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MOVIPRO®: Startup Assistance

Startup Assistance
at Volkswagen

Version : 1.04
Status : 19.02.2013
Created : SEW-Eurodrive/RA3/Bernd Schülzke/Jürgen Wegner

19.02.13 Page 1 of 63
MOVIPRO®: Startup Assistance
Index of Changes

Date Processor Version Amendments, comments

22.07.2011 Schülzke V1.00 First edition
04.11.2011 Wegner V1.01 Data management FW 13 + exchange concept
16.01.2012 Wegner V1.02 Correction, SD card
21.02.2012 Wegner V1.03 Var. corrections
24.04.2012 Wegner V1.04 Section 3.5.1 “AMA compatibility”

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1 General .............................................................................. 5
2 MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio .............................................. 5
2.1 Settings ......................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Setting up the project ....................................................................... 6
2.1.2 Setting up the interface .................................................................... 7
2.1.3 Differences between online and offline .......................................... 11
2.1.4 PROFINET name (IP address) ...................................................... 14
2.1.5 PROFIsafe F address .................................................................... 15
2.1.6 Configuring the units ...................................................................... 16
3 MOVIPRO® ...................................................................... 18
3.1 MOVIPRO® ADC ......................................................................... 18
3.1.1 Controller ....................................................................................... 18
3.1.2 Internal buses ................................................................................ 18
3.2 Starting up the Application Configurator ....................................... 19
3.2.1 Setting up the Application Configurator .......................................... 19
3.3 Starting up the motor encoder ...................................................... 28
3.3.1 Motor encoder: Absolute encoder .................................................. 29
3.3.2 Motor encoder: No absolute encoder ............................................. 32
3.4 Motor startup ............................................................................... 35
3.5 AMA0801 application module....................................................... 42
3.5.1 Version recognition ...................................................................... 49
3.5.2 Compatibility of the AMA versions ................................................ 50
4 Data Backup .................................................................... 51
4.1 Updating the MotionStudio project................................................ 51
4.2 Updating the data set on the SD card in the unit ........................... 53
4.3 Setting up automatic data backup ................................................ 57
4.4 Replacing the unit ........................................................................ 59
5 Parameter Adjustments for Applications ........................... 62
5.1 Jerk limitation .............................................................................. 62
5.2 Recognition of positioning interruption .......................................... 62
5.3 Position window........................................................................... 63
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5.4 Encoder monitoring ..................................................................... 63

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1 General
This description is designed to help the user handle the SEW Software MOVITOOLS®
MotionStudio during the startup of the MOVIPRO® unit at Volkswagen.
Always use the latest version of MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio. Version 5.70 is currently
available. MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio can be downloaded for free on the Internet or
ordered as a free DVD from our technical office.
The startup of the drive itself (e.g. controller adjustment) and the AMA0801 application
are only touched upon briefly here. See the manuals for these applications for additional
The goal of this description is to provide a preferred startup procedure for the MOVIPRO®
unit with MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio that can be used to start up the MOVIPRO® units at
Volkswagen and replace these units at a later time, if necessary.
In addition to this description, see the documentation available at
Hard copies can also be ordered free of charge.

2 MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio
2.1 Settings
MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio (hereinafter referred to as MMS) can be used to diagnose,
document and set the parameters for all connected units. MMS creates a project (file fold-
er) on the computer where the data records for all units is stored.
This document does not provide basic information on handling MMS. This information can
be found in the MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio manual.

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2.1.1 Setting up the project

After you start MMS, a window appears. Here, you have the option to either create a new
project or open an existing project.

If you choose to create a new project, an input window appears. Here you enter the
necessary information and confirm by pressing “OK”.

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After you press “OK”, the MMS interface opens:

2.1.2 Setting up the interface

The communication settings are used to set up the interface to the inverters. At VW, all
MOVIPRO® units operate on PROFINET, meaning that the settings must allow for access
via Ethernet.
Select the desired Ethernet connection under “Edit”.
Communication settings

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In the following menu, you can select the Ethernet interface (network adapter) connected
to the network.

