Rafael ColasMarquez PhdThesisApproved

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Data-Mining and Modelling With

Complex Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Rough Sets:

Algorithms and Applications

By: Supervisor:

Rafael Colas-Marquez Prof. Mahdi Mahfouf

A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

The University of Sheffield

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Automatic Control & Systems Engineering

September 2019

The increasing application of machine learning models in sensitive areas, such as

medicine and manufacturing, without proper knowledge of the inference process
occurring within these models raises serious ethical issues. It is more important than
ever to focus in the development of interpretable and transparent models based on
human intuition. Fuzzy logic represent knowledge utilizing human natural language,
resulting in interpretable and transparent models.

This Thesis focuses on two expansions to the traditional fuzzy set, these are complex
fuzzy sets and fuzzy rough sets. Complex fuzzy sets add context to linguistic variables,
resulting in compact models capable of describing the interaction between features and
outputs as interferences. The developed complex fuzzy inference systems are
demonstrated to be transparent and interpretable with an increase of up to 10% in
prediction accuracy in comparison with state-of-the-art known fuzzy modelling
approaches and up to a 300% reduction in computational time for training. Further
advances are presented for the development of a complex Gaussian membership
function to model uncertainties. Expanding the model to the complex domain present
further advantages, including the application of complex-valued statistics for the
development of a feature selection algorithm. Fuzzy rough sets are implemented for
identifying inconsistencies in datasets. The models and algorithms developed in this
work are applied to four real-world datasets, demonstrating the applicability in different
areas. The first two datasets are material testing datasets obtained from industrial
applications; the third dataset contains the information of a survival analysis performed
in patients suffering from bladder cancer; the fourth dataset describes the critical
temperature of superconductors.


R. Colas-Marquez and M. Mahfouf, “Data Mining and Modelling of Charpy Impact

Energy for Alloy Steels Using Fuzzy Rough Sets,” IFAC-Pap., vol. 50, no. 1, pp.
14970–14975, Jul. 2017.


List of Figures ............................................................................................................... ix
List of Tables .............................................................................................................. xiv
List of Algorithms ......................................................................................................xvii
Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... xviii
Chapter 1 Motivation and Thesis Overview ............................................................... 1
1.1 Motivation and Introduction .......................................................................... 1
1.2 Thesis Overview ............................................................................................ 2
Chapter 2 State of the Art ........................................................................................... 5
2.1 Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic .......................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Fuzzy Membership Functions .................................................................... 7
2.1.2 Fuzzy Logic Operators............................................................................... 7
2.1.3 Fuzzy Rules and Inference ......................................................................... 9
2.2 Fuzzy Inference Systems ............................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Mamdani Fuzzy Inference Systems ......................................................... 10
2.2.2 TSK Fuzzy Inference Systems ................................................................. 11
2.2.3 Single Input Fuzzy Inference Systems ..................................................... 13
2.2.4 Fuzzy Rule-Base Elicitation .................................................................... 15
2.3 Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems .................................................................. 17
2.3.1 Artificial Neural Networks ...................................................................... 17 The Error-Backpropagation Algorithm............................................ 18 Radial Basis Function Networks...................................................... 19
2.3.2 Neuro Fuzzy Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System ..................................... 20
2.3.3 The Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System .......................... 22
2.4 Type-2 Fuzzy Sets........................................................................................ 24
2.5 Rough Sets ................................................................................................... 25
2.5.1 Fuzzy Rough Set Theory ......................................................................... 29


2.6 Complex Fuzzy Sets and Logic ................................................................... 31

2.6.1 Complex Fuzzy Operations...................................................................... 31
2.6.2 Complex Fuzzy Sets With and Without Rotational Invariance ............... 33
2.6.3 Pure Complex Fuzzy Sets ........................................................................ 34 Other Complex Fuzzy Sets .............................................................. 34
2.6.4 Complex Fuzzy Inference Systems.......................................................... 35 The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Complex Inference System ................. 35 The Complex Neuro-Fuzzy System ................................................. 37 The Adaptive Complex Neuro–Fuzzy Inferential System ............... 39
2.7 Interpretability and Transparency ................................................................ 40
2.7.1 Interpretability and Transparency in Fuzzy Inference Systems ............... 41
2.8 Summary ...................................................................................................... 43
Chapter 3 Selected Datasets for Algorithms Validation ........................................... 45
3.1 Brief Overview of Mechanical Properties of Steel ...................................... 45
3.2 Charpy Impact Test ...................................................................................... 45
3.3 Ultimate Tensile Strength ............................................................................ 48
3.4 Bladder Cancer............................................................................................. 50
3.5 Superconductivity ........................................................................................ 52
3.6 Summary ...................................................................................................... 53
Chapter 4 The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model .................... 54
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 54
4.2 The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model ........................ 55
4.2.1 The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Membership Function
................................................................................................................. 57
4.2.2 The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model Architecture ...
.................................................................................................................. 57
4.3 Model Initialization...................................................................................... 60
4.4 Interpretability, Transparency and Knowledge Extraction .......................... 62


4.4.1 Interpretability Concepts and Comparisons with Traditional Fuzzy Rule-

Base Models ......................................................................................................... 62 First Quadrant: Complexity at the Rule-Base Level: ....................... 62 Second Quadrant: Complexity at the Level of Fuzzy Partitions: .... 62 Third Quadrant: Semantics at the Rule-Base Level:........................ 63 Fourth Quadrant Semantics at the Fuzzy Partition Level: ............... 63
4.4.2 Knowledge Representation with the SICFIS Model ................................ 63 Magnitude-Phase Plots..................................................................... 64 Fuzzy Rules-Base Derived From SICFIS ........................................ 64 Vector Partition Plot ........................................................................ 65 Cosine Distance Matrix Plot ............................................................ 66
4.4.3 Example of the Application of the SICFIS to Model Material Properties ...
.................................................................................................................. 66
4.5 Optimization ................................................................................................ 70
4.5.1 Recursive Backpropagation ..................................................................... 71
4.5.2 Batch Backpropagation ............................................................................ 72
4.5.3 Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization ........................................................ 73
4.6 A Faster SICFIS Model ............................................................................... 74
4.6.1 Performance Comparison Between the Normalized-SICFIS and the Fast-
SICFIS.................................................................................................................. 76
4.7 Results .......................................................................................................... 77
4.7.1 Charpy Impact Dataset Results ................................................................ 77
4.7.2 Ultimate Tensile Strength Results ........................................................... 82
4.7.3 Bladder Cancer Results ............................................................................ 85
4.7.4 Superconductivity Results ....................................................................... 90
4.8 Interpretability Analysis: Example of the Charpy Impact Dataset .............. 91
4.9 Summary ...................................................................................................... 94
Chapter 5 The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex
Fuzzy Inference System Consequences ....................................................................... 97


5.1 Introduction and Background ...................................................................... 97

5.2 The ANFIS-SICFIS Model .......................................................................... 98
5.2.1 ANFIS-SICFIS Premises ......................................................................... 99
5.2.2 ANFIS-SICFIS Consequences ............................................................... 101
5.2.3 Real-ANFIS-SICFIS .............................................................................. 103 Real-ANFIS-SICFIS Training ....................................................... 104
5.2.4 Complex-ANFIS-SICFIS ....................................................................... 105 Complex-ANFIS-SICFIS Training ................................................ 107
5.3 Model Evaluation ....................................................................................... 108
5.3.1 Charpy Impact Test Results ................................................................... 112
5.3.2 Tensile Strength Results ........................................................................ 117
5.3.3 Bladder Cancer Results .......................................................................... 120
5.3.4 Superconductivity Results ..................................................................... 124
5.4 Summary .................................................................................................... 125
Chapter 6 Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System .................... 127
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 127
6.2 Development of a Complex Gaussian Membership Function ................... 128
6.2.1 Type-1 Membership Function Equations: Singleton and Gaussian
Membership Functions....................................................................................... 129
6.2.2 Complex Singleton Membership Function ............................................ 130
6.2.3 Complex Gaussian Membership Function ............................................. 132
6.2.4 Interference and Defuzzification............................................................ 134 Defuzzification and Equivalence to Type-1 System ...................... 135
6.3 The Mamdani-Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model ..... 137
6.3.1 Optimization .......................................................................................... 140
6.4 Results ........................................................................................................ 141
6.4.1 Charpy Impact Test ................................................................................ 141
6.4.2 Tensile Strength ..................................................................................... 143
6.4.3 Bladder Cancer....................................................................................... 144


6.4.4 Superconductivity Results ..................................................................... 146

6.5 Charpy Impact Magnitude-Phase Plots Comparison Between SICFIS Models
.................................................................................................................... 146
6.6 Summary .................................................................................................... 148
Chapter 7 Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input
Complex Fuzzy Inference System ............................................................................. 150
7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 150
7.2 Wrapper Method Utilizing the SICFIS Model........................................... 151
7.2.1 Results Wrapper Method Utilizing Fast-SICFIS Model ........................ 153
7.3 Filter Method Utilizing Fuzzy Rough Sets ................................................ 155
7.3.1 Results .................................................................................................... 157
7.4 SICFIS Filter Feature Selection Algorithm. .............................................. 160
7.4.1 Feature Importance Score Based on a Features Magnitude and Rate of
Change. .............................................................................................................. 162
7.4.2 Covariance of Complex-Valued Random Variables.............................. 165
7.4.3 Combined Feature Importance Equation ............................................... 165
7.4.4 Results .................................................................................................... 166
7.5 Results Comparisons.................................................................................. 172
7.6 Superconductivity Results ......................................................................... 174
7.7 Summary .................................................................................................... 176
Chapter 8 Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency Identification and
Modelling ................................................................................................................ 177
8.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 177
8.2 Data Inconsistency Identification .............................................................. 177
8.2.1 Effects of Feature Selection in the Number of Inconsistencies and Feature
Dependency........................................................................................................ 179
8.2.2 Inconsistency Identification in Testing Partition of Dataset Utilizing k-
Nearest Neighbour ............................................................................................. 181
8.3 Effect of Inconsistencies in Performance .................................................. 182


8.4 Multiple Point Prediction for Datasets Containing Inconsistencies .......... 183
8.4.1 Results .................................................................................................... 184
8.5 Data-Mining Utilizing Fuzzy Rough Sets- Application to The Bladder Cancer
Dataset.................................................................................................................... 187
8.6 Summary .................................................................................................... 188
Chapter 9 Conclusions and Future Work ............................................................... 189
9.1 Conclusions ................................................................................................ 189
9.2 Future Work ............................................................................................... 191
References .................................................................................................................. 193

List of Figures

List of Figures
Figure 2.1: Oven temperature example to compare fuzzy sets and crisp sets. .............. 6
Figure 2.2: Gaussian, triangular and singleton membership functions. ......................... 7
Figure 2.3: Two-dimensional grid-partition with three membership function per feature.
.............................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 2.4: Two-dimensional cluster rule-base. .......................................................... 16
Figure 2.5: One hidden layer feedforward ANN. ........................................................ 18
Figure 2.6: Single output RBFN a) weighted sum output and b) weighted average
output. .................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 2.7: ANFIS schematic. ..................................................................................... 23
Figure 2.8: Rough set representation. .......................................................................... 28
Figure 2.9: ANCFIS schematic. ................................................................................... 36
Figure 2.10: ACNFIS schematic. ................................................................................. 39
Figure 3.1: Charpy impact test DBTT curve. .............................................................. 46
Figure 3.2: Charpy Impact partial correlation plot. ..................................................... 48
Figure 3.3: Ultimate Tensile Strength Partial correlation plot. .................................... 50
Figure 3.4: [102] Illustration of right censoring: Patients A and B, outlived the study,
Patient C was lost due to an unrelated event, patient E withdrew from the study.
The records of patient A and F are the only ones not censored as the time of death
from the event of interest occurred within the duration of the study. The recorded
time is equal to the observed time only. In this example patient C last observed
time is 20 months, as the observation period begun at 20 th month and was lost at
the 40th month. ..................................................................................................... 51
Figure 4.1: The SICFIS schematic. .............................................................................. 58
Figure 4.2: (a) Initial grid partition for a feature p. (b) Initial vector assigned to the
output of a rule, with a length equal to  p,s and an phase equal to  p,s . ...... 60
p p

Figure 4.3: Example of a grid partition of a two-dimensional dataset......................... 61

List of Figures

Figure 4.4: Vector partition plot for Carbon (C), Iron (Fe) and the process “X”. ....... 68
Figure 4.5: Cosine distance matrix plot for Carbon (C), Iron (Fe) and the process “X”.
.............................................................................................................................. 69
Figure 4.6: Magnitude Phase plots for Carbon (C), Iron (Fe) and the process “X”. ... 69
Figure 4.7: Resultant vector for high carbon steel, medium carbon steel with process
“X” and high carbon steel with process “X”. ...................................................... 69
Figure 4.8: Charpy recursive backpropagation RMSE at each epoch. ........................ 71
Figure 4.9: Charpy batch backpropagation RMSE at each epoch. .............................. 72
Figure 4.10: Charpy LM RMSE at each epoch............................................................ 73
Figure 4.11: The fast-SICFIS schematic...................................................................... 75
Figure 4.12 Charpy impact dataset, training, checking and testing performance for
different number of epochs for the normalized and fast SICFIS models. ........... 76
Figure 4.13 Charpy impact dataset, training times for the normalized and fast SICFIS
models for different number of epochs. ............................................................... 77
Figure 4.14: Charpy Impact test, results regression plot, normalized-SICFIS model with
6 membership functions partitions per feature..................................................... 80
Figure 4.15: Charpy Impact test, results regression plot, fast-SICFIS model with 5
membership functions partitions per feature........................................................ 81
Figure 4.16: UTS test, results regression plot, normalized-SICFIS model with 6
membership functions partitions per feature........................................................ 83
Figure 4.17: UTS test, results regression plot, fast-SICFIS model with 5 membership
functions partitions per feature. ........................................................................... 84
Figure 4.18: Normalized-SICFIS 2 membership functions ROC curves. ................... 87
Figure 4.19: Normalized-SICFIS 2 membership functions scores scatter plot. .......... 88
Figure 4.20: Fast-SICFIS 4 membership functions ROC curves. ................................ 88
Figure 4.21: Fast-SICFIS 4 membership functions scores scatter Plot. ...................... 89
Figure 4.22: Two-dimensional magnitude and phase scatter plot of results................ 92
Figure 4.23: Charpy impact test magnitude-phase plots.............................................. 92

List of Figures

Figure 5.1 Fuzzy partition coefficient values given different clusters and changing the
fuzzy partition exponent value. .......................................................................... 102
Figure 5.2: The real-ANFIS-SICFIS schematic......................................................... 104
Figure 5.3: The complex-ANFIS-SICFIS schematic. ................................................ 106
Figure 5.4: Real and Complex ANFIS-SICFIS global performance for the three
optimization process given 2,3 and 4 rules. Stacked bar chart. ......................... 111
Figure 5.5: Real and Complex ANFIS-SICFIS local performance for the three
optimization process given 2,3 and 4 rules. Stacked bar chart. ......................... 111
Figure 5.6 Training times for the complex-ANFIS-SICFIS model utilizing the alternate,
consequent and complete parameter optimization method with a varying number
of rules and membership functions (mF). Overlapping bar chart. ..................... 112
Figure 5.7: effect of membership functions to performance. ..................................... 114
Figure 5.8: Charpy Impact complex ANFIS-SICFIS global performance 2 rules. ... 115
Figure 5.9: Charpy Impact complex ANFIS-SICFIS local performance 2 rules. ...... 116
Figure 5.10: Effect of membership functions to performance ................................... 118
Figure 5.11: UTS complex ANFIS-SICFIS global performance 5 rules. .................. 119
Figure 5.12: UTS complex ANFIS-SICFIS local performance 5 rules. .................... 120
Figure 5.13: Bladder cancer ROC curves for the global (a) and local performance (b).
............................................................................................................................ 122
Figure 5.14: Bladder Cancer Global Scores. ............................................................. 123
Figure 5.15: Bladder Cancer Local Scores. ............................................................... 123
Figure 6.1: Two-dimension view of a Gaussian and singleton membership function,
center b=0.5 and  =0.2. ................................................................................... 130
Figure 6.2: Three-dimension view of a singleton membership function, center  =0.5

and a pahse  = 45 ........................................................................................... 131

Figure 6.3: Three-dimension view of a complex Gaussian membership function, center
 =0.5, spread  =0.2 and phase  = 45 ................................................... 134

List of Figures

Figure 6.4: Three-dimension view of a complex Gaussian membership function and the
corresponding real and imaginary projection. Center  =0.5, spread  =0.2 and

phase  = 45 .................................................................................................... 134

Figure 6.5: Three-dimension view of a Gaussian membership function. Center 

=0.5, spread  =0.2 and phase  = 135 . ........................................................ 136

Figure 6.6: Type-1 COG defuzzification Sigma=[0.2,0.3], centres =[-0.7,0.1]. ....... 137
Figure 6.7: complex defuzzification Sigma:[0.2,0.3], centres:[0.7,0.1], angles =
[240,60]. ............................................................................................................. 137
Figure 6.8 Mamdani-SICFIS architecture.................................................................. 138
Figure 6.9: Charpy Mamdani-SICFIS 5 membership Functions (mF) regression plots.
............................................................................................................................ 142
Figure 6.10: UTS Mamdani-SICFIS 4 membership Functions regression plots. ...... 144
Figure 6.11: Bladder Cancer Mamdani-SICFIS 2 membership Functions ROC curves.
............................................................................................................................ 145
Figure 6.12: Bladder Cancer Mamdani-SICFIS 2 membership Functions Scores. ... 146
Figure 6.13: Magnitude-Phase plots for the Mamdani-SICFIS model for Carbon,
Tempering Temperature (T.Temp) and Impact Temperature (Imp. Temp) ...... 147
Figure 6.14: Magnitude-Phase plots for the Normalized-SICFIS model for Carbon,
Tempering Temperature (T.Temp) and Impact Temperature (Imp. Temp) ...... 148
Figure 6.15: Magnitude-Phase plots for the Fast-SICFIS model for Carbon, Tempering
Temperature (T.Temp) and Impact Temperature (Imp. Temp) ......................... 148
Figure 7.1: Charpy Impact Test SICFIS Backward elimination feature selection results.
............................................................................................................................ 154
Figure 7.2: UTS SICFIS Backward elimination feature selection results. ................ 154
Figure 7.3: Bladder Cancer SICFIS Backward elimination feature selection results.
............................................................................................................................ 155
Figure 7.4: Charpy Fuzzy-rough sets Backward elimination feature selection results.
............................................................................................................................ 159

List of Figures

Figure 7.5: UTS Fuzzy-rough sets Backward elimination feature selection results. 159
Figure 7.6:Bladder Cancer Fuzzy-rough sets Backward elimination feature selection
results. ................................................................................................................ 160
Figure 7.7: Charpy Impact Magnitude Phase Plots. .................................................. 161
Figure 7.8: Charpy Impact normalized complex-valued output prediction varying:
Carbon (C), Sulphur (S), Nickel (Ni) and tempering temperature (T. Temp). .. 162
Figure 7.9: Charpy impact test feature histogram. ..................................................... 163
Figure 7.10: Charpy SICFIS-Filter feature selection results. .................................... 168
Figure 7.11: UTS SICFIS-Filter feature selection results. ......................................... 170
Figure 7.12: Bladder Cancer SICFIS-Filter feature selection results. ....................... 171
Figure 7.13: Charpy Results Comparisons between Filter-SICFIS methods, Wrapper-
SICFIS and Fuzzy Rough sets ........................................................................... 173
Figure 7.14: UTS Results Comparisons between Filter-SICFIS methods, Wrapper-
SICFIS and Fuzzy Rough sets ........................................................................... 173
Figure 7.15: Cancer Results Comparisons between Filter-SICFIS methods, Wrapper-
SICFIS and Fuzzy Rough sets ........................................................................... 174
Figure 8.1: Effect of the number of features in Feature Dependency. ....................... 180
Figure 8.2: Effects on the number of inconsistencies given different number of features
and different threshold values. ........................................................................... 180
Figure 8.3: Example of a KNN classification utilizing Euclidean distances. If k=1,5
then test sample will be classified as a circle, if k=3 test sample is classified as
square, tie resolution is problem dependent. ...................................................... 182
Figure 8.4: Effect of inconsistence in Charpy impact prediction (a) and UTS prediction
(b). ...................................................................................................................... 183
Figure 8.5: Charpy Impact test prediction interval for consistent testing partition. .. 186
Figure 8.6: Charpy Impact test prediction interval for inconsistent testing partition.186

List of Tables

List of Tables
Table 2.1 Mamdani FIS rule-base................................................................................ 10
Table 2.2: TSK FIS rule-base. ..................................................................................... 11
Table 2.3: SIRM rule-base. .......................................................................................... 14
Table 2.4: Information table example. ......................................................................... 25
Table 3.1 Charpy Impact Dataset information. ............................................................ 47
Table 3.2: UTS dataset information. ............................................................................ 49
Table 3.3 Bladder Cancer dataset information. ........................................................... 52
Table 4.1: Complex fuzzy rule-base to determine voter turnout in an election. .......... 56
Table 4.2: Example of a SICFIS rule-base. ................................................................. 65
Table 4.3: Example of the derived grid-partition rule-base from the SICFIS rule-base.
.............................................................................................................................. 65
Table 4.4: SICFIS rule-base......................................................................................... 67
Table 4.5: Grid partition rule-base. .............................................................................. 68
Table 4.6: Charpy impact dataset parameter grid. ....................................................... 78
Table 4.7 Charpy Impact Normalized-SICFIS Results Summary. .............................. 78
Table 4.8: Charpy Impact Fast-SICFIS Results Summary. ......................................... 78
Table 4.9: Charpy Impact SICFIS Best Results........................................................... 79
Table 4.10 Charpy Impact Results Comparison. ......................................................... 79
Table 4.11: Charpy Impact, initial FIS and training computation times in seconds. ... 81
Table 4.12: UTS parameter grid. ................................................................................. 82
Table 4.13: UTS normalized-SICFIS UTS results summary....................................... 82
Table 4.14: UTS fast-SICFIS UTS results summary. .................................................. 83
Table 4.15: UTS Normalized and Fast SICFIS UTS Best Results. ............................. 84
Table 4.16: UTS results comparison. ........................................................................... 85
Table 4.17: Bladder Cancer Parameter Grid. ............................................................... 86
Table 4.18 Normalized-SICFIS Bladder Cancer Results Summary. ........................... 86
Table 4.19: Fast-SICFIS Bladder Cancer Results Summary. ...................................... 86

List of Tables

Table 4.20:Normalized and Fast SICFIS Bladder Cancer Best Results. ..................... 87
Table 4.21: Bladder Cancer Results Comparison. ....................................................... 87
Table 4.22: Normalized-SICFIS 2 membership functions Confusion Matrix. ............ 89
Table 4.23: Fast-SICFIS Confusion 4 membership functions Matrix. ........................ 89
Table 5.1: ANFIS-SICFIS Rule-base. ......................................................................... 99
Table 5.2: Parameter grid search. .............................................................................. 110
Table 5.3: Parameter grid search for the Charpy impact test. .................................... 113
Table 5.4: Charpy Mean RMSE results given different number of rules. ................. 113
Table 5.5: Charpy Standard deviation results given different number of rules. ........ 113
Table 5.6: Charpy Best results given different number of rules. ............................... 115
Table 5.7: Charpy results comparison. ...................................................................... 116
Table 5.8: UTS mean of results given different number of rules. ............................. 117
Table 5.9: UTS standard deviation of results given different number of rules. ......... 117
Table 5.10: UTS Best results given different number of rules. ................................. 118
Table 5.11: UTS result comparisons .......................................................................... 118
Table 5.12: Parameter grid search for the Bladder Cancer dataset. ........................... 121
Table 5.13: Bladder Cancer Mean results. ................................................................. 121
Table 5.14: Bladder Cancer standard deviation results. ............................................ 121
Table 5.15: Bladder Cancer best results given a number of rules and membership
functions............................................................................................................. 122
Table 5.16 Bladder Cancer Results Comparison. ...................................................... 122
Table 6.1 Complex and Type-1 defuzzification ........................................................ 136
Table 6.2: Mamdani SICFIS rule-base ...................................................................... 138
Table 6.3: Charpy impact Mamdani-SICFIS parameter grid..................................... 141
Table 6.4: Charpy Impact Mamdani-SICFIS Results Summary. .............................. 141
Table 6.5: Charpy Impact Mamdani-SICFIS Best Results. ....................................... 142
Table 6.6: UTS Mamdani-SICFIS parameter grid..................................................... 143
Table 6.7: UTS Mamdani-SICFIS results summary. ................................................. 143
Table 6.8: UTS Mamdani-SICFIS best results. ......................................................... 143

List of Tables

Table 6.9: Bladder Cancer Mamdani-SICFIS parameter grid. .................................. 145

Table 6.10: Bladder Cancer Mamdani-SICFIS results summary. ............................. 145
Table 6.11: Bladder Cancer Mamdani-SICFIS best results. ...................................... 145
Table 6.12: Charpy impact normalized, fast and Mamdani-SICFIS best results given 5
membership functions (mF). .............................................................................. 147
Table 7.1: SICFIS Wrapper method for feature selection results. ............................. 153
Table 7.2: Fuzzy Rough set feature selection Charpy dataset variables eliminated at
each iteration ...................................................................................................... 157
Table 7.3: Fuzzy Rough set feature selection UTS dataset variables eliminated at each
iteration .............................................................................................................. 158
Table 7.4: Fuzzy Rough Sets feature selection Cancer dataset features eliminated at
each iteration ...................................................................................................... 158
Table 7.5: Charpy Normalized-SICFIS filter method for feature selection results. .. 167
Table 7.6: Charpy Fast-SICFIS filter method for feature selection results. .............. 167
Table 7.7: UTS Normalized-SICFIS filter method for feature selection results. ...... 169
Table 7.8: UTS Fast-SICFIS filter method for feature selection results.................... 169
Table 7.9: Bladder Cancer Normalized-SICFIS filter method for feature selection
results. ................................................................................................................ 170
Table 7.10: Bladder Cancer Fast-SICFIS filter method for feature selection results.171
Table 7.11: Computation time comparison between the different datasets and methods
measured in seconds (s). .................................................................................... 174
Table 8.1: Inconsistencies in the Charpy Impact Dataset .......................................... 178
Table 8.2: Dataset Feature Dependency .................................................................... 179
Table 8.3: Accuracy varying the number of features and the number of k neighbours
............................................................................................................................ 182
Table 8.4: Mean absolute prediction difference between the prediction interval for the
consistent and inconsistent partitions................................................................. 185
Table 8.5: Cancer dataset comparison Consistent dataset ......................................... 187

List of Algorithms

List of Algorithms
Algorithm 4.1: SICFIS initialization............................................................................ 61
Algorithm 4.2: Levenberg-Marquardt optimization .................................................... 74
Algorithm 5.1 Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm ................................................. 100
Algorithm 5.2: Local Performance Evaluation .......................................................... 109
Algorithm 7.1: Backward elimination algorithm. ...................................................... 152
Algorithm 7.2: Forward selection algorithm. ............................................................ 152
Algorithm 8.1: Data selection for training M SICFIS models to perform the multiple
point prediction. ................................................................................................. 185


ACNFIS Adaptive Complex Neuro Fuzzy Inferential System

AI Artificial Intelligence

ANCFIS Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Complex Inference System

ANN Artificial Neural Networks

AUC Area under the curve

CFIS Complex Fuzzy inference System

CFL Complex Fuzzy Logic

CFS Complex Fuzzy Set

CNFS Complex Neuro Fuzzy System

COG Center Of Gravity

DBTT Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature

FCM Fuzzy C-Means

FIS Fuzzy Inference System

GA Genetic Algorithm

GPU Graphic Processing Unit

IT2-Squared Interval Type-2 Takagi Sugeno Kang Fuzzy Inference System

KNN K-Nearest Neighbour

LM Levenberg-Marquardt

LoR Logistic Regression


MOIT2FM Multi- Objective Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Modelling

PC Partial Correlation

Q Quadrant

RBFN Radial Basis Function Network

RMSE Root Mean Squared Error

ROC Receiver Operating Characteristic

SD Standard Deviation

SIC Single Input Connected

SICFIS Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

SIRM Single Input Rule Module

s-norm triangular conorm

t-conorm triangular conorm

t-norm triangular norm

TSK Takagi-Sugeno-Kang

UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength

Chapter 1
Motivation and Thesis Overview

Chapter 1
Motivation and Thesis Overview

1.1 Motivation and Introduction

The development and the application of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence
(AI) models have increased significantly in the last decade. With the application of such
algorithms to high impact areas such as medical diagnosis and manufacturing it is
important to develop accurate but also interpretable models based on human intuition.

The increased availability of high computing power has made feasible to develop
complex machine learning models capable of surpassing human performance in certain
applications, such is the case with deep Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) [1]. Many
of these algorithms are being deployed in sensitive areas such as medicine [2] and
finance [3]. The problem with such complex machine learning algorithms remains the
inability of interpreting the inference process of black-box models. In recent years The
European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation included a section known as the
“right to explanation”, these laws may have a serious impact in the accountability of
companies and industries that use machine learning and AI algorithms, potentially
leading to the development of laws requiring the utilization of interpretable machine
learning models or the development of tools to interpret the inference process of black-
box models [4].

Fuzzy logic was developed with the intention to model human reasoning [5]. Fuzzy
Inference Systems (FIS) are AI models capable of describing a system utilizing a rule-
base composed of linguistic variables [6]. Compared with black-box models, FISs are

Chapter 1
Motivation and Thesis Overview

known to be transparent and interpretable given the approximation with human natural
language. The transparency of a FIS assures the applicability of the model within a
range of operations, while the interpretability allows the model to be validated by
experts and allows to extract valuable information from a dataset to derive conclusions
and make decisions [7].

The objective of this Thesis is to develop transparent, interpretable and accurate

fuzzy logic models. For this work, two expansions to the fuzzy set are studied, these
being, Complex Fuzzy Sets (CFS) [8] and fuzzy rough sets [9]. CFSs expand the
traditional fuzzy set into the complex domain, allowing to embed concepts such as
context and time. Fuzzy rough sets allow the representation of information within two
approximations to model uncertainty, vagueness and inconsistencies in the data.

