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Dedicated to Colonnello Lorenzo D’Avanzo, commander of the IX Battaglione Carri Leggeri,
killed in action, 16 June 1940; Major Henry Rew, commander A Squadron, 7 RTR, killed in
action 9 December 1940; Obergefreiter Fritz Wilsdorf, 1 Kompanie, Panzer‑Regiment 5, killed
in action 2 April 1941; and Sergeant Delmer E. Park, 2nd Armored Division, killed in action
25 November 1941.

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© Robert Forczyk, 2023

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Index by Janet Andrew

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Introduction 8
CHAPTER 1: Desert Interregnum 10
The Afrika Korps Recovers, January 1942 10
All Quiet on the Gazala Front, February–April 1942 22
CHAPTER 2: The Road to Suez 41
Gazala: The Clash of Armour, May 1942 41
Tobruk: Rommel’s Victory, June 1942 63
Ruweisat Ridge: The Breaking Point, July 1942 91
CHAPTER 3: Decision in the Desert 109
The Changing of the Guard, August 1942 109
Gearing Up for the Main Events: September 1942 124
Lightfoot: October 1942 142
Supercharge: November 1942 164
CHAPTER 4: Broken Field Running 185
The Race for Tunisia: November–December 1942 185
Stalemate in Tunisia: December 1942–January 1943 210
Kasserine Pass: February 1943 226
CHAPTER 5: Last Stand of the Afrika Korps 252
Montgomery and Patton Strike: March 1943 252
Endgame: April–May 1943 276

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In Retrospect 300
Glossary 310
Rank Table 312
Appendices 313
Appendix 1: Major Tank Deliveries to North Africa, 1942 313
Appendix 2: Tanks in North Africa, 1942–43 314
Appendix 2b: Penetration of Tank and Anti‑tank Guns, 1940–43 316
Appendix 3: Orders of Battle for Armoured Units in North Africa, 1942–43 318
Bibliography 339
Notes 349
Index 360

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I would like to thank Pier Paolo Battistelli and Filippo Cappellano for their support
in acquiring documents and photos related to Italian armoured units in North
Africa. I would also like to thank Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) Nick Everard, secretary
for the Royal Lancers regimental museum, for information on the 12th Royal
Lancers in the 1942 campaign; Philip Wilson, Warwickshire Yeomanry Museum
Archivist, for information on the Warwickshire Yeomanry; and Bob Holt for
providing information on the 752nd Tank Battalion. I would also like to thank
Steve Zaloga for the artwork he provided for this project.
British British British

X X XX Italian Italian Italian


X Italian

SG Support
HQGroup HQ
HQ Headquarters

Armoured Anti-tank
Reconnaissance (Motorized)
I Motorcycle Maintaniance
Reconnaissance (Repair)
Infantry Transport
Artillery Signals
II Anti-aircraft

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By the standards of the Second World War, the initial campaigns in the
North African desert in 1940–41 were relatively small affairs, involving
only a handful of divisions on each side. Even though North Africa was
ostensibly the primary theatre of war for the British Empire in this period,
only two of 37 British and two of 17 Commonwealth divisions were
actively engaged in theatre by the end of 1941. Germany had just three of
its 250 divisions, with a total of 32,000 troops, fighting in North Africa.
One of the primary reasons that such small forces were deployed in North
Africa was the logistic challenges that each side faced and the austere
nature of the theatre. It took Britain about four weeks to send a convoy
around the Horn of Africa to reach Egypt, a distance of about
22,000 kilometres. Along the way, cargo ships could be lost to enemy
action and even if a convoy arrived intact at Suez, it took additional weeks
to off‑load troops and tanks and prepare them for combat. Although an
Italian convoy could reach North African ports in just two days, losses to
aggressive British air‑sea interdiction efforts were often severe and units
unloaded at Tripoli might spend a week or more moving up to the front.
Moving bulk supplies, like ammunition, fuel and water, proved even more
difficult and had to be conducted on a near continuous basis. Consequently,
both sides faced considerable difficulty in massing combat power for a
decisive operation in such a remote, austere theatre.
In 1942, both sides committed additional reinforcements to the North
African theatre in hope of achieving a knock‑out blow. The scale of armoured
operations increased dramatically during mid‑1942, with several actions
involving corps‑size armoured formations against each other. Both sides also
began the transition to true medium tanks, equipped with 75mm guns that
could fire either AP or HE ammunition, which quickly rendered earlier light
tanks fit only for reconnaissance missions. The integration of air, artillery and
engineer support also evolved rapidly on the battlefields of 1942–43, which
led to organizational and doctrinal changes. American tanks made their first
appearance on North African battlefields in late 1941, and one year later, US
Army armoured units began to arrive in theatre, adding the need for joint
operations doctrine into the mix as well.
When the North African campaign shifted into Tunisia in November
1942, armoured operations had to adjust to a region that was more heavily
populated, had a better road net, more diverse terrain and heavier rainfall. The
mountainous terrain in central Tunisia channeled mechanized movement and

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Introduction 9

often gave a substantial advantage to defenders. Unlike Libya and Egypt, Axis
forces operating in Tunisia were much closer to major ports and airfields,
which enabled reinforcements from Europe to be fed directly into battle.
This volume begins with Rommel’s second offensive in Libya and concludes
17 months later with the Axis defeat in Tunisia. In that interval, armoured
spearheads not only led the campaigns in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia, but
established a model for future air‑ground high‑intensity offensive operations,
much of which is still valid even in the 21st century. While the tanks of 1940–
43 now seem technically archaic, the operational principles and tactics used by
modern armoured units represent a direct evolutionary descent from the
methods used in these earlier campaigns.

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‘The remains of the German Afrika Korps and the Italian Army
are pouring back along the Sirte on the road leading to Tripoli.
The main objective – destruction of the enemy’s forces in the
Western Desert – has been accomplished. The German armour
has been destroyed and the handful of German tanks that remain
are attempting to escape in panic to Tripoli.’
Reuters News Agency, Cairo, 26 December 1941

Despite the tactical victory at El Haseiat, Rommel decided to continue his

retreat in order to prevent his depleted command from being outflanked.
On the morning of 1 January 1942, the Axis forces began quietly pulling
out of Agedabia but left a strong rearguard to deceive the British. By 6
January, all of the Axis forces had reached the vicinity of El Agheila, which
could not easily be outflanked due to salt marshes in the area. Rommel
placed the Italian units in front as a screening force, while the DAK units
were pulled back into reserve to rest and refit. In December, the
Divisionskommando z.b.V. Afrika had been re‑named the 90. leichte Afrika
Division. On 5 January, the Italian M.43 convoy reached Tripoli with 56
German tanks, over 500 new motor vehicles, 13 5cm Pak 38 anti‑tank guns,
15,379 tons of fuel and 2,417 tons of ammunition. A week later, another
vessel brought in ten more German tanks and the first three Sd.Kfz 6/3

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Desert Interregnum 11

halftracks (the ‘Diana’) equipped with captured Soviet 76.2mm Pak 36 (r) A row of nine new Pz III Ausf J
guns. By mid‑January, the DAK had nearly 100 operational tanks – a fact tanks at the MAN facility in
Nürnberg. Germany built only
missed by British intelligence.1 Although Enigma intercepts kept Auchinleck
350 tanks and assault guns in
fairly well informed about enemy intentions, they often missed critical January 1942, of which 159
pieces of information. were Pz IIIs. Roughly
In mid‑January 1942, the Italian CAM (Corpo d’Armata di Manovra 16 per cent of German tank
production was sent to the
or Corps of Manoeuvre) also received two medium tank battalions (X,
North African theatre. (Author’s
XI), equipped with a mix of M13/40 and some of the new M14/41 tanks. Collection)
The M14/41 was Ansaldo‑Fiat’s effort to upgrade the M13/40 with a
better engine (the 145hp SPA 15T), but the only real advantage of this
model was a slight boost in mechanical reliability under desert conditions.
In addition to the M14/41, the first two groups of Semovente da 75/18
self‑propelled guns arrived in Tripoli, along with one group of
truck‑mounted dual‑purpose 90/53 guns. Yet despite the arrival of new
equipment, the ability to reconstitute the CAM was complicated by the
Commando Supremo’s decision to deploy the 133ª Divisione Corazzata
‘Littorio’ to Tripoli as well. Initially, all the new equipment was assigned to
the inexperienced ‘Littorio’ Division, while the veteran ‘Ariete’ division
was reduced to just three operational M13/40 tanks.2 Eventually, a
compromise was made, whereby the ‘Ariete’ division was partially
re‑constituted with new equipment, but the ‘Littorio’ division retained
some for training – which left the CAM with limited combat capability
for the first several months of 1942.

