Cyberbullying Research

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Results of Cyberbullying to Mental health

Bullying has become a pervasive issue in today's digital age that is caused numerous negative aftermath.
Affecting not only the victims but also the victims families in the proprietor and those who witnesses it.
More so in this day and age where technology flourishes and advanced at a very remarkable rate. Every
boys, girls, teens and adults carry with them their personal phones. It has become a convenient tool for
us especially with connecting to other people, through online platforms and more and while that is true
there's always disadvantage between what is good from evil that many people decides to overstep

Unlike traditional bullying that takes place in in person settings, such as schools and neighbors or
workplace, cyberbullying set upon the internet where privacy and security are vulnerable, and can be
easily compromised. As such it is a perilous ground for bullies and online trolls. cyberbullying takes place
online it involves digital technology to spread rumors, make threats target and harass individuals often
with the intention of causing emotional distress or harm.

Cyberbullying causes devotating consequences to a victims mental health including profound

psychological and emotional distress, social isolation, it also affects persons academic performance or
ability to perform tasks normally, negatively, it disrupts relations and creates a toxic online environment
moreover it sets a long lasting impact on a victim self-esteem and well-being at extreme outcomes
depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicide.

1. How big (%) is the population of people suffering from Cyberbullying?

2. How does it affect their Mental Health Condition, Behavior/Attitude and Social Interaction with
Family, Peers, Love ones.

3. If you're one of the individuals who suffers from Cyberbullying, What will you do to avoid it or if it's
not, What advice will you give to the individuals who suffer from this Threat? Why?

Prevalence of Cyberbullying)

• Percentage of individuals who have experienced cyberbullying.

• Breakdown by age group: children, teenagers, adults.

• Comparison between different regions or countries.

(Types of Cyberbullying)

• Distribution of different forms of cyberbullying (e.g., harassment, cyberstalking, trolling).

• Frequency of each type reported by victims.

(Platforms Used for Cyberbullying)

• Distribution across social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat).

• Percentage of cyberbullying incidents reported on each platform.

(Impact of Cyberbullying)

• Psychological effects: percentage of victims reporting anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, etc.

• Academic impact: percentage of students reporting decreased academic performance due to


(Reporting and Intervention)

• Percentage of victims who report cyberbullying incidents.

• Effectiveness of interventions and support systems (e.g. school policies, online reporting mechanisms)

(Gender and Cyberbullying)

• Comparison of cyberbullying prevalence between genders.

• Differences in types of cyberbullying experienced by males and females.

(Cyberbullying Trends Over Time)

• Comparison of cyberbullying rates over the past few years.

• Emerging trends or changes in patterns of cyberbullying behavior.

(Perceptions and Awareness

• Percentage of individuals who believe cyberbullying is a problem.

• Awareness of laws and policies related to cyberbullying.


Percentage of parents that report their child has been a victim of cyberbullying. 2011, 2016 and, 2018
Survey Results

2011 - 255

2016 - 380

2018 - 468

Cyberbullying is a very serious issue affecting not just the young victims, but also the victims' families,
the bully, and those who witness instances of cyberbullying. However, the effect of cyberbullying can be
most detrimental to the victim, of course, as they may experience a number of emotional issues that
affect their social and academic performance as well as their overall mental health.

As parents today, you may not have ever experienced cyberbullying yourself. It may be hard to fathom
how some words of text on a computer screen can lead to such trauma. After all, bullying has seemingly
always been a facet of school and on the playground. Perhaps you have seen or experienced bullying
when you were in school. Maybe you feel that bullying is just a normal part of school life.

You might also think that face-to-face bullying is much worse than cyberbullying since the victims of
real-world bullying have more difficulty escaping their tormentors, while a victim of cyberbullying can
simply turn off the computer or block a bully on a social media platform.

Unfortunately, it's not that simple. And while the effects of real-world bullying behavior are not to be
dismissed, the effects of cyberbullying can actually be much worse. As parents, it is up to you to
understand the true impact of cyberbullying, to recognize a change in your child’s behavior as a result of
cyberbullying, and to find a way to help your child in a supportive manner.

Cyberbullying is a widespread issue in the digital age, causing distress not only to the victims but also
affecting their families, perpetrators, and bystanders. It's a problem across all age groups and regions,
taking different forms on various social media platforms. Its impacts are severe, causing psychological
distress, social isolation, and academic difficulties, with long-term effects including depression, anxiety,
and even suicide.

Despite the gravity of the issue, not all incidents are reported, indicating the need for better support
systems. Cyberbullying trends evolve over time, necessitating continuous monitoring and updating of
prevention strategies. While many recognize the problem, awareness of cyberbullying laws needs to be
increased. Collective efforts are essential for tackling this issue and ensuring online safety.

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