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Intersection of Capability
Approach and SDGs with
individual wellbeing at the
Submitted to
Dr. Savita Kulkarni Ma’am

Submitted by
Manisha Patekar MAECO2228
Priti Mishra MAECO2243
Aaditee Ranpise MAECO2201
Urvi Shirodkar MAECO2260

The Capability Approach stands as a cornerstone in the fields of development economics, ethics,
and social theory, reshaping the discourse on human well-being and social justice. Pioneered by
Noble laureate Amartya Sen in 1980s’ and further refined by philosopher Martha Nussbaum, this
approach offers a profound departure from traditional welfare economics by shifting the focus
from mere material wealth to individuals’ freedom and capabilities to lead lives they value.

At its essence, the Capability Approach challenges the narrow view of well-being typically
measured by income or consumption alone. Instead, it underscores the importance of people’s
agency and opportunities to choose and achieve valuable functionings’ – the various ways of
living that they have reason to value. These functionings’ encompass a broad spectrum,
including but not limited to education, health, political participation, social relationships, and
cultural expression.

Central to the Capability Approach is the recognition that individuals have diverse goals, values,
and aspirations, which cannot be adequately captured by standardized metrics. By emphasizing
the importance of expanding people’s capabilities – their real opportunities to achieve valuable
functionings – the approach provides a more comprehensive understanding of human welfare
and societal progress.
Moreover, the Capability Approach places a significant emphasis on justice and equality. It
highlights the importance of removing barriers and disparities that hinder individuals’
capabilities, whether they stem from poverty, discrimination, lack of access to resources, or other
structural injustices. In doing so, it offers a framework for addressing inequalities and promoting
social inclusion on a broader scale.
In essence, the Capability Approach offers a nuanced understanding of human flourishing that
goes beyond traditional economic measures. It challenges us to consider not just what people
have, but what they can do and be, thus providing a powerful lens for promoting Human
development and advancing social justice in a diverse and complex world. Through this lens, we
can gain valuable insights into the complexities of human flourishing and the quest for a more
just and equitable society.

The United Nation’s Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs’) are a universal call to achieve a
sustainable future and promote equality, human rights, and justice for all by 2030. The 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was endorsed by the UN member states in 2015,
offers a common framework for achieving peace and prosperity on Earth for all people, now and
into the future.

The Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDG’s) comprise 17 interconnected objectives that aim
to direct contemplation and response to the most critical issues and prospects confronting both
the natural world and humankind, encompassing inequalities (SDG 10), climate change (SDG
13), peace and justice (SDG 16), and global cooperation to meet global targets (SDG 17). With a
focus on addressing climate change and protecting our natural environment, these goals and their
targets recognize that eradicating poverty, and other forms of deprivation must coexist with
policies that enhance health and education, reduce social inequities, and close economic gaps.
The pledge to “Leave No One Behind” guarantees the signatory countries to commit to fast track
progress for those furthest behind first.

India recognises the 2030 Agenda as a fitting framework to build a sustainable future for the
nation.It has made a shift in paradigm to a ‘whole of society approach’ by engaging all key
stakeholders – subnational and local governments, civil society, private sector and community. It
is pertinent to mention, India, being a home to one-sixth of the world’s population holds the key
to success of the Agenda (NITI Aayog, 2020).
The SDGs’ establish a blueprint for global citizens to work together to build a better world, for it
is only to working collectively – across borders and disciplines and with community partners –
so that these goals might be achieved. Through research teaching and learning, community
engagement and global collaborations.
On the face of it the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) have only one goal dedicated to
health the SDG-3 “Promoting healthy lives and well-being at all ages for all”. The adoption of
SDGs by India teaches us that even the best laid out policies get filtered by the actions of global
institutions and national governments, what is implemented in its name could be far removed
from the original intentions as articulated in policy statements. Over time, policy declarations
and real implementation have been increasingly dissimilar in India’s public health (Sen 2012). In
India the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) declined from 130 deaths per 100,000 live births in
2014-2016 to 113 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2016-2018, while the nation aims to be 70
deaths per 100,000 by 2030. The under-five mortality rate also decreased from 43 per 1,000 live
births in 2012 to 34 per 1,000 live births in 2019, 11 per 1,000 live births by 2030. Full
immunization coverage among children aged 12-23 months increased from 62.0% in NFHS-4
(2015-16) to 68.7% in NFHS-5 (2019-20). The life expectancy at birth in India has increased
from 59.4 years in 1990 to 69.7 years in 2019, as per the World Bank.

The primary determinants of a society’s ability to improve the overall socioeconomic growth of a
nation are literacy and education. India has achieved significant progress towards the SDG-4
goal of Education for all, with several key programmes and policies initiated for free and
compulsory education to all. According to UDISE 2019-20 report, the Gross Enrolment Ratio
(GER) at (grades 1-5) is 100.1%, with dropout rates at the secondary level. Gender parity has
improved in India. The Gender Parity Index (GPI) for primary and secondary education stands at
1.01 and 1.00 indicating a near equality enrolment between girls and boys.

A world that is peaceful, affluent, and sustainable cannot exist without gender equality, which is
also an essential human right. SDG-5, the ILO reports on that women’s labour force participation
rate in India declined from 33.4% in 1990 to 20.6% in 2020, reflecting persistent gender
disparities in the workforce. The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), India ranks 148th out of 193
countries in terms of women’s representation in the national parliament, with women constituting
only about 14.4% of the total members of parliament. The NFHS-5 data reveals that the
prevalence of child marriage among women aged 20-24 has increased from 26.8% in NFHS-4 to
23.4% in NFHS-5, indicating progress in reducing this harmful practice.

In the last few decades, there has been a significant increase in global cooperation, advancements
in climate research, and the development of more workable mitigation and adaption strategies at
various scales. From development point of view it has been recognised as a risk multiplier that
disproportionately burdens the poorest and most vulnerable. SDG-13, India has set ambitious
targets for renewable energy capacity expansion. As of 2021, India ranks fourth globally in terms
of installed renewable energy capacity with renewables accounting for around 24% of total
installed capacity. The World Air Quality Report 2020 ranks several Indian cities, the most
polluted globally with high levels of PM2.5 pollution. Due to extreme weather events, water
scarcity, and rise in sea-levels posing substantial risks to livelihoods and ecosystems, particularly
in coastal region and agrarian communities.

Thus, both progress made, challenges remaining and ongoing efforts towards achieving the
respective SDG’s, underscoring the need for continued efforts, innovations, and targeted
interventions to ensure sustainable development for all.

I. Thematic analysis of interviews:

The thematic analysis allowed us to identify 4 SDGs- Good health and well-being,

quality education, gender equality, and climate action.

SDG 3- Good health and well-being

Interviewee 1:

She feels she is mentally and physically healthy because she exercises regularly. She is entitled
to social support from family, friends, and support groups for her emotional support. This
ensures her functioning of good mental health. However, she has faced difficulties in ensuring
physical health when she is ill. Difficulty in filling out forms and encountering long bureaucratic
processes is a conversion factor for her to achieve access to timely treatment to ensure the
functioning of good physical health. Further, she is saying that she has access to nutritious food
such as leafy vegetables, fruits, lentils, and proteinaceous food.

Interviewee 2

His doings of daily exercises, gym activities, and playing volleyball ensure functioning of being
physically healthy. Activities such as debate competitions keep minds engaged. and also parties,
together dance tighten the bond with each other at workplace. Thus, away from home, he feels
peace of mind and ensures good mental health. Provision of fruits and vegetables, as well as
non-veg food, looks after all bodily requirements. He says that they are provided with 3 meals
and they are entitled to have a healthy diet provided by the Mess at the workplace. He goes to
their own government hospital facility when he is down with a fever. This entitlement ensures
him timely treatment. Also, he emphasized the fact that he has access to medical insurance.

Interviewee 3

Her sedentary lifestyle is a personal conversion factor that may prevent her from achieving good
health. She believes that she is very healthy and active. She is Vegetarian and her diet consists of
a protein-rich diet even though she is not non-vegetarian.

Interviewee 4

She says that she feels healthy both physically and mentally. For that, she practices Yoga and
walking. She even mentioned playing basketball during school, and college days which kept her
active and fit. She prefers private hospitals due their facility and quick services and did not faced
any challenges in seeking medical care . This adds to her entitlement list.

Interviewee 5

She had some health issues a few months back. But she started taking care of herself by walking
every day in a nearby garden. Every day She sticks to only a home-cooked diet. Due to financial
constraints, she goes to a government hospital. This is unfreedom on part of her as she goes to a
government hospital even though there is often long lines and delays in the administrative

SDG 4 Quality Education

Interviewee 1 :

She has achieved BCE (Societal restrictions on a female pursuing Civil engineering education.
Societal conversion factors such as discouragement from family for attaining this education by
women have been faced by interviewees.