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Unlike the other adversaries

involved in North Africa, Italian
tank production peaked in 1941
and was in decline by 1942.
Only 376 M14/41 medium tanks
were built in 1942. (Author’s

On the British side, Lieutenant General Alfred Godwin‑Austen’s XIII

Corps, with its forward headquarters at Antelat, was responsible for keeping
Rommel in check until sufficient reinforcements and supplies arrived to
commence Operation Acrobat. Auchinleck assured Godwin‑Austen that
Rommel’s forces were too depleted to mount any kind of offensive action.3
Until the port of Benghazi could be made operational and the logistic
situation improved, the XIII Corps could only afford to deploy limited
forces in the forward areas. Brigadier Marriott’s 200th Guards Brigade
(formerly Bencol) and Brigadier Vallentin’s 1st Support Group from the
1st Armoured Division were assigned the covering force role, between Mersa
Brega and Wadi Faregh, which amounted to four motorized infantry

By early 1942, British industry

was building over 600 tanks per
month, including about 100
Matilda infantry tanks. However,
about 30 per cent of British tank
production was going to the
Soviet Union, whereas only
about 18 per cent was going to
the Middle East. (Author’s

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Desert Interregnum 13



Ariete X XXX
132 8 Bersaglieri
XXX III 132 II 65 III 21 III
III 1942
I I 9 Bersaglieri
battalions and three artillery battalions. A composite squadron of 24 Stuart Tanks:
tanks from the 3 CLY/4 CLY (County of London Yeomanry) was assigned 160–220x M13/40 medium
to provide
III armoured support to the covering force,
I along with the Humber Armoured Cars: 60 III
armoured cars of the 11th Hussars and 12th Lancers. The newly arrived Anti-tank: 32
1st Armoured Division headquarters was supposed to control the covering
III II Artillery:
II 48x 75mm III II
40x 100/105
I 20x Semovente da 75


I M3 medium tanks being
assembled at the Detroit plant.
By January 1942, US factories
were building over 400 M3
mediums per month, of which
the majority were being provided
to the British and Soviets
through Lend Lease. (Author’s

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force, but its commander, Major General Herbert Lumsden, was wounded
by a Stuka attack on 3 January 1942. In his place, Godwin‑Austen moved
the tank‑ignorant Major General Frank Messervy from 4th Indian Division
to temporarily take command of the incomplete, inexperienced 1st Armoured
Division. Behind the covering force, Colonel Raymond Briggs’ 2nd
Armoured Brigade was brought up to relieve the battered 22nd Armoured
Brigade and it reached Antelat after a grueling 700km-long march by 6
Tanks: January, which left it with only 130 operational tanks.4 Unfortunately, there
192x Crusader was very little fuel and no maintenance units at Antelat, which left the tired
73x Grant brigade in a precarious state. Indeed, the tanks were so short of fuel that they
15x CS tanks were told not to conduct routine ‘cranks’ to recharge the radio batteries.
6x Stuarts Furthermore, indiscreet radio traffic from the brigade revealed details about
Armoured Cars: 80 its mechanical problems, lack of training and shortage of fuel – which were
Anti-tank: 48 (6-pounder) overheard by the DAK’s radio intercept company. Further back, the 4th
Artillery: Indian Division had two brigades (5, 7) deployed near Benghazi, along with
72x 25-pounder 48 Valentine tanks from the 8 RTR (Royal Tank Regiment).


2 22 II 201 Guards 1 RDG
II 107 X RHA
1 RB 1 RB I II
HQ 107


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Desert Interregnum 15

Once Rommel had partially reconstituted

the 15. Panzer‑Division, now under
Generalmajor Gustav von Vaerst, he began to
consider a counter‑offensive. Von Mellenthin
correctly assessed that British forces south of
Benghazi were dispersed and low on fuel,
which suggested a window of opportunity.
However, Rommel did not share his intentions
with his senior subordinates until 16 January
and he deliberately misled the Commando
Supremo and OKH, since they would have
vetoed such a risky idea. On 18 January, the
plan for a limited counter‑offensive was
formalized and preparations begun. The Italian
CAM was included in the plan, but only in a
supporting role. Heavy rains and sand storms
in the days just before the counter‑offensive
helped to conceal the Axis build‑up near El
Agheila from RAF reconnaissance. Rommel
directed that the operation would be
spearheaded by two Kampfgruppen: Gruppe
Marcks (three infantry battalions with artillery and anti‑tank support) would By March 1942, American tank
attack along the Via Balbia, while the DAK would advance on their open right production lines were already
beginning to shift to the superior
flank, near the Wadi Faregh. M4 medium tank. Over 8,000
The Axis counteroffensive began at 0830 hours on 21 January. The M4 medium tanks were built just
armoured cars from B Squadron, 11th Hussars were the first to detect the in 1942. (Author’s Collection)
enemy advance, but erroneously reported Gruppe Marcks as including tanks.
The 1st Support Group had divided most of its strength into four Jock
Columns, each with an artillery battery, an infantry company and a few
anti‑tank guns. While well‑suited to screening against a lightly equipped foe,
these columns were easily routed by the DAK’s main body and 16 25‑pounder
guns were lost in the hasty retreat.5 Both the 200th Guards Brigade and the
1st Support Group fell back, enabling Rommel’s forces to advance about
15 kilometres on the first day. Messervy assessed the enemy activity as a
probing attack (which it was) and ordered the 200th Brigade and 1st Support
Group to create a defensive line between Agedabia and El Haseiat, a distance
of nearly 50 kilometres. Briggs’ 2nd Armoured Brigade was not alerted until
0410 hours on 22 January and was then provided very vague orders to move
south to deal with an enemy raiding force.6 During the day, Rommel received
a message from the OKH, indicating that the Panzergruppe was now
re‑designated as Panzerarmee Afrika (the four Panzergruppen in Russia were
also re‑designated as Panzerarmeen).
The Axis offensive resumed on the morning of 22 January, meeting only
light, disjointed resistance from both British brigades. Soft sand, due to recent
heavy rains, caused problems for both sides’ wheeled vehicles. Many British

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Reinforced with a shipment of forward units, including the 12th Lancers, were short of fuel and at least three
new tanks, Rommel was able to Humber armoured cars had to be abandoned. Around noon, the Stuart tanks
launch a counteroffensive on 21
January 1942, which quickly
from Arthur Force managed to knock out one enemy Pz IV, while assisting the
overran the British outposts near withdrawal of the 1st Support Group. By 1100 hours, Gruppe Marcks reached
Agedabia. A Pz III advances past Agedabia, just as the British covering force fell back. The British response to
a burning British truck. (SDZ, this enemy action was timid and uncoordinated, to say the least. The retreat of
Marriott’s 200th Guards Brigade left the Via Balbia uncovered and Briggs’ 2nd
Armoured Brigade advanced 30 kilometres to Saunnu, then further south in
search of the enemy. Messervy directed the 1st Armoured Division headquarters
to fall back, which exacerbated communications problems and made
coordination between the three forward British brigade groups problematic.
It is worth noting that all three regiments in the 2nd Armoured Brigade
had been converted from cavalry units just prior to the war and had very
limited experience with medium tanks compared to the RTR battalions. For
example, Captain Douglas R. B. Kaye in the 10th Hussars had joined the
regiment in 1931 but spent most of the decade in India, focused on ‘polo,
pig‑sticking, shooting and jackal hunting’. After a brief sojourn in Palestine as
a military provost, Kaye rejoined the 10th Hussars when it reached Egypt in
November 1941. Although he had never been in a tank or used a wireless
radio set, Captain Kaye was offered command of C Squadron. Handing over

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Desert Interregnum 17

a front‑line tank squadron to a completely unqualified officer is a recipe for

disaster, although Kaye proved to be an upwardly mobile survivor.
Although Rommel’s performance was often sub‑par during Operation
Crusader, he demonstrated considerable command ability in leading this
counter‑offensive and in sensing where the British forces were weakest. Once
Agedabia was secured, he ordered Gruppe Marcks to press on to Antelat,
which it reached by 1530 hours. From there, Marcks pushed on to the outskirts
of Saunnu by dusk and scattered some of the motor transport belonging to
2nd Armoured Brigade’s B‑echelon. Upon learning that their support units
were under attack, the 2nd Armoured Brigade reversed course during the
night and headed back to Saunnu. However, Marcks had not left any troops
in Saunnu, but instead tried to swing around to the east to envelop the British
armoured brigade, while the DAK came up from the west; Rommel’s intent
was to crush the British 1st Armoured Division between these two pincers.7
Rommel’s pincer attack did not come off as expected. During the night of
22/23 January, the 1st Support Group retreated through the gap in the two
German Kampfgruppen and headed toward Msus. Briggs’ brigade advanced as
a dispersed formation, slowly due to limited fuel, and did not approach
Saunnu from the south until 1000 hours on 23 January. The 15. Panzer‑Division,
approaching Saunnu from the west, spotted the approaching British armour
and deployed Kampfgruppe Mildebrath (with 13 Pz III and three Pz IV),
some 5cm Pak and two 8.8cm Flak guns as a blocking force. Around
1115 hours, the lead squadron from Lieutenant Colonel John R. MacDonell’s
9th Lancers (9L) encountered Kampfgruppe Mildebrath but was quickly shot
to pieces. The German tanks occupied hull‑down positions, which gave them
a significant tactical advantage. Briggs ordered Lieutenant Colonel Charles B.
C. Harvey’s 10th Hussars to attack the German positions. Firing smoke
rounds from their two Crusader CS tanks, the Stuart tanks of Major Anthony
D. R. Wingfield’s B Squadron came on fast, despite the intense German fire,
but Mildebrath used one of his Panzer‑Kompanie to move forward and flank
the British, which inflicted heavy losses.8 Altogether, the British lost at least 18
tanks in the morning action west of Saunnu, versus six for Mildebrath
(including two Pz IV Totalausfälle).9 By noon, the entire 15. Panzer‑Division
had joined the action and the 9th Lancers were isolated from the rest of the
brigade. Rommel ordered the Panzer units to push on to Saunnu and encircle
the enemy units before they could escape, which led to a desperate action in
the late afternoon. Mildebrath attacked with his ten remaining Panzers and
managed to overrun a South African artillery battery which was supporting
the British tanks, although this cost him five of his own tanks. Eventually,
Mildebrath managed to occupy Saunnu by 1755 hours. Altogether, the
Germans had at least 11 tanks damaged or destroyed in the action around
Saunnu, but they controlled the battlefield and could salvage most of their
wrecks. In contrast, the British lost over 40 tanks in the action and the 10th
Hussars was reduced to just eight tanks. Due to fuel shortages, the 9th Lancers
was forced to destroy four of their Stuarts when they retreated.10

