De Cuong Physics Electronics24

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Electronic Physics

1. Present and discuss basic electronic components used in passive and active
circuits. What is a p-n junction and how does it work? list some common diodes
and characteristics.

• Active Components : Semiconductor devices-transistors

• Passive Components : Resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes (diodes and
polarized capacitors must be installed in a specified way)
• Active components rely on a source of energy (usually from the DC circuit,
which we have chosen to ignore) and usually can inject power into a circuit,
though this is not part of the definition. Active components include amplifying
components such as transistors, triode vacuum tubes (valves), and tunnel diodes.
• Passive components can't introduce net energy into the circuit. They also can't
rely on a source of power, except for what is available from the (AC) circuit they
are connected to. As a consequence, they can't amplify (increase the power of a
signal), although they may increase a voltage or current (such as is done by a
transformer or resonant circuit). Passive components include two-terminal
components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transformers.
• A pn junction is formed when part of a material is doped n-type and part of it is doped p-type. A depletion region forms
starting at the junction that is devoid of any majority carriers. The depletion region is formed by ionization.
• Work: Free electrons in the n region near the pn junction begin to diffuse across the
junction and fall into holes near the junction in the p region.

For every electron that diffuses across the junction and combines with a hole, a positive
charge is left in the n region and a negative charge is created in the p region, forming a
barrier potential. This action continues until the voltage of the barrier repels further

+ Some common diodes and characteristics:

-Bias diode: Half wave rectifiers: Rectifier is used to convert AC voltage into DC voltage
Full wave rectifier:
- The Zener Diode: allows current to flow from its anode to its cathode like a normal semiconductor diode, but it
also permits current to flow in the reverse direction when its "Zener voltage" is reached.
- The Varactor Diode: operates in reverse bias and is doped to maximize the inherent capacitance of the depletion
- Schottky diode:
- Optical Diodes: three types of optoelectronic devices : the light-emitting diode, quantum dots, and the

Laser diode
Diode quang

2. Indicate the operating regimes of the transistor, advantages, and disadvantages of

each. What is the working point of a Transistor and how to determine the working
point for CE case (common emitter).
How transistor works?: When you apply 0.7V from base to emitter you will turn the
transistor ON and allow a current to flow from collector to emitter.
In both cases the base-emitter (BE) junction is forward-biased and the base-collector
(BC) junction is reverse-biased. This condition is called forward-reverse bias
- Amplifier by a transistor: Amplification is the process of linearly increasing the
amplitude of an electrical signal and this is one of the major properties of a transistor.

- Switch by a transistor: A transistor can be operated as an electronic switch in cutoff and saturation.
◆ In cutoff, both pn junctions are reverse-biased and there is essentially no collector current. The transistor ideally behaves like
an open switch between collector and emitter.

◆ In saturation, both pn junctions are forward-biased and the collector current is maximum. The transistor ideally behaves like a
closed switch between collector and emitter.

The common-emitter (CE) configuration has the emitter as the common terminal, or ground, to
an ac signal. CE amplifiers exhibit high voltage gain and high current gain.
3. Calculate the bias point for the transistor using one or two power supplies.
Calculate some parameters in the amplifier circuit using bipolar transistors such as
current, voltage, amplification factor. The calculation method determines the
transistor's operating state. How to define the input signal for the amplifier circuit
to work in the linear region.

4. Indicate the structure and operating principles of the MOSFET transistors, stating
some applications and advantages compared to BJT.

The MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor) is another category of field-effect transistor. The
MOSFET, different from the JFET, has no pn junction structure; instead, the gate of the MOSFET is insulated from
the channel by a silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer. The two basic types of MOSFETs are enhancement (E) and deple- tion
(D). Of the two types, the enhancement MOSFET is more widely used. Because polycrystalline silicon is now used
for the gate material instead of metal, these devices are sometimes called IGFETs (insulated-gate FETs).