Interviewee 2:

Interviewee 2 achieved a master's degree in Business Administration . he says that while

securing this education he didn’t face any kind of financial challenges. This acts as an
entitlement to him. Even with this level of education, he faced difficulties while looking for job
opportunities. A lot of peer competition he feels acted as a societal conversion factor for getting
a good Job. He also feels that education never acted as a means to achieve the functioning of
getting a government Job which has higher stability to the career. Additionally, he emphasized
more on his being studied at a government school, which deprived him of a good quality
education. Because of a lack of good teachers or educational opportunities, he was deprived of
basic foundational education which again deprived him of a good Job while seeking it initially.
He feels that his only hard work landed him in the Job, he is currently working at.

Interviewee 4:

Interviewee 4 has completed her Bachelors of Arts in 1996. She could not pursue her higher
education probably because of marriage. This acted as a societal conversion factor for achieving
higher education. But still, she thinks that her priority is marriage. So, the personal conversion
factor dominated her decision in the end.

Interviewee 5:

Interviewee 5 has completed education till the 10th class only. She was deprived of education due
to her marriage and pregnancy. Thus both societal conversion factor and personal conversion
factor reinforced each other which deprived her of education

SDG 5 Gender equality

Interviewee 1

Interviewee 1 faced Societal conversion factors such as discouragement from family for
attaining this education by women when she was pursuing engineering, a male-dominated field
at the time.

Interviewee 2

On asking about women's participation, he says that Approximately 40 women are working right
now. Women are employed at officer level(higher grade) and some are soldiers (lower grade ).
This points to the fact that his working unit believes in gender equal proportion of the defense
force/labor force. separate quarters to stay, separate toilet facilities, creche facilities, maternity
leaves, and period leaves have been given to them.
Interviewee 4

She could not pursue her higher education probably because of marriage. This acted as a societal
conversion factor for achieving higher education. But still, she thinks that her priority is
marriage. So, the personal conversion factor dominated her decision in the end.

SDG 13 Climate Action

Interviewee 1

She feels, that her surrounding nature has been impacted by the cutting down of trees. This
environmental conversion factor hinders her/society’s access to clean air. As well as the
establishment of chemical industries pollutes air quality and this gives rise to various respiratory
diseases. Moreover, local climate pattern change, precipitation pattern change, heatwaves, floods,
droughts, famine’s impact on communities, ecosystems, agriculture, economies

Interviewee 2

He is working in the area closest to Shivalik Mountain Range, Kailash Mountain, and
Mansarovar Lake. His work area is around 1000 feet above sea level. Pristine nature with tall
mountains makes his access to clean air easy. He also talked about the low level of pollution
prevalent near this work place. He denied the establishment of polluting industries near his
workstation. However, he mentioned that for the construction of roads, there has been a cutting
down of trees. According to him, this cutting down of trees eases their daily travel which used to
be difficult in the mountainous terrain. this ensured his functioning of mobility. He stated that
being seismic prone area, environment and daily disrupts many times. Global warming also
impacted this area. That's Why, In 2013, there was the worst cloudburst so much so that half of
Uttarakhand was under flood. It was a huge disaster. Yet, he says man-made environmental
degradation is the least. But it is a Natural disaster-prone area. NMDC keeps sending warning
messages about any havoc. So, the government acts as a facilitator to prevent environmental
conversion factors such as this.

Interviewee 3

She mentioned deforestation in Koregaon Park, Pune, and Water pollution at the River near
Kalyani Nagar, Pune. This deteriorated the environment and came in the way of achieving good
health and well-being and access to clean drinking water as well as access to clean air. She
highlighted the climate change issue by saying that the climate has become more unpredictable,
with less rainfall and hotter temperatures, especially during summer. again another
environmental conversion factor.

Interviewee 5

She is upset about the cutting down of trees in the Koregaon Park area. This deprives her of the
beautiful nature surrounding her . and also deprives her of access to clean air.

II. Literature Review

This seminal work by Sen introduces the capabilities approach, emphasizing the importance of
freedom and agency in development. Sen argues that development should be viewed as
expanding people's capabilities to lead the lives they value. Nussbaum extended Sen's ideas into
a comprehensive framework focused on human capabilities and dignity. She presented a list of
ten central capabilities essential for human flourishing and explored how these capabilities
intersect with gender issues (Nussbaum, 2000). Olsaretti discusses the intersection of the
capabilities approach with moral and political philosophy, particularly focusing on issues of
freedom, responsibility, and the role of economics in promoting individual well-being. The
approach has been explored in multiple areas. It has been used to study the health and agency of
migrant workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, investigating how migration
affects the capabilities of individuals to lead healthy lives and make choices about their
well-being. (Irfan and Zaidi). It has been used to explore the intersection of the capabilities
approach with environmental justice and climate change adaptation and analyze how
vulnerabilities to environmental risks impact individuals' capabilities and well-being, particularly
in marginalized communities. (A.Dutt and B.Radcliffe). It has been used to examine how the
capabilities approach can provide a more nuanced understanding of women's agency,
opportunities, and well-being within agricultural households. (A.Kieran and R. Kilic). There has
also been research on measuring poverty and inequality using the capabilities approach,
discussing methodological advancements in assessing capabilities and incorporating them into
multidimensional poverty measures. (S.Alkire and M.Santos 2010)
The writings of Ranis found a powerful connection between economic growth and human
development in his paper Economic Growth and Human Development., 2000. He established
two chains explaining the relationship between Human Development and Economic growth.

II.I Mechanisms to achieve SDGs

SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being

Interviewee responses
Interviewee 1 says she has had good health overall. However, access to healthcare facilities has
been difficult as government hospitals are overcrowded and lack facilities, and on the other hand,
private hospitals are too expensive.
Interviewee 2 also mentioned the same about government hospitals. Due to financial constraints,
she has to visit the government hospital where she has to face long ques and multiple forms.
Interviewee 3 is in the defence forces and said that he had no complaints with the government
Interviewee 5 also agrees that she has not faced any particular challenges getting access to
healthcare facilities as she visits a private hospital.

Chain A- Economic growth can significantly aid in achieving the Sustainable Development Goal
(SDG) related to good health and well-being (SDG 3) by providing resources, infrastructure, and
opportunities that contribute to improved healthcare access, better health outcomes, and overall
● Increased Healthcare Spending: As economies grow, governments and
individuals often allocate more resources to healthcare. This can lead to increased
healthcare spending on medical facilities, equipment, healthcare personnel,
medicines, vaccines, and preventive services. Higher healthcare expenditures can
improve healthcare access and quality, leading to better health outcomes.
● Infrastructure Development: Economic growth enables investments in healthcare
infrastructure, including hospitals, clinics, laboratories, medical schools, and
healthcare centers. Improved infrastructure expands healthcare services, enhances
medical capacity, and strengthens healthcare systems, particularly in underserved
● Health Workforce Development: Growing economies attract and retain healthcare
professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and allied health workers.
Investments in education, training, and workforce development programs strengthen
the healthcare workforce, leading to better healthcare delivery, patient care, and
health outcomes.
● Healthcare Innovation: Economic growth fosters innovation in healthcare
technologies, treatments, and practices. This includes advancements in medical
research, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, telemedicine, digital health solutions, and
genomics. Innovations contribute to better diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of
diseases, improving overall health and well-being.
Chain B: Good health and well-being can significantly contribute to economic growth through
various mechanisms:
● Increased Productivity: Healthy individuals are more productive at work due to
higher energy levels, better concentration, and reduced absenteeism. When workers
are physically and mentally healthy, they can perform their jobs more effectively,
leading to increased output and economic growth.
● Longer Workforce Participation: Maintaining good health throughout the life
course allows individuals to participate in the workforce for longer periods. This is
particularly relevant as populations age, and healthy aging strategies can enable older
adults to remain active contributors to the economy, delaying retirement and
alleviating labor shortages.
● Lower Healthcare Costs: Promoting good health and well-being can reduce
healthcare costs for individuals, employers, and governments. Prevention and early
intervention strategies, healthy lifestyle choices, and access to healthcare services can
lead to lower healthcare expenditures, freeing up resources for other productive
● Reduced Poverty and Inequality: Improving access to healthcare, nutrition,
sanitation, and essential services can help lift people out of poverty and reduce
socioeconomic inequalities. Healthy populations are better able to participate in
education, employment, and entrepreneurship, leading to more inclusive economic
SDG 4 Quality Education
Interviewee responses
Interviewee 1 said that while graduating in engineering she faced discrimination due to societal
restrictions as she was in a male-dominated field.
Interviewee 2 said that although she didn't have financial issues in completing her education, she
had to discontinue her education for marriage and pregnancy.
Interviewee 3 said that he did not face any hardships as such, but mentioned the difficulty in
getting an MBA due to fee hikes.
Interviewee 5 that although she didn't have financial issues in completing her education, she did
noht pursue further due to marriage.

