can be further extended with the mutual consent of both parties but
on the same terms and conditions.

(iii) SSBMG with its entities should not be held responsible for any kind of damage/loss
/legal disputes in course of implementation of the assignment by the Agency/Agencies.
(iv) If the performance of the Agency/Agencies is found unsatisfactory, or if any complaints
(for corrupt or fraudulent practices or forgery) regarding the Agency/Agencies received, the
contract may be cancelled.

4.3. Detailed Scope of work

Upon signing MoU, the Agency/Agencies will be responsible for developing a detailed
project proposal in consultation with the concerned District. The project proposal should
detail out volume of plastic waste assessment, site selection, suitable technology options,
Installation/setting up of unit, operation and maintenance till three years, plans and
processes, processes of management of plastic waste, options for viability, gap funding,
options for market linkages and project risks.
For detailed work under setting up of Plastic Waste Management Unit, interested
agencies may go through the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Drinking Water &
Sanitation, Govt. of India.
 A plastic waste management unit/materials recovery facility, materials reclamation facility,
materials recycling facility or Multi Re-use Facility (MRF) is a specialized plant that
receives and segregates recyclable materials which may be marketed to end-user
 Plastic waste management unit shall ideally be set up at Block level and shall cater to all
GPs within the block. District/block shall identify an appropriate location for setting up of
PWMU. The PWMU operating agency could be Self Help Group (SHG)/Non-
Governmental Organizations (NGOs)/private enterprises.
 PWMU should have storage facilities of plastic received from GPs, the unit shall have a
dust remover, a shredding machine and a bailing machine, among other necessary items.

A. Principle of Establishing Plastic Waste Management Unit

Page 6
I. Clustering of GPs: Clustering of GPs which will transport their plastic waste to the
PWM unit
II. Selection of appropriate site: Site that is centrally located, closer to the cement factories,
if possible, away from drinking water sources, having uninterrupted electricity supply,
III. Procurement of appropriate plastic dust remover/baler and shredder: As per the
applicable financial rules block/district shall procure the appropriate dust
remover/baler/ shredder of required capacity based on the quantity of plastic waste to
be processed and quality of processing required by the recovery units
IV. Regular monitoring of O&M: District Water and Sanitation Mission/Committee
(DWSM/DWSC) to do regular monitoring of O&M.

B. Preparatory Activities:
i. A detail list of all existing Kabadiwalas with contact details be prepared by district.
This shall be made available to all the Gram Panchayats
ii. Ensuring segregation, collection, storage, transportation, plastic waste and
Channelization of recyclable plastic waste fraction to recyclers having valid
iii. Block to ensure the disposal of aggregated plastics preferably at
Household level. Plastic aggregated collected from public places, markets,
etc. and kept in village shed should also be linked to Kabadiwalas
iv. Ensuring that open burning of plastic waste does not take place and no damage is
caused to the environment.
v. Creating awareness among all stakeholders about their responsibilities

C. Requirements for the block level Plastic Waste Management Unit:

The processing of plastic waste at the block level will require the following resources.
i. General resources:
a. Land, space, and machinery: The minimum required for the unit will be 1500 sq. feet for
the machinery and storage.
b. Basic amenities: Basic amenities such as permanent three phase electricity connection and
stable water supply will be required along with functional toilet. Permissions: Required
permissions from the concerned authorities may be applied and received before
commencement of the unit.
ii. Electricity Connection (commercial) as per the capacity load as suggested by the
department. Generator may be opted where the electricity supply is erratic and irregular.

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On the basis of above said conditions all interested Agencies should present their plan to
Mission Director in Pre bid meeting. The best plan will be approved for further
engagements. In the pre-bid meeting, the Implementing agency has to ensure presentation of
complete plan for effective forward and backward linkage. For this, the agency needs to bring
concerned Kawadiwala , channel partner etc. The implementing agency must share the name
of the district/block where it wants to work, detail information including their contact numbers,
E.mail Id etc. and mail it to [email protected] and [email protected]
by 4th August 2022.

The broad scope of work for Agency/Agencies / Firm under Plastic Waste Management
Unit is as below: -

(i) The Selected Agency/Agencies will prepare the DPR for establishment of block level
PWM Unit including assessment of the quantity of plastic waste generated, design and
technology for its proper management.

