Sniffing Glossary
Sniffing Glossary
Sniffing Glossary
Williams, Cybrary TA
1. ACK flag - The acknowledgement flag is part of the TCP three-way handshake, and
indicates a packet was successfully received by the intended host. It is used in sniffing
techniques to determine if a host is protected by a firewall or another filtering system. For
example, if a stateful firewall is protecting the network, it will ignore an ACK from an
attacker. If the network is unprotected, the RST response will be sent from a targeted host. If
the sniffer trace shows nothing, it is an indication that a firewall is configured and working.
SOURCE: KeyCDN, 2018.
2. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) - Used to resolve an IP address to a machine
address on a local network. In protocol analysis, the process can be viewed as an ARP
broadcast used to resolve the IP address to the machine address, which is also information
used in the ARP cache of the machine.
SOURCE: Gregg & Santos 2019.
3. Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP) - An open standard for passing business
messages between applications or organizations; it connects systems and provides
business processes with the data needed to forward instructions; can handling high-volume
data streams with low-latency.
SOURCE: Lane, 2018.
4. Authentication Header (AH) - A connectionless oriented IPsec protocol that provides
authentication, integrity, and nonrepudiation, by using hash functions and shared secret
keys, added to the beginning of an IP datagram.
SOURCE: Chapple, Stewart, & Gibson, 2018.
5. AVTP Audio Format - In Wireshark, this indicates packets that are formatted for
transmitting audio. All packets in the stream are the same size and each packet contains a
timestamp that corresponds to the first sample in the packet. The payload headers are
specific: 10 bits per channel frame, 2 bits for synchronized markers, and 4 bits reserved for
future use. A header contains information needed for an end station to determine the
payload format.
SOURCE: Jones & Butterworth, 2015.
6. ASCII - Abbreviations for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Originally
developed for teletype, it is the raw, unformatted, plaintext, used by computers to
understand characters, symbols, and numbers coded in lookup tables, usually in
hexadecimal numbers and letters.
7. Bad Checksum - A value computed on data to detect error or manipulation of the data. It is
used to verify or to indicate if the data integrity is compromised. A bad checksum indicates
the code (or data) has been modified.
SOURCE: NIST SP 800-128, 2011.
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Created by S.E. Williams, Cybrary TA
8. Bridge-ID (BID) - In creating and using spanning tree protocol (STP), each VLAN will
provide this information about the local switch (where commands are executed). Each
switch has a Bridge ID. Each BID has a priority value and a MAC address.
SOURCE: Cisco, 2009.
9. Broadcast - Transmission to all devices in a network without any acknowledgement by the
receivers. The sender does not need to know the IP address of the devices to which the
broadcast is sent.
SOURCE: NIST SP 800-82, 2015.
10. Capture/Capturing - Term used to describe sniffing a live packet from a physical network
interface. The Wireshark capture library (libpcap/WinPcap) can capture data on both
physical and virtual network interfaces, of different types of platforms (e.g., Linux, Windows).
SOURCE: Wireshark, 2019.
11. Capture File/Open Files - Files containing live captured data packets. The capture files can
be edited or configured to dissect hundreds of network protocols. Wireshark filters can parse
traffic captures and save the output in various formats. In tcpdump, expressions are used to
match packets against a selected filter, which can be used when starting or replacing a
capture file. (See Open Capture File).
SOURCE: Carnegie Mellon. (2009).
12. Capture Filter - A syntax tool used to specify the type of raw data packets to be captured
on the physical or virtual interface. The filter is set before the capture and can not be altered
during the process. For example, “Capture only DNS (port 53) traffic,” or “Capture traffic
from IP”
SOURCE: Wireshark, 2019.
13. Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) - A skilled professional who is trained in legally uncovering
weaknesses and vulnerabilities in a target system for the benefit of helping an organization
improve security by mitigating discovered vulnerabilities. The goal of the CEH is to
undertake preventive, corrective, and protective countermeasures before an actual
compromise occurs in a system. The CEH certification is established by the EC-Council.
