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Mountz Com III Software Manual

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REV 1 (8/29/2023)




Rev 1 (8/29/2023)

Installation & System Requirements 3
Quick Start to Connect a Tool Controller 5

System Menu Bar

User Inteface Section
Selecting Models 7
Log-in / Log-out 7
User Manager 8
Language 9

Views Section
Explorer Panel 9
Creating a tool group 10
Adding a new tool 11

Parameter Panel 12
Backup 12
Restore 13
Open & Save 13
Delete / Import / Export 13
Compare 14

Manufacturer Section
History Panel 15
Firmware Update 15
Update XML data 16
ADSync 17

Help Section
Update Software 17

MountzCom III User Manual

Status and Bar Information 18

Tool Parameter Configurations

Parameters Menu Overview
Fastening 19
Input/Output 21
Screw Count 22
Advanced Function 22
Controller 24
Multi Sequence 29
Models 31
Network 32
Driver Setting 33

Monitoring Menu Overview

Real-Time 34
Data for Real-Time Monitoring 35
Process Capability 36
Graph 36
Graph Data 38
Error 39
Remote 40
Auto Customize 42
Barcode (for EPT Cordless Screwdrivers only) 43

Verify EPC-10 Settings and IP address 45
Create a EPC-10 Group 46
Connect to the EPC-10 47
EPC-10 Menu - Select the Tools 48
Setting 48
Manager 48
Select Tool 49
Tool Manager 49
JOB Manager 50
Log Manager 52

MountzCom III User Manual

Installation & System Requirements for MountzCom III:

 Operating System: Operating System: Windows 10, Windows 11

 Storage: 100 MB available space
 System Memory: 8 GB (16 GB Recommended)
 Framework: Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8
 USB Port: USB 2.0 port
 Connectivity: USB Adapter and RS232 Cable for connecting the controller to a laptop or PC via RS232
port to configure and optimize controllers using the MountzCom Software. (Not required if connecting
controller to a local area network via ethernet)
 Administrative Privileges are required to install software

Ensure your system meets these requirements to seamlessly integrate MountzCom III into your tool
management workflow.

A. Run MountzCom Setup.msi to install software.

B. Click on the Next Tab to continue installation.

C. Set installation path and click “Next”.

MountzCom III User Manual

D. Monitor system for system admin messages
which may require a response to continue
with installation.

E. Click “Close”” when installation is done.

F. Find “MountzCom III”” icon the desktop or launcher list.

G. Double-click the icon to run the software.

MountzCom III User Manual

Quick Start

Select the "Log-in" button to create a tool to connect with.

Log-in button

Access using the default administrative credentials:

Username: admin

Password: admin

Note: To additional users to the software, see page 8.

Create tool icon

Add a Tool to the Explorer window by selecting the "Create tool" icon.
Ensure that the desired tool is properly connected via Ethernet cable,
Wi-Fi, RS232, or USB prior to selecting the icon.

Under ‘Tool connect setting’ within the Tool information window. Tool Connect Setting Tool Information
Select the appropriate connection settings. The desired tool will
display under the ‘scanned tool’ dropdown menu for selection.
Depending on the device connection type, the ‘Tool connect
setting’ headers will change based on the connection type
(For example: When the Connect type is Ethernet, Baudrate
changes to Port, and Port changes to IP).

The tool information window is unique for the tool.

Note: ‘Group’ can only be selected in the drop-down box if a

group was created in the Explorer window prior. If the current or
future tools need to be part of a desired group, then a Group
can be created afterward and the desired tool can be
click-and-dragged into a designated Group.

Click on the connection test icon and confirm a green

checkmark icon beside it.
Connection Test Green Checkmark

MountzCom III User Manual

If the connection is successfully established, click the "OK"

Afterward, select the added tool within the Explorer Window

and initiate the connection by clicking the "Connect" button
under the System tab.

Connection Test

OK Button
Interface Overview

The standard main view of the MountzCom III sofware.

Tool Parameters menu Tool Montoring menu Parameter Panel

menu bar


History Panel

MountzCom III User Manual

System Menu Bar

Select Model Icon Log

Log-in & Log-Out Icon

Select Model

Selecting a model name of the

tool for determining which
parameters to display, and then
choosing the XML version of
the selected model, activates
both the menu and parameters
for the tool.

Select model name Select XML Version

Log-in and Log-out

Press the Log-in icon in the top Systems Menu Bar


Enter log-in information

Note: After installing the software, an admin role needs to be established. The User Manager icon will
remain shaded gray and unable to access and is only visible to those assigned with the "administrator."

Press the Log-out icon in the top Systems Menu Bar when logging out of the software.

MountzCom III User Manual

System Menu Bar

User Manager icon

User Manager

Press the User Manager icon in the top User Profile List Edit Profile Info
Systems Menu Barto add or delete user access
to the software.

New User: To add a new user, press New button.

Enter theinformation on the right side. After creating
the name and password for the User, must press
the Save button.

Adminstrator Box: Check or uncheck the box for

assigning the admin role to the User's profile. The
user difference between the two roles. Admin
Admin: Possesses the authority to alter user
permissions, establish new user accounts, and
remove existing ones. Additionally, an admin user Log-in
can generate tools and adjust their parameters. Box

Non-Admin: A non-administrative profile is New

restricted to utilizing the Monitoring functionalities, button
encompassing features like Real-time, Graph, and
error data retrieval solely.
Log-in Feature Box: To require a log-in process
to accessthe software, keep the box as "checked."
To deactivate the login function, uncheck the
"Log-in feature," enabling unrestricted access to all
functions without logging in.

Remove User: Select the User's name to remove

user access to the software. Then press the
Delete button. User


MountzCom III User Manual

System Menu Bar

Language Icon Explorer Icon


MountzCom III enables support for multiple languages, including

English, French, Spanish, German, and Czech. Press the Language
icon in the top Systems Menu Bar. Changing the language mandates
a software restart for the adjustments to take effect.

