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“You’ve got to figure out what you

Lesson 1 love… and it’s going to be brought you

great joy.”
- Jeff Bezos (Founder CEO of Amazon,
CHRIST AS THE Richest man in the world)
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Values
 Ranks or orders human needs
INVISIBLE GOD according to importance, immediacy,
and level of difficulty in terms of
What is our ultimate life list or acquisition: at the bottom stands the
what is it that we consider as physiological needs, while perched at
absolute in our lives? the pinnacle is self-actualization.
 Every human person has a sense of
In the Netflix documentary series, titled:
obligation to do.
“The Last Dance,” Michael Jordan was
 Every encounter is an opportunity to shown as the man who is obsessed
do good. himself with winning championship.
 The ultimate life list we consider as
absolute in our lives is TO DO Why is that some people, even if
they seemed to have reached the
 All of our experiences should’ve
contributed to our humanity
top of the world, remain
 The main goal is to become a better unhappy?
 Theological virtues: faith, hope, and What is the meaning and purpose
love (virtues that are not based on
of our life?
your own capabilities)
 “I love you” is the best phrase in a  “It is natural for human beings to
relationship. desire to be happy.” - Aristotle
 There’s faith in love.  “Human beings, embark on a
 There’s power from lifelong search for that absolute
something/someone else to make good, which will lead them to the
things happen. happiness that never ends.” - St.
Thomas Aquinas
What is our core?  Domine, Non-Nisi Te, “Lord,
 In Latin, cor means heart. And so, we nothing except You.”
ask the question: “What is in our
hearts?” How do we attain God?
 By claiming that we are redeemed. in his own blessed life. For this
 The road that leads to God is reason, at every time and in every
described as: place, God draws close to man. He
 “narrow” calls man to seek Him, to know Him,
 “Passing through the eye of a to love Him with all his strength.” -
needle.” Catechism of the Catholic Church
 “To be a human being means to come
1. Jesus Christ, the Ultimate from God and to go to God.”
Revelation of the Father
 God, as our personal absolute, gave
 It is only through Christ, the only true
Himself to us through the incarnation
mediator between God and man, that
of Christ, His only Son our Lord.
human beings can reach God.
 “No mission is activated and no
II. Christ is God in a Human
identity is clarified apart from
Christ.” - PCP II Way
 We look up to Christ as the ultimate
revelation of the Father, who calls us  God did more for human beings than
to communion, and as the good for any other creature that He has
teacher who leads us to the Father. created:
 He shared His life with them, which
I. God as our Personal Absolute happened perfectly through the
 St. Augustine and St. Monica incarnation of Christ.
 “In His Son and through Him, He
“Thou hast made us for Thyself, O invites men to become, in Holy Spirit,
Lord, and our hearts are restless until His adopted children and heirs of his
they rest in Thee.” blessed life.” CCC, 13
 Through the mystery of Christ’s
 Schillebeeckx, Edward. Christ the incarnation people actually live with
Sacrament of the Encounter with God, have a special bond or
God. London: Sheed and Ward, 1963. relationship with Him, and most
importantly they feel or experience
“God is a personal absolute in whom His love every day of their lives. -
is found the reason for our existence, Luke 18:15-17
and therefore, He is a being who III. Christ is Human in a Divine
gives absolute meaning to our lives” way
 God’s coming down to meet His
 “God, infinitely perfect and blessed in
people also means raising them up
Himself, in a plan of sheer goodness
and liberating from their sinful
freely created man to make him share
 By becoming humans… Christ  That man can love, forgive, show
became an example for all people to compassion, and set aside prejudices
follow because He manifested those toward others, shows that the divine
characteristics that make man perfect. is truly shared with the human.
 Jesus Christ, through His life, words,
and works, revealed how people 2. Images of Jesus in the Gospels:
should live their lives. The Way, The Truth, and Life.
 Jesus corrected the false belief that
people are bad or helplessly sinful.  What is the meaning of life?
 Jesus revealed what is true and good  Who am I?
about human beings: that they are all  What must I do?
invited by God to be perfect like Him.  It is only in the mystery of the
 When asked how many times we incarnation of Christ that people can
should forgive, his response was: understand who they are and what
always! (Matthew 18:21). Christ their purpose in this world is.
demonstrated that goodness is not  Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the
give and take. Doing good does not Life.
expect something in return but is the  Before performing his mission or
habitual response of someone who is public ministry, Jesus was led by the
created in the image and likeness of Spirit to the desert where he was
God. tempted by the devil (Mark 1:12, 13;
 When the woman caught in the act of Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13).
adultery was brought to Him (John  The devil wanted Christ to follow or
8:1-11), Jesus did not show surrender to His selfish desires. In
condemnation but only mercy and other words, the temptation was for
compassion. When He lovingly told Christ to use His powers for his
the woman to sin no more, Jesus personal benefit, and consequently,
showed that people, by the grace of disobey or contradict the reason why
God, can change for the better. the Father sent Him, which is total
 In his encounter with Zacchaeus the surrender to the Father’s will.
tax collector (Luke 19:1-10), he  The very name of Jesus, which means
exemplified before the crowd that an “the one who is to save people from
act of compassion can move even the their sins” also means that Jesus is the
most hardened sinner. When He greatest sign of God’s love for his
asked to eat dinner with the tax people.
collector, He demonstrated that we  Our Goal: Sequela Christi
are capable of seeing the good in  We rise from the temporary
others. setbacks of our lives and we
 To be truly human is to be like God. redirect ourselves back to Christ,
“once we give up our own wealth  Absolute thing to do: We must do
and very self.” good. Love your neighbors.
 In the responses of the Disciples  How to express our love?
whom Jesus invited to follow Him as  We feel bad when someone asks
fishers of men (Matthew 4:19); fora favor (We missed an
 Mary Magdalene, from whom Jesus opportunity to do good)
cast out seven demons (Luke 8:2) and  Every encounter is an opportunity
who later became the apostle to the to us to do good.
apostles. What does it Mean to be me?
 In Saint Paul who became the apostle
to the Gentiles.
 Following Christ entails radical  Jean Paul-Sartre, “Human beings live
conversion: forgetting oneself and in anguish”
 We are condemned to be free.
committing everything to Christ.
 We make choice.
 Stripping the old self of that sinful
life to take on the new white  Every choice reveals what we think a
garment of Christ. human should be. (Action, Freedom,
 It is dying to oneself but rising
 Existence because of design
again as a new person configured
 There is no design for a human
to Christ, no longer living one’s
life for one’s own but for Christ.
 Existentialism is Humanism
 Being immersed in the waters of
 For human beings, existence
baptism all over again and time
precedes essence
and time again.
 I create myself through what I do

Lesson 2  The choices I make in a world

without fixed values
 I am what I do
JESUS CHRIST AS  In fashioning myself, I fashion
humanity. I have to act like
THE GOOD everyone is watching me and I
TEACHER have no escape from this.
 Absolute end: TO DO GOOD Research: Approaching the subject from
different angles and opinions, appraising
 To do the good, what is the basis?
the views of various disciplines and
 What is good for me isn’t good for
other people.
 Good has its own hierarchy
The following trends are pointed out as to
 What must I do?
why nowadays, it has become
increasingly difficult to answer questions  In psychology, learning is a long-
as fundamental as the ones asked above: term change in behavior that is
 Certain currents of thought have based on experience
gone so far as to exalt freedom to  Classical Conditioning and
such an extend that it becomes an Operant Conditioning
absolute, which would then be the  Classical Conditioning (1890,
source of values (VS, 32). Russian Physiologist Ivan Pavlov)
Relativism: Is it wrong to judge o Dog associate bell with food

other cultures? o Unconditioned Stimulus:

