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REA JET - SC - 2.0 - User Manual - V1.4 - 19.06.2019 - EN

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User Manual


Version 1.4 Issue June 19, 2019

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Legal notice

Version: 1.4 English

Product no.: 056.201.000

Technical editing: Rainer Wiefelspütz

© 2019 REA Elektronik GmbH. All rights reserved.

No part of this user manual may be reproduced, processed, copied or distributed electronically or otherwise
without the written consent of REA Elektronik GmbH.

Although this documentation has been compiled with the utmost care, some information may be incorrect or
contain errors. REA Elektronik assumes no responsibility for any damage that may result from mistakes or
omissions contained in this document. REA Elektronik is constantly striving to improve its products and
reserves the right to change the information and data contained in this document without prior notice.

REA Elektronik GmbH

Teichwiesenstraße 1
D-64367 Mühltal

Phone: +49 (0)6154-638-0

Fax: +49 (0)6154-638-195
Email: [email protected]

Service: +49 (0)6154 638 1111

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Version history

Version Description of changes Date/name

1.0 Minimal preliminary version Dec. 20, 2017, RW
1.1 Revised and extended Feb. 2, 2018, RW
1.2 New functions added Mar. 13, 2018, RW
1.3 Adapted to new design Jun. 28, 2018, HDU
1.4 Complete revision June 19, 2019, RW

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Table of contents

1 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ...................................................................................................9

1.1 Warranty ..............................................................................................................................9
1.2 General ................................................................................................................................9
1.3 Legal information ..............................................................................................................10
1.4 Warranty and liability ........................................................................................................10
1.5 Proper use .........................................................................................................................10
1.6 Safety information ............................................................................................................11
1.7 Safety symbols .................................................................................................................12
1.8 Handling ............................................................................................................................12
1.9 Safety hazards ..................................................................................................................13
1.9.1 Hazards caused by unexpected malfunctions.................................................................14
1.9.2 Before startup.................................................................................................................14
1.9.3 Servicing work ................................................................................................................15
1.9.4 When working on electrical equipment ...........................................................................15
1.9.5 Modifications to the coding and marking system ............................................................15
1.9.6 Residual risks and protective measures .........................................................................16
1.9.7 Electrical hazards ...........................................................................................................16
1.9.8 Hazard due to ink ...........................................................................................................17

2 SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................19
2.1 Coding and marking system ............................................................................................19
2.1.1 Dimensions and weight of the coding and marking system.............................................20
2.2 Print head ..........................................................................................................................20
2.2.1 Dimensions and weight of the print head ........................................................................20
2.2.2 Permitted ambient conditions for operation ....................................................................21
2.3 Electrical data ...................................................................................................................21
2.4 Consumption.....................................................................................................................21
2.5 Connections ......................................................................................................................22
2.6 Pin assignments ...............................................................................................................23
2.6.1 Ethernet .........................................................................................................................23
2.6.2 Product sensor ...............................................................................................................23 Assignment of the product sensor connection on the print head ..............................24 Functional circuit diagram of the product sensor connection ....................................24
2.6.3 Shaft encoder .................................................................................................................25 Electrical limit values of the shaft encoder connection .............................................25 Functional circuit diagram of the shaft encoder connection ......................................25
2.6.4 Digital inputs/outputs ......................................................................................................26 Assignment of the I/O connection ............................................................................26
2.6.5 Power switch ..................................................................................................................27
2.6.6 Fuse ...............................................................................................................................27
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2.6.7 Connection to voltage supply .........................................................................................27 Assignment of power connection .............................................................................27

3 SCOPE OF SUPPLY, TRANSPORT AND HANDLING ...........................................................28

3.1 Scope of supply ................................................................................................................28
3.1.1 Identifying the components of a REA JET SC 2.0 system ..............................................28
3.2 Transport ...........................................................................................................................29
3.2.1 Transport conditions .......................................................................................................29
3.2.2 Information on preparing for disposal .............................................................................29

4 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................................30
4.1 Local requirements for delivery .......................................................................................30
4.2 Checking the device for damage .....................................................................................30
4.2.1 Power connection ...........................................................................................................30
4.3 Ambient conditions ..........................................................................................................30
4.3.1 Important installation criteria...........................................................................................30
4.3.2 Installing the REA JET SC 2.0 ........................................................................................31
4.3.3 Lifting and carrying .........................................................................................................31
4.3.4 Space requirements .......................................................................................................32
4.3.5 Space requirements for service work .............................................................................32

5 DESCRIPTION OF THE REA JET SC 2.0 ...............................................................................33

6 ABOUT THIS USER MANUAL ................................................................................................35

6.1 Introduction and system characteristics.........................................................................35
6.2 Legend ...............................................................................................................................35
6.3 Safety .................................................................................................................................36
6.4 Operating elements ..........................................................................................................36
6.4.1 Brief description of the operating elements.....................................................................37
6.4.2 Detailed description of the operating elements ...............................................................38
6.5 General navigation in the basic screen ...........................................................................40
6.5.1 Elements of the basic screen .........................................................................................41
6.5.2 Description of the basic screen elements .......................................................................41
6.5.3 Zoomed labels on the basic screen ................................................................................43
6.6 Information screens [F5] ..................................................................................................43
6.6.1 Job information [F5]  [F1] ............................................................................................44
6.6.2 Installation and product information [F5]  [F2]..............................................................45
6.6.3 Device information .........................................................................................................46
6.7 Basic screen layout within the various menus ...............................................................47
6.7.1 Description of the menu layout .......................................................................................48
6.8 Text entry...........................................................................................................................48
6.8.1 Elements of the text entry menu .....................................................................................49
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6.8.2 Description of the elements of the text entry menu .........................................................50
6.8.3 Description of the steps in the text entry menu ...............................................................51

7 MENU OF THE REA JET SC 2.0 ............................................................................................52

7.1 Graphical representation of the menu structure/items ..................................................52
7.2 General menu navigation .................................................................................................53
7.3 Saving during menu navigation .......................................................................................54
7.3.1 Save and leave the menu using [F1] ..............................................................................54
7.4 Description of individual menu items ..............................................................................55
7.5 Main menu .........................................................................................................................55
7.5.1 “Direct input” menu [0] ....................................................................................................56
7.5.2 “Labels” menu [1] ...........................................................................................................59
7.5.3 “Job” menu [2] ................................................................................................................68 Job [2] ......................................................................................................................68
7.5.4 Installation settings menu [3] ..........................................................................................73 “Mode” submenu [3*2] .............................................................................................76
Normal ..................................................................................................................................76
Continuous ...........................................................................................................................76
Single ...................................................................................................................................77 “Product movement” submenu [3*3] .........................................................................78
Internal clock ........................................................................................................................78
Shaft encoder .......................................................................................................................78
Shaft encoder without SP .....................................................................................................79
Shaft encoder A signal..........................................................................................................79 “Settings” submenu [3*4] .........................................................................................80 “Printhead Type” submenu [3*5] ..............................................................................83
7.5.5 “Device settings” menu [4] ..............................................................................................84 Digital I/O [4  1] .....................................................................................................85
Editing digital inputs ..............................................................................................................87
Signal states and links of the digital inputs ............................................................................89
Start job event ......................................................................................................................92
Stop job event.......................................................................................................................92
Print trigger event .................................................................................................................92
Hide ......................................................................................................................................93
Bidirectional ..........................................................................................................................94
Editing digital outputs [F2].....................................................................................................94
Events for digital outputs ......................................................................................................96
The ‘Delay’ parameter for ‘Pulse positive’ and ‘Pulse negative’ signal behavior ....................99
‘Delay’ with the setting ‘Distance’ ........................................................................................ 100
Delay' with the setting 'Duration' ......................................................................................... 101 Display settings [4  2].......................................................................................... 102 Date / time settings [4  3] .................................................................................... 102 Region settings [4  4] .......................................................................................... 102 Interface settings [4  5] ....................................................................................... 102 Ethernet configuration [4  5  2] ......................................................................... 103 Firmware-Update [4  6] ....................................................................................... 104 Factory settings [4  7] ......................................................................................... 104 User settings [4  8] .............................................................................................. 105

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 System messages [4  9] ..................................................................................... 105
7.5.6 File management [5]..................................................................................................... 105 File storage structure ............................................................................................. 106 File management menu ......................................................................................... 108 Switching between the REA JET SC 2.0 and the USB mass storage view ............. 109 Editing files on the REA JET SC 2.0 ...................................................................... 110 Editing files on a USB device ................................................................................. 112 Files [5  7] ........................................................................................................... 113 Data backup [5  8]............................................................................................... 114 Updating fonts [5  9]............................................................................................ 115
7.5.7 User administration [6] ................................................................................................. 115 Activating user administration ................................................................................ 116 User log in [6  1] ................................................................................................. 117 User log off [6  2] ................................................................................................ 118 Change password [6  3] ...................................................................................... 118 Edit user [6  4] .................................................................................................... 118 Edit roles [6  5].................................................................................................... 118 Administration [6  6] ............................................................................................ 119 Predefined user roles ............................................................................................. 120
7.5.8 Language selection [7] ................................................................................................. 121
7.5.9 Diagnosis menu [8] ...................................................................................................... 121
7.5.10 Support [9] ................................................................................................................... 128
7.5.11 Back [Esc] .................................................................................................................... 129

8 COMMISSIONING ................................................................................................................. 129

8.1 Important basic settings................................................................................................. 129
8.1.1 Language settings [7] ................................................................................................... 130
8.1.2 Device settings [4] ........................................................................................................ 132 Display settings [4  2].......................................................................................... 132 Date / time settings [4  3] .................................................................................... 134 Region settings [4  4] .......................................................................................... 137 Firmware Update [4  6] ....................................................................................... 138 Factory settings [4  7] ......................................................................................... 139 User settings [4  8] .............................................................................................. 140 System messages [4  9]...................................................................................... 142

9 JOBS AND THEIR COMPONENTS ...................................................................................... 142

9.1 Introduction to print jobs or “jobs” ............................................................................... 142
9.1.1 Format of jobs and their components ........................................................................... 144
9.1.2 Jobs [2] ........................................................................................................................ 145 Structure of a job ................................................................................................... 145 Function of a job .................................................................................................... 146
9.1.3 The label ...................................................................................................................... 147 Fonts (TrueType fonts) .......................................................................................... 148 Graphics ................................................................................................................ 149
9.1.4 Installation settings ....................................................................................................... 149

10 EXTENDED COMMISSIONING.......................................................................................... 150

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10.1 Connection to a system control unit ............................................................................. 150
10.2 Operation in an IT network ............................................................................................. 150
10.2.1 Network connection ...................................................................................................... 150
10.2.2 VNC server .................................................................................................................. 150
10.2.3 FTP server ................................................................................................................... 150
10.2.4 NTP functionality .......................................................................................................... 150
1.1.2 UPnP user interface ..................................................................................................... 151
10.2.5 Web server ................................................................................................................... 156

11 OPERATION OF THE REA CODING AND MARKING SYSTEM ....................................... 156

11.1 Backup ............................................................................................................................. 156

12 CARE AND MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................. 157

12.1 General maintenance instructions................................................................................. 157
12.2 Filling the printer for the first time ................................................................................. 158
12.3 Emptying the system ...................................................................................................... 161
12.4 Regular checks ............................................................................................................... 165
12.4.1 Daily ............................................................................................................................. 165
12.5 Remote maintenance via the implemented VNC server ............................................... 165

13 EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ............................................................................. 166

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1 Important information
1.1 Warranty
Please refer to your order confirmation for the warranty conditions. The warranty is based on the
condition that the device or system is operated properly in accordance with this manual and any
additional manuals and descriptions created by us.
The optimum operating characteristics are only available when using original inks and solvents
from REA Elektronik that are approved for the respective device type. If operating materials from
other manufacturers are used, or if inks or solvents are used that have not been approved by REA
Elektronik for the respective device type, all warranty claims are void.

1.2 General
The REA JET SC 2.0 continuous inkjet printer was designed and built under consideration of a risk
analysis and in compliance with the applicable harmonized standards, as well as with further
technical specifications. It thereby corresponds to the current state of the art and guarantees the
maximum level of safety. However, this safety can only be achieved during operation if all
necessary measures are taken. It falls within the duty of care of the operator of this coding and
marking system to plan these measures and to check that they are implemented.

In particular, the operator must make sure that:

 the coding and marking system is only used for its intended purpose;
 the coding and marking system is only operated in a fault-free and fully functional condition
and the safety devices in particular are regularly checked to ensure that they are fully
 the necessary personal protective equipment for operating, maintenance and repair staff is
available and used;
 the user manual is always complete and in a legible condition and is available at the
operation site of the coding and marking system;
 only sufficiently trained and authorized members of staff operate, maintain and repair the
coding and marking system;
 these members of staff are regularly briefed on all relevant issues relating to operational
health, safety and environmental protection and are aware of the user manual and in
particular the safety instructions contained therein;
 all safety and warning information attached to the coding and marking system is not
removed and remains legible;
 the user manual is kept and maintained (i.e. updated) throughout the entire service life of

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1.3 Legal information
This user manual may not be electronically or mechanically copied, distributed, altered, transmitted,
translated into another language or used for another purpose, either in part or in its entirety, without
the express written permission of REA Elektronik GmbH.
REA Elektronik is not liable for damage resulting from failure to observe the user manual or certain
parts of it. The contents of this manual were carefully checked. The publisher assumes no liability
for errors, printing errors, personal injury, damage to property and financial losses.

1.4 Warranty and liability

The current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Business” of REA Elektronik GmbH,
Mühltal, Germany, shall apply. These are available to the operator from the conclusion of the
contract at the latest. In the event of personal injury and damage to property, warranty and liability
claims are excluded when this is due to one or more of the following causes:

 Use of the REA JET SC 2.0 contrary to its intended purpose

 Improper assembly, commissioning, operation or maintenance
 Failure to comply with the information contained in the user manual on transport, storage,
assembly, commissioning, operation, maintenance and equipment of the REA JET SC 2.0
 Operation of the REA JET SC 2.0 with defective safety devices or with safety and protective
devices that are not attached correctly or are not functional
 Improperly executed repairs
 Disaster cases caused by external influences and forces majeures

1.5 Proper use

 The REA JET SC 2.0 printing system is intended exclusively for the contact-free marking,
labeling and coding of surfaces using the continuous inkjet procedure.
 The REA JET SC 2.0 printing system was specifically built for printing on products moved
opposite to the print head. It must be ensured that this movement is actually performed during
the printing process.
 It is not permitted to operate the REA JET SC 2.0 printing system unsupervised in the “ready for
printing” status.
 The REA JET SC 2.0 printing system can be used for a wide range of materials (e.g. metal,
plastic, glass, paper, wood laminates, rubber, etc.), even with uneven, coarse and layered
 The REA JET SC 2.0 printing system and its operating materials were not designed and
developed for printing on or labeling living creatures of all kinds or potentially explosive objects.
 The proper use of this device also entails observing all information contained within this user

Any other use is improper.

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 For safety reasons, alterations and modifications are only permitted after consulting with the
 The device may only be repaired using original spare parts.
 The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper use.

1.6 Safety information

The basic requirement for safe and fault-free operation of the REA JET SC 2.0 is knowing the basic
safety instructions and safety regulations. This user manual contains the most important
instructions for operating the REA JET SC 2.0 safely. This user manual, and in particular the safety
instructions, must be observed by all persons who work with the REA JET SC 2.0.

The coding and marking system may only be operated by persons who are trained, instructed and
authorized to perform this task.

These persons must know the user manual and act in accordance with it. The respective
authorizations of the operating staff must be clearly defined.

 Personnel in training may initially only work on the coding and marking system under the
supervision of an experienced person. When instruction is completed and successful, this
should be confirmed in writing.
 As a general rule, all control devices may only be operated by instructed persons.
 All persons who work on the coding and marking system must read the user manual and
confirm that they have understood the user manual with their signature.

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1.7 Safety symbols

This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result in injury or property damage.

Warning of dangerous electrical voltage

This symbol indicates hazards caused by electrical voltage.

Fire hazard
This symbol indicates potential fire hazards. Naked flames and heat are

Wear eye protection

This symbol indicates that operators need to wear suitable eye

Wear gloves
This symbol indicates that operators need to wear suitable protective

1.8 Handling

Qualification of personnel
The operator shall make sure that personnel have the necessary
qualifications to conduct work on the system.

Compliance with standards/regulations

The operator shall take care to ensure that all relevant standards and
regulations relating to the operation of the coding and marking system
are complied with.

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Observe operating manual
References to this manual and other documents are marked with a book

This symbol indicates useful information that may make operation easier
and improve production processes.

1.9 Safety hazards

Always disconnect the power plug before performing maintenance work

on the device!
Always disconnect the power plug before opening the device!

The device may only be installed and run in well-ventilated rooms and not
in rooms where there is a risk of explosion. Furthermore, the device must
be kept away from any ignition sources, sources of flames or sparks and
open fire.

Never store more than three days’ supply of operating materials, such as
ink and solvents, near the installation site of your device. Store the inks
and solvents used in the printer in a container manufactured and tested
for safe storage. Sufficient ventilation must be ensured at the storage
location of your operating material. Take sufficient measures against
electrostatic charging in the area of your device, in particular at the print

Never activate the print head for printing if a cleaning vessel with solvent
or ink residues or damp cleaning cloths is positioned underneath it.

