PDF Achieving The Paris Climate Agreement Goals Global and Regional 100 Renewable Energy Scenarios With Non Energy GHG Pathways For 1 5 C and 2 C Sven Teske Ebook Full Chapter

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Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement

Goals Global and Regional 100

Renewable Energy Scenarios with Non
energy GHG Pathways for 1 5 C and 2 C
Sven Teske
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Renewable Energy and Climate Change Quaschning


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Sven Teske Editor

Achieving the
Paris Climate
Agreement Goals
Global and Regional 100% Renewable
Energy Scenarios with Non-energy GHG
Pathways for +1.5°C and +2°C
Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals
Sven Teske

Achieving the Paris Climate

Agreement Goals
Global and Regional 100% Renewable
Energy Scenarios with Non-energy GHG
Pathways for +1.5°C and +2°C
Sven Teske
Institute for Sustainable Futures
University of Technology Sydney
Sydney, NSW, Australia

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ISBN 978-3-030-05842-5    ISBN 978-3-030-05843-2 (eBook)


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For the next generation.
For my son, Travis.
Climate Model: Foreword

In October of 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued its

starkest warning yet: we have around 12 years to avoid the worst effects of
anthropogenic climate change. The consumption of fossil fuels, the reckless
destruction of forests and other natural ecosystems, and the release of powerful
greenhouse gases have already caused around 1.0 °C of warming above pre-
industrial levels.
Continuing at the current rate, we are likely to reach 1.5 °C by 2030 – and all the
evidence suggests that a world beyond 1.5 °C is not one we want to live in.
While making the 2016 documentary film, Before the Flood, I witnessed first-
hand the impacts of an already-changing climate: the rapid melting of ice in the
Arctic Circle, massive bleaching of coral reefs in the Bahamas, and rampant defor-
estation in Indonesia and the Amazon. Better than ever, we understand the heart-
breaking impact of human activity on our natural world. It is estimated, for example,
that 60% of animals have been wiped out since 1970.
Higher temperatures and extreme weather events will cause ever more severe
harm to biodiversity and ecosystems and even greater species loss and extinction.
And when we lose biodiversity, we lose resilience. Currently, natural ecosystems
absorb about half of human-caused carbon dioxide emissions. If we continue to
degrade the natural world, we could lose completely the Earth’s ability to adapt to
climate change.
A passion for nature conservation and animal protection has driven much of my
foundation’s work over the past 20 years. Ultimately, however, the climate crisis is
a humanitarian one. If business-as-usual continues, the impact on human beings
will be immeasurable. Water supplies will become more insecure. Sea level rise will
profoundly impact islands, low-lying coastal areas, and river deltas. Small island
communities like those I visited in the South Pacific are already preparing for
migration to safer lands. Fatal floods, droughts, hurricanes, and wildfires are the

viii Climate Model: Foreword

new normal, and happening closer to home. An estimated 41 million Americans live
within a 100-year flood zone. Texas saw its third 500-year flood 3 years in a row.
Poor air quality is a public health emergency across the world and now the
fourth-highest cause of death – contributing to strokes, heart attacks, and lung
cancer – causing public unrest in countries like China and India, where the poorest
find themselves at the mercy of pollution from industrial facilities and the burning
of biomass. In states like Texas, Colorado, and North Dakota, communities are
fighting back against gas drilling operations near playgrounds or soccer fields,
where children breathe in poisonous gases.
These health impacts are only part of the story. Climate change, as the US
Pentagon notes, is a national security threat. In a 2017 report by the Environmental
Justice Foundation, senior US military experts pointed to the likelihood of tens of
millions of climate refugees displaced by extreme weather – in a world already
struggling with a refugee crisis. We already know that many conflicts are driven by
environmental factors and access to natural resources. The truth is that, where
ecosystems collapse, societies collapse too.
Politically, there has been a monumental failure to grasp the scale of this problem.
Climate scientists still face disinformation campaigns and a press corps that often
draws a false equivalence between those who support the scientific consensus for
human-caused climate change and those who do not. Surveys suggest that most
Americans do not know a scientific consensus exists, and scientists like Michael
Mann, who spoke to me for Before the Flood, face abuse for exposing the truth. As
a result, scientific research programs, critical to better understanding and addressing
climate change, are often attacked or defunded.
Nevertheless, in the face of these challenges, some progress is being made. With
the growth of the environmental movement, public awareness of the climate crisis
has increased significantly. Governments and the private sector are beginning to
ramp up their efforts. Renewable energy is booming. And the UN Sustainable
Development Goals, ratified by 193 countries, now call for a halt to deforestation
and land degradation by 2030. After decades of climate negotiations, the Paris
Agreement now calls upon the world’s governments to keep warming “well below
2°C” while striving for 1.5°C.
While we are beginning to move in the right direction, the reality is that these
efforts are simply not ambitious enough to address the climate crisis at scale. The
IPCC warns that to avoid the worst consequences of climate change, we must stay
below the 1.5 °C limit. But what does that mean in practical terms?
Determined to find solutions, my foundation supported a 2-year research program
led by a team of international climate and energy experts to develop a roadmap for
how we can actually stay below this critical climate threshold. The findings, outlined
in this book, give cause for optimism. With a transition to 100% renewable energy
by mid-century and a major land conservation and restoration effort, it is possible to
stay below the 1.5 °C limit with technologies that are available right now. It will be
Climate Model: Foreword ix

a lot of work, but the costs will be far less than the $5 trillion per year governments
currently spend subsidizing the fossil fuel industries responsible for climate change.
The climate model and energy transition pathways compiled in this book offer an
exciting, positive, and achievable vision of a better world in which we are no longer
dependent on fossil fuels and where the conservation and restoration of nature is
treated as indispensable to our survival. This is not fantasy. This is science.
Science is showing us the way forward, but you do not need to be a scientist to
understand that climate change is the defining issue of our time. If our world warms
past 1.5 °C, our way of life will profoundly change for the worse. Why not manage
the transition in a way that is orderly and equitable? Human beings caused this
problem, but with our vast knowledge and ingenuity, we can also fix it.
We are resilient. We can adapt. We can change.

Chairman of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Leonardo DiCaprio

Contact Information

Lead Author: Dr Sven Teske

University of Technology Sydney – Institute for Sustainable Futures (UTS-ISF)
Address: Building 10, 235 Jones Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia 2007/Telephone:
+61 2 9514 4786

Author: Dr. Sven Teske Chapters: 1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 7, 8
E-mail: [email protected] (Power Sector analysis), 9, 10, 13
Author: Prof. Dr. Damien Giurco Chapters: 11, 13
E-mail: [email protected]
Author: Tom Morris Chapters: 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 7
E-mail: [email protected]
Author: Kriti Nagrath Chapters: 3.2, 7
E-mail: [email protected]
Author: Franziska Mey Chapter: 10
E-mail: [email protected]
Author: Dr Chris Briggs Chapter: 10
E-mail: [email protected]
Author: Elsa Dominish Chapter: 10, 11
E-mail: [email protected]
Author: Dr Nick Florin Chapter 11
E-mail: [email protected]

Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University – for Chapter 11

Author: Takuma Watari,
Author: Benjamin Mclellan

xii Contact Information

German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Engineering Thermodynamics

Department of Energy Systems Analysis
Address: Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, Germany D-70569/Telephone: +49-711 6862 355

Author: Dr. Thomas Pregger Chapters: 3.1, 3.4, 5, 8

E-mail: [email protected] (Long-term energy model), 13
Author: Dr. Tobias Naegler Chapters: 3.1, 3.4, 5, 8
E-mail: [email protected] (Long-term energy model), 13
Author: Dr. Sonja Simon Chapters: 3.1, 3.4, 5, 8
E-mail: [email protected] (Long-term energy model), 13
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Vehicle Concepts (FK),
Department of Vehicle Systems and Technology Assessment
Address: Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, Germany D-70569/Telephone: +49-711 6862 533

Author: Johannes Pagenkopf, Chapters: 3.3, 6, 13

E-mail: [email protected]
Author: Bent van den Adel Chapters: 3.3, 6, 13
E-mail: [email protected]
Author: Özcan Deniz Chapters: 3.3, 6, 13
E-mail: [email protected]
Author: Dr. Stephan Schmid Chapters: 3.3, 6, 13
E-mail: [email protected]

University of Melbourne
Address: Australian-German Climate and Energy College, Level 1, 187 Grattan
Street, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia 3010

Author: A/Prof. Dr. Malte Meinshausen Chapters: 2.1, 3.8, 4, 12, 13

Affiliation: University of Melbourne
E-mail: [email protected]/
Telephone: +61 3 90356760
Author: Dr. Kate Dooley Chapters: 3.8, 4.1, 7
Affiliation: University of Melbourne
E-mail: [email protected]/
Telephone: +61 3 90356760

Editor: Janine Miller

Executive Summary

Abstract An overview of the motivations behind the writing of this book, the sci-
entific background and context of the research. Brief outline of all methodologies
used, followed by assumptions and the storyline of each scenario. Presentation of
main results of the renewable energy resources assessment, transport scenario, long-
term energy pathway, the power sector analysis, employment analysis and an assess-
ment for required metals for renewable energy and storage technologies. Key results
of non-energy greenhouse mitigation scenarios which are developed in support of
the energy scenario in order to achieve the 1.5 °C target. Concluding remarks and
policy recommendations including graphs and tables.