 Moral Relativism - the view that Food, Unconditioned
what’s right in one culture may be Response: Salvation
o Unconditioned Stimulus:
wrong for another.
 Different strokes, Different folks Food, Neutral/Conditioned
Stimulus: Bell
 No “right way to live and right way to
o Example: In humans, you
want to the doctor to get a
 They recognize that morality is
different in different cultures, and
o The doctor said “Don’t worry
they often argue that it’s ethnocentric
this won’t hurt a bit” then it
to impose your own set of values
elsewhere as if you know best.
o Next thing, you went to the
 Even truth is relative (no such thing
Dentist and as he was about to
as objective truth)
put the mirror inside your
 A radically subjectivistic conception
mouth he said “Don’t worry,
of moral judgement or individualist
this won’t hurt a bit”. You ran
ethic is: where the individual
after what the dentist said.
conscience is accorded the status of a
 Operant Conditioning -
supreme tribunal of moral judgment
consequences lead to changes in
which hands down categorical and
voluntary behavior
infallible decisions.
o Reinforcement
 Follow your conscience when you do
o Punishment
things and moral decisions.
o Positive: the addition of
 Whether we have the proper
stimulus (getting dessert after
education or not, conscience should
eating vegetables)
be the basis of decisions because
o Negative: the removal of a
what we learn might be wrong.
stimulus (getting a night of no
 Our conscience is supreme
homework because you did
The difference between classical well in an exam)
and operant conditioning o Example: after having dinner
 Learning with family, you wash the
dishes and clean the table.  Wish Fulfillments
After that, your mom hugged  Parapraxes = Freudian Slips (ex.
you and thanked you for write thigh when we want to write
helping her. though)
o Positive Reinforcement:  A number of disciplines, grouped
action or words that make you under the name behavioral sciences,
repeat what you did. have rightly drawn attention to many
Psychotherapy - Sigmund Freud kinds of psychological and social
 We are all driven by the pleasure conditioning which influence the
principle exercise of freedom. VS, 33. (BF
 Neuroses - the result of faulty Skinner’s Operant Conditioning…
negotiations with repression of the behavior is determined by its
pleasure principle consequences, be they reinforcements
 ID - driven by pleasure principle. or punishments; S. Freud’s
 Superego - driven by a desire to Psychoanalytic Theory, behavior is
follow the rules and do the right the result of interactions among the
thing according to society three component parts of the mind:
 Ego - accommodate the two id, ego, and superego.
1. Oral Phase - what we eat  Ex. Gender as social construct
2. Anal Phase - “potty training”  Because of influence of society,
 parents tell us what to do and we form our conscience.
where to go Metaethics: Crash Course
 anally retentive - unable to give or Philosophy
surrender  Ethics - the branch of philosophy that
3. Phallic Phase (age of 6) studies morality, or right and wrong
 little children have sexual feelings behavior
 children direct their sexual  Metaethics - study the foundation of
impulses towards their parents morality
 Oedipus complex - “being in love  what is morality? what’s its
with the one parent and hating the nature? is it an objective thing or a
other) preference?
 society provides us with many  Example: Steal food or lie for good
things but does this by imposing cause
heavy dictates on us. Societies are  Moral Realism - the belief that there
neurotic. are moral facts, in the same way that
Psychoanalysis there are scientific facts. In this view,
 With proper analysis, people could any moral proposition can be true or
uncover what ails them and better false. For a lot of us, our gut intuition
adjust to the difficulties of reality. tells us that there are moral facts -
some things are just wrong and others sometimes nurturing your kids
are indisputably right. doesn’t seem like it’s that important.
 Grounding Problem: the grounding  Moral Subjectivism - moral
problem of ethics is the search for statements can be true and false -
a foundation for our moral beliefs, right or wrong - but they refer only
something solid that would make to people’s attitudes, rather than
them true in a way that is clear, their actions.
objective, and unmoving.  Those preferences key into
 Moral Absolutism - there are absolute personal attitudes, but not into
standards against which moral actual, objective moral facts about
questions can be judged. If something the world.
is wrong, it’s wrong regardless of  Some people favor capital
culture or circumstance. punishment and think it’s just.
 Moral Relativism - more than one Others oppose it and think it’s
moral position on a given topic can unjust. But it doesn’t go any
be correct. deeper than that. there are no
 Cultural Relativism moral facts, only moral attitudes.
1. Descriptive cultural relativism - Ethical Theories
people’s moral beliefs differ from  all ethical theories have some kind of
culture to culture. starting assumptions, which shouldn’t
2. Normative cultural relativism - be surprising, because really all of
it’s not your beliefs, but moral our beliefs rest on some basic
facts themselves that differ from assumed beliefs.
culture to culture.  Natural Law Theory - relies on the
 If every culture is the sole arbiter starting assumption that God created
of what’s right for it, that means the universe according to a well-
no culture can actually be wrong. ordered plan.
 If what everyone is doing right  Utilitarianism - relies on that starting
now is right, relative to their own assumption that all beings share a
culture, then there’s never any common desire to seek pleasure and
reason to change anything. avoid pain.
 Moral Antirealism - the belief that  Moral Principles
moral propositions don’t refer to  Some ethical theories hold the
objective features of the world at all - principle that any unjustified killing
that there are no moral facts. There’s is wrong - and that includes animals -
nothing about gratuitous violence while other theories hold the principle
that’s inherently wrong. If you look at that it’s only wrong to unjustifiably
the rest of the animal kingdom, kill humans.
 Some theories, using scientific  Jesus brings the question about
research about the human person morally good action back to its
argue from a great variety of customs, religious foundation (VS, 9): The
behavior patterns, and institutions Decalogue (10 Commandments and
present in humanity, end up with an Beatitudes)
outright denial of universal human  In the “first tablet” of the Law, Jesus
values, with a relativistic conception teaches us that God is the beginning
of morality (VS, 33) and end of our life.
 The concept of good for me is  Hear O Israel: The Lord our God is
different for you. It’s subjective or one Lord; You shall love the Lord
relativism. your God with all your heart, and
 we are influenced by society with all your soul, and with all your
 Universal Human Values: Human might. Deuteronomy 6:4-7
Life, Family Relationships,  Jesus definitively confirms the
Marriage Decalogue and proposes them as the
 We deny the universal human way and condition of salvation. VS,
value because of behavioral 12
patterns, customs, a social  The “Second Tablet of the Law”
constructs. commands us: “you shall not murder,
 if it makes you free, do it. it makes you shall not commit adultery; you
me happy, that’s why it becomes shall not bear false witness; Honor
relativistic your father and your mother; also,
Analysis: Articulating and reflecting on you shall love your neighbor as
the question together with the help of yourself (Matthew 19:18-19)
other disciplines in the light of Christian  These commandments are
faith. summarized by Jesus’ command to
 John Paul II exhorts people of His disciples: “you shall love your
today to “turn to Christ once neighbor as yourself” (Matthew
again in order to receive from 19:19; cf. Mk. 12:31).
Him the answer to their deepest  Jesus brings God’s commandments to
questions.” (VS, 8) fulfillment.
 Jesus shows that the commandments
1. Jesus Opens up the Faithful to must not be understood as a minimum
the Sacred Scriptures limit not to be gone beyond, but
 Parable of the Rich Man rather as a path involving a moral and
 “If you wish to enter into life, keep spiritual journey toward perfection
the commandments.” - Matthew (VS, 15).
19:17  The Christian moral vocation is
precisely: to commit ourselves
through the power of Christ’s 3. Jesus Teaches about Moral
redeeming grace to the progressive Action
overcoming of the evil of sin in and
 People today need to turn to Christ
around us - a personal human
once again in order to receive from
reaching out in loving service to
Him the answer to their questions
others - rather than simply avoiding
about what is good and what is evil.
sin or shrinking from evil.
 To go to the heart of the Gospel’s
moral teaching and grasp its profound
2. Jesus Reveals the Father’s Will and unchanging content, we must
 The three-fold yeses covering the 3 carefully inquire into:
dimensions of human life:  the meaning of the question
 the intra-personal asked by the rich young man in
 the inter-personal the Gospel
 societal  the meaning of Jesus’ reply,
must be grounded on the fourth allowing ourselves to be guided
foundational, integrating… by Him.
 Yes to God  Jesus as the patient and sensitive
 The Christ Jesus that we proclaimed teacher, answers the young man by
among you… was never Yes and No. taking him, as it were by the hand,
With him it was always yes, and and leading him step by step to the
however many the promises God full truth.
made, the yes to them all is in Him.  sell your properties and give
That is why it is through Him that we them to the poor (Jesus guided
answer Amen to the praise of God. the young rich man to do the
(NNCDP, 285) right thing)
 Why is it always yes if we have  we are also guided to do good
free will? and follow the ways of Jesus
 Every encounter is an opportunity  there’s a reason why we are
to us to do good. there.
 If someone bullies, how do I deal
4. Jesus Sheds Light on Man’s
with this toxic individual?
Lofty Vocation
 He won’t give a challenge that we
can’t do.  the first and ultimate vocation of man
is communion with God and there is
 This demands a radical change of
only one way to respond to this
heart, a real conversion, manifested in
a triple yes to self, other, and society,
and grounded in the ultimate yes to  doing good can be attributed to our
God, overcoming the “No” of sin. self alone without acknowledging
God. Having faith in God means
our doing good is attributed not
only to ourselves but to God.
 Transcendental Nature - there are
Lesson 3
experiences that we nor science
can’t explain. An example is
shooting the ball. Is there a 100%
JESUS Sheds light
chance that a 100 free throw on the mystery and
shooter can shoot his 101st shoot?
He’s hoping that the ball will shoot
dignity of the human
for the 101st time. person
 I do good because Christ invited
me to do so. What is the Value of Human
 Doing good can be attributed Life?
because of our natural capability
but more than that, doing good is
17 Sustainable Development
because Christ calls me to do so.
there’s a sense of satisfaction when
we do good. 1. No poverty
2. Zero Hunger
 The basic motivation for following
3. Good Health and Well-being
Christ in moral action is, of course,
4. Quality Education
the Blessed Trinity: the eternal
5. Gender Quality
Father’s love for us, manifested pre-
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
eminently in Jesus’ Paschal Mystery,
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
and the Holy Spirit sent into our
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
hearts who enables us to fulfill
9. Industry, Innovation, and
Christ’s own command: Love one
another as I have loved you.
10. Reduced Inequalities
 Since God has loved us so much, we
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
too should love one another.
12. Responsible Consumption and
5. Christ is always present to His Production
Church 13. Climate Action
 Christ empowered the Church to 14. Life Below Water
proclaim without fear of error, faith, 15. Life on Land
and morals. 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
 The Church must always be deeply 17. Partnerships for the Goals
conscious of her duty in every age to
examine the signs of the times and Analysis: Articulating and reflecting
interpret them in the light of the about the question together with the help
of other disciplines IN THE LIGHT OF 1. Created in the Image and
CHRISTIAN FAITH… Likeness of God
 Together with the rest of humanity,  Man is the only creature on earth that
the Church, following Christ as her God has willed for its own sake, and
model, has made it her mission to
he alone is called to share, by
uplift the lives of everyone in this
knowledge and love, in God's own
world. To do this, the Church teaches
life. It was for this end that he was
that it is only in knowing Christ that
created, and this is the fundamental
the human person can arrive at a full
reason for his dignity. CCC
understanding of who He really is.
 The doctrine that man is created in
 Being in full solidarity with
the image and likeness of God
humankind, our Lord showed us how
provides the theological grounding
to be fully human and fully alive.
that upholds the sacredness of the
 Christ primarily revealed how the human person and guarantees the
essential dignity of all persons is respect to be given him.
grounded directly on their origin, a. Able to Know and Love his Creator
meaning and destiny.
 He is an image of God by virtue of
 In the light of Christian revelation, it his/her possession of the distinctive
was understood that all persons, faculties of intellect and free will, on
endowed with inviolable dignity, are: account of which, he/she is capable of
 Created by God in His image and self-determination.
likeness (cf. Gen 1:26) through  Because of the spiritual character of
our Lord Jesus Christ, “through his/her soul, man possesses freedom,
whom everything was made and an eminent sign of divine image.
through whom we live” (1 Cor
 Man’s reason enables him/her to
know the voice of God compelling
 Redeemed by the blood of Christ him/her to do good and avoid evil.
(cf. Eph 1:7; Col 1:14); and are b. Willed by God for His own Sake
sanctified by the indwelling Holy
 Every human being is an
Spirit (cf. Rom 8:14-16; 1 Cor
irreplaceable and non-substitutable
person, a kind of good that cannot be
 Called to be children of God (cf. 1 treated as an object of use or as a
Jn 3:1), destined for eternal life of means to an end.
blessed communion with the
 As a subject, he/she is the one in
Father, His Risen-Incarnate Son,
charge of his/her life as he/she can act
and their Holy Spirit.
according to his/her conscience, in
o We have the obligation to
freedom and with sufficient
respond to call of God knowledge.
o In charge = can you do concrete living out of our being an
everything you want when you’re image of God.
in charge?  Therefore, being created in the image
o Karol Wojtyla, Love and and likeness of God is both a gift and
Responsibility (New York: a task.
Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1981),  The challenge to be true to who and
41. what we are is an endless task – it
c. Called to be Stewards of Creation never expires.
 The companionship between man and  We always look at Jesus Christ and
woman is not of dominance but strive to always model our lives to
solidarity, not inferiority but his, for we are not just any slave or
complementarity, equity, and not servant who follows the will of
equality. his/her master but we are raised to the
o symbolic status of being adopted sons and
o majority of policies and daughters of God.
regulations are expressed
negatively (no parking, no 2. Redeemed by the Blood of
littering, do not cheat) Christ
o in charge = what will you do?
 God elevated man to participation in
 As stewards of creation both man and the divine life and live in communion
woman were equally ordered to and belongingness with the Trinity.
"subdue" the earth as His stewards.  But with the entry of sin, this
 This sovereignty is not destructive communion and belongingness were
domination. God calls man and shattered, as well as their communion
woman, to share in his providence among themselves.
toward other creatures; hence their  Yet God did not abandon man
responsibility for the world God has altogether; instead, He held out the
entrusted to them. CCC, 373. means of saving them by gathering
d. Called to Communion men together to counter the chaos
 As images of the self-giving love of which was the consequence of sin.
God, human beings are capable of  “That all of them may be one, as You,
self-giving love as well. are in Me, and I am in You. May they
 As products of a divine self-gift, also be in Us, so that the world may
human beings should respond to God believe that you sent me. I have given
by giving themselves to others. them the glory You gave Me, so that
 To give oneself to others as much as they may be one as we are one.”
possible in imitation of the self-  to easily understand, God put the
giving of God in the Trinity is the forbidden fruit in the middle of
the garden
 when you didn’t study well, you  Healing the wounds of sin, the Holy
will fail Spirit renews us interiorly through a
 don’t eat the forbidden fruit or spiritual transformation. He
you’ll die but Adam and Eve enlightens and strengthens us to live
didn’t die because God didn’t as "children of light" through "all that
abandon them. is good and right and true." CCC,
 Jesus is our redemption. 1695.
 Man's sins, following on original sin,
are punishable by death. 3. Made Holy by the Presence of
 By sending his own Son in the form the Spirit
of a slave, in the form of a fallen  When God touches man's heart
humanity, on account of sin, God through the illumination of the Holy
"made him to be sin who knew no Spirit, man himself is not inactive
sin, so that in him we might become while receiving that inspiration, since
the righteousness of God. he could reject it; and yet, without
 “For in Christ and through Christ, we God's grace, he cannot by his own
have acquired full awareness of our free will move himself toward justice
dignity, of the heights to which we in God's sight. CCC, 1993.
are raised, of the surpassing worth of  we need the grace of God
our humanity and of the meaning of
 we can’t do things on our own. If
our existence.” CCC, 602.
we are going to forgive someone,
 “Praise be to the God and Father of it’s not because of our
our Lord Jesus Christ, who has capabilities.
blessed us in the heavenly  if we do something and we had a
realms with every spiritual blessing in sense of fulfillment and
Christ. For He chose us in Him before happiness, it’s attributed to the
the creation of the world to be holy Grace of God.
and blameless in His sight. In  inner joy of doing good, is it
love, He predestined us for adoption really from you?
to Sonship through Jesus Christ, in  The merit of good works is to be
accordance with His pleasure and will attributed in the first place to the
—to the praise of his glorious grace of God, then to the faithful.
grace, which He has freely given us Man's merit itself, moreover, is due to
in the One He loves. In Him we have God, for his/her good actions proceed
redemption through His blood, the in Christ, from the predispositions
forgiveness of sins, in accordance and assistance given by the Holy
with the riches of God’s grace.” Spirit. CCC, 2008.
Ephesians 1:3-7.
 with the grace of God, we hope lower strata of the hierarchy, to wit:
that we’ll be happy and satisfied motion (animals), and life (plants).
with what we do.  Hence, we define human beings as
 Being a witness of Christ, as in individual substance of rational
leading a life worthy of the Gospel of nature (Individua Substantia Naturae
Christ is made capable of doing so by Rationalis).
the gift of his Spirit which we can The Human Person According to the
obtain through prayer, though the Catechism for Filipino Catholics CFC,
impulse to pray is still permeated 687-692.
with the promptings of the Holy  Open and Relational. Persons are
Spirit. open and relational by nature. No one
 Healing the wounds of sin, the Holy exists by oneself, but only in
Spirit renews us interiorly through a relationship with others. Human
spiritual transformation. He existence does not precede
enlightens and strengthens us to live relationship but born of relationship
as "children of light" through "all that and is nurtured by it. We grow into
is good and right and true. our full selves as persons only in
relating with others.
4. Christ as the One who Sheds  we are open and relational beings
Light on the Dignity of the  Being a person means being by others
(our conception, birth, upbringing),
Human Person
being with others (our family, friends,
 To understand man as a person is to
neighbors, business associates), and
point out that man is created by God
being for others (love, service).
with inviolable dignity.
 Our Trinitarian origin infers that this
The Human Person in the Aristotelian-
is how we have been created by God
Thomistic Hierarchy of Beings
— as social beings. This is how we
 The Aristotelian-Thomistic hierarchy
have been redeemed by Christ — as a
of beings (scala naturae) provides a
people. This is how the Holy Spirit
backdrop for the Christian
works not only within but among us
understanding of man. It gives is a
as the people of God, journeying
view of human beings both in relation
towards our common destiny in God.
to God (as creator) and other created
CFC 687.
 Conscious Beings. Persons are
 In the ecology of the visible world,
conscious beings, aware of
only human beings possess
themselves in their outgoing acts. We
rationality, i.e., intellect and freewill,
possess this self-awareness through
while possessing altogether the
our knowing and free willing.
excellent traits of the beings in the
 By his reason, human beings:
o Know the order of things  Serves as the form (the nature or
established by God; essence of a thing that makes it what
o Understand how and what it is) of the body.
things should be.  Functions as the unifying principle
o Is imbued with the instinctive that forms the one unique human
awareness of the unwritten being.
decree inscribed in his heart.  Needs embodiment, i.e., assistance of
o Recognizes this as the voice of the senses for the fulfillment of the
God constantly urging him to soul’s vital task.
do the good and avoid evil.  embodiment of soul = to fulfill
CFC, 688. our soul, our body is also
 Embodied Spirits important.
o This stresses the unity between  the action of our body has to be
our “body and soul.” in accordance with our soul.
o This substantial unity of our  our imagination is our soul.
body and soul is known as  our soul won’t tell us to fly
“hylemorphism.” because we aren’t capable of
o Our body is an essential part of doing so.
our being human and not Historical Realities
merely an “instrument” we  As Persons, we are:
“use” as we please.  Pilgrims on-the-way, who
The Body gradually, through time, become
 Christian Faith regards the Body as our full selves.
“good and honorable since God has  Free to decide for ourselves and
created it and will raise it up on the form ourselves; in this sense we
last day” (GS 14). are our own cause.
 God the Son further dignified the  Developing in discernible stages,
body through his Incarnation: “the described in great detail by
Word became flesh and dwelt among modern psychology. CFC, 690.
us” (Jn. 1:14).
 Integrating our past to our present
 St. Paul admonishes us: “You must existence to makes us move into
know that your body is a temple of our future with a sense of integrity
the Holy Spirit, who is within — the and a coherent sense of direction.
Spirit you have received from God. . . R. M. Gula, S.S.
. So, glorify God in your body” (1 Unique yet Fundamentally Equal
Cor 6:19-20).  All men are endowed with a
The Soul rational soul and are created in
God’s image; they have the same
nature and origin and, being
redeemed by Christ, they enjoy
the same divine calling and
destiny; there is here a basic
equality between all men.” GS, 29
 But despite sharing common
features of humanity, we do
things differently. This implies
therefore that we seriously
consider each person’s
uniqueness and originality. Each
of us is called to “image” God in
a unique way — no one can “take
our place.
else as “the other is characterized
Lesson 4 by height or highness.”
• The absoluteness with which the
The Encounter with Jesus Other’s existence transcends the
claims of my self-centered
Christ is a Call to universe by more radical
Discipleship demands, is what Levinas calls
infinity… we must be the servant
1. “Christian Discipleship is Counter-
of our neighbor.
Cultural and Radical Alterity
• our existence is affirmed or
2. The Church: Willed by God to
validated not by the mere fact of
Make Possible the Encounter with
persevering in being but by our
liberation from our own
constricting egotism. In other
What do we care about the most in this
words, we are liberated by our
ethical response when we
encounter the Other who reveals
Emmanuel Levinas: Notion of its face to us.
the Other • This Other deposes me and
imposes itself upon me as my
• The struggle for life or the desire
• Ethics, for Levinas, is the radical
to persevere in being, heightens
interpretation of the formula of
egoism, which is characterized by
etiquette: apres vous (after you,
the desire for enjoyment or
please!). Moreover, the Other, as
it reveals its face to me, puts me
• The primordial tendency of the
under a basic obligation or
ego is to live for itself and secure
command to be at its service
any means available and
before myself, which Levinas
attainable in order to maintain a
underscored using the phrase: me
happy existence.
voici (Here I am!).
• The “I” in its inwardness becomes
“We are all guilty of all and for men
the origin of meaning and
before all, and I more than the
determines whether or not
others.” Fyodor Dostoyevsky
something is valuable, i.e., usable
or consumable. Christian Discipleship is
Alterity Counter-Cultural and Radical
• The Other stands at the top of my
hierarchy of values, I am
beholden to it before anything
Tale of three trees. Three young trees humanity
each want to do something great: One We go back to the questions:
tree wants to be a big boat that is fit • What must I do?
for a king; another wants to hold a lot • How do I distinguish good from
treasure; and the last one wants to be evil?
the tallest tree. When they are felled, it We turn to Jesus Christ:
seems as if all their dreams are over. • We listen to his words.
One tree is turned into a dinky little • We follow his actions.
fishing boat that smells of rotten fish;  Following Christ is the essential and
another becomes feed box for animals; primordial foundation of Christian
and the last was cut into beams and morality. Jesus’ ways and words, his
left in a lumberyard. But each is deeds and his precepts constitute the
destined to play an important part in moral rule of Christian life.
the life of Jesus, in this, their dreams What does discipleship entail?
are more than fulfilled.  Come follow me and I will send you
1st Tree: To be Our Plans out to fish for people. At once, they
a treasure left their nets and followed him.
chest Matthew 4:19
2nd Tree: to be  If you want to be perfect, go sell your
a mighty ship possessions, come follow me.
3rd Tree: To be Matthew 19:21
a tall tree  If anyone should come after me, let
1st Tree: A feed Cost him deny himself and take up his
box Test of Faith cross and follow me. Matthew 16:24
2nd Tree: A Obedience Who is a disciple?
fishing boat  A disciple is a lover of Truth:
3rd Tree: A  Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life
beam stored in How does one become a disciple?
a lumber yard  A disciple imitates Jesus who gives
1st Tree: God’s Plans primacy to the will of the Father.
Became a What is expected of a disciple?
manger for  A disciple lives in loving service of
the baby Jesus others.
2nd Tree:
Witnessed the The Beatitudes
power of Jesus  A set of precepts that utterly
3rd Tree: demonstrate the moral standards of
Symbol of our Lord and at the same time
God’s love for
resonate his call to follow him as his person may be able to find Christ,
disciples in order that Christ may walk with
each person the path of life.” RH
Christ Crucified: Brutal, Anguish, 13.
Terrible Wounds  As the sacrament of salvation of all,
According to Saint Thomas Aquinas, not only of the explicit members but
Christ Crucified is the perfect also those who share in the “theandric
exemplification of the Beatitudes. communion without explicit
awareness of Christic foundation,”
To be Happy: She is mindful of her task to make
Despise what Jesus despised on the present everytime, in every situation
Cross. the encounter between the spirit and
4 things that make us happy: the flesh, God and mankind.
Wealth, pleasure, power and honor

Love what Jesus loved on the Cross.

Lesson 5
 Doing the will of the Father: Called to Happiness
 The single-hearted one
Lesson A: Search for the True
 Hunger for righteousness
 Ultimate peacemaker and
a. Worldviews/Trends in
 Ultimate bearer of God’s mercy.
Achieving Happiness
Christ crucified is: b. God as the Ultimate
 A picture of a happy man. Happiness of the Human
 Freedom and joy: when all our Person
expectations are turned around. Study
Leo is rushing to the nearest apple store
The Church: Willed by God to in order to buy the recently released
Make Possible the Encounter with version of iPhone. It was just a year ago
Christ when he acquired his current iPhone but
since he believes that keeping up with the
 The Church was instituted by Christ
latest trends and upgrades of his favorite
to perpetuate His presence on earth.
device, would give him immense
She signifies in a visible, historical
pleasure, there is nothing he wouldn’t do
and tangible form the presence and
to get hold of one. However, given his
redeeming activity of Christ offered
meagre salary, he would sacrifice a lot of
to all persons of every age, race and
things just to save up for his highly
anticipated tech device, not to mention
 “The Church has always wished to
that his credit card is on the brink of its
serve this single end: that each
limit and most of his bills are already  I may learn without money. Do we
passed their due. Leo doesn’t mind at all, need material things to learn
what’s important is that buying the new something? (even if we don’t have
iPhone makes him happy. money, we can learn something).
However, to experience pleasure, we
Question: Where can I find true have to have material things.
happiness? Materialism and Consumerism
 Material possession, success, and
I. Worldviews/Trends in progress are the highest values in life.
Achieving Happiness This doctrine highly values the
Hedonism material realm and is opposed to
 To seek the pleasurable is the primary intellectual and spiritual values.
reason of human behavior.  An upshot of materialism is
 Happiness equates with pleasure. Consumerism, which believes that
Pleasure ranges from the physical personal wellbeing and happiness
exhilaration to the material things depend, on a very large extent, on the
which the world cunningly offers. level of consumption, particularly on
 The hedonist chases physical the purchase of material goods.
pleasures as gateway to what will  Like hedonism, buttressing one’s
satisfy inner longings. In the end, happiness on material things, in the
after the fleeting feeling has welled end, only throws a person into a cycle
up, the emptiness remains and the of dissatisfaction and constant
same cycle of chasing after pleasure yearning for something that is
continues without providing the temporal and fleeting.
Consumerism, Retrieve April 9, 2018,
authentic remedy to their insatiable
yearnings. canSociety/ Chapter %207%20--%20consumerism
Rutt Veenhoven. Happiness and Hedonism, Retrieved %20--%20Norton%20August.pdf.
April 10, 2018, /veenhoven • You need material things
 Differentiate Happiness from
 The highest form of happiness can be
acquired through the practice of
 Happiness: Learn, Pleasure:
virtues. For Aristotle, these virtues
are actions turned into good habits
 In order for me to be pleased, I have which lead a person to transcend
to experience material things. In order his/her passions.
to pass, I can cheat.
 We can’t plan to do good.
 Pleasure – material/money,
 Virtue is doing good. Do I do
physical/sexual (I can experience
good because God plans (God’s
pleasure if I possess the following)
plan to do good) or do I do good
because of my own decision to  Perfect Happiness – once you have
do good? it, there’s nothing more to gain and
 If I do good then there’s no seek
opportunity, then wouldn’t be  Every creature has a purpose.
able to do good. When that creature fulfills his/her
 Opportunity knocked on us then purpose, he or she will be greatly
it gives us chance to change our happy. We can learn, think, and
mindset. love. Thinking and loving.
 Robbery Scene: change in  Thinking
mindset can be shown by  Loving
thinking that we shouldn’t text  Learning and Loving God face to
when we are in an open area. face. God is existencthatf and
 Opportunities we don’t everything that exist.
appreciate.  We are inherently curious species
to know the cause.
II. God as the Ultimate  We want to know that God
Happiness of the Human  We will only be satisfied when we
Person learn and love God.

a. St. Thomas Aquinas on Happiness BEATITUDE (AQUINAS 101)

