Evaluating The Intake Plugging Effects On The Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) Operating Conditions Using Nodal Analysis
Evaluating The Intake Plugging Effects On The Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) Operating Conditions Using Nodal Analysis
Evaluating The Intake Plugging Effects On The Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) Operating Conditions Using Nodal Analysis
Received: 2 August 2023 / Accepted: 12 January 2024 / Published online: 14 February 2024
© The Author(s) 2024
The intake plugging of an electrical submersible pump (ESP) has presented a formidable challenge to conventional ESP
wells. Attention to cumulative solid deposition is essential since it intensifies the intake plugging severity and impedes ESP
performance. We present a new approach to evaluate the ESP performance degradation during increased intake plugging
severity. In particular, we employ the intake plugging factor, rate-derating factor, and affinity law to calculate the new ESP
speed at different plugging conditions. We used Schlumberger PIPESIM software to perform nodal analysis of the newly
calculated ESP speed. The result was validated using the actual field data and compared to the field cases that reported the
intake plugging issue. The nodal analysis showed a steady maximum ESP head with zero rate derating at the shut-in point.
The intake plugging factor caused a significant reduction in the ESP operating rate and increased pump intake pressure and
annulus liquid level. Based on the existing intake plugging field data, we established the quantitative standard for the normal
and abnormal intake plugging factor range. The observed results agreed with the field downhole data recorded during the
intake plugging problem. We identified that regulating the ESP speed to the reduced operating rate could minimize unex-
pected pump stoppage. It is also possible to carefully monitor the intake plugging problem by combining the annulus liquid
level, the signature of pump intake pressure, and a deadhead test.
Keywords Electrical submersible pump (ESP) · Intake plugging factor · Nodal analysis · Rate-derating factor
List of symbols Ldyn Annulus dynamic liquid level (ft)
a, b, c, d, e, f ESP head coefficients Lset Pump setting depth (ft)
BHP Bottomhole pressure (psia) n Pump stage number
dP Pump differential pressure (psia) Pd Pump discharge pressure (psia)
DPfr Tubing friction pressure loss (psia) PIP Pump intake pressure (psia)
gradFT Flowing tube gradient (psia/ft) Pwh Wellhead pressure (psia)
gradL Hydraulic pressure gradient of the pro- q Operating well production rate (stb/day)
duced fluid (psia/ft) qo ESP normal operating rate (stb/day)
H ESP developed head (ft) qx ESP operating rate after a certain percent-
H-Q Head-rate curve age of plugging (stb/day)
Rf Rate-derating factor
Greek symbols
* Hanam Son
[email protected] ρL Fluid density (ppg or 7.5*lb/ft3)
𝜔 ESP rotational speed (Hz)
Department of Energy Resources Engineering, Pukyong
National University, 45 Yongso‑Ro, Nam‑Gu, Busan 48513, Acronyms
Korea AI Artificial intelligence
Department of Mining, University of Rwanda, 3900 Kigali, AL Artificial lift
Rwanda AOF Absolute open flow
Department of Earth Resources and Environmental BHP Bottomhole pressure
Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Korea ESP Electrical submersible pump
Department of Mineral Resources and Energy Engineering, IPF Intake plugging factor
Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, Korea IPR Inflow performance relationship
1072 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2024) 14:1071–1083
PIP Pump intake pressure (2023) presented a combination of machine learning and
PVT Pressure, volume, and temperature physics-based damage modeling to predict ESP failure, such
TPR Tubing performance relationship as intake plugging. The proposed approach needs accurate
VFD Variable frequency drive input data for the normal range and abnormal range to indi-
VSD Variable speed drive cate the ESP abnormalities based on the ESP input param-
eters deviation, which limits the applicability of this system
to the new ESP well where these data are unavailable.
