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Comparative European Party Systems

An Analysis Of Parliamentary Elections

Since 1945 Second Edition. Edition
Alan Siaroff
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Comparative European Party Systems, Second Edition, provides a comprehensive

analysis across 48 party systems of party competition, electoral systems and their
effects, and the classification of party systems and governments from 1945 through
The book consists of three parts. Part I provides a comparative and quantitative
overview of party systems according to party families, patterns of party competition,
electoral systems and their effects, and classification of party systems and governments.
Part II consists of 38 detailed country profiles of longstanding democracies and of
the European Union (plus nine profiles on regions such as in Spain and the UK),
providing essential detail on the electoral systems, parties, party patterns and systems,
dimensions of political competition, and governments. Part III provides an analysis
of 10 additional country profiles of oscillating regimes such as Russia, Ukraine, and
Balkan and Transcaucasus states.
Comparative European Party Systems provides an excellent overview of topical
issues in comparative election and party system research and presents a wealth of
information and quantitative data. It is a crucial reference for scholars and students
of European and comparative politics, elections, electoral systems, and parties and
party systems.

Alan Siaroff is Professor of Political Science at the University of Lethbridge,

An Analysis of Parliamentary
Elections Since 1945

Second Edition

Alan Siaroff
Second edition published 2019
by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN
and by Routledge
52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
© 2019 Alan Siaroff
The right of Alan Siaroff to be identified as author of this work has been
asserted by him in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or
utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now
known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in
any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing
from the publishers.
Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or
registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation
without intent to infringe.
First edition published by Routledge 2000
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Siaroff, Alan, author.
Title: Comparative European party systems : an analysis of parliamentary
elections since 1945 / Alan Siaroff.
Description: Second edition. | New York : Routledge, 2019. | Includes
bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018035916 | ISBN 9781138888050 (hardback) |
ISBN 9781138888098 (paperback) | ISBN 9781315713694 (master
ebook) | ISBN 9781317498773 (web pdf) | ISBN 9781317498766
(ePub) | ISBN 9781317498759 (mobipocket/kindle)
Subjects: LCSH: Political parties—Europe. | Europe—Politics and
Classification: LCC JN50 .S57 2019 | DDC 324.2094—dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018035916
ISBN: 978-1-138-88805-0 (hbk)
ISBN: 978-1-138-88809-8 (pbk)
ISBN: 978-1-315-71369-4 (ebk)
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by Apex CoVantage, LLC
In memory of my parents, whose lives covered
almost all of the years under analysis here.

List of illustrations xi
Non-party abbreviations and acronyms xvi

Comparative analysis 1

1 Introduction and context 3

2 Data on elections 29

3 Classifying party patterns and party systems 74

4 Electoral systems and their effects 87

5 Governments and party types 103

Individual case analyses of longstanding
democratic polities 169


viii Contents





Cyprus (Greek) 204

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 209

The Czech Republic 214


Faroe Islands 229









Republic of Ireland 302


Contents ix






The Netherlands 360





San Marino 401





The Basque Country 439




x Contents

United Kingdom 477

Northern Ireland 485



The European Union 502

Individual case analyses of oscillating regimes 513











21.1 Germany: 2014 placement of parties on socio-economic
left-right and LEC-TAN dimensions 275
33.1 Netherlands: 2014 placement of parties on socio-economic
left-right and LEC-TAN dimensions 364
35.1 Poland: 2014 placement of parties on socio-economic left-right
and LEC-TAN dimensions 383
37.1 Romania: 2006 placement of parties on socio-economic
left-right and LEC-TAN dimensions 396
40.1 Slovakia: 2014 placement of parties on socio-economic left-right
and LEC-TAN dimensions 418
42.1 Spain: 2014 placement of parties on socio-economic left-right
and LEC-TAN dimensions 437
45.1 Sweden: 2014 placement of parties on socio-economic left-right
and LEC-TAN dimensions 456
52.1 European Parliament party groups on two dimensions 508
61.1 Russian party system after the 1995 election on two dimensions 555

1.1 Membership of the Council of Europe and the European Union 4
1.2 Parliamentary elections in Europe 6
1.3 Current major and minor parties in recent national elections by
party family 16
1.4 Party system institutionalization 25
xii Illustrations

1.5 Genuinely new major parties or parties immediately into

government since 1994 26
2.1A Data on elections 38
3.1 Party system and party pattern classifications 78
4.1 National electoral systems (by election) 88
4.2 Electoral system type, disproportionality, and modal majority
party type 95
4.3 Electoral system bias effects 98
4.1A Current electoral system data (late-2018) 100
5.1 National institutional features and data on government formation
and survival 107
5.2 Governments by party types 111
5.1A Governments in power through October 2018 120
Elections in Andorra since 1993 172
Andorran governments since 1994 173
Elections in Austria since 1945 177
Austrian governments since 1945 179
Selected elections in Belgium since 1946 185
Belgian governments since 1946 187
Elections in Flanders since 1995 190
Flemish governments since 1995 191
Elections in Bulgaria since 1990 195
Bulgarian governments since 1990 197
Elections in Croatia since 1992 201
Croatian governments since 1992 203
Elections in Cyprus since 1976 206
Cyprus governments since 1974 207
Elections in Northern Cyprus since 1976 211
Northern Cyprus governments since 1976 212
Elections in the Czech Republic since 1990 218
Czech governments since 1990 219
Selected elections in Denmark since 1945 225
Danish governments since 1945 227
Elections in the Faroe Islands since 1945 232
Faroese governments since 1948 234
Elections in Estonia since 1992 238
Estonian governments since 1992 239
Elections in Finland since 1945 244
Finnish governments since 1945 246
Elections in the French Fourth Republic (Métropole) 252
French Fourth Republic governments 252
France National Assembly seats since 1958 255
Elections in the French Fifth Republic since 1958 (Métropole) 259
Parliamentary groups in the French Fifth Republic since 1959 262
Illustrations xiii

French Fifth Republic governments since 1959 264

Elections in Corsica since 2015 268
Corsican governments since 2015 269
Elections in Germany since 1949 276
German governments since 1949 278
Elections in Greece since 1974 284
Greek governments since 1974 285
Elections in Hungary since 1990 291
Hungarian governments since 1990 292
Elections in Iceland since 1946 297
Icelandic governments since 1946 300
Elections in the Republic of Ireland since 1948 305
Republic of Ireland governments since 1948 307
Elections in Italy, 1946–1992 315
Elections in Italy since 1994 320
Italian governments since 1946 323
Elections in Latvia since 1993 330
Latvian governments since 1993 331
Elections in Liechtenstein since 1945 336
Liechtenstein governments since 1945 338
Lithuanian elections since 1992 342
Lithuanian governments since 1992 343
Elections in Luxembourg since 1945 348
Luxembourg governments since 1945 349
Elections in Malta since 1966 353
Maltese governments since 1966 354
Elections in Montenegro since 2002 358
Montenegren governments since 2003 359
Elections in the Netherlands since 1946 365
Dutch governments since 1946 368
Elections in Norway since 1945 373
Norwegian governments since 1945 375
Elections in Poland since 1991 382
Polish governments since 1991 384
Elections in Portugal since 1975 389
Portuguese governments since 1976 390
Elections in Romania since 1990 397
Romanian governments since 1990 399
Elections in San Marino since 1945 404
San Marinese governments since 1945 407
Elections in Serbia since 2000 412
Serbian governments since 2001 413
Elections in Slovakia since 1990 419
Slovakian governments since 1990 421
xiv Illustrations