When the Broadcast IP address is set to, MMS scans all network cards
connected to the computer to search for SEW components. If you do not want to search for
SEW components, you can select the desired network card by clicking .

In the following window, select the desired network adapter (e.g. address range The Broadcast IP address is set automatically. All activated network
cards are displayed (the LEDs for the network connection of the computer light up).

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Click “OK” to select the network card and enter this card in MMS.

When you change the access method on the inverter from Serialto Ethernet, all units
coupled to the serial interface are unselected.

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2.1.3 Differences between online and offline

Using MMS, you can either work online and directly access the parameters of the inverter
or work offline using the data stored in the working memory of MMS. Always select the
operating mode “Online” on the machine and the work operating station.

Online Offline

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The network can always be scanned, regardless of whether MMS is in online or offline
mode. The scan will display all units available in the network area.
To determine whether MMS is able to access the inverter, adjust the display in the network
view. To do this, go to “Settings/Options” and activate the “Cyclical Availability Test” (test is
carried out automatically at a request interval of 100 ms).

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Depending on whether MMS is able to access the inverter, the view appears as shown
Inverter available: Inverter not available:

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2.1.4 PROFINET name (IP address)

In this example, after you press , MMS locates the MOVIPRO® with the IP
address and the PROFINET name “Drive 007”.
The IP address and PROFINET name must be set up prior to this using the PROFINET
tools (Siemens, Phönix).

MOVIPRO® PROFINET IP address PROFINET name: Drive 007

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2.1.5 PROFIsafe F address

The F address required for the PROFIsafe component is set in the parameters of the con-
troller, or the actual PROFINET connection.
Right-click the controller, then “Startup,” then “Parameter Tree”.

This opens the parameter tree of the controller.

You can set the F address of the PROFIsafe option S11 under “Parameters and Functions”
- “Fieldbus” - “Additional Parameters”. This address must be the same as the F address
that is set in the control configuration (Siemens, Phönix).

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2.1.6 Configuring the units

After the scan, all units are loaded in the MMS project. In MMS, this process is referred to
as “unit configuration”. As part of this process, the system creates subdirectories for each
inverter in the MotionStudio project. These subdirectories are stored on the hard drive.

Right-click “Ethernet”
Left-click “Configure Units”

Alternatively, the unit to be configured can also be dragged from the network view to the
project view using drag and drop.
On PROFINET, each unit is also assigned a PROFINET name. The signatures of the
controller and the inverter are derived from this name.
It is possible for you to specify another signature in this dialog, but this signature is only
adopted for the power section. After a new scan, the controller signals again using the

!!! The names cannot be changed at this point !!!

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When the configuration process is finished, MOVIPRO® is also displayed in the project
view of MMS. The parameters are now stored in the working memory of MMS. If you now
start up the motor or change the parameters etc., the data changes in both the inverter and
in the working memory of MMS.
The data is still stored on the hard drive of the computer. The data is only stored on the
hard drive when the project is saved.
Discrepancies between the files saved on the hard drive and those saved on the inverter
are indicated by the asterisk next to the project name. The asterisk disappears when you
click “Save”.

I M P O R T A N T:
Data sets are always managed using MMS. It is best to avoid making manual changes to
the parameter data using Windows Explorer.
You can also use the “Import” and “Export” functions in MMS to freely copy the parameter
data into other directories on the computer.

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The MOVIPRO® ADC is displayed in MMS with a control section and power section.