Introduction Moreover, Agrawal et al. (2019) combined time-lapse
analysis, ESP alarm system parameters, variable frequency
Recently, an electrical submersible pump (ESP) occupies drive (VFD) horsepower, deadhead, and multi-choke test
20% of all artificial lift (AL) pumps used in global oil pro- data to assess ESP well failure spawned by polymer flood-
duction. ESP is a cost-effective artificial lift method for high ing. Their study provided an ESP well diagnostic approach
and moderate-fluid rate reservoirs; however, it is inefficient to differentiate the polymer intake plugging, gas lock, and
when operated in a solid deposition environment (Fakher leakage-related failure. Still, it is complex to apply to the
et al. 2021; Takacs 2018). The solids deposition results from new ESP well design. Adesanwo et al. (2017) developed
the precipitation of high molecular weight compounds and a decision support system to manage the ESP well condi-
solution metals associated with produced fluid, which makes tion to avoid unexpected failure. The system uses real-time
organic and inorganic solids precipitate, respectively (Aliza- data signals to forecast ESP failure instances. However, this
deh et al. 2011; Ramones et al. 2015; Vazirian et al. 2016; system needs the input data of normal and abnormal con-
Zendehboudi et al. 2014). Like the other production prob- ditions, and it cannot be generalized to a new ESP well.
lems (e.g., gas locking, (Iranzi et al. 2022)), solid deposi- Awaid et al. (2014) generated a pattern recognition analysis
tion presented a formidable challenge to conventional ESP that uses real-time data from the ESP well to diagnose ESP
technologies because it leads to semi or complete blockage failure conditions (including ESP intake plugging). They
of the ESP downhole equipment. strictly focused on retrospective monitoring, which is com-
The intake screen is alternatively employed at the ESP plex to apply to the new ESP well design. Bermudez et al.
intake point to handle solid problems in the ESP well. (2014) employed probabilistic (Fuzzy) logic to process ESP
Unfortunately, its small opening creates a higher volume diagnosis. It combines the AI tool that calculates a slope for
rate, resulting in fluid phase segregation and intensifying real-time data signal trends, comparing them with pre-estab-
the pressure drop at the ESP intake point. Also, most ESPs lished rules. Nevertheless, this approach needs accurate pre-
operated near the pump-off condition to improve the draw- existing data and limits its application in new ESP systems.
down; at this point, the pump intake pressure is approxi- The previously developed approaches for monitoring ESP
mately equal to the bubble point pressure, which acceler- well only provided a retrospective monitoring solution for
ates the organic and inorganic solid deposits around the the intake plugging failure. However, the intake plugging-
pump intake screen, inducing cumulative solid deposition related failure can be monitored in advance with an early
(Chouparova et al. 2004; Correra et al. 2016; Denney 2000; warning approach before ESP installation and prevents ESP
Mohammadzadeh et al. 2018). Typically, a cumulative solid failure before it happens. Our previous paper (Iranzi et al.
deposition increases pressure drops, and the higher pressure 2022) employed the nodal analysis to detect the onset of
drops amplify the hydraulic losses, significantly affecting the abnormal ESP operation conveyed by the rise in free gas
pump head, resulting in the pump shutdown and creating an in the pump. We performed the nodal analysis at both the
additional production problem. Hence, a suitable approach intake and discharge point of the pump using the differential
is needed to monitor ESP well in a solid deposition envi- pump pressures calculated at various gas volume fractions.
ronment since the intake screen cannot solely provide an The effects of gas intake fraction variation were reflected
effective solution. through the simultaneous analysis of pump intake and dis-
Researchers developed various ESP monitoring perspec- charge pressure and disclosed the ESP failure. Accordingly,
tives to avoid the submersible motor starting and stopping nodal analysis proved to be a monitoring tool for future ESP
several times daily. Dowling and Lemus (2023) demon- wells by setting the normal operating range based on the
strated the application of pressure derivatives to evaluate natural operating condition and providing a proactive moni-
the ESP failure, resulting from intake plugging. Since the toring approach before the ESP deployment.