The models and tools developed are implemented using four different real-world
datasets. The first two are industrial datasets, containing information of two common
material testing, Charpy impact test, and Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) one. The
third dataset is a medical dataset obtained from a survival study of patients suffering
from bladder cancer. The fourth dataset describes the critical temperature of

Each one of the datasets studied in this work present different challenges. Applying
the tools developed on such different datasets demonstrates its generalization properties
and the possibilities to expand the application of such tools to other areas.

1.2 Thesis Overview

Chapter 2 contains the literature review surveyed in this work. A brief overview of
fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets is provided, followed by a review of the different types of
FISs, including neuro-FIS. New advances in the expansion of the fuzzy sets are later

Chapter 1
Motivation and Thesis Overview

introduced, including the rough sets and CFS, the focus of this work. The chapter is
finalized by presenting an overview of interpretability.

Chapter 3 include detailed information regarding the four datasets studied in this
Thesis. The first two are material testing datasets obtained from a Charpy impact and a
UTS testing. The third dataset is a survival study performed on patients suffering from
bladder cancer. The fourth dataset contains information related to the critical
temperature of superconductors.

Chapter 4 introduces the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System (SICFIS).
The SICFIS is a single feature partition per rule FIS. The concept of interference is
exploited to represent the complex interaction between features and outputs. The
SICIFIS model is proved to be transparent and interpretable, with a performance
superior to state-of-the-art fuzzy models.

Chapter 5 improves the known Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
model by substituting the linear regression consequents with SICFISs models. The
ANFIS-SICFIS therefore becomes a global model composed of local interpretable
SICFISs, results obtained are comparable with ensemble-ANN and evolutionary ANN
models. The interpretability of the model is assessed by using a local-global
performance index.

Chapter 6 introduces a complex Gaussian membership function for the development

of a Mamdani-SICFIS model. The Mamdani-SICFIS is a linguistic interpretable
complex FIS capable of developing models with uncertainties present in the datasets.

Chapter 7 presents the development of a filter method for feature selection based on
the SICFIS model developed in Chapter 4. The results obtained are comparable with
known feature selection algorithms with a considerable reduced computing time.

Chapter 1
Motivation and Thesis Overview

In Chapter 8 fuzzy rough sets are utilized for data-mining applications in the Charpy
impact test dataset and the Bladder Cancer dataset. Fuzzy rough sets offers a novel tool
to obtain deeper insight in the datasets and extract valuable information for developing
prediction models.

Chapter 9 presents the conclusions and the future work in the field of complex FIS.

Chapter 2
State of the Art

Chapter 2
State of the Art

2.1 Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic were developed by Zadeh in [5] to model and
approximate human reasoning. Fuzzy sets have a continuum grade of membership
between 0 and 1, which allows the representation of vagueness and uncertainty in
human natural language and in real world objects. While traditional sets classify objects
with an absolute membership value of either belonging or not belonging to a class (truth
or false; 1 or 0) statements such as “the oven is hot” are not intuitively represented as
either completely truth or false. For example, an oven at a temperature of 160° degrees
can be considered as “hot”, or even “very hot”, another oven with a temperature of 175°
may considered to be between “hot” and “very hot”. Traditional logic is not capable of
representing such statement as intuitively as fuzzy logic. Because of the continuum
degrees of membership, it is possible to define “soft” boundaries between classes,
allowing for an intuitive transition between class membership and the changes in a
feature. In contrast with traditional logic which can be considered as having “hard”
boundaries, small changes in a feature could mean complete change in a class
membership, for example, an oven whose temperature changes from 174° to 176°
would change from class membership “hot” to “very hot” instantly.

A graphical representation of the oven example from the previous paragraph is

shown in Figure 2.1. The class membership assigned to each one of the values is
performed by a mathematical function defined as fuzzy membership function, defined

Chapter 2
State of the Art

Definition 1: Fuzzy membership function [10]:

If X is a collection of objects denoted generically by x, then a fuzzy set A in U is
defined as a set of ordered pairs:

A = ( x,  A ( x) ) x U  (2.1)

where A ( x) is called the membership function for the fuzzy set A. The membership
function maps each element of U to a membership grade (or membership value)
between 0 and 1. The set U is usually referred to as the universe of discourse.

Figure 2.1: Oven temperature example to compare fuzzy sets and crisp sets.

Chapter 2
State of the Art

2.1.1 Fuzzy Membership Functions

In the example shown in Figure 2.1 a Gaussian membership function (2.2) is utilized.
Other examples of membership functions are the singleton membership function (2.4),
and the triangular membership function (2.3) among others. A graphical representation
of the Gaussian, triangular and singleton membership functions is shown in Figure 2.2.
 2

1 x −c 
Gaussian membership function :  A ( x, c,  ) = exp  −    (2.2)
 2   
   
  x−a c− x 
Triangular membership function :  A ( x, a, b, c) = max  min  , ,0 (2.3)
  b −a c −b  

1 if x = b
Singleton membership function :  A ( x, b) =  (2.4)
0 if x  b

Figure 2.2: Gaussian, triangular and singleton membership functions.

2.1.2 Fuzzy Logic Operators

Just as in traditional logic and set theory, fuzzy logic utilizes logic operators to
perform a diverse number of operations. Given two fuzzy sets A and B, the fuzzy
intersection and union are as follows:

Chapter 2
State of the Art

AB = A ( x)  B ( x) (2.5)

AB = A (x)  B ( x) (2.6)

where  and  are known as triangular norms (t-norm) and triangular conorm (t-
conorm or s-norm) operations respectively defined below:

Definition 2: T-norm [10].

A t-norm operator is a binary operation satisfying, monotonicity, commutativity and
associativity axioms and whose boundaries are as follows:

t-norm(a,0) = 0 (2.7)
t-norm(a,1) = a (2.8)

Definition 3: T-Conorm [10].

A t-conorm operator is a binary operation satisfying, monotonicity, commutativity
and associativity axioms and whose boundaries are as follows:

t-conorm(a,0) = a (2.9)
t-conorm(a,1) = 1 (2.10)

Some common t-norm operations are the minimum t-norm (2.11), and the product
t-norm (2.12). Some common s-norm operations are the maximum s-norm (2.13) and
the probabilistic sum (2.14).

Minimumt-norm: AB = min(A , b ) (2.11)

Product t-norm: AB = A  b (2.12)

Maximums-norm: AB = max(A , b ) (2.13)

Probabilistic sum s-norm: AB = A + B − A  B (2.14)

Chapter 2
State of the Art

2.1.3 Fuzzy Rules and Inference

Fuzzy rules are logical statements composed of linguistic variables of the following
if x is AThen y is B (2.15)

where A and B are fuzzy linguistic variables represented by fuzzy membership

functions, usually referred to as the premise, and the consequence respectively. Fuzzy
rules, given its proximity to human reasoning, is the main method of representing
information in fuzzy logic. In the fuzzy rule (2.15) the mathematical operation where if
x is A implies that y is B is called the implication and is as follows:

A→B = A ( x)  B ( x) (2.16)

where  is a t-norm.

2.2 Fuzzy Inference Systems

FISs are models created to represent the behaviour of a real-world system utilizing
a rule-base composed of the aggregation of fuzzy rules of the form (2.15) [11]. FISs
are known to be universal approximators, capable of approximating any continuous
function within a level of accuracy [12]. Additionally, FISs are transparent and
interpretable due to its intuitive linguistic modelling. This makes them useful for
modelling, representing and extracting knowledge.

The two main FISs types are Mamdani and Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK). The
Mamdani FIS utilize linguistic variables for both the premise and the consequences of
the rule-base. TSK FISs, utilize linguistic variables for its premises but consequences
are expressed utilizing a function, usually, a linear regression model [13].

Chapter 2
State of the Art

2.2.1 Mamdani Fuzzy Inference Systems

The Mamdani FIS is known to be highly interpretable due to its approximation to

human natural language and expressing values utilizing linguistic variables for both its
premises and consequences. An example of a Mamdani FIS rule-base is shown in Table
2.1. The stages of inference in a Mamdani FIS are: fuzzification, rule firing strength,
inference, rule aggregation and defuzzification. Given R rules and P features a
Mamdani FIS can be represented as a 5 layered system as follows:

Table 2.1 Mamdani FIS rule-base

If x1 is A1,1 And/Or x1 is A1,1 And/Or … xP is AP,1 Then y1 = 1Q
If x1 is A1,2 And/Or x2 is A2,2 And/Or … xP is AP,2 Then y2 = 2Q

If x1 is A1,R And/Or x3 is A3,R And/Or … xP is AP, R Then yR = RQ

The first layer fuzzifies a crisp input utilizing a fuzzy membership function.

Or1, p = r , p ( xp ) (2.17)

The second layer calculates the rule firing strength of each rule according to the logic
operation stated in the rule-base, for an “And” logical operator a t-norm (  ) function
is selected, in the case of the “Or” operator an s-norm (  ) function is utilized:

Or2 = wr = r ,1  /  r ,2  /  r , p−1  /  r , p (2.18)

The third layer is the inference layer which is calculated utilizing a t-norm function.

Or3 = yrQ = wr  rQ (2.19)

Chapter 2
State of the Art

The fourth layer aggregates the output of the fourth layer utilizing an s-norm

O 4 = y Q = y1Q  y2Q   yRQ−1  yRQ (2.20)

For the final layer, it is necessary to defuzzified the output of the fifth layer. Several
functions have been proposed. The one explored in this work is the center of gravity
(COG) defuzzification which is as follows:

 k  y (k )i i

yˆ = i =1
 y (k )
i =1

where ki is variable with strictly increasing values within the specified range.

2.2.2 TSK Fuzzy Inference Systems

The TSK FIS was designed to model the dynamical behaviour of systems [14],
utilizing an ensemble of local linear models. The premise of the rule-base creates a
partition in the feature space, where each rule represents a local linear model of the
described system. The soft boundaries between the rules allows to model a smooth
transition between each of the local linear models in order to create an accurate and
interpretable non-linear model [13]. An example of a rule-base system of TSK is shown
in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2: TSK FIS rule-base.

If x1 is A1,1 And/Or … xP is AP,1 Then y1 = f 1 (x) = x1b11 + x1b21 + ... + xpb1p + b01
If x1 is A1,2 And/Or … xP is AP,2 Then y2 = f 2 (x) = x1b12 + x1b22 + ... + xpbp2 + b02

If x1 is A1,R And/Or … xP is AP, R Then yR = f R (x) = x1b1R + x1b2R + ... + xpbpR + b0R

Chapter 2
State of the Art

The overall structure of the TSK rule-base is very similar to that of the Mamdani
FIS. The stages of inference in a TSK FIS are: fuzzification, rule firing strength,
inference and rule aggregation. The consequences of the TSK are linear functions
therefore the output of each rule is a crisp quantity and does not require de-fuzzification.
The TSK FIS can be described as a 5-layered system as follows:

The first layer fuzzifies a crisp input utilizing a fuzzy membership function.

Or1, p = r , p ( xp ) (2.22)

The second layer calculates the rule firing strength of each rule according to the logic
operation stated in the rule-base, for an “And” and “Or” logical operator a t-norm (  )
and a s-norm (  ) functions are selected respectively.

Or2 = wr = r ,1  /  r ,2  /  r , p−1  /  r , p (2.23)

The third layer performs a rule normalization operation.

Or3 = wr =  R
r =1
r =1

The fourth layer performs the rule inference operation utilizing a t-norm.

Or4 = yr = wr  ( x1b1r + x1b2r + ... + xPbPr + b0r ) (2.25)

Chapter 2
State of the Art

The final layer aggregates each of the inferred rules utilizing an s-norm. Because the
linear function utilized as the output of the rules in the TSK FIS, it is not necessary to
perform a defuzzification operation.

O5 = yˆ = y1  y2   yR−1  yR (2.26)

The lack of linguistic variable in the consequences of the rule-base cause the TSK
FIS to be less interpretable than Mamdani FIS. The loss in interpretability is
compensated by an increase in prediction accuracy and a reduction in computational

2.2.3 Single Input Fuzzy Inference Systems

The FISs rule-bases explored so far are composed of a series of statements connected
with AND-OR operations. Single input FISs rules are composed of a single premise per
rule. These systems can describe the individual effect of a feature to the output. Two
common single-input FIS are the Single Input Rule Modules (SIRM’s) Connected
Fuzzy Inference Model [15] and the Single Input Connected (SIC) fuzzy inference
method [16].

The SIRM’s Connected Fuzzy Inference Model was proposed in [15] to solve the
problem of combinatorial rule explosion by creating rules composed of a single premise
and a single consequent. Given P features and sp partitions per feature, the SIRMs rule-
base is as follows:

Chapter 2
State of the Art

Table 2.3: SIRM rule-base.

SIRM1,1 =  if x1 =A1,1 then y1,1 =b1,1
SIRM1,2 =  if x1 =A1,2 then y1,2 =b1,2 

SIRM1, S p = if x1 =A1, S p then y1,S p =b1, S p 
SIRM2,1 =  if x2 =A2,1 then y2,1 =b2,1

SIRM P , S p = if xP =A P , S p then yP ,S P =bP , S p 
The inference process of the SIRM is as follows. Each feature p is partitioned into
s p partitions, the membership function of each partition is calculated utilizing a
selected membership function, from the rule-base in Table 2.3 this membership
function is as follows:

 p , s = Ap , s ( x p )
p p

The inference of each feature is then calculated utilizing the normalized rule strength
of the feature partitions as follows:


s p =1
p,s p   p,s p
yp = Sp
s p =1
p,s p

The final output of the system is calculated as the weighted sum of the features
inferences, the weight parameter wp is selected to give the relative importance of each

feature, the parameter can be selected initially from expert knowledge.

f ( x) =  w p y p (2.29)
p =1

Chapter 2
State of the Art

For the SIC fuzzy inference method utilizes the same rule-base described in Table
2.3, the main difference lies with the system output and inference process, instead of
utilizing a weighted sum, it utilizes the normalized rule strength of the feature partitions
and the features, the system output can be modelled as follows:

P Sp

p =1 s p =1
p,s p   p,s p
f ( x) = P Sp
p =1 s p =1
p,s p

The simple structure of the SIRM and the SIC fuzzy inference methods are
computationally efficient given the low number of operations.

2.2.4 Fuzzy Rule-Base Elicitation

The rule-base which composes a FIS can be created utilizing different methods. The
utilization of expert knowledge to derive a FIS is the earliest example of rule-base
elicitation [6]. The rule-base is created based on the expert knowledge of a process.
With simpler process these rule-bases can create accurate and reliable models.
Nowadays is more common to develop rule-bases automatically utilizing a dataset or
an information system containing the relevant information required to model a system
[13]. Some of the most common methods are grid-partition and cluster base methods.

Grid partition methods are among the earlier FIS automatic rule-base elicitation
methods. The features and outputs are divided into partitions creating a grid. The rule-
base is composed of a combination of every feature partition and output. These number
of rules grows exponentially with the addition of features and partitions, creating what
is known as combinatorial rule explosion [17]. An example of a two-dimensional
partition is shown in Figure 2.3. To solve the problem of combinatorial rule explosion,

Chapter 2
State of the Art

different techniques have been developed; most commonly rule-bases are developed
from data clusters or granules that produce more accurate and compact models.

Figure 2.3: Two-dimensional grid-partition with three membership function per


Cluster base methods utilize input and output data from a system or process to
identify patterns, each cluster results in the formation of a rule, the size and shape of
the membership function are calculated based on the geometry of each one of the
clusters or granules obtained from the data, an example of cluster-based rule elicitation
is shown in Figure 2.4. Two commonly used clustering algorithms are the Fuzzy C-
Means (FCM) clustering algorithm [18]–[23] and the subtractive clustering algorithm
[24]. Other alternatives to create initial rule-base based on the input/output information
is the utilization of information granulation algorithms[25], [26] and hierarchical
clustering [27].

Figure 2.4: Two-dimensional cluster rule-base.

Chapter 2
State of the Art

2.3 Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems

Eliciting a rule-base utilizing any of the methods previously described does not
necessary guarantee an optimal performance of the FIS. In order to improve the
performance, it is required to perform a “fine tuning” on the system parameters, such
as changing the shape and position of the membership functions. A manual tuning of
these rules may become intractable as the complexity increases. In order to tune
automatically the parameters of a FIS it is necessary to either utilize global optimization
methods such as genetic algorithms (GA) [28] or to implement learning techniques
utilized in ANN defined as neuro-FIS [29].

The ANN is a black-box machine learning model known to be universal

approximation [30]. On the one hand the main drawback of utilizing any type of black-
box models in applications is the lack of transparency. On the other hand neuro-FIS
combine the learning capabilities of ANN and the interpretability and transparency of
fuzzy logic [29]. Additionally neuro-FIS are also known to be universal approximators

2.3.1 Artificial Neural Networks

The ANN is a mathematical model inspired by the behaviour of neurons in the

human brain. The network consists of the arrangement of artificial neurons called
perceptron’s in different layers to achieve a nonlinear mapping between inputs and
outputs. The simplest type is the single-layer feedforward ANN. In a feedforward ANN
the information flows in a single direction. In Figure 2.5 a feedforward ANN with a
single hidden layer is shown. The mathematical equation is as follows:[32]

 K  P  
y ( x, w) =   wk2k   w1kp x p + w01  + w02  (2.31)
 k =1 
  p =1  

Chapter 2
State of the Art

Figure 2.5: One hidden layer feedforward ANN.

where P represents the number of features, K the number of neurons in the hidden
layer,  represents the activation function, a common activation function is the
sigmoidal function (2.32). The W parameters are called the weights of the ANN, and
the w0 ’s are defined as the bias. These W parameters are usually calculated utilizing a

gradient based optimization algorithm in order to minimize an objective function. The

most common optimization method is the error-backpropagation algorithm [33].

 (a) = (2.32)
1 + e( − a ) The Error-Backpropagation Algorithm

The error-backpropagation algorithm is a gradient-based optimization algorithm

implemented in ANN and neuro-FIS to update the parameters of a model and improve

Chapter 2
State of the Art

the performance based on an objective function. The objective function utilized in the
error-backpropagation is the sum of squared errors:

E= ( yˆ − y )

where ŷ is the estimated output of a model and y is the real output. The weights
and biases of the ANN are updated according to:

wt +1 = wt −E(wt ) (2.34)

where w is the vector containing the weights of the ANN, E(w) is the gradient
of the objective function with respect of the weights and  is the step size.

 E E E 
E (w t ) =   (2.35)
 w1 w2 wN  Radial Basis Function Networks

Radial basis function networks (RBFN) are a type of ANN with a single hidden layer
and the selected activation function is a Gaussian (2.36). While activation functions,
such as the sigmoidal function, are supposed to activate the neuron once a threshold is
met, RBFN respond to inputs located in certain regions in the feature space.

 2

1  xi − ci 
i = exp  −    (2.36)
 2  i  
   

Chapter 2
State of the Art

Figure 2.6: Single output RBFN a) weighted sum output and b) weighted average

The output of the RBFN can be either a weighted sum (2.37) (Figure 2.6 (a)) or a
weighted average (2.38) (Figure 2.6 (b)). The similarities between the weighted average
RBFN and the Mamdani FIS are evident, in the following section it will be
demonstrated that both can be functional equivalent given certain conditions.

f (xi ) =  brr (xi ) =  br wr (2.37)
r =1 r =1

brr (xi ) R
br wr
f ( xi ) =  R
= R
r =1
  (x )
i =1
r i
i =1
i =1

2.3.2 Neuro Fuzzy Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System

The Mamdani FIS can be functionally equivalent to RBFN under certain conditions
[34][35]. The first condition is the selection of a fuzzy Gaussian membership function
for the premises. The second condition is to select the algebraic product as the t-norm
operation for the calculation the rule firing strength and the implication. The third
condition is to aggregate the rules utilizing an algebraic sum operation. Finally by

Chapter 2
State of the Art

selecting a singleton membership function (2.4) for the consequents of the rules and
selecting the COG defuzzification method results in a function equivalent to the
weighted average of the RBFN activation functions outputs (2.38). It is important to
note that the algebraic-sum is not an s-norm, such modification result in greater
computationally efficiency [10] and in a functional equivalence to the RBFN.

The Mamdani FIS with singleton defuzzification can be described as a four layered
system. The first layer fuzzifies the input (2.39), the second layer calculates the rule
firing strength (2.40), the fourth layer calculates the inference (2.41). The final layer
defuzzified the input utilizing the COG method (2.42).

 1  x − c 2 
O 1
= r , p = exp  −  r , p r , p   (2.39)
 2   r , p  
r, p

 
O = wr =  r , p
r (2.40)
p =1

Or3 = wr  br (2.41)
br  wr
Or4 =  R
r =1
r =1

The backpropagation algorithm can be utilized for adjusting the singleton

membership function position br , the spread  r , p ,and centre cr , p of the Gaussian

membership function. The partial derivatives of the objective function (2.33) with
respect to the b, and c parameters are as follows:

E w (x)
= ( yˆ − y ) R r (2.43)
b r

 wr (x) r =1

Chapter 2
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 ( x − c )2 
E br − yˆ
= ( yˆ − y ) R wr ( x)  
p r, p
 r , p  ( )3 
 wr (x)
r =1
 r, p 

 x −c 
E br − yˆ
= ( yˆ − y ) R wr ( x)  p r ,2p  (2.45)
cr , p  ( ) 
 wr (x)
r =1
 r, p 

2.3.3 The Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System

The ANFIS model is based on the TSK FIS [10]. Rules are composed of premises
whose membership function usually is selected to be a Gaussian, it utilizes the product
t-norm for the conjunction and implication operations and utilizes the algebraic sum for
aggregating rules.

The ANFIS model can be described as a five-layered system as shown in Figure 2.7.
The first layer fuzzifies the input (2.46), the second layer calculates the firing strength
(2.47). The third layer performs a rule normalization operation (2.48). The fourth layer
calculates the inference (2.49). The fifth layer aggregates the rules with the algebraic
sum operation (2.50).
 1  x − c 2 
O 1
= r , p = exp  −  r , p r , p   (2.46)
 2   r , p  
r, p

 
Or2 = wr =  r , p (2.47)
p =1

Or3 = wr = R
r =1

Or4 = wr ( br ,0 + br ,1 x1 + br , P xP ) = wr g r (x) (2.49)

O5 =  wr g r (x) (2.50)
r =1

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Figure 2.7: ANFIS schematic.

What differentiates the ANFIS from the TSK model is the application of a hybrid
learning method. The premises parameters (  ,c ) are optimized utilizing the

backpropagation algorithm while the consequence parameters ( b1,0 bR,P ) are

optimized utilizing a linear least-squares error method. The output of the fifth layer is
a weighted sum of the output of a linear regression model (2.50). Therefore, by treating
the normalized fired rule strength wr as a constant, it is possible to perform a linear

least squares optimization as follows:

 b1,0 
b 
 1,1 
 w1 w1 x11 w1 x1P w2 w2 x11 wR x1P   
 2   
 w1 w1 x1 w1 xP2 w2 w2 x12 wR xP2   b1, P 
 b2,0  (2.51)
 
   
 w1 w1 x1 wR xPN   b2,1 
w1 xPN w2 w2 x1N
  
 
bR , P 

b* = ( T  ) T y

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where  is called the design matrix, and N represents the number of instances in
the dataset. The hybrid optimization algorithm alternates the training at each step of the
premise parameters σ and c ,and the consequent parameters b .

2.4 Type-2 Fuzzy Sets

Type-2 fuzzy sets where originally proposed by Zadeh in [36]. In a type-2

membership function, each value of its membership is a type-1 fuzzy set, as shown in
Figure 2.8, this increases the ability of a fuzzy membership function to model

The development of a type-2 fuzzy inference system represents several challenges,

mainly due to the computational requirements for modelling and performing operations
in type-2 fuzzy membership functions [37]. To overcome these limitations, interval
type-2 fuzzy sets and membership function were developed [37]. An interval type-2
fuzzy sets is composed of an upper and a lower type-1 fuzzy membership function,
representing the region between the membership functions as the footprint of
uncertainty as shown in Figure 2.8 a and b. This allows to model uncertainties while
reducing the computational requirements of type-2 fuzzy inference systems.

Figure 2.8: Type-2 Gaussian membership function

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(a) (b)
Figure 2.9: (a) Interval type-2 Gaussian membership function. (b) Interval type-2
Gaussian membership function and

Type-2 and interval type-2 fuzzy inference systems have been applied to a wide
range of fields, including control [38], healthcare [39], and metallurgy [40].

2.5 Rough Sets

Rough sets were developed by Pawlak in [41] to model vagueness and uncertainty.
A rough set is composed of two approximations: a lower approximation that contains
all the objects that certainly belong to a class and an upper approximation that contains
all the objects that may or may not belong to a class. An example of an information
table is shown in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4: Information table example.

Object Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Output
1 A C B 1
2 A C B 0
3 B A C 0
4 B A A 1
5 A A C 0
6 B A A 1

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In an information system given any subset D of P conditional features

indiscernibility is assessed as follows [41]:

IND(D) = {( x, y) U 2 | d  D, d (x) = d ( y)} (2.53)

Therefore, two objects are indiscernible if they contain the same feature values, for
the features in D. For example in the information system shown in Table 2.4 the
indiscernible objects of the following subsets D1 = {Feature1, Feature 2, Feature 3} ,

D2 = {Feature1, Feature 2} and D3 = {Feature 3} are as follows:

IND(D1 ) = {{1,2},{3,5},{4,6}} (2.54)

IND(D2 ) = {{1,2},{3,4,6},{5}} (2.55)

IND(D3 ) = {{1,2},{3,5},{4,6}} (2.56)

Indiscernible objects are treated as a single information granule and represented by

a set [x]p.- The lower and upper approximation are respectively:

PX = {x |[ x]p  X } (2.57)

PX = {x | [ x] p  X  } (2.58)

The tuple PX , PX is defined as the Rough set. A graphical representation of a rough

sets is shown in Figure 2.10.

The positive, negative and boundary regions of a rough set given two sets of
attributes P and Q are as follows:

POS P (Q) = PX (2.59)

X U / Q

Chapter 2
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NEGP (Q) = U − PX (2.60)

X U / Q

BNDP (Q) = PX − PX (2.61)

X U / Q X U / Q

The positive region contains all the objects of U that can be classified to a class
U / Q given the information contained in the attributes P. The boundary region contains
the set of objects that can’t be classified with absolute certainty, and the negative region
contains the objects that certainly cannot be classified. In the example shown in Table
2.4, the positive regions of D1, D2 and D3 given Q = Output are as follows:

POS D1 (Q) = {{4, 6},{3,5}} (2.62)

1 0

POS D2 (Q) = {{},{5}} (2.63)

1 0

POS D3 (Q) = {{4, 6},{3,5}} (2.64)

1 0

From the Positive region of D1 instances {1,2} do not form part of any class, the
reason for this is the conflict in the output Q, it is not possible to determine whether a
such feature values would determine a precise output, therefore instances {1,2} are
considered inconsistent. From D2 it is seen a decrease in the size of the sets. That is
because the removal of features, especially Feature 3, makes it impossible to discern
between objects and to classify the output appropriately. Additionally, it is seen from
the results, that D3 contains the same number of objects in its positive region as D1. The
feature dependency can be measured as follows:

 D (Q) = (2.65)

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The feature dependency is a measure of how well a set of features can describe the
output. For the subsets D1, D2 and D3 from the example of Table 2.4 the feature
dependency is the following:

{3, 4,5, 6}
 D (Q) = = 0.6666 (2.66)
{1, 2,3, 4,5, 6}

 D (Q) = = 0.1666 (2.67)
{1, 2,3, 4,5, 6}

{3, 4,5, 6}
 D (Q) = = 0.6666 (2.68)
{1, 2,3, 4,5, 6}

Figure 2.10: Rough set representation.

Rough sets were applied for a diverse number of applications such as knowledge
discovery [42] and clustering [43]. Where rough sets have been most successfully
applied has been in the development of feature selection algorithms [44]–[47]. Rough
sets suffer from the limitation of being only applicable to qualitative datasets, thus
limiting its applicability considerably given that most real-world datasets are composed
of mixed valued data. To solve this problem, the development of fuzzy-rough sets

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hybrids were developed [9]. Fuzzy rough sets are capable of modelling mixed datasets
given the continuous degree of membership of fuzzy sets.

2.5.1 Fuzzy Rough Set Theory

The fuzzy rough sets hybrids were initially proposed by Dubois and Prade in [9], the
method consists of developing fuzzy partitions in the dataset. The fuzzy rough lower
and upper approximations are estimated as follows:

 PX ( Fi ) = inf x max 1 −  F , ( x),  X ( x)


 PX ( Fi ) = sup x max  F , ( x),  X ( x)


where Fi is a fuzzy equivalence class and X ( x) denotes the degree to which x

belongs to fuzzy equivalence class X [30]. The main drawback with Dubois and Prade’s
fuzzy rough sets is the exponential increase in computations required with the addition
of features and fuzzy partitions. An alternative fuzzy-rough set elicitation method was
introduced by Radzikowska and Kerre in [48]. Instead of measuring the indiscernibility
relationship between objects a measure of their similarity is calculated using a fuzzy
tolerance relationship, RP . The fuzzy-rough lower and upper approximations are as

 R X ( x) = inf I (  R ( x, y ),  X (y)) (2.71)
P yU P

 R X ( x) = sup T (  R ( x, y),  X ( y))


 R ( x, y ) = { R (x, y)}

P p

where T is a t-norm, and I is a fuzzy implicator. Rp is a similarity measure between

objects x and y for a feature p. Jensen and Chen [49] proposed the application of the

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Łukasiewicz t-norm (2.74) , the Łukasiewicz implicator (2.75) and proposed the
following fuzzy similarity relations (2.76)-(2.78).

T = ( max ( x + y −1,0)) (2.74)

I = ( min (1− x + y,1)) (2.75)

 ( p( x) − p( y)) 2 
 R ( x, y) = exp  −  (2.76)
p  2 2
 p 
p( x) − p( y )
 R ( x, y ) = 1 − (2.77)
pmax − pmin

  p ( y ) − ( p ( x) −  p ) ( p ( x) +  p ) + p ( y )  
 R p ( x, y ) = max  min  ,   (2.78)
  p ( x) − ( p ( x) −  p ) ( p ( x) +  p ) + p ( x)  
  

where  p2 is the variance of feature p.