Elections in Slovenia since 1990 427

Slovenian governments since 1990 429
Elections in Spain since 1977 435
Spanish governments since 1977 438
Elections in the Basque Country since 1980 442
Basque Country governments since 1980 443
Elections in Catalonia since 1980 447
Catalan governments since 1980 448
Elections in Sweden since 1948 454
Swedish governments since 1946 457
Elections in Switzerland since 1947 463
Swiss governments since 1947 465
Elections in Turkey since 1950 473
Turkish governments since 1950 475
Elections in the United Kingdom since 1945 481
United Kingdom governments since 1945 483
Northern Ireland Parliament uncontested postwar seats under SMP 486
Elections in Northern Ireland 1945–1982 489
Elections in Northern Ireland since 1996 490
Northern Irish governments since 1945 491
Elections in Scotland since 1999 496
Scottish governments since 1999 497
Elections in Wales since 1999 500
Welsh governments since 1999 501
Seats in the European Parliament by member state since 1979 503
European Parliament elections since 1979 507
European Commissions since 1958 509
Elections in Albania since 1992 517
Albanian governments since 1992 518
Elections in Armenia since 1995 522
Armenian governments since 1999 523
Elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina since 1996 525
Bosnian governments since 1997 527
Elections in Georgia since 1992 531
Georgian governments since 2004 532
Elections in Kosovo since 2007 535
Kosovan governments since 2002 536
Elections in Macedonia since 1994 540
Macedonian governments since 1994 541
Elections in Moldova since 1994 546
Moldovan governments since 1994 547
Elections in Monaco since 1963 550
Elections in Russia 1993–2003 556
Illustrations xv

Elections in Russia since 2007 558

Russian presidents and prime ministers since 1992 559
Elections in Ukraine 1994–2002 564
Elections in Ukraine since 2006 566
Ukrainian governments since 1994 566

#C number of (European) commissioners

#D number of (subnational) electoral districts
#M number of (cabinet) ministers
#S number of seats
%V percentage of the vote (that is, of valid votes)
1PSS one-party seat share
2PSS two-party seat share
2PVS two-party vote share
DISP disproportionality
ED electoral decisiveness
EFRG electoral fragmentation
EM earned majority
ENEP effective number of electoral parties
ENPP effective number of parliamentary parties
EP European Parliament
F(+I)P formation (and investiture) period
GC grand coalition
HP hung parliament
(I) independents (in a cabinet)
ICD index of coalition difficulty
Ind. Independent (designating a prime minister)
MAJ majority
MIN minority
MM manufactured majority
MMP mixed-member proportional
MP multi-party
MPs members of parliament
Non-party abbreviations and acronyms xvii

MWC minimal-winning coalition

MWGC minimal-winning grand coalition
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
ngf no government formed
NI Non-Inscrits (Non-attached members of the European Parliament)
N∞P inverse of the seat share of the largest party
NbP mean of ENPP and N∞P
OVC oversized coalition
OVGC oversized grand coalition
P2%S number of parties with 2 percent of the seats
P15%V number of parties with 15 percent of the vote
PF party family
PG party groups (in the European Parliament)
PR proportional representation
PRFG parliamentary fragmentation
SBLP seat bias in favour of the largest party
SB2P seat bias in favour of the two largest parties
SMP single-member plurality
SP single-party
SR1:2 seat ratio first to second party
SR2:3 seat ratio second to third party
STV single transferable vote
TO turnout
TVOL total volatility
WV wasted votes
Comparative analysis
Comparative analysisIntroduction and context

Where is Europe?
This work seeks to be a comprehensive analysis of European party systems. In terms
of what and where Europe is, however, debate persists. Geographers would tend
to define it broadly, up to the Ural Mountains at the start of Siberia. In contrast,
historically such areas as Russia and Spain have at times not been included (Wallace
1990). In the current context one may be tempted to begin with the European
Union; however, this only contains 28 members (including still in 2018 the United
Kingdom pending its ‘Brexit’). A better place to start is in fact with the Strasbourg-
based Council of Europe.
The Council of Europe was established in 1949 by 10 European countries. Its
stated purpose is to promote democracy and human rights throughout the conti-
nent. It also is involved in social, cultural, and legal matters – loosely, everything but
defence and economics. However, it did not turn out to be the incipient European
government desired by some of its founders. Nevertheless, compared to the Euro-
pean Union or NATO, the Council of Europe is ‘easy’ to join, in that no barri-
ers are placed or vetoes made on worthy applicants. Membership in the Council
of Europe thus serves as confirmation of at least modest human rights, and also
implicitly of one’s “Europeanness”. Although this latter point may be of relevance
for would-be members of the European Union, it also gives a sense of Europe to
this analysis.
From its original 10 members, the Council of Europe spread into the rest of
Western (and Mediterranean) Europe. From 1990 onwards, various Central and
Eastern European countries joined – as did Monaco in 2004 – bringing the mem-
bership up to 47. The newest member is Montenegro. It is worth noting that the
three Transcaucausus countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia) are all members,
having joined from 1999 to 2001. Table 1.1 gives the dates (month and year) when
TABLE 1.1 Membership of the Council of Europe and the European Union

Joined the Council of Europe Joined the European Union

(month/year) (month/year)

Albania 07/1995 never

Andorra 11/1994 never
Armenia 01/2001 never
Austria 04/1956 01/1995
Azerbaijan 01/2001 never
Belarus never never
Belgium 05/1949 01/1958
Bosnia and Herzegovina 04/2002 never
Bulgaria 05/1992 01/2007
Croatia 11/1996 07/2013
Cyprus 05/1961 01/2004
Czech Republic 06/1993 01/2004
Denmark 05/1949 01/1973
Estonia 05/1993 01/2004
Finland 05/1989 01/1995
France 05/1949 01/1958
Georgia 04/1999 never
Germany 07/1950 01/1958
Greece 08/1949* 01/1981
Hungary 11/1990 01/2004
Iceland 03/1950 never
Ireland 05/1949 01/1973
Italy 05/1949 01/1958
Kosovo never never
Latvia 02/1995 01/2004
Liechtenstein 11/1978 never
Lithuania 05/1993 01/2004
Luxembourg 05/1949 01/1958
Macedonia 11/1995 never
Malta 04/1965 01/2004
Moldova 07/1995 never
Monaco 10/2004 never
Montenegro 05/2007 never
Netherlands 05/1949 01/1958
Norway 05/1949 never
Poland 11/1991 01/2004
Portugal 09/1976 01/1986
Romania 10/1993 01/2007
Russia 02/1996 never
San Marino 11/1988 never
Serbia 04/2003** never
Slovakia 06/1993 01/2004
Slovenia 05/1993 01/2004
Spain 11/1977 01/1986
Introduction and context 5

Joined the Council of Europe Joined the European Union

(month/year) (month/year)

Sweden 05/1949 01/1995

Switzerland 05/1963 never
Turkey 08/1949 never
Ukraine 11/1995 never
United Kingdom 05/1949 01/1973
* withdrew from the Council of Europe from 1967 to 1974.
** joined the Council of Europe as Serbia and Montenegro.

