AC 21-93 Amdt 1

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Advisory Circular 21-93


Revision Date

: Revision 1 : January 2000





This Advisory Circular provides information and guidance to aircraft manufacturer, operators, aircraft maintenance organizations and DAC personnel concerning the requirements and procedure for approval of modified product operated under Indonesian registration. 2. Related CASR sections

CASR Part A21 - Subpart D and E CASR Part 121 - Subpart H and other CASR Parts addressing operating rules when published. CASR Part 145 CASR Part 43 Note : The new CASRs published by DGCA are referring to alteration where previous CASRs referred to modification. In the Indonesian airworthiness system the terms alteration and modification are equivalent and must be considered as such in all CASR, AC or SI published by DGCA. 3. Requirements CASR Part A21 Subpart D provides requirement for the approval of change to type certificate. Paragraphs 21.95 and 21.97 provides requirements for approval of minor and major changes in type design. CASR Part A21 Subpart E provides requirements for the issuance of STC. CASR Part 43 paragraphs 43.5 and 43.7 provides requirements for return to service of modified products Background


Before the implementation of regulation quoted in paragraph 2 above various methods have been used by DAC to process approval of modification embodied on a product operated in Indonesian while insufficient guidance was available to the industry and DAC personnel to discharge properly their respective responsibilities. The lack of guidance material has so far created confusion within the industry and DAC on what were their respective responsibilities.

1 5. Definitions


1) Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) where used in this document, is an airworthiness authority that is recognized by the DGCA as having a competent airworthiness system that provides confidence that product designed under their control have a level of safety comparable to those designed under the control of DGCA. The list of these airworthiness authorities is given in DAC Policy Letter No. 7. 2) Product is an aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller. 3) Aircraft means a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air. 4) Modification is any change in the design of a product or appliance. 5) Approval of a design change to a product means DGCA approval of engineering data substantiating compliance of the design change with the certification basis applicable to the product. 6) Person is any individual, organization or enterprise. 7) Major modification is any modification that : (1) might appreciably affect weight, balance, structural strength, performance, power plant operation, flight characteristics, or other qualities affecting airworthiness, or is not done according to accepted practices or cannot be done by elementary operations.


Note : Typical operations classified as major modifications are listed in Appendix 1 to this AC.
8) Minor Modifications is any modification of a product or appliance other than a major modification.

Note : Typical operations classified as minor modifications are listed in Appendix 2 to this AC. 9) Return to service, means to certify any product or appliance fit for service by issuing a maintenance release, certificate of maintenance, serviceable tag as the case may require.

2 6. AC AFM Abbreviation Advisory Circular Airplane Flight Manual



Approved Maintenance Organization Civil Aviation Authority Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Certification Maintenance Requirement Certificate of Airworthiness Directorate of Airworthiness Certification Directorate General of Air Communication Sub Directorate of Aeronautical Product Sub Directorate of Engineering Sub Directorate of Flight Operation Sub Directorate of Maintenance Control Supplemental Type Certificate Type Certificate Responsibilities

The approval process of a modification embodied on a product must involve : The person applying for the approval of the design change, who in accordance with CASR part A21 has the responsibility to demonstrate that the design change complies with the applicable DGCA airworthiness codes (CASR Part 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 34, 35 and 36) The person installing the modification on a product who in accordance with CASR Part 43 has to demonstrate that this installation has been done using methods / techniques and practices acceptable to the DGCA. The person approving the return to service of a modified product who in accordance with CASR Part 43 has the responsibility to demonstrate that the modification complies with applicable DGCA airworthiness requirements. The DAC who has the responsibility to verify that compliance with all applicable requirements has been demonstrated. Within DAC the responsibility are split between SDE and SDMC as follows : SDE has the responsibility to verify that engineering data submitted by the applicant for the design change approval comply with the applicable airworthiness codes (CASR 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 34, 35 or 36). SDE may when necessary require 1) the assistance from SDAP when the demonstrations of compliance refer to test for which conformity of the test article needs to be verified with respect to CASR 21.33.