The positive region and feature dependency of a fuzzy-rough sets are calculated as

 POS RP (Q ) ( X ) = sup  RP X ( x) (2.79)

X U / Q

 p (Q) =
 xU
POS RP ( Q )
( x)

Rough set theory and fuzzy rough set theory have been implemented successfully in
different fields such as in pattern recognition [45], attribute selection [44], [45], [47],
[49]–[52], rule induction [53], classification [47], [54] and knowledge discovery [42],

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2.6 Complex Fuzzy Sets and Logic

CFS theory was first developed by Ramot et al. [8] [55]. A CFS S in a universe of
discourse U is defined as follows:

S ( x) = rS e j ( x)

where j = −1 , rS and S are the magnitude and the phase of the CFS respectively.

While traditional type-1 fuzzy sets lie within the interval [0,1] the CFS lies within a

unit circle. The magnitude rS represents a type-1 fuzzy sets and the phase S is a
relative quantity that assigns the “context”. This makes the type-1 fuzzy set a special
case of the CFS when all phases are equal to zero.

2.6.1 Complex Fuzzy Operations

According to [8] [55], the magnitude and the phase of the CFS are two separate
identities, and therefore the operations applied to one should not affect the other. In the
case for the complex fuzzy union and intersection, given two complex membership
functions A and B, the resultant membership function of the union operation A  B and
intersection operation A  B is given as follows:

AB ( x) = rA ( x)  rB ( x)  e j AB ( x )


AB ( x) = rA ( x)  rB ( x)  e j

AB ( x )

where  represents any t-conorm function and  represents any t-norm function.
The following equations (2.84)-(2.90) are proposed for both the union and intersection
of the phase [8], [55]:

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AB = A + B (2.84)

AB = max (A , B ) (2.85)

AB = min (A , B ) (2.86)

AB = A − B (2.87)

 r  r
 A B =  A A B (2.88)
B rB  rA
rA  A + rB  B
 AB = (2.89)
rA + rB
 A + B
 A B = (2.90)

The characteristic operator of the CFS is the complex fuzzy aggregator which is also
called vector aggregation [8] [55]. CFSs are composed of a magnitude and a phase,
therefore CFSs exhibit “wave-like” properties, when two or more CFS are aggregated
the magnitude of the resultant vector will depend on the phase alignment of the CFSs.
The definition of the complex fuzzy aggregation [55] is as follows:

Definition 4 [55]: Let A1, A2 ,..., An be CFS defined on the universe of discourse U.

vector aggregation on A1, A2 ,..., An is defined by a function v as follows:

   
v : a a , a 1 → b b , b 1 (2.91)

The function v produces an aggregate fuzzy set A by operating on the membership

grades of A1, A2 ,..., An for each x U . For all x U , v is given by:

 A ( x) = v (  A ( x),  A ( x),...,  A ( x) ) =  wi  A

1 2 n i
i =1

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 
With wi  a a  , a  1 for all i, and 
i =1
wi = 1 .

The definition of the vector aggregator operation is intended to be as general as

possible and the calculation of the complex weights wi are problem-dependent [55].

For the implication operator, the proposed function is the algebraic product (2.93).

A→B ( x, y) = A ( x)  B ( y) (2.93)


rA→B ( x, y) = rA ( x)  rB ( y) (2.94)

A→B ( x, y) = A ( x) + B ( y) (2.95)

2.6.2 Complex Fuzzy Sets With and Without Rotational Invariance

The magnitude and the phase of the CFS proposed in [8] and [55] have separate
identities, and the operations performed on one should not have an effect on the other.
Dick [56] defines this CFS as one “with rotational invariance”. A rotational invariant
CFS has several limitations, and most importantly, Dick demonstrates that “the
algebraic product cannot be used as a conjunction operation” [57]. in a rotational
invariant CFS, even though Ramot et al. utilizes the product function as implication
[56], [57]. To resolve these limitations Dick proposes a CFS “without rotational
invariance” based on vector logic, where the magnitude and phase are not separate
identities. Dick proves that in a CFS without rotational invariance the algebraic product
can be used as a conjunction operation [56], [57].

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2.6.3 Pure Complex Fuzzy Sets

Tamir [58] expands the original idea of CFS devised by Ramot et al. [8] [55] and
proposes a “pure CFS”. The rotational invariant CFS only conveys the fuzzy
information in the magnitude, in a pure CFS both the magnitude and the phase convey
the fuzzy information; the pure CFS can be alternatively represented in rectangular
form. In a pure CFS either the real or the imaginary part (alternatively the magnitude
and the phase) represents a fuzzy set, while the other represents a fuzzy class. Fuzzy
classes [59] are sets of fuzzy sets, therefore a pure CFS represents the membership of
an object in a fuzzy class and a fuzzy set. Other Complex Fuzzy Sets

The field of CFS and logic is relatively new, and more research and applications are
being developed. With that a whole new development of different CFS, including those
based in Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy sets [60], which include the Pythagorean fuzzy
sets [61], and the complex intuitionistic fuzzy sets [62]. Complex neutrosophic sets
have also been proposed [63].

In [64] the authors make a comparison between the CFS and a type-2 fuzzy sets,
among their conclusions, it is of importance to denote the following:

1) The CFS conveys an extra dimension of information while a type-2 fuzzy set is
used to represent uncertainty.

2) In 3 dimensions a type-2 fuzzy sets represent a surface while the CFS represents
a trajectory.

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Additional work on type-2 and interval valued complex fuzzy sets can also be found
in [65]–[67]. A comprehensive review of the state of the art of CFS can be found in

2.6.4 Complex Fuzzy Inference Systems

Complex fuzzy inference systems (CFISs) are a set of FIS based on the CFS with
rotational invariance proposed by Ramot et al. in [8] and the CFS without rotational
invariance proposed by Dick in [56]. These CFISs are not to be confused with complex
valued fuzzy inference systems which are not based on CFS but are based on either
complex fuzzy numbers or the application of complex valued information in the FIS
[68]–[72]. The CFISs developed so far are the Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Complex
Inference System (ANCFIS) [73], the Complex Neuro Fuzzy System (CNFS) [74], and
the Adaptive Complex Neuro Fuzzy Inferential System (ACNFIS) [75]. The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Complex Inference System

The first CFIS developed was the ANCFIS [73]. The ANCFIS is a six-layered
system (Figure 2.11) based on the ANFIS architecture [76] designed specifically to
model time series data utilizing CFSs without rotational invariance [56]. Compared
with most FIS the ANCFIS utilizes a sinusoidal membership function; It is known from
the Fourier theorem that any periodic function can be approximated with a series of
sums of sines and cosines, therefore it is proposed in [73] a sinusoidal membership
function to capture the most important frequencies and model the approximate periodic
behaviour of an input window.

The sinusoidal membership function is as follows:

rs ( ) = d sin(a + b) + c (2.96)

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where, r and  are the magnitude and phase of the CFS respectively, the parameters
a, b, c and d modify the frequency, phase shift, vertical shift and amplitude respectively.


ayer 1 ayer ayer ayer 4 ayer 5 ayer

Figure 2.11: ANCFIS schematic.

The first layer of the ANCFIS convolves an input window time series dataset. The
second layer calculates the firing strength of the rules utilizing the algebraic product.
The third layer normalizes the firing strength, during normalization only the magnitudes
of the CFSs are normalized and the phases are left unchanged. The fourth layer is an
additional layer not present in the ANFIS model, called the rule interference layer,
instead of utilizing the vector aggregation proposed by Ramot et al., the interferences
are created by applying a dot product between the rules; the output of the fourth layer
is a real valued scalar. The fifth layer calculates the consequent parameters and
multiplies the output of the fourth layer. The sixth layer is the output layer where the
scalar output of each rule are summed.

The ANCFIS model utilizes an input window instead of delayed inputs; this reduces
the number of rules to the number of input windows creating a compact FIS. The
parameters are optimized utilizing a hybrid optimization algorithm, for the forward pass
a least squares algorithm is used to update the consequences, the backward pass utilizes
a combination of complex back propagation [77] and derivative free optimization to
update the premise parameters.

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State of the Art

Variations on the ANCFIS input type, architecture and operations have been
explored throughout its development and the author encourages the reader to research
the work done for the ANCFIS model.

The ANCFIS model has been applied to different datasets: The Wolfer sunspot
numbers [73], [78], [79], the Mackey-Glass 17 [73], [78], the Santa Fe laser dataset
[73], [78], stellar brightness [78], wave heights [78], [79], Photovoltaic power dataset
[80]. The ANCFIS has also been implemented successfully in modelling multivariate
time series, such as a Motel monthly occupancy [81] [82], Flour monthly price[81],
[82] Monthly precipitation in different areas in Tennessee [81], [82], and NASDAQ
[82]. A variation on the training algorithm to incorporate extreme learning machines
was applied to four different software reliability growth datasets [83] . The reported
results obtained from the ANCFIS are comparable with other models while maintaining
a compact model, utilizing in some circumstances fewer than 3 rules to model complex
datasets and chaotic time series. The Complex Neuro-Fuzzy System

The CNFS is based on the ANFIS architecture [76] and CFSs with rotational
invariance [8], the system utilizes a complex Gaussian membership function. A hybrid
learning algorithm is applied for the training which consists of a least squares algorithm
for consequences and a derivative free optimization algorithm for the premises. The
model output is a complex number with a real and imaginary part, defined as the dual
output property. The real part is generally used as the final output of the system, with
the dual output property is explored in [84] and [85].

Two different types of complex Gaussian membership function are utilized. Initially
in [86]–[88] the membership function used is the Gaussian membership function
represented in rectangular form:

Chapter 2
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 −(h − m)2  −(h − m)  −(h − m)2 

cGauss = exp   + j exp   (2.97)
 2 2 2  2
2 2
 

In subsequent papers [84], [85], [89], the complex Gaussian membership function is
modified to add a term  called the frequency factor which multiplies the phase of the
membership function, and the polar representation is utilized:

cGaussian( x) = rS e jS ( x) (2.98)

  x−c  

rs ( x, c,  ) = exp  −0.5    (2.99)

    

  h − m   h − m 

s ( x, c,  ,  ) = − exp  −0.5    2  (2.100)

       

The first layer of the CNFS calculates the value of the complex membership utilizing
either (2.97) or (2.98). The second layer calculates the firing strengths according to
(2.83) utilizing the product operation of the magnitudes and the addition operation for
the phases (2.84). The third layer normalizes the whole complex number. The fourth
layer calculates the linear consequences and multiplies the normalized weights from the
third layer. The fifth layer calculates the output by summing the signals of the network,
the real part is used as the final output. The imaginary part can also be used as an output
in certain circumstances.

CNFSs have been applied for function approximation [74], noise cancelling [86],
time series prediction [87], [89], knowledge discovery [88]. The dual output property
is explored in [84] for financial purposes to calculate both the opening and closings of

Chapter 2
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the NASDAQ and in another instance to calculate simultaneously the TAIEX index and
the Dow Jones with the real and the imaginary part of the complex output. The Adaptive Complex Neuro–Fuzzy Inferential System

The ACNFIS [75] is a 5 layer FIS (Figure 2.12) based on the ANFIS model [76] and
utilized a CFS with rotational invariance [8]. The ACNFIS utilizes two Gaussian
functions as the magnitude and phase membership function, because “a complex valued
function cannot be both analytical and bounded unless is a constant” [75], the complex
membership function utilizes two real valued functions to bound the complex
membership within the unit circle. The complex membership function is as follows:

  x−c 
    x−c 
 ( x) = exp  − 
    2 exp  −  Pj
  (2.101)
  aA       aP   
  j      j  

where A is the magnitude and P is the phase.




ayer 1 ayer ayer ayer 4 ayer 5

Figure 2.12: ACNFIS schematic.

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The first layer of the system calculates the complex membership function according
to (2.101). The second layer calculates the firing strengths according to (2.83) utilizing
the product operation of the magnitudes and the addition operation for the phases (2.84)
, utilizing the product operation of the magnitudes and the addition operation for the
phases. The third layer normalizes the magnitude of the complex number. The fourth
layer calculates the linear consequences, in the ACNFIS two linear consequences per
rule are calculated, one for the real part and one for the imaginary part. The real part is
utilized as the final output. The system utilizes a Levenberg-Marquardt (LM)
optimization algorithm for training.

2.7 Interpretability and Transparency

Interpretability and transparency are subjective properties of models which

definition varies from different sources. According to Mencar and Fanelli [90]
Transparency is a property of a system to represent the relationship between features
and output variables, interpretability is a subjective property related to the
representation and transmission of knowledge trough symbols and characters (e.g.
linguistic variables and rules of a fuzzy system) [90].

For Lipton [91] the interpretability of a model can be composed of two main
properties, transparency and post-hoc explanations. Transparency is the property of a
model to explain how a model works, by its entirety and its individual components.
Post-hoc explanations relate to the representation of information to extract knowledge
about a process.

Other authors consider interpretability and transparency not to be closely related

properties. In [92] the author considers all FIS to be interpretable given its proximity to
natural language, while transparency is a property that measures the reliability and
robustness of a model.

Chapter 2
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2.7.1 Interpretability and Transparency in Fuzzy Inference Systems

The main advantage of utilizing FIS over others is the interpretability and
transparency that fuzzy logic provides. Good performance and generalization properties
have been shown, with the additional advantage already explained in previous section
of soft boundaries. There exists no clear mathematical definition of interpretability and
transparency, regardless a few guidelines [93], and measurements [7], [93]–[96] can be
taken into consideration to better develop interpretable and transparent FISs.

In [93], the authors develop a taxonomy to classify the proposed interpretability

measures and techniques to improve interpretability in linguistic (Mamdani) rule-base
FIS (Table 2.5). These sets of measures and techniques are grouped into a double helix
“complexity versus sematic interpretability” and “rule-base versus fuzzy partition”. The
four quadrants (Q) are Q1 Complexity at the rule-base level, Q2 Complexity at the level
of fuzzy partitions, Q3 Semantics at the rule-base level, Q4 Semantics at the fuzzy
partition level.

The first quadrant relates to the number of rules and the number of conditions per
rule. Maintaining a parsimonious model is essential to be interpretable. It is known in
psychology that humans struggle processing more than seven information objects. In
[97] the number of information objects that a human can process was found to be 7  2
. Therefore, it is important to maintain rule-base systems with no more than 9 premises
per rule [93].

The second quadrant relates to the number of features and the number of
membership functions per feature. The limit of humans to process information was
mentioned in the previous paragraph [93].

Chapter 2
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The third quadrant relates to the consistency of a rule-base, and the number of rules
fired at the same time. A rule-base is considered consistent when there are no
contradictory rules [93].

The fourth quadrant is related to the completeness, normalization and

distinguishability of the membership functions describing the FIS. Completeness is a
property in which given any combination of feature values at least one rule is fired, that
requires that for any feature the universe of discourse is covered by at least a
membership function value greater than 0. A membership function is considered normal
when its maximum value is equal to 1. Distinguishability relates to the ability of a
human to properly distinguish between the membership functions, this requires for the
membership functions to be properly separated between each other, with little overlap
between the membership functions partitions of a rule or feature [93].

For TSK FISs interpretability is considerably reduced given that the consequents of
the rule-base are composed of linear regression models and not linguistic variables. The
TSK FIS is a local linear model, linear regression models are transparent, given that it
is possible to assess the impact of each feature on the output, these same properties
allows to for the models to be interpretable to some extent. Therefore, a TSK FIS can
be locally interpretable. In order to maintain the interpretability of the TSK FIS some
authors have developed learning algorithms to maintain a local -global performance
[98], [99].

Table 2.5: Taxonomy To Classify Interpretability [93].

Rule base level Fuzzy partition level
Complexity-based (Q1) Complexity at the rule- (Q2) Complexity at the fuzzy
interpretability base level. partition level.
Semantic-based (Q3) Semantics at the rule-base (Q4) Semantics at the fuzzy
interpretability level. partition level.

Chapter 2
State of the Art

2.8 Summary

Fuzzy sets and logic were developed to model the complexity and vagueness of
human natural language [5]. Fuzzy statements are arranged in the form of if-then rules,
capable of modelling natural phenomena intuitively. This arrangement of if-then rules
is defined as a FIS. The two main type of FIS are Mamdani [6] and TSK [14]; Mamdani
FIS are more interpretable given it only utilizes linguistic variables to form its rule-
base. TSK are more accurate, given its consequences are composed of linear functions.

The rule-base of a FIS can be generated manually utilizing expert knowledge or

automatically, by generating either a grid-partition of the dataset or applying clustering
algorithms. The number of rules in a grid-partition method increase exponentially with
the addition of features and partitions. Clustering algorithms solve this problem by
creating a partition in the feature space instead.

The performance of FIS can be further enhanced by applying learning algorithms

utilized in ANN. These neuro-FISs merge the prediction accuracy of ANN and the
interpretability of fuzzy logic. A special type of ANN called the RBFN can be
functionally equivalent to a Mamdani FIS given certain conditions [34].

To model different phenomena several expansions to the type-1 fuzzy set have been
developed, these include, fuzzy rough sets and CFS. Rough sets are composed of two
approximations to represent the possible membership of an object, fuzzy rough sets
expand the applicability of rough sets to add vagueness and soft boundaries to
membership values. CFS add context and time to linguistic variables.

So far only three CFISs have been developed to date, these are the ANCFIS [73],
CNFIS [74] and ACNFIS [75]. Results obtained from these CFISs are comparable with
other known FISs such as RBFN and ANFIS. The ANCFIS was designed for time series

Chapter 2
State of the Art

prediction, compared with most FIS, the ANCFIS utilize a sinusoidal membership
function, the rule interference is performed by a dot product operation. Both the CNFIS
and ACNFIS neglect, for the most part, the effect and meaning of the imaginary
component of the CFS, furthermore neglecting the effect of the rule interference
operation. None of the CFISs developed to date address the problem of interpretability.

Interpretability is a property of FIS given its proximity to human natural language.

Transparency and interpretability are related but do not mean the same [90]. A
mathematical definition of interpretability does not exist, but rather a set of guidelines
can be implemented to evaluate the interpretability of a FIS [93].

Chapter 3
Selected Datasets for Algorithms Validation

Chapter 3
Selected Datasets for Algorithms Validation

The models elicited in this work will utilize four real world datasets. The first two
are industrial datasets obtained from material testing. The third is a dataset obtained
from a clinical study. The fourth is publicly available dataset.

3.1 Brief Overview of Mechanical Properties of Steel

Metallurgy is a branch of material sciences that studies the behaviour metals. The
field of metallurgy is divided into two main branches, ferrous-metallurgy and
nonferrous metallurgy. Ferrous metals are those metals whose main alloying element
is iron. Among them, one of the most important alloys is steel whose main components
are iron and carbon [100].

Metals are composed of microscopic crystal grains. Crystals are classified according
to the arrangement of the atoms composing them. Iron, the main component of steel,
can take three different structures, ferrite, austenite or martensite. The macrostructural
properties of steel rely on the microscopic structure and arrangement of these crystals.
The production, treatments and addition of alloying elements to steel change the
structure and arrangements of the crystals changing its properties [100].

3.2 Charpy Impact Test

The Charpy impact test is used to measure the fracture energy absorbed by a
material. A sample is placed in the Charpy impact test machine where a pendulum
strikes the sample and fractures it, registering the loss of potential energy of the

Chapter 3
Selected Datasets for Algorithms Validation

pendulum as the energy absorbed by the material [101]. To facilitate a fracture, samples
are machined to add a notch which creates a triaxial state of stress in the centre of the
sample [101]. The resistance to fracture is called “notch toughness” [101]. Fractures
can be classified as ductile or brittle, ductile fractures are associated with a higher
absorption of energy compared with brittle ones [102].

The body-cantered cubic lattice structure, characteristic of iron at low temperature

and present in plain carbon and low-alloy steels causes the material to become brittle at
low temperatures, therefore it is observed a reduced fracture energy at those
temperatures. To characterize the change from ductile to brittle fracture the Charpy
impact test is performed at different temperatures. The obtained measurements are used
to calculate the Charpy impact energy curves. These curves have an “S” shape as shown
in Figure 3.1. The temperature range at which the materials exhibit brittle and ductile
fracture are called the lower and upper shelf region respectively, the temperature of the
transition region is called the Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT) [103].

Figure 3.1: Charpy impact test DBTT curve.

The Charpy impact test presents a difficulties for modelling mainly due to the scatter
in measurements [104] and the amount of inconsistencies [105], inconsistencies are

Chapter 3
Selected Datasets for Algorithms Validation

related to samples with the same or similar feature parameters and different outputs.
The inconsistencies present in the dataset are attributed to features not measured in the
dataset. Features, such as grain size and other micro-scale material properties, are time
consuming and/or expensive to measure [106] and therefore it is not uncommon for
these variables not to be found in the datasets.

The Charpy impact dataset utilized in this work consist of 1661 records, 16 features
and one output which corresponds to the measured Charpy impact energy, a summary
of the dataset information is shown in Table 3.1. Additionally, a partial correlation plot
is shown in Figure 3.2.

Table 3.1 Charpy Impact Dataset information.

Continuous Variables Mean Median Range
Test Dept 20.8 12.7 5.5-146.05
Sample size 172.49 155 11-381
C 0.3942 0.42 0.13-0.52
Si 0.2548 0.25 0.11-0.38
Mn 0.8409 0.82 0.41-1.75
S 0.0167 0.019 0.0008-0.052
Cr 1.0752 1.08 0.11-3.25
Mo 0.2394 0.23 0.02-0.98
Ni 0.3683 0.2 0.03-4.21
Al 0.027 0.026 0.003-0.047
V 0.0077 0.005 0.001-0.26
Hardening Temperature 864.02 860 810-980
Tempering Temperature 647.19 650 190-730
Impact Temperature -5.7869 -10 -53 - 23
Charpy Energy 89.642 89.333 3.46-245.33
Categorical variables Number of categories
Site 3
Cooling Medium 5

The effects of materials alloying, and processing are highly-nonlinear, therefore

from the partial correlation plot only a few conclusions can be made such as the effect
of Carbon, Tempering and Impact Temperature. The effect of Carbon in steel is well
known, an increase percentage of carbon increases its strength and its brittleness.
Tempering is a heat treatment process in which a material is heated at certain

Chapter 3
Selected Datasets for Algorithms Validation

temperature and then cooled at a controlled temperature; tempering increases the

ductility of ferrous materials.

The addition of other alloys and process are harder to measure and quantify, some
alloys such Chromium and Nickel are added to a material to increase its resistance to
corrosion, and therefore it is important to understand the relationship to perform a cost-
benefit analysis or a trade-off between different desired material properties.

Figure 3.2: Charpy Impact partial correlation plot.

3.3 Ultimate Tensile Strength

The UTS is common measure of a material strength. In order to measure the UTS a
sample is placed in a tensile test machine which applies a load at a constant speed, the
deformation and required force is measured and the data is used to obtain stress-strain

Chapter 3
Selected Datasets for Algorithms Validation

curves. The UTS is defined as the maximum engineering stress and corresponds to the
maximum stress measured in a stress-strain curve [101].

The UTS dataset consists of 3760 records, 15 features and one output which
correspond to the UTS value. The characteristics of the dataset are shown in Table 3.2.
Additionally 12 data points are used for validation, these 12 data points are outliers and
therefore used to validate the generalization properties of a model [40].

Table 3.2: UTS dataset information.

Continuous Variables Mean Median Range
Test Depth 16.08 12.7 4-140
Sample Size 156.93 150 8-381
C 0.3902 0.41 0.12-0.62
Si 0.2546 0.25 0.11-0.35
Mn 0.7524 0.73 0.35-1.72
S 0.021 0.023 0.0005-0.21
Cr 1.053 1.07 0.05-3.46
Mo 0.2631 0.23 0.01-1
Ni 0.8039 0.25 0.02-4.16
Al 0.036 0.027 0.005-1.08
V 0.0075 0.005 0.001-0.27
Hardening Temperature 856.81 850 820-980
Tempering Temperature 604.18 610 170-730
UTS 932.09 912.9 516.2-1842
Categorical variables Number of Categories
Site 6
Cooling Medium 3

The partial correlation plot is shown in Figure 3.3. From the partial correlation plot,
similarly to the Charpy impact test, only a few conclusions can be drawn given the
nonlinear relationship between alloying elements, process and material properties. It is
well known that while the content of carbon increases its brittleness, it does increase its
strength as well. Tempering increases the ductility of a carbon steel while decreasing

Chapter 3
Selected Datasets for Algorithms Validation

Figure 3.3: Ultimate Tensile Strength Partial correlation plot.

3.4 Bladder Cancer

Patients diagnosed with cancer are often given an estimate of the risk of
death/relapse from the disease. The risk estimation is based on the lifetime expectancy
after the diagnose, a common practice is to classify as high risk of mortality patients
whose death may occur within the next 5 years, and low risk those patients whose life
expectancy is superior to 5 years [40].

Such estimations are usually made by medical professionals, more recently

prediction models are being used to assist in the diagnosis. Eliciting prediction models
for medical purposes is considered a challenging task due to the presence of “censored
data” [107]. In medical studies is common for patients to withdraw before completion,
for the patients to die due to unrelated events, or for the patients to outlive the period
of observation, when such circumstances occur, the records are marked as “right

Chapter 3
Selected Datasets for Algorithms Validation

censored” [107]. An example of the records and censoring is shown in Figure 3.4. The
branch of statistics that studies time-to-event data is called survival analysis.

The dataset consists of the records obtained from 2918 patients who suffer from
bladder cancer; the dataset contains 16 features and 1 output, which corresponds to time
of death or last observed time. Out of the 2918 patients records, 613 are marked as non-
censored. The dataset used in this work consists of the non-censored records as well as
those right censored records whose last-observed time surpassed the threshold of 60
months. The resulting dataset consists of the records of 1581 patients. A summary of
the dataset is shown in Table 3.3.

Figure 3.4: [39] Illustration of right censoring: Patients A and B, outlived the study,
Patient C was lost due to an unrelated event, patient E withdrew from the study. The
records of patient A and F are the only ones not censored as the time of death from the
event of interest occurred within the duration of the study. The recorded time is equal
to the observed time only. In this example patient C last observed time is 20 months,
as the observation period begun at 20th month and was lost at the 40th month.

Patients whose last observed time is superior to 0 months are labelled as “1”, while
non-censored patients whose last observed time is below the 60-month threshold are

Chapter 3
Selected Datasets for Algorithms Validation

labelled as “0”. This is a simple solution that does not require application of survival
analysis methods [108], which are out of the scope of this work. The dataset will be
utilized as a least square problem.

Table 3.3 Bladder Cancer dataset information.

Continuous Variables Median Mean Range
Age (years) 72.7 71.6 21.3–101
Stage 4.03 4.02 0.00–9.00
Urothelium 2 3.42 0.00–6.00
Nodes detail 4 3.94 0.00–4.00
Categorical Variables Values Number of Patients Percentage
Sex Male 2129 0.7296
Female 789 0.2704
Tumour grade Good 736 0.2522
Moderate 956 0.3276
Poor 1226 0.4202
Squamous No 2789 0.9558
Yes 129 0.0445
CIS Present No 2548 0.8732
Yes 370 0.1268
SPB Solid 492 0.1686
Papillary 1856 0.6361
Both 570 0.1953
Vascular invasion No 2701 0.9256
Yes 217 0.0744
Muscle invasion No 816 0.2796
Yes 2102 0.7204
Cystectomy No 2886 0.989
Yes 32 0.011
Radiotherapy No 2854 0.9781
Yes 64 0.0219

3.5 Superconductivity

Superconductors are materials known to have near zero resistance when their
temperature is bellow a critical temperature [109]. The superconductivity dataset
consists of 21263 instances, 80 features and 1 output which corresponds to the critical
temperature of such semiconductors [109], [110].

Chapter 3
Selected Datasets for Algorithms Validation

3.6 Summary

A brief overview of the datasets explored on this work has been presented, each
dataset present different challenges. The partial correlation plots for the Charpy impact
test and UTS were able to describe, certain behaviour that has been well understood in
material science. It is clear the limitations of utilizing linear statistical methods for
knowledge extraction.

The Bladder cancer dataset present difficulties given the number of censored data
present in clinical studies. A modelling approach is presented that do not require the
application of statistical survival analysis tools, allowing to model the dataset utilizing
a least squares algorithm.

The super conductivity dataset contains a large number of features and instances,
therefore the results obtained would validate the application of the developed
algorithms for large datasets.

Given the known difficulties of modelling the Charpy impact test dataset, this set
will be analysed and tested in greater detail in comparison with the other datasets to
demonstrate the capabilities of the models and tools developed.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

4.1 Introduction

Complex Fuzzy Logic (CFL) and CFSs expand the traditional type-1 fuzzy sets and
logic to the unit circle. CFS and logic was initially developed by Ramot et al. who
proposed the utilization of CFS to model periodic data [8] [55].

Most of the developed CFIS so far have explored the ability to represent approximate
periodic data with CFS and have produced highly accurate results. Regardless of the
achievements of these CFIS, the problem of interpretability has not been fully addressed

According to Ramot et al. [55] the development of a CFL should retain the properties
of traditional fuzzy logic and benefit from the use of complex numbers; the authors
point out to the following properties: 1) The framework should handle numerical data
and linguistic knowledge. 2) CFL system must remain simple and intuitive. 3) Rules
should be fired in parallel for efficiency [55].

The proposed Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System (SICFIS) model was
developed in accordance with these three requirements. In order to create an
interpretable CFIS the structure needs to remain as simple as possible: the SICFIS
model represent a single-feature-partition-per-rule CFIS where the premises are
composed of type-1 fuzzy Gaussian membership functions and the consequences are
complex fuzzy singleton membership functions. This simple structure allows the user

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

to identify the relationship between features partitions based on the phase difference of
the consequences, additionally the system is capable of handling continuous,
categorical and linguistic data.

The simple structure of the SICFIS presents several advantages: 1. The number of
parameters grows linearly with the number of features in the dataset. 2. The
combinatorial rule explosion problem is avoided. 3. It is not necessary to execute a
clustering algorithm or the assistance of expert knowledge to create an initial rule-base.
Therefore, training time is reduced considerably since the number of operations and
parameters are lower than traditional FISs. Additionally, a parsimonious model should
be able to reduce the probability of overfitting [111].

In this chapter the SICFIS model is tested on three different datasets. The first dataset
is used for the prediction of a Charpy impact test in steel. The second dataset is used
for prediction of the UTS of steel. The third dataset consists on predicting the risk of
mortality for bladder cancer patients. Results obtained from the three different datasets
show an equivalent level of accuracy as RBFN, ANFIS models, simple ANN as well
as other type-1 and type-2 FISs. An interpretability analysis applied to the Charpy
impact test will demonstrate that the knowledge extracted from the model is consistent
with what is known in the literature.

