MY24 - AMG GLE Owners Manual

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Mercedes-AMG Supplement

Order no. P167 0785 13 Part no. 167 584 45 27

Edition A 2024
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©Mercedes‑Benz AG: Not to be reprinted, transla-
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As at 26.09.22
Thank you for purchasing a Mercedes-AMG Mercedes-AMG reserves the right to introduce
changes in the following areas:
Before your first drive, please read this Operator's
R Design
Manual carefully and familiarize yourself with your
vehicle. For your own safety and a longer service R Equipment
life of the vehicle, follow the instructions and R Technical features
warning notices in this Operator's Manual. Disre-
garding them may lead to damage to the vehicle The following documents are integral parts of the
or injury to people. vehicle:
Damage to the vehicle resulting from the disre- R Digital operator's manual
gard of the instructions is not covered by the R Printed Operator's Manual
Mercedes-Benz Limited warranty. R Maintenance Booklet
The standard equipment and product description R Supplementary manuals relating to specific
of your vehicle may vary and depends on the fol-
lowing factors:
R Supplementary documents
R Model
R Order Keep these documents in the vehicle at all times.
R National version
Ensure that all documents are in the vehicle or
passed on in the event of sale or rental.
R Availability
Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC
Your vehicle may therefore differ from that shown Mercedes-Benz Canada, Inc.
in the descriptions and illustrations in individual
A Mercedes‑Benz Group AG Company

2 Contents

Symbols .......................................................... 3 MBUX multimedia system .............................. 31

AMG TRACK PACE ......................................... 31
At a glance ...................................................... 4
Cockpit ........................................................... 4 Maintenance and care ................................... 36
Notes on the care of tailpipes ........................ 36
General notes ................................................. 6
Operator's Manual .......................................... 6 Wheels and tires ........................................... 37
Changing a wheel .......................................... 37
Driving and parking ......................................... 7
Driving ............................................................ 7 Technical data ............................................... 38
DYNAMIC SELECT ......................................... 10 Operating fluids ............................................. 38
Automatic transmission ................................. 13 Vehicle data .................................................. 41
Driving and driving safety systems ................. 15 Trailer hitch ................................................... 45

Driver's display .............................................. 23 Display messages and warning/indicator

Notes on the driver's display ......................... 23 lamps ............................................................ 47
Operating the driver's display ........................ 23 Display messages .......................................... 47
Driver display menus ..................................... 24 Warning and indicator lamps ......................... 48
Function of the head-up display ..................... 29
Overview of status displays on the driver's
display (Mercedes-AMG vehicles) .................. 30 Index ............................................................ 50
Symbols 3

In this Operator's Manual, you will find the follow- # Observe notes on material damage.
ing symbols:
% These symbols indicate useful instructions or
& WARNING Danger due to failure to further information that could be helpful to
observe the warning notices you.
Warning notices draw your attention to haz- # Instruction
ards that may endanger your health or life, or (/ page) Further information on a topic
the health or life of others.
# Observe the warning notices.
Display Display in the central display
4 Highest menu level, which is to be
selected in the multimedia system
damage due to failure to observe environ- 5 Relevant submenus, which are to be
mental notes selected in the multimedia system
* Indicates a cause
Environmental notes include information on
environmentally responsible behavior or envi-
ronmentally responsible disposal.
# Observe environmental notes.

* NOTE Damage to property due to failure

to observe notes on material damage
Notes on material damage inform you of risks
which may lead to your vehicle being dam-
4 At a glance – Cockpit

Left-hand drive vehicles

At a glance – Cockpit 5

1 Driver's display 4 Start/stop button → 8

2 Steering wheel paddle shifters → 13 5 Selects the drive program → 11
3 DYNAMIC SELECT switch → 10 6 AMG steering-wheel buttons → 7
6 General notes

Operator's Manual Note that your vehicle may not be installed with
all features described. This is also the case for
These Operating Instructions provide information systems relevant to safety. Therefore, the equip-
on all the important functions of your AMG vehicle ment on your vehicle may differ from that in the
that are either not described or differ from the descriptions and illustrations.
descriptions in the Operator's Manual. This infor-
mation supplements or replaces the correspond- The original purchase agreement for your vehicle
ing sections in the vehicle Operator's Manual. contains a list of the equipment in your vehicle at
Under no circumstances do the Operating Instruc- the time of delivery.
tions replace the printed vehicle Operator's Man- Should you have any questions concerning equip-
ual and the Digital Operator's Manual in the vehi- ment and operation, please consult an authorized
cle. Mercedes-Benz Center.
This Supplement and the Digital Operator's Man- The Operator's Manual, Operating Instructions,
ual in the vehicle describe the following models, further supplementary documents and Mainte-
standard and special equipment of your vehicle: nance Booklet are important documents and
R Models, standard and special equipment avail- should be kept in the vehicle.
able at the time of going to press with these
Operating Instructions.
R The models and the standard and special
equipment only available in certain countries.
R The models and the standard and special
equipment, which will only be available at a
later date.
Driving and parking 7

Driving When the engine operating temperature warning The display buttons 1 show each function selec-
lamp p goes out, full engine output and ted.
Engine output and engine torque (Mercedes-AMG engine torque are available to you.
vehicles) Depending on the vehicle's equipment, the follow-
ing functions will be available:
% The actual (maximum) values that can be ach- Function of the AMG steering-wheel buttons å ESP® (/ page 15)
ieved for engine output and engine torque
may deviate from the certified values within ä AMG RIDE CONTROL + (/ page 18)
the permissible tolerances according to coun- AMG ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL
try-specific guidelines (basis: UN-ECE No. 85 (/ page 19)
or country-specific guidelines).
d Manual gearshifting (/ page 13)
Variables that can influence this are, for
example: ç ECO start/stop function (/ page 9)
R Location above sea level ö AMG Real Performance Sound
(/ page 9)
R Fuel quality
e Camera views (see the vehicle Operator's
R Outside temperature
R Operating temperature of the engine The AMG steering-wheel buttons are an additional g AMG DYNAMICS (/ page 10)
Until the engine has reached its operating temper- control element with two buttons on the steering
ature, the engine operating temperature warning wheel. You can also select all functions that you have set
lamp p is lit. You can assign two vehicle functions of your as favorites in the multimedia system. Information
choice to the control element. You can change on favorites in the multimedia system and their
Engine output and engine torque have been configuration (see vehicle Operator's Manual).
reduced. Take this into account in your driving between the available functions for the corre-
style. sponding button 2 by pressing the upper or
lower part of the display button 1 repeatedly.
8 Driving and parking

% Individual functions may not be shown. How # In the media display, select the upper or lower Function of the Emotion Start (Mercedes-AMG
functions are displayed and the order in which display button and switch to the editing mode vehicles)
they are displayed can be set in the multime- by means of a long press.
dia system (/ page 8). # Press q and select the desired function from
If you have assigned a function to one of the dis- the list.
play buttons 1, you can operate this function The selected function is assigned to the corre-
with the corresponding button 2. sponding display button and can now be
The assignment of the display buttons 1 remains called up directly by simply pressing it.
stored even after the vehicle is started again. The Deleting button assignment
operating status of the respective function is, # Select the upper or lower display button and
however, reset to the basic setting. switch to editing mode by pressing and hold-
ing it.
Setting the AMG steering wheel buttons # Press £ to delete the selected display but-
# Start the vehicle with the start/stop button
and simultaneously pull one of steering wheel
Multimedia system: ton assignment. paddle shifters 1 or 2.
4 © 5 Settings 5 System The idle speed is briefly increased upon start-
5 Control Elements ing and the engine sound is reproduced in a
5 AMG Steer. Wheel Buttons sporty and powerful manner.
% The SETTINGS SELECT menu can also be Follow the instructions for starting the vehicle in
called up using the DYNAMIC SELECT button the Operator's Manual for the vehicle.
or by a long press on the respective display
The left display buttons on the steering wheel can
be set in the SETTINGS SELECT menu.
Driving and parking 9

Switching the ECO start/stop function on or off played can be set in the multimedia system
using the steering wheel button (Mercedes-AMG (/ page 8).
vehicles) # Press corresponding button 2.
Observe the notes on the ECO start/stop function The symbol indicates the current status of the
in the vehicle Operator's Manual. ECO start/stop function:
% You can also switch the ECO start/stop func- R s (red): deactivated
tion on or off via the multimedia system. R è (green): activated
R ç (yellow): inactive

# Press upper or lower display button 1

AMG Real Performance Sound repeatedly, until it displays the ö symbol.
▌Selecting a sound characteristic with the steer- % If the display button does not show the sym-
ing-wheel button bol, then it is hidden. How functions are dis-
% You can select a comfortable (Balanced) or a played and the order in which they are dis-
sporty (Powerful) sound characteristic using played can be set in the multimedia system
the steering-wheel button or the multimedia (/ page 8).
system (/ page 13). # Press corresponding button 2.
# Press upper or lower display button 1
repeatedly, until it displays the è symbol. The color of the button symbol indicates the
currently selected sound characteristic:
% If the display button does not show the sym-
R Blue: Balanced – comfortable
bol, then it is hidden. How functions are dis-
played and the order in which they are dis- R Red: Powerful – sporty
10 Driving and parking