SOURCE: EC-Council, 2019.
14. Checksum - A created value generated from an encryption algorithm between data and an
object. The value is either stored or transmitted with the object and is used to detect
modifications to the data.
SOURCE: CNSSI No. 2009, 2015.
15. Cleartext - Known also as plaintext. In sniffing, cleartext is any data that is unencrypted and
can be plainly viewed or read in a data capture. The plaintext may be unencrypted code
input that can be seen or packets in transit that can be sniffed.
SOURCE: NIST SP 800-38F, 2012.
16. Cookie - Small file that stores information for a web site in a computer’s web browser.
Cookies may be HTTP cookies, persistent cookies, or session cookies. A message is sent
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back to the web server each time the browser visits the associated website and is used to
maintaining the state that is otherwise a stateless connection.
SOURCE: Gregg & Santos, 2019.
17. Decnet - A protocol suite and architecture that is used to connect devices and machines on
ethernet segments and networks. It was created by the Digital Equipment Corporation and is
a proprietary protocol. In tcpdump, the associated decent include: decnet host, decnet src,
decnet dst.
SOURCE: The Free Dictionary, 2003.
18. Defragmentation Error - Found in the Windows registry under the local HKEY, this is a
code used to indicate specific error types. For example, “10 = invalid drive, or 106 = could
not access drive,” or other results. The defragmentation process itself is used to reverse
fragmentation that occurs in a hard drive’s memory module.
SOURCE: Fisher, 2019.
19. Destination Host - As it pertains to protocol analysis, this term refers to Transport Layer 4
and destination port numbers that identify a service listening on a destination host (target
host) and a source port (the communication path is between the source host and the
destination host, which sends a reply). A packet capture will display protocols with ports
(e.g. TCP and UDP), to show the source IP and port, and destination IP and port, which
defines the actual session.
SOURCE: NIST SP 800-41, 2009.
20. Destination IP Address - In reading a sniffer trace, the destination IP address will provide
you with information on the IP address, the port, and the connection state. For example, a
source address from source port 1030 showing packets going to a
destination address of on destination port 80, will indicate if the connection state
is initiated or established. Most protocols are connectionless and do not have a formal
process for initializing, establishing, and terminating a connection. A firewall with stateful
inspection will show the destination IP address and ports. Reviewing the destination IP
address will also provide information regarding what is being allowed to pass a DNS
response from an external source.
SOURCE: NIST SP 800-41, 2009.
21. Destination Port Number - Identifies a service listening on the destination host, and a
source port; it usually identifies the port number on the source host that the destination host
should reply to. Many transport protocols have ports, but some do not. The combination of
the source IP address and the port with destination IP address and port helps define the
session. In a sniffer trace, the highest layer represents the end user applications (Layer 7).
Based on defined policies, firewalls inspect the application layer traffic and decide what is
allowed to pass in or out of the network. A sniffer capture will provide information about how
the firewall is handling traffic.
SOURCE: NIST SP 800-41, 2009.
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22. Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) - A means of classifying and managing
network traffic and of providing quality of service (QoS) in modern Network Layer 3 IP
networks. It uses the 6-bit Differentiated Services (DS) field in the IP header for the purpose
of packet classification. Differentiated services (DiffServ) is a computer networking
architecture that specifies a simple and scalable mechanism for classifying and managing
network traffic and providing quality of service (QoS) on modern IP networks.
SOURCE: Dialogic, 2019.
23. Display Filter - Used for general packet filtering while viewing for color codes, ruling, and
protocols. Display filters can be built to show all packets that contain the TCP protocol.
SOURCE: Wireshark, 2019.
24. Domain Name Service (DNS) and DNS traffic - A hierarchy of Internet servers that
translate alphanumeric domain names into IP addresses. For example, in
place of
SOURCE: Gregg & Santos, 2019.
25. Eavesdropping - The unauthorized capture and reading of network traffic or other type of
network communication.
SOURCE: Gregg & Santos, 2019.