Happiness as end. Human beings  Capacities to Know and Love
have the power of reason to  Different principles and
determine what seems good for them philosophies say that what we feel
and the power of free will to choose on Earth is imperfect happiness.
what goods they will seek and how  Imperfect Happiness because it’s
they will go about obtaining them. a worldly experience.
 The basis of perfection is
Thus, according to Aquinas we are
masters of our own actions.
 No matter what kind of
 Summa Theologiae “We shall relationship, we have knowledge
consider first the last end of and love.
human life, and second those  Friendship is imperfect but God
things by means which man..” gave me the capacity to know and
 Human Life has a purpose, goal, love.
and end that brings perfect  Loving isn’t automatic. It
happiness becomes a moral condition/moral
1. Our Purpose (happiness) obligation.
2. How to Achieve it (how to be  It gives a mindset to do better
happy) next time.
 It’s in us to be happy. We know Why, then, do individual men and
and we love. women act so very differently and
 It’s not about right and wrong; it’s achieve such differing degrees of
about what you’ve learned. happiness?
 What to know and who to love.  St. Thomas notes that “to desire
 Decalogue (know) and Beatitudes happiness is nothing else than to
(love) desire that one’s will be satisfied.
 Those goods that we seek are goals or And this is what everyone desires.”
ends, the things we hope to achieve And yet, “all do not know Happiness;
by our actions. because they know not in what the
 The angelic doctor adds, “although general notion of happiness is found.”
the end be last in the order of  In determining what will bring
execution, yet it is the first order of happiness, St. Thomas starts by
the agent’s intention and it is in this enumerating some common false
way that it is a cause.” contenders, which are as popular and
 St. Thomas Aquinas on Happiness: alluring today as they were in the
What it is, What it consists, and How thirteenth century, namely: wealth,
to obtain it (ST I-II, Q.2, Prologue). power, honor, fame and glory.
Kevin Vost, Psy.D., One Minute Aquinas: The Doctor’s  These are only means to the end of
Quick Answers to Fundametal Questions, (Manchester, happiness itself and none of them
New Hampshire, Sophia Institute Press, 2014). Pp 30-
ever completely brings satisfaction.
 St. Thomas asserts that human beings  Two Kinds of Happiness:
are not so much pawns who are  An imperfect happiness while
pushed by the random events of their here on earth.
past as masters of their fates who are  A perfect happiness consisting of
pulled by future goals of their own the beatific vision of the
making. Uncreated Good (i.e., God) in
 Aquinas insists that an end acts as a heaven.
final cause, a cause for the sake of  Augustine expressed this so
which human beings undertake to do beautifully in his writing, “Our
something. hearts are restless until they rest
 Aristotle and Aquinas agree that in you.” Augustine refers to God
although each individual has his/her who is the ultimate source of
own personal likes and dislikes, every good thing and the end
he/she acts, most of the time, for the towards whom human beings
very same final, last end. ought to direct all their actions.
 False happiness. According to St. b. Happiness in God as the Ultimate
Augustine, “all men agree in desiring Goal of Human Beings
the last end, which is happiness.”
 Happiness is associated with the reason, and the moral effort to pursue
meaning of life. JPII them throughout a lifetime, are
 “In the depths of his heart there necessary for human happiness.
always remains a yearning for  If disorder enters in here it upsets the
absolute truth and a thirst to attain balance of a person’s life and affects
full knowledge of it. This is their happiness. E.g., housing and
eloquently proven by man's tireless nourishment and material well-being
search for knowledge in all fields.” serve human life and not vice versa.
JPII (Peter Bristow, Christian Ethics and the Human
 St. Thomas Aquinas points out:
 “Man seeks his last end in his actions
“every agent acts for an end;
by knowing that last end (God) and
otherwise, one thing would not follow
wanting it.”
more than another from the action of
 “How is it, then, that I seek you, Lord?
the agent.”
Since in seeking you, my God, I seek a
 St. Thomas Aquinas clarifies the how
happy life, let me seek you so that my
rational beings differ from irrational
soul may live, for my body draws life
beings in their pursuit of an end:
from my soul and my soul draws life
 Irrational creatures seek their end by
from you. God alone satisfies.”
means of natural inclination. St. Augustine, Confessions
 In rational creatures, this inclination  Jesus brings the question about
is caused by the deliberation of the morally good action back to its
intellect, which knows the end as religious foundations, to the
good, and the free decision of the acknowledgment of God, who alone
will.” is goodness, fullness of life, the final
 As the faculty that chooses, the will end of human activity, and perfect
empowers the person to choose which happiness.
path to take on the way to happiness:  “Do not be conformed to this world
whether right or wrong but be transformed by the renewal of
Relationship between the Human your mind, that you may prove what
Person’s Rationality and the Totality of is the will of God, what is good and
His Being: acceptable and perfect” (Rom 12:2).
 All human persons are oriented
towards the good, in virtue of their c. God’s Commandments: Criteria in
rationality. Attaining Eternal Life
 This good is broken down and made  JPII elucidates the connection
up of the basic goods of the person, between eternal life and obedience to
which are perfective of him, or her. the decalogue in his remark:
 The knowledge, right ordering, and  “God's commandments show man the
harmonizing of the human goods by path of life and they lead to it.”
 the decalogue sheds light on the  There is no separation between them
dignity of the human person, and and the commandments since both
consequently our obligation to respect are oriented to eternal life.
it, to wit:  The Beatitudes:
 The 10 Commandments are:  Suggest commitment to live
 Reflections about the good of the out the different suggested
person at the level of the many attitudes to attain the graces
different goods which characterize promised by God.
his identity as a spiritual and  Give an idea that the true
bodily being in relationship with happiness that we should
God, with his neighbor and with pursue cannot be totally
the material world. attained in this world through
 Teach us man's true humanity. temporal things but eternally
They shed light on the essential reside in heaven.
duties, and so indirectly on the  Articulate that the destiny of
fundamental rights, inherent in the man can be achieved through
nature of the human person. service and the contemplation
 “You shall not murder; You shall of heavenly things.
not commit adultery; You shall not  The first three beatitudes are
steal; You shall not bear false dedicated to removing the
witness” are negative precepts, obstacles, which purely material
which express with particular goods can present to be genuine
force the ever urgent need to happiness.
protect human life, the communion  Blessed are the poor in spirit,
of persons in marriage, private refers to the need for detachment
property, truthfulness and people’s either from riches or honors,
good name. which results from humility. The
next two beatitudes restrain and
d. Beatitudes: Call to Perfection moderate the irascible and
 The Beatitudes respond to man’s concupiscible appetites
natural desire for happiness. respectively.
 This desire is of divine origin. God  Blessed are the meek, protects
has placed it in the human heart in man’s irascible nature from
order to draw man to the One who falling into excessive anger and
alone can fulfill it.” keeps it within the bounds of
 The Beatitudes are more about basic reason.
attitudes and dispositions than about  Blessed are those that mourn,
particular rules of behavior. moderates man’s desire for
pleasure by keeping it in
proportion, which is the effect on  They are reminders that are given to
us when we suffer trials, us so that we can become “morally
tribulations and the death of good persons and attain our integral
loved ones. human fulfillment (everlasting
 The second group explains our duty happiness) in Jesus Christ.” The
to serve our neighbor. Beatitudes indicate a way of life, a
 Blessed are those who hunger life that finds its full actualization in
and thirst after righteousness. God, the one true source of
The active life should be devoted happiness.
principally to one’s duty and
spontaneous inclination to serve
one’s neighbor. Lesson 6
 Blessed are the merciful. But
spontaneous inclination also Lesson B: The Moral Good of
leads us to go beyond what is Human Acts
strictly due to others and show 1. The Nature of Human Acts
them generosity, understanding 2. Constituents of Human Acts
and forgiveness, and indeed
3. Sources of Morality
gratuitously without expecting
anything in return. 4. Impediments to Morality
 The third group brings forth the
importance of living a One day, after attending his first class for
contemplative life. the day, Lien sat in one of the benches in
 Blessed are the pure of heart. We front of the Central Library. He was
say of men who triumph over the thinking about how he needs money in
passions, order to buy that laptop that he badly
 Blessed are the peacemakers. wants because of the demands of his
The virtues gifts, which perfect school works and how he could not ask
man in his relations with his his mother for money because they are
neighbor, have peace as their running on a tight budget at home. As he
effect, as we read in Isaiah: “The was about to head back to his class, he
work of justice shall be peace” saw a pouch which contains a sum of
(32:17). money. He thought, this is enough to buy
 The Beatitudes do not suggest certain the computer that he needs, and not only
actions but correct dispositions and would it help him get by his school
attitudes they remain necessary in works, he would also be able to have
forming our will to choose the Good some to spare that could help ease the
and turn to God. financial backlogs at home. But then,
Lien is in a quandary because he was
thinking about that poor person who lost
the money and might be looking for it at  Main Proponents: 18th century,
that moment. He is thinking whether or Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill
not he should keep the money. Is it right and much earlier the Greek (341 to
that he should use it to satisfy his 270 B.C.E.) Epicurus, taught that the
personal needs or should he turn it over merits of actions should be gauged in
to the security office who could help him terms of the happiness or pleasure
look for the real owner? that they produce
 Evil is the absence of Good  Whatever you do, there’ll be
 Being absent in class isn’t good. consequences
 We can determine the morality of  Focus on the results or
the act, whether good or evil, by consequences of our actions
the act itself.  Good Consequences = Good
THINGS TO CONSIDER  Ultimately, we want the things that
we want because they give us
 Act (+), (-) = Intention (+), (-) =
Consequences (+), (-)
 Utilitarians agree that a moral theory
 The primary basis to judge
should be grounded on something
whether the act is good, or evil is
intuitive, basically in the primal
the act itself.
desire of humans to seek pleasure and
 Negative Intention, Negative Act,
avoid pain.
Positive Consequences (Ex. I
 Basis of good or evil is if
want her/him to be sad, so I stole,
you’re happy.
but I gave the money to the poor.)
 Unlike hedonism, utilitarianism is not
self-centered as it is other-regarding
Question: How do I distinguish good
by thinking that “we should always
from evil?
act so as to produce the greatest good
Three major moral theories that offer
for the greatest number of people
varying solutions, view good differently,
even if it means sacrificing your own
and expect people to in certain specific
a. Consequentialism  This is known as the principle of
b. Utilitarianism utility, which implies that choosing
c. Deontological Ethics the greatest good for the greatest
d. Virtue Ethics number of people.
a. Consequentialism  Utilitarianism is not self-
 Focuses on the results or consequence centered. Hindi lang dapat ako
of our actions and treats intentions as ang magiging masaya, dapat
irrelevant because good consequences lahat magbebenefit.
are equivalent to good actions.  Two Forms of Utilitarianism
 Act Utilitarianism. Holds that in any you must follow, regardless of
given situation, you should choose your desires.
the action that produces the greatest  For Kant, moral obligations are
good for the greatest number of derived from pure reason and it
people; doesn’t matter whether you want
 Rule Utilitarianism. Teaches that we to be moral or not because the
ought to live by rules that, in general, moral law is binding on all of us.
are likely to lead to the greatest good  What is right and wrong is totally
for the greatest number. Rule utility knowable just by using your
differs from Act utility by allowing us intellect.
to refrain from acts that might  I have my own standard and
maximize utilty in the short run and the institution have their own
instead follow rules that will standard
maximize utlity for the majority of  Law – According to St.
the time. Thomas Aquinas is an
 Act Utilitarianism – decision ordinance of reason,
of the majority. Ex. EDSA promulgated (made known to
People Power, Strike (it’s us, announced clearly) with
allowed because you are competent authority for the
asked to express yourself). common good. (Law of the
Violating the rule. State)
 Rule Utilitarianism – whether  Discussed with the plenary
we like it or not, it’s in the and committee.
rule.  Law of the Church: ordinance
 There can be a conflict of reason, promulgated, by
between Act and Rule men with competent authority,
Utilitarianism. for the common good.
 Constitution by Law – people (Pastoral Letter/Encyclicals)
created the constitution (we  Deontological Ethics – look at
follow the majority) but if the the ethics of the authority as
rule was written by the the basis of good and evil
institution itself, the rule  Popular Formulations of
would be implemented. Categorical Imperative :
b. Deontological Ethics  Universalizability Principle.
 18th century German Philosopher, “Act only according to that
Immanuel Kant viewed morality maxim which you can at the same
in terms of categorical time will that it should become a
imperatives, i.e., commands that universal law without
 Formula of Humanity.  When there’s no rules, you
 “Act so that you treat humanity, ask to the
whether in your own person or in authorities/professionals.
that of another, always as an end  Human beings who have a fixed
and never as a mere means.” nature, can flourish according to
 Universalizability – wherever Aristotle, by adhering to their specific
we go, we have the universal nature.
law  Nature has built in human beings the
 Pag sinasanay sa isang batas, desire to be virtuous or to have
naaapektuhan ang kilos natin. virtues, which entails doing the right
 The universal principle is that thing, at the right time, in the right
“smoking” is bad for our way, in the right amount, toward right
health. people.
 If you are in a different place,  Virtue is understood as the midpoint
you don’t have to ask if it’s between the extremes of deficiency
okay to smoke there. You and excess, which Aristotle calls
already know that it’s bad. vices.
 Universal Principle:  For Aristotle, character is developed
“Wherever you go, the law is through habituation, i.e., by doing it
the same” over and over again, to the extent that
 Formula of Humanity: e.g., eventually becomes part of your
It’s your obligation as police character.
to bring the criminal to the  According to Aristotle, we should
hospital in case you shot him become virtuous persons so that we
while he was stealing. can attain the pinnacle of humanity or
c. Virtue Ethics achieve what is known as eudamonia,
 Aristotle emphasizes the pre- i.e., a life well-lived also known as
eminence of the individual’s character human flourishing.
rather than following a set of rules.  The kind of person who virtuously
This moral theory holds that from lives is the kind of person who will
being good people, right actions do good things.
could follow effortlessly.  Christian morals presuppose
 Sometimes, we ask questions following and imitating Jesus Christ,
to get satisfying answer. wherein every Christian becomes
 We ask teachers, authorities, alter Christus (another Christ).
and priests to distinguish right  The supernatural virtues of faith and
from wrong. charity transform the natural principle
of morality into the basic principle of
specific Christian morality: to live for
the sake of the Kingdom, in which all  For Saint Thomas Aquinas,
things, including man, will find Human Acts are acts:
fulfillment in Jesus.”  Which we are responsible
UNIT II. Called to Happiness
 Done with knowledge and
Lesson B: The Moral Good of Human love.
Acts  Done with intellect and
1. The Nature of Human Acts
 Freely chosen informed
 Putting the blame act.
 When you ask for favor to other  Worthy of praise or blame.
people, he/she is your  Has value for good or for
accountability evil.
 Responsible, Culpable,  We are responsible
Imputable, Accountable, Liable  May pananagutan (in tagalog)
(legal responsibility)  We are responsible because it is
 Not all acts can be done with knowledge and love
judged/determined good or evil  there’s involvement of decision
 Judge the person as suplado, and knowledge. (giving
when it’s naturally his face instruction)
 It’s the person’s nature. If it’s  Freely chosen informed act. If
natural, it doesn’t involve any you are forced to act against your
moral thinking will, it isn’t a human act.
1. Nature of Human Acts  If you love someone, it’s your
a. Human acts or actus humani responsibility. When you choose
 are those acts of the human something, it’s your
person, which define him/her as responsibility.
human in contrast to the actions  Worthy of praise or blame: will
of other material created agents the outcome of your action be
more specifically animals. good?
 What makes human acts basically  Human Act – involvement of
human? Human acts are done reason, will, knowledge, consent,
with sufficient knowledge of the and intellect.
agent and full deliberate consent.
According to St. Thomas b. Acts of Man or Actus Hominis
Aquinas, human acts “are  Those actions, which arise
therefore those acts that proceed without the same amount of
from a deliberate will.” knowledge and freedom as human
acts are called acts of man or electric shock, in which the will
actus hominis. does not have time to intervene.
 “Acts of man, as opposed to  Acts performed under violence or
human acts, are actions that man threat of violence. This includes
perform without being master of physical or—in some cases—
them through his intellect and moral violence.
will. In principle, acts of man are  We don’t normally pay
not the concern of morals, since attention to breathing, beating,
they are not voluntary.” and eating. Sometimes, what
 Acts of Man we don’t know will harm us.
 actions of man perform without Most people don’t sleep, they
being master of them through fall asleep. It becomes moral
his intellect and will. decision when you decide to
 performed involuntarily sleep on that certain time. Pag
 The natural acts of vegetative and pinagsama mo yung isang OC
sense faculties: digestion, beating and burara sa dorm, what will
of the heart, growth, corporal happen? It’s the behavior of the
reactions, and visual or auditive person that is unintentional,
perceptions. However, these acts there’s no involvement of will.
become human acts when It’s not a decision of the will.
performed under the direction of Take it that it’s not an offense to
the will, as when we look at you but it’s their natural
something, or arouse ourselves. behavior
 Acts of persons who lack the use  Spontaneous reaction.
of reason. Such is the case with Antecedent and Consequent
infants or insane persons. (ex. Kadate mo, usapan niyo
 Acts of people who are asleep or 6pm pero 8pm na wala pa rin.
under the in influence of You try to think of situations in
hypnosis, alcohol, or other drugs. your mind on what will you do
In this case, however, there may once he/she arrived.)
still be some degree of control by Impulsivity > Rationality.
the will. Also, there is indirect  Judged as correct and wrong
responsibility if the cause of the when you don’t conform to
loss of control is voluntary. family tradition.
 Quick, nearly automatic reactions, 2. Constituents of Human Acts
called primo-primi acts. These are  We have to instill value for the
reflex and nearly instantaneous sacraments
reactions, such as withdrawing  It’s an obligation to attend mass
one’s hand after suffering an
 There are three essential elements  Not to choose is a choice.
that must be present in order for an Your intention isn’t the one
action to be considered a human act, that happened.
these are, namely:
a. Knowledge
b. Voluntariness  The intellectual constituent of the
c. Freedom human acts.
 Knowledge (yes),  Those actions that are desired are
Voluntariness (yes), Freedom fruit of knowledge.
(no) – not a human act, we  Those known actions may be judged
can’t be blamed for it as moral and immoral.
because there are certain  A person’s reason “cannot will
situation where you can’t do without knowing what object he is
anything concerned with, without being master
 I am aware it’s you’re and therefore, conscious of the act he
birthday. Celebrate the is to perform in order to realize the
birthday today. On that day, aim, and without evaluating the
you weren’t able to go action in its concrete nature as a
because there’s a desirable good or undesirable evil,
transportation strike. which appraisal also includes the
 Knowledge (no), judgment on the moral value of the
Voluntariness (yes), Freedom act.”
(yes)  The prerequisite of choosing to act is
 It’s your birthday so I will the adequate awareness of the agent
go. You will have a party, in what he/she intends to choose.
let’s plan for that, let’s invite
people. But on that day, you
went to the place wearing  Freedom is what St. Augustine meant
coat and tie but the theme is by his phrase: liberum arbitrium,
pajama. You don’t have a translated as “freedom of choice.”
knowledge of the theme.  It designates the sort of freedom that
 Knowledge (yes), exists where an agent has more than
Voluntariness (no), Freedom one alternative: the alternative of
(yes) doing this or that, the alternative of
 You have the knowledge of doing or not doing a particular action.
the birthday and you can go In any case, the agent is in a situation
but on the day of the of alternatives that are really there
birthday, you didn’t come and really available to her or him.
because of laziness.
 Freedom is an external personal value  Prank isn’t good because we
that all human persons should realize. can think that the person
However, it can also be an intrinsic doesn’t like pranks.
characteristic or capacity of the will  Therefore, those actions performed
that governs the human person in without proper knowledge and acted
selecting among different options. out with internal and external
 Therefore, with the later definition coercion (or not deliberate) cannot be
two senses can be derived: considered voluntary.
 freedom depends on the  All voluntary acts are human acts and
available choices present – to not the other way around, like a
choose among alternative student, who knows cheating is a