Information on the AMG ceramic high-perform- % Depending on the engine and equipment, the - Suitable only for good road conditions, a
ance composite brake system vehicle has different drive programs. The dis- dry surface and a clear stretch of road
play and the drive programs available depend R B Sport+
The brake system is designed for heavy loads. on the on-road ë or the off-road G set-
This may lead to noise when braking. This effect - Particularly sporty driving
ting in the DYNAMIC SELECT menu of the
can also occur after washing the vehicle. Emphasis on the vehicle's own understeer-
multimedia system (/ page 13). -
The noise depends on the following factors: ing and oversteering characteristics
You can select from the following on-road ë
R speed - Suitable only for good road conditions, a
drive programs:
R brake force R o Slippery
dry surface and a clear stretch of road
R environmental conditions, e.g. temperature R I Race
- Optimized pulling away and driving charac-
and air humidity teristics in wintry and slippery road condi- - Maximum sportiness
% Have the brake system checked at a qualified tions - Particularly firm suspension tuning of AMG
specialist workshop after it has been subjec- R A Comfort RIDE CONTROL
ted to extreme loads. - Comfortable and economical driving - Sporty sound from the exhaust system
- Balance between traction and stability % Drive program I is only available for the
DYNAMIC SELECT R = Individual Mercedes‑AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC+ model.
Function of DYNAMIC SELECT (Mercedes-AMG - Customized settings for drive, suspension, Drive program I offers driving characteristics
vehicles) steering and ESP® suited for the racetrack and must not be used on
DYNAMIC SELECT makes the quick selection of normal roads. Drive program I may be activa-
R C Sport
an on-road or off-road drive program possible in ted and used only on dedicated race circuits, not
- Sporty driving on public roads.
accordance with the current driving situation or
the desired vehicle characteristics. - Balance between stability and sportiness
Driving and parking 11

Mercedes-AMG recommends selecting drive pro- Depending on the on-road or off-road drive pro- Slide and Traction functions are selected
gram A when in city traffic or stop-and-go traf- gram selected, the following vehicle characteris- automatically.
fic. tics will change: R Real Performance Sound
If off-road G is selected in the DYNAMIC R Drive R Suspension
SELECT menu, you can select from the following R AMG DYNAMICS R Steering
off-road drive programs: - The four agility functions, Basic, Advanced, R Availability of Glide mode
R ë Sand Pro and Master, as well as the two agility
functions, Slide and Traction for off-road
R 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive
- Improved traction due to late intervention
if there is oversteer or understeer programs, are selected automatically % You can set the drive program characteristics
- Optimized driving characteristics for driv- depending on the drive program. using the DYNAMIC SELECT menu of the mul-
ing on sand - The steering, shift timing point, all-wheel timedia system (/ page 13).
- Not suitable for use on public roads drive and stabilization functions will be % You can adjust certain agility functions of
adapted to the selected drive program. AMG DYNAMICS using the AMG steering
R F Trail
- When ESP® is activated, the Pro agility wheel buttons.
- Improved traction due to late intervention function will be selected in drive program
if there is oversteer or understeer I. If ESP® is switched to SPORT Æ Selecting a drive program (Mercedes-AMG vehi-
- Optimized driving characteristics for driv- or deactivated ¤, the Master function cles)
ing on less demanding off-road terrain with is selected automatically.
loose surfaces, for example, on dirt tracks Selection with right-hand steering-wheel button
or on gravel and sand
- When ESP® is activated, the Basic agility
function will be selected in drive programs % Depending on the setting in the DYNAMIC
- Not suitable for use on public roads ë and F. If ESP® is switched to SELECT menu of the multimedia system,
SPORT Æ or deactivated ¤, the either the on-road ë or the off-road G
drive programs can be selected
(/ page 13).
12 Driving and parking

Making selections using the DYNAMIC SELECT # Switch between the on-road ë and the off-
switch road G drive programs in the DYNAMIC
% Depending on the setting in the DYNAMIC SELECT menu as required.
SELECT menu of the multimedia system, # Push DYNAMIC SELECT switch 3 forwards or
either the on-road ë or the off-road G backwards.
drive programs can be selected The selected drive program will appear on dis-
(/ page 13). play button 1 and on the driver's display.

# Press display button 1 and switch between

the on-road ë and the off-road G drive
programs in the DYNAMIC SELECT menu as
# Turn rotary switch 2.
The selected drive program will appear on dis-
play button 1 and on the driver's display.
% Individual drive programs may not be shown.
How drive programs are displayed and the
order in which they are displayed can be set
in the multimedia system (/ page 13).
Driving and parking 13

Setting AMG DYNAMIC SELECT in the MBUX mul- 3 AMG drive program settings R Drive (can only be set in the = drive pro-
timedia system 4 ESP and quick-access buttons®(/ page 15) gram):
Multimedia system: 5 Edits quick-access buttons Reduced/Moderate/Sport/Dynamic
4 © 5 Settings 5 Vehicle % The AMG DYNAMIC SELECT menu can also
be called up using the DYNAMIC SELECT but- Automatic transmission
Overview of the AMG DYNAMIC SELECT menu ton. Rocking the vehicle free
# Select the appropriate drive program.
Rocking the vehicle free may help to free the vehi-
The settings of the drive programs can be adjus- cle if it has become stuck in slush or snow.
ted individually. To rock the vehicle free, move the DIRECT
# Select the desired tab on the left and make
SELECT lever upwards and downwards past the
the relevant setting. point of resistance to switch between transmis-
sion positions h and k.
Setting options for the drive programs (equip-
% The maximum design speed for switching
between h and k is approx. 6 mph
(9 km/h).
(Example representation) The representation R Suspension: Manual shifting (Mercedes-AMG vehicles)
and arrangement of content is equipment-
dependent. Comfort/Sport/Sport+ % You can also activate and deactivate manual
1 Changes between the on-road ë and off- R Sound: gearshifting via the multimedia system
road G drive programs. Balanced/Powerful (/ page 14).
2 Drive programs
14 Driving and parking

Shifting up and down # To shift down: pull steering wheel paddle

shifter 1.
* NOTE Damage to the engine due to shift-
ing up too late
The automatic transmission does not shift up
in manual mode even when the engine's limit-
ing speed is reached.
The fuel supply is interrupted in order to pre-
vent the engine from overrevving.
# Shift up before the engine speed reaches
# Press upper or lower display button 1
repeatedly, until it displays the d symbol. the red area in the tachometer.
% If the display button does not show the sym- If the engine speed is too high or too low, you will
bol, then it is hidden. How functions are dis- not be able to change gear using the steering
played and the order in which they are dis- wheel paddle shifters. In this case, segments 1
played can be set in the multimedia system will light up red in the driver's display.
(/ page 8).
# To activate/deactivate: press corresponding
Permanently activating or deactivating manual
button 2. gearshifting
The symbol indicates the currently selected Multimedia system:
transmission position: 4 © 5 Settings 5 Vehicle 5 Driving
R d M (red): manual gearshifting
# To shift up: pull steering wheel paddle shifter # Permanently switch the function on or off.
R d D (blue): automatic transmission 2.
Driving and parking 15

Function of Glide mode (Mercedes-AMG vehicles) Driving and driving safety systems ESP® can stabilize the vehicle by intervening in
With an anticipatory driving style, Glide mode the following ways:
Function of ESP® (Mercedes-AMG vehicles)
helps you to reduce fuel consumption. R One or more wheels are braked.
You can select between the following modes of R The engine output is adapted according to the
When you drive in Glide mode, the J symbol the Electronic Stability Program (ESP®):
will appear on the driver's display and the com- situation.
bustion engine is switched off. All of the vehicle R ESP® ON
ESP® is activated every time the vehicle is started
functions remain active. R ESP® SPORT
regardless of whether ESP® SPORT or ESP® OFF
Glide mode will be activated if the following condi- R ESP® OFF was selected before the vehicle was switched off.
tions are met:
Characteristics when ESP® is activated When the ÷ warning lamp flashes, one or sev-
R The ECO start/stop function is switched on.
eral wheels has reached its grip limit:
R Drive program = is selected with the drive ESP® monitors and improves driving stability and R Adapt the driving style to suit the prevailing
setting "Moderate" or "Reduced". traction, particularly in the following situations:
road and weather conditions.
R The speed is within a suitable range. R When pulling away on wet or slippery roads.
R Do not deactivate ESP® under any circumstan-
R The road's course is suitable, e.g. no steep R When braking.
uphill or downhill gradients or tight bends. R Vehicles with trailer hitch: in trailer operation R Depress the accelerator pedal only as far as
R The state of charge of the battery is sufficient. from speeds of 40 mph (65 km/h), if the vehi- necessary.
cle/trailer combination begins to sway from
R You are no longer depressing the accelerator
side to side.
or brake pedal.
R When there is a strong crosswind and a driving
Glide mode will be deactivated again if one of the speed of approximately 50 mph (80 km/h) to
conditions is no longer met. 125 mph (200 km/h).
16 Driving and parking

