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A new founded company is looking for full stack developers to create an online browser
gaming platform. Game developers can upload their games to the platform and users can
play them online in the browser.
There are three parts to the platform:
 Developer Portal: A web application for game developers to upload their games to
the platform.
 Administrator Portal: A web application for administrators to manage the platform
with its users and games.
 Gaming Portal: A web application for players to play games online in the browser.

The company wants to create a minimum viable product (MVP) for the platform. The MVP
should already contain the aforementioned parts, but it is acceptable that the Game
Developer Portal and the Administrator.
Portal are not fleshed out yet. The Gaming Portal should be fully functional, so that users
can play games online in the browser.

Description of Projects
The project is split into two phases:
 Phase one for building the API and static pages using a PHP framework and MySQL
 Phase two for building the frontend parts using HTML/CSS and a JavaScript
framework, consuming the API developed in phase one.

You can find the provided media files to support your work:
- Provided frameworks (laravel, vuejs, reactjs)
- Postman collection and environment
- Template GUI (to build frontend UI)
- lks-server.sql (a database with structures and dummy data)
Phase 1 : RESTful API
In this phase, you should build a RESTful API using the Laravel framework according to the
documentation below.

Ensure users can login using credentials below:


Username Password

admin1 hellouniverse1!

admin2 hellouniverse2!

Username Password

dev1 hellobyte1!

dev2 hellobyte2!


Username Password

player1 helloworld1!

player2 helloworld2!

REST API Specification

General information:

 The response bodies contain some static example data. Dynamic data from the database
should be used.
 Placeholder parameters in the URL are marked with a preceding colon (e.g. :slug or :id).
 The order of properties in objects does not matter, but the order in an arrays does.
 The Content-Type header of a request must always be application/json for POST, PUT,
 The Content-Type header of a response is always application/json unless specified
 Timestamps are formatted as ISO-8601 strings. E.g. 2032-01-31T21:59:35.000Z.
 The given URLs are relative to the base URL of the API. E.g. /api/v1/games is the URL to
get all games.
 The API URLs must not end in .php or .html or any other file extension. The game files
are an exception to this.
 The token for protected endpoints must be specified as a Bearer token in the
`Authorization` header. I.e. `Authorization: Bearer <token>`
1. Authentication
You should create Login and Logout endpoints. The accessToken must be generated by sanctum and
will be placed in the request headers Authorization Bearer.

Sign Up
POST [domain]/api/v1/auth/signup
This endpoint creates a new user and returns a session token.

Request Body:

"username": "testuser",
"password": "asdf1234"

username required, unique, min length 4, max length 60

password required, min length 5, max length 10


Successful creation response:

Status Code: 201

Response Body:

"status": "success",
"token": "xxx"

Sign In
POST [domain]/api/v1/auth/signin
This checks the username and password against all known users. If found, a session token is returned.

Valid response:

Status Code: 200

Request Body:

"username": "testuser",
"password": "asdf1234"

username required, unique, min length 4, max length 60

password required, min length 5, max length 10

Response Body:

"status": "success",
"token": "xxx"

Wrong username / password response:

Status Code: 401

Response Body:

"status": "invalid",
"message": "Wrong username or password"

Sign Out
POST [domain]/api/v1/auth/signout
Deletes the current session token.

Valid response:

Status Code: 200

Response Body:

"status": "success"

2. Users
Get all admin data
GET [domain]/api/v1/admins
Returns an admin data.


Status Code: 200

"totalElements": 2,

"content": [
"username": "admin1",
"last_login_at": "",
"created_at": "2024-04-05 20:55:40",
"updated_at": "2024-04-05 20:55:40",
"username": "admin2",
"last_login_at": "2024-04-05 20:55:40",
"created_at": "2024-04-05 20:55:40",
"updated_at": "2024-04-05 20:55:40",

User is not administrator response:

Status Code: 403

Response Body:

"status": "forbidden",
"message": "You are not the administrator"

POST [domain]/api/v1/users
This endpoint can be used to create a user.