pressure derivative calculates the flow rate in the tubing This study adopted the nodal analysis approach to evalu-
and annulus, it can detect events like no-flow conditions ate the ESP operation during the cumulative intake plug-
induced by inflow plugging. Still, applying this approach ging conditions to optimize the ESP operating mode in the
requires more attention since it can compromise the ESP solid deposition environment. The new approach introduced
diagnosis when multiple issues coincide. Lastramelo et al. the intake plugging factor (IPF) to assess the ESP operating
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2024) 14:1071–1083 1073
conditions during the cumulative intake plugging. Based on with intake plugging. Divine et al. (1993) stated that intake
the existing reported intake plugging field cases, we estab- plugging severity increases hydraulic losses. The vertical
lished the quantitative standard for normal and abnormal section of the pump head (H-Q) curve moves progressively
IPF operation ranges. We utilized Schlumberger PIPESIM to the left side of the pump, indicating performance degrada-
software to predict ESP operating conditions at that IPF tion (Fig. 1b). Also, the experimental test of the ESP perfor-
range, which reflects the ESP well operation under cumula- mance curve during the intake plugging has shown that the
tive plugging. The new concept monitors the intake plug- ESP head curve shifted to the left side until it became verti-
ging problem by combining the annulus liquid level, pump cal at a constant production rate (Fig. 1c&d). As a result,
intake pressure signature, and a deadhead test. The work during severe plugging, ESP loses its lift power, and the
is novel in that we evaluated the ESP performance degra- ESP-assisted well operates as a natural oil well until the
dation imparted by different intake plugging factor condi- zero production rate for a full blocked intake(Agrawal et al.
tions; we evaluated the allowable intake plugging operation 2019).
range before the ESP shutdown. The proposed approach can
significantly reduce ESP failure since it can be compatible
with new ESP wells and provide a proactive monitoring Rate‑derating factor calculation
plan before ESP deployment based on the ESP natural well
conditions. The rate derating is the change in the ESP operating rate
due to the hydraulic loss intensity. We examined the hydrau-
lic loss effects from the generated pump head curve (H-Q
Materials and methods curve), which is augmented from the shut-in point (zero rate)
to the absolute open flow (AOF) (maximum rates) (Agrawal
Effect of intake plugging on the ESP performance et al. 2019). Figure 2a depicts the rate-derating effects on the
ESP performance curve, which is relatively associated with
The intake plugging has a detrimental effect on the ESP hydraulic losses. Usually, the system curve is unaffected by
performance since it increases the head pump loss. Figure 1a the hydraulic losses, and it was kept constant during the intake
shows different head losses associated with the ESP system, plugging analysis. The only effects considered are the variation
the hydraulic loss being among them, and it is associated of the ESP performance curve during intake plugging and their
corresponding effects on the ESP head and operating produc- Simulation of nodal analysis for intake plugging
tion rate (rate derating) (Fig. 2b).
The intake plugging severity was quantitatively analyzed Calculating new ESP operating speed during plugging
using a newly proposed concept (intake plugging factor, IPF), conditions
which defines the percentage of the intake screen area filled
with solids (e.g., for a half-plugged intake screen, the IPF is It is common for most ESP systems to have installed vari-
assigned to 0.5). Figure 3 highlights the severity of the ESP able speed drives (VSD). The primary function of the VSD
intake screen, which was considered to quantify the IPF. This is to vary the ESP operating speed to increase the operating
study assumed the IPF to vary from 0 to 1 (0 indicates the range (Wilson and Liu 1985) or adjust the ESP speed if the
intake condition before solids plugging, and 1 is the wholly production rate is less than expected (Alcock 1981). The
plugged screen). VSD reduces the ESP speed to avoid the motor burning or
As shown in Fig. 2b, we assumed that intake plugging underloading trip, shutting down the ESP motor. Since the
reduced the normal operating point from qo to qx (qx , repre- intake plugging reduces the operating rate, we used the affin-
sents ESP operating rate after a certain percentage of plugging ity law to evaluate the change in the ESP speed according to
varies with IPF), correlated using a newly generated Eq. 1. A the reduced production rate. The affinity laws state that for
rate-derating factor ( Rf ) was computed from the ratio of the every point of a pump performance curve, the rate varies lin-
operating rate at the normal condition (qo) to the operating early with speed, Eq. 3; the head varies as the square of the
rate at a specific plugging condition (qx) as shown in a newly speed, Eq. 4 (Powers 1987). The affinity law can compute
generated Eq. 2. the rotating equipment output parameters (e.g., centrifugal
pumps). Then, we calculated a new ESP parameter from
qx =(1 − IPF)qo (1) the known ESP initial parameters (such as developed head,
operating speed, rate, and power). Subscript 1 indicates the
qo 1 known parameters, and 2 shows unknown parameters (Xian
Rf = = (2)
qx (1 − IPF) et al. 2014).