Explorer Panel

Press the Explorer icon in the top Systems Menu Bar to access
the Explorer panel if it is not displaying. It will show on the left
side by default. The tool management system allows the
registration of multiple tools, enabling the selection and
connection of a registered tool. Management optimization is
achieved through the registration of both user groups and tools.

Press Explorer Icon in the

top navigation bar, and it
appears in the lower left side

MountzCom III User Manual

Tool Group Buttons (Explorer Panel)

Add, delete, or modify new groups through the Group

Control buttons are located at the top of the Explorer panel.

To add a new group or modify an existing one, set the

parent group name and corresponding group names
afterward. Please take caution when deleting a group, as the Create Group Edit Group
groups and tools registered under it at the lower level
Delete Group
will also be removed.

Create Tool Group

Create Group Name Press Ok button Group Folder View Multiple Group Folders View

Delete or Edit Group

A warning screen will pop-up to confirm group deletion. Press the

"ok" or "cancel" button.

To delete or edit a group,

select a folder.

MountzCom III User Manual

Tool Control Buttons (Explorer Panel)

Add, delete, or modify new tool through the Tool

Control buttons are located at the top of the Explorer panel.

Create Tool Edit Tool

Delete Tool

Tool Connect Setting Tool Information

Tool Connect Setting

Input the connection information for the intended tool
connection. If the tool is linked via Ethernet to the local
network and fulfills the criteria, selecting it from the
Scanned tool item accomplishes automatic entry.

Tool Information
Provide user information for the tool intended for
connection. Input the tool's name and type for
registration. Select the Group folder name already
createdfrom drop down menu (see image bottom right).

Connection Test
The entered information forms the basis for conducting
the connection test, which must be successfully
passed to register the tool.

Connection Test Cancel and OK buttons

Select Group Folder Name

MountzCom III User Manual

System Menu Bar

Parameter Icon

Parameter Panel

Press the Parameter icon in the top Systems Menu Bar to access
the Parameter panel if it is not displaying. It will show on the right
side by default.

Choosing a registered tool enables the inspection of the tool's

parameter backup data in a list format. From v1.01.0,
MountzCom III introduces the functionality to manage
backup data by date, alongside the capability to export,
import, or conduct CSV file comparisons.

Press Parameter Icon in the

top navigation bar, and it
appears in the lower right side

Backup (Parameter Panel)

Choose the tool in the Explorer panel and press the Backup
button located within the Parameter panel to initiate the
backup process. Once the backup concludes, an entry will
be appended to the parameter panel, accompanied by a
completion message. Select Tool

Backup Button

MountzCom III User Manual

Restore (Parameter Panel)

Pick the tool in the Explorer panel, check the box preceding
the desired item within the Parameter panel, and press the
Restore button to initiate the restoration process (note that
restoration won't function without a selection or with multiple
Select Tool
selections checked). Once the restoration concludes, a
completion message will be displayed.

Restore Button

Open & Save (Parameter Panel)

Both functions become active when in an offline state,

disconnected from any tool. It verifies the parameters
of a specific tool while offline or preserves modified
parameters. Beware that changing the model or XML
version will initialize it and overwrite any changed
parameters. Save Button Open Button

Delete / Import / Export (Parameter Panel)

You can delete the selected parameter item, import the

parameter from the CSV file, export it to the CSV file,
or compare multiple parameter items.

Delete Button Export Button

Import Button

MountzCom III User Manual

Compare (Parameter Panel)

Check the items to compare in the parameters

list and press the compare button in the upper
right corner to see a viewer that can compare

Compare Button

Entries with distinct values in the parameters

list are highlighted in orange.

Upon selecting the difference item entry

in the lower right corner, the list is filtered
to exclusively display different values.

MountzCom III User Manual

System Menu Bar

History Icon Firmware Icon

History Panel

Press the History icon in the top Systems Menu Bar to access
the History panel if it is not displaying. It will show on the bottom
area by default.

After selecting a registered tool in the explorer section, the

parameter change history for the tool displays. Modifying
parameters using MountzCom III triggers automatic addition, Save History Clear History
enabling the tracking of changes, including timestamps, Button Button
user identities, and specific parameter adjustments. Additionally,
history details can be stored or reset as CSV files.

The figure above is an example of displaying the status of stored history data.

Firmware Update

Firmware updates of the selected controller model can

be made through the Firmware button within
System – Manufacturer on the top menu bar. This
feature is only available in an environment where
connection there is an active connection to the internet.
Click on the top of the button to open the Firmware
Download window menu and select a product model
name of the tool.

Product model name

MountzCom III User Manual

Firmware Update

If the login function is not in use or if

logged in as an administrator, proceed
to choose the desired model type within
the User Interface - Select Model section.
Upon selecting the model, click on the
Firmware button located at the top. This
action will present a list of downloadable
firmware options in accordance with the
selected product model name

Under the circumstance when the latest

firmware version is downloadable while
connected to the tool, the software will
display a download icon.

Download the latest and previous versions

of firmware by pressing this button.

System Menu Bar

Update XML Data Icon

Update XML Data

Press the Update XML Data icon in the top Systems Menu Bar.
Press Update Button

Select Product model

name from "Code"

Press + symbol

Select XML version

MountzCom III User Manual

System Menu Bar

AD Sync Icon Update Sofware icon

AD Sync

Press the ADSync icon in the top Systems Menu Bar.

For use with only ADC controllers

Software Update

Press the Update icon at the top

Systems Menu Bar to update
MountzCom III to the latest version.
This option is only accessible with an
external internet connection.

When the login function is inactive

or when logged in as an administrator,
and the latest software version is
available for updating, an icon will
be visible.

You can click this icon or click the

Update button on the top menu to
download the latest or earlier
versions of the software.