Introduction The Paris Climate Agreement aims to hold global warming to well
below 2 degrees Celsius (°C) and to “pursue efforts” to limit it to 1.5 °C. To accom-
plish this, countries have submitted Intended Nationally Determined Contributions
(INDCs) outlining their post-2020 climate actions (Rogelj 2016). This research
aimed to develop practical pathways to achieve the Paris climate goals based on a
detailed bottom-up examination of the potential of the energy sector, in order to
avoid reliance on net negative emissions later on.
The study described in this book focuses on the ways in which humans produce
energy, because energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are the main drivers
of climate change. The analysis also considers the development pathways for non-­
energy-­related emissions and mitigation measures for them because it is essential to
address their contributions if we are to achieve the Paris climate change targets.
State of Research—Climate Beyond reasonable doubt, climate change over the
last 250 years has been driven by anthropogenic activities. In fact, the human-­
induced release of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere warms the planet
even more than is currently observed as climate change, but some of that greenhouse-­
gas-­induced warming is masked by the effect of aerosol emissions.

xiv Executive Summary

Carbon dioxide emissions are so large that they are the dominant driver of
human-induced climate change. A single kilogram of CO2 emitted will increase the
atmospheric CO2 concentration over hundreds or even thousands of years. Since the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report, the
finding that cumulative CO2 emissions are roughly linearly related to temperature
has shaped scientific and political debate. The remaining permissible CO2 emissions
that are consistent with a target temperature increase of 2 °C or 1.5 °C and their
comparison with remaining fossil fuel resources are of key interest.
The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report concluded that beyond 2011, cumulative CO2
emissions of roughly 1000 GtCO2 are permissible for a “likely below 2.0 °C” target
change, and approximately 400 GtCO2 are permissible for a 1.5 °C target change.
However, the recently published IPCC Special Report on the 1.5 °C target suggests
substantially higher carbon emissions of 1600 GtCO2 will achieve a 2.0 °C change
and 860 GtCO2 will achieve a 1.5 °C change, which must be reduced by a further 100
GtCO2 to account for additional Earth system feedback over the twenty-­first century.
One of the key reasons behind this difference is definitional: how far do we consider
that we are away from 1.5 °C warming? While that question seems simple, it is sur-
prisingly complex when the observational data on coverage, the internal variability
and the pre-industrial to early-industrial temperature differences are considered.
This study does not resolve the differences in opinions about carbon budgets, but
it does provide emission pathways that are consistent with the 1.5 °C target increase
in the 1.5 °C Scenario, or with the “well below 2.0 °C” target increase in the 2.0 °C
Scenario consistent with other scenarios in the literature and classified as such by
the IPCC Special Report on 1.5 °C.
Global Trends in the Energy Sector In 2017, the ongoing trends continued: solar
photovoltaics (PV) and wind power dominated the global market for new power
plants; the price of renewable energy technologies continued to decline; and fossil
fuel prices remained low. A new benchmark was reached, in that the new renewable
capacity began to compete favourably with existing fossil fuel power plants in some
markets. Electrification of the transport and heating sectors is gaining attention, and
although the amount of electrification is currently small, the use of renewable
technologies is expected to increase significantly.
The growth of solar PV has been remarkable and is nearly double that of the
second-ranking wind power. The capacity of new solar PV in 2017 was greater than
the combined increases in the coal, gas and nuclear capacities. Renewable energy
technologies achieved a global average generation share of 23% in the year 2015,
compared with 18% in the year 2005. Storage is increasingly used in combination
with variable renewables as battery costs decline, and solar PV plus storage has
started to compete with gas peaking plants. However, bioenergy (including
traditional biomass) remains the leading renewable energy source in the heating
(buildings and industry) and transport sectors.
Since 2013, global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil
fuels have remained relatively flat. Early estimates based on preliminary data
suggest that this changed in 2017, with global CO2 emissions increasing by around
1.4% (REN21-GSR 2018). These increased emissions were primarily attributable to
Executive Summary xv

increased coal consumption in China, which grew by 3.7% in 2017 after a 3-year
decline. The increased Chinese consumption, as well as a steady growth of around
4% in India, is expected to lead to an upturn in global coal use, reversing the annual
global decline from 2013 to 2016.
In 2017, as in previous years, renewables saw the greatest increases in capacity
in the power sector, whereas the growth of renewables in the heating, cooling and
transport sectors was comparatively slow. Sector coupling—the interconnection of
power, heating and transport and particularly the electrification of heating and
transport—is gaining increasing attention as a means of increasing the uptake of
renewables in the transport and thermal sectors. Sector coupling also allows the
integration of large proportions of variable renewable energy, although this is still at
an early stage. For example, China is specifically encouraging the electrification of
heating, manufacturing and transport in high-renewable areas, including promoting
the use of renewable electricity for heating to reduce the curtailment of wind, solar
PV and hydropower. Several US states are examining options for electrification,
specifically to increase the overall renewable energy share.
Methodology for Developing Emission Pathways The complete decarbonisation
of the global energy supply requires entirely new technical, economic and policy
frameworks for the electricity, heating and cooling sectors as well as for the trans-
port system. To develop a global plan, the authors combined various established
computer models:

• Generalized Equal Quantile Walk (GQW): This statistical method is used to

complement the CO2 pathways with non-CO2 regional emissions for relevant
greenhouse gases (GHGs) and aerosols, based on a statistical analysis of the
large number (~700) of multi-gas emission pathways underlying the recent IPCC
Fifth Assessment Report and the recently published IPCC Special Report on
1.5 °C. The GQW method calculates the median non-CO2 gas emission levels
every 5 years—conditional on the energy-related CO2 emission level percentile
of the “source” pathway. This method is a further development under this
project—building on an earlier Equal Quantile Walk method—and is now better
able to capture the emission dynamics of low-mitigation pathways.
• Land-based sequestration design: A Monte Carlo analysis across temperate,
boreal, subtropical and tropical regions has been performed based on various
literature-based estimates of sequestration rates, sequestration periods and areas
available for a number of sequestration options. This approach can be seen as a
quantified literature-based synthesis of the potential for land-based CO2
sequestration, which is not reliant on biomass plus sequestration and storage
(bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, BECCS).
• Carbon cycle and climate modelling (Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse
Gas-Induced Climate Change, MAGICC): This study uses the MAGICC climate
model, which also underlies the classification used by both the IPCC Fifth
Assessment Report and the IPCC Special Report on 1.5 °C in terms of the
abilities of various scenarios to maintain the temperature change below 2 °C or
1.5 °C. MAGICC is constantly evolving, but its core goes back to the 1980s, and
xvi Executive Summary

it represents one of the most established reduced-complexity climate models in

the international community.
• Renewable Resource Assessment [R]E-SPACE: RE-SPACE is based on a
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approach and provides maps of the solar
and wind potentials in space-constrained environments. GIS attempts to emulate
processes in the real world at a single point in time or over an extended period
(Goodchild 2005). The primary purpose of GIS mapping is to ascertain the
renewable energy resources (primarily solar and wind) available in each region.
It also provides an overview of the existing electricity infrastructures for fossil
fuel and renewable sources.
• Transport model (TRAEM): The transport scenario model allows the
representation of long-term transport developments in a consistent and transparent
way. The model disaggregates transport into a set of different modes and
calculates the final energy demand by multiplying each transport mode’s specific
transport demand with powertrain-specific energy demands, using a passenger
km (pkm) and tonne km (tkm) activity-based bottom-up approach.
• Energy system model (EM): The energy system model (a long-term energy
scenario model) is used as a mathematical accounting system for the energy
sector. It helps to model the development of energy demands and supply
according to the development of drivers and energy intensities, energy potentials,
future costs, emission targets, specific fuel consumption and the physical flow
between processes. The data available significantly influence the model
architecture and approach. The energy system model is used in this study to
develop long-term scenarios for the energy system across all sectors (power,
heat, transport and industry), without applying cost-optimization based on
uncertain cost assumptions. However, an ex-post analysis of costs and investments
shows the main economic effects of the pathways.
• Power system models [R]E 24/7: Power system models simulate electricity
systems on an hourly basis with geographic resolution to assess the requirements
for infrastructure, such as the grid connections between different regions and
electricity storage, depending on the demand profiles and power-generation
characteristics (Teske 2015). High-penetration or renewable energy-only
scenarios will contain significant proportions of variable solar PV and wind
power because they are inexpensive. Therefore, power system models are
required to assess the demand and supply patterns, the efficiency of power
generation and the resulting infrastructural needs. Meteorological data, typically
in 1 h steps, are required for the power-generation model, and historical solar and
wind data were used to calculate the possible renewable power generation. In
terms of demand, either historical demand curves were used, or if unavailable,
demand curves were calculated based on assumptions of consumer behaviour in
the use of electrical equipment and common electrical appliances. Figure 1
provides an overview of the interaction between the energy- and GIS-based
models. The climate model is not directly linked with it but provided the carbon
budgets for the 2.0 °C and the 1.5 °C Scenarios.
Transport model (TRAEM) Resource model ([R]E SPACE)
Modelling freight & passenger transport GIS based renewable energy
demand by mode potentials based on weather &
cluster land use data
energy demand by
transport mode annual power RE generation
Executive Summary