acts; to choose between punishable school offense has chosen
committing or omitting an act; to commit the act to get good grades,
 from the possible choices, the makes a voluntary act.
human person decides on  If a man is not free to choose what he
what choice to take without would like according to his insight
external influence forcing and will but has to act against his
him/her to act (or not to act). will, his actions is not free and
consequently not a human act.
 E.g. Caius who is absent-minded,
 Voluntariness “is a formal quality of sometimes gets his hair cut and goes
human acts whereby any action or away without paying.
omission results from a principle
Kinds of Voluntary Acts
within the agent and from some
knowledge which the agent possesses 1) Perfectly Voluntary Act Is an act
of the end.” which is performed with full attention
 When a person “knows the end of his and full consent of the will.
work to the greatest degree and
2) Imperfectly Voluntary Act Is
moves towards it, the voluntary
an act which is performed with
character of his actions is present to
imperfect and partial attention or
the greatest degree.”
 Voluntariness is a characteristic of
human act that is not simply chosen 3) Directly Voluntary Act If the act is
but desired or willed. Having intended as an end in itself or as a
sufficient or full knowledge of the act means to another end.
itself as well as the end of the act and
4) Indirectly Voluntary Act If an act is
having full consent of the will in
not intended but merely permitted as
performing the action qualifies
the inevitable result of an object
directly willed.
5) Negatively Voluntary Act The will  First, the moral object may not be
effects something negatively by the evil in itself.
voluntary omission of an act which  Second, the good and evil effects
could have altered an evil to another must proceed at least equally directly
person or helped him secure a good. from the act.
 Third, the intention of agent must be
 Kinds of Voluntary Acts (you
good. The agent may not approve
have full control of what you
intend or approve of the evil effect.
are doing, and you have
knowledge of what you are  Fourth, there must be a
doing) proportionately grave reason in order
to permit the evil effect.
 Perfectly Voluntary and
Directly Voluntary are the  Hysterectomy
same  Medical procedure done in
 Perfectly Voluntary (full women. It’s the removal of
attention and full will) the reproductive organ of the
 Imperfectly Voluntary (you
took the responsibility than  An emergency/necessary
referring to another doctor) procedure for women having
issues with their
 Directly Voluntary
reproductive system
 Indirect Voluntary (may
 Ectopic Pregnancy
tubig then isasawsaw mo
daliri mo para tignan kung  The fetus is forming outside
mainit o malamig. Nung the uterus.
napaso, you are responsible  This will put the life of both
because you did it on your mother and baby in danger.
own will)  Uterus will be removed to
 You know the risk of doing save the mother and kill the
something, but you still took baby
the risk, then you are  In this case, abortion
responsible. becomes cure
 It’s a human act despite the  One act but many
consequences. We are consequences
responsible for this  Singing can’t determine
regardless of whether you’re whether good or evil. If I
right. sing to disturb you, it’s evil.
 Decision – better to expect  Third, the cure should
possible output. happen first.
Principle of Double of Effect  Forth proportionately grave
 Objective norms of morality
3. Sources of Morality  Indifferent (not good and
 Sources of Morality – where bad) like singing, dancing,
we define if it’s good or bad acting, etc. We look for the
 The Catechism of the Catholic intention to know if what the
Church highlighted the three sources person is doing is good.
of morality that help us to determine  Movement of the activity.
the moral character of the human act. Activity has a purpose.
 Walking from point A to B.
a. Object of the act itself,
Walking to get to point B is
b. Intention or the end of the act the object or action itself.
c. Circumstances of the act.  It is important to remember that there
are actions which are intrinsically
 Object/Act – Primary Basis. evil, i.e., even when performed with a
what did the person do? good intention remain to be evil.
Example. He gives to the  Judging the morality of an act does
needy. He was absent. not depend on the act alone. To
 Intention – I intend to help understand the totality of the morality
you so I stole from other of a certain act also depends on the
people. intention of the agent and the
 Circumstance circumstances that define the action.
a. Object or action itself (finis operis) b. Intention (finis operantis)
 The object chosen is a good toward
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
which the will deliberately directs
describes intention, thus:
itself. It is the matter of a human act.
 In contrast to the object, the intention
 The object chosen morally specifies
resides in the acting subject.
the act of the will, insofar as reason
 Because it lies at the voluntary source
recognizes and judges it to be or not
of an action and determines it by its
to be in conformity with the true
end, intention is an element essential
to the moral evaluation of an action.
 Objective norms of morality express
 The end is the first goal of the
the rational order of good and evil,
intention and indicates the purpose
attested to by conscience.”
pursued in the action.
 The action itself is the material
 The intention is a movement of the
element of the human act or the
will toward the end: it is concerned
“substance of the moral act.”
with the goal of the activity. It aims at
 The object or action is the one to be
the good anticipated from the action
judged as moral or good, immoral or
evil, or indifferent.
 Intention is not limited to directing per se, is neither moral nor immoral.
individual actions but can guide However, if the intention of talking
several actions toward one and the is to destroy the reputation of
same purpose; it can orient one's another person, then, it becomes
whole life toward its ultimate end. evil. On other hand, talking in order
 Very personal reason we’re to save an innocent man from a
making a choice at all. I certain crime that he did may be
intend to show my love, I judged as good. If an indifferent act
choose to tell my mother I has good intention, the act becomes
love you or bring her good, so if otherwise, it will be
flowers. I intend to grow considered evil.
close to God, so I choose to  An objectively good act may
worship. become morally evil. An evil
 It’s common for people to intention will make a good act evil.
think that we can’t judge an Donating to charitable institution
action as good or evil apart just to show off makes the whole
from somebody’s intention. action evil. Praying is an objectively
That’s generally true but not good action. But if you pray for the
always. The intention person to meet a certain misfortune
certainly can tell why will make the act unacceptable.
someone chooses to do the  An objectively good act may receive
thing they do. But there are more goodness. A good act will
some choices, some become more praiseworthy if it has
activities whose objects are a good motive. Panizo made use of
always evil. the example of giving alms to the
 In one of his encyclicals, less fortunate for the greater glory
Veritatis Splendor, St. John of God. We can express our love to
Paul II, following the God if we help and love our
teaching of St. Thomas neighbor.
Aquinas taught that some  An objectively evil act can never
activities are intrinsically become good in spite of good
evil, and no good intention motive. The end does not justify the
can redeem them. Example, means. Just like the story of
killing a person. There’s Robinhood who steals from the rich
never a reason to do that. to give to the people may sound
 An indifferent act may become heroic, however, his good intention
morally good or evil. Indifferent will never make his evil action be
acts cannot be judged as neither judged as good. Passing an
good nor evil. Their morality may examination definitely is a
depend on their intention. Talking, worthwhile end, but if you cheat in
order to pass will never be deemed  Who, where, how, and when
praiseworthy. of a choice. Sometimes, the
 An objectively evil act may become morality of an act can
more evil. An evil act with an evil change depending on where
intention will make the act doubly the act is done.
evil, in the same manner as, a good  Example, there are ways a
act with a good intention will be husband and wife relate to
judged doubly good. For example each other that are moral in
you lie just to intentionally cover up the privacy of their own
your fault. home that wouldn’t be moral
c. Circumstance in Central Park.
 Circumstances, including the  The when of a choice may
consequences, are secondary change its morality. How old
elements of a moral act. somebody is. You may
 They contribute to increasing or choose to challenge or
diminishing the moral goodness correct children differently
or evilness of the human acts. when theyre five from when
 Circumstances themselves cannot they’re 15.
change the moral quality of acts  Any action we choose any
themselves; they can make neither choice is good and moral if
good nor right an action that is in everything about it is good,
itself evil.” the intention, why we’re
 Circumstances are conditions that doing it, the object, what
affect the morality of the action of we’re actually doing and the
an agent. A certain circumstance circumstances. – St. Thomas
may aggravate, mitigate or even Aquinas
negate the responsibility of an  If we intend to deceive
agent toward his/her actions. somebody for instance, and
 Not a question of goods and we do so while we tell them
evil. that we love them, that’s
 Ex. Poverty is not a sin but immoral
can diminish act (contribute  If we intend to do something
to increasing or diminishing good and wonderful like to
the moral goodness or love someone, but we choose
evilness of the human acts. to punch them in anger,
 Circumstance of time that’s immoral. It’s immoral
(coding tapos nahuli na) because punching is not an
 Gamit nakalagay sa mesa at action to demonstrate the
ninakaw intention of love. While the
intention is good, the object,
the activity, the punching is  Impairments to free consent
not the proper way to  Passion
achieve that intention.  Fear and Social Pressure
 Ends doesn’t justify the  Violence
mean.  Dispositions and Habits
 We are prepared to die rather  Ignorance is lack of knowledge
than do something evil – St. about a thing in a being capable of
John Paul II knowing. Ignorance is divided as:
 Circumstance of Person (Who). The  Invincible: Ignorance
“subject or the person who does or which a man is not able to
receives the action.” dispel by such reasonable
 Circumstance of Place (Where). diligence. Completely takes
The setting or place where the agent away the voluntariness of the
performs an action. malice and hence
 Circumstance of Time (When). The its responsibility too.
time of the action performed.  Vincible: Ignorance that can
 Circumstance of Manner (How). be dispelled by simple
The way the agent manages to do his diligence; Voluntary in cause;
act. provoked by conscious
 Circumstance of Means (By what negligence or even bad will.
means). “Although man’s intention Kinds: Simply vincible,
may be normally good, if the means Supine, and Affected.
of attainting the end are illicit or  Error, False Judgment or
unlawful, his acts are immoral.” conviction.
 Circumstance of Thing. The special  Arises from deficient
quality of the direct object of the act. education, bad company or
4. Impediments to Morality misleading information. One
 Impediments to human freedom are is not responsible for the
realities with which ethics and consequences of error made in
jurisprudence must reckon good faith.
concerning the morality of the human  Inattention
act:  Refers to momentary
deprivation of insight. If
 Impairments of required attention is completely
knowledge lacking, there is no human act.
 Ignorance  Passion or concupiscence
 Error  Movement of the sensitive
 Inattention appetite that precedes the free
decision of the will; acts. Such factors which may
Movement of the sensitive diminish one’s culpability are
appetite which is moved by properly called modifiers of the
the good or evil apprehended human acts.
by imagination. Ignorance
 Fear  In general, ignorance is merely the
 Mental trepidation due to an lack or absence of knowledge in a
impending evil. It is fear of person capable of knowing
the senses and not intellectual regarding a certain thing.
fear which is one of the  Types of Ignorance:
passions, (e.g., threat of 1. Invincible Ignorance
torture) (unconquerable)
 The emotion of fear, which  Is that ignorance which cannot
completely darkens the mind be cleared up (or dispelled) or
or paralyses the will excuses the knowledge that is lacking
from imputability. cannot be required.
 No objectively wrong act is
culpable if its is performed in
 Compulsive influence brought to invincible ignorance in as
bear upon a one against his will much as the element of
by some extrinsic agent. knowledge here is lacking and
 There is imputability except in so such lack of knowledge is not
far as the inner will may have due to the fault of the agent.
consented or external resistance  Firmament (heaven and
have fallen shortof the degree earth)
necessary and possible in the  In the books of Psalms, the
circumstance. Earth has an end.
 Invincible Ignorance
(there’s no way to find out)
 Facility and readiness in acting in  We are still looking for cure
a certain manner acquired by of deadly diseases.
repeated acts.  Invincible Ignorance can’t
 Deliberately admitted habits, be conquered because we
Opposed habits. don’t have the capability to
know everything in this
Modifiers of human acts world.
 There are certain factors which 2. Vincible Ignorance
may affect any of the three
constituents of voluntary human
 Is that which can and should  Example, inutusan kang
be dispelled. It implies maglagay ng harang pero di
culpable negligence. mo ginawa or ginawa mo
 Whether we like it or not, we pero mababa naman yung
should find the right answer. harang.
A. Simple Vincible Ignorance  We do not attain to the real
exist when one uses some, but problem. Rather than
not enough diligence in an climbing to the roof,
effort to remove ignorance. naglagay nalang ng timba
A. If one performs an para makuha lahat ng tubig
objectively wrong na galing sa butas.
action the wrongness C. Affected Vincible Ignorance
of which one is is that which is deliberately
unaware because of fostered in order to avoid any
simple ignorance, the obligation that knowledge
action is culpable. might bring to light. It is not
However, the only the lack of knowledge
culpability is lessened but the deliberate
by the presence of that unwillingness of the person to
ignorance. dispel his ignorance.
 Example, sinabihan ka ng C. Affected Ignorance is
mama mo na may butas regard to a matter
yung bubong niyo. Pwede grave importance is
mong lagyan ng band aid, gravely culpable.
chewing gum, or anything  Example, pinatay mo phone
na pangtapal. mo para di ka na makakuha
B. Crass or Supine Ignorance is ng calls from parents na
that which, though not directly pinapauwi ka na.
willed, could and should be  Deliberate unwillingness of
cleared up, but left wholly the person (Hayaan mo
undisturbed. It results from nalang)
mere lack of effort.  Hindi ka nalang tumira sa
B. Crass or Supine bahay dahil tumutulo tubig
Ignorance lessens the or wala ka ng ginawa.
imputability of an act.  Vincible Ignorance can be
Still it makes one conquered, it depends to us
gravely culpable if it on how we conquer it.
concerns a matter of
grave importance.
 Example, sabi ni mama mo  Fear is a mental agitation or
na merong butas yung disturbance brought about by the
bubong. apprehension of some present or
 Ignorance of the law is lack of imminent danger.
knowledge that a particular law  2 types of Fear:
exists. A. Grave Fear is that which is
 Example. I am driving at aroused by the presence of a
100kph along Skyway. danger:
 There must be a law a. That is regarded by
implemented in that place. most people as
 Law means there’s a need serious;
for legislation. b. That is judged to be
 There’s a presence of the law serious by the one
in that situation. concerned.
 Example. Not wearing  Example. Inutusan kang
unform when going to pumunta sa isang lugar pero
school. Not wearing ID ayaw mo dahil may nag-
inside the premises. aaway don.
 Ignorance of the Fact is lack of  Ayaw mo magsky diving.
realization that one is violating a law. Takot ka sa ipis.
 Example. You don’t need to B. Slight Fear is that which is
look a no smoking sign to aroused by:
not smoke in a hospital. a. a danger that is not
 Example. In using escalator, serious; (Hindi
you know where to walk and pagpasa sa Quiz)
stand only. b. grave danger that is
not very probable.
 It’s automatic that when
(Example marunong
you’re in the library, it must
ka lumangoy pero
be silent.
takot ka sa malalim.
 It’s more on common sense.
Takot kang sumakay
 We are capable of finding
sa eroplano dahil baka
what is to be implemented.
magcrash. Takot
Moral Principles Involved magsagot ng exam
1. Invincible Ignorance eliminates dahil takot)
responsibility or culpability.  Actions that are performed
2. Vincible Ignorance does not because of fear, however
eliminate moral responsibility but great the fear may be, are
lessens it. voluntary (at least
conditionally) and so are  Example. Umiiyak sa drama
imputable. na movie or tumatawa
 You are incharge of your because of comedy movies.
own hunger (ex. You are Crying because someone
hungry but you don’t want to said something (hindi mo
open the fridge because naman ineexpect) or
other people might be mad someone gave a speech and
at you) you cried.
Concupiscence 2. Consequent Concupiscence
 Is the rebellion of the passions is the which is deliberately
against reason. Passions are aroused by the will in order
strong tendencies towards the to ensure a more prompt and
possession of something good or willing operation.
towards the avoidance of  Consequent Passions,
something evil. Passions are also however great, do not
known as emotions or feeling. lessen the voluntariness
Example are love, hatred, joy, but may increase it
grief, desire, aversion, hope, because these passions are
courage, fear, and anger. deliberately excited and
 Mind – rationality and Heart – they are voluntary in
feelings. Heart is rebelling themselves.
against mind. What you’re feeling  Example. Plinano ang anger
overpowers what you think. Plinano ang crime.
 2 types of Concupiscence:
1. Antecedent Concupiscence Human Act
is that which arises  ginawa mo na lahat pero
spontaneously before the hindi pa rin maganda resulta.
previous judgment of reason You’re not at fault. You’re
and before the will controls not culpable.
the psychological situations. Violence
 Antecedent passions lessen  Is an external force applied by
the freedom and hence the someone on another in order to
responsibility of the agent compel him to perform an action
because antecedent against his will.
passions tend to blind the  Bullying
judgment of the intellect  Anything that compels you
and to block the freedom of to do against your will.
the will.
 Violence isn’t just physical, ineffective, there is no
we have moral violence obligation to resist.
(against value or belief) Culpability of one person cannot be
 2 types of Violence: determined.
A. Perfect Violence is that in
which complete resistance is Purpose of Resistance:
given. Under this type, we have  It might disclose one’s lack
Physically Perfect Violence of consent to the act to
where every possible means of which one is being forced.
resisting is utilized. (If you don’t resist, it might
B. Imperfect Violence occurs show that you give consent)
when some resistance is shown  It might aid one in
but not as much as should be. preventing internal consent
Morally Perfect Violence is to the external act.
that in which all powers of Habits
resistance that should be used  Are inclinations to perform some
are employed. (your value in particular action, acquired by
life is what you fight for. Not repetition, and characterized by a
just a physical resistance, but it decreased power of resistance and
says what you believe. Your an increased facility of
morals is being violated so you performance. Sometimes called
resist) ’second nature”.
 3 principles in determining the  If a habit disposes evil, it is called
effect of violence on the a VICE (smoking, cursing,
voluntariness of the act and the sleeping late, drinking liquor); if
imputability of the agent. to good, it is a VIRTUE (bowing
 If one resists the violence as to teachers, pagmamano, using
much as possible (Perfect po and opo)
Violence), the evil act to  2 general principles on the effects
which one is forced is in no of habit on the imputability of evil
way culpable. actions:
 If one does not resist the 1. Evil habits do not lessen the
violence as fully as possible imputability of evilt actions
(Imperfect Violence), the performed by force of habit
culpability of the evil act is if the habit has been
lessened but not taken recognized as evil and is
away. freely permitted to continue.
 If one sees that any 2. Evil habits lessen the
resistance would be wholly imputability of the evil
actions performed by force
of habit if one is sincerely
trying to correct the habit. Nervous Mental Disorder
Temperament  Specific mental states of man that are
 is the sum total of those qualities likely to be called abnormal under
which mark an individual. It is the certain conditions
sum total of native propensities Types:
which constitute an individual’s
1. Neurasthenia is a neurotic
disposition. It may be simple
condition or debility characterized
defined as “disposition”
by feelings of fatigue, worry, and
 Concupisence is what you feel on depression, which may affect the
that day while temperament is activity of the will.
what really is the person’s 2. Hysteria is a psychoneurosis
personality. characterized by emotional
 Ex. Temperament siya kapag excitability and frequently
sinabi “Ah yan si ano, masayahin accompanied by various
talaga siya” symptoms, many of which have
Four Major Temperaments mortal implications. There are at
times angry outbursts, a partial
1. Sanguine. The sanguinic person loss of memory, a tendency to lie
has a pleasing and agreeable or steal or to indulge in immoral
personality but is not a good act
leader because he is not very 3. Compulsion Neurosis is a
stable. psychoneurosis characterized by
2. Choleric. The choleric person is compulsions and obsessions.
domineering and strong-willed; Included in this category are
he can be a good leader. compulsive feelings and actions.
3. Melancholic. The melancholic Among these are various manias
person is pessimistic, brooding, and phobias
usually scrupulous and despairs 4. Melancholiais a mental disorder
easily. characterized by extreme
4. Phlegmatic. The phlegmatic depression and brooding. It may
person is easy going and lacking give rise to inability to pray or
in initiative; but he is trustworthy. fulfill other religious duties, and
to a difficulty in making decisions
The moral implication of temperament is or carrying them out. At times the
that a person’s temperament can affect patient may develop feelings of
his will to the extend of somewhat guilt which are unfounded
lessening the completely voluntary 5. Hypochondria is a morbid anxiety
nature of his actions. concerning one’s own health,
characterized by imaginary
ailments. Extreme cases at times
are marked by a tendency to
commit suicide.