Version List Current Version Selected Version Description Download Button

MountzCom III User Manual

Status Bar


Information located in the bottom area of software screen view.

A. Tool Connection Status: Displays the tool's connection status

B. Tool Information: Displays the Model and Serial Number
C. Message Log: Displays the most recent log event
D. Software Version: Presents the current MountzCom III version

Tab Bar

MountzCom III offers a practical tab bar feature,

providing users with a range of options for managing
tabs and optimizing screen layouts. Each tab
functions independently, allowing flexible adjustments
to the screen setup. Additionally, the software
includes a versatile dock feature, allowing users
to precisely position tabs as needed.

A. Move Tabs: Tabs can be relocated by clicking and dragging on the title section while moving the mouse
cursor within the tab bar region.

B. Floating tabs: Tabs can be transitioned to a separate window by performing a double-click

click action on a
tab or clicking and dragging on the title section while moving the mouse cursor outside of the tab bar

C. Split tab: displays can be achieved by placing the mouse cursor at the software's center during tab

D. Access tab: functions through a contextual pop

pop-up menu by right-clicking
clicking on a specific tab's title.

E. Tab Bar Menu: Tab bar functions can be activated as a pop

pop-up menu by right-clicking
clicking on an unoccupied
space within the tab bar.

MountzCom III User Manual

Parameter Menu Bar (for Tool Configurations)

Fastening icon Parameters Menu Tab


Press the Parameters Menu tab. Then select the Fastening icon in the top Parameters Menu Bar.

Add, review and change any fastening parameters for each preset.

(up to 15)


Modify by entering a value directly.

Correct through the window that

appears by pressing the down
arrow to the right of the cell.

Slide bar icon to increase or

decrease setting value. Select cell Slide bar to increase & decrease

MountzCom III User Manual


If an incorrect value is entered, an error statement containing

the minimum to maximum values and an X mark will appear
on the left side of the cell. It must be canceled by re-entering
values in the range or pressing ESC.

A total of 15 tightening presets are supported, each of which can

be configured as Torque, Speed, Min/Max angle, etc. Refer to the
Torque graph and enter the desired setting value.
(TC/AM: Torque control, AC/TM: Angle control)

Fastening Setting Parameters

Each individual tool encompasses these parameters that can be configured for each preset.
Parameter Type Description

Type - Select the Torque control or Angle control mode

Target torque (unit) Torque Sets the target torque

Max torque (unit) Angle Sets the maximum torque

Torque limit (%) Torque Determine how much % limit you want to put on Target torque.

Min torque (unit) Angle Sets the minimum torque

Target angle (degree) Angle Sets the target angle

Min angle (degree) Torque Sets the minimum angle

Max angle (degree) Torque Sets the maximum angle

Measure the angle from when the target torque reaches a certain %
Snug torque (unit) Torque value. ex) Target torque: 100.00/Snug torque: Measure the angle
when the torque reaches 90.00 when set to 90.00.
Sets the target speed.
Target speed (rpm) - If the Auto speed option is enabled, it is automatically set and
cannot be changed manually.
Angle for free speed (degree) - The angle at which Free Speed will be used.

Free speed (rpm) - The speed to reach Angle for free speed.

Soft start (ms) - Set the time to reach the target speed.
Set the point where the Target speed decelerates, and Torque rises.
At this point, it is usually determined that the head of the screw
Seating point torque (%) -
touches the fastener. However, this setting value is also a factor in
the increase in tightening time for Soft joints.
Torque rising time (ms) - Setting the time to rise from sitting point torque to target torque.
Setting the speed from the setting point torque to the completion of
Ramp-up speed (rpm)
the tightening.
Torque compensation (%) Sets the Torque compensation value.

MountzCom III User Manual

Parameter Menu Bar (for Tool Configurations)

Input / Output icon

Input /Output

Press Input / Output icon in the top Parameters Menu Bar.

Add, review and change input and output signals (8 Input & 8 Output options).

Select Input or Output

Select option from drop down menu

MountzCom III User Manual

Parameter Menu Bar (for Tool Configurations)

Screw Count icon Advanced Functions

Screw Count

Press Screw Count in the top Parameters Menu Bar.

Add, review and change screw count configuration.

For additional information on the screw count

functions, please review the EC, ECT or EPT manuals.

Advanced Functions

Press Advanced Fucntions in the top

Parameters Menu Bar.

It supports advanced presets, which can be set

up for Free reverse rotation, Thread tapping,
Engaging torque detection, and Angle after
torque-up functions. The information of each
advance feature and the parameters is explained
on the next page.

Note: All models except AD offer 15 presets.

For AD, only one Preset is provided.
For the ECD, ECT and EPT models, you can
set the mode variable for each Preset.

MountzCom III User Manual

Advance Function Setting Parameters
Each individual tool encompasses these parameters that can be configured for each preset.

Function Parameter Description

The ability to rotate at a low speed to allow the screw to naturally reach the hole
through reverse rotation before tightening the screw.
Free reverse rotation Speed (rpm) Rotation speed

Angle (turn) Rotation angle

The ability to use a Torque higher than the Target torque in a single tightening
process due to the absence of thread in the tightening or the absence of holes on the
Min torque (unit) Minimum torque

Thread tapping Max torque (unit) Maximum torque

Speed (rpm) Rotation speed

Thread tapping end torque Torque at the end of the function

Angles start from
Measure the ngle again from the start of the function
thread tapping
Initialize and re-measure the angle value measured by detecting where the screw
meets the fastening. When the screw is inserted into the fastener, it must be greater
than the Free run torque when fastening, and it can be used when the screw is torque
Speed (rpm) Rotation speed
Engaging torque
detection Torque (%) Set what % point of Target torque should be based on.

Angle limit (turn) Limit number of rotations

Time limit (sec) Time limit

Angles start from engaging Measure the Angle again from the start of the function.

