Prefixed and Suffixes

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SSC ● English 2nd Paper ● Topic wise practice sheet (With Answer Sheet)

Topic: Prefixed and Suffixes

1. Complete the text adding suffixes, Answer:
prefixes or the both to the root words (a) warrior; (b) lifeless; (c) speechless;
given in the parenthesis. (d) overwhelmed; (e) around; (f)
Honesty is opposite to (a) ---- (honest). recalled; (g) unmoved; (h) bitterly; (i)
The (b) ---- (possess) of this virtue is realization; (j) unfortunate; (k)
very (c) ---- (benefit) for a person's fatherless; (l) heroism; (m) bravery; (n)
whole life. Integrity is the (d) ---- (high) martyrdom.
form of (e) ---- (honest). An honest man 3. Complete the text adding suffixes,
is not (f) ---- (harm) to anybody. He prefixes or the both to the root words
never does (g) ---- (just) to others. given in the parenthesis.
When he does anything (h) ---- (moral), A (a) ---- (free) fighter is a (b) ---- (war)
he feels (i) ---- (comfortable). He never who took part in our War of Liberation
tells a lie. He is always (j) ---- in 1971. The (c) ---- (dependence) of
(response) to his duty. We should our (d) ---- (love) motherland was (e) -
follow the path of (k) ---- (honest) and --- (dear) to a freedom fighter than his
leave the path of (l) ---- (honesty). In life. He joined the war (f) ---- (willing).
that case, we will be (m) ---- (love) by He had no (g) ---- (might) weapons
all and will be able to reach the path of with him. Even, sometimes, he did not
(n) ---- (prosper). have proper (h) ---- (train). (i) ----
Answer: (Patriot) (j) ---- (courage) him to go to
(a) dishonesty; (b) possession; (c) the battlefield. He was (k) ---- (main) a
beneficial; (d) highest; (e) honesty; (f) guerrilla (l) ---- (light). He attacked the
harmful; (g) injustice; (h) immoral; (i) enemy from an (m) ---- (known) place
uncomfortable; (j) responsible/ and then (n) ---- (appeared).
responsive; (k) honesty; (l) dishonesty; Answer:
(m) loved; (n) prosperity. (a) freedom; (b) warrior; (c)
2. Complete the text adding suffixes, independence; (d) beloved; (e) dearer;
prefixes or the both to the root words (f) willingly; (g) mighty; (h) training;
given in the parenthesis. (i) Patriotism; (j) encouraged; (k)
The dead (a) ---- (war) was brought mainly; (l) fighter; (m) unknown; (n)
before the widow. She stood beside the disappeared.
(b) ---- (life) body. She was (c) ---- 4. Complete the text adding suffixes,
(speech) because she was (d) ---- prefixes or the both to the root words
(whelmed) with grief. All standing (e) given in the parenthesis.
---- (round) the body (f) ---- (called) the (a) ---- (Persevere) is needed to be (b) -
good qualities of her husband. But she --- (success) in life. Those who do not
was still standing (g) ---- (moved). She persevere in life become (c) ----
burst into tears (h) ---- (bitter) coming (success) in their mission and only
into (i) ---- (realize) that her (j) ---- blame their lot for their (d) ----
(fortune) child had become (k) ---- (fortune). (e) ---- (Persevere) people
(father). But she felt proud of her always become successful. (f) ----
husband's (l) ---- (hero) and (m) ---- (Sincere) is another important virtue
(brave). Her husband embraced (n) ---- which (g) ---- (able) a person to
(martyr). accomplish a job (h) ---- (fruit). Student
life is the (i) ---- (form) period of a any time to enjoy (e) ---- (beauty)
man's life. One should not (j) ---- (use) object of nature. (f) ---- (monotony)
this (k) ---- (gold) period of life. It is (l) work is. (g) ---- (doubt), a great (h) ----
---- (fortunate) that many of our pupils (hinder) to the (i) ---- (smooth) of work.
neglect their studies. (m) ---- Leisure (j) ---- (new) our spirit of work.