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A Crusader tank burns. The Even though the armour of both sides had been in close proximity when
Germans attempted a pincer dusk fell on the night of 23/24 January, contact was lost during the night. At
attack against the 2nd Armoured
Brigade at Saunnu on 23
dawn on 24 January, Crüwell ordered Kampfgruppe Cramer to pursue the
January 1942, which inflicted fleeing British armour, which resulted in another meeting engagement
heavy losses. (SDZ, 00333551) 10 kilometres to the north of Saunnu, which went badly for Briggs’ brigade.
Briggs retreated toward the supply depot at Msus (9L was separated from the
brigade), with his brigade reduced to 41 operational tanks.11 By this point,
Godwin‑Austen had received enough information to indicate that the enemy
activity was not merely a probe and requested permission from Ritchie to
withdraw all his forces toward Benghazi and the supply depot at Msus. Ritchie
initially granted Godwin‑Austen latitude for a withdrawal, but then changed
his mind when Churchill leaned into the 8th Army decision‑making process.
Upon learning that preparations were being made to evacuate Benghazi,
Churchill sent a signal to Auchinleck to stop this activity and to order
8th Army to stand fast and then counterattack. Auchinleck pressured Ritchie,
who now felt compelled to directly countermand Godwin‑Austen’s orders to
XIII Corps – something which simply did not happen in the hierarchy‑conscious
British army. Indeed, Ritchie directed that 1st Armoured Division mount a
counterattack from Msus, not realizing that the moment for such an action
had passed. Lieutenant Stuart Hamilton, a troop leader in 8 RTR, noted that
his unit was ordered to move toward Benghazi, then away from it, then back
toward it within a day, stating that ‘this sort of order, counter‑order, disorder
was most demoralizing in extremely unpleasant conditions because it was
cold, wet and nobody knew what the hell was going on’.12

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Desert Interregnum 19

Kampfgruppe Cramer pushed on to Msus on the morning of 25 January,

overrunning the British supply depot and capturing a large amount of motor
transport and support personnel. The remnants of Briggs’ 2nd Armoured
Brigade retreated to Charruba, to protect the eastern approaches to Benghazi,
but seven of his mechanically fragile Crusader tanks broke down.13
Godwin‑Austen now ordered 1st Armoured Division to withdraw to Mechili
and 4th Indian Division to evacuate Benghazi, but Ritchie intervened to
cancel these orders.14 While Rommel’s Kampfgruppen were routing the XIII
Corps, both the OKH and the Commando Supremo were trying to halt his
offensive because they did not have the resources to sustain it. It is important
to note that while the OKH regarded the Afrika Korps as an economy of force
effort from the beginning, Rommel never accepted this role and constantly
made operational decisions with an eye to garnering more reinforcements and
supplies from his reluctant chain of command. Indeed, he typically kept his
chain of command in the dark about his plans for a counteroffensive and
ignored attempts from the Commando Supremo and Superasi to restrain his
advance. Rommel had to pause at Msus because of fuel problems and severe
sandstorms, but when he learned from his radio intercept unit that the British
were expecting him to continue on toward Mechili and were preparing to
evacuate Benghazi, he saw a golden opportunity. He decided to feint toward
Mechili with Kampfgruppe Cramer, while actually pivoting his main effort to
the northwest to isolate Benghazi.15
On the morning of 27 January, Rommel reinforced Gruppe Marcks with
A.A. 3 and A.A. 33 from the DAK’s Panzer‑Divisionen and ordered it to
advance northwest toward Benghazi. Marcks continued moving throughout
the night of 27/28 January, despite rain and adverse terrain. Rommel also
ordered a battlegroup from the Italian ‘Ariete’ division to advance up the Via
Balbia from Agedabia and threaten Benghazi from the south. Rommel joined
Gruppe Marcks as it closed in on Benghazi from the east on the afternoon of
28 January and he was in his element, aggressively leading a spearhead unit.
Although the Indian 7th Brigade had begun withdrawing from Benghazi,
Rommel cut its escape route at 1800 hours on 28 January. Amazingly, the
Indian brigade managed to slip through the thin Italian cordon to the south
on the night of 28/29 January. Rommel entered Benghazi on the morning of
29 January.16
While the capture of Benghazi was a great tactical coup for Rommel, he
lacked the resources to continue a protracted offensive. Hundreds of trucks had
been captured, but little fuel was available for them. On the British side, Ritchie
finally authorized the dispirited XIII Corps to retreat from Mechili to Gazala,
but Godwin‑Austen asked to be relieved of command on 2 February and he was
replaced by Gott. Rommel pursued the retreating British forces, but heavy rain
and fuel shortages slowed the German vanguard units to a virtual crawl.
Nevertheless, Kampfgruppe Cramer was able to reach Tmimi with 65 tanks on
3 February, then halted 20 kilometres west of Gazala on 4 February. Once the
8th Army elements were close to Tobruk, their supply situation improved,

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Desert Interregnum 21

General Auchinleck standing on

the back deck of a Grant tank
during firing trials in Egypt, 27
January 1942. Auchinleck and
other senior British officers
present were impressed by the
firepower of the Grant’s 75mm
gun, but failed to notice the
limitations of its improvised
design. (Battlefield Historian,
BHC 01252)

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whereas the Axis supply situation further deteriorated. By early February, a rare
period of static warfare settled over the Libyan desert, with both sides striving to
reconstitute their armoured forces for another offensive.
On the British side, Churchill, Auchinleck and Ritchie were livid that the
2nd Armoured Brigade had been routed so easily and lost 72 of its tanks, while
ignoring the decisions they made that contributed to this setback. Once again
Auchinleck was quick to blame the technical deficiencies of British tanks and
the 2‑pounder gun for the reverse, even though he had no first‑hand evidence
of this as a causal factor.17 It was simply his opinion. Yet if the 2nd Armoured
Brigade had been afforded proper time to train and acclimatize to the desert,
it would likely have performed better – that was on Auchinleck, who pushed
to deploy the unit forward as soon as possible. Indeed, Auchinleck’s decision
to replace the veteran 7th Armoured Division (and send two of its best
regiments to Burma) with the inexperienced 1st Armoured Division was
unsound. Churchill’s insistence on priority for the follow‑on Operation
Acrobat also worked against 2nd Armoured Brigade’s immediate need for fuel
for training. Finally, Ritchie and his confusing counter‑orders also contributed
to 2nd Armoured Brigade’s discomfiture and the loss of a veteran corps


‘I consider it to be of the highest importance that you should not
break up the organization of either of the armoured divisions.
They have been trained to fight as divisions and fight as divisions
they should.’
Auchinleck's instructions to Ritchie, 20 May 194218

In preparing for the next round of combat in the desert, both sides made
concerted efforts to improve their armoured units with new equipment,
new tactics and improved tactical‑level organization. Given the heavy
personnel losses suffered in Operation Crusader, it was also necessary to
replace dead, wounded, sick or captured officers. However, the logistic
difficulties of transporting tanks and their necessary supplies into the
North African theatre and preparing them for combat proved a major
constraining factor for both sides. Consequently, both sides were forced to
integrate captured equipment into their inventories in order to address
deficiencies and shortfalls.
Even as 8th Army was settling into its new defensive positions between
Gazala and Bir Hakeim, efforts began to correct problems noted during
Operation Crusader. As a first step, a new, leaner armoured division
organization (the 6/5/3 structure) was created in February 1942. The 8th Army
leadership now recognized that the three armoured brigade organization used