The moral implications of Nervous

Mental disorder is that to the extent to
which faculties of intellect and will are
affected, moral responsibility is
diminished and eliminated.
 Freedom is built in ourselves as
Unit 3: Called to the Fullness of Life creatures created in the image and

Lesson 7
likeness of God. It’s a matter of gift
(it’s given to us when God created us)
 A person in a coma is not making
Lesson A: Genuine Freedom: use/unconscious but still has
The Pursuit of the Good fundamental freedom.
 War in Israel: We are hurt once we
see the news regardless of our beliefs
Man has the Freedom to choose Evil because we know that we are the
(True or False) same as them. Regardless of what we
Free will – choice of the human (capacity believe, the people involved in the
of a human to choose, coming from his war are still human. Their war is a
own will or decision) choice, but the people injured/died
isn’t their choice. We get hurt because
Freedom – more in freedom (not just free we possess the same dignity.
will but something else)  Do animals have fundamental
Answer: False. When you hurt someone, freedom?
you will feel if what you did is right or
wrong. Somehow, you are reminded if 2. Freedom of Choice – dignity
you did something right or wrong. Even (inviolable)
without law, we can realize something is  Infused choice. Choice of doing good
wrong. Even before the giving of the 10 or evil.
commandments, we already knew that  Animals don’t have a concept of good
there was wrong. If we hurt something, or evil. If they bite you, it’s not
we feel there’s something wrong with considered evil. It’s their nature. It’s
nature. not moral freedom. It might be our
own concept of why animals are
Dimensions of Freedom happy. It’s their nature.
1. Fundamental Freedom  Do animals know they are animals?
 If we say that a dog is a dog, it’s our
 yung fetus na nasa loob ng own identification for them.
sinapupunan, may freedom ba siya?  The names of objects around us are
Well, fetus is not free in terms of free our own identification.
will but the it has freedom.  Philosophy of language: Language is
 Freedom is not determined by our very important to improve our nature
choices/decisions but built into our as a human person.
being. It is part of our dignity. It is  From the concept of nature, birds are
inviolable (cannot be violated) free to do what they want. If we tie or
cage a dog, we deprive them of their Trisha knows that this is something that
natural freedom. is doable but she feels distressed thinking
 Malaya ba ang isang tao na saktan that just because she can doesn’t mean
ang isang tao? she should, no matter how badly she
 If you’re an artist, it’s easy to draw wants it to happen.
other people.
 We will feel in ourselves when
something is disoriented from its How do the people of your age
original flow concretely express their freedom? Can
 If it goes out of nature, it will be hard you identify these forms of expression
for us to anticipate. (Whether these are positive or negative)?
 I can do good, I can do evil 1. Freedom as Expression of Dignity:
(Freedom) God’s Image and Likeness in Man
• Self is the freedom. Can refer to  Freedom is anchored on man’s
capacity. dignity, i.e., being made in the image
and likeness of God.
 Kicking is not a decision a fetus  Freedom towards the good can only
makes. be achieved and perfected in God
 A fetus can grow or develop into while being totally aware of the call
something we expect. to be always faithful to one’s dignity.
 If a fetus has an underdeveloped part  True freedom is a freedom only for
of the body, there are external factors the good.
like sa pagkain, natamaan, or may  Human person as the perfect and the
certain situation that happened. crowning glory of God’s creation
 Fetus nakakasipa but not naninipa. must participate in Gods creative
 God created us beautiful but He gave works which are good.
us the capacity to make ourselves  Thus, man is always expected to
more beautiful. choose the good in all his/her
Trisha never really liked Benjamin from undertakings.
the moment they met at class. She feels  Genuine freedom must be given
that Benjamin in annoying in every sort emphasis in order to straighten man’s
of way and so she doesn’t want to be path toward the awareness of one’s
around her even if Benjamin is just fidelity to the dignity which was lost
minding his own business. Feeding on to sin.
her antipathy towards her unsuspecting  As man strives to become ‘like-God’,
classmate, Trisha thought about creating he/she is called to always be
a fake social media account where she reminded that the more we become
can spread untrue and mean rumors about like God, the more we become human
Benjamin in order embarrass the latter.
and the more we become humans, the  As man navigates the ins and outs
more we should be like God. of genuine freedom, ideally, the
 E.g. Mother Teresa has become an good must always take
icon of holiness because she precedence.
exercised the genuine freedom that  The responsibility in exercising
Christians are all called to do: the freedom entails that a person must
works of God. always bear consciously and
2. Dignity and Freedom: The fulfillment unconsciously that he/she is the
in Manifestation of God’s Presence in only one answerable and
Man accountable for all the actions
 Man’s life is from God and God he/she committed.
alone has the sole right to take it  The intrinsic goodness of man is
away. exercised through the aid his/her
 Washing man’s inequities through freewill and intellect.
the blood of Christ makes man  The election toward the good is
acceptable before God. only achieved if the person is
 By virtue of baptism, as adopted definitively bound to God and is
sons and daughters of God, man’s totally aware of the call to be
body becomes the temple of the always faithful to one’s dignity.
Holy Spirit.  Through this, man is able to
 God’s presence in man makes perfect himself/herself and is
him/her holy, sacred. capable of arriving at the
 Now freedom enters here when promised salvation of Christ.
man treats the other with outmost  Freedom is our ability to be
respect and high regard for the faithful to our dignity.
presence of God in each person.  Doing God-like actions: loving,
 It is by virtue of our dignity that showing mercy, extending
we are equal before the eyes of compassion, forgiving, etc.
God.  Therefore, freedom is the ability
 Creation happened because of the to choose the good.
unconditional, undying and  “The more we choose the good,
unending love of God. the freer we become.”
 Man’s response to that  The beginning of freedom, Saint
overflowing love is faithfulness. Augustine writes, is:
 Cognition of one’s and other’s  ”To be free from crimes...such as
dignity must be the basis of a murder, adultery, fornication,
person’s genuine exercise of theft, fraud, sacrilege and so forth.
genuine freedom. When once one is without these
crimes (and every Christian
should be without them), one eat "of every tree of the
begins to lift up one's head garden".
towards freedom. But this is only
 But his freedom is not
the beginning of freedom, not
perfect freedom..." VS, 13 unlimited: it must halt
3. Freedom and Law before the "tree of the
 "Of the tree of the knowledge knowledge of good and
of good and evil you shall not evil", for it is called to
eat" (Gen 2:17) accept the moral law
 In the Book of Genesis we given by God. In fact,
read: "The Lord God human freedom finds its
commanded the man, saying, authentic and complete
'You may eat freely of every fulfilment precisely in
tree of the garden; but of the the acceptance of that
tree of the knowledge of good law.
and evil you shall not eat, for  God, who alone is good,
in the day that you eat of it knows perfectly what is
you shall die' " (Gen 2:16- good for man, and by
17). VS, 35. virtue of his very love
a. The Imagery of Tree of proposes this good to
Knowledge of Good and man in the
Evil: commandments. VS, 35
 Revelation teaches that  God's law does not
the power to decide what reduce, much less do
is good and what is evil away with human
does not belong to man, freedom; rather, it
but to God alone. protects and promotes
 Man is certainly free, that freedom.
inasmuch as he can  In contrast, however,
understand and accept some present-day
God's commands. And cultural tendencies have
he possesses an given rise to several
extremely far-reaching currents of thought in
freedom, since he can ethics which center upon
an alleged conflict
between freedom and of the natural moral law.
law. VS, 36
 These doctrines would  Some people, however,
grant to individuals or disregarding the
social groups the right to dependence of human
determine what is good reason on Divine
or evil. Wisdom and the need,
 Human freedom would given the present state of
thus be able to "create fallen nature, for Divine
values" and would enjoy Revelation as an
a primacy over truth, to effective means for
the point that truth itself knowing moral truths,
would be considered a even those of the natural
creation of freedom. order, have actually
 Freedom would thus lay posited a complete
claim to a moral sovereignty of reason in
autonomy which would the domain of moral
actually amount to an norms regarding the
absolute sovereignty. right ordering of life in
VS, 35 this world.
 In response to the  Such norms would
encouragement of the constitute the boundaries
Second Vatican Council, for a merely "human"
there has been a desire morality; they would be
to foster dialogue with the expression of a law
modern culture, which man in an
emphasizing the autonomous manner lays
rational, and thus down for himself and
universally which has its source
understandable and exclusively in human
communicable, character reason.
of moral norms  In no way could God be
belonging to the sphere considered the Author of
this law, except in the
sense that human reason would freely arrive at
exercises its autonomy full and blessed
in setting down laws by perfection by cleaving to
virtue of a primordial God". VS, 38
and total mandate given  Not only the world,
to man by God. however, but also man
 These trends of thought himself has been
have led to a denial, in entrusted to his own care
opposition to Sacred and responsibility. God
Scripture (cf. Mt 15:3-6) left man "in the power of
and the Church's his own counsel" (Sir
constant teaching, of the 15:14), that he might
fact that the natural seek his Creator and
moral law has God as its freely attain perfection.
author, and that man, by  Attaining such
the use of reason, perfection means
participates in the personally building up
eternal law, which it is that perfection in
not for him to establish. himself. Indeed, just as
b. God left man in the power man in exercising his
of his own counsel" (Sir dominion over the world
15:14) shapes it in accordance
 The Second Vatican with his own
Council explains the intelligence and will, so
meaning of that too in performing
"genuine freedom" morally good acts, man
which is "an outstanding strengthens, develops
manifestation of the and consolidates within
divine image" in man: himself his likeness to
 "God willed to leave God. VS, 39
man in the power of his  At the heart of the moral
own counsel, so that he life we thus find the
would seek his Creator principle of a "rightful
of his own accord and autonomy" of man, the
personal subject of his cultures, this sort of
actions. alleged autonomy would
 The moral law has its contradict the Church's
origin in God and teaching on the truth
always finds its source about man.
in him: at the same time,  It would be the death of
by virtue of natural true freedom: "But of
reason, which derives the tree of the
from divine wisdom, it knowledge of good and
is a properly human law. evil you shall not eat, for
VS, 40. in the day that you eat of
 The rightful autonomy it you shall die" (Gen
of the practical reason 2:17).
means that man  Man's genuine moral
possesses in himself his autonomy in no way
own law, received from means the rejection but
the Creator. rather the acceptance of
Nevertheless, the the moral law, of God's
autonomy of reason command: "The Lord
cannot mean that reason God gave this command
itself creates values and to the man..." (Gen
moral norms. 2:16).
 Were this autonomy to  Human freedom and
imply a denial of the God's law meet and are
participation of the called to intersect, in the
practical reason in the sense of man's free
wisdom of the divine obedience to God and of
Creator and Lawgiver, God's completely
or were it to suggest a gratuitous benevolence
freedom which creates towards man.
moral norms, on the  Hence obedience to God
basis of historical is not, as some would
contingencies or the believe, a heteronomy,
diversity of societies and as if the moral life were
subject to the will of
something all-powerful,
absolute, extraneous to
man and intolerant of his
freedom. VS, 41
 By forbidding man to
"eat of the tree of the
knowledge of good and
evil", God makes it clear
that man does not
originally possess such
"knowledge" as
something properly his
own, but only
participates in it by the
light of natural reason
and of Divine
Revelation, which
manifest to him the
requirements and the
promptings of eternal
 According to Noam Chomsky (1928-
Lesson 8 present), Anarchism is a kind of a
tendency in human thought and
action which tries to detect structures
Lesson A: Law Abiding in of authority, domination, and
Truth hierarchy and to challenge them, ask
them to demonstrate their legitimacy,
1. Sense of Law recognizing that they are not self
2. Definition of Law justifying. They have the burden of
3. Types of Law justification.
 This is true across all the spectrum of
Catalina will soon be celebrating her 18th human life from patriarchal families
birthday this coming 20 September to imperial systems and everything in
2021. She is excited about this day and between.
has been preparing for it since she turned  Whenever you find structure of
domination, hierarchy, somebody
thirteen. One can only imagine the
giving order, somebody taking them,
anticipation and the preparations she you have to ask: is that legitimate?
poured into it and how the whole family  You should not assume that it is
is involved and excited for her. legitimate because its been like that,
Everything is in place: the venue, gown, that is not a justification. You have to
caterers, invitations, and the trappings ask, if it is legitimate, when you do,
that go along with this once in a lifetime you generally find that it can’t be
event. Then came the announcement of
 Anarchism is the effort to discover
the WHO that COVID 19 is now a such systems. And when they can’t
pandemic and is highly contagious and, justify themselves, they have to be
as such, is virulent. In response, The dismantled and in order to move
Philippine Government, through RA towards greater freedom, justice,
11469, otherwise known as Bayanihan to opportunity, individual creativity,
Heal As One Act, has prohibited all social cooperative activity, and so on.
events indefinitely. Upon learning this,  e.g. Expansion of women’s rights.
How did it happen? As soon as these
Catalina felt sad, knowing that her dream
structures of oppression were
celebration will not materialize. identified, they kind of disappeared,
Nonetheless, she accepted the not instantly, as there are still plenty
consequences and understood that the of resistance.
law only intends to ensure the Filipino  Wage labor, or wage slavery were
people's safety, to which her right to people are forced into a system where
celebrate comes only second. they have to sell themselves to
survive. If you work for a wage you
What is Just Law? are selling yourself, you lose your
freedom, dignity, independence, your
worth as a person.
 Over the years this has been instilled care of the community, which is
into people’s head and the intuitive promulgated or made known.
understanding of this kind of injustice
ST lallae, Q, 90, a.4
has been suppressed. They can be
eliminated by enterprises that are  Important Phrases:
managed and run by their o Ordinance of reason
participants. o For the common good 
 These are changes that have taken everyone will benefit
place just through exposing power to o Who has care of the
the sunlight and seeing it evaporate. community  elected
people (who are
authorized/with authority)
Sense of Law According to who can implement the
Aquinas law competently.
 Law is not limited to: o Promulgated or made
 A legislative or judicial domain known
 Commands, obligations, moral  Two Elements:
imperatives 1. Law is an ordination of reason
 Controlling what other people are ⮚ law involves some kind of
free to do. ordering and specifically an
 Law is a Teacher ordering according to reason.
 It is about a rational or reasonable (clear reason to be decided upon)
principle of order by which things ⮚ Law is not a command of the will
are directed to their ends. In this of the superior.
way, law is a teacher. ⮚ Law is an expression of his
 Law is a Ruler (superior) reason consisting in a
 A measure of human acts kind of reasoned plan or ordering
 A guide in drawing straight lines. of things towards the common
 The straightness and length of the good.
rule is also the measure of the line 2. Law is an Ordering to the Common
you’ve drawn. Good
 The law guides us in our actions  Common good is the end that law
to make sure that they are upright aims at and serves.
and ordered to the common good.  Common good is a good of
 It also gives us a way to judge our radically different kind because it
actions. It measures them, is an end and it can be shared by
whether we have conformed our many without loss or
actions to the standard of the law. diminishment, e.g. truth, justice.
Goods that can be shared by
Definition of Law According to many, it is higher and nobler.
Aquinas  It is not a private property of none
 Aquinas’ Definition of Law of them and yet it is genuinely
 An ordination of reason for the good for each of them because it
common good from him who has is a common good.
 We try to assess/evaluate to know  Human law provide captive. Human
if it helps for the common good law accident example: Travel time.
 For all the members of the  Human law tries to prevent death to
community preserve human life.
 Abide with what’s there for you  Do we violate eternal law when we
and me die? Are human and eternal law
 For the common good connected?
 The common good is the explanation  To interpret eternal law, it requires
of why a law exists and what it is faith in our human mind.
doing:  Example: If we understand death,
 law is an ordering based on reason death sometimes is considered eternal
for the sake of and directing the law so we have to prevent it. We
community towards the common preserve life, humanity, and human
good. person. When a person dies according
 Common good can be found in to eternal law, it is a part of the law
the right ordering to God as the itself that death is not to be prevented
common good and final end of all according to human law. But in
that is. eternal law, it is permitted for a better
Types of Law According to Eternal Law
Aquinas  The order of creation as it preexists
4 Types of Law in the divine mind.
1. Eternal Law – the highest type of  Ultimately, that creation would
law. Address an eternal law using reflect and share in the glory and
human expression. How can we splendor of God.
understand eternal law if we use  Divine (blueprint of creation)
human language? (ex. Humingi ka
 If something happens to a human, is it
ng sign kay God and Nakita mo
the order of creation?
“Stop” so you think na ‘yun na yung
 Modifications because of limitations
of human mind. Free will to
2. Natural Law
understand the divine. Freedom is to
3. Divine Positive Law
understand the things on earth and
4. Human Law – law
with God the capacity.
interpreted/expressed in human
words (ex. “Stop” identification of  Life and Death – other than human
speed limit or restriction and no ID, life, God wants soul in order for
no entry) human mind to understand/appreciate
intelligently that it has to be
 These are arranged as a hierarchy
understood with faith.
where the lower law types of law
participate in and make more specific  Being male and female, how can
the higher types. sex/gender alter the divine plan?
 One is easily accessible and one is  Liberty – the divine plan/order of
accessed by transcendental creation has been laid.
understanding.  Divine – can’t be changed.
 It is the fundamental thing the we are
to have
 Aquinas begins with the Highest  Official distinction of Good (Divide
possible level: God himself, who not Plan)
only is the creator of the universe but  Handicap – even artist have the
also its end, the source of its order, difficulty to express their views.
and who governs it by his
providential plan. Natural Law
 This plan of order emerges from  The rational creature’s
God’s divine reason as an idea in participation in the eternal law.
God’s mind and like God himself this  The way that rational creatures, like
plan is eternal. Thus, eternal law. human beings participate in God’s
 God, its end and source of order plan, i.e., in the eternal law.
(propagate, create, legislate law)  How do we see the divine plan?
 Example: Contraception/Abortion  Rational creature’s
 Law being implemented that participation in the eternal
ends human life but that’s law.
not eternal law all about.  Everlasting love
 Acknowledge God as the  We see divine law with how
creator/cause then we don’t the nature works (Sunset)
have the right to create law  Unlike lower creatures, we human
that ends human life. beings are not only moved to our end
 Eternal – definite things from the outside, we use our reason,
 Eternal life – life after death minds, to actively participate in
(you can’t change death directing ourselves, ordering
itself) ourselves, and ordering and directing
 When we are creating other others towards their ultimate end and
types of laws, we consider we do this insofar as we understand
the Divine/Eternal Law what kind of beings we are and what
 Eternal law is not only in God’s mind is really good for us and so act
but is in the things that God makes. accordingly.
 Because God has created all things  We use understanding
according to a plan as coming from  I have natural tendencies to
him and ordered back to him, he make myself beautiful.
imprints on their very being, in their  Doing evil is not part of our
very nature an inclination for nature
creatures towards their proper acts  This eternal law, this plan of God is
and ends. So they will tend to their implanted in rational creatures in a
perfection and fulfillment precisely as special way, Aquinas calls this the
the kinds of things they are according natural law.
to the nature God has given them.  Thus, we are capable of
 We don’t need to decide we understanding the world around us,
understand things grasping with our minds, what is
 If you don’t believe in God, you don’t good for us to do and moving
have concern in violating the law but ourselves to do it according to this
it’s not like that we are all created by rational desire called, will.
 Understanding –  Why do we go to school?
independent in nature Because we believe that by
 A female child will not grow learning, we perfect
naturally than adult female. ourselves to self-
Are we suppose to preservation.
understand that one or are 2. To self-preservation
we stubborn enough to think  Killing is evil.
that is it possible that the  Inclination – natural
young female child can tendency for sexual union,
become male someday? Like 3. To sexual union
he’s going to change gender? 4. To knowing the truth
The divine plan/soul has  Desire to know the truth.
been there since the  We are not contented with
beginning. Only reasonable things we know, there’s a
being can appreciate that this desire to know the truth.
is a female becoming adult 5. To Living in society (justice,
female. truth, fairness towards others)
 Human beings have a higher  No man is an island
participation in God’s providential  Created for each other
plan than other creatures do because  Obliged to perform them.
we can understand it become willing  These inclinations are features of the
agents in bringing it to completion for kind of beings that we are.
ourselves, for others, and for our
 They give us a fundamental
orientation towards what will make
 Endowed with the power of reason us increasingly happy and
means that we are not simply moved increasingly free.
by brute force or instinct. The
 Natural law does not impose on us, it
precepts of the natural law follow the
is rather the very design of our being.
order of our natural inclination.
As we come to know this with our
 This means that as we understand the minds, we are able to participate
inclinations of our spiritual nature, we intentionally and freely in this plan.
come to grasp what God made a
 We order ourselves, our actions
human being to be and what human
according to this plan by the use of
life is ordered to. And so, we come to
our freedom. This is the purpose of
know what a human being ought to
our freedom, that we be the creatures
do and avoid.
that order ourselves freely and
 We are not animals (if we knowingly to God according to his
are, then we are the highest plan.
 People accept burden
 As human being, we have
 It’s the self-inclination
moral obligation on what to
 Even going to different
do and avoid.
place, we notice something
 Five Principles of Natural
wrong and there’s the desire
to fix the system.
1. To good (to what perfects us)
Properties of the Natural Law particular context and for a particular
1. Universal. Binds all men at all times  Then, always respecting what the
and in all places, for it is the very natural law demands in its negative
nature of men. precepts, human lawmakers should
 Regardless of color and race. make laws that order their
 Applicable in our country communities towards its common
can be applied to others as good.
well.  Senior Citizen Law (respect
 Human life is recognized. for elderly)
2. Indispensable. Man has no authority  Persons with Disabilities
over natural law. God is the source of  Traffic Lights – to avoid
natural law. accidents
3. Immutable and Dynamic. Exists for
as long as human nature exists. Divine Positive Law
Changes in the condition of man  What God has revealed through
results in modified or new demands divine revelation in the OT and NT
of the Natural Law. about how human beings should live
 Example: there are laws that in order to come to the supernatural
were applied before that good of heaven.
can’t be applied today.  10 commandments
Relation between Human Law and  These are things that we could not
Natural Law have discovered on our own since
 Human law is only just in accord with knowing and travelling on the way to
the natural law and that laws that the triune God completely exceeds
conflict with the natural law are not what our nature is capable of by its
morally binding. own power
 The natural law is most clear with  Grace of human experience
respect to certain general and Human Laws
negative precepts, e.g. decalogue:
theft, murder, adultery…these are  Application or determination of the
wrong always and everywhere natural law on various levels in
because they are contrary to what the particular community.
natural law teaches us is the good for  No ID, no entry
human beings, e.g., self-preservation,  Natural law that protects: it
sexual union, and the raising of is for the good of
children. community/institution to be
 Human law is in accordance identified
with natural law.  Also, an ordination of reason for the
 Natural law is most clear common good, in this case the
(e.g. 10 commandmets) common good of a nation, of the
 The important job of lawmakers is to state, of the city.
specify and apply the general  More particular and specific than the
precepts of the natural law in a natural law.
 It does not apply everywhere like the
natural law does but only in this
jurisdiction and it aims to direct this
particular community and its
members to their proper common
 Example
o Natural Law: I’ll see you
in the morning (general)
o Human Law: It’s colder.
Let’s do it at 6 o’clock or
5 in the morning.
Church Laws
 The Six Commandments of the
1. To hear mass on Sundays and
Holy Days of Obligation.
2. To fast and abstain on the days
3. To confess at least once a year.
4. To receive the Holy Eucharist
during Easter Time.
5. To contribute to the support of the
6. To never violate laws concerning
 Church Laws (Human law
because its nature is to
enforce/can be enforced)
 Specific requirement/action
to determine the validity of
the sacrament.
Definition of Conscience
Lesson 9 Conscience and Truth