Never work with the print head above a standing vessel or in a closed
area. Flammable gases may be produced.

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Ink drops used for printing carry an electrostatic charge which can cause
an excessive charge when printing in a container, thus potentially
resulting in an ignition spark due to an electrical discharge. Ensure that
there is a moving product under the print head during printing in order to
avoid a gradually increasing charge due to drops hitting the same place.

Always wear safety glasses when working with inks and solvents. Ink
splashes can cause blindness. In the event of eye contact with ink or
solvents, immediately rinse your eyes with cold water and consult a

Wear suitable protective gloves to prevent skin contact with ink and
solvents. In the event of skin contact with ink splashes and/or solvents,
clean with water and a suitable cleaning agent.

1.9.1 Hazards caused by unexpected malfunctions

When working on the REA JET SC 2.0, there is a risk of unexpected malfunctions due to:

 a failure or error of the control system;

 the restoration of the energy supply after an interruption;
 external influences on electrical equipment.

When a malfunction occurs, the coding and marking system must be shut down immediately.
It may only be started up again once all the causes of the malfunction have been detected and

1.9.2 Before startup

Make sure you are sufficiently familiar with:

 the operating and control elements of the coding and marking system;
 the equipment of the coding and marking system;
 the method of functioning of the coding and marking system;
 the immediate environment of the coding and marking system;
 the safety devices of the coding and marking system;
 the measures to be taken in an emergency.

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Perform the following tasks prior to every startup:

 Check and ensure that all safety devices are attached and functional.
 Check the coding and marking system for visible damage; immediately remedy any defects
or report them to the supervisory staff – the coding and marking system may only be
operated in sound condition.
 Check and ensure that only authorized persons are in the vicinity of the coding and marking
system and that no other persons are endangered when the coding and marking system is
started up.

All objects and other materials that are not required to operate the coding and marking system must
be removed from the working area of the coding and marking system.

1.9.3 Servicing work

Servicing tasks stipulated in the user manual such as:

 adjustment;
 cleaning;
 maintenance;
 inspection;

must be performed at the due times.

These maintenance measures may only be carried out by trained specialist personnel.

Please also observe the specific information for the individual components in this user manual.

1.9.4 When working on electrical equipment

 All work on the electrical equipment of the coding and marking system may only be
performed by trained electricians.
 Regularly check the electrical equipment.
 Tighten loose connections again – immediately replace damaged wires or cables.
 Always disconnect the power plug before performing work on live parts of the coding
and marking system.
 Never clean electrical devices with water or other fluids.

1.9.5 Modifications to the coding and marking system

 For safety reasons, no modifications may be performed to the coding and marking system.
 All planned modifications must be approved by REA Elektronik GmbH in writing.
 Only use original spare parts / original wear parts / original accessory parts – these parts
are designed specifically for the coding and marking system. For parts procured from other

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manufacturers, it cannot be guaranteed that they are designed and manufactured to meet
safety requirements and withstand the loads that occur.
 Parts and special equipment that were not supplied by us are also not approved by us for
use on the coding and marking system.

1.9.6 Residual risks and protective measures

 Electronic assemblies can be damaged by electrostatic events. Therefore, take sufficient
measures against electrostatic charging in the vicinity of your device.
 When remedying faults on the coding and marking system, it is essential that you
comply with the safety instructions given above and in the following – this will avoid life-
threatening injuries, damage to the coding and marking system and other material
 All work on the electrical equipment of the coding and marking system may only be
performed by trained electricians.
 The specified order of the steps to be taken to remedy the fault must be adhered to
 Observe the special regulations (e.g. grounding) for working on components which can
be subject to electrostatic charging.

1.9.7 Electrical hazards

When working on the REA JET SC 2.0, electrical hazards can occur
through: direct contact with live parts or parts that have become live due
to faults; electrostatic events; high voltage.

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1.9.8 Hazard due to ink
When working with ink or Viskoflex, it is vital to adhere to the following safety instructions.

Contact of ink with the eyes or swallowing the ink can cause considerable
damage to health.
 Prevent ink or Viskoflex from coming into contact with the eyes and
skin by using appropriate protective equipment.
 Avoid swallowing ink/Viskoflex.

Depending on the type of ink used, this can cause irritation of the skin,
eyes and mucous membranes. The safety instructions given in the safety
data sheet must be observed.
Use suitable protective equipment (wear safety glasses / protective
gloves). Prevent ink from coming into contact with eyes and skin. Wash
affected areas of skin with water and soap. Special cleaning pastes are
available for cleaning skin. In the event of skin irritations, consult a
Avoid swallowing the ink.

Safety data sheets

When working with ink or Viskoflex, always observe the corresponding
safety data sheets.
The use of ink without a safety data sheet is not permitted.
Safety data sheets must be
 kept up to date,
 archived in an accessible place, and
 brought to the attention of the staff concerned.

You can request up-to-date safety data sheets from REA Elektronik GmbH or an authorized dealer.

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Do not breathe in solvent vapors
Due to their chemical composition, ink, cleaning agents and Viskoflex can
produce solvent vapors. These can be damaging to health in the long
term or in a high concentration. Please refer to the safety data sheet for
the fluid to find out the extent of the health hazard. This also contains
information on the necessary composition of personal protective
equipment for operating and maintenance staff. In case of doubt, please
contact your employers’ liability insurance association or your responsible
safety engineer. The solvent concentration during normal printing
operation is heavily dependent on the environment of the printer and the
application. You must always ensure sufficient ventilation; in case of
doubt use an approved, active extraction system. The necessity of an
extraction system depends on the individual case. The decision as to
whether an extraction system is required can be made on the basis of the
TLVs (threshold limit values). The permitted TLVs are provided in the
safety data sheet and must be checked by performing a measurement at
the location of the printer in the corresponding case.

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2 Specifications
2.1 Coding and marking system

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2.1.1 Dimensions and weight of the coding and marking system

Description Value

Housing Stainless steel, IP54

Dimensions 350 x 403 x 352 mm (W x D x H)
Weight 20 kg (incl. print head)
Reservoir 1 l ink + 1 l Viskoflex

2.2 Print head

2.2.1 Dimensions and weight of the print head

Description Value

Dimensions 40 x 40 x 186 mm (W x H x L)
Weight 0.7 kg (incl. print head)
Hose length 2m

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2.2.2 Permitted ambient conditions for operation

Description Value

Min. temperature 5 °C
Max. temperature 45 °C
Max. relative humidity 10% - 90% (non-condensing)
Max. altitude 2000 m above sea level

2.3 Electrical data

Description Value

Voltage 95-240 V AC 50-60 Hz

Power input 100 VA
Fuse 2 A time delay

2.4 Consumption

Description Value

Solvent consumption at 20 °C Approx. 5-8 ml per hour

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2.5 Connections

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

Item Description

1 Ethernet
2 Product sensor
3 Shaft encoder
4 Digital inputs/outputs
5 Power switch
6 Fuse 2 A time delay, 5 x 20 mm
7 Voltage supply

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2.6 Pin assignments
2.6.1 Ethernet

Socket for connecting the REA JET SC 2.0 to a computer

network (Ethernet M12 D-coded).

2.6.2 Product sensor

This sensor connection has no galvanic isolation!

To trigger printing via a PLC or similar, please use one of the available
digital inputs.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 Assignment of the product sensor connection on the print head

Pin Designation/function Value Wire color

1 Supply voltage for the product sensor +24V DC Brown

2 Contamination message – Level High White/pink

sensor output (depending on sensor type)
3 Ground for the product sensor GND Blue
4 Product detected – Level High Black
sensor output Functional circuit diagram of the product sensor connection

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2.6.3 Shaft encoder Electrical limit values of the shaft encoder connection

Designation/function Value Unit Tolerance

V out Output voltage of the device for supplying the 24 V DC +

/- 10 %
shaft encoder
I out max. Max. permitted load of the output voltage 100 mA
through the shaft encoder
V in L “Low level” input voltage <3 V DC Sensitive
V in H “High level” input voltage > 11 V DC
I in max. Max. input current (load current) 8 mA
Phase shift 90 Degrees /- 10 %
/- 10 %
Pulse/pause ratio 50 %
R min. Min. number of pulses per millimeter 10 / mm
R max. Max. number of pulses per millimeter 100 / mm
f max. Max. input frequency 150 kHz Functional circuit diagram of the shaft encoder connection

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2.6.4 Digital inputs/outputs Assignment of the I/O connection

Pin Designation/function Value I/O Wire color

A Output 3 → Black
C Output 4 → Brown

E Output 2 → Red
G Output 1 → Orange
J Input 3 ← Yellow
L Input 4 ← Green
M Input 5 ← Blue
N UB+ of the internal power supply 24V DC → Purple
O UB+ connection for the internal I/O circuit 24V DC ← Gray
P Input 2 ← White
R Input 1 ← White/black
S Ground connection for the internal I/O circuit Ground ← White/brown

T Ground of the internal power supply Ground → White/red

U Input 6 ← White/orange

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2.6.5 Power switch

This main switch is used to switch the REA JET SC 2.0 on and off. This
switch disconnects the supply voltage at both poles.

2.6.6 Fuse

The fuse is for safeguarding the device.

Fuse value: 2A, time delay; dimensions: 5 x 20 mm
Do not use a fuse with a higher value!

2.6.7 Connection to voltage supply Assignment of power connection

Pin Designation Value I/O

95 V - 250
1 Phase PE
1 1
2 Neutral conductor
3 2
3 Not used
PE Protective ground conductor
View of the contacts of the fitted plug
Assignment of power connection

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3 Scope of supply, transport and handling
3.1 Scope of supply
The detailed scope of supply can be found on the delivery note.

3.1.1 Identifying the components of a REA JET SC 2.0 system

The REA JET electronic components are integrated in a product lifecycle management system
(PLM). For the unique identification of the components, the sales article number (part no.) is
required alongside the serial number. Always provide both numbers when making service inquiries.
This allows REA to clearly identify and track the components across their entire lifecycle
(production, delivery state, hardware version, software version, updates, etc.).

The two type plates displayed in the following show where the corresponding identification
information can be found.



No. Description Explanation

1 Sales article number of In the nine-digit REA JET article number, a period separates
the component each three digits.
(part no.)
2 Serial number Component serial number.
(serial no.)
3 Article designation Designation of the article.
4 Supply voltage and Specifies the voltage and frequency range within which the
frequency device must be operated.

5 Power input Displays the maximum power input of the device. The average
(power) power input depends on the type of use and is often considerably
lower than the maximum power input.
6 Weight Weight/mass of the component.

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3.2 Transport
3.2.1 Transport conditions
The high-quality devices from REA Elektronik GmbH are delivered in specially adapted transport
packages. These ensure that the high-quality equipment also reaches you in perfect condition. To
prevent damage to the REA JET SC 2.0 system, avoid strong mechanical influences (such as
impacts, vibrations, etc.). Keep the transport packaging in case of a return delivery, e.g. for
maintenance, and protect it from moisture. If you have any further questions about transport or
storage, please contact REA Elektronik GmbH or your distributor. Contact information can be found
on page 2.

During transport, the following ambient conditions must be taken into account:

The device must not be filled during dispatch via a forwarding agent.
Please empty the device as described under the “Empty system” menu
item, chapter 12.3.

 Should you have to transport the system, ensure that all doors and covers are attached and
locked correctly.
 Protect the print head from any damage using the protective cover provided.
 For transport, roll up the print head hose and fasten it using the reusable cable ties provided
in the scope of supply.
 Always transport the device upright and only use the handles on the sides of the device to
carry it.
 Never transport the device on its display or print head connection, as this can cause
damage to the respective components.
 The ink and Viskoflex reservoir can leak if a filled device is laid down.

Storage temperatures below +5 °C and above +50 °C, as well as storage

outdoors are not permitted and can damage the device!

3.2.2 Information on preparing for disposal

Please note that ink and Viskoflex is hazardous waste and may not be
disposed of in residual waste. Please adhere to the local regulations and
legal stipulations

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4 Installation
4.1 Local requirements for delivery
There are no special requirements for sites when delivering the device. However, to facilitate
transport to the installation site, it is prudent to have a transport trolley available. The access route
to the installation site should also be clear.

4.2 Checking the device for damage

Before commissioning the printing device, check that the device was delivered in perfect condition.
It should under no circumstances be commissioned if this is not the case.

4.2.1 Power connection

The device requires a 95-240 volt power connection (50-60 Hz, alternating current) as standard
with a grounded socket as per VDE0100. Please ensure that the ground conductor is connected to
your grounded socket.

4.3 Ambient conditions

The device may only be installed in a well-ventilated room.

Furthermore, the device must be kept away from any sources of heat,
flames or sparks. The device may not be operated in rooms where there
is a risk of explosion. As ink and solvents are processed in the device,
sufficient ventilation must be guaranteed.

4.3.1 Important installation criteria

When determining the installation site, the following criteria must be adhered to:

 Sufficient space for operating and service staff to move;

 An even and stable base for perfect functioning of the device;
 Select the height of the installation site so that the device can be operated and the display is

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4.3.2 Installing the REA JET SC 2.0
When installing the REA JET SC 2.0, the following must be taken into account:

 The surface upon which the REA JET SC 2.0 is to be installed must be able to support the
weight of the device (approx. 20 kg).
 The device must be installed in such a way that the transmission of any vibrations is excluded.
Appropriate supports must otherwise be fitted.
 When installing the REA JET SC 2.0, make sure that it is operable (ergonomics). Future
operators should also be taken into account here. The buttons must be easy to access and the
display readable for this group of people. The device must also be installed in a manner which
avoids reflections/glare on the display.

4.3.3 Lifting and carrying

The coding and marking system weighs 20 kg.

The following images show how to carry the coding and marking system.

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4.3.4 Space requirements
Minimum space requirement for operation

In addition to the base of the device, the minimum space requirement of the device is:

 approx. 350 x 320 mm (L x W),

 an area of 170 x 350 mm (L x W) at the back of the device in order to enable the necessary
bending radius for the print head hose as well as the connection of the inputs and outputs.
 This area is also required for the sufficient ventilation of the device. Space above the device
is required for the regular service activities (e.g. topping up the reservoirs) so that the hatch
above the tanks can be opened.

4.3.5 Space requirements for service work

In order to guarantee accessibility on all sides, the following must be possible:

 the cover of the device must be able to be removed.

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5 Description of the REA JET SC 2.0
The REA JET SC 2.0 coding and marking system is the consistent continued development of the
CIJ coding and marking system already used in many applications around the world.

This coding and marking technology is used to print single- to eight-line texts, data, bar codes, Data
Matrix codes and logos in a high resolution. Its stainless steel housing with protection class IP54
and intuitive operation make this coding and marking system the perfect solution for smooth
surfaces such as foil, laminate and a wide range of plastics and metals.

Print head

The REA JET SC 2.0 coding and marking system has a service-friendly print head.
This allows texts and graphics with a height of up to 48 pixels to be printed. Moreover, its compact
design enables it to be mounted easily and directly on the product to be marked. It is connected to
the control unit via a three-meter-long cable.

The print head is also suitable for assembly on traversing axes.

Control unit

The coding and marking system is operated via a robust control unit in a stainless steel housing
with the protection class IP54. It is equipped with a color display with function keys, a rotary knob
with button function, a cursor block, numeric keys, and six further keys for controlling the coding
and marking system.
The connection panel with all inputs and outputs is located on the right-hand side of the device.

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TITAN platform

The REA JET 2.0 control unit is equipped with the REA JET TITAN platform. The REA JET TITAN
platform is a cross-platform operating concept for a wide range of REA coding and marking
systems. Currently, the following REA JET devices can be operated via the TITAN platform:

 REA JET DOD 2.0 Coding and marking system

 REA JET HR High-resolution inkjet printers with HP cartridge technology
 REA JET CL CO2 Laser Systems
 REA JET FL Fiber laser systems
 REA JET SC 2.0 Small character inkjet printers
 REA JET GK High-resolution printers with Piezo technology (available from 2018)

The REA JET TITAN platform provides a consistent operating logic for all devices, which means
that all device families can be operated in a uniform manner.

There are various options for operating the devices:

 The rotary knob with button function can also be operated when wearing gloves.
 The integrated web server enables operation using browsers on mobile devices
(tablets/smartphones) via Wi-Fi/WebGUI.
 Remote control using a PC workstation or production control station via network.
 The use of international USB keyboards is possible for entering larger amounts of repetitive text
on the line.

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6 About this User Manual
6.1 Introduction and system characteristics
The REA JET coding and marking system uses a great number of state-of-the-art technologies
such as web servers, VNC etc., and many other technical innovations. For initial commissioning,
chapter 9 provides a brief overview of the systems structure and functions. The first pages contain
an introduction to the jobs used with the REA JET SC 2.0 followed by information on supported file
formats, labels, fonts, graphics and installation settings. Chapter 10.2 describes the operation of the
system in an IT network.