Ability to add a regular or reverse rotation after the tightening is complete.

Speed (rpm) Rotation speed

Angle after torque-up
Angle (degree) Rotation angle

Direction The direction of rotation

MountzCom III User Manual

Parameter Menu Bar (for Tool Configurations)



Press Controller in the top Parameters Menu Bar.

MountzCom III offers a range of control settings to match the AD/EC/ECT/EPT. Refer to the table on the
next page for an explanation of the parameters.

The Controller view has extensive parameter

options to select and change.

The image on the left is the upper menu view of

options, and the image above is the lower menu
view of options accessible with the scroll bar.

MountzCom III User Manual

Controller Setting Parameters
Each individual tool encompasses a selection of parameters that can be configured.

Model Parameter Description

Run time limit/Forward (sec) The forward motion timeout
Run time limit/Reverse (sec) Reverse motion timeout
Motor stall time limit (sec) Motor load time-out
Loosening speed (rpm) Reverse rotational speed.
Acceleration (ms) Set the acceleration time to target speed
Fastening OK signal out time (ms) Sets the output time of Fastening ok signal
Driver ID Set the tool's unique ID number
Sets the time when an error occurs that is automatically
Error display reset time (0.1sec)
Torque calibration (%) Calibrate Torque
Set the time the Torque remains when the Target torque
Torque holding time (ms)
is reached.
Initial torque preset # display
Set Preset that is automatically selected after power on.
when power on
Change the model of the Tool
Driver model Driver model of Driver parameter does not change.
Most settings are initialized on change, and rool restarts.
Set the maximum torque to use in Free Speed section.
Free speed max torque
The torque can be higher than the target torque.
Parameters initialize to factory setting Factory reset settings excluding some when inputting '77'.
Enable the tool to be locked automatically depending on
Automatic driver lock (model only) the circumstances during use of the Model feature when
Set the time the Torque remains when the Target torque
Torque holding time (ms)
is reached.
AD Speed is automatically set according to Target torque
Auto speed by torque setting
when enabled.
NG will not be displayed, even if the fastening is
Judged fasten minimum turns
incomplete within the specified angle.
Model selection mode Enable Model functionality on activation.
Error occurs when the tool stops without torque-up during
Fastening stop error
Reverse lock Reverse rotation lock on activation
COM port baudrate Set the communication speed of the COM port
Set Torque's units.
Torque unit Most settings are initialized on change, and the tool
Set the orientation of the screw for each tightening
Screw type
Preset. Check: CCW/Un-Check: CW
Set the information displayed on the 7-segments LED in
Display segments select
Synchronization Enable Sync feature on activation
Sync master When activated, the AD acts as Master
Torque synchronization does not occur in the Free Speed
section (Step 3), specifically before reaching the Seating
Point (Step 3). If any of the screws reach the seating
Waiting before sync step (ms) point, it will pause until all screws across
all axes reach the seating point. This parameter
establishes the maximum waiting time for a screw at the
seating point.
Synchronized fastening will begin once all the screws
Waiting between sync step (ms)
arrive at the Seating Point. In the Ramp-Up section (Step

MountzCom III User Manual

4), 10 virtual points will be created from where the torque
begins to rise until it reaches the maximum (Target
Torque). If one of the screws comes to the 1st virtual
point first, it will wait until every screw arrives at the 1st
virtual point. Once every screw arrives at the 1st virtual
point, all screws will go to the next virtual point, and it will
repeat until it reaches the 10th virtual point, which will be
the point where torque comes to the target torque. This
setting sets the maximum time for the first screw, which
arrives at the virtual point first, to wait until every screw
arrives at each virtual point.
Driver ID Set the tool's unique ID number
Change the model of the Tool
Driver model of Driver parameter does not change.
Driver model
Most settings are initialized on change, and the Tool
Set Torque's units. Most settings are initialized on
Torque unit
change, and the tool restarts.
Password Set the access password for the front LCD menu.
Parameters initialize to factory setting Factory reset settings excluding some when inputting '77'.
Speed is automatically set according to Target torque
Auto speed by torque setting
when enabled.
Acceleration (ms) Set the acceleration time to target speed.
Set the time the Torque remains when the Target torque
Torque holding time (ms)
is reached.
Allow up to torque set during reverse rotation when
Use max torque for reverse
Loosening speed (rpm) Reverse rotational speed
Run time limit/Forward (sec) The forward motion timeout
Run time limit/Reverse (sec) Reverse motion timeout
Motor stall time limit (sec) Motor load time-out
Sets the time when an error occurs that is automatically
Error display reset time (0.1sec)
EC & Fastening OK signal out time (ms) Sets the output time of Fastening ok signal.
ECT Set the orientation of the screw for each tightening
Screw type Preset.
Check: CCW/Un-Check: CW
NG will not be displayed, even if the fastening is
Judged fasten minimum turns
incomplete within the specified angle
Error occurs when the tool stops without torque-up during
Fastening stop error
Alarm sound control Buzzer sound when Error occurs during activation.
Calibrate Torque.Switch must be placed in reverse
Torque calibration (%)
direction to set it up.
Selection on panel Prevents the use of the front LCD when deactivated.
When activated, reverse rotation is prevented when
Reverse lock (Handheld only)
manual tool is used.
The screwdriver is activated by the pulse start signal from
the lever, and this operation continues until the torque
Trigger start (Handheld only)
reaches its target value or an automatic stop is triggered
based on the angle in the manual screwdriver mode.
Enable or disable the F/R switch, which permits the
transition between "F" (Forward) and "R" (Reverse). The
Reverse start (Handheld only)
driver will exclusively operate in the Forward mode when
this option is disabled.
Set Preset or Model that is automatically selected after
Preset/Model when power on
power on.