Controller with PROFINET connection

Power section (inverter)


3.1.1 Controller
The controller is the direct connection to PROFINET. The controller receives the process
data and transfers this data to the power section internally via the SBus1.
A MOVIPRO® ADC unit with the original factory settings displays “no_cnf” when switched
on (the process data has not yet been configured). The user must configure the process
data accordingly. Process data is configured using the “Application Configurator” (see
Section 3.2, “Application Configurator”).
It is not necessary to make additional settings to the internal buses.
After you have started up the MOVIPRO® ADC unit, you must manually perform a com-
plete backup of the controller data using data management (see Section 4, “Data Backup”)
3.1.2 Internal buses
EtherCAT-based system bus SBUS+:
This interface is located inside the unit and is displayed solely for the purpose of providing
a complete description of the unit.
SBus 1:
The power section of the MOVIPRO® (the inverter itself) is internally connected to the net-
work via the SBus1.
The power section of the MOVIPRO® is operated like a MOVIDRIVE® MDX61B unit. First
you start up the motor and then the AMA0801 application module.
SBus 2:
This interface is located inside the unit and is displayed solely for the purpose of providing
a complete description of the unit.
The safe portion of the process data is transferred to the integrated S11 safety module via
the internal bus. This interface is located inside the unit. It is displayed solely for the pur-
pose of providing a complete description of the unit.

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3.2 Starting up the Application Configurator

Using the Application Configurator, you determine which applications are to be carried out
using the MOVIPRO®. It is possible to make a number of different configurations - from the
simple speed setpoint setting all the way to bus positioning.
The MOVIPRO® units at Volkswagen operate together with the AMA0801 application mod-
ule. The application module is started up on the power section, or the inverter itself. To use
the process data to operate the application module over PROFINET, the data must simply
“pass through” the controller. To allow the data to pass through the controller, the Applica-
tion Configurator must be set to “Transparent 6PD” mode.

3.2.1 Setting up the Application Configurator

The Application Configurator is started up on the controller.
Right-click the controller then select the application module followed by “Application
Configurator”. Then left-click:

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The startup interface of the Application Configurator opens:

There is currently no pre-existing configuration. Left-click to create a new configuration.

This opens the configuration interface.

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Then left-click to add the power section of the inverter (a single axis) to the configuration.
This configures the process data words from the master PLC to the axis:

The axis has been added, but it has not yet been configured.

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The AMA0801 application module is addressed using six process words. The Application
Configurator must transmit these six process words to the axis without modifying this
information. To ensure that this occurs, the Application Configurator must be set to
“Transparent 6PD”.

Click to confirm this setting. The configured axis is now displayed along
with the settings. The green check mark indicates that these settings are valid and

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Now you must load the settings in the controller. To do this, click after finishing
the configuration process.

In the next window, you can begin downloading the configuration to the controller:

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This process overwrites the entire process data configuration. Therefore the controller
must restarted after the download has finished.

At this point, you can still cancel this process by pressing . Click to over-
write the existing controller configuration with the new configuration.

During the download process, the notification “OFL” flashes in the seven-segment display
(internal communication error). This error is normal, because the controller is not com-
municating with the power section.

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The first download (the download that takes place before there is a configuration in the
controller) can take up to 20 minutes when carried out over the PROFINET IO network,
depending on the current network load. During this time, the progress bar moves very
slowly from left to right.
If possible, the initial startup of the Application Configurator should be carried out using
the service interface of the MOVIPRO®. The download takes approx. 5 minutes.
The IP address of the Ethernet service interface is always

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The following phases occur during the download process:

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When the download process is complete, the system displays the working application in
the controller (online) and the version.

This concludes the startup of the Application Configurator. No additional settings are re-

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3.3 Starting up the motor encoder

For the sake of simplicity, the startup of the MOVIPRO® ADC unit is designed to be read
like a “recipe”. For this reason, we rely mainly on screenshots and avoid descriptions
where possible.
In MMS, right-click the power section of the MOVIPRO® to begin the motor startup.

This opens the startup interface. Then left-click “Startup”.

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First you configure the settings for all encoders connected to the MOVIPRO® unit.

For the complete startup, you can select one motor encoder and one synchronous
encoder. Here, we differentiate between encoders with electronic nameplates and
encoders without electronic nameplates.
Encoders with electronic nameplates are recognized automatically. All other encoders
must be selected manually.