6.2 Legend
The step-by-step guides included in this user manual are intended to help you to quickly familiarize
yourself with the operation of the REA JET SC 2.0. Specific font styles and symbols are employed
throughout in order to make the use of this user manual easier and more straightforward.

Font style Meaning

Italics Proper name

[x] Number of the menu item in the operating software

Information on the user’s current position in the menu. This menu item can be
accessed from the main menu by pressing the relevant keys one after the other.

[x  y z]

In this example:
The starting point is the main menu. The following keys are pressed to navigate
through the menu:
[Device settings [4]  [8] User settings  Display information messages
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[x] + [y] The keys ‘x’ and ‘y’ must be pressed simultaneously

(nn) Text reference to a numbered element in a figure (nn).

Designation of software elements, e.g. names of dialog boxes, menus and

“ ”

Formatting for character entry in menus (REA JET SC 2.0 / REA JET

6.3 Safety
To ensure safe operation of the REA JET SC 2.0 coding and marking the safety instructions in
chapter 1.6 from page must be read and understood before commissioning the system!

6.4 Operating elements

L1 B2


B15 B3



B12 B4



B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5
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To avoid having to scroll through this manual, this overview is also
available on the fold-out page at the end of this manual. The descriptions
in the following sections are based on the numbers shown in the figure

6.4.1 Brief description of the operating elements

No. Element Function

L1 Power LED The LED lights up green when the power supply is
connected (A10), the power switch (A2) is switched on and
the boot process is completed.
While the REA JET SC 2.0 is booting up, this LED lights up
B2 Display Full-color graphic display with energy-saving LED
background lighting.
B3 Function keys Function keys with menu-dependent functions. The
F1 – F5 respective function is shown in the display next to the keys.
B4 Backspace key This key is used to delete the character to the left of the
cursor (same function as on a PC keyboard).
B5 Rotary knob with button For navigation within the REA JET SC 2.0 menus.
function The button function has the same function as the OK key
B6 Menu key Key for calling up the main menu.
B7 Numeric keypad For direct entry of numbers;
this can also be used to directly call up individual menu
items. The relevant number is given at the end of each
menu line.
B8 Alt key The Alt key can be used to assign new or extended
functions to other keys and to the rotary knob.
B9 Help key The help key is used to access the menu-dependent help
function of the REA JET SC 2.0.
B10 OK key This key is used to confirm entries or selections (same
function as on a PC keyboard).
B11 Cursor buttons The cursor buttons are used to navigate within menus and
entry fields. They have the same function as the rotary
L3 Status No function

B12 ESC key Menu:

This key is used to exit the current menu and return to the
higher-level menu.
Entry field:
The key is used to exit entry fields without accepting the
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B13 DEL key This key is used to delete the character to the right of the
cursor (same function as on a PC keyboard).
B14 Stop key This key is used to stop the print job.

B15 Start key This key is used to start the print job (if all of the conditions
are met).

6.4.2 Detailed description of the operating elements

No. Element Function Operation

B1 The Power LED lights up green when the If the power supply
device is in operation. While the REA JET switch (A2) is on, the
SC 2.0 is booting up, this LED lights up power supply connected
orange. The LED also lights up green if the (A10), and the boot
display background lighting enters the process completed
energy-saving mode.
B2 Illuminated, full-color graphic display with
energy-saving LED background lighting.
B3 Various functions are assigned to these
keys to ensure safe and fast operation.
This assignment depends on the context
and adapts dynamically to the respective
The respective function is shown on the
display using symbols directly to the left of
the function keys.

B5 The rotary knob with button function is the

central operating element of the REA JET
SC 2.0.
You can navigate through the menu by
turning the rotary knob. Alternatively, you
can also use the cursor keys , or
Text entry:
The cursor can be moved to the left or
right using the rotary knob. Alternatively,

you can also use the cursor keys , or

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When turning the rotary knob while
pressing , the cursor moves up or +
down. Alternatively, you can also use the or
cursor keys , or . +
The selection is confirmed by pressing
the rotary knob or the key.
Another function of the rotary knob is to
move the area displayed in a zoomed
view of the label. This function is
described in chapter 6.5.3.
B4 The “Backspace” key is used to delete
the character to the left of the insertion
mark in the entry fields.
B14 The “DEL” key is used to delete the
character to the right of the insertion mark
in the entry fields.
B13 Menu:
This key is used to exit the current menu
and return to the higher-level menu.
If a change is made in a menu, the
operator is automatically asked to confirm
whether the changes are to be saved
before exiting the menu. A separate key
for saving changes is therefore not
Entry field:
The key is used to exit entry fields without
accepting the changes.
B10 This key is used to confirm a selection
(alternatively, the selection can also be
confirmed by pressing the rotary knob).
B8 In combination with the key, +
additional functions are assigned to the or
other individual keys in the different
menus. +

File management:
Multiple files can be marked by holding +
down the key and turning the rotary or
knob (contiguous selection).
Text entry:
When turning the rotary knob while
pressing , the cursor moves up or +
down. Alternatively, you can also use the or
cursor keys , or . +

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B11 The cursor buttons are used to move
through the menus or in the entry fields
(the rotary knob can also be used for
moving up or down; for sideways
movement, the key must be pressed
when turning the rotary knob).
L3 No function

B17 The Start LED indicates an active print


The key is used to activate the

assigned print job. On successful
activation, the LED lights up green.
B16 The coding and marking process can now
be started using the print trigger.

The key is used to deactivate the print

B15 job. The green LED switches off.

6.5 General navigation in the basic screen

After switching the device on and completing the boot process, the REA JET SC 2.0 display shows
the “basic screen”. The basic screen always shows the active content of the assigned label.

For safe and fast operation, functions that are shown to the left of the function buttons can be
selected directly using the function buttons. The assignment of the functions to the five keys is
dynamic and depends on the menu selected.

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6.5.1 Elements of the basic screen


12 11 10 9 8 7 6

6.5.2 Description of the basic screen elements

No. Element Description

1 The function key causes the label to be scaled so that

the full length is visible on the display.
This view does not affect the print result!
Attention: In the case of long labels, the height shown can
be very low.

2 The function key causes the full height of the assigned

label to be displayed on the display. In the case of long
labels, it is possible that the entire label content is not shown
on the display. The visible section can be moved using the
cursor keys or the rotary knob. This view does not affect the
print result!
3 The function key is used to gradually zoom in on the
label, e.g. to better read smaller fonts or to better recognize
details of large labels.
Only a part of the label is shown on the display. The visible
section can be moved using the cursor keys or the rotary
This view does not affect the print result!
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4 The function key is used to zoom out of the label. The
part of the label displayed on the display becomes larger. The
visible section can be moved using the cursor keys or the
rotary knob. This view does not affect the print result!

5 The function key is used to open the “Information

screen”. All important information is displayed in this
information screen.
This information is important for fast commissioning and
troubleshooting. For more information on the information
screen, please refer to chapter6.6.
6 Print counter Counts the number of prints since the coding and marking
system was commissioned. It can be reset in menu [8] [F4]
7 Relative print speed Displays the utilization of the system with the chosen settings.
For settings that produce a value of > 100%, it must be
decided whether the text settings have to be changed based
on the typeface.
8 Fill level of Viskoflex Provides information on the fill level of Viskoflex.
 A tick means: There is sufficient Viskoflex in the
 An exclamation mark means: Liquid level below the fill
level sensor.
9 Fill level of ink Provides information on the fill level of ink.
 A tick means: There is sufficient ink in the container.
 An exclamation mark means: Liquid level below the fill
level sensor.
10 Green Coding and marking system OK, beam started

11 Yellow
Warning: consumable empty

Green + yellow
Coding and marking system OK, beam started, consumable
nearly empty (see display on status bar)
12 Red
Error: user intervention necessary

Yellow + red
Warning: consumable empty, head opened

Print head opened

13 Display area The assigned label can be seen in this part of the basic

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6.5.3 Zoomed labels on the basic screen

When the label is zoomed in, the current image section can be
moved in all four directions using the cursor buttons.

Alternatively, the rotary knob can also be used to move the current
image section to the right or to the left.

6.6 Information screens [F5]

The REA JET 2.0 has three information screens. These screens provide a comprehensive overview
of all relevant information on the coding and marking system and serve to facilitate commissioning
and troubleshooting.

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6.6.1 Job information [F5]  [F1]

No. Designation Function

1 System time, Displays the set system time.

date The display also takes into account the region setting and the display
format (12h or 24h).
2 Job Information on the assigned print job is displayed here:
 Name of the assigned job
 Name of the corresponding installation settings
 The assigned label
This also includes the vertical/horizontal resolution and the
used/assigned print heads.

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6.6.2 Installation and product information [F5]  [F2]



No. Designation Function

1 I/O configuration Displays the name of the assigned I/O settings. The parameters
stored in this file determine the response of the digital inputs and
outputs of the control unit. In the delivery state, outputs 1-3 are pre-
assigned (see
2 Group name Name of the selected group.
3 Print mode The print mode selected in the current installation settings is
displayed here. The following modes are available: single, normal,
and continuous printing.
4 Print trigger Displays the status of the configured inputs for print triggering.
5 “Missing Content” The display turns yellow if the print data is not ready for printing.
Possible causes:
 Data not yet prepared
 Line speed too high
6 Clock source The current source (selected in the installation settings) is displayed
When using an internal clock:

When a shaft encoder is installed:

The direction of rotation is also shown on the display. If the shaft
encoder rotates in the opposite direction to the direction set in the
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installation setting, this is indicated by a yellow warning triangle
above the symbol of the shaft generator.
Correct Incorrect

(The display is only updated after the first pulse).

7 Line speed Displays the current speed of the product. The speed is determined
from the values measured at the shaft encoder connection.

6.6.3 Device information


No. Designation Function

1 IP address The current IP address of the control unit is displayed here. The
information following the IP address indicates whether the IP
address was automatically assigned via DHCP. If there is no
information (DHCP) after the IP address, the IP address was
assigned manually.
2 Article number REA JET article number of the control unit.
3 Serial number The serial number of the control unit is displayed here.
For clear identification, please make sure to provide the article
number specified on the type plate when contacting the REA JET
service or a REA JET sales partner.
4 Version The version of the firmware currently installed on the control unit.
5 Further information Further hardware and software information on the coding and
marking system.

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6.7 Basic screen layout within the various menus
1 2 3

By pressing the button, the complete selected content can be viewed in a selection menu. The
available menu items can be highlighted and selected using the up/down cursor buttons.


9 7

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6.7.1 Description of the menu layout

No. Designation Function

1 Menu number This information indicates the menu steps used to navigate to the
current menu; in this case [3-3].
Press the [3] [3] buttons to open the current menu from the main
2 Menu name Name of the menu item selected in the navigation.
3 File name Name of the file currently opened.
4 System time, date Displays the set system time.
The display also takes into account the region setting and the
display format (12h or 24h).
5 Submenu number Heading or parameter name of the adjacent field.
6 Assignment of Different (situation-specific) functions are assigned to the function
function keys keys depending on the context (i.e. the current menu).
Gray symbols (functions) are not available in the current view.
7 Entry field Area in which the settings/entries can be made.
8 Description Additional descriptions are displayed for the selected submenu item
(if available).
9 Scroll bar In the case of long menus (which do not fit on the screen), the
current menu position is displayed via the scroll bar.
10 Current submenu Heading or parameter name of the currently selected menu item.
11 Submenu item name Heading or parameter name of the adjacent field.

6.8 Text entry

The REA JET SC 2.0 supports Unicode, both when entering texts on the control unit and when
transmitting data via the Ethernet interface.

The method for entering text is explained using the example of menu item [0]. Depending on the
font selected, the full scope of the approx. 65,000 Unicode characters can be used. For file names,
the characters are limited to the Basic Latin character set with 128 (ASCII) characters (without
uppercase letters and special characters).

When selecting a font, please note that a TrueType font cannot be scaled freely.
If the vertical resolution is too low, characteristics of the font (e.g. serifs) may be lost. For a low
vertical resolution, system fonts such as 7x5, 7F5, 10x10, 10F10, 15x10,15F10, 16x10 or 16F10
are recommended.

When overwriting variables (label objects with the ‘Variable’ attribute) from a host system via the
Ethernet interface, the characters must be encoded using UTF-8.

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6.8.1 Elements of the text entry menu

1 2 3 4



In addition to entering texts using the 11

character table (12), it is also possible
to make entries using the numeric
keypad on the keyboard.

For specific languages (fonts), the REA JET SC 2.0 also supports right-to-left script. The setting is
applied automatically when selecting a corresponding character set.

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6.8.2 Description of the elements of the text entry menu

No. Element Function

1 Menu number This information indicates the menu steps used to navigate to the
current menu; in this case [0].
Press the [0] [OK] buttons to open the current menu from the main
2 Menu name Name of the menu item selected in the navigation.

3 Field content Content of the value currently being edited.

4 Character set Selected character set to be displayed in the character table (12).
5 Save Finish editing, save changes, and exit the menu.

Switch to character
6 Focus change to character entry (12)

7 Switch to field Focus change to field content (3)


8 Basic Latin Directly select the “Basic Latin” character set (1, 2, 3, etc.; A, B, C,
9 Select character set Select the character set (using the rotary knob or the cursor
buttons) and confirm with OK.
10 Space bar Space bar for direct entry of spaces.

11 Numeric keypad Numbers can also be entered directly via the numeric keypad.

10 Character table Character table for text entry using the rotary knob or the cursor

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6.8.3 Description of the steps in the text entry menu
The content of the text field to be edited is displayed in element (3). The focus is initially on this
field. The cursor position (insertion mark) can be moved within the text field using the rotary knob
and the ► or ◄ cursor buttons.

Use ← to delete the character to the left of the insertion mark, and “DEL” to delete the character to
the right. Press “F2” (alternatively: the rotary knob or the “OK” key) to jump to the character table
(12). Here, you can select the character using the rotary knob and apply the highlighted character
to the field (3) by pressing the rotary knob or the “OK” key. Proceed in the same way for the
remaining characters you wish to enter. Numbers can also be entered directly using “0” to “9” keys
on the numeric keypad. You can exit the character table by pressing “F2” or “ESC”. Press “F1” to
simultaneously store the changed field value and leave the entry dialog.

It is possible to select a character set directly from the character table (12). To do this, press “F3”
and then use the rotary knob or the cursor buttons to select the desired code page and accept the
selection by pressing the rotary knob or the “OK” key. Regardless of the selection made, the “F4”
key can be used to return to the Basic Latin code page containing the letters of the Latin alphabet
(A, B, C, etc.) and the numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.).

To avoid having to search the extensive character set for the space bar, spaces can be entered
using “F5”.

F1: Save

Basic Latin

F1: Save
F2: Focus change between “field content” and “character input”
F3: Selects “Basic Latin” character set
F4: Select character set
F5: Space

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7 Menu of the REA JET SC 2.0
7.1 Graphical representation of the menu structure/items
The main menu of the system can be accessed via the “Menu” button or, when using VNC, via the
[F12] key on the connected PC.


├── [0] Direct input 7.5.1

├── [1] Labels 7.5.2
├─┬ [2] Job 7.5.3
│ ├────── [1] Edit print job 7.5.3
│ ├────── [2] Assign print job
│ ├[3] Installation settings 7.5.4
├─┬[4] Device settings 7.5.5
│ ├────── [1] Digital I/O
│ ├────── [2] Display settings
│ ├────── [3] Sys. date/time
│ ├────── [4] Region settings
│ ├─┬──── [5] Interfaces
│ │ └───────── [2] Ethernet
│ ├─────── [6] Firmware update
│ ├─────── [7] Factory settings
│ ├─────── [8] User settings
│ └─────── [9] System messages in preparation
├─┬ [5] File management 7.5.6
│ ├─────── [1] Labels 7.5.6
│ ├─────── [2] Jobs 7.5.6
│ ├─────── [3] Installation settings 7.5.6
│ ├─────── [4] Fonts
│ ├─────── [5] Bitmaps 7.5.6
│ ├─────── [6] Vector graphics 7.5.6
│ ├─────── [7] Files
│ ├─────── [8] Backup
│ └─────── [9] Update fonts
├─┬ [6] User administration 7.5.7
│ ├─────── [1] User log in
│ ├─────── [2] User log off
│ ├─────── [3] Change password
│ ├─────── [4] Edit user
│ ├─────── [5] Edit roles
│ └─────── [6] Administration
├── [7] Language selection 7.5.8
├── [8] Diagnosis menu 7.5.9
└── [9] Support 7.5.10

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7.2 General menu navigation
To edit the device settings, first press the “Menu” button to open the main menu. It is useful to set
the language in the first step. Press the “7” key to select the language, or use the rotary knob to
navigate to the ‘Language selection’ menu item. Use the “▲” and “▼” keys to select the desired
language and confirm with “OK”. Exit the language selection by pressing “ESC”.

The diagnosis menu [8] is currently only available in English and German.