MountzCom III User Manual

Set the RS232 communication port to MODBUS
RS-232 select
communication or Barcode communication.
RS-232 baudrate Sets the speed of the RS232 communication port.
Automatically output tightening information into
Auto data output
communication when activated.
Select the output port of the tightening information that is
Auto data output port
automatically output.
Set communication protocol to MODBUS or OPEN
Model selection mode Enable Model functionality on activation.
Preset/Model selection on panel Use front LCD to display Preset or Model.
Start the model with Barcode input in Model mode when
Model start by barcode
Enable the tool to be locked automatically depending on
Automatic driver lock (model only) the circumstances during use of the Model feature when
Automatically restart when the model is terminated when
Model auto restart
LED on time Sets the output time of the LED embedded in the tool.
Holding time angle limit (degree)
Adjust the driver's turning angle to maintain torque power.
(EC and ECT only)
Set the type of tightening information to export to
Event data select
Crowfoot Enable the Crowfoot feature on activation.
Crowfoot ratio Set the gear ratio of the Crowfoot.
ECT Crowfoot efficiency (%) Set the efficiency of Crowfoot.
Crowfoot reverse torque Sets the reverse torque of the Crowfoot.
Crowfoot reverse speed (rpm) Sets the reverse speed of the Crowfoot.
Screw count Set the number of tightening.
Change the model of the Tool.
Driver model of Driver parameter does not change.
Driver model
Most settings are initialized on change, and the Tool
Set Torque's units.
Torque unit Most settings are initialized on change, and the tool
Parameters initialize to factory setting Factory reset settings excluding some when inputting '77'.
Speed is automatically set according to Target torque
Auto speed by torque setting
when enabled.
Acceleration (ms) Set the acceleration time to target speed.
Set the time the Torque remains when the Target torque
Torque holding time (ms)
is reached.
Loosening speed (rpm) Reverse rotational speed
Run time limit/Forward (sec) The forward motion timeout
Run time limit/Reverse (sec) Reverse motion timeout
Motor stall time limit (sec) Motor load time-out
Sets the time when an error occurs that is automatically
Error display reset time (0.1sec)
Set the orientation of the screw for each tightening
Screw type Preset.
Check: CCWUn-Check:CW
NG will not be displayed, even if the fastening is
Judged fasten minimum turns
incomplete within the specified angle.
Error occurs when the tool stops without torque-up during
Fastening stop error
Torque calibration (%) Calibrate Torque.

MountzCom III User Manual

Switch must be placed in reverse direction to set it
Reverse control Set lock state in reverse mode.
Initial torque preset # display
Set Preset that is automatically selected after power on.
when power on
Automatically output tightening information into
Auto data output
communication when activated.
Automatically lock the tool when the number of tightening
Auto lock
reaches the tightening count during activation.
Set the amount of time the LED or Light is on. Does not
LED/Light on time (sec)
turn off when set to zero.
Select backup data type Set the type of data that is stored or exported to the Tool.
Preset change by barcode When activating, you can change Preset using Barcode.
The ability to automatically lock the tool after the Wi-fi
Driver lock after wi-fi disconnect (sec)
disconnects for a period.
Select display preset number Set the selectable Preset list on the LCD.
Fastening/Loosening switch type Direction of the Fastening/Loosening switch.
Set the tool to enter sleep mode automatically after a set
Sleep time (min)
time without any action.
Set the tool's lever to delay operation for a set period of
Triggers start delay time (sec)
time when pressed.
LCD button lock Lock the LCD button when activated
Crowfoot Enable the Crowfoot feature on activation
Crowfoot ratio Set the gear ratio of the Crowfoot
EPT Crowfoot efficiency (%) Set the efficiency of Crowfoot
Crowfoot reverse torque Sets the reverse torque of the Crowfoot
Crowfoot reverse speed (rpm) Sets the reverse speed of the Crowfoot

MountzCom III User Manual

Parameter Menu Bar (for Tool Configurations)

Multi Sequence

Multi Sequence

Press Muti Sequence in the top

Parameters Menu Bar.

Each tool supports two Multi sequence

(MS), one MS consists of up to 10
steps. Select the tool's Preset number
MA (Multi sequence A) or MB
(Multi sequence B) and hold the lever
down to automatically perform the
steps of that MS. Multi sequence
in progress will be terminated if a
failure or error occurs during each

Command Setting Parameters

Command Description
None -
Fastening Tightening with the preset you set.
End Exit Multi sequence operation.
Delay Delay for set time.
Select preset # Change to Preset that you set.
Loosening Reverse the number of turns set.
Jump Go to the set Step.
Set the number of tightening sets in
Count value = A
Count A.
Subtract 1 from Count A and move
immediately to the next step if the
Sub if (A)
value is not zero and move two
steps if zero. From the Command Column, select a process step.

The chart on the left describes each Command option.

See the next page for an example of a Mult Sequence
Step program.

MountzCom III User Manual

Example - Multi Sequence Steps

Step Command Value

1 Count value = A 10
2 Select preset# 1
3 Fastening -
4 Loosening 5
5 Select preset# 3
6 Fastening -
7 Sub if (A) -
8 Jump 2
9 End -
10 None -

1) Set 10 to Count A.
2) Select Preset #1.
3) Wait until the tightening is completed.
4) Rotating in reverse direction by 5 turns.
5) Select Preset #3.
6) Wait until the tightening is completed.
7) Check if the Count A value is -1 and 0. If it's not zero, go to Step 8, if it's zero, go to Step 9.
8) Move to Step 2.
9) Exit Sequence.

MountzCom III User Manual

Parameter Menu Bar (for Tool Configurations)



Press Models in the top Parameters Menu Bar.