& supply demand

biofuel constraints curves

energy-related Energy system model (EM) Power system model
CO2 emissions bottom-up simulation of future ([R]E 24/7)
energy balances based on GDP, hourly balancing of
population, technology, electricity supply & demand
complexity carbon & energy intensity development in in spatial resolution
cycle and climate all sectors and for 10 world regions for sub regional clusters
model (MAGICC)
to calculate the Simplified land-based annual
sequestration model Generalized Equal
climatic effects Quantile Walk
of multi-gas reforestation, Complementing non-CO2 CO2 emissions
pathways restoration, gases based on the
sustainable use and IPCC scenario database
agroforestry options. characteristics

full energy balances: final energy balanced RE power

total climate demand power, heat & transport, system, storage
change effects supply structure, primary energy demand,

demand by fuel, emission, investment curtailment

Fig. 1 Interactions between the models used in this study

xviii Executive Summary

Besides the climate and energy models, employment effects and the metal
resource requirements for selected materials have been calculated. Now that the
methodology has been outlined, the next sections present the results and assumptions
for the nonenergy GHG mitigation scenarios, followed by the energy sector
Nonenergy-GHG Mitigation Scenarios The most important sequestration
measure could be large-scale reforestation, particularly in the subtropics and tropics
(see yellow pathways in Fig. 2). The second most important pathway in terms of the
amount of CO2 sequestered is the sustainable use of existing forests, which basically
means reduced logging within those forests. In subtropical, temperate and boreal
regions, this could provide substantial additional carbon uptake over time. The time
horizon for this sequestration option is assumed to be slightly longer in temperate
and boreal regions, consistent with the longer time it takes for these forest ecosystems
to reach equilibrium. The “forest ecosystem restoration” pathway is also important,
which basically assumes a reduction in logging rates to zero in a fraction of forests.
Overall, the median assumed sequestration pathways, shown in Fig. 2, would
result in the sequestration of 151.9 GtC. This is approximately equivalent to all
historical land-use-related CO2 emissions and indicates the substantial challenges
that accompany these sequestration pathways.
Given the competing forms of land use throughout the world today, the challenge of
reversing overall terrestrial carbon stocks back to pre-industrial levels cannot be
underestimated. There would be significant benefits, but also risks, if this

Global aggregate of sequestration pathways


Reforestation (subtropics and tropics)

Sustainable use
of forests
Annual sequestration (MtC/yr)

and tropics)
and boreal)

Reforestation (temperate and boreal)

500 (subtropics Agroforestry
and tropics) (subtropics and tropics)
(temperate (temperate and boreal)
and boreal)

2000 2050 2100 2150

Fig. 2 Sequestration pathways—annual sequestration over time

Executive Summary xix

sequestration option were to be used instead of mitigation. However, the benefits

are clearly manifold, ranging from biodiversity protection, reduced erosion,
improved local climates, protection from wind and potentially reduced air pollution.
Assumptions for Scenarios Scenario studies cannot predict the future. Instead,
scenarios describe what is required for a pathway that will limit warming to a certain
level and that is feasible in terms of technology implementation and investment.
Scenarios also allow us to explore the possible effects of transition processes, such
as supply costs and emissions. The energy demand and supply scenarios described
in this study have been constructed based on information about current energy
structures and today’s knowledge of energy resources and the costs involved in
deploying them. As far as possible, the study also takes into account potential
regional constraints and preferences.
The energy modelling used primarily aims to generate transparent and coherent
scenarios, ambitious but still plausible storylines, out of several possible techno-­
economic pathways. Knowledge integration is the core of this approach because we
must consider different technical, economic, environmental and societal factors.
Scenario modelling follows a hybrid bottom-up/top-down approach, with no
objective cost-optimization functions. The analysis considers key technologies for
successful energy transition and focuses on the role and potential utility of efficiency
measures and renewable energies. Wind and solar energies have the highest
economic potential and dominate the pathways on the supply side. However, the
variable renewable power from wind and PV remains limited to a maximum of
65%, because sufficient secured capacity must always be maintained in the
electricity system. Therefore, we also consider concentrating solar power (CSP)
with high-temperature heat storage as a solar option that promises large-scale
dispatchable and secured power generation.
The 5.0 °C Scenario (Reference Scenario): The reference scenario only takes into
account existing international energy and environmental policies and is based on the
International Energy Agency (IEA) World Energy Outlook (IEA 2017). Its
assumptions include, for example, continuing progress in electricity and gas market
reforms, the liberalization of cross-border energy trade and recent policies designed
to combat environmental pollution. The scenario does not include additional policies
to reduce GHG emissions. Because the IEA’s projections only extend to 2040, we
extrapolate their key macroeconomic and energy indicators forward to 2050. This
provides a baseline for comparison with the 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios.

The 2.0 °C Scenario: The first alternative scenario aims for an ambitious reduction
in GHG emissions to zero by 2050 and a global energy-related CO2 emission budget
of around 590 Gt between 2015 and 2050. This scenario is close to the assumptions
and results of the Advanced E[R] scenario published in 2015 by Greenpeace (Teske
et al. 2015). However, it includes an updated base year, more coherent regional
developments in energy intensity, and reconsidered trajectories and shares of the
deployment of renewable energy systems. Compared with the 1.5 °C Scenario, the
xx Executive Summary

2.0 °C Scenario allows for some delays due to political, economic and societal pro-
cesses and stakeholders.

The 1.5 °C Scenario: The second alternative scenario aims to achieve a global
energy-related CO2 emission budget of around 450 Gt, accumulated between 2015
and 2050. The 1.5 °C Scenario requires immediate action to realize all available
options. It is a technical pathway, not a political prognosis. It refers to technically
possible measures and options without taking into account societal barriers.
Efficiency and renewable potentials need to be deployed even more quickly than in
the 2.0 °C Scenario, and avoiding inefficient technologies and behaviours is an
essential strategy for developing regions in this scenario.

Global Transport Transport emissions have increased at a rapid rate in recent

decades and accounted for 21% of total anthropogenic CO2 emissions in 2015. The
reason for this steady increase in emissions is that passenger and freight transport
activities are increasing in all world regions, and there is currently no sign that these
increases will slow in the near future. The increasing demand for energy for transport
has so far been predominantly met by GHG-emitting fossil fuels. Although (battery)
electric mobility has recently surged considerably, it has done so from a very low
base, which is why in terms of total numbers, electricity remains an energy carrier
with a relatively minor role in the transport sector.
The key results of our transport modelling demonstrate that meeting the 2.0 °C
Scenario, and especially the 1.5 °C Scenario, will require profound measures in
terms of rapid powertrain electrification and the use of biofuels and synthetically
produced fuels to shift transport performance to more efficient modes. This must be
accompanied by a general limitation of further pkm and tkm growth in the OECD
The 5.0 °C Scenario follows the IEA World Energy Outlook (WEO) scenario
until 2040, with extrapolation to 2050. Only a minor increase in electrification over
all transport modes is assumed, with passenger cars and buses increasing their
electric vehicle (EV) shares. For example, this study projects a share of 30% for
battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in China by 2050 in response to the foreseeable
legislation and technological advancement in that country, whereas for the world car
fleet, the share of BEVs is projected to increase to only around 10%. Growth in the
shares of electric powertrains and two- and three-wheel vehicles in the commercial
road vehicle fleet will be small, as will the rise in further rail electrification. Aviation
and navigation (shipping) are assumed to remain fully dependent on conventional
kerosene and diesel, respectively.
In the 2.0 °C Scenario minimal progress in electrification until 2020 will occur,
whereas a significant increase in electrification of the transport sector between 2020
and 2030 is projected. This will occur first in OECD regions, followed by emerging
economies and finally in developing countries. Battery-driven electric passenger
cars are projected to achieve shares of between 21% and 30%, whereas heavy
commercial electric vehicles and buses could achieve even higher shares of between
28% and 52% by 2030. This uptake will require a massive build-up of battery
Executive Summary xxi

2.0C 1.5C
Powertrain split of world passenger car fleet

100% 100%
90% 90%
80% 80%
70% 70%
60% 60%
50% 50%
40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Internal Combuson Engine Plug-In Hybrid Electric Hydrogen

Fig. 3 Powertrain split of the world passenger car fleet in the 2 °C Scenario (left) and 1.5 °C
Scenario (right)

production capacity in coming years. Two- and three-wheel vehicles—mainly used

in Asia and Africa—will be nearly completely electrified (batteries and fuel cells)
by 2030. Looking ahead to 2050, 60–70% of buses and heavy trucks will become
(battery-driven) electric, and fuel-cell electric vehicles will increase their market
share to around 37%. In the 2.0 °C Scenario, developing countries in Africa and
countries in the oil-producing countries of the Middle East will remain predominantly
dependent on internal combustion engines, using bio- or synthetic-based fuels.
In the 1.5 °C Scenario, an earlier and more rapid increase in electric powertrain
penetration is required, with the OECD regions at the forefront. The emerging eco-
nomic regions must also electrify more rapidly than in the 2.0 °C Scenario. On a
global level, internal combustion engines will be almost entirely phased out by 2050
in both the 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios. In OECD regions, cars with internal com-
bustion engines (using oil-based fuels) will be phased out by 2040, whereas in Latin
America or Africa, for example, a small share of internal combustion engine inter-
nal combustion engine (ICE)-powered cars, fuelled with biofuels or synthetic fuels,
will still be on the road but will be constantly replaced by electric drivetrains
(Fig. 3).
Efficiency improvements are modelled across all transport modes until 2050,
resulting in improved energy intensity over time. We project an increase in annual
efficiency of 0.5–1% in terms of MJ/tonnes km or MJ/passenger km, depending on
the transport mode and region. Regardless of the types of powertrains and fuels,
increasing the efficiency at the MJ/pkm or MJ/tkm level will result from the follow-
ing measures:
–– Reductions in powertrain losses through more efficient motors, gears, power
electronics, etc.
–– Reductions in aerodynamic drag
–– Reductions in vehicle mass through lightweighting
–– The use of smaller vehicles
–– Operational improvements (e.g. through automatic train operation, load factor
Transport performance will increase in all scenarios on a global scale but with dif-
ferent speeds and intensities across modes and world regions. Current trends in
xxii Executive Summary

transport performance until 2050 are extrapolated for the 5.0 °C Scenario. In rela-
tive terms, all transport carriers will increase their performance from the current
levels, and in particular, energy-intensive aviation, passenger car transport and com-
mercial road transport are projected to grow strongly. In the 2.0 °C Scenario and
1.5 °C Scenario, we project a strong increase in rail traffic (starting from a relatively
low base) and slower growth or even a decline in the use of the other modes in all
world regions (Fig. 4).
The modal shifts from domestic aviation to rail and from road to rail are mod-
elled. In the 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios, passenger car pkm must decrease in the
OECD countries (but increase in the developing world regions) after 2020 in order
to maintain the carbon budget. The passenger car pkm decline will be partly com-
pensated by an increase in the performances of other transport modes, specifically
public transport rail and bus systems.