Fig. 6 ESP-assisted well operating condition during the severe respectively. The ESP performance is progressively decreasing, and
intake plugging. a Pressure distribution b Nodal analysis operating the ESP well operating parameters will be affected until the ESP-
point. Due to severe plugging that reduced the ESP performance, we assisted well is operating at the natural flow conditions (e.g., q3 = q1,
assumed that the oil well production rate would be reduced from q2 to Ldyn3 = Ldyn1, and PIP1 = PIP2) at the severe plugging
q3, increasing both PIP and Ldyn from PIP1 to PIP2 and Ldyn2 to Ldyn3,
ESP abnormal onset was evaluated where the ESP operat- Table 1 ESP monitoring scheme during the cumulative intake plug-
ing point coincides with the natural operating point. ging
Step 5 (Estimating the variation of the annulus liquid ESP operating condition Monitoring parameter
level ( Ldyn)): We employed the PIP obtained from the
nodal analysis at different IPFs to compute the correspond- Permissible operation range q2 > q1, PIP2 < BHP and Ldyn < Ldyn1
ing Ldyn using Eq. 8 and 9 (Takacs 2011). Abnormal operation range q2 ≤ q1, PIP2 ≥ BHP and Ldyn ≥ Ldyn1
Ldyn = Lset −
gradL (8)
Calculating the ESP performance variation
during intake plugging
gradL = 0.052ρL (9)
Based on the above concept, we formulated the moni- The ESP performance can be measured based on the produc-
toring aspect to ESP-assisted well exhibiting the cumu- tion capacity of the pump, such as the head generated at the
lative intake plugging. The proposed monitoring aspect rated speed. As mentioned previously, intake plugging affects
combines PIP, BHP, operating production rate, and liquid ESP performance, which consequently decrease rate to a cer-
level dynamic data to delineate the intake plugging issue tain amount. The new performance of the plugged pump was
(Table 1). calculated using the rate-derating factor. The centrifugal pump
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2024) 14:1071–1083 1077
(e.g., ESP) standard performance curve (indicates the relation- Example of scenario for methodology validation
ship between the pump head and the flow rate) was used to plot
the head-flow rate curve after modifying Eq. 10 (Dholkawala We used the oil well data from the Delaware Basin to vali-
et al. 2012). date the proposed methodology. Using the modified ESP
(𝜔 ) speed due to the intake plugging, we conducted the nodal
H = aq5o + bq4o + cq3o + dq2o + eqo + f × n o (10) analysis using the Schlumberger PIPESIM software (ver-
( )
sion 2017.01) to investigate the ESP operating point before
We employed Eq. 6 and 7 to generate the ESP performance and after plugging. Table 2 summarizes the input data for
curve. In detail, the example well. Firstly, we used the field oil well data to
Step 1: We generated the TPR and (TPR—ESP) curves build and calibrate a well model using the field production
using Schlumberger PIPESIM software by the ESP intake as
a node (Fig. 7a).
Step 2: We subtracted (the TPR—ESP) curve from the TPR Table 2 Field example oil well data
curve (Fig. 7b) to generate the ESP performance curve (dppump Parameter
vs. production rate, Fig. 7c).