• The IGBT (insulated-gate bipolar transistor) combines features from both the
MOSFET and the BJT that make it useful in high-voltage and high-current
switching applications.
• The IGBT has largely replaced the MOSFET and the BJT in many of these

(The IGBT is a device that has the output conduction characteristics of a BJT but is voltage controlled like a
MOSFET; it is an excellent choice for many high-voltage switching applications. The IGBT has three terminals:
gate, collector, and emitter. One common circuit symbol is shown in Figure 8–51. As you can see, it is similar to the
BJT symbol except there is an extra bar representing the gate structure of a MOSFET rather than a base.

The IGBT has MOSFET input characteristics and BJT output characteristics. BJTs are capable of higher currents
than FETs, but MOSFETs have no gate current because of the insulated gate structure. IGBTs exhibit a lower
saturation voltage than MOSFETs and have about the same saturation voltage as BJTs. IGBTs are superior to
MOSFETs in some applications because they can handle high collector-to-emitter voltages exceeding 200 V and
exhibit less saturation voltage when they are in the on state. IGBTs are superior to BJTs in some applications
because they can switch faster. In terms of switching speed, MOSFETs switch fastest, then IGBTs, followed by
BJTs, )

5. Define and classify feedback, the effect of feedback in the amplifier circuit, draw
an example diagram.
Negative feedback is one of the most useful concepts in electronics, particularly in
op-amp applications. Negative feedback is the process whereby a portion of the
output voltage of an amplifier is returned to the input with a phase angle that opposes
(or subtracts from) the input signal.

6. Present some calculation circuits using operational amplifiers (OA) such as

integration, differential, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. List
some practical applications in life that you envision.

7. Method for representation and simplification of logic functions? How to use basic
logic gates to design logic circuits with predefined functions?
Use basic logic gate
Three main ways of specifying the function of a combinational logic circuit are:
 1. Boolean Algebra – This forms the algebraic expression showing the
operation of the logic circuit for each input variable either True or False that
results in a logic “1” output.
 2. Truth Table – A truth table defines the function of a logic gate by
providing a concise list that shows all the output states in tabular form for
each possible combination of input variable that the gate could encounter.
 3. Logic Diagram – This is a graphical representation of a logic circuit
that shows the wiring and connections of each individual logic gate,
represented by a specific graphical symbol, that implements the logic circuit.
8. Present the encoder of decimal to binary. Discuss on 7-segment decoding circuit.
9. Concept of signal modulation. Discuss on amplitude modulation (AM) when the
information signal has the form u2= U2 cosΩt and the carrier wave has the form
u1 = U1cost (Ω); Draw the spectral diagram of the signal after modulation. Why the
FM is more resistant to noise than the AM?
• Modulation definition
– In the modulation process, some characteristic of a high-frequency carrier
signal (bandpass), is changed according to the instantaneous amplitude of
the information (baseband) signal.
Nguyên lí điều chế biên độ:
Điều chế

biên độ
Tín hiệu u2 Tín hiệu biến điệu

Sóng mang
10. Draw and analyze the detector circuit using 1 diode (Call Tc, Ts, ₸ = RC respectively
is the carrier cycle, signal cycle and time constant of the circuit). Conclude about the
good value of the detector.
11. Working conditions of an oscillator? Discuss on Hartley circuit and Colpitts circuit.
All oscillators operate along the same principle: they are systems that can store
energy in more than one way and exchange it back and forth between the
different storage possibilities. For instance, in pendulums (and swings) one exchanges
energy between kinetic and potential form.

• The Hartley oscillator is similar to the Colpitts except that the feedback circuit
consists of two series inductors and a parallel capacitor

• The Colpitts Oscillator

One basic type of resonant circuit feedback oscillator is the Colpitts, named after its
inventor—as are most of the others we cover here. As shown in Figure 16–16, this type
of oscillator uses an LC circuit in the feedback loop to provide the necessary phase shift
and to act as a resonant filter that passes only the desired frequency of oscillation.
12. Draw the principle of the self-oscillating multi-vibrator using two symmetrical
transistors. Indicate the principle of operation.

- Calculation of biasing diode, transistor circuit.
- Calculation of circuit with OA.
- Logic circuit design.
- Simplify the logic circuit using Karnaugh maps method.

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