Characteristics of ESP® SPORT ESP® SPORT also has the following characteris- # ESP® should only be deactivated in the
tics: following situations.
& WARNING Risk of skidding if ESP® SPORT R ESP® improves driving stability only to a limi-
is used incorrectly ted degree. When ESP® is deactivated, the å and ¤
When you activate ESP® SPORT, there is an R ETS/4ETS traction control is still active. warning lamps light up continuously.
increased risk of skidding and having an acci- R The engine's torque is restricted only to a limi- Deactivating ESP® has the following effects:
dent. ted degree and the drive wheels can spin. R Driving stability will no longer be improved.
# Activate ESP® SPORT only in the circum-
The spinning of the wheels results in a cutting R The drive wheels could spin.
stances described below. action for better traction on loose surfaces. R ETS/4ETS traction control is still active.
R ESP® continues to provide assistance when
When ESP® SPORT is selected, the å and R Vehicles with trailer hitch: stabilization of the
Æ warning lamps light up continuously. the brakes are firmly applied. vehicle/trailer combination is no longer
R Vehicles with trailer hitch: stabilization of the active.
Select ESP® SPORT when the vehicle's own over- vehicle/trailer combination is no longer
steering and understeering characteristics are R Crosswind Assist is no longer active.
desired, e.g. on cordoned-off roads. % Even when ESP® is deactivated, you are still
R Crosswind Assist is no longer active.
Driving with ESP® SPORT or with ESP® deactiva- assisted by ESP® when braking hard.
ted requires an extremely qualified and experi- Characteristics when ESP® is deactivated
enced driver. It may be best to activate ESP® SPORT or deacti-
& WARNING Risk of skidding if ESP® is vate ESP® in the following situations:
If ESP® SPORT is activated and one or more R When using snow chains.
wheels start to spin, the ÷ warning lamp will deactivated
flash. ESP® then stabilizes the vehicle only to a R In deep snow.
If you deactivate ESP®, ESP® cannot carry out
limited degree. vehicle stabilization. R On sand or gravel.
Driving and parking 17

% Spinning the wheels results in a cutting Setting ESP® with the steering-wheel button The color of the road in the å button symbol
action, which enhances traction. indicates the current setting:
% You can also adjust ESP® via the multimedia
% Activate ESP® as soon as the situations system (/ page 18). R å (blue): ESP® ON
described above no longer apply. ESP® will R å (yellow): ESP® SPORT
otherwise not be able to stabilize the vehicle if
R å (red): ESP® OFF
the vehicle starts to skid or a wheel starts to
spin. # To set ESP® SPORT: briefly press button 2
If the ÷ warning lamp lights up continuously, when ESP® is activated.
ESP® is not available due to a malfunction. The road in the å button symbol will light
Observe the display messages, warning lamps and up yellow.
indicator lamps that are shown. The å and Æ warning lamps will appear
R Indicator and warning lamps on the driver's display.
R Display messages % When you switch ESP® to SPORT Æ in
# To set ESP®: press upper or lower display but- drive programs ë and F, AMG Dynam-
ETS/4ETS (Electronic Traction System) ton 1 repeatedly, until it displays the å
ETS/4ETS traction control is part of ESP®. ics will automatically switch to the Slide or
symbol. Traction level.
ETS/4ETS can improve the vehicle's traction by
intervening in the following ways: % If the display button does not show the sym- # To deactivate ESP®: select ESP® SPORT and
bol, then it is hidden. How functions are dis- then press and hold button 2.
R The drive wheels are braked individually if they
played and the order in which they are dis- The road in the å button symbol will light
spin. played can be set in the multimedia sys- up red.
R More drive torque is transferred to the wheel tem(/ page 8).
or wheels with traction. The å and ¤ warning lamps will appear
on the driver's display.
18 Driving and parking

% When you deactivate ¤ ESP® in drive pro- Setting ESP® in the multimedia system # To activate ESP : briefly press å in
gram I, AMG Dynamics will automatically ESP SPORT or if ESP is deactivated.
Multimedia system: The road in the å button symbol will light
switch to the Master level.
4 © 5 Settings 5 Vehicle
If you deactivate ¤ ESP® in drive pro- up blue.
grams ë and F, AMG Dynamics will The å and Æ or ¤ warning lamps
automatically switch to the Slide or Traction % The AMG DYNAMIC SELECT menu can also will go out.
level. be called up using the DYNAMIC SELECT but- % You can also adjust ESP via the steering-
# To activate ESP®: briefly press button 2 ton. wheel button (/ page 17).
when ESP® SPORT is selected or ESP® is ESP® will always be activated when the vehicle is
deactivated. started. The road in the å button symbol will AMG RIDE CONTROL +
The road in the å button symbol will light light up blue.
up blue. # To set ESP SPORT: when ESP is activated, ▌Function of AMG RIDE CONTROL +
The å and Æ or ¤ warning lamps briefly press å to change to the Sport AMG RIDE CONTROL + is an air suspension sys-
will go out. program. tem with variable damping for improved driving
The road in the å button symbol will light characteristics. The all-round level control system
If the ÷ symbol is shown with a red ! on the up yellow. ensures the best possible suspension and con-
display button, ESP® is malfunctioning. Observe stant ground clearance, even with a laden vehicle.
# To deactivate ESP®: set the ESP® SPORT pro-
the information on warning lamps and display When driving at speed, the vehicle is lowered
messages which are shown on the driver's dis- gram and press and hold å to deactivate automatically to improve driving safety and to
play. ESP®. reduce fuel consumption. You also have the
The road in the å button symbol will light option of manually adjusting the vehicle level.
up red. The å and ¤ warning lamps will The damping is set individually for each wheel and
appear on the driver's display. is affected by the following factors:
R The drive program selected
Driving and parking 19

R Driving style, e.g. sporty R The suspension setting and the all-wheel drive R 4MATIC+ is dynamically synchronized.
R Road condition, e.g. bumps 4MATIC+ are adapted for driving in areas with
no firm road surfaces (F). Drive programs C, B and I:
R The individual selection of SPORT, SPORT + or R The suspension setting is firm (C).
COMFORT R The vehicle is set to the high level.
R The suspension setting is even firmer (B,
R When driving at speeds above 43 mph
AMG RIDE CONTROL + includes the following (70 km/h), the vehicle is lowered to the nor- I).
components and functions: mal level. R The vehicle is set to low level.
R Air suspension with variable spring rate and
Drive programs o and A: R The vehicle is not lowered any further if you
automatic level control
are traveling at higher speeds.
R Speed-dependent lowering to reduce fuel con- R The suspension setting is comfortable.
R 4MATIC+ is more dynamically synchronized.
sumption R The vehicle is set to the normal level.
R Manually selectable raised vehicle level for R The vehicle is lowered to low level while you Differences between different vehicle levels com-
greater ground clearance are driving in the following cases: pared to the normal level:
R Adaptive Damping System with constant R High level: approx. +2.2 in (+55 mm)
- You are driving faster than 75 mph
damping force adjustment (120 km/h) for at least 20 seconds. R Low level: approx. -0.4 in (-10 mm)
R Rocker switch for suspension settings - When driving faster than 87 mph When the vehicle is started again, the COMFORT
(140 km/h). setting is activated automatically.
Suspension setting and vehicle level per drive pro-
gram R The vehicle is raised to the normal level again
in the following cases:
Drive programs ë and F: AMG ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL
R The suspension setting and the all-wheel drive
- You are driving slower than 75 mph
(120 km/h) for at least one minute. ▌Function of AMG ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL
4MATIC+ are adapted for sporty performance AMG ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL additionally supple-
on fine, loose surfaces (ë). - You are driving slower than 50 mph
ments the functions of AMG RIDE CONTROL +
(80 km/h).
20 Driving and parking

