Science 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

10 Z est for P rogress Z eal

of P artnership

Science Grade 10
Quarter 4 – Module7B

Factors Affecting

Reaction Rates:
Surface Area and
Name of Learner:
Grade & Section:
Name of School:
7B Factors Affecting
Reaction Rates: Surface
Area and Concentration

What I Need to Know

This module aimed to explain how factors affecting
the rates of chemical reactions are applied in food
preparation and materials production, control of fire, and
corrosion (S10MT-IV-h-j-24). There are only two (2) factors
that will be discussed in this module, surface area and
concentration of reactants, and how are these applied in food
preservation and materials production, control of fire,
corrosion prevention, etc.

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Distinguish the different factors affecting reaction rates;
2. Identify the effects of chemical reactions in the
3. Expalin how surface area and concentration are applied
in food preservation and materials production, control
of fire, pollution and corrosion

Plants grow, metals corrode, raw materials are being

converted to valuable products, new medicines are being
developed, more versatile and cost-effective materials are
being made. These are all products of chemical reactions.

And, many of these chemical reactions affect peoples’

lives all over the world. Some of these changes are beneficial
and detrimental to human health. However, in various
instances, the environment is the most affected. The wastes
will continue to undergo chemical transformations, the
misuse of fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and the unending
emission of vehicles and industries in the atmosphere of
which are the main components of acid rain.

What’s In 6

Activity 1 FAST or SLOW

Directions: Write the rate of reaction, either FAST or SLOW to the conditions
stated in the space provided.

1. a pinch of salt drop inside a clear container in the following conditions:

a. hot water :
b. cold water :
2. orientation of particles expose to
a. higher temperature:
b. lower temperature :
3. a. with catalyst :
b.without catalyst :

What’s New 13

Activity 2. Effects of Surface Area and Concentration

In this experiment, you will study the effects of
surface area/particle size and concentration of reactant.
Materials Needed
Equipment: 4 seltzer tablets
5 clear plastics 3 5cm x 5cm colored crepe paper
Mortar and pestle 25% household bleach solution
50% household bleach solution
100% household bleach solution

Part A: Effect of Surface Area or Particle Size on Reaction Rate


1. Obtain two (2) clear plastic cups, half fill each plastic cups
with water.
2. Get two (2) seltzer or denture cleaner tablets. Powderize one
table using mortar and pestle
3. Simultaneously drop the hole table and powderized table in
the 2 separate plastic cups
4. Observe and take note of the reactions for several minutes and
record the time it takes for each tablet to stop fizzing.
5. Record the time in the table below

Table 1. Effect of Size or Surface Area on Reaction Rate

Effect of Particle Size of Surface Area on Reaction Rate

Reaction Condition (in water)

Reaction Rate ( Time,

Whole Seltzer or Denture cleaner (1pt)

Powderized Seltzer or Denture cleaner (1pt)

Guide Questions:
2.1Which tablet fizzed for a longer period of time? Why did you say
so? (2pts)

2.2. In your own words, what are the effects of particle size or
surface area on the rate of reaction. (2pts)

Part B. Effect of Concentration on Reaction Rate

Caution: Wear a mask while performing this experiment.
1. In separate plastic cups, prepare different concentrations of
houlsehold bleach solution
100% - ( no water added)
50 % - (half part bleach solution-half part water)
25% - (¼ parts bleach solution – ¾ parts water)
2. Get three (3) pieces of 5cm x 5cm sized brightly colored crepe
paper or Japanese paper.
3. Drop the pieces of crepe paper into the 3 plastic cups

4. Compare the rate of discolorization of the papers in the 3
plastics cups. Record your observations in the table below.

Table B. Effect of Concentration on Reaction Rates

Effect of Concentration on Reaction Rates

Concentration ( in water) Reaction Rate ( Time in Sec)

25% Bleach Solution (1pt)

50% Bleach solution (1pt)

100% Bleach Solution (1pt)

Guide Questions

2. 3.Did you get the same rate of reaction? Why? (2pts)


2.4. In your own words, describe the effect of concentration on

the rates of reaction. (2pts)
Answer :

What Is It
The rate of chemical reaction is affected by the following factors:
surface area of reactants, concentration of reactants, temperature
and presence of catalyst. -+FACTORS

Smaller particles size have bigger surface area. Bigger surface
area means bigger exposed portions of a solid which are available
points of contact between reactants. Breaking a large piece of a
substance into smaller parts increases the surface area. All the inner
materials have no surface when it is inside the large piece. Each
time a large p ortion is broken however, more surface is exposed.
The amount of the material does not change but bre aking it into
smaller parts
increases its surface area.

The higher the concentration, the faster the rate of reaction.