Reservoir pressure (psia) 3378.93
Step 3: We employed Eq. 11 to covert dppump obtained from
Reservoir temperature (F) 206
step 2 into pump head (H), as shown in Fig. 7d. After that, we
Pay zone thickness (ft) 68
obtained the required ESP head factors (in Eq. 10 from Fig. 7d
The horizontal distance (ft) 3901
fitting equation). The head factors depend on the design oper-
Water cut (%) 92.9
ating speed, number of stages, and fluid properties, and it can
Gas oil ratio (SCF/STB) 2218
vary depending on the pump selected, which permits adapt-
Gas SG 0.65
ability to different well conditions.
API 42.98
dppump Well-measured depth (ft) 12,216
H= (11) Tubing measured depth (ft) 7021
Tubing ID (in) 2.785
Oil production rate (STB/d) 430
data. We adopted the Babu&Odeh pseudo-steady equation flow) indicates a significant effect of the produced fluid
and Hagedorn & Brown correlation to build IPR and TPR properties on the ESP performance. Iranzi et al. (2022)
curves, respectively (Beggs and Brill 1973; Babu and Odeh reported that during the multiphase flow, the fluid produced
1989; Hagedorn and Brown 1965; Manshad et al. 2019). We is lighter (e.g., gas content lowers the fluid density) than in
subsequently used the calculated operating speed at various single-phase flow and requires less energy than denser fluid.
IPFs and performed nodal analysis to evaluate the new ESP Since the intake plugging reduces the ESP performance, the
working condition. The nodal analysis generated the operat- onset of an ESP abnormal operation is turned on at a lower
ing PIP, and we employed them to calculate the correspond- IPF (0.55) in a single-phase well compared to the IPF of 0.6
ing annulus liquid level. observed in the multiphase flow.
To generalize the proposed methodology, even in the oil In addition, the simulation result shows that the ESP oper-
well extreme conditions, we tested it under different oil well ating point (the intersection of the TPR-ESP and IPR curve)
conditions: (1) the multiphase conditions when GOR = 2218 changes as the IPF increases; this increases the operating
SCF/STB and water = 92.9% (actual well data), (2) under the PIP and reduces the operating production rate. The TPR-
single-phase phase conditions when GOR = 100 SCF/STB ESP curve showed a typical upward movement in response
and water = 0 (extrapolated data). to the increased PIP and production rate reduction. Iranzi
et al. (2022) demonstrated that the upward movement of
the TPR-ESP curve indicates the ESP performance degrada-
Results and discussion tion imparted from a detrimental increase of free gas in the
ESP well, which confirmed similar findings when the IPF
Results of nodal analysis simulation increased. Also, we noticed a leftward movement of the ESP
operating point (intersection between the TPR-ESP curve
A detrimental effect of cumulative intake plugging on the and IPR curve) when the IPF rises, reflecting the ESP per-
ESP performance was evaluated using nodal analysis at formance degradation. Bruijnen (2016) reported that when
the ESP intake point (nodal point placed at the ESP intake the ESP loses its lifting capacity, the increased PIP and
screen). During the nodal analysis, an intersection of the reduced operating production are a signature of ESP per-
TPR-ESP and IPR curve yielded the operating PIP and pro- formance degradation. Also, Pagan and Waltrich (2016), Lea
duction rate when the IPF increases. Figure 8a shows the and Nickens (2004), and Yadua et al. (2020) described the
nodal analysis of IPF variation for the multiphase condition; leftward movement of the ESP operating point as a signature
in this case, the ESP operating point intersects the natural of ESP operation instability during the severe increase of the
well operating point when IPF ≥ 0.6, corresponding to the free gas at the ESP intake point. The observed result from
ESP operating speed of 24 Hz. Also, the ESP operating point the nodal analysis during the increases in IPF agrees with the
intersects the natural oil well for an IPF ≥ 0.55, correspond- previous findings of the other parameters that compromise
ing to the ESP speed of 27 Hz in single-phase flow (Fig. 8b). the ESP performance.