(ii) The Selected Agency/Agencies has to undertake field survey prior to the setting up of
PWM Unit and on the basis of its report, will give hand holding support for selection of suitable
machineries to be used in the unit. The project shall be approved by District SBM (G).
(iii) The selection of machineries/equipment should meet the Quality Standards of BIS (IS:
16087, 2013) so that there would be no adverse effect on the environment.
(iv) The Agency/Agencies shall be responsible for supply, installation, operation and
Maintenance of the PWM Unit.
(v) The selected implementing Agency/Agencies shall be responsible for creating a project
proposal in consultation with the concern District SBM (G) team. The project proposal shall
detail out plastic waste assessment, the technology proposed, operational process, etc. The
maintenance of the plant is part of the Agency/Agencies’ responsibility. The project proposal
must include a plan for management of the plant and reuse/recycle the plastic wastes for
potential road construction or making of some products.
(vi) The rollout of the PWM unit shall be based upon a survey and feasibility report and to
be approved by District Sanitation Mission.
(vii) Equipment’s to be procured for the project should be specified as part of DPR and to be
approved by District Swachh Bharat Mission.
(viii) The Selected Agency/Agencies is also expected to provide training to the manpower
responsible for running and O&M of the plant
(ix) The manpower for running and O&M will be provided by the Block/District.

4.4. Role of State SBM-G

(i) Support in the field for the implementation of the project.

(ii) Facilitate workstation space to Implementing Agency/Agencies at respective District
(iii) Review the progress of Implementing Agency/Agencies engagement.
(iv) Facilitate training, capacity building and IEC activity as per requirement.
(v) Facilitate certification, brand promotion, and product development strategy.

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4.5. Role of District

(i) The District will be the Nodal Agency for planning, implementation, monitoring and
approval of block level PWM Unit.
(ii) The District will have the flexibility to decide implementation mechanisms.
(iii) District can take up model project at District/Block level/cluster level.
(iv) Additional requirements of funds for the cluster and community projects at the
District/Block/GP level can be met from other funding sources such as the15th Finance
Commission, MPLAD, MLALAD, CSR, etc.

4.6. Role of Block:

(i) Block has to identify the spot for setting up of PWM unit. It should be a Govt. land
with no dispute.
(ii) It has to coordinate with the agency for establishment of PWMU like- monitoring
construction quality, checking the quality of equipment’s used (as per approved
standard) provide manpower for running ,O&M, and monitoring the function from time
to time.
(iii) Establish liaison with potential companies to use the bi-products for road construction.
(iv) The block will explore the scope for revenue generation through selling of the bi-
products of plastic waste to make the project self-sustaining.

4.7. Role of Gram Panchayat

(i) The GP has to support the agency to collect plastic wastes from GP level segregation
(ii) GP may buy the bi-product of the plastic waste i.e. plastic bricks (if produced) from the
agency for use in interlocking/construction work.

4.8. Reporting:

District SBM-G will be responsible and support the identified block/s for implementation of
the PWM project at lock level. After site selection, Implementing Agency/Agencies will report
to District SBM-G and prepare the DPR with a copy to concerned block and SSBMG.

4.9. Manpower Deployment:

The Agency/Agencies shall submit details of Block level Project Manager/ Project
Coordinator &other project personnel who will run the PWMU (including Educational/
experience certificate, offer letter) before 15 days of the commencement of work.

Any change/replacement in the same will be reported to SSBMG with due reason and their
placement will only be allowed with the persons having similar or higher

Page 9
5. Project Activity Timeline:

Sr. No. Activity Particular

DPR Preparation

Block level No. of Manpower deployment (Project Manager/Project

PWM Unit Coordinator and other semi-skilled persons)
1 Operationalization

Operation & Maintenance for 3Years

a. Suggested Project Cycle

Following is the suggested project cycle for setting up of Block level Plastic Waste
Management Unit. The project cycle is advisory in nature and implementers can combine
activities and phases to fast track implementation of PWM Unit.
Phases Key Activities

 The agency has to undertake a situation analysis

Inception 10 Days
about the type and quantity of Plastic waste
generated at GP level segregation centers of the
block on random basis.
 Identify the GPs where the possibility of
gathering more quantity of Plastic waste
 Site selection for setting up of PWMU in
consultation with block

 Preparation of project plan document with the

support of identified/empaneled agency.
 Selection and appointment of the
technician/Skilled personnel to run the PWMU.
Planning Phase
 Seek approval for administrative and technical
proposals from competent authorities. 15 days
 O&M plan should also be part of the project
 Open a ledger in the existing Project account for
receipt and management of funds for
establishment of PWMU.

