To The Fullest: H: New Shesha Lounge

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THE TARTAN Nov. 16, 2011

Lulu sees two music legends become a combined abomination

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International game night showcases different cultures

Justin Wood [email protected] Its never a good idea to schedule your premier event as a brand new student organization the same day as a basketball game, but despite this, the international outreach group Global Highlanders didnt do too bad for turnout. In the lower banquet hall in Muse Hall, an interesting scene was taking place; students milled around world ags with quiet smiles and wandering eyes, tables laid with assorted trinkets and dishes of approximated national foods, and the intercom hummed a combination of ethnic sounding horns and Chumbawumba. A part of the RU After Dark, an initiative that creates casual non-alcoholic gathering options for the student body, Global Highlanders volunteered themselves to organize the latest installment: an internationally themed game night titled Around the World in One Night. While the RU After Dark events tend to run by a formula, Global Highlanders tried to put their mark on it through decorations and games mimicking the cultures of the world. Arranged in tables around the outside of the room were stations representing each of the major landmasses with their own game provided by Fantasy World party rentals. Decorated by gifts from past exchanges students and food provided by RU Catering, each table aligned with the overall theme. Africa had spiced rice. The Middle East had hot tea. Australia had fried shrimp and free boomerangs. Antarctica, lacking a cultural heritage, got to be the punch table. Towering over all was a mechanical bull, casually tossing students into a puffy Westernthemed bouncy cage. The food was snack-like and one had to raise an eyebrow at an event pairing the Latin America booth with a tarp game featuring sombrero wearing Mexican jumping beans, but the comfortably relaxed atmosphere of the room and the enthusiasm of the students seemed authentically engaged. There was collaboration with other campus organizations as well: the Anime Club, Hispanic Society, D.A.P., and a couple of sororities lent a hand stafng. While largely just an informal occasion to eat free food some organized activities were arranged: airbrushed tattoos, padded staff ghting, shf calligraphy, as well as a photo contest participated in by study abroad students. In the middle of all of this was Global Highlanders president and founder Chelsea Taylor, who started the organization only earlier that year to benet both foreign exchange students and Radford students studying abroad. She too had noted the basketball game, but was pleased with the turnout, pointing out the jackets of the Radford Tennis team who had shown up in good numbers to support the Global Highlanders event, many of their members being students from abroad. Taylors accomplishment is considerable, and when mentioning the eventual transition to a new president when she becomes a senior, a grudging anxiety is communicated by a smile. This organization is her baby, a product of no small work, and handing it over to other hands is understandably difcult. However Global Highlanders didnt simply put on this event to introduce the student body to a new organization; Taylor made it clear that the group wants to make the International Game Night an annual staple of Radford student activities, and should be expected again next year. Global Highlanders clearly put care and preparation into planning their event and despite competition managed a rewarding turn out. Students who missed the event will have to keep their eye open next year, for their next chance to go Around the World in One Night.

Its no doubt that Lou Reed is one of rocks most well respected vocalists and that Metallica is one of heavy metals biggest bands. Lou Reed is well-known for his time as vocalist/guitarist in the band Velvet Underground. He also had a very successful career as a solo artist. Metallica started out as one of the big four bands of thrash, but after the release of their black album the band, merged into the mainstream. The group is one of rocks most successful bands and they are coming off a number 1 album in Death Magnetic. The two rst collaborated at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fames 25th Anniversary concert which lead to them deciding to put an album out together. The album Lulu is based on German playwright Frank Wedekind; two plays which tell the story of a woman who falls into poverty, prostitution and death. Unfortunately this concept album does not blend together as you would imagine. The album seems to be forced, as Reed does not sound good with Metallica as his backing band. Reeds spoken word vocals do not mesh over Metallicas metal riffs. In songs such as The View and Little Dog, Reeds vocals get on your nerves as his monotone voice does not match that songs vibe or rhythm. Lou Reed was once considered one of the most original musicians in rock history, yet on this album, he sounds like an old man telling stories that make very little sense to anyone. He comes off very unsettling and fans will nd themselves hitting the skip button more than once. Metallica is an extremely talented band, yet you wouldnt know it if this was all you heard by them. They sound less like Metallica and more like a third rate cover band trying to play Metallica riffs. The tracks on Lulu are all at least four minutes with