(Consequent), they drag a (n) ---- Everybody knows that (k) ---- (work) is
(miser) life in future. (l) ---- (harm). Leisure does not mean
Answer: (m) ---- (idle). It gives (n) ---- (fresh) to
(a) Perseverance; (b) successful; (c) our mind.
unsuccessful; (d) misfortune; (e) Answer:
Perseverant; (f) Sincerity; (g) enables; (a) enjoy; (b) relaxation; (c)
(h) fruitfully; (i) formative; (j) misuse/ relentlessly; (d) charmless; (e)
abuse; (k) golden; (l) unfortunate; (m) beautiful; (f) Monotonous; (g)
Consequently; (n) miserable. undoubtedly; (h) hindrance; (i)
5. Complete the text adding suffixes, smoothness; (j) renews; (k) overwork;
prefixes or the both to the root words (l) harmful; (m) idleness; (n)
given in the parenthesis. freshness/refreshment.
Smoking produces (a) ---- (danger) 7. Complete the text adding suffixes,
effects on man. A (b) ---- (smoke) prefixes or the both to the root words
incurs both physical and (c) ---- given in the parenthesis.
(economy) loss and (d) ---- (danger) The aim of (a) ---- (educated) is to
himself. Smoking is a kind of (e) ---- make a man fully (b) ---- (equip) to be
(addict). Those who become (f) ---- (c) ---- (use) to himself and to society.
(addict) to drug, (g) ---- (initial) begin A (d) ---- (true) educated person should
with smoking. We should raise (h) ---- be self-reliant with regard to his (e) ---
(aware) among our people. We should - (person) needs. He should be well-
(i) ---- (courage) others to smoke. It is mannered. (f) ---- (thought),
(j) ---- (possible) to stop smoking sympathetic and (g) ---- (operative). He
without (k) ---- (unite) efforts. (l) ---- should be (h) ---- (truth), honest,
(fortunate) only the (m) ---- (wise) men punctual and (i) ---- (duty). (j) ----
can do such (n) ---- (fool) work. (Punctual) is a virtue that makes a
Answer: nation (k) ---- (prosper). An educated
(a) dangerous; (b) smoker; (e) person tries to (l) ---- (move) the (m) --
economic; (d) endangers; (e) addiction; -- (suffer) of his countrymen. He also
(f) addicted; (g) initially; (h) helps others in attaining (n) ---- (self-
awareness; (i) discourage; (j) reliant).
impossible; (k) united; (I) Answer:
Unfortunately; (m) unwise; (n) foolish. (a) education; (b) equipped; (c) useful;
6. Complete the text adding suffixes, (d) truly; (e) personal; (f) thoughtful;
prefixes or the both to the root words (g) cooperative; (h) truthful; (i) dutiful;
given in the parenthesis. (j) Punctuality; (k) prosperous; (l)
Life without having any freedom to (a) remove; (m) sufferings; (n) self-
---- (Joy) leisure and (b) ---- (relax) is reliance.
dull. Nobody can work (c) ---- 8. Complete the text adding suffixes,
(relentless) without rest. Life becomes prefixes or the both to the root words
(d) ---- (charm) if man does not have given in the parenthesis.
What do you know about the (a) ---- (idle), they only (n) ---- (fool)
(important) of time? Success in life themselves.
depends on the proper (b) ---- (utilize) Answer:
of time. Those who waste their (c) ---- (a) materialize; (b) determination; (c)
(value) time in (d) ---- (idle), reduce the action; (d) motivation; (e) behind; (f)
time of their important work. (e) ---- importance; (g) achieved; (h)
(punctual) is another great virtue of unachievable; (i) uncommon; (j)
human beings that (f) ---- (rich) the (g) fortunate; (k) disinclined; (l)
---- (man) life. If one takes lesson from unfortunate; (m) idleness; (n) befool.
the (h) ---- (biography) of (i) ---- 10. Complete the text adding suffixes,
(success) persons, one will learn that prefixes or the both to the root words
they never kept any work (j) ---- (do) given in the parenthesis.
for the (k) ---- (coming) day. (l) ---- Debate is an art of speaking. It's a
(obvious), they were true to their practice that helps the (a) ---- (debate)
words. So, they got a (m) ---- (respect) to speak (b) ---- (logical). It teaches (c)
position in the society. So, follow those ---- (argument). You can't defeat your
great men if you want to be (n) ---- fellow (d) ---- (contest) if you speak (e)
(fame). ---- (logical). An (f) ---- (argument)
Answer: speaker can beat the (g) ---- (opposite)
(a) importance; (b) utilization; (c) in the competition. Debate also helps
valuable; (d) idleness; (e) Punctuality; the speaker to be (h) ---- (create).