26. Echo Reply and Echo Request - Used by the ping command to test networks. The second
part of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ping, officially a type 0 that is sent in
response to an echo request. The echo request is the first part of the ICMP ping, a type 8.
Used in protocol analysis to determine the status of a device.
SOURCE: Gregg & Santos, 2019.
27. eth0 - When sniffing with tcpdump or Wireshark, this is the Ethernet interface that is
configured to display information about the network adapters, such as the IP address and
the system name. Listening occurs this interface, eth0.
SOURCE: Carnegie Mellon, 2009.
28. Ethernet - This is the Data Link (Layer 2) protocol, which handles communications on the
physical network components in LANs and is an IEEE 802.3 standard.
SOURCE: NIST SP 800-41, 2009.
29. Ethernet Type - This refers to the type of network and network topology that is being
considered when configuring Wireshark and Tcpdump. For example, a hub-based network
as compared to a switched network, will determine what traffic will be visible to the sniffer.
SOURCE: Carnegie Mellon University, 2009.
30. Expressions - Used in tcpdump, there are three expressions that consist of one or more
qualifiers: type, dir, and proto.
SOURCE: Carnegie Mellon, 2009.
31. Expressions “Type” - Option uses host, net, and port. This allows a filter based on
addressing/ports with the packet. Host, net, and port are allowed keywords, and without
these the host is assumed. SOURCE: Carnegie Mellon, 2009.
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Created by S.E. Williams, Cybrary TA
32. Expressions “dir” - Short for direction. Options are src, dst, and combinations of these
(src, dst, src or dst, and src and dst). By using dir, you can narrow the type to the source or
destination field in the packet. If nothing is specified, the src or dst is assumed by both
Wireshark and tcpdump.
SOURCE: Carnegie Mellon, 2009.
33. Expression “proto” - Short for protocol, this option restricts the capture to a specific
protocol. Allowed protocols include IP, IPv6, ARP, TCP, and UDP. The options for “proto”
are tcp, udp, icmp, ah, and etc. If no protocol is specified, all matching protocols in the
selected type and direction are displayed or captured.
SOURCE: Carnegie Mellon, 2009.
34. Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) - A high-speed token-passing technology that
employee two rings with traffic closing in opposite direction. FDDI is a legacy infrastructure
concept that is mostly replace by SDH and SONET. The sniffer traffic for FDDI will be seen
as two bi-directional rings or paths of traffic, traveling is opposite directions.
SOURCE: Chapple, & Stewart, 2018.
35. Flag(s) - Flags are used to select which descriptions to capture in tcpdump or other sniffers.
A flag can indicate or dictate which packet to capture or how a packet should be viewed for
later analysis. For example, using the -c flag indicates the capturing of packets should be
continued. Another example of a flag use, the -A flag can be used to capture web pages.
SOURCE: Manpage, 2019.
36. FIN - Indicates a transmission has “finished” and no additional data packets are forthcoming.
In the TCP three-way handshake, the receiver of the original message is the last part to
communicate and sends the final FIN when the communication has concluded. SOURCE:
KeyCDN, 2018.
37. Flow/Flow Label - The combination of a port number and the IP address where connection-
orientated (TCP) communication is occurring over Transport Layer 4. It may also include
connectionless (UDP) communications (but not at Layer 4). Wireshark labels flows which
can be selected for use with the display filter.
SOURCE: Wireshark, 2019.
38. Follow TCP Stream - A function that allows the packets from one TCP stream to be
displayed in order, for viewing the stream as it has been received at the Application Layer 7.
SOURCE: Wireshark, 2019.
39. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - An Internet standard for transferring files over the Internet,
usually in cleartext; programs and utilities are used to upload and download web pages,
graphics, and other files between local media and remote server with allows FTP access.
FTP uses port 20 (data transfer) and port 21 (control, command).
SOURCE: NIST SP 800-47, 2002.