In principle, the intersection of the ESP operating point The results can be further interpreted over two categories
and natural well operating point indicates the onset of the based on the ESP operating point variation when the IPF
abnormal ESP conditions because, at this point, ESP is not increases.
contributing to the fluid lifting (ESP shutdown case). Also, Category I: ESP normal operation: The ESP operat-
the observed difference in the onset of an abnormal ESP ing point (intersection of TPR-ESP curve and IPR curve)
operation for prescribed cases (multiphase vs. single-phase stabilized below the natural flow operation point. At this
point, the recorded operating PIP is lower than the actual intake screen plugs with solids in the Flanagan oil field. The
well BHP, which indicates that the ESP is still contributing recorded PIP was similar to the BHP observed when the ESP
to lowering the well BHP regardless of the intake plugging shutdown (Oyewole 2005).
condition. For example, the ESP operating point remains
below the natural well operating point until the IPFs of 0.6 Variation of ESP performance during the intake
and 0.55 are attained for multiphase and single-phase flows, plugging
Category II: ESP shutdown condition: In this case, the A deadhead test has been reported as a critical parameter to
ESP operating point coincided with the natural well opera- differentiate the solid deposition-related ESP failures (e.g.,
tion point (e.g., the recorded operating PIP is equal to the leakage) from the intake plugging. It indicates whether an
actual well BHP), which indicates ESP is not contributing ESP head reduction is due to hydraulic loss (intake plug-
to the fluid lifting, its operating speed is significantly lower ging) or related to the ESP failure. During the test, ESP
than the required speed to lower the well BHP. For example, runs at its normal operating speed with zero surface flow
from the IPF of 0.6 and 0.55 (multiphase and single-phase rate (shut-in point) and records the ESP head variation at no
flows, respectively), their corresponding speeds no longer flow. If any prominent change to the ESP head is detected at
provide the required energy to lower the actual well BHP. the no-flow condition, the intake plugging is not the cradle
of ESP failure; otherwise, the intake plugging is suspected
Variation of pump intake pressure and annulus when the dead head matches the theoretical pump head (El
liquid level Gindy et al. 2015; Agrawal et al. 2019). This study adopted a
rate-derating factor to represent a dead head test. It is related
Generally, the PIP is widely employed to remark unantici- to the deadhead test because rate derating can detect the
pated changes below the ESP, and the annulus liquid level change in the pump head at the shut-in point (zero flow) or
features a sudden variation of the casing fluid condition the AOF (maximum flow rate).
(Awaid et al. 2014). Since these features are analogous to Figure 10a and b shows the change in the ESP perfor-
the change anticipated from the intake plugging issues, it is mance curve (ESP head curve) with increases according
requisite to understand that PIP and annulus liquid levels to the IPF variation by considering the single-phase and
tide according to the IPF conditions. In both cases (mul- multiphase flows, respectively. It is perceived that the ESP
tiphase and single-phase flow), a remarkable increase in the performance curve shifted to the left side with an increase
operating PIP and annulus liquid level was observed when in the IPF, and AOF decreased by following similar trends.
IPF increased (Fig. 9). The increased tides of these param- Besides, a steady head at the shut-in point (zero flow rate)
eters flash the ESP performance degradation, resulting from implies that whenever the pump is experiencing an intake
the intensified hydraulic losses conveyed from the progres- plugging issue at no flow condition, the maximum head will
sive solid deposition. Likewise, the nodal analysis conducted be maintained. Moreover, the rate derating based on the ESP
on the IPF below 0.6 (Fig. 9a) and 0.55 (Fig. 9b) for mul- operating point was recorded at each ESP performance curve
tiphase and single-phase, respectively, noticed a steady PIP obtained from different IPFs (Fig. 10c&d); the increases in
and annulus liquid levels trend. These results infer that the the IPF have further heightened the percentage of the rate
ESP no longer provided a required differential pressure to derating until the pump failed to deliver an additional head.
lower the actual well BHP and agreed with different field These results concurred with other findings; for instance, the
cases that exhibited intake plugging issues. For example, the experimental test conducted on the plugged ESP has shown
ESP well swapped to the natural flow when half of the ESP that as the solid deposition at the pump intake elevated, the
Field example
the pump intake plugged momentarily, and less fluid entered 1. The intake plugging failure can be managed using nodal
the pump, causing a sudden increase in the PIP. analysis by setting the IPF threshold operating range,
which proactively monitors the new ESP well.