The rotary knob with button function is the central operating element of the REA JET SC 2.0. It can
be used in all menus for navigation, and the selection can be confirmed by pressing the knob.
Alternatively, you can also use the cursor buttons and “OK”. The menu number is displayed in the
upper left-hand corner of each dialog, e.g. 3-2-3. In this manual, these menu numbers are referred
to using square brackets. Experienced users can also open the relevant menus directly from the
main menu by entering the corresponding numbers. To open the menu shown in the example, you
need to press “Menu”, “3”, “2” [File selection] and “3” in sequence. You can exit the respective
menu level or entry dialog with “ESC”. This also applies to the main menu. When pressing “ESC”,
you will return to the basic screen. In case you have made any changes in the entry menus, you will
be prompted to confirm these changes if necessary.

You can select submenus or jump to an entry field by pressing the rotary knob or “OK”. Changes in
entry fields are confirmed in the same way. You can leave the entry field without saving the
changes by pressing “ESC”.

When pressing the “Alt” key, the cursor moves to the right in the column with the (dynamically
adjusted) icons for function buttons. When pressing “Alt” again, the cursor returns back to the
original area.

The desired function can be selected with “▲” and “▼”, and confirmed with “OK”. Press “ESC” to
return to the menu.

If “Alt” is used to move the cursor to the function key icons, the function of the information line
changes as well. If the cursor is hovering over a specific icon, the description of the icon is
displayed in the information line.

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7.3 Saving during menu navigation
Changes must be saved when navigating through the device menu. The changes only take effect
after reassigning the job! Changed files (e.g. labels, installation settings, I/O configurations) can be
saved under the same or a changed/new name.

 Press “F4” to save the changes to a file of the same name.

 If a changed job is to be saved under a new name, the “Name”
entry must be changed in the current screen.


You can leave the submenu and return to the higher-level menu by pressing “ESC”. If changes to
files with names have not yet been saved, you will be prompted to save the changes. Here, you can
choose between the following options:

 Save (without changing the file name)

 Save under a new file name (the original
file will remain unchanged)
 Reject (discard the changes and exit the menu)
 Cancel (continue editing in the submenu and
make additional changes)

For menu items where the information is not stored in files with individual names, the “Save under
new name” option is not available.

7.3.1 Save and leave the menu using [F1]

In some menus, changes can be applied directly by pressing “F1”. This option is indicated by a tick
next to the “F1” function key.
Function of “F1”: Changes are accepted and the menu is closed without any further interaction.

Please note that in addition to saving, jobs, labels, and installation

settings must be reassigned when the device is stopped in order to
ensure they are effective.

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7.4 Description of individual menu items
This chapter provides a complete, chronological overview of the individual menu items of the main
menu and their function.

Menus with a large number of menu items that cannot be displayed in

their entirety on the REA JET SC 2.0 display are scrolled during the
operation of the device. For the sake of clarity, menus of this type are
displayed here in a collapsed manner.

The most important basic settings (e.g. for fast commissioning) are
summarized and described in chapter 8.1.

7.5 Main menu

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The main menu provides access to all main menu items of the coding and marking system. You
can navigate through the list of individual menu items either by turning the rotary knob, or by
pressing “▲” or “▼”. The selection is confirmed/executed by pressing the rotary knob or “OK”.

The individual menus can also be called up directly by entering the

number shown in square brackets to the right of the menu item via the
REA JET SC 2.0 keyboard.

7.5.1 “Direct input” menu [0]

The ‘Direct input’ menu item allows you to easily and quickly change the contents of datafields. If
the assigned label does not have any fields with the ‘Direct edit’ option, the following message will
appear after calling up this menu item.

The “Direct input” attribute must be set for all fields, in which the contents are to be changed using
the direct entry function (see LabelCreator). It is only possible to edit the contents of the label that is
currently assigned.

If this menu item is selected, the contents of the current label are displayed.

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6 5

No. Element Function

1 Assign If changes have been made, the label can be assigned using the
“F1” key. There will be no confirmation prompt.
2 Edit label Screen for editing the content and parameters of text fields.
3 Zoom Displays function key assignments that serve to adjust the size of
the label (see chapter 6.5.1)
4 Item Displays the position of the selected text field.
5 Information Displays information on the label: name of the label, designation of
the selected text field.
6 Text field selection The selected text field has a green frame.

If the label to be changed contains several text fields that can be edited, the desired field can be
selected using the rotary knob.
The selected text has a green frame.

If necessary, the position of the selected object can now be changed using the cursor keys.

The menu for text entry appears when pressing the rotary knob (or the “OK” key). The contents of
the text field can be changed (see also chapter 6.8.1)

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Press “F2” to enter the “Direct input” menu.

1 2



No. Element Function

1 Menu number Menu reference number

2 Menu name Menu name
3 Label preview The selected field has a green frame.

4 Item Displays the position of the selected field.

5 Label object The text object to be changed can be selected in this menu item

6 Content Select the element to be edited for the selected object. Attention:
The object-oriented label structure used by REA JET allows
several elements in objects.
7 Value The content of the object can be changed here.
8 Font The font can be changed here. If the selected font supports these
options, you can additionally select the “Bold” and/or “Italic” font
attributes in the following lines.
9 Suspension points The position of the text field can be changed here.
10 Size The size of the text field can be changed here (e.g. if a larger font
is to be used).

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7.5.2 “Labels” menu [1]

In the ‘Labels’ menu item, you can easily and quickly change the content, dimensions and position
of the individual label fields. New labels can also be created. These labels can contain the following

 Text
 Counter
 Date
 Time
 Image
 1D codes
 2D codes



When opening the menu item, a window will appear showing the labels available in the control unit.
There are some sample labels stored in the “Templates” folder.

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No. Element Function

1 Assign label You can assign the label highlighted by the cursor by pressing “F1”.
A confirmation prompt will appear.
2 Edit label Press “F2” to edit the label highlighted by the cursor.
3 Mark active label When pressing “F3”, the cursor jumps to the currently active label.
4 Preview Shows a preview of the currently assigned label.
All existing labels are previewed in succession by turning the rotary
Press the rotary knob (or press the “OK” button) to open the
displayed label for editing.
5 Available labels Lists the labels that are available in the control unit.
6 Label templates Label templates provided with the control unit.
7 Create new label A new label can be created with this menu item.

Selecting the [Templates] entry opens a folder where you can select from a variety of predefined

These templates can be easily edited and saved under a new name. The templates remain
unchanged during editing. Only copies of the templates are used. This ensures that the original
templates are available at all times.

The label to be edited is selected using the rotary knob or the cursor keys. Press the rotary knob,
“OK” or “F2” to display the contents of the label.

7 6 5

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No. Element Function

1 Assign If changes have been made, the label can be assigned using the
“F1” key. There will be no confirmation prompt.
2 Edit object Screen for editing the content of the selected object and the
corresponding parameters.
3 Add object Opens a window for adding objects.
4 Zoom Displays function key assignments that serve to adjust the size of
the label (see chapter 6.5.1)
5 Item Displays the position of the selected element.
6 Information Displays information on the element: name of the label, name of the
selected element.
7 Text field selection The selected element has a green frame.

If the label to be changed contains several fields, the desired field can be selected using the rotary
knob. The selected element has a green frame.

If necessary, the position of the selected object can now be changed using the cursor keys.

If a graphic is selected, a window appears showing the graphics available in the control unit. If
necessary, a different graphic can be selected using the rotary knob or the cursor keys.

Select a new graphic and press the rotary knob. The new graphic is inserted into the label.

When selecting a text field and pressing the rotary knob (or the “OK” key), the menu for text entry
will appear.
The contents of the text field can be changed (see also chapter 6.8.1)

Pressing “F2” opens the editing screen.

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1 2





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No. Element Function

1 Menu number Menu reference number

2 Menu name Menu name
3 Label preview The selected field has a green frame.
4 Item Displays the position of the selected field.
5 Insert field Insert a new field into the selected field.
Fields of the following types can be selected: “Text”, “Counter”,
“Date”, “Time”.
6 Delete field Delete the content of the selected field.
7 Name Name of the label
8 Label object Here you can select the label object to be edited. Only label objects
that are not blocked from editing in REA LabelCreator are shown
9 Content
Select the element of the object you wish to edit. Attention: The
object-oriented label structure used by REA JET allows several
elements in objects.
10 Save Press this button to save the label.
11 Value The contents of the object (element) can be changed here.
12 Direct edit Specify whether the content of the field can be changed in the “0
Direct input” menu item.
13 Further information Shows or hides further information on the selected object.
14 Force input This function can only be activated if the “Direct edit” field is
activated. If “Force input” is now selected, the “Text entry” menu for
changing the field content is opened each time this label is

15 Field type

The following options are available: “static”, “variable” and “queue”.

For fields with non-changing content, e.g. company name.
For fields provided with content by a higher-level control unit, e.g.
batch number or expiration date.
For time-critical fields that are provided with content by a higher-
level control unit. When different fields are highlighted in rapid
succession, it is possible that changing field contents cannot be
provided quickly enough. This can be caused by latencies in the
network, for example.
To anticipate this problem, field contents are saved in a “queue”.
Field contents are thereby called up from the queue without a time
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16 Font Only available for text objects.
The font can be changed here. If the selected font supports these
options, you can additionally select the “Bold” and/or “Italic” font
attributes in the following lines.
17 Multistroke The character width for coding and marking can be set with this
parameter. The printing of each column is repeated as many times
as specified by the entered value.
The value can range between 1 and 10.
18 Spacing

The spacing between the printed characters can be changed here.

Possible settings are “Font”, “Auto” and “Manual”.
The preset character spacing for the font is used.
The character spacing is adapted to the label width.
The character spacing can be adjusted manually here.
Negative values reduce the character spacing, while positive values
increase it.

The effects on the current text field are shown immediately in the
preview window above.
19 Suspension points The position of the field can be changed here.
20 Object width/height The size of the field can be changed here.

21 Automatic object Adapts the height and width of the object to the current content.
22 Inverted The content of the current field is displayed in inverted form.

23 Label width The width of the label can be changed here.

24 Automatic This adapts the width of the label to the current content.
The height of the label remains unaffected.
25 Label height The height of the label can be specified here.

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Create new label

To create a new label, select the [New] entry in the “Labels” menu.

The selection window for a new label appears.

The height of the label to be created can be specified here depending on requirements.

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Choose a height and confirm your selection by pressing the “OK” button or the rotary knob.

The new label is shown on the display.

Add new

An object can be added to the label by pressing “F3”.

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If, for example, the “Text” object is selected, the following screen appears:

A label with an empty text field is displayed. The label is given the name “newlabel.xml”.

Another object can be added by pressing “F3”.

When “F2” is pressed, the dialog window for setting the object parameters is displayed. This is
shown in the form of a split view. This means that the label with the selected object is displayed in
the top half of the window.

In the bottom half, the content and parameters of the object can be specified.

Further information on installation settings can be found from page 61.

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7.5.3 “Job” menu [2]

Alternatively, the REA JET SC 2.0 also allows installation settings and labels to be combined,
managed and assigned in jobs. A job consists of a “label” and “installation settings”. A job must be
assigned before any printing can take place. More information on the print job concept can be
found in chapter 9. In most cases, this menu item is used to assign a complete print job. When
assigning an individual label, however, it is also possible to maintain the currently active installation
setting for the new label.

“Jobs” can be managed in this menu item. This includes creating, editing and assigning print jobs.

Labels (print contents) are used in all submenus of the ‘Job’ menu. The respective files are
selected from a list similar to File Explorer. It is easy to mix up files if there is a large quantity.

If a job is assigned during a marking process, the print job is stopped, and the new job is assigned
and then started. Job [2]

The following list opens when selecting the 'Job' menu item. The jobs stored on the device are
listed here.


4 3

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No. Element Function

1 Assign print job You can assign the job highlighted by the cursor by pressing “F1”.
A confirmation prompt will appear.
2 Edit label Press “F2” to edit the job highlighted by the cursor.
3 Mark active label When pressing “F3”, the cursor jumps to the currently active job.
4 Available jobs Lists the jobs that are available in the control unit.
5 Templates Job templates provided with the control unit.
6 [New] Creates an empty job without a name, in which no installation
settings and no label have yet been defined.

Creating a new job:

When selecting the ‘New’ list entry, the following dialog box opens, allowing you to create a
new/empty print job. First, you need to select the desired installation setting in this dialog box. The
individual elements are described in the table below.

1 2

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No. Element Function

1 Menu number Menu reference number

2 Menu name Menu name
3 Name [1] Field for entering the name of the new/empty job.
4 Settings [2] Field for entering the installation settings for this empty job.
The value can be selected from the list of available installation

1 2

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No. Element Function

1 Menu number Menu reference number

2 Menu name Menu name
3 Name [1] Field for entering the name of the newly opened print job.
4 Settings [2] Name of the installation setting selected for the new print job.
5 Label for group ‘1’ Field for entering the name of the desired label for group “1”.
[3] The name is selected from the list of label names available.

The entry fields for the required labels are only displayed in the editing dialog for the new print job
after the installation settings have been selected. The print height of the labels depends on the
selected installation settings. After selecting the corresponding entry field, the label can be selected
from the list of available labels.

You can use the cursor keys or the rotary knob to scroll through the previews of all files stored in
the directory. Please note that switching from one to the next label can take a little time due to
longer data processing for larger labels. Press “F5” to return to the file selection list. The
assignment of the “F1” to “F4” keys corresponds to that in the basic screen (see 6.5.1).

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The second figure on the next page shows the new job after it was saved under the new name
“2_ph_test.job” using “F4”.

Editing print jobs:

In principle, editing already saved print jobs is done in the same way as creating new print jobs (as
described in the previous section). The screens and steps differ in two respects:

 When creating a new job, the field for the job name in the editing dialog does not contain an
entry. In the case of existing jobs, the name of the current job is displayed in this field.
 A newly created job cannot be saved until a name has been assigned.
 An existing job that is changed is saved under the existing name.
There will be no confirmation prompt.
 If a changed job is to be saved under a new name, a new name must be assigned before
 The current job is assigned using “F1”. A confirmation prompt will appear.

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7.5.4 Installation settings menu [3]

The installation settings are used to transfer the installation parameters to the coding and marking

Installation settings (in the sense of REA JET SC 2.0) reflect the characteristics/special features of
the coding and marking system, such as on a conveyor belt or in a packaging machine. Settings
such as the number of print heads installed, print resolution, print mode, direction of movement of
the product, shaft encoder etc. can be made here. With REA JET SC 2.0, any number of
installation settings can be created and saved (the number is only limited by the size of the
available memory).



In this menu, you can configure or edit the installation settings, and assign a newly created (saved)

No. Element Function

1 Assign installation You can assign the installation setting file highlighted by the
settings file cursor by pressing “F1”.
A confirmation prompt will appear.
2 Edit installation settings Press “F2” to open the installation settings file highlighted by the
file cursor.
3 Jump to active When pressing “F3”, the cursor jumps to the currently active
installation settings file installation settings file.

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4 Available installation Currently available installation settings files
5 Templates for Installation settings templates provided with the control unit.
installation settings files
6 Create new installation Opens a window with an empty installation settings
settings file configuration.

The following settings, among others, can be made in the “Installation settings” menu item:

 Basic settings
- Mode (normal/single/continuous)
- Blanking
(for the set length, the product sensor is deactivated by the trigger)
 Upside down
 Backwards
 Label offset
 Label alignment
 Source of speed information (internal clock, external shaft encoder)
 Rotation direction of the shaft encoder
 Sensor delay

Select the “New” menu item.

An empty installation setting opens.


No. Element Function Possible values

1 Assign Used to assign the current installation setting. A

confirmation prompt will appear.
2 Save Use “F4” to save a changed file under the original
name (the original file is overwritten).
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If the changed file is to be saved under a different
name, the entry in the “Name” field must be
changed (see “7”).
3 Printhead Type The following functional modes can be selected for
[5] the print head:
7HSL: 7-pixel print height, optimized speed
24FAST: 24-pixel print height, optimized speed
24GRAFIC: 24-pixel print height, optimum print
32GRAFIC: 32-pixel print height, optimum print
48GRAFIC: 48-pixel print height, optimum print
4 Settings [4] Further setting options for an individual installation
are available in this submenu. (see chapter
5 Product The settings for the product movement are made
movement [3] in this submenu.
This menu is explained in detail below. (see
6 Mode [2] The print mode is selected here.
 Normal:
The assigned label is printed every time the
trigger is actuated (sensor edge).
Variable data is always printed based on the
last available print content.
 Continuous:
The assigned label is printed as long as the
trigger is actuated (continuous sensor signal).
The labels are printed at a distance that
corresponds to the value specified in the
‘Continuous print distance’ [3  1  2  x]
Variable data is always printed based on the
last available print content.
 Single:
Same as the normal printing mode, but the
contents of all variable objects must be
overwritten before a print is triggered.
Otherwise, the print trigger will fail.
7 Name [1] Displays the name of the file containing the current
installation settings. The file name can also be
changed if necessary. When saving, the file is
saved under the new name. The original file
remains unchanged and is available under its
current name.

This editing dialog provides access to all installation setting parameters supported by the REA JET
SC 2.0.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 “Mode” submenu [3*2]

The following print modes are available.


The assigned label is printed every time the trigger is actuated (sensor edge). Variable data is
always printed based on the last available print content.

There is another setting option: cyclic printing. If cyclic printing is deactivated (“No”), the assigned
label is printed exactly once every time the trigger is actuated (sensor edge).