Lesson A: Genuine Freedom: Man’s Sanctuary

The relationship between man's freedom
The Pursuit of the Good and God's law is most deeply lived out in
the "heart" of the person, in his moral
Cristina’s mother gave her a ring when conscience. Vatican II observed:
she turned eighteen. It was indeed a
precious heirloom, having been in the In the depths of his conscience man
hands of many women in their family detects a law which he does not impose
since time immemorial. Her mother on himself, but which holds him to
reminded her to treasure it and keep it obedience. Always summoning him to
with all her might. It so happened that love good and avoid evil, the voice of
she lost it after having attended a study conscience can when necessary speak to
group with her classmates. Cristina felt his heart more specifically: 'do this, shun
terrible and confused because of this. She that'. For man has in his heart a law
cannot decide whether or not to tell her written by God. To obey it is the very
mother, who would be very disappointed dignity of man; according to it he will be
in her. Afraid of the consequences, she is judged (cf. Rom 2:14-16)" (VS, 54).
holding back her actions. She is afraid to Moral conscience, present at the heart of
do the right thing. the person, enjoins him at the appropriate
moment to do good and to avoid evil.
What is the right thing to do? It judges particular choices, approving
those that are good and denouncing those
The Freudian Personality Diagram that are evil. It bears witness to the
 Id. The in born primitive portion of authority of truth in reference to the
the storehouse of libido, the basic supreme Good to which the human
energy that continually pushes for person is drawn, and it welcomes the
immediate gratification. “The commandments.
Pleasure Principle”.
 Ego. The portion of personality that When he listens to his conscience, the
organizes, plans and keeps the person prudent man can hear God speaking.
in touch with reality. Language and
CCC, 1777
thought are both ego functions. “The
Reality Principle”.
 Superego. The ‘conscience’ part of Definition of Conscience
personality, which contains parental Conscience is a judgment of reason
and societal values and attitudes whereby the human person recognizes
incorporated during childhood. “The the moral quality of a concrete act that he
Ought Principle”. is going to perform, is in the process of
performing, or has already completed.
CCC, 1778 ”Conscience is like God's herald and
messenger; it does not command things
In all he says and does, man is obliged to on its own authority, but commands them
follow faithfully what he knows to be just as coming from God's authority, like a
and right. herald when he proclaims the edict of the
It is by the judgment of his conscience king. This is why conscience has binding
that man perceives and recognizes the force." Saint Bonaventure, VS, 58.
prescriptions of the divine law. CCC,
1778 Conscience bears witness to man's own
rectitude or iniquity to man himself but,
together with this and indeed even
”The sanctuary of man, where he is alone beforehand, conscience is the witness of
with God whose voice echoes within God himself, whose voice and judgment
him". penetrate the depths of man's soul, calling
him fortiter et suaviter to obedience. VS,
This voice, it is said, leads man not so 58
much to a meticulous observance of
universal norms as to a creative and Moral conscience does not close man
responsible acceptance of the personal within an insurmountable and
tasks entrusted to him by God.” impenetrable solitude, but opens him to
the call, to the voice of God.
The Judgment of Conscience In this, and not in anything else, lies the
The Judgment of Conscience entire mystery and the dignity of the
moral conscience: in being the place, the
Biblical understanding of conscience. sacred place where God speaks to man.
"When Gentiles who have not the law do VS, 58
by nature what the law requires, they are
a law unto themselves, even though they Saint Paul does not merely acknowledge
do not have the law. They show that what that conscience acts as a "witness"; he
the law requires is written on their hearts, also reveals the way in which conscience
while their conscience also bears witness performs that function. He speaks of
and their conflicting thoughts accuse or "conflicting thoughts" which accuse or
perhaps excuse them" (Rom 2:14-15). excuse the Gentiles with regard to their
VS, 57. behavior (cf. Rom 2:15).
The term "conflicting thoughts" clarifies
The importance of this interior dialogue the precise nature of conscience: it is a
of man with himself can never be moral judgment about man and his
adequately appreciated. But it is also a actions, a judgment either of acquittal or
dialogue of man with God, the author of of condemnation, according as human
the law, the primordial image and final acts are in conformity or not with the law
end of man. VS, 58. of God written on the heart. VS, 59.
Conscience thus formulates moral
In the same text the Apostle clearly obligation in the light of the natural law:
speaks of the judgment of actions, the it is the obligation to do what the
judgment of their author and the moment individual, through the workings of his
when that judgment will be definitively conscience, knows to be a good he is
rendered: "(This will take place) on that called to do here and now. VS, 59
day when, according to my Gospel, God
judges the secrets of men by Christ The judgment of conscience has an
Jesus" (Rom 2:16). VS, 59. imperative character: man must act in
accordance with it. If man acts against
The judgment of conscience is a practical this judgment or, in a case where he lacks
judgment, a judgment which makes certainty about the rightness and
known what man must do or not do, or goodness of a determined act, still
which assesses an act already performed performs that act, he stands condemned
by him. by his own conscience, the proximate
norm of personal morality. VS. 60.
It is a judgment which applies to a
concrete situation the rational conviction The dignity of this rational forum and the
that one must love and do good and avoid authority of its voice and judgments
evil. derive from the truth about moral good
and evil, which it is called to listen to and
This first principle of practical reason is to express. This truth is indicated by the
part of the natural law; indeed it "divine law", the universal and objective
constitutes the very foundation of the norm of morality.
natural law, inasmuch as it expresses that
primordial insight about good and evil, The judgment of conscience does not
that reflection of God's creative wisdom establish the law; rather it bears witness
which, like an imperishable spark to the authority of the natural law and of
(scintilla animae), shines in the heart of the practical reason with reference to the
every man. VS, 59 supreme good, whose attractiveness the
human person perceives and whose
But whereas the natural law discloses the commandments he accepts.
objective and universal demands of the
moral good, conscience is the application "Conscience is not an independent and
of the law to a particular case; exclusive capacity to decide what is good
and what is evil. Rather there is
This application of the law thus becomes profoundly imprinted upon it a principle
an inner dictate for the individual, a of obedience vis-à-vis the objective norm
summons to do what is good in this which establishes and conditions the
particular situation. correspondence of its decisions with the
commands and prohibitions which are at
the basis of human behavior" VS, 60
The truth about moral good, as that truth "openly state the truth" (cf. 2 Cor
is declared in the law of reason, is 4:2).
practically and concretely recognized by On the other hand, the Apostle also warns
the judgment of conscience, which leads Christians: "Do not be conformed to this
one to take responsibility for the good or world but be transformed by the renewal
the evil one has done. VS, 61 of your mind, that you may prove what is
the will of God, what is good and
If man does evil, the just judgment of his acceptable and perfect" (Rom 12:2).
conscience remains within him as a
witness to the universal truth of the good,
as well as to the malice of his particular Types of Conscience
Conscience, as the judgment of an act, is
But the verdict of conscience remains in not exempt from the possibility of error.
him also as a pledge of hope and mercy: VS, 62
while bearing witness to the evil he has • As the Council puts it, "not
done, it also reminds him of his need, infrequently conscience can be
with the help of God's grace, to ask mistaken as a result of invincible
forgiveness, to do good and to cultivate ignorance, although it does not on
virtue constantly. VS, 61 that account forfeit its dignity;
• but this cannot be said when a
Consequently in the practical judgment man shows little concern for
of conscience, which imposes on the seeking what is true and good,
person the obligation to perform a given and conscience gradually
act, the link between freedom and truth is becomes almost blind from being
made manifest. accustomed to sin".
Precisely for this reason conscience • In these brief words the Council
expresses itself in acts of "judgment" sums up the doctrine which the
which reflect the truth about the good, Church down the centuries has
and not in arbitrary "decisions". VS, 61. developed with regard to the
erroneous conscience.
Certainly, in order to have a "good
conscience" (1 Tim 1:5), man must seek Correct and Erroneous Conscience
the truth and must make judgments in • It is always from the truth that the
accordance with that same truth. As the dignity of conscience derives. In
Apostle Paul says: the case of the correct conscience,
• ”Conscience must confirmed by it is a question of the objective
the Holy Spirit" (cf. Rom 9:1); truth received by man;
• “It must be "clear" (2 Tim 1:3); • in the case of the erroneous
• “It must not "practice cunning and conscience, it is a question of
tamper with God's word", but what man, mistakenly,
subjectively considers to be true.
• It is never acceptable to confuse a man shows little concern for
"subjective" error about moral seeking what is true and good,
good with the "objective" truth and conscience gradually
rationally proposed to man in becomes almost blind from being
virtue of his end, or to make the accustomed to sin". VS, 63
moral value of an act performed
• Jesus alludes to the danger of the
with a true and correct conscience
conscience being deformed when
equivalent to the moral value of
he warns: "The eye is the lamp of
an act performed by following the
the body. So if your eye is sound,
judgment of an erroneous
your whole body will be full of
conscience. VS, 63
light; but if your eye is not sound,
• It is possible that the evil done as
your whole body will be full of
the result of invincible ignorance
darkness. If then the light in you
or a non-culpable error of
is darkness, how great is the
judgment may not be imputable to
darkness!" (Mt 6:22-23).
the agent; but even in this case it
does not cease to be an evil, a Formation of Conscience
disorder in relation to the truth Formation of Conscience
about the good. We are called to form our conscience, to
• Furthermore, a good act which is make it the object of a continuous
not recognized as such does not conversion to what is true and to what is
contribute to the moral growth of good.
the person who performs it; it Saint Paul exhorts us not to be conformed
does not perfect him and it does to the mentality of this world, but to be
not help to dispose him for the transformed by the renewal of our mind
supreme good. (cf. Rom 12:2). It is the "heart" converted
to the Lord and to the love of what is
• Thus, before feeling easily good which is really the source of true
justified in the name of our judgments of conscience.
conscience, we should reflect on
the words of the Psalm: "Who can Indeed, in order to "prove what is the will
discern his errors? Clear me from of God, what is good and acceptable and
hidden faults" (Ps 19:12). There perfect" (Rom 12:2), knowledge of God's
are faults which we fail to see but law in general is certainly necessary, but
which nevertheless remain faults, it is not sufficient:
because we have refused to walk What is essential is a sort of
towards the light (cf. Jn 9:39-41). "connaturality" between man and the true
VS, 63 good. Such a connaturality is rooted in
• Conscience, as the ultimate and develops through the virtuous
concrete judgment, compromises attitudes of the individual himself:
its dignity when it is culpably Prudence and the other cardinal virtues,
erroneous, that is to say, "when and even before these the theological
virtues of faith, hope and charity. This is swerve from the truth about the good of
the meaning of Jesus' saying: "He who man, but rather, especially in more
does what is true comes to the light" (Jn difficult questions, to attain the truth with
3:21). VS, 64. certainty and to abide in it.

Christians have a great help for the Notions of Conscience

formation of conscience in the Church  Is understood as the kind of inner
and her Magisterium. As the Council voice which guides us in our moral
affirms: "In forming their consciences the life. This can mean our basic
Christian faithful must give careful tendency toward the good, the voice
attention to the sacred and certain “always summoning us to love the
teaching of the Church. good and avoid evil.”
 It is also called the subjective norm of
For the Catholic Church is by the will of morality. This means that conscience
Christ the teacher of truth. Her charge is has the final say in the making of
to announce and teach authentically that moral decisions.
truth which is Christ, and at the same  Conscience – inner voice that guides
time with her authority to declare and us in our moral life.
confirm the principles of the moral order  Something we believe that is within
which derive from human nature itself ".
us that isn’t certainly a different time.
 It contradicts our decisions
It follows that the authority of the
 Different from our will
Church, when she pronounces on moral
 Invite us to decide
questions, in no way undermines the
freedom of conscience of Christians.  Help us follow and love the good and
avoid evil
This is so not only because freedom of  Example: when we don’t want to do
conscience is never freedom "from" the our tasks but conscience tell us to do
truth but always and only freedom "in" it.
the truth, but also because the  Doesn’t necessary obey rules.
Magisterium does not bring to the Sometimes it commands us.
Christian conscience truths which are  Example: Conscience tells you to
extraneous to it; rather it brings to light cross the street for unknown reason.
the truths which it ought already to Invitation that not everything that is
possess, developing them from the comprised/commanded by policy is
starting point of the primordial act of good.
faith.  Subjective norm of morality.
The Church puts herself always and only  Tell us to do good and avoid evil.
at the service of conscience, helping it to
avoid being tossed to and fro by every Concept of Conscience
wind of doctrine proposed by human  The one that summons us to love the
deceit (cf. Eph 4:14), and helping it not to good and avoid evil. It is the most
secret core and sanctuary of an  Example: We didn’t allow ourselves
individual- where one can be alone to understand things further.
with God.  Value/tradition culture
The Moral Conscience  Example: We grew up in a culture
In the depths of a person’s conscience, that allows divorce. Bawal yun sa iba
man detects a law which he does not pero sa atin, tama yun.
impose upon himself, but which holds
him to obedience. Always summoning
Kinds of Erroneous Conscience
him to love good and avoid evil, the
1. Scrupulous Conscience – one that
voice of conscience can, when necessary,
for little or no reason judges an act to
speak to his heart more specifically: “Do
be morally evil when it is not, or
this, shun that.” For man in his heart
exaggerates the gravity of sin or sees
detects a law written by God. To obey it
sin where it does not exist.
is the very dignity of man; according to it
 Example: “Ano ba ‘yan ang
he will be judged. Conscience is the most
iksi iksi ng damit mo”
secret core and sanctuary of man. There
(According to the conscience
he is alone with God, whose voice echoes
of that person, it’s wrong)
in its depth (Gaudium et Spes, 16)
 Exaggerate gravity of sin
 It is not me but it demands me to
obey to it.  Example: “Ano ba ‘tong mga
kabataan ngayon”
 Always summoning me to love good.
2. Perplexed Conscience – judges
 Conscience is as specific command
wrongly that sin is committed both in
intended to me.
the performance or omission of an
act. One fears that sin is committed
Division of Conscience whether it was actually done or not.
True Conscience – when it deduces
 Example: “Sinumbong mo
correctly from the principle that the act is
kasi, e” / “Hindi mo kasi
lawful, or it conforms to what is
sinabi, e”
objectively right.
3. Lax Conscience – judges on
 Obedient to objectively right insufficient ground that there is no sin
 Conform to the rules in the fact, or that sin is not as grave
 Respect with law as it is in fact, or it is insensitive to a
False or erroneous conscience – when it moral obligation in a particular area.
decides, from false principles considered  Example: Bata nananakit pero
as true, that something is unlawful. The sasabihin “bata kasi ‘yan, e”
conscience errs because of the false  We don’t see wrong in some
principles or from incorrect reasoning. actions/situation
 Alam mo na mali pero ginagawa mo 4. Pharisaical Conscience – minimizes
pa rin grave sins but maximizes small ones.
 Example: Patronizing illegal product  Example: “Di mo kasi sinabi,
(mas mura kaya tinatangkilik) e”
 From incorrect reasoning
5. Certain Conscience – when without  A person who follows one’s
any prudent fear or error it decides erroneous conscience and
that the act is either lawful or injures others should be
unlawful, or if the person has no prevented.
doubt about the correctness of one’s  Example: Masyadong
judgment. A conscience can be delikado yung ginagawang
certain at the same time erroneous. A activity and it might injure
certain conscience is not necessarily some people then tigilan
right. A certain conscience excludes natin.
all fear or error about acting rightly.  Example: ‘Di naniniwala sa
 “Alam ko na tama itong Diyos. As long as it doesn’t
gagawin ko kaya tatawid ako injure other people (unless
kahit bawal dahil he/she hurts his/herself)
nagmamadali ako”  As long as doesn’t cause
 Sure with his/her action injury
 Radical person Some Principles
6. Doubtful Conscience – when it fails Governing/Forming Conscience
to pass a moral judgment in the 1. One is obliged to form a right and
character of the act due to a fear or unerring conscience.
error, or if the person is unsure about
 Time to reassess belief.
the correctness of his judgment.
2. Everyone is obliged to follow one’s
 Not sure with what the person conscience.
is doing.
 Maski mali, if it’s your
conscience, you must follow
Some moral principles involving it.
the use of conscience: 3. One is not permitted to follow an
A person who follows an erroneous erroneous conscience; so the error
conscience without causing injury to must be corrected before one acts
others should not be prevented from upon it.
acting, unless the person objects 4. If the person with a perplexed
unreasonably against one’s own welfare conscience finds it impossible to ask
like in the prevention of suicide or an for an advise, one should choose what
injury to one’s health. seems to be the lesser evil. The
person follow the Reflex principles.
A person who follows one’s erroneous  Example: Kelan natin
conscience and injures other should be masasabi na this is lesser evil
prevented from performing one’s external and not?
deeds. 5. Only the certain conscience is the
correct guide to moral behavior.
One may not morally coerce or persuade  True conscience/Erroneous
another to act versus one’s conscience. Conscience.
 Only Certain Conscience can Reflex principles wherein doubt
be wrong. presumption stand:
 Correct guide to moral 1. In doubt, the condition of the
behavior possessor is the better.
 Referring to moral  May napulot akong priceless
compass/understanding of a object. We don’t know who owns
human person it.
 In accordance with what the  So magdududa tayo kung kanino
law states yun. I am in better position
 Correctness of individual because I am a possessor.
varies (follow the 2. In doubt, favor the accused; or (which
conscience) comes to the same): Crime is not to
 Correct is different from be presumed, it has to be proven.
objectively right.  Innocent until proven guilty.
 Even the law/policy is not 3. In doubt, presumption stands on the
perfect. side of the superior.
 A law is enslaving – we have  Example: may event and duda sa
this assessment na dapat gagawin, we look for
“nakakasakal ‘tong batas na someone in charge/superior.
‘to, e. (that is conscience) 4. In doubt, stand for the validity of the
 Example: Emergency, act.
aantayin mo pa ba mag-green  Example: Signature is a valid act.
light? If you follow, you  Naaksidente/Binangga
follow the law. Pero  It’s not easy to leave when you
nagmamadali ka, e. Alam mo are a witness of an accident.
sa sarili mo na you can violte 5. In doubt, amplify the favorable and
greenlight because there’s restrict the unfavorable.
something urgent.  Experiment
6. In doubt, presumption stnds for the
Reflex principles are rules of prudence usual and the ordinary.
which do not solve doubts concerning the  Usual thing to do.
existence of a law, moral principle, or 7. In doubt, favor the customary and
fact by intrinsic or extrinsic evidence; hitherto approved.
instead, they only indicate where, in  Do what is the custom and
cases of unreasonable doubts, the greater
right is usually to be found and the lesser
8. A doubtful law does not oblige (RV)
evil is to be feared, and which side
therefore is favored as long as the doubt
persists. Lesson 10
Lesson A: Following Christ as motives at all. And this diligence in itself
was in no way criminal; He merely, to
the Primordial and Essential put the matter colloquially, never realized
Foundation of Christian what he was doing
Morality  Involvement in the holocaust
 He was fully aware with what’s
Dennis, being a perfectionist, wants to going on.
accomplish all works meticulously. There  He has fully consent
is only one way that he knows how to do (voluntariness)
things: his way. Because of this, Dennis
 We are tasked to defend our
tends to be very strict, short-tempered,
country to the point of killing
and critical of others. He always gets
angry at people who do not meet his
 He knew they were executing the
expectations. People are afraid to be
around him because of his attitude.
 1940’s or 1960’s fter the World
Nobody wants to be friends with him.
Realizing his excesses and shortcomings,
 He escaped to Latin America as
he turned to God in prayer to ask for the
different person
grace that would give him the strength to
 He knew his participation. He
change for the better. Once in a while, he
was not stupid.
slips into his old grumpy self. But he
recovers because he is determined to be  He was fully aware of what he
good for God. Thus, every day, he prays was doing.
in thanksgiving to God for those  There’s no remorse for what they
successful daily bouts with his did during holocaust.
imperfections.  Trial was held in Jerusalem.