5.0°C 2.0°C







2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050


2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Passenger Train Aviation (Domestic) Passenger Car Bus 2- & 3-Wheeler

Freight Train Truck

Fig. 4 Relative growth in world transport demand (2015, 100% pkm/tkm) in the 5.0 °C, 2.0 °C
and 1.5 °C Scenarios
Executive Summary xxiii

Global Renewable Energy Potential To develop the 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios,
the economic renewable energy potential in a space-constrained environment was
analysed. Land is a scarce resource. The use of land for nature conservation, agri-
cultural production, residential areas and industry, as well as for infrastructure such
as roads and all aspects of human settlement, limits the amount of land available for
utility-scale solar and wind projects. Furthermore, solar and wind generation
requires favourable climatic conditions, so not all available areas are suitable for
renewable power generation. To assess the renewable energy potential based on the
area available, all scenario-relevant regions and subregions were analysed with the
[R]E-SPACE methodology to quantify the available land area in square kilometres
with a defined set of constraints:

–– Residential and urban settlements

–– Infrastructure for transport (e.g. rail, roads)
–– Industrial areas
–– Intensive agricultural production land
–– Nature conservation areas and national parks
–– Wetlands and swamps
–– Closed grasslands (as the land-use type)
In addition to this spatial analysis, the remaining available land areas were cor-
related with the available solar and wind resources. For CSP, a minimum solar radi-
ation of 2000 kilowatt hours per square meter and year (kWh/m2 year) is assumed
to be the minimum deployment criterion, whereas the onshore wind potential under
an average annual wind speed of 5 m/s has been omitted.
The 2.0 °C Scenario utilizes only a fraction of the available economic potential
of the assumed suitable land for utility-scale solar PV and CSP plants. This estimate
does not include solar PV rooftop systems, which have significant additional
potential. India has the highest solar utilization rate of 8.5%, followed by Europe
and the Middle East, each of which utilizes around 5%. Onshore wind potential has
been utilized to a larger extent than solar potential. In the 2.0 °C Scenario, space-­
constrained India will utilize about half of all the onshore wind energy utilized,
followed by Europe, which will utilize one fifth. This wind potential excludes
offshore wind, which has significant potential, but mapping the offshore wind
potential was beyond the scope of this analysis.
The 1.5 °C Scenario is based on the accelerated deployment of all renewables
and the more ambitions implementation of efficiency measures. Thus, the total
installed capacity of solar and wind power plants by 2050 is not necessarily larger
than it is in the 2.0 °C Scenario, and the utilization rate is in the same order of
magnitude. The increased deployment of renewable capacity in the OECD Pacific
(Australia), the Middle East and Africa will be due to the production of synthetic
bunker fuels based on hydrogen or synthetic fuels (synfuels) to supply the global
transport energy for international shipping and aviation.
Key results of the global long-term energy scenarios show that the efficiency
and uptake of renewable energy are two sides of the same coin. All sectors, including
xxiv Executive Summary

transport, industry and all commercial and residential buildings, must use energy
efficiently and from a huge range of renewable energy technologies. Compared with
the 5.0 °C Scenario, which was defined using assumptions from the IEA, the
alternative scenarios require more stringent efficiency levels. The 1.5 °C Scenario
involves the even faster implementation of efficiency measures than in the 2.0 °C
Scenario and the decelerated growth of energy services in all regions, in order to
avoid a further strong increase in fossil fuel use after 2020.
Global energy intensity will decline from 2.4 MJ/US$GDP in 2015 to 1.25 MJ/
US$GDP in 2050 in the 5.0 °C Scenario compared with 0.65 MJ/US$GDP in the
2.0 °C Scenario and 0.59 MJ/US$GDP in the 1.5 °C Scenario. This is a result of the
estimated power, heat and fuel demands for all sectors, with more stringent efficiency
levels in the alternative scenarios than in the 5.0 °C case. It reflects a further
decoupling of the energy demand and gross domestic product (GDP) growth as a
prerequisite for the rapid decarbonisation of the global energy system.
Total final energy demand is estimated based on assumptions about the demand
drivers, specific energy consumption and the development of energy services in
each region. In the 5.0 °C Scenario, the global energy demand will increase by 57%
from 342 EJ/year in 2015 to 537 EJ/year in 2050. In the 2.0 °C Scenario, the final
energy will be 19% lower than the current consumption and will reach 278 EJ/year
by 2050. The final energy demand in the 1.5 °C Scenario will be 253 EJ, 26% below
the 2015 demand, and, in 2050, will be 9% lower than in the 2.0 °C Scenario.
Global electricity demand will significantly increase in the alternative scenarios
due to the electrification of the transport and heating sectors, which will replace
fuels, but will also be due to a moderate increase in the electricity demand of
“classical” electrical devices on a global level. In the 2.0 °C Scenario, the electricity
demand for heating will be about 12,600 TWh/year from electric heaters and heat
pumps, and, in the transport sector, there will be an increase of about 23,400 TWh/
year due to electric mobility. The generation of hydrogen (for transport and
­high-­temperature process heat) and the manufacture of synthetic fuels for transport
will add an additional power demand of 18,800 TWh/year. The gross power demand
will thus rise from 24,300 TWh/year in 2015 to 65,900 TWh/year in 2050 in the
2.0 °C Scenario, 34% higher than in the 5.0 °C Scenario. In the 1.5 °C Scenario, the
gross electricity demand will increase to a maximum of 65,300 TWh/year in 2050.
Global electricity generation from renewable energy sources will reach 100% by
2050 in the alternative scenarios. “New” renewables—mainly wind, solar and
geothermal energy—will contribute 83% of the total electricity generated. The
contribution of renewable electricity to total production will be 62% by 2030 and
88% by 2040. The installed capacity of renewables will reach about 9500 GW by
2030 and 25,600 GW by 2050. The proportion of electricity generated from
renewables in 2030 in the 1.5 °C Scenario is assumed to be 73%. The 1.5 °C
Scenario will have a generation capacity of renewable energy of about 25,700 GW
in 2050.
From 2020 onwards, the continuing growth of wind and PV to 7850 GW and
12,300 GW, respectively, will be complemented by the generation of up to 2060 GW
of solar thermal energy as well as limited biomass-derived (770 GW), geothermal
Executive Summary xxv

(560 GW) and ocean-derived energy (around 500 GW) in the 2.0 °C Scenario. Both
the 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios will lead to the generation of high proportions (38%
and 46%, respectively) of energy from variable power sources (PV, wind and ocean)
by 2030, which will increase to 64% and 65%, respectively, by 2050. This will
require a significant change in how the power system is operated. The main findings
of the power sector analysis are summarized in the section below.
Calculated average electricity-generation costs in 2015 (referring to full costs)
were around 6 ct/kWh. In the 5.0 °C Scenario, these generation costs will increase,
assuming rising CO2 emission costs in the future, until 2050, when they reach
10.6 ct/kWh. The generation costs will increase in the 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios
until 2030, when they will reach 9 ct/kWh, and then drop to 7 ct/kWh by 2050. In
both alternative scenarios, the generation costs will be around 3.5 ct/kWh lower
than in the 5.0 °C Scenario by 2050. Note that these estimates of generation costs
do not take into account integration costs such as power grid expansion, storage and
other load-balancing measures.
Total electricity supply costs in the 5.0 °C Scenario will increase from today’s
$1560 billion/year to more than $5 500 billion/year in 2050, due to the growth in
demand and increasing fossil fuel prices. In both alternative scenarios, the total
supply costs will be $5050 billion/year in 2050, about 8% lower than in the 5.0 °C
Global investment in power generation between 2015 and 2050 in the 2.0 °C
Scenario will be around $49,000 billion, which will include additional power plants
to produce hydrogen and synthetic fuels and the plant replacement costs at the end
of their economic lifetimes. This value is equivalent to approximately $1360 billion
per year on average, which is $28,600 billion more than in the 5.0 °C Scenario
($20,400 billion). An investment of around $51,000 billion for power generation
will be required between 2015 and 2050 in the 1.5 °C Scenario ($1420 billion per
year on average). In both alternative scenarios, the world will shift almost 95% of
its total energy investment to renewables and cogeneration.
Fuel Cost Savings Because renewable energy has no fuel costs other than biomass,
the cumulative savings in fuel cost in the 2.0 °C Scenario will reach a total of
$26,300 billion in 2050, equivalent to $730 billion per year. Therefore, the total fuel
costs in the 2.0 °C Scenario will be equivalent to 90% of the energy investments in
the 5.0 °C Scenario. The fuel cost savings in the 1.5 °C Scenario will sum to
$28,800 billion or $800 billion per year.
Final energy demand for heating will increase by 59% in the 5.0 °C Scenario
from 151 EJ/year in 2015 to around 240 EJ/year in 2050. Energy efficiency measures
will help to reduce the energy demand for heating by 36% in 2050 in the 2.0 °C
Scenario, relative to that in the 5.0 °C case, and by 40% in the 1.5 °C Scenario.
Global Heat Supply In 2015, renewables supplied around 20% of the final global
energy demand for heating, mainly from biomass. Renewable energy will provide
42% of the world’s total heat demand in 2030 in the 2.0 °C Scenario and 56% in the
1.5 °C Scenario. In both scenarios, renewables will provide 100% of the total heat
xxvi Executive Summary