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Desert Interregnum 23

by the 7th Armoured Division was too unwieldy, and the new division would
now have two armoured brigade groups and one motorized infantry brigade
group with a total of six armour, five infantry and three towed artillery
battalions.19 There was also a consensus that the support group concept had
not worked well in practice, because it tended to disperse infantry and artillery
support onto secondary tasks rather than supporting the armour. Consequently,
the new structure abolished the support group and attached most of the
support assets directly to the brigade groups; it was hoped that permanent
attachments would enhance combined arms cooperation. Under the new
structure, the division headquarters only retained direct control over a few
sub‑units, particularly the armoured reconnaissance regiment and the
engineers.20 However, the Royal Engineer support for British armoured
divisions remained anaemic, with just a single field squadron (company)
assigned, in contrast to the German and Italian armoured divisions, which
were supported by a full engineer battalion.
Major General Herbert Lumsden, who had recovered from his wounds,
resumed command of the 1st Armoured Division in February. Lumsden was a
42‑year‑old artilleryman‑turned-horsed-cavalryman who commanded a
regiment of armoured cars in Belgium in 1940, then an armoured brigade in
England in 1940–41. He was a sensible, Camberley‑trained staff officer, but like
many officers in his generation he was promoted beyond his level of ability and
experience. When Gott was promoted to take charge of the infantry‑heavy XIII
Corps (in itself a poor decision, since Gott had under‑performed as a division
commander during Crusader), Auchinleck and Ritchie decided to promote the
hero of the hour, Brigadier ‘Jock’ Campbell, to command the 7th Armoured
Division. Despite his demonstrated bravery at Sidi Rezegh, the intemperate
Campbell had a very limited repertoire of command skills, beyond screaming
and throwing things at subordinates, and was ill‑suited to command an armoured
division. Three weeks after receiving the command, Campbell was killed in a
vehicle accident. Although Gatehouse, the most experienced senior armour
commander in 8th Army, temporarily took charge of 7th Armoured Division,
he was not confirmed in the position. A cloud of sorts hung over Gatehouse, due
to his brigade’s alleged failures during Crusader, which he attributed to
communications problems. Instead, Auchinleck and Ritchie decided to put
Frank Messervy in charge of the division, even though his brief performance as
commander of the 1st Armoured Division had been uninspired. Equally
unsettling was that Norrie was left in charge of XXX Corps, which controlled
both armoured divisions, even though he had demonstrated no real talent for
manoeuvre warfare during Crusader. To say that these senior command
assignments for the senior manoeuvre formations was haphazard is an
understatement. Amazingly, no RTR officer had yet been assigned to command
a British armoured division in combat – a strong indicator that pre‑war
regimental prejudices were allowed to influence the selection of command cadre.
Equally suspect is Auchinleck’s decision to leave Ritchie as commander of
8th Army, even though there was now time to seek a better alternative.

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By early 1942, a steady stream Once ensconced behind the Gazala line, the 8th Army also began removing
of American‑built Grant and some lower‑echelon commanders who had under‑performed in the combat of
Stuart tanks were arriving in
Egypt. The infusion of hundreds
the past few months. Lieutenant Colonel Dinham Drew, commander of the
of US tanks enabled the 5 RTR, had clashed with his brigade commander while also inviting derision
8th Army to rapidly build up its from the ranks, who referred to him as ‘Colonel Brew’ (as in 'brewed up'
armoured strength against a tank). Drew was relieved and replaced by a younger RTR officer, Robbie
resurgent Afrika Korps. (IWM,
Uniacke.21 Likewise, Lieutenant Colonel Ewins, in 3 RTR, was replaced by
George ‘Pip’ Roberts, a rising star in the RTR ranks. Roberts represented a
new breed of British armour officer: he had been commissioned from
Sandhurst directly into the RTC in 1926 and had only served in armour or
staff assignments. Although Roberts had no combat experience prior to taking

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Desert Interregnum 25

over 3 RTR, he would prove to be one of the better British armoured

commanders of the Second World War. Gatehouse was also
removed from command of 4th Armoured Brigade, but after some
recovery time in Egypt, he would eventually be offered a division
command. After 18 months of near continuous operations, the
cadre of older pre‑war regular mid‑level officers was gradually being
replaced by a new crop, which even included Territorials and some
former NCOs.
In terms of equipment, the biggest development for the
8th Army was the arrival in Egypt of the first ten American‑built
M3 medium tanks, christened the Grant. Three Grants had been
sent to England in November 1941 for testing and evaluation by
the MWEE; one result of this evaluation was the development of
sand shields for the tracks and a dust cover for the main gun. Five
Grants were issued each to the 3 RTR and 5 RTR on 27 January
and field gunnery tests were begun near Alexandria by mid‑February.
Auchinleck himself went to observe the gunnery tests, standing on
the back of a Grant tank. For targets, the Grants fired at several
worn‑out Valentine tanks, at a range of about 1,500 metres.22
Under these conditions, the 75mm M2 L/30 gun, firing M72
AP‑T rounds, easily scored devastating hits on these static hard
targets. The British officers also liked the fact that the 75mm gun
on the Grant had the ability to fire both AP‑T rounds and M48 HE rounds. The limitations of the M3
Indeed, the powerful impression made by the initial firing trials of the 75mm medium tank are more apparent
in this photo of one of the
gun in Egypt was overwhelming and it was quickly regarded as the solution to surviving examples at Fort
the growing imbalance between the 2‑pounder and German tank armament. Benning. The limited traverse of
Nevertheless, British engineers had been heavily involved in the development the hull‑mounted 75mm gun
of the Grant and were well aware of its awkward design, particularly the was a problem in mobile battle,
and the tall stature of the hull
sponson‑mounted main gun, as well as a host of other issues that would affect made the M3 difficult to conceal
its actual use in combat. The lack of a fully rotating turret made the Grant on the battlefield. (1LT Andrei
better suited to defensive combat, but this was not made apparent to Forczyk)
Auchinleck or other senior commanders. While the 30‑ton Grant had decent
armoured protection (51mm or RHA across its frontal arc), it was initially
plagued with engine defects when it first arrived in the Middle East.23
In fact, the 75mm M2 cannon on the Grant was merely an evolution of
the French 75mm M1897 field gun, and the Rock Island Arsenal had only
begun working on armour‑piercing ammunition for this weapon at the start
of the war. The M72 AP‑T round was a simple solid‑shot projectile that had
just entered production in November 1941 and was essentially an interim
round. The US Army expected the M61 APC‑T round, equipped with a
ballistic cap and a HE bursting charge, to be the main tank‑killing munition.
Unfortunately, the design of the base‑detonating fuse for the M61 had run
into technical problems and would not enter production until early 1942;
consequently, the 8th Army would not receive any fully functional M‑61
APC‑T rounds until after the Battle of Gazala and had to make do with the

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Stuart and Grant tanks moving

toward the front by railway
carriage, late March 1942.
British possession of a functional
rail line to Mersa Matruh gave
8th Army a decided advantage in
logistic infrastructure. (IWM,

interim M72 AP‑T round. In more detailed tests in March 1942, a Grant tank
fired M72 rounds at a captured German Pz III that was equipped with 50mm
thick FHA and the results were far less impressive. All of the M72 rounds
shattered on impact with FHA and only a single projectile achieved a
penetration – through the driver’s vision block – at a range of 500 metres.24 A
few test M61 APC‑T rounds were also fired; these improved rounds had much
better penetration, but until they were provided with a working HE fill, the
damage they inflicted to the interior of the tank was not likely to guarantee a
Major George B. Jarrett, a US Army ordnance officer sent to Egypt to
advise the 8th Army on ammunition issues, and Major Leslie E. Northy, an
Australian ordnance officer, collaborated on a technical solution. When the
Afrika Korps withdrew hastily from Tobruk it left a great deal of ammunition
behind, including nearly 20,000 7.5cm K.Gr. rot Pz. APC rounds for the Kwk
37 L/24 gun on the Pz IV medium tank. Through a combination of curiosity
and experimentation, Northy and Jarrett discovered that after minor
modifications, the German ballistic capped projectile could be inserted in an
M72 shell case and fired from the M2 75mm gun on the Grant. A few of the
experimental rounds, dubbed an AP‑composite projectile (actually it was an

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Desert Interregnum 27

APCB‑HE round), were fired at some Pz III hulks and achieved clean
penetrations at 1,000 metres of FHA, with a devastating burst effect inside the
target. The RAOC workshops were immediately ordered to begin converting
captured German 7.5cm rounds with American‑made 75mm AP rounds;
approximately 15,000 composite rounds were completed prior to the Battle of
Gazala, providing the 8th Army with an armour‑piercing round that was
superior to anything possessed by the Afrika Korps.
While the RAOC workshops worked to produce AP‑composite rounds,
the 8th Army’s armoured units began a crash programme to convert units to
the new Grant tank. Major Jarrett also played a significant role in this
conversion effort, leading a team of US Army ordnance instructors. By late
March, Britain had already received 665 Grants, with over 400 in the Middle
East and 200 more en route, although all of them required modifications to
make them ready for combat in the desert. As the Grants were released for
issue, the decision had to be made to either concentrate the new tanks in a
few units or spread them across most of the armour units in theatre. The
8th Army chose to disperse the Grants and two types of armoured regiments
were now organized: a regiment with two squadrons of Grants and one of
Stuarts (total of 24 Grant and 20 Stuart) or a regiment with one squadron
of Grants and two squadrons of Crusaders (12 Grant and 44 Crusader).25
The 4th Armoured Brigade in 7th Armoured Division was the first to
re‑equip, with all three battalions (3 RTR, 5 RTR, 8H) receiving two
squadrons of Grants by early April. However, the six armoured regiments in
the 1st Armoured Division only received one squadron of Grants each. The
1st Armoured Brigade, still in Cairo, was just converting to Grants when the
Battle of Gazala began in May. Altogether, in the next campaign the
8th Army would field a total of 167 Grant tanks spread across a dozen
regiments, although there were many reserve tanks available in Egypt.
German intelligence was unaware of the arrival of the Grant tank in the
Middle East and the re‑equipping of British armoured units until 20 May,
when von Mellenthin mentioned them in his intelligence assessment.26
British tank crews required considerable gunnery training in the Grant,
which could engage targets at longer ranges than the 2‑pounder. The effective
use of the HE rounds took practice, since most tankers were accustomed to
firing only high-velocity AP rounds. The fact that the Grant had both a 75mm
and a 37mm gun also required experimentation on how best to use these in
combat. In terms of tactics, British tankers were irked by the height of the
Grant, which was nearly a metre taller than the Crusader tank. British armour
tactics favoured the use of hull‑down firing positions, which were not feasible
with the Grant’s sponson‑mounted main gun.
The British also made use of captured German ammunition to address
another shortfall in their armoured units. Throughout 1941, British tanks
equipped with the Czech‑made 7.92mm Besa coax machine‑gun had fired
only ball ammunition, but it was noted in after‑combat analysis that these
rounds did not penetrate the gun shield on enemy Pak 38 anti‑tank guns or