Command Setting Parameters

Command Description Data 1 Data 2

0: No output  NG
1: Active High
Input Mapping digital Input Input # select from 1 - 8 2: Active Low
3: High status
4: Low status
0: No Output  NG
1: On
Output # select from 1 - 2: Off
Output Mapping digital Output
8 3: On for 0.5s and Off
4: On for 1.0s and Off
Preset # Count number from 1 - 250
from 1 – 13
Fastening Start fastening
14 : MA*
15 : MB*
Delay Delay time - 1 to 250 (unit: 0.1s) 0.1 - 25 sec.

Bar code Require bar code scan None Barcode step data:
‘1 to 30’ registered barcode(step)
‘0’ any barcode scan

MountzCom III User Manual

Parameter Menu Bar (for Tool Configurations)



Press Network in the top Parameters Menu Bar.You can set up the tool's network. However, the parameter
that can be set depends on the tool model.

Network Setting Parameters

Parameter Description

Target IP Target IP address settings (Remote Server only)

Target Port Set the Port for TCP/IP (Remote Server only)

STATIC: Enable static IP address

DHCP: Enable auto-assigned IP address

IP address Fixed IP address settings used in STATIC mode

Net mask Netmask settings used when in STATIC mode

Gateway Gateway settings used when in STATIC mode

Port Set the Port for TCP/IP

MountzCom III User Manual

Parameter Menu Bar (for Tool Configurations)



Press Driver in the top Parameters

Menu Bar.

You can change the driver's model, serial

number, gear efficiency, etc. This feature is
not available to end users. If you do not enter
a valid password in the "Password" entry,
the model and serial number of the Tool.
Unable to change the gear ratio.

Driver Setting Parameters

Parameter Description
Enter the master password. The parameters below can be modified when
the correct password is entered
Driver Serial no. Set the tool's serial number

Driver Model Set the model for the Tool

Gear efficiency Sets gear efficiency

User gear efficiency Set user gear efficiency

Parameter RESET Password Driver parameter initialization

MAC address (HEX/DEC) Set network mac address (EC/ECTonly)

MountzCom III User Manual

Monitoring Menu Bar

Real Time icon Monitoring Menu Tab


Press the Monitoring Menu tab. Then select the Real-Time icon in the top Monitoring Menu Bar.

Real-time can monitor event data that occurs when using the tool. Settings for what data to receive are
selected from the "Select backup data type" item in the Controller from the Settings menu.

Save Open Clear Proces Start

Auto Saving Data
Button Folder Button Capability Button
Check Box
Button Button

Save: Save Real-Time monitor data to a file. Not available during monitoring. The data is stored in a CSV
file, along with the selected Tool model, IP address, MAC address, and storage date.

Open: Loads stored Real-Time monitor data. Not available during monitoring.

Clear: Deletes all Real-Time monitor data that appears on the screen.

Process Capability: Collects only tightening data to display capability indices. The Capability Index
measures capability by comparing the levels required to improve the process with the task results.

Start: Start or stop Real-Time monitoring process.

MountzCom III User Manual

Data Fields for Real-Time Monitoring

Group Data Description

Index The index of the data

Time The time the data was received

Preset Preset selected when data is generated

Fastening Time Tightening time

Target torque Setting Torque when data is generated

Torque Converted torque when data occurs

Speed Tightening speed when data occurs

Angle 3 (1 + 2) Full tool motion rotation angle when data occurs

Snug angle Angle from snug torque to the end

Angle 1 Angle from motor start to screw seating point

Angle 2 angle from screw seating point to the end

Event data types
Other: Others
Fastening Complete: Fastening OK
Fastening Ng: Fastening NG
Direction Change: Forward / Reverse change
Preset Change: Preset change
AlarmReset: Alarm reset
Status Error Without NG: Error without fastening NG
Barcode: Enter Barcode. (EPT only)
Screw – 1: Cancel previous tightening.(EPT only)
Direction Forward/reverse when data occurs.

Remain screw Number of screws left when data occurred.

Error code Error code when data is generated.

Barcode Barcode Barcode data when data is generated. (AD is not provided)

Start / Stop / Clear for Real-Time Monitoring

A. Start or stop Real-Time monitor.

B. During monitoring, no other parameters are read, and warning statements are displayed at the bottom of
the Software.
C. Select the Auto Saving Data Check Box to collect and save fastening data results automatically.

MountzCom III User Manual

Process Capability

Real-Time monitoring provides process capability for tightening data.

Only items with the Status of "Fastening Complete" and "Fastening NG" are filtered and displayed as a bar
graph, which finally calculates the Cp, Cpk values.

Cp (Capability of process) means how many tightening torques are distributed within the LSL and USL
criteria that are generated based on target, and Cpk (Capability of process, katayori) indicates how constant
the tightening torques appear.

Monitoring Menu Bar

Graph icon


Press the Graph icon in the top Monitoring Menu Bar.

Graph view can monitor event data when using the tool in a graph form. Settings for the data type to receive
are selected from the "Select backup data type" item in the Controller from the Settings menu.

MountzCom III User Manual


This process displays event data and captures the output data in graphing format. A total of two graph data
types are shown, with Torque, Current, Speed, Angle, Speed command, Angle command, and Snug angle
charts available only on Channel 1. When you right-click on the chart, a pop-up menu appears, and you can
save it as an image through the function. Data specifications may vary depending on the selected Tool

(No other parameters are read during monitoring. At the bottom of the Software, you will see a warning
statement about it)


A. Save Graph monitor data to a file. Not available during monitoring. The data is stored as a CSV file,
along with the selected Tool model, Firmware version, Serial number, and etc.
B. Open: Loads stored Graph monitor data. Not available during monitoring.
C. Clear: Delete all Graph monitor data displayed on the screen.
D. Auto saving data: Save Graph monitor data automatically to the path you set.
The feature works only when the path is set with Option enabled and is saved in the form.