demand in 2050. This will include the direct use of electricity for heating, which
will increase by a factor of 4.2–4.5 between 2015 and 2050 and will constitute a
final share of 26% in 2050 in the 2.0 °C Scenario and 30% in the 1.5 °C Scenario.
Estimated investments in renewable heating technologies to 2050 will amount to
more than $13,200 billion in the 2.0 °C Scenario (including investments for plant
replacement after their economic lifetimes)—approximately $368 billion per year.
The largest share of investment is assumed to be for heat pumps (around
$5700 billion), followed by solar collectors and geothermal heat use. The 1.5 °C
Scenario assumes an even faster expansion of renewable technologies. However, the
lower heat demand (compared with the 2.0 °C Scenario) will result in a lower
average annual investment of around $344 billion per year.
Energy demand in the transport sector will increase in the 5.0 °C Scenario from
around 97 EJ/year in 2015 by 50% to 146 EJ/year in 2050. In the 2.0 °C Scenario,
assumed changes in technical, structural and behavioural factors will reduce this by
66% (96 EJ/year) by 2050 compared with the 5.0 °C Scenario. Additional modal
shifts, technological changes and a reduction in the transport demand will lead to
even higher energy savings in the 1.5 °C Scenario of 74% (or 108 EJ/year) in 2050
compared with the 5.0 °C case.
Transport Energy Supply By 2030, electricity will provide 12% (2700 TWh/year)
of the transport sector’s total energy demand in the 2.0 °C Scenario, and, in 2050,
this share will be 47% (6500 TWh/year). In 2050, around 8430 PJ/year of hydrogen
will be used as a complementary renewable option in the transport sector. In the
1.5 °C Scenario, the annual electricity demand will be about 5200 TWh in 2050.
The 1.5 °C Scenario also assumes a hydrogen demand of 6850 PJ/year by 2050.
Biofuel use will be limited to a maximum of around 12,000 PJ/year in the 2.0 °C
Scenario. Therefore, around 2030, synthetic fuels based on power-to-liquid will be
introduced, with a maximum amount of 5820 PJ/year in 2050. Because of the lower
overall energy demand in transport, biofuel use will decrease in the 1.5 °C Scenario
to a maximum of 10,000 PJ/year. The maximum synthetic fuel demand will amount
to 6300 PJ/year.
Global primary energy demand in the 2.0 °C Scenario will decrease by 21%
from around 556 EJ/year in 2015 to 439 EJ/year. Compared with the 5.0 °C Scenario,
the overall primary energy demand will decrease by 48% by 2050 in the 2.0 °C
Scenario (5.0 °C, 837 EJ in 2050). In the 1.5 °C Scenario, the primary energy
demand will be even lower (412 EJ) in 2050 because the final energy demand and
conversion losses will be lower.
Global Primary Energy Supply Both the 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios aim to rapidly
phase out coal and oil, after which renewable energy will have a primary energy
share of 35% in 2030 and 92% in 2050 in the 2.0 °C Scenario. In the 1.5 °C Scenario,
renewables will have a primary share of more than 92% in 2050 (this will include
nonenergy consumption, which will still include fossil fuels). Nuclear energy is
phased out in both the 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios. The cumulative primary energy
consumption of natural gas in the 5.0 °C Scenario will sum to 5580 EJ, the
Executive Summary xxvii

cumulative coal consumption will be about 6360 EJ, and the crude oil consumption
to 6380 EJ. In the 2.0 °C Scenario, the cumulative gas demand is 3140 EJ, the
cumulative coal demand 2340 EJ and the cumulative oil demand 2960 EJ. Even
lower fossil fuel use will be achieved under the 1.5 °C Scenario: 2710 EJ for natural
gas, 1570 EJ for coal and 2230 EJ for oil. In both alternative scenarios, the primary
energy supply in 2050 will be based on 100% renewable energy (Fig. 5).

Bunker Fuels In 2015, the annual bunker fuel consumption was in the order of
16,000 PJ, of which 7400 PJ was for aviation and 8600 PJ for navigation. Annual
CO2 emissions from bunker fuels accounted for 1.3 Gt in 2015, approximately 4%
of the global energy-related CO2 emissions. In the 5.0 °C case, we assume the
development of the final energy demand for bunkers according to the IEA World
Energy Outlook 2017, Current Policies scenario. This will lead to a further increase
in the demand for bunker fuels by 120% until 2050 compared with the base year
2015. Because no substitution with “green” fuels is assumed, CO2 emissions will
rise by the same order of magnitude. Although the use of hydrogen and electricity
in aviation is technically feasible (at least for regional transport) and synthetic gas
use in navigation is an additional option under discussion, this analysis adopts a
conservative approach and assumes that bunker fuels are only replaced by biofuels
and synthetic liquid fuels. In the 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios, we assume the limited
use of sustainable biomass potentials and the complementary central production of
power-to-liquid synfuels.
In the 2.0 °C Scenario, this production is assumed to take place in three world
regions: Africa, the Middle East and OECD Pacific (especially Australia), where
synfuel generation for export is expected to be most economic. The 1.5 °C Scenario
requires even faster decarbonisation, so it follows a more ambitious low-energy
pathway. The production of synthetic fuels will cause significant additional
­electricity demand and a corresponding expansion of renewable power-generation
capacities. In the case of liquid bunker fuels, these additional renewable

Ocean energy
700,000 Geothermal
600,000 Solar
500,000 Biomass

400,000 Wind
300,000 Hydro
200,000 Natural gas
100,000 Crude oil
0 Coal
REF 2.0°C1.5°C REF 2.0°C1.5°C REF 2.0°C1.5°C REF 2.0°C1.5°C REF 2.0°C1.5°C Nuclear
2015 2025 2030 2040 2050

Fig. 5 Global projections of total primary energy demand (PED) by energy carrier in the various
xxviii Executive Summary

power-­generation capacities could amount to 1100 GW in the 2.0 °C Scenario and

more than 1200 GW in the 1.5 °C Scenario if the flexible utilization of 4000 full-
load hours per year can be achieved. However, such a scenario requires high elec-
trolyser capacities and high-volume hydrogen storage to ensure not only flexibility
in the power system but also high utilization rates by downstream synthesis pro-
cesses (e.g. via Fischer-Tropsch plants).
Annual global energy-related CO2 emissions will increase by 40% in the 5.0 °C
Scenario, from 31,180 Mt in 2015 to more than 43,500 Mt in 2050. The stringent
mitigation measures in both alternative scenarios will cause annual emissions to fall
to 7070 Mt in 2040 in the 2.0 °C Scenario and to 2650 Mt in the 1.5 °C Scenario,
with further reductions to almost zero by 2050. In the 5.0 °C Scenario, the cumulative
CO2 emissions from 2015 until 2050 will sum to 1388 Gt. In contrast, in the 2.0 °C
and 1.5 °C Scenarios, the cumulative emissions for the period from 2015 until 2050
will be 587 Gt and 450 Gt, respectively. Therefore, the cumulative CO2 emissions
will decrease by 58% in the 2.0 °C Scenario and by 68% in the 1.5 °C Scenario
compared with the 5.0 °C case. Thus, a rapid reduction in annual emissions will
occur in both alternative scenarios.
Global Power Sector Analysis
Global and regional long-term energy results were used to conduct a detailed power
sector analysis with the methodology described in Sect. 1.7 of Chap. 3. Both the
2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios rely on high proportions of variable solar and wind
generation. The aim of the power sector analysis was to gain insight into the stability
of the power system in each region—subdivided into up to eight subregions—and
to gauge the extent to which power grid interconnections, dispatch generation
services and storage technologies are required. The results presented in this chapter
are projections calculated based on publicly available data. Detailed load curves for
some subregions and countries were not available, or, in some cases, the relevant
information is classified. Therefore, the outcomes of the [R]E 24/7 model are
estimates and require further research with more detailed localized data, especially
regarding the available power grid infrastructures. The power sector projections for
developing countries, especially in Africa and Asia, assume unilateral access to
energy services by the residential sector by 2050 and require transmission and
distribution grids in regions where there are none at the time of writing. Further
research, in cooperation with local utilities and government representatives, is
required to develop a more detailed understanding of the power infrastructure needs.
Development of Global Power Plant Capacities The size of the global market for
renewable power plants will increase significantly under the 2.0 °C Scenario. The
annual market for solar PV power must increase by a factor of 4.5, from close to
100 GW in 2017 to an average of 454 GW by 2030. The annual onshore wind mar-
ket must expand to 172 GW by 2025, about three times higher than in 2017. The
offshore wind market will continue to increase in importance within the renewable
power sector. By 2050, offshore wind installations will increase to 32 GW annu-
ally—11 times higher than in 2017. Concentrated solar power (CSP) plants will
play an important role in the generation of dispatchable solar electricity to supply
Executive Summary xxix