Concentration is a measure of the number of particles in a given
volume. A higher concentration means greater number of possible
effective collisions among molecules resulting to faster rate of reaction.

Here are some applications of the factors affecting rate of chemical

Fermentation – sugars converted to organic acids

Irradiation – food exposed to some radiation like gamma rays

Oxidation – oxygen reacts with other substances

Acid rain is produced by the reaction of water vapor with gas

emissions from vehicles, thermal power plants, and coal mining
industries. Rain contaminated with these gases results to acid rain

Corrosion of metals (such as bronze) and the deterioration of paint

and stone (such as marble and limestone). These

effects significantly reduce the societal value of building, bridges,

cultural objects (such as statues, monuments and tombstones), and

What’s More 24

Activity 3: Making Connections

1. Analyze the set of pictures linking to a chemical reaction that has an

detrimental effect to the environmental - acid rain (3 pts each)

3.1 .What effect does
acid rain has on
limestone or marble
statues? rain.jpg

3.2 What effect does acid

rain has on plants
survival and growth? Credit: Pixabay, Creative

Commons License

3.3 What diseases can be
developed when humans are
expose to acid rain? -rain-file-1232540005017363-3/95/acid-rain20-

2. Research on the following and discuss how a specific chemical

reaction poses useful or harmful effects to
life and the environment. (Choose only 3 chemical processes). Use a
separate sheet of paper for your answers. 5 pts each

a. Food processing and preservation

b. Fire control
c. Corrosion Control
d. Photochemical Smog
e. formation of ozone layer in the stratosphere
f. formation of acid rain

What I Have Learned


Activity 4. Now I Know It

Part 1
Instructions. : Write F if the reaction is fast and S if the reaction is slow in
the following chemical reactions. Write your answer on the
space before the number.
1. Powderized seltzer tablet in water.
2. Diluting a solution
3. Increasing concentration of the solute
4. Decreasing the surface area
5.Breaking a reactant into smaller pieces

Part II
Instructions. Fill in the table of which factor would have impact on the rate
of reactions ( surface area, concentration, temperature,

Situation Factors affecting the

reaction rate

Blowing air on fire to get it going 6.

Raw carrots cut into cubes for cooking 7.
A dust explosion happens in a saw mill 8.
More bubbles appear in concentrated HCL 9.
than in dilute when magnesium ribbon is

Part III
Instructions : Give three (3) harmful effects of chemical reactions to
environment and humans


What I Can Do
Activity 5: You Can Do More! Analyzing 8

an Environmental Issue

An example of a chemical reaction that has an environmental concern is
the acid
Acid rain has been the leading significant cause of
destruction in our environment. In infrastructure, it is the cause
of corrosion of metals in alloys like steel in buildings, bridges, and

vehicles. This is due to the displacement reaction of active metals with hydrogen

in acids.
Materials with historical and cultural values such as monuments and
statues are also destroyed by acid rain. They are mostly made up of limestone
and marble which like metals form a chemical reaction with acids, lead to their


Marine life is also affected by acid rain. It causes the pH of bodies of water
to decrease; this change in pH will increase marine life mortality, retard
fish growth, decrease egg production and

embryo survival.

Acid rain also tends to dissolve vital minerals in the soil. Crops grown in
these depleted soils give poor yields, if they grow at all.
In areas of high automobile traffic, such as in Large cities, the amount of
nitrogen oxides emitted into

The atmosphere can be quite significant. In urban areas, the

main source of acid rain is from automobiles. Other sources are thermal power
plants and coal mining industries. Gas emissions like CO2, CO, SO2, NO2, and
NO from these sources react with water vapor in the air producing acids. Rain
contaminated with these acids are what we know now as acid rain.

Removing the offending oxides from exhaust and using alternate

energy sources are much preferred courses of action at the
present time. One of the most important means of reducing sulfur
emissions is the switch to low sulfur fuels. Another is the
scrubbing of stack gases before they are released to the
atmosphere. In this process, the stack gases percolate through a
solution that absorbs the oxides of sulfur. The solution is renewed
frequently, and waste sulfur can be recovered from the spent

Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write your answer on the space
provided. (2 pts each)
Column A Column B

5.1. N atural process that contributes to A.Corrosion

acid rain B.Switch to low sulfur fuels 5.2. E ffect of acid rain
C.Gas emission of vehicles 5.3. Production of acid rain D. Person in all
walks of life 5.4. Preventive m easures to address the E.Reaction with
water and gas problem on acid rain emissions from vehicles

Additional Activities
Activity 6: Let’s add more! 12
Directions: Guess the picture by arranging the scrambled letters
and give a short description about it.(3pts each)
1. lacchimetopoh omsg 2. rrosoocin


3. yedtrsedo tasuet 4. zoneo niotledpe


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