countries joined the Council of Europe, as well as when they joined the European
Thus it seems that Europe goes as far east as the Urals/Russia, and as far
southeast as Turkey and the Transcaucausus. Europe also contain several micro-
states – Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City. Of these,
Vatican City lacks polity-based elections but the other four have party systems
which can be analyzed. Finally, for simplicity’s sake, the Russian Federation will
be referred to as Russia, and the “former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” sim-
ply as Macedonia (as of writing an agreement has been reached with Greece on
a compromise name of North ­Macedonia; however, this agreement still requires
final steps of approval).
What of subnational governments and regions? There are many of these, as
several European states are either federal or have entrenched regional/subnational
governments – Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Of these many regions, eight par-
ticularly distinctive and autonomous ones have been included for separate analysis:
Flanders in Belgium; the Faroe Islands as one of the constituent countries of Den-
mark (the other being Greenland, but geographically that is in North America);
Corsica in France; the Basque Country and Catalonia in Spain; and Northern
Ireland, Scotland, and Wales in the United Kingdom. The party systems in these
regions will thus be analysed essentially like any national one (however, individual
parties will not be classified into party families), although of course the key regional
parties also contribute respectively to the overall national party systems, at least in
Belgium, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The opposite phenomenon is the Euro-
pean Union, which has had parliamentary elections since 1979. It will be analysed
ultimately like any European polity, with its party groups being treated like parties.
Lastly, the government of Northern Cyprus will be analysed in an analogous way
to the regional governments, though in a practical sense it is more a de facto state
that an actual region of Cyprus.
Although being part of Europe is a necessary condition for this analysis, for
a complete analysis it is not a sufficient one. A polity must also be reasonably
6 Comparative analysis

competitive and democratic, as the notion of a party system normally implies two
or more parties and the differences and relations amongst these. In other words, a
polity should have free and fair elections and thus be an electoral democracy. As
the New York-based Freedom House notes, electoral democracies are defined “as
countries in which there are reasonably free and fair elections characterized by
significant choices for voters in a context of free political organization, reasonable
access to the media and secret ballot elections” (Karatnycky 1998: 7–8).
It seems reasonable that, at a minimum, a polity must be or have been an elec-
toral democracy and indeed moreover one of some duration for its party politics to
have relevance, and for its party system to be comparable to other electoral democ-
racies. For the purposes of this analysis the threshold of electorally democratic
party politics is four free and fair elections in a row, in the context of responsible
government.These criteria can be met even if they do not hold for the most recent
election(s), as in the case in Turkey. Table 1.2 provides some relevant data here. The
first column provides the date of the first relevant multi-party parliamentary elec-
tion. Relevant has varying meanings here: For most longstanding (West) European
democracies it is the first postwar election. For other countries it is the first elec-
tion post-independence (or post the creation of an elected subnational regional
government), post-democratization, or at least post-communist. In any case, said
election may be for a constituent assembly. For Corsica the focus is just the cur-
rent context of a single territorial collectivity, though there have been regional
elections there since 1986. For Monaco the first relevant election is the first one
after the 1962 constitution which granted the National Council actual legislative
powers. Czechoslovakia as a whole is not included, but the analyses of the Czech
Republic and Slovakia each starts with its 1990 election when each was still part of
Czechoslovakia. Likewise, Kosovo starts with its 2001 election when it was de facto
detached from Serbia. The second column of Table 1.2 gives the total number of
elections from the first relevant election through October 2018.The third and final
column lists any and all elections that were not properly free and fair.

TABLE 1.2 Parliamentary elections in Europe

First relevant Number of Of these, those not meeting

multi-party parliamentary democratic standards of
parliamentary elections through freedom and fairness
election October 2018

Albania 1992 8 1996 and 2009 elections

Andorra 1993 7
Armenia 1995 6 all elections*
Austria 1945 22
Azerbaijan 1995 5 all elections
Belarus 1995 6 all elections
Belgium 1946 22
Flanders 1995 5
First relevant Number of Of these, those not meeting
multi-party parliamentary democratic standards of
parliamentary elections through freedom and fairness
election October 2018

Bosnia and Herzegovina 1996 8 2018 election

Bulgaria 1990 10
Croatia 1992 8 1992 and 1995 elections
Cyprus 1976 9
Northern Cyprus 1976 11 1990 election
Czech Republic 1990 9
Denmark 1945 27
Faroe Islands 1945 21
Estonia 1992 7
Finland 1945 20
France Fourth Republic 1946 5
France Fifth Republic 1958 15
Corsica 2015 2
Georgia 1992 8 1999, 2003, and 2008
Germany 1949 19
Greece 1974 17
Hungary 1990 8
Iceland 1946 23
Ireland 1948 20
Italy 1946 19
Kosovo 2001 6 2001, 2004, 2007, and
2010 elections
Latvia 1993 9
Liechtenstein 1945 22
Lithuania 1992 7
Luxembourg 1945 16
Macedonia 1994 8 1994, 2008, and 2014
Malta 1966 12
Moldova 1994 8 2005 and April 2009
Monaco 1963 12
Montenegro 2002 5
Netherlands 1946 22
Norway 1945 19
Poland 1991 8
Portugal 1975 15
Romania 1990 8 1990 and 1992 elections
Russia 1993 7 all elections since 2003
San Marino 1945 18
Serbia 2003 6
Slovakia 1990 9

8 Comparative analysis

TABLE 1.2 (Continued)

First relevant Number of Of these, those not meeting

multi-party parliamentary democratic standards of
parliamentary elections through freedom and fairness
election October 2018

Slovenia 1992 8
Spain 1977 13
Basque Country 1980 11
Catalonia 1980 12
Sweden 1948 22
Switzerland 1947 18
Turkey 1950 19 1954, 1957, November
2015, and 2018
Ukraine 1994 7 2002 and 2012 elections
United Kingdom 1945 20
Northern Ireland 1945 17
Scotland 1999 5
Wales 1999 5
European Union 1979–1981 8
* However, the political opposition which came to power in May 2018 has pledged to hold a new

In terms of the total number of elections, Denmark has had the most with 27
since 1945. Yet it has not had the most frequent elections. Denmark’s 27 elections
from October 1945 to June 2015 (836 months) is one election every 31 months –
though these averaged every two years from 1971 to 1981. Overall, the most
frequent elections have been in Greece: with 17 elections from November 1974
to September 2015 (490 months), this works out to one election every 29 months.
At the other extreme, elections are fixed in Norway and Switzerland at every four
years, and fixed for the European Parliament at every five years. Of the polities
without fixed elections, the least frequent elections have been in Luxembourg at
every 52 months (or every 55 months if the partial elections of 1951 and 1954 are
combined), and Malta at every 51 months.
A short-term way in which elections have often been quite frequent are the
various cases where two elections have been held within 12 months. These have
been as follows:

Albania in March/April 1991 and March 1992;

Croatia in November 2015 and September 2016;
Denmark in April 1953 and September 1953;
the French Fourth Republic in October 1945, June 1946, and then Novem-
ber 1946 (so three elections within 13 months);
Georgia in November 2003 and March 2004 (due to the Rose Revolution);
Introduction and context 9

Greece in June 1989, November 1989, and then April 1990 (so three elections
within 10 months);
Greece in May 2012 and June 2012;
Greece in January 2015 and September 2015;
Iceland in June 1959 and October 1959 (the latter following a change to the
electoral system);
Iceland in October 2016 and October 2017;
Ireland in June 1981, February 1982, and then November 1982 (so three elec-
tions within a year-and-a-half);
Latvia in October 2010 and September 2011;
Liechtenstein in February 1953 and June 1953;
Liechtenstein in September 1957 and March 1958;
Liechtenstein in February 1993 and October 1993;
the Netherlands in May 2002 and January 2003;
Portugal in April 1975 and April 1976;
Portugal in December 1979 and October 1980;
Spain in December 2015 and June 2016;
Turkey in June 2015 and November 2015;
the United Kingdom in February 1974 and October 1974;
and Northern Ireland in May 2016 and March 2017.