Request Body:

"username": "testuser",
"password": "asdf1234"

username required, unique, min length 4, max length 60

password required, min length 5, max length 10


Successful creation response:

Status Code: 201

Response Body:

"status": "success",
"username": "testuser"

Existing username:

If the username is not unique, the admin user cannot be created and instead the following response is

Status Code: 400

"status": "invalid",
"message": "Username already exists"

User is not administrator response:

Status Code: 403

Response Body:

"status": "forbidden",
"message": "You are not the administrator"

GET [domain]/api/v1/users
Returns a user details.


Status Code: 200

"totalElements": 2,

"content": [
"username": "player1",
"last_login_at": "",
"created_at": "2024-04-05 20:55:40",
"updated_at": "2024-04-05 20:55:40",
"username": "player2",
"last_login_at": "2024-04-05 20:55:40",
"created_at": "2024-04-05 20:55:40",
"updated_at": "2024-04-05 20:55:40",

User is not administrator response:

Status Code: 403

Response Body:

"status": "forbidden",
"message": "You are not the administrator"
PUT [domain]/api/v1/users/:id
This endpoint can be used to update a user.

Request Body:

"username": "testuser",
"password": "asdf1234"

username required, unique, min length 4, max length 60

password required, min length 5, max length 10


Successful creation response:

Status Code: 201

Response Body:

"status": "success",
"username": "testuser"

Existing username:

If the username is not unique, the admin user cannot be created and instead the following response is


Status Code: 400

"status": "invalid",
" message": "Username already exists"

User is not administrator response:

Status Code: 403

Response Body:

"status": "forbidden",
"message": "You are not the administrator"
DELETE [domain]/api/v1/users/:id
This endpoint can be used to update a user.

Successful deletion response:

Status Code: 204

This returns an empty body. The `Content-Type` header does not have to be `application/json`.

User is not found response:

Status Code: 403

Response Body:

"status": "not-found",
"message": "User Not found"

User is not administrator response:

Status Code: 403

Response Body:

"status": "forbidden",
"message": "You are not the administrator"

3. Games
GET [domain]/api/v1/games
Returns a paginated list of games.

Query Parameters:


page Page number. Starts at 0 0
size Page size. Must be greater or equal than 1 10
sortBy Field to sort by. Must be one of "title", "popular", "uploaddate" title
sortDir Describes sort direction. Must be one of "asc" or "desc" asc

The sort fields are explained here:


title Game title

popular Counts the total number of scores per game and sorts by this count

uploaddate Latest game version upload timestamp

In `content`, the fields `thumbnail` and `uploadTimestamp` refer only to the latest version.

The field `scoreCount` is the sum of scores over all versions.


Status Code: 200

Response Body:

"page": 0,
"size": 10,
"totalElements": 15,

"content": [
"slug": "demo-game-1",
"title": "Demo Game 1",
"description": "This is demo game 1",
"thumbnail": "/games/:slug/:version/thumbnail.png",
"uploadTimestamp": "2032-01-31T21:59:35.000Z",
"author": "dev1",
"scoreCount": 5

Response page fields explained:


page The requested page number. Starts at 0

size The actual page size. Must be less or equal than the requested page size

totalElements The total number of elements regardless of page

content An array of the games in the page

It can be computed how many pages there are:

pageCount = ceil(totalElements / requestedSize)

It can also be computed if the returned page is the last page by multiplying the (page+1) by
requested page size and checking if the result is less than or equal to the total elements.
isLastPage = (page + 1) * requestedSize >= totalElements

Note 1: If there is a game that has no game version yet, it is not included in the response nor the total
Note 2: If there is no thumbnail, the thumbnail field is null.

POST [domain]/api/v1/games
This endpoint can be used to create a game. However, the game version needs to be uploaded
in a separate step. If a game does not have a version yet, it is not returned in this endpoint.

Request Body:

"title": "Demo Game 3",
"description": "This is demo game 3"

title required, min length 3, max length 60

description required, min length 0, max length 200


Successful creation response:

Status Code: 201

Response Body:

"status": "success",
"slug": "generated-game-slug"

Existing slug:

If the generated slug is not unique, the game cannot be created and instead the following response is


Status Code: 400

"status": "invalid",
"slug": "Game title already exists"

GET [domain]/api/v1/games/:slug
Returns a games details.