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 Initiate construction of PWMU based on
approved project proposal.
 Ensure supervision of the construction and
installation of required machineries at each
stage (no compromise to be made on the quality
Implementation of the machinery)
30 days
Phase  Ensure timely completion and commissioning
of PWM unit
 Train some local people to operate the
machineries in case of exigency or O&M of the
Operation and  Undertake regular preventive maintenance and Continuous
Maintenance take necessary corrective measures timely till 3 years

1. Technical details & suggested methodology (Suggestive) (TR)

Machines/Equipment’s required at the Block level Plastic Waste Management Centre
1. Dust Remover Machine: It is used for removing dust and mud from the collected plastic
waste and PET before recycling or recovery process.(Estimated cost- 2.10 to 2.20 lakh)
 Size: 1000 MM
 Drum Size: 1400 MM length
 Motor: 3 HP
 Output: 100-200 KG/HR
 Length: 6 feet
 Width: 3.56 feet
 Height: 4.5 feet
 Weight : 450-500 KG
 Material: MS
 3 phase electric supplier

2. Plastic Shredder Machine: Used for cutting the plastics into small pieces and that makes
waste management easier. The shredder machine should have arrangement for grinding,
cutting, sorting, and hammering and compression facility. The output plastic can range from 1
inch to 3 mm. (estimated Cost- 2.95 to 3 lakh)
# Objects to be shredded are like: plastic bottles, plastic waste, and thrash waste
 Motor power in HP @ 1440 RPM- 5 HP
 Motor Class- IE2
 Capacity of Shredder taking: 8 Hours/day- Operation in Tons (1000Kg)- 3 Tons
 Material of Housing enclosure: Mild steel
 Type of Control panel : Manual based

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 Inside dimension of Shredder chamber in mm x mm (with tolerance-10 MM) -300 x
3. Plastic Baler machines: Used for compressing plastic waste materials/aluminium into small
and manageable blocks (bales) thereby reducing transportation and expenses incurred for
storage of waste materials.
Generally there are two types of bailers- Vertical and Horizontal.
 Horizontal Bailer: - large machine loaded from top of the conveyor belt allowing large
quantity of junk to be crushed. It can reach an output ranging from 1 to 15 tons per hour.
 Vertical Bailer: - It uses the compressing force of the hydraulic cylinder to reduce the
size of various waste materials and turn them into regular shape. It can be loaded from
the front, smaller in size, manually strapped and compressors from top to down.
(estimated cost- 3.00 lakh)

 Motor Power in HP- 3 HP
 Vertical Clamping force of Bailing machine: Hydraulic
 Material of Bailing machine: Mild steel
 Bailing capacity of machine – 15 ton
 Number of Ties of Rope- 2
 Number of Cylinder- 1
 Number of door- 2
 Size of bale: length x width x height in mm)- 700 x 500 x 650
 Feed opening W x H (mm)- 700 x 500

Type of pump: Hydraulic system Gear cum Plunger Pump system

a. Other Terms and Conditions:

i. If any of the employee representatives of the Agency/Agencies is/are found to
be demanding/collecting undue money or indulging in any other illegal activity
for enrollment, appropriate disciplinary/legal action will be taken by the
Agency/Agencies against their employee and SSBMG will initiate action against
the Agency/Agencies that includes blacklisting/termination/ fine/penal action.
ii. Agency/Agencies shall work in liaison with designated SSBMG/DSBMG
Official and staff for smooth execution of the project.
iii. The local people having some experience of similar type of work to be given
preference to be engaged in the PWMU or for looking after O&M of the Unit.
iv. The local Entrepreneur/ Kawadiwala/Waste collector of that area, if interested and
having expertise to set up PWMU may be given opportunity.

v. Payment Terms:
Page 12
Sr. Completion Payment
Assignment completed
No. Period Schedule
Feasibility study, DPR
1. completed and submitted / 15 Days 25%
approval from the competent
Construction of shed and
boundary (complete) 30 Days 25%
Installation of required machineries
3. 15 Days 40%
and operationalization

10% in two equal

Operationalize and Maintenance st
4. 1 Year installments
60 Days + 1 Years
Total 100%


all relevant documents/ Copies as proof for Qualifying)

a. The implementing Agency/Agencies can be a private firm/technical institute/NGO/