Returning to democracy as a regime type, for this there must be not just free and
fair elections but also responsible government thus making the elections relevant, in
that they determine or at least constrain government formation – and the govern-
ment so determined must actually govern the country. The first part of this aspect
is lacking in Monaco, where the government is chosen by and accountable only to
the monarch, with the parliament and its composition playing no role in this regard.
The second part of this aspect has not been the case in Bosnia-Herzegovina, or at
least was certainly not until 2006, as the (foreign national) High Representative had
the final say.
Given the aforementioned criteria and the related country information, sev-
eral European countries do not merit a complete analysis due to the lack of
four free and fair elections in a row and/or the lack of responsible government.
These countries can be divided into a couple that have never had a free and fair
parliamentary election nor are likely to have one soon (Azerbaijan and Belarus)
which are henceforth excluded, and the remainder (Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-­
Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Russia, and
Ukraine) the individual party systems of which will be noted briefly in Part III
but which are not included in the comparative analysis of the following chapters
in Part I. Such comparative analysis will be based on 48 different party systems
of “longstanding democratic polities” including Flanders, Northern Cyprus, the
Faroe Islands, Corsica, the Basque Country, Catalonia, Northern Ireland, Scot-
land, Wales, and the European Union, and distinguishing the French Fourth and
Fifth Republics.
10 Comparative analysis

Dimensions of partisan political competition

The most common traditional partisan dimension in Europe is the socio-economic
cleavage between labour and capital, or more generally the ideological division
between left and right. This division sees the left standing for greater government
intervention in the economy including public ownership, regulation, redistribution
of income, and high levels of social welfare, and the right standing for a smaller role
for government in the economy with less regulation (free markets), lower taxes, and
less social welfare (Lijphart 1984: 129).
The second traditional partisan dimension, especially in Catholic or mixed
Catholic-Protestant countries, was a religious versus secular division which related
to religious versus secular education issues as well as various moral issues. This
partisan dimension was common in Catholic or mixed Catholic-Protestant coun-
tries where a Catholic or Christian Democratic party arose. The dimension would
later arise in Scandinavian and thus Protestant countries (first in Norway) with
the creation of Christian parties (Lijphart 1984: 132–134). However, this second
partisan dimension has morphed from religiosity into a much broader one (Flana-
gan and Lee 2003). There is varying terminology here, with some (Kitschelt 1994;
Flanagan and Lee 2003) calling this dimension libertarian-authoritarian, Inglehart
(1977 and subsequent works) speaking to post-materialism versus materialism, and
Hooghe, Marks, and Wilson (2002) more broadly calling the dimension green-
alternative-libertarian versus traditional-authoritarian-nationalist (GAL-TAN).
Certainly this partisan dimension speaks ever more centrally to attitudes to glo-
balization (Kriesi et al. 2008, 2012), including the increasing importance of immi-
gration as an issue here and the nostalgic ethnocratic response to immigration and
multiculturalism this has often produced (Betz and Johnson 2004), Summariz-
ing these points, for this analysis I shall call one end of this partisan dimension
libertarian-­environmentalist-cosmopolitan or LEC and the other end traditional-
authoritarian-nativist or TAN. This LEC-TAN partisan dimension began at one
end with the rise of new left parties in the 1960s and then Green parties in the
1970s and 1980s and then at the other end with populist radical right parties. For
several countries in Part II, I shall provide a diagram of party positions in 2014 on
left-right ideology in terms of economics and LEC-TAN using the Chapel Hill
Expert Survey data (Polk et al. 2017).1
Beyond socio-economic left-right and LEC-TAN there have been two
other traditional partisan dimensions: language and ethnicity (often regional) in
­multilingual/multiethnic societies, and a rural-urban division which once spoke
to ­agricultural versus industrial interests, most clearly in the creation of agrarian
parties in the Nordic countries.These parties, though, would mostly rename them-
selves as Centre parties in the 1950s and 1960s in an attempt to broaden their geo-
graphic appeal (see Pattern Four later). Today there still is a rural-urban division in
voting in many European countries, but this division now feeds into the LEC-TAN
partisan dimension.
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of their testimony is as clear and complete as it is undesigned. It
may, therefore, be accepted as an undoubted fact, that the Nile is
now flowing from Semnéh to Silsiléh at a level lower by at least
twenty-four feet than it did at the date of the inscriptions. Nature says
there was a time when it rose at least twenty-seven feet higher than
at present, for at that height it deposited alluvium. There is no
discrepancy in these three additional feet, though there would have
been something like a discrepancy had Nature indicated three feet
less than the markings.
The only question for us to consider is, how this was brought
about. It could have been brought about only in one way, and that
was by the river deepening its channel. As far down as Silsiléh it had
been flowing at a higher level. Here there must have been a
cataract, or an actual cascade. Whatever the form of the obstruction,
the stream carried it away. And so, again and again, working
backwards, it ate out for itself a deeper channel all the way up to
Semnéh. This is just how the Niagara river is dealing with its
channel. It has undertaken the big job of deepening it, from Lake
Ontario to Lake Erie, down to the level of Ontario. The stone it has to
work in is very hard and compact. It has now done about half the
work, and every one sees that it will eventually complete it. All that is
required is time. The River Colorado, we are told, runs for six
hundred miles of its course in a canon, a mile in perpendicular depth,