with an active roll stabilization system. Depending R Roll movements caused by uneven road surfa- - Master: significantly increased reduction
on the selected driving program, the suspension ces are compensated for. of lean during cornering and maximum
setting is adapted to the driving situation by influ- agility in the vehicle's handling through tar-
encing the vehicle's roll behavior with active sta- Drive programs C, B and I: geted interventions by the system
bilizers. As a result, the driving comfort and safety R The lean is significantly reduced during cor-
of the vehicle are noticeably improved. The stabil- nering. ▌Selecting the suspension setting
izers on the front and rear axle can also be con- R Roll movements caused by uneven road surfa- % You can also adjust the suspension setting via
trolled separately to influence more dynamic han- ces are compensated for. the multimedia system (/ page 13).
dling. R B and I: the driving characteristics
In drive programs ë and F, the sus-
pension setting is permanently assigned and
Suspension setting per drive program become even more agile through targeted cannot be selected.
Drive program ë: interventions.
You can select from three different suspension
R Roll movements are significantly reduced. Drive program = settings:
R Traction is improved for driving on sand. R Individual settings of the suspension setting R COMFORT ensures a comfortable suspension
via AMG DYNAMICS setting. Select this suspension setting if you
Drive program F:
- Basic: reduction of lean during cornering prefer a comfortable driving style.
R Roll movements are reduced. and dynamic handling R SPORT lowers the vehicle to the lowest level
R The suspension setting is designed for and ensures a firmer suspension setting.
- Advanced: increased reduction of lean dur-
improved off-road performance. ing cornering and even more dynamic han- Select this suspension setting when employing
R Traction is improved for driving off-road and dling a sporty driving style, e.g. on winding country
on loose surfaces. roads.
- Pro: significantly increased reduction of
lean during cornering and the most R SPORT + lowers the vehicle to the lowest level
Drive programs o and A:
dynamic handling possible and ensures a very firm suspension setting.
R The lean is reduced during cornering.
Driving and parking 21

R ä (yellow): SPORT wheel arches when you lower the vehi-

R ä (red): SPORT + cle.
▌Setting the vehicle level
& WARNING Risk of becoming trapped due
& WARNING Risk of accident because vehi- to the vehicle lowering
cle level is too high Vehicles with AMG adaptive sport suspension
Driving characteristics may be impaired. system+ or level control system: when you
unload luggage or leave the vehicle, the vehi-
The vehicle can drift outwards, for example, cle first rises slightly and then returns to the
when steering or cornering. set level shortly afterwards.
# Press upper or lower display button 1
# Choose a vehicle level which is suited to
repeatedly, until it displays the ä symbol. You or anyone else in the vicinity of the wheel
the driving style and the road surface arches or the underbody could thus become
% If the display button does not show the sym- conditions. trapped.
bol, then it is hidden. How functions are dis-
played and the order in which they are dis- The vehicle can also be lowered after being
& WARNING Risk of becoming trapped due locked.
played can be set in the multimedia system to the vehicle lowering
(/ page 8). # When leaving the vehicle, make sure that

# Press corresponding button 2.

When lowering the vehicle, other people could nobody is in the vicinity of the wheel
become trapped if their limbs are between the arches or the underbody.
The selected suspension setting is shown in vehicle body and the wheels or underneath
the driver's display as a message. the vehicle. Requirements
The ä symbol indicates the currently selected # Make sure nobody is underneath the R The vehicle has been started.
mode: vehicle or in the immediate vicinity of the R The vehicle must not be moving faster than
R ä (blue): COMFORT 40 mph (65 km/h).
22 Driving and parking

Your selection is saved. The high level set remains If the electrical connection has been correctly
stored even after the ignition has been switched established to the trailer or bicycle rack:
off. R Up to approx. 18.7 mph (30 km/h): the high
The vehicle is lowered again to the level of the or off-road level can be selected regardless of
active drive program in the following situations: drive program.
R When driving faster than 50 mph (80 km/h). R From approx. 18.7 mph (30 km/h): the vehi-
R When driving briefly between 40 mph cle is adjusted to normal level regardless of
(65 km/h) and 50 mph (80 km/h). drive program.
R You select another drive program.

# To lower the vehicle: pull rocker switch 1.

Indicator lamp 2 flashes when lowering and
goes out when the lowering process to the
level of the active drive program is complete.
The central display shows the selected vehicle
# To raise the vehicle: push rocker switch 1 level.
forwards. The vehicle sets itself to the standard level of the
Indicator lamp 2 flashes while the vehicle is selected drive program when you switch drive pro-
being raised and remains lit when the raising grams.
process to high or off-road level is complete.
The central display shows the selected vehicle Operation with a trailer or bicycle rack
Driver's display 23

Notes on the driver's display R Display messages Scrolling through the menu bar and calling up a
& WARNING Risk of accident if the driver
Operating the driver's display
display fails
If the driver display has failed or is malfunc- & WARNING Risk of distraction from infor-
tioning, function restrictions in systems rele- mation systems and communications
vant to safety cannot be detected. equipment
The operating safety of your vehicle may be If you operate information systems and com-
impaired. munication devices integrated in the vehicle
# Drive on carefully. when driving, you could be distracted from the
# Have the vehicle checked immediately at traffic situation. This could also cause you to
a qualified specialist workshop. lose control of the vehicle.
# Only operate this equipment when the
The driver's display shows the following basic traffic situation permits.
information: # If you cannot be sure of this, stop the
R Speed, engine speed and power meter level vehicle whilst paying attention to road
R Range on map and traffic conditions and operate the
equipment with the vehicle stationary. 1 Back button
R Indicator and warning lamps
2 Main menu
Additional functions available include the follow- Observe the legal requirements for the country in 3 Touch Control
ing: which you are currently driving when operating
the driver's display. The content on the driver's display is controlled
R Different menus, such as Classic
using the control elements on the left side of the
R Status displays for the driving systems steering wheel. Touch Control 3 is used to navi-
24 Driver's display

gate in a vertical and horizontal direction by swip- Setting display content as the standard display Driver display menus
ing with one finger. Confirm your selection by You can set custom-configured menu display con-
pressing the Touch Control. tent as the standard display. Configuring settings on the Classic or Understa-
ted menus (Mercedes-AMG vehicles)
% To operate Touch Control 3 in the most # Press and hold left-hand Touch Control 3
effective way, use the tip of your thumb if pos- until the bar display that appears is completely Driver's display:
sible. You can also set the sensitivity of the filled. 4 Classic
Touch Control on the central display. The Set Shortcut? prompt will appear.
Selecting display content in the center display
# Briefly press main menu button 2. # Swipe left on left-hand Touch Control 3 and
area of the Classic menu
# Select a menu by swiping to the left or right select Yes.
# Call up the Classic menu via the driver's dis-
on Touch Control 3. # To confirm: press left-hand Touch Control 3.
play menu bar.
# To confirm: press Touch Control 3. # To call up standard displays: press back but- # To select display content: swipe upwards or
ton 1 on the upper level of a menu. downwards on the left-hand Touch Control and
Calling up or exiting the Options submenu
% Pressing back button 1 on the standard dis- select the desired display content.
# To call up: press left-hand Touch Control 3.
play will call up the previous menu.
# To exit: press back button 1.
Resetting values
Browsing through display content or lists # To call up the Options submenu: press left-
# Swipe up, down, left or right on left-hand hand Touch Control 3.
Touch Control 3. # To select the function to be reset: press left-
% For different menus, icons appear at the right hand Touch Control 3.
edge of the center display area to indicate the # Select Yes.
current position in a list.
# To confirm: press left-hand Touch Control 3.
Driver's display 25

7 Time function steering wheel or via the MBUX mul-

8 Fuel level and fuel filler flap location indicator timedia system (/ page 13).

The following display content of the Classic menu Selecting the radio station or track on the station
can be shown in center display area 6: or track list
You can select radio stations or tracks on the sta-
R Trip and total distance
tion or track list in the audio display content of
R Trip computer From Start and From Reset the Classic menu.
R ECO display The following adjustments can be made in the
R Consumption MBUX multimedia system:
R ATTENTION ASSIST R Configuring the station or track list

R Audio R Switching between media sources

R Navigation R Setting the frequency band

R Temperature (transmission oil, engine oil and

1 Speedometer R Setup
2 Tachometer
R Engine data
3 Gear display
4 State of charge of 48 V battery % Depending on the vehicle equipment, AMG-
5 Outside temperature specific content regarding temperature, setup
6 Display content, center on the Classic menu and engine data will be displayed. The set-
(example: temperature) tings for the setup display content can be
configured either via the buttons on the multi-
26 Driver's display

Calling up or exiting the Options submenu on the # To call up the color list: press the left-hand
Classic menu Touch Control.
Depending on the selected display content, you The color list on the Understated menu will
can make changes in the center display area on appear.
the Options submenu. # To select color settings: swipe upwards or
# To call up the Options submenu: press the left- downwards on the left-hand Touch Control and
hand Touch Control. select the desired color setting.
# To exit the Options submenu: press the back % If you do not carry out any operations within a
button G. limited time after opening the color list, the
The following functions may be available on the view will switch back to the default view of the
1 Track list for the audio display content in the
Options submenu, for example: Understated menu.
center display area (example)
R Navigation: selecting and adjusting zoom, # To exit the color list: press the G back but-
# To change radio stations or tracks: swipe left route guidance and map settings ton.
or right on the left-hand Touch Control and % Depending on the equipment, the selected
R Resetting trip distance
select a radio station or track on station or color setting will be adopted for the ambient
track list 1. R Resetting the trip computer From Start
lighting and the MBUX multimedia system. If
% If you do not carry out any operations immedi- R Resetting the trip computer From Reset you select the Understated menu on the driv-
ately after opening station or track list 1, the R Resetting the ECO display values er's display, the content in the MBUX multi-
view will return to the radio station or track media system will also be made smaller.
selected. Changing color settings on the Understated
% The radio station or title displayed when the menu
vehicle is restarted depends on the user pro- # Call up the Understated menu via the driver's

file used for the previous trip. display menu bar.