If cyclic printing is activated (“Yes”), the number of prints can be selected. When selecting “5”, for
example, the current label is printed five times every time the trigger is actuated (sensor edge).
Variable data such as counters or time fields are updated during printing.

If the “Fixed mode” box is ticked, the current label is printed five times every time the trigger is
actuated (sensor edge). In this case, however, variable data such as counters or time fields are
NOT updated during printing.


The assigned label is printed as long as the trigger is actuated (continuous sensor signal).
The labels are printed at a distance that corresponds to the value specified in the “Continuous
parameter. Variable data is always printed based on the last available print content.

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The abort mode determines how the coding and marking system responds when the sensor returns
no signal. The following abort modes are available:

The print head immediately stops printing.

The print head immediately stops printing.

Finish label:
The current label is printed until completed.


Same as the normal printing mode, but the contents of all variable objects must be overwritten
before a print is triggered. Otherwise, the print trigger will fail.

Limited output:

This parameter determines how often the current label is printed. If “No” is selected, printing
continues as long as the sensor returns a signal.

Fixed mode:

If the value of the “Limited output” parameter is greater than or equal to 2, the “Fixed mode”
parameter can be activated.

If the “Fixed mode” box is ticked, the current label is printed five times every time the trigger is
actuated (sensor edge). In this case, however, variable data such as counters or time fields are
NOT updated during printing.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 “Product movement” submenu [3*3]

This menu item contains all parameters related to the movement of the product. When changing
the clock source, the parameter fields associated with the relevant clock sources are hidden or

The following options can be selected:

Internal clock

If the internal clock is specified as the clock source, the (continuous) speed of the product must be
entered in m/min.

This setting is recommended if the products move very evenly past the print head.

Shaft encoder

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If the shaft encoder is selected as the clock source, the rate must be entered here. This rate is
calculated from the resolution of the shaft encoder and the circumference of the measuring wheel.
The rate indicates how many pulses are sent to the shaft encoder input of the REA JET SC 2.0 per
mm of product movement.

Furthermore, the desired rotational direction of the shaft encoder must be specified here. This is
necessary because the control device can determine the product direction via the two output
signals of the shaft encoder, which are phase-shifted by 90 degrees. The direction must match the
direction of rotation of the shaft encoder set here. Otherwise, the control unit assumes that the
product is moving in the wrong direction. In this case, printing is stopped and a warning message is
displayed in the information screen.

Special aspects of this mode: If the belt stops and then moves backwards, printing is stopped. If the
belt then moves in the correct direction again, printing resumes at the correct position.

Shaft encoder without SP

Special aspects of this mode: If the belt stops and then moves backwards, printing is stopped. If the
belt then moves in the correct direction again, printing resumes immediately.

Shaft encoder A signal

With this setting, the REA JET SC 2.0 coding and marking system prints as long as the shaft
encoder sends a signal. In this mode, it is irrelevant whether the belt moves forward or backward.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 “Settings” submenu [3*4]


No. Element Function

1 Upside down The print is performed upside down.

2 Backwards The print is performed backwards.
3 Print height The print height can be set with this parameter.
100% means full print height, while 50% means half print height.
The height of the print image on the product is determined by the set print
height and the distance of the print head from the product.
4 Hor. resolution Resolution in the horizontal direction in dots per inch.
5 Multistroke This parameter indicates how many additional strokes are
printed between two point gaps. The entered value can range
1 as the minimum setting without additional blackening to 9,
i.e. 9 repetitions of each stroke (corresponding to a multiplication
of 1-9). The higher the entered value, the bolder the text. This
option influences the print contrast or the black level of the label,
but not the text size. The additional blackening function can add
further vertical lines to the existing lines in the text and thereby
increase the black level. The overall text height is increased only
slightly. The necessary clock frequency can be determined by
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multiplying the line speed, the print density and the additional
blackening. As a result, the maximum possible line speed is
increasingly restricted when higher print density and additional
blackening values are selected! Furthermore, in the event of this
value being exceeded, a warning can only be issued to the user
when using an internally generated clock, as with an external clock
the line speed is unknown or variable!

Attention: The higher the additional blackening, the lower the

possible speed!
6 Blanking The product sensor is deactivated for the duration set here after
each print triggering. This prevents a further print from being
unintentionally triggered, e.g. due to a bright/dark transition on the
product. Using the “Blanking” value, you can set a time span
(which starts directly after printing a label) in which triggering of the
product sensor is suppressed.
7 Label alignment This parameter is used to specify the alignment of the label on the

8 Bidirectional Bidirectional printing can be activated here.

If bidirectional printing is activated, three additional parameters are
- Reverse trigger
- Rev. sensor delay
- Reverse label offset

The definitions of the parameters are the same as those for the
parameters described here, but they apply for the reverse
movement of the print head and therefore for labeling in the
opposite direction.
9 Print trigger Here you can select the digital input specified for the print trigger
10 Sensor delay The sensor connected to the control unit is used to detect the
product moving on the belt (e.g. cardboard) and to send a signal
(Print Go) to the control unit for starting the print. The sensor delay

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indicates the distance between the fixed sensor and the center of
the first nozzle of the print head. In some applications, the sensor
must be installed behind the print head. In this case, it is also
possible to enter negative values for the sensor delay. Values can
range from -9999 to 9999 mm. The sensor delay serves to delay
printing by time the product needs to travel from the product sensor
to the print head.
11 Label offset This parameter determines the start position of the label (label =
inscription field). The parameter specifies the offset (delay)
between the triggering of the print and the start of printing the label,
taking into account the set sensor delay.
12 Product length Depending on the selection for the “Label alignment” parameter,
the product length must be entered here.
REA JET SC 2.0 places the label on the center of the product
using the product length for alignment.
13 Continuous delay In continuous delay mode, this value indicates the distance (in mm)
between the start and end of a print and the start of the next print.
14 Delay mode This parameter determines how the value for “Continuous
delay” is used.
Delay between the end of the print and start of the next

Delay between the start of the print and start of the next

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 “Printhead Type” submenu [3*5]

Under this menu item, various functional modes can be selected for the print head.

The following modes are available for selection:

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7HSL: 7-pixel print height, optimized speed

24FAST: 24-pixel print height, optimized speed

24GRAFIC: 24-pixel print height, optimum print quality

32GRAFIC: 32-pixel print height, optimum print quality

48GRAFIC: 48-pixel print height, optimum print quality

The fewer the pixels in the selected print height, the faster labeling can be performed.
The more pixels in the selected print height of the selected print head type, the higher the print
quality and the vertical resolution.

The print head height and the label to be assigned must be compatible to one another. It is NOT
possible to print a 48-pixel label using a print head type with a lower number of pixels defined in the
print height.

The % display in the lower line (see chapter 6.5.1) provides information on the maximum possible
If 100% size is exceeded, “time-critical” text passages are stretched with a large amount of vertical
On the delivery CD you can find a tool for calculating the write speed.

7.5.5 “Device settings” menu [4]

The Device settings’ menu includes all settings relating to the REA JET SC 2.0 controller.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 Digital I/O [4  1]

The REA JET SC 2.0 is equipped with 6 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs. The functions of these
I/Os can be freely configured. In the delivery state of the REA JET SC 2.0, no I/O file is assigned to
the control unit. The following events are assigned to the digital outputs 1-3 by default:

No. Element Function Behavior

1 Operational Indicates the operational availability. Level High

availability Corresponds to the LED above the
start button on the keypad.
2 Error Reports an error. Level High

3 Ink warning Reservoir is empty. Level High


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These default settings enable the use of the REA JET signal lamps without having to parameterize
the digital I/Os. This guarantees reliable and quick installation of a signal lamp for displaying the
operational availability of the REA JET SC 2.0.

The default values are overwritten as soon as an I/O file is assigned.

In this menu, you can configure or edit the digital inputs and outputs, and assign a newly created
(or saved) file with I/O settings.



No. Element Function

1 Assign I/O file Press “F1” to assign the I/O file highlighted by the cursor.
A confirmation prompt will appear.
2 Edit I/O file Press “F2” to open the I/O file highlighted by the cursor.
3 Jump to active I/O When pressing “F3”, the cursor jumps to the currently active I/O file.
4 Available I/O files All I/O files currently available
5 Templates for I/O I/O templates provided with the control unit.
6 Create new I/O file Opens a dialog box with an empty I/O configuration.

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Editing digital inputs
The following editing dialog opens when selecting a new or existing I/O file. This always starts with
the view for editing the inputs. The parameterization/processing of the inputs is divided into three

 Level (1):
Here you can select the event that is to be triggered via an input or a combination of inputs.
 Level (2):
Here you can select the input that is to trigger the previously selected event. Multiple inputs
can also be selected in parallel for an event.
 Level (3):
Here you can specify the signal response (signal state) to which the inputs are to react. If
several inputs are used in parallel, the type of link is also defined here.

The direction of editing is from left to right (from level 1 to level 3). Press “OK” to go to the next
level. Use “ESC” to return to the previous level. A change in the third level (in an input/selection
field) must be confirmed by pressing “OK”. Press “ESC” to exit the third level without confirming the
changes. You can navigate within the levels using the rotary knob or the cursor keys.

1 2 3

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The following figure shows the individual elements of the editing dialog for the digital inputs.
1 2 3 4

11 5
14 6

Generally, one or several inputs with the corresponding signal response and link type must be
assigned to every event that is to be triggered externally. The following table contains a brief
description of the individual elements of the editing dialog for digital inputs. The response of the
inputs as well as the exact function of the individual events (incl. their special features) is explained
in detail in the following section.

No. Element Function

1 Menu number Menu reference number

2 Name of the editing Displays the selected editing menu – either digital inputs or digital
menu outputs.
3 Menu name Menu name
4 Input 1 … 6 Setting/display of the desired signal response for the respective
input. The settings selected for the respective event are displayed
5 Assign current I/O file A confirmation prompt will appear.
6 Press “F2” to switch back and forth between the “Inputs” and
“Outputs” submenus.
7 Save the changes without changing the file name.
8 Save the changes under a different file name.
9 Linking When selecting several inputs for an event, the type of logical linking
of the inputs used in parallel is selected/displayed here.

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10 Start job Start job event:
Starts an assigned job by means of an external signal.
11 Stop job Stop job event:
Stops a running job by means of an external signal.

12 Print trigger Trigger event:

Triggers a print job by means of an external signal.

13 Hide Hide event:

This function can be used to hide individual objects in an assigned
label. If the condition of the group assigned to the object is fulfilled,
this object will be hidden from this moment on; i.e. it will no longer be
printed. After the condition (change of inputs) is removed, the object
is printed again.

14 Bidirectional This function is required in applications in which the print head of the
printing system is moved along an axis across the product to be
When printing in both directions of the axis, the printing system
requires information on when the axis is in reverse. Using the
corresponding installation settings, the REA JET SC 2.0 is informed
of this event via an input.
Bidirectional printing (printing in both directions of an axis) is
particularly important in applications with high pulse rates. This
solution is preferred for printing products transported in a tray (e.g.
yogurt cups).

15 Counter
Counter event:
This function can be used to trigger a counter object in an assigned
label. To trigger the counter, the ‘Digital input’ parameter must be
selected in the ‘Counter event’ field in REA JET LabelCreator.

Signal states and links of the digital inputs

An event can be set such that triggering is dependent on the different signal characteristics of the
corresponding input.

If several inputs are assigned to an event in parallel, the logic operation of the inputs is
selected/specified via linking operation. This linking operation applies to all inputs that are assigned
to an event in parallel.

The two configuration options ensure targeted external control of the coding and marking system,
precisely tailored to the application.

The following figure shows the selection menu for the signal response and the linking operation.
For the sake of clarity, both selection lists are presented together. When editing an I/O
configuration on the REA JET SC 2.0, the two points are edited separately.

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No. Element Function

Input signal response

Level High The event is triggered by the “Level High” condition.

1 Level Low The event is triggered by the “Level Low” condition.

“Edge rising” The event is triggered when changing from “Level Low” to “Level
High”. The rising edge is evaluated.

“Edge falling” The event is triggered when changing from “Level High” to “Level
Low”. The falling edge is evaluated.

Link operation for the inputs

“And” The selected inputs are linked by “and”.

“Or” The selected inputs are linked by “or”.

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Procedure when creating an I/O configuration using a digital input as an example:

On the I/O screen, use the cursor keys or the rotary knob to select an event. In this case: “Stop

Press the rotary knob or “OK” to confirm the selection.

The cursor jumps to the selection of digital inputs.

Use the cursor keys or the rotary knob to select the desired input. In this case: “Input 3”.

Now you can select the desired signal response for this event at input 3.

It is possible to make an event dependent on the signal state of several inputs. For this purpose,
the states of two or more inputs can be linked with the logic operators “and” and “or”.

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Start job event

With this event, an assigned print job can be started via the digital inputs. This can be triggered by
either an external control unit (e.g. a PLC) or an operating element (e.g. a button). This makes it
possible to start the REA JET SC 2.0 job manually or by using a higher-level control unit. This
event serves the same function as pressing the key on the control unit.

When connecting an external control system to start the REA JET SC

2.0, it is recommended to send the “Ready to operate” message as a
signal to the external controller.

Stop job event

With this event, a running print job can be stopped via the digital inputs. This can be triggered by
either an external control unit (e.g. a PLC) or an operating element (e.g. a button).
The pin assignments of the I/O connection are found in chapter from page 26 onwards.
This event serves the same function as pressing the key on the control unit.

Print trigger event

When configuring the “Print trigger” event, one of the seven inputs (sensor + I/Os) or a combination
of several inputs can be used to trigger printing. By default, the ‘Print trigger’ event is preset with
the ‘Product sensor’ input with ‘Edge rising’. Thanks to the freely configurable print trigger, the REA
JET SC 2.0 offers many advantages in industrial coding and marking processes. The linking of the
print trigger with external systems/sensors, for example, is a requirement in many applications. In
applications where the print may only be triggered if a quality check has been performed, it was
previously necessary to use a (small) external control unit for connecting the signals. With the REA
JET SC 2.0, this can be achieved by configuring the print trigger. This leads to time and cost
savings and reduces the complexity of the application.

The following figure shows the editing dialog for triggering a print within the menu for editing digital

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When linking several inputs, it is not sensible to link edges with ‘and’ It is
unlikely that an edge will occur at two inputs at the same time. Therefore,
reliable triggering is not possible.
When using several inputs for triggering a print, it is advisable to use
‘Edge rising’ for the product sensor and ‘Level High’ for the other inputs.


This function can be used to trigger a counter object in an assigned label. To trigger the counter,
the ‘Digital input’ parameter must be selected in the ‘Counter event’ field in REA JET LabelCreator.
This function makes it possible to trigger a counter object using an external signal.


This function can be used to hide individual objects in an assigned label. For this purpose, the
object to be hidden must be assigned to a corresponding group. You can also assign multiple
objects to a group. This assignment must be made in the REA JET LabelCreator when creating the
label. A total of 20 groups are available in the REA JET LabelCreator.

In the REA JET SC 2.0, the 6 digital inputs can be freely assigned to the 20 groups in the REA JET
LabelCreator. The inputs can also be binary-coded in the groups. If the condition of the group
assigned to the object is fulfilled, this object will be hidden from this moment on; i.e. it will no longer
be printed. After the condition (change of inputs) is removed, the object is printed again.

The following figure shows the selection of groups that are hidden. In the view, only 17 of the 20
available groups are displayed simultaneously. On the control unit, the selection is made by
scrolling using the two arrows at the beginning and end of the selection list.

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After selecting the group, you can define the desired inputs and signal response for this group.


This function is required in applications in which the print head(s) of the printing system are moved
along an axis across the product to be printed. When printing in both directions of the axis, the
printing system requires information on when the axis is in reverse. Using the corresponding
installation settings, the REA JET SC 2.0 is informed of this event via an input.

Bidirectional printing (printing in both directions of an axis) is particularly important in applications

with high pulse rates. This solution is preferred for printing products transported in a tray (e.g.
yogurt cups).

Editing digital outputs [F2]

When opening a new or existing I/O file, the editing dialog always starts with the view of the inputs.
The editing dialog for outputs can be accessed by pressing “F2”. Press “F1” to return to the dialog
for inputs.

As with the inputs, the processing/parameterization of the outputs is divided into three levels. With
the inputs, the selection of the desired event is started in level 1. Editing of digital outputs, however,
starts with the selection of the desired output. The two other levels also differ from the levels used
for the inputs. The three levels for the outputs are as follows:

 Level (1):
Here you can select the digital output which will be used to signal the desired event.
 Level (2):
Here you can select the ‘Event’ in which the parameters for the corresponding output are to
be edited. The number of parameters to be edited depends on the ‘Event’ and ‘Behavior’
The menu is automatically adjusted.
 Level (3):
Here you can define the ‘Event’, the ‘Behavior’ and the associated values. Only one event
can be assigned to each output. However, you can assign the same event to multiple

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The direction of editing is from left to right (from level 1 to level 3). Press “OK” to move to the next
level. Use “ESC” to return to the previous level. A change in the third level (in an input/selection
field) must be confirmed by pressing “OK”. Press “ESC” to exit the third level without confirming the
changes. You can navigate within the levels using the rotary knob or the cursor keys.
1 2 3

1 2 3 4

11 5

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The following table contains a brief description of the elements of the editing dialog for digital
outputs. Even if the basic elements are identical to those of the editing dialog for the inputs, the
following table contains explanations for these elements. This is to avoid the need to scroll back
and forth while editing the configuration of the outputs and to make the work easier. Due to the
separate selection menus and the variety of information, the ‘Event’ and ‘Behavior’ parameters are
explained in detail in the following sections.