3.3.1 Motor encoder: Absolute encoder

The SEW absolute encoder (e.g. AS1H, AK0H, AS7W, etc.) has an electronic nameplate.
Left-click “Automatic Recognition” to activate automatic encoder recognition based on the
electronic nameplate.

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If the system has automatically recognized an encoder, the manufacturer information is

e.g. AS1H or AS7W

This description does not include additional settings, as they are only required under spe-
cial circumstances.
Click to confirm.

The encoder is recognized automatically.

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Click to go to the next screen.

The “Download” box must be checked. Then click again. The settings are
loaded in the inverter and actual motor startup opens.

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3.3.2 Motor encoder: No absolute encoder

If the system does not find any encoders with an electronic nameplate, the “Encoder
Settings” window opens:

For SEW encoders without an electronic nameplate (e.g. sin/cos encoders or TTL encod-
ers, etc.), you must edit the encoder type manually.

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Click the button.

In the next screen, enter the encoder type listed on the motor nameplate and confirm by
clicking “OK”.
Here, we use an ES7S encoder as an example.

Click to adopt the encoder settings.

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The “Download” box must be checked. Then click again. The settings are
loaded in the inverter and actual motor startup opens.

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3.4 Motor startup
It is not possible to start up the motor before you start up the encoder.
After you have finished entering the encoder settings, the window for the motor startup

Next, you perform the startup for parameter set 1

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The motor type is determined by the electronic nameplate, so you do not make a selection

For synchronous motors, you must enter the connection type for the motor and the thermal
protection in the next window:

e.g.: motor winding 230/400 V

Motor with delta connection: Rated motor voltage 230 V rated motor frequency 50 Hz
Motor with star connection: Rated motor voltage 400 V rated motor frequency 50 Hz

You must set the response of the TF message, otherwise the motor will have not thermal
Example on page 41: RF47DRE90M4BE2/TF/ES7S/Z/C
In this case, there is a thermal sensor. The KTY sensor type is also used.

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Depending on the project planning and the application, you select the operating mode

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Make sure to adjust the load inertia value for the speed controller!

The value itself can be taken from the SEW project planning, e.g.:

In this example, you must enter the value “1111” in the speed controller screen. The con-
version factor is displayed in the speed controller screen.

If the SEW project planning is not available, for the initial startup, you can at least enter
the load inertia of the motor (J0 motor, last line) or a larger value, depending on the
As a rule of thumb: For hoists: Load inertia = 1 x motor mass moment of inertia
For trolleys: Load inertia = 5 x motor mass moment of inertia

Rule of thumb: hoist = 4,9

trolley = 24,5

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Using you can enter the next parameters as a download value or, if nec-
essary, adjust these parameters in the column to the right. The values here are simply
sample values.

Values that diverge

from the proposed
values are high-
lighted in yellow.

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Load the values into the

unit. The window will
remain open.
Complete startup.
The window will

The motor startup is complete.

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3.5 AMA0801 application module

Using the “Automotive AMA0801” application module, you can position the drives in hoists,
conveyors and machines.
Begin the startup for the AMA0801 as shown here.

As a supplement to this description, you can also consult the manual containing the
description of the application module. This manual applies to the MOVIDRIVE® MDX61B
as well as to the MOVIPRO®.

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Left-click to open the start screen of the AMA0801 unit

Left-click to begin the startup.

At Volkswagen, the binary setpoint selection set here is used to move the drive.

Then left-click .

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Entering the values for scaling the user values:

First enter the source of the actual position. If no synchronous encoder is available, “motor
encoder” is selected. When using a synchronous encoder, see the description “MOVIPRO®
Synchronous Encoder Startup” for additional information.

Enter the diameter of the drive wheel and the spindle pitch.
Example: 204 mm in 1/10th mm  Enter: 2040 1/10th mm

Enter the gear ratio based on the motor nameplate:



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Enter the additional gear ratio if this information is available and then press
on this entry page. The system calculates and enters the scaling

There are a number of additional entries, but we will not be addressing this information in
this description, as it is largely self-explanatory. For more information, see the manual
“Automotive AMA0801 Application Module” mentioned above.