[Set Path]\[MountzCom]\[Year]\[Month]\[Day]\[Tool type]_[Tool model name]_[Serial number].csv]

Setting & Start / Stop

A. Channel 1 or 2: Set the Chart Type for Channel 1 or 2.

B. Sampling: Set the sampling interval for graph data.
C. Option: Set whether to receive data for all directions or positive or reverse directions.
D. Start/Stop: Start or stop Graph monitor.

MountzCom III User Manual

Graph Data

Data Description

Index The index of the data.

Time The time the data was received.

Channel 1 The type of chart on channel 1 when the data is generated.

Channel 2 The type of chart on channel 2 when the data is generated.

Sampling Graph data sampling interval when data occurs.

Fastening time Tightening time.

Target torque Setting Torque when data is generated.

Torque Converted torque when data occurs.

Speed Target speed by parameter

Angle 1 Angle from motor start to screw seating point

Angle 2 Angle from screw seating point to the end

Snug angle Angle from snug torque to the end

Error code Error code when data is generated

Remain screw Number of screws left when data occurred

Event data types

Other: Others
Fastening Complete: Fastening OK
Fastening NG: Fastening NG
Direction Change: Forward / Reverse change
Preset Change: Preset change
Alarm Reset: Alarm reset
Error Without NG: Error without fastening NG
Barcode: Enter Barcode (EPT only)
Screw – 1: Cancel previous tightening (EPT only)

Seating torque torque at the time of sitting on the ECT+

Clamp torque Result torque for value of clamp torque set on ECT+

Prevailing torque Average torque in angle interval set on ECT+

Compensation torque Final torque when using Advanced mode on ECT+

MountzCom III User Manual

Monitoring Menu Bar

Error icon


Press the Error icon in the top Monitoring Menu Bar.

You can view up to eight error records for the selected tool in the most recent order. Access the error codes
and descriptions through the "View error code" button.

Press the "View error

code" button to view
error description.

MountzCom III User Manual

Monitoring Menu Bar

Remote icon


Press the Remote icon in the top Monitoring Menu Bar.

Provides remote control functionality for the selected tool and data for various statuses.

Remote Status

Data Description

Ready/Working Indicates whether the tool is running

Stop/Running Displays the motor operation status of the tool

Torque up Indicates whether the Torque Up signal occurs

Fastening OK Fastening Indicates whether the OK signal occurs

Alarm Indicates whether the alarm is triggered

Fastening/Loosening Forward/reverse display

Screws: N Show remaining screws

Temperature Indicate the internal temperature of the tool

MountzCom III User Manual

Torque/Speed/Current Chart

Displays the changes in Torque, Speed, and

Current for the currently selected tool. You can
save the chart as an image when you right-click
on it.

In the Remote screen view,

select or un select any of these
checkboxes: Torque, Speed or


Menu Buttons

A. Tool Run/Stop: Move or stop the selected tool.

B. Forward/Reverse: Change the orientation of the selected tool to the forward/reverse direction.
C. Alarm Reset: Reset the Alarm for the selected tool.
D. Tool Initialize: Initialize parameter value for the selected tool.
E. Output Remote: Select output for the selected tool.
F. Lock Control: Change the Lock Status of the selected tool.
G. Preset no.: Change the preset of the selected tool.
H. Start/Stop: Starting or stopping the Remote monitor.

MountzCom III User Manual

Monitoring Menu Bar

Auto Customize icon

Auto Customize

Press the Auto Customize icon in the top Monitoring Menu Bar.

This function can be applied by calculating speed, free angle, free speed, and speed point values from the
currently selected tool's fastening data.

How to Use

A. Select the Preset you want to use and set the Target torque.
B. Select joint type. (Soft joint or Hard joint)
C. Press the Start button.
D. Check the items in the analysis result that change during each tightening while fastening the prepared
E. Press Apply to save if it progressed normally. If it is not the desired setting value, press the Stop button
instead of the Apply button to cancel it.
F. Checking "Editable" without starting allows you to change the Fastening setting value of the selected

MountzCom III User Manual

Barcode (for EPT Cordless Screwdrivers only)

EPT cordless models offer 30 barcode preset

functions. If you register specific barcode data,
set the Preset number you want to select, start,
and end indexes of the barcode, and recognize
the barcode as a barcode reader built into the
tool, the Preset you set is automatically selected.

If you select barcode preset and double-click or

select the Edit item button at the bottom, you can
modify it in a separate window as above. You can
use Clear item and Clear all if you want to delete
it. When using the Parameter backup function, if
it is a Codeless tool, it also backs up barcode data
and restores barcode data to Restore.

MountzCom III User Manual

Barcode (for EPT Cordless Screwdrivers only)


This feature can only be used when EPT cordless screwdriver and USB are connected to a manual
connection, which imports monitoring data stored in the tool in batches. The maximum number of Storable is
approximately 65000, beyond which old data is deleted and new data is added. These data are maintained
even when the tool is powered off.

Screen View Sections

1. Index
A. Start: Start address of data
B. End: End address of data
C. Count: Total amount of data

2 . Backup
A. Request count: Number of data you want to import.
B. Request: Obtain data by the value entered in "Request count". (Request count is 0 and all requests are
C. Clear: Delete all received data.
D. Save: Store and save the collected data to a file (specification is the same as the Real-Time monitor

3. Data Display

MountzCom III User Manual


This section is only applicable to EPC-10

10 controller
and EPT cordless screwdrivers.

EPC-10 Icon
EPC-10 Verify EPC-10
10 Settings and IP Address

The Remote EPC-10 (Server) item in

the Setting – Share menu must be
enabled to connect remotely
to EPC-10.

Enter the desired port number and

press the Apply button to apply
the settings

To check the IP address of the EPC-10,10,

the IP address of the Ethernet item in
the System – Network menu is the IP
address of the EPC-10.