No. Element Function

1 Menu number Menu reference number

2 Name of the editing Displays the selected editing menu – either digital inputs or digital
menu outputs.
3 Menu name Menu name
4 Event, behavior and Selection and display of the selected event, its behavior and the
settings for outputs associated settings. A detailed explanation can be found in the
1 to 4 following sections.
5 Assign current I/O file A confirmation prompt will appear.
6 Press “F2” to switch back and forth between the “Inputs” and
“Outputs” submenus.
7 Save the changes without changing the file name.
8 Save the changes under a different file name.
9 Graphical Visualization of the set behavior on the basis of a signal diagram.
representation The set values are taken into account.
10 Output 1-4 Selection fields for outputs 1 to 4.

Events for digital outputs

The following figure shows the menu for selecting the events available for the digital outputs.

Only one event can be selected for each output. However, the same event can be assigned to
multiple outputs. Different behaviors and values can be used for each output. This makes it
possible to relay the product sensor signal to two independent systems (e.g. a camera and an
ejection system) downstream of the marking and coding process. In this case, the signal response
can be individually adapted to the two external systems using the respective parameters. The figure
below provides an overview of the available events. The following table contains a detailed
description of the events.

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No. Element Function

1 Error This function (event) signals an error. This is a group message for the
various error messages of the system. An error automatically results in
the active job being stopped, and the “Ready” event no longer applies.
The “Error” event is automatically canceled when the reason for the error
has been eliminated. When the print job is restarted, the error is
acknowledged and the parameterized output behavior is reset.
2 Ready This function (event) signals that the REA JET SC 2.0 has been
successfully started (job assigned, device started and green LED above
the start button illuminated). An error immediately overrides this event.
3 Product sensor This function (event) allows the trigger signal, which the REA JET SC 2.0
uses to start printing, to be passed on to other systems. For this purpose,
additional parameters, e.g. a delay (in mm or milliseconds) or the signal
duration for the transmitted trigger signal can be set when configuring the
4 Busy This function (event) is used to indicate the length of the label. This
function is active from the moment the print is triggered until the end of
the blanking of the product sensor.
5 Printing This function (event) signals the printing activity of the coding and
marking system. This function is active as long as the actual printing
process is running (ink is applied).
6 Ink warning This function (event) signals a low ink and/or Viskoflex level.

It is recommended to parameterize the ‘Operational’, ‘Error’ and ‘Ink

warning’ events as level-oriented signals.

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Additional information on the ‘Error’ event.
If the selected output for the ‘Error’ event is assigned to the signal
response ‘Level high’, a high level warning will occur at this output in the
event of an error (= red indicator light of the REA signal light is on when
using the default output settings). The active print job is automatically
The “Error” event is automatically canceled when the reason for the error
has been eliminated. When the job is restarted, the error is
acknowledged and the parameterized output behavior is reset. The red
signal light does not turn off after the error has been eliminated, but only
when the job is restarted.

Additional information on the ‘Operational’ event:

As described above, an error automatically means that the “Ready” event
no longer applies. Contrastingly, situations in which the “Ready” event
does not apply do not necessarily involve an error.
The Operational notification (green light) should be used for a system
stop, as here both errors as well as user interventions, such as 'Stop Job'
and cleaning are covered - in this case, the print head flap is open, the
printer is not operational and the "green light” is not illuminated.

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Behavior of digital outputs

The following figure shows the selection menu for the event behaviors available in the system.


No. Element Function

1 Level High When the event occurs, the corresponding output signals a high level.
2 Level Low When the event occurs, the corresponding output signals a low level.
3 Pulse positive When the event occurs, the associated output sends a positive pulse with
an adjustable pulse duration. Otherwise, the output signals a low level.
4 Pulse negative When the event occurs, the associated output sends a negative pulse
with an adjustable pulse duration. Otherwise, the output signals a high

The ‘Delay’ parameter for ‘Pulse positive’ and ‘Pulse negative’ signal behavior

When the behavior is set to “Level High” and “Level Low”, no further parameters are available. In
contrast, the “Delay” parameter must be adjusted after selecting the “Pulse positive” or “Pulse
negative” behavior. This parameter is the delay with which the selected event is emitted at the
selected output.

The delay can be defined in two ways, using the parameters “Distance” and “Duration”. The
meaning of these two parameters, the possible values and effects are described in the following
two sections.

The length of the pulse must be specified in the lowest field irrespective of the value selected for
the “Delay” parameter.

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‘Delay’ with the setting ‘Distance’

When selecting “Distance” for the “Delay” parameter, the delay in mm must be specified in the input
line below. For this purpose, a speed signal (proportional to the product speed) must be supplied
on the shaft encoder connection of the REA JET SC 2.0.


No. Element Function Possible values

1 Behavior Selection and display of the signal behavior.  Pulse positive

The following fields are only available for  Pulse negative
“Pulse positive” and “Pulse negative”.
2 Delay This parameter determines the physical  Distance
value to which the delay refers (in this case:  Duration
a distance).
3 Distance If the value “Distance” is set for the “Delay” 0 to 10,000 mm
parameter, the distance can be entered
here. This event is triggered when the
product has traveled the distance entered
4 Pulse duration The duration of the pulse is entered here. 0 to 10,000 ms
5 Pulse diagram Graphical representation of the positive
pulse, taking into account the relationship
between “Delay” and “Pulse duration”.

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Delay' with the setting 'Duration'

When selecting “Duration” for the “Delay” parameter, the duration in ms must be specified in the
input line below. In this operating mode, a speed signal (proportional to the product speed) is not

To provide as much description as possible for all the important configurations, a ‘Pulse positive’ is
used in the example for the ‘Delay’ parameter with the value ‘Distance’, and a ‘Pulse negative’ is
used in the example with the value ‘Duration’.


No. Element Function Possible values

1 Behavior Selection and display of the signal behavior.  Pulse positive

The following fields are only available for  Pulse negative
“Pulse positive” and “Pulse negative”.
2 Delay This parameter determines the physical value  Distance
to which the delay refers (in this case: a  Duration
3 Time If the value “Duration” is set for the “Delay” 0 to 10,000 ms
parameter, the duration for the delay can be
entered here. The event is triggered after the
time entered here has elapsed.
4 Pulse duration The duration of the pulse is entered here. 0 to 10,000 ms
5 Pulse diagram Graphical representation of the positive pulse,
taking into account the relationship between
“Delay” and “Pulse duration”.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 Display settings [4  2]

The display settings are explained in chapter

Chapter 8 "Commissioning" describes the basic settings for commissioning. Date / time settings [4  3]

The date and time settings are explained in chapter

Chapter 8 "Commissioning" describes the basic settings for commissioning. Region settings [4  4]

More information on the region settings can be found in chapter

Chapter 8 "Commissioning" describes the basic settings for commissioning. Interface settings [4  5]

This menu is used for configuring the interfaces.

Further information on the network connections of the REA JET SC 2.0

can be found in chapter 10.2.1 from page 150

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The REA JET SC 2.0 has ports for the following interfaces:

 One Ethernet interface

 One USB port
- The USB port is used for connecting mass storage devices and thus does not require any
settings. For this reason, there is no settings menu for the USB port.
- Standard USB keyboards can be connected to the USB port if required. This makes it
possible to the use keyboards with other character sets (Arabic/Cyrillic etc.). Ethernet configuration [4  5  2]

The Ethernet interface enables communication with external control units (PC, PLC, SCADA
system, T&T system, etc.) using the TCP/IP protocol. The CD/DVD included in the standard scope
of supply contains various software components for this purpose.

In this menu item, it is possible to choose between automatic and manual assignment of the IP

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The automatic setting of the IP address is activated by checking the ‘DHCP’ box. This requires a
DHCP server to be present in the network to which the control unit is connected. Via the DHCP
server, the REA JET SC 2.0 also receives information on the subnet mask, the standard gateway
and, if available, the NTP server.

If the DHCP functionality is deactivated, the data must be entered manually. If no gateway is used
in the active network, the entry can be omitted. Firmware-Update [4  6]

The firmware update is explained in chapter

Chapter 8 "Commissioning" describes the basic settings for commissioning. Factory settings [4  7]

The method for resetting the device to factory settings is described in chapter

Chapter 8 "Commissioning" describes the basic settings for commissioning.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 User settings [4  8]

The user settings are explained in chapter

Chapter 8 "Commissioning" describes the basic settings for commissioning. System messages [4  9]

In preparation.

7.5.6 File management [5]

In the REA JET SC 2.0, files are assigned to a category according to their function/content. The
files assigned to the each of these categories are stored in a corresponding folder in the user
directory of the control device. The following figure shows the relationship between the individual
files/data types and their storage location.

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No. File Function

A Label file This file contains all data relating to the content and layout of the label
to be printed. For the bitmaps to be printed, the corresponding names
of the bitmap files are stored in the label. These bitmaps are loaded
and rendered when the print job is assigned.
A-1 Font file This file contains the fonts available on the device.
A-2 Bitmap file This file contains the bitmaps available on the device.
B Installation settings This file contains all information on the installation of the coding and
file marking system and the conditions of the system.
C Job file This file contains the name of the installation settings used and the
associated label(s).
D Control unit REA JET SC 2.0
E I/O configuration This file contains the settings for the digital inputs and outputs.
F Bitmap file This file contains a graphic to be printed on the label.
2 Jobs Storage location for all jobs (folder)
1 Labels Storage location for all labels (folder)
4 Fonts Storage location for all font files (folder)
5/6 Bitmaps Storage location for all bitmap files (folder)
3 Installations Storage location for all installation settings (folder)
Device Storage location for all I/O configurations (folder)

Service Storage location for all created LOG files (folder)

USB The USB storage media connected to the control unit is displayed in
this folder, including the media connected via a USB hub.
This (blue) arrow indicates that the object to the left of the arrow
uses/requires the object to the right of it.
This (green) arrow indicates that the object to the left of the arrow is
stored in the folder to the right of it.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 File management menu
The ‘File administration’ menu enables the transfer of various files between the REA JET SC 2.0
controller and a mass storage device connected to the USB port.

Menu item Function Direct

Labels This submenu provides access to the label files. [1]

Jobs This submenu provides access to the job files. [2]

Installations This submenu provides access to the installation settings files. [3]

Fonts This submenu provides access to the font files. [4]

Bitmaps This submenu provides access to the bitmap files. [5]

Vector graphics This submenu is not available at present. [6]
Files This submenu provides access to additional folders, such as the
service folder. This menu is only for service technicians and
qualified personnel. [7]
For example, the I/O configuration files are stored here in the
“Device” folder.
Backup Backup [8]

Update Fonts This menu item is not used to call up a submenu, but directly
starts the “Update Fonts” function. This update must be [9]
performed when new font files have been copied to the REA
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JET SC 2.0. Newly copied fonts are only available after this
update is performed or the control device has been restarted.
Back Return to the higher-level menu. [Esc]

In all submenus accessed using menu items 1-5, the files are processed (copied, moved, deleted)
in the same way. For this reason, the procedure is described below based on the example of print
jobs. Switching between the REA JET SC 2.0 and the USB mass storage view

Selecting the corresponding submenu opens the following editing dialog box for file operations. The
content of the Jobs folder stored on the REA JET SC 2.0 is displayed.


Press and the view changes to the contents of the mass storage device connected to the USB
port. As it is also possible to connect several USB devices to the REA JET SC 2.0 via a USB hub,
the desired USB device and the desired folder must be selected in the first step. These steps are
shown in the two following figures.

By repeatedly pressing , it is possible to switch back and forth between the view of the folder on
the REA JET SC 2.0controller and the view of the USB mass storage device. The highlighted icon
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in the information box of key shows the view that is currently active (REA JET SC 2.0controller
or USB device). Changing the view between USB device and REA JET SC 2.0 does not change
the folder selection. The complete path is displayed in the row above the folder view, offering a
clear overview of the selected storage location. Editing files on the REA JET SC 2.0

The following figure and table show the elements available for editing files (in this case jobs) on the
1 2


No. Element Function

1 Menu number Menu reference number

2 Menu name Menu name
3 Switching The view switches between the folder contents on the REA JET SC 2.0
between file and the USB mass storage device.
sources using

4 Copy file(s) Copies the selected file(s) from the REA JET SC 2.0 to the selected
USB storage medium. The file on the REA JET SC 2.0 remains
5 Move file(s) Moves the selected file(s) from the REA JET SC 2.0 to the selected
USB storage medium. The file on the REA JET SC 2.0 is deleted.

6 Delete file(s) Deletes the selected file(s) from the REA JET SC 2.0

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7 File list Job files stored on the REA JET SC 2.0.

By pressing the “Alt” key and turning the rotary knob at the same time, it
is possible to select multiple files and copy, move or delete them

If bitmaps (graphics) are transferred to the REA JET SC 2.0, they must
have the format .png. Graphics in .svg format can also be copied to the
“Vector graphics” subfolder. The control unit then converts them to the
relevant format.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 Editing files on a USB device

The following figure and table show the elements available for editing files (in this case jobs) on a
USB storage medium.

1 2


No. Element Function

1 Menu number Menu reference number

2 Menu name Menu name

3 Switching The view switches between the folder contents on the REA JET SC 2.0
between file and the USB mass storage device.
sources using

4 Copy file(s) Copies the selected file(s) from the REA JET SC 2.0 to the selected
USB storage medium. The file on the REA JET SC 2.0 remains
5 Move file(s) Moves the selected file(s) from the REA JET SC 2.0 to the selected
USB storage medium. The file on the REA JET SC 2.0 is deleted.

6 Delete file(s) Deletes the selected file(s) from the REA JET SC 2.0

7 File list Job files stored on the REA JET SC 2.0.

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If labels are transferred in the submenu ‘Labels’ from a USB device to the
REA JET SC 2.0, the controller automatically copies any bitmaps and
fonts used in the label to the system. The files must be available on the
USB mass storage device. It is recommended to create the same folder
structure on the USB device as on the REA JET SC 2.0 Files [5  7]

The “Files” [5-7] menu item allows you to manage files of different types. In this submenu item, you
can access the folders and files that cannot be directly selected via the “File management” menu.
These include:

 device
 service
 usb

The following figure shows the view of the opened “Files” [5-7] folder.

No. File Function

1 device The files with the I/O settings are stored in this folder.

2 Service The created LOG files are stored in this folder.

3 usb The USB mass storage devices connected to the REA JET SC 2.0 are
displayed in this folder.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 Data backup [5  8]

To prevent loss of data, all data should be backed up at regular intervals. The complete backup
includes all data and settings.

The data backup is stored in the “service” directory in the control unit.

The data backup is started by selecting the “Create” menu item.

Select the “Restore” menu item if you wish to load a backup. All available backups are then

The desired file can be selected using the rotary knob or the cursor keys.
The restore process is started by pressing the rotary knob or the “OK” button.

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This section in the name of the backup files indicates the date and time the backup was performed
(in this case: September 14, 2017, 13:19:58). Updating fonts [5  9]

If font files have been copied to the device, they must first be activated. This can be done by
selecting this menu item or by restarting (switching off and then back on) the REA JET SC 2.0.
Otherwise, these new font files are not available. This is independent of whether the font files were
transferred manually or automatically when copying labels.

Please note that the REA JET SC 2.0uses standard TTF (True Type Fonts) files.

7.5.7 User administration [6]

The user interface of the REA JET SC 2.0 is equipped with a user administration menu. This makes
it possible to activate and deactivate device functions for specific users. User administration is not
activated by default. This means that all functions are available without logging on to the device.

The user administration concept is based on a role model. Each user role is assigned a set of
available functions. The roles implemented in the REA JET SC 2.0 are:

 Administrator
 Line manager
 Service
 User
 Guest

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Every individual user must be assigned to one of these roles. After logging on to the device, users
can then perform the functions assigned to their role.

When user administration is activated, users must log on with their user name (= role name) and
the associated password. This is the only way to operate the unit. When user administration is
activated, the Guest user role is automatically activated when the device is restarted.

The administrator password can only be changed or deleted through user

administration. The password must be known for this purpose. If the
administrator password has been forgotten, the user administration can
only be deleted by resetting the control unit to factory settings. This also
deletes all files stored in the user folders of the device. Activating user administration

To activate user administration, the default administrator password must be changed. The default
password is

“CODing sysTEM”

(without quotation marks, with space)

The default password can be changed via the ‘Change password [3]’ menu item. This is done as
described under item

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 User log in [6  1]

If user administration is enabled, users can log in via this dialog box using the various roles.