4.2 The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Most of the applications of CFS, as originally proposed in [8], have mainly focused
on modelling datasets which contain approximately periodic data. However, to
illustrate the applicability as well as the advantage of CFSs in generic data modelling
problems, Ramot et al. proposed an application where CFSs are used to predict voter
turnout in an election [55] through the use of the two rules shown in Table 4.1.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

According to Ramot et al. while each individual rule when true provides a high and
very high voter turnout, when both of them are true, the voter turnout is in fact Low
[55]. This phenomenon can be easily and elegantly modelled by assigning different
phases to each rule in order to cause a destructive interference. The proposed SICFIS
model expands on this idea to create a compact model capable of modelling the
complex interaction between feature partitions.

The SICFIS model is a single-feature-partition-per-rule CFIS. Compared with

traditional rule-base FIS the SICFIS model utilizes CFS to represent each consequence
as a two-dimensional vector. Because each vector has a direction and a magnitude, it is
possible to model the interaction between partitions as interferences, thus avoiding the
problem of combinatorial rule explosion [17], or the need to apply a clustering or
granulation algorithm to derive an rule-base for the system.

Table 4.1: Complex fuzzy rule-base to determine voter turnout in an election.

Premise Consequence
Rule 1: IF “Confidence in Democracy” is “High” THE “Voter Turnout” is “High”
Rule : IF “Disenchantment with eaders” is “High” THE “Voter Turnout” is “Very High”

While previously developed CFISs have focused on compactness and accuracy,

none of them addresses the problem of interpretability of CFS.

A similar model was proposed in [112]. Although the proposed methods are similar,
the authors of [112] fail to provide any results. Additionally the equations presented are
identical as the ones presented in the real-valued SIRM model proposed in [15].
Therefore, due to the lack of results and evidence provided in [112] , the SICFIS model
proposed in this work is the first interpretable CFIS.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

4.2.1 The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Membership Function

The SICFIS model utilizes a real valued Gaussian membership function for the
premises, for a feature p and a partition sp the membership function is as follows:

 2

1  x p − c p,s p 
 p,s = exp  −    (4.1)
 2   p,s  
  p  

where c and  are the centre and the spread of the Gaussian membership function

For the consequences a complex singleton membership function is used as follows:

j p ,s p ( x )
 p,s =  p,s  e
p p

 pRe,s =  p ,s cos( p ,s )
p p p

 pIm,s =  p , s sin( p , s ) j
p p p

where  represents the magnitude and  represents the phase. Equations (4.3) and
(4.4) show rectangular coordinates of the singleton membership function; both
parameters  and  are real-valued scalars.

4.2.2 The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model Architecture

The SICFIS is a Mamdani CFIS with singleton defuzzification, therefore the

architecture resembles that of a RBFN model. The implication operation is the
algebraic product and the aggregation operation is the vector aggregation method. For
the vector aggregation the complex weights will be eliminated.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Each feature p is to be partitioned into sp partitions (e.g. Low-Medium-High) and,

each partition will be assigned a real valued Gaussian membership function, (4.1). The
rule consequences are represented by the complex singleton membership function,
(4.2). The parameters in the model are real-valued therefore traditional optimization
methods can be implemented.

Figure 4.1: The SICFIS schematic.

The SICFIS is a 5-layer model as shown in Figure 4.1. The first layer is the
fuzzification layer which assigns a degree of membership to a partition sp of a feature
p, according to:
 2

1  x p − c p,s p 
=  p,s p = exp  −    (4.5)
p,s p
 2   p,s  
  p  
The second layer performs a normalization operation for the sp partitions of a
feature p as follows:

 p,s
Op2,s p = Sp
s p =1
p,s p

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

The third layer performs the implication operation. The algebraic product is selected
as the implication operation. The output of the second layer (4.6) multiplies the complex
singleton membership function, (4.2). The rectangular form of the complex singleton
membership function is used in order to facilitate calculations as follows:

p , s p = O p , s p  cos( p , s p )   p , s p
3 2
ORe, (4.7)

p , s p = O p , s p  sin( p , s p )   p , s p
3 2
OIm, (4.8)

The third layer is the vector aggregation (or rule interference) layer in which the real
and imaginary parts are added respectively as follows:

P Sp
ORe =  ORe,
p,s p (4.9)
p =1 s p =1

P Sp
OIm =  OIm,
p ,s p (4.10)
p =1 s p =1

The fifth layer calculates the magnitude and the phase of the resultant vector as

O 5 = O 4  arg ( O 4 ) (4.11)

The magnitude of the resultant vector is utilized as the final output of the model to
evaluate its performance; the phase may be used as additional information to improve
the interpretability of the system. Particularly, as it will be demonstrated in this work.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

4.3 Model Initialization

In order to improve the results from the optimization it is important to select a valid
initial model since a randomly or an inadequately initialized model is more likely to
drive the optimization algorithm into a sub-optimal solution. The initialization of the
model works as follows: for the premises a grid partition of the data is performed, each
feature p will be divided into sp partitions (Figure 4.3) , each partition will have a centre
and Standard Deviation (SD) as is recommended in [113], where the membership
values are continuous and the partition intersect at approximately 0.5 membership value
as shown in Figure 4.2 a. For the complex consequences a phase is assigned to each
membership function, with the values of the phases being linearly spaced between 0
and π as shown in Figure 4.2 b. The initial values β are obtained from the coefficients
of a partial correlation (PC) analysis as follows:

N   X , i  Y , i −   X , i   Y ,i
PC = i =1 i =1
2 2
 N
 N
 N

N   X2 ,i −    X ,i  N   Y2,i −    Y ,i 
i =1  i −1  i =1  i −1 

where  are the residuals obtained from a linear regression and X,Y are the datasets.
The process is shown in Algorithm 4.1.

1 4

(a) (b)

Figure 4.2: (a) Initial grid partition for a feature p. (b) Initial vector assigned to the
output of a rule, with a length equal to  p,s p and an phase equal to  p,s p .

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Algorithm 4.1: SICFIS initialization.

Inputs: Number of features P, Number of partitions sp for each feature p, partial correlation
analysis PC (4.12).
Outputs: Rule output parameter β, consequent membership function parameter φ, premise
membership function parameter σ, premise membership function parameter c.
while p  P
k 1
while k  s p
 p,k  PCp
 p,k  ( k −1)(  ) s p

 p , k  1 2.3333 ( s j − 1) )
c p , k  1 k ( s j − 1) )
k  k +1
p  p +1
k 1

Figure 4.3: Example of a grid partition of a two-dimensional dataset.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

4.4 Interpretability, Transparency and Knowledge Extraction

4.4.1 Interpretability Concepts and Comparisons with Traditional Fuzzy Rule-

Base Models

The SICFIS model has several advantages over traditional fuzzy rule-base systems.
In order to highlight these advantages as well as some considerations to be made for
assessing interpretability the taxonomy introduced in section 2.7.1 will be used. First Quadrant: Complexity at the Rule-Base Level:

The number of rules of the SICFIS is much lower than that of grid-partition based
methods; the combinatorial rule explosion problem is avoided given that the number of
rules grow linearly with the addition of features and partitions. Given that the number
of rules is equal to the number of features and partitions, the number of rules for the
SICFIS can be greater than that of cluster-based methods.

The number of conditions per rule is clearly reduced since the SICFIS model is a
single feature partition per rule FIS. The number of conditions per rule in both grid-
partition and cluster-based methods is usually equal to the number of features in the
dataset. Second Quadrant: Complexity at the Level of Fuzzy Partitions:

The number of conditions per feature is considerably reduced in the SICFIS. While
the number of conditions per feature in cluster-based methods is equal to the number
of clusters or rules, and the number of conditions per features in gird partition methods
is equal to the size of the grid, it will be demonstrated in the following sections that a

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

superior performance be achieved with the SICFIS model in comparison with

traditional FIS models with as few as 3 partitions per feature. Third Quadrant: Semantics at the Rule-Base Level:

The problem of two or more contradictory rules being fired at the same time is
avoided completely, given that a rule corresponds to the behaviour of a specific feature
partition, the concept of contradiction does not apply to the SICFIS model.
Additionally, the main characteristic of the SICFIS model is the ability to model the
interaction between feature partitions as interferences. Fourth Quadrant Semantics at the Fuzzy Partition Level:

In a traditional fuzzy rule-base model completeness in the system is achieved only

if all features are complete. In a SICFIS model incompleteness in the system would
require incompleteness in all the features. Additionally incompleteness in a feature
would signal a lack of effect in such region in the overall output of the model, therefore
incompleteness would not be considered as an error entirely, but such assumptions
would require analysing the results, as it is possible that the incompleteness is due to a
lack of data points in such regions.

4.4.2 Knowledge Representation with the SICFIS Model

It is well known that the visual representation of machine learning and AI models
facilitates the extraction of knowledge of a system and increases its interpretability.

The SICFIS model specific properties allows for the representation of knowledge in
different forms, presenting an additional advantage over traditional fuzzy rule-base
models. In the following subsections different forms of representing knowledge will be

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

introduced, an accompanying mock-up example will be used to demonstrate these

representation forms. Magnitude-Phase Plots

The Magnitude-Phase plots are composed of the resultant magnitude and phase of
each individual feature p for a specific range of operation. The calculation of the
magnitude (4.13) and the phase (4.14) for a feature p is calculated as follows:

( ) ( )
Sp Sp

Mag p =  p,s (k p ) + cos( p ,s )   p ,s +   p ,s (k p ) + sin( p ,s )   p ,s j (4.13)

p p p p p p
s p =1 s p =1

 Sp 
( ) ( )

Php = arg    p ,s p (k p ) + cos( p ,s p )   p ,s p +   p ,s p (k p ) + sin( p ,s p )   p ,s p j  (4.14)

 s =1 
 p s p =1 

where  p,sp (k p ) is the normalized firing rule strength of a feature p and partition s p

which corresponds to the output of the second layer of the SICFIS model (4.6), kp is a
continuous variable with strictly increasing values within the specified range of
operation of a feature p. The transparency of the system can be demonstrated utilizing
the information contained in the magnitude-phase plots, as the behaviour of the system
for any combinations of values within a range of operation can be assessed and
measured. An example of a magnitude-phase plot is shown in Figure 4.6. Fuzzy Rules-Base Derived From SICFIS

Even though the SICFIS is not a traditional rule-base it can however represent one.
A grid partition rule-base can be created by measuring the resultant vector of all
possible combinations of feature partitions. The problem of combinatorial rule
explosion can be avoided by creating short rules [114] utilizing only the most important

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

feature partitions which can be easily assessed by measuring the magnitude of each
feature partition. This provides an additional level of control over the granularity and
interpretability of the model. Table 4.2 shows an example of a small SICFIS rule-base
and Table 4.3 shows the derived grid-partition rule-base from the SICFIS rule-base.

Table 4.2: Example of a SICFIS rule-base.

Premise Consequence
A1 Then B1
If is “High”
A1 Then B2
If is “ ow”
A2 Then B3
If is “High”
A2 Then B4
If is “ ow”

Table 4.3: Example of the derived grid-partition rule-base from the SICFIS rule-base.
Premise Consequence
If A1 is “High” and A2 is “High” Then B1 + B3
If A1 is “High” and A2 is “ ow” Then B1 + B4
If A1 is “ ow” and A2 is “High” Then B2 + B3
If A1 is “ ow” and A2 is “ ow” Then B2 + B4 Vector Partition Plot

The vector partition plots shows two different graphs, the first one shows how a
feature p is partitioned into the different membership function  p , s for s p = 1,
, Sp ,

the second graph represents graphically the consequence corresponding to the partitions
of the feature p as a two dimensional vector with a magnitude  p , s and an phase  p , s .
p p

The vector partition plot presents the rules premises and consequences in an orderly
manner. This allows the user to identify and measure the interaction between different
partitions corresponding to different features. An example of the vector partition plot
of three features is shown in Figure 4.4.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model Cosine Distance Matrix Plot

The cosine distance matrix plot represents the level interference between each two
partition consequences, with a number within [-1,1], to represent degree to which an
interference is destructive or constructive respectively. The cosine distance matrix
information, can be used just as a Pearson correlation matrix plot to derive knowledge,
compared with the correlation matrix, the cosine distance matrix is able to represent the
non-linear relationship between the different partitions. An example of the cosine
distance matrix plot is shown in Figure 4.5.

4.4.3 Example of the Application of the SICFIS to Model Material Properties

Interferences can be used to model the complicated relationship between material

alloys and process to the properties of the materials. In order to demonstrate how the
SICFIS model can be used to model features as interference a simple mock-up example
can be stated as follows:

It is known that increasing the percentage of carbon in steel improves its strength
until a threshold is met, any addition of carbon beyond this threshold will decrease its
strength as the material becomes too brittle. The content of carbon can be labelled as
low (L), medium (M), high (H) and very high (VH). For this example, two more
features are included, one is the content of iron, and finally let’s assume that a process
“X” is applied to the material in order to improves its properties. For simplicity let’s
assume the effect of the content of iron and the process “X” is the same for the whole
range of possible input values, and therefore a feature partition of the iron and the
process “X” will not be created as it is in the case of carbon.

It is assumed that as the content of carbon increases from L to M, the strength

increases, therefore there is a constructive interference between the content of iron and
carbon for these partitions. The threshold in which the addition of steel becomes

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

detrimental to its strength is met when the content is H, and is completely detrimental
when it reaches VH, then we can infer that the output vector H is orthogonal to that of
the content of iron output vector, and for VH a destructive interference occurs. Further
let’s suppose that the process “X” is known to improve the strength of high carbon steel
and has little or no effect for low, medium or very high carbon steel, meaning that a
constructive interference occurs with the H carbon partition, and for the rest of the input
values little or no interference occurs.

The SICFIS rule-base is shown in Table 4.4, the corresponding grid partition rule-
base is shown in Table 4.5. It is clear how the SICFIS rule-base contains fewer rules
than that of the grid partition, the difference becomes greater as more feature partitions
are created as the number of rules grows exponentially for the grid partition fuzzy rule-
base system and linearly for the SICFIS model.

Figure 4.4 shows the vector partition plot of this model. As mentioned previously,
the carbon content is partitioned into 4 membership functions, and the corresponding
output of each rule is shown below. No feature partition is implemented for the iron
content and the process ‘X’, therefore only one output vector is assigned. Figure 4.5
shows the cosine distance matrix plot which shows the degree of interference between
the different feature partitions. Figure 4.6 shows the corresponding magnitude-phase
plots, which represents the magnitude and phase values of the feature vector for all the
possible values within the range of operation.

Table 4.4: SICFIS rule-base.

Premise Consequence
1) If C is L Then B1
2) If C is M Then B2
3) If C is H Then B3
4) If C is VH Then B4
5) If Fe is y Then B5
6) If X is x Then B6

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Table 4.5: Grid partition rule-base.

Premise Consequence
1) If C is L and Fe is y Then B1
2) If C is M and Fe is y Then B2
3) If C is H and Fe is y Then B3
4) If C is VH and Fe is y Then B4
5) If C is L and Fe is y and X is x Then B5
6) If C is M and Fe is y and X is x Then B6
7) If C is H and Fe is y and X is x Then B7
8) If C is VH and Fe is y and X is x Then B8

Figure 4.7 shows the results given three different scenarios: a) the total strength of a
high carbon steel when the process “X” is not applied, b) the total strength of high
carbon steel when the process “X” is applied and c) the total strength of medium carbon
steel when the process “X” is applied. From the results it can be confirmed that the
process “X” increases the strength of high carbon steel and has little effect on medium
carbon steel. Additionally, the high carbon steel with the process “X” has the same
strength as medium carbon steel. It is demonstrated with this simple example how the
CFS can be used to model the complex interaction between alloying elements and
process utilizing interferences.

C Fe X

Figure 4.4: Vector partition plot for Carbon (C), Iron (Fe) and the process “X”.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model







Figure 4.5: Cosine distance matrix plot for Carbon (C), Iron (Fe) and the process “X”.

C Fe X

Figure 4.6: Magnitude Phase plots for Carbon (C), Iron (Fe) and the process “X”.

Medium carbon steel High carbon steel

High carbon steel
with process X with process X

Figure 4.7: Resultant vector for high carbon steel, medium carbon steel with process
“X” and high carbon steel with process “X”.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

4.5 Optimization

In order to improve the system performance, the parameters are to be updated

utilizing a gradient-based learning algorithm. The error-backpropagation algorithm
utilizes squared error as an objective function. The derivatives of the parameters with
respect of the function are as follows:

f  f h f hIm 
= Re
+  (4.15)
 p ,s p  hRe  p ,s hIm  p ,s 
 p p 

f  f h f hIm 
= Re
+  (4.16)
 p ,s p  hRe  p , s hIm  p, s 
 p p 

f  f h  p ,s p f hIm  p ,s p 
= Re
+  (4.17)
 p , s p  hRe  p , s  p , s hIm  p, s  p, s 
 p p p p 

f  f h  p ,s p f hIm  p ,s p 
= Re
+  (4.18)
c p ,s p  hRe  p, s p c p ,s p hIm  p ,s p c sp ,s p 

The parameters to be updated can be stored in a single vector w as follows:

w =  1,1  P,S P
1,1 P,S P
 1,1  P,S P
c1,1 cP , SP  (4.19)

Three different backpropagation algorithms are implemented to evaluate their

performance measured using the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), the first one is a
recursive backpropagation algorithm, the second one a batch backpropagation
algorithm and finally the LM optimization algorithm.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

4.5.1 Recursive Backpropagation

The recursive backpropagation algorithm is specially utilized in dynamical systems.

The parameters are updated utilizing the information of each new sample obtained. For
information tables or datasets, the recursive backpropagation calculates the gradient of
the squared error of each sample in the dataset.

Each iteration of the algorithm is called an epoch. The process is repeated until an
end condition is met, such as conditions may include reaching a maximum number of
epochs or a local minimum.

Results from a recursive backpropagation for the Charpy impact test dataset is shown
in Figure 4.8. The model was trained for 50 epochs, taking a total of 1937 seconds to
be computed in a computer Windows 10 with a processor intel i5-9400F @ 2.90 GHz
with an installed memory RAM of 8.00GB, and a Graphic Processing Unit (GPU)
NVIDIA 1660 6GB.

Figure 4.8: Charpy recursive backpropagation RMSE at each epoch.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

4.5.2 Batch Backpropagation

Recursive backpropagation algorithms are effective for real-time applications. For

other tasks it is more computationally efficient to calculate the Jacobian matrix of the
parameters for all the records in the dataset; this is defined as batch backpropagation.
The algorithm is more efficient if parallel computation with GPUs is implemented.
Results from a batch backpropagation for the Charpy impact test dataset is shown
Figure 4.9. The model was trained for 2000 epochs, taking a total of 72 seconds to be
computed in the same computer mentioned in the previous section, the GPU was
utilized for parallel computing for both algorithms. Given that the batch
backpropagation calculates the Jacobian matrix in a single operation, an exponential
reduction in computing time can be observed.

Figure 4.9: Charpy batch backpropagation RMSE at each epoch.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

4.5.3 Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization

The recursive and batch backpropagation utilizes the information of the first
derivatives to find the local minima. It is possible to improve the optimization model
by including the information obtained from the second derivative. Algorithms that
utilize the second derivative are known as Newton-Raphson methods, and require the
computation of the Hessian matrix. For large models computing the Hessian matrix
becomes intractable [115]. The LM algorithm [116] utilizes an approximation of the
Hessian matrix utilizing the Jacobian that results in a fast and efficient optimization
algorithm shown in Algorithm 4.2.

Figure 4.10 shows the training performance of the LM algorithm for each epoch
applied to the Charpy impact test dataset. The model was trained for 40 epochs, taking
a total of 2.8 seconds to be computed in the same computer mentioned in the previous
section. The LM shows superior performance compared with both the recursive and
batch backpropagation algorithms, a further exponential reduction in computing time
is achieved by parallel computing and utilizing the approximation to the Hessian matrix.

Figure 4.10: Charpy LM RMSE at each epoch.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Algorithm 4.2: Levenberg-Marquardt optimization

Inputs: initial parameter vector w0 , dataset input vector x ,dataset output vector y , SICFIS
output vector yˆ = [ f ( xi , w)]T for i = 1,2, , N , LM coefficient  , LM coefficient modifiers
a  1  b , identity matrix I , end condition threshold  , maximum number of epochs m .
Outputs: optimized parameter matrix w
1 1
While t  m or et +1eTt +1 − et eTt  
2 2
Compute Jacobian matrix J t
w t  -  J tT J t +  t I  J tTet
wt +1  wt + wt
yˆ t +1  f (x, wt +1 )
et +1  ( yˆ t +1 − y )
1 1
If et +1eTt +1  et eTt
2 2
Then:  t +1 = a   t
Else:  t +1 = b   t
t  t +1

4.6 A Faster SICFIS Model

The SICFIS model presented in this Chapter presents a simple architecture, being
possible to train models within a few seconds with the addition of parallel computing.
By making a few modifications to the model, it is possible to obtain a faster SICFIS
model, reducing the training times even further. It is possible to obtain an equivalent
model, which maintains the advantages presented in section 4.4, by removing the
normalization operation in the second layer. This modification reduces the number of
operations considerably, especially for larger datasets. The fast-SICFIS model is a 4-
layer system as observed in Figure 4.11.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Figure 4.11: The fast-SICFIS schematic.

The first layer is the fuzzification layer which assigns a degree of membership to a
partition sp of a feature p, according to

O1p , s p =  p , s p (4.20)

The second layer is the implication operation, which multiplies the premises and the
consequences. The rectangular form of the complex singleton membership function is
used in order to facilitate calculations as follows:

p , s p = O p , s p  cos( p , s p )   p , s p
2 1
ORe, (4.21)

p , s p = O p , s p  sin( p , s p )   p , s p
2 1
OIm, (4.22)

The third layer is the vector aggregation (or rule interference) layer in which the real
and imaginary parts are added respectively as follows:

P Sp

O =  ORe,
p,s p (4.23)
p =1 s p =1

P Sp
OIm =  OIm,
p ,s p (4.24)
p =1 s p =1

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

The fourth layer calculates the magnitude and the phase of the resultant vector as
O 4 = O 3  arg ( O 3 ) (4.25)

4.6.1 Performance Comparison Between the Normalized-SICFIS and the Fast-


The Charpy impact dataset will be utilized to compare the normalized-SICFIS model
and the fast-SICFIS model training times and performance. The LM algorithm
presented in previous section provided the best results and will be the one selected for
this analysis. Each feature is partitioned into three partitions. The models are trained
from 20 to 70 epochs, the RMSE is utilized to measure the performance, a 5 k-fold
cross validation is applied; the mean RMSE at each epoch is recorded. The results are
shown in Figure 4.12.

Figure 4.12 Charpy impact dataset, training, checking and testing performance for
different number of epochs for the normalized and fast SICFIS models.

Figure 4.13 shows the required computation time for different number of epochs. It
is observed a linear increase of computational time with the addition of epochs,
although with different slopes. For the 210 epochs the training times were 12.12 and

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

6.61 seconds for the normalized and the fast SICFIS model respectively, roughly twice
the computation time required. The difference between the RMSE is minimal and may
be attributed to random effects. Further comparison of the performance between models
will be presented in the results sections for the three real world datasets.

Figure 4.13 Charpy impact dataset, training times for the normalized and fast SICFIS
models for different number of epochs.

4.7 Results

In Order to validate the generalization properties of the normalized-SICFIS and the

fast-SICFIS introduced in this Chapter, the four real-world datasets presented in
Chapter 3 are utilized. A parameter grid search is performed on each of the datasets,
and the performance of each combination of parameters from the grid is recorded.

4.7.1 Charpy Impact Dataset Results

For the Charpy impact dataset the parameter grid is shown in Table 4.6. The RMSE
is used to measure the performance of the models. A summary of the results of the
normalized-SICFIS and the fast-SICFIS models are shown in Table 4.7 and Table 4.8

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

respectively. The best models obtained from both the normalized and the fast model are
shown in Table 4.9. The regression plots of the best performing models for the fast and
normalized-SICFIS models are shown in Figure 4.14 and Figure 4.15 respectively.

Table 4.6: Charpy impact dataset parameter grid.

Parameter Values
Models {Normalized-SICFIS, Fast-SICFIS}
Optimization Method LM
Number of membership functions per feature {2,3,4,5,6}
Initial LM coefficient {20,40,60,80,100}
Number of k-fold cross validation per model 5
Maximum number of epochs 70
Training-Checking-Testing partitions [65-18-17]

Table 4.7 Charpy Impact Normalized-SICFIS Results Summary.

No. mF* Training Checking Testing All
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
2mF 18.64 0.39 20.52 1.07 21.29 0.75 19.47 0.22
3mF 16.45 0.48 20.16 1.14 19.94 1.04 17.81 0.35
4mF 15.92 0.48 21.04 1.57 20.11 1.27 17.72 0.33
5mF 16.08 0.50 20.57 0.92 20.94 1.46 17.87 0.41
6mF 15.69 0.45 20.12 1.00 21.37 2.15 17.64 0.65
mF: membership function

Table 4.8: Charpy Impact Fast-SICFIS Results Summary.

No. mF* Training Checking Testing All
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
2mF 16.96 0.54 21.28 1.80 20.49 1.37 18.46 0.41
3mF 16.22 0.44 21.25 1.78 20.57 1.32 18.03 0.33
4mF 16.30 0.44 22.05 2.39 20.83 1.53 18.31 0.66
5mF 15.70 0.51 20.66 1.60 20.46 1.48 17.58 0.56
6mF 15.70 0.28 21.57 1.50 20.65 1.15 17.80 0.42
mF: membership function

For comparison purposes four additional models are shown in Table 4.10. The first
model is a Mamdani FIS with singleton defuzzification, which is equivalent to a RBFN.
It is a 9 rule FIS, the input partition is 56.25-18.75-25 for training, checking and testing
respectively [25]. The second model is an ANFIS model with a quantum membership
function [117]. It is a 6 rule FIS created utilizing a fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm
and the input partition is 55-15-30 for training, checking and testing respectively [117].
The third and fourth model are a 6 and 8 rule Interval Type-2 TSK FISs (IT2-Squared)

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

respectively, as proposed in [40] for UTS predictions. The data partition is 60-20-20
for training, checking and testing respectively.

Table 4.9: Charpy Impact SICFIS Best Results.

No. mF ‡ Training Checking Testing All
Norm* Fast† Norm* Fast† Norm* Fast† Norm* Fast†
2mF 18.12 16.90 19.76 20.35 21.01 19.21 18.94 17.97
3mF 15.87 16.31 18.31 20.57 20.52 18.10 17.20 17.46
4mF 15.26 15.82 20.99 20.91 19.04 18.05 17.10 17.23
5mF 15.23 15.38 21.12 19.63 19.75 18.52 17.25 16.77
6mF 15.41 15.82 19.45 18.71 17.98 19.89 16.66 17.12
Norm: Normalized-SICFIS model. †Fast: Fast-SICFIS model. ‡mF: Membership Function.

The differences between the normalized and the fast SICFIS performance are
comparable, with a lower SD between the results of the normalized-SICFIS model,
would mean the results are more consistent. The best results of both models are similar.

Table 4.10 Charpy Impact Results Comparison.

Model Training Checking Testing All
RBFN [25] 14.66 21.24 20.42 17.33
ANFIS [117] 17.75 18.84 18.17 18.03
IT2-Squared 6 rules 16.41 19.4 19.65 17.65
IT2-Squared 8 rules 15.74 20.73 19.83 17.55

In comparison with other models, the mean performance of both SICFIS models is
comparable with the best models registered in Table 4.10. Demonstrating the
superiority of the SICFIS model, in both performance and computation time.

The computation times measured in seconds of 9 different models are shown in

Table 4.11. These results were obtained on a Windows 10 64 bit desktop computer with
a processor Intel Core i5-4590 CPU @3.30 GHz and an installed memory RAM of 8.00
GB. The initial FISs for the RBFN and the ANFIS were obtained by utilizing the
Subtractive Clustering algorithm from the MATLAB 2018b fuzzy toolbox, each model
having been trained for 20 epochs. For optimization, the RBFN utilizes a

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

backpropagation algorithm and the ANFIS a hybrid backpropagation-least-squares


Figure 4.14: Charpy Impact test, results regression plot, normalized-SICFIS model with
6 membership functions partitions per feature.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Table 4.11: Charpy Impact, initial FIS and training computation times in seconds.
RBFN 9 Rules ANFIS 9 Rules Normalized-SICFIS 2mF Fast-SICFIS 2mF
Initial FIS 1.694s 1.728s 0.018s 0.017s
Training 1.44s 4.727s 2.52 0.134s
RBFN 10 Rules ANFIS 10 Rules Normalized-SICFIS 3mF Fast-SICFIS 3mF
Initial FIS 1.772s 1.772s 0.017s 0.017s
Training 1.618s 5.508s 2.53 0.18s
RBFN 11 Rules ANFIS 11 Rules Normalized-SICFIS 4mF Fast-SICFIS 4mF
Initial FIS 1.847s 1.824s 0.019s 0.016s
Training 1.759s 6.554s 2.52 0.238s

Figure 4.15: Charpy Impact test, results regression plot, fast-SICFIS model with 5
membership functions partitions per feature.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Table 4.12: Charpy Impact inference computation time in seconds.

RBFN 9 Rules ANFIS 9 Rules Normalized-SICFIS 2mF Fast-SICFIS 2mF
Inference 0.1094s 0.1563s 0.01001s 0.0020s
RBFN 10 Rules ANFIS 10 Rules Normalized-SICFIS 3mF Fast-SICFIS 3mF
Inference 0.2188s 0.2231s 0.01003s 0.0025s
RBFN 11 Rules ANFIS 11 Rules Normalized-SICFIS 4mF Fast-SICFIS 4mF
Inference 0.2344s 0.2434s 0.01004s 0.0030s

4.7.2 Ultimate Tensile Strength Results

The dataset includes two categorical features with 3 and 6 categories, a membership
function per category will be used for these features. The data partition is 70-30 for
training and testing respectively, the validation consists of 12 data points. The
parameter grid is shown in Table 4.13: UTS parameter grid.. The UTS results summary
containing the mean and SD results from the normalized and fast SICFIS model are
shown in Table 4.14 and Table 4.15 respectively.