40. Fragment/fragment offset - When a packet exceeds the network interface card (NIC)
maximum transmission unit (MTU) value in size, the packet must be broken down into
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Created by S.E. Williams, Cybrary TA
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management, advanced training features and detailed skill gap and
competency analytics.
Created by S.E. Williams, Cybrary TA
48. Hop (hop count, hop limit, hop-by-hop option) - This refers to the time it takes data to
travel between routers. When used in packet analysis, hop counts provide information on: 1)
The time that could be exceeded; 2) The default value that a node has in place in its hop
count; and 3) The number of devices through which the data is passing between a source
and a destination. Determining the hop count can provide information on the size of the
network and or network mapping.
SOURCE: Parziale, et. al., 2006.
49. Host Name - The name of any hardware device that has the capability of permitting access
to a network via a user interface, specialized software, network address, protocol stack, or
any other means.
SOURCE: CNSSI No. 2009, 2015.
50. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) - Utility that delivers status messages, reports
errors, replies to certain request (ICMP echo reply and request), and reports routing
information used to test connectivity and troubleshoot problems on IP networks. Used most
frequently as the “ping” utility. Can be used in ICMP attacks, which can occur in at least two
methods: 1) Mapping the network for vulnerability; and 2) ICMP tunneling in which the
attacker inserts data to establish a covert communication channel. A sniffer trace would
show a type between 0-41 with a descriptive name (e.g., 0 = echo reply, 8 = echo request).
SOURCE: Harris & Maymi, 2018.
51. ICMP Payload - Refers to an assumption of routers and firewalls to allow ICMP packets into
and out of a network because the ICMP was developed to not hold any data or payload. An
attack involves adding data to the ICMP request to establish a covert channel and tunneling
software, to allow the attacker to listen on a port to identify a back door, to which the
attacker could gain access. Essentially, the attacker sends commands inside of ICMP
packets; used also to redirect traffic.
SOURCE: Harris & Maymi, 2018.
52. Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) - An internet protocol that enables users to
access mail on a mail server; similar to POP3 but with more functionality. Messages
download to a remote device can be left on the server (in the mailbox).
SOURCE: Harris & Maymi, 2018.
53. IP header protocol field value - An element of an IP packet header that identifies the
protocol used in the IP packet payload (usually 6 for TCP, 17 for UDP, and or 1 for ICMP, or
any of other valid routing protocol numbers).
SOURCE: Chapple, et al., 2018.
54. Message Digest - The fixed-length bit string produced by a hash function.
SOURCE: Baker, Chen, & Moody, 2014.
55. Multicast - A communications transmission to multiple identified recipients.
SOURCE: Chappel, et al., 2018.
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Created by S.E. Williams, Cybrary TA
56. Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) - The size of the largest datagram that can be sent
over a network. If the size exceeds the set limit on the NIC, the packet must be fragmented
into smaller datagrams. The MTU size can be seen as an indication of the size of the
network where data is being captured. For example, a point-to-point (PPP) network has an
MTU of 296 bytes; an IEEE 802.3 network has a default MTU of 1,492 bytes.
SOURCE: Tech-Faq, 2019.
57. Open Capture File - A dialog box used to locate, sort, and view past data captures. The
dialog box allows you to select options such as file names, MAC name resolution, network
name resolution, transport name resolution, and other “.pcap” files for viewing.
SOURCE: Wireshark, 2019.
58. Packet - The logical unit of network communications produced by the Transport Layer (OSI
Layer 4, TCP Layer 4).
SOURCE: NIST SP 800-86, 2006.
59. Passive Wiretapping/Passive Sniffing - The host’s network interface is used in
promiscuous mode to capture all data in transit, including all packets between hosts, IP
addresses, and traffic where hubs are used in the network. Man-in-the-middle (MiTM)
attacks use passive sniffing to monitor all traffic, which is then modified to allow the attacker
to masquerade as one of the original communicating parties. The main purpose of passive
wiretapping is to capture all information entering and leaving the LAN.
SOURCES: CNSSI 4009, 2015; and Carnegie Mellon, 2009.