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After you have entered all of the settings, select “Download” to load them in the inverters.

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After the download, the diagnostic monitor of the application module opens automatically.
Using the diagnostic monitor, you can monitor the process data and after switching to
, you can use this interface to control the drive in all operating modes.

3.5.1 Version recognition

Volkswagen uses the following AMA versions:
Value in H128 [hex] Value in H129 [dec] Version of AMA
40030100 29102008 1.03
40030100 10122008 1.04
41000100 29012009 1.05
41000100 29012009 1.06
41000100 29012009 1.07
41000100 01032010 1.08
42000100 04052010 2.0
42010100 06062011 2.01

Note: Versions 1.02 through 1.05 and 1.07 were test versions or preliminary versions.
The variables H128 and H129 can be made visible in MotionStudio.
Go to the context menu of the frequency inverter under “Programming/Assembler” to make
the variables visible.

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3.5.2 Compatibility of the AMA versions
AMA versions 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 are both upward-compatible and downward-compatible.
This only applies to one MOVIDRIVE unit. When using the AMA in MOVIPRO, you must
use version 1.8 or 2.X.
It is possible to switch to the diagnostic monitor within the groups 1.X and 2.X without an
IPOS download.
When switching from version 1.X to 2.X, a new IPOS download is required. The new
2.X version is no longer downward compatible with 1.X.

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4 Data Backup
4.1 Updating the MotionStudio project
Up until this point, all settings have been made on the unit itself. To save these settings
and parameters in the MMS project on the operating computer, load all parameter sets in
the project as follows.
Right-click the network to open the menu. In this menu, select the menu item “Upload
Parameter Sets (All Units  PC)”.

The next window opens. In this example, there is only one unit in the network. If there are
multiple units in the network, all available online units are displayed.
Here you can select the units for which the data sets are to be transferred to MMS
(the SEW project on the hard drive of the computer).

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Click to load the data sets of all selected inverters in the project.

In addition, see Section 2.1.6 from page 14 on.

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4.2 Updating the data set on the SD card in the unit

In addition to MotionStudio, the entire data set must be stored on the SD card in the
MOVIPRO® unit (backup on SD card).

To do this, open data management on the controller. Right-click:

Controller  Startup  Data Management

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Data management opens:

Because the data is backed up in this step, only the button is relevant here. Left-
click “Upload” to open the next dialog, which displays the individual components of the
inverter (PFH-E21A = controller, PFA-MD LT = inverter). Make sure that all boxes are

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Click to start the storage process.

The following message window appears when you carry out the first data backup on the
SD card. For the first backup, there may be increased program process times and commu-
nication times. This may result in a timeout.
For subsequent backups on the SD card, e.g. after parameter changes, this message no
longer appears.

Confirm this message by pressing “OK”. The upload to the SD card begins.

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After the upload has finished, the system issues a message indicating that the entire back-
up process (upload of all data on the SD card) is complete.

A complete backup is now available on the SD card. Now, if you need to replace the unit,
you can remove the SD card from the old unit and insert it into the new unit. This way, all
relevant parameters, addresses and PROFINET names are available in the unit.

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4.3 Setting up automatic data backup
For FW13 and later, the power section of the MOVIPRO has a new function which enables
automatic data backup.
This firmware has been a standard component of SEW units since Fall 2011. The firmware
version is stored in parameter 076 of the power section.
If the unit has an older firmware version, it must be updated by SEW service.

For release 500 and later, the Application Configurator must have the version number 110.
The startup of the Application Configurator is described in detail in Section 3.2. The
necessary version of the Application Configurator is available as an online update of
MotionStudio or at the following link.

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The data backup must be run once to ensure that it is working properly. This process is
described in Section 4.1. The necessary version of the data management program is
available as an online update of MotionStudio or at the following link.