Table 4.13: UTS parameter grid.

Parameter Values
Models {Normalized-SICFIS, Fast-SICFIS}
Optimization Method LM
Number of membership functions per feature {3,4,5,6,7,8}
Initial LM coefficient {20,40,60,80,100}
Number of k-fold cross validation per model 5
Maximum number of epochs 70
Training-Testing partitions [70-30]

Table 4.14: UTS normalized-SICFIS UTS results summary.

No. mF* Training Testing Validation All
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
3mF 36.03 0.90 38.81 1.54 54.46 6.66 36.97 0.75
4mF 37.51 1.93 41.72 2.24 63.36 4.39 38.93 1.91
5mF 36.58 1.69 41.29 1.58 65.73 8.87 38.19 1.35
6mF 36.69 1.84 42.24 2.29 64.04 7.34 38.56 1.83
7mF 37.75 3.53 44.65 4.29 79.14 18.41 40.16 3.62
8mF 36.55 1.83 43.33 2.70 62.78 7.04 38.82 1.83
mF: membership function,

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

The best models obtained from both the normalized and the fast model are shown in
Table 4.16. The regression plots of the best performing models for the fast and
normalized-SICFIS models are shown in Figure 4.16 and Figure 4.17 and respectively.

Table 4.15: UTS fast-SICFIS UTS results summary.

No. mF* Training Testing Validation All
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
3mF 37.24 1.02 40.19 1.42 59.67 5.03 38.25 0.75
4mF 35.78 0.93 41.12 3.77 57.90 4.43 37.58 1.46
5mF 37.31 1.83 45.49 4.18 65.62 4.80 40.07 2.37
6mF 37.75 1.97 46.65 3.99 67.19 5.00 40.77 2.24
7mF 37.16 1.59 45.04 3.97 69.25 7.43 39.85 2.04
8mF 34.80 1.85 48.54 6.60 60.81 6.30 39.61 2.76
*mF: membership function,

Figure 4.16: UTS test, results regression plot, normalized-SICFIS model with 6
membership functions partitions per feature.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Table 4.16: UTS Normalized and Fast SICFIS UTS Best Results.
No. mF Training Testing Validation All
Norm* Fast† Norm* Fast† Norm* Fast† Norm* Fast†
3mF 35.36 35.13 41.07 36.93 49.80 51.96 37.22 35.74
4mF 35.64 33.69 36.25 39.26 55.05 52.30 35.91 35.52
5mF 35.22 33.14 39.65 40.43 59.91 50.19 36.70 35.54
6mF 35.97 34.71 42.40 38.19 63.76 53.86 38.12 35.86
7mF 34.20 33.88 41.07 39.26 49.08 68.87 36.45 35.74
8mF 32.23 34.49 41.15 38.89 57.25 65.87 35.24 36.00
Norm: Normalized-SICFIS model. †Fast: Fast-SICFIS model. ‡mF: Membership Function.

Figure 4.17: UTS test, results regression plot, fast-SICFIS model with 5 membership
functions partitions per feature.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

For comparison purposes the results of three different FISs is shown, the IT2-
Squared and the Multi- Objective Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Modelling (MOIT2FM) [118]
are type-2 FISs, the IMOFM-M [118] is a Mamdani type-1 FIS, all are composed of 6
rules. The RMSE is used to measure the performance and results are shown in Table
4.17. The results are mixed, as the normalized and fast SICFIS model outperform the
training partition, the testing partition performance is equivalent to the IT2-Squared and
MOIT2FM, while the validation partition underperforms in comparison.

Table 4.17: UTS results comparison.

Model Training Testing Validation
IT2-Squared [40] 34.45 38.76 37.34
MOIT2FM [118] 36.33 40.52 34.77
IMOFM-M [118] 46.47 45.52 49.87

4.7.3 Bladder Cancer Results

The Bladder cancer dataset includes mostly categorical features. Three continuous
features contain integer values and therefore will be considered as being categorical in
this study. Therefore, only one feature is treated as being continuous. The Area Under
the Curve (AUC) is used to measure performance to compare with other models. The
AUC is calculated with the same dataset as the one in this work, that is the resulting
dataset of the records of the non-censored patients and the records of the right-censored
patients whose last observed time surpasses the 60-month threshold.

The Bladder cancer parameter grid is shown in Table 4.18. A summary of the results
obtained by the normalized and fast SICFIS models are shown in Table 4.19 and Table
4.20 respectively. The best results obtained are shown in Table 4.21.

For comparison 5 other models are shown in Table 4.22, these models being: The
Cox regression model, a logistic regression model (LoR), an ANN and two FISs. The

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

FISs shown in Table 4.22 have been integrated into the Cox regression model in order
to perform a risk prognosis analysis. The first is a type-1 FIS with 20 Fuzzy Mamdani
type rules and the second a type-2 FIS also composed of 20 Fuzzy Mamdani type rules.
Further information regarding these models can be found in [39].

Table 4.18: Bladder Cancer Parameter Grid.

Parameter Values
Models {Normalized-SICFIS, Fast-SICFIS}
Optimization Method LM
Number of membership functions per feature {2,3,4}
Initial LM coefficient {20,40,60,80,100}
Number of k-fold cross validation per model 5
Maximum number of epochs 70
Training -Testing partitions [65-35]

Table 4.19 Normalized-SICFIS Bladder Cancer Results Summary.

No. mF* Training Testing All
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
2mF 0.9022 0.0076 0.8726 0.0084 0.8918 0.0057
3mF 0.9027 0.0064 0.8710 0.0081 0.8915 0.0041
4mF 0.9037 0.0060 0.8725 0.0084 0.8928 0.0036
*mF: membership function

Table 4.20: Fast-SICFIS Bladder Cancer Results Summary.

No. mF* Training Testing All
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
2mF 0.9057 0.0084 0.8747 0.0087 0.8952 0.0047
3mF 0.9065 0.0054 0.8763 0.0132 0.8963 0.0030
4mF 0.9046 0.0090 0.8751 0.0145 0.8945 0.0069
mF: membership function.

The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves of the best results for the
normalized and fast SICFIS models are shown in Figure 4.18 and in Figure 4.20
respectively. The corresponding scatter plots of the Scores are shown in Figure 4.19
and in Figure 4.21 respectively. The optimum point is selected as the point in which the

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

prediction accuracy it’s at its maximum. The confusion matrix corresponding to such
optimum point is shown in Table 4.23 and in Table 4.24.

Table 4.21:Normalized and Fast SICFIS Bladder Cancer Best Results.

No. mF‡ Training Testing All
Norm* Fast† Norm* Fast† Norm* Fast†
2mF 0.9115 0.9190 0.8824 0.8652 0.9005 0.9001
3mF 0.9119 0.9022 0.8795 0.8985 0.8971 0.9011
4mF 0.9060 0.9015 0.8852 0.8998 0.8976 0.9010
Norm: Normalized-SICFIS model. †Fast: Fast-SICFIS model. ‡mF: Membership Function.

Table 4.22: Bladder Cancer Results Comparison.

Model Training Testing All
Cox [39] 0.83 0.82 0.83
LoR [39] 0.76 0.74 0.75
ANN [39] 0.88 0.84 0.87
T1 FIS [39] 0.88 0.83 0.86
T2 FIS [39] 0.92 0.91 0.92

Figure 4.18: Normalized-SICFIS 2 membership functions ROC curves.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Figure 4.19: Normalized-SICFIS 2 membership functions scores scatter plot.

Figure 4.20: Fast-SICFIS 4 membership functions ROC curves.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Figure 4.21: Fast-SICFIS 4 membership functions scores scatter Plot.

Table 4.23: Normalized-SICFIS 2 membership functions Confusion Matrix.

True Class
Low Risk High Risk
Training Testing Training Testing
Predicted Class Low Risk 272 149 94 44
High Risk 62 51 599 310

Table 4.24: Fast-SICFIS Confusion 4 membership functions Matrix.

True Class
Low Risk High Risk
Training Testing Training Testing
Predicted Class Low Risk 298 162 67 32
High Risk 79 47 583 313

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

4.7.4 Superconductivity Results

A summary of the results obtained from the superconductivity data set are shown in
Table 4.25 and Table 4.26. The best results obtained given a number of membership
functions per feature is shown in Table 4.27. A results comparison is shown in Table
4.28, five different models are shown: a linear regression model, an XG-Boost model,
an ANFIS model and two ANNs. Both the linear regression and XG-Boost results are
obtained from [109]. The training partitions for the linear regression and the XG-Boost
model is 2/3 for training and 1/3 for testing, the reported results are only for the out-of-
sample data and no information is available for the remaining partitions. The data
partition for the ANFIS model and the two ANN is 65-18-17 for training, checking and
testing respectively. The ANFIS model is composed of 8 rules, while the two ANN are
composed of 10 and 20 hidden layers.

Table 4.25: Superconductivity Normalized-SICFIS Results Summary.

No. mF* Training Checking Testing All
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
2mF 14.72 0.128 14.90 0.315 15.02 0.150 14.80 0.067
3mF 14.22 0.116 14.65 0.396 14.54 0.247 14.35 0.113
4mF 13.79 0.157 14.50 0.381 14.34 0.286 14.02 0.106
mF: membership function

Table 4.26: Superconductivity Fast-SICFIS Results Summary.

No. mF* Training Checking Testing All
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
2mF 13.99 0.137 14.46 0.358 14.61 0.185 14.18 0.133
3mF 13.80 0.088 14.40 0.286 14.57 0.182 14.04 0.081
4mF 13.45 0.103 14.55 0.633 14.47 0.246 13.83 0.149
mF: membership function

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Table 4.27: Superconductivity SICFIS Best Results.

No. mF ‡ Training Checking Testing All
Norm* Fast† Norm* Fast† Norm* Fast† Norm* Fast†
2mF 14.76 13.79 14.55 13.92 14.81 14.37 14.73 13.91
3mF 14.21 13.60 14.07 14.86 14.34 14.15 14.21 13.93
4mF 13.45 13.19 14.25 14.05 14.46 14.65 13.77 13.61
Norm: Normalized-SICFIS model. †Fast: Fast-SICFIS model. ‡mF: Membership Function.

Table 4.28 Superconductivity Results Comparison.

Model Training Checking Testing All
Linear Regression [109] NA NA 17.6 NA
XG-Boost [109] NA NA 9.4 NA
ANFIS 8 Rules 13.37 16.27 16.08 14.42
ANN 10 hidden layers 13.42 13.50 14.23 13.58
ANN 20 hidden layers 12.54 13.39 12.93 12.76

4.8 Interpretability Analysis: Example of the Charpy Impact Dataset

The interactions of processes and alloying elements and their effect on the material
properties are complex and are often difficult to represent. For the purpose of this
analysis, the magnitude-phase plots of a selected number of features is shown in Figure
4.23. Because the Charpy impact dataset is known for the scattered measurements this
diagram is obtained from a SICFIS model trained with the complete dataset. For
validation, the information in [119] will be utilized. This information contains a
comprehensive summary of the effect of alloying elements to notch toughness.

A scatter plot of the results is shown in Figure 4.22. The plot shows the whole
complex number coordinates. It is shown that most of the predictions are located within
the second and third quadrants.

As already stated, the Charpy impact test measures the notch toughness of a material
and characterizes the DBTT. The impact temperature is an important variable in the
model, and it is known that at low temperatures the material becomes brittle and at high

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

temperatures the material becomes ductile. Carbon is the main alloying element in steel,
of which a high concentration of carbon causes the material to become brittle and
therefore an increase of carbon in steel is associated with a decrease in impact energy

Figure 4.22: Two-dimensional magnitude and phase scatter plot of results.

Tempering Impact Hardening
Carbon Size
temperature temperature temperature

Manganese ickel Chromium Vanadium Sulfur

Figure 4.23: Charpy impact test magnitude-phase plots.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

Given the known effect of both impact temperature and Carbon, it is possible in
general to associate a positive effect on impact energy to angles within the second and
third quadrant, and a negative effect to angles within the first and fourth quadrant. There
are exceptions to this however, and this would depend mostly on the interaction with
other alloying elements and the process [119].

Increasing the Manganese content reduces the transition temperature and improves
the upper shelf energy in low carbon steel. A lesser effect is observed in medium carbon
steel and has little effect on high carbon steels. Manganese can have the opposite effect
on tempered and hardened steel. In the magnitude and phase plot of these alloying
elements it is observed that a high content of Manganese is detrimental to high carbon
steel, high hardening temperatures and to tempering, while being beneficial to some
extent to low carbon steel [119].

Nickel is used to improve the materials properties at low temperatures but is also
known to have a negative effect on the upper shelf energy while Chromium is known
to increase the upper shelf energy. It is shown that a high content of nickel has a 180°
phase difference with a high impact temperature, hence creating a negative interference,
and it remains mostly orthogonal with a low impact temperature. Chromium’s phase,
however, would produce a positive interference with a high impact temperature and is
orthogonal to a low impact temperature, which means its effect is mostly on the upper
shelf energy [119].

Vanadium improves notch toughness [120], while the addition of Sulphur has a
negative effect in notch toughness [119]. This can be emphasized by the fact that
Sulphur is located within the fourth quadrant and vanadium in the second and third

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

4.9 Summary

To the authors’ best knowledge, the SICFIS model is the first interpretable CFIS
based on CFSs. It was demonstrated that the SICFIS model performs equivalently to
other well-known models with as little as 2 partitions per feature. Computational times
are reduced exponentially due to its simple structure and the application of GPU parallel

The results obtained from the Charpy impact test are superior to other FISs. SICFIS
was shown to be transparent and interpretable. The interpretability analysis performed
on the magnitude-phase plots is consistent with what is currently known in the
literature. Given the single input-partition-per-rule architecture of SICFIS it is possible
to determine the individual effect of each alloying element and process. Moreover,
eliciting an initial SICFIS is approximately 100 times faster than traditional FISs
utilizing a subtracting Clustering algorithm. The training time is 10 and 30 times faster
compared with the RBFN and the ANFIS models respectively. The fast-SICFIS model
can improve the computation times even further with a more computational efficient
architecture and the power of parallel computing.

The results obtained from the UTS dataset for the training and testing partition
produce equivalent performance to the other FIS methods, for the 12 validation points
the results perform are sub-optimal, and more work is required to improve upon the

The results obtained from the Bladder cancer prediction were superior to the other
models, excluding the type-2 FIS. It should be mentioned even better results may have
been obtained by modifying the model to perform a proper survival analysis, which is
out of the scope of this work. The fact that it demonstrated a superior performance
compared with state-of-the-art models shows promise of utilizing SICFIS for other

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

medical applications. For this dataset, the normalized-SICFIS model performed

considerably worse than the fast-SICFIS model, this differences in performance are
attributed to the negative influence of the rule normalization operation when a large
number of categorical features are present.

The results obtained from the superconductivity dataset are comparable with the
ANN and ANFIS models. Demonstrating the capabilities of the normalized and fast
SICFIS models to perform predictions with large datasets.

The normalized and the fast SICFIS models provide similar results. The slight
reduction in the standard deviation obtained from the result summary may indicate a
more consistent performance from the normalized-SICFIS model. The fast-SICFIS
model can train models around two times faster than the normalized SICFIS model, this
reduction in computational time may become more significant for larger datasets.
Therefore, the trade-off between computational speed and consistent results should be
taken into consideration depending on the application, such as in real-time applications,
it would be of great benefit a considerable reduction in computational times. For
datasets with a large number of categorical features the fast-SICFIS model would in
theory be a better choice as demonstrated by the results obtained by the Cancer dataset.

In addition to the superior performance obtained from both SICFIS models it was
demonstrated the interpretability and transparency of the models. Among the different
knowledge representation methods it can be argued that the magnitude-phase plots
provide crucial information for the validation of the model and the extraction of
knowledge, moreover, its interpretability is not affected when there is overlap between
partitions or when the number of partitions increases as it may be the case with the
vector partition plots and the cosine distance matrix plot.

Chapter 4
The Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

In comparison with type-1 and type-2 FIS, the SICIFS model provides better insight
of the individual effects of a feature in the overall performance of a model.
Additionally, the SICFIS rule-base can be represented utilizing the traditional type-1
fuzzy rule-base, with an additional control over the granularity of the information

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with
Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

5.1 Introduction and Background

The TSK FIS is a rule-base model whose premises are composed of linguistic
variables and the consequences are composed of functions, which are most commonly
linear regression models. Each rule represents a region of the dataset that can be
approximated by a local linear model, this divide-and-conquer strategy allows to model
complex nonlinear systems as a combination of interpretable linear models. Defining
fuzzy boundaries allows for a better representation of the local model and improves the
prediction accuracy for data points located within the boundaries of two or more local
regions. Dividing a large and complex problem into local interpretable models may
become a problem as the complexity increases. The larger and the more complex a
dataset is the more rules are required to model its behaviour, hence decreasing its

In order to improve the prediction accuracy of TSK models and reduce the number
of rules some authors have devised different adaptations to the TSK architecture.
Models such as the neural networks designed on approximate reasoning architecture
[121], and the co-active neuro fuzzy inference system [122] embed ANNs to the TSK
FIS architecture with the objective of combining the interpretability of FISs and the
prediction accuracy of ANNs. Embedding ANN into FIS reduces considerably, if not

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

at all, its interpretability as ANN are black-box models. These models are not to be
confused with the popular ANFIS model [76], the ANFIS is a TSK FIS and does not
embed ANN to its architecture but rather utilizes backpropagation learning algorithms
to improve its accuracy while maintaining its interpretability.

Other strategies developed to reduce the number of rules and improve upon the
accuracy of the results while maintaining the transparency and interpretability of the
system include replacing the consequences of a TSK FIS with nonlinear functions. The
number of rules is reduced considerably given that the overall architecture of the system
is local-nonlinear which can describe a larger region of the dataset more accurately
compared with linear models. These methods have been applied for control
applications. Rajesh [123] include sinusoidal functions to improve accuracy of a
controller. Sala and Ariño [124] utilize polynomials from Taylor series expansion.
Tanaka [125] utilizes a sum of squares for modelling non-linear dynamical systems.
Dong [126] utilizes local nonlinear TSK rules for the design of a controller.

In this work it is proposed to replace the linear consequence of the TSK with the
fast-SICFIS model. In Chapter 4 the interpretability properties of the SICFIS was
demonstrated, its superior accuracy compared with other models, and the considerable
reduction in training times, especially in the case of the fast-SICFIS model were also
shown. These properties make it an ideal candidate for improving upon the accuracy
of the ANFIS model while retaining its interpretability. The Results obtained are
comparable with ensembles of ANN. Training times are comparably lower than other
more complex methods, while maintaining its interpretability.

5.2 The ANFIS-SICFIS Model

The ANFIS-SICFIS model is a neuro fuzzy inference system based on the popular
ANFIS architecture. The ANFIS-SICFIS premise is composed of a traditional type-1

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

rule-base and the consequences are composed of SICFIS models. The ANFIS-SICFIS
fuzzy rule-base is given in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1: ANFIS-SICFIS Rule-base.

Premise Consequence
IF x1 is A11 AND x2 is A21 AND xP is AP1 THEN y = is h1 (x)
IF x1 is A12 AND x2 is A22 AND xP is AP2 THEN y = is h2 (x)

IF x1 is A1R AND x2 is A3R AND xP is APR THEN y = is hR (x)

where xp represents the input value for a feature p Ap represents a type-1 fuzzy

membership function for a rule r and a feature p and hr represents the output of a local
SICFIS model corresponding to the rule output.

5.2.1 ANFIS-SICFIS Premises

The premise of the ANFIS-SICFIS can be represented as a three layered system, the
first layer fuzzifies the input utilizing a Gaussian membership function (5.1), the
second layer calculates the rule strength utilizing the product t-norm (5.2), finally the
third layer normalizes the fired rule strength (5.3).

 1  x − c RB 2 
O 1
= r , p = exp  −  p RBr , p   (5.1)
 2   r , p  
r, p

 
Or2 = wr =  r , p (5.2)
p =1

Or3 = wr = R
r =1

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

The premises of the rules correspond to a region of the dataset. The rules may be
defined by an expert or by utilizing a clustering algorithm. The clustering algorithm
allows to identify the associations between the inputs and the output in the dataset
[127]. The most common fuzzy clustering algorithm and the one utilized in this work
is the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) algorithm [20]. The FCM algorithm is as follows:

Algorithm 5.1 Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm

Inputs: Dataset x, fuzzy partition exponent m>1 end condition threshold , maximum number of
epochs q, number of centers C.
Output: fuzzy partition matrix u, fuzzy cluster center positions v
Assign initial values for prototypes c1, c2 ,..., cC
While t  q or Jt − Jt −1  

 xi − c FCM
C  m −1

Calculate fuzzy partition matrix uij    


k =1  xi − ck 
 
Update prototypes c FCM
j   uijm xi u m
i =1 i =1
compute objective function J m =  uicm xi − c FCM
i =1 j =1

where m  1 is the fuzzy partition exponent, c

are the initial values for the

prototypes and N is the total number of instances in the dataset. From the FCM
clustering algorithm it is possible to create a rule-base utilizing the c prototypes and the
fuzzy partition matrix u. The centers of the Gaussian membership functions for the rule-
base cr , p are equal to the projections of the prototypes c of the FCM algorithm.

The calculation of the spreads  r , p are calculated utilizing the fuzzy covariance matrix

[27] as follows:

)m ( a k − v i )( a k − v i )

 (u
j =1
Covi = n
 (u
j =1
ij ) m

 rRB, p = [Diag(Covi )]1/2 (5.5)

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

The fuzzy partition exponent determines the “fuzziness” of the clustering algorithm.
It can be shown that when m=1 the FCM algorithms produces “hard” partitions of the
dataset [128]. The degree of fuzziness or overlap between partitions can be measured
utilizing the partition coefficient shown in (5.6) [20]. The partition coefficient
approaches 1 as the partition become “harder”. Similarly, a partition coefficient of the

rule-base can be measured utilizing normalized rule strength wr (5.3), instead of the
fuzzy partition matrix u as shown in (5.7).

PartitionCoefficient (FCM) =  ( uij )

N (5.6)
i =1 j =1

PartitionCoefficient (Rule-Base) =  ( wi ,r )
N (5.7)|
i =1 r =1

where N is the total number of instances C is the number of clusters and R is the
number of rules. Figure 5.1 shows the partition coefficient value as the fuzzy partition
exponent m increases for both the FCM and the rule-base. A sharp decline in the FCM
partition coefficient is observed as m increases with lesser effect in the rule-base
partition coefficient. Therefore, it can be inferred that to obtain distinguishable local
interpretable models it is important to choose a partition coefficient value between 1
and 2.

5.2.2 ANFIS-SICFIS Consequences

The fast-SICFIS model already explored in Chapter 4 is a 4 layered complex-FIS.

The SICFIS present several advantages over traditional FIS and other machine-learning
models, these advantages include its interpretability, its low complexity and fast
computation. In order to differentiate between the premise membership functions of the
ANFIS-SICFIS rule-base and the SICFIS the symbol  will be used for the former and

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

the symbol  for the latter. The SICFIS will be represented as a nonlinear function, the
architecture of the model was presented in Chapter 4.6 and the equations are
summarized below:

h r ( x) = (g ) +(g )
r 2
r 2
Im (5.8)

P Sp

g r
Re =  pr , s p  cos( pr , s p )   pr , s p (5.9)
p =1 s =1

P Sp
g Im =  pr , s p  sin( pr , s p )   pr , s p (5.10)
p =1 s =1

 2

1  x p − c p,s p 
CFR , r

 r 
= exp −    (5.11)
p,s p
 2   CFR ,r
 
  p,s p  

Figure 5.1 Fuzzy partition coefficient values given different clusters and changing the
fuzzy partition exponent value.

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

The output of the SICFIS model is a complex number, with a phase and a magnitude,
something referred to as the “dual output property”; in Chapter 4 the magnitude of the
SICFIS model was used to asses its performance and the phase was utilized as
additional information utilized during the interpretability analysis. To adequately
address the dual output property of the SICFIS within the context of the ANFIS-SICFIS
model, two different approaches will be explored. The first one passes the output of the
SICFIS as real-valued, that means, only the magnitude information of the output. The
second approach passes the output of the SICFIS as complex-valued.

The first approach is relatively straightforward, as the last layers of the ANFIS-
SICFIS simply perform an algebraic product between the normalized rule strength and
the real-valued consequent later to sum the outputs of each rule, the output of this model
is real-valued, therefore from here after this approach will be defined as the real-
ANFIS-SICFIS model. The second approach would require and additional layer, a
second rule interference layer, which would calculate interference between the rules,
the final output of this model is complex-valued, therefore the magnitude is utilized to
assess its performance and the phase can be used as additional information, from here
after this approach will be defined as the complex-ANFIS-SICFIS model.


The first three layers of the real-ANFIS-SICFIS represent the premise rule-base of
the system described by the equations (5.1)-(5.3). The fourth layer of the real-ANFIS-
SICFIS is the magnitude of the local SICFIS for a rule r as follows:

OrReal,4 = h r (xi ) = (g ) +(g )

r 2
r 2
Im (5.12)

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

The final output aggregates the inference between the premises and the
consequences of each rule as follows:

O Real,5 =  wr  hr (5.13)
r =1

A schematic of the real-ANFIS-SICFIS is shown in Figure 5.2. The architecture of

this model resembles closely the one of Jang’s A FIS model [76].

Figure 5.2: The real-ANFIS-SICFIS schematic. Real-ANFIS-SICFIS Training

For the optimization the LM optimization algorithm explored in section 4.5 is

utilized. To differentiate between the premise and the consequences parameters a

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

superscript with the symbol  is used for the premise parameters of the type-1 fuzzy

rule-base. A superscript r is used for the parameters of the SICFIS model,

corresponding to a rule (local model) r.

Premise parameters:
 r, p cr, p  (5.14)

Consequence parameters:
  pr , s  pr , s  p , s
cpr, s p  (5.15)
 p p p

f  f r 
=  (5.16)
 r , p  r  r, p
 

f  f r 
=  (5.17)
cr , p  r cr, p

f f  hr g r hr g Imr 

=  r Re
+  (5.18)
 pr , s p hr  g Re  pr ,s g Imr
 pr ,s p 
 p 

f f  hr g r hr g Im r 
= r  r Re
+ r  (5.19)
 pr , s p h  g Re  pr , s g Im  pr , s p 
 p 

f f  hr g r v rp , s p hr g Imr v rp ,s p 

= r  r Re
+ r  (5.20)
 vpr, s p h  g Re v rp , s  vpr, s g Im v rp , s p  vpr, s p 
 p p 

f f  hr g r v rp , s p hr g r v rp ,s p 
= r  r Re
+ r Im
 (5.21)
c p , s p h
 g Re v rp ,s c vpr,s g v p , s p c p , s p
r vr

 p p Im 

5.2.4 Complex-ANFIS-SICFIS

A schematic of the complex-ANFIS-SICFIS model is shown in Figure 5.3. The first

three layers represent the premise rule-base of the system described in the equations

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

(5.1)-(5.3). The output of the fourth layer of the complex-ANFIS-SICFIS utilizes the
real and the imaginary output of the SICFIS for a rule r as follows:
P Sp

,Re = g Re
=  pr , s p  cos( pr , s p )   pr , s p (5.22)
p =1 s =1

P Sp

,Im = gIm
=  pr , s p  sin( pr , s p )   pr , s p (5.23)
p =1 s =1

Figure 5.3: The complex-ANFIS-SICFIS schematic.

Given that the output of the fourth layer is a complex number, the complex-ANFIS-
SICFIS includes an additional layer, which measures the interference between the rules,
additionally, each rule consequent is multiplied by the normalized rule strength. The
output of the fifth layer is also a complex quantity with a real and an imaginary part as
ORe =  wr  g Re
r =1

OIm =  wr  g Im
r =1

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

The output of the sixth layer calculates the magnitude and the phase of the real and
imaginary quantities obtained from the output of the fifth layer. The magnitude is
utilized to make the predictions and measure the performance of the system while the
phase is utilized for additional information.

O Complex,6 = O Complex,5  arg ( O Complex,5 ) (5.26) Complex-ANFIS-SICFIS Training

For the optimization the LM optimization algorithm explored in section 4.5 is

utilized. To differentiate between the premise and the consequences parameters a
superscript with the symbol  is used for the premise parameters of the type-1 fuzzy

rule-base. A superscript r is used for the parameters of the SICFIS model,

corresponding to a rule local model r.

Premise parameters:
 r, p cr, p  (5.27)

Consequence parameters:
  pr , s  pr , s  p , s
cpr, s p  (5.28)
 p p p

f  f hRe r f hIm r 
= +  (5.29)
 r , p
  hRe r  r , p hIm r  r, p

 

f  f hRe r f hIm r 

= +  ; (5.30)
 
cr , p  hRe r cr , p hIm r cr, p

f  f h g r f hIm g Im r 
= Re Re
+  (5.31)
 pr , s p  hRe g Re
 pr , s p hIm g Im
 pr , s p 
 

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

f  f h g r f hIm g Im r 
= Re Re
+  (5.32)
 pr , s p  hRe g Re
 pr ,s p hIm g Im
 pr , s p 
 

f  f h g r v rp ,s p f hIm g Im r v rp ,s p 
= Re Re
+  (5.33)
 vr
 hRe gRe
v r
 vr
hIm gIm
v rp ,s p  pvr,s p 
p,s p  p , s p p , s p 

f  f h g r v rp ,s p f hIm gIm r v rp , s p 
= Re Re
+  (5.34)
cvpr,s p  hRe gRe
v rp ,s p c vpr, s p hIm g Im
v rp, s p c vpr, s p 

5.3 Model Evaluation

The objective of the ANFIS-SICFIS model is to create a partition of the dataset in

order to obtain a global model composed of local interpretable non-linear models. To
maintain interpretability each rule should model accurately a local region of the dataset.
Therefore, to assess the performance and interpretability of the system, a local
performance will be taken into consideration, this measurement will not be included in
the objective function, rather it will be used to assess the final performance of the

The local performance is assessed as follows: Each one of the instances in a dataset
is evaluated utilizing the trained real and complex ANFIS-SICFIS models. Instead of
utilizing the prediction of the global model, a local SICFIS model will be selected to
assess its performance, the local SICFIS model is selected according to the normalized
rule strength values. The rule with the highest normalized rule strength corresponds to
the local SICFIS utilized in the evaluation of that record. This is repeated for each data
point, the results are collected and the RMSE is calculated for the training, checking
and testing partitions. Both ANFIS-SICFIS models utilize the same evaluation method
shown in Algorithm 5.2.