Driver's display 27

Configuring settings on the Supersport menu Center display section 2 of the Supersport Calling up the Track Pace menu
menu shows the following display contents:
Driver's display: Driver's display:
4 Supersport R Gear display 4 TRACK PACE
R Temperature display (transmission oil, engine
# To select display content: swipe upwards or The Track Pace function is intended for use on
downwards on the left-hand Touch Control. oil, coolant) designated race tracks. Do not use this function
R Engine data on public roads, and adapt your driving style to
R Setup your personal capabilities and the ambient condi-
R G-force
R Trip and total distance
The following options will be displayed on the
R Distance From Start and From Reset
R G-meter
R Consumption
R Race track selected
R Audio
R Braking and acceleration procedure
R Navigation
R Gear currently selected
% Depending on the vehicle equipment, AMG-
1 Current torque
specific content regarding temperature, setup
2 Center display content (example: setup) and engine data will be displayed. The set-
3 Current power output tings for the setup display content can be
% The displays for current torque 1 and cur- configured either via the buttons on the multi-
function steering wheel or via the MBUX mul-
rent power 3 vary depending on the display
timedia system (/ page 13).
content in the center display area.
28 Driver's display

R Quarter-miles
R Race track selected on the central display
R Current race
R Record route
While the vehicle is in motion, the G-meter shows
the forces that are exerted on the vehicle occu-
pants both laterally and in the direction of travel.
The maximum values appear in red in the coordi-
nate system.
Displays on the Track Pace menu (example) 1 Current torque
1 G-meter Calling up displays on the Sport menu 2 Temperature (transmission oil temperature,
2 Center display content (example: gear display) engine oil temperature, coolant temperature)
3 Telemetry display (example: selected race Driver's display: 3 Current power output
4 Sport
track) 4 Setup (drive position, transmission position,
The Sport menu displays information about the AMG DYNAMICS, suspension tuning, exhaust
# To call up the menu: press the left-hand Touch
engine data, the setup and the temperature of the system, ESP®)
vehicle. 5 Engine speed
The display content of the TRACK PACE menu will # To call up the menu: swipe to the left or right
adapt to the selected settings on the central dis-
on the left-hand Touch Control.
R Gear display
R Braking points
R Acceleration
Driver's display 29

% Depending on the vehicle equipment, AMG- You can use the head-up display menu bar to Head-up display content with navigation (6x2°)
specific content regarding temperature, setup select various contexts, e.g.:
and engine data will be displayed. The set- R Supersport
tings for the setup display content can be
configured either via the buttons on the multi-
function steering wheel or via the MBUX mul- R Minimal
timedia system (/ page 13). You can also R Race
activate or deactivate ESP® using the steering R Standard
wheel button or via the MBUX multimedia sys-
R ECO display (depending on model and equip-
R Settings
Function of the head-up display R Head-up display on/off 1 Protection from reaching the overrevving
The head-up display projects various content into range
the driver's field of vision, for example. 2 Detected instructions and traffic signs
3 Current speed
4 Currently selected gear; gearshift options for
manual shifting
5 Current engine speed
System limits
Visibility is particularly influenced by the following
R Seat position
30 Driver's display

R Image position setting ° Haptic accelerator pedal

R Ambient light ë HOLD function
R Wet road surfaces Ò Slippery road surface warning
R Objects on the display cover p Engine operating temperature warning
R Polarization in sunglasses lamp (/ page 7)
t Display flashes: vehicle level is being raised
Overview of status displays on the driver's dis- or lowered.
play (Mercedes-AMG vehicles) Display is lit up: vehicle is at high level.
The status displays for the driving and driving
safety systems can be found in display sections
1 to 6.

% The number, positions and presentation of the

status indicators on the driver's display
depend on which systems are activated or
Depending on the vehicle equipment, Mercedes-
AMG vehicles may have the following status dis-
plays, for example:
Y Pedestrian detection (only on assistant dis-
MBUX multimedia system 31

AMG TRACK PACE Setting Track Race # Press a to confirm.

The track will be saved under the name
Function of AMG TRACK PACE Multimedia system:
4 TRACK PACE 5 Track Race
% This function is an on-demand feature and
Searching by track name
can be activated via Mercedes me after you Recording a new track # Select ª Search.
purchase your vehicle. The Digital Operator's # Select Ü New Track .
Manual contains further information on # Enter the track name.
Mercedes me and on-demand features. # Select Ì Start Record. at the desired
Tracks with the name that you have searched
With AMG TRACK PACE, the driving characteris- starting point. for will be displayed.
tics on race tracks can be analyzed and opti- Track recording will start at this point.
Measuring time on a saved track
mized. You can drive previously saved race tracks
(e.g. Hockenheimring), or record and save new During track recording, sectors can be set to # ß Select All tracks.
tracks. The driven lap times are stored for every divide up the track. # Select the desired track.
track. These can be analyzed and compared with # ö Select Set Sector.
# Select u.
other lap times to achieve the best possible race # Select É Stop Recording to end track
# Select Start Time Recording if you are already
results. Additionally, acceleration and braking pro- recording or cross the start line again.
cedures can be measured and stored. at the start line.
# Confirm the prompt with Yes.
Note: Use AMG TRACK PACE only on closed-off or
# Select the weather.
routes away from public roads. Adapt your driving # Select Navigate to to navigate to the start
style to your personal performance and environ- % The temperature will be determined automati- line.
mental conditions. As the driver, you are solely cally. Timing will begin automatically when you cross
responsible for driving your vehicle. Park your # Enter a name. the start line.
vehicle safely before operating the application.
32 MBUX multimedia system

% When ¨ is selected, the track display can # Pull the desired display from the grid on the # Select Diagram.
be switched to AR. In addition, it is possible to left or right edge of the media display. # Set the desired parameters.
switch to the telemetry display by selecting The readings will be shown during Track Race. The analysis will be displayed.
You can deactivate this by selecting ¨ on the
# Select ð Stop timing to end timekeeping.
active display.
# Confirm the prompt with OK.
Displaying the analysis
# Select the weather.
# ß Select All tracks.
# Select Yes to save the times set for this track.
An overview of all the tracks you have driven
Showing readings during Track Race will appear.
# Select a track.
The following readings can be shown:
# Select a session.
R Tire temperature
R Miniature map The following data will be displayed:
R Lap and sector times 1 Lap overview
R Sector overview
2 Parameter overview
R Average and top speed
R Engine data 3 Editing parameters
R Driver
R G-force display 4 Adding new parameters
R Vehicle
R Lap overview 5 Deleting parameters
R Date
# Select ï Start Time Recording . % The following values can be set for the param-
R Weather
# Select à. # Select Add Recording to use a different ses-
eters, for example:
R Speed
sion as a reference value.
# Select % to return to the overview. R Longitudinal/lateral acceleration
MBUX multimedia system 33

R Steering angle # Select a track. Measurement can be stopped early by interrupt-

R Engine speed # Highlight the desired recording. ing the acceleration procedure.
R Engine oil/tire temperature # Select u options. Quarter mile race
Based on the analysis, you can check and opti- # Select Export to… or Delete. # Select Z Drag Race options.
mize the driving behavior for any position on the # Select Quarter Mile.
Setting Drag Race # Set a target distance.
Exporting tracks (USB) Measurement stops as soon as the specified
Multimedia system:
# Select ß Tracks . target distance has been reached.
4 TRACK PACE 5 Drag Race
An overview of all stored tracks will appear. # Start off and begin the measurement.

# Select the desired track. Measuring acceleration Measurement begins when the vehicle accel-
# Select options u for the desired track. # Select Z Drag Race options. erates. Timing runs until the target distance or
a maximum of one mile has been covered.
# Select Export Track to…. # Select Acceleration.