(f) enriches; (g) human; (h) Debate also (i) ---- (smart) a (j) ----
autobiographies / biographies; (i) (participate). So, we should (k) ----
successful; (j) undone; (k) upcoming; (courage) our students to take part in
(l) Obviously; (m) respectable; (n) debating (l) ---- (compete). Now, there
famous. are many (m) ---- (organize) to arrange
9. Complete the text adding suffixes, debate competition. The sooner you
prefixes or the both to the root words join a debating club, the better debater
given in the parenthesis. you (n) ---- (come).
In order to (a) ---- (material) your Answer:
dream, you need (b) ---- (determine) (a) debaters; (b) logically; (c)
and efforts. This will help you in a lot argumentation; (d) contestant; (e)
of ways. It will help you decide the illogically; (f) argumentative; (g)
course of (c) ---- (act) for doing opposition; (h) creative; (i) smartens;
anything. Lack of (d) ---- (motive) is (j) participant; (k) encourage; (l)
one of the main causes that force a competition; (m) organizations; (n)
person to leave his dream (e) ---- become.
(hind). Hard work has great (f) ---- 11. Complete the text adding suffixes,
(important). Nothing is (g) ---- prefixes or the both to the root words
(achieve) in this world without hard given in the parenthesis.
work. Nothing is (h) ---- (achievable) There are some basic characteristics
for those who are blessed with (i) ---- which are common to all (a) ---- (man).
(common) abilities. They are very (j) - Those features may be either positive
--- (fortune). But those who are (k) ---- or (b) ---- (negate). for example, people
(inclined) to do hard work are really (l) are (c) ---- (general) fond of (d) ----
---- (fortunate). By spending in (m) ---- glittery, things. They are the (e) ----
(love) of surface. They are concerned 13. Complete the text adding suffixes,
with the (f) ---- (out) show of things and prefixes or the both to the root words
beings. They (g) ---- (hard) bother given in the parenthesis.
about intrinsic value. Gold is a very (h) (a) ---- (Current), the public are
---- (value) thing. But there are (i) ---- undergoing a very (b) ---- (favourable)
(vary) metals in nature that look like situation in the market. The prices of
gold. They fade soon and become less daily necessaries are increasing (c) ----
(j) ---- (beauty). So, the surface of (abated). The (d) ---- (fluctuate) of
anything should not be the key for its market price is very (e) ---- (puzzle) to
(k) ---- (measure). We all should be (l) the (f) ---- (consume). This situation
---- (care) about this (m) ---- (true). occurs due to the (g) ---- (irresponsible)
Otherwise, we will have to be (n) ---- and the (h) ---- (neglect) of the proper
(repent) in the long run. (i) ---- (author). We should take note
Answer: that the (j) ---- (suffer) of this condition
(a) humans; (b) negative; (c) generally; are (k) ---- (main) the poor class people.
(d) glittering; (e) lovers; (f) outer/ The (l) ---- (sense) quarter must come
outward; (g) hardly; (h) valuable; (i) forward and make possible (m) ----
various; (j) beautiful; (k) measurement; (commend) to come out of this (n) ----
(l) careful; (m) truth; (n) repentant. (stable) situation.
12. Complete the text adding suffixes, Answer:
prefixes or the both to the root words (a) Currently; (b) unfavourable; (c)
given in the parenthesis. unabatedly; (d) fluctuation; (e)
(a) ---- (Urban) is a great problem in puzzling; (f) consumers; (g)
our small country. Due to it, (b) ---- irresponsibility; (h) negligence; (i)
(cultivate) land is (c) ---- (crease) day authority; (j) sufferers; (k) mainly; (l)
by day. As a result, an acute (d) ---- sensible; (m) recommendations; (n)
(short) is seen in agricultural (e) ---- unstable.