Chain A- Economic growth can play a crucial role in achieving quality education by providing
the necessary resources, infrastructure, and incentives.
● Increased Public Spending: Economic growth often leads to higher government
revenues through taxation and other sources. Governments can allocate a larger share
of these revenues to education, allowing for increased spending on infrastructure,
teacher training, curriculum development, and educational materials. This can help
improve the quality of education by providing schools with better resources and
● Technology Integration: Economic growth enables investments in educational
technology, such as interactive learning tools, digital resources, and online platforms.
Integrating technology into education can enhance teaching effectiveness, student
engagement, access to educational materials, and opportunities for personalized
● Research and Innovation in Education: Economic growth supports investments in
educational research, innovation, and evidence-based practices. Research initiatives
can identify effective teaching methods, assess learning outcomes, develop education
policies, and drive continuous improvement in educational systems.
● Curriculum Enhancement: Economic growth provides opportunities to enhance
educational curricula by incorporating updated content, relevant skills training, and
experiential learning components. A dynamic curriculum that aligns with industry
needs and societal challenges ensures that students receive a well-rounded and
relevant education.
Chain B- Quality education is a catalyst for economic growth as it enhances human capital,
fosters innovation and creativity, improves productivity, and promotes inclusive development.
● Human Capital Development: Quality education equips individuals with the knowledge,
skills, and competencies necessary to participate effectively in the workforce. Well-educated and
skilled workers are more productive, adaptable to changing job markets, and capable of
contributing to economic activities across various sectors.
● Adaptation to Technological Advancements: In today's digital age, quality education is
essential for individuals to adapt to technological advancements and digital transformation.
Education prepares individuals to leverage technology, utilize digital tools, access online
resources, and participate in the knowledge-based economy, contributing to economic growth.
● Workforce Productivity and Efficiency: Educated and trained workers tend to be more
productive and efficient in their roles. Quality education enhances job-specific skills, technical
knowledge, communication abilities, teamwork, and leadership qualities, leading to higher levels
of productivity across industries and sectors.
● Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Quality education nurtures critical thinking,
problem-solving abilities, creativity, and innovation among individuals. Educated populations are
more likely to engage in entrepreneurship, develop new technologies, create value-added
products and services, and drive economic diversification and competitiveness.

SDG 5 Gender Equality

Interviewee responses
Interviewee 1 said that while graduating in engineering she faced discrimination due to societal
restrictions as she was in a male-dominated field.
Interviewee 2 said that although she didn't have financial issues in completing her education, she
had to discontinue her education for marriage and pregnancy.
Interviewee 5 that although she didn't have financial issues in completing her education, she did
not pursue further due to marriage.
Chain A: Economic growth can be a powerful tool for achieving gender equality by creating
opportunities for women's empowerment, improving access to resources and services, and
challenging traditional gender roles.
● Education and Skill Development: Economic growth often translates into increased
investments in education and skill development. This benefits women by improving their access
to quality education, vocational training, and lifelong learning opportunities. Education
empowers women to pursue higher-paying jobs, enhance their productivity, and challenge gender
● Increased Employment Opportunities: Economic growth often leads to the creation of more
jobs across various sectors. This can benefit women by providing them with greater opportunities
for formal employment, entrepreneurship, and participation in the labor market. Policies that
promote job creation and reduce barriers to women's employment can contribute significantly to
gender equality.
● Income Generation and Economic Empowerment: Economic growth can result in rising
incomes and improved economic opportunities for women. Higher household incomes can
enhance women's financial independence, decision-making power, and access to resources such
as education, healthcare, and property ownership. Access to financial services and microcredit
can also empower women to start and expand businesses.
● Entrepreneurship and Leadership Opportunities: Economic growth can foster an
entrepreneurial ecosystem that supports women-owned businesses, startups, and leadership roles.
Access to business development support, mentorship, networking opportunities, and market
linkages can enable women to thrive as entrepreneurs and leaders in various industries.
Chain B: Gender equality can significantly contribute to economic growth and development in
various ways
● Increased Workforce Participation: Gender equality encourages more women to participate
in the workforce, leading to a larger and more diverse talent pool. This can address labor
shortages, fill skills gaps, and enhance productivity, ultimately contributing to economic growth.
● Enhanced Labor Market Efficiency: Gender equality promotes meritocracy and reduces
barriers to entry and advancement in the labor market. When individuals are hired, promoted,
and rewarded based on merit rather than gender, organizations benefit from a more efficient
allocation of talent and resources.
● Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Gender equality fosters an environment where women can
fully participate in entrepreneurship, innovation, and business leadership. Supporting women
entrepreneurs and leaders can drive innovation, create new businesses, and stimulate economic
dynamism and competitiveness.
●Reduced Poverty and Inequality: Gender equality initiatives, such as improving women's
access to education, healthcare, financial services, and employment opportunities, can help lift
families and communities out of poverty. Reduced poverty and inequality contribute to social
stability, human development, and sustainable economic growth.

SDG 13 Climate Action

Interviewee responses
Interviewee 1 observed changes in local climate patterns and an extreme weather events.
Interviewee 2 observed that summers have been getting hotter and there are also floodings.
Interviewee 4 insists that action must be taken against climate change.
Chain A: Economic growth and climate action are often viewed as interconnected, and there are
several ways in which economic growth can lead to climate action:
● Policy and Regulation: Economic growth can create a conducive environment for
implementing and enforcing climate policies and regulations. As economies become wealthier,
there is often greater political will and capacity to enact ambitious climate targets, carbon pricing
mechanisms, emission reduction policies, and environmental standards.
● Investment in Clean Energy: As economies grow, there is often increased investment in clean
energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power. This shift away from
fossil fuels reduces carbon emissions and supports the transition to a low-carbon economy.
● Research and Development: Economic growth enables increased investment in research and
development (R&D) for climate solutions. This includes funding for climate science, climate
modeling, climate adaptation strategies, and innovative technologies for climate mitigation.
● Technological Innovation: Economic growth fosters technological advancements, including
innovations in renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean transportation, and sustainable
agriculture. These technologies contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating
climate change impacts.
Chain B: Gender equality can significantly contribute to economic growth and development in
various ways:
● Innovation and Technological Advancement: Climate action encourages innovation and the
development of new technologies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving
resource efficiency, and mitigating climate impacts. Investments in clean energy, circular
economy solutions, carbon capture and storage, and sustainable agriculture drive technological
advancement and competitiveness, leading to economic growth.
● Green Jobs Creation: Transitioning to a low-carbon economy requires investments in
renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable transportation, and green infrastructure. These
investments create new job opportunities in sectors such as renewable energy production, green
construction, environmental restoration, and clean technology development.
●Cost Savings and Efficiency Improvements: Implementing climate mitigation and adaptation
measures often results in cost savings and efficiency improvements for businesses and industries.
Energy-efficient technologies, waste reduction strategies, and sustainable practices can lower
production costs, increase productivity, and enhance competitiveness in global markets
● Financial and Investment Opportunities: Climate action attracts investment and financing
from public and private sources, including green bonds, climate funds, impact investments, and
sustainable finance mechanisms. Funding climate projects and initiatives, such as renewable
energy projects, green infrastructure development, and climate adaptation measures, mobilizes
capital for economic development and job creation.

Section III:: Data and Discussion

Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right for every individual, and it plays a crucial
role in ensuring health and well-being, as outlined in Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3).
In Maharashtra, India, there have been significant shifts in healthcare utilization patterns over the
years, particularly concerning inpatient services. Traditionally, private hospitals were preferred
for ambulatory care, while government hospitals were sought after for inpatient care. However,
recent trends indicate a decline in the reliance on government hospitals for inpatient services.

According to data from rural areas of Maharashtra, the proportion of people resorting to
government hospitals for inpatient care decreased from 43.6% in 1986/87 to 25.7% in 2017/18.
Similarly, in urban areas, the utilization of public hospitals for inpatient services dropped from
46.2% to 17.9% during the same period. The reasons behind this shift are multifaceted, with
factors such as perceived poor quality of care, lack of nearby facilities, and long waiting times
cited as significant deterrents to accessing government healthcare services.
However, there is a glimmer of hope in the realm of maternal healthcare. In rural Maharashtra,
there has been a steady increase in the percentage of pregnant women choosing government
hospitals for delivery. Between 2004 and 2018, the proportion of deliveries at government
hospitals rose from 18.5% to 54.8%, marking a significant improvement in maternal health
service utilization.