all cut through rock, and some of it granitic.
This is what the Nile did in the historic period for at least two
hundred miles of its course. It planed down this part of its channel to
a lower level, to what may be called the level of Egypt. Why should it
not have done precisely the same work in the prehistoric period for,
in round numbers, the four hundred miles from Silsiléh to Cairo, that
is to say, for the whole valley of Egypt? That is just what I believe it
did. Of course, there were aboriginal facilities which decided it upon
taking that course. There may also have been greater depressions in
some places than in others. There was harder work here, and lighter
work there. The planing was carried on rapidly in one district, and
slowly in another. But I believe that, after making whatever
deductions may be thought proper for aboriginal depressions, it is
safe to conclude that the valley of Egypt was, in the main, cut out by
the Nile. It did not begin to obtain its abrading power after the reign
of Amenemha III.
There may have been a cataract once at Cairo. When this was
carried away, another must have been developed somewhere above
its site, and so on backwards all the way to Silsiléh, where we are
sure that there was once something of the kind. In a still remoter
past the river may not have come as far north as Cairo, but may
have passed through the Faioum, or by the Natron Lakes, into the
desert. This is a question which, to some degree, admits of
The river would not always be bearing on the same side of the
valley. A little change in any part of the channel, and which might
result from any one of a variety of causes, would deflect its course. It
is so with all rivers. These causes are always everywhere at work.
The river would thus be always shifting from one side of the valley to
the other; and, impinging in turn on the opposite bounding hills,
would always be widening the valley.
The number of side canals, especially the Bahr Jusuf, which,
throughout almost the whole length of the valley, is a second Nile,
running parallel to the original river, must, during the historical
period, by lessening the volume of water in the main channel, have
very much lessened its power of shifting its course. But every one
who voyages on the Nile will become aware that this power is still
very great. He will often hear, and see, large portions of the
incoherent bank falling into the water. In many places he will observe
the fresh face of recent landslips. On the summit of these slips he
will occasionally have presented to him interior sections of some of
the houses of a village which is being carried away by the stream.
On the fresh faces of recent slips I often observed that the
stratification was unconformable, and irregular. This indicated that
the sand and mud out of which the alluvium had been formed, had
not been deposited at the bottom of a quiet lake-like inundation, but
must have been formed at the bottom of a running stream, precisely
in the same way as the sand-banks and mud-banks of the existing
channel are always at the present time being formed. This irregular
stratification is just what we might expect to find in the alluvium of a
valley through which runs a mighty river, always restlessly shifting its
channel to the right, or to the left.
To experts in geology there will be but little, or nothing, new in the
above given account of the process, by which the Nile formed Egypt.
All river valleys have been formed, more or less, by the action of
running water. It is, however, interesting both to those who are
familiar, and to those who are not, with such investigations, to trace
out the steps of the process, in such a manner as to be able to
construct a connected view of as many of its details as can be
recovered. In any case this would be interesting; but here it has an
exceptional, and quite peculiar, interest, for it enables us to picture to
the mind’s eye how the whole of the most historical country in the
world was formed by the most historical river in the world—a
physical operation, on which much that man has achieved, and,
indeed, on which what man is himself at this day, very largely
depended. Pictures of this kind are only one among the many helpful
contributions, which science can now make to history.
I was not in Egypt during the time of the inundation; I can,
therefore, only repeat on the authority of others, that for the first few
days it has a green tint. This is supposed to be caused by the first
rush of the descending torrents sweeping off a great deal of stagnant
water from the distant interior of Darfour. This green Nile is held to
be unwholesome, and the natives prepare themselves for it by
storing up, in anticipation, what water they will require for these few
days. The green is succeeded by a red tint. This is caused by the
surface washing of districts where the soil is red. The red water,
though heavily charged with soil, is not unwholesome. With respect
to the amount of red in the colour of the water of the inundation, I
found it stated in a work which is sometimes quoted as an authority
on Egyptian subjects, that it is so great that the water might be
mistaken for blood. This I do not understand, as the soil this water
leaves behind has in its colour no trace of red. By the time the water
of the inundation reaches the Delta, it has got rid of the greater part
of its impurities. This causes the rise of the land in the Delta to be far
slower than in Upper Egypt. In winter, when the inundation has
completely subsided, the water, though still charged with mud, in
which, however, there is no trace of red, is pleasant to drink, and
quite innocuous. The old Egyptians represented in their wall-
paintings these three conditions of the river by green, red, and blue
For myriads of years this mighty river has been bringing down
from the highlands of Abyssinia and Central Africa its freight of fertile
soil, the sole means of life, and of all that embellished life, to those
who invented letters, and built Karnak. It is still as bountiful as ever it
was of old to the people who now dwell upon its banks; but to what
poor account do they turn its bounty! How great is the contrast
between the wretchedness this bounty now maintains, and the
splendour, the wealth, the arts, the intellectual and moral life it
maintained four and five thousand years ago!
The Egyptians have a saying, with which, I think, most of those
who have travelled in Egypt will agree, that he who has once drunk
the water of the Nile will wish to drink it again.