Question: In principle he knew quite well what it

was all about, and in his final statement
How can I overcome sin and be a
to the court he spoke of the “revaluation
worthy disciple of Christ?
of values prescribed by the [Nazi]
Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in
Jerusalem, A Report on the Banality of He was not stupid. It was sheer
Evil. thoughtlessness – something by no means
For when I speak of the banality of evil, I identical with stupidity – that predisposed
do so only on the strictly factual level, him to become one of the greatest
pointing to a phenomenon which stared criminals of that period.
one in the face at the trial…Except for an
extraordinary diligence in looking out for And if this is “banal” and even funny, if
his personal advancement, he had no with the best will in the world one cannot
extract any diabolical or demonic  Alam natin kasamaan ng bagay
profundity from Eichmann, that is still far pero it becomes a culture dahil
from calling it commonplace. It surely mahirap iwasan.
cannot be so common that a man facing Man as Disfigured by Sin
death, and, moreover, standing beneath
 Disfigurement
the gallows, should be able to think of
 If God calls us to be perfect why
nothing but what he has heard at funerals
did he let disfigurement?
all his life, and that these “lofty words”
 Sin – deliberate/involves will and
should completely becloud the reality –
of his own death. reason
 Evil – not all evil is deliberated.
That such remoteness from reality and Even without intention of human
such thoughtlessness can wreak more being (circumstances ganun
havoc than all the evil instincts taken talaga resulta)
together which, perhaps, are inherent in  Indirect. Example: Ayaw ko
man – that was, in fact, the lesson one talaga masunog yung kanin pero
could learn in Jerusalem. But it was a dahil inattention to obligation,
lesson, neither an explanation of the pwede masunog without delibate
phenomenon nor a theory about it. intention.
The trouble with Eichmann was precisely A settled habit caused by sinful action
that so many were like him, and that the which disposes to further sinful action.
many were neither perverted nor sadistic,  Example: Pagpupuyat sap ag-
that they were, and still are, terribly and aaral ay bisyo (caused by simple
terrifyingly normal. action we don’t really desire)
 Di dapat basehan ng gagawin.
From the viewpoint of our legal Vice happens in us when we follow the
institutions and of our moral standards of inclination of our animal nature against
judgment, this normality was much more the order of our reason.
terrifying than all the atrocities put
together, for it implied — as had been We were created to be men and women
said at Nuremberg over and over again following our reason because our reason
by the defendants and their counsels — is to be aligned with the reality that is
that this new type of criminal, who is in created and sustained by God who is
actual fact hostis generis humani, truth, goodness, and love itself.
commits his crimes under circumstances
that make it well-nigh impossible for him We become enamored with vice and
to know or to feel that he is doing wrong. imprisoned to vice when we commit sin
 Example: pagbibigay ng lagay routinely in one or two areas of our life.
pag nahuli ng enforcers. These are the temptations we face.
Our temptations are all individualized • The Confiteor, which we pray at
according to our carnal dispositions, e.g., the beginning of the Mass, offers
others are more tempted to gluttony, us a good description of sin:
others to the sins of the flesh. etc. • “I confess to Almighty God and
 Pag palagi natin ginagawa ang to you, my brothers and sisters (a
isang bagay. recognition that sin is not only an
Vice is the condition St. Paul is referring offense against God but it also
to when he said. “I do not do the good wounds the Body of Christ and
that I want to do, but I do the very evil our church community), that I
that I hate. Romans 7:19 have sinned through my own fault
(I take responsibility for the
The person stuck in a vice continues to
wrong I have done), in my
sin and justifies that sin. But when you
thoughts and in my words, in
are living in grace, grace frees you to see
what I have done (sins of
your vice clearly and to see that it must
commission), and in what I have
failed to do (sins of omission).”
 Vice – what we are doing/acting
 Recognition that sin is not
justifies the wrongdoing we do
just an offense against
 Grace – once we entertain the God but it also wounds the
grace/realization of grace “Ay body of Christ in our
magkakasakit na pala ako” Church Community.
 We take responsibility.
Definition of Sin • Sin is an act directed to some
Inordinate action that discords with lesser or merely apparent good,
truth and goodness in its intention, falling short of the real good
object, and circumstances. which is integral human
fulfillment, that is, fulfillment in
• Every sin for Saint Thomas is an respect to all the goods in an ideal
inordinate act. human community.
• An act that is not properly ordered  Sin is an evil human act
nor lined up with the reality of  Sin of omission
truth and goodness in its  Bakit masama loob then a
intention, object, and its person asked us a favor, if
circumstances. we didn’t do it, there’s
 Can we really realize what feeling of unsatisfactory.
sin is?  Di natin nakikita
 Iba na kahahantungan ng kasamaan ng mga bagay.
action, let’s try to assess Distinctions in the ways that we
our action/decisions
• In general, sin is failure to live the
• We can sin against God, our
Great Commandment to love
neighbor, and ourselves.
God, others, and self.
• Some sins are sins of thought, Three Conditions for a Sin to be
some sins are sins of word, some Mortal:
are sins of deed. 1. Grave matter:
Sins of Commission ⮚ As specified by the Ten
Sins of action, whether in thought, word, Commandments, “Do not kill, Do
or deed. not commit adultery, Do not steal,
 Nagawa through deeds. do not bear false witness, Do not
defraud, Honor your father and
Sins of Omission your mother” CCC 1858.
Sins of inaction, whether in thought, (Dishonoring parents)
word, or deed, e.g. omitting to care for 2. Full knowledge:
someone, like a child or against an ⮚ It presupposes knowledge of the
elderly. Such sins constitute sin against sinful character of the act, of its
opposition to God’s law. (Alam
God and against our neighbor.
ko na masama ‘tong gagawin ko)
 Sin of inaction 3. Complete consent
 Iwas sa responsibilidad ⮚ It implies a consent sufficiently
deliberate to be a choice, i.e., we
Gravity of Sin: Mortal and Venial freely and under no duress choose
Sin to do the evil. (Full knowledge +
• Not all sins are equal. Saint Complete Consent = Morally
Thomas agrees with the Responsible)
distinction of mortal and venial
Venial Sins
sin that the church still teaches
• One commits venial sin when:
⮚ In a less serious matter, he does
Mortal Sins
not observe the standard
• Those sins that turn us directly prescribed by the moral law.
away from God.
⮚ He disobeys the moral law in a
⮚ When we choose something grave matter but without full
serious with full intent and knowledge or without complete
freedom in place of God as our consent.
highest and best good.  Di siya mortal and directly
⮚ Takes away the very principle of turning from God.
order  If we keep on doing it.
⮚ Destroys/cuts off our relationship ⮚ We are not turned away from God
with God when we sin venially, but we are
⮚ Brings about the death of the soul just slightly off in some choice
that doesn’t keep us away from
 Direct violation of 10
God but keeps us from going
commandments straightaway to God.
 Things we should confess. ⮚ E.g., for Saint Thomas, every lie
that we speak are at least venial
sins, even if you lie because you
are afraid to tell the truth or • The cry of the foreigner, the
because you are afraid to hurt widow, and the orphan
someone else’s feelings. You may • Injustice to the wage earner
have good intentions there, but Sin is a Personal Act (CCC, 1868)
the activity of lying is always • We have a responsibility for the
wrong for Saint Thomas. sins committed by others when
we cooperate in them:
 Activity of lying or wrong ⮚ By participating directly and
⮚ All sins should be avoided for it voluntarily in them.
weakens our relationship with ⮚ By ordering, advising, praising, or
God. approving them.
⮚ Ignoring venial sin is like ⮚ By not disclosing or hindering
ignoring a minor cancer that can them when we have an obligation
become a serious one. “Deliberate to do so.
and unrepented venial sin ⮚ By protecting evil doers.
disposes us little by little to Structures of Sin (CCC, 1869)
commit mortal sin” (CCC 1863) ⮚ Sin gives rise to social situations
⮚ We know the truth of this and institutions that are contrary
statement as we consider how a to the divine goodness.
gradual neglect of a relationship ⮚ Structures of sin are the
can eventually lead to divorce. expression and effect of personal
 Ignoring venial sin is like sins.
ignoring a minor cancer ⮚ They lead their victims to do evil
in their turn.
The Proliferation of Sin ⮚ In an analogous sense, they
• Sin creates a proclivity to sin; it constitute a social sin.
engenders vice by repetition of the  Example: Corruption,
same acts. Pagtangkilik sa gake
Capital Sins
news, hinahayaan ang
• They are called “capital” because
maling ginagawa ng
they engender other sins, other vices.
• The list comes from the writings of gobyerno
St. John Cassian and St. Gregory. Conversion and Holiness
• The seven capital sins are pride,
avarice (greed), envy, wrath, sloth, Conversion
lust, gluttony. • In the Synoptics, John the Baptist
 Capital Sins – seven calls people to conversion and
deadly sins repentance.
 Pangkaraniwan na yung ⮚ Actual Greek word : Metanoia
iba ⮚ Luke 5:32: Jesus proclaims: “I
Sins that Cry to Heaven (CCC, 1867): have come to call not the
• The blood of Abel righteous but sinners.”
• The cry of the oppressed in Egypt  May pag-asa pa ba na lhat
• The sin of the Sodomites tayo mapupunta sa langit?
 Tinatawag tayo ng Diyos, ⮚ The word "as" also indicates the
so may pag-asa pa degree of Jesus' love, and of the
 Ulitin/ibahin mindset love with which his disciples are
Metanoia called to love one another.
• Total change or turn of heart. ⮚ After saying: "This is my
• Turning away from sin and commandment, that you love one
turning towards God. another as I have loved you" (Jn
• An experience of being in love 15:12), Jesus continues with
with God without reservations. words which indicate the
• Reorientation of one’s life to sacrificial gift of his life on the
Christ who is made the center and Cross, as the witness to a love "to
model of one’s life. the end" (Jn 13:1): "Greater love
has no man than this, that a man
Christ Our Model (VS 20) lay down his life for his friends"
• Jesus asks us to follow him and to (Jn 15:13).
imitate him along the path of  We need to change
love, a love which gives itself  Our behavior towards God
completely to the brethren out of is not our initiative but
love for God: "This is my reaction that we will do
commandment, that you love one better.
another as I have loved you" (Jn
15:12). ⮚ This is what Jesus asks of
everyone who wishes to follow
⮚ The word "as" requires imitation
him: "If any man would come
of Jesus and of his love, of which
after me, let him deny himself and
the washing of feet is a sign.
take up his cross and follow me"
Jesus' way of acting and his
(Mt 16:24).
words, his deeds and his precepts
constitute the moral rule of Call to Holiness
Christian life. • By asking us to follow him, Jesus
 Kung may pag-asa pa, san is inviting all of us to become
natin kukunin? saints, no less.
 Jesus Christ as our model. • Holiness or Sanctity can be
 Follow and imitate Him. achieved by following Jesus
faithfully in our daily life, in all
 Role model
its trials and challenges “taking
 Kaya nila, kaya rin natin up our crosses daily”
 Everything is dependent in • Holiness is loving God and loving
my capacity our neighbor.
 Based on God’s justice,
mercy, and love. Conversion does not happen overnight:
 God will give me grace ⮚ It is a particular act
 If God loves me, will He ⮚ A lifelong process
let me go to hell? ⮚ A daily event

The Holy Spirit and Grace

• Conversion is God’s gift . this as an excellent opportunity to drink
⮚ It happens through help of the some, just for fun. However, Malou
Holy Spirit. knows that she can only drink a bottle or
⮚ However, God also needs our two, after which she gets tipsy and would
cooperation: “God Who created then be sleepy. She remembered her
us without us will not save us previous experience waking up in the
without us” St. Augustine of
Hippo morning after drinking beyond her limits.
 Conversion happens with help of It was the worst hangover for her, and the
the Holy Spirit. discomfort bothered her for two days.
Learning from this untoward experience,
Conversion and Prayer she resolved to consume only what her
• For us to grow in grace, we need body can take. When the party was over,
to pray always especially to the Malou had such a great time with friends,
Holy Spirit. and the relaxation energized her. Not
• We need to train ourselves to only that, she was happy that she was
listen to his promptings in our able to control herself during the party.
conscience and to obey his
guidance in our life. Question: Can virtues help us attain
• In every moment of life let us say, holiness of Life?
Come, Holy Spirit!

Lesson 11-12 For Aristotle, “virtue is a state of

character which makes a man good and
makes him do his work well.

Called to Holiness Moral virtues allow us to feel emotions:

 At the right times
The Spirit Configures Us to Christ
 Towards the right objects
through the Virtues  With the right motives
1. The holy Spirit and the  In the right way
2. Theological Virtues Courage:
3. Cardinal Virtues Regulates fear and confidence.