Despite these strides, challenges persist in achieving gender equality (SDG 4) in Maharashtra.
The state, despite its establishment of a dedicated Women & Child Development department,
lags behind in gender equality, with an SDG Index score of only 36 out of 100. Instances of
domestic violence remain alarmingly high, as evidenced by the grievances received by the
National Commission for Women (NCW). Between March and April 2020, the NCW recorded
310 cases of domestic violence and 885 complaints of other forms of violence against women in
Maharashtra alone.

Moreover, the Women and Child Development Department's helpline received over 26,000 calls
between April and September, with a significant portion reporting incidents of domestic
violence. Shockingly, experts estimate that only a fraction of domestic violence cases are
reported, highlighting the pervasive nature of this issue.

In the realm of education (SDG 5), Maharashtra shines as a beacon of excellence. The state
boasts well-established educational institutions that not only cater to the local population but also
attract students from across the country. These institutions play a vital role in uplifting
educational standards nationally. According to the NITI Aayog SDG report 2019, Maharashtra is
among the front runners in quality education, scoring 65 out of 100.

However, disparities persist across districts in Maharashtra, particularly concerning educational

performance. While some districts exhibit very high to high performance, others lag behind in
below-average and low performance categories. Efforts must be made to bridge these gaps and
ensure equitable access to quality education for all residents of the state.

In the fight against climate change (SDG 13), Maharashtra has taken significant steps to mitigate
environmental degradation. The state actively monitors air quality through the Maharashtra
Pollution Control Board (MPCB) and has implemented measures to reduce air pollution,
including promoting alternative fuels such as LPG/CNG and electricity for vehicles.
Additionally, efforts to treat sewage demonstrate the state's commitment to environmental
sustainability. In 2021-22, over 51% of sewage generated in Maharashtra was treated,
contributing to the preservation of water quality and ecosystem health.

Despite these efforts, challenges remain in achieving comprehensive climate action. The
transition to cleaner energy sources and sustainable practices must be accelerated to mitigate the
adverse effects of climate change and ensure a healthier environment for current and future

In conclusion, while Maharashtra has made commendable progress in various aspects of

sustainable development, including healthcare access, education, gender equality, and climate
action, significant challenges persist. Addressing these challenges requires concerted efforts from
government agencies, civil society organizations, and communities to ensure a more equitable
and sustainable future for all residents of the state.

Selected Socio -economic Indicators of Maharashtra

female headed households in lakhs 31.36

female work participation rate 31.06

Annual per capita consumption of electricity (kwh)

Total 1,010.20
domestic 245.6
industrial 427
agriculture 289.9

Gender parity Index

elementary level (std I-VIII) 1.02
Secondary Level (Std. IX-X) 0.98
Higher Secondary Level (std XI-XII) 0.98
Higher Education Level (18-23 yrs) 0.92
Drop out rates
Primary level (Boys) 0.04
Upper primary level (Boys) 1.47
Secondary Level (Std. IX-X) (Boys) 10.81
Primary level (Girls) 0
Upper primary level ((Girls) 1.6
Secondary Level (Std. IX-X) (Girls) 10.61

Pupil - Teacher ratio

Primary level 25
Upper primary level 26
Secondary Level (Std. IX-X) 20
Higher secondary level (std XI-XII) 38
Average no. of teachers per school 6.8
mean age at effective marriage (females) 23.7
percentage of children fully immunised (0-5 yrs) 58.6

Life expectancy at birth (males) 71.6

Life expectancy at birth (females) 74.3

Section IV: Present Policies and Discussion

About Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals are a set of 17 goals with 169 targets to be achieved by the year
2030. These goals are diversely framed and acknowledge the need to eradicate poverty, enhance
healthcare and education, diminish inequality, stimulate economic progress, confront the
challenges of climate change, and safeguard our precious oceans and forests.
Philosophy behind the Sustainable Development Goals
All United Nations Member States unanimously agreed upon the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development in 2015. The philosophy behind this collective roadmap was to ensure the
well-being of both humanity and our planet. These goals are framed for present and future
generations in the spirit of the Brundtland Commission.

Sustainable Development Goal 4 in relation to India
Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focuses on education and ensures
inclusive and equitable quality education for all. In the Indian context, Goal 4 aims to “Ensure
inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

Progress Made by India to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 4

To achieve this goal, India has been working on various initiatives and strategies to enhance
access to education, improve the quality of education, reduce disparities in education, and
promote lifelong learning opportunities.

This includes efforts to increase enrolment rates, improve the quality of teaching and learning,
enhance infrastructure in schools, and address issues related to gender and social inclusion in

Features of Sustainable Development Goal 4

Sustainable Development Goal 4 focuses on the following parameters:

Target 4.1 and 4.2: Free, equitable, accessible and quality primary and secondary education with
childcare development.
Target 4.3: Affordable and quality technical, vocational, and tertiary education, including
Target 4.4: Increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills.
Target 4.5: Eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure access to all levels for the
vulnerable population.
Target 4.6: Ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults achieve literacy and
Target 4.7: Ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote
sustainable development.
Initiatives Taken by the Government of India to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4
The Government of India has taken several initiatives to achieve Sustainable Development Goal
4 (SDG 4), which focuses on ensuring inclusive, accessible, and equitable quality education. It is
also aimed at promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Some of the key initiatives and programs aimed at achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 in
India include:

Target 4.1 and 4.2: Free, equitable, accessible, and quality primary and secondary education with
childcare development.
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA): SSA focuses on providing free and compulsory education to
all children aged 6 to 14 years.
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA): RMSA aims to enhance the enrollment rate
in secondary schools and improve the quality of education by providing resources, infrastructure,
and teacher training.
Mid-Day Meal Scheme: This scheme aims to improve school attendance and nutrition among
students by providing free midday meals in government schools.
Target 4.3 and Target 4.4: Affordable and quality technical, vocational, and tertiary education,
including university. Increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills.
National Skill Development Mission (NSDM): NSDM aims to provide skill development and
vocational training opportunities to equip the youth with relevant skills for employment. It
includes schemes like Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) and Skill India Mission.
Community Colleges: The concept of community colleges has been introduced to offer
vocational and skill-based courses at an affordable cost. These colleges collaborate with local
industries to provide practical training.
Polytechnic and ITIs: Polytechnic colleges and Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) offer
technical and vocational courses at the post-secondary level. These institutions focus on skill
development and prepare students for a wide range of technical careers.
Target 4.5: Eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure access to all levels for the
vulnerable population (People with disabilities etc.)
Gender Sensitization: Gender sensitization programs in schools and communities have been
taken to raise awareness about the importance of gender equality in education.
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (BBBP): While primarily focused on gender equality and female
empowerment, BBBP also promotes girls’ education as a means to empower women and ensure
their participation in society.
Target 4.6 and 4.7: Ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults achieve literacy
and numeracy. Ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote
sustainable development.
National Education Policy (NEP) 2020: The NEP 2020 is a comprehensive reform in the
education sector that aims to transform the Indian education system. It emphasizes holistic
development, flexible curriculum, technology integration, and increased funding for education.
Digital India Initiative: The Digital India campaign seeks to enhance digital literacy and access
to information and communication technology (ICT) in schools and rural areas. This initiative
aims to improve the quality of education through technology.
Progress of India in Sustainable Development Goal 4
Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in Higher Secondary Education (2021-22): 58 percent.
Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) for tertiary education: 27 percent.
Free and Compulsory elementary education up to class 8.
Challenges in Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4
Lack of basic Infrastructure: The absence of basic amenities such as classrooms, furniture,
sanitation facilities, and clean drinking water remains a formidable impediment to education in
numerous parts of the nation.
Education Quality and Relevance: The quality of education, as prescribed by the curriculum,
sometimes fails to align with the demands of the job market.
Rote learning pedagogy: The traditional teaching methods and focus on rote learning often fall
short in fostering critical thinking, creativity, and innovation among students.
Gender Disparities: Girls frequently confront discrimination and violence within and around
educational establishments.
Digital Divide: The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the digital divide in India, rendering
millions of students unable to participate in remote learning due to limited access to digital
educational resources.
Way Forward
The priority for education must be to enhance social mobility, creativity, and critical thinking and
prepare students for required employment skills. Some suggestions that can be taken in this
regard include:
● Mapping of Day-to-day operations with SDGs.
● Strengthen Research-teaching-training nexus.
● Make higher education more employable.
Gender Equality’ is the 5th goal among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted
by the United Nations. The Constitution of India also recognizes the principle of gender equality
in its Preamble, Fundamental Rights, and under the Directive Principles of State Policy. One of
the most significant provisions in the Indian Constitution is Article 15(3) which empowers the
State to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favour of women. It is also notable that the
National Commission for Women was set up in the year 1992 for dealing with complaints of
women’s rights violation, to advise on the aspect of socio-economic development of women and
to protect the legal rights of women, etc.
In India, several legislations have been passed both at Central and state levels that
address the issue of gender disparity and aim to secure equal rights for women in various spheres
of social and personal life. These legislations are also called ‘women-oriented’ or
‘women-centric/specific’ legislations. Some examples of such legislations are the Protection
of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005; the Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act,
1987; the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal) Act, 2013; the Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1956; the Indecent
Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986, etc.