Entrepreneur or similar entity with experience in designing and implementing biogas
to energy projects. Joint venture/ consortium may also be considered. However, in
the case of joint venture/consortium, a photocopy of the agreement signed for joint
venture/consortium should be submitted wherein the Lead Partner should be clearly
b. The implementing Agency/Agencies must be registered under Society Registration
Act/Trust Act/Cooperative Act/ Companies act/ Partnership Act/ Proprietorship Act.
Signed and stamped photo copies of supporting documents should be attached.
c. The Agency/Agencies/ Institutions including Joint Ventures must have established
in Uttar Pradesh or must have their office in Uttar Pradesh.(supporting
documentation should be attached).
d. The Agency/ Agencies/ Institutions including Joint Ventures must possess at least 3
years’ experience of establishing or running of a similar unit. (supporting documents
should be attached)
e. Expertise in the preparation of DPR, installation, operation and maintenance of such
unit, signed and stamped photocopy of supporting completion certificate/work
order/any other supporting documents should be attached.
f. Five years form 26 AS with GST with 3B return.
g. Last Three years Balance sheet & ITR
Page 13
h. The Firm/ Technical Agency/Agencies/ Institutions should not be blacklisted or
debarred by any state govt. / govt. agencies / PSUs / GOI. An undertaking to this
effect should be attached to the letterhead of the organization.
i. The authorization for signing the Bid document shall be indicated by a duly notarized
written power of attorney (in a legally valid stamp paper of minimum Rs. 1000/-
(One thousand) denomination from the competent authority accompanying the bid.
j. Documentary evidence for all the Eligibility Criteria are required to be submitted as
part of the Eligibility Bid. Non-compliance with one or more of the requirements
covered under Eligibility Criteria will lead to summarily rejection f the bid.
k. The Bidder shall submit duly filled eligibility/document checklist as per Annexure-


Sl Particulars Maximum Minimum
No. Marks Qualifying
1 Experience of the company as on 31-12-2021 15 10
 Ten marks- for qualifying 3 years
 One mark- for each year for completed contract,
working with Government autonomous bodies/
government dept./PSUs (State/ Central) up to 5
 Experience. For example :
For 3 years contract completed= 10 Marks
For every additional year = 1 Mark up to a maximum of 5 years

2 No. of assignments completed of similar nature: 25 20

 For 3 years work experience certificate /
completed work order - 20 Marks
 05to10 work experience certificate/completed
work order- 05Marks
For example :
For 5 work experience = 20 Marks
For every additional work experience = 1 Mark up to a
maximum of 05
3 Turnover of the company (Annual Average of 3 Years), 20 10
a. 10 lakh to 20 lakh- 10
b. 21 lakh and above –20

4 Net worth of the company: 10 10

Networthofthecompanyshouldbepositiveof20lakhs. CA
Certificate for Net Worth to be attached.
Page 14
5 Key Professional: 20 0
1. Project Manager – 01 No. [7 marks]
2. Project Coordinator – 06 Nos.[2x6marks]
3. Project Executive -06 Nos.[1 x 6marks]

CVs (As per Annexure-E) of the above experts are to

be submitted for Evaluation.

6 ISO Certification (before Bid Publishing date) 10 0

ISO 9001-2013/2015 – 5 Marks
ISO 27001-2013/2015 – 5 Marks

The minimum score to qualify technical stage -50 Marks


a) The financial bid would only be opened for technically qualified bidders.
b) The bidder has to provide financial details as per annexure “B”.
c) The bidder quotes the lowest rate in the cumulative sum column annexure-
B would be treated as L1 and bidders quoting more than the L1 rate would
be treated as L2, L3, and so on in the increasing order of the quoted price.
d) All the bidders who agree to match L1 rates shall qualify for the
empanelment of the job.
e) Preference will be given to L1 in District/block distribution for the job and
the Mission Director, Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) reserves the rights
for the same.
f) In case of discrepancy in unit rate and cumulative sum given in the
BOQ/Financial bid, the unit rate would prevail and L1 would be arrived in
calculating the same.


The Contract will be signed between District SBM-G and the agencies which are
empaneled as per annexure “D”.


Subject to the condition of the contract no variation in or modification of the terms

of the contract shall be made except by an amendment signed by both parties.

The DISTRICT SWAACHH BHARAT MISSION may, without prejudice to any
other remedy, by written notice of termination sent to the Agency/Agencies,
terminate the contract, in whole or part, without any liability to the
DSBMG/SSBMG whatsoever, if:-
Page 15
a) Theprogressisnotsatisfactoryintermsofquality,quantityandadherencetotime
b) The Implementing Agency/Agencies fails to deliver any or all of the services
within the periods specified in the contract, or within any extension there of
granted by the DSBMG pursuant to conditions of the contract or if the
Implementing Agency/Agencies fails to perform any other obligations under
the contract;
c) The Implementing Agency/Agencies becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent.
d) In any of the above events termination will be without compensation to the
Implementing Agency/Agencies, and that such termination will not
prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy, which has accrued or will
accrues here after to the DSBMG and SSBMG.

e) For termination of the contract, either party should give minimum one
month’s prior written notice.


The Implementing Agency/Agencies (and his employees) shall not disclose any
part or whole of this RFP document, of the proposal and/or any specification, plan,
drawing, pattern, sample or information furnished by DSBMG/SSBMG in
connection therewith to any person other than a person employed by the
implementing Agency/Agencies in the performance of the proposal and/or contract.
Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall
extend only as far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance. The
employees or the implementing Agency/Agencies such as security personnel etc.
engaged will maintain strict confidentiality.