(produce). Moreover, urban (f) ---- 14. Complete the text adding suffixes,
(expand) that takes place in forests, prefixes or the both to the root words
wetlands and (g) ---- (agriculture) given in the parenthesis.
systems leads to habitat clearing: (h) -- To maintain peace in this world, we
-- (degrade) and (i) ---- (fragment) of need universal (a) ---- (brother) In this
the landscapes. If we want to get rid of world, there are (b) ---- (differ)
it, a (j) ---- (plan) system should be religions like Islam. Christianity,
applied. (k) ---- (wise), our (l) ---- Hinduism, (c) ---- (Buddha) etc. (d) ---
(agro) economy and urban (m) ---- - (Friend) among the (e) ---- (believe)
(civil) will face a great problem. So (n) of different religions can play an
---- (initiate) should be taken. important role to drive away (f) ---- ___
Answer: (trust) and (g) ---- (concept) about
(a) Urbanization: (b) cultivable; (c) different religions. We should prefer
decreasing; (d) shortage; (e) (h) ---- (man) to religious difference. A
production; (f) expansion; (g) person who is (i) ---- (true) aware of his
agricultural; (h) degradation; (i) own religion can never (j) ---- (like) the
fragmentation; (j) planned / well- believers of other religions. In fact, (k)
planned; (k) Otherwise; (l) agro-based; ---- (religion) leaders can contribute to
(m) civilization; (n) initiatives. the (l) ---- (develop) of peace through
their teachings. Most importantly, (a) accustomed; (b) misbehave; (c)
people (m) ---- (belong) to different education; (d) children; (e) difference;
religions should promote peace and (f) training; (g) formation; (h) children;
justice and protect the environment (i) unselfish; (j) undoubtedly; (k)
with a united (n) ---- (commit). Apparently; (l) responsibility; (m)
Answer: ensure; (n) teachings.
(a) brotherhood; (b) different; (c) 16. Complete the text adding suffixes,
Buddhism; (d) Friendship; (e) prefixes or the both to the root words
believers; (f) mistrust; (g) given in the parenthesis.
misconception; (h) humanity; (i) truly; Education is essential for any kind of
(j) dislike; (k) religious; (l) (a) ---- (develop) The poor socio-
development; (m) belonging; (n) economic condition of our country can
commitment. be (b) ---- (large) attributed to many
15. Complete the text adding suffixes, people's (c) ---- (accessibility) to
prefixes or the both to the root words education. Many (d) ---- (literate)
given in the parenthesis. people do not have any knowledge of
There goes a wise saying, "A good health, sanitation and (e) ---- (populate)
company makes a man good while a control. It (f) ---- (able) us to perform
bad one makes him bad." If anyone our duties (g) ---- (proper) It enhances
becomes (a) ---- (custom) to good our (h) ---- (able) to raise crops, store
manners or behaves well, he can, under food and protect the (i) ---- (environ)
no circumstances, (b) ---- (behave) with Education helps us to adopt a (j) ----
anyone. So, moral (c) ---- (educate) is (ration) attitude. It provides us with an
all important. From their earliest years, (k) ---- (lightened) awareness about
(d) ---- (child) must be taught the (e) -- things and this awareness is a (l) ----
-- (differ) between right and wrong and (requisite) for social development. So,
trained to love and follow what is right, we should make people aware of the
and hate and avoid what is wrong. So (m) ---- (import) of education so that
(f) ---- (train) means the (g) ---- (form) the country can make progress (n) ----
of character on right lines. Its object is (rapid).
to bring (h) ---- (child) up in such a way Answer:
that they will grow up to be truth (a) development; (b) largely; (c)
loving, honest, brave, pure-minded and inaccessibility; (d) illiterate; (e)
(i) ---- (selfish) men and women. The population; (f) enables; (g) properly;
home (j) ---- (doubt), is the best school (h) ability; (i) environment; (j) rational;
for moral education. (k) ---- (k) enlightened; (l) prerequisite; (m)
(Apparent), it is every parent's (l) ---- importance; (n) rapidly.