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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
his head. The Arch-priest's office is naturally more sacerdotal in its
nature than that of his comrades, for it is he who is entrusted with the
due performance of all the services of the temple, and he too assists
at the solemn ceremony of censing the crystal altar of the Sun, as I
have already shown. He is also the custodian of the awful Fountain
of Rejuvenation, though his guardianship is shared by other
members of the inner ring. One day, finding the venerable head of
the council in an unusually expansive mood, I ventured to question
him openly upon the properties of this sacred well, this Zem-Zem of
Meleagrian un-faith. He replied that its medicated waters, though
highly beneficial to a mortal born of the Earth, would prove fatal to
any Meleagrian rash enough to attempt their use. Moreover, he
added that should anyone plunge alone and unattended into this
well, the terrific suction of the current beneath would infallibly drag
the body under, never to reappear. I then questioned him if many
such accidents had ever occurred, whereupon he answered dryly
that none had happened in his own experience; which equivocal
reply I interpreted as admitting that fatal incidents in the past were by
no means unknown. I then twitted him jokingly for not renewing his
own youth, of course with all proper precautions, in the fountain of
his charge, to which he replied with considerable asperity and horror,
using the most solemn Meleagrian form of denial: "May the God
perish first and the Sun be darkened!" After this vigorous negation
he took his departure with some abruptness, nor could I ever entice
him to speak again of the fountain.
I fully realise that my account of the hierarchy or governing class of
Meleager is both incomplete and unsatisfactory, but I must plead
again the many difficulties of obtaining information which I have
already mentioned. In fact, it is from two sources only that I can
derive any details whatever, these being my own limited
opportunities of observation and discovery and the rare statements
that the Arch-priest lets fall from time to time, for I am not on
confidential terms with any other member of the council. From Hiridia
and my friends of the nobility I can gather absolutely nothing, for the
simple reason that their own ignorance of the private affairs of their
ruling caste is even greater than mine. Indeed, the marvel is that I
have been able to compile even the small amount I have inscribed
here, considering the obstacles in my way of acquiring knowledge. I
must sum up therefore by stating that I have very little
communication with that body of councillors with whom my own
position and prerogative are so closely interwoven, this state of
affairs being due wholly to the persistent refusal of the latter to take
me into their confidence.
Of the nobility I can speak with more confidence, for with many of
them I am on terms of intimacy and friendship. The well-bred
gentleman is not confined in our own world to any special climate or
nation, for he is to be found equally under a white, a yellow, a brown
and even a black skin; and the gentle type is also indigenous on the
planet of Meleager.
The aristocracy of Meleager is closely connected with the land, and it
is to some extent strongly impregnated with feudal principles. Every
noble is either the owner of an estate, be it large, moderate or small,
or else is connected by family ties with the actual landowner. Each
house forms a distinctive gens in itself, and all its male members are
entitled to bear a badge, which is its peculiar mark. These badges at
first suggested to my mind a relic of totem-kin, but I soon changed
my opinion on this point, and now hold the family badge to be
heraldic in its aim and use. I gather that the adoption of a
conspicuous badge or emblem for each family is of considerable
antiquity, and perhaps derives from reports made by the Meleagrian
envoys on Earth at the period of the Crusades, when coat-armour
came into fashion among the chivalry of Western Christendom.
The mass of the nobles exhibits various degrees of wealth and
influence, and I have noted the existence of some ill-feeling between
the leading magnates and the smaller landowners. The social
cleavage between the two sets is however imperceptible, and the
constant intermarriage between the families of what I may call the
major and the minor barons tends to eradicate many cases of
jealousy. This landed aristocracy has, of course, its chief residence
in the country districts, though the wealthier families possess houses
in the cities in addition. The country house of Meleager is usually of
moderate size, and consists of a low square white-washed mansion
enclosing a courtyard. The native love of colonnades is prominently
exhibited in these houses, which are frequently surrounded on all
sides by loggias that can be utilised according to the varying
conditions of weather. The arrangements within are somewhat
primitive according to our own luxurious standards of the twentieth
century, but they are not without a sufficiency of comfort. The floors
are generally tiled; there are no rugs or carpets, save some skins of
beasts; the furniture, though often elaborately carved, is not plentiful.
There are no family portraits, for the art of painting pictures is
unknown, but in compensation for this defect there is always the
curious family chapel or mausoleum. This has usually a low domed
roof pierced by windows of coloured glass that admit only a dim light
within the chamber which seems very similar to the columbaria of the
Romans, from whom I conclude this idea has been borrowed by their
unknown admirers. Rows of small semicircular apertures line the
walls, many of these standing empty, whilst not a few are occupied
by busts of deceased members of the family. Beneath these effigies
are placed small urns of metal or marble which contain the ashes, for
cremation has for sanitary reasons been made compulsory in
Meleager for many centuries past. Some of these busts are of no
small artistic merit, and evidently well portray the features of the
noble ancestors; others again are of inferior workmanship; whilst
some are obviously merely conventional in their treatment. Such a
collection certainly forms rather a gruesome substitute for a family
portrait gallery, but its atmosphere does not seem to depress the
spirits of the present generation, for I am always cheerfully invited to
enter and inspect these queer oratories. The surrounding gardens
are often beautiful, but are far less artificial than our own. One broad
long flagged terrace usually suffices for the family to stroll; otherwise
the paths and lawns are unkempt and neglected. These pleasances
are however full of a luxuriant growth of wild or half-wild flowers, so
that I found myself often being reminded of the exuberant gardens of
old-world Italian villas in past days, before the late irruption of
wealthy cosmopolitan tourists had succeeded in thoroughly
vulgarising Italy and modernising all its old peaceful haunts.
Country life as pursued in Meleager varies little in its essence from
that of our Earth, mutatis mutandis, for time is pretty evenly divided
between the attractions of sport and the claims of estate
management and domestic concerns. Everything is, of course,
conducted in a manner that would appear as primitive to our
pampered sportsmen as it would seem suggestive to the antiquary,
for both field sports and agriculture have remained here in the
mediæval, or even sometimes in the archaic, stage of development.
Firearms, though not unknown, are at least never employed, so that
in hunting the spear, the net, the trap and even the bow still
constitute the chief weapons of the chase. All ploughing is performed
by oxen with wooden implements, and the thorough cultivation of the
crops is on a tiny scale. Again and again have the conditions of
Meleagrian rural life recalled to me the old-world bucolic practices of
Tuscany and Castile, that even down to the close of the nineteenth
century retained so many picturesque features of remote classical
times. The tenor of existence in the country is quiet enough, and
would prove unspeakably dull and irksome to the majority of our
modern squires; but it must be remembered that the Meleagrian
landowners have no newspapers, no novels, no Stock Exchange, no
party politics to sweeten and distract their daily round, so that they
are perfectly content to follow in the secure footsteps of their
forefathers. Should the younger men find the calm routine of country
life wearisome, there are other avenues of occupation open to such
restless souls. In the first place there is the army, which is officered
solely by members of the aristocracy, some of whom make a
permanent profession of their military duties and attain in due course
to the higher commands therein. The usual plan is, however, for the
younger sons of the noble houses to spend some three or four years
in the army, after which they marry and come to settle in homes of
their own, where they busy themselves for the rest of their lives with
a medley of sport, agriculture and domestic economy. Again, the life
at Court is open to a certain number of those who care neither for a
career in the army nor for the monotony of the countryside. Here
they participate in the constant variety of the palace, and hope to win
honorary appointments in the royal household. A few, more
adventurous still than their fellows, proceed to Barbaria either for the
purpose of better hunting, or for the sake of the harder and more
exciting life in a new sphere of energy. Some proportion of these
latter obtain grants of land in this less than half-occupied territory,
where they found new estates modelled on the old lines, much as
the younger scions of our gentle English houses emigrated and
settled in Virginia. Such experiments moreover are strongly
commended and encouraged by the special councillors who are
charged with the conduct of colonial affairs.
Yet another and a far more important means of escape from the
alleged tedium of family or rustic routine is the career of the
probationer, who aspires eventually to be elected a member of the
hierarchy. This ambition cannot, however, be gratified before the age
of thirty, when the intending candidate is admitted to the school of
the neophytes. Here for a year he receives a course of lectures on
Meleagrian history and is taught the rudiments of Latin grammar, but
no instruction in reading or writing is yet afforded him. At the end of a
twelvemonth of such preliminary training, the neophyte is either
rejected as unfit or unsuitable, or else he is admitted a probationer of
the seminary attached to the Temple of the Sun. In that case he
receives a five years' course of far more advanced tuition; he is
taught to read, write and speak the Latin language; and presumably
he is also instructed in astronomy, politics, theology and other
subjects concerning which his existing notions must be strangely
vague or wholly erroneous. This long period of instruction entails a
severe strain on the pupil, who is henceforth cut off from all private
and external ties and interests, for he is never allowed to quit the
precincts of his seminary. Of his final election and reception into the
council of the hierarchy I have spoken elsewhere. Whether or no any
candidate has ever failed to obtain his election and has been
consequently compelled to remain in the institution for years,
perhaps for the term of his lifetime, I cannot say; yet I do know for a
fact that for its inmates there is but one door leading out of the
seminary of probationers and that is the door which admits to the
council chamber.
I always enjoy my occasional visits to the country seats of the
nobility, where the calm useful healthy life affords an agreeable
change to me from the atmosphere of the palace, which seems
always charged with mystery and intrigue. The genuine greeting of
my host and the members of his family, the delightful blend of divine
honours and of frank hospitality wherewith I am everywhere
received, the pride shown in their farms and agricultural schemes,
the general air of repose and safety, all tend to soothe a mind that
has grown perplexed and wearied with the endless cares of an
exalted but anomalous office. The conversation of these uneducated
but well-bred persons is certainly not exciting, and might fairly be
described as trivial, but really I do not think, from past experience,
that it is more trifling or banal than the average talk of the British
aristocracy which of recent years has elevated sport and money-
making to be the prevalent topics of society (using that term in its
narrow technical application). And though all these excellent folk in
Meleager are of necessity quite illiterate in the sense that they
cannot read and write, their memory is marvellous, so that often after
the evening meal the different members of the household recite
whole poems in the Meleagrian language, or else tell stories that are
by no means devoid of wit and imagination. Often too there is
singing to the native lute of sweet melodious songs, which are well
rendered by the fresh voices of the young performers.
The land tenure of Meleager may perhaps be best described as a
modified form of primogeniture. The family estate, whether large or
small, descends in tail male, and only in the failure of masculine
issue in the whole family to the female heirs of the last possessor.
This strict entail is, however, subject to certain limitations, which tend
to allow provision for the widow and daughters of the landowner.
Moreover, all members of the family have a species of life interest in
the estate, so long as they continue unmarried. Thus on the death of
a father, the eldest-born will inherit, but the new owner's younger
brothers (and also his unmarried uncles), if still residing under the
family roof, own the right to remain in their old home. Patriarchal life
in this manner becomes highly developed, and the family council
consisting of all its male and all its unmarried female members can
exercise considerable power over all private affairs within the scope
of the family circle. Thus the expulsion of an unworthy relative can
be arranged, and this inherent family rule is admitted and upheld by
the hierarchy. A noble thus expelled forfeits his right to bear the
family badge, and also has to relinquish the crimson cloak and tunic
of his order. A member so degraded sinks automatically into the
ranks of the plebeian or third estate, and is generally lost sight of.
Such incidents are rare, but they do occur occasionally, and this
private form of prerogative to drive into social exile is undisputed.
Although a very distinct line is drawn between the Reds and the
Greens, between the noble and the mercantile classes, there seems
no contempt or envy of class on either side. Such jealousy as exists
is rather noticeable within the ranks of the aristocracy itself, wherein,
though nominally all are of equal rank, some are rich and some poor,
some influential and some of little account. And the same remark
holds good of the conditions prevailing in the mercantile class.
Taxation of the landed interest is raised in two ways: first by a direct
tax on land itself, which is apportioned at certain intervals; and
second, by a poll-tax on every noble. Occasionally a landed estate
left without any male heirs is sold for the benefit of the female
inheritors; but it is clear that in the vast majority of cases the present
estates in Meleager have descended in unbroken succession and
unreduced in area for many generations.
As to the characteristics of the Meleagrian nobles, doubtless they
have their failings, but these in my estimation are fully redeemed by
their many good qualities. There is apparent some display of
haughtiness in the higher nobility towards other less wealthy
members of their own caste, but their attitude and bearing towards
their many dependents and also towards the general populace would
be worthy of imitation even in our so-called democratic world. Of
course such intimacy as I can attain with them is necessarily limited,
when one considers my own range of knowledge and their utter
inability to grasp the meaning of any one of the many serious
questions that perpetually vex my mind. I sometimes have the
sensation of living in a world of shadows, with which I sport and even
converse, for the mental gulf fixed between me and them is
fathomless and unbridgeable. Even my Hiridia, faithful friend and
delightful companion though he be, seems often a plaything rather
than a co-equal being of the same flesh and blood as myself. I can
study all these people and analyse with ease their simple empty
minds; I can sympathise with their artless pleasures and pastimes; I
can play and sing and hunt and bathe and feast with them;—but I
cannot talk with them seriously any more than can a septuagenarian
professor carry on a rational conversation with a child. Yet all the
same they are charming grown-up children; and was it not the Divine
Master of our world who more than once insisted that to share His
promised kingdom all His grown-up hearers must become as little
children? Nevertheless, despite such consoling thoughts, the fact
remains that I am always lonely.