bulk power, especially for industry, and to provide secured capacities to power sys-
tems. By 2030, the annual CSP market must increase to 78 GW, compared with
3 GW in 2020 and only 0.1 GW in 2017.
In the 1.5 °C Scenario, the phase-out of coal and lignite power plants is acceler-
ated, and a total capacity of 618 GW—equivalent to approximately 515 power sta-
tions (1.2 GW on average)—must end operation by 2025. This will mean a phase-out
of two coal power plants per week from 2020 onwards, on average. The replacement
power will come from a variety of renewable power generators, both variable and
dispatchable. The annual market for solar PV energy must be around 30% higher
than it was in 2025, as under the 2.0 °C Scenario. The onshore wind market also has
an accelerated trajectory under the 1.5 °C Scenario, whereas the offshore wind mar-
ket is assumed to be almost identical to that in the 2.0 °C Scenario, because of long
lead times for these projects. The same is assumed for CSP plants, which are utility-
scale projects, and significantly higher deployment seems unlikely in the time
remaining until 2025.
Utilization of Power Plant Capacities On a global scale, in the 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C
Scenarios, the shares of variable renewable power generation will increase from 4%
in 2015 to 38% and 46%, respectively, by 2030, and will increase to 64% and 65%,
respectively, by 2050. The reason for the variations in the two cases is the different
assumptions made regarding efficiency measures, which may lead to lower overall
demand in the 1.5 °C Scenario than in the 2.0 °C Scenario. During the same period,
dispatchable renewables—CSP plants, bioenergy generation, geothermal energy
and hydropower—will remain around 32% until 2030 on a global average and then
decrease slightly to 29% under the 2.0 °C Scenario (and to 27% under the 1.5 °C
Scenario) by 2050. The system share of dispatchable conventional generation
capacities—mainly coal, oil, gas and nuclear energy—will decrease from a global
average of 60% in 2015 to only 14% in 2040. By 2050, the remaining dispatchable
conventional gas power plants will be converted to operate on hydrogen as a
synthetic fuel, to avoid stranded investments and to achieve higher dispatch power
capacities. Increased variable shares—mainly in the USA, the Middle East region
and Australia—will produce hydrogen for local and the export markets, as fuel for
both renewable power plants and the transport sector.

Development of Maximum and Residual Loads for the Ten World Regions The
maximum load will increase in all regions and within similar ranges under both the
2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios. The load in OECD countries will rise most strongly in
response to increased electrification, mainly in the transport sector, whereas the load
in developing countries will increase as the overall electricity demand increases in
all sectors.
The most significant increase will be in Africa, where the maximum load will
surge by 534% over the entire modelling period due to favourable economic
development and increased access to energy services by households. In OECD
Pacific (South Korea, Japan, Australia and New Zealand), efficiency measures will
xxx Executive Summary

reduce the maximum load to 87% by 2030 relative to that in the base year, and it
will increase to 116% by 2050 with the expansion of electric mobility and the
increased electrification of the process heat supply in the industry sector. The 1.5 °C
Scenario calculates slightly higher loads in 2030 due to the accelerated electrifica-
tion of the industry, heating and business sectors, except in three regions (the Middle
East, India and Non-OECD Asia Other Asia), where the early application of effi-
ciency measures will lead to an overall lower demand at the end of the modelling
period, for the same GDP and population growth rates.
In this analysis, the residual load is the load remaining after the variable renew-
able power generation. Negative values indicate that the energy generated from
solar and wind exceeds the actual load and must be exported to other regions, stored
or curtailed. In each region, the average generation should be consistent with the
average load. However, maximum loads and maximum generations do not usually
occur at the same time, so surplus electricity can be produced and must be exported
or stored as far as possible. In rare individual cases, solar- or wind-based generation
plants can also temporarily reduce their output to a lower load, or some plants can
be shut down. Any reduction in energy generation from solar and wind sources in
response to low demands is defined as “curtailment”. In this analysis, curtailment
rates of up to 5% by 2030 and 10% by 2050 are assumed to have no substantial
negative economic impact on the operation of power plants and therefore will not
trigger an increase in storage capacities. Figure 6 illustrates the development of
maximum loads across all ten world regions under the 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios.
Global Storage and Dispatch Capacities The world market for storage and dis-
patch technologies and services will increase significantly in the 2.0 °C Scenario.
The annual market for new hydro-pumped storage plants will grow on average by
6 GW per year to a total capacity of 244 GW in 2030. During the same period, the
total installed capacity of batteries will increase to 12 GW, requiring an annual mar-
ket of 1 GW. Between 2030 and 2050, the energy service sector for storage and
storage technologies must accelerate further. The battery market must grow by an
annual installation rate of 22 GW and, as a result, will overtake the global cumula-
tive capacity of pumped hydro between 2040 and 2050. The conversion of gas infra-
structure from natural gas to hydrogen and synthetic fuels will start slowly between
2020 and 2030, with the conversion of power plants with annual capacities of
around 2 GW. However, after 2030, the transformation of the global gas industry to
hydrogen will accelerate significantly, with the conversion of a total of 197 GW gas
power plants and gas cogeneration facilities each year. In parallel, the average
capacity of gas and hydrogen plants will decrease from 29% (2578 h/year) in 2030
to 11% (975 h/year) by 2050, converting the gas sector from a supply-driven to a
service-driven industry.
At around 2030, the 1.5 °C Scenario will require more storage throughput than
the 2.0 °C Scenario, but the storage demands for the two scenarios will be equal at
the end of the modelling period. It is assumed that the higher throughput can be
managed with equally higher installed capacities, leading to full-load hours of up to
200 h per year for batteries and hydro-pumped storage.
Executive Summary xxxi

Load Development by Region







OECD North Lan OECD Europe Middle East Africa Eurasia Other Asia India China OECD Pacific
America America

Max Load Development (Base year 2020) [%] Max Load Development (Base year 2020) [%]

Fig. 6 Development of maximum loads in ten world regions in 2020, 2030 and 2050 under the
2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios

Trajectories for a Just Transition of the Fossil Fuel Industry The implementation of
the 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Scenarios will have a significant impact on the global fossil
fuel industry. While this may appear to be stating the obvious, current climate
debates have not yet led to an open debate about the orderly withdrawal from the
coal, oil and gas extraction industries. Instead, the political debate about coal, oil
and gas is focused on the security of supply and price security. However, mitigating
climate change is only possible when fossil fuels are phased out.
Coal: Under the 5.0 °C Scenario, the required production of thermal coal—
excluding coal for nonenergy uses, such as steel production—will remain at 2015
levels, with an annual increase of around 1% per year until 2050. Under the 2.0 °C
Scenario, coal production will decline sharply between 2020 and 2030 at a rate of
around 6% per year. By 2030, global coal production will be equal to China’s annual
production in 2017, at 3.7 billion tonnes, whereas that volume will be reached in
2025 under the 1.5 °C Scenario.
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The yeast procured from a public brewery is often so extremely

bitter that it can only be rendered fit for use by frequent washings,
and after these even it should be cautiously employed. Mix it, when
first brought in, with a large quantity of cold water, and set it by until
the following morning in a cool place; then drain off the water, and
stir the yeast up well with as much more of fresh: it must again stand
several hours before the water can be poured clear from it. By
changing this daily in winter, and both night and morning in very hot
weather, the yeast may be preserved fit for use much longer than it
would otherwise be; and should it ferment rather less freely after a
time, a small portion of brown sugar and a little warm milk or other
liquid, stirred to it a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes before it is
required for bread-making, will restore its strength.
The German yeast, of which we have spoken in detail in another
part of this chapter, makes exceedingly light bread and buns, and is
never bitter; it is therefore a valuable substitute for our own beer-
yeast, but cannot be procured in all parts of the country, for the
reasons which we have stated.

A brick oven, heated with wood, is far superior to any other for
baking bread, as well as for most other purposes. The iron ovens,
now commonly attached to kitchen-ranges—the construction of
which has within these few years been wonderfully improved—
though exceedingly convenient, from the facility which they afford for
baking at all hours of the day, do not in general answer well for
bread, unless it be made into very small loaves or rolls, as the
surface becomes hardened and browned long before the heat has
sufficiently penetrated to the centre of the dough. The same
objection often exists to iron-ovens of larger size, which require care
and management, to ensure the successful use of them. A brick
oven should be well heated with faggot wood, or with a faggot, and
two or three solid logs; and after it is cleared, the door should be
closely shut for quite half an hour before the baking commences: the
heat will then be well sustained for a succession of bread, pies,
cakes, and small pastry. The servant who habitually attends at an
oven will soon become acquainted with the precise quantity of fuel
which it requires, and all other peculiarities which may be connected
with it.