(responsible) to teach their children 17. Complete the text adding suffixes,
moral lessons at home. They also have prefixes or the both to the root words
to (m) ---- (sure) that their children do given in the parenthesis.
not mix with any bad company. The Mobile phone is a great (a) ---- (invent)
moral (n) ---- (teach) at an early age of modern science. The (b) ----
will help them become good citizens in (consume) of mobile phone are
future. increasing day by day. People are
Answer: getting benefits. But it is (c) ----
(fortunate) that mobile phone
sometimes (d) ---- (comes) a cause of (a) famous; (b) wisdom; (c)
health hazard, especially the (e) ---- extraordinary; (d) imagination; (e)
(child) are affected much. According to natural; (f) artificial; (g) association;
the (f) ---- (science) mobile phone (h) successful; (i) reputation; (j)
causes brain tumours. (g) ---- (gene) multidimensional; (k) abroad; (l)
damage and many other (h) ---- (cure) significant; (m) intelligent; (n)
diseases. They believe that (i) ---- interesting.
(visible) uncontrolled radioactivity of 19. Complete the text adding suffixes,
mobile phone causes (j) ---- prefixes or the both to the root words
(repairable) damage to human body. given in the parenthesis.
They say that the (k) ---- (govern) Success in life depends on the proper
should control radioactive sources. (l) - (a) ---- (utilize) of time. Those who
--- (along) people should be made waste their (b) ---- (value) time in (c) -
aware of (m) ---- (harm) aspects of --- (idle) reduce the time of their
using mobile phone (n) ---- (excess). important work. (d) ---- (punctual) is
Answer: another great virtue that (e) ---- (rich)
(a) invention; (b) consumers; (c) the (f) ---- (man) life. If one takes
unfortunate; (d) becomes; (e) children; lesson from the (g) ---- (biography) of
(f) scientists; (g) genetic; (h) incurable; successful persons, one will learn that
(i) invisible; (j) irreparable; (k) they never kept any work (h) ---- (do)
government; (l) Alongside; (m) for the next day. (i) ---- (obvious), they
harmful; (n) excessively. were true to their words. So, they got a
18. Complete the text adding suffixes, (j) ---- (respect) position in the society.
prefixes or the both to the root words If we want to be great in life, we must
given in the parenthesis. utilize time (k) ---- (fruit) and (l) ----
King Solomon was (a) ---- (fame) for (meaning) Moreover, we are to put (m)
his (b) ---- (wise) He was blessed with ---- (import) to punctuality and (n) ----
(c) ---- (ordinary) knowledge and it was (sincere).
really beyond people's (d) ---- Answer:
(imagine). One day, the Queen of (a) utilization; (b) valuable; (c)
Sheba wanted to test how wise he was. idleness; (d) Punctuality; (e) enriches;
Solomon was given two kinds of (f) human; (g) autobiographies; (h)
flowers. One was (e) ---- (nature) and undone; (i) Obviously; (j) respectable;
the other was (f) ---- (artifice). As he (k) fruitfully; (l) meaningfully; (m)
had a close (g) ---- (associate) with importance; (n) sincerity.
nature, he had been (h) ---- (success) to 20. Complete the text adding suffixes,
differentiate them. In this way, his (i) - prefixes or the both to the root words
--- (repute) of (j) ---- (multidimension) given in the parenthesis.
knowledge spread all over the world. A good student is always (a) ---- (mind)
Very often people from home and (k) - of his studies. He is (b) ---- (respect) of
--- (road) came to visit him. People his (c) ---- (teach) and superiors. He
used to have (l) ---- (significance) never (d) ---- (honour) anybody. He is
discussion with him. This discussion free from (e) ---- (behaviour) and never
was not only (m) ---- (intelligence) but rude to his classmates. As he is (f) ----
also (n) ---- (interest). (study) he never wastes his time in
Answer: vain. He is also sincere and listens to
his teachers (g) ---- (attentive) so that
he can be (h) ---- (success) in life. His
punctuality and (i) ---- (determine) help
him to (j) ---- (take) and solve any
difficult work or job. But he is not (k) -
--- (differ) to his moral character. He
never mixes with bad boys who are (l)
---- (involve) in various types of (m) --
-- (crime) activities. Rather he gets (n)
---- (attract) to all good things.
(a) mindful; (b) respectful; (c) teachers;
(d) dishonours; (e) misbehaviour; (f)
studious; (g) attentively; (h) successful;
(i) determination; (j) undertake; (k)
indifferent; (l) involved; (m) criminal;
(n) attracted.

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