MountzCom III User Manual

Create a EPC-10 Group

From the menu in Explorer, you can add an

EPC-10 user group through the Create group
button. In the Group information window,
click in the checkbox in the upper right corner
of the EPC-10 item to create it as an EPC-10
user group.

Enter the IP address and port

number of the EPC-10 that you
want to connect to the IP address.

Press the Connection test button

at the bottom left to perform the
connection test.

If the connection is successful, a

check icon appears just to the right
of the button, as shown in the picture
to the right. Press the OK button to

MountzCom III User Manual

Connect to the EPC-10

Select the EPC-10 group to

connect to the system menu.

Click the Connect button

to connect.

Connecting to EPC-10 Failed to connect to EPC-10

Success to connect to EPC-10


Tools registered in the EPC-

10 tools list are automatically
registered under the EPC-10
group in EPC-10 software under
the same name.

MountzCom III User Manual

EPC-10 Menu - Select the Tools

If the connection with EPC-10 is

successful, the Remote tool select
button is added to the System menu
and the EPC- 10 exclusive menu
(orange) is activated in the top menu.


Setting Menu Menu that allows

you to remotely control the settings
in EPC-10

Refer to the manual in Mountz

Com III for a description of each
setting menu.

XML Manager Menu that allows you to

remotely change XML by tool model in

Backup Menu that backs up all of the

data from connected EPC-10 and
stores it as a file

Restore Menu that restores the

data from the desired items to EPC-10


Tool Manager Provides features such

as registering, deleting, or renaming
tools for connected EPC-10.

Job Manager Provides features to

create, modify, or delete JOBs for
connected EPC-10.

Log Manager Provides features to search

the tightening log generated by connected

MountzCom III User Manual

Select Tool

Select a tool in EPC-10 to control

and click the Remote tool select
button on the System menu, or
double-click the selected tool item
to change the icon to the right of
the tool to the eye and select the

If the tool is not selected, the

EPC-10 information is displayed
at the bottom.

When the tool is selected,

information about the selected tool
is displayed at the bottom.

You can use the Parameters and Monitoring menus

in the Tool manager menu with the tool selected.
The EPC-1010 allows you to change the parameters or
perform tightening monitoring remotely.

Tool Manager

The list on the left consists of tools

currently registered with EPC-10.
The list on the right consists of tools
that can be registered.

Select the desired tool from the list

on the right and press the Register
button on the center to move the
tool on the right to the left. Conversely,
if you select the desired tool from the
list on the left and press the central
Release button, the tool on the left
will be deleted and added to the list
on the right (if the tool is powered on).

You can change the name of the tool by selecting the tool you want from the registered tool and pressing the
“…” button in the Tool name item. Changing the name of the tool automatically applies to EPC-10.

MountzCom III User Manual

JOB Manager

 All JOB features provided by EPC-10

10 are provided remotely

 You can easily check the STEP configuration of the selected JOB by pressing the "+" button on
the left side of the JOB in the JOB list

 Documentation for barcode management is provided separately

Up/Down Changes the order of the selected JOB Rename Renames the selected JOB
to the top or bottom JOB
Barcode Leads to the JOB barcode
New / Delete / Copy Creates a new JOB / management menu
deletes the selected JOB / copies the selected

Edit Modifies the contents of the selected JOB

MountzCom III User Manual

JOB Manager

 To go to the Step Manager screen, press the Edit  Right-click

click to display a menu, where you
button. Here you can add, delete, and modify the can change the image, change the number
step of the selected JOB of the currently selected
ected tightening point, add,
ordelete tightening
ing points, and change the size
 Press the Fastening, Input, Output, Delay, and or color of thee number to be displayed on the
Message buttons in the upper left corner to create a currently selected tightening point
new step
 When the user attempts to close the Position
 In the list on the left, you can view the currently window, a window appears asking if you want
generated step list in turn to save the position data as shown below.
Press the OK button to apply the changes
to the corresponding Fastening step. Press
 Move, delete, copy, and rename selected steps in the Cancel button if you do not want the
the lower left corner changes to be applied

 To the right, you can view or modify the deta

details for
the selected step

 For Fastening step, you can enter the Position

menu where you can press the green arrow buttons
in the bottom left corner to set the number that
displays the image and the order of the tightening

 When the modification iss complete, it must be saved

by pressing the Save button in the upper right

 Saved JOB is automatically applied to EPC


 The Position menu allows you to set the display of

the images to be displayed in the Fastening step
and the order of tightening
ing screws

MountzCom III User Manual

Log Manager

Log manager provides features to view

tightening logs stored in EPC-10.

Select the start and end dates you

want to search through the Start
and End entry fields.

Press the Search button to display

all data for the selected period at
the bottom.

The buttons within the orange box to

the right allow the user to edit, save to
a file, or perform an internal search
within the columns displayed on the screen.

Mountz Calibration and Repair Services

Mountz Inc. features an experienced calibration and Mountz provides rapid service with quality that you
repair staff. Our trained technicians can calibrate can trust as we offer three state-of-the-art
state calibration
and repair most tools. lab and repair facilities.

About Mountz

Mountz, The Torque Tool Specialists®, has been a We are committed to forging a safer world through
leader in the torque tool industry for more than 58 precision and accuracy and by innovating every day.
years. Engineered in the Silicon Valley and serving
the globe, Mountz focuses on delivering high
torque products, services, and solutions to ensure
customers can always proceed with confidence.

Mountz Service Locations

Eastern Service Center Western Service Center UK Service Center

19051 Underwood Rd. 1080 N.11th Street Pier Copse Courtyard, Milland Lane,
Foley, AL 36535 San Jose, CA 95112 Liphook, Hampshire, GU30 7JN, UK
Phone: +1 (251) 943-4125 Phone: +1 (408) 292-2214 Phone: +44 1428 741756
Fax: +1 (251) 943-4979 Fax: +1 (408) 292-2733


MountzCom III User Manual


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