3 2) the assistance from SDFO when the demonstrations of compliance refer to flight tests. SDMC has the responsibility :


1) to verify that the embodiment of the modification has been done in accordance with approved data and using methods/techniques and practices acceptable to the DGCA. 2) when this verification has been completed satisfactorily, to approve the modified product for return to service. Note : These DAC responsibilities may be delegated in accordance with existing CASRs (Part 43, Part 121, Part 145, Part 183,...) 8. Change in Type Design ( or Design changes) A design change is the engineering definition of a modification on a Type Certificated Product. With respect to CASR 21 there is two categories of design changes : a) Changes that are so extensive that they require a new type certificate (refer to CASR 21.19). These design changes are not addressed in this AC. b) Changes that do not require a new Type Certificate and are entitled Changes in Type Design (refer to CASR 21 Subpart D). These later design changes are addressed in this AC. No product can enter the Indonesian register unless the definition of the product has been approved by the DGCA. No aircraft can be operated under Indonesian registration unless all the design changes applied on this aircraft after the issuance of the first Indonesian Certificate of Airworthiness for this aircraft has been approved by the DGCA. CASR 21.91 prescribes procedural requirements for the approval of changes in Type Design.

8.1. Classification of Changes in Type Design CASR 21.93 defines classification of changes in type design as minor change and major change.

4 - A minor change is a change in type design that has no appreciable effect on the weight, balance, strength, reliability, operational characteristics or other characteristics affecting the airworthiness of the product. - A major change is any change that is not considered as a minor change.


The applicant for a design change approval has the responsibility to propose, together with the application, a classification for the design change. The DGCA will review the proposed classification and when this classification does not meet the criteria of 21.93 will require the applicant to reclassify the design change. Taking into account the different design change approval procedures given in paragraph 8.2 to 8.4 below, classification of changes in type design according to CASR 21.93 must be perfectly understood by the applicant and DAC personnel. Note : Examples of major change and minor change are given in CASR Part 43 Appendix A and in this AC in Appendix 1 and 2 . 8.2. Minor Change approval process a) Minor change where the applicant for approval is the TC holder. Approval of this change is subject to procedure developed in Staff Instruction 21-01 Type Certification procedure for Indonesian product and Staff Instruction 21-03 Validation procedure of foreign type certificate for imported products. Note : When a minor change is generated by a Foreign TC holder, then DAC recognize without further engineering evaluation the approval of the change from the authority of the country of design (refer to SI 21-03). b) Minor change where the applicant for approval is a person other than the TC holder. - The applicant for the design change approval must fill an application form DAC Form 21-9 (refer to appendix 3) and submit that form to DAC, Sub Directorate of Engineering, together with the data substantiating compliance of the change with the applicable airworthiness codes. Before submitting the compliance data to the DAC the applicant must :

5 1) develop all descriptive and substantiating data necessary for the approval. 2) determine that the design data comply with applicable regulation (compliance finding) - Upon receipt of the file (Form 21-9 and the compliance data) SDE of DAC will verify the proper classification of the design change and the compliance findings from the applicant.


If the classification and the compliance data are found acceptable then the Deputy Director for Engineering or his authorized representative will sign the DAC Form 21-9. The original of the Form will be sent back to the applicant and a copy attached to the compliance data will be kept by SDE for archiving. If the classification or the compliance data are not found acceptable, proper communication will be arranged with the applicant to solve the issue. In case of significant disagreement on the compliance data the file will be returned to the applicant with the mention : rejected. 8.3. Major change/STC approval process a) Major change where the applicant for approval is the TC holder. Approval of this change is subject to procedure developed in Staff Instruction SI 21-01 Type Certification procedure for Indonesian products and SI 21-03 Validation procedure of Foreign Type Certificate for imported products. Note : When a major change is generated by a Foreign TC holder, then DAC SDE evaluate the change and when satisfied that this change complies with the applicable certification basis approve it (refer to SI 21-03). b) Major change where the applicant for approval is a person other than the TC holder. According to CASR 21.113 any person who alters a product by introducing a major change in type design, not great enough to require a new application for a type certificate under 21.19 shall apply to the Director General for a Supplemental Type Certificate, except that the holder of a type certificate for the product may apply for amendment of the original type certificate. In other words any major change where the applicant for approval is a person other than the TC holder is a STC.