Continuo has leges, æternaque fœdera certis

Imposuit natura locis, quo tempore primum
Deucalion vacuum lapides jactavit in orbem.—Virgil.

The physical features, and peculiarities of a country are one of the

starting-points in the history of its people. If we do not provide
ourselves with a knowledge of these matters before we commence
our investigation of what the people were, and did, the character of
the people, and of the events is sure very soon to make us feel the
want of it. It is so in a higher degree with the history of the Egyptians,
than with that of any other people. They were, emphatically, a people
that stood alone; and the peculiarities of the people were the direct
result of the peculiarities of the country.
Its environment by the desert gave it that security, which alone in
early days could have enabled nascent civilization to germinate and
grow. It possessed also a soil and climate which allowed its
inhabitants to devote themselves to some variety of employments
and pursuits, and so prevented their being all tied down to the single
task of producing food. The absence of these two great natural
advantages elsewhere placed insurmountable difficulties in the way
of advancement in other parts of the world, so long as the arts by
which man battles with nature were few, and feeble; and the
organization of society in consequence only rudimentary. So was it,
for instance, in Europe, at the time when Egypt was at the zenith of
its greatness; where, too, for long centuries afterwards, nothing
could have been done without the aid of slavery, which alone made
mental culture possible for the few at the cost of the degradation and
misery of the many. Egypt was differently circumstanced. There one
man might produce food sufficient for many. The rest, therefore,
could devote themselves to other employments, which might tend, in
different ways, to relieve man’s estate, and embellish life. In this
matter the river and the climate were their helpers. The river
manured with an annual warp, irrigated, cleaned, and softened the
land; and the climate, working harmoniously with the river, made the
operations of agriculture easy, speedy, certain, and very productive.
What in other countries, and in later times, the slow advances in arts,
and knowledge, and in social organization, as the successive steps
became possible, brought about for their respective inhabitants,
Nature did, in a great measure at once, and from the first, for the
Another of the early hindrances to advancement arose out of the
difficulties of communication, which prevented either a military force
from maintaining itself away from home, or a single governing mind
from acting at a distance. Of course in matters of this kind the effects
of the want of sufficient means of communication are greatly
aggravated by the want of foresight, and the distrust men have in
each other, which belong to such times and circumstances. Nothing
but the organization of tribes and cities can be accomplished then.
Egypt, however, had advantages in the great and varied gifts of
nature to which our attention is now directed, which enabled her, in
some remote prehistoric period, to emerge from this politically
embryonic condition, and to form a well-ordered and homogeneous
state, embracing a population of several millions, who were in
possession of many of the elements of wealth and power, and had
attained to a condition that would suggest, and encourage culture. Of
these advantages, that which came next in order to the soil and
climate, was that its good fortune had conferred upon it a ready-
made means of communication, absolutely complete and perfect; no
part of the country, either in the valley of Egypt, or in the Delta, being
more than a few miles distant from one of the most easily navigable
rivers in the world.
And that nothing might be wanting, this advantage was equalised
to all by a provision of nature that, at a certain season of the year,
the descending current of the river should, for the purposes of
navigation, be overbalanced by a long prevalence of northerly winds;
thus giving every facility, by self-acting agencies, to both the up and
the down traffic.
I may also observe that the river ran precisely in that direction in
which it could serve most effectually as a bond of union, by serving
most largely as a channel of commerce. If its course had been along
the same parallel of latitude, that is, from East to West, or reversely,
then throughout its whole length the productions of its banks would
have been the same. It would, therefore, have been of little use as a
means of commercial interchange. Where there was no variety of
productions there would have been no commodities to exchange.
But as its course was in the direction of a parallel of longitude, its
stream offered a highway for the exchange of the varying products of
the different degrees of latitude it passed through. This difference in
the direction of their courses already constitutes a vast difference in
the comparative utility of the streams of the Amazon and of the
Mississippi; and must ensure to them very dissimilar futures.
Another of the provisions that had been made for the early
progress of the country was something quite unique: there was not
by nature, and there could not be constructed by man, a single
strong place in the whole of Egypt, such as would enable powerful
and ambitious individuals, or malcontent factions of the people, to
maintain themselves in independence of the rest of the community,
or to defy the government. Nature had supplied no such places, and
the conditions of the country were such that they could not be
formed. This is a point which involves so much that I will return to it
It ought not to be unnoticed here, for it is one of the important
peculiarities of the country, that Egypt yields both a winter and a
summer harvest. The overflow of the river, and the warmth of the
winter sun suffice for the former, which consists of the produce of
temperate regions; and artificial irrigation for the latter, which
consists of the produce of the tropics. This gives it the advantage of
the climates of two zones; the one temperate and the other tropical;
for, though it lies to the north of the tropic, its winter, by reason of its
environment by the heat-accumulating desert, resembles our
summer, and its summer, for the same reason, that of the tropics.
Egypt is thus enabled to exceed all other countries in the variety of
its produce. Both its wheat and its cotton are grown beneath its
palms. This variety of produce ought to contribute largely to the
wealth, and well-being of a country; and it was, we know, a very
considerable ingredient in the greatness of the Egypt of the
The characteristics of surrounding nature had corresponding
effects on the ideas, too, and sentiments of the ancient Egyptians.
We may, for instance, be absolutely certain that had they lived in an
Alpine country, although they might have had the power of
commanding the requisite materials on easier terms, they never
would have built the Pyramids, for then an Egyptian Pyramid would
have been but a pigmy monument by the side of nature’s Pyramids.
But as these structures stood in Egypt, when seen from the
neighbourhood of Memphis and Heliopolis, and throughout that level
district of country, they went beyond nature. There they were
veritable mountains; and that is what the word means. There were
no other such mountains to be seen. In that was their motive. Man
had entered into rivalry with nature, and had outdone nature.
So was it with one instance. And so was it on the whole, generally.
The guise in which nature presented herself to the eye of the
Egyptian was grand and simple. Nature to him meant the broad
beneficent river; the green plain; the naked bounding ridge on the
right hand, and on the left; upon, and beyond these the lifeless,
colourless desert; above, the azure depth traversed by the unveiled
sun by day, and illumined with the gleaming host of heaven by night.
Here were just five grand natural objects, and there were no more.
We rehabilitating to our mind’s eye the scene, must add a sixth, the
orderly, busy, thronging community itself. But to them these five
objects were all nature. No dark forests of ancient oak, and pine; no
jutting headlands; no island-sown seas; no hills watered from above,
nor springs running among the hills; no cattle upon a thousand hills;
no shady valleys; no smoking mountains. Just five grand objects;
everywhere just the same, and nothing else. Their thoughts and
sentiments could only have been a reflection of nature (their mind as
a glass reflected nature), and of the instincts which the form of
society nature had imposed upon them gave rise to. And their acts
could only have been the embodiment of their thoughts and
sentiments, which must needs have been in harmony with
surrounding nature. And hence the character of the people, which
was grand and simple; but withal sensibly hard, somewhat rigid and
formal, without much tenderness, and with little geniality; solid,
grave, and serious.
Under such circumstances the individual was nothing. There could
be no Homeric Chieftains; no Tribunes of the people; no
eccentricities of genius. The community was an organism, of which
every member had his special functions and purpose; a well-ordered
machine which did much work, and did it smoothly.
This complete organization of society—it was what the gifts and
arrangements of nature had enabled them to attain to—had brought
them face to face with the ideas of law and justice. But under their
form of society—and it has not been different under other forms the
world has since seen—it was understood that some laws, which
were necessary, were not good, and that justice did not rule
absolutely. We see—it shows itself in all that they did—that their
minds were too thorough, and logical, to rest satisfied under these
contradictions; they therefore worked out for themselves to its
legitimate, and complete development the old Aryan thought of a life
beyond this present existence: this was that western world of theirs,
in which no law would be bad, and in which there would be no
miscarriage of justice. And thus it came to be that their doctrine of a
future life was the apotheosis of their social ideas of law, and justice,
and right.
And nature encouraged them in this belief. Every day they saw the
sun expire in the western boundary of the solid world; and the next
morning rise again to life. They saw also the mighty river always