60. Payload - Information that is concealed and transmitted. SOURCE: Harris & Maymi, 2018.
61. ping command / ping sweep - The process of sending ICMP ping request to a series of
devices or to the entire range of networked devices.
SOURCE: Gregg & Santos, 2019.
62. POP3 - Post Office Protocol is a protocol used to transfer email messages from an email
server to an email client. Sniffing specifically for POP3 is done to view the email
authentication packets that are passing over the line, to be able to detect the decodes and
the passwords that could be visible if POP3 is unencrypted. Without encrypted email, the
sniffer can detect email user names and passwords, the type of email protocol, and the
server IP address.
SOURCES: Chapple, et al., 2018; and SecurityXploded, 2019.
63. Promiscuous Mode - Packet sniffers are designed to monitor network traffic on a wired or
wireless networks and capture packets. A NIC normally accepts incoming packets but can
be set to promiscuous mode, meaning the NIC accepts all incoming packets regardless of
the intended destination. When using a sniffer, the sniffer should place the NIC in
promiscuous mode, then the user can capture all packets based on the selection of what
you desire to view.
SOURCE: NIST SP 800-86, 2006.
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Created by S.E. Williams, Cybrary TA
64. Protocol Analyzer - Used by packet sniffers to reassemble stream from individual packets
and decode communications that use any of hundreds of thousands of different protocols.
They can also process live traffic as well as packets that have been previously recored in a
capture file. Protocol analyzers are used to display raw packet data in a readable format.
SOURCE: NIST SP 800-86, 2006.
65. Putty - Known also as PuTTY, it is a Windows OS program used for remote access. It is
used to record keyboard and mouse inputs, and functions like Telnet or Rlogin.
SOURCE:, 2019.
66. Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) - A protocol used to secure the
transmission of email and attachments.
SOURCE: Chapple, et. al., 2018.
67. Session Initiated Protocol (SIP) - The Internet Engineering Task Force’s (IETF’s) standard
for multimedia conference over IP. It is an ASCII-based, application-layer control protocol
that can be used to establish, maintain, and terminate calls between two or more end points.
SIP addresses signaling and session management within IP telephony. Signaling allows call
information to be carried across networks and session management provides the ability to
control the attributes of a call, end to end.
SOURCE: IPwithease, 2016.
68. Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) Port 25 - Protocol used for email exchange
between clients to servers and between server to server.
SOURCE: Chapple, et. al., 2018.
69. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) - An application layer protocol that
facilitates the exchange of management information between network devices. Version 1
uses well-known community strings of public and private; Version 3 offers encryption.
SOURCE: Gregg & Santos, 2019.
70. Sniffer - A hardware or software device that can be used to intercept and decode network
SOURCE: Gregg & Santos, 2019.
71. Secure Shell (SSH) Port 22 - An end-to-end encryption techniques used for secure remote
connection to devices.
SOURCE: Chapple, et. al., 2018.
72. SYN - Synchronize/start command used to start a normal TCP connection, in which the host
receives a SYN packet from a s source hose and sends back a SYN ACK (synchronized
acknowledge) packet.
SOURCE: Cisco, 2006.
73. SYN Flood Attack - A denial of service (DoS) or disturbed denial of service (DDoS) attack
in which the attacker sends a successor of SYN packets that never completes the three-way
TCP handshake.
SOURCE: Harris & Maymi, 2018.
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74. TCP Stream - The constant flow of TCP packets across a hard wired or wireless medium. In
Wireshark, a TCP stream can be selected to follow through the Wireshark GUI. Tcpdump is
an operating system CLI tool that allows you to follow streams of packets from a network
interface. Streams are captured at Data Link Layer 4. Data that cannot be read or printed
will be represented by dots.
SOURCE: Wireshark, 2019.
75. Telnet - The abbreviated name for teletype network, it is a protocol that uses a command
line to access another host. As it does not provide encryption, the protocol poses serious
security risks as it can be used by attackers to install malware or viruses on a targeted
system, or to extract sensitive information. Uses TCP port 23.