Never use too large a proportion of yeast, as the bread will not
only become dry very speedily when this is done, but it will be far
less sweet and pleasant in flavour than that which is more slowly
fermented, and the colour will not be so good: there will also be a
great chance of its being bitter when brewer’s yeast is used for it.
Remember that milk or water of scalding heat poured to any kind of
yeast will render the bread heavy. One pint of either added quite
boiling to a pint and a half of cold, will bring it to about the degree of
warmth required. In frosty weather the proportion of the heated liquid
may be increased a little.
When only porter-yeast—which is dark-coloured and bitter—can
be procured, use a much smaller proportion than usual, and allow
much longer time for it to rise. Never let it be sent to the oven until it
is evidently light. Bitter bread is unpalatable, but not really
unwholesome; but heavy bread is particularly so.
Let the leaven be kneaded up quickly with the remainder of the
flour when once it is well risen, as it should on no account be allowed
to sink again before this is done, when it has reached the proper
point; and in making the dough, be particularly careful not to render it
too lithe by adding more liquid than is requisite. It should be quite
firm, and entirely free from lumps and crumbs throughout the mass,
and on the surface also, which ought to be perfectly smooth.
In winter, place the bread while it is rising sufficiently close to the
fire to prevent its becoming cold, but never so near as to render it
hot. A warm thick cloth should be thrown over the pan in which it is
made immediately after the leaven is mixed, and kept on it until the
bread is ready for the oven.

Put half a bushel (more or less, according to the consumption of

the family) of flour into the kneading tub or trough, and hollow it well
in the middle; dilute a pint of yeast as it is brought from the brewery
or half the quantity if it has been washed and rendered solid, with
four quarts or more of lukewarm milk or water, or a mixture of the
two; stir into it, from the surrounding part, with a wooden spoon, as
much flour as will make a thick batter; throw a handful or two over it,
and leave this, which is called the leaven, to rise before proceeding
further. In about an hour it will have swollen considerably, and have
burst through the coating of flour on the top; then pour in as much
more warm liquid as will convert the whole, with good kneading, and
this should not be spared, into a firm dough, of which the surface
should be entirely free from lumps or crumbs. Throw a cloth over,
and let it remain until it has risen very much a second time, which will
be in an hour, or something more, if the batch be large. Then work it
lightly up, and mould it into loaves of from two to three pounds
weight; send them directly to a well heated oven, and bake them
from an hour and a half to an hour and three-quarters.
Flour, 1/2 bushel; salt (when it is liked), 4 to 6 oz.; yeast, 1 pint
unwashed, or 1/2 pint if purified; milk, or water, 2 quarts: 1 to 1-1/2
hour. Additional liquid as needed.
Obs.—Brown bread can be made exactly as above, either with
half meal and half flour mixed, or with meal only. This will absorb
more moisture than fine flour, and will retain it rather longer. Brown
bread should always be thoroughly baked.
Remark.—We have seen it very erroneously asserted in one or
two works, that bread made with milk speedily becomes sour. This is
never the case when it is properly baked and kept, and when the
milk used for it is perfectly sweet. The experience of many years,
enables us to speak positively on this point.

(Author’s Receipt.)
Mix with a gallon of flour a large teaspoonful of fine salt, make a
hollow in the centre, and pour in two tablespoonsful of solid, well
purified yeast, gradually diluted with about two pints and a half of
milk, and work it into a thick batter with the surrounding flour, strew a
thick layer over and leave it to rise from an hour to an hour and a
half; then knead it up with as much more warm skimmed milk, or half
new milk and half water, as will render it quite firm and smooth
without being very stiff; let it rise another hour, and divide it into three
loaves; put them into square tins slightly buttered, or into round
baking pans, and bake them about an hour and a quarter in a well-
heated oven. The dough can be formed into household loaves if
preferred, and sent to the oven in the usual way. When a finer and
more spongy kind of bread is required for immediate eating,
substitute new milk for skimmed, dissolve in it about an ounce of
butter, leave it more liquid when the sponge is set, and let the whole
be lightly kneaded into a lithe dough: the bread thus made will be
excellent when new, and for a day or so after it is baked, but it will
become dry sooner than the other.
Flour, 1 gallon; salt, 1 teaspoonful; skimmed milk, 2-1/2 pints, to
rise from 1 to 1-1/2 hour. Additional milk, 1 to 2 pints: to rise 1 hour. 3
loaves, baked 1-1/4 hour.
Obs. 1.—A few spoonsful of cream will wonderfully improve either
of the above receipts, and sweet buttermilk, substituted for the other,
will give to the bread the shortness of a cake: we would particularly
recommend it for trial when it can be procured.
Obs. 2.—Shallow round earthen pans answer much better, we
think, than tins for baking bread; they should be slightly rubbed with
butter before the dough is put into them.

(And Bread made with German Yeast.)

This has very generally superseded the use of English beer-yeast
in London, and other places conveniently situated for receiving
quickly and regularly the supplies of it which are imported from
abroad; but as it speedily becomes putrid in sultry weather, and does
not in any season remain good long after its arrival here, it is
unsuited for transmission to remote parts of the country. Bread made
with it while it is perfectly sweet, is extremely light and good, and it
answers remarkably well for light cakes and biscuits. An ounce is the
proportion which we have always had used for a quartern (half a
gallon or three pounds and a half) of flour, and this, with the addition
of some salt and nearly a quart of milk, or milk and water, has
produced excellent bread when it has been made with care. The
yeast should be very gradually and perfectly moistened and blended
with the warm liquid; for unless this be done, and the whole rendered
smooth as cream, the dough will not be of the uniform texture which
it ought, but will be full of large hollow spaces, which are never seen
in well-made bread. The mass should be mixed up firmly and well
kneaded at once, then left to rise for about an hour; again kneaded
thoroughly, and again left to rise from three-quarters of an hour to an
hour; then divided, and lightly worked up into loaves, put into round
slightly buttered earthen pans, and sent immediately to the oven.
187. We give the proportions used and the exact manner of making this bread,
which we have had followed for more than twelve months, with entire

A leaven may be first laid with the yeast, and part of the liquid
when it is preferred, as directed for bread made with beer-yeast, but
the result will be equally good if the whole be kneaded up at once, if
it be made quite firm.

(Very nutritious and wholesome.)

Baron Liebig pronounces this bread to be very superior to that
which is made with fine flour solely, both in consequence of the
greater amount of nutriment which it contains, and from its slight
medicinal effect, which renders it valuable to many persons
accustomed to have frequent recourse to drugs, of which it
supersedes the necessity. It is made with the wheat exactly as it is
ground, no part being subtracted, nor any additional flour mingled
with it. He directs that the wheat should not be damped before it is
prepared: but few millers can be found who will depart from their
ordinary practice to oblige private customers; and this determined
adherence to established usage intervenes constantly between us,
and all improvement in our modes of preparing food. The bread is
made in the usual way, with water only, or with a portion of milk
added to the yeast, as taste or convenience may dictate. The loaves
should be well baked at all times; and the dough should of course be
perfectly light when it is placed in the oven. Salt should be mixed
with the meal before the yeast is added.

This is often made with a portion only of the unbolted meal

recommended in the preceding receipt, mixed with more or less of
fine flour, according to the quality of bread required; and in many
families the coarse bran is always sifted from the meal, as an
impression exists that it is irritating to the stomach. If one gallon of
meal as it comes from the mill, be well mixed with an equal measure
of flour, and made into a dough in the manner directed for white
household bread, the loaves will still be sufficiently brown for the
general taste in this country, and they will be good and wholesome,
though not, perhaps, so entirely easy of digestion as Baron Liebig’s
Bavarian bread.

This bread, in which carbonate of soda and muriatic acid are

substituted for yeast or other leaven, has within these few years
been highly recommended, and much eaten. It may possibly suit
many persons better than that which is fermented in the usual way,
but it is not in general by any means so pleasant in flavour; and there
is much more chance of failure in preparing it in private families, as it
requires some skill to mix the ingredients with exactness and
despatch; and it is absolutely necessary that the dough should be
set into the oven the instant it is ready. In some hydropathic and
other large establishments, where it is always supplied to the table in
lieu of the more common kinds, it is, we have been informed by
patients who had partaken of it there for many months together,
exceedingly and uniformly good. More detailed information with
regard to it, will be found in our “Cookery for Invalids,” a work for
which our want of space in the present volume compels us to
reserve it.
“For each pound of flour (or meal) take forty grains of
sesquicarbonate of soda, mix it intimately with the sugar and flour,
then add fifty drops of muriatic acid of the shops, diluted with half a
pint of water, or with as much as may be requisite to form the dough,
stirring it constantly into a smooth mass. Divide it into a couple of
loaves, and put them immediately into a quick oven.” Bake them
Author’s note.—Dr. Pereira, from whose book on diet the
substance of the above receipt is taken, says that delicious bread
was made by it in his presence by the cook of Mr. John Savory, of
Bond Street, equal to any bread fermented by the usual process. We
would suggest that the soda, mixed with the sugar, and a small
portion of the flour, should be rubbed through a hair sieve with a
wooden spoon into the remainder of the flour, and stirred up with it
until the whole is perfectly mingled, before the liquid is added.
Should lighter bread be desired, the soda may be increased to fifty
or even sixty grains, if the quantity of acid be proportionately
augmented. As common salt is formed by the combination of these
two agents, none beside is needed in the bread.
Flour, 1 lb.; sesquicarbonate of soda, 40 grains; sugar, 1
teaspoonful; muriatic acid of the shops, 50 drops; water, 1/2 pint (or
as needed).