At the international level, India has ratified and endorsed various conventions,
instruments, initiatives, and strategies that aim to secure equal rights for women, the most
significant among them being the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
Against Women (CEDAW) which was ratified by India in 1993.

In addition to the above-mentioned legislations and measures, the Indian government has
undertaken numerous policy initiatives, such as ‘National Policy for Women Empowerment’ and
schemes such as ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’, to secure a better, safe and equal place for women in
society and to take care of their all-round interests including their socio-economic development.
This article will focus on analysing these policies and schemes in light of their role in fulfilling
the goal of gender equality in India.

Also, towards the end of the article, we will also discuss the various measures taken by the
government for securing equal rights to persons belonging to the transgender community.

Gender Equality: Goal 5 in SDGs

new legal draft
Mission statement: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Gender equality is a fundamental human right and a necessary foundation for a peaceful,
prosperous and sustainable world. It is a proven fact that empowering women and girls
fosters economic growth and development.
Goal targets
· Ending all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere.
· Elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls in the public and private
spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation.
· Eliminating all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage, and
female genital mutilation.
· Recognising and valuing unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of
public services, infrastructure, and social protection policies, and the promotion of
shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate.
· Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership
at all levels of decision-making in political, economic, and public life.
· Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as
agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference
on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome
documents of their review conferences.
· Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as
access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial
services, inheritance, and natural resources, in accordance with national laws.
Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications
technology, to promote the empowerment of women.
Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender
equality and the empowerment of women and girls at all levels.
Goal 5 and India
India has been working hard to secure equal opportunities and status for women at all levels and
in all spheres including in matters of pay, primary education, labour force, and other fields. As of
June 2019, the proportion of seats held by women in Lok Sabha was merely 11% but 46% in the
Panchayati Raj Institutions. In 2016, about 1/3rd of the total crimes reported against women was
physical cruelty by husband or his relatives. While India is on the path of achieving gender
equality, there is still a lot of scope for improvement especially given the effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic which has exacerbated existing inequalities.
Major initiatives, schemes, and measures taken by the government for achieving gender
equality in India
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP)
The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme focuses on ensuring the protection, survival, and
education of the girl child. This Scheme was introduced by the government for addressing the
issue of declining Child Sex Ratio (CSR). The overall goal of the scheme is to Celebrate the
‘Girl Child & Enable her Education’. The objectives of the Scheme are as follows:
Preventing gender-biased sex selective elimination
To ensure survival & protection of the girl child
To ensure education of the girl child
Mahila Shakti Kendra
Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme (MSK) aims at empowering rural women by providing
opportunities for skill development and employment. The Scheme was approved for a period of
three years i.e. 2017-18 to 2019-20. It is a sub-scheme under the umbrella scheme of the Mission
for Protection and Empowerment of Women.
Working Women Hostel (WWH)
The Scheme for Working Women Hostel (WWH) aims at ensuring the security and safety of
working women. The scheme seeks to provide safe accommodation for working women
including daycare facilities for their children, wherever possible. The beneficiaries of the scheme
include the following categories of working women and their children.
Working women who are single, widowed, divorced, separated, or married but do not live
in the same city/area as their husband or immediate family. Women from the disadvantaged
sections of society may be given special preference. There should also be a provision for the
reservation of seats for physically challenged beneficiaries.
Women undergoing job training if the total training period does not exceed one year. This
is only if there is a vacancy available after accommodating working women. The number of
women undergoing job training should not exceed 30% of the total capacity.
Girls up to the age of 18 years and boys up to the age of 5 years, accompanying working
mothers, will be housed with their mothers. Working mothers may also avail of Day Care Centre
services as provided under the scheme.
Providing information regarding the available public services such as Primary Health
Centres(PHCs), post offices, etc.
Mahila Police Volunteers (MPV)
This Scheme envisages the nomination of Mahila Police Volunteers in all States and Union
territories who will act as a link between police and community and will facilitate the women in
distress. An MPV shall serve as a public-policy interface in order to fight crime against women.
MPVs shall be responsible for reporting crimes against women such as domestic violence, child
marriage, harassment in relation to dowry, etc.

Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK)

Established in March 1993, Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) is an autonomous body, a national
level organization under the aegis of the Ministry of Women and Child Development with the
objective of socio-economic empowerment of women. Currently, RMK acts as a facilitating
agency wherein it provides loans to NGOs, Intermediary Micro-Financing Organization (IMO),
and voluntary organizations which on-lend to Self-Help Groups (SHGS) of women.
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM)
The DAY-NULM under the aegis of the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, the Government
of India aims to provide shelters equipped with essential services to the urban homeless in a
phased manner. The objective of the Mission is to reduce poverty and vulnerability of the urban
poor households by providing them with opportunities for gainful self-employment. The Mission
covers the urban poor and the families of disadvantaged groups including women. It encourages
the formation of women’s SHGs, provides for the skilling of street vendors, and facilitates access
of the vulnerable groups to institutional credit and social security, etc.
Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana
The Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMYY) was introduced by the Ministry of Petroleum and
Natural Gas in May 2016 with an objective to ensure the availability of clean cooking fuel such
as LPG in the rural and deprived households which were otherwise using traditional cooking
fuels such as firewood, cow-dung cakes, and coal, etc. The scheme aims to empower women and
protect their health by providing free-of-cost LPG cylinders.
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna (SSY)
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) aims at the economic empowerment of women. Launched as a
part of the ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ campaign, this Scheme is a small deposit scheme for a girl
child in order to secure her future. The parents who have a girl child below the age of 10 years
can invest in the scheme through any designated public and private banks and post-offices. The
plan matures when the daughter attains the age of 21 years. The minimum deposit amount is Rs.
250 and the maximum amount is Rs. 1.5 lakh in a financial year. An interest rate of 7.6% p.a. is
offered under the scheme.
Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)
The objective of the Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) is to
provide financial assistance to self-employment ventures to create job opportunities for
unemployed youth and traditional artisans. The key benefits of the programme are as follows:

Bank-financed subsidy scheme for setting up microenterprises in the non-farm sector.

Margin money subsidy on bank loans of 15% to 35% for manufacturing projects of up to INR 25
lakhs, and INR 10 lakhs for service projects.
For special category beneficiaries such as SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/NER/Women/PH/Minorities,
the money subsidy margin is 25% in urban areas and 35% in rural areas. The limit for the
maximum project cost is INR 10 lakhs in the service sector and INR 25 lakhs in the
manufacturing sector.
Stand-Up India
The Stand-Up India Scheme for financing SC/ST and/or Women Entrepreneurs aims to promote
female entrepreneurship by facilitating bank loans ranging from 10 lakh and 1 crore to at least
one scheduled caste or scheduled tribe borrower and at least one women borrower per bank
branch for setting up a greenfield enterprise in the manufacturing, services, agri-allied or trading
Mahila e-Haat
Mahila e-Haat is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Women and Child Development and
Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK). Launched on 7th March 2016, Mahila e-Haat is a direct online
marketing platform that leverages technology to support women entrepreneurs/SHGs/NGOs and
showcase the products/services that they make/manufacture/undertake. This exclusive portal is
the first in the country to offer a specialised, female-focused marketing platform. Being a
bilingual portal, it aims at the financial inclusion and economic empowerment of women.

Initiatives taken by the government for transgender persons.