SOURCE: RFC 855, 1983.
76. Telnet Session - Used as a utility to gain remote access to other computing devices
installed on a network. The access can be via the Internet or over a closed LAN. To
establish a connection, the IP address of the target host will be needed, as well as the
username and the password. Telnet sessions are considered unsecured and
communications can be captured in cleartext.
SOURCE: Tech-Faq, 2019.
77. Time to Live (TTL) - Used in computing and networking technology, it is units of time or
iterations that a transmission occurs before the packet is discarded (prevents endless
circulation of a packet). TTL is used by DNS and for DNS caching as set by the name server
for each resource record.
SOURCE: NIST SP 800-21, 2013.
78. Timestamp - The time stamps used in Wireshark are generated from the libpcap (Npcap)
library, as mandated by the OS kernel. The timestamp format is in time of day in
nanoseconds since midnight, and can be reviewed in the “View” menu, under the Time
Display Format option.
SOURCE: Wireshark, 2019.
79. tos - The type of service field. SOURCE: Manpage, 2019.
80. Tunnel - An IT interconnection component used in creating virtual private networks (VPNs),
which is used by two or more parties to communicate security across a public network by
creating a private connection or “tunnel” between the two parties. In sniffing, if the VPN is
encrypted, the data in transit through the VPN is encrypted and undetectable by the sniffer.
SOURCE: NIST SP 800-47, 2002.
81. Tunneled Protocols - Common tunneling protocols that can be viewed via a Wireshark or
tcpdump capture include: IPv4, IPv6, Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) on port 47,
OpenVPN on UPD port 1194, Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) on port 443,
Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) on port 50 and 51, Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) on
port 115, and Virtual Extensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) on port 4789.
SOURCE: RFC 2817, 2019.
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Brought to you by: Develop your team with the fastest growing catalog in the
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competency analytics.
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competency analytics.
Created by S.E. Williams, Cybrary TA
Section 3. Acronyms
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Brought to you by: Develop your team with the fastest growing catalog in the
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Brought to you by: Develop your team with the fastest growing catalog in the
cybersecurity industry. Enterprise-grade workforce development
management, advanced training features and detailed skill gap and
competency analytics.
Created by S.E. Williams, Cybrary TA
Carnegie Mellon. (2009). Packet sniffing with Wireshark and Tcpdump, v.1.1.
CERT Training and Education. School of Science, Hampton University. Publication by
Carnegie Mellon University. Retrieved August 15, 2019 from:
Chapple, M., Stewart, J.M., & Gibson, D. (2018). Glossary for the CISSP (ISC)2
Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Study Guide, 8th Edition.
Sybex. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana. Retrieved from Apple iBooks.
Cisco. (2006, January 6). Defining strategies to protect against TCP SYN denial
of service attacks. Document ID: 14760. Cisco. Retrieved August 13, 2019 from:
CNSSI No. 2009. (2015, April 6th). Committee on National Security Systems
(CNSS) Glossary. Recommendations from The National Security Agency (NSA).
Retrieved August 2, 2019 from:
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cybersecurity industry. Enterprise-grade workforce development
management, advanced training features and detailed skill gap and
competency analytics.
Created by S.E. Williams, Cybrary TA
Gregg, M., & Santos, O. (2019). Cert Guide, Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
Version 10., Third Edition. Pearson’s Education, Inc. ISBN: 9780135305409. Accessed
August 13, 2019 at O’Reilly learning on line.
Harris, S., & Maymi, F. (2018). All in One CISSP Exam Guide, 8th Ed., McGraw
Hill Education. New York, NY. Retrieved from Apple iBook conversion by Code Mantra.