The necessary data management function is available as standard in MotionStudio version

5.8 and later.
The data management function has been expanded from the previous version to include
the “Automatic Upload” function. This function allows you to specify the time interval
between the last parameter change and the data backup.

Operating principle:
If you change a relevant parameter on the power section of the MOVIPRO, at this moment
there is a discrepancy between the data backup on the SD card and the current working
The controller of the MOVIPRO recognizes this discrepancy and starts the backup function
after the set time has elapsed. During the data backup, the status “INI” flashes in the

Note: During this time, the supply voltage of the MOVIPRO must
remain connected.
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4.4 Replacing the unit
If you need to replace the MOVIPRO, it is possible to set the parameters of the new unit by
replacing the SD card.

1. You must carry out the steps in Sections 4.1 through 4.3.
2. The units have the same design
3. The firmware of the power section allows for this replacement (see parameter 76,
backwards-compatibility is ensured)

The unit must be switched off before you replace the SD card.

Push the SD card to the right to unlock the card, then remove it.

Use the type number to determine whether the units are hardware-compatible.

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If the SD card is defective, the data backup must be carried out on the new card using
SEW MotionStudio or an SD copy.
1. Backing up the data from MotionStudio:

Based on the additional symbols, you can see that the unit involved in the data
backup is not the same as the unit that is currently online.
You can drag the corresponding drive (not the power section) from the project view
onto the unnamed unit in the network view.

The following window appears. Confirm by pressing “OK”.

Check the box in the next window and click “Yes” to continue.

In the next window, click “Yes, for all units” to start the loading process.

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2. Backing up the data using an SD copy:

The copy can transferred from the backup computer to the main route of the new SD
card using a normal SD card reader. The existing files on the SD card can simply be
overwritten. If you would like to back up the new card before it is overwritten, this
backup should be stored on the backup computer and not in another directory of the
SD card. While that could also work, there is a risk that the “dead data sets” could
continue to get larger over the course of time.

The copy consists of the “System” and “User” directories as well as the files
Exchange.dat and Maintenance.cfg.

It is important that the SD card is of the type OMH41B-T0.

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5 Parameter Adjustments for Applications

Depending on the type of application, the following parameters must be adjusted after
startup but before the data backup:

5.1 Jerk limitation

For smooth driving and positioning, the positioning ramp can be set to “Jerk Limitation”:
In addition, you must set the jerk time (time for the torque smoothing). The jerk time value
must always be smaller than the given positioning ramp.
Important: The duration of the travel procedure increases by the jerk time value.

5.2 Recognition of positioning interruption

If the system is not allowed to pass the setpoint position, it is necessary to recognize inter-
ruptions in the positioning during the downwards ramp when jerk limitation is activated. If
the inverter enable is revoked, causing a brief interruption in the positioning during the
downwards ramp, and then re-enabled before the inverter reaches a speed of zero, posi-
tioning with a jerk-limited ramp would cause the inverter, due to the jerk limitation, to travel
past its target, meaning that it would have to be repositioned in the opposite direction.
The activated “Recognize Interruptions in Positioning” function (P924) recognizes this
status and finishes the positioning that has been interrupted, provided that the target is
not exceeded.

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5.3 Position window

Depending on the application, it is possible that the drive will continue to oscillate slightly
after reaching the target. The position window (P922) is set as standard to 50 incr. Particu-
larly for large gear unit reduction ratios, this can mean that the system only issues the
message “Position Reached” once target has been reached within a precision range of
1/100 mm. This is not always necessary; therefore, you can increase the position window
to a more practical value.
For positioning on synchronous encoders, the position window no longer relates to the
motor encoder. Therefore, you must adjust the default window value to suit the encoder

205 incr. correspond to 2 mm

(see “Scaling for the Application Module”)

5.4 Encoder monitoring

In addition to the software-based plausibility checks, the encoder can be monitored for
wire breaks. To enable this function, you must activate the following encoder monitoring

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