Malou is in Claire’s send-off party to the Temperance:

married life. All their friends from way Regulates bodily pains and pleasures.
back college days are present. It is indeed
a great time to enjoy friendship and a Generosity:
time away from work stress. Alcoholic Helps us give and spend money well.
beverages are aplenty, and Malou finds
 Virtue is characterized by what is kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
Mean or Intermediate. gentleness, self-control.”
 Mean depends on agents and CCC 736
circumstances. "We live by the Spirit"; the more we
 Some actions and feelings have no renounce ourselves, the more we "walk
mean, they are always wrong. E.g., by the Spirit."
the act of murder and the emotion of
spite. The Holy Spirit and the Virtues
 We become virtuous through the  Christ's gift of salvation offers us the
constant repetition or practice of good grace necessary to persevere in the
actions. pursuit of the virtues.
 A truly virtuous person finds the  Everyone should always ask for this
practice of virtue pleasant and grace of light and strength, frequent
natural. Hence, it is a character that is the sacraments, cooperate with the
both external and internal. Holy Spirit, and follow his calls to
 We need moral guides to help who love what is good and shun evil.
would help us attain an excellent life. CCC 1811

The Holy Spirit and the Virtues Theological Virtues

The Holy Spirit: Source and Means of Moral Virtues According to St.
Moral Life Thomas
 God is love and love is his primary
gift, containing all others, through the Moral virtue disposes us to act well and it
Holy Spirit. requires more than simply knowing what
 In Baptism, he restores in us the the right thing and good thing to know is.
divine likeness lost due to sin and
makes us children of God. For instance, we need to have our
passions in line. If we know the right
 In our daily life, the Holy Spirit helps
thing to do but we are scared to do it, we
us to grow in holiness and enter more
won’t do it. if we know the right thing to
deeply in the life of the Trinity.
do but do it with excessive anger, we
CCC 733-
won’t do it morally.
Moral virtue moderates our passions so
Living by the Spirit
that we can act according to reason for
 By this power of the Spirit, God's
the true good. Moral virtues do not
children can bear much fruit.
subdue our passions.
 He who has grafted us onto the true
vine will make us bear "the fruit of
Passions are good for St. Thomas. The
the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience,
more virtuous a person is, the more they
feel, and the more they feel rightly.
Because the virtuous person is not afraid  The theological virtues are infused in
of his or her feelings. The more perfect us by God.
the virtue is the more passionate the  These virtues elevate our powers of
person becomes. intellect and will so that by acts of
these virtues: believing, hoping, and
Definition of Virtue loving, we can, by grace, reach
 Virtue is a good quality of the mind beyond our natural goods, to possess
by which we live righteously of our final and supernatural good, our
which no one can make bad use, theological good, God himself.
which God works in us and without
us. Aquinas’ Method of inquiry of
Theological virtues:
St. Thomas Aquinas (from  In terms of their subject, object,
Saint Augustine) proper act.
ST, IlaIIae, Q. 55, a.4
Virtue of Faith
 Virtue lives in the human soul, it lives Definition of Faith
in the mind and the will, in our (Heb 11:1). The assurance of things
thinking, and in our choosing. hoped for, the conviction of things not
 Virtue confers on us, when we have seen.
it, the ability to think rightly on what
we should do but the ability to do it. Aquinas. Faith is a habit of the mind,
 It is one thing to know the right thing whereby eternal life is begun in us,
to do, it is another thing to do it, and making the intellect assent to what is not
to do it well. That is what virtue apparent. ST, IlaIIae Q, 4, a. 1
 Virtue lives in the human soul, it lives I believe whatever the son of God has
in the mind and the will, in our said, Adoro Te Devote
thinking, and in our choosing.
 Virtue confers on us, when we have Object of Faith
it, the ability to think rightly on what  Material Object of Faith
we should do but the ability to do it.  God himself.
 It is one thing to know the right thing
to do, it is another thing to do it, and Formal object of faith
to do it well. That is what virtue  God as first truth revealing himself to
gives. the world.
 Those truths about God himself that
The Theological virtues he has revealed to us.
 The object of faith, therefore, is the  This confidence arises from the
true God and the truths of God testimony of another or an expert in
(collected and summarized by the the matter.
church in the articles of faith.  By believing God and what he says,
 By assenting to the articles of faith, the believer shares intimately in the
the believer comes to possess God’s knowledge of God.
truth and thus, God himself.  In the light of faith, seeing is not
believing but believing is seeing, i.e.,
seeing God and what he sees, because
he tells us what he sees.
 In faith, therefore, the believer comes
to know what God knows. Thus, faith
marks the beginning of eternal life in
us. By participating in Gods eternal
Subject of Faith knowing.
(where the virtue is infused in us)  Faith is only for this world, once the
 Faith is infused in and perfects that believer enters heaven belief in God’s
human power concerned with truth: truth gives way to vision of God’s
the intellect. truth. That which was once merely
 Faith elevates and perfects the believed is now known face to face.
functioning of human reason so that
the human agent, without seeing or Interior act of faith:
proving their reality, can apprehend,  Belief
understand, and judge to be true, the Exterior act of faith:
articles of faith.  Confession or profession
 Choosing to assent to the articles of Sins against belief (interiorly)
faith as true, involves a graced active  unbelief, heresy, apostasy
belief, which brings us to Aquinas’ Sins against belief (exteriorly):
description of the act of faith.  Blasphemy

The Act of Faith Two Gifts of the Holy Spirit that

 Belief is the act that is proper to faith. Perfect the Act of Faith:
 By believing, we affirm the truth of a The gift of understanding
proposition without seeing or  Gives the believer a spirit taught
demonstrating its truth. insight into the essence of the articles
 Belief holds confidently and firmly to of faith.
the truth of the proposition.  Allows the believer to develop a
vision of God in faith purified of
unnecessary earthly imagery and conceive of this good, much less to
analogies. pursue it well.
The gift of knowledge  So, God has infused the theological
 Gives the believer a spirit taught virtue of hope, raising our minds and
judgment regarding the truth of hearts to him so that we can respond
created things in view of God. generously to his offer of beatitude.
 Thus, hope is first the work of God
Virtue of Hope and it principally concerns the end.
 Hope is a graced confidence that God Hope is the virtue of the “Already but
will give eternal life to me and to Not Yet”
those whom I love because he is
omnipotent and merciful. Already
 Hope leans on God’s help amidst the Hope has an orientation to fulfillment
experience of human inability and won for us in Christ. It is rooted in the
insufficiency. revelation of God and the promise of
 We believe and trust that eternal life salvation. It imparts a kind of certitude
is made available to us because Christ flowing from the certitude of faith.
has undone the primordial sin and
unlocked the gates of heaven for us. Not Yet
 The virtue of hope builds on the It is given during the time of non-
passion of hope: by hope we are fulfillment. Hope steels our nerves to
moved to pursue an arduous good withstand temptations against the
which we apprehend as possible to vigilance and perseverance…
 Hope in this sense is just a movement  As with faith, there is an inherent
of the irascible power. That power imperfection with hope since it
which supplies the appetitive energy approaches God from a distance and
for difficult goods. cannot yet lay hold of its object.
 But beyond a mere bodily response  And so, hope will not endure as does
hope has spiritual dimension and so it charity. In heaven, there will simply
is appropriate to locate it in the will. be no need for hope as the souls of
 Hope, understood as a theological the just will possess God without fear
virtue, concerns our ultimate end, of loss or diminishment.
eternal life with God.
 Here the moral virtues are Sins against Hope
insufficient. We do not, of our own Presumption
power, have the wherewithal to  The cavalier assurance that God will
save me regardless of whether or not
I consent and cooperate with his good. For there is nothing so difficult
grace. to attain nor anything so worthy of
 The presumptuous man refuses to the effort as the unfailing vision of
make use of the means that God God. For our help is in the name of
appoints for salvation. E.g., the lord.
persevering prayer or sacramental
confession. Virtue of Charity
Despair  The seat of charity in the human
 the denial that God’s promises apply person: the will.
to me or a fear that he will deny  Charity Perfects the human power
pardon event to the repentant. concerned with loving: the will.
 Sets aside the uncertainty of the way Two-Fold Dynamic of Love
in favor of the certainty of the  Love of Concupiscence. We love
damned. some good for their own sake. The
love with which we love the goods
“One must cultivate a hope that is that keep us alive and help us to grow
humble enough, ready to pray and, at the in virtue. We love these goods for the
same time, magnanimous enough to wait benefit that they offer us.
cooperatively for the fulfillment of its  Love of Benevolence (friendship).
prayer.” We love some good not for our sake
Josef Pieper but for another sake. This is the love
that constitutes friendship. It regards
Gift of the Holy Spirit with Hope: the other as another self. Wills the
The Fear of the Lord good of the other for his sake.
 Aquinas distinguishes what is meant Grace elevates both love towards God
by fear. The fear under consideration  Hope elevates the love of
is a disposition that in its initial stages concupiscence such that we can love
(servile fear) fears God’s punishment God himself as final end and good for
and in its mature stages fears to me.
offend God in any way (filial or  Charity elevates the love of
chaste fear). benevolence such that we love God
 This fear perfects hope by imparting himself for his own sake as a friend,
to the soul a supernatural sensitivity not for our sake.
for what aids us and what hinders us  Aquinas sees the whole reality and
in our pursuit of the vision of God. work of the virtue of charity through
 As we ascend by many movements to the lens of friendship.
the vision of God, we must be  Aquinas produces a theology of
encouraged lest we lose heart in charity that reflects deeply on Christ’s
pursuit of this great and arduous words to his disciples at the last
supper: no, longer do I call you with God. Not only as he is our
servants…I have called you friends highest good in cause but because he
(John 15:15). is our best friend.
 That is why, unlike faith and hope
Object of Charity, Materially and which passes away when one reaches
Formally heaven, charity endures in beatitude.
 God as our best friend befriending us.
Charity is nothing other than our The Duration of the Theological
loving response to the friendship Virtues.
offered to us by God. Faith
 Every other good thing that can be  Gives way to vision
loved for God’s sake. In charity we Hope
love God as well as what he loves,  Gives way to possession
which is everything that he has made, Charity
especially other persons.  Abides in perfection.
 Thus, in charity, we love God for
God’s sake and we love neighbor for The Exercise of the Virtue of Charity
God’s sake. Internal effects of charity
 Joy, peace, and mercy
The Act of Charity External effects of charity
 The act produced by the virtue charity  Beneficence, almsgiving, fraternal
is the love of God for his sake above correction
all things.
 Charity does not introduce the Sins against Charity
preferential love of God into the In general
world but rather it elevates this  Hatred
preferential love written into the very Against joy
fabric of creation and into the very  Sloth, envy
heart of men unto a union of real Against peace
friendship with God.  Discord, contention, schism, war,
 Therefore, because everything strife, sedition.
naturally inclines to higher good Against beneficence:
more than lower goods… every  Scandal
creature, including the human
creature, naturally loves God more Wisdom is the gift of virtue that
than itself. perfects charity.
 In man, therefore, charity rescues this  Peacemaking is the work of charity
love from the perversion of sin and perfected by wisdom.
divinizes it unto a real union of love
 With wise charity, the Christian
orders himself toward peace from Justice
which inner charitable peace, he can  The perpetual and constant perpetual
work for peace with others and will to render each one his due.
among others.  Giving what is due to God (religion)
and to fellowman.
Cardinal Virtues  Justice and mercy always go together:
The Cardinal Virtues “The Lord is merciful and just” (Ps
Borrowed by St. Thomas from Cicero 116: 5)

Prudence Temperance
 An intellectual virtue that that  The virtuous moderation of sense
perfects the practical reason. It is pleasure: pleasures of the flesh, food,
right reason about things to be done drink, all of which can be good when
(recta ratio agibilium). experienced in accord with reason.
 The most important moral virtue, it’s  The virtue of temperance is in
the charioteer of virtue. It directs all between intemperance, which is
the virtues. E.g. Prudence determines simply a pursuit of pleasure, one after
the courageous thing to do in this another, and insensibility or frigidity
moment is or what the temperate or unwillingness to experience
thing to do is and to enjoy at this pleasure.
moment. It says what is the just thing
to do at this moment. Fortitude
 It is prudence which tells the virtues The stable disposition to do the right
how to be themselves. thing in the face of fear.
 We become prudent by learning from  That virtue which you need to get the
our elders, from those who have lived good things in your life.
long enough to learn from their  Keeps us shrinking away from great
mistakes and so more time to grow in difficulties but also keeps us from
prudence. rushing in in foolishness.
 We become prudent by experience,  It is Right between being a coward
by living life, by being self-reflective, and being a fool on the other.
by making choices and seeing how
they turn out and looking back and
trying to figure out how we could
Lesson 13
have done that differently… Moral Principles
 The moral life is not something that
we engage alone, it is something we
engage in the community.
The Principle of Double Effect  Unintended and unforeseen
consequences – when we never know
Principle of Totality what particular effects would follow
Stewardship (Epikeia) from our action.
 Whether Foreseen or Unforeseen,
The Principle of Double Effect
these consequences are called
 Also known as the voluntary
indirect principle
 Man always act for a purpose What is ones moral responsibility over
 Distinctions: the unintended consequences of ones
 Purpose or intention of the action?
agent (finis operantis)  There is no moral responsibility
 Purpose of the action (finis (unforeseen and unintended), neither
operis) the will nor the mind are involved.
 Voluntary indirect purpose (not  For the unintended but foreseen, it
intended) – aware and with should be noted that it is not a
consent to the act question of justifying the evil
 The intention is different with consequences. Even if these are
action unintended, by the fact that they are
 Good intention but evil act evil means that they can never be
 Distinction in purpose and justified. The question then pertains
intention to the otherwise good action, and
whether it can still be morally
 UNINTENDED OR justified by reason with the evil
INVOLUNTARY CONSEQUENCES consequences that follow.
– when an action results to more
consequences or effects than what Four Conditions of the Principle of
was originally intended or expected. Double Effect.
(I am going to make you happy so I  The action itself must be morally
will do things that make you happy) good or at least indifferent. (di
 Unintended but foreseen nagnanakaw/di gumagawa ng
consequences – consequences of our masama)
action, even if we do not include  The good effect must precede the evil
them in our deliberate planning. effect, or at least be simultaneous
(Involuntary Direct) with it. (good effect happens first
 I am going to do this and if before the side effect)
I’m going to do this, this is  The intention of the agent should be
not intended but I’m sure directed towards the good effect,
that this will happened/this is never to the evil effect. (I am going to
the consequence.
do this because I want to give a calm wholeness or well being. – Total
and peaceful effect) Integrity.
 Proportionality: the good effect must  Justification of a person in perfect
be more important than or at least state of health can donate an organ for
equal to the bad effect. the benefit of one who needs it.
 Justification is of charity and
To assure the validity of the conditions, brotherly concern and/ or
the person is expected to have developed proportionality.
and accepted a hierarchy of values in one  Physical Integrity: Anatomy (part of
s moral and personal life based on human body that can be removed yet the
and Christian principles. For if this fails, body is still functioning.
the reference to the principle of the  Mental: Mental Health problem, how
double effect to solve difficult moral will you amputate?
situations, especially in the practice of  Used to justify integrity
medicine, will just be an easy way to  A murderer removed in the
justify most arbitrary decisions. RV society. This can’t be
The Principle of Totality
 Rests on the proposition that the Principle of Stewardship
whole is more important than its Humans are at the top of the world: the
parts. most perfect creatures in the universe.
 Kung kailangan tanggalin  There is a general, universal
ang bahagi ng buo, that’s the experience of respect and protection
principle of totality for human life as the most basic and
 If your finger makes you sin, indispensable condition for any
remove it. further development of human
 In this sense, the whole traditional potentialities, which becomes clearer
Christian moral theology justifies the when enlightened by faith and
sacrifice of one part of organ as long religion.
as it threatens the integrity of the  Aligned with how we see thing
human organism or presents a serious beautiful and perfect
obstacle to its proper functioning.  Co-create with God
 We have different preferences of what
Two controversies: is clean and beautiful
 Interpretation of whole human  Patagin ang bundok para madaanan
organism in terms of ones physical nang maayos
integrity or whether it can be  Gumawa ng bigas and Diyos pero
extended to include ones hindi siya nagsaing
psychological, emotional, and moral  God created us perfect and beautiful.
been taken into consideration by
Man is the subject of a special creation. positive law.
 A reflection of beauty and perfection  If the letter of the law is
of God. doubtful, we base on the
spirit of the law.
 Can think, will and understand, yet.
 Interpretation of the Law
 Not totally independent.
 Example:
 If it doesn’t fit with our
sense of beauty and  Letter of the law: Those
perfection, we fix it. who can pass will be
 We clean our house para di
mapahiya.  Spirit of the law: Offer
education to the deserving
Man is given a certain dominion over all student (conduct entrance
the created things. The relationship of exam)
man and created things are reflected as:  Letter of Reconsideration:
 A Useful Dominion. All things conducting principle of
were created for the service and Epikeia.
use of man, to use them  A restrictive interpretation of the law
reasonably and responsibly to by private authority excusing one
satisfy his needs. from the observance of the law in
 Accountable Stewardship Over some particular difficult case in
Mans Life. Man does not have accordance with the genuine meaning
the same dominion over himself, of legislation.
he is accountable to God for what
he makes of himself. To realize Inner Justifications for Epikeia
himself is his mission, included in  The legislator cannot foresee all the
the Divine plan. Human life, then, circumstances which may arise for
is the most basic and fundamental individuals and, even if one does,
requirement for man to carry out often fails to cover them all with the
his mission. Rv wordings of a general law.
 Kailangan kong ayusin ‘to  Laws are often not fast enough to
dahil may kasama ako sa follow the developments of life and
mundo. the changes in society.
 Human legislation itself has the jural
Principle of Epikeia duty to admit the right of its subjects
 Is an interpretation of Human Law to resort to the law of epikeia, in
not according to its letter but order to compensate for the
according to its spirit for those border unavoidable deficiencies of the law.
cases which have not sufficiently
Conditions and cautions in observing  Kilala na sila ng lahat ng
Epikeia: staff doon
 It only applies to positive laws.  One time pumunta bangko
 No ID, No Entry (Positive yung apo mag-isa.
Laws)  May dalang cheque na
 Spirit of the law: walang pirma
Identification and Safety  Incapacitating Laws
 If no ID, did you lose your (Bribery)
 Identity reduces to plastic Moral Maxims
card “Right reason is indeed a true law, in
 It must remain with the genuine accord with nature, diffused among all
meaning of legislation. Epikeia must men, unchangeable, eternal”
be justified by the superior needs of
the common good and ultimately by Let it not be forgotten, let it be
the demands of the ultimate end of emphasized, repeated, emblazoned in the
humanity. halls of every legislative body, that
 Ex. Passing score USTET: morality is a fundamental principle in
70% legislation; but for this principle, this law
 Kung ‘di mo naabot, walang of nature, this law of God, this law of
ganong batas man… popular government would fail.
 If we quantify, sometimes Morality cannot be disregarded by the
we reduce quantitative legislature, it must be regarded, or the
meaning action of the body is void. Moral law was
 We don’t know how to not created by a legislative body. It was
express our love) never enacted. It was never created by the
constitution of the state or of the nation.
 Consultation with others is very much
Neither the constitution itself nor the
urged, especially for instances with
legislature can disregard it and the action
more important exceptions.
be valid” (Ritter, Moral and Civil Law,
 Recourse to a superior is required in
doubtful cases, unless one is terribly
difficult to approach.
1. One who acts through an agent is
 It cannot be applied to void acts
himself responsible.
(Invalidating laws) or to laws that
2. No one is obliged to betray himself.
render persons incapable of
(Court is bound to prove the person)
undertaking certain legal actions
3. In doubt, one may do what is
(Incapacitating laws). Rv
generally done. (In a foreign country,
 Maglola pumunta sa bangko
you look around and do what they do)
4. An object cries out for its owner. Reflex principles wherein doubt
(Can’t ask them to be the owner) presumption stand:
5. No one can give what he does not  In doubt, the condition of the
have. (If you’re someone something, possessor is the better.
if you don’t possess that something,  In doubt, favor the accused; or (which
you can’t repay) comes to the same): Crime is not to
6. The end does not justify the means. be presumed, it has to be proven.
(End doesn’t justify the means)  In doubt, presumption stands on the
7. No one is a judge in his own case. side of the superior.
(Can’t judge what’s good or evil)  In doubt, stand for the validity of the
8. Accessories belong to the principal act.
object. (If I decorate your house with  In doubt, amplify the favorable and
consent, the decorations are yours restrict the unfavorable.
because it’s in your house. Can I ask  In doubt, presumption stands for the
for payment? Yes) usual and the ordinary.
9. If one is willing to cooperate in an
 In doubt, favor the customary and
act, no injustice is done. (Waiver)
hitherto approved.
10. A law giving a privilege may be
 A doubtful law does not oblige.(RV)
interpreted in the broadest way
possible, a law restricting our liberty
may be given the narrowest
interpretation. (Senior Citizens Act;
According to the regulation of the
bangka, it can only load 5 persons.
May batang kasama, pang anim na
pinakiusapan kung pwede pero ‘di
pumayag kasi 5 persons lang.)

Reflex principles are rules of prudence

which do not solve doubts concerning the
existence of a law, moral principle, or
fact by intrinsic or extrinsic evidence;
instead, they only indicate where, in
cases of unreasonable doubts, the greater
right is usually to be found and the lesser
evil is to be feared, and which side
therefore is favored as long as the doubt

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