Jones, G., & Butterworth, A. (2015, Aug. 15). 1722 AVTP Audio Format. Apple,
Inc. Retrieved August 2, 2019 from;
Lane, K., (2018, May 1). What is the advanced message queuing protocol
(AMQP)? Integration Zone. DZone, online. Retrieved August 13, 2019 from:
Parziale, L., Britt, D., Davis, C., Forrester, J., Liu, W., Matthews, C. & Rosselot,
N. (2006, Dec. 19). TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview, IMB Redbooks. IBM Corp.,
North Castle Dr., Armonk, NY. ISBN-10: 0738494682. Retrieved August 14, 2019 from
Apple iBooks.
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cybersecurity industry. Enterprise-grade workforce development
management, advanced training features and detailed skill gap and
competency analytics.
Created by S.E. Williams, Cybrary TA
NIST SP Reference
[800-38F] Dworkin, M., (2012, Dec.). NIST SP 800-38F, Recommendation for block
cipher modes of operation: Methods for key wrapping. Recommendations of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology. Retrieved August 12, 2019 from:
[800-41] Scarfone, K., & Hoffman, P. (2009, Sept.). NISTP SP 800-41, Rev. 1,
Guidelines on firewalls and firewall policy. Recommendations of the National Institute of
Standards and Technology. Retrieved August 14, 2019 from:
[800-47] Grance, T., Hash, J., Peck, S., Smith, J., & Korow-Diks, K. (2002, August).
NIST SP 800-47, Security guide for interconnecting information technology systems.
Recommendations form the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Retrieved August 15, 2019 from:
[800-56B] Baker, E., Chen, L., & Moody, D. (2014, Sept.). NIST SP 800-56B, Rev. 1,
Recommendation for pair-wise Key establishment schemes using integer factorization
cryptography. Retrieved August 13, 2019 from:
[800-21] Chandramouli, R., & Rose, S. (2013, Sept.). NIST SP 800-81-2, Secure
domain name system (DNS) deployment guide. Recommendations from the National
Institute of Standards and Technology. Retrieved August 15, 2019 from:
[800-82] Stouffer, K., Pillitteri, V., Abrams, M., & Hahn, A. (2015, May). NIST SP
800-82, Revision 2, Guide to industrial control system (ICS) security; Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems, Distributed Control Systems (DCS),
and other control systems such a Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). Retrieved
August 11, 2019 from:
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cybersecurity industry. Enterprise-grade workforce development
management, advanced training features and detailed skill gap and
competency analytics.
Created by S.E. Williams, Cybrary TA
[800-86] Kent, K., Chevalier, S., Grance, T., and Dang, H. (2006, August). NIST SP
800-86, Guide to integrating forensic techniques into incident response.
Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Retrieved
August 11, 2019 from:
[800-128] Johnson, A., Dempsey, K., Ross, R., Gupta, S. & Bailey, D. (2011,
August). NIST SP 800-128, Guide for security-focused configuration management of
information systems. Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology. Retrieved August 11, 2019 from:
RFC Resources
[RFC 2817] (2019). Upgrading to TLS within HTTP/1.1, IETF Datatracker. Retrieved
August 15, 2019 from:
[RFC 6093] Gont, F., & Yourtchenko, A. (2011, Jan.). RFC 6093. On the
implementation of the TCP urgent mechanism. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
Retrieved August 13, 2019 from:
Web Resources
The Free Dictionary. (2003.) The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing. DECnet.
Retrieved August 13 2019 from
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cybersecurity industry. Enterprise-grade workforce development
management, advanced training features and detailed skill gap and
competency analytics.
Created by S.E. Williams, Cybrary TA
KeyCDN. (2018, Oct. 4). TCP Flags. KeyCDN. Retrieved August 13, 2019 from:
File.Net. (2019). What is putty.exe? File.Net, (2019). Retrieved August 14, 2019
Brought to you by: Develop your team with the fastest growing catalog in the
cybersecurity industry. Enterprise-grade workforce development
management, advanced training features and detailed skill gap and
competency analytics.
Created by S.E. Williams, Cybrary TA
Brought to you by: Develop your team with the fastest growing catalog in the
cybersecurity industry. Enterprise-grade workforce development
management, advanced training features and detailed skill gap and
competency analytics.