moving on to annihilation in the great sea, just as the sun sank every
evening into the desert: but still it was not annihilated. Its being was
lost, and was recovered, at every moment. It was ever dying, but
equally it was ever living. These two great phenomena of nature
(through our increased knowledge they teach other lessons now)
aided the idea which the working of society was making distinct in
their apprehension, and confirmed them in the belief of their own
immortality. With the Egyptian also death would not be the end: the
renewal he beheld in the sun, and in the river, would not fail himself.
The complete organization of the whole population had been
rendered possible by the peculiar advantages of the country. The
enterprising among the Pharaohs availing themselves of this
complete organization, and of these peculiar advantages, were
thereby enabled to command the whole resources of Egypt, and to
wield the whole community at their will, as if it had been but one
I reserved for separate and fuller consideration the point that
nature had nowhere provided Egypt with a single spot where the
ambitious, the discontented, or the oppressed could maintain
themselves; or to which, we may add, they could even secede. In
this respect also, Egypt is quite unique. The configuration of the
country, combined with the absence of rain, brought about this
peculiarity. The valley of Egypt, speaking roundly, is five hundred
miles long, and five miles wide, with a broad navigable river flowing
through the midst of it. The Government will always be in possession
of the river. It follows then that before the disaffected can be drawn
together in formidable numbers at any rendezvous—for the
distances they would have to traverse would not admit of this—the
Government will be able to send troops by the river in sufficient force
to disperse them; or, at all events, to prevent their receiving
A second reason is, that these handfuls of isolated insurgents
must always remain within reach of the Government troops sent
against them. They would not be able to withdraw themselves from
the flat, open banks of the river; for there is nowhere vantage ground
they could occupy, except in the desert; and there in twenty-four
hours, that is before they could be starved, they would by thirst be
reduced to submission. For, from the absence of rain, there are no
springs on the high ground; and from the same cause the nitre
accumulates in the soil to such a degree, as to render the well-water
brackish, and unfit for drinking.
A third reason is the dependence of the agriculture of Egypt on
irrigation. The people, therefore, in any neighbourhood cannot
intermit their attention to their shadoofs and canals for the purpose of
insurrection, or for any other purpose whatsoever. Were they to do
so starvation would ensue. The Government also, being in
possession of the river, could at any moment stop the irrigation, by
destroying the shadoofs and canals, of a malcontent district.
Here, then, are three reasons, any one of which would, singly, be
sufficient to make the Government in Egypt omnipotent. What
conceivable chance, then, can the people have, when all the three
are, at all times, combined against them? This explains much in the
past and present history of the country. Nature had decided that in it
there should be no strongholds for petty potentates, no castles for
freebooters, no mountain fastnesses for untameable tribes, no
difficult districts to harbour insurgent bands; no possibility of getting
away from the bank of the river; no possibility of withdrawing
attention, for a time, from the most artificial of all forms of agriculture.
For long ages the wandering Arab of the desert was the only
possible disturber of the peace of this exceptional country. Nature
first gave to it, in its singular endowments, the means of union; and
then eliminated those physical obstacles to its realization which,
elsewhere, for long ages proved insurmountable. The point to be
particularly noted here is, that these circumstances have ever given
to the Government for the time being every natural facility for uniting
the whole country into a single State, and ruling it despotically.
The Delta is no exception, for the branches of the river, and the
canals by which this whole district is permeated, and the absence of
defensible positions, reduce it, in respect to the points I have been
speaking of, to the same condition as that of the long narrow valley
above it.
A time may come when the moral force of public opinion will
outweigh, and overmatch these natural facilities for establishing, and
working a despotism; but there is no indication in the existing
condition of the country of such a time being at hand. And that this is
the only force that can be of any effect in such a country is
demonstrated by its history. In the remote days of its greatness there
was in some sort a substitute for it in the priestly municipal
aristocracy, or oligarchy, of each city. The priests were the governing
class, and supplied the magistracy. They were an united and
powerful body. Wealth, religion, knowledge, the habitual deference of
the people, made them strong. They thus became, to some
considerable extent, a bulwark, behind which, in each separate city,
some of the rights of person and of property could find protection
from the arbitrary caprices of despotism. In this way something that
was in the mind of man was at that time counterworking the
consequences of physical arrangements: and this only is the way in
which a country so circumstanced can be helped in the future.
Nothing, however, of this kind is now at work in modern Egypt. It
has, therefore, but one ground for the hope of escaping from the
despotism which so heavily oppresses it, and that is in the chance of
external aid, which means the chance that some European power
should assume the protectorate of the country. It must, however, be
a power in which public opinion is in favour of liberty and political
justice, and in which the economical value of security for person and
property is understood. The Egyptians themselves desire such a
consummation. They know how blessed to them would be the day
which should relieve them from the grinding and senseless exactions
of an oriental taskmaster, and place them under the sway of good
and equal laws. Their wish is that this beneficent protector should be
England. They almost expect that it will be. I was asked, why do you
not come and take possession of the country? In Egypt this appears
the natural conclusion of existing conditions. But a protectorate
carried out thoroughly, and unflinchingly, and entirely for Egyptian
objects, would be far better for both parties than simple English
possession. If we were to make a gain by ruling the country, we
should always be tempted to go a little further. We should find it very
difficult to stop at any particular point, or to be clean-handed at all,
when everything was in our power.
The motives for interference are strong. How saddening is it to the
traveller to see the poor good-natured Fellah, his naked limbs
scorched by the blazing sun, baling up the water from the river,
during the livelong day, for his little plot of ground; and to think that
all that will be left to him of its produce will be barely enough to keep
himself, and his little ones, in millet-bread and onions; all the rest
having been cruelly swept away to support at Cairo unused, and
unuseable, palaces and regiments, and to make a Suez Canal for
the furtherance of the policy of France, but for the naval and
commercial benefit of England, and to build sugar-factories for a
trading Khedivé. Of what benefit to the wretched cultivator are all the
bounties of Egyptian nature, and all his own heavy moil and toil?
This is one of the remorseless, and purposeless oppressions done
under the sun, which it would be well that some modern Hercules
should arise in his might, and in his hatred of such heartless and
stupid injustice, to beat down, and make a full end of. An Egypt, in
which every man might reap securely the fruit of his labour, would be
a new thing in the world, and a very pleasant thing to look upon. At
present, the riches of Egypt mean wealth without measure for one
man, and poverty without measure for all the rest of the world.
The case of the poor Fellah is very hard: so also is that of his
palm-tree. It came into existence, and grew up to maturity under
great difficulties. It was hardly worth while to give it space and water,
and to fence it round in its early days; for so soon as it could bear a
bunch of fruit, it was to be taxed. Why, then, should the oppressed
villager go to the cost of rearing it? He would be only toiling for a
domestic despot, or foreign bond-holder. How many a palm-tree that
might now be helping to shade a village, and beneath which the
children might be playing, and the elders sitting, has by this hard and
irrational impost, been prevented from coming into being. And of all
the gifts of nature to Egypt, this palm-tree is one of the most
characteristic, and of the most useful: its trunk supplies the people
with beams; its sap is made into a spirit; its fruit is in some districts a
most useful article of food, and everywhere a humble luxury; baskets
are made of the flag of its leaf, and from the stem of the leaf beds,
chairs, and boxes; its fibres supply materials for ropes and cordage,
nets and mats; it has, too, its history in Egypt, for its shaft and crown,
first suggested to the dwellers on the banks of the Nile, in some
remote age, the pillar and its capital. A wise ruler, whether his
wisdom was that of the head, or of the heart, would do everything in
his power to induce his people to multiply, throughout the land, what
is so highly useful, and in so many ways. But the plan despotic
wisdom adopts is to kill the bird that lays the golden egg, and by a
process which shall at the same time cause as few as possible of the
precious kind to be reared for the future.
Every traveller in the valley of the Nile, who can think and feel,
finds his pleasure, at the sight of the graceful form of this beneficent
tree, clouded by the unwelcome recollection of the barbarous and
death-dealing tax that is laid upon it.
If, when the Turkish empire falls to pieces, England should shrink
from undertaking, on her own sole responsibility, the protectorate of
Egypt, the great powers of Europe, together with the United States of
America, might, as far as Egypt is concerned, assume the lapsed
suzerainty of the Porte, and become the protectors of Egypt