The selected track can be exported to a USB # Set a starting speed or select Automatic. Measurement can be stopped early by interrupt-
storage device connected to the vehicle. Measurement begins as soon as the specified ing the acceleration procedure.
starting speed has been reached. Measuring braking
Editing tracks and recordings
# Set a target speed. # Z Drag Race options
# Select ß Tracks .
# Select the desired track.
Measurement stops as soon as the specified # Select Braking.
target speed has been reached.
# Select options u for the desired track. # Set a starting speed or select Automatic.
# Start off and begin the measurement.
# Select Rename or Delete. Measurement begins when the vehicle accel- # Start off and begin the measurement.

or erates.
34 MBUX multimedia system

# Brake to a standstill. Calling up the telemetry display R The TRACK PACE app is installed on the
Measurement is incremental, in steps of mobile end device.
6 mph (10 km/h) to a standstill. If the braking Multimedia system:
4 TRACK PACE 5 Telemetry
R The mobile end device is connected to the
procedure is started e.g. at a speed of 98 mph multimedia system via Wi-Fi.
(157 km/h), measurement starts as soon as The telemetry display shows current vehicle data
93 mph (150 km/h ) has been reached. as a digital value and as a diagram. Up to four Multimedia system:
parameters can be selected to be shown on the 4 TRACK PACE 5 Z
Storing and calling up measured values
If measurement is completed or canceled, a Connect mobile device via the TRACK PACE app
prompt appears asking whether the measurement For example: The TRACK PACE app makes it possible to record
should be saved. R Engine speed videos and to synchronize them with stored
# Confirm the prompt with OK to save. R Wheel angle tracks.
R Speed # Select TRACK PACE App.
Calling up saved measurements
R Steering angle # Select Authorize a New Device.
# Select ± History.
# Start the TRACK PACE app on the device to be
# Select Acceleration, Quarter Mile or Braking. # Set the desired parameters.
# Select a measurement. connected.
# Set the time. # Select Next and confirm the authorization
The desired measurement is displayed in The set parameters are evaluated in the dia-
detail. gram for the selected time. prompt.
or A four-digit code is shown on the media dis-
# Delete a measurement.
Configuring AMG TRACK PACE # Enter the code on the smartphone.

Requirements The device is authorized.

To connect a mobile device to the TRACK PACE
MBUX multimedia system 35

De-authorizing the mobile device Displaying statistics # Select Dashcam.

# Select TRACK PACE App. # Select TRACK PACE Statistics. # Select Track Race or Drag Race and activate
# Select a device. Statistics on the current user profile are dis- Activate Recording.
# Confirm the prompt with Yes.
played. # You can set which overlay is to be used in the
The device is de-authorized. The following data are displayed: recorded video under Video Overlay Content.
R Driving time
Setting the TRACK PACE display on the head-up
R Track driven
display and driver's display
# Select IC and HUD Contents. R Recorded tracks

# Activate or deactivate the desired contents. R Recorded Track Races

The contents on the head-up display and the R Laps recorded
driver's display are adapted. R Recorded Drag Races
% For further information on the Head-up Dis- R Maximum design speed
play .
% Further information about the driver's dis- Activating the ambient light
play . If this function is active, the vehicle interior is lit in
red or green depending on delta time.
Setting acoustic feedback # Select Ambient Light.
# Select Acoustic Feedback. # Activate or deactivate the function.
A scale with values from 0 to 10 is shown.
# Select a setting.
Adjusting the dashcam
If the vehicle is equipped with a dashcam, it can
be used in AMG TRACK PACE.
36 Maintenance and care

Notes on the care of tailpipes

& WARNING Risk of burns from the tailpipe
and tailpipe trims
The exhaust tailpipe and tailpipe trims can
become very hot. If you come into contact
with these parts of the vehicle, you could burn
# Always be particularly careful around the
tailpipe and the tailpipe trims and super-
vise children especially closely in this
# Allow vehicle parts to cool down before
touching them.

Observe the following notes in order to prevent

damage to the vehicle:
R Clean the tailpipes with a cleaning agent rec-
ommended for Mercedes-Benz, especially in
the winter and after washing the vehicle.
R Do not use acidic cleaning agents.
Wheels and tires 37

Changing a wheel # Only use tire types that have been

# Be sure to also observe the notes on changing approved for the maximum permissible
a wheel in the Operator's Manual of your vehi- speed set and the vehicle.
Vehicles with AMG ceramic high-performance
Vehicles with AMG Driver's Package: composite braking system:

& WARNING Risk of accident caused by * NOTE Damage to the ceramic brake disc
non-approved tire types when changing a wheel
If you use tire types that have not been adap- Mercedes-AMG vehicles with ceramic brake
ted to changes made to the factory speed discs: during removal and repositioning of the
limit, this can have the following consequen- wheel, the wheel rim can strike the ceramic-
ces: brake disc and damage it.
R The tires are not suitable for high speeds # Take particular care.

and the corresponding driving dynamics. # Ask another person for assistance or use
R The tires wear unevenly and affect the a second alignment bolt.
roadworthiness of the vehicle.
R ABS, ESP® and cruise control operation
# When changing the wheel, avoid exerting any
force on the brake disks.
are restricted. This can lead to impaired comfort during brak-
This can jeopardize road safety. ing.
38 Technical data

Operating fluids R Gasoline with more than 3% methanol by * NOTE Premature engine wear through
Fuel volume, e.g. M15, M30, M85, M100 unleaded regular gasoline
R Gasoline with metallic additives Impairment of the longevity and performance
▌Information on fuel quality for Mercedes-AMG
vehicles If you have accidentally refueled with the of the engine.
Observe the information on operating fluids in the wrong fuel: If unleaded premium grade gasoline is unavail-
vehicle Operator's Manual. # Do not switch on the vehicle. able and you have to refuel using unleaded
# Consult a qualified specialist workshop.
regular gasoline:
* NOTE Damage caused by the wrong fuel # Only fill the fuel tank to half full with

Even small amounts of the wrong fuel could If the available fuel is not sufficiently low in sulfur, unleaded regular gasoline and refill as
result in damage to the fuel system, the it may produce unpleasant odors. soon as possible with unleaded premium
engine and the emission control system. grade gasoline.
Refuel only with premium-grade unleaded gasoline
# Refuel only with low-sulfur spark-ignition # Do not drive at the maximum design
with an octane number of at least 91 AKI/
engine fuel. 95 RON. speed.
# Avoid sudden acceleration and engine
As a temporary measure, if the recommended fuel
This fuel may contain up to 10% ethanol by vol- is not available, you may also use regular unlea- speeds over 3000 rpm.
ume. Your vehicle is suitable for use with E10 ded gasoline. When doing this, note the octane
fuel. number on the vehicle on the information label on Further information on fuel is available in the fol-
Never refuel with one of the following fuels: the fuel filler flap (see the vehicle Operator's Man- lowing locations:
R Diesel ual). Filling up with regular unleaded gasoline can R At a gas station
R Gasoline with more than 10% ethanol by reduce engine output and increase fuel consump- R At a qualified specialist workshop
volume, e.g. E15, E85, E100 tion.
R USA only: on the
Never refuel using gasoline with an even lower
Technical data 39

▌Tank content and fuel reserve (Mercedes-AMG Total fuel tank capacity Engine oil quality and filling capacity (Mercedes-
vehicles) AMG vehicles)
Total fuel tank capacity Engine oil specifications
Mercedes-AMG GLE 22.5 gal (85.0 liters)
Model 63 S 4MATIC+ (SUV) Gasoline engines MB-Freigabe or MB-
Mercedes-AMG GLE Approval
Mercedes-AMG GLE 22.5 gal (85.0 liters)
53 4MATIC+ (SUV) 63 S 4MATIC+ Mercedes-AMG GLE 229.51, 229.52,
(Coupe) 53 4MATIC+ (SUV) 229.61, 229.71
Mercedes-AMG GLE
53 4MATIC+ (Coupe) Fuel tank reserve Mercedes-AMG GLE 229.72*
53 4MATIC+ (Coupe)
Fuel tank reserve Model
Mercedes-AMG GLE 229.5
Model Mercedes-AMG GLE 3.1 gal (12.0 liters) 63 S 4MATIC+ (SUV) 229.51*
63 S 4MATIC+ (SUV) Mercedes-AMG GLE
Mercedes-AMG GLE 2.3 gal (9.0 liters)
53 4MATIC+ (SUV) Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC+
63 S 4MATIC+ (Coupe)
Mercedes-AMG GLE (Coupe)
53 4MATIC+ (Coupe) * recommended for lowest possible fuel con-
sumption (lowest SAE viscosity class in each
case; observe possible restrictions of the
approved SAE viscosity classes)
To achieve the lowest possible fuel consumption,
it is recommended to use the engine oil specifica-
tions marked in the table with the lowest SAE vis-
40 Technical data

cosity class. Possible restrictions of the approved Coolant filling capacity (Mercedes-AMG vehicles) Refrigerant and PAG oil filling quantity (Mercedes-
SAE viscosity classes must be observed. AMG vehicles)
Coolant (engine)
Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC+ (SUV), Refrigerant filling quantity
Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC+ (Coupe): use Model Capacity
only SAE 0W-40 or SAE 5W-40 motor oils. Model Quantity
Mercedes-AMG GLE 20.5 US qt
The following values refer to an oil change, includ-
53 4MATIC+ (SUV) (19.4 liters) Mercedes-AMG GLE 23.9 ± 0.4 oz
ing the oil filter.
Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 4MATIC+ (SUV) (680 ± 10 g)
Engine oil filling capacity 53 4MATIC+ (Coupe) Mercedes-AMG GLE
53 4MATIC+ (Coupe)
Model Capacity Mercedes-AMG GLE 17.0 US qt
63 S 4MATIC+ (SUV) (16.1 liters) Mercedes-AMG GLE
Mercedes-AMG GLE 9.0 US qt (8.5 liters) 63 S 4MATIC+ (SUV)
53 4MATIC+ (SUV) Mercedes-AMG GLE
63 S 4MATIC+ Mercedes-AMG GLE
Mercedes-AMG GLE (Coupe) 63 S 4MATIC+
53 4MATIC+ (Coupe) (Coupe)
Mercedes-AMG GLE 10.0 US qt (9.5 liters)
63 S 4MATIC+ (SUV)
Mercedes-AMG GLE
63 S 4MATIC+
Technical data 41