Recently, India has enacted a law for the protection of rights of transgender persons that came
into force on 10th January 2022. The Act, namely the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights)
Act, 2019 recognizes the identity of transgender persons and prohibits discrimination or unfair
treatment against them in relation to education, employment, healthcare services, holding public
or private offices, etc.
Section 22 of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 empowers the
appropriate government to make rules for carrying out the provisions of the said Act. In exercise
of this power, the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Rules, 2020 were framed and
notified on 25th September 2020 by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
In addition to the aforesaid legislative measures, the Government of India has undertaken some
policy and other measures for upliftment and protection of the rights of transgender persons,
which are discussed as below:
Support for Marginalised Individuals for Livelihood and Enterprise (SMILE)
The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has come up with a national level umbrella
scheme called SMILE i.e., Support for Marginalized Individuals for Livelihood and Enterprise.
This Scheme includes two Sub-Schemes, namely:
Comprehensive Rehabilitation for Welfare of Transgender Persons.
Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Persons engaged in the act of Begging.
SMILE covers several comprehensive measures for the welfare of transgender persons which are
provided as follows:
National Portal for Transgender Persons
The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has launched the “National Portal for
Transgender Persons” in consonance with the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Rules,
2020. The official website of the portal is:
The Portal provides the following facilities:
Certificates and Identity Cards: The Portal provides the facility for transgender persons to apply
for certificate and identity cards from across the country without physical interface through a
seamless end-to-end mechanism. The Transgender certificate and identity card is nationally
recognised and provided by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment. The aforesaid
certificate is a mandatory document to avail the welfare measures being provided under the
SMILE Scheme.
Helpline: The portal provides technical and administrative support to the applicant. It also assists
in sending timely reminders to district authorities for expediting the process of issuing
certificates and identity cards to applicants to alleviate unnecessary delays by making the process
transparent to the beneficiaries.
The Portal also encourages online skill training and employment opportunities for transgender
persons and provides recognition/incentives to those applicants who have done courses from the
SWAYAM portal.
SMILE Garima Greh -Shelter Homes
Garima Greh aims to provide shelter to destitute and abandoned transgender persons with basic
amenities such as shelter, food, medical care, and recreational facilities. In addition to that, it also
provides support for the skill development of transgender persons. Garima Greh seeks to
empower the transgender community by ensuring that they have access to a safe and secure
Medical Support and Health Benefits
This scheme aims to provide health insurance coverage to all transgender persons living in India
to improve their health condition through proper treatment including sex reassignment surgery as
well as medical support. The scheme would cover all transgender persons not receiving such
benefits from others centre/state-sponsored schemes.
India is susceptible to wide scale climate change-related risks due to its various climate zones,
topography, and ecosystems. The Global Climate Risk Index 2021i calls India the 7th most
affected nation due to climate change. As per the State of India’s Environment in Figures 2022ii
India reported 280 heatwave days (the highest in 12 years) between the period 11th March – 18th
May 2022.
Climate change exposes vulnerable communities to dangers like disasters, diseases, loss of
livelihoods, crop failures, poverty and displacement, threatening loss of biodiversity and food
International pressure for urgent climate action heightened when the first legally binding
international treaty, the Kyoto Protocol containing the GHG reduction targets, came into effect in
2005. Thereafter, increased emphasis was laid upon domestic policy for climate change both at
the national and state government levels along with private and civil society groups.
Brief history of India’s current climate change policy
Climate change policies in India have primarily focused on supporting synergies between
development and outcomes for the climate. India was one of the few countries that passed the
Energy Conservation Act in 2001 which underwent an amendment in August 2022. Some
changes include consumers meeting their energy needs from non-fossil sources, application of
the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) to office and residential buildings for loads
equal to or more than 100 KW, and specification of energy consumption standards for ships and
India has developed its policy response through missions and programmes to reduce its climate
vulnerability. On 30th June 2008, the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)v was
released. It is a national strategy of 8 sub-missions to help adapt and magnify ecological
sustainability in India’s development path. These are National Solar Mission (NSM), National
Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE), National Mission on Sustainable Habitat
(NMSH), National Water Mission (NWM), National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan
Ecosystem (NMSHE), National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change
(NMSKCC), National Mission for a Green India (GIM), and National Mission for Sustainable
Agriculture (NMSA).
On 3 August 2022, the Union Cabinet under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister passed the
updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for consideration by the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) under the Paris Agreement, to reach
India’s goal of net zero emissions by 2070. This was a translation of the Panchamrit (five nectar
elements) – India’s action plan against climate change, announced at COP 26 in Glasgow, United
● India is the world’s third largest emitter of greenhouse gasses (GHGs), after China and
the US.
● Major sources of emissions & Climate Change In India – Coal power plants, rice
paddies, cattle.
● Per-capita emissions remain below global average.
● Displacement and extinction of animal populations due to habitat loss adds more species
to the ‘threatened’ and ‘extinct’ list.
● Spread of diseases like malaria, etc. puts stress on the health sector.
● The country has pledged a 33-35% reduction in the “emissions intensity” of its economy
by 2030, compared to 2005 levels.
● Increase tree cover to create an additional cumulative carbon sink of 2,500-3,000Mt CO2
by 2030.
● India also aims to install 5GW of offshore wind by 2022 and 30 GW by 2030. None has
yet been installed.
● The country could integrate 390GW of low-cost wind and solar generation into its grid
by 2030, according to the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI).
● India’s climate pledge notes that around 70% of its population depends on traditional
biomass energy, which is inefficient and causes high levels of indoor air pollution.
● India is targeting 10GW of such bioenergy by 2022.
● India has around 4.5GW of small hydro plants (below 25MW), against a 5GW target for
Actions taken to reduce negative consequences of Climate Change In India.
E.g. Switching to drought-resistant crops, creating coastal buffer zones, early warning systems,
Actions taken to lower Greenhouse Gas (GHG) concentrations.
Eliminate emissions at source to control Climate Change In India.
E.g. Wind farms, afforestation, energy-efficient vehicles, sequestering GHGs etc.


(NAPCC) Launched in 2008. Outlines existing and future policies and programs addressing
climate change. Plan identifies 8 core national missions. 9th mission recently added.
National Solar Mission:
To promote development & use of solar energy for power generation & other uses.
Inaugurated in 2010 with a target of 20 GW by 2022. Later increased to 100 GW in 2015.
MNRE has proposed to achieve 60 GW from large and medium scale solar projects, and 40 GW
through rooftop solar projects.
Committed to Nationally Determined Contributions (Paris Accord), India made a pledge that by
2030, 40% of installed power generation capacity shall be based on clean sources.
It was determined that 175 GW of renewable energy capacity will be installed by 2022.
This includes 100 GW from solar, 60 GW from wind, 10 GW from bio-power and 5 GW from
small hydro power.India is at 5th global position for overall installed renewable energy capacity.
National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE): A initiative to control
Climate Change In India
NAPCC recognizes energy efficiency as an important lever to address the issue of climate
change. The National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) is aimed to promote
the market for energy efficiency by fostering innovative policies and effective market
instruments to control Climate Change In India. The Energy Conservation Act led to the creation
of a statutory body, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) with dedicated powers and
responsibilities to promote energy efficiency and conservation in different sectors of the
economy. The Ministry of Power, Government of India through Bureau of Energy Efficiency
(BEE), looks over the progress of the NMEEE mission.
Mandating energy consumption decreases in large energy-consuming industries with trade of
energy-saving certificates.
National Mission on Sustainable Habitat: Step taken to Mitigate Side Effect of Climate
Change in India
To promote energy efficiency as a core component of urban planning. Extending existing Energy
Conservation Building Code
Waste management, recycling, including power production from waste. Incentives to use public
Use of automotive fuel economy standards & pricing measures.
· The Mission is being implemented through the following programmes of Ministry of
Urban Development:
· Atal Mission on Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)
· Swachh Bharat Mission
· Smart Cities Mission
· Urban Transport Programme
National Water Mission
To ensure integrated water resource management helping to conserve water, minimize wastage
and ensure more equitable distribution both across and within states.
Ensure that a considerable share of the water needs of urban areas are met through recycling.
Ensure that the water requirements of coastal cities are met through modern desalination
Increase storage both above and below ground, rainwater harvesting.
National Mission for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystems
To conserve biodiversity, forest cover & study traditional societies where global warming has
resulted in receding of glaciers. Building human & institutional capacities.
Network knowledge systems & develop coherent databases.
Detect & decouple natural & anthropogenic global environment changes.
National Mission for a Green India
Aims at protecting; The mission has a cumulative target of increasing forest cover on 5 million
hectares of land while improving the forest cover on additional 5 hectares.
The scheme also has an important goal of fulfilling India’s Nationally Determined Contribution
(NDC) target of sequestering 2.5 Billion tonnes of “Carbon emissions” by 2020-30, which it
submitted to UNFCCC
Goals include afforestation of 10 million hectares of land, expanding forest cover from 23% to
Increase forest-based livelihood income of about 3 million households.
Enhanced annual CO2 sequestration by 50 to 60 million tons in the year 2020.
Eco-restoration of shifting cultivation areas, cold deserts, mangroves, ravines and abandoned
mining areas.
Increase wage labor opportunities during the lean agriculture season, especially communities
living in remote forest areas.
A submission on Cold Desert Ecosystems under this mission is ‘National Sea buckthorn
Initiative’ launched by MoEF & DRDO to fix atmospheric nitrogen.
Sea buckthorn, popularly known as Leh berries, called the “Wonder plant” and “Ladakh gold”
has medicinal properties & prevents desertification.
National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture
Aim: to develop climate-resilient crops, expansion of weather insurance & agricultural practices
especially in rain-fed areas.
60% of the country’s net sown area is rainfed and accounts for 40% of the total food production.
Promote ‘laboratory to land’ research through model village & farm units.
Link panchayat-level Automatic Weather Station Networks to existing insurance mechanisms.
Key dimensions by NMSA: Improved crop seeds, livestock and fish cultures + Water Use
Efficiency + Pest Management + Improved Farm Practices + Nutrient Management +
Agricultural insurance + Credit support + Markets + Access to Information + Livelihood
diversification + Soil Health Management (SHM) – Soil Health Card Scheme.
National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change