Status Code: 200

"slug": "demo-game-1",
"title": "Demo Game 1",
"description": "This is demo game 1",
"thumbnail": "/games/:slug/:version/thumbnail.png",
"uploadTimestamp": "2032-01-31T21:59:35.000Z",
"author": "dev1",
"scoreCount": 5,
"gamePath": "/games/demo-game-1/1/"
If there is no thumbnail, the thumbnail field is null.

The `gamePath` field points to a URL path that browsers can use to render the game. This
means this is a reachable asset path.

Game file upload

POST [domain]/api/v1/games/:slug/upload
The user can upload a new version of a game if they are the author of that game.

• This is not a REST endpoint and rather it accepts a file upload. The parameter name is `zipfile`.
• The version of the game is an integer and incrementing. The first version is `1`. The user
cannot control the version.
• The session token needs to be provided as form parameter `token`.
• The path has to be stored in the game record, so that players can find the game files.
If the upload fails because of one of these possible reasons, the response must be a plain text
explanation of the error.
• User is not author of the game

Serve game files

GET /games/:slug/:version/
The game files that were uploaded are served under that path which is public.

PUT [domain]/api/v1/games/:slug
This endpoint allows the author of the game to update the game title and description.

Request Body:

"title": "Demo Game 1 (updated)",
"description": "Updated description"

Note: This does not update the game's slug.


Successful update response:

Status Code: 200

Response Body:
"status": "success"

User is not game author response:

Status Code: 403

Response Body:

"status": "forbidden",
"message": "You are not the game author"

DELETE [domain]/api/v1/games/:slug
The author can delete their game. This deletes the game, all versions and all scores.


Successful deletion response:

Status Code: 204

This returns an empty body. The `Content-Type` header does not have to be `application/json`.

User is not game author response:

Status Code: 403

Response Body:

"status": "forbidden",
"message": "You are not the game author"

GET [domain]/api/v1/users/:username

Returns the user details.


Status Code: 200

Response Body:

"username": "dev1",
"registeredTimestamp": "2032-01-31T21:59:35.000Z",
"authoredGames": [
"slug": "demo-game-1",
"title": "Demo Game 1",
"description": "This is demo game 1"
"highscores": [
"game": {
"slug": "demo-game-1",
"title": "Demo Game 1",
"description": "This is demo game 1"
"score": 15,
"timestamp": "2032-01-31T21:59:35.000Z"

The authoredGames is an array that returns all games with at least one version where this user is the
author. If the user requesting the user details is the user itself, this returns also games that have no
version yet.
The highscores is an array of highest scores per game played.

GET [domain]/api/v1/games/:slug/scores

Returns the highest scores of each player that played any version of the game, sorted by score


Status Code: 200

Response Body:

"scores": [
"username": "player2",
"score": 20,
"timestamp": "2032-01-31T21:59:35.000Z"
"username": "player1",
"score": 15,
"timestamp": "2032-01-31T21:59:35.000Z"

POST [domain]/api/v1/games/:slug/scores
When a user ends a game run, the score can be posted to this endpoint.

Request Body:
"score": 100
The game version associated to the score is the latest one available.


Successful creation response:

Status Code: 201

Response Body:

"status": "success"

Invalid request body

If the POST or PUT request had invalid fields, they are validated and a response is
returned that lists the violations.
Status Code: 400

Response Body:

"status": "invalid",
"message": "Request body is not valid.",
"violations": {
"field_name": {
"message": "required"
"field_name": {
"message": "must be at least 4 characters long"
"field_name": {
"message": "must be at most 60 characters long"
In the above example, all possible violations are shown. The actual returned violations should
only be the fields which were actually invalid. At most one validation per field is shown.
Validations are executed in order of appearance in the example above. field_name must be
replaced with the actual field name.

The messages for length must include the actual length requirement value.