6 The applicant for the design change approval must fill a DAC Form 21-4 Application for Type Certificate, Production Certificate, or Supplemental Type Certificate (refer to appendix 4), and address it to DAC together with data substantiating compliance of the change with the applicable airworthiness codes. Before submitting the compliance data to the DAC the applicant must : 1) define the certification basis applicable to the STC. This certification basis may be different from the certification basis applied to the TC product to be modified.


2) develop adequate data to substantiate compliance with the certification basis applicable to the STC. 3) provide a statement of compliance with each compliance report substantiating compliance with the certification basis applicable to the STC. 4) if necessary develop the addendum to operational manuals (AFM, CMR, Airworthiness limits...) that may be affected by the STC. Upon receipt of the file (Form 21-4 and the compliance data) SDE of DAC will evaluate the certification basis and the compliance data from the applicant. The compliance data will be evaluated by DAC in accordance with guidance given in Staff Instruction 21-01 Chapter 4 Supplemental type Certificate. When the DGCA is satisfied that the modified design meets the applicable regulation, a STC (DAC Form 21-5 - refer to appendix 5) will be issued. Note : STC from Foreign origin should be validated by DAC in accordance with guidance provided in DAC Staff Instruction 2103. The extent of DAC involvement in such validation process may vary taking into account the complexity of the STC and the competence of the airworthiness authority the country of design for the STC. When the airworthiness authority of the country of design for the STC belongs to the list of CAAs recorded in DAC Policy Letter No. 7, the validation process may be limited to the issuance of a DAC letter recognizing that the Foreign STC can be installed on Indonesian registered aircraft. In such a case issuance of an Indonesian STC is not necessary.

7 8.4 Return to service of a product altered by the installation of a modification. a) Modification designed by a person other than the TC holder : Return to service is ruled by CASR part 43 paragraph 43.5. Approval of a design change that represent a modification (signature by DAC of DAC Form 21-5 or DAC Form 21-9) is not a sufficient condition to allow return to service of a product altered by the installation of a modification.


No product altered by the installation of a modification can be returned to service unless : the design data substantiating compliance of the modification with the airworthiness codes (CASR 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 35 and 36) have been approved by DAC (DAC Form 21-5 or DAC Form 21-9 signed by DAC), and the modified design does not affect any other previously installed modification, and the installation of the modification has been performed in compliance with accepted industry practices and applicable CASRs by a suitably approved person, and After installation of the modification the aircraft is safe for flight.

DAC Form 43-337 (refer to appendix 6) is the appropriate form available to the operators, approved maintenance organization (AMO) or aircraft owners to record embodiment of modification indicating details and approval. When all the steps of DAC Form 43-337 are completed satisfactorily then the aircraft can return to service. DAC Sub-Directorate of Maintenance Control has the responsibility to control the proper use of DAC Form 43337. Note : Guidance to use DAC Form 43-337 are provided in DAC AC 43-9. Instruction for completion of DAC Form 43-337.

8 b) Modification designed by the TC holder : Return to service is ruled by CASR Part 43 paragraph 43.5. Embodiment of such modifications on a product by persons other than the manufacturer is addressed through Service Bulletins approved by the authority of the country of design. Approval of the Service Bulletin by the authority of the country of design means that the corresponding design change has been substantiated by approved compliance data. In such a case a DAC Form 21-9 signed by DAC is not required.


The record of embodiment of the Service Bulletin must be done using DAC Form 43-337. The Service Bulletin reference must be recorded in that form (Description of Work Accomplished).