Filling quantity for PAG oil Height when open and height
Model Quantity Model 1 2
Height Height
Mercedes-AMG GLE 4.9 ± 0.4 oz when
53 4MATIC+ (SUV) (140 ± 10 g) opened
Mercedes-AMG GLE
53 4MATIC+ (Coupe) Mercedes-AMG GLE 86.7 in 77.6 in
53 4MATIC+ (SUV) (2203 mm) (1971 mm)
Mercedes-AMG GLE 2.8 ± 0.4 oz
63 S 4MATIC+ (SUV) (80 ± 10 g) Mercedes-AMG GLE 86.7 in 77.7 in
Mercedes-AMG GLE SUV 63 S 4MATIC+ (SUV) (2203 mm) (1973 mm)
Mercedes-AMG GLE
63 S 4MATIC+ Mercedes-AMG GLE 90.4 in 77.2 in
(Coupe) 53 4MATIC+ (Coupe) (2297 mm) (1961 mm)
Mercedes-AMG GLE
63 S 4MATIC+
Vehicle data (Coupe)
Vehicle dimensions (Mercedes-AMG vehicles)
The heights specified may vary as a result of the
following factors:
R Tires
R Load Mercedes-AMG GLE Coupe
R Condition of the suspension
Missing values were not available at the time of
R Optional equipment going to press.
42 Technical data

Vehicle dimensions Vehicle dimensions Weights (Mercedes-AMG vehicles)

Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 Bear in mind that items of optional equipment
4MATIC+ (SUV) 4MATIC+ (Coupe) increase the curb weight and reduce the payload.
Vehicle-specific weight information can be found
Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S
on the vehicle identification plate.
4MATIC+ (SUV) 4MATIC+ (Coupe)
Vehicle length 195.0 in Vehicle length 195.3 in
(4954 mm) (4961 mm) Off-road driving (Mercedes-AMG vehicles)

Vehicle width including exterior 84.9 in Vehicle width including exterior 84.9 in Fording depth
mirrors (2157 mm) mirrors (2157 mm)
* NOTE Damage caused by water when
Vehicle height 70.2 in Vehicle height 67.7 in fording
(1782 mm) (1720 mm) In the following cases water can penetrate into
Wheelbase 117.9 in Wheelbase 115.5 in the engine compartment and vehicle interior:
(2995 mm) (2935 mm) R The maximum permissible fording depth is
exceeded when driving through standing
Turning radius 40.7 ft Turning radius 40.4 ft water.
(12.4 m) (12.3 m)
R When driving through the water a bow
Maximum ground clearance Maximum ground clearance wave forms.
R Water accumulates when driving through
Minimum ground clearance Minimum ground clearance
running water.
Technical data 43

# Do not exceed the maximum permissible Fording depth

fording depth and drive slowly through Model 1 Fording depth
the water.
Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S 19.7 in (50 cm)
The specified value indicates the maximum per- 4MATIC+ (SUV)
missible fording depth for vehicles that are in
Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S
roadworthy condition and for slow driving through
4MATIC+ (Coupe)
standing water.
Driving through flowing water reduces the permis- Angle of approach/departure
sible fording depth due to the accumulation of The specified values are maximum values for vehi-
water. Mercedes-AMG GLE Coupe cles that are in ready-to-drive condition.
Observe the notes on off-road driving and fording Fording depth Observe the notes on driving in mountainous ter-
in the vehicle Operator's Manual. rain in the vehicle Operator's Manual.
Model 1 Fording depth
Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 19.7 in (50 cm)
Mercedes-AMG GLE 53
4MATIC+ (Coupe)

Mercedes-AMG GLE SUV Mercedes-AMG GLE SUV

44 Technical data

Model 1 Angle of 2 Angle of Gradient-climbing ability

approach departure Model Maximum gradi-
Mercedes-AMG 18° 20° ent-climbing abil-
GLE 63 S 4MATIC+ ity
(SUV) Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 99%
Mercedes-AMG 18° 21° 4MATIC+ (SUV)
GLE 63 S 4MATIC+ Mercedes-AMG GLE 53 80%
(Coupe) 4MATIC+ (Coupe)
Mercedes-AMG GLE Coupe Maximum gradient-climbing ability Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S
The vehicle's gradient-climbing ability depends on 4MATIC+ (SUV)
Angle of approach/departure
the weight distribution in the vehicle, the terrain Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S
Model 1 Angle of 2 Angle of conditions and the road surface conditions. 4MATIC+ (Coupe)
approach departure The specified value applies in the following cases:
Mercedes-AMG 21° 20° R the vehicle is ready to drive Maximum design speeds
GLE 53 4MATIC+ R the road surface conditions and thus traction
(SUV) The following values only apply to vehicles with
are good the AMG Driver's Package.
Mercedes-AMG 21° 21° A gradient-climbing ability of 100% corresponds to The maximum design speed can differ from the
GLE 53 4MATIC+ an incline of 45°. stated figures in practice. It depends on the oper-
(Coupe) Observe the notes on driving in mountainous ter- ating conditions, the optional equipment and the
rain in the vehicle Operator's Manual. size of the tires.
Technical data 45

Missing values were not available at the time of Trailer hitch Towing capacity, braked
going to press.
General notes on the trailer hitch Model Towing capacity,
Maximum design speed braked
Modifications to the cooling system may be nec-
Model essary, depending on the vehicle model. Retrofit- Mercedes-AMG GLE
ting a trailer hitch is permissible only if a trailer 53 4MATIC+ (SUV)
Mercedes- load is specified in your vehicle documents.
AMG GLE 53 Mercedes-AMG GLE
Further information can be obtained at a qualified 53 4MATIC+ (Coupe)
4MATIC+ specialist workshop.
(SUV) Mercedes-AMG GLE
Observe the information and notes on the trailer 63 S 4MATIC+ (SUV)
Mercedes- hitch .
AMG GLE 53 Mercedes-AMG GLE
Trailer load (Mercedes-AMG vehicles) (Coupe)
Missing values were not available at the time of
Mercedes- going to press.
AMG GLE 63 Maximum tongue weight and load capacity
S 4MATIC+ (Mercedes-AMG vehicles)
* NOTE Damage caused by the trailer com-
Mercedes- ing loose
S 4MATIC+ If the tongue weight used is too low, the trailer
(Coupe) may come loose.
46 Technical data

# The tongue weight must not be below Tongue weight Load capacity
110.2 lbs (50 kg). Model Maximum tongue All models Maximum load capa-
# Use a tongue weight that is as close as weight city
possible to the maximum permissible
tongue weight. Mercedes-AMG GLE When the bicycle rack 165.3 lbs (75 kg)
53 4MATIC+ (SUV) is attached to the ball
Mercedes-AMG GLE head
* NOTE Damage caused by the bicycle rack
coming loose 53 4MATIC+ (Coupe) When the bicycle rack 220.5 lbs (100 kg)
When using a bicycle rack, both the maximal Mercedes-AMG GLE is attached to the ball
tongue weight and the maximal load capacity 63 S 4MATIC+ (SUV) head and additionally
should be observed. Mercedes-AMG GLE to the guide pin
# Do not exceed the permissible load
63 S 4MATIC+
capacity. (Coupe)

Missing values were not available at the time of

going to press.
Display messages and warning/indicator lamps 47

Display messages
Driving and driving safety systems
Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions

* AMG RIDE CONTROL + or AMG ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL is malfunctioning. The vehicle's handling characteristics may
be affected.
# Do not exceed 50 mph (80 km/h).

Malfunction Do Not Exceed # Consult a qualified specialist workshop.