Lulu is the first collaborative effort between Lou Reed and Metallica since their performance together at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fames 25th Anniversary Show.

a few songs over ten minutes, yet in every song they play the same riffs over and over. As for James Heteld, you hear him in a few songs as background vocals, but it wouldve been wise to have him do lead vocals over Reed as his voice is better suited for the metal riffs. Its an album like this that can cause an individual to feel uneasy or even awkward as you cant gure out what exactly it is youre listening to. Fans should hold on to their money, as this is one album you will buy then immediately regret spending money on. Metallica fans should not be upset, as the band has stated several times that this was a collaboration that they wanted to do, and this is in no way a preview of their upcoming release. As for Lou Reed fans, they may have to accept the fact that Reed is just not as good as he once was. His lyrics seem to only get worst and his spoken word way of singing becoming off-putting. Unfortunately, Reed said the two may do another album, even though he has received several death threats from Metallica fans who were dissapointed by the album.

HOOKAH: New shesha lounge adds to downtown nightlife

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hookahs themselves are all individually hand painted, each one a different color and design. They offer many avors including basic peach, mango, and watermelon, but also offer different avors ranging from white grape, margarita and Coca Cola. The shesha comes directly from Egypt, giving the smoke a different taste than hookah from other parts of the Middle East. Though the place looks small from the outside, the inside is long and spacious. Hidden in the back of the lounge is a pool table for guests to play but in front of the main lounge is a small video game. Conveniently the lounge is opened seven days a week from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. allowing guests to come in later and enjoy all through the night. Besides hookah, the shop also sells numerous desserts such as ice cream, cheesecake and tiramisu, while also offering hot and cold drinks. This is a great place to grab a group of friends just to hang out and relax. With a large at screen hanging watching the game is always an option, or any other TV program if you ask the owners, Mostafa and Shady Ahmed, nicely to change it. The lounge plays up to date music, mixed with some upbeat Egyptian upbeat music. During the week, the lounge is usually full and owners say weekends are the busiest. Mostafa and Shady are brothers, and from Egypt. Through their thick accents, they make all attempts to get familiarized with their customers. The lounge offers free Wi-Fi to customers who feel like doing homework during their visit. Visitors are encouraged to check out their Facebook page: Pyramids Hookah Lounge for local bands playing, and other deals. With a friendly staff and variety of other options besides smoking, Pyramids Hookah has potential to be one of Radfords new major hot spots.

Billy Sours: Str8-bit Downtown Alley Show

BURIED: MTV stars live life to the fullest

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umpla-lumpa, but when she stepped back and her face was covered in orange that was awesome. The event seemed to have a very motivational atmosphere. The boys were light-hearted, constantly laughing and cracking jokes to each other on stage. Near the end they asked a question for the audience, What do you want to do before you die? About twenty students came up and shared a story and why that has inuenced them on what they want to do before they die. One student explained how her grandfather ew helicopters during Vietnam, so she wants to y in a helicopter before she dies. Another student told the crowd how she wants to open up an animal shelter, because its sad how many homeless and hurting animals there are. Another student spoke of her dreams of owning her own fashion line, and stated the steps she is doing in order to make her dream come true. They ended the ceremony with a video. A homemade video that no one was allowed to record, no one was even allowed to take pictures of it. It was the guys nal message; you can do whatever you want, if you work hard enough at it and dont just give up when it doesnt seem it will go your way at rst. The video started slow, just the boys walking around talking, adding to the suspense. But, just as Barack Obama walked onto his private basketball court, the screen turned off. It left the student body in amazement. As soon as the lights turned on everybody lunged from their seat to get a place in line and meet the Nemtin and Penn. Many students got autographs and took photos with the guys. They were also selling t-shirts in which part of the prot would go to the To Write Love on Her Arm foundation: still re-enforcing the message of giving back.
Photos by Bel Sulayman | The Tartan

Billy Sours, a local musician best known as the vocalist for Christiansburg pop-punk band Times New Roman, shared his unique solo material with downtown Radford on Thursday, Nov. 10. Sours plays chiptune, a subgenre of techno music utilizing the 8-bit format of a 1990s Nintendo game boy. This is the first time Sours has performed his 8-bit music, turning the lost sounds of our childhood into something of the future.

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