Missing or invalid auth header

If the consumer makes a call to a path that requires the auth header to be present, this must be the

Status Code: 401

Response Body:

"status": "unauthenticated",
"message": "Missing token"

If the consumer makes a call to a path that requires the auth header to be present, but provides an
invalid or not existing token, this must be the response:
Status Code: 401

Response Body:

"status": "unauthenticated",
"message": "Invalid token"

If the consumer makes a call to a path that requires the auth header to be present, but the user is
blocked, this must be the response:
Status Code: 403

Response Body:

"status": "blocked",
"message": "User blocked",
"reason": "You have been blocked by an administrator"

Note: The reason is a dynamic value, chosen by the admin that blocks the user.

The following method and path patterns require a valid session header to be present:

• POST /api/v1/auth/signout
• POST, PUT, DELETE /api/v1/games/**
• GET, POST, PUT, DELETE /api/v1/users/**
• GET /api/v1/admins/**

Non-existing API path

If the consumer makes a call to a non-existing path, or a resource that does not exist, this must be the

Status Code: 404

Response Body:
"status": "not-found",

"message": "Not found"

Phase 2 : Front-end Development
In this part, you should build a front-end application using one of the provided frameworks
(vue js or react js). You can use the provided template gui on the media files to build the
front-end ui.
Pages / Features Description

- User can sign in using the correct credentials (username

and password)
- Alert errors should be displayed when login failed
Sign Up, - Users can sign out by clicking the logout button on the
Sign In, navbar.
Sign Out - 2 level user can login (administrator and user)
- Administrator menu (List Admin, List User)
- User menu (Discover Games, Manage Games, User

Home - Users can see their login info.

- The admin can see all admin users in the database with
List Admin
username, created timestamp and last login timestamp.

- The admin can see all platform users with username,

registration timestamp, last login timestamp and click a link
List User to their profile page
- The admin can block and unblock users
- The admin can create, update and delete users

- See a list of games. For each game, the following is shown:

o Title
o Score Count: Number of scores submitted
o Description: The description provided by the author.
o Thumbnail: If available, otherwise a default graphic.
o The list can be sorted by popularity, recently updated,
or title. Both ascending and descending options can be
Discover games selected by the user.
- The link to the game should have link-only link purpose
applied for accessibility

The games are shown in an infinitely scrolling list. With an infinitely

scrolling list, there are no pages, but scrolling the page triggers
loading of more games if the scroll position gets close to the end of
the currently loaded games. In infinite scroll mode, there are no
pages, but scrolling triggers loading of more games.

- This page renders the game shows the current highscores

(which are automatically updated).
- If the user is within the top ten, the current user is
highlighted and marked as being the current user (for
Detail Game
example by showing it bold). If the current user has a score
that ranks below the top ten, then the score is appended,
but shown without rank.
- The game description is shown as well.
This page shows the user profile with:
- Username
- Authored Games
o The list is sorted by when the last version was
uploaded. The most recently updated game is at the
o If the user has not uploaded any games, the "Authored
Games" section is omitted.
o Per authored game, the following is shown: Game
User Profile Title, Description, Thumbnail, The number of submitted
- The author is not shown per game as this is redundant
- Highscores
o The list shows the highest score per game.
o The list is sorted by game title alphabetically.
o Each game has a link that can be clicked to go to the

On this page, developers can update title and description of a

game, delete the game, or upload a new version. On this page,
developers can do the following:
- Update title and description.
- Upload a new version. This requires the user to upload a
Manage Game ZIP file.
- Delete the game. The game is only deleted after the user
If a user tries to reach this page without being the author, they are
redirected to the game itself.

- Save your REST Api in the directory called “SERVER_MODULE/backend” and
save it in the repository folder.
- Save your front-end app in the directory called “SERVER_MODULE/frontend” and
save it in the repository folder.
- When developing the Frontend, you can use/consume the provided REST API.
- You should build the frontend app to production mode and save the production
files in the “SERVER_MODULE/frontend/build” folder before you push it to the
github repository.
- Make sure the “/build” folder isn't written on the .gitgnore file.
- You should commit and push your changes to the github repository at least every 30

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