Example 2 Depicts the ESP oil well in the Midland (Texas) 2. A predefined IPF threshold range and rate derating (dead
Permian Basin. As shown in Fig. 12, point a, the ESP was head test) differentiates the intake plugging issue from
running smoothly; however, due to the ESP intake plugging, other failures, allows quick interpretation of the down-
the abrupt increase of the pump intake pressure was recorded hole data, and facilitates rapid oil well diagnosis and
(Fig. 12, point b). Due to the decreased volumetric flow rate, treatment.
the ESP speed suddenly fell from 55 Hz to approximately 3. The developed approach does not require extensive com-
zero. Consequently, the intake plugging was suspected to be putation; it uses nodal analysis software, which facili-
the root of the abnormal conditions, later confirmed in the tates an evaluation of the ESP operating condition before
oil well diagnosis, and found that the well exhibited a bacte- and after installation if solid deposition is suspected in
rial issue, which plugged the ESP intake point. The chemical the production well.
treatment was conducted using a biocide, and removed the
plugging material. As shown in Fig. 12, point c, ESP returns The work is novel in presenting a normal operating range
to its normal operating condition after treatment. The PIP of several intake plugging conditions: Normal operating
dropped to the normal running point, which increased the range (the plugging conditions that permit the ESP operat-
ESP operating speed to the normal range, and other param- ing rate higher than the original natural oil well condition)
eters operated consistently (Fig. 12, point d). and provides a proactive monitoring plan before and after
ESP deployment based on the ESP natural well conditions in
contrast to the existing approach only provides the retrospec-
tive condition of the ESP failure.
Conclusions and recommendations The limitation of the work is that the intake plugging
factor relies on the quantitative assumption of the area of
This study presented the application of the intake plugging the intake screen plugged with solids, and these values need
and rate-derating factor to evaluate the effects of cumula- to be calibrated against the field condition. Therefore, the
tive intake plugging on the ESP operation using the nodal intake plugging parameter was not previously considered,
analysis. The quantitative standard for the normal and which limits data availability.
abnormal intake plugging factor (IPF) range was estab- We recommend applying the proposed approach where
lished based on the existing intake plugging field data. the solid deposition is present. Also, in the future, the intake
The analysis of the variation of the ESP-assisted well plugging factor should be integrated as an additional param-
parameters (such as PIP, Ldyn, and q) over that range was eter of the intelligent oil well control station to map the per-
conducted, and the following conclusions were obtained. centage of the pump intake area plugged with solids and
linked to the ESP operating parameters, which provide a
Fig. 12 Example 2: Pump intake pressure (PIP) variation during the intake plugging modified from Adesanwo et al. (2016)
1082 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2024) 14:1071–1083
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Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Development Awaid A, Al-Muqbali H, Al-Bimani A, Al-Yazeedi Z, Al-Sukaity
of Intelligential Diagnosis, Abandonment Process and Management H, Al-Harthy K, Baillie A (2014) ESP well surveillance using
Technology for Decrepit Oil and Gas Wells of the Korea Institute of pattern recognition analysis, oil wells, petroleum development
Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP), granted finan- Oman. In: SPE—International Petroleum Technology Confer-
cial resources from the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, and ence 2014 (IPTC 17413-MS). https://d oi.o rg/1 0.3 997/2 214-
Republic of Korea (No. 20216110100010). 4609-pdb.395.iptc-17413-MS
Babu DK, Odeh AS (1989) Productivity of a horizontal well. SPE
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Conflict of interest All the authors have approved the manuscript and Bruijnen PM (2016) Nodal analysis by use of ESP intake and discharge
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flicts of interest to declare. 2118/178433-PA
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