9 APPENDIX 1 EXAMPLES OF MAJOR MODIFICATIONS 1. AIRFRAME MAJOR MODIFICATIONS (a) Major changes to the basic design or external configuration of any structural component such as : - Wings - Tail surfaces - Fuselage - Engine mounts - Control system - Landing gear



- Hull or floats - Elements of components (spars, ribs, fittings, shock absorbers, bracing, cowlings, fairings, balance weights, etc.) of an airframe. - Hydraulic and electrical actuating systems or components - Rotor blades (b) All change to the empty weight or empty balance which result in an increase in the certificated maximum weight or alternation of the center of gravity limits of the aircraft. (c) Changes to the basic design of the fuel, oil, cooling, heating, cabin pressurization, electrical, hydraulic, deicing, and exhaust systems. (d) Modifications to the wing or to fixed or movable control surfaces which affect flutter and vibration characteristics. (e) Installation or modification of any system affecting the structural airworthiness, flight behavior, or control of the aircraft. 2. POWERPLANT MAJOR MODIFICATIONS (a) Conversion of an aircraft engine from one approved model to another involving any changes in compression ratio, propeller reduction gear, impeller gear ratios or the substitution of major engine parts which requires extensive rework and testing of the engine. (b) Modification of the engine by replacing aircraft engine structural parts with parts other than those supplied by the original manufacturer or otherwise specifically approved by the DGCA. (c) Installation of an accessory which has not been approved for the engine. (d) Removal of accessory that listed as required equipment on the aircraft or engine specification. (e) Installation of structural parts other than the type of parts approved for the installation. (f) Conversions of any sort for the purpose of using fuel of rating or grade other than that called for in the engine specification. 10 3. PROPELLER MAJOR MODIFICATIONS (a) Change in blade design (b) Changes in hub design (c) Changes in governor or control design (d) Installation of a propeller governor or feathering system (e) Installation of propeller deicing system (f) Installation of parts not approved for the propeller (g) Any changes in the design of a balance propeller or its controls.



11 APPENDIX 2 EXAMPLES OF MINOR MODIFICATIONS Changes such as the following to an airframe, powerplant, propeller or appliance are considered minor modifications. 1. AIRFRAME MINOR MODIFICATION (a) Installation or removal of specific items of optional equipment listed in the aircraft specification when such installation is made in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. (b) The installation or removal of equipment of equal or less weight and in the location as that listed as that optional equipment in the aircraft specification. (c) Changes of a minor nature made to Structural and non-structural elements for the purpose of improving the service life or alteration of the maintenance costs.



(d) All changes to the empty weight or empty balance which do not result in a increase in the certificate maximum weight or alteration of the center or gravity limits of the aircraft. 2. POWERPLANT MINOR MODIFICATIONS (a) Alterations to supporting brackets or braces of unit of the powerplant which do not adversely effect the structural integrity of such parts. (b) Changes to the cowling which do not affect engine cooling, such as revisions to mounting brackets attachments. (c) The alteration or conversion of an aircraft engine by simple substitution of parts of different design or addition of DGCA approved parts in accordance with approved practices, and in conformity to the engine manufacturers or DGCA instruction. 3. PROPELLER MINOR MODIFICATIONS (a) Initial installation of a propeller spinner. (b) Changes to the basic design of, or the relocating of, brackets or braces of the propeller controls. (c) Changes to the basic design of propeller control rods or cables.




Appendix 5



Supplemental Type Certificate

Number XXX

This certificate issued to : Applicant

Certifies that the changes in the type design for the following product with the limitations and conditions therefore as specified hereon meets the airworthiness requirements of Part YY of Civil Aviation Safety Regulations.

Original product Type Certificate

Number : 000
Make : ACX

Model : ACX-M

Description of Type Design Condition :

This certificate and the supporting data which is the basis for the approval shall remain in affect until surrendered, suspended, revoke, or a termination date is otherwise established by the Director of the Directorate General Of Civil Aviation

Date of application : dd-mm-yyyy Date of issuance : dd-mm-yyyy

On behalf of Director General Of Civil Aviation

[ Name ] Director of Airworthiness Certification




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