Ex quovis ligno non fit Mercurius.

What were the origin and affinities of the ancient Egyptians? To

what race, or races, of mankind did they belong? At what time,
whence, and by what route did they enter Egypt? The answer to
these questions, if attainable, would not be barren.
We have just been looking at the physical characteristics of the
country, and noting some of the effects they must have had on the
character and history of the people. The inquiry now indicated, if
carried to a successful issue, will enable us, furthermore, to
understand, to some extent, what were the aboriginal aptitudes the
people themselves brought with them. These were the moral and
intellectual elements on which the influences of nature had to act.
The result was the old Egyptian. He was afterwards modified by
events and circumstances, by increasing knowledge, and by the
laws and customs all these led to; but the two conditions we are now
speaking of were the starting-points, and which never ceased to
have much influence in making this people feel as they felt, and
enabling them to do what they did. To have acquired, therefore,
some knowledge about them will be to have got possession of some
of the materials that are indispensable for reconstructing the idea of
old Egypt. We feel with respect to these old historical peoples as we
do about a machine: we are not satisfied at being told that it has
done such or such a piece of work; we also want to know what it is
within it, which enabled it to do the work—what is its construction,
and what its motive power.
Six thousand years before our own time may be taken as the
starting-point of the monumental and traditional history of the old
monarchy. This inquiry, however, will carry us back to a far more
remote past.
There is but one way of treating this question: that is, to apply to it
the method we apply to any question of science—to that, for
instance, of gravitation, or to any other: precisely the same method
applied in precisely the same way. We must collect the phenomena;
and the hypothesis which explains and accounts for them all is the
true one. This will act exclusively: in establishing itself it will render
all others impossible.
Other hypotheses, however, which have been, or may be,
entertained must not be passed by unnoticed, in order that it may be
understood that they do not account for the phenomena; or, to put it
reversely, that the phenomena contradict them.
When history begins to dawn, the first object the light strikes upon,
and which for a long time alone rears its form above the general
gloom, is the civilization of Egypt. It stands in isolation, like a solitary
palm by the side of a desert spring. It is also like that palm in being a
complete organism, and in producing abundance of good fruit. All
around is absolute desert, or the desert sparsely marked with the
useless forms of desert life. On inquiry we find that this thoroughly-
organized civilization, fully supplied with all the necessaries, and
many of the embellishments of life, and which is alone visible in the
dawning light, must have existed through ages long prior to the
dawn. It recedes into unfathomable depths of time far beyond the
monuments and traditions.
Some salient particulars at once arrest our attention. The people,
though African by situation, do not, at first sight, strike us as
possessing, preponderantly, African affinities. If there be any, they
are not so much moral, or intellectual, as physical. They appear to
be more akin to the inhabitants of the neighbouring Arabian
peninsula, from which there is a road into Egypt. But here also the
resemblances are not great: even that of language is far from
conclusive. Their complexion, too, is fairer. On neither side is there
any suspicion, or tradition of kindred. There is even deep antipathy
between the two. Their religion, again, and religion is the summa
philosophia—the outcome of all the knowledge, physical and moral,
of a people, is unlike that of their neighbours. The Greeks, however,
and this is worthy of remark, thought it only another form of their
own. They were laborious, skilful, and successful agriculturists; and
there was no record of a time when it had been otherwise with them.
They were great builders. They had always practised the ordinary
arts of life, spinning and weaving, metallurgy, pottery, tanning, and
carpentering. They had always had tools and music. They had a
learned and powerful priesthood. Their form of government was that
of a monarchy supported by privileged classes, or of an aristocracy
headed by a king, and resting on a broad basis of slavery, and a kind
of serfdom. Their social order was that of castes.
We cannot ascertain precisely at what point in the valley this
civilization first showed, or established itself. Of two points, however,
which are of importance, we are sure. It did not descend the Nile
from Ethiopia, and it did not ascend it from the coast of the Delta. It
is true that Memphis was the first great centre of Egyptian life of
which we have full and accurate knowledge. The founder, however,
of the first historical dynasty, and who appears to have made
Memphis his capital, came from This, or Abydos, in Upper Egypt. We
may almost infer from this that Abydos was an earlier centre of
Egyptian power than Memphis.
The idea, then, of an unmixed African origin may, I think, be at
once and summarily dismissed.
Something may be alleged in support of a Semitic origin. Where,
however, we may ask, is the theory on behalf of which nothing can
be alleged? If it were so it would never have come into existence.
What we have to consider in this, as in every doubtful or disputed
matter, is not what can be said in favour of certain views, or what can
be said against them, but which way the balance inclines when the
arguments on each side have been fairly put into their respective
To begin, then, with the language, which is the most obvious
ground for forming an opinion in a matter of this kind. It happens that
in this case nothing conclusive can be inferred from the language.
First, because in it no very decisive Semitic affinities have been
made out; and, secondly, because, had they been found to be much
more important than some have supposed them to be, this would not
of itself prove a preponderance of Semitic blood.
Colour is rather adverse to the Semitic theory. The Egyptian was
not so swarthy as the Arab; whereas, if he had been a Semite, he
ought to have been, at the least, as dark. In the wall-paintings a clear
red represents the complexion of the men, and a clear pale yellow
that of the women. In this clearness of tint we miss the swartness of
the Arab.
It is true he was darker than the Jew. Little, however, can be
inferred from this, for the Jews were an extremely mixed people.
Abraham came from Haran, in Mesopotamia, and is called in
Deuteronomy a Syrian. He must, in fact, have been a Chaldean. The
wife of Joseph was a high-caste Egyptian. The wife of Moses was a
Cushite. And when the Israelites went up out of Egypt ‘a mixed
multitude’ went out with them. This can only mean that in the
multitude of those who threw in their lot with them there was a great
deal of Semitic blood, through the remnant of the Hyksos, which had
been left behind when the great mass of that people had been
expelled from Egypt, and also a great deal of Egyptian blood. From
these sources, then, were derived no inconsiderable ingredients for
the formation of what was afterwards the Jewish nation. The great-
grandmother of David was a Moabitish woman. Solomon’s mother
was a Hittite, and one of his wives an Egyptian. And we know that a
very considerable proportion of conquered Canaanites were
eventually absorbed by their conquerors. No argument, therefore,
can be founded upon the complexion of so mixed a people as the
In features, taking the sculptures and paintings for our authority,
the Egyptian was not a Semite. His nostrils and lips were not so thin,
and his nose was not so prominent. In this particular, which is
important, he presents indications of a cross between the Caucasian
and the Ethiopian, or modern Nubian.
Their social and political organization—that of castes, and of a
well-ordered, far-extended state—was completely opposed to
Semitic freedom and equality, in which the ideas of the tribe, and of
the individual, preponderated over those of the state, and of classes.
Religion is the interpretation of the ensemble. It takes cognizance
of the powers that are behind, or within, visible external nature, and
of the reciprocal relations between these powers and man. The mind
of man is the interpreter. As is the interpreter so will be the
Now, from the hard simplicity of nature in the Semitic region, or
from the simplicity of life and thought resulting from it, or from the
early apprehension by that part of the human family of the idea of a
Creator, or from other causes not yet made out (though, indeed, it is
the fact, and not the cause, that we are now concerned with), there
has always been a disposition in the Semitic mind to think of God as
one. In the earliest indications we possess of their religious thought
each tribe, each city, almost each family, appears to have had its
own God. They never could have created, or accepted, a Pantheon.
The idea of Polytheism was unnatural, illogical, repulsive to them.
The inference, therefore, is that in the large hierarchy of heaven,
which approved itself to the Egyptian mind, there could be nothing
Semitic. The religion, the religious thought of Egypt, which so stirred
the whole heart, and swayed the whole being of the people as to
impel them to raise to the glory of their gods the grandest temples
the world has ever seen, was, in its whole cast and character, an
abomination to the Semite.
Next after Religion, the most important effort of the human mind is
Law. Law is distinguishable from Religion. It is not an effort to
embrace and interpret the whole, but a general and enforced
application of some of the conclusions of that interpretation to the
regulation of the conduct of men towards each other. Its principles
are those of justice and expediency, but with very considerable
limitations—not absolute justice, but justice as then and there
understood; and not in every point and particular, but in those
matters only in which evidence is possible, and the observance also
of which can be enforced by penalties; nor absolute expediency, but
again, as it is then and there understood, and limited to such matters
as admit of being carried out, and enforced, by public authority.
This, it is plain, may be regarded—and as a matter of observation
and history is still, and has in all times been, regarded—either as
something distinct from, or as a department of, religion.
If treated as a part of religion, then either the very letter itself of the
law, or else the principles on which it is founded, and of which it is an
application, must be accepted as from God. In the former case God
is regarded as the actual legislator, and sometimes going a step
further, as the actual executor of His own law. In the latter case He is
regarded, because He is the primary source, at all events, of its
principles, as ultimately their guardian, and the avenger of their
The Semitic sentiment, looked upon law in the former of these two
lights. It formed this conception of it, because the people held in their
minds the two ideas, that God was One, and that He was the
Creator. A people who have come to regard God as one will
necessarily concentrate on the idea of God all moral and intellectual
attributes. Out of this will arise a tendency to exclude all merely
animal attributes, and, to a great extent, such phenomena as present
themselves to the thought as merely human—such, for instance, as
were the attributes of Mars, Venus, and Mercury. God then, being
the perfection of wisdom, justice, and goodness, is the only source of
law. He is, also, the actual Lawgiver in right of His being the Creator.
The world, and all that it contains, is His. His will is the law of His
creation. The gods of Egypt, however, like those of Greece, were not
anterior to Nature, were not the creators of Nature, but came in
subsequently to it, and were in some sort emanations from it; the
highest conception of them, in this relation, was that they were the
powers of Nature.
Now, in this important and governing matter of law, the Egyptian
mind did not take the Semitic view. God appeared to the Egyptian,
not so much in the character of the direct originator, as in that of the
ultimate guardian of the law, in our sense of these words. They had

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