Of the mercantile class I intend to say very little. So much that I have
just written applies with equal force to the Greens, or second estate
of the realm. I am often entertained by the leading merchants of
Tamarida and Zapyro, but these occasions really produce little more
than the exchange of polite formalities, and I know far less of these
persons than I do of the nobility. A portion of this class is connected
with the land in the form of yeomen, or small freeholders, whose
properties are however confined to Barbaria or to the poorer districts
of the Regio Solis. In their case the law of primogeniture is enforced
more strictly than amongst the landed aristocracy, for as the
yeoman's estate is reckoned insufficient to provide for all the males
of the family, only the eldest son enjoys the paternal acres. The
younger sons are accordingly dispatched to make their living or
fortune in some trade, and it is usually the stalwart young men of this
small landed stock who supply the greater part of the petty officers in
the army. The great majority of the Greens, as they are commonly
termed, are traders either on a large or a small scale, though a
certain number fill some of the lesser official posts of stewards and
assistants in connection with the work of the hierarchy. In the case of
members of this order who have amassed considerable wealth and
are desirous of entering the class of the nobles, application is made
to the council, and such appeals are either granted or refused after a
full hearing of the circumstances. The royal consent is likewise
necessary for the bestowal of this coveted privilege; and I may add
that such applications constitute the sole exception to the general
rule, that the nobles are never given to intrigue with myself. Naturally
they are jealous concerning the prerogative of their order, and some
at least are certain to resent fiercely any such attempts of outsiders
to be admitted to their ranks. A good many of such appeals are
rejected, but in the event of a successful application a large
contribution has to be paid to the coffers of the temple and the
palace; a landed estate has somehow to be purchased, usually in
Barbaria, and then the fortunate postulant doffs the green robes and
dons the red, which he is now permitted to wear, and also assumes
the use of a badge granted him by the King, who selects the emblem
he deems most suitable. The position of the new-comers for a
considerable time, perhaps for a couple of generations, is not an
enviable one, for they are treated coldly and looked at askance by
the majority of their fellow-nobles. But as the older folk pass away,
and memories grow shorter, the new lord, or rather his progeny,
becomes gradually absorbed by matrimonial connection into the
mass of the nobility, and intermingles with the rest. Still, the stigma of
having risen from the Greens clings, I fancy, to this type of pseudo-
aristocratic house for a long time. On the other hand, marriage with a
junior member of the nobility at once confers the husband's rank on
a bride of the second estate, who henceforth ceases to hold open
intercourse with her own family. Contrariwise, ladies of the nobility
who ally themselves with merchants or yeomen sink to the level of
their husbands' station.