One pound of good mealy potatoes, steamed or boiled very dry, in

the ordinary way, or prepared by Captain Kater’s receipt (see
Chapter XVII.), and rubbed quite hot, through a coarse sieve, into a
couple of pounds of flour, with which they should be well mixed, will
produce excellent bread, which will remain moist much longer than
wheaten bread made as usual. The yeast should be added
immediately after the potatoes. An ounce or two of butter, an egg
and some new milk, will convert this bread into superior rolls.

Crumble down very small indeed, an ounce of butter into a couple

of pounds of the best flour, and mix with them a large saltspoonful of
salt. Put into a basin a dessertspoonful of solid, well-purified yeast,
and half a teaspoonful of pounded sugar; mix these with half a pint of
warm new milk; hollow the centre of the flour, pour in the yeast
gradually, stirring to it sufficient of the surrounding flour to make a
thick batter; strew more flour on the top, cover a thick double cloth
over the pan, and let it stand in a warm kitchen to rise. In winter it
must be placed within a few feet of the fire. In about an hour, should
the leaven have broken through the flour on the top, and have risen
considerably in height, mix one lightly-whisked egg, or the yolks of
two, with nearly half a pint more of quite warm new milk, and wet up
the mass into a very smooth dough. Cover it as before, and in from
half to three-quarters of an hour turn it on to a paste-board, and
divide it into twenty-four portions of equal size. Knead these up as
lightly as possible into small round, or olive-shaped rolls; make a
slight incision round them, and cut them once or twice across the
top, placing them as they are done on slightly floured baking sheets
an inch or two apart. Let them remain for fifteen or twenty minutes to
prove; then wash the tops with yolk of egg, mixed with a little milk,
and bake them in a rather brisk oven from ten to fifteen minutes.
Turn them upside down upon a dish to cool after they are taken from
the tins. An additional ounce of butter and another egg can be used
for these rolls when richer bread is liked; but it is so much less
wholesome than a more simple kind, that it is not to be
recommended. A cup of good cream would be an admirable
substitute for butter altogether, rendering the rolls exceedingly
delicate both in appearance and in flavour. The yeast used for them
should be stirred up with plenty of cold water the day before it is
wanted; and it will be found very thick indeed when it is poured off,
which should be gently done. Rather less than an ounce of good
fresh German yeast may be used for them instead of brewer’s yeast,
with advantage.

Break down into very small crumbs three ounces of butter with two
pounds of flour; add a little salt, and set the sponge with a large
tablespoonful of solid yeast, mixed with a pint of new milk, and a
tablespoonful or more of strong saffron water; let it rise for a full hour,
then stir to a couple of well-beaten eggs as much hot milk as will
render them lukewarm, and wet the rolls with them to a light, lithe
dough; leave it from half to three-quarters of an hour longer, mould it
into small rolls, brush them with beaten yolk of egg, and bake them
from twenty minutes to half an hour. The addition of six ounces of
good sugar, three of butter, half a pound or more of currants, the
grated rind of a large lemon, and a couple of ounces of candied
orange-rind, will convert these into excellent buns. When the flavour
of the saffron is not liked, omit it altogether. Only so much should be
used at any time as will give a rich colour to the bread.
Flour, 2 lbs.; butter, 3 oz.; solid yeast, 1 large tablespoonful
(saffron, 1 teaspoonful; water, less than a quarter pint); new milk, 1
pint: 1 hour, or more. 2 eggs, more milk: 3/4 hour: baked 20 to 30

Work quite into crumbs six ounces of butter with a couple of

pounds of fine dry flour, and mix them into a lithe paste, with two
tablespoonsful of mild beer yeast, three well-beaten eggs, and nearly
half a pint of warm new milk. When it has risen to its full height
knead it smooth, and make it into very small loaves or thick cakes
cut with a round cake-cutter; place them on a floured tin, and let
them stand in a warm place to prove from ten to twenty minutes
before they are set into the oven. Bake them about a quarter of an
hour; divide them while they are still warm, and put them into a very
slow oven to dry. When they are crisp quite through they are done.
Four teaspoonsful of sifted sugar must be added when sweet-rusks
are preferred.
Flour, 2 lbs.; butter, 6 oz.; yeast, 2 tablespoonsful; eggs, 3; new
milk nearly half a pint: baked 1/4 hour.
For either of the preceding receipts substitute rather more than an
ounce of German yeast, when it can be procured quite fresh; or
should an ounce of it only be used (which we should consider an
ample proportion), let the dough—especially that of the rusks—
become extremely light before it is kneaded down, and also
previously to its being sent to the oven. A somewhat smaller quantity
of yeast is required in warm weather than in cold.

[Remark.—The remainder of this chapter is extracted from a little

treatise on domestic bread-making, which we hope shortly to lay
before the public, as it appears to us to be greatly needed; but, as
we have already more than once repeated, we are unwilling to
withhold from the present volume any information which may be
generally useful.]

(Author’s Receipt.)
When we first heard unfermented bread vaguely spoken of, we
had it tried very successfully in the following manner; and we have
since been told that an almost similar method of preparing it is
common in many remote parts both of England and Ireland, where it
is almost impossible to procure a constant supply of yeast. Blend
well together a teaspoonful of pounded sugar and fifty grains of the
purest carbonate of soda; mix a saltspoonful of salt with a pound of
flour, and rub the soda and sugar through a hair-sieve into it. Stir and
mingle them well, and make them quickly into a firm but not hard
dough with sour buttermilk. Bake the loaf well in a thoroughly heated,
but not fierce oven. In a brick, or good iron oven a few minutes less
than an hour would be sufficient to bake a loaf of similar weight. The
buttermilk should be kept until it is quite acid, but it must never be in
the slightest degree rancid, or otherwise bad. All unfermented bread
should be placed in the oven directly it is made, or it will be heavy.
For a larger baking allow rather less than an ounce of soda to the
gallon (seven pounds) of flour.
Obs.—There are cases in which a knowledge of this, or of any
other equally easy mode of bread-making would be invaluable. For
example:—We learn from the wife of an officer who has for a long
time been stationed off the Isle of Skye, in which his family have their
abode, that the inhabitants depend entirely for bread on supplies
brought to them from Glasgow; and that they are often entirely
without, when the steamer which ought to arrive at intervals of eight
days, is delayed by stress of weather. The residents are then
compelled to have recourse to scones—as a mixture of flour and
water and a little soda (cooked on a flat iron plate), are called—or to
ship’s biscuit; and these are often found unsuitable for young
children and invalids. There are no ovens in the houses, though
there are grates for coal fires, in front of which small loaves of
unfermented bread could be baked extremely well in good American
ovens. Buttermilk can always be procured; and if not, a provision of
carbonate of soda and muriatic acid might be kept at hand to ensure
the means of making wholesome bread. In many other localities the
same plan might prove of equal benefit.

Bread requires almost as much care as milk to preserve it

wholesome and fresh. It should be laid, as soon as it is perfectly
cold, into a large earthen pan with a cover, which should be kept free
from crumbs, and be frequently scalded, and then wiped very dry for
use. Loaves which have been cut should have a smaller pan
appropriated to them, and this also should have the loose crumbs
wiped from it daily. It is a good plan to raise the bread-pans from the
floor of the larder, when there is no proper stand or frame for the
purpose, by means of two flat wedges of wood, so as to allow a
current of air to pass under them.

If entire loaves be placed in a gentle oven and heated quite

through, without being previously dipped into cold water, according
to the old-fashioned plan, they will eat almost like bread newly
baked: they should not remain in it long enough to become hard and
dry, but they should be made hot throughout. In very damp localities,
when large household bakings take place but once in eight or ten
days, it is sometimes necessary to use precautions against the
attack of mould, though the bread may have been exceedingly well
made; and the method recommended above will be the best for
warding it off, and for preserving the bread eatable for several days
longer than it would otherwise be. If large loaves be just dipped into
cold water and then placed in a quick oven until they are again
thoroughly dried, they will resemble new bread altogether.
Pastry, cakes, and biscuits, may all be greatly improved when
stale, by heating them in a gentle oven.

When the surface is uniformly browned, and it is everywhere firm

to the touch, and the bottom crust of a loaf is hard, it is generally
certain that it is thoroughly baked. To test bread that has been cut (or
yeast-cakes), press down the crumb lightly in the centre with the
thumb; when it is elastic and rises again to its place, it is proof that it
is perfectly done; but if the indentation remains, the heat has not
sufficiently penetrated the dough to convert it into wholesome eating.

As we have previously said, too large a proportion of yeast, which

is very commonly used by persons not well skilled in bread-making,
although it produces quickly a light spongy dough, has a very bad
effect on bread, which it renders much less easy of digestion than
that which is more slowly fermented, and far less sweet and pleasant
in flavour: it also prevents its remaining eatable the same length of
time, as it speedily becomes dry. It is likewise very disadvantageous
to make the dough so lithe that it spreads about in the oven; and if it
be excessively stiff, and its management not thoroughly understood,
it will sometimes be heavy,. To prevent this, it should be kept quite
warm (never heated), and left a much longer time to rise. It will
frequently then prove excellent. It will ferment rather more quickly if,
when it gives symptoms of becoming light it is made up into loaves
with the least possible kneading, and a slight incision is made round
them and across the tops, and they are then placed in a warm air,
and kept secure from cold currents passing over them.

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