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

During the training of the ANFIS-SICFIS models, the rule-base may be altered, this
may affect the local performance of a model. To asses these alterations three different
optimization strategies are to be implemented. The first one will optimize all the
parameters at the same time, we would define this as the complete parameter
optimization process. The second one would optimize the premise parameters and the
SICFIS parameters separately, each one at different epochs, this method is defined as
the alternate parameter optimization process. The third method would optimize solely
the SICFIS parameters, we would define this method as the consequent parameter
optimization process.

Algorithm 5.2: Local Performance Evaluation

Inputs: Parameter vector: normalized rule firing strength w(x j ) = [w1 (x j ) wR (x j )] obtained
from (5.3). Vector containing the local SICFIS magnitude output for the rules
h(x j ) = [h1 (x j ) hR (x j )] obtained from (5.8). Number of records N. outputs Y
Outputs: RMSE pertaining to the local performance
j 1
while j  N
w(x j )  [w1 (x j ) wR (x j )]
k j  arg max(w(x j ))
yˆ Local , j  hk (x j )

1 N
 ( yˆ Local , j − y j )
RMSELocal =
N j =1

It is expected that the consequent optimization algorithm would yield the best local
performance given that the premises of the rule-base would remain unaltered.
Additionally, it is expected that an initial rule-base created with a fuzzy partition
coefficient closer to one would improve upon the local performance. To assess these
hypotheses a parameter grid search will be performed with the parameters observed in
Table 5.2. This exhaustive grid search is implemented to the Charpy impact dataset,
resulting in the training of 1,440 models.

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

A summary of the results from the exhaustive grid search can be observed in the four
graphs shown in Figure 5.4 and Figure 5.5. The four graphs correspond to the Global
and Local performances of the real and complex -ANFIS-SICFIS, showing the mean
RMSE of the models with 2, 3 and 4 rules utilizing each of the three different
optimization strategies, Complete, Consequents and Alternate. The results include the
training, checking and testing partition performance displaying the corresponding
proportion of influence to the final error, the total length of these bars represent the
complete RMSE. Any performance registering a deviance of more than two standard
deviations is treated as an outlier and removed.

Table 5.2: Parameter grid search.

Parameter Values
Models {Real-ANFIS-SICFIS,
Optimization Method {Complete, Consequents, Alternate}
Number of rules {2,3,4}
Number of membership functions per feature (SICFIS) {2,3,4,5}
Fuzzy partition coefficient values {1.1,1.35,1.85,2.10}
Number of k-fold cross validation per model 5
Maximum number of epochs 50
Training-Checking-Testing partition [65-18-17]

No correlation between the fuzzy partition coefficients, this may be very well
explained from the graphs in Figure 5.1 as there is not a major change in the partition
coefficient of the rules base for values of m between 1 and 2.

It is shown in the graphs below that the worse performing optimization strategy is
the alternate parameter optimization process. With just a minor difference between the
complete and the consequent optimization results. The complex ANFIS-SICFIS models
yielded better results for the local models. In Figure 5.6 the training times for each of
the optimization strategies is shown. It can be observed that the slowest algorithm is
the complete parameter optimization process as it’s training time grows exponentially
with the addition of rules and membership functions.

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 5.4: Real and Complex ANFIS-SICFIS global performance for the three
optimization process given 2,3 and 4 rules. Stacked bar chart.

Figure 5.5: Real and Complex ANFIS-SICFIS local performance for the three
optimization process given 2,3 and 4 rules. Stacked bar chart.

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Training Time in Seconds


Alternate Consequences Complete

Figure 5.6 Training times for the complex-ANFIS-SICFIS model utilizing the alternate,
consequent and complete parameter optimization method with a varying number of
rules and membership functions (mF). Overlapping bar chart.

The fastest and worse performing optimization process is the alternate optimization
algorithm. Therefore, the consequences optimization algorithm offers the best trade-off
between Local-Global performance and training times.

It is concluded that the best results are obtained utilizing the complex-ANFIS-
SICFIS model, and the consequent optimization process. Therefore in the following
section and simulations it is the model selected to obtain the results.

5.3.1 Charpy Impact Test Results

A parameter grid search was performed on the Charpy impact test in the previous
section to determine the performance of the two different ANFIS-SICFIS models and
various optimization methods. A more detailed analysis based on the previous results

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

obtained is performed, the details of the new grid search are shown in Table 5.3, the
training, checking and testing partition remains 65-18-17 respectively.

Table 5.3: Parameter grid search for the Charpy impact test.
Parameter Values
Models {Complex-ANFIS-SICFIS}
Optimization Method {Consequents}
Number of rules {2,3,4,5,6}
Number of membership functions per feature (SICFIS) {2,3,4}
Fuzzy partition coefficient values {1.2,1.8}
Number of k-fold cross validation per model 5
Maximum number of epochs 70

The mean results and the corresponding standard deviation given a number of rules
are shown in Table 5.4 and Table 5.5 respectively. The mean RMSE for the training
decreases with the addition of rules, while the checking and testing mean RMSE
increases. The effect is greater for the local performance. The sharp increase in the
standard deviation and mean RMSE given 6 rules indicates overfitting.

Table 5.4: Charpy Mean RMSE results given different number of rules.
Training Checking Testing All
No. Rules Global Local Global Local Global Local Global Local
2 15.78 15.81 19.21 19.32 19.93 19.94 17.22 17.27
3 15.19 15.37 18.83 19.21 19.19 19.46 16.67 16.90
4 14.68 16.19 20.13 21.44 20.32 21.39 16.87 18.24
5 14.53 15.43 19.69 20.62 19.98 20.97 16.62 17.54
6 14.58 20.02 19.29 24.15 19.27 24.41 16.42 21.68

Table 5.5: Charpy Standard deviation results given different number of rules.
Training Checking Testing All
No. Rules Global Local Global Local Global Local Global Local
2 0.947 0.976 1.421 1.377 1.303 1.317 0.650 0.674
3 1.268 1.100 1.385 1.386 1.419 1.530 0.604 0.479
4 0.946 1.645 1.755 2.191 1.771 2.260 0.478 1.378
5 1.341 1.396 1.799 1.890 1.584 1.925 0.893 1.071
6 1.100 10.738 1.398 9.815 1.430 9.907 0.658 10.288

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Similar results are observed in Figure 5.7, where the addition of membership
function results in a decreasing RMSE for the training partition and an increasing
RMSE for the testing partition.

Figure 5.7: effect of membership functions to performance.

The best results given different number of rules are shown in Table 5.6, with the
corresponding number of membership function per feature. For comparison purposes
the results obtained from different studies utilizing ANN are shown in Table 5.7. The
first one is an Ensemble-NN [129], the second one is an ANN model whose
hyperparameters are selected with a GA [129], the third one is an GA-NN Ensemble
[129], which optimize the hyperparameters as well as the ensemble structure. The best
out-of-sample RMSE was obtained with a 2-rule complex-ANFIS-SICFIS model with
4 membership functions per feature. The regression plots of the global and local models
are shown in Figure 5.8 and Figure 5.9 respectively.

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Table 5.6: Charpy Best results given different number of rules.

Training Checking Testing All
No. Rules No. mF Global Local Global Local Global Local Global Local
2 4 14.58 14.59 17.44 17.47 18.01 17.92 15.73 15.75
3 4 12.76 13.39 19.75 20.37 18.36 19.08 15.28 15.91
4 4 13.12 13.67 18.07 18.27 21.67 22.07 15.83 16.27
5 4 11.94 12.30 21.07 22.00 18.06 18.20 15.10 15.55
6 3 11.49 12.89 19.77 19.74 19.50 20.82 14.86 15.87
*mF: Membership function

Figure 5.8: Charpy Impact complex ANFIS-SICFIS global performance 2 rules.

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 5.9: Charpy Impact complex ANFIS-SICFIS local performance 2 rules.

Table 5.7: Charpy results comparison.

Model Training Checking Testing All
Ensemble-NN[129], 12.60 17.30 19.4 14.79
GA-NN Optimized [129] 14.32 17.94 18.96 15.92
GA-NN Ensemble[129] 13.12 17.25 18.13 14.90
Normalized-SICFIS 6mF 15.41 19.45 17.98 16.66
Fast-SICFIS 5mF 15.38 19.63 18.52 16.77
*mF: Membership function

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

5.3.2 Tensile Strength Results

The same parameter grid search shown in Table 5.3 is implemented to the UTS
dataset, with a training-checking partition of 70-30 respectively and 12 data points for
the validation. The mean results and the corresponding standard deviation given a
number of rules are shown in Table 5.8 and Table 5.9 respectively. The mean RMSE
for the training decreases with the addition of rules, while the checking and testing
mean RMSE increases slightly. However, no major differences are observed between
the global and local performances for the training and checking partitions with the
addition of rules. An increase in the mean RMSE is observed for the validation

Just as in the case with the Charpy Impact test, in Figure 5.10, is observed that the
addition of membership function results in a decreasing RMSE for the training partition
and an increasing RMSE for the testing partition.

Table 5.8: UTS mean of results given different number of rules.

Training Checking Testing All
No. Rules Global Local Global Local Global Local Global Local
2 32.99 34.00 40.32 41.38 52.90 53.72 35.45 36.47
3 32.20 34.38 42.71 44.73 57.14 57.90 35.81 37.91
4 31.37 33.80 41.98 44.82 70.80 74.29 35.10 37.67
5 29.25 31.95 41.29 43.24 60.46 60.40 33.49 35.85
6 29.56 32.81 41.08 44.09 62.07 63.50 33.61 36.72

Table 5.9: UTS standard deviation of results given different number of rules.
Training Checking Testing All
No. Rules Global Local Global Local Global Local Global Local
2 1.66 1.83 3.01 3.19 10.15 11.35 1.67 1.95
3 2.22 2.18 4.00 4.61 12.14 11.78 2.41 2.58
4 1.52 2.12 3.62 3.95 9.67 11.43 1.71 2.13
5 1.67 1.56 3.50 3.78 10.03 9.64 1.80 2.02
6 1.97 2.56 2.61 3.33 12.48 12.11 1.37 2.28

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 5.10: Effect of membership functions to performance

The best results given a number of rules are shown in Table 5.10. For comparison
purposes the results obtained from different studies are shown in Table 5.11 as well as
the results obtained in Chapter 4. The best out-of-sample RMSE was obtained with a
5-rule complex-ANFIS-SICFIS model with 3 membership functions per feature. The
regression plots of the global and local models are shown in Figure 5.11 and Figure
5.12 respectively.

Table 5.10: UTS Best results given different number of rules.

Training Checking Testing All
No. Rules mF* Global Local Global Local Global Local Global Local
2 2 32.36 33.35 35.48 37.23 33.25 32.25 33.32 34.55
3 4 30.59 33.24 44.24 45.76 34.28 42.79 35.24 37.45
4 4 31.49 35.01 37.12 43.22 45.71 48.82 33.33 37.70
5 3 27.84 29.91 33.20 35.66 43.94 44.33 29.61 31.79
6 4 27.25 33.35 38.10 45.89 59.38 55.61 31.04 37.63
*mF: Membership function

Table 5.11: UTS result comparisons

Model Training Testing Validation
IT2-Squared [40] 34.45 38.76 37.34
MOIT2FM [118] 36.33 40.52 34.77
IMOFM-M [118] 46.47 45.52 49.87
Normalized-SICFIS 4mF 35.64 36.25 55.05
Fast-SICFIS 4mF 33.69 39.26 52.3
*mF: Membership function

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 5.11: UTS complex ANFIS-SICFIS global performance 5 rules.

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 5.12: UTS complex ANFIS-SICFIS local performance 5 rules.

5.3.3 Bladder Cancer Results

A smaller parameter grid search is performed on the Bladder Cancer dataset, shown
in Table 5.12 with a 70-30 partition for training and testing respectively. The mean and
standard deviation RMSE results obtained from the parameter grid search given a
number of rules is shown in Table 5.13 and Table 5.14 respectively. A decrease in

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

performance for the testing partition is observed with the addition of rules with just a
slight increase in the training partition performance.

The best results obtained given a number of rules are shown in Table 5.15. The
corresponding ROC curves and score scatter plots obtained from the best performing
models are shown in Figure 5.13, Figure 5.14 and Figure 5.15. It is evident from the
Table 5.13 and Table 5.15 that the ANFIS-SICFIS model overfits the bladder cancer
dataset. For comparison purposes Table 5.16 shows the results obtained in previous
studies as well as the results obtained in Chapter 4.

Table 5.12: Parameter grid search for the Bladder Cancer dataset.
Parameter Values
Models {Complex-ANFIS-SICFIS}
Optimization Method {Consequents}
Number of rules {2,3,4,5}
Number of membership functions per feature (SICFIS) {2,3,4}
Fuzzy partition coefficient values {1.2,1.8}
Number of k-fold cross validation per model 5
Maximum number of epochs 70

Table 5.13: Bladder Cancer Mean results.

Training Testing All
No. Rules Global Local Global Local Global Local
2 0.9086 0.8980 0.8699 0.8600 0.8954 0.8850
3 0.9168 0.8889 0.8703 0.8529 0.9009 0.8765
4 0.9182 0.8440 0.8723 0.7977 0.9025 0.8281
5 0.9184 0.8896 0.8693 0.8436 0.9016 0.8739

Table 5.14: Bladder Cancer standard deviation results.

Training Testing All
No. Rules Global Local Global Local Global Local
2 0.0063 0.0105 0.0102 0.0104 0.0034 0.0073
3 0.0064 0.0142 0.0121 0.0140 0.0034 0.0098
4 0.0073 0.0777 0.0115 0.0773 0.0046 0.0770
5 0.0076 0.0234 0.0134 0.0187 0.0029 0.0195

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Table 5.15: Bladder Cancer best results given a number of rules and membership
Training Testing All
No. Rules No. mF* Global Local Global Local Global Local
2 2 0.9122 0.9034 0.8886 0.8734 0.9040 0.8928
3 3 0.9138 0.8658 0.8935 0.8667 0.9069 0.8665
4 3 0.9086 0.8481 0.8994 0.8397 0.9055 0.8453
5 3 0.9144 0.8441 0.8915 0.8041 0.9065 0.8292
*mF: membership function

Table 5.16 Bladder Cancer Results Comparison.

Model Training Testing
Cox [39] 0.83 0.82
LoR [39] 0.76 0.74
ANN [39] 0.88 0.84
T1 FIS [39] 0.88 0.83
T2 FIS [39] 0.92 0.91
Norm-SICFIS 4mF* 0.906 0.8852
Fast-SICFIS 4mF* 0.9015 0.8998
*mF: membership function

(a) (b)
Figure 5.13: Bladder cancer ROC curves for the global (a) and local performance (b).

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 5.14: Bladder Cancer Global Scores.

Figure 5.15: Bladder Cancer Local Scores.

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

5.3.4 Superconductivity Results

A summary of the results obtained from the superconductivity data set are shown in
Table 5.17 Table 5.18 and. The best results obtained given a number of rules and
membership functions is shown in Table 5.19. A result comparison is shown in Table

Table 5.17: Superconductivity mean of results given different number of rules.

Training Checking Testing All
No. Rules Global Local Global Local Global Local Global Local
2 – 2mF 12.60 12.66 13.82 13.87 13.39 13.42 12.97 13.02
2 – 3mF 12.23 12.28 13.44 13.50 13.09 13.11 12.61 12.65
3 – 2mF 13.00 13.18 13.91 14.04 13.61 13.67 13.27 13.42

Table 5.18: Superconductivity standard deviation of results given different number

of rules.
Training Checking Testing All
No. Rules Global Local Global Local Global Local Global Local
2 – 2mF 0.74 0.76 0.15 0.16 0.47 0.49 0.56 0.58
2 – 3mF 0.45 0.46 0.30 0.32 0.27 0.29 0.36 0.38
3 – 2mF 0.33 0.18 0.17 0.10 0.14 0.09 0.26 0.13

Table 5.19: Superconductivity best results given different number of rules.

Training Checking Testing All
No. Rules Global Local Global Local Global Local Global Local
2 – 2mF 11.97 12.00 13.68 13.71 12.97 12.97 12.46 12.49
2 – 3mF 11.95 11.98 13.13 13.16 12.70 12.70 12.30 12.32
3 – 2mF 12.65 12.93 13.72 13.90 13.54 13.64 13.00 13.23

Table 5.20: Superconductivity Results Comparison.

Model Training Checking Testing All
Linear Regression [109] NA NA 17.6 NA
XG-Boost [109] NA NA 9.4 NA
ANFIS 8 Rules 13.37 16.27 16.08 14.42
ANN 10 hidden layers 13.42 13.50 14.23 13.58
ANN 20 hidden layers 12.54 13.39 12.93 12.76
Normalized-SICFIS 4mF 13.45 14.25 14.46 13.77
Fast-SICFIS 4mF 13.19 14.05 14.65 13.61

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

5.4 Summary

This work presented an improvement of the traditional ANFIS model, whose linear
consequences are replaced with the SICFIS model, a non-linear and highly interpretable
model. The compactness, interpretability properties and low computation required to
train local SICFIS allows to create accurate rule-base system with a considerable low
number of rules.

Two different modelling strategies where presented as well as three different

optimization processes. From the exhaustive grid search it was determined that the best
performances where obtained when the complex information from the local SICFIS
was transmitted through the rules. Together with better performances, the ability to
obtain an additional degree of information made the complex-ANFIS-SICFIS the clear
choice for future work.

From the optimization strategies presented it was determined that optimizing solely
the consequents would return the best performance, especially for local performance
evaluation, additionally this strategy would reduce considerably the training times for
larger datasets. The design of optimization algorithms that modify the premises of the
rule-base while maintaining in consideration it’s interpretability would require
modifications to the objective function, it has been proposed the application of
evolutionary algorithms in the optimization process in order to maintain interpretability
of the rule-base premises [93], [95], [130], [131]. It is important to consider that
evolutionary algorithms and other global optimization require to evaluate a large
number of models which increasing exponentially computation times. It is therefore
concluded that the premises of the rule-base should remain unchanged during the
optimization processes.

Chapter 5
The Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System with Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

The ANFIS-SICFIS was tested in four different datasets. The results obtained from
the Charpy impact test are comparable with large and complex ANN models, this
performance was obtained with just two rules. The results from the UTS dataset are the
best obtained so far in the literature. The results from the Cancer dataset
underperformed and overfitted the data, this may be caused by the large number of
categorical features in the dataset and the application of a least square optimization
algorithm instead of performing a survival analysis which is out of the scope of this
work. Results obtained from the superconductivity dataset are superior to most
modelling strategies.

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

6.1 Introduction

The consequence of the SICFIS proposed in Chapter 4 was defined as a complex

singleton membership function. The disadvantage of utilizing a singleton membership
function is the loss of vagueness and linguistic meaning a typical gaussian membership
function may provide, as it is the case in Mamdani-FIS. Therefore, a Mamdani-SICFIS
model, where the fuzzy complex singleton membership function is replaced with a
complex Gaussian in order to better model uncertainties and increase interpretability is

According to Ramot et al [8], [55]. the magnitude of a CFS represents a traditional

type-1 fuzzy set while the phase is a non-fuzzy quantity that defines the “context”. The
CF membership function represents a trajectory in 3 dimensions, in contrast with the
type 2 fuzzy set which represent a surface [132], the reason for this representation is
that while a type-2 fuzzy set includes an additional degree of uncertainty, the CFS
includes an additional non-fuzzy degree of information defined as the “context”.

Complex membership functions have been proposed previously [57]. The complex
Gaussian membership functions proposed to date [74], [75] do not represent a trajectory
in 3 dimensions whit a coupled phase and magnitude. The sinusoidal membership
function proposed by Dick [73] does represents a 3 dimensional trajectory, where both
the magnitude and the phase are coupled.

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Sinusoidal and Gaussian membership functions are utilized for different purposes,
while the sinusoidal membership function is utilized to model semi-periodic behaviour,
Gaussian represent a region of space at a particular time [57]. The proposed complex
Gaussian membership function is therefore the first linguistic membership function
based on the CFS and CFL developed by Ramot et al. [8], [55].

6.2 Development of a Complex Gaussian Membership Function

The complex membership function should respect the following:

1) The magnitude represents a type-1 fuzzy membership function, the phase is a non-
fuzzy quantity that represents the “context”.
2) A complex membership function in 3 dimensions should represent a trajectory,
not a surface.
3) A complex membership function should be equivalent to a traditional type-1
membership function when all the phases are equal to zero.
4) The defuzzification results in crisp complex number, with a magnitude and a
5) Given points (3) and (4); when all the phases in a system are equal, that is when
no interference occurs, the resultant magnitude should be equivalent to a traditional
type-1 system. Given that an ordering does not exists in complex numbers, the phase
should be taken into consideration together with a frame of reference.

In order to differentiate between real valued membership functions and complex

membership function the symbol  will be used for the former and  for the latter. The
complex membership function will be defined as follows:

 S (x) = rS e j ( x)

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

where r represents the magnitude and  the phase. The complex membership
functions described in the following section maps real-valued inputs to the complex
domain, → .

6.2.1 Type-1 Membership Function Equations: Singleton and Gaussian

Membership Functions

For the development of a complex fuzzy gaussian membership function it is

necessary to first present the equations for a traditional type-1 singleton and Gaussian
membership functions. The singleton membership function has a membership value of
1 when a variable x is equal to the singleton position b, and 0 otherwise. The Gaussian
membership function is a normal convex function which has a value of 1 when a
variable k is at the center of the gaussian membership function, defined as b in this
example, the value decreases as the distance between k and b increases. In two
dimensions the x-axis represents the value of the variable k. The position of the
singleton membership function and the center of the Gaussian membership function are
represented by the same variable b.

Singleton membership function:

1, if k = b
ySingleton =  Singleton (k ) =  (6.2)
0, if k  b

Gaussian membership function:

 1  ( k − b ) 2 
= Gaussian
(k ) = exp  −  
 2    
y (6.3)
 

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 6.1 shows the two-dimensional view of a gaussian membership function and
singleton membership function, both functions centres are equal to 0.5 and the spread
 of the Gaussian membership function is equal to 0.2.

Figure 6.1: Two-dimension view of a Gaussian and singleton membership function,

center b=0.5 and  =0.2.

6.2.2 Complex Singleton Membership Function

In the case of a complex fuzzy singleton membership function in 3-dimensions the

x, and y axis represents the real and the imaginary plane respectively, while the z axis
represents the membership value, which would be equal to the magnitude of the
complex membership function. Therefore, taking a real-valued input k the magnitude
and the phase of the complex singleton membership function is as follows:

1 if k  cos( ) =  Re and k  sin( ) =  Im

z =  (k ) =  (6.4)
0 otherwise

arg( (k )) =  (6.5)

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

where z represents the magnitude of the fuzzified variable.  represents the phase
of the membership function, Re and Im represent the real and the imaginary

coordinates of the singleton location and are calculated as follows:

Re = b  cos() (6.6)

Im = b  sin() j (6.7)

It should be noted that the magnitude of the complex singleton membership function
is equivalent to a type-1 singleton membership function with the addition of the context
represented by the phase variable  . This is in accordance with points 1 and 3, and the
complex singleton membership function can be tough as a traditional type-1 singleton
membership function whose centers rotates according to the value of the context
variable  . An example of a singleton membership function located at  = 0.5 and

 = 45 is shown in Figure 6.2. The dotted lines represent the slope where the trajectory
of k travels as well as the location of Re and Im for visual reference.

Figure 6.2: Three-dimension view of a singleton membership function, center  =0.5

and a pahse  = 45

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

6.2.3 Complex Gaussian Membership Function

Just as in the case of the complex singleton membership function, in 3-dimensions

the complex Gaussian membership function should represent a traditional type-1
Gaussian membership function whose trajectory is rotated by  degrees. The parametric
equations in 3-dimensions of the complex Gaussian membership function for the x, y
and z axis are as follows:

x = k *cos() (6.8)
y = k *sin() (6.9)

 1  ( x, y) −  2 
z =  (k ) = exp  −    (6.10)
 2   

arg( x, y) =  (6.11)

where x and y represent the real and the imaginary values, because the phase is
constant, the values should move in a straight line, and the slope represent the phase 
. The z axis represents the magnitude of the CFS, which represents a traditional type-1
fuzzy set and its shape should then be of a type-1 gaussian membership function. An
example of a complex-Gaussian membership function is shown in Figure 6.3.

During the rule interference process, it is necessary to aggregate the real and
imaginary parts respectively. In the case of the complex Gaussian membership function,
it is necessary to separate the real and imaginary components of the complex Gaussian
membership function to assign the proportional degree of membership. This can be
accomplished by multiplying the Gaussian membership function by the absolute value
of a sine and cosine function. The absolute value is utilized given that the membership
value needs to remain positive. The real and imaginary components of a complex

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Gaussian membership function are shown in Figure 6.4. The complex Gaussian
membership function is as follows:

 1  ( x, y) −  2   1  ( x, y) −  2 
 (k ) = exp  −    cos( ) + exp  −    sin( ) j (6.12)
 2     2    
 

where ( x, y) −  represents the distance from the origin to the centre of the

membership function,  is the spread and  is the angle of the complex Gaussian
membership function.

The proposed complex Gaussian membership increases the interpretability of the

system given its proximity to human natural languages. While the complex Singleton
membership function allows to represent linguistic variables with context, the complex
Gaussian membership function adds the vagueness characteristic of human speech. The
oven example shown in Section 2.1 demonstrates how a normal membership function
is better suited for representing information in an intuitive manner, something that
cannot be fully achieved with a complex Singleton membership function.

By adding context to a complex Gaussian membership function, it is possible to

increase the information representation in the system. As an example, an Oven might
be considered “Hot” at a certain temperature, given other circumstances such
temperature might not be considered “Hot” at all. The context is expressed as
interference, and depends on the angle  of the complex membership function.

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 6.3: Three-dimension view of a complex Gaussian membership function, center

 =0.5, spread  =0.2 and phase  = 45 .

Figure 6.4: Three-dimension view of a complex Gaussian membership function and the
corresponding real and imaginary projection. Center  =0.5, spread  =0.2 and phase
 = 45 .

6.2.4 Interference and Defuzzification

The interference and defuzzification operation are relatively straight forward. The
complex gaussian membership function is represented by its real and imaginary part,
each is aggregated respectably, creating an interference. The obtained crisp value is a

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

complex quantity, and the measured output is the magnitude, while the phase is used
for additional information. The COG de-fuzzification is as follows:


  r
(kd )  xd
h Re = d =1 r =1
 
d =1 r =1
(kd )


  r
( k d )  yd
h Im = d =1 r =1
 
d =1 r =1
(kd )

f ( xi ) = (h ) + (h )
Re 2 Im 2

As explained in the previous section, the real and the imaginary parts of the complex
gaussian membership function corresponds to the projections to their respective axis.
The particle moves at k intervals in the space, at a rate of k  cos() in the x-axis and
k  sin( ) in the y-axis as shown in Figure 6.5. The equations (6.12)-(6.15) comply with
the objectives formulated at the beginning of this Chapter. Defuzzification and Equivalence to Type-1 System

One of the essential requirements for the proposed complex gaussian membership
function is the equivalence to a type-1 membership function when all the phases are
equal to zero. Additionally, the proposed membership function is equivalent to a type-
1 system when all the phases in a system are equal, the magnitude of the defuzzied
value should remain constant as there is no interference, below is an example of the
defuzzification of two complex gaussian membership function and the defuzzification
of two type-1 gaussian membership functions. Table 6.1 shows the parameters of both
the complex and the type-1 Gaussian membership functions. The graphical

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

representation of the defuzzification are shown in Figure 6.6 and Figure 6.7 for the
type-1 and the complex membership function respectively.

Both the magnitude of the complex defuzzified value and the absolute value of the
type-1 defuzzification are the same. Complex numbers are not ordered; therefore the
resultant number has an phase of 240° and the type-1 quantity has a negative sign.

Figure 6.5: Three-dimension view of a Gaussian membership function. Center  =0.5,

spread  =0.2 and phase  = 135 .

Table 6.1 Complex and type-1 defuzzification

Complex Gaussian Type -1 Gaussian
Sigma [0.2],[0.3] [0.2],[0.3]
Centre [0.7],[0.1] [-0.7],[0.1]
Angle(degrees) [240],[60] NA
Defuzzified value 0.220, 240° -0.220

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 6.6: Type-1 COG defuzzification Sigma=[0.2,0.3], centres =[-0.7,0.1].

Figure 6.7: complex defuzzification Sigma:[0.2,0.3], centres:[0.7,0.1], angles =


6.3 The Mamdani-Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System Model

The Mamdani-SICFIS just as the SICFIS is a single rule per feature partition rule-
base FIS, each rule has one premise and one consequent, the premises are composed of

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

type-1 Gaussian membership functions and the consequents are composed of complex
Gaussian membership function defined in (6.12).

Table 6.2: Mamdani SICFIS rule-base

Premise Consequence
IF x1 is A THEN y = is 11

IF x1 is A THEN y = is 12

IF x2 is A THEN y = is  21

IF x2 is A THEN y = is  22

IF xP is APSP THEN y = is  P p

Figure 6.8 Mamdani-SICFIS architecture.

The Mamdani SICFIS can be described as a 6 layered FIS, the first layer fuzzifies
the input utilizing a type-1 Gaussian membership function as follows:

 2

1  x p − c p,s p 

O 1 
=  p ,s p ( x p ) = exp −    (6.16)
p,s p
 2   p,s  
  p  

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

The second layer calculates the consequents of the rules utilizing the complex
gaussian membership function, the real and imaginary components of the complex
gaussian membership function are as follows:

( )   cos(
 
 1  k j − c p,s p
,s p =  p,s p
Op2,Re = exp  −
) (6.17)
  
 2   p,s p
 p,s p

  

 
( )   sin(

 1  k j − c p,s p
,s p =  p,s p
Op2,Im = exp  −
) (6.18)
  
 2   p,sp
 p,s p

  

The third layer aggregates the real and imaginary components of the complex
Gaussian membership function respectively.