The Implementing Agency/Agencies, his / her employees and agents shall not make
any use of any document or information given by the user except for the purposes
of performing the contract award.

In case of any breach, the DSBMG/SSBMG shall take such legal action as may be


1. For purpose of this clause, Force majeure means an event beyond the control
of the Implementing Agency/Agencies not involving the Implementing
Agency/Agencies’ fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may
include, but are not limited to, either in its sovereign or contractual capacity,
wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and
freight embargoes.
2. If a Force majeure situation arises, the Implementing Agency/Agencies
shall promptly notify the DSBMG/SSBMG in writing of such conditions
and the cause there of. Unless otherwise directed by the SSBMG in writing,
the supplier/Bidder shall continue to perform its obligations under the
Contract as far as its reasonably practical and shall seek all reasonable
alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force majeure Page 16

The DSBMG/SSBMG may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written
notice to the Implementing Agency/Agencies, if the Implementing
Agency/Agencies becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. In this event, the
termination will be without compensation to the Implementing Agency/Agencies,
provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or
remedy, which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the DSBM/SSBMG.


a. The Implementing Agency/agencies shall make every effort to resolve

amicably by direct informal negotiation if any disagreement or dispute
arising between them under or in connection with the contract.
b. If, after ninety (90) days, the parties have failed to resolve their dispute or
difference by such mutual consultation, then either the DSBM/SSBMG may
give notice to the other party of its intention to commence an arbitration, as
hereinafter provided, as to the matter in dispute, and no arbitration in respect
of this matter may be commenced unless such notice is given. For any such
arbitration, a single arbitrator may be appointed with the mutual consent of
both parties, the cost of which will be borne by both parties. The decision of the
sole arbitrator shall be acceptable to both parties.

c. If any of the party is unsatisfied with the decision of the sole arbitrator, they
may give notice to the other party of its intention to commence arbitration
as per the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The arbitration
proceedings shall take place in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh and English/Hindi
shall be the language for Arbitration Proceedings.
d. Any kind of legal matter will be in Lucknow jurisdiction only.

Page 17


(To be filled by the bidder)
Sl Remarks and
A response along with
No. Eligibility Criteria (Page No. of
documentary evidence
relevant proof)
Name and address of the Bidder :
2 Name, address, email id and mobile
number of the authorized contact :
3 The implementing Agency/Agencies
must be registered under Society
Registration Act/Trust
Act/Cooperative Act/ Companies act/
Partnership Act/ Proprietorship Act.

Signed and stamped photocopies of

supporting documents should be :

Photocopy of the agreement signed

for joint venture/consortium should
be submitted wherein the Lead
Partner should be clearly mentioned.

4 The Firms /Agency/Agencies/

Institutions must possess a minimum
of 5years’ experience, expertise in the
preparation of DPR, installation,
operation and maintenance Plastic
Waste Management Unit
Signed and stamped photocopy of
supporting completion :
certificate/work order/any other
supporting documentation should be
5 The Bidder shall attach self-attested
copies of GST Registration no. with
26 AS GST 3B, Income Tax
Permanent Account No.
(PAN)/ TAN, PF and ESI
Registration with relevant certificates
as applicable.

Page 18
6 The Firms / Technical
Agency/Agencies/ Institutions
should not be blacklisted or debarred
by any state govt. / govt. agencies /
PSUs / GOI. :

An undertaking to this effect should

be attached to the letterhead of the
7 The undertaking as per Annexure-C
8 Whether Clause-wise compliance
submitted as required in the Eligibility Yes/No

We undertake that we fulfill the Eligibility Criteria, as per Clause 4. We agree to abide by the
terms and conditions of this bid, for the bid validity period and it shall remain binding upon us
and may be enforced at any time before the expiry of that period. Until a formal contract is
prepared and executed, this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof and your
notification of the award shall constitute a binding contract between us.

Dated this…………………day of………………..2022.…………………………

(Signature of person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder)

Page 19
Unit Rate Applicable Goods & Total Unit Rate
(in figures) Service Tax (in figures) (in figures)
(A) (B) (C) (B+C)

1 A Unit Shed with space: The minimum requirement for the unit including Shed construction will be
1500 sq. feet for the machinery and storage. ( Cost for Shed Construction) As per Annexure “F”
Plastic and Dry Waste Baling machine
Description Technical specifications
Capacity output 300-400 Kg/Hr.