1 2


No. File Function

1 Menu number Menu reference number

2 Menu name Menu name
3 Confirm entries
4 Password [2] Enter the password for the selected role
5 User name [1] Enter the user name (of the selected role)
6 Logged on Currently logged on user (currently logged on role)

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 User log off [6  2]

This function is used to log off the current user. The Guest user is then automatically logged on to
the device. Change password [6  3]

If user administration is deactivated, this menu is the only available menu in the user administration
area. User administration is activated by setting a password for the administrator user.

1 2


Only the administrator currently logged on can assign a password to the predefined roles. After
assigning a password, the corresponding role is enabled. Users who would like to use the functions
assigned to a certain (predefined) role need to log in with the role name and the corresponding
password. Edit user [6  4]

This menu item is not yet implemented. Edit roles [6  5]

This menu item is not yet implemented.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 Administration [6  6]

 Auto lock:
Activate this option to automatically lock the device after switching off the background
display lighting (energy saving mode). The device is locked if it is not operated during the
time until the background display lighting is switched off. To unlock the device, the last
logged on user must log on again with their password. The time until the background display
lighting is automatically switched off is defined in the menu ‘Display settings’ [4 * 2]) in the
parameter ‘Switch off display’ (see

 Disabling user administration:

To disable user administration, the administrator password must be deleted.
Proceed as described in chapter Change password [6  3].
- You first need to enter the current password.
- The “New password” and “Confirm password” fields must be left empty.
- Complete the process by pressing “F2”.
You will be prompted to confirm whether the changes are to be applied. After confirming, you will
receive a notification that user administration has been disabled.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 Predefined user roles

Function/role Administrator Line Service User Guest

[0] Direct input    
[1] Labels  
[1] Assign label   
[1] Reset Label Counter   
[2] Print Job   
[2] Assign print job   
[3] Installation settings   
[4] Device settings   
[4-1] Digital I/O  
[4-1-1] Edit I/Os  
[4-1-2] Assign I/Os  
[4-2] Display settings   
[4-3] Sys. Date/Time  
[4-4] Region settings  
[4-5] Interfaces  
[4-5-1] Serial interface  
[5-5-2] Ethernet  
[4-6] Firmware update  
[4-7] Factory settings  
[4-8] User settings  
[4-9] System messages  
[5] File management   
[5-1] Labels  
[5-2] Jobs  
[5-3] Installation settings  
[5-4] Fonts  
[5-5] Bitmaps  
[5-6] Vector graphics  
[5-7] Files  
[5-8] Backup  
[5-9] Update Fonts   
[6] User administration     
[6-1] Log in     
[6-2] Log out    
[6-3] Change password 
[6-4] Edit user 
[6-5] Edit group 
[6-6] Administration 
[7] Language selection     
[8] Diagnosis menu     
[9] Support     
[F5] Info screen     

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7.5.8 Language selection [7]

The language selection menu is described in chapter 8.1.1.

Chapter 8 "Commissioning" describes the basic settings for commissioning.

7.5.9 Diagnosis menu [8]

The diagnosis menu of the REA JET SC 2.0 provides comprehensive information on the current
state of the system.

Furthermore, the status of the digital inputs and outputs can be monitored in this menu. If
necessary, the outputs of the current I/O configuration can be set here.

System overview

A simplified, animated view of the hydraulic system is shown on this screen:

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No. Element Function

1 Switch to “Ink Pressing “F2” takes you to the display of diagnosis information for
system” display the ink system.
2 Switch to “Digital Pressing “F3” takes you to the display of the digital outputs.
I/O” display
3 Statistics Pressing “F4” takes you to an overview screen displaying statistical
information on the coding and marking system.


To guarantee fault-free operation of the REA JET SC 2.0, the printing system must constantly
monitor the phasing of the charging voltage of the drops. This is ALWAYS performed automatically
during operation (“Automatic Phasing” setting is activated). For test purposes this automatic
process can be temporarily disabled and a manual phase angle specified.

No. Element Function

1 Switch to “Ink Pressing “F2” takes you back to the “Operation” page.
system” menu item
2 Service Pressing “F3” opens the service screen.

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Overview of the ink system

This displays numerous operating parameters of the ink system for diagnostic purposes.

No. Element Function

1 Switch to “Phasing” Press “F2” to go to a page where the phasing can be set.
menu item
2 Service Pressing “F3” opens the service screen.

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The statistics menu displays information on the operating time of the device.

No. Element Function

1 Switch to “System Pressing “F1” opens the “System overview” screen.

overview” menu
2 Switch to “Ink Pressing “F2” takes you to the display of diagnosis information for
system” display the ink system.
3 Switch to “Digital Pressing “F3” takes you to the display of the digital outputs.
I/O” display

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This screen offers various functions for cleaning the nozzle, as well as for commissioning or
emptying the system.

3 1
5 2


No. Element Function

1 Switch to “Ink Pressing “F2” takes you back to the “Operation” page.
system” menu item
2 Switch to “Phasing” Press “F2” to go to a page where the phasing can be set.
menu item
3 Bleeds the system
(runs continuously until deactivated).
The ink jet is switched on and the BLEED and FEED valves are
switched on and off in various sequences.
This should be performed when:
- the ink jet does not hit the catch tube
- the printer has been refilled
- the nozzle is clogged
4 Raw Bleed Performs a raw bleed of the system
(duration: 22 minutes).
Consists of the following steps:
5 min. flushing with FEED and BLEED valves on
5 min. “Bleed” function
5 min. flushing with FEED and BLEED valves on
3 min. “Bleed” function
4 min. “Stability Test” function
This should be performed:
- after filling the system
- after replacing the filter
5 Clean nozzle (runs continuously until deactivated).
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The FEED valve is switched on and off cyclically in order to clear the
clogged nozzle.
This should be performed:
- when the nozzle is clogged
6 Purge (runs continuously until deactivated).
The suction pump runs and the BLEED valve is opened. The catch
tube should be closed during this procedure in order to increase the
vacuum. In addition, the nozzle must be sprayed with solvent in
order to remove dirt particles from inside the nozzle. The “Bleed”
function should then be started and the nozzle kept closed in order to
remove the dislodged dirt particles via the BLEED line.
This should be performed:
- when the nozzle is clogged
7 Stability Test (runs continuously until deactivated).
The ink jet is continuously activated and the BLEED valve is
switched briefly and repeatedly. By doing so, it is possible to check
whether there is still air or dirt in the ink chamber. The jet should only
drop off slightly in the direction of gravity when switching the valve
and not move uncontrollably. This would indicate that there is air or
dirt in the system. If this is the case, further bleeding is necessary.
8 Add ink Manually add ink to the mixing tank.
CAUTION! If used carelessly or too frequently, this can cause
excessive viscosity of the ink. In turn, this may compromise the print
9 Add Viskoflex Manually add Viskoflex to the mixing tank.
CAUTION! If used carelessly or too frequently, this can cause
insufficient viscosity of the ink. In turn, this may compromise the print
10 First Fill (Menu-guided function)
Starts the “First Fill” function for filling the ink system for the first time
or following an ink change.
11 Empty System (Menu-guided function)
Starts the “Empty System” function for emptying the ink from the
entire ink system.

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Digital inputs/outputs

No. Element Function

1 Switching between “F1” is used to switch between the overview pages for the digital
input and output inputs and outputs.
2 Setting the digital Press “F4” to jump to a page where the digital outputs can be set.

Set digital inputs/outputs

The outputs of the active I/O file are displayed in this menu item. The states of the individual
outputs can be directly set here.

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7.5.10 Support [9]

No. Element Function

1 International REA Here you can find the contact details of your local contact (REA JET
partners sales partners).
2 Archive log files In this menu item, you can manually trigger the creation of a log file.
This must be copied from the REA JET SC 2.0 in order to attach it to
an email. This can be done via File management [5], File [6] (see or via Ethernet connection using Windows Explorer.
This log file can facilitate fault analysis.

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3 Info The data for the individual hardware components of the respective
REA JET SC 2.0 is summarized in this menu item. This data is also
stored in the PLM (Product Lifecycle Administration) of REA JET.

7.5.11 Back [Esc]

This menu item is used to return to the basic screen.

This menu item is found at the end of every submenu, enabling you to navigate in the next higher
menu item. Alternatively, this function can also be triggered by pressing .

8 Commissioning
This chapter provides a step-by-step guide for commissioning the REA JET SC 2.0 coding and
marking system.

8.1 Important basic settings

This chapter describes the steps for editing the basic settings for the coding and marking system.
The various steps are sorted chronologically, and not according to the order in the menu. We tried
to sort the individual items according to the logical (usual) procedure and according to their
importance during commissioning. Our goal is to make commissioning easy and quick for users.
Nevertheless, all users should read the complete instruction manual. as this is the only way to
ensure safe and efficient handling of the REA JET SC 2.0 coding and marking system.

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8.1.1 Language settings [7]

The operating language of the REA JET SC 2.0 can be set in this menu. New/additional languages
can be added via a firmware update.

You can navigate through the list of languages using either the rotary knob or the cursor keys.
Press the rotary knob or the “OK” button to confirm the selection. Alternatively, the language can
also be selected directly. Simply enter the number that is shown in square brackets to the right of
each language on the REA JET SC 2.0 keypad.

The following figure shows the operating languages that are currently available. Grayed-out
language names are currently being prepared/translated and not yet available.

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Help texts and texts in menu 8 are
currently only available in German
and English.

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8.1.2 Device settings [4]

As already explained in the introduction to chapter 9, the section below only focuses on the aspects
that are important for initial commissioning. Display settings [4  2]

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In this menu, the display settings of the REA JET SC 2.0 can be adjusted.
1 2


No. Element Function Possible values

1 Menu number Menu reference number

2 Menu name Menu name
3 Backlight Time after which the display is dimmed when the 5 to 60 seconds
dimming [3] operating elements are not used.
This function cannot be deactivated. After using an
operating element (such as turning the ), the
brightness will be increased to the set value.
4 Backlight switch- Time after which the display is switched off if the 1 to 360 minutes
off [2] operating elements are not used.
The switched-off display has no influence on the
function of the control unit. Only the background
lighting of the display is switched off in order to save
This function cannot be deactivated. After using an
operating element (such as turning the ), the
brightness of the background lighting is increased to
the set value.
5 Brightness [1] Setting the display brightness. 10-100%

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 Date / time settings [4  3]

The date and time of the system clock are set in this menu. If DHCP was selected in the
“Interfaces”/”Ethernet” menu item, the time setting of an NTP server is applied automatically.

NTP is a standard for synchronizing clocks (system clocks of individual

devices) in a computer network. To use the NTP functionality, an NTP
server must be available in a computer network.

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If the NTP server is not activated, the system date and system time can be set in this menu. You
can choose between 12 or 24-hour display. Please note that this is the system time to which all
time and date objects are referenced.
1 2


No. Element Function Possible values

1 Menu number Menu reference number

2 Menu name Menu name
3 0-60
Second [7] Setting options for seconds
4 0-60
Minute [6] Setting options for minutes
5 0-24
Hour [5] Setting options for hours
6 Yes/no
12-hour display [4] The 12-hour display mode is activated if the box
is ticked. (AM/PM)
7 0-31
Day [3] Setting options for days
8 0-12
Month [2] Setting options for months
9 2010-2037
Year [1] Setting options for years

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The following figure shows the effect of switching from the 24h display to the 12h display.

The system-internal clock (the electronic components) is not suitable for

accurate time measurement. A deviation of up to one minute can be
expected per month. If an exact time setting is required for a given
application, the system clock must be checked and reset regularly. This
can also be performed using an NTP server.

The REA JET SC 2.0 automatically switches between daylight saving

time and standard time. This automatically takes into account the
different calculation rules based on the set region (time zone). Legal
changes are taken into account in the software by REA JET once they
become known (once they have come into force) and are available in the
subsequent firmware update.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 Region settings [4  4]

The desired region (time zone) can be set in this menu. If the time zone changes (when changing
the region), the system time is automatically adjusted. The setting selected also affects the
automatic switching between daylight saving time and standard time.

No. Element Function

1 Region The desired region can be selected here.

The time zone associated with the region is automatically selected.
2 Timezone If several time zones are available for a region, the desired time zone
can be defined here.
3 Keyboard language The keyboard language is selected here, i.e. the correct position for
the language is defined in the code list.
4 Keyboard layout A specific (hardware) keyboard can be selected for each keyboard

Changes made are confirmed by pressing . The user interface is restarted after applying
changes to the region setting. This process may take some time.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 Firmware Update [4  6]

A firmware update can be installed via this menu item. An xxx.hru file is required for the firmware
update. This file must be saved on a USB storage medium connected via the USB port on the side
of the REA JET SC 2.0 Files stored on the USB storage medium can be selected as in the 'File
administration' [5] menu (see Start the process by pressing and follow the menu

The USB storage medium must be formatted to the FAT16 or FAT32 file

Please note that the firmware must have a higher version number than
the preceding version, downgrading to lower versions is not possible.

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Make sure that the USB storage medium is not disconnected during the
installation of the firmware update. Do not remove the storage medium
until the REA JET SC 2.0 has rebooted (i.e. the boot process is

Make sure that the control unit supply voltage is not interrupted during
the update process! An interruption can lead to data losses (defect),
which can only be repaired in the factory. Factory settings [4  7]

The control unit can be reset to the as-delivered condition via this menu. Resetting to factory
settings may be helpful/necessary when installing the REA JET SC 2.0 on a new line.

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When resetting the device to factory settings, all parameters in the
‘Device settings” menu are reset to the as-delivered state. The interface
settings and all user data are also deleted in this process. This includes:
 Labels
 Jobs
 Installations
 Fonts added by users
 Bitmaps
 I/O configuration files
 LOG files
For this reason, we strongly recommend backing up the user files before
resetting the device to factory settings. User settings [4  8]

The settings included in this menu are used for the following purposes:

 Defining the operation of the device in all menus (e.g. operation of the rotary knob).
 Changing the print job concept of the REA JET SC 2.0

The following view shows the individual items in this menu. The following table contains detailed
descriptions of the individual items.
1 2


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No. Element Function

1 Menu number Menu reference number

2 Menu name Menu name
3 Leave dialog to If this item is activated and a new job or a new label is assigned, the
Baseview [5] view changes back to the basic screen instead of the current menu
item after assigning the job or label.
4 Show warning When this item is activated, the various warning messages are
messages [4] displayed, e.g. the message “Are you sure you want to delete the file
0001.set?” when deleting a file. If this item is not activated, the file is
deleted without user prompt. Warnings are intended to warn you of
potentially unintended operations.
5 Show info When this item is activated, the various information messages are
messages [3] displayed. These messages include warnings/prompts for general
Information messages serve as confirmation prompts for preceding
user inputs (decisions).
6 Save direct input [2] If this item is activated, a change in the content of a label element
(via the ‘Direct input’ [1] menu item, see 7.5.1) is stored in the label.
When this item is deactivated, the label is started with the default
values stored in the label when it is reassigned or the device
7 Invert vertical When activating the ‘Invert vertical navigation’ [4  8  1] function,
navigation [1] a clockwise turn of the rotary knob leads enables you to move
upwards in the menu. When this function is deactivated, however, a
clockwise turn of the knob results in the menu moving downwards.

Deactivating information messages results in smoother operation of the

REA JET SC 2.0. Users with little operating experience can usually do
without these information messages.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 System messages [4  9]

System messages are not yet available in the current software version.

9 Jobs and their components

9.1 Introduction to print jobs or “jobs”
The REA JET SC 2.0 system allows labels and installation settings to be combined and saved in
jobs. To better understand the concept, you need to know what data/information is necessary for a
coding and marking system. In principle, we distinguish between the actual print content and the
system parameters.

 Print content:
The term label is often used for the print content. This label contains the data to be applied
to a product/component. This data may include simple text, 1D and 2D codes, counters, a
manufacturing and/or expiration date, a shift code, and a graphic. The layout is also
considered print content.
 System parameters:
The term “installation settings” is often used for the system parameters. These installation
settings usually contain information on the installation of the coding and marking system.
This includes information on the position of the print head in relation to the moving product
(front, back, etc.), the direction from which the product approaches the print head, the
distance between the product sensor and the print head, the information on the speed of the
product, the print mode (continuous print, single print, etc.), the required printing delay and
the required resolution, etc.

In many standard coding and marking systems, the values for the installation setting can only be
stored once in the control unit. These values are then valid for all print jobs. The various labels are
stored as files in the memory of the control unit and are assigned/loaded depending on the product.
If, for example, different printing delays are required for products of different sizes, operators need
to manually adjust the installation settings each time the product is changed. This manual handling
can result in errors. Depending on the production orders, the error rate becomes even greater if a
coding and marking system is to be used on different production lines. The installation settings
must then be manually adjusted at each change. In other systems, parts of the installation settings
are stored in the label. If these systems are to be used to print the same labels (e.g. a label
containing the manufacturer’s specifications) on different lines, the labels need to be adjusted for
each line.

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With the REA JET SC 2.0, not only the labels are stored as files, but also the installation settings. In
addition to the required labels, it is therefore also possible to store different installation settings, e.g.
for different production lines. The number of files is limited only by the storage space available on
the REA JET SC 2.0 (4 GB). With typical file sizes of approx. 2-50 kB for a label and approx. 4 kB
for an installation setting, more than 1,000 files can be stored without a problem. The operating
concept of the REA JET SC 2.0 enables two different methods for assigning printing-related

For users who prefer working with the same installation settings every time, there is the option to
simply assign a new label when changing a label. If the installation settings must be adjusted when
setting up a system, users only have to reassign the changed installation settings again.