O 3,Re
p =   p , s p ( x p )   pRe,s p (6.19)
s p =1


p =   p , s p ( x p )   pIm,s p (6.20)
s p =1

The fourth layer performs the defuzzification operation:

Sp D

 
s p =1 d =1
p,s p (kd )   p , s p ( x p )  kd  cos( p , s p )
O 4,Re
p = Sp D
 
s p =1 d =1
p,s p (kd )   p , s p ( x p )

Sp D

 
s p =1 d =1
p,s p (kd )   p , s p ( x p )  kd  sin( p , s p )
Op4,Im = Sp D
 
s p =1 d =1
p,s p ( kd )   p , s p ( x p )

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

The fifth layer performs the rule interference layer is the output of the system as
O 5,Re
=h Re
=  O p4,Re (6.23)
p =1

O5,Im = h Im =  O p4,Im (6.24)
p =1

The sixth layer calculates the final output as follows:

f ( x) = (h ) + (h )
Re 2 Im 2

6.3.1 Optimization

The optimization algorithm is the LM and the derivative equations are as follows:

f  f hRe f hIm 
= +  (6.26)
 p , s p  hRe  p , s hIm  p, s p 
 p 

f  f h  p ,s p f hIm  p ,s p 
= Re
+  (6.27)
 p , s p

 hRe  p , s  p , s hIm  p, s  p, s 
 p p p p 

f  f h  p ,s p f hIm  p ,s p 
=  Re
+  (6.28)
c p ,s p  hRe  p , s p c p , s p hIm  p ,s p c p ,s p 

f  f hRe f hIm 
=  Re +  (6.29)
 p , s p

 h  p ,s hIm  p , s 
 p p 

f  f hRe f hIm 
=  +  (6.30)
cp , s p  hRe cp , s p hIm cp ,s p 

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

The application of such optimization algorithm presents several challenges, given

the computation of the defuzzification operation. The LM optimization requires the
calculation of a pseudoinverse matrix. Additionally, if parallel computation is
implemented, the size of the matrix increases exponentially, therefore increasing the
computational complexity of the pseudoinverse matrix calculation.

6.4 Results

6.4.1 Charpy Impact Test

For the Charpy impact dataset the parameter grid is shown in Table 6.3. The RMSE
index is used to measure the performance of the models. A summary of the results of
models is shown in Table 6.4. The best results given a number of membership functions
are shown in Table 6.5. The regression plot of the best performing model is shown in
Figure 6.9

Table 6.3: Charpy impact Mamdani-SICFIS parameter grid.

Parameter Values
Model Mamdani-SICFIS
Optimization Method LM
Number of membership functions per feature {2,3,4,5,6}
Initial LM coefficient 20
Number of k-fold cross validation per model 5
Maximum number of epochs 90
Training-Checking-Testing partitions [65-18-17]

Table 6.4: Charpy Impact Mamdani-SICFIS Results Summary.

No. mF Training Checking Testing All
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
2mF 18.45 0.77 19.33 0.53 21.71 0.78 19.20 0.67
3mF 17.57 1.53 21.22 2.12 21.61 1.68 19.02 1.49
4mF 17.61 1.65 21.84 1.73 22.66 1.87 19.40 0.95
5mF 16.17 0.31 19.43 1.81 19.23 1.32 17.36 0.19
6mF 15.78 0.75 21.18 0.83 22.40 1.70 18.11 0.76

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 6.9: Charpy Mamdani-SICFIS 5 membership Functions (mF) regression plots.

Table 6.5: Charpy Impact Mamdani-SICFIS Best Results.

No. mF Training Checking Testing All
2mF 17.75 19.42 20.91 18.63
3mF 17.00 21.65 19.33 18.32
4mF 18.83 22.63 20.54 19.86
5mF 16.66 18.89 18.03 17.32
6mF 15.68 20.10 21.14 17.56

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

6.4.2 Tensile Strength

For the UTS dataset the parameter grid is shown in Table 6.6 the RMSE is used to
measure the performance of the model. A summary of the results of models are shown
in Table 6.7. The best results given a number of membership functions are shown in
Table 6.8. The regression plots of the best performing model are shown in Figure 6.10.

Table 6.6: UTS Mamdani-SICFIS parameter grid.

Parameter Values
Model Mamdani-SICFIS
Optimization Method LM
Number of membership functions per feature {2,3,4,5,6}
Initial LM coefficient 20
Number of k-fold cross validation per model 5
Maximum number of epochs 90
Training-Checking-Testing partitions [65-18-17]

Table 6.7: UTS Mamdani-SICFIS results summary.

No. mF Training Checking Validation All
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
2mF 45.07 4.47 46.44 4.05 78.51 5.06 45.63 4.33
3mF 42.45 3.89 46.76 5.33 68.97 12.24 43.90 4.35
4mF 36.90 0.68 40.79 1.51 63.36 3.01 38.22 0.46
5mF 39.97 1.95 47.58 6.01 63.32 4.89 42.55 2.45
6mF 45.92 7.41 52.33 6.28 76.46 18.10 48.06 7.06

Table 6.8: UTS Mamdani-SICFIS best results.

No. mF Training Checking Testing All
2mF 40.70 42.54 73.35 41.40
3mF 37.97 40.40 58.04 38.79
4mF 37.06 38.89 62.78 37.72
5mF 38.32 41.44 66.87 39.40
6mF 37.54 44.96 69.62 40.04

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 6.10: UTS Mamdani-SICFIS 4 membership Functions regression plots.

6.4.3 Bladder Cancer

For the Bladder Cancer dataset, the parameter grid is shown in Table 6.9 the RMSE
is used to measure the performance of the models during training. A summary of the
results of models measured utilizing the AUC are shown in Table 6.10. The best results
given a number of membership functions are shown in Table 6.11. The ROC curves of
the best performing model is shown in Figure 6.11 and the scatter plot of the scores is
shown in Figure 6.12

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Table 6.9: Bladder Cancer Mamdani-SICFIS parameter grid.

Parameter Values
Model Mamdani-SICFIS
Optimization Method LM
Number of membership functions per feature {2,3,4}
Initial LM coefficient 20
Number of k-fold cross validation per model 5
Maximum number of epochs 90
Training-Checking-Testing partitions [65-18-17]

Table 6.10: Bladder Cancer Mamdani-SICFIS results summary.

No. mF Training Testing All
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
2mF 0.9022 0.0046 0.8753 0.0069 0.8941 0.0026
3mF 0.8772 0.0186 0.8483 0.0171 0.8684 0.0176
4mF 0.8914 0.0106 0.8815 0.0168 0.8886 0.0077

Table 6.11: Bladder Cancer Mamdani-SICFIS best results.

No. mF Training Testing All
2mF 0.9075 0.8704 0.8957
3mF 0.8910 0.8726 0.8855
4mF 0.9083 0.8604 0.8952

Figure 6.11: Bladder Cancer Mamdani-SICFIS 2 membership Functions ROC curves.

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 6.12: Bladder Cancer Mamdani-SICFIS 2 membership Functions Scores.

6.4.4 Superconductivity Results

The superconductivity results are shown in Table 6.12. The data partition is 65-18-
17 for training, checking and testing respectively.

Table 6.12: Superconductivity results.

Training Checking Testing All
Mamdani 2mF 16.93 17.33 16.97 17.01
Mamdani 3mF 16.74 17.04 16.55 16.76

6.5 Charpy Impact Magnitude-Phase Plots Comparison Between SICFIS


In order to perform some comparison between the Mamdani, normalized and fast
SICFIS models beyond the prediction accuracy, the magnitude and phase plots of the

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

output of three features, carbon, tempering temperature and impact temperature are
shown in Figure 6.13, Figure 6.14 and Figure 6.15 respectively, each feature is
partitioned by 5 membership functions.

Table 6.13: Charpy impact normalized, fast and Mamdani-SICFIS best results given 5
membership functions (mF).
Training Checking Testing All
Normalized 5mF 15.23 21.12 19.75 17.25
Fast 5mF 15.38 19.63 18.52 16.77
Mamdani 5mF 16.66 18.89 18.03 17.32

On the one hand the sharp changes shown in Figure 6.15 may result in overfitting,
on the other hand the small changes shown in Figure 6.13 may result in an
underperforming model. From Table 6.13 it can be observed that the Mamdani SICFIS
model obtained the best out-of-sample RMSE in comparison with the normalized and
fast SICFIS models. Therefore, it may be concluded that the Mamdani-SICFIS model
may model uncertainties more appropriately in the Charpy impact test dataset than the
normalized and fast SICFIS models.

Figure 6.13: Magnitude-Phase plots for the Mamdani-SICFIS model for Carbon,
Tempering Temperature (T.Temp) and Impact Temperature (Imp. Temp).

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

Figure 6.14: Magnitude-Phase plots for the Normalized-SICFIS model for Carbon,
Tempering Temperature (T.Temp) and Impact Temperature (Imp. Temp).

Figure 6.15: Magnitude-Phase plots for the Fast-SICFIS model for Carbon, Tempering
Temperature (T.Temp) and Impact Temperature (Imp. Temp).

6.6 Summary

This chapter presented the development of a linguistic and interpretable complex

Gaussian membership function following the indications presented in [8], [55], [132].
The complex fuzzy Gaussian membership function was implemented to develop
linguistic complex single input FIS. The system is equivalent to a type-1 single input
Mamdani FIS when all the phases are equal to zero, furthermore this equivalence extent

Chapter 6
Mamdani Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

to cases in which all the phases in the system are aligned, that is, when no interference
occurs in the system.

The results obtained from the SICFIS -Mamdani model are comparable with other
FIS systems such as the RBFN and the ANFIS models. The results did not outperform
the singleton-SICFIS model. These results are consistent with type-1 Mamdani FIS,
which are known to be less accurate than RBFN and TSK FISs. The reduced accuracy
can be compensated with an increase in the interpretability of the model.

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets
and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference System

7.1 Introduction

Feature selection algorithms have become increasingly important in machine

learning and AI given the ever-expanding size of databases created for industrial and
commercial applications [133]. Feature selection algorithms can be used to create
smaller datasets composed of the features that have the most impact in the prediction
accuracy, producing better and more compact models by removing unimportant and
uncorrelated information. Other advantages of feature selection algorithm are the
assessment of the impact a feature has in increasing the prediction accuracy of a model.

Assessing the importance of a feature is of importance in fields such as medicine

and engineering. In medicine for example, it is crucial to identify symptoms for the
proper diagnosis of diseases [134], [135]. In material engineering it is important to
identify process and alloys that have the most impact in the material properties in order
to allocate properly the resources to ensure right first-time production.

Feature selection algorithm can be classified in three major categories. Filter,

wrappers and embedded methods [136]. Filter methods are used during data pre-
processing. Wrapper methods select a subset of a features based on their impact in the
prediction accuracy of a model. Embedded methods realize the feature selection process
within the algorithm and training.

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

The SICFIS model introduced in Chapter 4 presents novel methods for interpreting
and extracting knowledge. The SICFIS model maps real-valued inputs into the complex
domain, representing the relationship between input and output variables as
interferences. The magnitude-phase plots introduced in section 4.4.3 display the
behaviour of the system given any combination of inputs within a range of operation.
A filter method utilizing complex-valued statistics and the information extracted from
the magnitude-phase plots is devised and implemented in four real-world datasets
utilized in this work.

For comparison purposes a wrapper method utilizing the SICFIS model and a
filter/wrapper method utilizing fuzzy rough sets are to be implemented in Charpy, TS
and Bladder cancer datasets previously studied, in order to compare the performance of
the SICFIS filter. For the superconductivity dataset, a result comparison is presented
from the results presented in [109].

7.2 Wrapper Method Utilizing the SICFIS Model

Wrapper methods select a subset of features based on the impact these features have
on the prediction accuracy. Wrapper methods are “model agnostic” meaning that any
model can be selected, including simple linear models or more complex machine
learning models such as ANN. Wrapper methods can be considered “brute force” as it
requires to compute a large number of models to derive a proper subset of features.
These methods become intractable as the dimension of the dataset increases, given that
the number of models needed to evaluate grows exponentially. To reduce the size of
the grid search, it is possible to implement Greedy search strategies. Greedy search
strategies can be either forward selection or backward elimination [136].

In a forward selection algorithm, the algorithm begins by selecting each of the

feature of the sets of available features. The performance of each feature is assessed

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

and compared, the best performing feature is added to a subset of features, once added
to this subset, it will be part of the remaining iterations of the algorithm. This process
is repeated until an end condition is met, such as an optimal number of features are
selected, or no features are left to be tested, the forward selection algorithm is shown in
Algorithm 7.2. The backward elimination algorithm works opposite, eliminating the
worst performing feature at each iteration, the backward elimination algorithm is shown
in Algorithm 7.1. The order in which the features are eliminated or added to the
algorithm can serve as a measurement of their impact on the prediction [136].

Algorithm 7.1: Backward elimination algorithm.

Inputs: Set of all possible features Features = { p1 , p2 ,..., p1−P , pP }
Output: Set A composed of subsets of best features at each iteration
A1 = Features
For j = 2 : P −1

For k = 1: Aj −1
Bk = Aj −1 \{ak }
Calculate performance f (Bk )
Aj = Bk Best Performance

Algorithm 7.2: Forward selection algorithm.

Inputs: Set of all possible features P = { p1 , p2 ,..., p1−P , pP }
Output: Set A composed of subsets of best features at each iteration
A1 = 
For j = 2 : P −1

For k = 1: Aj −1
Bk = Aj −1 {ak }
Calculate performance f (Bk )
Aj = Bk Best Performance

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

In this section, a backward elimination algorithm is to be developed utilizing the

fast-SICFIS model, given the low computation required to train the fast-SICFIS
algorithm it is ideal for such brute-force algorithms.

7.2.1 Results Wrapper Method Utilizing Fast-SICFIS Model

The results of the first three real-world datasets are summarized in Table 7.1. The
order in which features are eliminated is shown in descending order, showing at the last
row of each column the last remaining feature, which can be considered as the most
important feature for prediction accuracy. To assess the performance of the feature
selection algorithm, P-1 models are to be trained and evaluated (P being the number of
features in a dataset), each with a decreasing number of features according to the results
obtained and shown in Table 7.1. Ideally, a slight decrease in performance should be
observed, a sharp decrease in performance would indicate an improper elimination of a
feature. Results for the Charpy, UTS and Bladder Cancer datasets are shown in Figure
7.1, Figure 7.2 and Figure 7.3 respectively

Table 7.1: SICFIS Wrapper method for feature selection results.

Charpy UTS Cancer
1 Test Depth 1 S 1 CIS Present
2 Cooling Medium 2 Al 2 Squamous
3 Al 3 Hardening Temperature 3 Muscle
4 Mo 4 Mn 4 Cystectomy
5 V 5 Si 5 Grade
6 Ni 6 V 6 Sex
7 S 7 Test Depth 7 Urothelium
8 Si 8 Site 8 Radiotherapy
9 Cr 9 Ni 9 Nodes Details
10 Mn 10 Cooling Medium 10 Vascular
11 Hardening Temperature 11 Cr 11 SPB
12 Site 12 Size 12 Age
13 C 13 C Final Stage
14 Impact Temperature 14 Mo
15 Size Final Tempering Temperature
Final Tempering Temperature

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Figure 7.1: Charpy Impact Test SICFIS Backward elimination feature selection results.

Figure 7.2: UTS SICFIS Backward elimination feature selection results.

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Figure 7.3: Bladder Cancer SICFIS Backward elimination feature selection results.

The backward elimination algorithm is designed specifically to obtain the best

results given such evaluation, therefore the wrapper-SICFIS method will serve as a
benchmark score for the remining models.

7.3 Filter Method Utilizing Fuzzy Rough Sets

Rough sets and fuzzy rough sets can be utilized to measure the dependency between
features and output variables. The rough set feature dependency is a measure of how
accurately a set of features can describe the output. An information table filled with
irrelevant and/or random features would score a low dependency value. The method
described in this section for feature selection may be classified as a filter/wrapper
method, given that it is necessary to implement “brute-force” algorithms to measure the
feature dependency of different combination of features. Methods such as particle
swarm optimization [46] and a forward selection algorithm [49], [50] have been

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

implemented successfully. As is the case in the previous section, a backward

elimination greedy search algorithm is to be implemented, utilizing the fuzzy-rough
feature dependency as a criterion for eliminating poor performing features.

A major disadvantage of utilizing fuzzy rough sets methods for feature selection is
the exponential growth of computational time with the addition of features and the
number of instances in the dataset [52], the implementation of parallel computing
operations reduces considerably the computation time for larger data-sets, nonetheless
memory problems may arise for “big data” applications.

In section 2.5 rough sets and fuzzy rough sets were introduced. The method for
calculating the fuzzy roughs sets, positive region and feature dependency utilized in
this work is the same as the one introduced by Etienne and Kerre in [48] and further
developed by Jensen and Shen in [49]. Three different fuzzy similarity relationship
equations utilized to calculate fuzzy-rough sets were presented, the three equations are
presented again for clarification below:
p( x) − p( y )
 R ( x, y ) = 1 − (7.1)
pmax − pmin
 ( p( x) − p( y )) 2 
 R p ( x, y ) = exp  −  (7.2)
 2 p 

  p ( y ) − ( p ( x) −  p ) ( p ( x) +  p ) + p ( y )  
 R p ( x, y ) = max  min  ,  (7.3)
  p ( x) − ( p ( x) −  p ) ( p ( x) +  p ) + p ( x)  
  

The positive region and feature dependency of a fuzzy-rough sets are calculated as
(Q )
( X ) = sup  R X ( x ) P
X U / Q

 p (Q) =
 xU
(Q )
( x)

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Each of the three equations will be implemented and the performance is to be

compared in order to identify the best fuzzy similarity relationship equation for
measuring feature dependency. The equations (7.2), (7.1) and (7.3) will be referred to
as fuzzy similarity -1, fuzzy similarity -2 and fuzzy similarity -3 respectively.

7.3.1 Results

The order in which features are eliminated at each iteration for the Charpy, UTS,
and Bladder Cancer datasets are shown in Table 7.2, Table 7.3 and Table 7.4
respectively. The performance evaluation method utilized with the wrapper-SICFIS
method is implemented and the results for the Charpy, UTS and Bladder Cancer
datasets are shown in Figure 7.4, Figure 7.5 and Figure 7.6 respectively. It is seen that
the performance of Fuzzy similarity -1 is superior as compared with Fuzzy similarity -
2 and Fuzzy similarity.

Table 7.2: Fuzzy Rough set feature selection Charpy dataset variables eliminated at
each iteration
Feature Eliminated
Iteration Fuzzy Similarity - 1 Fuzzy Similarity - 2 Fuzzy Similarity - 3
1 V V Mo
2 Ni Ni V
3 Cr Cooling Medium Ni
4 Mo Mn Cooling Medium
5 Mn Cr C
6 Hardening Temperature Mo Site
7 Cooling Medium Hardening Temperature Mn
8 Test Depth Test Depth Cr
9 S S Test Depth
10 Al Site Hardening Temperature
11 Site Impact Temperature Impact Temperature
12 Si Si Si
13 Impact Temperature Al S
14 Size Size Al
15 Tempering Temperature Tempering Temperature Size
Final C C Tempering Temperature

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Table 7.3: Fuzzy Rough set feature selection UTS dataset variables eliminated at each
Feature Eliminated
Iteration Fuzzy Similarity - 1 Fuzzy Similarity - 2 Fuzzy Similarity - 3
1 V V V
2 Al Al Cr
3 Test Depth Cr Al
4 Ni Test Depth Ni
5 Mn Mn Cooling Medium
6 Cooling Medium Cooling Medium Test Depth
7 Site Site Mn
8 S Ni Site
9 Cr Hardening Temperature Hardening Temperature
10 Hardening Temperature S S
11 Si Si Si
12 Size Size Mo
13 C C C
14 Mo Mo Size
Final Tempering Temperature Tempering Temperature Tempering Temperature

Table 7.4: Fuzzy Rough Sets feature selection Cancer dataset features eliminated at
each iteration
Variable Eliminated
Iteration Fuzzy Similarity - 1 Fuzzy Similarity - 2 Fuzzy Similarity - 3
1 Cystectomy Cystectomy Cystectomy
2 Radiotherapy Radiotherapy Radiotherapy
3 Nodes Detail Nodes Detail Nodes Detail
4 Squamous Squamous Squamous
5 CIS Present CIS Present CIS Present
6 Vascular Vascular Vascular
8 Urothelium Urothelium Urothelium
9 Grade Grade Grade
10 Muscle Muscle Muscle
11 Sex Sex Sex
12 Age Age Stage
Final Stage Stage Age

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Figure 7.4: Charpy Fuzzy-rough sets Backward elimination feature selection results.

Figure 7.5: UTS Fuzzy-rough sets Backward elimination feature selection results.

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Figure 7.6:Bladder Cancer Fuzzy-rough sets Backward elimination feature selection


7.4 SICFIS Filter Feature Selection Algorithm.

The SICFIS model introduced in section Chapter 4 maps real-valued inputs to the
complex domain, this allows to model the interaction between features as interferences.
This process can be represented utilizing the magnitude-phase information of each
feature (section to model the behaviour of the system given any input within
the range of operation. The magnitude and phase information for a feature p given an
input k are as follows:

( ) ( )
Sp Sp

Mag p = p,s p (k p ) + cos( p ,s p )   p ,s p +   p ,s p (k p ) + sin( p ,s p )   p ,s p i (7.6)

s p =1 s p =1

 Sp 
( ) ( )i 

Php = arg    p ,s p (k p ) + cos( p ,s p )   p ,s p +   p ,s p (k p ) + sin( p ,s p )   p ,s p (7.7)

 s =1
 p s p =1 

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

where k is a continuous variable with strictly increasing values within the range of
operation of a feature p.

Given that the entire behaviour of the system is represented with the magnitude-
phase plots, it is possible to estimate which are the most important features in the
system. For example, below in Figure 7.7 are shown the magnitude-phase plots for the
Charpy impact test features, utilizing 3 membership function per feature. In Figure 7.8
the complex-valued output prediction when fixing all the features to a specific value
and varying each one of the following features Carbon, Sulphur, Nickel and tempering
temperature is shown.

From the results shown in Figure 7.8 the feature “tempering temperature” produces
the highest complex-valued variance, followed by Carbon, while Nickel and Sulphur
hardly produce any variance in the complex valued output.

Figure 7.7: Charpy Impact Magnitude Phase Plots.

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Figure 7.8: Charpy Impact normalized complex-valued output prediction varying:

Carbon (C), Sulphur (S), Nickel (Ni) and tempering temperature (T. Temp).

Given the example, two different feature importance measurement methods may be
implemented. The first method takes into consideration the variables that produce the
greater variance in the output, these variables are: the magnitude of the resultant vector
of a feature and the rate of change of its magnitude and phase. The second method
measures the complex-valued covariance between a complex-value feature and the
predicted output.

7.4.1 Feature Importance Score Based on a Features Magnitude and Rate of


A feature importance score based on a features magnitude and rate of change may
be calculated utilizing the magnitude-phase plots. One may calculate the area under the
curve of the magnitude and the area under the curves of the magnitude and phase rate
of change. This method presents several challenges: The first challenge arises from the
datasets itself. Such method would be appropriate only for datasets containing
continuous features with a uniform distribution. For example, the Charpy impact test is
known for its scattered measurements, (the histogram plots of each of the features is
shown in Figure 7.9, additionally the Bladder cancer dataset contains mostly categorical

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Figure 7.9: Charpy impact test feature histogram.

Therefore, in order to develop an appropriate feature importance score formula, it is

necessary to utilize the magnitude and the phase information of the instances x p in the

dataset. The magnitude, phase are as follows:

( ) ( )
Sp Sp

Mag np =  p ,s ( x np ) + cos( p ,s )   p ,s +   p ,s ( x np ) + sin( p ,s )   p ,s i

p p p p p p
s p =1 s p =1

 Sp 
( ) ( )i 

Ph = arg    p , s p ( x p ) + cos( p ,s p )   p ,s p +   p ,s p ( x np ) + sin( p ,s p )   p ,s p

n n
 s =1
 p s p =1 
The resulting complex-valued variable for each feature instance is as follows:

( ) ( )
Sp Sp

z np =   p , s p ( x np ) + cos( p , s p )   p , s p +   p , s p ( x np ) + sin( p , s p )   p , s p i (7.10)

s p =1 s p =1

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

where n :[1 N ] and N represent the number of instances in the dataset.

The following formula replaces the area under the curve of the magnitude with the
expected value of the magnitude, and the area under the curves of the rate of change of
the magnitude and the phase with the variance function.

 
 var(Mag ) var( Php ) 
FeatureScore Mag − Ph
= E[Mag p ]   P p
+ P  (7.11)
 

  var(Mag p )  var( Php ) 

 p =1 p =1 

The calculation of the expected value and variance of the magnitude is straight
forward. Calculating the variance of the phase requires some modifications to the
variance equation. The variance is calculated as the expected value of the squared
distances between the mean and the samples. Given that the angular values are circular,
it is more appropriate to calculate the angular distance between the mean value of the
complex random variable z as follows:

  E[z p ]  z p   

var( Php ) = E  cos−1     (7.12)

  E[z p ] z p   
    

The expected value of a complex random variable is calculated as follows [137]:

E[z] = E(zRe + zImi) = E(zRe ) + E(zImi) (7.13)

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Given that the magnitude an the angular distance utilize different measurements,
each of the variables in (7.11) are normalized to give a proportional weight to each of
the variables.

7.4.2 Covariance of Complex-Valued Random Variables

In the previous section t was shown that the SICFIS model maps real-valued features
inputs into the complex domain, the variance and covariance of two complex-valued
random variables is as follows [137]:

 x2 = Var(z) E (z − E[z])(z − E[z])* (7.14)

cov(z1z2 ) = E[z1z2 ] − E[z1 ]E[z2 ]* (7.15)

where * represents the complex conjugate of the complex quantity.

In order to utilize the complex covariance as a feature importance measure, it is
necessary to calculate its magnitude, the larger the magnitude, the larger the covariance
between a feature and the output.

p = cov(z p z output ) (7.16)

7.4.3 Combined Feature Importance Equation

Finally, it is possible to combine both equations into a single feature importance

equation as follows:

− Ph
FeatureScoreMag FeatureScoreCov
p = P
+ P
 FeatureScore
p =1
Mag − Ph
p  FeatureScore
p =1

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Equation (7.17) utilizes both measurements, in order to provide more robust

predictions, each one normalized to provide an adequate weight to each of the feature
score equations. The three equations, (7.11), (7.16) and (7.17) will be evaluated in the
following section to provide more insight to which feature selection equation provides
best results.

7.4.4 Results

The feature importance measurements relies entirely on producing a properly trained

SICFIS model, therefore in order to increase robustness in the feature score
measurement, K models are to be trained and evaluated, utilizing the same training data
partition, the initial values will be randomly modified to present different results. The
final feature importance equation is as follows:

 FeatureScore p ,k
FeatureScore p = k =1

Each of the datasets will be evaluated utilizing the three feature score equations
(7.11), (7.16) and (7.17). Both the normalized and fast SICFIS models will be evaluated
utilizing the same method explained in the previous sections.

Results of the Charpy impact test for the normalized and fast SICFIS models are
shown in Table 7.5 and Table 7.6. The evaluation of each of the equations and both the
normalized and fast models is shown in Figure 7.13. Results obtained by the
normalized-SICFIS model are superior to that of the fast-SICFIS model, given the
obvious elimination of tempering feature. For both models the combined equation
performed slightly better than the Mag-Phase equation. The worse performing equation
was the covariance equation for both models.

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Table 7.5: Charpy Normalized-SICFIS filter method for feature selection results.
Combined Score Mag-Phase Score Covariance Score
1 Si 0.0220 Ni 0.0172 Al 0.0172
2 Al 0.0224 Si 0.0210 Si 0.0251
3 H.Temp 0.0401 Al 0.0258 H.Temp 0.0399
4 Ni 0.0632 H.Temp 0.0397 S 0.0411
5 Depth 0.0665 Depth 0.0630 Depth 0.0719
6 Site 0.0733 Site 0.0672 Site 0.0761
7 S 0.0798 Cool. Med. 0.0875 Ni 0.1032
8 Cool. Med. 0.1156 S 0.1061 Mn 0.1246
9 Cr 0.1344 Cr 0.1235 Cr 0.1334
10 Mn 0.1352 Mn 0.1324 Cool. Med. 0.1355
11 V 0.2375 V 0.1531 V 0.2975
12 Mo 0.3619 Mo 0.2907 Imp. Temp. 0.3017
13 C 0.3941 C 0.3049 Mo 0.4168
14 Imp. Temp. 0.5503 Size 0.6329 C 0.4500
15 Size 0.5698 Imp. Temp. 0.7339 Size 0.4648
Final T. Temp. 1.0000 T. Temp 0.9147 T. Temp 1.0000

Table 7.6: Charpy Fast-SICFIS filter method for feature selection results.
Combined Score Mag-Phase Score Covariance Score
1 Al 0.0075 Al 0.0173 Al 0.0097
2 Ni 0.0177 Ni 0.0184 Si 0.0218
3 Si 0.0199 Si 0.0284 Ni 0.0269
4 Site 0.0854 Site 0.0933 Site 0.0834
5 Mo 0.1129 Cool. Med. 0.0937 Mo 0.1014
6 Cool. Med. 0.1320 H.Temp 0.1181 S 0.1372
7 S 0.1361 Mo 0.1293 V 0.1444
8 Depth 0.2006 S 0.1399 Depth 0.1577
9 V 0.2141 Cr 0.1958 Cool. Med. 0.1739
10 H_temp 0.2170 Mn 0.2412 Mn 0.2881
11 Mn 0.2674 Depth 0.2440 H.Temp 0.3148
12 Cr 0.3156 V 0.2835 Size 0.4043
13 Size 0.3700 Size 0.3282 Cr 0.4297
14 T. Temp. 0.5523 T. Temp 0.5264 T. Temp 0.5677
15 C 0.7719 C 0.8556 C 0.6603
Final Imp. Temp. 0.9713 Imp. Temp. 0.9303 Imp. Temp. 0.9799

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Figure 7.10: Charpy SICFIS-Filter feature selection results.

Results of the UTS for the normalized and fast SICFIS models are shown in Table
7.7 and Table 7.8. The evaluation of each of the equations for both the normalized and
fast models is shown in Figure 7.14. The best results are obtained by the combined
equation for the fast-SICFIS model. The results from the Mag-Phase and the
Covariance equation seem to vary between different points, showing a clear advantage
of utilizing both equation for obtaining better and more robust results.