Automation Automatic

Machine weight 2100 Kg

Chamber length 26" x 22"x 20 "

Feeding mouth 26" x27"

Motor capacity in KW and HP 10 HP

Overall size 4' x 3' x 8'

Oil Tank capacity 100-150 Lt

No. of Cylinders - 1

All types of plastics- PET, HDPE, LDPE, Paper, Cloth

Hydraulic with 40-50 Ton Force

Bale Weight - 50-60 Kg, Expected Bales -6 Per hour

Other Features/requirement:
Oil Fill Included

No. of Box - 1

Grooves for 3 Straps

Dedicated Control Panels for Push Button operations

Page 20
Hard plastic shredder

Description Technical specifications

Capacity output 200 - 250 Kg/Hour

No of Blades 6

Chamber length 18 x 24 Inch

Mesh 13 MM

Feeding mouth 24” x 13” x 30”

Motor capacity in KW and HP 20 - 30 HP

56" x 72 " x 60 "

Materials: HDPE, LDPE, PP, ABS, HIPS, NYLON and PC

Overall size
Rotor Shaft – Equip. Balanced Shaft

Blade Size - 18" x 5"

2 spare Mesh Will be provided

One spare blade will be provided

Other Features/requirement:
Starter will be provided with overload control

Dedicated Control Panels for Push Button operations

Page 21
Plastic and Dry waste air blower

Description Technical specifications

Capacity output 80-100 Kg

Automation Automatic

Machine weight 400 Kg

Feeding mouth 15" x 15 "

Motor capacity in KW and HP 10-15 HP

Drum Length & Diameter Vendor to provide

32" x 74" x 55 "

Overall size Materials to use for: All soft Plastics

Duct to control ejection of cleaned sheet

Bearing - Pedestal Type

Other Features/requirement: Rotor - Dynamically Balanced

Dedicated Control Panels for Push Button operations

Plastic Waste Extrusion Machine
Description Technical specifications
Capacity output 80-100 Kg/ Hr.
Automation Automatic Double head
5 Motor capacity in KW and HP 25 HP
Barrel size and dimension 200 mm
Gear Box 12''
Commissioning with Electrical
Machine Wiring expected to be completed
Control Panels with IP 65 Rating

Total Sum of
SumofColumnC CumulativeSum

Page 22
1. The bidder shall quote the rate exactly as per the above format. Any change in format may lead to the rejection of the price bid.
2. Rate will be evaluated before GST. Applicable Goods & Service Tax as on date of service will be paid.
3. Price Bid of all the technically qualified agencies will be opened.
4. 3 year O&M rates will be considered as included for each unit cost
5. Lowest price will be calculated on the total cost quoted by the bidder for all types
For the Bidder’s Firm

(Authorized Signatory with Name and Stamp)

Page 23


(To be submitted along with Eligibility Bid on a legally valid stamp paper of minimum
Rs.1000/- (one thousand) denomination)

We, the undersigned hereby give our unconditional acceptance to all the Clauses of Request
for proposal against the Tender no. ………………………… dated ………………………...

We unconditionally agree that SSBMG has all the rights to evaluate the bids and the decision
taken by the SSBMG will be final and binding on us.

We agree that SSBMG reserves the right to cancel the order without any liability to the SSBMG
if the progress is not satisfactory interim so quality, quantity and time. In such a case, the
SSBM-G reserves the right to award the contract to any other Bidder to complete the work.

Further, we unconditionally agree that in the event of our deviation from the tender conditions
during the execution of the project which results in project delays or affects the quality of the
output, SSBMG can terminate the contract without assigning any reasons and we will not lodge
any claims on SSBMG for any liabilities.

For the Bidder’s Firm

(Authorized Signatory with Name and Stamp)

Page 24

Form of Contract Agreement

This CONTRACT named “………………………………….” (hereinafter called the

“Contract”) is made on the ………… day of the month of ……..………………, 2022, between,
on the one hand, DISTRICT SBMG(here in after called the “Purchaser”) and,
on the other
…… (Here-in-after called the “Implementing

Agency/Agencies”). WHEREAS

(a) The Purchaser has requested the Agency/Agencies to

provide “..................................... ”(herein called the Services);

(b) the Agency/Agencies, having represented to the Purchaser that it has the
required professional skills and personnel and technical resources, has agreed
to provide the Services on the terms and conditions set forth in this contract at
a contract price of Rs ....... ;

(d) From Purchaser side Mr./Ms...................... ,has been assigned to administer the
Assignment and to provide the Implementing Agency/Agencies with all relevant
information needed to carry out the assignment;

(e) From Agency/Agencies side Mr./Ms. …………………………………... has

been assigned to administer the assignment and to provide all relevant
information regarding the assignment to the Purchaser.

NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

1. The following documents attached hereto shall be deemed to form an integral part of
this Contract:

(a) Letter of Intent

(b) RFP No. ……………………. dated ………………….. and

corrigendum/addendum issued from time to time

(c) Financial Bid submitted by the Agency/Agencies

(d) Queries and Clarifications

(e) Technical Negotiation, if any.

2. ThemutualrightsandobligationsofthePurchaserandtheAgency/Agenciesshallbeassetfort
h in the Contract, in particular:

Page 25
(a) the Agency/Agencies shall carry out the Services by the provisions of the
Contract; and

(b) The Purchaser shall make payments to the Agency/Agencies by the provisions
of the Contract.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Contract to be signed in their
respective names as of the ………………….. day of ………………… month of 2022 first
above written.

For and on behalf of For and on behalf of

Implementing Agency/Agencies (DISTRICT SBM-G)

Name: Name:
Designation: Designation:

Witness 1: Witness 1:

Witness 2: Witness 2:

Page 26
The format for CV is as below:

Position Title and No. {e.g., Project Manager…….}

Name of Expert: {Insert full name}

Date of Birth: {day/month/year}

Country of Citizenship/Residence

Education: {List college/university or other specialized education, certification, training giving names of
educational institutions, dates attended, degree(s)/diploma(s) obtained}

Employment record relevant to the assignment: {Starting with present position, list in reverse order. Please
provide dates, name of employing organization, titles of positions held, types of activities performed and location
of the assignment, and contact information of previous clients and employing organization(s) who can be
contacted for references. Past employment that is not relevant to the assignment does not need to be included.}

Period Employing organization and your Country Summary of activities

title/position. Contact information performed relevant to
for references the Assignment
[e.g., May [e.g., Ministry of ……,
2005- advisor/consultant to…
For references: Tel ............... /e-
mail……; Mr. Hobbs, deputy

Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work):

Contact information: (e-mail………………….,phone ..................... )


I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my
qualifications, and my experience, and I am available as and when necessary to undertake the assignment in case
of an award. I also certify that I have not given my consent & CV to another participating bidder for this project.
I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my disqualification or
dismissal by the Client.


Page 27
Detail of Measurement
Construction of PWMU Unit Shed
S.No. Particulars No. Length width H/Depth Quantity Unit

1 E/W in excavation in trenches for

found. Pipes cable etc. in ordinary
soil i/c lift up to 1.5 m. Lead up to
50 m and dressing of sides and
ramming of bottom and disposal of
surplus excavated earth as
directed by E/I within a lead of
50m. S.I. No. 251
Tin Shed 1 x 14 0.90 0.90 0.90 10.21 cum
1 x 2 15.62 0.60 0.60 11.25 cum
1 x 2 8.32 0.60 0.60 5.99 cum
Total 27.45 cum

2 P/L of cement concrete 1:6:12( 1

cement : 6 fine sand : 12 graded
brick aggregate 40mm nominal
size ) and curing complete i/c cost
of formwork in foundation and
floors as per S.I.No. 273
1 x 16 0.90 0.90 0.15 1.94 cum
1 x 2 15.62 0.60 0.10 1.87 cum
1 x 2 8.32 0.60 0.10 1.00 cum
Floor 1 x 1 14.79 8.69 0.10 12.85 cum
Total 17.67 cum
dedution 1 x 16 0.60 0.60 0.10 0.58 cum
Total 17.09 cum

3 Laying of CC 1:2:4 cement, c/sand

& 20mm S/Ballast mortar i/c all
the complete work
1 x 16 0.90 0.90 0.30 3.89 cum
1 x 16 0.60 0.60 0.30 1.73 cum
1 x 16 0.45 0.45 0.30 0.97 cum
1 x 1 14.79 8.69 0.050 6.43 cum
Total 13.01 cum
4 Providing and laying of Corrugate
G I sheet Roofing i/c all the
complete work (1mm) As per MR
1 x 2 15.25 4.95 150.98 sqm
1 x 1 15.25 0.30 4.58 sqm
Total = 155.56 sqm
5 S/Fixing of mild steel squire
Hollow Pipe
139.7 OD X 3.6MM 1 x 16 3.05 48.80 Rm
1 48.80 Kg
kg/Rm 590.48
50 X 50 X 3MM (SHS) SQUARE
1 x 6 9.15 Rm
2 x 6 4.65 55.80 Rm
6 x 4 0.30 7.20 Rm
6 x 4 0.45 10.80 Rm