Users who are familiar with different installation settings and labels can save the combination of
installation settings and labels within one job. If, for example, a label (label layout) is to be printed
on several different lines, only one label is required. The jobs link the respective installation settings
of the different lines with the same label. For a better understanding of the REA JET SC 2.0
concept, the following figure illustrates the relationship between the individual files.

No. File Function

A Label file This file contains all information/data on the content and layout of the
label to be printed. The corresponding file names are stored for the
graphics to be printed. These graphics are loaded and rendered
when the print job is assigned.
A-1 Font file This file contains the fonts available on the device.
A-2 Bitmap file This file contains the bitmaps/graphics available on the device.
B Installation settings This file contains all information on the installation of the marking and
file coding system and the conditions of the system.
C Job file This file contains the name of the installation settings used and the
associated label(s).

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The REA JET SC 2.0 concept of jobs allows the system to be adapted to different requirements
much more flexibly than other coding and marking systems, which can only work with fixed default
installation settings. In simple applications, this concept is not always necessary. To make using
the REA JET SC 2.0 as simple as possible in such applications, the control unit supports an
operating mode with fixed installation settings. In this operating mode, the control unit operates with
a fixed default setting. Only the required labels have to be assigned to change the print content.
The control unit automatically creates the job (with the selected fixed installation settings).

Detailed information on jobs can be found in chapter REA JET SC 2.0.

9.1.1 Format of jobs and their components

The XML format is used for labels, installation settings, jobs and the I/O configuration of the REA
JET SC 2.0. The files are not only stored in this format, but are also processed by the print control
unit. The use of the internationally recognized, open XML standard offers the following advantages:

 Clear mapping of the object-oriented structure of a label or installation setting in the XML
structure of the file.
 Clear and easy-to-understand file structure.
 Independent of manufacturer-specific (proprietary) formats through the use of “tags*” and
 Easy modification and editing of the relevant files through a host system based on clear and
unique tag names.
 High investment security and future viability.

*) Tag = data identifier, designation; **) Value = associated value, associated setting.

The following figure shows the typical structure of an XML file. A part of a REA JET SC 2.0 label file
is used here as an example.

1 2

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No. File Function

1 Tag Font name:

Indicates that the next value contains the name of the font used.
2 Value Indicates the current value of the tag. In this case, the value is the name of the
font = “Verdana”.

9.1.2 Jobs [2]

This chapter describes the structure and function of jobs, as well as the correlation between jobs
and the relevant installation settings. The methods for creating and assigning jobs as well as the
corresponding menus of the REA JET SC 2.0 are described in chapter 7.5.3.

For an introduction and to ensure better understanding of the job concept, we recommend reading
chapter 7.5.3. Structure of a job

As described in the previous chapter, jobs are files in XML format. A job must include the
installation settings file and the corresponding label file. The “job” does not contain the files
(installation settings and label), but only their names. The following figure shows the contents of a
job file with one print head group.

1 2

No. File Function

1 Name of the job >mz_001.job<

This is the name of the job file.
2 Name of the „mz_001.set“
installation setting This is the name of the installation setting used in this print job.
3 Name of the print “Front”
head group This is the name of the print head group used in the installation
4 Name of the label „mz_001.xml“
This is the name of the label that is assigned to the “Front” print head
group. (Only one print head group is defined in the installation
settings used in this job.)
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V 1.4 6/19/2019 Function of a job

Jobs are used to provide the required information on the planned labeling task to the REA JET SC
2.0. When a job is assigned, the control unit first loads the installation settings corresponding to the
name stored in the job. The label corresponding to the name stored in the print job is then loaded
and analyzed (parsed). The relevant fonts and graphics are also loaded according to the
information contained in the label. Together with this information, the print content (i.e. the label to
be printed) is rendered/calculated. This file is now ready for printing.

For a better understanding of the relationships, the following two figures show the ‘Edit print job’
dialog box. The first view shows the status after selecting the installation settings. The second
figure shows the status with the selected label. The files used correspond to those of the job
displayed as an XML.

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The following figure illustrates the file relationships of a job.

9.1.3 The label

This chapter describes the contents and structure of the labels. Labels are created using the REA
JET LabelCreator software. The process for editing and assigning labels is described in chapter

The label contains the information to be printed with the REA JET SC 2.0, including both the layout
and the content.
The labels have an object-oriented structure, which means that an object is created for each
individual content element of the label (text, production date, company logo, etc.). This is done
when creating the label using the REA JET LabelCreator software. The number of objects in a label
is only limited by the available memory. This object-oriented design offers various advantages:

 Free positioning of the individual objects within the label

 Individual parameterization of each individual object
 Use of references between individual objects
 Good overview of the label structure
 Simple selection of different objects for editing
 Easy grouping and alignment of objects
 Use of freely adjustable layers for individual objects. For example, this makes it possible to
superimpose a text object over a graphic object (e.g. postmarks)
 Unlimited* number of function objects with different parameters each (e.g. date objects with
different offset and different display formats, such as days as a number, short name and/or
long name)

*) Only limited by the available storage space.

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The maximum height of a label is 48 pixels. The maximum length of a label for the REA JET SC 2.0
is dependent on the selected print height.

Print height Max. label length

7 pixels 16384 pixels
24 pixels 5461 pixels

The height of the print image on the product is determined by the set print height and the distance
of the print head from the product.

The REA JET SC 2.0 label is based on XML. It is saved and edited in this format. The scope of
supply of the REA JET SC 2.0 includes a CD with the REA JET LabelCreator software for creating
labels. This software is compatible with Windows XP, Windows 7 (32/64 bit) and Windows 8 (32/64
bit). The labels created with this software can be transferred to the REA JET SC 2.0 as follows:

 Using a USB mass storage device (e.g. a USB memory stick).

 Using Windows Explorer via an Ethernet connection between the PC and the REA JET SC
 Via the “Save to device” menu item in the REA JET LabelCreator software. This is only
possible if there is an Ethernet connection between the PC and the REA JET SC 2.0.

A label can be used in multiple print jobs. This is possible because the
job only contains the name of the label and the label is reloaded each
time the job is assigned. Fonts (TrueType fonts)

With REA JET SC 2.0, a different font can be used for each text object included in the label. This
also applies to the plain texts of 1D and 2D codes. The number of different fonts used
simultaneously in one label is only limited by the memory of the control device.

The REA JET LabelCreator comes with a set of free basic fonts. The ‘Font selection’ function of the
REA JET LabelCreator makes it possible to use the TrueType fonts available on the PC on which
the REA JET LabelCreator software is installed.

The TrueType fonts used in the creation of a label must be stored in the
“Fonts” folder of the REA JET SC 2.0 If a TrueType font used in a label is
not available, the control unit uses the FreeSans font to display the label
on the GUI and to print it.

For information on how to transfer TrueType font files, see7.5.6.2, and for information on how to
update new TrueType fonts, see REA JET SC 2.0.

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V 1.4 6/19/2019 Graphics

The REA JET SC 2.0 can print graphics such as company logos, drawings and similar objects. For
this purpose, the name of the corresponding graphic is stored in the label file when creating an
object using the REA JET LabelCreator. When assigning a label with graphics, the control device
loads the corresponding graphic file from the folder and renders it.

The graphics used in the REA JET SC 2.0 must be available in .png format (black and white, 1 bit

When using the corresponding label, the graphics must be stored in .png
format in the “Bitmaps” folder of the REA JET SC 2.0. If a graphic used in
a label is not available on the device, the corresponding object is
displayed on the control unit with an X in place of the graphic.

For information on how to transfer graphic files, see

9.1.4 Installation settings

The installation settings are used to transfer the installation parameters to the coding and marking

Installation settings (in the sense of REA JET SC 2.0) reflect the characteristics/special features of
the coding and marking system, such as on a conveyor belt or in a packaging machine. Settings
such as the print resolution, print mode, direction of movement of the product, settings for the used
shaft encoder etc. can be made here. With REA JET SC 2.0, any number of installation settings
can be created and saved (the number is only limited by the size of the available memory).

Further information on installation settings can be found in chapter 7.5.4

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10 Extended commissioning
10.1 Connection to a system control unit
The REA JET SC 2.0 coding and marking system is equipped with four freely configurable digital
outputs and six freely configurable digital inputs for controlled interaction with additional external
elements or the customer’s PLC. These are located on connection socket X14. Via a pin provided
for this purpose, the digital inputs and outputs can be operated with an external 24 V power supply.
Alternatively, they can also be supplied with internal voltage from the device.

A detailed description of the configuration can be found in chapter7.5.5.1 on page 85.

The wiring of the inputs and outputs is found in chapter 2.6.4 from page 26.

10.2 Operation in an IT network

10.2.1 Network connection
The settings for connecting the REA JET SC 2.0 to an IT network via the Ethernet port are
described in detail in from page 102.

The control unit supports the Zeroconfig function for a point-to-point connection.

10.2.2 VNC server

The control unit is equipped with a VNC server for support, remote maintenance or for training

See chapter 12.5 from page 165for more information.

10.2.3 FTP server

An FTP server is integrated in the firmware to enable convenient automatic data transmission from
a host system to the REA JET SC 2.0.
The following data is required for this purpose:

 User: anonymous
 Password: [email protected]

Any email address containing an “@” character can be used as a password. This address is not
stored for any purpose.

10.2.4 NTP functionality

Devices in an IT network can synchronize their system clocks via this network. For this purpose, an
NTP server must be available in the network and the IP address of this server must be known to
the individual devices.

If the REA JET SC 2.0 is set to obtain its network address via “DHCP”, the control unit also
requests the address of the NTP server when communicating with the DHCP server. If such an
NTP server is available, the REA JET SC 2.0 automatically synchronizes its system clock with the
NTP server.
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1.1.2 UPnP user interface

With this function, the REA JET SC 2.0 automatically logs in to the network environment of the PC
it is connected to via Ethernet cable.

The UPnP user interface must be activated on the corresponding PC to use this function.

To enable UPnP on Windows, open the Control Panel and navigate to “All Control Elements” and
“Network and Sharing Center”. Select “Change advanced sharing settings” in the left pane of the
window. Select Private or Workplace and make sure that the option highlighted in the screenshot
below is activated.

If the UPnP service is active on your computer, the connected device will appear in the File
Explorer under Network.

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View of the REA JET SC 2.0 control units available in the network, including their serial number


If the system administrator has deactivated or restricted the network on the PC, the static web page
can still be displayed as follows:

IP address followed by the port and the name of the REA JET SC 2.0 web page

In this case, it is irrelevant whether the control unit is connected to a network or to a PC via a point-
to-point connection.

When right-clicking one of the REA JET SC 2.0 entries below Network in Windows File Explorer, a
list menu with the following entries opens:

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When selecting the ‘Properties’ menu item, the following dialog box opens. This window contains all
important information on the REA JET device in the network.

The static REA JET SC 2.0 information web page is opened by double-clicking the REA JET SC
2.0 entry listed under Network in Windows File Explorer. It includes all relevant information on the
connected device and can be displayed in German and English (the language can be changed by
clicking the language name in the upper right-hand corner of the static web page).

For better overview, the static web page was split into three parts, shown in the figures below.

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10.2.5 Web server
The REA JET SC 2.0 is equipped with a web server. This server enables the operation and
parameterization of the coding and marking system via a graphic user interface. The web server
offers the following advantages:

 Easy parameterization (set-up) and operation of the coding and marking systems via a
PC, without installation of additional software and with all standard Internet browsers
 Password-protected access via standard web browsers (e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft
Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, etc.)
 Reduced training effort for operators thanks to the use of familiar programs (Internet
 Plant/factory set-up and management of the coding and marking systems via any
standard network

Connection to the web server can be established in two ways:

 By entering the IP address of the REA JET SC 2.0 in the address line of the web browser
 By double-clicking the link embedded in the static web page of the REA JET SC 2.0 This
link is marked with the no. 1 in the figure on page 153.

If you use Wi-Fi access points in your network and allow access of mobile devices with integrated
web browsers (such as Android phones or the Apple iPhone), this is a convenient alternative for
mobile monitoring of the installed devices. REA offers apps for the easy retrieval of devices using

Please refer to the web server documentation for details.

11 Operation of the REA Coding and Marking System

11.1 Backup
Data can be backed up in the following ways:

 Via the USB port (see )

You should back up your data at regular intervals. REA is not liable for
any loss of data or any consequential costs arising due to loss of
production or production of scrap parts.

The file structure and storage is explained in detail in 7.5.6

It is also possible to perform a complete backup. This backup is described in chapter

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12 Care and maintenance
12.1 General maintenance instructions
The REA JET SC 2.0 is a low-maintenance coding and marking system. Regular care and
maintenance is essential to ensure high availability of the coding and marking system.

In order to prevent faults, it is necessary to have specialist staff perform the required maintenance,
inspection and modification measures on a regular basis.

Changes to normal operation (higher power input, temperatures or vibrations, unusual sounds or
smells, response of the monitoring devices, etc.) indicate that the function is impaired.

In case of doubt, switch off the corresponding equipment immediately.

The operational reliability and service life essentially depend on proper maintenance. Malfunctions
caused by insufficient or improper maintenance can result in high repair costs and long downtimes.
Regular maintenance is therefore essential.

During operation, the system produces vibrations that can cause screw and clamp connections to
become loose. In order to prevent damage, check the coding and marking system for loose
connections at regular intervals (the recommended interval for one-shift operation is three months).

Beware of the risks caused by electric current when carrying out

maintenance and repair work!

The following shutdown procedure must always be followed prior to performing cleaning,
maintenance or repair work (only by specialist staff).

1. Switch off the power supply of the system:

 Switch the power switch on the REA JET SC 2.0 to “0”;

 Cover neighboring live parts.

Close the opened electric cabinets during cleaning so that no water,

vapor or dust can enter. Failure to observe this can endanger the lives
and limb of the staff (danger of death due to electrocution)!

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12.2 Filling the printer for the first time
Place the printer on a flat, horizontal surface and ensure that it is firmly seated.
Plug the power plug of the printer into an operational grounded socket. The printer housing is now
Follow the instructions on filling the printer under “First Fill” (menu 8 F2-F3) in the “Diagnosis”

Start the ink circuit in the following step. Please take the necessary
protective measures.

1. Select the First Fill menu

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2. Confirm the start of the fill routine with Continue

3. Ensure that the print head is positioned above a collecting vessel.

4. Remove the lid of the Viskoflex tank and fill the entire content of the fresh Viskoflex bottle into
the tank.

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5. Remove the lid of the ink tank and fill the entire content of the two fresh ink bottles into the tank.

6. The system starts the fill routine.

7. After filling, the system automatically switches to the bleed routine.

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8. The entire filling and bleeding routine takes around 20 minutes. The system is ready when the
following message is displayed:

12.3 Emptying the system

It is necessary to empty the consumables in the system when:

 the ink/Viskoflex in the system has passed its expiration date and the viscosity is no longer
 the ink/Viskoflex in the system is contaminated
 decommissioning the system

To empty the system, please follow the instructions below:

When emptying the system, the content of the mixing tank and the two
supply tanks escapes. Ensure that a collecting vessel with a sufficient
capacity is provided.

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1. Go to the diagnosis menu of the system (8-F2-F3) and select the Empty System menu item.
Confirm the start with Continue

2. Ensure that a catch container is positioned under the print head and confirm with Continue.
Position the drain line in an empty 2-liter ink bottle and open the seal of the drain line using
pliers. Confirm with Continue

3. The emptying routine begins. Wait until the next dialog box appears before proceeding. Fill the
ink tank with a bottle of Viskoflex (0.8 l) and follow the prompts that appear.

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4. Close the drain line and proceed with Continue. The flushing begins.

5. Keep an empty 2-liter bottle at hand for the used Viskoflex. Proceed with Continue.

6. The emptying routine begins. After closing the drain line, confirm with Continue.

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7. The flushing process starts. When prompted, open the drain line again and position the line in
an empty 2-liter bottle.

8. After emptying, the system ends the function.

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12.4 Regular checks
12.4.1 Daily
 Check the print head components (ink chamber, high-voltage electrode, charging electrode,
etc.) for dirt or defects.
 Check the fill levels of the reservoirs.

12.5 Remote maintenance via the implemented VNC server

The control unit is equipped with a VNC server for support, remote maintenance or for training
purposes. This allows the content of the screen to be transmitted from the control unit to a remote
computer, where the display is identical to that shown on the device. As keyboard entries are also
transmitted, it is therefore possible to provide a step-by-step demonstration of operation from a
remote location to an operator standing at the device.
To use this function, access to the network in which the device is installed is required. The following
data is required for this purpose:

 Port: 7777
 Password: 073205380

If you have any further questions, please contact your network administrator.

As a VNC client, you can use SSVNC for example. Further information can be found in the
corresponding readme file on the CD supplied with every control unit. When using this software,
please note that “Normal arrow” is set in the “Options -> Globals” menu.

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13 EU declaration of conformity

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