In partnership with MoEFCC, funded by Global Environment Facility, the project aims to enable
India undertake activities to prepare its Third National Communication to the UNFCCC
according to the guidelines provided by the Conference of Parties (COP).
Practice of creating structures & using processes that are environmentally responsible &
resource-efficient throughout a building’s life-cycle from design to construction, operation,
maintenance, renovation, deconstruction.
Designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human & environmental
In India, the transformative changes in health policy display the government’s dedication to its
citizens’ health and welfare and demonstrate its understanding of the political economy. In the
past seven years, substantial progress has been made by timely recognition and
acknowledgement of the issues. An analytic and problem-solving approach is used to identify
feasible policy solutions and policies, which, once developed, are complemented by an enabling
environment to ensure sustainability. Thereafter, a political opportunity is identified to introduce
the policy, providing a platform with defined trajectories for political attention. Achievements of
recent interventions such as the Free Drugs and Diagnostics Service Initiative (FDDSI), Swachh
Bharat Mission (SBM), Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP), the four
pillars of Ayushman Bharat- i.e., Ayushman Bharat- Health and Wellness Centre (AB-HWC),
Ayushman Bharat- Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY), Ayushman Bharat- Digital Mission
(ABDM) and Pradhan Mantri Ayushman Bharat- Health Infrastructure Mission (PM-ABHIM)
and tied grants under the Fifteenth Finance Commission (FC-XV) depict India’s progress
towards achieving the National Health Policy (NHP) 2017 targets, Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
This narrative review critically analyses the progressive efforts made by the Government of
India (GoI) in the backdrop of addressing political and economic challenges for providing
efficient, equitable, accessible, affordable and quality healthcare (Figure 1). The statements made
in the preceding paragraph have been discussed through an analysis of the implications of
economic forces on strengthening health systems, reforms in healthcare, infrastructure, service
delivery, policy prescriptions and interventions, provision of financial risk protection, and
economic implications.

Figure 1
Figure 1.Major Healthcare Initiatives in India: 2005-2021.

Implications of economic forces on health systems strengthening

The Alma Ata declaration of 1978 endorsed social justice and rights for masses who received
selective health care services from vertical disease-oriented programs instead of an integrated
and horizontal health system. India, being a signatory to the declaration, affirmed its
announcement as integral to the nation’s holistic development. Even though the declaration
favoured Comprehensive Primary Health Care, the emphasis was more on selective
cost-effective and highly impactful interventions because of feasibility.
Policy prescriptions & interventions
The GoI has stimulated fundamental policy level changes and interventions to ensure health
equity. The National Health Policy (NHP) 2017 is a prescription to address the existing and
emerging socio-economic and epidemiological challenges as a crucial step towards UHC.
Aligned with the goals of NHP 2017, the GoI established Ayushman Bharat (AB) with two
important components marking a transitional shift in prioritizing policies and programs for
achieving UHC. The AB- Health and Wellness Centers (AB-HWCs) function as a platform to
deliver Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) with linkages to referral hospitals.
Although AB-HWC reflects the government’s efforts to convert policy articulations to budgetary
commitment to bring services closer to communities, some challenges remain there is a need to
strengthen intersectoral convergence for effective coverage and penetration of health services
within relevant non-health departments. Another component of AB, the Pradhan Mantri Jan
Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) provides financial protection to the bottom 40% of the population. The
scheme has been implemented across States and Union Territories, including the most
underserved regions. Nevertheless, the linkages between the services under primary healthcare
and the financial provisions under PMJAY need to be bolstered.
The National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM 2015) now includes an additional 376 drugs
along with coronary stents in ceiling prices. The Medical Device Rules 2017 provides risk-based
classification, licensing and regulation of medical equipment, while the amendment in 2020
ensures quality assurance and encompasses commonly used medical items. Due to important
amendments, essential devices like cardiac stents are now approximately 85% lower than the
market rates in 2017. Notwithstanding, the increase in domestic manufacturing and reducing
costs need to be supplemented by effective implementation of the Production Linked Incentives
(PLI) schemes.
The amendment of the Maternity Benefits Act in 2016 to extend the maternity leave period
from 12 to 26 weeks serves as a good example of inclusivity. Another example is the Mental
Healthcare Act 2017, which champions a rights-based statutory framework to receive optimum
care and to live with dignity and respect. However, to materialize the vision, a more
citizen-centric approach is needed to ensure mental health care services at the primary and
community level with established bi-directional referral and follow-up linkages at higher levels
of care.
India also eliminated maternal and neonatal tetanus in May 2015 before the set target of
December 2015. Regarding communicable diseases, it passed the HIV & AIDS (prevention &
control) Act 2017 to end the HIV/AIDs epidemic by 2030 in accordance with the target SDGs.
Additionally, it has implemented a National Strategic Plan to eliminate Tuberculosis (TB) by
2025. Yet, the nation must undertake strategic efforts to overcome the lag induced by the
pandemic to achieve the target.
Improving infrastructure
Several breakthroughs in infrastructural reforms have been created under the NHM. The rollout
of AB-HWC involves upgrading existing healthcare infrastructure at the primary level. Recently,
the Fifteenth Finance Commission (FC-XV) recommended grants for specific health sector
components to the tune of Rs. 70,051 crores to strengthen the existing infrastructural system at
the grass-root level. To ensure effective planning and utilization of funds, local bodies in both
rural and urban areas must be actively involved throughout the implementation process.

Additionally, the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) was launched to develop and
support the integrated digital health infrastructure of the country, which intends to bridge the
existing gap among stakeholders.

The GOI recently launched the biggest pan-India infrastructure scheme known as Pradhan
Mantri Ayushman Bharat- Health Infrastructure Mission (PM-ABHIM) to strengthen the
country’s health infrastructure, disease surveillance, and health research. However, the success of
the initiative relies on both the centrally sponsored (CSS) and central sector (CS) components to
work together synergistically.

Addressing gaps in service delivery

In addition to strengthening primary and secondary healthcare services, gaps in service delivery
have been continually addressed. Mission Indradhanush gave impetus to improved immunization
coverage by launching newer vaccines in routine immunization. The Universal Immunization
Programme 1985 (UIP 1985) converted immunization into a people’s social movement. Since
2014, many additional vaccines have been delivered through routine immunization services to
mitigate the burden of communicable diseases in the country.Yet, sustained efforts are required to
redress differential uptake of immunization coverage, especially among States showing a decline,
as reported in national-level surveys and state-level facility reports.

With the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the nation’s economic activities came to a
prolonged standstill. To mitigate the externalities of the pandemic and restore normalcy to both
life and the economy, an expedited vaccine rollout was identified as India’s strategy. The
leadership had to navigate through supply-side constraints on vaccine manufacturing and
demand-side constraints imposed by vaccine hesitancy, digital gaps, vaccine wastage, and
vaccine equity in rural and urban India. Nevertheless, the initiation of the drive leveraging
existing and additional capacities posited the nation and its economy to be better equipped to
manage the impending waves.

Other noteworthy mentions that follow the 12th Five Year Plan refer to the Pradhan Mantri
National Dialysis Program, the Pradhan Mantri Bharatiya Janaushadi Kendras, the AMRIT
pharmacies and the Regional Organ & Tissue Transplant Organization (ROTTO) networks.
Initiatives focused on health benefits and addressing social determinants of health.
The Swachh Bharat Mission, Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY), and the Jan Aushadhi
Scheme attend to the overarching aim of NHM even though they are not under the purview of
the Ministry of Health. An ongoing evaluation of PMUY in selected states of India demonstrated
an evident influence of LPG connection with the general health of the primary cooking person
and other family members in the preliminary analysis. Future studies need to be conducted on the
environmental benefits of PMUY in the community.