50 mph
AMG Ride Control Function * At least one of the main functions of AMG RIDE CONTROL + or AMG ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL is malfunctioning.
Limited See Operator's The system is outside the operating temperature range or the on-board electrical system voltage is too low.
Once the cause of the problem is no longer present, the system will be available again.

* NOTE The vehicle's suspension and damping behavior is restricted. The vehicle body may tilt heavily to the
side during cornering.
# Drive on carefully.
# Reduce speed considerably before taking a bend.
# Avoid sudden steering movements.
# Drive on carefully.
# Reduce speed considerably before taking a bend.
48 Display messages and warning/indicator lamps

Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions

# Avoid sudden steering movements.

Warning and indicator lamps

Driving and driving safety systems
Warning/indicator lamp Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions

* The yellow AMG RIDE CONTROL + or AMG ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL warning lamp is lit.
There is a malfunction in the AMG RIDE CONTROL + or the AMG ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL.
# Note the messages on the driver's display.

Suspension warning lamp

* The yellow ESP® OFF warning lamps are lit while the vehicle is running.
å ESP® is deactivated.
Other driving systems and driving safety systems may also be inoperative.

¤ & WARNING Risk of skidding when driving with ESP® deactivated

ESP® does not act to stabilize the vehicle. The availability of further driving safety systems is also limited.
Display messages and warning/indicator lamps 49

Warning/indicator lamp Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions

# Drive on carefully.
# Deactivate ESP® only for as long as the situation requires.

If ESP® cannot be activated, ESP® is malfunctioning.

# Have ESP® checked immediately at a qualified specialist workshop.
# Observe the notes on deactivating ESP® (/ page 15).
* ESP® SPORT is activated while the vehicle is running.
å When ESP® SPORT is activated, ESP® will stabilize the vehicle only to a limited extent.

& WARNING Risk of skidding if ESP® SPORT is used incorrectly
When you activate ESP® SPORT, there is an increased risk of skidding and having an accident.
# Activate ESP® SPORT only in the circumstances described below.
# Observe the notes on activating ESP® SPORT(/ page 15).
50 Index

A Track Race............................................... 31 Climate control

Automatic transmission Filling capacity for refrigerant and
AMG active adaptive sport suspension PAG oil..................................................... 40
system Drive programs........................................ 10
Selecting the suspension setting.............. 20 DYNAMIC SELECT button......................... 10 Cockpit
Manual gear shifting................................. 13 Instrument panel........................................ 4
AMG ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL Oil temperature (driver's display).............. 28
Function.................................................. 19 Coolant
Steering wheel paddle shifters.................. 13 Capacity.................................................. 40
Setting the vehicle level........................... 21
AMG ceramic high-performance compo- B D
site brake system........................................... 10 Bicycle rack DIRECT SELECT lever
AMG DYNAMIC SELECT Load capacity.......................................... 45 Manual gearshifting.................................. 13
Setting drive programs............................. 13 Boost pressure, current (driver's display)........ 28 Display (driver's display)
AMG Real Performance Sound......................... 9 Brakes Overview of displays................................. 30
AMG RIDE CONTROL + AMG ceramic high-performance com- Display messages
Function.................................................. 18 posite brake system................................. 10 ä Malfunction Do Not Exceed 50
AMG steering wheel buttons
Setting....................................................... 8 C mph......................................................... 47
AMG steering-wheel buttons Care AMG Ride Control Function Limited
Function.................................................... 7 Tailpipes.................................................. 36 See Operator's Manual............................ 47
AMG TRACK PACE Classic menu display content Drag Race...................................................... 33
Configuring.............................................. 34 Selecting................................................. 24 Drive program display..................................... 11
Drag Race................................................ 33
Function.................................................. 31 Drive programs
Telemetry display..................................... 34 AMG DYNAMIC SELECT........................... 13
Index 51

Selecting................................................. 11 E ESP®
Driver display, Instrument cluster Activating/deactivating............................ 18
E10................................................................ 38
Function/notes........................................ 23 ESP® SPORT............................................ 15
Track Pace menu..................................... 27 ECO start/stop button Function.................................................. 15
Automatic engine start/stop...................... 9 Setting (steering-wheel button)................. 17
Driver's display
Classic menu........................................... 24 ECO start/stop function
Head-up display....................................... 29 Switching off/on........................................ 9 F
Operating................................................. 23 Electronic Stability Program........................... 15 Fuel
Status displays......................................... 30 Emotion Start................................................... 8 E10.......................................................... 38
Supersport menu..................................... 27 Flexible fuel vehicles................................ 38
Engine oil Gasoline.................................................. 38
Understated menu................................... 24
Capacity.................................................. 39 Gasoline quality....................................... 38
Driving safety system MB-Freigabe or MB-Approval.................... 39
ESP® (Electronic Stability Program).......... 15 Reserve................................................... 39
Quality..................................................... 39 Sulfur content.......................................... 38
Driving system Temperature (driver's display)................... 28 Tank capacity........................................... 39
AMG RIDE CONTROL +............................ 18 Engine oil temperature (driver's display)......... 28 Fuel reserve................................................... 39
Driving tips Engine operating temperature
AMG ceramic high-performance com- Warning lamp............................................. 7 G
posite brake system................................. 10 Engine output................................................... 7 G-meter, Accelerometer................................. 28
DYNAMIC SELECT Engine output, current (driver's display).......... 28
Drive program display.............................. 11 Gasoline......................................................... 38
Drive programs........................................ 10 Engine sound................................................... 9 Gearshift
Function.................................................. 10 Engine torque................................................... 7 Manual.................................................... 13
Selecting the drive program..................... 11 Glide mode.................................................... 15
52 Index

H Menus (driver display) Reserve

Track Pace............................................... 27 Fuel......................................................... 39
Head-up display
Function.................................................. 29 Menus (driver's display) Rocking free................................................... 13
Classic menu........................................... 24
I Sport....................................................... 28 S
Supersport............................................... 27 Selecting a gear............................................. 13
Installing Understated menu................................... 24
Tires/wheels........................................... 37 Selecting a sound characteristic (steering-
Instrument panel O wheel button)................................................... 9
Cockpit...................................................... 4 Operating fluids Setting the suspension level........................... 21
Gasoline.................................................. 38 Shifting
L Automatic transmission............................ 13
Operator's manual........................................... 6
Level control Manual.................................................... 13
AMG RIDE CONTROL +............................ 18 P Steering wheel paddle shifters.................. 13
Load capacity Paddle shifters Sound
Bicycle rack............................................. 45 Steering wheel paddle shifters.................. 13 AMG Real Performance Sound................... 9
Lowered suspension Programs....................................................... 10 Start/stop button
AMG ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL................... 19 Emotion Start............................................. 8
R Steering wheel paddle shifters........................ 13
Racetrack mode Stop and go
Manual gearshifting AMG ceramic high-performance com- ECO start/stop function............................ 9
Activating/deactivating............................ 14 posite brake system................................. 10 Sulfur content................................................ 38
Maximum permissible speed (Mercedes- AMG steering-wheel buttons...................... 7
AMG vehicles)................................................ 44
Index 53

Supersport menu display content Removing................................................. 37 Vehicle data

Selecting................................................. 27 Tongue weight................................................ 45 Angle of approach/departure................... 42
Suspension Fording depth.......................................... 42
Torque (driver's display).................................. 28 Maximum gradient-climbing capability...... 42
AMG ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL................... 19
AMG RIDE CONTROL +............................ 18 Touch Control Maximum permissible speed
Selecting the suspension setting.............. 20 Driver's display........................................ 23 (Mercedes-AMG vehicles)........................ 44
Setting the vehicle level........................... 21 Track Pace Turning circle........................................... 41
Menu (driver display)................................ 27 Vehicle height.......................................... 41
T Vehicle length.......................................... 41
Track Race..................................................... 31
Vehicle width........................................... 41
Tailpipes Trailer hitch Weights................................................... 42
Care........................................................ 36 General notes.......................................... 45 Wheelbase............................................... 41
Tank capacity Tongue weight.......................................... 45
Vehicle dimensions........................................ 41
Fuel......................................................... 39 Towing capacity....................................... 45
Reserve................................................... 39 Vehicle equipment............................................ 6
Technical data U
Maximum permissible speed Maxi- Understated menu display content
mum permissible speed (Mercedes- Selecting................................................. 24 Warning/indicator lamp
AMG vehicles).......................................... 44 ä Suspension warning lamp (yellow).. 48
Tongue weight.......................................... 45 V Wheel change
Towing capacity....................................... 45 vehicle Installing a new wheel.............................. 37
Vehicle dimensions.................................. 41 Emotion Start............................................. 8 Removing a wheel.................................... 37
Telemetry display........................................... 34 Equipment................................................. 6 Wheels
Tires Rocking free............................................ 13 Installing.................................................. 37
Installing.................................................. 37 Removing................................................. 37

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