With the populace again I have more intimacy and sympathy than
with the Greens, and through my attendants and bodyguard at the
palace I am brought more closely into touch with the people at large.
This third estate of the realm consists of all the manual labourers,
the artisans, the fisher-folk, and in short all such persons as live by
receiving wages, whether in money or kind. I have already hinted
that their condition and well-being form the constant care of the
councillors, who see that their homes are sanitary, well built and
generally adequate, whilst the wages paid must be deemed sufficient
to support the individual or his family in decency and comfort. In fact,
the supervision of this, the largest and economically the most
important section of the community, constitutes the first care of the
hierarchy. The people seem hale and happy, nor do they exhibit any
envy of the better-fed and better-clad Greens, nor yet of the majestic
and privileged Reds. The rules of family life prevail less strongly here
owing to the wider dispersal of its members, but they are nominally
identical with those in the classes above. There are no law courts in
Meleager, and usually disputes and difficulties in this class are
settled, as I have already shown, in the judgment hall of the capital,
where I sit on most days. The women-folk of the third estate live in
less seclusion than do those of the nobility and merchants, a result
that is due (as in our Mohammedan countries) to the necessity of the
poor having to perform their marketing and daily business in public.
This same class also may be said to include the numerous tribe of
indentured labourers, mostly from Barbaria, whose status somewhat
resembles that of the Roman slaves under the Empire. Vice and
drunkenness, though by no means unfrequent, are not conspicuous
in this class; whilst the police patrols keep a pretty sharp eye on the
landlords of the lower sort of wine-shop and brothel. These resorts of
the more dissipated of the people are also visited at times by the
councillors charged with their management and reputation, so that
the streets of Tamarida at night would compare favourably with those
of most European cities, and such debauchery as does exist is
assuredly kept well concealed behind doors and is not allowed to
offend the eyes or the ears of the passer-by in the streets, which,
though dark and narrow, can be safely traversed by all after nightfall.
A few cases of quarrelling and use of the knife occur and are
severely punished by the lash whenever the culprits are brought to
book; deliberate murder is very rare; theft is not frequent; assaults on
women and children are practically unknown. So far as my
observations tend, I can sum up without hesitation by saying that the
proletariat of Meleager is a remarkably happy, healthy, well-behaved,
industrious and sober body under what I may call the benign
despotism of councillors who have not only been educated to
command by years of special training, but also possess a natural gift
for such functions.
I should not like the reader from anything I have written hitherto to
carry away the impression that, because I am myself debarred from
their society, the women of Meleager own a status at all similar to
that prevailing in Mohammedan countries. On the contrary, setting
aside the exceptional case of their semi-divine monarch, the sex has
little to lament on the score of inferior or unfair treatment. The
Council of Seventy, it is true, contains no female element, but to
balance this, the college of the priestesses of the Sun, which I shall
describe presently, wields considerable powers in the government of
the state. Moreover, the severe restrictions concerning their relations
with the King rest, at least nominally, on religious grounds and would
therefore naturally be less likely to cause resentment. I think
therefore I had better first discuss the existing attitude of my female
subjects towards myself, for on this point I can at least offer some
correct and detailed information, both from personal knowledge and
as the result of inquiries I have from time to time cautiously ventured
to make of the older women, with whom alone I am permitted to hold
social intercourse.
No unimportant part of the religious training which every girl receives
at her mother's knee in Meleager is the Sun Myth, with its
picturesque fables of the Sun-god and his incarnated Child. The
divine nature and mission of the latter are always dwelt on by the
teacher with particular insistence and with due solemnity; and his
sanctity is described as placing him outside the pale of ordinary men
with ordinary passions. And not only this. Should the Child of the
Sun forget the sacred character of his entrusted mission to his
father's people and flout his father's precepts so far as to stoop to
philander with any maiden of his kingdom, not only will the
disobedient monarch incur his divine parent's grave displeasure, but
also a most terrible fate awaits the unhappy object of his attentions.
From this last portion of the advice instilled into the growing female
mind, I conclude that alarming scandals have actually occurred in
the past; and who can marvel at it? But how recent or remote are
these love intrigues in date; and how or where or when they were
detected and punished I am quite ignorant, nor am I ever likely to
receive enlightenment thereon. But it is also in harmony with my
theory of past troubles of this nature that a salutary story (which is by
no means regarded here as a legend) has long been in circulation.
The tale itself is strongly reminiscent of the old Greek myth of Zeus
and Semele, and in Meleager it takes the shape of an intrigue
between a foolish maiden of the people, Anata by name, and the
then reigning Child of the Sun, who fell a victim to her charms or her
advances. For it is gravely related that Anata actually made her way
to the private apartments of the King by stealth. Whether or no she
obtained any satisfaction from her forbidden interview will never be
known, but it is certain her body was found next morning in the royal
bed-chamber charred and almost unrecognisable as the dire result
of her clandestine embraces in the arms of the son of the God of
Fire. To become the mistress therefore of the Sun-child, should the
monarch descend so low as to forget his divine calling, is but the
certain prelude to an ignominious and horrible death; and such a
belief is firmly held by all women dwelling on Meleager. It is also
pronounced dangerous (as it is voted most decidedly immodest) for
any young woman, whether maiden or married, to allow even the
casual glance of the Sun-child to fall full on her face; so that it is
usual for all girls to fling the light veil, or mantilla, which every
Meleagrian woman wears, over her features in the event of her
encountering accidentally the person of the King. This custom,
however, is not an actual regulation, and I have often noticed girls,
especially those of the populace, indulge in a good solid stare as I
have come riding or walking down the streets of the capital, though
sooner or later some pretence of covering the eyes with the veil was
carried out. Amongst the nobility this formal hiding of the face is
more strictly insisted on, if only as a detail of good breeding. From
what I have seen, the young women of Meleager are short, dark and
comely, with fine brown merry eyes, small features, and dark hair. In
extreme youth they are often remarkably pretty and attractive, but
after child-birth they are very liable to lose their elegant symmetry,
and to find what was an agreeable plumpness exchanged for a
rather prominent bulkiness of figure.
I have never yet so much as spoken to a woman below the age of
thirty or thereabouts, and though the fundamental law forbidding my
intimacy with any woman in the pride and beauty of her youth is
quite wise and logical, according both to the letter and the spirit of
Meleagrian state craft, yet it is a rule that presses very cruelly upon
myself. For remember, I do not grow old and languid; my own vitality
is mysteriously renewed at short intervals, and male youth craves
the society and companionship of female youth; whilst also in my
case this natural desire can never diminish with the passing of the
years. In this respect I stand therefore betwixt the devil and the deep
sea, between Scylla and Charybdis. On the one hand, I have to curb
my juvenile longings and tastes which tend rather to grow stronger
and more insistent; whilst on the other, any attempt to circumvent
this ordinance of the hierarchy would not only end in my own
discomfiture, and possibly removal, but would most certainly result in
the miserable fate of any poor favourite of my choice. The story of
silly Anata's disgrace was not invented by the hierarchy merely to
serve as an empty fable, one may be sure of that. I feel convinced,
too, that the palace teems with spies for this very purpose of
thwarting any such intrigue, and though hitherto I have given no
cause even for suspicion, I feel my position most acutely. It is so
false, and I know it to be false, and so do those who have
manœuvred this particular piece of policy concerning their monarch.
When women have once exceeded the age of thirty (which is
considered the child-bearing limit in Meleager), and have
presumably lost all officially suspected attraction in the eyes of the
Child of the Sun, the embargo is removed, though there is never
much intercourse between the King and the middle-aged or elderly
ladies of the nobility. Whenever I honour the country home of one of
my nobles with my presence, all the young women of the household,
married or unmarried, are removed elsewhere, but such as are
above the fixed age of thirty are suffered to remain, though even in
these cases I note that I am seldom left alone with women, no matter
what their age. No doubt the female mind, so strongly imbued in
childhood with the inherent mystical terrors of their monarch, still
shrinks with awe from too close proximity with such a force of
potential danger. Possibly, however, I may err on this point, and in
reality some ancient notion of etiquette unknown to me is being
served by this noticeable self-effacement on the part of the older
women. Of course, the deference wherewith I am treated by the
male folk is intensified in the case of the ladies, who regard me much
in the same light that a bigoted Catholic would regard a tangible
apparition of St Peter or St Paul in their houses.
Politically, women possess no rights, but then no more do the men,
except the handful who compose the executive council, so they
cannot well complain of invidious treatment on this score, even were
they anxious to discover grievances of sex. As with the historic
Prussian queen, their empire admittedly lies in the nursery, for all
children are completely under the charge of their mothers according
to immemorial custom. In the nobility the tacit law seems to be that
the man is master outside the house, whilst the woman is mistress
within doors; and this maxim is generally acted upon throughout all
spheres of social life. Women are exempt from the poll-tax, which is
levied on all males, and indeed no taxes are exacted from women at
all, except in the rare and transitory instances of unmarried
heiresses of landed estates. Whether or no, vague, restless,
unsatisfied aspirations and longings occasionally assail the minds of
some of the younger men I cannot say for certain; but I do feel sure
that the womanhood of Meleager is absolutely satisfied with its
present lot and cannot so much as conceive of any betterment of
existing conditions. The conversations I have had with the wives or
sisters of my hosts at different times were usually of a rather stilted
and uninteresting nature; but I never failed to note their supreme
content and buoyant cheerfulness.
Nevertheless, although women have never been admitted into the
ranks of the hierarchy, and presumably never will be, yet they
possess a species of council of their own sex in the college of the
priestesses of the Sun, who inhabit a large block of buildings
contiguous to the great temple. This institution is based on rules
somewhat similar to those which prevail in the Council of the
Seventy, but it is worked and administered on broader lines, and the
age limit is not so strictly drawn as in the case of the hierarchy. Girls
who have no desire or vocation for matrimony may enter the portals
of this convent (if I may so term it) as novices; nor is the acceptance
of applicants confined to one social class, as is the rule concerning
the probationers of the hierarchy. On the contrary, a fair proportion of
the inmates of this convent are drawn from the middle and lower
classes, and thus the atmosphere of the convent is of a distinctly
democratic type. Even the highest office of all, that of Domina, or
lady abbess, is occasionally attained by a plebeian, for the rules of
election here are carefully compiled so as to secure the choice of the
most popular and capable of the candidates. The senior ladies of the
convent are kept in constant touch with the members of the council,
who frequently apply to the priestesses of the Sun for advice in
various matters of a social and remedial nature, which may be