Results of the Cancer for the normalized and fast SICFIS models are shown in Table
7.9 and Table 7.10. The evaluation of each of the equations for both the normalized and
fast models is shown in Figure 7.12 Figure 7.15. In section 4.7.3, the results for the
Cancer dataset utilizing the normalized and fast-SICFIS models showed a clear
difference between both methods, being the fast-SICFIS model better suited for
modelling the Cancer dataset, therefore a poor performance of the normalized-SICFIS
model for feature selection is the results of its poor performance in prediction. The

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

combined equation provided the best results as shown in Figure 7.12. From the results
observed it is concluded that after Stage, Age is the most important feature for

Table 7.7: UTS Normalized-SICFIS filter method for feature selection results.
Combined Score Mag-Phase Score Covariance Score
1 Si 0.00172 Si 0.00128 Si 0.00320
2 Al 0.00426 Al 0.00394 Al 0.00571
3 Depth 0.00777 Depth 0.00776 Depth 0.00860
4 H. Temp 0.01227 H. Temp 0.01289 H. Temp 0.01216
5 V 0.02945 Site 0.02332 V 0.02991
6 S 0.04061 V 0.02854 S 0.04336
7 Site 0.04424 S 0.03700 Site 0.06466
8 Mn 0.06885 Mn 0.04977 Mn 0.08434
9 Size 0.12031 Cool. Med. 0.05208 C 0.12399
10 Cool. Med. 0.12953 Size 0.09009 Size 0.14659
11 C 0.20376 Mo 0.21006 Cr 0.18584
12 Mo 0.29607 C 0.27420 Cool. Med. 0.20420
13 Cr 0.35418 Ni 0.27670 Mo 0.36804
14 Ni 0.42908 Cr 0.49190 Ni 0.55409
Final T. Temp 1.00000 T. Temp 0.95626 T. Temp 1.00000

Table 7.8: UTS Fast-SICFIS filter method for feature selection results.
Combined Score Mag-Phase Score Covariance Score
1 Al 0.00000 Al 0.00000 Al 0.00000
2 Si 0.00640 Si 0.00218 Si 0.01061
3 V 0.01621 Depth 0.00345 V 0.02894
4 Depth 0.02358 V 0.00348 Depth 0.04371
5 H. Temp 0.03047 S 0.00603 H. Temp 0.05384
6 S 0.03049 H. Temp 0.00710 S 0.05495
7 Cool. Med. 0.06226 Cool. Med. 0.01945 Mn 0.07376
8 Mn 0.07073 Size 0.02420 Cool. Med. 0.10508
9 Site 0.08729 Site 0.02525 Site 0.14934
10 Cr 0.11057 Cr 0.05424 Cr 0.16691
11 Size 0.13020 Mo 0.06677 Size 0.23621
12 C 0.16364 Mn 0.06769 C 0.25593
13 Mo 0.18410 C 0.07135 Mo 0.30143
14 Ni 0.22954 Ni 0.07570 Ni 0.38337
Final T. Temp 1.00000 T. Temp 1.00000 T. Temp 1.00000

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Figure 7.11: UTS SICFIS-Filter feature selection results.

Table 7.9: Bladder Cancer Normalized-SICFIS filter method for feature selection
Combined Score Mag-Phase Score Covariance Score
1 Cystectomy 0.0033 Cystectomy 0.0053 Cystectomy 0.0035
2 Vascular 0.0485 Vascular 0.0303 Radiotherapy 0.0288
3 Radiotherapy 0.0548 Radiotherapy 0.0676 Squamous 0.0305
4 Grade 0.0908 Grade 0.0962 Urothelium 0.0611
5 Urothelium 0.1078 Urothelium 0.1386 Vascular 0.0778
6 Nodes Detail 0.1166 Nodes Detail 0.1403 Nodes Detail 0.0862
7 Squamous 0.1686 Squamous 0.1438 CIS Present 0.1459
8 CIS Present 0.1974 CIS Present 0.1694 Muscle 0.1460
9 Muscle 0.2139 Muscle 0.2226 Sex 0.1567
10 Age 0.2584 Age 0.2601 Age 0.2416
11 Sex 0.2613 Sex 0.3349 Grade 0.3126
12 SPB 0.7550 SPB 0.8052 SPB 0.6131
Final Stage 0.9581 Stage 0.8308 Stage 1.0000

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Table 7.10: Bladder Cancer Fast-SICFIS filter method for feature selection results.
Combined Score Mag-Phase Score Covariance Score
1 Squamous 0.0017 Squamous 0.0021 Sex 0.0026
2 Vascular 0.0088 Vascular 0.0070 Squamous 0.0032
3 Radiotherapy 0.0089 Radiotherapy 0.0104 Radiotherapy 0.0095
4 Cystectomy 0.0104 Cystectomy 0.0125 Cystectomy 0.0104
5 Sex 0.0178 Sex 0.0171 Nodes Detail 0.0196
6 Nodes Detail 0.0243 Nodes Detail 0.0180 Vascular 0.0437
7 Grade 0.0718 Grade 0.0823 Muscle 0.0612
8 Muscle 0.1453 Muscle 0.0841 Urothelium 0.1417
9 SPB 0.1752 SPB 0.1326 CIS Present 0.1506
10 Urothelium 0.1948 Urothelium 0.1503 Grade 0.3089
11 CIS Present 0.2578 CIS Present 0.2014 Age 0.3267
12 Age 0.3222 Age 0.3193 SPB 0.3846
Final Stage 1.0000 Stage 1.0000 Stage 1.0000

Figure 7.12: Bladder Cancer SICFIS-Filter feature selection results.

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

7.5 Results Comparisons

The results of the combined filter-SICFIS method for the fast and normalized
SICFIS model, the wrapper-SICFIS method and the best performing Fuzzy rough set
method are plotted for comparison purposes. Some variation is expected given random
effects during training.

Results for the Charpy impact test are shown in Figure 7.13. The worse performing
method is the filter fast-SICFIS method. While the remaining methods seem to perform
equivalent and most of the difference in performance can be attributed to random errors.

The UTS results are shown in Figure 7.14. The wrapper method provided the best
results, while the rest of the methods performance deviate from the wrapper method
slightly at different points.

The Bladder Cancer results are shown in Figure 7.15. The worse performing model
is the filter normalized-SICFIS method. This is expected, given the results observed in
section 4.7.3. The rest of the results difference are attributed to random errors.

The computation time of each algorithm are shown in Table 7.11. From the
computation times an exponential increase in computational times for the UTS dataset
utilizing any of the fuzzy-rough set methods is observed. This exponential increase is
due to the UTS dataset containing twice the number of instances in comparison with
the Charpy impact dataset. For the wrapper method the number of features in the dataset
has more of an impact than the number of instances. The filter SICFIS method proposed
in this work produced the lowest computational time as expected, with a considerable
reduction in computational times.

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Figure 7.13: Charpy Results Comparisons between Filter-SICFIS methods, Wrapper-

SICFIS and Fuzzy Rough sets

Figure 7.14: UTS Results Comparisons between Filter-SICFIS methods, Wrapper-

SICFIS and Fuzzy Rough sets

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

Figure 7.15: Cancer Results Comparisons between Filter-SICFIS methods, Wrapper-

SICFIS and Fuzzy Rough sets

Table 7.11: Computation time comparison between the different datasets and methods
measured in seconds (s).
Charpy UTS Cancer
Wrapper-SICFIS 289.25 s 234.43 s 121.95 s
FRS-01 101.49 s 1012.2 s 57.34 s
FRS-02 100.78 s 975.03 s 56.07 s
FRS-03 101.35 s 978.05 s 56.34 s
Filter N-SICFIS 31.26 s 32.05 s 22.05 s
Filter F-SICFIS 17.67 s 22.81 s 13.83 s
FRS: Fuzzy Rough Set, N: Normalized, F: Fast.

7.6 Superconductivity Results

Given the large size of the superconductivity dataset, it is not possible to implement
the rough -sets and wrapper feature selection methods. In [109], the authors present the
20 most significant features obtained from an XG-Boost analysis results. The results
obtained from the three feature selection algorithms as well as the XG-Boost analysis
are shown in Table 7.13. In order to compare the efficacy of the feature selection
algorithms a reduced data set consisting of the 20 most significant features is utilized

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

for training a 5 membership function normalized and fast SICFIS models. The results
of the evaluation are shown in Table 7.12.

Table 7.12: Superconductivity results obtained from reduced model, utilizing 5

membership functions (mF) per feature normalized(N) and fast (F) SICFIS models.
Training Checking Testing All
N-SICFIS 5mF 15.33 15.65 15.40 15.40
F-SICFIS 5mF 15.64 16.07 15.94 15.77
N-SICFIS 5mF 17.95 18.18 18.25 18.04
F-SICFIS 5mF 17.34 17.70 17.69 17.46
N-SICFIS 5mF 17.45 16.99 17.49 17.38
F-SICFIS 5mF 17.46 17.33 18.03 17.53
N-SICFIS 5mF 18.73 18.49 18.21 18.60
F-SICFIS 5mF 18.68 18.50 18.27 18.58

Table 7.13: Superconductivity feature selection results summary.

Combined Mag-Phase Covariance XG-Boost [109]
Feature Score Feature Score Feature Score Feature Score
24 1.000 24 1.000 15 1.000 67 0.295
15 0.668 22 0.562 74 0.726 70 0.084
22 0.562 15 0.668 25 0.719 27 0.072
25 0.480 25 0.480 24 0.713 64 0.047
74 0.462 74 0.462 72 0.691 69 0.042
72 0.423 75 0.366 75 0.568 76 0.038
75 0.366 73 0.344 73 0.548 50 0.036
73 0.344 12 0.269 71 0.546 6 0.025
71 0.332 72 0.423 12 0.421 72 0.022
12 0.269 4 0.153 22 0.418 44 0.021
54 0.214 69 0.127 54 0.352 48 0.016
14 0.186 71 0.332 14 0.297 62 0.015
52 0.174 14 0.186 52 0.284 74 0.014
76 0.153 27 0.092 76 0.251 9 0.013
4 0.153 2 0.124 19 0.246 39 0.01
19 0.150 54 0.214 4 0.233 68 0.01
17 0.138 52 0.174 17 0.228 66 0.01
51 0.130 67 0.074 51 0.213 2 0.009
69 0.127 19 0.150 2 0.195 33 0.009
2 0.124 76 0.153 53 0.194 10 0.009

Chapter 7
Feature Selection Algorithm with Fuzzy Rough Sets and the Single Input Complex Fuzzy Inference

7.7 Summary

From the results obtained, the best performing algorithm in the first three datasets
was the wrapper method utilizing the fast-SICFIS model. The feature selection method
utilizing fuzzy rough sets with the first formula also produced comparable results, with
the UTS dataset outperformed by the wrapper method. The filter-SICFIS performed
comparable with the other methods, slightly decrease in performance in the UTS and
cancer dataset was observed.

The advantages of the filter-SICFIS method is the possibility of assigning a score to

each of the features, and the fast computation times. The fuzzy rough sets relative
feature dependency can also be utilized to rank each of the features, but as observed,
the computational times for both the fuzzy rough sets and the wrapper method grow
exponentially with the size of the dataset.

Given that the demand for computational efficient code to deal with big-data, both
the fuzzy rough set and the wrapper methods are not well equipped for large dataset
such as the superconductivity dataset. The filter SICFIS-model has shown promising
results for the smaller datasets but requires additional modifications for larger datasets.

Chapter 8
Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency Identification and Modelling

Chapter 8
Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency
Identification and Modelling

8.1 Introduction

The Charpy impact dataset is known to be difficult to model due to the scatter in the
dataset and inconsistencies in the measurement values [129]. Objects in an information
table are considered inconsistent when two or more objects contain the same or similar
feature values but different outputs. Inconsistencies arise either by errors in
measurement or by features not included in the information table. Rough sets can be
utilized to identify inconsistent records and to measure the degree of inconsistency in a

This Chapter proposes an application of fuzzy rough sets for modelling under
inconsistent datasets. The modelling paradigm proposes to 1. Identify and classify
consistent and inconsistent instances present in the dataset utilizing fuzzy rough sets. 2.
Propose a method for identifying inconsistencies in a testing partition. 3. Improve upon
the results by crating different models to predict the previously identified consistent
and inconsistent partitions. 4. Generate a multiple point prediction instead of single
point to model inconsistencies and aid in the development of material design.

8.2 Data Inconsistency Identification

The consistency of an object can be measured by utilizing the positive region of the
lower approximation of a fuzzy-rough set (8.2). The feature dependency (8.1) utilized

Chapter 8
Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency Identification and Modelling

in the previous section can be considered as the mean measurement of consistency. In

a classic rough set, a consistent object is added to its lower approximation, assigning a
membership value of 1. For continuous datasets, it is necessary to implement fuzzy-
rough sets. The values of the lower approximation range from 0-1, an object considered
totally consistent would be assigned a membership value of 1, and a totally inconsistent
object would be assigned a membership value of 0.

 'P (Q) =
 xU
 POS RP ( Q )
( x)

 POSRP (Q ) ( X ) = sup  RP X ( x) (8.2)

X U / Q

Table 8.1 shows an example of an inconsistent information granule. The features are
normalized, rounded and randomly selected for confidentiality reasons. The positive
region score (8.2) shown is the last column allows to identify such information granule
as inconsistent. Given that the membership value of the positive region ranges from 0
to 1 it is necessary to select a threshold value to classify objects as either consistent or

Table 8.1: Inconsistencies in the Charpy Impact Dataset

Ftr 0 Ftr 1 Ftr 2 Ftr 3 Ftr 4 Ftr 5 Ftr 6 Ftr 7 Ftr 9 Output  POS RP
(Q )

1 0.05 0.25 0.50 0.44 0.02 0.31 0.23 0.03 0.35 106.204 0.29
2 0.05 0.25 0.50 0.44 0.02 0.31 0.23 0.03 0.35 173.543 0.29
3 0.05 0.25 0.50 0.44 0.02 0.31 0.23 0.03 0.35 173.543 0.30
4 0.05 0.25 0.50 0.44 0.02 0.31 0.23 0.03 0.35 61.011 0.33
5 0.05 0.25 0.49 0.44 0.02 0.31 0.23 0.03 0.35 89.9347 0.33
6 0.05 0.25 0.49 0.44 0.02 0.31 0.23 0.03 0.35 86.319 0.33
7 0.05 0.25 0.49 0.44 0.02 0.31 0.23 0.03 0.35 121.118 0.40
8 0.05 0.25 0.49 0.44 0.02 0.31 0.23 0.03 0.35 101.233 0.40
Ftr: Feature.

A simple method for identifying inconsistent instances is to select the a threshold

value equal to the feature dependency (8.1). Table 8.2 shows the feature dependency

Chapter 8
Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency Identification and Modelling

value of the first three real world datasets explored in this work. It can be observed that
the Cancer dataset contains by far the lowest feature dependency, followed by the
Charpy impact test, while the UTS can be considered mostly consistent.

Table 8.2: Dataset Feature Dependency

Fuzzy similarity 1 Fuzzy similarity 2 Fuzzy similarity 3
Charpy Impact 0.9612 0.9310 0.9196
UTS 0.9960 0.9883 0.9769
Cancer 0.4211 0.5299 0.6786

The low feature dependency observed in the bladder cancer dataset is related to the
complex relationship and difference between different persons genetics and lifestyle,
making a prediction based on a few parameters highly difficult and random [39].

8.2.1 Effects of Feature Selection in the Number of Inconsistencies and Feature


In Chapter 7 fuzzy-rough sets were implemented to develop a feature selection

algorithm. This feature selection algorithm removed features based on the value of its
feature dependency score. Within the context of rough sets, removing features reduces
the capability of discerning between instances, increasing the number of inconsistencies
in the dataset and reducing its feature dependency. Figure 8.1 shows the effect of the
number of features in a dataset and the feature dependency value. The features selected
for such plots where taken from the results obtained and shown in in the previous
chapter in Table 7.2.

Figure 8.2 shows the effect of the number of features and a selected threshold in the
number of inconsistencies. The number of inconsistencies grows significantly with the
elimination of features, even when these features have a small impact in the prediction
accuracy as observed in the previous chapter in Figure 7.1.

Chapter 8
Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency Identification and Modelling

Figure 8.1: Effect of the number of features in Feature Dependency.

Figure 8.2: Effects on the number of inconsistencies given different number of features
and different threshold values.

Chapter 8
Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency Identification and Modelling

8.2.2 Inconsistency Identification in Testing Partition of Dataset Utilizing k-

Nearest Neighbour

The identification of inconsistent instances in the dataset is performed in the training

partition utilizing fuzzy-rough sets, in order to identify inconsistencies located in the
testing partition it is proposed the utilization of a k-nearest neighbour (KNN) algorithm.

The KNN algorithm can be utilized for classification tasks, it classifies testing
sample based on the known class values of the k nearest samples [138]. An example of
the KNN classification is shown in Figure 8.3. Different metrics can be implemented
for finding the nearest neighbour. In this work a Euclidean distance metric is
implemented, a weighted method is implemented, in which nearest neighbours have
more impact in the decision than further neighbours, ties are resolved by the nearest

In order to identify am optimal number of k neighbours, a 10 k-fold cross validation

is performed in the Charpy impact dataset, varying the number of features from 16 to 9
and selecting the number of k neighbours from 1 to 10. The feature similarity equation
(7.1) and a threshold value of 0.9 are selected. The mean results are shown in Table 8.3.
It is observed that the number of features have an impact in the prediction accuracy of
the testing dataset, overall the prediction is above 85%, the number of k neighbours
seems to have a random effect on the prediction accuracy, therefore it can be concluded
that any number of k neighbours may be selected without affecting significantly the
overall results, as a rule of thumb a k value below 5 seems to be sufficient.

Chapter 8
Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency Identification and Modelling

Figure 8.3: Example of a KNN classification utilizing Euclidean distances. If k=1,5

then test sample will be classified as a circle, if k=3 test sample is classified as square,
tie resolution is problem dependent.

Table 8.3: Accuracy varying the number of features and the number of k neighbours
16 Features 14 Features 12 Features 10 Features 8 Features
k=1 89.47 89.08 86.18 87.06 86.72
k=2 89.47 89.08 86.22 87.06 86.72
k=3 89.45 89.10 86.28 86.97 86.95
k=4 89.62 89.18 86.07 86.85 86.81
k=5 90.15 88.87 86.24 86.79 86.56
k=6 89.94 88.80 86.43 86.79 86.47
k=7 90.10 88.87 86.39 86.55 86.34
k=8 89.98 88.78 86.34 86.43 86.18
k=9 89.92 88.93 86.36 86.15 85.82
k=10 89.83 88.86 86.51 86.34 85.73

8.3 Effect of Inconsistencies in Performance

The effect of inconsistencies in performance is considerable. In Figure 8.4 a) and

Figure 8.4 b) it is observed the regression plots of the results of the Charpy impact test
and the UTS datasets respectively, utilizing all the features in the dataset and selecting
a threshold value equal to the feature dependency measure. the consistent and
inconsistent instances are shown in blue and red respectively. An increase in the RMSE
of 54% and 99% for the Charpy and the UTS datasets respectively is measured. Such
results show that a significant portion of the error in prediction can be attributed to
inconsistencies present in the dataset.

Chapter 8
Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency Identification and Modelling

(a) (b)
Figure 8.4: Effect of inconsistence in Charpy impact prediction (a) and UTS prediction

8.4 Multiple Point Prediction for Datasets Containing Inconsistencies

On the one hand removing inconsistent objects from the dataset may cause the loss
of valuable information, limiting the prediction capabilities of a model. On the other
hand, inconsistencies may result in unreliable models and a considerable increase in the
prediction error, as is observed in Figure 8.4. Therefore, in the presence of
inconsistencies it is proposed to implement a modelling strategy, which considers the
inconsistencies present in the dataset and perform predictions accordingly. Instead of
providing a single point prediction, a set of predictions are to be presented in regions
estimated to contain inconsistencies.

Two or more instances are considered inconsistent when contain the same or very
similar feature values and different outputs. These inconsistencies result in a large
portion in the error prediction, nonetheless, contain valuable information, given that the

Chapter 8
Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency Identification and Modelling

inconsistencies do not arise due to errors in measurements, but for the lack of
information. This was confirmed with the observed increase in inconsistencies with the
removal of features.

In the case of the Charpy impact test, it is well known the considerable amount of
inconsistencies in measurements. Some of these inconsistencies may be attributed to
inhomogeneities in the microstructure [139], or other features difficult or non-cost
efficient to measure.

A modelling paradigm is proposed to perform prediction in inconsistent datasets

utilizing a multiple point prediction. The multiple point prediction is formed by a set of
M-models, each trained with a different dataset containing a consistent partition of the
training dataset and a number of inconsistent instances.

Initially, the inconsistencies are identifying utilizing the positive region of the fuzzy-
rough sets, calculating utilizing the fuzzy similarity equation (7.1). The consistent
instances are added to a set C, the inconsistent instances are divided into N different

sets I = {I1,..., I N } clusters utilizing a FCM algorithm. A SICFIS model is trained

utilizing the set containing only the consistent instances, further N SICFIS models are

trained utilizing the consistent partition and each one of the inconsistent partitions In .
The process is summarized in Algorithm 8.1.

8.4.1 Results

In order to increase the number of inconsistencies a reduced dataset consisting on

the 8 most important features obtained from the results obtained in Chapter 7 and shown
in Table 7.2. The normalized-SICFIS model with 3 membership function per feature is

Chapter 8
Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency Identification and Modelling

used for performing the predictions. A 1 K-NN algorithm is performed in the testing
partition to identify inconsistencies.

Algorithm 8.1: Data selection for training M SICFIS models to perform the multiple
point prediction.
Inputs: Charpy impact dataset H, Threshold Thr
Output: Set containing consistent elements C, set containing
inconsistent elements I, set of M trained SICFIS models
C, I = 
Calculate POS RP
(Q) for all the elements in H

For j = 1: H
(hj )  Thr : C = C {hj }
Else: I = I {hj }
Create a KNN model with C and I
Train SICFIS1 with C
Create N clusters from inconsistent set I; I = {Ic1 , Ic2 ,..., Icn }
For j = 1: N
Train SICFISj+1 with C  Ic j

The results for the consistent and inconsistent partitions are shown in Figure 8.5 an
Figure 8.6 respectively. It can be observed a greater gap between the benchmark and
the prediction intervals for the inconsistent testing partition. Table 8.4 shows the mean
gap in prediction measured using the RMSE index. Furthermore, it is observed from
Figure 8.6 both the benchmark model and the intervals seem to be unable to perform
proper predictions to the inconsistent testing partition.

Table 8.4: Mean absolute prediction difference between the prediction interval for the
consistent and inconsistent partitions
Mean prediction interval absolute difference
Inconsistent Testing partition 29.31 RMSE
Consistent Testing Partition 13.95 RMSE

Chapter 8
Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency Identification and Modelling

Figure 8.5: Charpy Impact test prediction interval for consistent testing partition.

Figure 8.6: Charpy Impact test prediction interval for inconsistent testing partition.

Chapter 8
Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency Identification and Modelling

8.5 Data-Mining Utilizing Fuzzy Rough Sets- Application to The Bladder

Cancer Dataset

It was shown in Table 8.2 that the Cancer dataset contained the worse score in feature
dependency, meaning that most of the records are inconsistent. This is well known in
medicine, given that the different effects of lifestyle and genetics make it almost
impossible to obtain consistent results. Utilizing a Threshold, it was selected the most
consistent data points.

A summary of the results is shown in Table 8.5, the consistent partition consists of
97 patient records. Most of such records contain patients whose time of death was
within the first five years. As observed by the mean observed time, being 10 months.
The age, and grade means are also superior to the average, while the stage seems to be
below the average.

Table 8.5: Cancer dataset comparison Consistent dataset

Mean Mode Standard deviation
Feature All Consistent* All Consistent* All Consistent*
Time 52.35 10.04 ** ** 48.66 9.91
Age 71.59 76.24 ** ** 11.02 9.42
Sex 0.73 0.68 1 1 0.44 0.47
Grade 2.17 2.48 3 3 0.80 0.75
Stage 4.03 3.02 6 2 2.25 2.02
Nodes 3.97 3.94 4 4 0.30 0.43
Squamous 0.04 0.10 0 0 0.21 0.30
CIS Present 0.13 0.20 0 0 0.33 0.40
SPB 2.03 2.00 2 2 0.60 0.79
Vascular 0.07 0.14 0 0 0.26 0.35
Urothelium 3.42 3.40 2 2 1.80 1.73
Muscle 0.72 0.73 1 1 0.45 0.44
Cystectomy 0.01 0.03 0 0 0.10 0.17
Radiotherapy 0.02 0.02 0 0 0.15 0.14
Consistent: Consistent Partition.

Chapter 8
Fuzzy Rough Sets for Data-mining: Inconsistency Identification and Modelling

8.6 Summary

In this work a method for evaluating the consistency of a dataset utilizing fuzzy
rough set was implemented for data-mining. The feature dependency was shown to
measure the average consistency of a dataset. Inconsistencies are the result of instances
that contain the same or similar input values and exhibit different outputs.

It was demonstrated that a significant proportion of the errors in prediction can be

attributed to the presence of inconsistencies in the dataset. Inconsistencies present in a
testing partition can be identified by applying a k-NN algorithm. The gap in prediction
accuracy between the benchmark model and the prediction interval increases
considerably between the consistent and inconsistent testing partition data. It can be
further concluded that fuzzy-rough set can be used to measure the limitations in
prediction accuracy of a model given a dataset.

Additionally, fuzzy rough sets can be used to identify consistencies in the dataset as
it was the case in the Cancer dataset, where it is possible to determine which parameter
values produces more consistent results. Such information can be used by a medical
professional for evaluating the life expectancy of a patient.

Chapter 9
Conclusions and Future Work

Chapter 9
Conclusions and Future Work

9.1 Conclusions

Among the research realized in the topic of CFS worldwide only three research
groups have focused on the development of CFISs, resulting in the development of the
ANCFIS, CNFIS and ACNFIS. Neither the ACNFIS nor the CNFIS model exploit the
property of interference, which according to Ramot, is the main property of CFS.
Furthermore, both models (CNFIS and ACNFIS) ignore, for the most part, the effect
and meaning of the imaginary component of the output. It can be concluded that neither
one of these two models are adequate CFISs and should be considered instead as
modifications to the real-valued ANFIS. The ANCFIS model, however, utilizes the
complex component of the CFS to model interferences by using a dot product operation.
ANCFIS was developed for time series applications showing promising results.
Regardless, none of the research groups have adequately addressed the problem of
interpretability, the raison d’etre of fuzzy logic.

The SICFIS model introduced in Chapter 4 is therefore the first interpretable CFIS
hitherto proposed. The SICFIS exploits the property of interference to model the
complex interaction between features and outputs, resulting in a parsimonious model
framework. The expansion to the complex domain presents several advantages over
traditional FIS, including a higher prediction accuracy, faster computation times and
greater interpretability given the number of tools capable of extracting and representing
knowledge. The magnitude-phase plots demonstrate the full transparency; the
interpretability analysis performed for the Charpy impact test demonstrated its
interpretability. Both the normalized and fast SICFIS models outperformed most of the

Chapter 9
Conclusions and Future Work

FIS for different applications, and the choice of one over the other one is problem
dependent, as was observed in the Bladder Cancer results, where the fast-SICFIS
outperformed the normalized-SICFIS. This, in fact, can be attributed to the number of
categorical variables present in the dataset.

Given the fast-SICFIS considerable reduction in computational time and the simple
structure it was possible to improve upon the ANFIS model, by replacing the linear
consequents with SICFISs models. The premises create a partition in the feature space,
where each rule represents a local model. The global model is therefore composed of
an ensemble of interpretable local SICFISs. The performance obtained is comparable
with those obtained by a large ensemble of ANN. The interpretability of the model was
assessed with a global-local performance index in all four datasets. Given the large
number of categorical variables present in the Bladder Cancer dataset, there was a
decrease in performance compared with the SICFIS.

The SICFIS model utilizes a complex singleton membership function. Type-1

singleton membership functions are known to be less interpretable and are less capable
of modelling uncertainties compared with Gaussian membership functions. Therefore,
in Chapter 6 the development of a complex Gaussian membership function is presented.
A Mamdani-SICFIS is therefore created by replacing the complex singleton
membership function with a complex Gaussian. The results obtained are comparable
with other known neuro-FIS, but did not outperformed the singleton-SICFIS model, the
reduction in accuracy can be compensated with the addition of a linguistic variables
with context, making it potentially more interpretable than the SICFIS model.

The knowledge extracted from the SICFIS model may potentially be utilized for
further applications. In Chapter 7 a feature selection algorithm is developed, based on
the complex valued information obtained from the SICFIS output. The filter-SICFIS
method assigns a score to each of the features based on their importance. The algorithm

Chapter 9
Conclusions and Future Work

performance is comparable with fuzzy rough sets and a wrapper-method, with a

considerable reduction in computational time.

Fuzzy rough sets have been mostly utilized for feature selection. In Chapter 8 fuzzy
rough sets are implemented into the Charpy and Bladder Cancer datasets. Both datasets
present tough challenges given the number of inconsistencies, that where identified
from the positive region of the lower approximation of the fuzzy rough sets. It was
demonstrated that the prediction errors can be attributed greatly to the presence of

9.2 Future Work

The considerable reduction in computation, shows promises for deploying the

SICFIS model for real time applications. In areas such a control, the application of the
fast-SICFIS model for nonlinear model predictive control may result in a reliable tool
capable of producing accurate predictions in a timely manner. Furthermore, the
complex component of the output may be utilized for real-time decision making in
applications such as autonomous vehicles.

Overfitting was observed in the ANFIS-SICFIS model with the addition of rules. In
order to improve upon the results and reduce overfitting, the implementation of
regularization strategies may potentially solve this problem, while maintaining a good
global-local performance. The implementation of better methods for rule elicitation
may improve the results obtained even further. For datasets containing a large number
of categorical variables further research needs to be conducted, such as the
implementation of hyperparameter optimization.

While Gaussian membership functions are considered more interpretable, it is

necessary to improve the Mamdani-SICFIS performance. By implementing interval

Chapter 9
Conclusions and Future Work

type-2 strategies the system may potentially model uncertainties and improve upon the

The application of complex-valued statistics for feature selection demonstrated the

advantages of working in a higher dimensional plane. Further applications may be
developed by researching further into the properties of CFS. Other areas of research
may include the implementation of complex fuzzy rough sets, for developing better
data-mining tools taking into consideration the “context”.


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