The POSHAN Abhiyaan was launched to tackle malnutrition through multi-modal interventions.
Still, convergent planning as envisioned remains a multi-sectoral governance challenge, which
needs collaborative and distributive leadership to bring all actors out of their ‘silos’.
The Digital India campaign and e-Health initiatives are envisaged to redress inaccessibility
issues. The Swachh Bharat Mission launched in 2014 doubled the country’s rural sanitation
coverage from 38% to over 83% in four years since its inception.
Economic implications of health system strengthening/reforms
The National Health Accounts Estimates for India 2017-18 (NHA 2017-18) demonstrate
significant changes in India’s economic profile.45 It indicates an increase in the share of
government health expenditure (GHE) in the total GDP of the country from 1.15% (2013-14) to
1.35% in (2017-18). The GoI now aspires to increase health spending to 3% by 2022.
Moreover, the share of GHE (40.8%) in total health expenditure (THE) has also increased
from 28.6% over time. GHE as a share of Total Government Expenditure has increased from
3.78% (2013-14) to 5.12% (2017-18), denoting the increasing importance of health in the
country. The share of primary healthcare in the current GHE has also increased from 51.1%
(2013-14) to 54.7% (2017-18).45 The share of social security expenditure on health has also
increased from 6% (2013-14) to around 9 % (2017-18) as a percent of Currently, out-of-pocket
expenditure (OOPE) as a share of THE is 48.8%, and Current Health Expenditure is 55.1%. In
2013-14, the share of OOPE in THE was 64.2%, and Current Health Expenditure was 69.07%.

Although the NHA estimates indicate a sturdy move towards comprehensive health care,
there is a need to further reduce OOPE, making for nearly 48.8% of the total health expenditure.
As the current trend indicates an increase in health opportunities, strengthened human resources
policies and availability at all levels will further improve health outcomes. The nature of the
increase in the Government’s Health Sector should continue to emphasize primary healthcare to
achieve UHC.
Following the pandemic India, a developing nation with limited resources, has created a
number of policies to expand its healthcare system. The government has not only changed
existing policies to better suit the times, but it has also boldly introduced new ones. The article’s
goal is to discuss some policies with their goals and objectives that occasionally make the news.

National Health Mission: The Mission was launched through a cabinet decision vide the
cabinet decision on the 1st of May 2013. Under the mission the National Rural Health Mission
(NRHM) is sub mission for the rural areas of the country.
The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and the National Urban Health Mission
(NUHM) are two sub-missions of the National Health Mission (NHM). Reproductive, Maternal,
Neonatal, Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A), and Communicable and
Non-Communicable Diseases are the three main programmatic components. According to the
NHM, everyone will be able to access fair, affordable, and high-quality healthcare services that
are accountable and sensitive to the needs of their patients. The Cabinet approved the
continuation of the National Health Mission at its meeting on March 21, 2018, with effect from
April 1, 2017, to March 31, 2020. The aim of NHM is to reflect equity, quality, efficiency, and
responsiveness. Among other goals some of them are prevention of Anaemia, Kala azar,
Leprosy, Malaria in India.
The Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) is a significant initiative that focuses on
early detection and early intervention for kids from birth to 18 years old to address the four
“D’s”: defects at birth, deficiencies, diseases, and developmental delays, including disability.
Early diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, including deficiencies, have an added benefit in
preventing the development of more severe and incapacitating forms of these conditions.
The Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram: Adolescent participation and leadership, equity
and inclusion, gender equity, and strategic partnerships with other sectors and stakeholders are
the program’s guiding principles. The programme enables all teenagers in India to reach their full
potential by helping them access the services and support they need to make wise decisions
about their health and wellbeing.
The Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) was introduced with the intention
of addressing regional disparities in the accessibility of affordable/reliable tertiary healthcare
services as well as enhancing the country’s resources for high-quality medical education by
establishing various institutions like AIIMS and upgrading government medical college
Due to the extreme income disparities, the government has started a number of programmes to
assist the nation’s economically disadvantaged class. As 3.2 crore people in India spend their
own money on healthcare each year, they are considered to be living below the national poverty
line. Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi, the government’s most significant programme, offers financial aid
to patients who are below the poverty line and have life-threatening illnesses so they can receive
treatment at any government-run super specialty hospital or institution.
The National Tobacco Control Programme was established with the goal of increasing public
awareness of the detrimental effects of tobacco use, of tobacco control laws, and of how to
effectively implement these laws.
The goal of the Integrated Child Development Service is to improve the nutrition and health
status of children between the ages of 0 and 6 years, lay the groundwork for the child’s proper
psychological, physical, and social development, and effectively coordinate and implement
policy among the various departments. It also aims to increase the mother’s capacity to take care
of her child’s regular health and nutrition needs by providing her with appropriate nutrition and
health education.
The government of India’s revised national TB control programme is a state-run
tuberculosis prevention programme with the goal of making India TB-free. Through the
government health system, the programme offers various high-quality, no-cost tuberculosis
diagnosis and treatment services across the nation.
National Health Policy 2017 – The 2017 National Health Policy’s main goal is to better
inform, clarify, prioritise, and strengthen the government’s role in forming health systems in all
of their aspects, including investments in healthcare, the organization of healthcare services, the
prevention of diseases and promotion of good health through cross-sectoral actions, access to
technologies, human resource development, encouraging medical pluralism, knowledge base
building, and better financial protection strategies.
The National Health Policy of India (2017) aims to raise public health spending to 2.5% of
GDP by 2025.13 The Policy places a focus on increased investment in primary and preventative
healthcare, access to secondary and tertiary care, financial protection, and the provision of free
medications, diagnostics, and emergency care services at all public hospitals. The Policy also
contemplates collaboration with the private sector, including the use of financial and
non-financial incentives to promote participation.
Ayushman Bharat- In order to realise the goal of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), the
Government of India’s flagship programme, Ayushman Bharat, was introduced as advised by the
National Health Policy 2017. This programme was created to fulfil the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and their core principle, “leave no one behind.”
Ayushman Bharat represents an effort to transition from a sectoral and segmented approach to
the delivery of health services to a comprehensive need-based approach. This programme aims to
implement ground-breaking interventions to holistically address the healthcare system at the
primary, secondary, and tertiary levels (covering prevention, promotion, and ambulatory care).
The Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY): Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY is the
largest health assurance programme in the world. It aims to give over 12 crore poor and
vulnerable families—roughly 55 crore beneficiaries—who make up the bottom 40% of the
Indian population a health cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary
care hospitalisation.

National AYUSH Mission (NAM) The National AYUSH Mission (NAM), which will be
carried out by States and UTs, was launched during the 12th Plan by the Department of AYUSH
in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India. The main goal of NAM is to support
AYUSH medical systems by strengthening educational systems, enforcing quality control of
Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani, and Homoeopathic (ASU &H) medications, and ensuring the
long-term availability of ASU & H raw materials. It anticipates flexible programme
implementation, which will result in significant participation from the UT and State
Governments. The NAM envisions the creation of both a National Mission and equivalent
Missions at the State level. The Department’s outreach in terms of planning, supervising, and
monitoring the schemes is likely to significantly improve with NAM.

We have entered an age of polycrisis. Conflict, climate change, the lingering effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic and other global challenges are threatening to derail hard-earned progress
towards the SDG’s. Leave no one behind. The fundamental tenant of the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development is that all nations must pledge to cooperate in order to protect people’s
rights and well-being on a healthy, thriving planet. By 2030, though, that guarantee is in
jeopardy. The hopes and rights of present and future generations are vanishing, and with them,
the Sustainable Developmental Goals. To improve the world, a fundamental change in
dedication, solidarity, financing and action is required. And it is needed now.
The analysis underscores the complexity and interconnectedness of good health and well-being,
quality education, gender equality and climate change while highlighting the importance of
holistic, inclusive and context - sensitive approaches. Empowerment and meaningful
participation of marginalized communities, women and youth are essential for the success of
interventions. Policy coherence and integration across sectors are necessary to tackle the
complex challenges posed. Context specific approaches that consider local realities and
priorities, including indigenous knowledge and community-led initiatives, are critical for
sustainable development. Additionally, education emerges as a powerful catalyst for progress.
Finally, concerns about climate justice and equity underscore the need for policies and actions
that prioritize the need of vulnerable populations and ensure fair distribution of resources and
benefits. Thus, the overall analysis emphasizes the importance of holistic people-centred
approaches to achieving the ambitious goals set out by SDG’s.


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Irfan, M., & Zaidi, S. (n.d.). Health capability and agency in migrant workers: a case study from
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