deemed expedient. Thus all regulations concerning the welfare of
women and children have been carefully scrutinised and approved
by the Domina and her assessors before ever they are enforced by
the officials of the council. But how closely and on what lines the
temple and the convent work together is of course beyond my
knowledge, though it is evident that the two institutions are
conducted in apparent harmony with one another.
It is scarcely fair to offer any comparison between the moral
progress as shown in Meleager and that prevailing on the Earth, and
in any case such a comparison would prove impossible, seeing how
varied and how complex are the many moral systems of the greater
planet. With our numerous nationalities it is only logical there should
result great diversities of opinion on ethics, and we are made to
realise our difficulty in estimating any average sum-total of earthly
morals to bring into the field of comparison. Has not one writer of
note averred that the views of sexual morality held by the phallic
worshippers of old and by the extreme Puritans of to-day rest equally
on a common religious foundation? And has not our British poet of
empire somewhere written that
"The wildest dreams of Kew are the facts of Khatmandù,
And the crimes of Clapham chaste in Martaban"?
In the instance of my own kingdom the many defunct and surviving
systems of the nations of the Earth have all been studied and have
doubtless been partially adapted here and there, so that in a sense
the Meleagrian outlook on morals is extremely interesting, as
affording the result of careful unprejudiced investigation over a wide
space of time. But of course the outcome of these secret researches
and deductions cannot possibly be agreeable or obvious to any one
people or set of thinkers on Earth, for it will be remembered that
whereas the Earth is a congeries of tribes and climates and faiths, so
Meleager is homogeneous, unless one takes into account the colder
and almost unexplored parts of Barbaria. And thus, as the
consequence of careful study for many, many generations by acute
well-trained intellects, a sort of eclecticism has been created here in
the field of morals, as has already arisen in the case of religious
Here there are no hard and fast rules on moral behaviour, but each
individual is supposed to be guided by his or her instincts, which it is
considered expedient to depress or encourage, according to the
benefit or damage that may accrue thereby to society at large, or to
the state, if you prefer to regard it as such. The open exhibition of
harmful instincts then is looked on by the ruling caste of Meleager as
an occasion not for punishment but for segregation; such tendencies
in themselves being disregarded so long as they are practised in
secret and kept, as it were, under personal control. And here I am
speaking only of traits and tendencies, not of actual crimes, of fraud
or violence, for the punishment of which there exists a severe code
based apparently on the Mosaic laws. A cold-blooded murder is
repaid by a death penalty, which is carried out privately in the case of
a nobleman, by beheadal in prison of a merchant, and by public
hanging in the case of a plebeian. Crimes of assault are met with
strokes from the lash coupled with a fine; outrages on children are
punished by death. But vile crimes and executions are very rare
indeed, and this highly desirable state of things I attribute to the long
period wherein the rulers of Meleager have been gradually
eliminating the feeble-minded and evil-disposed members of the
community by their careful and judicious system of segregation.
Other cases of wrong-doing of a more venial type are usually met by
a scale of fines, which are intended to compensate the injured party
for any damage he may have incurred; whilst minor instances of
violence or disturbance of the peace are frequently punished by an
order to administer a certain number of lashes there and then in
open court, this penalty being not uncommonly awarded to drunken
or refractory persons belonging to the seafaring, peddling, long-
shore and such humbler sections of the populace.
Thanks again to the past measures taken to repress crime and to
ensure good behaviour, the physical health of the kingdom leaves
almost nothing to be desired. Epidemic diseases are practically
unknown, as are also contagious venereal maladies. It is the
constant, and possibly rather trying and officious, visitations made by
the sanitary inspectors into every homestead, small or great,
patrician or plebeian, which have doubtless helped to induce this
highly commendable condition of affairs. Disease and dirt are the
two evils which are attacked without rest or mercy by the councillors
appointed for their control, and by their equally energetic
representatives. Cleanliness is not reckoned as next to godliness in
Meleager; it is an inherent part of religion itself, and hygienic
regulations are perpetually being enforced upon what is now become
a willing, though no doubt in past times it was an unwilling,
population. I suppose many English Puritans would look askance at
the thermal establishments which exist both in the cities and in the
rural districts, seeing that the two sexes have here opportunities of
studying one another in a nude state; but then, as I have said before,
Meleagrian morals do not exist for morality's sake, but have
evidently been framed for the special purpose of securing a healthy
vigorous race. Early marriage is encouraged, but, paradoxical as it
may appear, large families are not considered desirable; whilst there
is a curious custom which permits of a husband no longer cohabiting
with his wife after she has borne him three children living. I have
heard that this eccentric, and no doubt to many offensive, notion also
prevails in the upper ranks of the civilised Latin races, though
possibly my informant may have been mistaken in his statement. I
gather that such a tacit understanding has its origin in the fear of
over-population, and certainly the limited land surface of Meleager
possessing a desirable climate may plead as a reasonable excuse
for the holding of this whimsical tenet, which seems to savour of the
school of Malthus. Apparently the growth of population in Meleager
is somewhat analogous to that of modern France, and seeing the
high place in which French philosophy and culture are held by the
leading nations of the Earth, the Meleagrians are at least erring in
good company.
Turning to the coarser side of the question of public morals,
prostitution exists, but neither to a great extent nor openly. Those
who can recall the nocturnal conditions of the main London
thorough-fares during the latter part of Queen Victoria's reign would
be agreeably surprised to detect no outward flaunting of vice after
dusk in the streets of Tamarida; and the least tendency to riot or
disturbance is promptly quelled by the military patrols. Not that
licence and debauchery do not abound, for there are, I believe,
plenty of resorts of a certain class in the towns; but the doings of
such places do not rise to the surface, and those who frequent them
dare not offend the quiet of their neighbours.
Meanwhile the priestesses of the Sun are constantly busied with the
ultimate fate of the harlot, and their emissaries are often engaged in
reclaiming girls from a licentious career and in training them to
become useful wives, for such early lapses are held lightly by the
mass of the people. And in not a few instances these "filles de joie"
become wedded to their paramours, and make good mothers. Such
an outlook is of course utterly unmoral to large sections of the
civilised and Christianised nations of Europe and America; but the
Meleagrian view is shared by many other races of the Earth who
have enjoyed a longer and perhaps a better record of civilisation
than have these complacent modern nations whose ancestors were
half-naked savages in the days of the Roman Empire. Universal
chastity, in short, is a feature almost exclusively confined to northern
tribes of barbarians, for whom it has great natural advantages
certainly, for it tends to breed a hardy and prolific race. But I do not
think it can be classed as a genuine virtue in itself, and it always
tends promptly to disappear the moment the trammels of education
and development are assumed. Now the Meleagrians can lay claim
to be an intensely civilised race, whereby I mean their rulers have
been engaged in the study of the arts of peace and progress for
many centuries, and have consequently left behind them the old
barbarian necessity for absolute chastity, though they still recognise
its value as a wholesome ingredient of married family life. For with
marriage chastity in their eyes takes on another aspect, which must
not be confounded with the former, and that is faithfulness. A
faithless wife is very rare indeed in Meleager, and her treatment at
the hands of her neighbours is not enviable.
Religion has already entered so significantly into my narrative that I
feel I must apologise for a special dissertation on this subject. Yet I
have never so far described the exact nature or scope of the
Meleagrian faith which may be said to permeate and regulate the
whole private and public existence of the people.
The inhabitants of Meleager—and in the ensuing statements, of
course, I always except the hierarchy—are worshippers of the Sun,
who is their sole deity. He is visible to them for a large portion of
almost each day; he is tangible, in so far as they can feel the warmth
of his beams; he is alive and in constant motion, as they watch him
"ride the heavens like a horse" and disappear into the waters of the
western sea only to uprear again next morning above the eastern
horizon. As in the old Greek mythos, the Sun is popularly supposed
to drive his golden chariot with its flaming wheels and with its yoke of
fretting stallions across the dome of heaven, till finally god and car
alike pass over the containing rim of the Meleagrian world. Below the
flat surface of the land and sea the Sun-god inhabits a vast palace,
whose splendours far exceed anything known to men. Here he rests
after his daily labours amongst his numerous progeny, and refreshes
himself after his late exertions undertaken solely for the benefit of the
favoured race, that in the illimitable past he created in his own
image. The firmament is his field of action; the space below the
ground is his haven of retirement. At night the dome of heaven shorn
of his effulgent presence is lighted only by the sparkling stars;
"jewels of the Sun," as they are termed in Meleagrian parlance; or
else the great vacant arc is illumined by the sickly lustre of the Moon.
For the Moon stands to the Meleagrian mind, as it did largely to the
antique and mediæval imagination, for all that is uncanny and
malign. Few Meleagrians will walk abroad in clear moonlight, if they
can reasonably avoid so doing; and in the many tales and legends
that are current the Moon in her various phases and with her evil
influence always occupies a prominent place. The oldest legend
concerning the Moon, that is a legend parallel with such theories as
the origin of the rainbow or the story of the Ark on Mount Ararat of
the Jewish Pentateuch, relates how in the days of chaos there were
two Suns, rivals, who fought one another for the possession of the
beautiful world of Meleager; and that after a titanic combat, wherein
the heavens thundered and the mountains belched forth fire and
smoke, and the waters tossed and hissed furiously, the benign Sun
conquered and slew the opposing deity, whose dead body still floats
abroad in the sky, wherein it serves as an eternal trophy to the
prowess of the victor. In the popular imagination however the corpse
of the vanquished Moon is not wholly impotent for ill. A scintilla of
mischievous vitality is still believed to lurk in its form, during the
hours of the night, what time the Sun himself is absent from the
heavens. The average Meleagrian therefore has a peculiar dread of
the night, and of a moonlit night in a special degree. The practice of
magic, both of the black and white types, is fairly common in all
ranks of Meleagrian society, and its preparations and philtres are
always popularly associated with the period of the Moon's fulness,
when that deity's surviving spark of life is deemed most active.
The cult of the Meleagrians for the Sun not only recognises his vital
warmth and fructifying properties, but also attributes to him the
gathering or dispersal of the clouds which drop the refreshing rain
upon the thirsty soil and swell the opening buds of tree and plant.
The winds are also under the Sun's control, and are apparently
regarded as his offspring, who sometimes disobey their august
parent's injunctions, and either sportively or maliciously vex the
people of Meleager with unwelcome gales that imperil the fisher-folk
at sea, and injure the springing crops on land. But speaking broadly,
the Meleagrian is of St James's opinion that "every good gift and
every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of
Lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning." And
in truth the unchangeable benignity and faithfulness of the Sun-god

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