Page 28
6 x 4 0.75 18.00 Rm
6 x 4 0.90 21.60 Rm
6 x 6 1.20 43.20 Rm
1 x 6 0.90 5.40 Rm
216.90 Rm
1 216.90 Kg
kg/Rm 952.19
Total = 1542.67 Rm
M/S Iron Plate 4 x 14 0.20 0.20 31.40 70.34 Kg
G. Total 1613.01 Kg
6 M150 Class B/w in 1:6 cement and
c/sand mortor i/c all the complete
work Foundation
2 x 1 15.48 0.46 0.15 2.14 cum
2 x 1 8.46 0.46 0.15 1.17 cum
2 x 1 15.37 0.35 0.15 1.61 cum
2 x 1 8.57 0.35 0.15 0.90 cum
2 x 1 15.25 0.23 0.45 3.16 cum
2 x 1 8.69 0.23 0.45 1.80 cum
Total = 10.77 cum
7 M150 Class B/w in 1:4 cement and
c/sand mortor i/c all the complete
work Super structure
2 x 1 15.25 0.23 1.50 10.52 cum
2 x 1 8.69 0.23 1.50 6.00 cum
Total = 16.52 cum
deduction 1 x 1 3.00 0.23 1.50 1.04 cum
Total = 15.48 cum
8 12mm thick Plaster in 1:4 cement
and f/sand mortor i/c all the
complete work
2 x 1 15.25 1.50 45.75 sqm
2 x 1 9.15 1.50 27.45 sqm
2 x 1 14.79 1.50 44.37 sqm
2 x 1 8.69 1.50 26.07 sqm
Total = 143.64 sqm
deduction 1 x 2 3.00 1.50 9.00 sqm
Total = 134.64 sqm

9 S/o MS Iron Angle Gate 1 x 1 1.00 No

10 Provision for Photography 1 1 Job

Page 29
Consumption of material
. M 150 20mm 40mm
ITEM Qtty Cement C/sand f/sand
N Brick S/B B/B
1 Laying of CC 1:2:4 cement,
c/sand & 20mm S/Ballast
13.01 86.67 5.86 11.71
mortar i/c all the complete

2 P/L of cement concrete

1:6:12( 1 cement : 6 fine
sand : 12 graded brick
aggregate 40mm nominal
17.67 39.93 8.30 17.67
size ) and curing complete
i/c cost of formwork in
foundation and floors as
per S.I.No. 273

3 M150 Class B/w in 1:6

cement and c/sand mortor
10.77 13.57 2.91 4955.58
i/c all the complete work

4 M150 Class B/w in 1:4

cement and c/sand mortor
15.48 28.64 4.18 7120.80
i/c all the complete work
Super structure

5 12mm thick Plaster in 1:4

cement and f/sand mortor 134.64 14.81 2.02
i/c all the complete work

Total = 183.63 12.94 11.71 10.32 17.67
Say = 184.00 12.94 11.71 10.32 17.67
Bag cum No. cum cum cum

Page 30
Bill of quantity
(Material cost)
S.No. Name of Item Qtty Unit

1 S/o cement 184.00 Bag

2 S/o C/sand 12.94 cum
3 S/o f/sand 10.32 cum
4 S/o 40mm B/Ballast 17.67 cum
5 S/o 20mm S/Ballast 11.71 cum
6 Providing and laying of Corrugate G I sheet Roofing i/c all the complete
155.56 sqm
work (1mm) As per MR
7 S/Fixing of mild steel squire Hollow Pipe 1613.01 Kg
8 S/o M150 Brick 12076.00 no.
9 S/o MS Iron Angle Gate 1.00 no.
10 Provision for Photography 1 Job

(Labour cost)
S.No. Name of Item Qtty Unit

E/W in excavation in trenches for found. Pipes cable etc in ordinary soil i/c
lift upto 1.5 m. Lead upto 50 m and dressing of of sides and ramming of 27.45 cum
bottom and disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed by E/I within a
lead of 50m. S.I. No. 251

2 P/L of cement concrete 1:6:12( 1 cement : 6 fine sand : 12 graded brick

aggregate 40mm nominal size ) and curing complete i/c cost of formwork in 17.67 cum
foundation and floors as per S.I.No. 273

Fixing of mild steel circular Hollow Pipe with CC 1:2:4 cement, C/sand & 13.01 cum
20mm S/Ballast Mortar i/c all the complete work.

4 M150 Class B/w in 1:6 cement and c/sand mortor i/c all the complete work
10.77 cum

5 M150 Class B/w in 1:4 cement and c/sand mortor i/c all the complete work
15.48 cum
Super structure

6 12mm thick Plaster in 1:4 cement and f/sand mortor i/c all the complete
134.64 sqm

7 Laying of CC 1:2:4 cement, c/sand & 20mm S/Ballast mortar i/c all the
13.01 cum
complete work

Page 31
Page 32
Page 33
Page 34

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